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产品 PRODUCT CATALOGUE 2016 产品手册.indd 2-3 2016/9/3 18:18:29

updated catalogue 2016.compressed

Feb 18, 2017



Martin Papp
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聪明壶PAPP’S TEA Steeper双层茶杯Double Walled Glass Tea Cup

PAPP'S TEA 落根于北京,是一个致力于重塑茶形象,旨在将世界各地的高品质茶饮与文化带给年轻一代的新锐茶品牌。从世界各地精心挑选,我们拥有中国最好的纯茶叶、进口茶和花草茶。为了充分发挥各种茶叶的不同优势,茶专家于我们的茶研发室调制出了 100% 的纯天然复方茶、茶鸡尾酒以及恐怖茶。

PAPP’S TEA is a contemporary tea brand based in Beijing dedicated to providing the highest quality loose leaf teas in the world.W i t h o u r h e a d q u a r t e r s uniquely positioned in China’s capital, we have direct access to China’s best single-origin teas, as well as imported teas and herbs from all corners of the globe.

We have a designated Tea Lab research center devoted to designing 100% natural functional blends, tea cocktails, and kombucha.We also aim to share accurate and informative tea knowledge with the rest of the world, earn ing our p lace as the leading authority on everything tea.


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PAPP’S TEA 品牌立足的原则之一就是品质。我们采集的每一份散装纯叶茶和我们调制的每一款复方功能茶,都以高品质著称,同时我们也从世界各地搜集品质上乘的茶品及最优质的药草、香料和花茶。为了给人们带来更便捷的饮茶体验,我们在 PAPP’S TEA 茶研发室内尝试了几乎所有的饮茶器具,最终我们定制了符合顾客需求的 PAPP’S TEA 聪明壶和 PAPP’S TEA 计时器,它们在设计上处处都体现着品质,简约和美感。欢迎翻阅 PAPP’S TEA 的产品目录。不如从下一杯茶开始,尝试下PAPP’S TEA 吧。

One of our founding principles is quality. Every single-origin loose-leaf tea we source, and every functional blend we develop is of the highest quality. We have scoured the globe in search of not only the best quality teas but also the finest herbs, spices and flowers. In PAPP’S Tea Lab we have tried and tested all manner of tea accessories to facilitate your tea drinking lifestyle – from our custom designed PAPP’S TEA Steeper to our PAPP’S TEA Timer, they are designed with quality, simplicity and beauty in mind.

Welcome to the PAPP’S TEA Product Catalogue. Make the next cup of tea you drink, a PAPP’S TEA.


Founder PAPP'S TEA


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来自喜马拉雅山南麓的伊拉姆地区,尼泊尔顶级茶叶的生产地。就在印度边境的大吉岭对面,跟这著名的邻居有相似的气候和土壤特征。其茶叶呈棕绿色,醇度中等,有着大吉岭的香甜泥土气息。The Ilam district of Nepal produces exquisite tea from its exclusive location high in the Himalayan Mountains. It’s just across the Indian border from Darjeeling and it shares many similar climate and soil traits of its famous neighbor. Green and brown leaves create this unique Nepal black tea, giving it a Darjeeling-esque scent, medium body, and a sweet earthy flavor.

尼泊尔红茶 NEPAL BLACK TEA尼泊尔白茶 NEPAL WHITE TEA来自尼泊尔喜马拉雅山,生长于 2000 多米的高山茶园,仅在仲夏或深秋生产。传统萎调,不炒不揉,这就是为什么这款茶的叶子表面有一层轻薄的绒毛。这种工艺使它带有天然的淡淡香气与诱人的甜味。富含抗氧化物。这款茶可降血压和胆固醇,提高人体免疫力。特别适宜身体不适者。Growing at altitudes reaching over 2000 meters in the Nepal Himalayan Mountains, this tea is prepared only during mid-summer or late autumn. Rather than being fried or rubbed, the buds are left untouched giving them their white appearance. This form of processing results in a tea that has a natural tantalizing sweetness and a light aroma.

