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Syracuse New York Hockey star’s gift scores thanks, inspires more donations NEWS WINTER 2011/2012 UPSTATE CANCER CENTER WITH NO SIGN LEFT OF HER BRAIN TUMOR, AN UpSTATE NURSE IS GRATEFUL FOR EACH NEW DAY By Sean Kirst. Reprinted with permission from the Post-Standard, Nov. 24, 2011 The doctors told Natalie Lefebvre she was dying. To understand how she felt on Thanksgiving morning 2011 demands knowing exactly what she feared the most. Less than two years ago, Natalie was in the kitchen of her home on Onondaga Hill when she fell to the floor and went into a seizure. She is an intensive care nurse at Upstate University Hospital, and as soon as they put her in the ambulance, she knew: The chances were good that her seizure was caused by a tumor, a result soon confirmed by a brain scan. Natalie began a draining schedule of chemo- therapy, and the doctors told her what she could expect. The cancer in her brain, they explained, was a B-cell top: Tim Connolly and his late grandmother, Patricia Connolly; at right: on the ice with the Toronto Maple Leafs. Tim Connolly is assisting on a goal using neither a stick nor a puck. He’s making a gift of $100,000 to the Upstate Cancer Center, which puts Upstate that much closer to its goal of raising $15 million. In addition, promotion of his donation during the annual WSYR Radiothon helped bring in $80,000 toward pediatric cancer care and research at Upstate, says Eileen Pezzi, vice president for development. “I believe that helped motivate people to make their gifts.” She says many donations come from people who are grateful for the care they received at Upstate University Hospital. Some donate a set amount, say $10 per month, throughout the year. Others make donations in memory of loved ones. Connolly’s donation is in memory of his grandmother, Patricia A. Connolly. She died of uterine cancer in September. An avid fan of hockey, she enjoyed watching Connolly play, and Connolly adored her. Pezzi says, “Tim has demonstrated in many ways his commitment to this campaign.” In addition to his gift, he serves as honorary co-chairman and has been generous with his time to help raise awareness. “For that we will always be grateful,” Pezzi says. Connolly was born and raised in Baldwinsville. After two seasons in the Ontario Hockey League, he was drafted by the New York Islanders in 1999. Two years later he was traded to the Buffalo Sabres. In July of this year, he signed as a free agent with the Toronto Maple Leafs. He plays center, and he cele- brated his 400th career goal against the Washington Capitals in November. Giving thanks for a second chance Continued on page 8

Upstate Cancer Center News

Feb 20, 2016



Newsletter for the Upstate Cancer Center, at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse, NY
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Page 1: Upstate Cancer Center News

S y r a c u s e N e w Y o r k

Hockey star’s gift scores thanks, inspires more donations

NEWSW I N T E R 2 0 1 1 / 2 0 1 2


W I T H N O S I G N L E F T O F H E R B R A I NT U M O R , A N U p S TAT EN U R S E I S G R AT E F U LF O R E A C H N E W d AyBy Sean Kirst. Reprinted with permission from the Post-Standard, Nov. 24, 2011

The doctors told Natalie Lefebvre she was dying. To understand how she felt on Thanksgiving morning 2011demands knowing exactly what shefeared the most. Less than two years

ago, Natalie was in the kitchen of herhome on Onondaga Hill when she fell to the floor and went into a seizure. She is an intensive care nurse at Upstate University Hospital, and as soon as theyput her in the ambulance, she knew:

The chances were good that her seizurewas caused by a tumor, a result soonconfirmed by a brain scan. Nataliebegan a draining schedule of chemo-therapy, and the doctors told her whatshe could expect. The cancer in herbrain, they explained, was a B-cell

top: Tim Connolly and his late grandmother, PatriciaConnolly; at right: on the ice with the Toronto Maple Leafs.

Tim Connolly is assisting on a goal usingneither a stick nor a puck. He’s making a gift of $100,000 to the Upstate CancerCenter, which puts Upstate that muchcloser to its goal of raising $15 million.

In addition, promotion of his donationduring the annual WSYR Radiothonhelped bring in $80,000 toward pediatriccancer care and research at Upstate,says Eileen Pezzi, vice president for development. “I believe that helpedmotivate people to make their gifts.”

