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Page 1: Unix Basics Ppt

UNIX Basics


Page 2: Unix Basics Ppt

Contents1.Introduction to Unix 03 - 11

2. Logging In and Basic Commands 12 - 26

3File system 27 - 45

4.managing files 46 - 55

5.File Access Permissions 56 - 68 Editor 69 - 78

7.Shell Basics 79 – 94

8. Standard I/O Redirection 95 – 103

9. Filters & some utilities 104 – 123

10. Controlling Processes 124 – 132

11. Shell Programming concepts 133 - 158

12. Labs 159 - 161


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Introduction to Unix

Module 1


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

what is an Operating System History of unix Operating system Unix Architecture More features of unix Unix Flavors Linux Flavors


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What Is an Operating System?

• Interface between Users and the Hardware

• take care of Storage Management

• take care of I/O device management


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1969 AT&T Bell Labs UNICS system -designed by Ken Thompson & Dennis Ritchie

1970 UNICS finally became UNIX

1973 UNIX rewritten in C, making it portable to different hardware

Mid 1970s University of California at Berkeley (BSD) contributed many important features like vi, C shell etc.

1982 AT & T came back and started commercial production- Editions ->Systems

Late 1980s AT & T released SVR4 unification of SV3.2,BSD,SunOs & XENIX

1991 Linux from Linus Torvalds

1990s POSIX Standard, MIT introduced X-Windows

History of the UNIX Operating System


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UNIX Architecture – Kernel & Shell

Shell Kernel HardwareUser


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UNIX Architecture – System Calls

Though there are over a thousand commands on the system, they all use a handful of functions, called system calls, to communicate with the kernel.

All unix flavors use the same system calls and are described in the POSIX specification.


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• Hierarchical file system• Multi tasking• Multi user• The building block approach• Pattern matching (wildcard characters)• Toolkit(Applications, RDBMSs, Languages etc..)• Programming facility• Documentation

More Features of UNIX9

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Flavors of UNIX

• Digital Unix


• SCO Open Server

• SCO UnixWare


• HP - UX

• Sun - Solaris


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Clone of UNIX (LINUX)

• Red Hat

• Calders

• SuSE

• Mandrake

• Debian


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Logging In and Basic Commands

Module 2


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

Logging In and Out Command Line Format The Secondary Prompt Online Manual Pages id Command who Command date Command cal, clear Commands passwd Command finger command


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• Log in to identify yourself and gain access.

• Execute commands to do work.

• Log off to terminate your connection.

A Typical Terminal Session14

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Logging In and Out




exit or <ctrl>+<d> will terminate the login session


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$ command [-options] [arguments]

1. Separation : mail –f newmail not mail – f newmail

2. Order: mail –f newmail not mal newmail –f

3. Multiple options: who –m –u or who –mu not who –m u

4. Multiple arguments: mail team1 team2 not mail team1team2

Command Line Format16

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$ echo 'hi

>Good Morning‘

> is the default secondary prompt

The Secondary Prompt17

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Content of the Manual Pages



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man –[k|X] keyword

in which X is the number of one of the manual sections

Examples: $ man ls Display the “ls" man page. $ man -k cat Display entries with keyword "cat". $ man passwd Display the "passwd" man page-Section 1. $ man 4 passwd Display the "passwd" man page-Section 4.

The Online Manual19

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Syntax: id Displays effective user and group identification for session

Example: $id uid =303 (user3) gid=300 (class)

The id Command20

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Syntax: who Reports information about users who are

currently logged on to a systemExamples: $ who root tty1p5 Jul 01 08:01 user11 tty1p4 Jul 01 09:59 user12 tty0p3 Jul 01 10:01

$ who am i user12 tty0p3 Jul 01 10:01

$ whoami user12

The who Command21

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Syntax: date Reports the date and time

Example: $ date Fri Jul 1 11:15:55 EDT 2005

The date Command


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Syntax: cal Reports the calendar of 2011 September(Current month)

Example: $ cal 8 2011 for Aug 2011 $ cal 2011 for the full calendar of year 2011

The cal Command23

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Syntax: passwd Assigns a login password

Example: $ passwd

Changing password for user1 Old password: New password: Re-enter new password:

The passwd Command24

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The clear Command


clear Clears terminal screen


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fingerFinger: Displays information about the users currently logged on


$ finger user1

Login name: user1 Directory: /export/home/user1 shell:/usr/bin/sh On since Sep 05 09:10:12 on tty1 No plan


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File System

Module 3


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

What Is a File System? File System structure Hard Link File Types Ordinary Files Directory Files Symbolic Links Device files The File System Hierarchy Basic Commands pwd, cd, ls, mkdir, rmdir, touch


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What Is a File System?

collection of control structures and Data blocks that occupy the space defined by a partition and allow for the storage and management of data.

Data + Meta data


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File System structure

Primary Superblock

Backup Superblock

Cylinder Group Block

Inode Table

Data Blocks


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Hard Link

Allows a file to have more than one name and yet maintain a single copy on the disk.

All the links have the same inode number

Eg: $ ls –i f1

1113 f1

$ ln f1 f1.lnk

$ ls –i f1.lnk

1113 f1.lnk


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File Types

Common File Types:

Ordinary files: regular files

Directory files: table of contents, that stores a list of files/directories within that directory

Device files: For every device there is a device file used by kernel to interact with the device.

Symbolic Link: Its link to other files


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Ordinary Files

A regular file simply holds data.

Regular files can hold ASCII text, binary data, image data, databases, application-related data, and more.


