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EXPLORING OB-GYN PROVIDERS’ EXPERIENCE WITH AND KNOWLEDGE OF MULTI-GENE PANELS FOR HEREDITARY BREAST AND OVARIAN CANCER by Jaclyn Amurgis BS, University of Pittsburgh, 2014 Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Department of Human Genetics Graduate School of Public Health in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science University of Pittsburgh 2018

University of Durst, MS DrPH LCGC, Associate Professor of Human Genetics, Assistant Director, Genetic

Jul 31, 2020



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Page 1: University of Durst, MS DrPH LCGC, Associate Professor of Human Genetics, Assistant Director, Genetic



Jaclyn Amurgis

BS, University of Pittsburgh, 2014

Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of

the Department of Human Genetics

Graduate School of Public Health in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science

University of Pittsburgh


Page 2: University of Durst, MS DrPH LCGC, Associate Professor of Human Genetics, Assistant Director, Genetic



Graduate School of Public Health

This thesis was presented


Jaclyn Amurgis

It was defended on

June 13, 2018

and approved by

Andrea Durst, MS DrPH LCGC, Associate Professor of Human Genetics, Assistant Director, Genetic Counseling Program, Co-Director, MPH in Public Health Genetics, Graduate School

of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh

Robin E. Grubs, MS PhD LCGC, Associate Professor of Human Genetics, Program Director, Genetic Counseling Program, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh

Todd Bear, MPH PhD, Visiting Instructor of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences,

Director of Office of Health Survey Research, Evaluation Institute, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh

Thesis Director: Maureen May, MS LCGC, Genetic Counselor, Pittsburgh Clinical

Genomics Laboratory

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Copyright © by Jaclyn Amurgis


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Genetic testing for hereditary risk factors for breast and ovarian cancer initially focused on the

BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. Ob-Gyns have been involved in making this testing accessible to

patients. With recent advancements in genetic testing technologies, multi-gene panels are being

used to test a group of cancer genes simultaneously. Prior studies focused on the BRCA genes

showed that Ob-Gyn providers and other non-genetics professionals can sometimes misinterpret

genetic test results and are often uncomfortable counseling patients about testing implications. The

use of cancer panels introduces additional complications, as these tests include many more genes

that each have their own cancer risk profile. Literature regarding how Ob-Gyn providers are using

these panels is currently lacking. In this study, 67 Ob-Gyn providers (physicians, gynecologic

oncologists, PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives, residents/fellows) in Western Pennsylvania were surveyed

about their current practices regarding breast and ovarian cancer panels.

About 61% of providers reported using results from cancer panel testing to help manage

patients. Responses to theoretical clinical management scenarios varied by provider type and

experience level. Ob-Gyns and individuals with more clinical experience were more likely to refer

the theoretical patients to discuss prophylactic bilateral mastectomy at moderate breast cancer risks

(20% and 40%). About 30-80% of providers outside of gynecologic oncologists failed to

recommend RRSO for the 5% and 10% risk categories, although RRSO is indicated for genes with

Maureen May, MS LCGC


Jaclyn Amurgis, MS

University of Pittsburgh, 2018

Page 5: University of Durst, MS DrPH LCGC, Associate Professor of Human Genetics, Assistant Director, Genetic


similar associated risks. Further, 70% of all providers indicated incorrect risk assessment for an

individual testing negative for a known familial pathogenic variant in a moderate risk breast cancer

gene. Most providers excluding gynecologic oncologists also indicated discomfort interpreting

positive/inconclusive test results and reported inadequate cancer genetics formal education.

This study identified several concerning findings that could have public health

significance. Some providers selected inappropriate management recommendations based on

current NCCN guidelines for multi-gene breast/ovarian panel testing and other providers reported

inadequate genetics training. These concerns must be addressed to ensure that individuals seeking

cancer genetic testing are receiving consistent, appropriate, and evidence-based care based on their


Page 6: University of Durst, MS DrPH LCGC, Associate Professor of Human Genetics, Assistant Director, Genetic



PREFACE .................................................................................................................................... XI

1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 1

2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................................ 4


CANCER ............................................................................................................................... 4 Associated Cancer Risks ....................................................................... 5 Clinical Implications of a Pathogenic Variant in BRCA ................... 7

2.2 MULTI-GENE BREAST AND OVARY PANEL TESTING ......................... 8

2.2.1 Definition and History of Panel Testing ........................................................ 8

2.2.2 Categories Based on Risk Levels and Actionability ..................................... 9 High Risk Cancer Syndromes ............................................................ 10 Other Clinically Actionable Genes .................................................... 11 Newly Researched Genes .................................................................... 12

2.2.3 Interpretation of Positive Breast and Gynecologic Panel Results ............. 12 Breast Cancer Management Implications ........................................ 12 Ovary Cancer Management Implications......................................... 14

2.2.4 Negative Multi-Gene Panel Result ............................................................... 15 Inconclusive Panel Genetic Testing Result ....................................... 16


2.3.1 Ob-Gyn Use of BRCA1/2 Testing................................................................. 18

2.3.2 Complications of BRCA Testing by Non-genetics Providers ..................... 18

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vii Ordering Practices .............................................................................. 19 Counseling............................................................................................ 22 Knowledge and Interpretation ........................................................... 23

2.3.3 Multi-Gene Panel Testing ............................................................................. 27

3.0 MANUSCRIPT ........................................................................................................... 29

3.1 BACKGROUND ................................................................................................ 29

3.1.1 Breast and Ovary Cancer Genes .................................................................. 29

3.1.2 Cancer Panel Results Interpretation ........................................................... 32

3.1.3 Ob-Gyn Involvement with Cancer Genetic Testing ................................... 34

3.1.4 Multi-Gene Panel Testing ............................................................................. 37

3.2 METHODS ......................................................................................................... 39 Study Population ................................................................................. 39 Survey Development ........................................................................... 40 Recruitment and Survey Distribution ............................................... 41 Statistical Methods .............................................................................. 41

3.3 RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 42

3.3.1 Demographic Information ............................................................................ 42

3.3.2 Ordering Practices ......................................................................................... 43

3.3.3 Management Results ..................................................................................... 46

3.3.4 Provider Perspectives .................................................................................... 51

3.3.5 Data Trends .................................................................................................... 52

3.4 DISCUSSION ..................................................................................................... 63

3.4.1 Ordering Practices ......................................................................................... 63

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3.4.2 Management and Risk Assessment .............................................................. 64

3.4.3 Provider Perspectives .................................................................................... 70

3.4.4 Study Limitations .......................................................................................... 72

3.4.5 Future Directions ........................................................................................... 73

3.5 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 75


APPENDIX A: IRB APPOVAL ................................................................................................ 80

APPENDIX B: INFORMED CONSENT STATEMENT ....................................................... 82

APPENDIX C: RECRUITMENT EMAILS ............................................................................ 83

APPENDIX D: SURVEY CONTENT ...................................................................................... 85

APPENDIX E: SUPPLEMENTAL DATA ............................................................................... 98

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................................................... 100

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Table 1. Respondent Demographic Information ........................................................................... 43

Table 2. Ordering and Referral Practices ...................................................................................... 46

Table 3. Association Between Moderate and High Risk Surgical Management Sums and Provider

Type or Experience Level ............................................................................................................. 59

Table 4. Association Between Provider Type, Management, and Other Demographic Factors .. 61

Table 5. Association Between Provider Perspectives and Provider Type or Experience Level. .. 62

Table 6. Supplemental Demographic Information........................................................................ 98

Table 7. Provider Perspectives on Cancer Genetic Testing .......................................................... 99

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Figure 1. Ordering Practice Survey Flow ..................................................................................... 44

Figure 2. Breast Cancer: Count of Management Options by Risk Level ..................................... 47

Figure 3. Breast Cancer: Percent of Respondents Selecting Each Management Option by Risk

Level ............................................................................................................................................. 48

Figure 4. Ovary Cancer: Percent of Respondents Selecting RRSO by Risk Level ...................... 49

Figure 5. Percent of Respondents Indicating Risk Level for Different Clinical Scenarios .......... 50

Figure 6. Provider Comfort Interpreting Test Results .................................................................. 52

Figure 7. Provider Type and Mastectomy Referral Sum .............................................................. 54

Figure 8. Experience Level and Mastectomy Referral Sum ......................................................... 56

Figure 9. Provider Type and RRSO Recommendation Sum ........................................................ 57

Figure 10. Experience Level and RRSO Recommendation Sum ................................................. 58

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I would like to offer my gratitude to my committee members for their guidance and the many hours

of work that they dedicated to this project. Thank you to my committee chair Maureen May and

Dr. Andrea Durst for their expertise in clinical cancer genetics, to Dr. Todd Bear for guidance with

survey design, distribution, and statistical analysis, and to Dr. Robin Grubs for her help finessing

the structure of the survey and the manuscript document.

I would also like to extend thanks to Dr. Nicole Gaulin, who served as a person of contact

in the AHN Ob-Gyn department and compiled the contact information used in the AHN email


Finally, I would like to thank my wonderful family, friends, and classmates for their

constant support, encouragement, and companionship throughout this research process.

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The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes were the first identified genetic risk factors for breast and ovarian

cancer. In the 1990s, pathogenic variants in the DNA sequence of these two genes were found to

substantially increase an individual’s risk to develop breast and ovarian cancer. 1 Since BRCA

genetic testing was first introduced, Ob-Gyn providers have been involved in making this testing

clinically accessible. These providers often refer patients to cancer genetics specialists and

sometimes order genetic testing on their own. Numerous studies have been conducted throughout

the years surveying Ob-Gyns and other non-genetics providers about their cancer genetic testing

practices. Several concerning trends have been identified from these studies, including

inappropriate ordering patterns, incomplete pre- and post-testing counseling, and errors in results

interpretation. 2

More recently, simultaneous testing of BRCA and other, more recently identified genes

linked to breast or ovarian cancer risk has become available through multi-gene panel testing.

Since the introduction of these panel tests in the clinical setting, there has been a lack of research

about the ways in which Ob-Gyn providers are using and interpreting these tests. Learning more

about Ob-Gyn provider use of cancer panels is important to ensure consistent care between patients

and to help identify any potential problems arising from this new testing.

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This study aims to gather data about how different providers working in the

obstetrics/gynecology field manage patients with different hereditary cancer risks. This data will

help to determine whether patient care varies based on provider role or level of clinical experience.

Further, as previously noted, there are many examples in the medical literature of non-genetics

providers misinterpreting BRCA test results.3–5 Multi-gene cancer panels analyze many genes that

are each associated with unique cancer types and levels of risk. This variability further complicates

results interpretation. Identifying whether Ob-Gyns are misinterpreting cancer panels and for what

reasons is essential to ensuring that patients are being provided with appropriate cancer risk

assessment and prevention measures.

This study consists of a survey of Ob-Gyn providers within two Pittsburgh, PA-based

major healthcare systems. For this study, Ob-Gyn providers included Ob-Gyn physicians,

gynecologic oncologists, midwives, Ob-Gyn residents/fellows, and physicians’ assistants/nurse

practioners working in this setting. The two large healthcare systems involved were the University

of Pittsburgh Medical Center and Allegheny Health Network. These systems both include large

urban hospitals located within the Pittsburgh area, as well as suburban and rural wellness centers

and hospitals spread across western and central Pennsylvania. The Ob-Gyn providers working for

each of these healthcare systems were sent the survey via email through the Qualtrics survey


The specific aims of this study were as follows:

• To identify how often Ob-Gyn providers are using cancer gene panel testing

• To gather data about how providers would manage patients at varying genetic risk levels for breast and ovarian cancer

• To ascertain Ob-Gyn provider perspectives about their role in panel testing

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To achieve these aims, the survey included sections asking providers about prior ordering

practices, theoretical management and risk assessment scenarios simulating different panel results,

and their opinions about cancer panel testing processes. The surveys were emailed to over 400 Ob-

Gyn providers from both healthcare systems, with the intent that responses from this population

may provide initial findings that may later be corroborated in a larger population across a wider

geographic range.

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The recognition that certain families share a strong predisposition for cancers has long been

described in the medical literature. Researchers and clinicians proposed that specific types of

cancer may trend within families because family members share both environmental and genetic

risk factors. However, it has only been within the last few decades that researchers have started

identifying the specific genes that confer an inherited predisposition to cancer.

Initial efforts to identify specific cancer susceptibility genes focused on a cohort of families

that shared a strong predisposition for breast and/or ovarian cancer.1 These families shared similar

characteristics, including a high prevalence of these cancers within the family, early ages of onset,

and the tendency to develop multiple or bilateral cancers.6–8 In the 1990s, genetic linkage studies

were performed on this cohort to determine the location of genetic markers tracking with the cancer

predisposition in these families. These studies found that markers near the chromosomal locations

17q and 13q appeared to segregate with disease in some of these families.9–12 Researchers were

eventually able to map a gene to each of these chromosomal locations. The gene mapped to 17q

was later named BRCA1 for breast cancer 1 and the gene mapped to 13q was named BRCA2 for

breast cancer 2.9–12

After these genes were mapped, further studies of the BRCA genes were used to help

translate this research into clinical applications. Functional studies confirmed that the BRCA genes

are tumor suppressor genes that prevent cells from dividing if the DNA replication process

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produces errors.13,14 By preventing the proliferation of cells with DNA errors, these genes help

protect against unregulated cell division processes that can lead to the formation of tumors.15

Gene analyzing technologies were then used to decipher the DNA sequence of these genes

and started to highlight the variability that can be seen in the sequence.16–18 Some individuals were

found to carry a sequence change that disrupted the normal functioning of one BRCA1 or BRCA2

allele.16–18 These disease-causing sequence changes are referred to as pathogenic variants or likely

pathogenic variants. Individuals carrying these pathogenic variants in the BRCA genes were said

to have hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, or HBOC. HBOC is inherited in an autosomal

dominant manner, indicating that inheritance of a pathogenic variant in one BRCA1 or BRCA2

allele is enough to cause an increased breast and ovary cancer risk. For autosomal dominant

conditions, an individual has a 50% chance of passing a disease-causing pathogenic variant on to

each child.

All individuals harbor unique sequence changes that do not affect gene function or health.

Such changes are referred to as benign variants and are generally not reported on clinical testing.

