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Mohamed Rasheed Blogger Monday, May 14, 2012 Wazeefa This the most powerful wazifa on this whole website. Nothing is more powerful than this. Anyone who will do this wazifa will come under direct supervision of Allah himself. He will never ever and i mean never ever have any problems in his life. He will be shown the right way by Allah and he will never go astray in his Din. He will see the future in his dreams and Allah will tell him every thing that is about to happen with him before hand. He will never have to ask any one for anything. what ever he needs Allah will provide. What ever he wants is Allah's responsibility personally. No enemy will be able to harm him. No black magic will work on him. Everyone who will see him will respect him. Basically what ever you want will be provided. You will wish in your heart for some thing and it will happen. Angels of Bismillah will start to stay with you 24 hours a day on orders of Allah. After some time they will start to advise you on what to do and what not to do. You will hear them in your heart as they will put thoughts in your mind. It will also protect you from yourself. If what you want is not good for you, Bismillah will not let you do it. You cannot use it to marry any particular person as wazifas to marry a person are forbidden and haram in islam. You can only ask Allah to marry you to a suitable person and not to a person of your choice. Bismillah contains names of Our Holy Prophet (sallal la ho alai hey wa sallam), first four Caliphs, Sayyeda Fatima (RA), Sayyedina Imam Hasan and Sayyedina Imam Hussain. It also contains the whole of Quran in it. This wazifa is the king of all wazifas.

Unverified Wazifas

Aug 17, 2015




Unverified Wazifas
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Mohamed Rasheed BloggerMonday, May 14, 2012Wazeefa This the most powerful wazifa on this whole website. Nothing is more powerful than this. Anyone who will do this wazifa will come under direct supervision of Allah himself. He will never ever and i mean never ever have any problems in his life. He will be shown the right way by Allah and he will never go astray in his in. He will see the future in his dreams and Allah will tell him every thing that is about to happen with him before hand. He will never have to as! any one for anything. what ever he needs Allah will provide. "hat ever he wants is Allah#s responsibility personally. No enemy will be able to harm him. No blac! magic will wor! on him. $veryone who will see him will respect him. Basically what ever you want will be provided. %ouwill wish in your heart for some thing and it will happen. Angels of Bismillah will start to stay with you &' hours a day on orders of Allah. After some time they will start to advise you on whatto do and what not to do. %ou will hear them in your heart as they will put thoughts in your mind.(t will also protect you from yourself. (f what you want is not good for you) Bismillah will not letyou do it. %ou cannot use it to marry any particular person as wazifas to marry a person are forbidden and haram in islam. %ou can only as! Allah to marry you to a suitable person and not to a person of your choice.Bismillah contains names of *ur Holy +rophet ,sallal la ho alai hey wa sallam-) first four .aliphs) /ayyeda 0atima ,RA-) /ayyedina (mam Hasan and /ayyedina (mam Hussain. (t also contains the whole of 1uran in it.This wazifa is the !ing of all wazifas.(t is a forever wazifa. Meaning you must read it everyday at a set time if possible. (f you cannot do it at a set time 2ust read it when ever you can. %ou can also do it half one time and half another time. "omen should continue reading it even during periods ,special days-. (f you miss your wazifa one day for some reason please read it double the ne3t day. %ou will see its effects after one wee!. o not tell your dreams to any one and do not tell people that you are doing this wazifa./end all savab4Hasana of this wazifa everyday to *ur Holy +rophet ,sallal la ho alai hey wa aale hi sallam-) /ayyedina Maulana Rumi ,Rehmatullah Alaih- and all 5mmat. o a dua after sending the savab. "azifa will not wor! if you dont do that.arood4/alavat 66 timesBismillah hir rehman nir rehim 6777 timesarood4/alavat 66 timesThen everyday do a dua for your ha2at4wish if you