She says many donations come frompeople who are grateful for the carethey received at Upstate University Hospital. Some donate a set amount,say $10 per month, throughout the year.Others make donations in memory of loved ones.

Connolly’s donation is in memory of hisgrandmother, Patricia A. Connolly. Shedied of uterine cancer in September. Anavid fan of hockey, she enjoyed watchingConnolly play, and Connolly adored her.

Pezzi says, “Tim has demonstrated inmany ways his commitment to this campaign.” In addition to his gift, heserves as honorary co-chairman and has been generous with his time to help raise awareness. “For that we will always be grateful,” Pezzi says.

Connolly was born and raised in Baldwinsville. After two seasons in theOntario Hockey League, he was draftedby the New York Islanders in 1999. Twoyears later he was traded to the BuffaloSabres. In July of this year, he signed as a free agent with the Toronto MapleLeafs. He plays center, and he cele-brated his 400th career goal against the Washington Capitals in November.

Giving thanks for a second chance

Continued on page 8

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W e l c o m e

Upstate University Hospital is the onlyhospital in our area to be accredited by the American College of Surgeonsthrough the Commission on Cancer. We are very proud of this well-earned designation. A certificate of accredita-tion may be issued after a cancer program is evaluated and surveyedevery three years. Since achieving accreditation in 2003, Upstate has received the highest level of commen-dation available during each three-yearsurvey. This is a continuous, voluntaryprocess that cancer programs committo, in order to provide the best qualitycancer care for patients and their families. Certain rigorous standardsmust be met to retain this designation.

In January 2012, new standards for accreditation will go into effect. Theseare based on the concept of “ensuringpatient-centered care.” The UpstateCancer Center shares this fundamentalvalue with the Commission on Cancer.Accredited programs will have to provide treatment, as well as palliativecare services, navigation programs and

psychosocial distress screening.

I am happy to say that the Upstate Cancer Center already has most ofthese programs in place or under development. We have patient naviga-tors from the American Cancer Societyavailable to all cancer patients to helpwith accessing whatever services and information they need. We have a comprehensive inpatient palliative careservice and have begun to investigatehow to provide this important symp-tom-management program to outpa-tients as well. We have a psychiatristdedicated to helping cancer patientsand their families cope with the stressof this diagnosis and its treatment.

When the new Cancer Center buildingopens, you will also find a comprehen-sive group of services designed to makeyour cancer journey as smooth andstress-free as possible.

Leslie J. Kohman MDMedical Director Upstate Cancer Center

From the Medical Director

From the Associate AdministratorThe construction of the Upstate CancerCenter is well under way. The under-ground utilities have been installed.The Upstate University Hospital trafficcircle has returned to its original loca-tion and the drilling of caissons (foun-dation) has begun. Once complete, weshould begin to see the steel structurerise from the ground in April 2012.

With the completion date of the CancerCenter still two years away and the external access to the Regional Oncol-ogy Center being totally blocked byconstruction for the remainder of theproject, the operations team had to develop a plan for patient access. AnAmbassador program was establishedto escort patients from the main circleof the hospital, as well as from the East Garage bridge connection to thehospital. In addition, a patient shuttlewas initiated to transport patients fromthe West Garage to the main circle. This provides our patients with several

parking options and personalized assistance to their appointments.

As construction progresses, so does theUpstate Cancer Center Capital Cam-paign. In September 2011, we kicked offyear two of the three-year capital campaign and have already raised $11+million (73.5 percent) of the $15 millionoverall campaign goal. The Upstate Employee Campaign has raised $498,000(90 percent) of its $500,000 overall goal.Thank you to the Upstate employees fortheir compassion and to those Upstatedepartments that continue to raisemoney through fundraisers such as raffles, cookbooks, apparel sales, barbecues, etc. Finally, I would like tothank the Central New York communityfor its continued generosity toward thismuch needed cancer center.

Richard J. Kilburg MBAAssociate AdministratorUpstate Cancer Center

Leslie J. Kohman MD

Richard J. Kilburg MBA

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A liver cancer diagnosis used to comewith little hope. “That’s changing,” saysDilip Kittur MD, chief of Hepatobiliaryand Pancreatic Surgery at Upstate.