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Directory Files

Directory Inode Table

name inum # type mode links user group date size locd1 4 4 dir 755 2 user1 group1 Sep 5 9:30 512f1 10 10 file 644 1 user1 group1 Sep 5 9:45 12


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Symbolic Links

contains the path of the file to which it links

Exists even after the source file is removed and is exactly similar to Windows shortcut

Syntax: ln –s soucefile linkfile

Eg: ln -s /f1 f1.lnk

Overcomes 2 limitations of Hard Link:1. possible across filesystems2. can link to a directory


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Device files

A device file provides access to a device.

# cd /devices/pci@1f,0/pci@1,1/ide@3# ls -lbrw------- 1 root sys 136, 0 Apr 3 11:11 dad@0,0:a

Two types of device files:block device filescharacter device file


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The File System Hierarchy


usr etc devices dev var tmp

bin sbin

ls who

adm sadmdsk rdsk


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system directories

/ :root directory, top level directory

/bin : user commands like cp, cron, cmp etc..

/usr/sbin: admin commands

/dev : logical device files of all hardware devices

/devices: physical device files

/etc : System configuration files and user database

/tmp : to store temporary files

/usr : the binaries, shared libraries, shared documentation etc.

/var: stores the log files and dynamic files


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File Path nameA sequence of file names, separated by slashes (/), that

describes the path, the system must follow to locate a

file in the file system

Absolute pathname (start from the /-directory):

Eg: /export/home/user1/file1

Relative pathname (start from the current directory)

./test1 (. = current directory)

../team03/.profile (.. = parent directory)


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pwd - Present Working Directory

pwd prints the Current Directory


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Syntax: ls [-adlFR] [pathname(s)]

Example: $ ls f1 f2 memo $ ls -F f1 f2* memo/ $ ls -aF profile f1 f2* memo/ $ ls memo f1 f2

ls - List Contents of a Directory41

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cd Change Directory

Example:$ pwd/home/user3$ cd memo; pwd/home/user3/memo$ cd ../..; pwd/home$ cd /tmp; pwd/tmp


cd [dir_name]


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mkdir, rmdir – create & remove Directories

Syntax: mkdir directory


$ mkdir d1

syntax: rmdir dir


$ rmdir /export/home/user1


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working with Multiple Directories

Create multiple directories simultaneously: $ mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3

Remove a directory and all its subdirectories

$ rmdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3


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The touch CommandUpdates the atime and mtime of a file if it exists.

Else create an empty file


$ ls –l

-rw-r—r-- 1 user1 group1 100 Sep 5 09:30 test


Mon, Sep 5 10:00 2005

$ touch test file1

$ ls -l

-rw-r—r-- 1 user1 group1 100 Sep 5 10:00 test

-rw-r—r-- 1 user1 group1 100 Sep 5 10:00 file1


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Managing Files

Module 4


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

File Characteristics cat more tail wc cp mv rm


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File Characteristics








$ ls -l -rw-r--r-- 1 user3 class 37 Jul 24 11:06 f1-rwxr-xr-x 1 user3 class 52 Jul 24 11:08 f2drwxr-xr-x 2 user3 class 1024 Jul 24 12:03 memo


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Syntax: cat [file...] Concatenate and display the contents of file(s)

Examples: $ cat remind Your mother's birthday is November 29. $ cat note remind The meeting is scheduled for July 29. Your mother's birthday is November 29.

$ cat abc abc 1234 1234

cat - Display the Contents of a File



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Syntax:more [filename]... Display files one screen at a time

Example: $ more funfile . . . --funfile (20%)-- Q or q Quit moreReturn One more line Space bar One more page

more - Display the Contents of a File


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tail [-n] [filename]... Display the end of file(s)


$ tail -1 test soon as it is available.

tail - Display the End of a File51

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wc command

The wc command counts the number of lines, words and bytes in a named file:


wc [-c] [-l] [-w] filename


-c counts the number of bytes

-l counts lines

-w counts words


$wc testfile

10 98 1000 testfile


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Syntax:cp [-i] file1 new_file Copy a filecp [-i] file [file...] dest_dir Copy files to a directorycp -r [-i] dir [dir...] dest_dir Copy directories

Example: cp file1 d1 copies file1 to d1 directory cp file2 file3 create a copy of file2 as file3 in the same directory

cp - Copy Files53

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mv [-i] file new_file Rename a filemv [-i] file [file...] dest_dir Move files to a directorymv [-i] dir [dir...] dest_dir Rename or move directories


$ ls -F $ mv note remind memof1 f2* memo/ note remind $ ls -F$ mv f1 file1 file1 memo/$ ls -F $ls -F memofile1 f2* memo/ note remind file2* note remind$ mv f2 memo/file2 $ mv memo letters$ ls -F $ ls -F file1 memo/ note remind file1 letters/$ ls -F memo file2*

mv - Move or Rename Files54

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Syntax: rm [-if] filename [filename...] Remove files rm -r[if] dirname [filename...] Remove directories


rm f1 removes the file f1 rm –r d1 remove the directory.

rm - Remove Files55

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File Access Permissions

Module 5


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Access to files is dependent on a user's identification and the permissions associated with a file. This module will show how to Understand the read, write, and execute access to a file Permissions

ls (11, ls -l) chmod umask chown chgrp su setuid, setgid, sticky bit


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File Permissions and Access

Access to files is dependent on a user's identification and the permissions associated with a file. This module will show how to Understand the read, write, and execute access to a filePermissions

ls (11, ls -l)chmodumaskchownchgrpsu

Determine what access is granted on a fileChange the file access Change default file access Change the owner of a file Change the group of a file Switch your user identifier


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Who can access a File?

The UNIX system incorporates a three-tier structure to define who has access to each file and directory:

user The owner of the file group A group that may have access to the file other Everyone else

• The ls -l command displays the owner and group who has access to the file.$ ls -l-rw-r--r-- 1 user3 class 37 Jul 24 11:06 f1-rwxr-xr-x 1 user3 class 37 Jul 24 11:08 f2drwxr-xr-x 2 user3 class 1024 Jul 24 12:03 memo | | owner group


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contents can be examined. contents can be examined.

contents can be changed. contents can be changed.

file can be used as a command.can become current working directory.

