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Unshaken by Dan Woolley, Excerpt

Apr 10, 2018



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Sosoji br`n teg Suojs `b Edoto‟s E`tgh N`jtdjd

Cy6 Mdj Y``hhgy wote Fgjjobgr [keukendjj

Oj d edrr`woji st`ry `b survovdh, Mdj Y``hhgy

rgk`ujts teg jgdrhy tergg mdys eg spgjt trdppgm

cgjgdte teg rucchg `b Edoto‟s k`hhdpsgm E`tgh

N`jtdjd. Eg mgtdohs eos survovdh ngte`ms”

ojkhumoji usoji dj oQe`jg dpp t` trgdt eos hobg-

tergdtgjoji ojfurogs, k`jvgrsdto`js wote strdjigrs

curogm jgdrcy, hgttgrs t` eos bdnohy, djm teg sndhh

djm hdrig mgkoso`js eg ndmg tedt dbbgktgm eos

kedjkgs `b survovoji teg 9.1 Edoto gdrtequdlg tedt

t``l teg hovgs `b eujmrgms `b te`usdjms `b pg`phg.

Hgdrj N`rg | V`jmgrvdj `j [krocm | V`jmgrvdj.k`n 

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Curogm oj Edoto

O spot ut teg ch``m djm must tedt k`dts ny n`ute, cut O kdj‟t spot ut

teg bgdr. Curogm cgjgdte sox st`rogs `b rucchg, teg rgndojs `b wedt

wds `jkg teg E`tgh N`jtdjd, O‟n edjioji `j t` teg rgdhozdto`j tedt

O hovgm ter`uie dj gdrtequdlg. O survovgm! Cut O dhs` lj`w tedt ob O

wdjt t` ndlg ot `ut `b teos chdkl t`nc dhovg, ob O gvgr e`pg t` sgg ny

bdnohy didoj, ot wohh tdlg d nordkhg ” d sgrogs b nordkhgs.Nordkhgs O‟n j`t surg O edvg teg bdote t` cghogvg oj.

Oj teg k`nphgtg mdrljgss, O kdj‟t sgg d teoji. ]eg must oj ny j`sg

prgvgjts ng br`n snghhoji djyteoji cut k`jkrgtg. O ruc ny drns

djm bggh bhgkls `b must djm mgcros stokloji t` teg edors. Yopoji mgcros

`bb ny bdkg, O kdj bggh d pdstg wegrg must noxgm wote swgdt. Ny

c`my bgghs wgdl djm cr`lgj. ]eg bojg p`wmgr k`hhgkts `j ny gyghoms,

ndloji tegn bggh egdvy. Ot w`uhm cg gdsy t` fust kh`sg ny gygs djmmrobt `bb ” t` shggp, t` mgdte. Cut `jg te`uiet lggps ng dwdlg djm

n`tovdtgm6 O edvg t` hovg s` O kdj igt cdkl t` ny bdnohy. E`w wohh

ny wobg, Kerosty, rgdkt wegj seg bojms `ut O dn curogm oj Edoto0 Ot

turjs ny st`ndke t` teojl dc`ut egr djm teg c`ys hgdrjoji dc`ut

teg qudlg.

O jggm d phdkg t` rgst djm teojl dc`ut wedt t` m` jgxt, cut teg ghg-

vdt`r bh``r O‟n sottoji `j os k`vgrgm oj fdiigm ch`kls `b k`jkrgtg djmmgcros. O try t` gxtgjm ny hgis, cut teg kdr os t`` sndhh b`r ny sox-b `t

brdng, djm ny bggt t`uke teg `pp`sotg wdhh. O try t` dmfust ny c`my

s` tedt O dn sottoji modi`jdhhy t` iovg nysghb r``n t` strgtke. O lggp

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ny hgis sprgdm dpdrt s` ny ljggs m`j‟t t`uke djm kdusg n`rg pdoj

oj ny hgi w`ujm. O edm e`pgm tedt sottoji stohh w`uhm monojose teg

pdoj, cut wote gdke cgdt `b ny egdrt ny hgi ter`cs wote ojtgjsg pdoj.

O dmfust ny cdhhgm-up s`kl, puttoji ot cgtwggj ny egdm djm teg wdhh

t` lggp prgssurg `j ny w`ujm. Ny teokl edor bgghs stokly djm wdrn

t` teg t`uke ” j`t d i``m soij. Ot ngdjs ny egdm os stohh chggmoji.

O‟n igttoji torgm, cut O‟n dbrdom t` bdhh dshggp. Yedt ob O shop ojt`

ujk`jsko`usjgss0 [hggp bgghs holg d soijobokdjt tergdt ” gspgkodhhy ob

O edvg d k`jkusso`j `r mrobt ojt` se`kl. Gvgj oj teg cgst kdsg, shggp

ngdjs iovoji up k`jtr`h `b ndjdioji ny korkunstdjkgs . O‟vg sur-

vovgm dj gdrtequdlg< O‟n j`t i`oji t` mog oj ny shggp. O bunchg b`rny oQe`jg djm sgt teg dhdrn t` i` `bb oj twgjty nojutgs. ]edt wdy,

gvgj ob O bdhh dshggp, O w`j‟t jdp h`ji.

D p`gn cy Myhdj ]e`nds k`ngs t` nojm. O edm rgdm ot oj k`hhgig

cut edmj‟t te`uiet `b ot oj ygdrs. ‘M` j`t i` igjthg ojt` tedt i``m

joiet. Sdig, rdig didojst teg myoji `b teg hoiet.„

]edt‟s wedt O dn i`oji t` m`. O wohh rdig didojst djyteoji tedt

noiet lggp ng br`n rgturjoji t` ny bdnohy. O tdlg dj ojvgjt`ry `bny rgs`urkgs6 ny kdngrd djm oQe`jg, ny pdssp`rt, ny f`urjdh, djm

d pgj `r tw`. J`t nuke. O w`jmgr ob ot os gvgj p`ssochg t` survovg.

Djm n`rg onp`rtdjthy, ob O m`j‟t, wedt noiet edppgj t` ny wobg,


Kerosty edm cggj modij`sgm wote khojokdh mgprgsso j s``j dbtgr wg

ndrrogm. Ot t``l jgdrhy sox ygdrs cgb`rg wg wgrg dchg t` igt ot ujmgr

k`jtr`h wote tegrdpy djm ngmokojg, cut sojkg tegj wg‟m gjf`ygm tgjygdrs `b egdhte djm d edppy ndrrodig. _gt Kerosty djm O c`te ljgw

e`w quoklhy seg k`uhm bdhh cdkl ojt` tedt chdkl dcyss. Dhh ot w`uhm

tdlg wds d trdiok gvgjt, s`ngteoji edppgjoji t` `jg `b `ur c`ys,

`r teg mgdte `b `jg `b egr pdrgjts. Yote I`m‟s eghp, wg edm wdhlgm

ter`uie egr sokljgss t`igtegr, cut `jg teoji wg bdohgm t` djtokopdtg

wds tedt s`ngteoji noiet edppgj t` ng.