He began offering surgery to treat people with cancer of the liver, bileducts, gallbladder and pancreas in 2005,because so many patients had to leaveCentral New York to get care. Dr. Kittur’sbackground in transplant surgery, immunology and endocrinology allowedhim to easily expand into treatment ofthese cancers. And this fall a secondsurgeon, Krit Kitisin MD joined the Upstate team.

Cancers of these internal organs areoften found at late stages, becausesymptoms don’t become apparent untilthe disease has progressed. Most livercancers are secondary, meaning thecancer has spread to the liver fromelsewhere in the body, often the colon.

Treatment may involve removing thecancer through surgery, or shrinking the tumor first and then operating.

Depending on the size and location of the tumor, Dr. Kittur may recom-mend blocking the tumor’s blood supply with beads of chemotherapy in a process called chemoembolization. He also may use radiofrequency ablation to burn the tumor.

About 60 to 65 percent of liver tumorsare in the right lobe. In those cases, removing the entire lobe will allow the organ to regenerate, or grow back healthy.

Dr. Kittur says if the tumor is success-fully removed, patients have up to a 50 percent survival rate five years after surgery.

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A w a r d - w i n n i n g C a r e

Surgical expertise allows patients with liver cancer to stay in Syracuse

Dilip Kittur MD

Increased RisksYou increase your risk of developing liver cancer if you:

• have hepatitis B or C

• abuse alcohol

• develop diabetes

• are obese

• drink well water that contains arsenic

You increase your risk of developing pancreatic cancer if you:

• have cirrhosis of the liver

• smoke or use smokeless tobacco

• develop diabetes

• are obese

• spend lots of time around certain pesticides, dyes and chemicals

Source: American Cancer Society

New Cancer Center StaffMichael A. LaCombe MD (at right) joins the Department of Radiation Oncology as anassistant professor. He comes to Upstate from the Radiation Medicine Institute inEvanston, Ill. LaCombe received his medical degree from Upstate. He will specializein radiation oncology and is currently accepting new patients.

Vanessa Gibson MD (at right) joins Upstate as an assistant professor of surgery. She is a graduate of the University of Louisville School of Medicine. She did her surgical residency at the University of Missouri at Kansas City and completed a cardiothoracic surgery fellowship at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Dr. Gibson will concentrate on esophageal and thoracic malignancies.

Jenna Owen joins the cancer center staff as a medical office assistant at Upstate’s Regional Oncology Center.

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The doctor who leads Upstate’s Depart-ment of Urology, Gennady BratslavskyMD, received the Best Annual Audio Visual Award at the 2011 Annual Ameri-can Urological Association conferencethis summer in Washington, DC. The presentation took top honors: “Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Partial Adrenal-ectomy for Pheochromocytoma: TheNational Cancer Institute Technique.”

Dr. Bratslavsky is a pioneer in robotic assisted renal and adrenal surgeries,recording many firsts in complex surgeries for urologic cancer. He is also accomplished in both clinical andlaboratory research, including doing the first robotic removal of a bladderand prostate in a male at the National Cancer Institute.

Dr. Bratslavsky joined Upstate in Augustfrom the Urologic Oncology Branch ofthe National Cancer Institute, part ofthe National Institutes of Health, wherehe worked as a staff clinician since 2007.Previously, he served as a clinical fellowin urologic oncology there.

Since 2010, Dr. Bratslavsky has served asa consultant to the Gastroenterologyand Urology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee forthe U.S. Food and Drug Administrationand as a steering committee member of the Genitourinary Oncology Centerof Excellence for the Clinical ResearchCenter at the Institutes.

Gennady Bratslavsky MD

Lawrence Chin MD

Lawrence Chin MD is perfecting minimally invasive methods of takingcare of a variety of neurological problems, including tumor removals,spine malformations, blood vessel abnormalities and trauma.

For example, Dr. Chin offers a new tech-nique for treating spinal stenosis, a nar-rowing of the area around the nerves inthe spine, a common problem that develops as we age and causes back and leg pain and difficulty with walking.

“I developed a technique for approach-ing the spine without disturbing thesurrounding muscle, and it reducespost-operative pain. After surgery, patients don’t require much pain medication,” Dr. Chin says. “They canget up right away and move around.