Types of Access

There are three types of access for each file and directory:

Read files: directories:

Write files: directories:

Execute files: directories:


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Change Permissions (Symbolic Notation)

Syntax: chmod mode_list file... Change permissions of file(s)

mode_list [who[operator]permission] [ ,... ]

who user, group, other or all(u/g/a) operator + (add), - (subtract), = (set equal to) permission read, write, execute

Example:Original permissions: mode user group other rw-r--r-- rw- r-- r--

$ chmod u+x,g+x,o+x file or $ chmod +x fileFinal permissions: mode user group other rwxr-xr-x rwx r-x r-x


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Change Permissions(Octal Notation) File and directory permissions can also be specified as an octal number:

Read Permission :4

Write Permission :2

Execute Permission:1

We can just add the numbers to specify the permission for each category

Example: 6 means read and write, 7 means read, write and execute


$ chmod 664 f1 will give read and write permissions for owner and group while only read for others


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Default Permissions

The default protections for newly created files and directories are:

File -rw-r—r-- 644

Directory drwxr-xr-x 755

These default settings may be modified by changing the umask value.


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umask - Permission Mask

Umask specifies what permission bits will be set on a new file or directory when created.

New Directory: 777 – 022 755 rwxr-xr-x

New File : 666 – 022 644 rw-r—r—

The default value of umask is set in /etc/profile. This can be changed for all the users or a particular user


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chown - Change File Ownership

Syntax: chown owner [:group] filename ...

Example: $ id uid=101 (user1), gid=101 (group1) $ cp f1 /tmp/user2/f1 $ ls -l /tmp/user2/f1 -rw-r----- 1 user1 group1 3967 Jan 24 13:13 f1 $ chown user2 /tmp/user2/f1 $ ls -l /tmp/user2/f1 -rw-r----- 1 user2 class 3967 Jan 24 13:13 f1

Only the owner of a file (or root) can change the ownership of the file.

Changes owner of a file(s) and, optionally, the group ID


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The chgrp CommandSyntax: chgrp newgroup filename ...

Example: $ id uid=303 (user3), gid=300 (class) $ ls -l f3 -rw-r----- 1 user3 class 3967 Jan 24 13:13 f3 $ chgrp class2 f3 $ ls -l f3 -rw-r----- 1 user3 class2 3967 Jan 24 13:13 f3 $ chown user2 f3 $ ls -l f3 -rw-r----- 1 user2 class2 3967 Jan 24 13:13 f3


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su - Switch User IdSyntax: su [user_name]

Example: $ ls -l f1 -rwxr-x--- 1 user1 group1 3967 Jan 24 23:13 class_setup $ id uid=303 (user1), gid=300 (group1)

$ su – user2 Password: $ id uid=400 (user2), gid=300 (group1)

Change your effective user ID and group ID


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Special File Permissions – setuid, setgid, sticky bit

setuid – changes the effective user id of the user to the owner of the program chmod u+s f1 or – chmod 4744 f1

setgid – changes the effective group id of the user to the group of the program chmod g+s f1 or chmod 2744 f1

sticky bit – ensures the deletion of files by only file owner in a public writable directory chmod +t f1 or Chmod 1744 f1


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vi Editor

Module 6


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

What Is vi? Starting and Ending a vi Session Cursor Control Commands Input Mode: i, a, O, o Deleting Text: x, dw, dd, dG Copying, moving and changing Text Searching for Text: /, n, N Find and Replace


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• A screen-oriented text editor• Included with most UNIX system distributions• Command driven• Categories of commands include

– General administration– Cursor movement– Insert text– Delete text– Paste text– Modify text

What Is vi?71

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Starting and Ending a vi Session

vi [filename] Start a vi edit session of file


$ vi testfile - If the file doesn’t exist, it will be created - Otherwise vi will open the existing file

All modifications are made to the copy of the file brought into memory.

:wq or :x or <shift-zz> write and quit

:w write

:q quit

:q! Quit without saving


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Cursor Control Commands












0 b,B h <left-arrow>


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Input Mode: i, a, O, o

i  will insert character at the present cursor positionI will insert character at the beginning of the linea will append character at the present cursor position A will append character at the end of the line

o  will insert a blank line belowO will insert a blank line above


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Deleting Text: x, dw, dd, dG

x  deletes the current character

dw  deletes the current word

dd  deletes the current line

dG delete all lines to end of file, including current line.

With any of these you can prefix a number

Example: 3dd will delete 3 lines

d$  to delete to the end of the line

d0 to delete to the start of the line


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Copying, moving and changing Text

yy copy the line

yw copy the word p will paste the yanked lines below

dw cut the word P will paste the yanked lines above  

dd cut the line

r will overwrite the current character

R will replace all text on the right of the cursor position

cw will replace only the current word


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Searching for Text: /, n, N

/director will locate for the first occurrence of the pattern ‘director’

n to locate the next occurrence

N to locate the previous occurence


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Find and Replace

To find and replace the word director with member :


1,$ represents all lines in the file

g makes it truly global. g will ensure that all occuences in each line is replaced. Without g only the first occurrence of each line will be replaced.


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Shell Features

Module 7


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

Shell functionalities Commonly Used Shells BASH Shell Features Aliasing, Command History Re-entering Commands The User Environment Setting Shell Variables Variable Substitution Command Substitution Transferring Local Variables to the Environment Functions of a Shell before Command execution.


