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UpgradingMigratingtoCPS45FP1 SWAB

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  • 8/10/2019 UpgradingMigratingtoCPS45FP1 SWAB


    White Paper

    Technical Guide to

    Upgrading or Migrating toCitrix Presentation Server

    Feature Pack 1

    With the introduction of Presentation Server 4.5 Platinum Edition,and more recently Feature Pack 1, many new capabilities have

    been added to the core functionality of the product. Thisdocument covers design considerations, product capabilities,

    and installation steps, and serves as a technical guide for

    administrators and Citrix partners.

    Author: Jo Harder, Senior Architect Citrix Systems, Inc.

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    The information in this publication is subject to change without notice.





    This publication contains information protected by copyright. Except for internal distribution, no part ofthis publication may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from


    The exclusive warranty for Citrix products, if any, is stated in the product documentationaccompanying such products. Citrix does not warrant products other than its own. Product namesmentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.

    Copyright 2007Copyright 2007Copyright 2007Copyright 2007 Citrix Systems, Inc.Citrix Systems, Inc.Citrix Systems, Inc.Citrix Systems, Inc.

    Version History

    Jo Harder 2007.09 Original Version September 2007

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    Table of Contents

    Overview 4

    Maximizing Success 5

    Avoiding Pitfalls During Transition..................................................................................................... 5

    Tips for Successful Upgrades and Migrations .................................................................................. 7

    Presentation Server 4.5 and Feature Pack 1 Overview 9

    Presentation Server 4.5 Key Features .............................................................................................. 9

    Feature Pack 1 Enhancements 10

    Presentation Server Upgrade/Migration 11

    Upgrade vs. Migration.................................................................................................................... 11

    Upgrade and Migration Scenarios .................................................................................................. 11

    Licensing and Client Decisions....................................................................................................... 12

    Farm and Server Decisions ............................................................................................................ 13

    Peripheral component decisions .................................................................................................... 15

    Other Configuration Options .......................................................................................................... 16

    Mixed Implementation Considerations 17

    Multiple Versions............................................................................................................................ 17

    Both 32-Bit and 64-Bit Processor Types........................................................................................ 18

    Multiple License Types................................................................................................................... 19

    Additional Platinum Edition Considerations 20

    Basic Components ........................................................................................................................ 20

    Platinum Components ................................................................................................................... 20

    Platinum Requirements .................................................................................................................. 21

    Appendix: Installation Steps 22General Recommendations............................................................................................................ 22

    Upgrading from Presentation Server 4.5 to

    Presentation Server 4.5 Platinum Edition with Feature Pack 1 ........................................................ 22

    Upgrading from Presentation Server 3.0 or 4.0 toPresentation Server 4.5 Platinum Edition Feature Pack 1 ............................................................... 23

    Migrating from any version to

    Presentation Server 4.5 Platinum Edition Feature Pack 1 ............................................................... 23

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    With the introduction of Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 Platinum Edition, and more recently FeaturePack 1, many new capabilities have been added to the core functionality. This document coversdesign considerations, product capabilities, and installation steps, and serves as a technical guide for

    Presentation Server architects and administrators. It is also for Citrix partners helping customers withthese processes, and it provides information related to upgrading or migrating to this new version.

    To facilitate upgrading or migration to Presentation Server 4.5 Feature Pack 1, this document is

    divided into the following sections:

    Maximizing SuccessMaximizing SuccessMaximizing SuccessMaximizing Success avoiding pitfalls, and tips for successful upgrades and


    Presentation Server 4.5 and FeaturePresentation Server 4.5 and FeaturePresentation Server 4.5 and FeaturePresentation Server 4.5 and Feature Pack 1 OverviewPack 1 OverviewPack 1 OverviewPack 1 Overview new capabilities and

    functionality available in this version

    Presentation Server Upgrade/MigrationPresentation Server Upgrade/MigrationPresentation Server Upgrade/MigrationPresentation Server Upgrade/Migration three common scenarios and the

    recommended decisions associated with each

    Mixed Implementation C onsiderationsMixed Implementation ConsiderationsMixed Implementation C onsiderationsMixed Implementation Considerations Presentation Server environments that

    comprise multiple versions, as well as 32-bit vs. 64-bit considerations

    Additional P lat inumAddi tiona l PlatinumAdditional P lat inumAddi tiona l Platinum EditionEditionEditionEdition ConsiderationsConsiderationsConsiderationsConsiderations recommendations and requirements

    for Platinum Edition components

    Installation StepsInstallation StepsInstallation StepsInstallation Steps step-by-step instructions for upgrading or migrating to

    Presentation Server 4.5 Feature Pack 1.

    Administrators and System Architects should take special note of the recommendations andrequirements in this document. Recommendations should be considered within the context of the

    environment, and deviations should occur only as necessary. Requirements, on the other hand, areexplicitly stated and are deemed necessary for functionality.

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    Maximizing Success

    Careful planning is required to maximize success of an upgrade or migration to Presentation Server4.5. Administrators should ensure that the Presentation Server environment is available and stablethroughout the transition, particularly in server farms that are large or host mission-critical applications

    Avoiding Pitfalls During Transition

    Lack of planning is the most common pitfall associated with upgrading or migrating to a new version

    of Presentation Server. Key areas related to successful planning are focused on four steps: definingrequirements, the document design, testing, and implementation plan.

    1. Define requirements

    The first step is to identify and confirm business, technical, and user requirements. Businessrequirements may include cost of ownership and personnel requirements, for example. Technicalrequirements include existing infrastructure and technical complexity. User requirements include pass-

    through authentication and ease of access.