“Using a transspinous approach, we remove critical portions of extra boneand ligaments that are squeezing the

nerves in the spine, and can give goodleg- and sometimes back-pain relief.We’ve had excellent success,” he says.He wrote about this in the journal, Neurosurgery (March 2010).

Prior to joining Upstate, Dr. Chin waschair of neurosurgery at Boston MedicalCenter. He directed the neurosurgeryresidency program at the University ofMaryland School of Medicine and wasmedical director of the University ofMaryland Gamma Knife Center andMaryland Brain Tumor Center.

Dr. Chin’s clinical and research accom-plishments reflect his expertise in sur-gery for brain tumors, aneurysms andvascular malformations, and in stereo-tactic radiosurgery. He is a reviewer forthe Journal of Neurosurgery, Neurosur-gical Focus, Journal of Neuro-Oncology,Neurosurgery, Endocrine Practice andWorld Neurosurgery.

a w a r d - w i n n i n g c a r e

Meet the New Department ChairsU RO LO G y :   G E N N A dy B R AT S L Av S k y M d

N E U RO S U RG E Ry :   L AW R E N C E C H I N M d

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a w a r d - w i n n i n g c a r e

When a patient arrived at the front of the cancer center and was unresponsive, Larry Ryan came running to assist. Ryan is an ambassador from Patient Access Services.

Not only did he help get the patient out of the car, lifting him onto the stretcher, but Ryan then ran with cancer center staff members to the Emergency Departmentwith the patient, who required immediate treatment. It wasRyan who located the patient’s father and walked him to theEmergency Department.

“His actions are a reflection of our ‘Patients First’ philosophyand the patient- and family-centered care we strive to providehere at Upstate,” said John McCabe MD, chief executive officerfor Upstate University Hospital.

Ryan was recognized Nov. 8 for going above and beyond tomeet the needs of a patient and his family.

Upstate ambassador Larry Ryan (center) is pictured above with, from left to right,Richard J. Kilburg MBA, Rich Williams RN, John McCabe MD and Lisa Gaspe of Patient Access Services.

“From the first visit forward, I have found Dr. Sheila Lemke exceptionally knowledgeable, thorough, warm, caring and

encouraging. I feel that she hastaken a special interest in my care

and treatment. She gives me confidence each week that my condition is treatable.”

“We were impressed with the courtesy, friendliness, and compassion of everyone we

interacted with at the Breast CancerProgram and highly impressed

with the competency and concern of the oncologist.”

“All of the nurses at the RegionalOncology Center treat patients the same regardless of age, condition, and/or income.

They treat you like a friend.”

“I would recommend Upstate Radiation Oncology to others because they were so kind

and thoughtful to my sister.”

“I would not hesitate to recommendyour services to anyone. I feel

fortunate to have been cared for by the doctors and staff at the

Gamma Knife Center.”

“Everyone involved in my surgery at the Gamma Knife Center was veryprofessional and helpful. Everyonemade my procedure much easier

than I had anticipated. I wish I could thank each one individually for their care.”

“I have complete confidence in Dr. Jayne Charlamb and would —

and have —recommended the Breast Care Center to my friends.”

“The staff in Radiation Oncology is pleasant and competent.

The nurses are very knowledgeableand helpful, too.”

“Every single staff person I came in contact with at the Gamma KnifeCenter was very professional andknowledgeable about my care.

I couldn’t have been in a better environment.”

“I would like to extend my greatestappreciation and heartfelt thanksfor the shuttle service from the

West Garage and also to the friendlyand cheerful ‘ambassadors’ who take you to your appointments.”

Ambassador goes ‘above and beyond’

From patients

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F o u n d a t i o n f o r U p s t a t e

The Morrisville Women’s Soccer Team held a fundraiser during one of their games to support pediatric cancer care.

The Retired Professional Firefighters Cancer Fund donated $15,000 to the Upstate Cancer Center. The money willbe divided among the Michael E. Connolly Endowment for Lung Cancer Research, the Carol Baldwin Breast CancerResearch Fund and the Upstate Cancer Research Institute Fund. Awareness reception

hosts spread newsOver the last 13 months, the UpstateFoundation has had friends host awareness receptions at their homes orbusinesses. The receptions were held in various communities to share information about the Upstate CancerCenter campaign. In all, nearly 300 individuals attended these events.