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Shell functionalities

command execution environment settings variable assignment variable substitution command substitution filename generation I/O redirection Interpretive programming language


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Bash shellKorn shellBourne shellC ShellRestricted Korn shellRestricted Bourne shellAn amended version of the C shellThe Z shell

Commonly Used Shells82

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• A shell user interface with some advanced features:

– Command aliasing– File name completion– Command history mechanism– Command line recall and editing– Job control– Enhanced cd capabilities– Advanced programming capabilities

BASH Shell Features83

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Syntax: alias [name[=string]]

Examples: $ alias dir=ls $ alias mroe=more $ alias mstat=/home/tricia/projects/micron/status $ alias laser="lp -dlaser" $ laser fileX request id is laser-234 (1 file) $ alias displays aliases currently defined $ alias mroe displays value of alias mroe mroe=more


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• The shell keeps a history file of commands that you enter.• The history command displays the last 16 commands.• You can recall, edit, and re-enter commands previously entered.

Syntax: history [-n| a z] Display the command history.Example: $ history -2 list the last two commands

15 cd 16 more .profile

$ history 3 5 list command numbers 3 through 5

3 date 4 pwd 5 ls

Command History 85

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Example: $ history 3 5 list command numbers 3 through 5 3 date 4 pwd 5 ls $ r 4 run command number 4 pwd /home/kelley

Re-entering Commands

• You type r c to re-enter command number c.


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Syntax: envExample: $ env HOME=/home/gerry PWD=/home/gerry/develop/basics ... PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/local/bin:\ /home/gerry/bin

The User Environment

• Your environment describes your session to the programs you run.


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The PATH variable– A list of directories where the shell will search for the

commands you type The TERM variable

– Describes your terminal type and screen size to the programs you run

$ env ... PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/local/bin $ TERM=70092

Two Important Variables88

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Setting Shell Variables




Syntax: name=value


color=blue PATH=$PATH:/usr/ucb


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$ echo $PATH/usr/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/local/bin$ PATH=$PATH:$HOME:.$ echo $PATH/usr/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/user3:.$ echo $HOME/home/user3$ file_name=$HOME/file1$ more $file_name<contents of /home/user3/file1>

Variable Substitution90

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Syntax: $(command)


$ dt=date This will store the string date in the variable dt not the value

$ dt=$(date) This will do command substitution and store the result of date command in the variable dt

note: instead of $(date) we can also use `date`

Command Substitution91

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$ echo $HOME/home/user3

$ envHOME=/home/user3….SHELL=/usr/bin/sh

$ setHOME=/home/user3PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/contrib/bin:/usr/local/bin….color=lavendercount=3dir_name=/home/user3/tree

$ unset dir_name

Displaying Variable Values92

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Transferring Local Variables to the Environment

Syntax: export variable Transfer variable to environment


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Functions of a Shell before Command execution.

Searches for a command Substitutes Shell variable values. Command substitution, I/O redirection Interpreted programming interface


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Standard I/O Redirection

Module 8


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

The Standard Files Input Redirection Output Redirection Creating a file with cat Error Redirection Combined Redirection Split Outputs


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The Standard Files

Standard Input File (0) Keyboard

Standard Output File (1) Monitor

Standard Error File (2) Monitor


standard input redirection 0< or <

standard output redirection 1> or >

standard Error redirection 2>


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Input Redirection

Default standard input

$ mail user1

subject: Hi

Test mail


Redirect Input from a file: <

$ mail user1 < letter


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Output Redirection

Default standard output:$ ls f1 f2 f3

Redirect output from a file: >$ ls > ls.out

Redirecting and appending output to a file: >>$ who >> who.out


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Creating a file with catWhile normally used to list the contents of files, using cat with redirection can be used to create a file

$ lsfile1 file2 file3

Using redirection

$ cat > newfilefile created by using the output redirection<ctrl-d>

$ lsfile1 file2 file3 newfile


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Error Redirection

Default standard error:

$ cat file1 file3

This is file1

cat: cannot open file2

Redirecting error output to a file: 2> (To append: 2>>)

$ cat file1 file3 2>err

This is file1

$ cat err

cat: cannot open file2

$ cat file1 file3 2> /dev/null


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Combined Redirection

Combined redirects: $ command > outfile 2>errfile <infile $ command >> appendfile 2 >> errorfile <infile

Association Examples: $ command > outfile 2 >&1

note: This is NOT the same as above $ command 2>&1 >outfile


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Split Outputs

The tee command reads standard input and sends the data to both standard output and a file.


$ ls | tee | wc –l


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Module 9

Filters & other commands


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

grep, sort, find ,cut , tr ftp paste command split command uniq command diff(Differential file comparator) Command cmp command file command tar (tape archive program) Restoring Files


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Search for lines matching specified pattern


grep [options] pattern [file1 file2 …..]



Robin Bangalore

John Chennai

Rina Bangalore

$ grep Bangalore emp.dat

Robin Bangalore

Rina Bangalore


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grep with Regular Expressions

grep ‘regular_expression’ file

Valid metacharacters

. Any single character

* Zero or more occurences of the preceding character

[aA] Enumeration: a or A

[a-f] Any one of the characters in the range of a through f

^a Any lines that start with a

z$ Any lines that end with z


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grep options

-v print lines that do not match

-c print only a count of matching lines

-l print only the names of the files with matching lines

-n number the matching lines

-i ignore the case of letters when making comparisons

-w do a whole word search


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sort command

The sort command sorts lines and writes the result to standard output:

$ sort [ -t delimiter] [+field[.column]] [options]


-d sorts in dictionary order. Only letters, digits and spaces are considered in comarisons