    Defining requirements f irst, to address the needs of business, technical, and user audiences, willensure widespread acceptance of the new Presentation Server environment.

    2. Documented design

    The design document is a blueprint for the new environment, much like a blueprint for a building. Itincorporates new features and major changes that will impact the server farm.

    A detailed design document should be created whether upgrading or migrating. The design documentincorporates the design decisions associated with each component and functional area, including:

    Overall architecture

    License server

    Data store

    Presentation Server farm/server configuration

    User interface and access

    Application delivery

    Operating system

    Profiles and policies


    Although it takes extra time to create a design document, administrators find it a helpful repository toincorporate present and future goals of the environment. Typically, the time, effort, and expense

    associated with creating a documented design avoids the time otherwise wasted by having to correctmultiple issues and oversights. By learning the limitations and requirements of the currentenvironment, raising design concerns that may impede success, and planning for growth

    requirements, most organizations find that investing in a carefully planned design can positively impactthe bottom line through the time and cost savings brought about by preventing errors. Bypassing thedesign process may result in compromised environmental stability and may require additional work toaddress unplanned issues.

    If an organization cannot undertake a design on its own due to time or resource constraints, externalconsultants can often provide expertise and a more objective viewpoint. Citrix Consulting or Citrixpartners can be engaged for this work.

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    3. Testing

    Testing is required before implementation to ensure that the proposed design will function correctly.

    For example, if an application does not function on Windows Server 2003, this should be ascertainedduring the Proof of Concept phase.

    Testing within a production environment often leads to functionality issues that impact users. A small-scale, production-like test farm segregated from the production farm should be permanently

    designated for ongoing testing.

    Testing should be based on application functionality, performance, and user acceptance. Tools suchas Citrix EdgeSight for Load Testing can be used for scalability testing to estimate reliably the numberof servers that will be required. This requires production-grade server hardware and a laboratory


    To be effective, the scenarios tested including results must be documented well. This preventsadministrators from testing similar or previous scenarios, and provides a firm basis for determining thebest solution.

    4. Implementation plan

    Most IT projects incorporate detailed project plans, and transitioning to a new version of PresentationServer should be no exception. Based on the design document, a project plan based on t imelines,

    resources, and dependencies needs to be created.

    The implementation plan should include the following:

    Server build process

    Configuration of settings

    Application installation

    Help desk training

    User training

    Staged rollout (if applicable)


    Citrix has found that successful upgrades and migrations generally follow each of these steps. Fewertechnical, business, and user issues, a stable environment, and high user acceptance of the solutionare the beneficial characteristics of successful implementations.

    The Citrix Certified Integration Architectcourseware and examination track provides more information

    on Presentation Server analysis, design, and implementation. These courses provide step-by-stepinformation on completing each of these phases.

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    Tips for Successful Upgrades and Migrations

    Citrix Consulting has worked with thousands of customers to design new Presentation Serverenvironments and assist with transition planning. The following recommended practices will prove


    Automated server build

    Having a repeatable way to build or rebuild Presentation Servers saves time and resources. Having a

    mechanism to complete a server build quickly and easily is essential, because it may be required at aninconvenient time, perhaps when administrators need to attend to other emergencies. Ensuring serverconsistency also minimizes troubleshooting efforts.

    Citrix Production Services is the team responsible for the internal deployment of Presentation Serverwithin Citrix. This group maintains a pristine server build process and is able to migrate to a new serve

    farm based on several zones within data centers around the world in a matter of a few hours. CitrixProduction Services migrates the internal server farm based on various iterations of PresentationServer at least twice each year. Its fully automated server build process is a key reason for this level of

    agility. Also, instead of spending a significant amount of time troubleshooting a single server that hasunique issues, that server can be rebuilt.


    The Ardence Software-Streaming Platform increases IT agility by delivering operating systems andapplications on demand from the network to desktops, servers and devices. Incorporating Ardencetechnology allows administrators to deploy Presentation Servers quickly and easily.

    While Fast Ethernet connections provide adequate network connectivity for the v irtual disks to buildand boot well, Gigabit Ethernet is recommended for large server farms. When using Ardence to deploy

    multiple Presentation Servers, multicasting should be enabled.

    More information regarding Ardence is available at


    Current and planned licensing requirements should be reviewed well in advance of implementation.

    This includes Citrix licensing as well as Microsoft Windows Server, Terminal Services, and applicationlicensing. The Licensingsection provides more information.

    New functionality

    When planning an upgrade or migration, consider the new features available in Presentation Server

    and how the functionality should be incorporated into the server farm. For example, if custom codingpreviously was used within Web Interface to address client detection, the continued need for thatcode should be reviewed in light of new Web Interface 4.6 functionality.

    System monitoring

    To understand the health of the system, one or more monitoring tools should be incorporated into the

    new environment, with customization to provide alerts based on metrics associated with hardware,software, and usage requirements. For example, out-of-the-box metrics provided by Resource

    Manager rarely address all monitoring needs of an organization and should be customized to providepertinent alerts.

    In a newly upgraded or deployed server farm, system monitoring is critical to understand systemperformance. As an example, if an administrator performed scalability testing, which led to the

    expectation that each server could adequately support 100 user sessions, but then discovers thateach server only can support 80 user sessions, system monitoring tools could point to potential issuesassociated with server resources, server backend limitations, user behavior, or other factors.