来自印度北部的大吉岭,是印度最珍贵的宝贝。作为高端红茶产业的标准,当之无愧为茶中的奢侈品。由于大吉岭有着肥沃的土壤,高海拔,充足的降水,以及每天早晨覆盖群山的凉爽薄雾,那里产出的都是世界上最好的红茶。大吉岭红茶的味道很强烈,非常适合在冬天喝。如果喜欢甜味,可以加入少许糖。Cultivated in the hills of Northern India, Darjeeling produces some of the finest black teas in the world because of it’s rich soil, high altitude, plentiful rainfall, and the cool foggy mist that covers the hills every morning. Its flavor is strong and robust, great for warming the body in the winter. Feel free to add a dash of sugar if you prefer a sweet flavor profile.


人们普遍认为,茶树源于横跨中国南方、缅甸、阿萨姆邦、老挝和泰国北部的一大片热带丘陵,并在那自然生长了几个世纪。直到中国某历史事件中,有中国人逃到泰国北部,利用制作世界闻名的铁观音的相同技术,用茶树培养出了乌龙茶。快尝试下,看看你能不能品出其中不同。The tea plant, Camellia Sinensis, is believed to originate from a large swath of tropical hills spanning from Southern China into Myanmar, Assam, Laos, and northern Thailand. While it’s grown naturally there for centuries it was not actually cultivated into Oolong until Chinese immigrants fled to northern Thailand during the Chinese Civil War. There they borrowed the same techniques used to make the world famous Tie Guan Yin.


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来自斯里兰卡的中部高地,世界上最大的茶出口国。由于凉爽的天气和高湿度,斯里兰卡红茶有着更微妙的复杂口感。其茶叶细长扭曲,呈深黑色,茶汤呈明亮琥珀色,有着热带雨林的气息。Believe it or not, tiny Sri Lanka is the world’s largest exporter of tea. This particular Sri Lanka black comes from the central highlands where the temperatures are cooler with high humidity allowing for more subtle flavor complexities. These dark black leaves are slender with a twist producing a light amber cup of tea that smells of rainforest.


斯里兰卡是世界上最大的红茶出口国之一。这款茶也是做奶茶的不二之选,加了牛奶的奶茶完全不会刺激肠胃,可以说是早餐茶理所当然的上佳选择。Sri Lanka is one of the largest exporters of black teas in the world. Specifically designed to be mixed with South Asian spices and milk, our Sri Lanka CTC is an excellent base for early morning milk tea with a dash of sugar.


20 世纪初德国移民建立起第一家茶园后,坦桑尼亚开始涉足茶的领域。坦桑尼亚茶颗粒饱满、口味浓重,是制作冰茶的不二之选。几乎所有的坦桑尼亚茶都是红碎茶,经过切割、剥裂、捲揉,变得更容易冲泡和包装。配上少许糖和柠檬汁,就能做出一款上好的冰茶。Tanzania jumped into the tea scene when German settlers in the early 1900s founded the first tea plantations. Tanzanian tea is robust, strong in flavor, and perfectly fit for iced teas. Almost all Tanzanian tea is black CTC (Cut, Torn, and Curled) which allows the tea to be easily steeped and packaged. This type of tea is excellent iced with a pinch of sugar and lemon juice.


含有丰富的维生素和矿物质,是一种草本饮料。巴西马黛茶有轻微的苦味,可以提神,但不会像咖啡那样让你神经亢奋。马黛茶在乌拉圭、巴西、阿根廷已成为标志性茶品,并且已经像野火一样传遍了全世界。适宜追求咖啡因含量适中的饮品的人。Rich in vitamins and minerals, mate is the herbal drink of choice for people needing a healthy diet of caffeine. Slightly bitter in taste, our Brazilian Mate will wake you up but keep you from getting the jitters that coffee drinkers often suffer from. This beverage is a staple fixture in Uruguay, Brazil, Argentina, and has begun to spread like wildfire across the world.