A S p EC I A L T H A N k ST O O U R H O S T S� David Northrup, Upstate Council


� John Murad, Upstate Council andFoundation board member, and his wife, Renee James

� Aminy Audi and family, Foundation benefactors

� Joe O’Connor, Eastside BusinessGroup

� Gail Cowley and Libby Rubenstein,Foundation board members

� Tom Thomas, owner, Wellington House

� Tom and Mary Jane Vona and family,owners, Vona’s Restaurant in Oswego

� Ann and Alan Rothschild, Foundationbenefactors

� MetLife Advisors, hosted by Brad DuFrane

Aminy Audi hosted a reception on behalf of the Upstate Cancer Center.

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Terry Shenfeld of the Upstate Foundation accepts a $50,000 check from the Lockheed Employees’ Federated Fundfrom Ronald Ziomek, director of contracts for MS2 Radar Systems.

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F o u n d a t i o n f o r U p s t a t e

Donor SpotlightJ O H N & k A R E N H A RT N E T TThe Foundation for Upstate Medical University isgrateful for the support of John and Karen Hartnett,who are not only making their own gift to the cancercampaign, they are leveraging a corporate gift throughthe matching gift program at John’s employer. Withtheir generous donation, the Hartnetts have identifieda naming opportunity within the new cancer center and will be included on the Founding Wall of Honor. Yet not only are the Hartnetts making a monetary commitment, they are equally generous in donating their time to the campaign. They are members of the Foundation’s campaign cabinet, and Karen is co-chair of the community phase of the campaign. They are also members of the UpstateCancer Center’s Patient and Family Advisory Board.

Their motivation to help is their son, Rick, who was diagnosed at Upstate UniversityHospital in 1991 with a brain tumor. He received chemotherapy, four surgeries and radiation, with his last treatment having been in 1999. At age 21, Rick is consideredcancer free, but continues to be followed at the hospital in the Brain Tumor Clinic;Kids Now Off Therapy (KNOT) Clinic; and by the neurology, neuropsychology andother departments. While his surgery was state-of-the art at the time and his outcome unquestionably miraculous, Rick was left with a number of physical and cognitive challenges. John and Karen dedicate their efforts to the hope that with continued funding dedicated to the fight against pediatric cancer, more childrenwill not only survive, but have an opportunity for a better life.

John and Karen Hartnett

On Nov. 20, the People’s AME Zion Church ofSyracuse donated $4,000 to the Upstate Sickle CellDisease Fund, which supports research on this blooddisorder. The fund also provides assistance to pediatricand adult patients with sickle cell disease, many of whomreceive care from the hematologists/oncologists at theUpstate Cancer Center. This is the third year that thechurch has donated to the Upstate fund, and totaldonations from the church are close to $10,000.

Thanks to research and advances in medical care, life expectancy for people with sickle cell disease has doubled in the past 30 years.

The People’s AME Zion Church raises a portion of the donations through its annual Sickle Cell Walkathon which is held in September, in honor of Sickle CellAwareness month.

Tyonna Johnson, CrystalDavis, Michele Estabrookof the Upstate Foundation, Christina Sellers, TraceyAmos, Beverly Scruggs,and Julya Guins-Clark

at the church.

Getting closer to $15 million goalGifts and pledges totaling $11,024,834 forthe Upstate Cancer Center have helpedus reach 73.5 percent of our $15 milliongoal. The money has come from 2,375individuals, corporations, foundationsand organizations.

The Upstate family (including founda-tion staff and board members, faculty,employees, advocates and volunteers)has contributed more than $3.2 million.

Generous individual donors have contributed more than $3.75 million.Corporations and foundations havecontributed more than $1.1 million.

The Central New York community at large has contributed more than $1.4 million, including support fromfundraisers such as golf tournaments,walks/runs, auctions, sporting eventsand bowling tournaments.

In addition, we have received 602 tributegifts in honor or memory of a lovedone, and 91 gifts from grateful patients.