    With the Enterprise edition of Presentation Server, administrators can use Resource Manager and

    Health Monitoring and Recovery for monitoring the environment. Where the Platinum edition has been

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    deployed, these tools, as well as EdgeSight for Presentation Server, are available. Alternatively, third-party tools can be used.

    Presentation Server component allocation

    Depending on the size of the server farm, Presentation Server components may or may not be sharedamong servers. While it is preferable to segregate each component, business requirements supportthis only in large and enterprise server farms.

    For environments where functionalities must be combined, Citrix recommends the following:

    Figure 1 - Presentation Server component distribut ion as farm grows in size

    In the small environment (which would typically consist of only a few Presentation Servers) alladministrative functionality is generally housed on a single server. As the farm grows in size,functionality is spread amongst multiple servers, as shown above.

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    Presentation Server 4.5 and Feature Pack 1 Overview

    This section reviews the most significant features of Presentation Server 4.5, including Feature Pack 1as well as potential use cases.

    Presentation Server 4.5 Key Features

    Presentation Server 4.5, released in March 2007, provides an end-to-end Windows application

    delivery system, extending the functionality of Presentation Server significantly. The key new features


    Feature Description Sample use case


    Application Streaming is based on delivering anapplication to Windows desktops or PresentationServers, on demand. Applications are isolated toeliminate the potential for conflicts.

    Field service engineers need toaccess applications on theirWindows laptops even whennetwork connectivity is



    With Health Monitoring and Recovery, tests canbe configured to run on the servers in a server

    farm to monitor their state and discover healthrisks. Citrix provides a standard set of tests, andadditional tests can be developed by means of

    the associated SDK.

    Users are sometimes unable toconnect to applications and the

    administrator wants to ascertainwhether there is a problem withsession initialization.



    For graphical applications, a greater than normalcompression level increases the speed of the

    initial display of an image file. This initial display isthen sharpened to normal quality in thebackground if the image is not immediatelychanged or overwritten by the application.

    An administrator wants toimprove the user experience of

    highly graphical applicationssuch as PACS or CAD.


    Configuration Logging is a tool that tracksadministrative changes made to the server farm

    andstores the data in a SQL Server or Oracledatabase. Using the Access Management

    Console, reports can be generated to determinewhat changes were made when and by which


    Multiple administrators supportthe Presentation Server

    environment, and the ITDirector wants to track who

    made what changes.



    The Trusted Server capability identifies and

    enforces the Presentation Servers to whichclients can connect. This is done by means oftheicaclient.adm, a Citrix-provided ADMtemplate.

    A bank needs to ensure that

    users can only connect to theproduction farm.

    A complete list of the new features available in Presentation Server 4.5 is shown at

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    Feature Pack 1 Enhancements

    Feature Pack 1, released in September 2007, includes a number of new capabilities that extend thefunctionality of Presentation Server 4.5 further. Key components of Feature Pack 1 include:

    Feature Description Sample use case

    Hotfix RollupPack 1

    Consolidation of hotfixes that should be applied toPresentation Server 4.5. There are separate

    installer files for 32-bit and 64-bit servers.

    Instead of applying individualhotfixes, an administrator

    applies the Hotfix Rollup Pack.

    SmartAuditor A Platinum-only feature that enables PresentationServer sessions to be recorded for archiving andplayback. Hotfix Rollup Pack 1 (HRP1) is required.

    Bank call center agentsessions are recorded toensure that users are

    accessing and using customerinformation properly.

    EasyCall Users can make phone calls through theenterprise telephone system easily by clicking anon-screen phone number. Platinum or standalonelicense is required.

    A multinational corporationwants all telephone calls to berouted through corporatetelephone system to save on

    toll calls.



    Rather than having multiple individual product

    licenses, the new Platinum licensing modelenables users to access a single license for allPlatinum features. (Access Gateway appliance notincluded.)

    An administrator wants to

    simplify licensingadministration andmaintenance.

    StreamingClient and

    Profiler 1.1

    These updated components enable profiling oflarge applications and improve user

    responsiveness. Streaming Client 1.1 and HRP1 isrequired for Enterprise and Platinum sharedlicense consumption for streamed user sessions.

    A corporation rolls outMicrosoft Office 2007 as a

    streamed application to userdesktops in the most efficientmanner.

    WebInterface 4.6

    The latest generation of Web Interface, whichsupports enhanced client detection, ProgramNeighborhood Agent password changes, and

    Access Gateway Enterprise Edition integration.

    Users are required to changeexpired passwords from withinProgram Neighborhood Agent

    WebInterface for


    By integrating Web Interface into SharePoint2007, users are presented with applications,

    eliminating the need for a separate Web Interfacesite.

    SharePoint 2007-basedcompany Intranet site

    incorporates PresentationServer application icons.

    PasswordManager 4.6

    Support for Microsoft Vista and multi-domainimplementations are available with this newversion.

    Vista-based workstations canuse Password Manager tosupply password credentialsto applications.



    Additional enhancements including:

    SecureICA for x64

    32-bit icon color support

    Six new Health Monitoring tests Windows Mobile 5/ActiveSync support

    Improved multi-monitor support

    Document center moved onl ine

    Management Pack for Microsoft System

    Center Operations Manager 2007 (formerlyMicrosoft Operations Manager)

    Updated SDKs

    Administrator needs toimplement SecureICA for all

    user connections in a serverfarm that is based on both 32-bit and 64-bit servers.

