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Upgrading Drupal Modules Chris Tankersley php[world] 2015 php[world] 2015 1

Upgrading Drupal Modules - php[world] 2015

Feb 15, 2017



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Page 1: Upgrading Drupal Modules - php[world] 2015

Upgrading Drupal Modules Chris  Tankersley  php[world]  2015  

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Who Am I

• PHP  Programmer  for  over  10  years  • Drupal  Developer  for  5  Years  •  Symfony  2,  Silex,  and  ZF2  Programmer  • Maintainer  of  Social  Media  Bar  • hJps://  

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It’s Finally Happening!!!!1!!one

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Now we have to update our modules

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In the Before Times

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Drupal 6 to Drupal 7

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Drupal  6   Drupal  7  

Fix  All  the  API  Changes  

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Drupal 7 to Drupal 8

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Drupal  7  

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Drupal 7 to Drupal 8

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Drupal  7  

PreJy  Much  Just  API  Changes  

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Social Media Bar

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Gotta Share Them all

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Client Project

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Open Source and Give Back

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Gotta Update Them All

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Updating the Module

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New Structure



‘- SocialMediaBar

+ src/


+ SocialMediaBar.routing.yml

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Big Changes

• PSR4  Autoloading  (yay!)  •  YAML  config  files  instead  of  INI  config  files  • Real  objects  for  nearly  everything  • Much  cleaner  separa`on  of  concerns  for  code  

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Good News

Much  of  your  business  logic  will  probably  be  copy-­‐paste  work  

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Bad News

Much  of  the  documenta`on  is  s`ll  out  of  date  

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Let’s Get Started

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New Structure

modules/ |

‘- SocialMediaBar

+ src/


+ SocialMediaBar.routing.yml

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Move your module?

• Core  modules  live  in  core/modules  now  • modules/  isn’t  off  limits  anymore!  • Can  s`ll  live  in  sites/*/modules/ • Naming  conven`ons  s`ll  apply  

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Info Files and YAML

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New Structure



‘- SocialMediaBar

+ src/

+ + SocialMediaBar.routing.yml

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YAML Format

• Human  and  machine  readable  markup  language  •  Indenta`on-­‐based  markup  •  Supports  most  basic  types  of  data  • Drupal  uses  it  for  module,  theme,  and  configura`on  informa`on  

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Update Your .info File

• We  are  switching  from  .ini  format  to  .yml  format  • Modules  must  add  type: module  to  actually  show  up  as  a  module  

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Page 26: Upgrading Drupal Modules - php[world] 2015 name = Social Media Bar description = Adds a social media bar to different content types core = 7.x package = "Social Media" php = 5.3 stylesheets[all][] = css/socialmediabar.css scripts[] = js/socialmediabar.js

dependencies[] = libraries configure = admin/config/services/socialmediabar

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Page 27: Upgrading Drupal Modules - php[world] 2015 name: Social Media Bar description: Adds a social media bar to different content types core: 8.x type: module package: "Social Media"

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New Routing System

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New Structure



‘- SocialMediaBar

+ src/


+ SocialMediaBar.routing.yml

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hook_menu() is dead, long live Routing!

•  This  is  all  moved  to  YAML  files  •  hook_menu()  is  now  split  into  routing.yml  and  links.*.yml • routing.yml  handles  defining  URIs  and  route  config  • links.*.yml  handles  how  links  appear  in  the  system  

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function socialmediabar_menu() { return array( 'admin/config/services/socialmediabar' => array( 'title' => 'Social Media Bar Admin', 'description' => 'Set up configuration options for the Social Media Bar', 'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form', 'page arguments' => array('socialmediabar_admin_form'), 'access arguments' => array('administer socialmediabar settings'), ), 'socialmediabar/countproxy' => array( 'title' => 'Social Media Bar Admin', 'page callback' => 'socialmediabar_countproxy', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access arguments' => array('access content'), ), 'socialmediabar/shareproxy' => array( 'page callback' => 'socialmediabar_shareproxy', 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, 'access arguments' => array('access content'), ), ); }

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socialmediabar.admin: path: "/admin/config/services/SocialMediaBar" defaults: _form: "\Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Form\AdminForm" _title: "Social Media Bar Admin" requirements: _permission: "access content" socialmediabar.count_proxy: path: "/socialmediabar/countproxy" defaults: _controller: "\Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Controller\CountProxyController::index" requirements: _access: 'TRUE’


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socialmediabar.admin: title: 'Social Media Bar Admin' parent: system.admin_config_services description: 'Configure the Social Media Bar sharing bar' route_name: socialmediabar.admin

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PSR-4 Autoloading

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What is PSR-4

• Defines  a  folder  structure  so  that  classes  can  be  loaded  on  demand,  instead  of  all  at  once  • Unlike  PSR-­‐0,  allows  shallow  and  split  folders  for  loading  • Much  more  efficient  than  the  the  old  files[]  key  in  .info • No  more  require  at  the  top  of  your  files  • All  of  your  code  will  now  live  in  src/ • All  of  your  code  will  now  properly  namespaced  

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Drupal 8 is turtles objects all the way down

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What is Namespacing?

•  In  PHP,  a  way  to  separate  named  classes  and  ‘bundle’  them  together  • Allows  for  renaming  of  classes  to  avoid  class  name  duplica`on  

namespace Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Controller;

use Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase;

use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase as Base;

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Your Module’s Namespace


Lives  in  




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Why is it under the Drupal namespace?