-r reverses the order of the specified sort

-n sorts numeric fields in arithmetic value


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sort examples

$ cat animalsdog.2cat.4elephant.10rabbit.7

$ sort animalscat.4dog.2elephant.10rabbit.7

$ cat animals | sort +0.1rabbit.7cat.4elephant.10dog.2

$ cat animals | sort -t. -n +1dog.2cat.4rabbit.7elephant.10


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find command

Search one or more directory structures for files that meet certain specified criteria

Display the names of matching files or execute commands against those files

find path expression

Examples:$ find / -name file1 ---search for files in whole system with name file1$ find / -user user1 –exec rm { } \; ---search for the

files owned by user1 and delete them$ find / -user user1 –ok rm { } \; ---search for the

files owned by user1 and delete them interactively


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find options

-type f ordinary filed directory

-size +n larger than "n" blocks-n smaller than "n" blocks n equal to "n" blocks

-mtime +x modified more than "x" days ago-x modified less than "x" days ago

-perm onum access permissions match "onum"mode access permissin match "mode"

-user user1 finds files owned by "user1"

-o logical "or"

-newer ref searches for files that are newer than the reference file.


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cut command

Used to cut fields from each line of a file or columns of a table

cut –d: -f1,5 /etc/passwdcut –c2 test second character of each line cut –c-2 test first 2 characters of each line


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tr command

Used to substitute the values

tr [a-z] [A-Z] will convert each small letter to caps

cat test | tr [a-z] [A-Z] will convert the small letters to caps in display

tr –s “ “ will squeeze multiple space occurences of space into one


Page 115: Unix Basics Ppt

ftpThe ftp Command Syntax :

$ ftp hostname

get Gets a file from the remote computer.

put Sends a local file to the remote system

mget get multiple files from the remote system

mput Sends multiple files to the remote system

cd changes the directory in the remote system

lcd changes the directory in the local system

ls Lists files on the remote computer.

? Lists all ftp commands

help command Display a very brief help message for command.

bye Exits ftp.


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The paste commandUsed to paste files vertically

eg. file1 file2 paste file1 file2

name address age name address age

ram mvm 29 ram mvm 29

raghu rjnagar 25 raghu rjnagar 25

(To rearrange f1 f2 f3 to f3 f2 f1, cut each field,put into file then paste)

By default paste uses the tab character for pasting files, but –d to specify one

eg. paste –d \| file1 file2

name address|age

ram mvm|29

raghu rjnagar|25


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The split command

Used to split up the files:

This command breaks up the input into several equi line segments.

by defalult, split breaks a file into 1000 line pieces(or whatever is left)

split creates files like xaa,xab,xac …. xaz then xba, xbb …. xbz and … xzz . So there can be 676(26*26) files

split –5 chap (here the chap file is broken into files of 5 lines size)

split chap small (the file names will be smallaa,smallab …. smallzz)


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The uniq command• used in EDP environment

• to clear the duplicate entries by mistakes

eg. dept.list 01|accounts|6213





uniq dept.list 01|accounts|6213



The input to uniq must be ordered data. So sort and send the data

sort dept.list | uniq -uniqlist (uniqlist is the output file)


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The diff(Differential file comparator) Command

Analyzes text files

Reports the differences between files

diff [-options] file1 file2


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The cmp command

$ cmp names names.oldnames names.old differ: byte 6, line 1

$cmp -l names names.old6 12 1517 102 1568 157 145.........cmp: EOF on names


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The file commandThe file command tells the type of file

Example:$ file /usr/bun/vi/usr/bin/vi:executable (RISC system/6000) or object module

$ file c1c1: ascii text

$ file /usr/bin/usr/bin: directory


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create a disk archive that contains a group of files or an entire directory structure

-c copy-x extract-t list [only one can be present at a time]-f to specify the device name

tar [–]cvf etc.tar /etc/*

tar (tape archive program)122

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tar –xvf tarfile

Example: tar –xvf etc.tar

selective extractiontar –xvf etc.tar /etc/passwd

tar –tvf etc.tar will display the archive

Restoring Files123

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Module 10

Controlling Processes


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

Monitoring Process Controlling Processes Terminating Processes Kill Signals Running Long Processes Job Control


Page 126: Unix Basics Ppt

Monitoring Process

The ps command dislays process status information

$ ps -f

UID PID PPID ... TTY ... COMMANDjohn 202 1 ... tty0 ... -kshjohn 204 202 ... tty0 ... kshjohn 210 204 ... yyu0 ... ls -R /john 212 204 ... tty0 ... ps -f


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Controlling Processes

Foreground Processes:

$ ls -lR / >lsout

Background Processes:

$ ls -lR / >lsout &


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Terminating Processes

Foreground Processes:

ctrl-c Interrupt key, cancels a forground process

kill Sometimes the kill command is used to terminate foreground processes

Background Processes:

kill kill is the only way to terminate background processes


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Kill Signals

Sig Meaning

01 hangup- you logged out while the process was still running02 interrupt- you pressed the interrupt(break) key sequence ctrl-c03 quit -you pressed the quit key sequence ctrl-\

09 Kill signal:The most powerful and risky signal that can be sentSignal cannot be avoided or ignored!

15 Termination signal(Default): Stop a processSignal can be handled by programs


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Running Long Processes

The nohup command will prevent a process from being killed if you log off the system before it completes:

$ nohup ls -lR / >lsout & [1] 100

If you do not redirect output, nohup will redirect output to a file nohup.out

$ nohup ls -lR / & [1] 102Sending output to nohup.out


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Job Control

jobs Lists all jobs

<ctrl-z> Suspends foreground task

fg %jobnumber Execute job in foreground

bg %jobnumber Execute job in background

stop %jobnumber Suspends background task


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Job Control Examples

$ ls -R / > out 2> errfile & [1] 273

$ jobs [1] + Running ls -R / > out 2>errfile &

$ fg %1ls -R / > out 2>errfile<ctrl-z>[1] + Stopped (SIGTSTP) ls -R / >out 2>errfile &