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    Presentation Server Upgrade/Migration

    This section discusses upgrade and migration in depth, as well as three customer scenarios and theassociated considerations and recommendations.

    Upgrade vs. Migration

    These terms are summarized below:

    Server Upgrade install a new version of Presentation Server over an existing

    version of Presentation Server

    Server Migration a completely new installation of Presentation Server

    Farm Upgrade exist ing farm and data store maintained;

    based on upgrade of at least one server

    Farm Migration creation of new farm and data store;

    based on installation of at least first new server

    The upgrade of any server in a server farm, regardless of zone designation, upgrades the entire farm

    and places the server farm into mixed mode. For example, if a pilot zone is used for pre-productiontesting and a server in this zone is upgraded, the server farm is now running in mixed mode.

    Unexpected issues may arise. Citrix strongly recommends that all testing is done in a segregated farmto avoid impacting production users.

    Upgrade and Migration Scenarios

    With the release of Presentation Server 4.5, the decisions associated with customer design projectshave become more complex. The design project will most commonly take the form of one of thefollowing scenarios (in each of which it is assumed that the customer has the proper licensing):

    CustomerCustomerCustomerCustomer wants to deploy Pwants to deploy Pwants to deploy Pwants to deploy Presentationresentationresentationresentation SSSServererverervererver 4.0 with maximum readiness for4.0 with maximum readiness for4.0 with maximum readiness for4.0 with maximum readiness for

    VVVVersion 4.5ersion 4.5ersion 4.5ersion 4.5.... In this case, the customer wants to upgrade or migrate to PresentationServer 4.0, yet have all peripheral components based on the latest version, tofacilitate a near-term server upgrade to Presentation Server 4.5.

    Customer wants to upgrade Presentation Server 3 .0 or 4.0 farm to PresentationCustomer wants to upgrade Presentation Server 3 .0 or 4 .0 farm to PresentationCustomer wants to upgrade Presentation Server 3 .0 or 4.0 farm to PresentationCustomer wants to upgrade Presentation Server 3 .0 or 4 .0 farm to PresentationServer 4.5 Feature Pack 1, based on server upgrade oServer 4.5 Feature Pack 1, based on server upgrade oServer 4.5 Feature Pack 1, based on server upgrade oServer 4.5 Feature Pack 1, based on server upgrade or server migration.r server migration.r server migration.r server migration. In this

    case, the customer wants to maintain the existing data store and server farmconfiguration. This type of deployment can be based on either of the following:

    o Farm upgradeFarm upgradeFarm upgradeFarm upgrade bbbbased on server upgradeased on server upgradeased on server upgradeased on server upgrade.... Install a new version ofPresentation Server over an exist ing version on at least one server within the

    current server farm.

    o Farm upgrade bFarm upgrade bFarm upgrade bFarm upgrade based on server migrationased on server migrationased on server migrationased on server migration.... Install a new version ofPresentation Server on a clean server build and join the existing farm. Thisapplies to all but the first server that initiated the upgrade.

    CustomerCustomerCustomerCustomer wants to migrate twants to migrate twants to migrate twants to migrate to Presentation Server 4.5o Presentation Server 4.5o Presentation Server 4.5o Presentation Server 4.5 Feature Pack 1.Feature Pack 1.Feature Pack 1.Feature Pack 1. In this

    case, the farm migration is based on a completely new installation of PresentationServer that initiates a new data store and server farm.

    Where possible, Citrix recommends the farm migration approach. This can be used as an opportunity

    for a clean, new implementation. Well-planned and thoroughly documented migrations avoid previousissues being carried forward.

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    When a farm migration is chosen, Web Interface can be effective in bridging the new farm and the oldfarm so that the transition is seamless to users. Either of the following approaches can be considered:

    Migrate entire application silos during a single outage window

    Migrate users based on groups, such as business units, to the new farm. To

    accomplish this, create Active Directory groups for the published resources within the

    new farm, and control user membership to these groups.

    If the administrator performing the Presentation Server implementation has scripting skills, the CitrixSDKs can be used effectively to export farm settings and import them into the new farm. For example,

    Citrix supports the FarmAppUtil tool (CTX107934) to export published application settings forimporting into the new farm. The design team should analyze whether the settings should be carriedforward and assess the value of time investment for scripting any changes versus configuring newsettings.

    In the subsections below, common design decisions are explored, as well as options and general

    recommendations. Your specific decisions may vary from general recommendations, based on thePresentation Server environment and requirements.

    Licensing and Client Decisions

    The following licensing and client decisions are recommended or required as part of the upgrade or

    migration process in accordance with the three scenarios described above:

    Item/scenario Design CPS 4.0 farmwith maximum readiness

    for CPS 4.5

    Design CPS 4.5 FP1 farmupgrade based on server

    upgrade or servermigration

    Design CPS 4.5 FP1farm migration



    License Server 4.5

    strongly recommended toavoid a near-termupgrade

    License Server 4.5


    License Server 4.5


    License files Licenses files must have avalid Subscription

    Advantage date of April

    27, 2005 or later

    License files must have avalid Subscription

    Advantage date of

    February. 22, 2007 orlater

    License files must have avalid Subscription

    Advantage date of

    February. 22, 2007 orlater

    PresentationServer client

    Citrix recommends thatclients be upgraded tothe latest version

    Citrix recommends thatclients be upgraded tothe latest version

    Citrix recommends thatclients be upgraded tothe latest version


    N/A Streaming Client 1.1 orhigher is required in orderfor streaming sessions to

    use and share Enterpriseor Platinum licenses

    Streaming Client 1.1 orhigher is required in orderfor streaming sessions to

    use and share Enterpriseor Platinum licenses
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    More details regarding l icensing and client design decisions are provided below:

    License ServerLicense ServerLicense ServerLicense Server While older versions of Presentation Server and other Citrix

    products can use the newest version of the License Server, the reverse is not true.This means that the newest License Server is required to support Version 4.5

    products and above. Citrix recommends applying the newest version of the start-uplicense, as detailed in CTX113090.