When a sequence change is identified with unclear consequences for protein function and/or

health, it is referred to as a variant of uncertain significance (VUS). These are reported by clinical

testing laboratories, leaving the clinician to determine how and whether to use the information for

management. These results are often reclassified as either benign or pathogenic over time as more

data is gathered about their function. Associated Cancer Risks

Many studies were then initiated to clarify the cancer risks for carriers of a BRCA pathogenic

variant.19,20 Both BRCA1 and BRCA2 are considered highly penetrant, indicating that they

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significantly increase breast and ovarian cancer risks over those of the general population. In the

general population of women in the United States, the lifetime risks to develop breast cancer and

ovarian cancer are 12.5% and 1-2% respectively. 21 The median ages at which breast and ovarian

cancer are diagnosed are 62 years and 63 years respectively. 21

A series of prospective studies of BRCA carriers were conducted to determine the

cumulative lifetime risks, age-specific risks, and average ages of diagnosis for breast and ovarian

cancer. A meta-analysis of these studies in 2007 found that the lifetime breast cancer risk ranges

from 47-66% for BRCA1 and 40-57% for BRCA2.19,22 More recently, a prospective study of BRCA

pathogenic variant carriers published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

in 2017 estimated breast cancer risk by age 80 for BRCA1 and BRCA2 positive women to be 65-

79% and 61-77% respectively.20,23For BRCA positive individuals, the risk of developing a second,

contralateral breast cancer after an initial diagnosis is also elevated. The 2017 JAMA study found

that the 20-year contralateral breast cancer risk is 35-45% for BRCA1 positive individuals and 20-

33% for BRCA2 positive individuals.20 For BRCA1 and BRCA2 respectively, the average age of

breast cancer diagnosis is 40-43 years.16,24,25

The meta-analysis also estimated lifetime ovarian cancer risk to be 35-46% for BRCA1 and

13-23% for BRCA2 .19,22 The 2017 JAMA study found the cumulative ovarian cancer risk by age

80 to be 36-53% and 11-25% for BRCA1 and BRCA2 respectively. 20,23 The average age of ovarian

cancer diagnosis is around 50-55 years. 16,24,25 Both BRCA genes have also been linked to an

increased risk for male breast cancer, prostate cancer, and pancreatic cancer. BRCA2 has been

linked to an increased risk for melanoma as well.16,26 Once the risks associated with these genes

were elucidated, it opened up the opportunity to use genetic testing for cancer risk assessment and

medical management.

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7 Clinical Implications of a Pathogenic Variant in BRCA

For women considered to be at average risk of developing breast cancer, the American Cancer

Society (ACS) screening guidelines recommend initiating annual mammograms starting at age 40-

45.27 The ACS states that annual mammograms should continue until age 55, at which point they

can occur every 2 years.27 The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force guidelines vary slightly in

that they recommend that mammograms should be initiated by age 50, can be considered as early

as age 40, and should occur every 2 years.28 For ovarian cancer, women are advised to meet

regularly with their Ob-Gyn providers and to report any abnormal symptoms, but there are no

additional screening guidelines endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians and

Gynecologists (ACOG).29

Because initial breast cancer risk, risk of a second breast cancer, and ovary cancer risk are

elevated in the BRCA positive population, different management guidelines apply for these

individuals. In the United States, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) reviews

existing literature and expert consensus to issue regular guidelines regarding the most effective

management for these elevated risk individuals. 30 For BRCA , the current NCCN guidelines (V.

1.2018) suggest that prophylactic bilateral mastectomy should be considered.30 Individuals who

pursue prophylactic bilateral mastectomy are 90% less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer

compared to those who do not choose this procedure.31–33 The recommendation for women who

choose not to undergo surgery is to pursue breast MRI screening in addition to their regular

mammograms. Annual breast MRIs should be instituted from ages 25-29, with the addition of

mammograms starting at age 30.34 For populations at increased breast cancer risk, breast MRIs are

more sensitive than mammograms in detecting invasive breast cancer, with a sensitivity estimated

at 71-100% compared to 16-40%.35–37 Although they can have a high false positive rate when

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performed on average risk individuals, they are more appropriate for screening individuals with a

high risk of developing breast cancer.34–37

To manage the increase in ovarian cancer risk, the current recommendation by the NCCN

is to undergo risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) from ages 35-40 for BRCA1 and ages

40-45 for BRCA2, and after childbearing, if desired, is complete. This procedure reduces ovarian

cancer risk by 85-95%.38–40 Current screening methods for ovarian cancer include transvaginal

ultrasound and CA-125 bloodwork. Several recent studies have found that these screening

modalities do not appear to lower ovarian cancer mortality for average risk individuals and have

an unclear effect for mortality in high-risk individuals.41–46 Additionally, ovarian cancer has a 5-

year mortality rate of 55%, often because it is unlikely to be detected until an advanced stage .42

For these reasons, surgical removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes is considered the only reliable

risk-reducing procedure for BRCA positive individuals.30,47 However, some guidelines, such as

those issued by the NCCN (V.1.2018) and ACOG indicate that individuals who do not receive a

RRSO may consider ovarian cancer screening despite its limitations. 29,30,43,47


2.2.1 Definition and History of Panel Testing

Within the last five to ten years, genetic testing for hereditary forms of breast and ovarian cancer

has expanded to include genes in addition to BRCA1 and BRCA2. As new genes linked to breast

and ovarian cancer risk have been discovered, next generation sequencing technologies have also

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advanced to be able to quickly analyze a group of genes simultaneously. These changes have led

to the development of multi-gene cancer panels, which can simultaneously examine all or a

subset of genes currently known to predispose to particular types of cancers. With the expansion

of cancer genetic testing, it was found that the BRCA genes alone account for only about 50-60%

of hereditary forms of breast cancer. About 40% of hereditary breast cancers are attributed to

other genes that are now included on multi-gene panels.48 These panels can vary in size

depending on the types of cancer present in a family and the level of cancer risk associated with

a group of genes. Cancer genetic counselors have started to use breast or gynecological panels to

evaluate individuals with a family history of breast or breast-gynecologic cancer in order to

analyze for pathogenic variants in genes in addition to the BRCA genes.

2.2.2 Categories Based on Risk Levels and Actionability

Panel composition varies by lab and indication. For the genes on any given panel, there is

variability in the types of cancer linked to each gene included, the level of risk conferred by the

gene, and gene-specific penetrance and outcomes data published. The diversity of genes on a

particular panel complicates results interpretation. The NCCN has crafted definitions to describe

these different parameters. It describes clinical validity as the level of evidence supporting the

association between a gene and a given cancer risk. Clinical utility is the level of evidence that a

particular intervention is effective for individuals carrying pathogenic variants in a particular gene.

Clinical actionability describes whether or not a pathogenic variant in a particular gene can change

medical management. 30

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The NCCN attempts to delineate different categories based on the clinical validity of a

gene and the degree of risk associated with that gene. The high-risk category consists of genes

with high clinical validity and an increased cancer risk. Many of these genes are linked to well-

established cancer syndromes. Moderate-risk genes have been linked to a particular type of cancer

and have a lower cancer risk on average than the high-risk category. Other genes that can be

included on a cancer panel may have lower validity and less research on degree of cancer risk, and

these are often referred to as “newly researched” or “emerging research” genes. 30

For genes on a panel test, the NCCN issues appropriate management guidelines for genes

considered to be clinically actionable based on validity, utility, and the level of risk for a given

cancer that is linked to a particular gene. High Risk Cancer Syndromes

The BRCA genes are considered high-risk breast and ovary genes. High-risk or high penetrance

breast cancer genes typically confer over a five-fold lifetime risk to develop breast cancer, which

corresponds to an absolute risk over 50%.49 In addition to HBOC, several syndromes with well-

characterized features are linked to a significantly increased risk for breast or ovary cancer. Other

hereditary breast cancer syndromes that fall into this category include Li-Fraumeni syndrome

(TP53 gene), Cowden syndrome (PTEN gene), and hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (CDH1

gene).50–52 Although pathogenic variants in these genes confer an increased breast cancer risk, each

gene is also linked to a unique spectrum of other cancer types. Similarly, Lynch syndrome, which

is caused by pathogenic variants in the mismatch-repair genes (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2,

EPCAM) is a high-risk ovarian syndrome. It is associated with an ovarian cancer risk up to 24%.53

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Pathogenic variants identified in this category of genes are considered largely contributory

to the cancer history within a family. While other risk factors may adjust cancer risk, much of the

family risk can be attributed to a high-risk pathogenic variant alone. An unaffected individual who

does not carry a known familial pathogenic variant in one of these genes is generally considered

to be at general population risk to develop cancer, in the absence of any significant exposures or

other personal risk factors.54 Other Clinically Actionable Genes

Breast and ovarian panels have recently expanded even further to include non-syndromic clinically

actionable genes, which includes NCCN’s moderate-risk category. A pathogenic variant identified

in one of these genes is viewed as a risk factor that likely interacts with other shared risk factors,

either genetic or environmental, to cause an increased cancer risk within a family. 54 Increased

cancer risk within a family therefore cannot be solely attributed to a pathogenic variant in one of

these genes. 54 Accordingly, individuals who test negative for a known pathogenic variant in their

family are still considered to be at increased risk compared to the general population because other

shared risk factors are likely at play.54

Breast Cancer Genes

Moderate-risk or moderate penetrance breast cancer genes increase breast cancer risk by about

two-to-five-fold. Genes within this category include ATM, CHEK2, and PALB2, although more

recent studies suggest that PALB2 may actually elevate breast cancer risk over the threshold

defining this category of genes.48 Moderate risk genes are also associated with other cancer types.

The ATM gene has been linked to pancreatic, prostate, colorectal, and gastric cancers.55–59 The

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PALB2 gene has been previously linked to increased ovarian cancer risk.55,60,61 CHEK2 has been

linked to colorectal cancer, prostate cancer, gastric cancer, thyroid cancer, melanoma, and

leukemia.55–57,62,63 Current research suggests that CHEK2 pathogenic variant carriers have a two-

fold increased risk for colon cancer over general population risk.

Ovary Cancer Genes

Several genes, including BRIP1, RAD51C, and RAD51D have been associated with a clinically

actionable increase in ovarian cancer risk. Current estimates project that BRIP1 confers a lifetime

risk from 4.06-12.7%, while RAD51C and RAD51D confer 6.12% and 13.56% risks

respectively.64–66 Some breast cancer panels include RAD51C and RAD51D based on preliminary

data. Recent studies have suggested that BRIP1 is not linked to breast cancer risk.60,61,65,67 Newly Researched Genes

Many of the largest breast and ovarian panels also include a group of preliminary evidence genes.

These genes have been linked to breast or ovarian cancer risk in some studies, but the level of risk

conferred by each gene is not well established.48 Some of these genes include BARD1, MRE11A,

and RAD50.68,69

2.2.3 Interpretation of Positive Breast and Gynecologic Panel Results Breast Cancer Management Implications

About 5-10% of people with breast cancer are thought to carry a pathogenic variant in a known

breast gene.70 High-risk syndromic genes and moderate-risk breast genes are considered clinically

actionable, but the guidelines for how best to manage these patients varies by the level of risk

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associated with each gene and the level of evidence supporting the effectiveness of a specific

intervention in reducing that risk. Breast cancer risk for individuals who test positive for Li-

Fraumeni or Cowden syndrome are managed similarly to BRCA-positive individuals. 30 This

includes consideration of prophylactic bilateral mastectomy. 30 Screening options would include

adding breast MRI, considering tomosynthesis use during mammograms, and starting screening at

a younger age influenced by family history (as early as age 20 for Li-Fraumeni and as late as age

35 for Cowden).48 For individuals with hereditary diffuse gastric cancer, the recommended

management is to start breast screening at age 30, to add breast MRI screening, and to consider

tomosynthesis with mammograms.71 The current NCCN guidelines (V.1.2018) indicate that

prophylactic surgery may be indicated if the family history of breast cancer is strong.30 For each

of these syndromes, there are management recommendations for the other cancers associated with

the particular gene. For instance, individuals who test positive for a PTEN pathogenic variant are

to receive regular renal and thyroid screening and can consider prophylactic hysterectomy,

individuals with Li-Fraumeni may consider full body MRIs considering their elevated risk for a

wide range of different cancers, and CDH1 positive individuals receive regular endoscopies to

screen for gastric cancer.30,72,73

For moderate-risk genes, there are insufficient data to recommend surgical intervention.48

The clinical utility of surgery for these genes is unclear. 48 However, the guidelines indicate that

surgery may be considered in the context of a strong family history.30 These recommendations

acknowledge the fact that moderate risk cancer genes likely interact with other shared risk factors

to determine cancer risk in a given family. The presence or absence of breast cancer in the family

provides some insight into the degree of other shared risk factors within the family. 48 Currently,

there are screening recommendations for moderate risk breast-genes. These involve pursing annual

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breast MRIs along with mammograms (with consideration of tomosynthesis) starting at age 30 for

PALB2 and 40 for ATM and CHEK2.30,48 Further, the NCCN recommends that CHEK2 carriers

pursue colonoscopies every 5 years starting at age 40 or earlier based on family history. 30

The NCCN does not outline specific surveillance or management recommendations for

newly researched breast cancer genes. 30 The suggestion is to consider a pathogenic variant in one

of these genes as one component of breast cancer risk assessment in combination with other

personal and family risk factors. Ovary Cancer Management Implications

For syndromic genes like BRCA and some Lynch syndrome genes, the NCCN indicates that

individuals can consider risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO). 30 Transvaginal

ultrasound and CA-125 can be considered but they do not clearly decrease mortality rate.73,74

Because screening via transvaginal US and CA-125 is not reliable, the recommended management

for all other clinically actionable ovarian cancer genes (RAD51C, RAD51D, BRIP1) is to consider

RRSO between ages 45-50.48

The NCCN does not have outline specific surveillance or management recommendations

for newly researched ovary cancer genes. The suggestion is to consider a pathogenic variant in one

of these genes as one component of ovary cancer risk assessment in combination with other

personal and family risk factors.