want) though you will not need to do it. 8ust thin!ing about your problem is enough. "atch how it will change your life completely. +9$A/$ N*T$ THAT TH$ N(%$T4(NT$NT(*N 0*R TH(/ "A:(0A (/ A99AH/ RA:A AN N*T %*5R +R*B9$M/. (0 %*5 AR$ *(N; TH(/ "A:(0A %*5 * N*T N$$ AN% *TH$R "A:(0A. (0 %*5 /TART TH(/ "A:(0A %*5 /H*59 /T*+ R$A(N; A99 *TH$R "A:(0A/. %*5 .AN *N9% * *TH$R "A:(0A/ (0 %*5R (NT$NT(*N (/ 0*R A99AH/ RA:A AN N*T 0*R AN% HA8AT. (n 1uran at several places Allah tal!s about the !nowledge of the boo!. This is the secret !nowledge that all Aulia Allah are given as a gift. (n 1uran Allah says about Hz Asif bin ber!hia ,Alaihis salam- ) the "izier of +rophet /ayyedina /ulaiman ,Alaihis /alam- that .Meaning Hz Asif Bin Ber!hia ,Alaihis salam- who was a 2in) used that !nowledge to bring the throne. +lease note that according to hadis revealing that !nowledge is !ufur ,0orbidden- in islam.(f you want to learn this secret !nowledge this is what you do. 0or '6 nights after $sha salah alone in a dar! room) read this ayet 677 times every night) from 1uran chap ?7

arood4/alavt 66 times before and after the wazifa.*n the '6st night some one will appear in front of you. o not be scared. He will not harm you at all. As! him that you want to learn the ,(lim ul Aitab-) !nowledge of the boo!. He will teach you(f %our children are not obedient or dont listen to you please read this every dayBarood4/elavat 66 times/urah Al Ah!af) Ayet no 6C...........D? timesarood4/elavat 66 timesThen do a dua everyday. (nshallah with few wee!s they will all become very obedient to you.(n a mos=ue for men and at home for women. After every salah4namaz do a sa2da and in the sa2daread /urah fatiha once only.(n the sa2da when you come to . Repeat it &6 times. then complete the /urah and raise your head from the sa2da. Then do a dua for your Ha2at. %ou must do this after every salah4namaz. This vazifa is small ta!es &E? minutes and is very powerful. .ontinue until your Ha2at is given. (nshallah it will happen within a wee!.(f you thin! that you have blac! magic on you and you have all indications that it is blac! magic then readarood4/alavat 66 times/urah taha Ayet no FG and FH......677 times ,Read them together as one ayet-arood4/alavat 66 timeso a dam ,blow- on water and give it to the person who has blac! magic or you can drin! the water yourself. o this for 66 days e3actly. o not read any other wazifa or dua during this time. ( mean the person who has blac! magic on him and the person who is reading the wazifa for him) both of them will not read any other wazifa or dua during this period.(f you thin! the magic has been done to your whole family please ma!e everyone drin! it and as!them not to read any other dua or wazifa during these 66 days. (nshallah after 66 days the blac! magic will disappear.Allah will help you in a secret way that even u will be surprised.$veryday after $sha /alah66 times arood4/alavatAyet !arima C6 times...,la ilaha illa anta subhana!a inni !unto minaz zalimeen-66 times arood4/alavat Then do a dua. This is wazifa which you can do for any ha2at or always do it for all ha2ats and problems(f you ever get into a situation where you have no money or a 2ob and it is about to effect your honour do the following to loo! for a 2ob.Read arood4/alawat Ta2 ,%ou can find it at the bottom of this page- after every /alah4Namaz D times and after $isha /alah4Namaz 676 times. $very day you must go out and loo! for a 2ob actively. This is the condition of the vazife. o this for ? days. (f you do not find a 2ob in ? days on the 'th day after 0a2r /alah4Namaz start reading arood4/alawat Ta2 and !eep on reading it until someone comes and give you the news that you have a 2ob.(t wor!s li!e a bullet for getting a 2ob in ? days"hen a /ahabi complained about being poor the +rophet Rasullul lah ,/allal laho alihe "a aalehi wa sallam- advised him to the following.$very time you enter the house whether it is empty or not say in loud voiceAs salam o ali!um wa rehmatullahe wa bara!atuhooRead any raood4/alavat onceRead /urah i!hlas ? timesAllah will increase your riz! immensely. The +rophet Rasullul lah ,/allal laho alihe "a aalehi wa sallam- said even if you enter the house D7 times in a day do this procedure.