    Licenses.Licenses.Licenses.Licenses. In all cases, valid licenses must be available. Please see Citrix

    Knowledgebase Article CTX108655and other documents available from detailed licensing information. AlthoughPlatinum licensing is supported for Presentation Server 4.0, this document discussesPresentation Server 4.5 based on specific prerequisites defined in the InstallationStepssection.

    Presentation Server cPresentation Server cPresentation Server cPresentation Server clientlientlientlient.... Citrix recommends deployment of the most recent

    version of the Presentation Server client based on the platform(s) in use. This allows

    users to take advantage of the latest functionality and eliminates the need for anothershort-term upgrade. Information regarding the latest Presentation Server clients andtheir respective capabilities are shown at deploying the 10.x version of the Windows Presentation Server client, granular

    control of client behavior by GPOs by means of the supportedicaclient.admtemplatecan be assured. CTX112957contains more information. The 10.x and later versionsof the Windows client supports Windows 2000 and higher. Earlier Windows versionsrequire the 9.x client.

    SSSStreaming client.treaming client.treaming client.treaming client. To take full advantage of Enterprise and Platinum licensing, theStreaming Client on the Windows device must be upgraded to version 1.1. The newclient enables license sharing, and additional enhancements are included.

    Farm and Server Decisions

    The designer/architect should consider the following items and associated options when makingdecisions related to farms and servers:

    Item/ scenario Design CPS 4.0 farm withmaximum readiness for

    CPS 4.5

    Design CPS 4.5 FP1 farmupgrade based on server

    upgrade or servermigration

    Design CPS 4.5 FP1farm migration

    Farm path Upgrade: MetaFrame XPor Presentation Server3.0Migrate: Any

    Presentation Server 3.0or Presentation Server4.0


    Mixed farm Supported but notrecommended; somefeatures andconfigurations may not

    function as expected

    Supported but notrecommended; somefeatures andconfigurations may not

    function as expected


    Data store Do not use MSDE toavoid upgrade later

    If MSDE, must upgradeto SQL Server Express2005 or another

    supported database type

    Select any of thesupported databasetypes



    Windows Server 2003 or

    Windows 2000 Server(note: Windows 2000Server cannot beupgraded to PresentationServer 4.5)

    Windows Server 2003

    SP1 or higher only; ifoperating systemupgrade, must do servermigration

    Windows Server 2003

    SP1 or higher only


    Supported but notrecommended

    Supported but notrecommended

    First server must bemigrated; servers existingin other farms can bemoved (CHFARM) and



    Recommended Recommended Required for first server;recommended for allservers
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    More details regarding the farm and server design decisions are provided below:

    Farm pFarm pFarm pFarm pathathathath.... Only the specific upgrade paths listed are allowed and supported. If a

    customer wants to upgrade a MetaFrame XP farm to Presentation Server 4.5, aninterim upgrade to Presentation Server 3.0 or 4.0 is required. However, Citrix

    recommends migrations where feasible because starting with a clean farm and serverbuild ensures that no unwanted settings are carried over into a f resh, newenvironment. As the initial part of the farm migration, a thorough design phase shouldbe undertaken so that a detailed design document can be created.

    Mixed farm.Mixed farm.Mixed farm.Mixed farm. Mixed mode is specificallynotrecommended by Citrix because of

    potential and known issues. For example, where a mix of Presentation Server 4.0 and4.5 exists, farm-wide features such as Configuration Logging and IMA encryptioncannot be used. Not all mixed mode scenarios can be tested, and so it is possiblethat an undesired impact will occur. Mixed mode should not be used unless all other

    options have been exhausted. The Multiple Versionssection provides moreinformation.

    Data store.Data store.Data store.Data store. MSDE is not supported for Presentation Server 4.5 server farms. Any

    Presentation Server 3.0 or 4.0 farm using MSDE as the data store that is beingupgraded must be converted to another database type, with SQL Server Express

    2005 being the free equivalent. If an upgrade is attempted with an MSDE data store,the data store will become corrupted. Where possible, an enterprise-grade databasetype, such as SQL Server, Oracle, or DB2, should be chosen, taking optionalResource Manager Summary Database and Configuration Logging Database into

    consideration. Even though the initial farm size may not warrant an enterprise-grade

    database, it may be worthwhile taking advantage of inherent backup/restorecapabilities, administrative expertise, licensing, and planned environmental growth.

    Server operating system.Server operating system.Server operating system.Server operating system. Presentation Server 4.5 supports Windows Server 2003with Service Pack 1 as the minimum. Customers may choose to implement R2 or

    Service Pack 2. Upgrades from Presentation Server 3.0 or 4.0 require a baseoperating system of Windows Server 2003. If either version is installed on WindowsServer 2000, then a clean server installation is required because upgrading theoperating system and then upgrading the Presentation Server version isnot


    Server Upgrade vs. ServerServer Upgrade vs. ServerServer Upgrade vs. ServerServer Upgrade vs. Server MigrationMigrationMigrationMigration.... Server upgrades are supported and may at

    first appear to be the easiest way to deploy a new version of Presentation Server.However, as with operating system upgrades, Presentation Server upgrades tend tobe more problematic than new installations. Citrix recommends server migration

    based on clean server builds. When upgrading Presentation Server, registry settings,

    files and other remnants may remain on the server, which can either cause issues orincrease troubleshooting t ime.