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野生于克罗地亚高山,完全有机。此款茶的蒸青工艺达到了欧洲标准。这款花茶香气清凉,口感柔和甘爽,微微酸。可以改善睡眠,提亮肤色,清喉润肺。自埃及时代以来,洋甘菊就一直被用作治疗花粉热和炎症的药草。它有着苹果的香甜气味,不仅用于饮品,还有食品、化妆品和油。这款洋甘菊是现在市场上最好的洋甘菊,不含咖啡因,助于舒缓神经。Chamomile has been used as a medicinal herb since the Egyptian Era to treat hay fever and inflammation. Its fragrant smell is often associated with that of sweet apple and its flowers are used not only in drinks, but also foods, cosmetics, and oils. This particular Chamomile, grown in Croatia, is the finest Chamomile flowers available on the market today and should ensure a calming, caffeine free experience.

克罗地亚洋甘菊 CROATIA CHAMOMILE带苹果香味的草本植物,口感柔和甘甜。路易博士并非来自于茶树,因此完全不含咖啡因,是很好的传统茶叶替代品。这款茶可改善睡眠和肠胃功能,缓解头疼和过敏性鼻炎,降血压。适宜任何人,尤其是当你不想喝含咖啡因饮料的时候。富含抗氧化剂,路易博士在花草茶中十分出众。只有在南非的一个小区域生长,由于那里进口茶叶费用很高,一开始路易博士是被用来做茶的替代品的。有趣的是,二战时,欧洲的茶叶贸易中断了,而欧洲人又十分喜欢喝茶,路易博士就迅速填补了茶的空白,借此才拓展至全球市场。此后,人们对这健康的芳香草本植物的兴趣也日益增长。With zero caffeine and an abundance of antioxidants, Rooibos is an outstanding member of the herbal tea community. Exclusively grown in a small region in South Africa, Rooibos was originally discovered and used as substitute to tea because of the high cost incurred of importing tea from abroad. Interestingly, Rooibos didn’t really hit the global market until WW2, as thirsty Europeans had their precious tea trade disrupted. Rooibos quickly filled the void and established an ever-growing interest in this healthy aromatic herb.


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我们的新鲜毛峰芽叶来自安徽黄山。这款茶的芽头有白色绒毛,叶子较长,呈深绿色。其口感清新。那里还流传着一个绿茶的传说。一个穷学者和美丽的农场女孩疯狂地相爱了,而女孩的父亲却同意把他的女儿嫁给一个富地主。女孩为了找到她爱人的坟墓,逃了婚。她失控地哭着变成了雨,而男孩的身体变成了茶树。Maofeng comes from Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) in Anhui Province where this Green Tea is legend. After a poor scholar and beautiful farm girl fell madly in love, the young woman’s father consented to marrying his daughter to a wealthy landowner instead. The young girl attempted to escape just before her wedding only to find the grave of her murdered lover, where she wept so uncontrollably that she became rain and the boy’s body a tea tree.


茉莉花和高质量绿茶的混合冲泡时,紧紧缠绕的龙珠舒展开来,就像花蕾开始开放,极具戏剧感。茉莉的花香和味道被茶吸收,使它带有漂亮的颜色和令人愉悦的香味。Jasmine Pearls is a wonderfully theatrical tea that starts with the mixing of jasmine flowers and high quality green tea just as the buds begin to open. The floral scent and taste of jasmine is absorbed into the tea, infusing its especially lovely aroma. The flower buds are removed from the tea but they still create a remarkably beautiful alteration in color and flavor. As you steep, enjoy watching these tightly wound balls of joy uncurl into a playful tea experience.