50/50 RaffleTickets: $5 each

Drawing date: June 15, 2012











Syracuse NY

Here’s your chance to contributeThe Foundation hosts a 50/50 rafflestarting in early January. Look for $5 tickets for sale throughout the Syracuse area, or find exact locations byvisiting www.foundationforupstate.orgFor opportunities to buy tickets or sell them, contact Robin Grabowski at 315-464-5748. The drawing will take place in June, with the winner collecting half of the raffle proceeds.

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A w a r d - W i n n i n g C a r e

lymphoma. They gave her six to 12months to live. Natalie, who is divorced,was raising two teenage daughters byherself. She traveled to Chicago formore tests, hoping for better news. It was the same: If she lived for anotheryear, she’d be lucky.

That is where the fear began, Nataliesaid. Some people in the same placewonder if there is only darkness beyondour light, but that was not what keptNatalie awake at night. All she couldthink of was her children. She hadraised her daughters, Rachel and Havanna, in a manner that she hopedwould allow them to blossom as adults,and she was terrified at the idea ofhanding them over to someone else:

“I kept thinking, ‘Who’s going to lovethem the way I love them?’ Even thepeople I trust the most, if they’re raising my kids, would they try tochange them? Would they really allow them to be themselves?”

At a time when the seizures came withominous frequency, a time when thepredictions of the doctors seemed to beall too correct — Natalie made what shecalls “a deal with the universe.”

Speaking to the sky, she promised tostop “wanting everything” — as in possessions, money, a career or property — if in return she could just have the chance to raise her kids, at least until her youngest was finishedwith high school.

Twenty months later, Natalie is here.The therapy worked. Tests show no sign

of cancer in her brain. She has returnedto nursing at Upstate, this time in pediatric intensive care. Natalie, 47,doesn’t focus on tomorrow.

“I’m thankful every day when I get out ofbed and put my feet on the floor,” shesaid. “I look out the window and every-thing is so colorful, and every soundthat I hear becomes so amazing, and Iknow this sounds so corny but I mean it:I’ll be driving and I’ll look at a tree and I’ll think, ‘Why didn’t this look so beautiful before?’ I’ve fallen in lovewith everything again.”

She kept her deal with the sky: She hadto give up many “things,” including asense of control. Until her illness, Natalie could afford the mortgage on ahouse. Treatment for the cancer savedher life, but for a time it also knockedher out of work. Fellow employees do-nated sick time and vacation to keep heron the payroll for as long as possible,but Natalie finally went on disability.

Within weeks, she ran out of money. Natalie and her daughters had to sellher house, which meant they had togive their dog to a relative. They movedinto an apartment, but Natalie never

forgets the bigger picture: The apartment, in many ways, is easier to maintain, and she remembers what thedoctors told her in that first meeting.

From that standpoint, for Natalie, everything is fine.

“She’s an amazing woman,” said PatriciaKnox, a longtime friend and a palliativecare nurse practitioner at Upstate. Natalie returned to work a year ago andstarted what she calls “Healing Ways,” acancer support group for patients andfamily members involved with Upstate’soncology unit. The group, the first of itskind at the hospital, meets everyWednesday.

“The idea is to make sure people don’tfeel alone in their journey,” said Natalie,who received a nursing award from Upstate for establishing the group.“Everyone goes through stages of grieving and healing, of denial and anger,and it’s better if you can go throughthem together.”

When patients ask, Natalie shares elements of her story. She tells themabout the days after her first seizure,when she wrote long letters and setthem aside for her children, lettersfilled with advice she didn’t think she’dbe around to give. She went through herclothes. She organized her bills. She dideverything possible to make it easier forher family after she was gone.

Take Natalie's word for it: She’s happywith her deal.

KudosThese staff members were recentlyrecognized by patients for their superior care on Press Ganey patient satisfaction surveys:

Eleanor Abel PAJayne Charlamb MD, IBCLCLisa Cico NPJacquelyn Connolly RNLisa Donovan RNAjeet Gajra MDTeresa Gentile MD, PhDLaura Kilburg NP

Kara Kort-Glowaki MDSheila Lemke MDRoberto Carlos Montoya Barraza MCKathryn Romano MS, RNC, NPRobin Salvaterra RNRahul Seth DODwaine Spence RTT

G I v I N G T H A N k S – Continued from page 1

“I’ve fallen in lovewith everythingagain.” –Natalie

L E A R N A B O U T T H E H E A L I N GWAy S S U p p O RT G RO U p ByC A L L I N G 3 1 5 - 4 1 5 - 5 3 0 5 .