$ bg %1% jobs[1] + Running ls -R / >out 2>errfile & $ kill %1[1] + Terminating ls -R / >out 2>errfile &


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Module 11

Shell Programming Concepts


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Upon completing this module you should be able to understand the following:

echo & read commands Command Line Arguments The logical operators && and || The if Conditional Numeric comparison with test numeric, string and file comparison The case CONDITIONAL expr: Computation Command Substitution sleep & wait while loop, until and for loops


Page 135: Unix Basics Ppt

echo & read commands

echo used to display messages on the screen

read used to accept values from the users, make programming interactive


echo “Enter ur name “

read name

echo “Good Morning $name”


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Command Line Arguments

Shell programs can accept values through

1. read [Interactive –used when there are more inputs]

2. From the command Line when u execute it[Non interactive- used when only a few inputs are there]

For eg. sh1 20 30 Here 20 & 30 are the command Line arguments.

Command Line args are stored in Positional parameters

$1 contains the first argument, $2 the second, $3 the third etc.

$0 contains the name of the file, $# stores the count of args

$* displays all the args


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An example of Command Line args.

#! /bin/bash

echo “Program: $0”

echo “The number of args specified is $#”

echo “The args are $*”

sh sh1 prog1 prog2


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The parameter $?

$? can be used to know the exit value of the previous command . This can be used in the shell scripts:


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The logical operators && and ||

These operators can be used to control the execution of command depending on the success/failure of the previous command


grep ‘director’ emp1.lst && echo “Pattern found in file”

grep ‘manager’ emp2.lst || echo “pattern not found”

or grep ‘director’ emp.lst’ && echo “Pattern found” || echo “Pattern not found”


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exit : Script Termination

exit command used to prematurely terminate a program. It can even take args.

eg. grep “$1” $2 | exit 2

echo “Pattern found – Job over”


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The if Conditional

if condition is true


execute commands


execute commands


else is not a must : if condition is true


execute commands



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An example of if

eg1: if grep “director” emp.lst

then echo “Pattern found”

else echo “Pattern not found”


Every if must have an accompanying then and fi, and optionally else


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Numeric comparison with test

test is used to check a condition and return true or false

Relational operators used by if

Operator Meaning

-eq Equal to

-ne Not equal to

-gt Greater than

-ge Gfreater than or equal to

-lt Less than

-le Less than or equal to


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An example of test with numeric

echo “Enter age”

read age

if test $age –ge 18

then echo “Major”

else echo “Minor”



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[ ] short hand for test

echo “Enter age”

read age

if [ $age –ge 18 ]

then echo “Major”

else echo “Minor”



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if –elif :Multi-way Branching

if condition echo “Enter marks”

then execute commands read marks

elif condition if [ $marks –ge 80 ]

then execute commands then echo“Distinction”

elif condition elif [ $marks –ge 60 ]

then execute commands then echo “First Class”

else execute conditions else echo “Pass”

fi fi

can have as many elif , else is optional


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test String comparison

test with Strings uses = and !=

String Tests used by test

Test Exit Status

-n str1 true if str1 is not a null string

-z str1 true if str1 is a null string

s1 = s2true if s1 = s2

s1 != s2 true if s1 is not equal to s2

str1 true if str1 is assigned and not null


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file tests

File related Tests with test

Test Exit Status

-e file True if file exists

-f file True if fie exists and is a regular file

-r file True if file exists and is readable

-w file True if file exists and is writable

-x file True if file exists and is executable

-d file True if file exists and is a directory

-s file True if the file exists and has a size >0


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case used to match an expression for more than one alternatives and uses a compact construct to permit multi way branching

case expression in

pattern1) execute commands;;

pattern2) execute commands



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An example for case

echo “1. List of files 2. Processes of user 2. Quit”

echo “Enter choice”

read choice

case “$choice” in

1) ls ;;

2) ps –f ;;

3) exit;;

*) echo “Wrong Choice”



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case Matching Multiple patterns

echo “Do u want to continue (y/n) “

read answer

case “$answer” in

y|Y) echo “Good” ;;

n|N) exit ;;


case can also use wildcards like [yY][eE]* or [nN][oO]


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expr: Computation

Shell doesn’t have any compute features-depend on expr

expr 3 + 5

expr $x + $y

expr $x - $y

expr $x \* $y

expr &x / $y

expr $x % $y division gives only integers as expr

can handle only integers


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Command Substitution


x=`expr $x +1`

echo $x it will give 6


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sleep & wait

sleep 100 the program sleeps for 100 seconds

wait wait for completion of all background processes

wait 138 wait for completion of the process 138


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while loop

while condition is true


execute commands


eg. x=1

while test $x -le 10


echo $x

x=`expr $x + 1`

done (while true will set infinite condition)


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until : while’s complement


until test $x –gt 10


echo $x

x=`expr $x + 1`



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For loopfor variable in list


execute commands


eg. for x in 1 2 3 4 5


echo “Value of x is $x”



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The list in for loop1. List from variables

for var in $PATH $HOME $MAIL


echo $var


2. List from Wild cards

for file in *.c


cc $file –o $file{x}


3. List from positional parameters

for pattern in $*


grep”$pattern” emp.lst || echo “pattern $pattern not found”


4. List from command substitution

for file in `cat clist`


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Who shows all users on the unix machine.

Who am I shows the complete information about you.

Date shows the current date and time of the machine.

Id Shows the details of the user along with gid and groups.

Cpio it is the command which saves and restores file

Cpio –icvdum `usr2/*` < /dev/rmt0

How many shells?