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2.2.4 Negative Multi-Gene Panel Result

Negative panel test results must be interpreted in the context of panel composition and the

relationship of the tested individual within the family. When interpreting a negative panel in the

context of family risk assessment, the result can only be considered a true negative when the

affected individuals most likely to carry a hereditary risk factor test negative. If an unaffected

family member tests negative, their remains the possibility that affected family members carry a

hereditary risk factor that the unaffected family member did not inherit. When a true negative panel

result is identified for a family with a strong cancer history, the history is described as familial. 70

The presence of a familial cancer predisposition is considered multifactorial, indicating that the

interaction of shared environmental and/or currently undetectable genetic risk factors is likely

influencing cancer risk. About 20% of breast cancer cases are familial.70 In these cases, appropriate

cancer risk management is determined by personal and family history risk factors.

Cohort studies on the Utah Population Database were used to estimate how a family history

of breast or ovary cancer influences individual risk based on degree of relationship.6–8 These

studies suggested that having one first-degree relative with breast cancer increases lifetime cancer

risk to about 20% and having one first-degree relative with ovarian cancer increases risk to about

3-5%.6–8 Adding in additional family members with breast or ovarian cancer can increase risk

further. 6–8 Various risk models have been developed to quantify breast cancer risk based on

personal risk factors and/or family history. Models such as BRCAPro, Tyrer-Cuziak, and

BODICEA use varying levels of personal and family history information to estimate a lifetime

breast cancer risk. 35 Current guidelines by the ACS recommend considering screening via breast

MRI in addition to mammograms for individuals with a lifetime risk of breast cancer exceeding

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20-25%.35 For families with early onset breast cancers, they also recommend initiating screening

5-10 years prior to the youngest breast cancer diagnosis in the family. 8 Risk-reducing medications

like tamoxifen can also be considered if an individual’s 5-year risk to develop breast cancer

exceeds 1.66%, as calculated by the Gail Breast Cancer model. 35 Tamoxifen has been estimated

to reduce breast cancer risk by 49%, but can also have accompanying side effects including a small

elevation in risk for endometrial cancer.75 Inconclusive Panel Genetic Testing Result

Current estimates suggest that for each gene examined on a test, there is about a 1% chance of

identifying a VUS.48 In 2015, the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) issued

systematic guidelines for classifying variants into five categories, including pathogenic, likely

pathogenic, variant of uncertain significance, likely benign , and benign. 8 Criteria used in this

classification process include allele frequencies, functional studies, modeling software, and

segregation studies among others. 8

The ACMG guidelines state that “a variant of uncertain significance should not be used

in clinical decision-making.”76 The guidelines do indicate that “efforts to resolve the

classification of the variant to ‘pathogenic’ or ‘benign’ should be undertaken” and “while this

effort to reclassify the variant is underway, additional monitoring of the patient for the disorder

in question may be prudent.”76 Further, it has been estimated that as many as 90% of VUS results

are downgraded over time.77 In the cancer genetics field, current practice is to refrain from using

these results to influence a patient’s medical management. Like negative genetic test results,

management typically depends on personal risk factors and family history.

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Ob-Gyn providers play a vital role in the prevention of breast and gynecological cancers in women.

Their role in breast and ovarian cancer prevention has been laid out and regularly updated in

practice bulletins by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).41,78–80 A

2010 survey of 289 Ob-Gyn fellows who were members of ACOG found that 98% reported having

performed clinical breast exams, 28% had performed fine needle aspiration of suspicious breast

lumps, and 2.4% had performed breast biopsies.81 They are also commonly involved in the

ordering of screening mammograms and the identification of individuals at high risk of developing

breast cancer.78,79 Although ovarian cancer screening via transvaginal ultrasound and CA-125

levels is not recommended for average risk individuals, Ob-Gyns play a role in ovarian cancer

prevention by regularly monitoring their patients for early symptoms of ovarian cancer.45

Because Ob-Gyn providers have a clearly defined role in breast and gynecologic cancer

prevention, the development of clinical BRCA testing had an immediate impact on their practice.

With the development of BRCA testing, a field of genetic counseling dedicated to hereditary cancer

predisposition arose. The major roles of cancer genetic counselors are to obtain a complete cancer

family history, to assess the family history and establish differential diagnoses, to explain testing

options and implications to patients, to obtain informed consent for testing, to facilitate testing, to

explain testing results, and to use all acquired data to perform cancer risk assessment.82 However,

other professionals, including Ob-Gyn providers, gynecologic oncologists, and breast surgeons

also became involved in the ordering of BRCA testing for their patients.

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2.3.1 Ob-Gyn Use of BRCA1/2 Testing

Many surveys of various physicians have been conducted to try to quantify how often each

provider type orders genetic testing. From 2009-2011, the estimated range of Ob-Gyn providers

who had ordered BRCA testing varied from 43-61%.2,3,83 The likelihood that an Ob-Gyn provider

had previously ordered BRCA testing was more than double that of an internal medicine physician

(p<0.01).83 Further, a 2010 survey of 65 Ob-Gyn residents across Texas found that 67% of the

providers had referred a patient for genetic counseling over the last year.81 As cancer genetic

testing options continue to expand, it is likely that these numbers will continue to increase.

However, because Ob-Gyns and other primary care providers are not specifically trained in

genetics and have many competing priorities, some complications with their use and interpretation

of this testing have been identified.

2.3.2 Complications of BRCA Testing by Non-genetics Providers

Non-genetics provider use of genetic testing has been shown to stray from current guidelines is

several key ways. Major areas in which practice can differ include ordering tendencies, counseling

techniques, and results interpretation.84 The following sections outline data regarding some of

these problems, their possible causes, and intervention steps that have been taken for testing of the

BRCA genes. This serves as a framework for surveillance of similar problems with gene panel


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19 Ordering Practices

Ordering Practices

One source of error that arose when non-genetics professionals began ordering BRCA testing was

determining when testing should be ordered. Initially, there were concerns that providers were not

following national guidelines for testing and that testing was being ordered for patients who were

at low risk of having a pathogenic variant. 2 In 2011, a group 1500 primary care physicians,

internists, pediatricians, and Ob-Gyns across the United States were surveyed and asked to

determine whether different theoretical patients were at high or low risk of carrying a BRCA

pathogenic variant.2 Some of these scenarios met national guidelines for BRCA testing while others

did not. The study found that 45% of the surveyed providers suggested testing for at least one

patient who did not meet testing guidelines.2

One initial barrier to appropriate ordering practice noted in the literature was non-genetics

professionals’ knowledge and interpretation of genetic non-discrimination laws. In 2008, a survey

of 611 non-genetics providers from non-academic centers who had ordered BRCA testing was

conducted. 85 It found that less than 40% knew about these genetic discrimination protections and

that about 75% had the perception that patients would not be interested in genetic testing without

them.85 An additional factor suggesting that non-genetics professionals may not be initiating

testing themselves is that the likelihood of testing being ordered was linked to the patient

prompting the genetics discussion (p=0.08).83

There are also many accounts of non-genetics professionals recommending that family

members be tested for an identified variant of uncertain significance. 86–88 The American College

of Medical Genetics indicates that testing for these variants in unnecessary because they should

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not impact patient care.76 However, a wide range of surveys found that between 60-90% of non-

genetics providers indicated that they would recommend that other family members be tested for

a VUS.4,5,86–88 One of these studies identified that genetics providers were significantly less likely

to order this testing (p<0.001).87 Testing for a VUS does not provide clinically valuable

information, because it is unclear whether these results increase cancer risks. Providers ordering

this type of testing may not understand the implications of a VUS result and may therefore

recommend inappropriate management based on this result.

Another concern is that non-genetics professionals may not be aware of genetic testing

updates. Analysis of the BRCA genes was eventually updated to include BART testing, which

looks for more rearrangements in the genes. In 2013, only 39% of Florida providers who had

ordered BRCA testing previously indicated that a patient with previously negative BRCA testing

should receive this updated test.86 Further, some non-genetics providers choose suboptimal testing

for patients. In 2011, 225 Texas-based family medicine, internal medicine, Ob-Gyn, general

surgery, and hematology-oncology physicians were surveyed and asked which testing they would

select for patients in different clinical scenarios. 4 One of these clinical scenarios included a patient

whose mother carried a known BRCA1 pathogenic variant. In this scenario, in which single-site

testing was most appropriate, only 20-35% of physicians ordered this test. 4 Many others ordered

full analysis of BRCA1/2 instead.4,89 This study reported that this led to a “9-fold increase in

unnecessary genetic testing costs."4

A final area of concern with ordering by non-genetics professionals is that they may be

more likely to test an individual under the age of 18. Currently, the ACMG recommends that

individuals should not be tested under age 18 unless the results could change clinical

management.90 One 2016 study found that in a population of 91 Florida-based nongenetics

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providers who had previously ordered BRCA testing, 35% of respondents would test a minor for a

known familial BRCA pathogenic variant. 87 None of the 10 genetics providers surveyed indicated

that they would test a minor, and the difference between the two groups was significant (p=0.02).87

Trends Correlated with Ordering Practices

Physicians who order genetic testing more often seem to share several characteristics. Multiple

surveys found that physicians were more likely to order cancer genetic testing if they believed that

they had adequate genetics training during their schooling or through continuing education

opportunities.91 Increased ordering practices were also correlated with provider attitude towards

genetic testing. Providers who believed genetic testing could impact medical management and who

tended to be open to innovation were more likely to order testing.91,92 Other factors that increased

the likelihood of testing were access to genetic counselors, knowledge of the ordering procedures,

knowledge of non-discrimination laws, and patient-prompted discussions about testing.91–93

Some barriers preventing genetic testing by non-genetics professionals included lack of

confidence in genetics communication skills and knowledge, inadequate training programs,

concerns about potential genetic discrimination for patients, and a lack of support resources for the

providers.91–93 Some providers also feared that they would not be able to manage a patient’s

emotional response to a result. 91–93 One analysis found that providers who had graduated most

recently and those who graduated the longest ago were both less likely to order genetic testing. 91–

93 Factors correlating with increased genetics referrals included attendance in genetics conferences,

more confidence in training programs, better knowledge of genetics concepts, and being located

in an urban environment.91–93

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22 Counseling

Another area of concern with genetic testing by non-genetics professionals relates to counseling

style. Pre-test counseling is essential to including the patient in their own medical decision-making.

This process helps the patient to understand how these results may impact their medical care, their

emotions, and their family life. Without fully understanding these implications prior to testing, the

results may negatively impact a patient’s life.

Several aspects of pre-test counseling have been shown to differ significantly between

genetics and non-genetics providers. In a 2015 study, 473 patients who had genetic testing were

surveyed about their pre-test counseling experience. The study found that 97% of patients who had

testing facilitated through a genetics professional remembered that they had pre-test counseling.

For those who had testing organized through a non-genetics professional such as an Ob-Gyn,

surgeon, oncologist, or nurse practioner, only 59% recalled having pre-test counseling.89

Several studies were also aimed at assessing the content included in pre-testing counseling

by non-genetics professionals. The American Society of Cancer Oncology and the American

College of Medical Genetics issued guidelines outlining topics that should be covered in the

informed consent process prior to cancer genetic testing.94,95 These topics included possible

medical implications, psychosocial effects, results implications for family members, and

privacy/confidentiality concerns with testing.87

A 2016 survey by Cragun et al asked patients about their pre-test genetic counseling

experiences. Patients reported that they were significantly less likely to be counseled about

employment and insurance discrimination when the counseling was performed by a non-genetics

professional (p<=0.01).87–89 Further, they were significantly less likely to receive a summary letter

of what had been discussed (p=0.02).89 Non-genetics providers also reported discussing

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psychosocial concerns and the possibility of a VUS result significantly less than genetics

providers.88,89 Amongst the Ob-Gyn providers, about 50% indicated that they sometimes or rarely

covered all pre-test counseling topics issued by ASCO and ACMG.96

One reason non-genetics providers may not cover all the important aspects of pre-test

counseling is that they spend less time counseling. The average time spent counseling was 20

minutes for non-genetics professionals compared to 67.5 minutes by genetics professionals.97

Also, physician’s offices that also employed a genetics nurse, PA-C, CRNP, or genetic counselor

were significantly more likely to have performed complete pre-test counseling.96 It is possible that

physicians do not have enough time to spend counseling patients without these additional

providers, and/or that these providers have more genetics education.

There is additional evidence that non-genetics providers do not feel qualified or

comfortable obtaining informed consent for genetic testing. A 2010 survey of Ob-Gyn providers

found that 28% of providers felt unqualified and 64% felt only partially qualified to perform cancer

genetic counseling.81 In another study, 20-36% of non-genetics providers indicated that they

struggled to provide counseling for emotional responses to test results.88 About 32% of non-

genetics providers indicated that they do not perceive handling long-term psychosocial effects of

testing to be part of their professional role.88 Knowledge and Interpretation

The interpretation of BRCA test results by non-genetics professionals can sometimes be clinically

problematic. First, there are concerns that BRCA positive individuals are not always being

managed appropriately. One 2011 survey of non-genetics professionals found that 76% of Ob-Gyn

providers recommended that BRCA positive patients should consider RRSO. 3,4 National

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management guidelines recommend that this surgery should always be discussed, because there

are no reliable screening alternatives.30 Some women with positive BRCA test results do not pursue

this surgery for various reasons, including possible side-effects. However, rates at which

recommendations for RRSO were made by physicians completing this survey still appear lower

than would be advised by these national guidelines.

There is also evidence that some non-genetics providers may have difficulty interpreting a

negative genetic test result. In 2016, non-genetics professionals were surveyed regarding how to

manage a patient with a family history of cancer and a negative BRCA result. Of this surveyed

group, 19% wrongly indicated that this high risk patient should pursue general population

screening recommendations.87 This suggests that almost one-fifth of surveyed providers would

have mis-managed this patient.

Non-genetics providers have been shown to have concerns related to managing patients

with variant of uncertain significance (VUS) results. 5 About 60% of the 92 surveyed physicians

working at Mayo Clinic in Florida in 2018 reported being uncomfortable interpreting this type of

result. 5 This study also found discrepancies in how providers viewed VUS results, with 11.9%

indicating that they did not believe the VUS explained their patient’s condition, while another

32.1% thought it was very likely that the VUS was responsible for the condition. 5 Only 16%

answered all theoretical management questions about VUS results correctly.5

These instances serve as indications that there are challenges with non-genetics

professionals adhering to national management guidelines and suggests that some patients may

not be receiving optimal care.

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Factors Impacting Results Interpretation

Many studies have tried to determine what factors are contributing to these mismanagement trends.