茉莉龙珠 JASMINE PEARLS GREEN TEA我们的新鲜龙井芽叶来自浙江高山明前头摘春芽,经传统的绿茶制作工艺精制而成。其香气清新,口感爽口鲜甜,富含咖啡因,氨基酸、茶多酚、维生素 C 及其他天然、健康的营养成分。这款茶可提神醒脑,促进新陈代谢,调节内分泌系统,平衡身体机能。适宜燥热体质及工作疲劳者。Dragon Well Green Tea is arguably China’s most well-known product and it is so popular that it has the nickname “China Famous Tea”. Its status in the Middle Kingdom leapt from delicious to legendary when renowned Emperor Qianlong (1735-1796) dedicated the tea to the Qing Dynasty, during a time of enormous prosperity in China. Grown near from one of the country’s truly gorgeous locations, Dragon Well has a memorably fresh sweetness that tastes of vitality.The mountainous areas near West Lake in Hangzhou have frequent cloud cover produced by a mixture of warm and cold air that is ideal for producing premium tea.


信阳茶区是中国的古老茶区,产茶历史悠久。一般认为起于距今 2000 多年的东周时期,唐朝时信阳已盛产茶叶。信阳毛尖茶作为传统名茶,因其外形条索紧秀、圆直有峰、白毫满披而得名“毛尖”,又因产于信阳故名“信阳毛尖”。Xinyang has a tea Located in southern Henan Province, Xinyang is a place with a mild climate and good conditions for growing trees that produce the tea's unique quality: Xinyang tea trees are planted at high altitudes where the weather is clearly divided by four distinct seasons. history dating back to 2300 years ago – in 1987, at Gushi County of Xinyang, tea was discovered in an ancient tomb. In the past century, Xinyang Maojian has been considered one of the 10 best teas in China.


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来自福建福鼎 , 以大白茶或水仙种等优良茶树品种的春茶为原料 , 只取肥壮单芽二叶 , 而且芽、一叶、二叶均要有白色茸毛 , 即“三白”, 属白茶中的上上品。茶如其名 , 叶中央抱着一点银白色的毫心 , 泡水后即会舒展开来 , 如同初放的牡丹一般美丽动人。香气清新怡人 , 口感爽口新鲜 , 汤色黄亮。Picked in the spring from good varieties of tea trees from Fuding, Fujian, China, this tea has strong and healthy buds with a gentle fuzz. It has a premier grade among white teas. The plucked single bud and two young leafs create silver hearts that open in hot water, as beautiful as blossoming peonies like its name. This light and natural tea gives off fresh and pleasant aroma with a refreshing taste.


也称作“月光美人”。主要来自云南思茅地区。据传,采摘时间在子夜至次日日出,只取一芽一叶的大片茶树鲜叶。采后将茶叶摊开风晾,不重叠。每批茶叶的初制在一日内完成,不得见日光,因而获得此名。采制方法独特,工艺流程对外秘而不宣。这款茶的叶子正面呈黑色,背面呈白色,黑白相间,芽头白亮。口感柔和香甜,回甘。这款茶可缓解肝火旺盛。Also called ‘Moonlight Beauty’, this white hails mainly from Simao, Yunnan. It’s said that it’s harvested after midnight and before sunrise. Only fresh, strong, and healthy single buds are picked and then dried by wind without any leaf coverage. The initial process has to be done within one day without being exposed to sunlight, which is why it gains this name. The special techniques are kept secret. The front sides of the tea leaves are black while the back side is white. The top of the buds is white and bright. It tastes smooth and sweet with a light aroma. This tea also eases an angry liver.


凤凰单枞乌龙茶 PHOENIX OOLONG TEA花香清扬,口感甘醇丰富。这款茶可提神醒脑,促进新陈代谢,调节气色。特别适宜刚开始尝试喝茶的人。From Phoenix Mountain in the Chaozhou realm, Guangdong Province, China, this tea, has an extremely low yield and produces a blast of fresh floral aroma mixed with a punchy sweetness. Not only does it awaken the senses and boost the metabolism, this tea also helps clear your complexion. This is an excellent starter tea for someone just jumping into the tea-drinking scene!