Two types of shells are there Bourne shell & C shell

Bourne shell {sh, Ksh(korn), bash}

C shell {csh & tcsh(tenex/tops)}

History of shells

First introduced sh shell used for programming and csh shell for interactive use, then the ksh introduced having all the C shell’s interactive features into the bourne shell syntax’s and finally bash introduced with all C shell and Korn shell features.

Details in /etc/passwd


Username:Password:UID:GID:UserID info:home directory:command shell


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Review Cont.

Details in /etc/Shadow

Your password is stored in /etc/shadow file.

Your encrpted password is not stored in /etc/passwd file. It is stored in /etc/shadow file.

Details in /etc/group


group name: group password: group GID: list of users in the group

Difference in /etc/profile, .profile & .bashrc

/etc/profile is managed by system administrator contains shell initialization information required by all users.

.profile is managed by you. You can add as much shell customization as you want. .profile is the users own login initialization .It is present in the root home directory of every user.

.bashrc file is an initialization file run by each interactive invocation of the bash shell

Viewing the file (ls, cat & wc)

Use ls, ls –a (for hidden files), ls –lrt, ls –F(for listing the items, whether it is file or directory, it show / for the directory), ls –d(to list only directories),

cat, cat –n(for numbering the lines), cat –b(it wont number the empty lines),

wc , wc –l(count the number of lines), wc –w(count the number of words),wc –m or –c(Count the number of characters).


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Review Cont.

Copying, moving & Renaming (cp, mv & rm)

Cp(for files), cp –r(for directories) source destination

Mv source destination

Rm, rm –rf,

Absolute path & Relative path

There are two path define: Absolute path & Relative path

Absolute path always start from root directory whereas relative path can be described from the current directory also.

User permissions

Chmod rwx

Chmod go= *(block all other users to view ur files) or we can use chmod go-rwx.

Chmod go+rwx(allow users the full permission)

Chmod go-w <filename> (block other users writable permission).

Letters used permissions

U = owner, g = group, o = other, a = all, ‘+’ = adding permissions to file, ‘-‘ = removing permissions to file.

Difference between Process and a JOB

Every command we give on unix starts a new process.

Job can consist of multiple processes running in series or at the same time in parallel.


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Review Cont.

Why exec command is used?

To change your shell interpreter completely.


Variables are the word that holds the value.

It is Fruit =Apple

Fruit is a variable and Apple is the value of the variable

Variable can be (a-z A-Z _ 0-9), but starts with (a-z A-Z _)

Array variables


Eg. rohit[0-9]=(sweet, innocent,smart,intelligent)

Accessing all items in an array variables:

${name[*]} & ${name[@]}

Read only Variables

To mark variable readonly by giving the readonly command.

Types of Variables:

Local, environment & Shell variables.

Local variables are present in the current instance of a shell, whereas environment variables are available to any child process of the shell. Both the variables are created by user. Shell variables are special variables that are set by shell and is required by shell in order to function correctly.


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Review Cont.


Filename Substitution

Using the wild cards (*) & (?).

Also use [a-z][A-Z][0-9]

To negate any character, for eg. -[!a]

Variable Substitution

${parameter:-word}(substituting the default value) – If the parameter is null or unset,word is substituted to parameter.

${parameter:=word}(Assigning the default value) – If the parameter is null or unset, parameter is set as value of word.

${parameter:?message}(Aborting due to variable errors) - If the parameter is null or unset, message is printed to standard error. This checks that variables are set correctly.

${parameter:+word} – if the parameter is set, word is substituted for parameter. The value of parameter does not change.

Command Substitution & Arithmatic substitution

For ex. Date=`date` , Users=`who | wc –l`


Can be done in three ways

(\), (’) & (“) i.e. backslash, single quote and double quote.

Backslash – Any character following by backslash lose its special meaning

Single quote – All special character between the single quotes loses its special meaning.

Double quotes – it allows its special meaning.


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Review Cont.

$? = saves the exit status of the last executed command

File Test

Options for files are

-b = if a block special file

-c = if a character special file

-d = for a directory

-e = if file exist

-f = for a regular file

-g = if has its sgid bit set

-h = for a symbolic link

-k = for sticky bit

-p = for a named pipe

-r = for readable file

-s = file size greater then zero

-u = if has its suid bit set

-w = for a writable file

-x = for executable file

-o = if owned by effective user ID.


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Review Cont.

String Comparison

-n = string has nonzero length; -z = string has zero length

String1=string2; string1!=string2

Numerical Comparision

-eq, -ne, -lt, -le, -gt , -ge

Compound Expression

! expr = true if expression is false. The expr can be any valid test command.

Expr1 –a expr2 = true if both expr are true (Logical AND &&)

Expr1 –o expr2 = true if either expr is true (Logical OR || )

CASE Statement

Basic syntax,

Case <word> in






Here word is compared against each pattern. Pattern is a string of regular characters and wildcard characters


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Review Cont.


Two main types of loops

While loop, until loop & for loop. Also one more type is there present in ksh and bash is select loop

While Loop

Basic syntax

While command




Here command is single command to execute, where list is a set of one or more commands to execute.

Nested while loop, validating user’s input.

Until Loop

Similar to while loop, it is used until a condition is true.

Basic syntax

until command





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Review Cont.

For loop & Select loop

Basic syntax for “for”

For name in word1, word2 …. Wordn




Basic syntax for select

Select name in word1, word2 …. Wordn




Loop controls

Break & Continue


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Review Cont.


Special Variables

$0 – it defines the script name. the name of the command being executed.

$n – these variable corresponding to the arguments with which script was invoked.

$# – number of arguments supplied to script.

$* – All the arguments are double quoted.

$@ – All the arguments are individually double quoted.

$? – the exit status of last command.

$$ – the process number of the current shell.

$! – the process number of last background command.