One potential contributing factor is that some of these providers do not feel comfortable managing

these BRCA positive patients. In one 2010 study, 26-35% of the 289 surveyed Ob-Gyn ACOG

fellows indicated that they did not feel at all qualified to manage breast and gynecologic risk for

BRCA positive patients.81 Furthermore, another 60% indicated that they felt only partially qualified

to manage each of these cancer risks.81 Although high risk breast specialists or gynecologic

oncologists are sometimes available to help manage these patients, in other cases this responsibility

may fall upon Ob-Gyns despite their feelings of discomfort.

Studies also found that individuals who were more confident in their level of genetics

knowledge were more likely to correctly interpret results and manage patients.3,86 One way they

gain knowledge is through clinical experience. Those providers who had ordered the most tests

tended to manage patients more appropriately. For example, providers who had more experience

ordering testing were significantly more likely to recommend RRSO for BRCA positive patients.3

Formal genetics training also affects knowledge, comfort level, and management. In a 2013

study, 44-55% of 91 responding Florida-based non-genetics providers who had ordered BRCA

testing reported that they had some form of genetics training. 86,87 About 30-57% of those providers

stated that they had been trained by educational materials issued by commercial labs.86,87 In a 2010

study by Ready et al, 65 Ob-Gyn residents in Texas were surveyed and 76% indicated that they

would value improvements in their genetics training.98 This study echoed findings from a survey

of Ob-Gyns conducted in 2000, which found that providers who reported that they had formal

training in genetics were more likely to follow management guidelines for theoretical clinical


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Several interventions centered on improving genetics education are documented in the

medical literature. In 2013, Cragun et al surveyed non-genetics physicians about what genetics

educational resources they would find helpful. 100 The study offered several possible educational

materials, including a formal training program consisting of a three day in-person training and/or

monthly webinars, and other education resources, including a resource guide, case scenarios, and

newsletters. Over 80% of surveyed physicians identified that they would be interested in formal

training with about one third demonstrating interest in in-person training, one fifth demonstrating

interest in a regular webinar, and one third demonstrating interest in both. About 64% indicated

that they would be interested in receiving other educational resources.100

These physicians were asked what factors they felt were preventing them from pursuing

further genetics education and 88% identified taking time off work as a barrier to pursuing in-

person training. They were also asked what would further motivate them to pursue genetics

training, with 77% indicating a desire to receive continuing education credits for the training, 64%

seeking specialized training in counseling skills, and 64% requesting a certificate of completion.100

Identifying what factors seem to be contributing to problems providers experience with

BRCA testing will help guide similar intervention strategies in the future. The data collected from

BRCA testing will help identify potential concerns with newer panel testing and ways to combat

these concerns. However, multi-gene panel testing may contribute additional concerns since

interpretation of these tests can be complicated.

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2.3.3 Multi-Gene Panel Testing

An increasing number of providers are beginning to use multi-gene panel testing instead of BRCA

testing alone. In 2016, 90% of genetics providers and 42% of non-genetics providers had reported

prior use of cancer gene panel testing.87 With more non-genetic providers starting to order this

testing, several new complications may be anticipated.

Previous data has shown that providers are not comfortable interpreting and managing

VUS results identified on BRCA testing. Because more genes are included on panels, the likelihood

of receiving a VUS result is higher. Current estimates suggest that there is at least a 1% chance of

getting a VUS per gene studied.101 Therefore, providers ordering panels will likely have to interpret

these types of results more often.

Further, many gene panels now include moderate penetrance genes and newly researched

genes. Some guidelines have been issued indicating best practice for the management of moderate

penetrance pathogenic variants.48 However, experience with BRCA testing showed that providers

do not always follow the management guidelines. One potential concern is that providers may not

correctly assess the level of risk associated with each gene and may make inappropriate

management recommendations. They may also lack knowledge about the types of cancer

associated with each gene and therefore miss opportunities for intervention.

Additionally, for many of these newly researched genes, there is not enough information

to establish guidelines. Without a standard of care for these patients, providers have to

individualize management plans. This lends itself to management inconsistencies dependent on

risk perception by the provider. As more is learned about these genes, recommendations may

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change, which puts the responsibility on the ordering provider to stay updated about genetics


Overall, the use of cancer genetic testing has helped to prevent cancer diagnoses in

individuals born at high risk. Although cancer genetic counselors are specially trained to take on

this clinical role, the field is new and not all patients have access to a local counselor. For this and

other reasons, many primary care providers, particularly Ob-Gyns, have become involved in

cancer genetic testing. Initial data from non-genetics providers’ use of BRCA testing has identified

some areas in need of improvement. Multi-gene panel testing presents some additional potential

challenges. The purpose of this study is to learn more about how local providers are using this

testing, to assess how results are being managed, and to gather provider perspective on their use

of panel testing.

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3.1.1 Breast and Ovary Cancer Genes

Since the 1990s, the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have been the most well-known genetic risk factors

for breast and ovarian cancer.9,14 Pathogenic variants in the DNA sequence of the BRCA1 and

BRCA2 genes increase an individual’s lifetime breast cancer risk to 65-79% and 61-77%

respectively, compared to the 12.5% general population risk. 20,23 Pathogenic variants in BRCA1

and BRCA2 also increase ovarian cancer risk to 36-53% and 11-25% respectively, compared to 1-

2% in the general population. 20,23

Within the last five to ten years, genetic testing for hereditary forms of breast and ovarian

cancer has expanded to include genes in addition to BRCA1 and BRCA2. Groups of these genes

can be analyzed simultaneously through multi-gene cancer panels.102 With the expansion of cancer

genetic testing, it was found that about 40% of hereditary breast cancers are attributed to other

genes that are now included on multi-gene panels.48

Panel composition varies by lab and indication. For the genes on any given panel, there is

variability in the types of cancer linked to each gene included, the level of risk conferred by the

gene, and gene-specific penetrance and outcomes data published. The diversity of genes on a

particular panel complicates results interpretation. The NCCN has crafted definitions to describe

these different parameters. It describes clinical validity as the level of evidence supporting the

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association between a gene and a given cancer risk. Clinical utility is the level of evidence that a

particular intervention is effective for individuals carrying a pathogenic variant in a particular

gene. Clinical actionability describes whether or not a pathogenic variant in a particular gene can

change medical management. 30

The NCCN attempts to delineate different categories based on the clinical validity of a

gene and the degree of risk associated with that gene. The high-risk category consists of genes

with high clinical validity and an increased cancer risk. Many of these genes are linked to well-

established cancer syndromes. Moderate-risk genes have been linked to a particular type of cancer

and have a lower cancer risk on average than the high-risk category. Other genes that can be

included on a cancer panel may have lower validity and less research on degree of cancer risk, and

these are often referred to as “newly researched” or “emerging research” genes. 30 For genes on a

panel test, the NCCN issues appropriate management guidelines for genes considered to be

clinically actionable based on validity, utility and the level risk for a given cancer that is linked to

a particular gene.

High-risk breast cancer genes include those genes, that like BRCA1 and BRCA2, confer

over a five-fold lifetime risk to develop breast cancer.49 Genes associated with specific hereditary

cancer syndromes fall into this category, including Li-Fraumeni syndrome (TP53 gene), Cowden

syndrome (PTEN gene), and hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (CDH1 gene).50–52 Genes associated

with Lynch syndrome (MLH1, MSH2, MSH6, PMS2, EPCAM) can be linked to an increased

ovarian cancer risk up to 24%.53 Pathogenic variants identified in this category of genes are

considered largely contributory to the cancer history within a family. While other risk factors may

adjust cancer risk, much of the family risk can be attributed to a high risk pathogenic variant alone.

An unaffected individual who does not carry a known familial pathogenic variant in one of these

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genes is generally considered to be at general population risk to develop cancer, in the absence of

any significant exposures or other personal risk factors.54

Breast and ovarian panels have recently expanded even further to include clinically

actionable moderate risk genes. Moderate-risk breast cancer genes increase breast cancer risk by

about two-to-five-fold. Genes within this category include ATM, CHEK2, and PALB2, although

more recent studies suggest that PALB2 may actually elevate breast cancer risk over the risk

threshold defining this category of genes. 48 Pathogenic variants in these genes account for the

most cases of hereditary breast cancer outside of the BRCA genes.102 Several genes, including

BRIP1, RAD51C, and RAD51D have been associated with a clinically actionable increase in

ovarian cancer risk. Current estimates project that BRIP1 confers a lifetime ovarian cancer risk

from 4.06-12.7%, while RAD51C and RAD51D confer 6.12% and 13.56% risk respectively.64–66

A pathogenic variant identified in one of these genes is viewed as a risk factor that likely

interacts with other shared risk factors, either genetic or environmental, to cause an increased

cancer risk within a family. 54 Increased cancer risk within a family therefore cannot be solely

attributed to a pathogenic variant in one of these genes. 54 Accordingly, individuals who test

negative for a known pathogenic variant in their family are still considered to be at increased risk

compared to the general population because other shared risk factors are likely at play.54

Many of the largest breast and ovary gene panels also include a group of newly researched

genes. These genes have been linked to breast or ovary cancer risk in some studies, but the level

of risk conferred by each gene is not well established.48 Some of these genes include BARD1,

MRE11A, and RAD50.68,69

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3.1.2 Cancer Panel Results Interpretation

For women considered to be at average risk of developing breast cancer, the American Cancer

Society (ACS) recommends initiating annual mammograms starting at age 40-45.27 The ACS

states that annual mammograms should continue until age 55, at which point they can occur every

2 years.27 The U.S. Preventative Services Task Force guidelines vary slightly in that they

recommend that mammograms should be initiated by age 50, can be considered as early as age 40,

and should occur every 2 years.28 For ovary cancer, women are advised to meet regularly with

their Ob-Gyn providers and to report any abnormal symptoms, but there are no additional

screening guidelines endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists


There are three possible outcomes from all cancer genetic testing. A negative genetic test

indicates that no pathogenic variants were identified in the genes examined. Individuals with a

negative test result are still considered to be at increased risk for a particular type of cancer if they

have a family history of that cancer. 6–8 For individuals with a family history of breast cancer and

a negative breast-centered genetic test, specific risk models such as Tyrer-Cuziak, BODICEA, and

BRCApro can be used to help predict an individual’s breast cancer risk. 35 According to the ACS,

individuals with a family history of early onset breast cancer can consider initiating mammography

screening five to ten years before the earliest breast cancer diagnosis in the family. 8 The ACS also

indicates that individuals found to have over a 20% lifetime breast cancer risk using these risk

models can consider using breast MRI screening in addition to mammograms. 35

Individuals with negative ovary-centered genetic testing and a family history of ovarian

cancer are also at increased risk to develop ovarian cancer.7 However, ovarian cancer screening

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modalities such as transvaginal ultrasound and CA-125 bloodwork are unreliable at detecting the

presence of ovarian cancer. 73,74 Surgical removal of the ovaries and fallopian tubes via bilateral

risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy is the only intervention known to reduce ovarian cancer

mortality. 30-35 Some women choose to pursue this surgery based on family history alone.

Another possible genetic test result is a “variant of uncertain significance,” or VUS. The

American College of Medical Genetics has issued statements indicating that VUS results should

not be used to change medical management.76 About 90% of the time, evidence is gathered about

these results suggesting that they are truly benign. 48-49

A positive result indicates that a pathogenic variant was identified in one of the genes

analyzed. Individuals carrying this pathogenic variant are at increased cancer risk. The degree of

the risk and type of cancer depend on the gene carrying the pathogenic variant. Research on the

effectiveness of different preventative measures and interventions for pathogenic variants in

specific genes is compiled into national guidelines issued by the National Comprehensive Cancer

Network (NCCN).30 Based on these guidelines, breast cancer risk associated with most high-risk

breast cancer genes like BRCA1/2, TP53, and PTEN can be managed by surgical intervention or

increased surveillance. The guidelines recommend consideration of prophylactic bilateral

mastectomy, which is known to reduce the risk of an initial breast cancer diagnosis by up to 90%.30

The alternative strategy is initiation of screening at a younger age, usually sometime between 20-

30 years, and use of breast MRI screening in conjunction with mammograms. 34

For some of the other high-risk breast genes and the moderate-risk breast genes, the NCCN

recommends increased surveillance with annual breast MRIs along with mammograms (with

consideration of tomosynthesis) starting between ages 30 and 40 depending on the gene.30,48 For

these genes, there is insufficient evidence to recommend prophylactic bilateral mastectomy, but

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guidelines indicate that the procedure may be beneficial for individuals with a strong family history

of breast cancer. 30

For the class of more newly researched breast cancer genes, there is not currently sufficient

evidence for a specific screening or interventional program. Individuals carrying pathogenic

variants in the newly researched genes are typically managed on an individual basis in the context

of other personal and family risk factors.

Because ovarian cancer screening is unreliable, the NCCN recommends consideration of

risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) for all individuals carrying pathogenic variants in

clinically actionable ovary cancer genes, including the BRCA genes, the Lynch syndrome genes,

RAD51C, RAD51D, and BRIP1.30 The age at which this procedure can be considered varies from

35-40 for BRCA1, 40-45 for BRCA2, and 45-50 for RAD51C, RAD51D, and BRIP1.48 The

guidelines indicate that there is insufficient evidence that ovarian screening via transvaginal

ultrasound and CA-125 levels decreases ovarian cancer mortality, but high risk individuals who

do not pursue surgery may consider screening. 48

3.1.3 Ob-Gyn Involvement with Cancer Genetic Testing

Since BRCA genetic testing was first introduced, Ob-Gyn providers have been involved in making

this testing clinically accessible. From 2009-2011, the estimated range of Ob-Gyn providers who

had ordered BRCA testing varied from 43-61%.2,3,83 The likelihood that an Ob-Gyn provider had

previously ordered BRCA testing was more than double that of an internal medicine physician

(p<0.01).83 Further, a 2010 survey of 65 Ob-Gyn residents across Texas found that 67% of the

providers had referred a patient for cancer genetic counseling over the last year.81 Non-genetics

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provider use of genetic testing has been shown to stray from current guidelines is several key ways.