来自铁观音发源地安溪的高海拔。轻发酵,轻摇青。形轻条索,呈乌绿色,花香浓郁持久,汤色金黄明亮,口感鲜爽醇厚。富含氨基酸、维生素和茶多酚,这款茶可清热降火、润肺清毒、美容抗衰老。From high altitudes in Anxi, the origin of Tieguanyin, this tea is slightly fermented and rocked. The leaves are light in strip, purple green in color, producing a bright golden cup of tea that gives off a blast of fresh floral aroma with a refreshing and dark taste. Rich in amino acids, vitamin and tea polyphenols, it clears heat and fire, moistens lung, detoxes, beautifies complexion and slows down aging.

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在宋朝(960-1279)首次被饮用,菊花茶尝起来像温暖的夏日微风,甜蜜而愉快。泡开时就像鲜花在跳舞,仿佛在梦中。在传统中药里,菊花属寒性。这款茶可减少身体炎症,帮助防止喉咙痛,减轻发热,放松神经。菊花对多种器官有好处,包括肺部、肾脏、肝脏和脾脏。First drunk during the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Chrysanthemum Tea tastes like a warm summer breeze, both lightly sweet and pleasurable. When brewed, it creates a lovely dance of flowers that flow about as if in a dream. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chrysanthemum is known as a “cooling” herb. It reduces body inflammation, helps prevents sore throat, lowers fever, and relaxes nerves. Chrysanthemum benefits a variety of organs including the lungs, kidneys, liver, and spleen.


金骏眉基本上沿袭了正山小种传统的制造工艺 , 金骏眉红茶制作采用桐木村正山小种鲜芽,茶叶口感绵甜,十分耐泡,可连续冲泡 12 次后口感依然保持饱满甘甜,以纯芽尖制成,是福建高端红茶的代表,现已成为中国红茶中最为昂贵的品种之一。

pinyin: jīn jùn méi; literally: "golden beautiful eyebrow", is a lapsang souchong black tea from Wuyishan City, Fujian Province, China. It is made from two small shoots[clarification needed] plucked in early spring from the plant's stem which are subsequently fully oxidised and then smoked to giving a tea that has a sweet, fruity and flowery flavour with a long lasting sweet after-taste. The brew is bright reddish in colour.


云南红茶,创制于民国年间。来自云南南部与西南地区,平均海拔 1000 米以上。晴天时早晚遍地薄雾,阴雨时山间云雾缭绕。此款茶叶外形肥硕紧实,香气浓郁,汤色红艳,口感浓烈醇厚,回味悠长。其多酚类化合物、生物碱等成分含量,居中国茶叶之首。Black tea from Yunnan that was created during the Republic years. Dianhong is from southern and southwestern Yunnan, where the average height is over 1000m. The foggy mist is everywhere on sunny days and the clouds and mist drift through the mountains on rainy days. This bright red tea with strong and healthy leaves gives off a strong aroma with a dark long aftertaste. Its content of polyphenols and alkaloid is the highest among Chinese teas.

滇红茶 DIANHONG BLACK TEA很多人会误认为普洱是一个单独的茶系,但实际上普洱属于黑茶的一种。在云南省的密林深处,普洱天然生长了几千年。因此它与种植园内高度及腰的茶树有明显区别。其味醇回甘,富含矿物质和有机物。这款茶可提高人体免疫力。属于热性,不适宜经期女性以及刚刚病愈的人。Often confused as its own category of tea, Pu’er is actually a region that produces dark tea. Deep in the forests of Yunnan Province, this tea has grown naturally for thousands of years. With a strong dark taste, this tea is rich in minerals and organic compounds that boost the immune system.


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白茶富含氨基酸和类黄酮,可以更好地滋润你的喉咙。这款茶可消炎,其蒸气也能为你带来更舒缓通畅的呼吸。只要你的喉咙感到轻微的不适,一杯好声音就是你最需要的!Our White tea is rich in amino acids, full of flavonoids and perfect for reducing inflammation in the throat. If your throat is feeling even the slightest bit sore, a cup of our Throat Soother Tea is exactly what you need.



这些原料混合在一起可以调节内分泌,养血安神,补中益气,将你的皮肤变得更好,富有光泽。呵护你的皮肤,就从一杯花容茶开始吧!These combined ingredients work together to improve blood circulation, regulates the endocrine system, and further brighten and beautify one's complexion. Be smart about your skin - sip on a cup of your very own Skin Smart Tea.