[ottoji oj teg mdrljgss, O edm t` dmnot ” teojis momj‟t h``l i``m.O momj‟t shggp. O sgt ny dhdrn didoj. Djm didoj. Djm ygt didoj.

]edt idvg ng teg kedjkg t` dssgss ny sotudto`j gvgry twgjty noj-

utgs. O wdsj‟t surg O k`uhm e`hm `j ujtoh rgskugrs drrovgm. Gvgj oj teg

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Curogm oj Edoto

w`rst mosdstgrs oj teg Wjotgm [tdtgs, cuohmojis k`hhdpsgm `jg `r tw`

dt d tong, j`t d we`hg koty dt d tong. Yegj pg`phg drg trdppgm, pr`-

bgsso`jdh rgskugrs ” p`hokg, borgboietgrs, djm spgkodhhy trdojgm sgdrke

djm rgskug tgdns ” drg `j teg skgjg oj nojutgs, e`urs dt n`st. ]egy

edvg trukls, gquopngjt, gxtgjsovg trdojoji, djm gxpgrogjkg. ]egy

edvg gngrigjky phdjs, cdklup phdjs, djm w`rst-kdsg skgjdro` phdjs.

Cut O wdsj‟t oj teg Wjotgm [tdtgs.

O wds curogm oj Edoto ” jg `b teg p``rgst k`ujtrogs oj teg w`rhm

” djm tegy edm j`teoji. O wds trdppgm oj teg wrgkldig `b ny k`h-

hdpsgm e`tgh oj dj ghgvdt`r kdr teg sozg `b d sndhh se`wgr. Mgspotg dhh

`b tedt, O ljgw O wds b`rtujdtg t` cg dhovg. O suspgktgm tedt ny k`h-hgdiug, Mdvom, edm mogm ojstdjthy.

Oj rmgr t` survovg, gvgry mgkoso`j O ndmg edm hobg-djm-mgdte k`j-

sgqugjkgs, cut `jhy `jg edm gtgrjdh onp`rtdjkg. K`uhm O trust I`m

 b`r wedtgvgr kdng jgxt0 Oj teg mdrl, wote ny egdm prgssgm didojst

teg ghgvdt`r wdhh, O krogm. J`t b`r nysghb, cut b`r Kerosty djm teg


Yedt w`uhm hobg cg holg b`r tegn ob O mogm0

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Oj Hovoji K`h`r

]ugsmdy, Fdjudry 43, ?647 d.n. (G[])

Q`rt-du-Qrojkg, Edoto

‘I``m n`rjoji, Mdj,„ Gperdon sdom ds teg [WR r`hhgm t` d st`p oj

br`jt `b `ur e`tgh. ‘Drg y`u rgdmy t` i` t` teg keurke0„

‘O‟n rgdmy djm gxkotgm,„ O sdom ds O eghpgm Mdvom, teg vomg`ird-pegr b`r teos trop, h`dm `ur igdr ojt` teg cdkl `b teg kdr.

O edm k`rrgsp`jmgm wote Gperdon b`r sgvgrdh n`jtes phdjjoji

teos trop t` Edoto, s` O wdsj‟t surprosgm wegj O b`ujm eon wdotoji

b`r us dt teg dorp`rt wegj wg drrovgm `j N`jmdy. O onngmodtghy rgk-

`ijozgm eos snohg cgdnoji `ut br`n ujmgrjgdte eos strdw edt wote

teg croiet tr`pokdh projt `j teg cdjm. Dbtgr h`dmoji `ur huiidig ojt`

eos [WR, Gperdon t``l us t` teg K`npdsso`j Ojtgrjdto`jdh `bbokg ojQ`rt-du-Qrojkg, wegrg wg spgjt teg mdy wote teg h`kdh stdbb.

]e`uie Gperdon djm O wgrg c`te gnph`yggs `b K`npdsso`j, wg

k`uhmj‟t edvg cggj n`rg mobbgrgjt. Eg wds peysokdhhy jg b teg hdri-

gst Edotodj ngj O‟m gvgr ngt. Eos st`kly brdng mwdrbgm ny dvgrdig

cuohm, djm cy k`npdros`j, eos mdrl ihostgjoji sloj ndmg ny `hovg

k`nphgxo`j h``l pdhg. Yegj O hgdrjgm `j N`jmdy tedt Gperdon

wds dssoijgm t` cg `ur iuomg b`r teg rgst `b teg wggl, O wds phgdsgm.Mgspotg `ur peysokdh mobbgrgjkgs, wg edm dhrgdmy k`jjgktgm dr`ujm

`ur k`nn`j nosso`j.

Ds O khoncgm oj cgeojm Mdvom, djm sgtthgm oj ny sgdt, Gperdon‟s

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gcuhhogjt sporot sggngm t` `vgrbh`w teg [WR. O h``lgm b`rwdrm t` teg

mdy‟s gvgjts ” vosotoji d jgw K`npdsso`j pr`irdn dt d keurke fust

`utsomg `b teg koty djm tegj ndloji d e`ng vosot t` `jg `b teg n`ns

we` pdrtokopdtgm oj teg pr`irdn.

Oj teg br`jt sgdt jgxt t` Gperdon wds F`ejjog, d Edotodj trdjs-

hdt`r we` eghpgm K`npdsso`j djm sgvgrdh `tegr j`jpr`bot `ridjo-

zdto`js oj Q`rt-du-Qrojkg. F`ejjog wds dhs` tdhh djm mdrl, shoiethy

mdrlgr tedj Gperdon, cut eg wds vgry teoj.

Yeohg Gperdon momj‟t jggm d rgds`j t` hduie ” eg hduiegm dt

djyteoji ” F`ejjog wds n`rg mghocgrdtg oj eos eun`r. Eg usgm eos

hdjiudig slohhs t` krgdtg d f`lg cy kdrgbuhhy w`rmsnoteoji teg k`j-vgrsdto`j t` gv`lg d hduie. F`ejjog djm Gperdon wgrg holg d vdumg-

vohhg shdpstokl tgdn ” k`ngmodj djm somglokl ” lggpoji Mdvom djm

ng gjtgrtdojgm. O k`uhm tghh tegy gjf`ygm w`rloji t`igtegr.

Ds wg mr`vg up t` teg keurke djm pdrlgm oj teg mort h`t jgxt t`

ot, O j`tokgm teg mrdc gxtgro`r `b teg `jg-st`ry k`jkrgtg cuohmoji. Ow`jmgrgm wedt wg‟m bojm ojsomg. Yg dhh gxotgm teg [WR gdigr t` igt

stdrtgm. Gperdon pusegm eos m``r seut, djm teg [WR r`klgm. ]e`uie

eos sozg ndy edvg cggj ojtonomdtoji, eos sporot wdsj‟t. Dj ojjgr f`y

mdjkgm dkr`ss eos bdkg ds eg gxphdojgm teg pr`irdn wg w`uhm s``j

sgg ojsomg teg keurke.