Major areas in which practice can differ include counseling techniques and results interpretation.84

Several aspects of the pre-test counseling process have been shown to differ significantly

between genetics and non-genetics providers. In a 2015 study, 473 patients who had genetic testing

were surveyed about their pre-test counseling experience. The study found that 97% of patients

who had testing facilitated through a genetics professional remembered that they had pre-test

counseling. For those who had testing organized through a non-genetics professional such as an

Ob-Gyn, surgeon, oncologist, or nurse practioner, only 59% recalled having pre-test counseling.89

The American Society of Cancer Oncology and the American College of Medical Genetics

issued guidelines outlining topics that should be covered in the informed consent process prior to

cancer genetic testing.94,95 These topics included possible medical implications, psychosocial

effects, results implications for family members, and privacy/confidentiality concerns with

testing.87 A 2016 survey by Cragun et al asked patients about their pre-test genetic counseling

experiences. Patients reported that they were significantly less likely to be counseled about

employment and insurance discrimination when the counseling was performed by a non-genetics

professional (p<=0.01).87–89 Further, they were significantly less likely to receive a summary letter

of what had been discussed (p=0.02).89 Non-genetics providers also reported discussing

psychosocial concerns and the possibility of a VUS result significantly less than genetics

providers.88,89 Amongst the Ob-Gyn providers, about 50% indicated that they sometimes or rarely

covered all pre-test counseling topics issued by ASCO and ACMG.96

The interpretation of BRCA test results by non-genetics professionals can also sometimes

be clinically problematic. First, there are concerns that BRCA positive individuals are not always

being managed appropriately. One 2011 survey of non-genetics professionals found that 76% of

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Ob-Gyn providers recommended that BRCA positive patients should consider RRSO. 3,4 National

management guidelines recommend that this surgery should always be discussed, because there

are no reliable screening alternatives.30 Some women with positive BRCA test results do not pursue

this surgery for various reasons, including possible side-effects. However, rates at which

recommendations for RRSO were made by physicians completing this survey still appear lower

than would be advised by these national guidelines.

In 2016, non-genetics professionals were surveyed regarding how to manage a patient with

a family history of cancer and a negative BRCA result. Of this surveyed group, 19% wrongly

indicated that this high risk patient should pursue general population screening

recommendations.87 This suggests that almost one-fifth of surveyed providers would have mis-

managed this patient.

Non-genetics providers have been shown to have concerns related to managing patients

with variant of uncertain significance (VUS) results. 5 About 60% of the 92 surveyed physicians

working at Mayo Clinic in Florida in 2018 reported being uncomfortable interpreting this type of

result. 5 This study also found discrepancies in how providers viewed VUS results, with 11.9%

indicating that they did not believe the VUS explained their patient’s condition, while another

32.1% thought it was very likely that the VUS was responsible for the condition. 5 Only 16%

answered all theoretical management questions about VUS results correctly.5

Researchers have tried to determine what factors are contributing to these mismanagement

trends. One potential contributing factor is that some of these providers do not feel comfortable

managing these BRCA positive patients. In one 2010 study, 26-35% of the 289 surveyed Ob-Gyn

ACOG fellows indicated that they did not feel at all qualified to manage breast and gynecologic

risk for BRCA positive patients.81 Furthermore, another 60% indicated that they felt only partially

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qualified to manage each of these cancer risks.81 Although high risk breast specialists or

gynecologic oncologists are sometimes available to help manage these patients, in other cases this

responsibility may fall upon Ob-Gyns despite their feelings of discomfort.

Studies also found that individuals who were more confident in their level of genetics

knowledge were more likely to correctly interpret results and manage patients.3,86 One way they

gain knowledge is through clinical experience. Those providers who had ordered the most tests

tended to manage patients more appropriately. For example, providers who had more experience

ordering testing were significantly more likely to recommend RRSO for BRCA positive patients.3

Formal genetics training also affects knowledge, comfort level, and management. In a 2013

study, 44-55% of 91 responding Florida-based non-genetics providers who had ordered BRCA

testing reported that they had some form of genetics training. 86,87 About 30-57% of those providers

stated that they had been trained by educational materials issued by commercial labs.86,87 In a 2010

study by Ready et al, 65 Ob-Gyn residents in Texas were surveyed and 76% indicated that they

would value improvements in their genetics training.98 This study echoed findings from a survey

of Ob-Gyns conducted in 2000, which found that providers who reported that they had formal

training in genetics were more likely to follow management guidelines for theoretical clinical


3.1.4 Multi-Gene Panel Testing

There has been little research about how these concerns with BRCA testing have been manifesting

since non-genetics providers have started to use cancer panel testing. Based on the wide range of

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risks associated with the genes included on some of these panels, it is reasonable to predict that

non-genetic provider use of panel testing may present additional challenges.

Previous data has shown that providers are not comfortable interpreting and managing

VUS results identified on BRCA testing. Because more genes are included on panels, the likelihood

of receiving a VUS result is higher. Current estimates suggest that there is at least a 1% chance of

finding a VUS per gene studied.101 Therefore, providers ordering panels will likely have to

interpret these types of results more often.

Further, many gene panels now include moderate penetrance genes and newly researched

genes. Some guidelines have been issued indicating best practice for the management of moderate

penetrance pathogenic variants.48 However, experience with BRCA testing showed that providers

do not always follow the management guidelines. One potential concern is that providers may not

correctly assess the level of risk associated with each gene and may make inappropriate

management recommendations. They may also lack knowledge about the types of cancer

associated with each gene and therefore miss opportunities for intervention.

Additionally, for many of these newly researched genes, there is not enough information

to establish guidelines. Without a standard of care for these patients, providers have to

individualize management plans. This lends itself to management inconsistencies dependent on

risk perception by the provider. As more is learned about these genes, recommendations may

change, which puts the responsibility on the ordering provider to stay updated about genetics


Initial data from non-genetics providers’ use of BRCA testing has identified some areas in

need of improvement. Multi-gene panel testing presents some additional potential challenges. The

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purpose of this study is to learn more about how local providers are using this cancer panel testing.

The specific aims of this study are as follows:

• To identify how often Ob-Gyn providers are using cancer gene panel testing

• To gather data about how providers would manage patients at varying genetic risk levels for breast and ovarian cancer

• To ascertain Ob-Gyn provider perspectives about their role in panel testing

3.2 METHODS Study Population

The target population for survey distribution consisted of all Ob-Gyn providers working for two

major healthcare systems that are centered in the Pittsburgh area. Qualifying providers included

attending Ob-Gyn physicians, midwives, gynecologic oncologists, Ob-Gyn residents and fellows,

and physician’s assistants and nurse practitioners working in obstetrics/gynecology. The

population was expanded to include providers outside of physicians, as it was recognized that these

providers do sometimes order cancer genetic testing within these healthcare systems. The

population included providers practicing in urban, suburban, and rural areas across Western and

Central Pennsylvania through these healthcare systems. Both systems have access to cancer

genetic counselors who are centered in Pittsburgh but also do outreach in suburban and rural clinics

in Western Pennsylvania.

The email addresses for all practicing Ob-Gyn providers within these two healthcare

systems were collected. For healthcare system A, a contact within the Ob-Gyn department

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provided email addresses for all active providers. For healthcare system B, the study coordinator

was granted access to a previously compiled distribution list for Ob-Gyn providers. This list was

supplemented by additional provider email addresses listed on a public domain. Survey Development

Prior to recruitment efforts and distribution, exempt IRB approval was obtained from the

University of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Health Network (Appendix A).

The study survey was developed using the Qualtrics survey system, which was accessed

through a University of Pittsburgh license. The survey included four major sections: a

demographic section, a section about ordering and referral practices, a section of theoretical

management scenarios and risk assessment questions, and a section about provider perspectives

regarding cancer genetic testing. The demographic section included questions about current job

title, level of experience, and type of community practice. The ordering practices section asked

participants questions about prior use of genetic testing within their practices. The theoretical

management scenarios were organized into matrix tables in which providers could indicate all

relevant management options for individuals found to be at different breast and ovary cancer risk

levels. For each management scenario, providers had to select at least one response. Risk

assessment questions asked providers to indicate whether patients in different scenarios would be

at average or increased cancer risk. The provider perspective section listed statements and asked

providers to respond on a 5-point Likert scale (strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree,

disagree, strongly disagree). All questions were newly developed based on information gathered

during the literature review and are listed in Appendix D.

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41 Recruitment and Survey Distribution

An in-person meeting and emails were both used to recruit participants. For healthcare system A,

the study coordinator met with practice managers to explain the major aims of the study. Physical

copies of the survey were distributed as a reminder for managers to discuss the survey with

employees. In-person recruitment was not performed at healthcare system B. For both healthcare

systems, a recruitment email explaining the study aims and containing the survey link was

distributed. The inclusion criteria listed within the email indicated that participants must be Ob-

Gyn providers and that they must have prior experience or future intent to use multi-gene cancer

panel testing. The email indicated that participants could request a cancer genetics referral guide

from the study coordinator after the study ended.

Surveys were distributed to healthcare system A via the Qualtrics email distribution

function. Weekly reminders were issued though individualized email links to try to improve

response rate. Data collection from healthcare system A lasted three weeks. Surveys were

distributed to healthcare system B via the Qualtrics email distribution function. Weekly reminders

were also issued using this function. Data collection from healthcare system B lasted two weeks.

A statement listing study aims and potential benefits/harms was included before the survey

questions. Survey completion was used as proof of informed consent. Five partial responses were

not included in the data analysis process because these respondents left most questions

unanswered. Statistical Methods

Descriptive statistics were used to indicate how frequently each response was selected. Logistic

regression was used to study the association between demographic categories and certain

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management responses. Fisher’s exact test was used to study the association between demographic

factors and Likert scale responses. Chi-squared analysis was used instead if expected counts in the

two-way tables were greater than 5. P-values under 0.05 were considered statistically significant.

Stata statistical software was used for all statistical analyses.


3.3.1 Demographic Information

The survey was distributed to 424 Ob-Gyn providers and 67 completed it, giving a 16% response

rate. Almost 60% of respondents were Ob-Gyn physicians, while 22.4% were residents or fellows,

6.0% were gynecologic oncologists, and the remaining 13.5% were PA-Cs, CRNPs, or midwives

(Table 1). Almost half of all providers indicated that they were still in training (residents/fellows)

or that they had been practicing independently for less than 5 years. The remaining two categories,

which were 5-20 years’ and over 20 years’ experience, each had about one quarter of respondents.

Providers were also asked whether they practiced in urban, suburban, or rural communities, with

the majority (54.0%) indicating that they worked in an urban setting and only 9.2% indicating that

they worked in a rural setting (Table 6, Appendix E).

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Table 1. Respondent Demographic Information

What is your current professional role at your institution? N=67 (%)

Ob-Gyn 39 (58.2%)

Gynecologic Oncologist 4 (6.0%)

Resident/Fellow 15 (22.4%)

PA-C, CRNP 6 (9.0%)

Other (Midwife) 3 (4.5%)

How many years have you been practicing independently?

I am still in training 15 (22.4%)

Less than 5 years 18 (26.9%)

5-10 years 7 (10.5%)

11-20 years 10 (14.9%)

21-30 years 10 (14.9%)

Over 30 years 7 (10.5%)

3.3.2 Ordering Practices

Respondents were asked questions about their prior experience with cancer genetic testing. About

61% indicated that they had used multi-gene panel testing to guide patient management before,

while about 39% had not. The providers who indicated that they had not used panel testing results

before were not asked additional questions about ordering and referral practices, but were asked

later questions related to theoretical management scenarios and provider perspectives on cancer

genetic testing (Figure 1).

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Figure 1. Ordering Practice Survey Flow

Have you ever used results from multi-gene breast or ovarian cancer panels to guide patient


YesN=41 (61.2%)

How often do you order testing of the

BRCA genes alone?


How often do you order multi-gene panel testing,

including genes in addition to BRCA1/2?


Have any of the multi-gene panels come back with a positive result,

indicating that a pathogenic variant was identified in a gene other than


Yes N=17 (77.3%)

Did you feel that you had adequate resources

available to aid you in interpreting the positive


YesN=17 (100%)

NoN=0 (0%)

NoN=5 (22.7%)

Have you ever referred patients for cancer genetic counseling?

Yes N=41 (100%)

How often do you refer patients to genetic

counselors to order cancer genetic testing?


How often do you refer patients to genetic

counselors for post-test counseling only?


No N=0 (0%)

No N=26 (38.8%)

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Of the 61% of providers who had used panel testing results in their practice, none indicated

that they order BRCA testing at least once per week. About 10% of providers (N=4) indicated that

they order multi-gene panel testing at least once per week. For both BRCA and panel testing, 40-

45% of providers indicated that they order testing rarely, or about once per month. Similarly, about

45% of providers indicated that they never order testing on their own (Table 2).

About 50% of providers who had used multi-gene panel testing results indicated that they

had some prior experience ordering either BRCA or panel testing. The majority of this cohort

(77.3%) indicated that at least one of their patients was found to carry a pathogenic variant in a

gene other than BRCA1/2, with all of these providers indicating that they had the necessary

resources to help them manage these patients (Figure 1).

All of the providers with prior experience using panel testing indicated that they had

referred patients for cancer genetic counseling. Over half of providers indicated that they used

genetic counselors to facilitate ordering testing at least once per week. Only about 5% indicated

that they had never used a genetic counselor to facilitate ordering testing. About 66% of providers

indicated that they referred patients for post-test counseling at least once per month, with 34.2%

indicating that they had never referred patients for post-test counseling only (Table 2).

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Table 2. Ordering and Referral Practices

3.3.3 Management Results

All providers (N=67) were next asked to respond to several theoretical management scenarios. The

first scenario asked providers to select which screening and management options they would

choose for a patient with a family history of early onset breast cancer and a pathogenic variant in

a gene associated with varying levels of breast cancer risk. Management options included initiating

screening at a younger age, adding breast MRI, referral to a high-risk breast clinic, adding risk-

reducing medications, and referral to discuss prophylactic mastectomy. Providers were able to

select multiple appropriate management options for the patient. The varying lifetime risk levels

included 15%, 20%, 40%, 60%, and undefined.