Rich in vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium and dietary fiber, mate is also called ‘Liquid Salad’ and ‘Miracle Tea’. Its caffeine will wake you up but keep you from getting the jitters, promote your metabolism, beautify your complexion, and also reduce fat and pressure. Combined with just the right blend of sour and refreshing lemon, sweet osmanthus, and mild chamomile, its vitamins and minerals activate the body’s enzymatic system. This tea helps you become your dynamic self!


专门为降脂减肥而发明。其香气淡雅柔和,口感醇和饱满。茯砖茶和普洱茶都是黑茶,属于后发酵茶类,其茶多酚类等刺激性物质经微生物作用转为柔醇物质,富含茶多糖、茶纤维等。茯砖更是富含金花菌及其发酵产物。再加上“荷叶减肥,令人瘦劣”,这款茶具有良好的降糖降压,代谢脂肪和控制体重的功效。This combination produces a hearty blast of full flavored aroma and robust flavor. Fu Brick dark tea is stimulat- ing due to its natural polyphenols, polysaccharides, fiber, and jinhua fungus. Combined with lotus leaf, it is uniquely balanced to reduce blood sugar levels, metabolize fat, and control weight.

专门为缓解风寒感冒症状而发明。这款茶香气甘甜,可促进新陈代谢、驱寒暖胃,帮你从鼻塞等症状中早日解脱出来,迅速进入到工作状态。性温,适宜体质寒凉者。We have designed our Get Well Tea specifically to relieve the effects of a cold. It is perfectly balanced to boost your metabolism, fend off a stomachache, and revive you from the depths of cold and sinus issues. One cup of this tea and you will be back to work in no time.


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Our Study Tea is the perfect formula to promote your metabolism, refresh your senses, and give you that little kick that lets you focus in on your work or studies. Our Study Tea has a refreshing and cool aroma with a soft and sweet taste and is a fantastic drink for those looking to get some work done.

以路易博士茶为基茶,将菊花与重瓣红玫瑰混合,可以放松神经,红枣干含有丝丝甜味,再加入少量的肉桂,其口感柔和甘甜,不含任何咖啡因。这款茶可缓解紧张焦虑的情绪,令人心情变好。With a South African Rooibos base, our Chill-Out Tea contains absolutely no caffeine and is therefore perfect for relaxing. Combined with chamomile, rose to relax the nerves, dried red dates for sweetness, and a sprinkling of cinnamon, one cup of this tea will free all one’s anxieties and heighten your mood. With a sweet aroma and a soft taste, this is a tea for anyone and everyone.




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洛神花 Hibiscus

薄荷 Mint

薰衣草 Lavender

薰衣草 Bodhi Leaf

矢车菊 Blue Corn Flower

玫瑰 Rose

花草成分 / Herbal Ingredients

黑茶 Dark Tea

红茶 Black Tea

乌龙茶 Oolong Tea

绿茶 Green Tea

路易博士 Rooibos

马黛 Mate

洋甘菊 Chamomile

全球精选 / World Teas & Herbal

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我们选取的马萨拉茶源于尼泊尔首都加德满都 , 在那儿 调配马萨拉茶是日常活动。我们将此引入中国 , 跟我们 特别的配料混在一起 , 调制出这款完美的马萨拉茶。Our fascinating Chai was discovered in the capital of Nepal, Kathamndu, where blending spices for their chai masala tea is a daily routine. We then brought this blend to China and mixed in a few of our own special ingredients to make the perfect brew of Chai Masala.