‘O‟hh ojtr`mukg y`u t` teg pdst`r borst,„ eg sdom ds eg t``l `bb

t`wdrm teg br`jt m``r. Yote eos h`ji stromgs, tegrg wds j` p`ojt ojtryoji t` lggp up wote eon. Gperdon edm dj ujmgjodchg sgjsg `b

urigjky dc`ut K`npdsso`j‟s w`rl. Yegjgvgr eg sp`lg dc`ut teg

mobbokuhty b hobg oj Edoto, eg dhs` tdhlgm dc`ut teg mobbgrgjkg K`npds-

so`j wds ndloji b`r n`tegrs djm tegor keohmrgj trdppgm oj p`vgrty.

Eg ujmgrst``m teg edrmseops `b hobg oj Edoto djm ke`sg t` mgby tedt

rgdhoty cy k`nnottoji f`ybuh dkts `b sgrvokg b`r te`sg we` jggmgm ot

n`st.O iugssgm Gperdon wds oj eos nombobtogs, cut eg edm d c`ostgr`us

hobg gjgriy dc`ut eon tedt cghogm d nuke y`ujigr ndj. Eos k`jtd-

io`us snohg bohhgm eos r`ujm bdkg, djm eos egdrty hduie ndmg eos we`hg

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Oj Hovoji K`h`r

c`my sedlg. Eg wds holg d n`jstgr-sozgm tgmmy cgdr fust wdotoji b`r

s`ng`jg t` eui.

O eghpgm Mdvom irdc teg vomg` kdngrd djm `tegr gquopngjt br`n

teg cdkl `b teg [WR, djm wg eurrogm t` kdtke up t` Gperdon.

‘Hgt‟s rgvogw wedt y`u wdjt t` dkk`nphose t`mdy,„ Mdvom sdom ds

wg wdhlgm.

‘Yg jggm vomg` tedt kdpturgs teg Keohm [urvovdh Qr`irdn oj

dkto`j. O cghogvg ob pg`phg kdj sgg wedt K`npdsso`j os m`oji egrg,

tegy‟hh wdjt t` supp`rt teg nojostry.„

O‟m `jhy w`rlgm dt K`npdsso`j Ojtgrjdto`jdh‟s egdmqudrtgrs oj

K`h`rdm` [projis b`r goietggj n`jtes, cut O‟m dhrgdmy hgdrjgm d h`tdjm O wds onprgssgm. B`ujmgm oj 4?73, K`npdsso`j os d Kerostodj

keohm mgvgh`pngjt nojostry tedt w`rls t` rghgdsg keohmrgj br`n spor-

otudh, gk`j`nok, s`kodh, djm peysokdh p`vgrty. ]eg h`ji-tgrn pr`-

kgss kdj cgioj wote prgjdtdh kdrg djm k`jtojug ter`uie hgdmgrseop

trdojoji b`r qudhobogm y`uji dmuhts we` edvg gdrjgm dj pp`rtujoty

t` dttgjm d ujovgrsoty. K`npdsso`j kurrgjthy sgrvgs n`rg tedj `jg

nohho`j keohmrgj oj twgjty-bovg k`ujtrogs w`rhmwomg. ]e`uie K`n-pdsso`j os pgredps cgst lj`wj b`r tegor keohm sp`js`rseop pr`irdns

” wegrg m`j`rs b`rn `jg-`j-`jg rghdto`jseops wote tegor sp`j-

s`rgm keohmrgj ter`uie gxkedjioji hgttgrs ” oj teg pdst bgw ygdrs,

jgw pr`irdns holg teg Keohm [urvovdh Qr`irdn wgrg dhrgdmy ndloji

d euig onpdkt. Ds `jg `b K`npdsso`j‟s wgcsotg mgvgh`pgrs, O wds

gxkotgm t` eoiehoiet tegsg jgw pr`irdns `jhojg s` `ur m`j`rs k`uhm

sgg teg onpdkt tegor m`jdto`js wgrg edvoji.‘N`st m`j`rs wohh jgvgr igt woteoj tergg eujmrgm nohgs `b teg

p`vgrty oj Edoto, cut ob tegy kdj wdtke d vomg` j tegor k`nputgr tedt

igts tegn gvgj tergg stgps kh`sgr t` d n`n we` hovgs ot gvgry mdy,

tegj wg wohh edvg m`jg `ur f`c wghh,„ O sdom.

‘_`u‟rg pdsso`jdtg dc`ut teos, drgj‟t y`u0„ Mdvom dslgm.

‘O egdr y`u‟rg prgtty pdsso`jdtg y`ursghb,„ O rgphogm, lj`woji

Mdvom‟s h`ji eost`ry `b w`rloji `j cgedhb `b keohmrgj. ]e`uieteos wds `ur borst tong w`rloji t`igtegr, Mdvom edm w`rlgm wote

K`npdsso`j ndjy tongs cgb`rg. O edm rgvogwgm eos pdst w`rl djm

wds onprgssgm wote j`t `jhy eos kdngrd slohhs djm krgdtovoty cut dhs`

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eos ojtgrgst oj eghpoji keohmrgj. Edvoji w`rlgm wote `rpedj noj-

ostrogs djm `tegr keohm-cdsgm dmv`kdky pr`irdns, eg wds ujoqughy

qudhobogm t` m` teos f`c.

@pgjoji teg krgdly w``mgj m``r, O stgppgm roiet ojt` teg keurke

sdjktudry, wegrg b`rty n`ns wote cdcogs djm y`uji keohmrgj wgrg

wdvoji tegor drns, sojioji, djm khdppoji oj tong wote teg Krg`hg

reytens. [`ng w`ngj turjgm tegor bdkgs egdvgjwdrm djm kh`sgm

tegor gygs ds tegy h`st tegnsghvgs oj teg w`rseop nusok. @tegrs eghm

cdcogs wote `jg drn djm wdvgm teg `tegr. N`st wgrg mrgssgm oj `ut-mdtgm Ygstgrj kh`tegs, tegor wdrmr`cgs teg `cvo`us rgnjdjts `b

m`jdto`js rgkgovgm br`n nosso`j tgdns `b teg pdst. D croiet chgjm `b

k`h`rbuh mrgssgs djm ]-seorts n`vgm djm swdygm oj tong t` teg nusok,

k`jtrdstoji wote teg mdrl ojtgro`r `b teg s`hom k`jkrgtg cuohmoji djm

teg sturmy irdy cgjkegs tedt hojgm teg kgjtgr doshg. ]eg r``n wds

n`rg bgstovg djm dhovg tedj O edm ondiojgm weohg rgdmoji rgp`rts

dc`ut teg pr`irdn cgb`rg O hgbt K`h`rdm`.‘O‟n i`oji t` kegkl teg hoietoji,„ Mdvom sdom ds wg mr`ppgm teg

igdr t`wdrm teg cdkl b teg keurke. O hgbt eon t` sgt up eos gquopngjt

djm f`ojgm Gperdon djm F`ejjog, we` wgrg dhrgdmy tdhloji t` teg

pdst`r oj teg `pp`sotg k`rjgr `b teg sdjktudry.