Frequently (several

times per week)

Often (at least

once per week)

Sometimes (several

times per month)


(about once

per month)


How often do you order the following testing? N=41 (%)

BRCA1/2 Only 0 (0%) 0 (0%) 5 (12.2%) 18 (43.9%) 18 (43.9%)


Panel Testing 0 (0%) 4 (9.8%) 2 (4.9%) 16 (39.0%) 19 (46.3%)

How often do you refer patients to genetic counselors for the following? N=41 (%)

To order

genetic testing 3 (7.3%) 19 (46.3%) 10 (24.4%) 7 (17.1%) 2 (4.9%)

For post-test

counseling 0 (0%) 1 (2.4%) 7 (17.1%) 10 (46.3%) 14 (34.2%)

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Figure 2 demonstrates the number of providers who chose each management option for a

given risk level. Figure 3 indicates the percentage of providers selecting each option. Figure 2

clearly demonstrates that the total number of management options selected increased as the risk

level increased from 15% to 60%. For the undefined risk category, the total number of options

chosen was similar to the 15% risk category. However, for the undefined category, about 30%

more providers chose to refer patients to a high-risk clinic and 5% more providers selected a

referral to discuss prophylactic mastectomy (Figure 3).

Figure 2. Breast Cancer: Count of Management Options by Risk Level

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Figure 3. Breast Cancer: Percent of Respondents Selecting Each Management Option by Risk Level

Several trends appeared across the risk categories. The percent of providers recommending

initiation of screening at a younger age was similar across the categories, with 54-69% of providers

choosing this option. For the breast MRI option, the percent of recommending providers tripled

from the 15% to the 20% risk categories. For both the high-risk referral and risk-reducing

medication options, the percentage of providers selecting each option increased from the 15%

category to the 40% category and then plateaued from 40% to 60%. The percent of providers

choosing the referral to discuss prophylactic mastectomy continued to increase across categories.

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The largest increase in mastectomy referral occurred between the 20% and 40% categories, with

about a 40% increase in the percent of recommending providers.

Figure 4 represents the percentage of providers recommending bilateral risk-reducing

salpingo-oophorectomy (RRSO) for various ovarian cancer risk levels (5%, 10%, 20%, and

undefined level). The percentage of providers recommending RRSO increased across risk

categories, with 94% of providers recommending this procedure at the 20% risk level. Similar to

the breast cancer management question, the trends within the undefined risk category were nearly

identical to the lowest, 5% risk category.

Figure 4. Ovary Cancer: Percent of Respondents Selecting RRSO by Risk Level

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Figure 5. Percent of Respondents Indicating Risk Level for Different Clinical Scenarios

The final management-based question asked providers whether they would consider a

patient to be at an average or increased cancer risk for a number of different clinical scenarios.

Figure 5 indicates the number of providers choosing each option. About 90% of providers stated

that an individual with a family history of cancer and a negative cancer panel would still be at

increased cancer risk. About 82% indicated that an individual who tests negative for a known

familial BRCA pathogenic variant would be at average risk. Similarly, 70% of providers indicated

that an individual testing negative for a known familial pathogenic variant in a moderate-risk gene

would be at average risk.

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3.3.4 Provider Perspectives

Providers were then asked to give their perspectives regarding different aspects of cancer panel

testing (Table 7, Appendix E). The responses were graded on a Likert scale. About 66% of

providers indicated that they agreed or strongly agreed that Ob-Gyn providers are the most

appropriate individuals to identify patients who need further cancer genetics workup. About 85%

indicated some level of agreement that identifying these patients is a priority in their practice.

When asked about ordering and counseling practices, about half of providers indicated that

they do not feel that they can adequately gather informed consent for panel testing. There did not

appear to be a strong trend regarding whether providers are more or less likely to order testing

since panels were introduced.

The next section asked providers about their comfort interpreting test results. About 42%

indicated that they were familiar with national management guidelines for positive results, while

another 42% indicated that they were not familiar with them. Figure 6 shows trends in reported

comfort level interpreting different types of test results. Most providers indicated discomfort

interpreting positive or VUS panel test results. In contrast, 70% felt comfortable interpreting

negative test results. Providers were then asked questions regarding their genetics education.

About half of providers indicated that their formal genetics education was not adequate. About

45% indicated that they had been provided with opportunities for genetics-based continuing

education credits. About an equal number of providers disagreed and agreed with the statement

regarding their ability to stay updated about genetics research (Table 7, Appendix E).

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Figure 6. Provider Comfort Interpreting Test Results

3.3.5 Data Trends

Various analyses were used to describe the relationship between demographic factors such as

provider type and experience level with different survey outcomes. Figures 7-10 depict trends in

theoretical management recommendations based on these factors by using “surgical management

sums.” A management sum was calculated for each respondent. This sum calculated the number

of times that a given provider recommended a particular intervention across increasing risk

37% 37%











3% 6%


Positive VUS Negative

Strongly disagree Somewhat disagree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat agree Strongly agree

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categories. For example, in the breast cancer management scenario, the management sum counts

the number of times that a provider recommended referral to discuss mastectomy across the 15%,

20%, 40%, and 60% lifetime risk categories. A score of 0 indicates that a given provider did not

recommend mastectomy referral for any risk levels, while 4 indicates that the provider

recommended mastectomy referral at all risk levels. For the ovarian cancer scenario, the

management sum counts the number of times that a provider recommended RRSO across the 5%,

10%, and 20% risk categories. A score of 0 indicates that a given provider did not recommend

RRSO for any risk levels, while 3 indicates that the provider recommended RRSO at all risk levels.

These sums are not meant to score the appropriateness of management recommendations. Instead,

they are used to indicate how frequently each provider considered surgical intervention across

these risk categories.

Figures 7 and 8 show how often a particular management sum was indicated by Ob-Gyn

provider type and experience level respectively for the breast cancer theoretical management

scenario. Providers were grouped into four categories: Ob-Gyn physicians, gynecologic

oncologists, PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives, and residents/fellows. Experience level was grouped into

three categories: less than 5 years, 5-20 years, and over 20 years. These two figures are used to

depict any differences in likelihood to recommend mastectomy referral by provider type and

experience. An underlying assumption is that respondents are more likely to consider surgical

intervention for higher risk levels than for lower risk levels. For instance, a management sum of 1

indicates that a provider recommended mastectomy referral at the highest risk level (60%). A

management sum of 2 indicates that the provider recommended referral for the 60% risk level and

then next highest risk level (40%).

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Figure 7. Provider Type and Mastectomy Referral Sum

Figure 7 depicts the management sum for mastectomy referral amongst provider types.

One notable trend is that none of the gynecologic oncologists or PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives

recommended referral to discuss mastectomy across more than two categories. Assuming that

these providers are more likely to consider surgical intervention for higher risk levels, none of

these providers considered mastectomy for the 15% or 20% risk categories. In contrast, 7% of

residents/fellows and 10% of Ob-Gyn physicians recommended referral to discuss mastectomy

across three risk categories (20%, 40%, 60%). Another 8% of Ob-Gyn physicians considered

mastectomy referral for all of the risk levels (15%, 20%, 40%, 60%). Also of note, about 20-25%

23% 25% 22%




















Ob-Gyn Gyn Onc PA-C/CRNP/Midwife Resident/Fellow

0 1 2 3 4

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of Ob-Gyn physicians, gynecologic oncologists, and PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives and about 50% of

residents/fellows did not consider referral to discuss mastectomy at any of the risk levels

(management sum of 0).

A management sum of 1 indicates referral at the 60% risk level, a sum of 2 indicates referral

at 40% and 60% risk levels, and a sum of 3 indicates referral at the 20%, 40%, and 60% risk levels.

Thus, a sum of 1 estimates the frequency of providers considering surgical referral for the “high

penetrance” breast category while sums of 2 and 3 indicate referral for both “moderate penetrance”

and “high penetrance levels.” Based on this assumption, gynecologic oncologists were 2-3 times

as likely as other providers to refer for the high penetrance level only. Only about one quarter of

gynecologic oncologists and residents/fellows considered referral within the “moderate penetrance

range,” compared to at least 50% of Ob-Gyns physicians and PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives.

Figure 8 depicts mastectomy referral sum across experience levels. The percent of

providers with a management score of 0 decreased by one half across each interval between

experience levels. Further, the percent of providers considering mastectomy referral in the

“moderate penetrance range” continued to increase with increasing experience level.

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Figure 8. Experience Level and Mastectomy Referral Sum

Figures 9 and 10 examine similar trends in RRSO recommendations. A management sum

of 1 assumes that an individual selected RRSO for the highest risk category (20%) only. A

management sum of 2 assumes RRSO selection for 10% and 20%, and a sum of 3 assumes RRSO

selection for 5%, 10%, and 20%. The 5% and 10% categories represent risk levels associated with

ovarian cancer genes with moderate cancer risk, including BRIP1 RAD51C, and RAD51D. At least

one fifth of each provider type selected RRSO across all three risk categories. Notably,

gynecologic oncologists were 2-3 times more likely than other providers to recommend RRSO for

all three risk categories. Overall, PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives were the least likely to select RRSO
























Under 5 yr 5-20 yr Over 20 yr

0 1 2 3 4

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for any “moderate risk” ovary genes, followed by Ob-Gyn physicians, and then residents/fellows.

All gynecologic oncologists selected RRSO within this moderate risk category.

Figure 9. Provider Type and RRSO Recommendation Sum

Figure 10 focuses on RRSO referral sums based on experience level. Overall, the

individuals with 5-20 years’ experience were more likely to recommend RRSO within the

moderate risk range compared to other experience levels.
























Ob-Gyn Gyn Onc PA-C/CRNP/Midwife Resident/Fellow

0 1 2 3

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Figure 10. Experience Level and RRSO Recommendation Sum

Table 3 represents measures of association between provider type or experience level and

risk category for breast and ovary surgical interventions. The moderate risk breast category

included 20% and 40% risk levels while high risk was 60%. The moderate risk ovary category

included the 5% and 10% risk levels, while high risk was 20%. A management sum was used to

measure how often a given provider recommended either mastectomy or RRSO for each risk

category. For example, for the moderate risk breast category, a provider would receive a score of

2 if he/she recommended mastectomy referral both the 20% and 40% risk category, a score of 1 if

this referral was made for one of the two categories, and a score of 0 if mastectomy referral was





















Under 5 yr 5-20 yr Over 20 yr

0 1 2 3

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not indicated for either of these two categories For the high risk category (60%), possible scores

included 1 if mastectomy referral was indicated and 0 if it was not. The same process was applied

to the ovarian cancer genes. Next, these individual scores for different risk categories were

summed across different provider types or experience levels. Chi-squared or Fisher’s exact tests

were performed on the tables to determine whether provider type or experience level significantly

influenced a respondent’s likelihood to recommend mastectomy referral or RRSO for the moderate

risk category and the high risk category. None of the associations were statistically significant.

The highest significance (p=0.07) arose from the relationship between experience level and

likelihood to recommend mastectomy referral at the 60% risk category.

Table 3. Association Between Moderate and High Risk Surgical Management Sums and Provider Type or Experience Level

Breast Ovary

P-Value P-Value

Ob-Gyn Provider Type

Moderate-Risk (20%+40%) 0.23 0.21

High-Risk (60%) 0.17 1.0

Experience Level

Moderate-Risk (5%+10%) 0.20 0.86

High-Risk (20%) 0.07* 1.0

*indicates that Chi-squared analysis was performed instead of Fischer’s exact test

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Table 4 documents the relationship between provider type and different outcomes

compared to a reference group (Ob-Gyn physicians). For each provider type, logistic regression

was performed to determine the odds of surgical consideration (either mastectomy referral or

RRSO) by breast or ovary risk level compared to Ob-Gyn physicians. Of note, Ob-Gyn physicians

had about four times the odds of recommending mastectomy referral at both the 40% and 60% risk

levels compared to residents/fellows (p<0.05). None of the odds ratios for RRSO were statistically


Table 4 also indicates that Ob-Gyn physicians had about six times the odds of having used

panel test results previously compared to the PA-C/CRNP/midwife category and the

resident/fellow category. Ob-Gyn physicians also had four times the odds of being in regular

contact with a cancer genetics professional and over six times the odds of being contacted by a lab

that offers panel testing when compared to residents/fellows.

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Table 4. Association Between Provider Type, Management, and Other Demographic Factors

Gynecologic Oncologists PA-Cs/CRNPs/Midwives Residents/Fellows Mastectomy Referral by Risk Levels

OR P-value OR P-value OR P-value 15% - - - - - - 20% - - - - 0.33 0.32 40% 0.21 0.19 0.78 0.74 0.23 0.03 60% 0.90 0.93 1.05 0.96 0.26 0.04 Undefined 2.92 0.40 1.09 0.94 0.63 0.69

RRSO by Risk Levels OR P-value OR P-value OR P-value 5% 0.85 0.89 3.18 0.13 1.70 0.41 10% 0.21 0.19 0.78 0.74 1.72 0.42 20% - - - - 1.17 0.90 Undefined 0.53 0.60 1.28 0.30 1.40 0.42

Other Demographic Questions OR P-value OR P-value OR P-value Have you ever used results from multi-gene breast or ovarian cancer panels to guide patient management?

- - 0.17 0.03 0.17 0.01

Are you in regular contact with a cancer genetics professional?

* * 0.27 0.13 0.24 0.05

Have you been contacted by at least one genetic testing laboratory that offers multi-gene panel testing?

0.63 0.66 0.50 0.35 0.16 0.01

*Empty categories indicate that statistical analysis could not be performed due to lack of variance. Bolded values are statistically significant.

Finally, Table 5 shows the relationship between Ob-Gyn provider type or experience level

and response to Likert scale questions regarding perceived knowledge and education level. Likert

scale responses were grouped into two categories: strongly agree/agree and strongly

disagree/disagree. Chi-squared or Fisher’s exact tests were performed to determine the relationship

between these two Likert response categories and provider type or experience level. The analysis

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revealed a statistically significant association between provider type and familiarity with

management guidelines. The proportion of residents/fellows indicating that they lacked familiarity

with these guidelines compared to those indicating familiarity was 7.5. All gynecologic

oncologists indicated that they were familiar with these guidelines. It also found statistically

significant associations between genetics CEU access and ability to stay updated about genetics

research based on experience level. Individuals with more experience were more likely to indicate

adequate CEU access and ability to stay informed about genetics research.

Table 5. Association Between Provider Perspectives and Provider Type or Experience Level.

Provider Type Experience Level P-Value P-Value

I am familiar with national management guidelines for individuals with a positive multi-gene panel result.