%ou must do this all in loud enough voice. /uch a easy way to becoming rich and no effort is you ever want to become richI. "ell here is the wazifa. "ho so ever will do it will become rich. After $sha /alah read J%a musabe bal asbabeJ C77 times. arood4/alawat 66 times before and after the wazifa. But the condition is that you must read it outside with nothing on your head. No cap no scarf no Hi2ab no tree no shade no roof. This vazife is considered to be i!seer for riz!. "ithin days you will become rich."arningB As!ing Allah for money you don#t need is very dangerous. %ou can loose your iman as more money than you need can lead to temptations. (nstead of as!ing for more money you should use the dua of our beloved +rophet ,/allal laho alihey wa aalehi wasaalam- which ( wrotehere. %ou can find it in all boo!s. +lease use the Arabic version for correct pronunciation.JAllahumma A!feni be halale !a un harame!a wa aghneni be fadle!a am man siva!JRead /urah Tehreem everyday once. if your loan is as big as mountain it will be paid off.+lease read arood 66 times before and after and then do a dua every day.o this once and insallah you will get married. Man or a woman this is for both. This is especially for those people who can not do a wazifa for some reason."eigh yourself in !ilos. Buy rice e3actly the same as your weight. (f you are for e3ample G7.C7 !ilos buy G7.C7 !ilo of rice. Any =uality of rice will do. Throw the rice in the sea (f possible or inthe river if you donKt live near a sea. This is sada!a to the sea animals. 8ust do it once. (nsallah you will get married with 6E& months. Before throwing the rice do a dua. arood4/alavat 66 times then your dua to get married and then arood4/alavat 66 times. Then throw the rice in the sea. ThatKs all. Best is to throw in the sea if not then a river. 8ust wait after that. (nsallah all will happen in 6E& months.(f your husband or your wife or your children or anyone does not love you for any reason) please read the following66 times arood DGF times full bismillah 66 times darood. Blow on water and give it to the person whom you want to love you. He will start loving you.(n case of the whole family fighting with each other everyone should drin! this water. %ou can also do this for your children who are disrespectful towards you or do not loo! after you. +lease continue for D days at least.o this for D days non stopTa!e a ;husul ,bath- every day before the wazifa. "ear freshly washed clothes every day. Ma!e sure you have not worn those clothes after washing. %ou can wear different clothes each day but they must be freshly washed. Then do & ra!at salah. Read /urah (!hlas once in each ra!at.After the /alah4namaz get up and while standing read any arood4/alavat 66 times. then ,AllahKs name- ?777 times.Then arood4/alavat 66 times and do a dua for yourself%ou will not sit during the wazifa. *n the 'th day you will read C777 times but sitting down. Meaning you will not stand up after the salah4namaz on this days only. All other days you will do the wazifa standing up.*n the 'th Cth Fth and Dth day you will read it C777 times each day./o in total you will read &H777 times in one wee!.(f you are thin!ing it is a very big wazifa) it is not. (t ta!es C minutes to read 6777 times. The whole wazifa ta!es not more than &C minutes.NoteB o not read it more than D days for the same Ha2at.%ou may continue reading it without the conditions if you li!e. (f you !eep on reading it everyone who will see you will respect you immensely.According to Hadis solution to all problems lie in /urah fatiha. This is how you read it.arood4/alavat 66 times(n between sunnet and fard of fa2r /alah ,Namaz- Read /urah 0atiha '6 timesBut each time you read you will 2oin bismillah with /urah 0atiha li!e thisBismillah hir rahman nir rehi mil hamdo lilah hay rabbil aalimeenHere ( have 2oined the the end of "hoever enters a mar!et and saysBP9aa ilaaha ill Allah waHdahu laa sharee!a lah) lahul mul!u wa lahul Hamdu yuHyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot) bi yadihil !hayr) wahuwa Palaa !ulli shayKin =adeerKYThere is nothing worthy of worship but Allah) He is alone without partner) to Him belongs the dominion and the praise) he causes life and death and He is the 9iving *ne and will never die. (n His Hand is all good) and He is over all things capable.ZAllah will write for him a million good deeds) erase a million of his bad deeds and build for him a house in 8annah .