‘]edjl y`u b`r k`noji,„ Qdst`r _vgs sdom, iovoji ng d eui. Eg

momj‟t spgdl Gjihose s` F`ejjog trdjshdtgm b`r eon. ‘Yg‟rg ihdm y`u

drg egrg t` tghh `ur st`ry.„O e`pgm O k`uhm.

]ypokdhhy, ny f`c dt K`npdsso`j wds t` tdlg gxostoji pe`t`s djm

vomg`s pr`mukgm cy `tegrs djm prgsgjt tegn `jhojg t` tghh st`rogs

dc`ut teg w`rl K`npdsso`j wds m`oji dhh `vgr teg w`rhm. Cut teos

wds teg borst tong O wds teg jg rgsp`jsochg b`r dktudhhy kdpturoji teg

st`rogs djm ondigs O w`uhm jggm. O edm b`ur mdys t` bojm vomg` tedt

w`uhm n`vg m`j`rs t` kdrg dc`ut n`tegrs djm cdcogs tegy‟m jgvgrngt oj phdkgs tegy‟m jgvgr cggj. O ljgw Mdvom w`uhm eghp ng put

t`igtegr dj gbbgktovg pogkg, cut O wds stohh jgrv`us t` m` teg dktudh

ojtgrvogws djm sgrvg ds teg krgdtovg morgkt`r, ndloji mgkoso`js dc`ut

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Oj Hovoji K`h`r

weoke st`rogs djm ondigs t` kdpturg. D h`t wds romoji `j teos, djm O

bght teg wgoiet `b teg rgsp`jsocohoty.

O ihdjkgm `vgr dt Mdvom djm wdtkegm ds eg stumogm teg r``n, h``l-

oji b`r jdturdh s`urkgs `b hoiet. @jkg eg b`ujm teg roiet sp`t, eg

kdrgbuhhy sgt m`wj eos cdis, `pgjgm teg trop`m, djm dmfustgm ot t` teg

roiet egoiet. Jgxt eg ujpdklgm eos igdr, put cdttgrogs oj teg vomg`

kdngrd djm noks, djm ojsgrtgm d brgse tdpg. Eg kegklgm teg dumo`

hgvgh djm dmfustgm teg sgttojis, tegj j`mmgm t` hgt ng lj`w eg wds


Dhh `b K`npdsso`j‟s keohm mgvgh`pngjt pr`irdns drg onphg-

ngjtgm ter`uie h`kdh keurkegs. K`npdsso`j pr`vomgs d k`nprgegj-sovg pr`irdn djm ndtgrodhs, weohg keurkegs dmdpt teg pr`irdn b`r

teg jggms `b tegor k`nnujotogs. ]eg hdst teoji O wdjtgm teos keurke

t` m` wds stdig djyteoji b`r us< wg wdjtgm t` kdpturg tegor pr`irdn

gxdkthy ds tegy prdktokgm ot.

‘M`j‟t kedjig d teoji. Yg fust wdjt t` `csgrvg,„ O t`hm teg pdst`r.

Yegj teg sojioji bojosegm, teg keohm survovdh spgkodhost f`ojgm us

dbtgr turjoji teg ir`up `vgr t` `jg `b egr eghpgrs. Yg ojtr`mukgm`ursghvgs, djm, wote egr pgrnosso`j, O poklgm up ny kdngrd djm

stdrtgm tdloji pokturgs `b teg w`ngj djm tegor cdcogs, iovoji Mdvom

teg j`m t` stdrt bohnoji.

]eg n`ns wgrg sgdtgm `j cgjkegs, hostgjoji t` teg hgdmgr. ‘Qokl

up y`ur cdcogs djm tdhl t` tegn. Hgt tegn stdrg dt djm t`uke y`ur

bdkg. ]eos wohh eghp tegn ir`w s`kodhhy djm gn`to`jdhhy.„ ]eos wds

jgw ojb`rndto`j t` ndjy `b tegsg w`ngj. Oj d k`ujtry wegrg 51pgrkgjt `b bdnohogs hovg oj gxtrgng p`vgrty, survovoji `j hgss tedj

tw` m`hhdrs d mdy, cdcogs drg `btgj pdrlgm oj d k`rjgr `b teg e`usg

weohg n`tegrs m` wedt tegy kdj t` pr`vomg b`r tegn. Ojtgrdktoji wote

tegor cdcogs os s`ngteoji tegsg n`tegrs edvg jgvgr sggj n`mghgm.

O trogm t` rgndoj uj`ctrusovg, cut cgoji d weotg ndhg oj d rgn`tg

Edotodj keurke bohhgm wote w`ngj djm keohmrgj ndmg tedt onp`s-

sochg. Yegj teg loms sdw ng, tegy stdrgm wote kuro`soty `vgr tegsdbgty `b tegor n`tegrs‟ se`uhmgrs `r br`n cgeojm tegor slorts. ]eg

iorhs‟ cgdmgm crdoms hoiethy fojihgm ds tegy turjgm tegor egdms t` igt

d cgttgr h``l.

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‘]` lggp y`ur cdcy egdhtey, rgngncgr t` bohtgr y`ur wdtgr,„ teg

hgdmgr ojstruktgm. ]egrg wds d sgjsg `b kdndrdmgrog, d c`jmoji tedt

t``l phdkg dn`ji teg w`ngj. O b`kusgm `j tegor bdkgs djm trogm t`

kdpturg teg f`y oj tegor gxprgsso`js wote ny hgjs.

]eg hgdmgr ojvotgm d k`uphg b pg`phg t` f`oj egr dt teg br`jt. Wjmgr

egr morgkto`j, tegy cgidj d r`hg-phdyoji idng. O wds surprosgm t` sgg

tegrg wgrg dhs` d bgw ngj pdrtokopdtoji. Yey j`t0 Bdtegrs jggmgm t`

hgdrj tegsg slohhs t``. ]eg ngj dktgm `ut d skgjg ujmgr teg hgdmgr‟s

morgkto`j, djm tegrg wds iovg-djm-tdlg modh`iug ” d tgdsoji cdjtgr

cgtwggj teg ir`up djm teg hgdmgr. ]eg hduietgr wds egdrty djm teg

n``m wds edppy. ]eg w`ngj sggngm gjidigm ” egdrt, nojm, djms`uh ” wote teg hgdmgrs djm tegor hgss`js. ]eg we`hg phdkg ter`ccgm

wote pdsso`j djm gjgriy.

O trogm t` igt teg hotthg `jgs t` snohg ds O t``l tegor pokturgs. [ojkg

O momj‟t spgdl teg hdjiudig, teg cgst O k`uhm m` wds t` try t` gjidig

tegn wote sonphg nongs djm vgrsozgm igsturgs. @jg c`y kduto`ushy

stdrgm dt ng. Eg wds gdtoji d pogkg `b kdjmy tedt wds t`` coi b`r eos

n`ute. ]eg kdjmy mroppgm `jt` eos hops djm eos n`tegr‟s seort. Ojdj gbb`rt t` igt eon t` snohg, O prgtgjmgm t` put kdjmy oj ny n`ute

djm kegw ot wote gxdiigrdtgm fdw n`vgngjts. Eos gygs `pgjgm womg

cgb`rg eg eom cgeojm eos n`n‟s slort. Ihdm O m`j‟t ndlg ny hovoji ds

d keohm pe`t`irdpegr. B`rtujdtghy, O wds w`rloji wote Mdvom< eg wds

d jdturdh wote loms djm k`uhm igt tegn t` snohg dt djyteoji.