0.02 0.17*

I have been able to stay informed about new cancer genetics research.

0.06 0.01*

I feel that I received an adequate education in cancer genetics during my professional training.

0.07 0.22

I have been provided with continuing education opportunities related to cancer genetics.

0.10 0.03*

* indicates that Chi-squared analysis was performed instead of Fischer’s exact test. Bolded values are statistically significant.

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3.4.1 Ordering Practices

While many studies have focused on analyzing Ob-Gyn use of BRCA testing, there is limited data

about how panel testing is being used. Initial reports from 2016 estimated that 42% of non-genetics

providers had previously used cancer panel testing.87 The first goal of this study was to gather

additional data regarding how often and in what ways Ob-Gyn providers are currently using cancer

panel testing.

Within this study population, 61% of providers indicated that they had used panel results

to guide patient management, which is a 20% increase over previous estimates.87 Over half of these

providers had experience ordering this testing themselves. However, almost three-quarters of

providers who had ordered testing indicated that they did so rarely (about once per month). In

contrast, more than half of providers reported referring patients for genetic counseling often (at

least once per week). The respondents’ BRCA ordering patterns were very similar to these panel

ordering patterns. The study results did not reveal a clear preference for BRCA or panel testing.

All those who did order testing themselves reported having necessary support resources to interpret

positive results in genes outside of BRCA1/2.

Within this population of respondents, it appears that much of the cancer genetic testing

responsibility is managed by genetic counselors instead of Ob-Gyns. However, trends in other

geographic areas are likely different. Both healthcare systems used in this study have well-

established cancer genetics programs that serve as a resource for Ob-Gyn providers. Ordering and

referral trends are likely different in areas without access to cancer genetics professionals.

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3.4.2 Management and Risk Assessment

Breast Cancer Management Scenario

One of the primary aims of this study was to describe trends in how Ob-Gyn providers manage

patients with different cancer risk levels. The risk categories used in the breast and ovary

management scenarios were designed to simulate the range of cancer risks associated with

different genes on panel tests.

Some of these responses can be compared to national management guidelines to assess

how closely Ob-Gyn providers followed these guidelines. For instance, the American Cancer

Society (ACS) recommends that individuals with a family history of early onset breast cancer

consider initiating screening 5-10 years prior to the earliest diagnosis in the family.35 The breast

cancer management scenario indicated that the theoretical patient had a family history of early

onset breast cancer. Based on this statement, providers would have been correct in considering

early screening initiation for this patient across all risk categories. The majority of providers (53-

69%) did select this management option across all risk categories. The percent of providers

selecting this option did decrease slightly for higher risk categories, possibly because more

providers began to select surgical interventions instead of screening options. Overall, most

providers answered according to ACS guidelines, although optimally more providers would have

considered this option.

The American Cancer Society also recommends that individuals with a lifetime breast

cancer risk over 20% consider breast MRI screening in addition to mammograms. 18 Breast MRIs

are not generally recommended for individuals with less than a 20% lifetime risk of breast cancer,

unless the individual meets another ACS high risk criteria.35 About 22.4% of providers did

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recommend breast MRI screening for the 15% risk category, which does not align with the ACS

guidelines. However, the jump from 22.4% at 15% risk to almost 66% for the 20% risk category

suggests that many providers are knowledgeable about the 20% risk threshold for breast MRIs.

There are not specific risk cutoffs for when prophylactic mastectomy and bilateral

salpingo-oophorectomy should be considered for a patient. Often, guidelines suggest that surgical

intervention can be considered if research has shown that this procedure reduces morbidity or

mortality for individuals with disease-causing pathogenic variants in a particular gene.30 Generally,

studies conducted on most high-risk breast genes have found that bilateral prophylactic

mastectomy is an effective risk-reducing option. 30 Individuals with moderate risk breast cancer

pathogenic variants are advised to pursue increased screening measures and to undergo

individualized assessment to determine whether surgery may be appropriate based on family

history.48,103 Many outside factors also play a role in determining whether prophylactic

mastectomy may be warranted for a patient, including the patient’s psychosocial response to the

implications of surgery.

The trends in mastectomy recommendations in this study appear to align with these general

practices. The recommendation percentage continued to increase from 4.5% to about 70% across

increasing risk categories. The largest jump in mastectomy consideration occurred between the

20% and 40% risk categories, with a 40% increase. One half of Ob-Gyn providers indicated a

preference for surgical discussion at this 40% risk level.

Based on the calculated management sums for breast and ovarian cancer scenarios and

some basic assumptions listed in the Results section, all provider types excluding residents/fellows

were about equally likely to indicate referral to discuss mastectomy for one or more risk categories.

About 20-25% of these providers did not indicate mastectomy referral for any risk categories,

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including the 60% category representing high risk genes like BRCA. More than half of

residents/fellows did not indicate mastectomy referral for any breast risk levels. These percentages

are higher than appropriate based on current NCCN management guidelines, which recommend

consideration of prophylactic bilateral mastectomy for all individuals in this high-risk category. 30

Although some women chose to pursue more intensive screening instead of surgery, more of these

providers should be referring patients to high-risk breast specialists or surgeons to at least initiate

an informed discussion about the pros and cons of surgery for high-risk breast genes.

Ob-Gyn physicians were the most likely to recommend referral for mastectomy for the

moderate risk levels followed by PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives. About 55-60% of these provider

groups indicated that they would refer a patient to discuss mastectomy if they had a 20% or 40%

breast cancer risk, which corresponds to risks associated with moderate penetrance genes. About

8% of Ob-Gyns recommended this referral for the 15% risk category, for which there are no

guidelines for surgical consideration. In contrast, only 25-30% of gynecologic oncologists and

residents/fellows indicated referral within this moderate penetrance category.

Ob-Gyn physicians and PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives may be more likely to initiate discussion

of mastectomy with lower risk patients because they have more experience with breast cancer

prevention than gynecologic oncologists and residents/fellows. Gynecologic oncologists deal

primarily with gynecologic cancers and residents/fellows have a lower total amount of clinical

experience. Having more experience with high-risk breast cancer patients may make Ob-Gyn

physicians and PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives more aware that breast cancer risk reduction preference

often depends on factors outside of associated risk level. Therefore, they may be more willing to

send patients from a wider range of risk categories to specialists to engage in a discussion about

these other contributing factors. The role of clinical experience is also supported by the fact that

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individuals with more than 20 years’ experience are more likely to consider mastectomy referral

at moderate risk levels compared to those with less than 20 years’ experience.

Ovarian Cancer Management Scenario

In each interval between the 5%, 10%, and 20% ovary risk categories, provider recommendations

for RRSO increased by 30%. The 5% ovarian category and 20% breast category each

approximately represented a two-fold risk over general population risk. Three times as many

providers recommended RRSO compared to mastectomy at these two-fold risk categories. These

findings suggest that providers more readily recommend surgery to reduce ovary cancer risk

compared to breast cancer risk.

Ovarian cancer screening is unreliable and ovarian cancer is often diagnosed at an

advanced stage, leading to increased mortality rates.43,46,104 Surgical removal of the ovaries and

fallopian tubes is the only reliable way to reduce ovarian cancer mortality.43,46,104 NCCN guidelines

recommend consideration of RSSO for individuals carrying pathogenic variants in the BRCA

genes, Lynch syndrome genes, and for other ovarian cancer genes like BRIP1, RAD51C, and

RAD51D, which have associated lifetime risks from 5-15%.71. Nearly all providers indicated that

they would recommend RRSO for patients at 20% lifetime ovary risk, which aligns with current

practice trends.

However, gynecologic oncologists were much more likely to recommend RRSO for the

moderate-risk levels (5% and/or 10% risk) compared to other providers. All gynecologic

oncologists recommended RRSO for a least the 10% risk category and 20% risk categories. About

30-40% of Ob-Gyn physicians and residents/fellows and over 70% of PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives

did not recommend RRSO for either of the moderate-risk categories. This percentage is much

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higher than indicated based on the NCCN recommendations for RRSO for all individuals carrying

pathogenic variants in genes falling within this moderate-risk range.

One reason that Ob-Gyn physicians, residents/fellows, and PA-Cs/CRNPs/midwives did

not sufficiently recommend RRSO for moderate risk scenarios may be that this surgical decision

making falls outside of their scope of practice. These providers, especially PA-

Cs/CRNPs/midwives, may typically refer patients to gynecologic oncologists to make these

surgical decisions. 30 However, a remaining concern is that these providers are not aware that they

should recommend RRSO for these moderate risk levels based on NCCN guidelines. 30 Knowledge

of these guidelines is important for all of these providers to ensure that they are either appropriately

referring patients to surgical specialists or to be able to make appropriate surgical decisions

themselves. Prior literature suggests that some non-genetics providers do not always follow these

guidelines, as in the 2011 survey of non-genetics professionals which found that only 76% of Ob-

Gyn providers recommended RRSO consideration for BRCA positive patients. 3,4

Trends in RRSO recommendations did not vary much across different experience levels.

However, about 10% of providers with over 20 years’ experience and 6% of providers with less

than 5 years’ experience did not recommend RRSO at any risk level. This trend suggests that a

proportion of these providers lacks knowledge about high-risk ovarian cancer management


Although some variability in surgical recommendations between different providers may

be expected, these larger trends based on job role and experience levels are concerning and suggest

that a patient may receive different care based on factors other than their individualized risk

assessment. Some of these differences may be due to differing knowledge of management

guidelines. For genes without strict management guidelines, recommendations may vary by a

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provider’s ability to stay updated about new genetics research. Additional studies examining why

these differences occur between these groups of providers would be a helpful first step in

attempting to provide more consistent care to patients receiving cancer genetic testing.

Risk Assessment

Risk assessment questions were used to identify trends in how providers interpret specific test

results. One scenario involved a patient with a strong family history of breast cancer and a negative

panel test. Individuals within this familial category have been shown to be at increased risk despite

negative genetic testing.8 A 2016 study posed this same question for negative BRCA testing, with

about 20% of providers answering incorrectly. 87 In this study, about 10% of providers answered

incorrectly. It is reassuring that the strong majority of providers answered this question correctly.

However, even the small percentage of providers answering incorrectly could have a negative

clinical impact in real-world practice because high risk patients would not be receiving the

appropriate surveillance.

The final two questions were scenarios in which a patient tested negative for a known

pathogenic variant in a family member. In one case, the pathogenic variant was in a BRCA gene

while the other was in a moderate risk breast gene. For the BRCA gene, current protocol would be

to consider the patient to be at average risk, since she does not carry this large risk factor. For

moderate risk genes current data suggests that other risk factors are often involved in determining

cancer risk within a family. An individual testing negative for a moderate risk familial pathogenic

variant should still be considered to be at elevated risk. About 80% of providers answered the

BRCA question correctly, while 70% answered the moderate risk question incorrectly.54 The

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difference in accuracy between the BRCA and moderate-penetrance gene risk assessment scenarios

suggests that providers may have difficulty staying informed about new genetics research.

3.4.3 Provider Perspectives

Many of the results regarding provider perspectives on panel testing mirrored those from previous

BRCA studies. In prior studies, non-genetics providers reported feeling unqualified providing pre-

test counseling and interpreting positive and VUS test results. A 2010 study of Ob-Gyn providers

found that 28% felt completely unqualified performing pre-test BRCA counseling, and another

64% felt only partially qualified.81 Other studies found that 60% of Ob-Gyn physicians reported

discomfort interpreting VUS results and around 90% of providers felt unqualified or only partially

qualified managing BRCA positive individuals.5,81 This study found similar results. Only 30% of

providers felt that they could adequately perform pre-test counseling for panel testing. Further,

only 20-30% of providers indicated that they felt comfortable interpreting positive and VUS panel


In this study, about 70% of providers indicated that they were comfortable managing

negative panel test results. However, the majority of providers were not able to accurately answer

the risk assessment question for an individual who tested negative for a known familial pathogenic

variant in a moderate penetrance gene. This suggests that providers may not recognize some of the

knowledge deficits that they have. This lack of recognition introduces an additional complication

to addressing this knowledge deficit.

Less than half of providers reported having adequate genetics education during their

professional training. This sentiment mirrors that from a 2010 BRCA study, which found that 76%

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of Ob-Gyn providers would value improvements in their genetics education. 98 Also, less than

half of providers reported familiarity with national management guidelines for positive results and

an ability to stay updated about genetics research. Familiarity with national management

guidelines was significantly associated with provider type. In contrast to other providers, most

gynecologic oncologists reported having adequate genetics education in professional school, being

familiar with management guidelines, and being able to keep updated about genetics research.

Gynecologic oncologists may be expected to have better knowledge of ovary-based

genetics management guidelines because they have more extensive clinical and training experience

related to ovarian cancer prevention and treatment. Current guidelines indicate that all patients

diagnosed with epithelial ovarian cancer should pursue cancer genetic testing for the BRCA

genes.29,45 This is in part due to the availability of targeted medications (PARP inhibitors) for

BRCA-related ovarian cancers.105 Therefore, a gynecologic oncologist’s management of an

individual with ovarian cancer often involves the use of genetic testing. Unaffected patients found

to carry an ovarian-cancer related pathogenic variant are also often referred to gynecologic

oncologists. 30 However, other Ob-Gyn providers are highly involved in breast cancer prevention,

identifying patients to refer to gynecologic oncologists, and occasionally making preventative

ovarian cancer surgical decisions themselves. Therefore, it is important that these providers are

knowledgeable about new genetics research and the most updated breast and ovarian genetics

management guidelines.

In accordance with previous studies, this study suggests that clinical experience plays an

important role in the appropriateness of breast cancer management decisions.3 Although this

clinical expertise can only be achieved over time, formal changes to genetics training programs

can be modified to try to improve cancer genetics knowledge and management decision-making.

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The training programs for gynecologic oncologists may serve as models for effective cancer

genetics education.

3.4.4 Study Limitations

Although this study provided some new information about how Ob-Gyn providers use panel

testing, several limitations can be noted. One limitation of this study is that it is unlikely to

represent cancer genetic testing culture across the United States. Both major healthcare systems in

this Western Pennsylvania region have practicing cancer genetics professionals who offer services

close to Pittsburgh and in outreach clinics in more rural communities. These professionals serve

as formal and informal resources to their colleagues through attendance at tumor boards,

continuing education lectures, and the distribution of detailed consultation notes. Many other

geographic areas in the United States are likely to have different ordering/referral patterns because

they have lesser access and exposure to cancer genetic counselors. The study responses were also

likely influenced by selection bias. Providers with a stronger interest in or more experience with

cancer genetic testing may have been more likely to respond. Further, the sample size was small

and lacked diversity. The respondent population was dominated by Ob-Gyn physicians,

particularly newly practicing physicians, and was lacking in gynecologic oncologists and providers

practicing in rural environments.