>And in another narration) which is also classed as hasan) instead of mentioning that Allah will build a house in 8annah) it states)>and he will be raised one million levels.> YTirmidhiZ.AlsoB$arn *X$R *ne Million good deeds in 2ust C minutes this Ramdhan(ts X$R% easy to $arn C77 good deeds a day in Ramadhan.(f you were to manage C77 good deeds every day of Ramadan) you would receive ,D7 times C77 [ ?C777- multiplied by ?7 daysLLL.6)7C7)777 deedsW *ne million fifty thousand deedsW8ust say /ubhanallah 677 times) Alhamdullilah 677 times) Allahu A!bar 677 times) 9a ilaha il Allah 677 times and Astaghfar allah 677 times.(magine how much we can earn by doing M5.H more than thisWAlsoBHeres another BR(99(AAANT one whenever you go the the mar!et. (n modern day terms if you ever go to the shops) supermar!et) high street or shopping centre or mallB*n the authority of Abdullah ibn P5mar that the +rophet said)>"hoever enters a mar!et and saysBP9aa ilaaha ill Allah waHdahu laa sharee!a lah) lahul mul!u wa lahul Hamdu yuHyi wa yumeetu wa huwa Hayyun laa yamoot) bi yadihil !hayr) wahuwa Palaa !ulli shayKin =adeerKThere is nothing worthy of worship but Allah) He is alone without partner) to Him belongs the dominion and the praise) he causes life and death and He is the 9iving *ne and will never die. (n His Hand is all good) and He is over all things capable.ZAllah will write for him a million good deeds) erase a million of his bad deeds and build for him a house in 8annah .>And in another narration) which is also classed as hasan) instead of mentioning that Allah will build a house in 8annah) it states)>and he will be raised one million levels.> YTirmidhiZ.Abu /aKid ,ra- said that Rasullilah ,salalahi alahi wasalam- said) "hoever says one hundred times in a dayB

, ,Muslim-A +hrase that .omes with Rewards in the M(99(*N/B*n the authority of Abdullah ibn P5mar that the +rophet saidB Another version saysB ,Narrated by alETirmidhi) &H67-/urah 0athiha The Mother of the 1urKan and a cure for every diseaseAbu /ulaiman says that once a group of .ompanions were in an e3pedition ,ghazwa- when they happened to come across an epileptic person) who was unconscious. *ne of the .ompanions recited /urah AlE0atiha and blew in his ear. The epileptic person immediately cured. "hen /ayyidana Muhammad ,+eace be upon him- was informed of this) he saidB MThis narration has been recorded by AthEThuaKlbi from Abu /ulaiman) who narrated it from Muawiya bin /aleh ,RA-) Tafseer Mazhari 6B?6N/urah Mul! which protects one from the Torment of the ;rave(t was narrated that Abdullah ibn MasKud saidB "hoever reads Tabara!allahi Biyadihil Mul! Mi.e. /urah alEMul!N every night) Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Messenger of Allah ,+eace be upon him- we used to call it alEmaniKah ,that which protects-. (n the Boo! of Allah it is a surah which) whoever recites it every night has done very well. ,anENasaKi-/urah :ilzalah worth half of the 1urKanAbdullah (bn PAbbas and Anas (bn Mali! ,Ra- reported that the +rophet ,+eace be upon him- said) P"hoever recited /urah :ilzilah ,HH- would get the reward of reciting half the 1urKan. "hoever recited /urah al Aaafirun ,67H- would get a reward as if reading a =uarter of the 1urKan. "hoever recited /urah al (!hlas ,66&-would get a reward as if reading one third of the 1urKanK. ,AtETirmidhi &G6G4A-/urah (!lhas worth a third of the 1urKanAbu /aKid alEAhudri ,RA- reported that the Messenger of Allah ,+eace be upon him- said to his .ompanions) That was difficult for them and they said) ,Tirmizhi) who says it is a hasan gharib hadith-Abu Hurairah also reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) they as!ed. The +rophet) peace be upon him) replied) ,Reported by Ahmad with a sound chain of authorities-8abir reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) ,Reported by NasaKi) (bn Ma2ah) and AlEHa!im) who considers its chain sound-Xolume ') +age 67?B $3cellence of Tasbih) Tahmid) Tahlil) Ta!bir and *ther /upplicationsAbu Hurairah reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) ,Muslim) Bu!hari) and Tirmizhi- Abu Hurairah also reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) ,Muslim and Tirmizhi-Abu :harr reported) This is narrated by Muslim and Tirmizhi. (n TirmizhiKs version) we also find the followingB 8abir reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) The +rophet) peace be upon him) replied) AtETa!bir) ,/aying Allahu a!bar i.e.) Allah is the greatest- AtETahlil) ,/aying la ilaha illEAllah) i.e.) there is no god but Allah- AtETasbih) ,/aying subhanEAllah meaning) $3alted and far removed is Allah from any wea!ness- alEhamdu liEAllah) ,This meansB All praise belongs to Allah alone- and la hawla wala =uwwata illa billah. ,There is no power nor any authority e3cept with the permission of Allah- This is reported by AnENasaKi and AlEHa!im) who consider its chain of authorities sound.Abdallah reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) /amura ibn 8undab reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) Thereupon the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) ,The reference here is to recitation of /urah 66& ,/uratul (!hlas- of the 1urKan) which the +rophet) peace be upon him) described as e=uivalent to reciting oneEthird of the 1urKan. This hadith is reported by Bu!hari) Muslim) and NasaKi-Abu Hurairah reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) said) ,Reported by the .ompilers of the /unan and AlEHa!im) who says it is a sound hadith according to the criterion of Muslim-(bn P5mar reported that the +rophet) peace be upon him) told them) "hoever says one hundred times in a dayB

, ,Muslim-A +hrase that .omes with Rewards in the M(99(*N/B*n the authority of Abdullah ibn P5mar that the +rophet saidB Another version saysB ,Narrated by alETirmidhi) &H67-/urah 0athiha The Mother of the 1urKan and a cure for every diseaseAbu /ulaiman says that once a group of .ompanions were in an e3pedition ,ghazwa- when they happened to come across an epileptic person) who was unconscious. *ne of the .ompanions recited /urah AlE0atiha and blew in his ear. The epileptic person immediately cured. "hen /ayyidana Muhammad ,+eace be upon him- was informed of this) he saidB MThis narration has been recorded by AthEThuaKlbi from Abu /ulaiman) who narrated it from Muawiya bin /aleh ,RA-) Tafseer Mazhari 6B?6N/urah Mul! which protects one from the Torment of the ;rave(t was narrated that Abdullah ibn MasKud saidB "hoever reads Tabara!allahi Biyadihil Mul! Mi.e. /urah alEMul!N every night) Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave. At the time of the Messenger of Allah ,+eace be upon him- we used to call it alEmaniKah ,that which protects-. (n the Boo! of Allah it is a surah which) whoever recites it every night has done very well. ,anENasaKi-/urah :ilzalah worth half of the 1urKanAbdullah (bn PAbbas and Anas (bn Mali! ,Ra- reported that the +rophet ,+eace be upon him- said) P"hoever recited /urah :ilzilah ,HH- would get the reward of reciting half the 1urKan. "hoever recited /urah al Aaafirun ,67H- would get a reward as if reading a =uarter of the 1urKan. "hoever recited /urah al (!hlas ,66&-would get a reward as if reading one third of the 1urKanK. ,AtETirmidhi &G6G4A-/urah (!lhas worth a third of the 1urKanAbu /aKid alEAhudri ,RA- reported that the Messenger of Allah ,+eace be upon him- said to his .ompanions) That was difficult for them and they said) this surah was revealed as an answer to their =uestions. /ome scholars) however) are of the opinion that this surah was revealed twice. *nce in mecca) and the second time in medina when the 2ews came to the prophet ,pbuh- and again as!ed him to describe allah to them.This surah is called alEi!hlas Q purity ,of faith- or sincerity. AlEi!hlas is not merely the name of this surah) but also the description of its contents) for it deals e3clusively with tawheed. The other chapters of the holy =uran generally have been designated a name as a result of a word or incident that occurred in them. But in this surah the word i!hlas is not mentioned. (t has been given this name in view of its meaning and sub2ect matter. "hoever understands it) and believes in its teaching) will rid themselves of shir! ,polytheism- completely./ayB he is allah) the one in this verse) allah is addressing his messenger ,pbuh- to say to the disbelievers who as! the =uestion that allah is one) and has no partners. That means there is noEone who resembles allah in any way whatsoever Q his attributes) his actions) or his nature. This isdifferent) of course) from the 2ews or christians who ascribe sons to allahWAllah) the eternal) absolute this means that allah) alone) is the source of