Mdvom bojosegm bohnoji ir`up se`ts fust ds teg mdy‟s ojstrukto`j

gjmgm. O wdtkegm ds eg shoppgm eos egdmpe`jgs `bb eos egdm djm shujitegn `vgr teg cdkl `b teg kdngrd. ]eg eojt `b d snohg `j eos bdkg t`hm

ng eg wds edppy wote teg b``tdig eg‟m tdlgj. Mrgssgm oj d h`ji-

shggvgm ledlo seort djm mdrl kdri` pdjts wote d irdy cght pdkl, Mdvom

k`uhm dhn`st edvg chgjmgm ojt` teg k`jkrgtg-k`h`rgm cdklir`ujm, cut

eos gygs wgrg b`kusgm ojtgjthy `j teg sotudto`j djm eos bdkg rgbhgktgm

teg irdtobokdto`j teos lojm `b w`rl cr`uiet eon. Mdvom wdsj‟t teg

lojm `b iuy t` mgndjm d h`t `b dttgjto`j, cut eg wds s` prgsgjt oj tegsotudto`j y`u k`uhmj‟t `vgrh``l eos prgsgjkg oj teg r``n.

]`igtegr wg sk`utgm teg drgd b`r d cdklir`ujm wegrg wg k`uhm

m` ojmovomudh ojtgrvogws wote s`ng `b teg n`tegrs. @jkg wg b`ujm

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Oj Hovoji K`h`r

d sp`t tedt w`uhm w`rl wghh, O cr`uiet `vgr weotg phdstok kedors b`r

teg n`tegrs t` sot oj weohg Mdvom n`vgm eos trop`m, n`ujtgm teg

vomg` kdngrd, djm dmfustgm teg hoietoji. ]egj, `jg dt d tong, d bgw

`b teg w`ngj kdng `vgr djm sdt wote tegor keohmrgj oj br`jt `b teg

kdngrd b`r ojtgrvogws. Gperdon t``l d cdklsgdt, k`jtgjt t` hgt us m`

`ur f`cs, cut F`ejjog `bbgrgm h`ts `b suiigsto`js djm wds pgrbgkthy

k`nb`rtdchg cgoji dt teg kgjtgr `b gvgryteoji. O idvg F`ejjog ny host

`b ojtgrvogw qugsto`js, djm eg tdhlgm wote teg n`tegrs, trdjshdtoji

tegor djswgrs weohg wg bohngm s` O k`uhm ndlg surg wg edm wedt wg


‘Yedt e`pgs djm mrgdns m` y`u edvg b`r y`ur cdcy0„ O dslgmter`uie F`ejjog.

]eg w`ngj snohgm djm tegor gygs spdrlhgm ds tegy djswgrgm teos

pdrtokuhdr qugsto`j.

‘O wdjt ny c`y t` edvg d i``m f`c djm t` h`vg I`m eos gjtorg


‘[`ngteoji O e`pg b`r os tedt ny mduietgr bojosegs eoie ske``h.

J` `jg oj ny bdnohy eds m`jg tedt.„‘Yegj ny s`j ir`ws up, eg wohh cg dj drkeotgkt.„

O wds surprosgm dt tegor djswgrs, cgkdusg tegsg wgrg teg sdng

lojms `b mrgdns O edm b`r ny c`ys. Cut oj phdkgs wote gxtrgng p`v-

grty ” phdkgs holg Edoto ” tegsg mrgdns m`j‟t `btgj k`ng trug. _gt

tegsg w`ngj edm e`pg. Cgkdusg `b teg eghp tegy rgkgovgm ter`uie

K`npdsso`j, ot wds p`ssochg b`r tegor keohmrgj t` ir`w up edppy djm

egdhtey, t` igt d f`c, djm t` hovg `ut tegor n`tegrs‟ mrgdns.‘Ob pg`phg k`uhm fust sgg tegsg n`ns, tegy w`uhm wdjt t` pdrtjgr

oj teos pr`kgss,„ O sdom.

‘O bggh tedt wdy gvgry tong O m` `jg `b tegsg se``ts,„ sdom Mdvom.

Ds Mdvom pdklgm up eos gquopngjt, O wgjt t` tedjl Qdst`r _vgs

b`r eos eghp. Gperdon djm F`ejjog wgrg dhrgdmy gjidigm oj k`jvgrsd-

to`j dc`ut h`kdh jgws djm p`hotoks, te`uie O momj‟t ujmgrstdjm d h`t

`b wedt wds cgoji sdom. Ds O dppr`dkegm, O sdw teg f`y mrdoj br`nGperdon‟s bdkg. Eos gvgr-prgsgjt snohg wds rgphdkgm cy mdrl sedm-

`ws. Eg sdom s`ngteoji t` teg pdst`r, spottoji `ut d w`rm wote suke

b`rkg O wds kduiet `bb iudrm.

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‘Yedt os rgst-`-vgkl0„ O dslgm.

‘Sgstdvgl,„ Gperdon k`rrgktgm ng. ‘Yegj pdrgjts sghh tegor


 F`ejjog sdw teg e`rr`r `j ny bdkg. ‘Sgstdvgl os d Krg`hg w`rm,„

eg sdom. ‘Ot ngdjs ―stdys wote,‟ ds oj `jg we` stdys wote d bdnohy

te`uie tegy drg j`t d pdrt `b tedt bdnohy.„

‘Holg d c`drmgr0„

‘J`, holg tegor shdvg.„ Gperdon‟s gygs eghm d mggp sdmjgss. ‘Ot‟s j`t

b`r n`jgy. Yegj teg n`tegrs sghh tegor keohmrgj, tegy m` ot cgkdusg

tegy cghogvg s`ng`jg ghsg kdj `bbgr tegor keohm d cgttgr hobg.„

‘Osj‟t tedt ohhgidh0„‘J`t oj Edoto.„

]er`uie F`ejjog, teg pdst`r djm Gperdon gxphdojgm e`w

rgstdvgls drg ndmg t` w`rl h`ji e`urs, drg `btgj ujmgrbgm, djm

dhn`st dhwdys dcusgm ” btgj sgxudhhy. Gdrhy ojtgrvgjto`j os teg lgy

t` teg prgvgjto`j `b n`rg keohmrgj cgk`noji rgstdvgls.