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    Peripheral component decisions

    Consider the following when planning for peripheral components:

    Item/scenario Design CPS 4.0 farmwith maximum

    readiness for CPS 4.5

    Design CPS 4.5farm upgrade based on

    server upgrade orserver migration

    Design CPS 4.5 farmmigration

    Web Interface Web Interface 4.6recommended; mustselect Remote

    Application type

    Web Interface 4.6recommended

    Web Interface 4.6recommended

    Access Gateway Recommended as

    replacement for SecureGateway

    Recommended as

    replacement for SecureGateway

    Recommended as

    replacement for SecureGateway

    More details regarding the peripheral component design decisions are provided below:

    Web Interface.Web Interface.Web Interface.Web Interface. The latest version of Web Interface is recommended. If the

    Presentation Server farm will be based on Presentation Server 4.0, Streaming is notavailable, and thus the Web Interface 4.6 configuration Manage Application Typesscreen must be set to Remote to grant users access to applications installed onPresentation Server. To deploy Web Interface 4.6, Citrix recommends upgrading Web

    Interface 4.0 or higher, as this preserves the existing settings and automaticallyprovides the additional configuration options. However, the existingWebInterface.confand Config.xmlfiles should be backed up before an upgrade.

    Access GatewAccess GatewAccess GatewAccess Gateway.ay.ay.ay. Remote access to the Presentation Server farm should be based

    on a secure mechanism. Although Secure Gateway 3.0 is still offic ially supported,

    Access Gateway is a much more robust SSL VPN option. Access Gateway clientlicenses are included as part of the Platinum edition. Where feasible, Secure Gatewayshould be replaced with Access Gateway. Not only does Access Gateway provide atotal SSL VPN solution, it is based on a hardened appliance that increases security.

    The various Access Gateway options can provide the customer with an appropriatelevel of access and security based on environmental considerations.

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    Other Configuration Options

    The same three scenarios are used as the basis for design considerations related to otherconfiguration options:

    Item/scenario Design CPS 4.0 farm withmaximum readiness for

    CPS 4.5

    Design CPS 4.5 farmupgrade based on server

    upgrade or server


    Design CPS 4.5 farmmigration



    Do not configure N/A N/A


    TemplateCan be used to control

    Windows clients usingICA client version 10.0 orhigher

    Can be used to control

    Windows clients usingICA client version 10.0 orhigher

    Can be used to control

    Windows clients usingICA client version 10.0 orhigher

    ClientUpdate Utility

    Do not configureutility or policy

    Do not configure policy Do not configure policy

    Other configuration design decisions include:

    Citrix ConnectionCitrix ConnectionCitrix ConnectionCitrix Connection CCCConfigurationonfigurationonfigurationonfiguration.... This utility was used to configure per-server

    settings such as client mapping disablement and time-outs. Since these settings cannow be configured elsewhere, this utility is no longer included with Presentation

    Server 4.5. Other options for configuration include, in this order of preference, Citrixpolicies, Active Directory Terminal Services GPOs, local server Terminal ServicesGPOs, or Terminal Services Configuration\ Connections\ ICA-tcp.

    icaclient.admicaclient.admicaclient.admicaclient.admttttemplateemplateemplateemplate.... Citrix supports the use of theicaclient.admtemplate for

    configuring user-side settings with Windows clients 10.0 and higher. CitrixKnowledge Base article CTX112957contains information on the configuration of this


    ClientClientClientClient UUUUpdate utility.pdate utility.pdate utility.pdate uti li ty. This utility was formerly used to update the Presentation Server

    client software automatically from the Presentation Server. Now, not only is this utilityno longer included with Presentation Server 4.5, but also the associated Citrix policyhas no impact.

    Every customer environment varies, therefore some design decisions must be based on what isdeemed best for an individual customer, and may be contrary to the general recommendations

    detailed here. For example, a large, stable environment with 24x7 operations may find that a farmupgrade based on server migration may address their requirements based on an automated serverbuild process. A similar customer with different business requirements may decide that a migration toa completely new farm would be best and that Web Interface can serve to bridge the two farms during

    the staged migration.
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    Mixed Implementation Considerations

    This section reviews considerations associated with upgrading and maintaining two or more versionsof Presentation Server, as well as server farms that encompass both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

    Multiple Versions

    Although mixed farms are supported, Citrix strongly recommends maintaining a single version of

    Presentation Server within a server farm. A single version should be run within the server farm, and

    the same hotfixes, service packs, and feature packs should be applied across all servers. Thisincreases consistency, decreases troubleshooting, and improves the user experience.

    Figure 2 - During a staged upgrade there wi ll be two versions of the product in the same farm. After upgrade, the

    number of versions should be maintained at one version in a single farm.

    When two or more versions run within a single farm, a number of potential issues may arise, including:

    More complex administrationMore complex administrationMore complex administrationMore c omplex administration.... When an administrator needs to make changes, the

    console version must match the server version being modified. For example, if aserver farm is based on both Presentation Server 4.0 and 4.5, changes to CitrixPolicies should be made within the respective Presentation Server Console version.