伯爵红茶是世界上最流行的饮品之一。其茶叶较长 , 呈 深色 , 其清香和独特的佛手柑油味道为你带来奢华的茶 饮体验。它来自斯里兰卡一个最古老的茶工厂之一 , 位 于马特勒南部一个很漂亮的村庄。这是在英国统治下的 1920 年 , 一个勇敢的斯里兰卡人在许多约束和障碍下建 立了这个工厂。Light and fragrant and with a distinctive bergamot flavor, this single estate Earl Grey is one of the world's most fashionable drinks assuring a deluxe tea experience. This tea, with its long dark leaves, is from one of the oldest tea factories in Sri Lanka. The estate is located in the Southern Matara district in a very pleasant and beautiful village termed the ‘Thalagaha’. In the year 1920, a brave and courageous Sri Lankan named D.A. Wanigasekara Mohotti developed the tea factory amidst many constraints and obstacles placed under British rule.


英式早茶是世界各地红茶的独特混茶,已成为英国人日常生活的一部分。它和面包、蜂蜜或牛奶很配。它的名字有点令人误解,因为最初的组合是 1843 年一个叫理查德·戴维斯的茶商在美国创造出来的。English Breakfast Black Tea is a unique blend of black teas from all over the world and has established itself as part of the British daily life. It goes well with bread and honey or mixed with milk. The English Breakfast name can be a bit deceiving because the original combination was created in 1843 in the United States by a tea merchant named Richard Davies.

英式早茶 English Breakfast Black Tea玄米茶营养丰富 , 由绿茶和玄米混合而成 , 也称作“爆米花 茶”。它既保持有茶叶的自然香气 , 又增添了炒米的芳香。 据说 , 日本人喝玄米茶始于第二次世界大战之前。当时日本 人在庆祝活动时都要敲碎米饼以示庆祝 , 可仪式结束后这些 米饼就没用了。一名茶商觉得可惜 , 就将这些米饼炒熟之后 混在茶叶中饮用。Also known as “Popcorn Tea”, Genmaicha is a hearty tea that blends green tea with roasted rice. Created in Japan, Genmaicha was originally consumed by the lower class. By using rice as filler and using bancha leaves instead of the more expensive sencha leaves, the cost of a cup of Genmaicha was relatively inexpensive. Over time however, this tasty beverage grew in popularity and sophistication, mostly thanks to the Japanese hipster crowd. Genmaicha is now consumed all over Japan.


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来自中国最大的抹茶种植生产基地 , 上世纪六十年 代便垦为茶园。特殊良种奥绿种和薮北种茶树皆从 日本引种 , 专为生产制作高档抹茶。对茶园实行大 棚覆盖 , 让茶叶中叶绿素和氨基酸含量升高 , 保证 茶叶的鲜嫩度 , 降低苦涩味。This comes from China’s largest Matcha tea plantation. Started in the 1960’s, among the 4 million tea trees in this garden are the special varieties Aolu and Soubei, which were brought from Japan for the specific purpose of making high-class Matcha. Grain Rain, called Guyu, is the traditional time in spring for picking tea in China. About 20 days earlier, tea planters add a cover to the Matcha tea garden to create a greenhouse effect designed to increase chlorophyll and amino acids, which helps guarantee the tenderness level and reduce bitterness. Today’s modern Matcha process makes a superior product that is organic, even, and stable.


茶口味众多,对人体也有诸多益处。在 PAPP’S TEA,我们进一步尝试将精选的世界顶级花草、香料与茶进行科学的配比混合,研制出我们特有的复方功能茶。我们为我们能采集到世界各地最优质的原材料而自豪,巴基斯坦的玫瑰一枝独秀,法国的薰衣草独领风骚,巴西的马黛品质上乘。The flavors and health benefits from tea are extensive; but here at PAPP’S TEA we take things one step further by combin ing tea leaves with an unrivaled selection of herbs, spices and flowers in our Tea Lab to create our Functional Blends. We pride ourselves in sourcing the best ingredients from the country producing the best stuff. Nothing is quite like our rose from Pakistan, France makes hands-down the best lavender, and our chosen mate is Brazil’s best.


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桂花生长于中国南方,花色呈金黄,味甘,富有香气,口感滑润。我们在调制复方茶以及茶鸡尾酒时经常加入桂花。桂花富含维生素 B3 和


Osmanthus is a yellow-golden flower grown in Southern China. It has deli-ciously sweet, floral, and buttery flavor. We use Osmanthus in both our tea blends and our Osmanthus Tequila tea cocktail. Osmanthus is rich in vitamin B-3 and polyphenol antioxidants.