O te`uiet `b teg cdcogs `j tegor n`tegrs‟ eops djm teg t`mmhgrs

eomoji cgeojm tegn. ]eg iorhs wote cgdmgm crdoms. ]eg c`y woteteg kdjmy tedt wds t`` coi b`r eos n`ute. ]eg eghp djm e`pg tegor

n`tegrs rgkgovgm ngdjt tegsg cdcogs djm t`mmhgrs w`uhm cg spdrgm

tedt bdtg. Ds teg pe`t`s O‟m tdlgj `b teg keohmrgj bhdsegm ter`uie ny

nojm, O edm d brgse ujmgrstdjmoji `b wey K`npdsso`j‟s w`rl egrg

wds s` onp`rtdjt. O prdygm d sohgjt prdygr tedt I`m w`uhm eghp ng t`

tghh teg st`ry oj d wdy tedt w`uhm ndlg d mobbgrgjkg b`r dhh `b Edoto‟s


Dbtgr d se`rt mrovg djm d h`ji wdhl br`n teg keurke, wg drrovgm dt teg

e`ng `b `jg `b teg n`tegrs oj teg Keohm [urvovdh Qr`irdn. Ds wg

dppr`dkegm, Noss`uh eghm m`wj d sgkto`j `b teg cdrcgm-worg bgjkg

tedt gjkorkhgm egr k`jkrgtg e`usg. ]eg cdrcgm worg edrmhy sggngm

keohm-sdbg ds Gperdon, F`ejjog, Mdvom, djm O stgppgm `vgr ot, djm Ok`uhm `jhy ondiojg wedt mdjigrs ot pr`tgktgm egr bdnohy br`n. Nos-

s`uh djm egr tergg mduietgrs wgrg usgm t` khoncoji oj djm `ut, cut

seg eghm ot m`wj t` sdbgiudrm egr iugsts. Egr gbb`rts t`ukegm ng.

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Oj Hovoji K`h`r

[eg gjtgrgm teg e`usg borst djm put egr y`ujigst mduietgr `j teg

bh``r. Egr e`usg wds sndhh ” sndhhgr tedj d stdjmdrm lotkegj oj teg

Wjotgm [tdtgs. Ot wds ndmg wote teg k`nn`j ghgngjts `b n`st Edo-

todj shun e`usgs, k`jkrgtg ch`kls djm d skdvgjigm k`rruidtgm ngtdh

r``b. Ot wds mgsoijgm t` pr`tgkt tegn br`n teg ghgngjts djm tegor

n`st-bgdrgm jdturdh mosdstgr ” d eurrokdjg. Noss`uh edm bgw burjose-

ojis. ]eg `jhy k`h`rs oj teg r``n wgrg br`n teg roppgm seggts `j

egr cgm djm teg bdmgm kh`tegs tedt euji `j jdohs oj teg wdhhs cgkdusg

tegrg wgrg j` kegsts `r seghvgs. D kdnpborg-typg st`vg dc`ut d b``t

djm d edhb womg sdt `j teg bh``r oj `jg k`rjgr `b teg r``n djm sgrvgm

ds teg lotkegj b`r egr bdnohy `b b`ur.Noss`uh edm tergg mduietgrs. ]eg `hmgst iorh edm d coi t``tey

snohg djm d swggt mosp`soto`j, cut ot wds cvo`us seg edm sgvgrg ngj-

tdh kedhhgjigs. ]eg sgk`jm mduietgr wds quogt djm jgvgr snohgm. [eg

dhs` edm k`ijotovg mgbokogjkogs, cut tegy wgrgj‟t ds rgdmohy dppdrgjt.

Ot wds teg teorm djm y`ujigst sostgr we` momj‟t sggn t` bot wote

teg rgst `b teg bdnohy. Fust ihdjkoji dt tw`-ygdr-`hm Nokeghgojg, O

k`uhm sgg egr egdhte djm ojtghhoigjkg. Egr gygs gjidigm nojg wegjO h``lgm dt egr< seg ojtgrdktgm wote `tegrs djm sggngm t` edvg n`rg

hobg gjgriy tedj egr tw` `hmgr sostgrs k`ncojgm. Ot wds khgdr tedt teos

wds d h`voji bdnohy, cut j`t `jg wote`ut pr`chgns.

]eg tw` `hmgst mduietgrs bdkgm kedhhgjigs cgkdusg `b Noss`uh‟s

ndhjutroto`j djm hdkl `b egdhte kdrg muroji egr prgijdjkogs. O ljgw

tedt Noss`uh edm dhs` h`st d cdcy muroji d prgvo`us prgijdjky, djm O

w`jmgrgm ob O mdrgm dsl egr dc`ut tedt h`ss.Muroji Noss`uh‟s b`urte prgijdjky, K`npdsso`j stdbb egdrm

dc`ut egr weohg ndloji r`utojg vosots t` teg shuns. ]egy ojvotgm

egr t` cgk`ng d pdrt `b teg pr`irdn dt Qdst`r _vgs‟s keurke, weoke

gjsurgm seg edm pr`pgr jutroto`j djm ngmokdh kdrg c`te muroji egr

prgijdjky djm dbtgr teg corte `b egr teorm mduietgr, Nokeghgojg.

Mdvom ujpdklgm eos cdis djm sgt up teg trop`m, hoiets, djm kdn-

grd. Eg bohngm Noss`uh ds seg mgskrocgm egr hobg cgb`rg djm dbtgrK`npdsso`j‟s ojv`hvgngjt. J`t jhy wgrg tegrg onpr`vgngjts wote

egr peysokdh wghh-cgoji< tegrg wgrg dhs` sporotudh kedjigs. ]e`uie

seg k`jtojugm t` w`rl ds edrm ds seg dhwdys edm, j`w tedt seg wds d

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b`hh`wgr `b Kerost seg edm jgw e`pg b`r egr hobg djm b`r egr bdnohy.

[eg dhs` bght teg supp`rt `b `tegr n`tegrs djm `b egr keurke.

Yeohg wg tdhlgm, Nokeghgojg phdygm `j teg bh``r jgdr us. ]eg

`hmgr iorhs euji cdkl, ujsurg `b teg strdjigrs oj tegor e`ng. Yegj

teg t`mmhgr irgw rgsthgss, Noss`uh b`ujm dj gnpty K`lg kdj djm

mr`ppgm tw` sndhh r`kls ojsomg. [eg se``l ot, gjtokoji teg hotthg

iorh t` rgdke b`r ot. Nokeghgojg strgtkegm `ut egr pumiy edjm djm

irdccgm ot, snohoji dt teg j`osg ot ndmg ds seg se``l ot. Yegj Nos-

s`uh hgdjgm `vgr djm rdj egr bojigrs ter`uie t`mmhgr‟s edor, O snohgm

dt egr tgjmgrjgss.

Noss`uh‟s bdkg edm d wgdtegrgm h``l. Ot wds edrm t` tghh e`w `hm

seg wds, cut ot wds gdsy t` sgg seg edm gjmurgm ndjy edrmseops oj

egr hobg. Egr bdkg wds ojtgjsg, dhn`st edrm, cut teg hojgs s`btgjgm djm

nghtgm dwdy wegj seg snohgm, weoke seg mom rdrghy b`r strdjigrs cut

`btgj b`r egr keohmrgj.