    FunctionalityFunctionalityFunctionalityFunctionality.... When running two or more versions, not all farm-wide capabilities can

    be invoked. For example, IMA Encryption and Configuration Logging can be enabledonly when all servers are running Presentation Server 4.5 or higher. Also, certainfeatures such as custom administrator rights do not function correctly in thesesituations.

    Inconsistent user experience.Inconsistent user experience.Inconsistent user experience.Inconsistent user experience. The user experience will vary based on the

    Presentation Server being accessed. For example, if the user accesses a graphicalapplication on a Presentation Server version 4.5 where SpeedScreen ProgressiveDisplay is enabled on Monday and then accesses that same graphical application ona Presentation Server version 4.0 on Tuesday, the user experience will be different.

    Issues.Issues.Issues.Issues. Mixed server farms inherently have more issues and generate a higher

    number of support calls.

    In some environments running two or more versions of Presentation Server is required to meetbusiness requirements during an upgrade. In this case Citrix recommends that the number of versions

    is limited to two and that the period of time the two versions are operational in the server farm isminimized. Observing the server upgrade order is vital first Farm Metric Servers, followed by ZoneData Collectors, and then Member Servers.

    In large farms and those running mission-critical applications, it may be impossible to upgrade all

    servers during a single maintenance window. In these cases, the recommended installation ordershould be followed, and considerations for functionality and logistics should be addressed.

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    Both 32-Bit and 64-Bit Processor Types

    As x64 servers become more common, many Citrix customers find that the increased user density ofthese servers address their business and technical requirements. Because both 32-bit and 64-bit

    applications can be hosted on 64-bit servers, customers are finding that selecting x64 servers wheninstalling new hardware provides a robust platform. In many cases, new 64-bit servers are added toexisting 32-bit Presentation Server farms, producing a server farm based on both types of processors which is supported by Citrix.

    It is recommended that all servers run the same version of Presentation Server consistently. Mainconsiderations for administrators are as follows:

    End of life ofEnd of life ofEnd of life ofEnd of life of Presentation Server 4.0Presentation Server 4.0Presentation Server 4.0Presentation Server 4.0 x64 Edition.x64 Edition.x64 Edition.x64 Edition. Based on the scenarios already

    discussed, running the x64 version of Presentation Server 4.0 may be considered aviable option for environments that are not ready to deploy Presentation Server 4.5.

    However, Presentation Server 4.0 x64 edition will reach end of life at the end of2007. Deploying Presentation Server 4.5 x64 edition is therefore a better option.

    Hotfix Rollup Packs.Hotfix Rollup Packs.Hotfix Rollup Packs.Hotfix Rollup Packs. Citrix recommends that when a Hotfix Rollup Pack (HRP)

    becomes available, administrators apply it consistently to all servers in the farm.When Citrix issues an HRP for Presentation Server 4.5, two versions are released:

    32-bit and 64-bit. If the server farm contains both types of servers, careful attention isneeded when applying the correct HRP to the different servers. (The HRP for the x64edition contains 64 in the file name, to help differentiate it.)

    HotfixesHotfixesHotfixesHotfixes.... Citrix recommends that interim hotfixes should be applied only if necessaryto address a specific issue or requirement. At this point, more Citrix customers are

    using the 32-bit version of Presentation Server 4.5. This means that more issues arereported on this version, and so more hotfixes are created. If an administratordetermines that a specific hotfix should be applied to x64 servers as well, an incidentshould be opened with Citrix Technical Support to have that same hotfix generated

    for the x64 servers. By doing so, consistency can be maintained within the serverfarm.

    Load ManageLoad ManageLoad ManageLoad Managerrrr. Because x64 servers support a higher number of users,

    administrators should consider revisiting the Load Manager design of thePresentation Server farm to confirm that effective load balancing has been

    implemented. This is especially true where either the Default or Advanced LoadEvaluator is used. If Load Manager is configured based solely on rules thatincorporate percentages such as CPU or memory then load balancing is unlikely

    to need reconfiguring. If other rules such as server load are used, it is likely that the32-bit servers will demand more resources to service the same number of users,compared to 64-bit servers. This will impact the user experience.

    Server resource alerts.Server resource alerts.Server resource alerts.Server resource alerts. The configuration of alerts should be based on rules that are

    suitable for the server configuration, whether EdgeSight for Presentation Server,Resource Manager or other third-party monitoring tools are used. For example, 64-bit

    servers typically have more memory than 32-bit servers, and so less paging isgenerally required on more powerful servers. Monitoring alerts should be set toaccount for the server resource differences.

    Peripheral components.Peripheral components.Peripheral components.Peripheral components. Because 64-bit servers are more costly than 32-bit servers,

    administrators can positively impact the total cost of ownership by using more

    powerful servers to host applications and to service the greatest number of users. Forservers required to host peripheral components such as the Citrix License Server,Web Interface, and similar functionality, 32-bit servers are suff icient.

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    Multiple License Types

    Sometimes a customer has various types of licenses and dates installed on a single Citrix l icenseserver. This is supported. However, the licenses will be consumed based on the l icense type set for

    that server, as well as the date, and in all cases, valid license dates are a requirement.

    Licenses are consumed based on the oldest valid date related to the version of the PresentationServer product launched.

    For example, if a customer has both Enterprise and Platinum licenses based onmultiple dates, and User1 connects to a Presentation Server that is set to Enterprise

    edition, that license will be allocated from the oldest Enterprise license group that isnot exhausted. No Platinum functionality will be available.