说起柠檬草的味道 --- 当然是柠檬香啦。这款来自泰国、口味醇厚的柠檬草对于降血脂和血糖都有神奇功效,同时也可以祛痰、清肺止咳,如果你咳得十分厉害,请试试将柠檬草与金银花混合的


So lemongrass tastes… well, lemony. From Thailand, this pungent variety of lemongrass is great for lowering cholesterol and blood sugar as well as clearing out phlegm in your throat and lungs. If you are coughing up a storm, please drink some lemongrass tea in addition to a touch of honeysuckle.




Our lavender is classy, fragrant, and slightly bitter in taste. Imported from France, lavender is an excellent addition to an herbal tea with the ability to calm the nerves, lower blood pressure, and even improve sleep.




Hibiscus from Nigeria is quite sour in taste but can make a killer iced tea! If consumed when hot, be careful to not add too much otherwise you are in for an expression like the one you make when you were a child tasting Bai Jiu for the first time. But don’t worry; hibiscus can actually be a great beverage to alleviate hangovers.

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Naturally grown the United States, our mint is organic and admirably bold in flavor. Mint comes in many varieties and our mint is actually a variety of peppermint.Peppermint is a basic crossbreed of watermint and spearmint and is great for dispersing body heat, alleviating skin irritations and cooling one’s throat.



Stevia was discovered in South America and has been used as a natural sweetener for hundreds of years. The stevia leaf is a great substitute to sugar because while it’s extremely sweet, it does not affect one’s blood glucose levels. We recommend stevia to be steeped in small quantities with other herbs because it’s not suitable to be steeped on it’s own due to its overly sweet properties.


矢车菊Blue Corn Flower



Rose is grown in many regions of the world but there’s nothing quite like the variety we source from Pakistan. Its rich bittersweet flavor makes it an excellent supplement to a dark base such as Puer tea or Rooibos. Rose improves blood circulation, is excellent for the skin, and brightens the senses.



Our Blue Corn Flower, sourced from Albania, is light in flavor making it a great visual addition to your tea without affecting the taste. This flower is known to induce a relaxing mood, help digestion, and reduce digestive pains.

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Kombucha, a fermented tea beverage naturally carbonated and served cold, is the new rage in healthy living. High in probiotics and healthy acids, Kombucha is great for detoxing and improving the micro flora in our digestive systems. As we specialize in organic high quality teas, we are capable of producing the finest Kombucha in the world. We know that may sound outlandish, but most Kombucha on the market is brewed with mid-grade tea convenient for large batch brewing. We pride ourselves in brewing the highest quality, fullest flavor, raw Kombucha teas ever tasted.


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致力于从本质上将泡茶方式进行革新,聪明壶几年前在美国首次登场即惊艳四座。这是目前为止我们见过的最坚固、最方便、最易清洗的茶壶。请相信我们,在 PAPP’S 茶研发室里我们试过了数十个茶壶,这始终是性能最好的一款。要是你看到

这些可爱的聪明壶,你肯定会毫不犹豫地要把它们带走。Rooted in the belly of tea innovation, this steeper stole the show when it made its debut in the United States a few years ago. It’s by far the most sturdy, convenient, easy to clean tea steeper we have ever come across. And trust us, we have tested dozens of steepers and teapot contraptions at PAPP’S Tea Lab and this was an outstanding performer from start to finish. Once you see one of these puppies in action you will undoubtedly be taking one home with you.


让你的茶又干净又纯,不用怕吃到它们了。Attached to your own mug are you? No problem, with the addition of our Tea Strainer, tea steeping can take place in the mug of your choice. This strainer will keep your tea tasting clean and pure, trapping unwanted leaves and particles inside the filter, and out of your mouth.

聪明壶PAPP’S TEA Steeper

双层茶杯Double Walled Glass Tea Cup

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