Muroji Noss`uh‟s hdst prgijdjky, K`npdsso`j‟s Keohm [urvovdh

Qr`irdn pr`vomgm egr wote prgjdtdh votdnojs djm egdhte kdrg. ]egy

gmukdtgm egr `j jutroto`j b`r egrsghb djm b`r egr cdcy. Djm dbtgr

Nokeghgojg‟s corte, K`npdsso`j‟s kdrg ter`uie teg keurke k`jtojugm

” tgdkeoji egr pr`pgr keohm kdrg djm ndloji ot p`ssochg b`r egr cdcy

t` cg vdkkojdtgm. Oj Edoto, s`ngteoji ds sonphg ds d vdkkojdto`j kdj

kedjig teg trdfgkt`ry b d keohm‟s hobg. I``m egdhte pr`vomgs d mostojkt

dmvdjtdig b`r d buturg tedt kdj ojkhumg gmukdto`j djm dj pp`rtujoty

t` bojm ngdjojibuh w`rl. Cgkdusg b gdrhy ojtgrvgjto`j, teos t`mmhgr

j`w edm teg p`tgjtodh t` hobt teg we`hg bdnohy `ut `b p`vgrty.

O wds gjk`urdigm t` teojl tedt n`rg tedj 3,711 Edotodj n`ns

djm tegor cdcogs wgrg rgkgovoji sonohdr kdrg ter`uie teos pr`irdn,

cut te`usdjms n`rg stohh jggmgm eghp. O e`pgm Noss`uh‟s rgdmojgss t`

sedrg egr st`ry w`uhm eghp t` n`tovdtg n`rg pg`phg t` igt ojv`hvgm

oj teg supp`rt `b teos nojostry.

Ds teg ojtgrvogw k`jtojugm, wedtgvgr O hdklgm oj krgdtovg morgk-

to`j, Mdvom ndmg up b`r wote eos gxpgrogjkg. Eg suiigstgm wg igt

s`ng C-r`hh b``tdig `b egr ndloji teg h`ji trgl br`n egr e`usg t`

egr wdtgr s`urkg. Ds eg morgktgm Noss`uh, teg jgoiec`rs hduiegm djm

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Oj Hovoji K`h`r

tgdsgm egr. O egdrm tegn p`ojtoji djm kdhhoji Noss`uh d jdng tedt

ndmg Gperdon hduie. O h``lgm dt F`ejjog.

‘N`vog stdr,„ eg sdom.

Mdvom djm O f`ojgm oj teg hduietgr. ]egj eg kduiet ny gyg. ‘M`

wg edvg ot0„

‘Yg i`t ot, Mdvom ” wg i`t teg st`ry! Djyteoji ghsg wg igt `j teos

trop os irdvy,„ O sdom `jkg wg wgrg cdkl oj teg [WR. Yg stohh edm

dj`tegr n`tegr t` ojtgrvogw teg jgxt mdy, cut ot bght i``m lj`woji

tedt j` ndttgr e`w tedt turjgm `ut, wg edm i`ttgj wedt wg‟m k`ngb`r. Ds O sgtthgm oj ny sgdt b`r teg teorty-nojutg romg cdkl t` Q`rt-

du-Qrojkg, teg strgss tedt edm jdiigm ng b`r wggls shoppgm dwdy. O

snohgm t` teojl tedt teos wds e`w I`m wds ke``soji t` usg ng roiet

j`w, djm O k`uhmj‟t teojl `b d cgttgr wdy t` hovg `ut ny bdote. O e`pgm

Noss`uh‟s st`ry w`uhm onpdkt `tegrs ds nuke ds ot edm ng.

Ds wg mr`vg cdkl t`wdrm Q`rt-du-Qrojkg, O wdtkegm ds teg suj

rgvgdhgm pdttgrjs `b hoiet djm k`h`r `j teg rdnsedklhg e`usgs k`vgr-oji teg eohhsomgs. ]egrg wgrg s` ndjy e`ngs tedt tegy dppgdrgm t` cg

stdklgm `j t`p `b gdke `tegr holg d hdrig-skdhg idng `b Fgjid. Ob `jg

seobtgm, ot h``lgm ds ob tegy w`uhm dhh t`pphg. ]egsg wgrg teg shuns

wegrg s` ndjy `b Edoto‟s p``r hovgm. @ur r`utg t``l us pdst d bgw

v``m`` tgnphgs djm rgnojmgm ng `b e`w mgspgrdtg s` ndjy pg`phg

wgrg b`r e`pg. O wdsj‟t oj K`h`rdm` [projis djyn`rg.

@j teg romg cdkl t` teg e`tgh, O kdhhgm ny wobg, Kerosty. ]eojis edvg

dhwdys cggj toiet b`r us bojdjkodhhy. Y`rloji dt d j`jpr`bot m`gsj‟t

pdy ds wghh ds d k`rp`rdtg f`c, s` t`igtegr wg stdrtgm d sndhh Ojtgrjgt-

cdsgm cusojgss. Yg mgpgjmgm `j dmvgrtosgrs‟ kegkls t` eghp pdy `ur

cohhs. O jggmgm Kerosty t` pokl up `jg `b te`sg kegkls djm mgp`sot ot

cgb`rg teg cdjl kh`sgm, s` ot w`uhm khgdr oj tong t` pdy cohhs mug dtteg gjm `b teg wggl. [eg djswgrgm `j teg borst roji.

‘Eo, e`jgy. E`w wds y`ur mdy0 Mom y`u igt teg kegkl poklgm up

djm mgp`sotgm0„

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‘_gde, O mom ot teos n`rjoji.„ [eg tdhlgm dc`ut teg loms djm egr

phdjs b`r teg mdy. ‘O w`j‟t i` ojt` dhh teg mgtdohs. O‟hh sdvg tedt b`r

wegj y`u igt cdkl. E`w m` y`u holg Edoto0„

‘O wose y`u wgrg egrg wote ng t` gxpgrogjkg teos djm nggt teg

pg`phg. Edoto os d tr`pokdh pdrdmosg curogm ujmgr p`vgrty. ]egrg os s`

nuke cgduty oj teg hdjm djm f`y oj teg pg`phg tedt ot w`uhm cg gdsy

t` fust h``l teg `tegr wdy djm noss sggoji teg mgspgrdto`j oj tegor

hovoji k`jmoto`js. Cut teg edrmjgss djm pdoj `b p`vgrty os dhwdys

roiet tegrg.„ Ds wg r`hhgm ter`uie teg huse irggj k`ujtrysomg, ny

vogw br`n teg [WR wojm`w k`jborngm ny k`nngjt. ‘Mdvom djm

O drg egdmgm cdkl t` teg e`tgh. Yg‟rg prgtty torgm, s` wg‟hh pr`cdchyhog m`wj b`r d bgw nojutgs djm igt mojjgr dbtgr tedt.„ Kerosty djm O

sdom `ur i``m-cygs, djm O pr`nosgm t` kdhh dbtgr mojjgr wegj O edm

n`rg tong t` tdhl.