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R e c e n t E v e n t s

U p c o m i n g E v e n t

Breathe Deep CNY: In Memory of Brenda Shue— formerly the CNY Lung Cancer Walk, Run and Rally – was held Sept. 18, raising money for lung cancer research that focuses on early detection and targeted therapies.

The Carol M. Baldwin A Run For Their Life took place Oct. 23 at Syracuse University’s Manley Fieldhouse (runners pictured at left). Upstate Medical University had the largest team at this first annual event, which drew more than 1,600 people.Upstate’s Nakeia Chambers (pictured below) walked in memory of her aunt, Cheryl Harrison, who was in her 30s when she died of breast cancer. Chambers was one of nearly 300 Upstate employees who participated in the “Run for Their Life.”

The Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event on Oct. 2 in Clinton Square raised $12,862 for cancer care. The event attracted 120 walkers, among them Upstate employees, including Yvonne Merriam. She was a “pacesetter” for the second year in a row, meaning she raised more than $2,500.

Proceeds benefit cancer research at Upstate

May 12, 2012 –

Carol M. Baldwin:A Night to Remember Annual Gala

Turning Stone Casino

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Doctors teach, learn via symposiumCancer specialists from Upstate andMemorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center gave lectures during the annual Upstate Cancer Symposium in September at Weiskotten Hall.

Michael S. Curtis MD, assistant professor of plastic surgery, spokeabout breast reconstruction.

Mitchell I. Karmel MD, associate professor of radiology, gave an overview of interventional oncology.

Gennady Bratslavsky MD, professor andchair of urology, spoke about diagnosis and treatment options for localized prostate cancer.

Lawrence S. Chin MD, professor andchair of neurosurgery, addressed state-of-the-art treatment for brain tumors.

The guest faculty presenter, Eileen M.O’Reilly MD of Sloan-Kettering, spokeon treatment updates and new directions for pancreas cancer.

The moderator was Medical DirectorLeslie J. Kohman MD.

Newsletter Staff:

Leslie Kohman MDMedical Director

Richard Kilburg MBAAssociate Administrator

Jeanmarie GlasserAssistant Director

[email protected]

Linda Veit, Project Manager315-464-6303

[email protected]

Heidi Chapman, Staff Assistant315-464-6065

[email protected]

Upstate Medical UniversityMarketing and

University CommunicationsDesign and Editorial Support


A c a d e m i c D i f f e r e n c e

C O R R EC T I O NThe wrong photo appeared with a story in the previous newsletter about Positron Emission Mammography. In this photo, Cathy Lavalley CNMT is at the controls of the new mammography machine, available at Upstate Radiology Associates, 550 Harrison Center, Syracuse.

Pediatric cancer research funded Since 2006, the Waters Center for Children’s Cancer and BloodDisorders at Upstate has received $306,600 in research supportfrom the St. Baldrick’s Foundation. The money helps Upstate’spediatric cancer patients participate in clinical trials and supports research conducted by its physician-faculty.

Upstate’s 2011 award recipient — pediatric hematologist/oncologist Karol Kerr MD — noted, “With St. Baldrick’s support, our pediatric oncology team can continue providingCentral New York children with the most up-to-date cancertherapies in collaboration with the Children’s Oncology Group.”

Each year, hundreds of Central New Yorkers raise money forchildhood cancer research by shaving their heads at an eventheld at Kitty Hoynes Irish Pub and Restaurant in Syracuse, the second largest St. Baldrick’s fundraiser in the U.S.

Pediatric hematologists/oncologists Karol Kerr MD and Irene Cherrick MD have had their research funded by St. Baldrick’s, an international non-profit that provided grants to 30 organizations in 2011.