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Form Objects

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socialmediabar.admin: path: "/admin/config/services/SocialMediaBar" defaults: _form: "\Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Form\AdminForm" _title: "Social Media Bar Admin" requirements: _permission: "access content" socialmediabar.count_proxy: path: "/socialmediabar/countproxy" defaults: _controller: "\Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Controller\CountProxyController::index" requirements: _access: 'TRUE’


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New Structure



‘- SocialMediaBar

+ src/ + Form/ + AdminForm.php +

+ SocialMediaBar.routing.yml

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Form API Changes

•  The  overall  syntax  is  s`ll  the  same  

•  Form  State  is  now  an  objects  instead  of  an  array  • Routes  now  call  forms  using  the  _form  key  instead  of  drupal_get_form()

•  Forms  are  now  Objects,  extending  Drupal\Core\Form\FormBase •  System  forms  now  extend Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase

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System/Config Forms

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namespace Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Form; use Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; class AdminForm extends ConfigFormBase { public function getEditableConfigNames() public function getFormId() public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) }

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Configuration is now Object-Based

•  Injected  into  Controllers  and  forms  • Can  be  accessed  by  \Drupal::config()  if  needed  

• Handled  by  namespaced  areas  of  configura`on  •  socialmediabar.config

• Get    individual  keys  from  the  config,  set  them  to  change  values,  and  save  them  to  commit  the  changes  

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public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $config = $this->config('socialmediabar.config'); $enabled_networks = $config->get('socialmediabar_enabled_networks') ?: []; // ... $form['available_networks']['socialmediabar_enabled_networks'] = array( '#type' => 'checkboxes', '#options' => array( 'facebook' => t('Facebook'), 'twitter' => t('Twitter'), 'linkedin' => t('LinkedIn'), 'googleplus' => t('Google+'), 'email' => t('ShareThis Email'), ), '#default_value' => array_values($enabled_networks), ); // ... }

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public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { parent::submitForm($form, $form_state); $enabled_networks = $form_state->getValue('socialmediabar_enabled_networks'); $cache_time = $form_state->getValue('socialmediabar_cache_time’); $api_key = $form_state->getValue('socialmediabar_sharethis_apikey'); $config = $this->configFactory->getEditable('socialmediabar.config'); $config ->set('socialmediabar_enabled_networks’, $enabled_networks) ->set('socialmediabar_cache_time',$cache_time) ->set('socialmediabar_sharethis_apikey’, $api_key) ->save() ; }

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socialmediabar.admin: path: "/admin/config/services/SocialMediaBar" defaults: _form: "\Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Form\AdminForm" _title: "Social Media Bar Admin" requirements: _permission: "access content" socialmediabar.count_proxy: path: "/socialmediabar/countproxy" defaults: _controller: "\Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Controller\CountProxyController::index" requirements: _access: 'TRUE’


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New Structure



‘- SocialMediaBar

+ src/ + Controller/ + CountProxyController.php +

+ SocialMediaBar.routing.yml

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No More Callback Functions, Use Objects

• MENU_CALLBACK  func`ons  are  now  object::method  signatures  • Controllers  extend  Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase • View  output  is  now  handled  by  Response  Objects  

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namespace Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Controller; use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase; use Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Network\NetworkFactory; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\JsonResponse; class CountProxyController extends ControllerBase { public function index() { $url = \Drupal::request()->get('url'); $provider = \Drupal::request()->get('provider'); $errors = []; // ... if (count($errors)) { return new JsonResponse(['errors' => $errors], 400); } try { $network = NetworkFactory::getNetwork($provider); $count = $network->getCount($url); return new JsonResponse([$provider => ['outbound' => $count]]); } catch (\Exception $e) { return new JsonResponse(['errors' => [$e->getMessage()]], 500); } } }

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New Structure



‘- SocialMediaBar

+ src/ + templates/ + socialmediabar.html.twig +

+ SocialMediaBar.routing.yml

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hook_theme(), booooooooooooo!

• Has  to  live  in  [modulename].module  • Automa`cally  looks  in  the  templates/ folder  for  Twig  files  

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function SocialMediaBar_theme() { return array( 'socialmediabar' => array( 'template' => 'socialmediabar', 'variables' => array('api_key' => NULL, 'networks' => NULL), ), ); }

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Things are attached via #attached

• No  longer  have  drupal_add_css() or  drupal_add_js() • Can  easily  bundle  up  CSS  and  JS  into  ‘libraries’  

•  [modulename].libraries.yml  

• #attached  can  be  used  with  a  render  array,  or  form  descrip`ons  

• hJps://  

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JavaScript settings changes

• Now  called  drupalSettings  instead  of  Drupal.settings • Passed  via  a  drupalSettings  key  on  #attached

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public function render() { $config = \Drupal::config('socialmediabar.config'); $drupalSettings = [ 'apiKey' => $config->get('socialmediabar_sharethis_apikey'), ]; $networks = $config->get('socialmediabar_enabled_networks'); $response = [ '#theme' => 'socialmediabar', '#api_key' => $drupalSettings['apiKey'], '#networks' => $networks, '#attached' => [ 'library' => ['SocialMediaBar/socialmediabar'], 'drupalSettings' => ['socialmediabar' => $drupalSettings], ], ]; return render($response); }

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Twig Extensions

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Twig Extensions

• Allows  func`on  calls  inside  of  a  Twig  file  

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services: socialmediabar.twig.renderer: class: Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Twig\RendererExtension tags: - { name: twig.extension }

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namespace Drupal\SocialMediaBar\Twig; class RendererExtension extends \Twig_Extension { public function getName() { return 'socialmediabar.renderer'; } public function getFunctions() { return [ new \Twig_SimpleFunction('socialmediabar_render', [$this, 'render'], [ 'is_safe' => [true], ]) ]; } public function render() { // ... } }

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Thank You!

hJp://  [email protected]  



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