    If User2 connects to a Presentation Server that is set to Platinum, that license will be

    allocated from the oldest Platinum license group. All Platinum functionality will beavailable.

    If a user logs onto a Presentation Server set to an edition for which the licenses areexhausted, a license logon limit error will be presented.

    There is more information at .

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    Additional Platinum Edition Considerations

    This section discusses considerations for Presentation Server Platinum edition components, includingwhere components should be placed and additional hardware that may be required.

    Basic Components

    The basic components included within most large and enterprise Presentation Server farms are based

    on the following:

    Presentation Servers.Presentation Servers.Presentation Servers.Presentation Servers. Zone Data Collector(s) and member servers

    Data Store.Data Store.Data Store.Data Store. SQL Server, Oracle, or DB2 housed on a database server

    Web Interface.Web Interface.Web Interface.Web Interface. Web server

    License Server.License Server.License Server.License Server. Web server for License Management Console

    Access Gateway.Access Gateway.Access Gateway.Access Gateway. Appliance in DMZ

    Figure 3 - Basic Components of Presentation Server

    Platinum Components

    With the release of Presentation Server 4.5 Platinum edition and Feature Pack 1, licensing is includedfor all Platinum products. The use of each Platinum component is optional. Where deployed, theseshould be implemented as follows:

    SmartAuditor.SmartAuditor.SmartAuditor.SmartAudi tor. The agent must be installed on the Presentation Server(s) that host

    the application(s) and session(s) to be monitored. The SmartAuditor administrativefunctionality, including database, Server, and Policy Console are installed on one ormore distinct servers. The Player would typically be installed on a workstation.

    EasyCall.EasyCall.EasyCall.EasyCall . Must be deployed on the Communication Gateway hardware that is

    connected to the telephone system.

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    EdgeSight for Presentation Server.EdgeSight for Presentation Server.EdgeSight for Presentation Server.EdgeSight f or Presentation Server. The agent must be installed on each

    Presentation Server to be monitored. The SQL Server database and core EdgeSightfunctionality should be installed on one or more distinct servers.

    Password Manager.Password Manager.Password Manager.Password Manager. The agent must be installed on each Presentation Server and

    end user device where Password Manager will be used. The Password Manager

    Console should be installed on a distinct server.

    StreamingStreamingStreamingStreaming Profiler.Profiler.Profiler.Profiler. The Streaming Profiler should be installed on a distinct server

    that mimics the target machine type.

    Streaming Client.Streaming Client.Streaming Client.Streaming Client. This software must be installed on each Windows client device to


    applications will be streamed. Only Windows 2000 or above is supported.

    Platinum Requirements

    To use Platinum licensing with Presentation Server 4.5 Feature Pack 1, all of the following steps must

    be executed:

    Upgrade Streaming Client to version 1.1 (required only if Streaming is used)

    Install Hotfix Rollup Pack 1 on each Presentation Server

    Install Platinum licenses on the License Server

    Install new Access Management Console extensions

    Set server edition to Platinum

    Reboot servers

    If any step is omitted, Platinum licensing will not be used correctly in some cases, this may result in

    multiple licenses being consumed needlessly. CTX108655provides more information regardingupgrading licenses on the Citrix license server.

    Detailed step-by-step recommendations and instructions are included in theAppendixsection of thisdocument.
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    Appendix: Installation Steps

    This section details the specific steps that should be executed when upgrading to Presentation Server4.5 Platinum edition with Feature Pack 1.

    General Recommendations

    In general, Citrix recommends updating clients to the most recent level first, before server-based

    changes are made. This is because client-based upgrades can usually be made well in advance, and

    this allows administrators to focus on the server-based changes.

    Upgrading from Presentation Server 4.5 to

    Presentation Server 4.5 Platinum Edition with Feature Pack 1

    The following are the installation steps that Citrix recommends when upgrading from Presentation

    Server 4.5 to Feature Pack 1:


    Update Windows clients to 10.1 (recommended but not required)

    2. Update the Streaming Client to version 1.1 (required only if Streaming is used)

    o Citrix Streaming Client.msi or Citrix Streaming Clients Package.msi

    3. Update Streaming Profiler to version 1.1 (required only if Streaming used)


    Citrix Streaming Profiler.msi

    4. Install Hotfix Rollup Pack 1 in the following order and restart each server

    o PSE450W2K3R01.msp (x32) or PSE450W2K3X64R01.msp (x64)

    Farm Metric Server

    Zone Data Collector(s)

    Member Servers

    5. Install new startup licenses to License Server (CTX113090; recommended but not required)

    6. Obtain new Platinum license(s) from MyCitrix and apply new license file(s)

    7. Update Access Management Console Extensions

    o From the Component CD, Administration\Access ManagementConsole\Setup\ASC_Presentation Server.msi, ASC_PSReports.msi,

    ASC_ReportCenter.msi, ASC_WebInterface.msior

    o CtxInstall.exe will query administrator to install AMC extensions

    8. Install Web Interface 4.6 and Health Monitoring Pack (optional)

    o WebInterface.exe and HMRTestPack.msi

    9. Set server edition to Platinum through the Access Management Console and restart

    Please note:

    Installation by means of the Platinum CD is not supported for

    Presentation Server upgrades.

    The steps outlined above must be followed exactly as listed. If the edition is Advanced or Enterprise, it is not necessary to update the license file.

    Instead, the step to set the server edition should confirm the correct setting.
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