Irene Cherrick MD,associate professor of pediatrics

Karol Kerr MD,assistant professor of pediatrics

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A c a d e m i c D i f f e r e n c e

Image of a breast cancer cell (above),Nicholas Deakin PhD (at right)

Crosshairs conferenceParticipants of the 11th annual “In the Crosshairs: Lung Cancer” conference learnedabout preventing lung cancer, as well as new diagnostic and treatment procedures.The event took place in November at the OASIS and HealthLink Learning Center offCarrier Circle in East Syracuse. It also featured pulmonary function testing (picturedabove) and smoking cessation strategies.

Distinguished cancer researcher at UpstateChristopher Turner PhD, professor of Cell and Developmental Biology at Upstate,is one of four State University of New Yorkfaculty members honored recently as aDistinguished Professor.

It is the highest honor given to SUNY instructional faculty. Dr. Turner is the second from Upstate to receive the distinguished professor appointment.

“In bestowing our highest faculty honor, we proudly recognize the extraordinaryachievements of these faculty members and thank them for their continued commitment to excellence,” said SUNY Chancellor Nancy L. Zimpher PhD.

“I’m very delighted the institution put my name forward for the appointment,” Dr.Turner said. “I’d like to recognize all the people who have worked with me the past 20years on the research and made it possible. I owe the honor to a lot of individuals.”

Dr. Turner is internationally known for his research on paxillin and other proteins,and their roles in regulating cell migration associated with the progression of cancer and other diseases. His lab at Upstate has had continual support from the NationalInstitutes of Health.

Dr. Turner has published almost 100 original papers and reviews since 1991, his firstyear on the Upstate faculty. He also has served on many review panels for grants inthe U.S. and abroad, and continues to lecture worldwide.

Research awardChristopher Turner PhD, Cell and Developmental Biology, co-authored apaper with Nicholas Deakin PhD, a postdoctoral student in his lab, which wasrecognized with the 2011 Molecular Biology of the Cell (MBoC) Paper of the Year Award. The paper is titled,“Distinct Roles for Paxillin and Hic-5 in Regulating Breast Cancer Cell Morphology, Invasion, and Metastasis.”David G. Grubin, editor-in-chief ofMBoC, said, “This ground-breaking research provides new methods to discover how tumors invade cells.” Dr.Deakin presented his research at themini-symposium at the ASCB AnnualMeeting in Denver in December.

Christopher Turner PhD

Page 12: Upstate Cancer Center News

Knowing changes everything.SM

Lung cancer vigilGlow sticks and candles were used to“Shine a Light on Lung Cancer” duringthe vigil held at dusk on Tuesday, Nov. 1at Upstate University Hospital in Syracuse. About 75 people gatheredoutside the front of the hospital onAdams Street, lighting luminaries inhonor and memory of loved ones affected by lung cancer. People all over the country raised awarenessabout lung cancer by supporting the vigil, organized through the Lung Cancer Alliance.

The American Cancer Society partneredwith Upstate Medical University toenroll 434 people for the third nationalCancer Prevention Study. The societyenrolled 911 Central New Yorkers during October.

The study looks at people who havenever been diagnosed with cancer(other than basal or squamous cell skin cancer) to help determine causesof cancer and ways to prevent the disease. The goal is to eliminate canceras a major health problem for futuregenerations.

Participants completed surveys, then gave blood samples and had their waist circumferences measured.

Some of the best information we haveabout cancer comes from the first cancer prevention study in the 1950sand the second one in the 1970s. That’s

how the link was discovered betweencigarette smoking and lung cancer and premature death. That’s how welearned that obesity increases the riskof dying from cancer, that aspirin usecan lower the risk of colon cancer, andthat air pollution has a great impact on heart and lung conditions.

The current study will include 500,000men and women, age 30 to 64, who willreceive follow-up surveys every two orthree years for the next 20 to 30 years.If any of the participants are diagnosedwith cancer, their original blood sample– which is frozen – will be retrieved forfurther study.






At right: Donna Bacchi MD, MPH, chair of PublicHealth and Preventive Medicine at Upstate, is picturedhaving her blood drawn by phlebotomist Gina Gausman of Quest Diagnostics. Dr. Bacchi was one of434 Upstate employees and students who enrolled inthe cancer prevention study.

Cancer Prevention Study attracts 900+ Central New Yorkers

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750 East Adams Street l Syracuse, NY 13210