Ds wg gjtgrgm teg utslorts b Q`rt-du-Qrojkg, Gperdon djm F`ej-

jog lgpt up d rujjoji modh`iug `b f`lgs djm st`rogs. ]egy gxprgssgm

brustrdto`j ds tegy tdhlgm dc`ut Edoto‟s eost`ry djm p`hotoks. Br`n teg

cdklsgdt, O k`uhm sgg Gperdon‟s gygs oj teg rgdrvogw norr`r. ]e`uietegrg wds dhwdys f`y `j eos bdkg, eos gygs rgbhgktgm teg mggp strgss

`b hovoji oj djm dr`ujm teos p`vgrty. Dhh mdy, eg‟m cggj `ur coiigst

keggrhgdmgr, wote j`teoji cut gjteusodsn b`r `ur w`rl. Cut O k`uhm

sgg bhdsegs `b brustrdto`j weohg eg mr`vg, gspgkodhhy wegj wg pdssgm

keohmrgj cgiioji oj teg strggts. Hobg oj Edoto os djyteoji cut gdsy.

O irdccgm ny z``n hgjs djm dttdkegm ot t` teg kdngrd edji-

oji dr`ujm ny jgkl. Ds wg gjtgrgm teg k`jkrgtg-irdy koty, surigs`b k`h`r kduiet ny pe`t`irdpegr‟s gyg6 d w`ndj‟s croiet, bukesod

]-seort< s`bt pdstghs j egr mduietgr‟s funpgr< vovom yghh`w stropgs j

d y`uji c`y‟s cutt`j-m`wj seort< pohgs `b irggj cdjdjds djm stdkls

`b rgm p`tdt`gs dt r`dmsomg stdjms< chdkl pois djm cr`wj m`is wdj-

mgroji ter`uie gngrdhm irdss.

]eg n`st gyg-kdtkeoji `b dhh wgrg teg bhdnc`ydjt Edotodj cusgs.

Kdhhgm tdp-tdps, tegsg tdxo-cusgs drg r hhoji irdbboto cohhc`drms, se`w-kdsoji s`ng `b Edoto‟s n`st bgstovg drtw`rl. ]egy wgrg `vgrbohhgm

wote pg`phg wgdroji tr`pokdh-k`h`rgm projts `j seorts, slorts, djm

egdmskdrvgs. Oj Edoto, n`st cuohmojis drg irdy, djm p`vgrty kdsts

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Oj Hovoji K`h`r

mdrl sedm`ws. Cut teg pg`phg `b Edoto mgby teos chgdljgss wote tegor

drtw`rl, hduietgr, djm sojioji. ]eg gjvor`jngjt ndy cg irdy, cut

Edotodj mrgdns drg oj hovoji k`h r.

Yg turjgm `j t` teg stggp djm wojmoji `jg-hdjg, qudrtgr-nohg

r`dm tedt hgm t` teg e`tgh, djm sgvgrdh tongs O kduiet ny crgdte ds

`ur kdr euiigm d toiet kurvg `j teg gmig `b d stggp mr`p-`bb. O k`uhm

sgg teg seojoji weotg k`hunjs djm teg hdygrgm tgrrdkgs tedt ihon-

ngrgm oj teg hdtg dbtgrj``j suj ds tegy khuji t` teg somg b teg E`tgh

N`jtdjd. ]eg `pgj-dor h`ccy, sedmgm p`rtok`, djm tr`pokdh k`h`rs `b

teg cuohmoji wgrg d wghk`ng rghogb br`n teg chgdl drkeotgkturg wg‟m

pdssgm `j `ur wdy oj.Gperdon puhhgm ojt` teg r`ujmdc`ut oj br`jt `b teg e`tgh, put

teg [WR oj pdrl, djm kut teg gjiojg. Eg `pgjgm teg m``r, djm ds wg

gxotgm teg [WR, eg borst irdccgm Mdvom, djm tegj ng, oj d cgdr eui.

Ob tegrg os `jg pgrs`j we` wohh rgnojm ng `b Edoto wegj O igt e`ng,

ot wohh cg Gperdon. O ndmg d ngjtdh j`tg t` tdlg pokturgs wote eon


‘]edjls, iuys!„ Mdvom sdom, ujh`dmoji eos gquopngjt br`n tegcdkl `b teg [WR.

O ihdjkgm dt ny wdtke. Ot wds =673. ‘Yg‟hh gdt mojjgr oj teg e`tgh

t`joiet djm nggt cdkl egrg oj teg n`rjoji dt ” e, e`w dc`ut goiet

`‟kh`kl0„ O sdom t` F`ejjog. Eg k`jbgrrgm wote Gperdon, we` dirggm.

]egy wdvgm djm stdrtgm teg gjiojg.

O shuji ny cdklpdkl `vgr ny se`uhmgr djm b`hh`wgm Mdvom ojt`

teg h`ccy.Qgredps teg jokgst e`tgh oj dhh `b Edoto, teg E`tgh N`jtdjd eds

cggj kdhhgm teg kr`wjoji fgwgh `b Q`rt-du-Qrojkg. Br`n teg tgrrdkg,

y`u edvg stujjoji vogws `b teg n`ujtdojs, teg k`dst, djm m`wj-

t`wj Q`rt-du-Qrojkg. ]eg vdjtdig p`ojt ndmg teg e`tgh sggn dhn`st

huxuro`us, mgspotg teg p`vgrty tedt wdotgm fust m`wj teg eohh. Muroji

tongs b p`hotokdh turn`oh, ot wds k`jsomgrgm jg b teg bgw sdbg phdkgs

b`r b`rgoijgrs t` stdy.Ds wg gjtgrgm teg h`ccy, teg rgiostrdto`j mgsl wds morgkthy degdm

`b us. ]eg weotg pohhdrs djm k`h`jjdmgs rgbhgktgm teg croiet dbtgr-

j``j suj, ndloji teg we`hg h`ccy drgd rdmodtg wote wdrnte djm

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hoiet. Yg turjgm hgbt dt teg rgiostrdto`j mgsl djm egdmgm t`wdrm teg

sndhh ghgvdt`rs cut dt teg hdst sgk`jm mgkomgm t` turj ur cdkls t` teg

h`ccy djm ojstgdm tdlg teg `utm``r stdorwdy tedt hgm t` `ur r``n. Ot

w`uhm iovg us d kedjkg t` crgdteg oj teg wdrn Kdroccgdj dor djm igt

`jg n`rg h``l dt teg pdj`rdnok vogw.

Yg edm `jhy tdlgj d stgp `r tw` oj teg morgkto`j `b teg stdors

wegj d c``n se``l teg e`tgh holg d bogrkg teujmgrkhdp noiet sedlg

d e`usg, cut ojstgdm `b wojm`ws rdtthoji, teg wdhhs ropphgm ds ob tegy

wgrg ndmg `b hoquom. O‟n j`t surg O egdrm teg c``n s` nuke ds O bght 

ot oj ny kegst. ]eg gxph`so`js k`jtojugm `jg `j t`p `b dj`tegr, jgdr

djm bdr dwdy, holg teg s`ujms `b drtohhgry `j d cdtthgboghm.