help and support at all times Q in adversity and prosperity Q and that we should turn to noEone else e3cept allah. His is the highest authority. Allah stands not in need of any of his creation) but his creation are in need of him.He begets not) nor is he begotten which means that he does not have) nor is he in need of) sons ordaughters since everything is at his commandB when he determines a matter) he merely says to it be and it isW This counters the christian belief that 2esus ,isa-,pbuh- was the son of godO and the 2ews who claimed that hosiah was the son of godO and the arabs Q prior to the time of the prophet ,pbuh- Q who used to thin! that the angels were the daughters of allahW Nor was allah born of a father or mother since he is the first) with no beginning) and the last) with no endingWThere is none li!e unto him which means that nothing whatsoever resembles allah in any way Q be it his creation) or in his actions) attributes and nature. He is the creater and owner of everythingWNow let us reflect upon the many merits and benefits of this surah which were outlined in many ahadith. Briefly) these areB6. /urat alEi!hlas is e=uivalent to a third of the =uran. (n the hadith) abu hurairah ,mabpwh- narrated that the prophet ,pbuh- saidB then when people had gathered) the prophet ,pbuh- came out and recited surat =ul huEwallaahu Pahad) and then went bac! in. +eople then said to one anotherB the prophet ,pbuh- then came out again and saidB ,surat alEi!hlas- in another hadith abi adKdardaa ,mabpwh- narrated that the prophet ,pbuh- saidB the people repliedB the prophet ,pbuh- saidB in a hadith narrated by abi saKeed alE!hudri ,mabpwh- a man once heard another man reciting surat =ul huEwallaahu Pahad) repeating it again and again. (n the morning) the man came to the prophet ,pbuh- and mentioned that occurrence. The man had apparently not appreciated the importance of what he had heard) but the prophet ,pbuh- turned to him and saidB &. The increase of the recitation of surat alEi!hlas is a means of attaining the love of allah in a hadith narrated by aisha ,mabpwh-) the prophet ,pbuh- once appointed a man in command of a brigade and this man was leading his men in prayer and he used to conclude his prayers by reading surat =ul huEwallaahu Pahad. 5pon their return) they mentioned this fact to the prophet ,pbuh-. He ,pbuh- in turn saidB they as!ed the man) and he repliedB the prophet ,pbuh- then saidB ?. /urat alEi!hlas is a means of entering paradise. (n a hadith abu hurairah ,mabpwh- saidB in another hadith) narrated by anas ,mabpwh-) a man came to the prophet ,pbuh- and saidB the prophet ,pbuh- saidB in another hadith) the prophet ,pbuh- saidB '. "hoever recites this surah ten times) allah will build for him a dwelling in paradise. (n a hadith narrated by muKad ibn anas ,mabpwh-) the prophet ,pbuh- saidB omar ,mabpwh- then saidB the prophet ,pbuh- saidB C. /urat alEi!hlas is a means of forgiveness of sins. (n a hadith narrated by anas ,mabpwh-) the prophet ,pbuh- saidB F. /urat alEi!hlas is a means of eradicating poverty. (t was narrated in the hadith that the prophet ,pbuh- saidB in another hadith) the prophet ,pbuh- saidB D. The constant recitation of surat alEi!hlas increases the presence of the angels at the time of death. (n a hadith narrated by abu ummamah ,mabpwh-) the angel gibrael came to the prophet ,pbuh- whilst in tabu! and saidB the prophet ,pbuh- went and the angel gibrael came down amongst D7)777 angels. Then the angel gibrael stretched his right wing over the mountains and they lowered themselves in humbleness) and he stretched his left wing over the earth and it lowered itself in humbleness to the point where he could see mecca and medina. Then the prophet ,pbuh-) gibrael and the angels offered prayer on that companion and when the prophet ,pbuh- finished the prayer) he saidB Po gibraelW How did muEaKweyah reach this statusIK and angel gibrael repliedB Pbyreading surat =ul huEwallaahu Pahad whilst sitting) wal!ing and riding.K>G. There are many benefits in reading surat alEi!hlas ten times at the end of every compulsory prayer in the hadith) the prophet ,pbuh- saidB abu ba!r ,mabpwh- saidB the prophet ,pbuh- then saidBH. "hoever reads surat alEi!hlas one hundred thousand times) allah will set him free it was narrated by anas ,mabpwh- that the prophet ,pbuh- saidB