Usage Statement

Usage : $0 [arguments] [file|directory]

Arguments & Options

Ls –aF fruit

-aF is option and (-aF and fruit is an argument)

Using basename

Syntax basename filename

Basename cmd takes the absolute or relative path and returns the file or directory.


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Review Cont.

Option parsing using getopts

Syntax getopts option-string variable

Getsopts f:o:v option

F is infile, o is outfile, v is verbose.


Output to a terminal

Echo & printf

ECHO Embedding punctuation marks {*, (,),?}

Embedding variable substitution {$Home, $Fruit}

Embedding escape sequences {\n for new line, \t print a tab character, \c print a string without a default trailing newline}

Printf it is same as echo, it wont produce a newline

Syntax printf %-mn<string>

(-) is for left aligned, by default it is right aligned.


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Review Cont.

Output Redirection

Command > file – to redirect the complete logs.

Command >> file – used for appending the logs in the file,previous data is not deleted.

Command | tee file – used to redirect o/p to a file and the screen

Input Redirection

Command < file , for ex. Mail [email protected] < Final_sheet

Here document, syntax command << delimeter {document}delimeter

For ex. Lpr << MYURLS {enter URL’s}MYURLS

Can be used with output redirection also, command > file << delimeter document delimeter

Reading User Input

Use the read command for taking the input from user.

Syntax read name

Exec Command

Exec n>file & exec n>>file. N is an interger

Redirecting STDOUT & STDERR in two separate files

Command 1> file1 2> file2

Command > file1 2> file2.


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It is created for reusing the commands.

Syntax name( ) { list all the commands}

Call the function using its name.


Text Editors

Head it used to list the top 10 files which are recently used

Ls –lrt |head <number of files>

Tail it is also same as head. But is can be used to view the logs of the file

Tail –f <filename>

Grep It is used for search.

-n for line number where the word is found, for ex. Grep –n ls /home/rohit

-I for case sensitive

-l to search a word in number of files.

-v to show the data except for that which is specified with –v option.

-c for counting the lines.


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Review Cont.

Counting Words

tr, sort & uniq

TR It is used for replacing the strings. For ex cat file | tr ‘a-z’ ‘A-Z’

Tr –s, use to replaces consecutive occurrence of same with only one occurrence of the character

Sort it sort the data

Sort –rn is used to sort the output by numbers.

Sort –k is constructs the key in each line

Uniq it sorts only unique lines

For ex. # tr '!,"{}/=:$;()' ' ' <r4 | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z' | tr -s ' '| tr ' ' '\n' | sort | uniq -c

To replace the r4 file and then sort o tans then fibe unique files.

Uniq -c option is used for counting.



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Review Cont.

File string Text using Regular Expression

Sed & awk

If the search is made for any word that is in the beginning use ^<word>

If the search id made for any word that is in the end use <word>$

SED p option for print, d for delete & s for substitute

For ex. sed ‘/pattern1/pattern2/p’ but for s { sed ‘s/pattern1/pattern2/}

For globally changing the setting use /g in the last.

Using multiple sed use the option {–e}


Miscellaneous Commands

Eval, : , sleep, find, exec, xargs, expr, bc


Page 174: Unix Basics Ppt


Lab:1 Write Script to see current date, time, username, and current directoryLab:2 Write script to print nos as 5,4,3,2,1 using while loop.Lab:3 How to write shell script that will add two nos, which are supplied as command

line argument, and if this two nos are not given show error and its usage.Lab: 4 Write script to print given numbers sum of all digit, For eg. If no is 123 it's sum

of all digit will be 1+2+3 = 6.Lab: 5.Write script to print given number in reverse order, for eg. If no is 123 it must

print as 321.


Page 175: Unix Basics Ppt

Labs contd.

LAB 4# 1) Input number n

# 2) Set sum=0, sd=0

# 3) Find single digit in sd as n % 10 it will give (left most digit)

# 4) Construct sum no as sum=sum+sd

# 5) Decrment n by 1

# 6) Is n is greater than zero, if yes goto step 3, otherwise next step

# 7) Print sum


if [ $# -ne 1 ]

LAB 5# Script to reverse given no

# 1) Input number n

# 2) Set rev=0, sd=0

# 3) Find single digit in sd as n % 10 it will give (left most digit)

# 4) Construct revrse no as rev * 10 + sd

# 5) Decrment n by 1

# 6) Is n is greater than zero, if yes goto step 3, otherwise next step

# 7) Print rev


Page 176: Unix Basics Ppt

Labs contd.

LAB:1echo "Hello, $LOGNAME"

echo "Current date is `date`"

echo "User is `who i am`"

echo "Current direcotry `pwd`“

LAB:2 i=5

while test $i != 0


echo "$i


i=`expr $i - 1`



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Labs contd.

LAB:3if [ $# -ne 2 ]


echo "Usage - $0 x y"

echo " Where x and y are two nos for which I will print sum"

exit 1


echo "Sum of $1 and $2 is `expr $1 + $2`"


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Labs contd.

LAB:4 i=5

if [ $# -ne 1 ]


echo "Usage: $0 number"

echo " I will find sum of all digit for given number"

echo " For eg. $0 123, I will print 6 as sum of all digit (1+2+3)"

exit 1





while [ $n -gt 0 ]


sd=`expr $n % 10`

sum=`expr $sum + $sd`

n=`expr $n / 10`


echo "Sum of digit for number is $sum"


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Labs contd.

LAB:5if [ $# -ne 1 ]


echo "Usage: $0 number"

echo " I will find reverse of given number"

echo " For eg. $0 123, I will print 321"

exit 1





while [ $n -gt 0 ]


sd=`expr $n % 10`

rev=`expr $rev \* 10 + $sd`

n=`expr $n / 10`


echo "Reverse number is $rev"