Further, this study used various breast and ovarian risk levels to estimate provider

management of different categories of breast and ovarian cancer genes. In reality, genetic

management decisions depend on many factors outside of the absolute risk associated with a

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particular gene. Some of these additional factors include the clinical utility of different

interventions and an individual’s assessment of the pros and cons of a given intervention.

The data regarding RRSO recommendation may not have been an accurate representation

of differences in knowledge of management guidelines by provider type. This question is

complicated by the fact that providers outside of gynecologic oncologists often do not make

surgical decisions for RRSO on their own. In future studies, this question could be clarified by

asking providers more directly about their knowledge level instead of their clinical


This study was also limited in that it was primarily descriptive in nature. It identified trends

in management, risk assessment, and perceptions based on provider type and experience level.

However, this study did not examine reasons for the underlying causes of these trends. Additional

studies would be needed to investigate these reasons.

3.4.5 Future Directions

One area of future research is to conduct similar studies regarding Ob-Gyn use of panel testing on

a larger scale and over a broader geographic area. This would provide a more representative and

less biased view of current ordering and referral practices, management decisions, educational

experiences, and other trends identified in this study.

Another area for future research could be focused on understanding more about the

differences in management trends based on provider type and experience level. For instance,

studies could investigate the reasons why providers with more clinical experience tend to refer

patients to discuss mastectomy at lower risk levels and why most provider types are missing

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appropriate opportunities for RRSO recommendations. After these trends are understood more

clearly, efforts could be focused on informing providers about these differences and developing

more consistent practices across provider types.

The need to provide further education on moderate risk genes will grow as panels continue

to be used more frequently. Although most providers indicated comfort interpreting negative test

results, this study found some inaccuracies in negative interpretation for moderate risk genes.

Future research is needed to validate these results in a larger population and to investigate effective

interventions for improving awareness of these knowledge deficits.

Additional studies are needed to learn more about how Ob-Gyn providers currently learn

about cancer genetics and how current methods may be improved upon. Further insight into

training programs and CEU credits offered to gynecologic oncologists may be helpful in learning

more about effective genetic education strategies for all providers.

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This study serves as one of the initial efforts in classifying how Ob-Gyn providers are using and

interpreting results from multi-gene breast and ovarian cancer panels. Prior studies of non-genetics

provider use of BRCA testing identified several areas for improvement related to ordering

practices, counseling skills, and results interpretation. While many of these initial concerns with

BRCA testing remain unresolved, multi-gene cancer panels have gained popularity and further

complicate these issues. One of the primary aims of this study was to learn more about how often

Ob-Gyn providers use breast and ovarian cancer panel testing. About 61% of surveyed providers

had used panels to help manage patients, highlighting the growing popularity of this testing.

However, this rate is likely higher compared to other geographic areas due to local access to

genetics professionals.

Another major aim was to document how these providers would manage patients at varying

cancer risk levels meant to simulate risks associated with different panel genes. Overall, most

providers seemed to follow current management trends. However, some providers are missing

appropriate management recommendations. For instance, about one third of providers failed to

recommend breast MRI at the 20% breast cancer risk level. Further, the majority of providers

incorrectly indicated that an individual testing negative for a known familial pathogenic variant in

a moderate risk gene would be at average cancer risk. These deviations in practice suggest that a

significant proportion of providers lack knowledge of these management and risk assessment

trends and reinforce the need for improvements in genetics education.

Further, surgical recommendations varied significantly by provider type. Ob-Gyn

physicians and providers with more than 20 years’ experience were more likely than other provider

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types to refer patients with moderate breast cancer risk to discuss mastectomy. About 30-70% of

different providers outside of gynecologic oncologists failed to recommend RRSO at the 5% and

10% risk categories although NCCN recommends this intervention for genes associated with

similar levels of risk. Further studies investigating why these trends occur may lead to more

consistent, evidence-based practices.

This study also found that most providers are not comfortable interpreting positive and

VUS panel results or obtaining informed consent for panel testing. Similar to prior BRCA studies,

this study found that most providers excluding gynecologic oncologists do not feel that they

received adequate genetics training. Additional studies investigating ways to improve and maintain

cancer genetics knowledge may be warranted.

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Understanding how Ob-Gyn providers are implementing breast and ovarian panel testing into their

practice is the first step in recognizing and repairing any clinical problems with this testing. New

genetic technologies are being rapidly developed and introduced to the clinical setting, and non-

genetics providers are not often trained on how to accurately use these tests to benefit patient care.

Addressing this issue could have an immense public health impact. The combination of

increasingly complex genetic test results and the systematic deficits in provider genetics education

and training opportunities across institutions has the potential to create widespread negative health


One of the core functions of public health is assessment, which involves the service of

“monitor(ing) environmental and health status to identify and solve community environmental

health problems.”106 In the context of this survey, the community of Ob-Gyn providers are being

surveilled to identify problems with cancer panel testing implementation or interpretation that may

negatively impact patient health outcomes. For instance, if patients are not counseled about the

increased possibility to receive a VUS result on panel testing, they may choose to pursue this

testing without being provided the opportunity to consider how the uncertainty of this result may

impact them psychologically. Only about one third of providers in this study indicated that they

felt adequately able to obtain informed consent for panel testing. This raises concerns that patients

might not be receiving adequate informed consent if these providers are ordering panel testing.

Another area of concern with non-genetic use of cancer panel testing is results

interpretation. Inaccurate interpretation of cancer panel tests could cause patients to receive

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suboptimal cancer screening. One example demonstrated in this survey involves inaccurate

assessment of a negative panel test result. Most providers incorrectly indicated that an individual

testing negative for a familial pathogenic variant in a moderate risk breast cancer gene would be

at average instead of increased breast cancer risk. If this interpretation was made in a real clinical

setting, it could result in this patient missing the opportunity to pursue increased breast cancer

surveillance. Theoretically, if an individual is not enrolled in a screening plan proportionate to

their level of risk, it could increase the chance that a cancer diagnosis is missed or caught at a later


An additional service involved in the assessment function of public health is “diagnos(ing)

and investigating environmental health problems and health hazards in the community.”106 This

study as well as previous surveys on provider use of BRCA testing help to fulfill this function of

public health. In this study, trends between different management choices and demographic factors

like provider type were examined. For instance, Ob-Gyn providers and those with more than 20

years’ experience were more likely to recommend mastectomy across more risk categories

compared to other providers. The identification of these trends can be used to initiate investigations

into their causes in future studies. Understanding the reasons for these differences in practice type

can be used to initiate conversations between providers regarding their unique clinical experiences.

These conversations can be used to identify any areas of need, such as improvements in provider

genetics education. It can also be used to establish consistent management practices and policies

incorporating input from a board range of providers. The development of policies to ensure

consistent and evidence-based care is another major function of public health practice. 106

As more is understood about these management concerns, genetic counselors and other

genetics professionals will likely become integral players in addressing this issue. This and other

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preliminary studies repeatedly suggest that non-genetics providers are looking for ways to improve

their professional training in genetics and to stay updated with new research. This creates the

opportunity for cancer genetic counselors to expand their role as professional researchers and

educators. Further, it calls upon cancer genetics professionals to extend their services to areas

currently lacking in cancer genetics resources. One way that cancer genetics professionals have

tried to extend their services is through phone or video-chat counseling for communities that

cannot be accessed in person.107 Learning more about gaps in non-genetic provider knowledge and

developing new ways to help improve their education and access to genetics resources lies firmly

within the genetic counselor’s primary duty to ensure optimal clinical translation of new genetics

technology for the benefit of the patient.

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Consent for survey participation: The following survey is a research study that will be used to assess the current role of local Ob-Gyns in the ordering and interpretation of multi-gene panels for breast and/or ovarian cancer. The survey will be conducted through the Qualtrics survey system. Data collection will proceed for 3 weeks, with weekly reminders to those who have not yet completed the survey. There will be no direct benefits to the study participants, but the study has the potential to provide information that could inform future practice. IP and email addresses will be securely collected through the system to track completion status. The risks include the possibility of a confidentiality breach involving the collected IP and email addresses in association with survey responses. Use of the Qualtrics system helps to minimize this risk, as the system has been approved by the University of Pittsburgh for secure collection and storage of survey information. Further, the survey primarily involves responses to theoretical scenarios and opinion-based questions and is therefore unlikely to contain sensitive information. The raw data will only be accessed by the PI. Several AHN study personnel and University of Pittsburgh staff members will have immediate access to final data analysis. Final data analysis and any published works will not involve any of these personal identifying factors and analyses will not be segregated by health system. Participation is voluntary and there will be no penalties for non-completion. Participants will be able to withdraw their responses until the end of the study collection period by contacting the PI. Initiation of the survey will be used as proof of consent to the above statements. If you have any additional questions or concerns, the study PI Jaclyn Amurgis can be reached at [email protected] or at 412-359-8267. This research has been reviewed and approved by the AHN and University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Boards. You may talk to them by calling this toll free number, 1-844-577-4621 for questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this study.

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Hello, my name is Jaclyn Amurgis and I am a current student pursing my Master’s degree in genetic counseling at the University of Pittsburgh. I have been working to create a survey to assess the current role of local Ob-Gyns in the ordering and interpretation of multi-gene panels for breast and/or ovarian cancer. For years, Ob-Gyn providers have been highly involved in the ordering of BRCA1/2 testing for patients with a personal or family history of breast/ovarian cancer. More recently, multi-gene cancer panels have become available and allow providers to look for pathogenic variants in breast or ovarian genes in addition to BRCA. Cancer panels are useful because they examine many genes simultaneously, but interpreting panel test results is complicated by the fact that each gene is associated with different types of cancer and lifetime risk levels. Few studies have been conducted examining if and how Ob-Gyn providers have transitioned from ordering BRCA testing alone to these larger multi gene panels. This survey serves to gain more information about how often breast/ovary cancer panel testing is being ordered by local Ob-Gyn providers, trends in how gene risk level affects management, and provider perspectives on their involvement with this newer type of genetic testing. The survey is a research study that will be conducted through the Qualtrics survey system via the link provided below. Data collection will proceed for 3-4 weeks, with weekly reminders to those who have not yet completed the survey. Eligible participants include any providers within the Ob-Gyn field who have in the past or may in the future use multi-gene cancer panel testing to inform patient care. The survey is estimated to take 5 minutes to complete. This research has been reviewed and approved the University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Board. If you have any additional questions or concerns, the study PI Jaclyn Amurgis can be reached at [email protected]. The University IRB may be reached at 412-383-1480 with any concerns.

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Hello, my name is Jaclyn Amurgis and I am a current AHN employee and student pursing my Master’s degree in genetic counseling. Dr. Gaulin and I have been working to create a survey to assess the current role of local Ob-Gyns in the ordering and interpretation of multi-gene panels for breast and/or ovarian cancer. For years, Ob-Gyn providers have been highly involved in the ordering of BRCA1/2 testing for patients with a personal or family history of breast/ovarian cancer. More recently, multi-gene cancer panels have become available and allow providers to look for pathogenic variants in breast or ovarian genes in addition to BRCA. Cancer panels are useful because they examine many genes simultaneously, but interpreting panel test results is complicated by the fact that each gene is associated with different types of cancer and lifetime risk levels. Few studies have been conducted examining if and how Ob-Gyn providers have transitioned from ordering BRCA testing alone to these larger multi gene panels. This survey serves to gain more information about how often breast/ovary cancer panel testing is being ordered by local Ob-Gyn providers, trends in how gene risk level affects management, and provider perspectives on their involvement with this newer type of genetic testing. The survey is a research study that will be conducted through the Qualtrics survey system via the link provided below. Data collection will proceed for 3-4 weeks, with weekly reminders to those who have not yet completed the survey. Eligible participants include any providers within the Ob-Gyn field who have in the past or may in the future use multi-gene cancer panel testing to inform patient care. The survey is estimated to take 5 minutes to complete. This research has been reviewed and approved by AHN and University of Pittsburgh Institutional Review Boards. If you have any additional questions or concerns, the study PI Jaclyn Amurgis can be reached at [email protected] or at 412-359-8267. You may talk to them by calling this toll free number, 1-844-577-4621 for questions, concerns, or complaints regarding this study.

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Multi-gene cancer panels can be used to analyze a group of genes in addition to BRCA1/2 that are associated with an increased risk of breast and/or ovarian cancer. Genetic panel testing can have three possible results: -Positive: A disease-causing pathogenic variant was identified in a gene -Negative: No pathogenic variants were identified in any of the examined gene -Variant of uncertain significance or VUS: A variant was identified, but the laboratory needs to gather more data on the variant to determine whether it is benign or harmful. Have you ever used results from multi-gene breast or ovarian cancer panels to guide patient medical management?

o Yes

o No

How often do you order testing of the BRCA genes alone?

o Frequently (several times per week)

o Often (several times per month)

o Sometimes (about once per month)

o Rarely (a few times per year)

o Never

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How often do you order multi-gene panel testing, including genes in addition to BRCA1/2?

o Frequently (several times per week)

o Often (several times per month)

o Sometimes (about once per month)

o Rarely (a few times per year)

o Never

Have any of the multi-gene panels come back with a positive result, indicating that a pathogenic variant was identified in a gene other than BRCA1/2?

o Yes

o No

Did you feel that you had adequate resources available to aid you in interpreting the positive result(s)?

o Yes

o No

Have you ever referred patients for cancer genetic counseling?

o Yes

o No

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How often do you refer patients to genetic counselors to order cancer genetic testing?

o Frequently (several times per week)

o Often (several times per month)

o Occasionally (about once per month)

o Rarely (a few times per year)

o Never

How often do you refer patients to genetic counselors for post-test counseling only?

o Frequently (several times per week)

o Often (several times per month)

o Occasionally (about once per month)

o Rarely (a few times per year)

o Never

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The genes on panels can confer different lifetime cancer risks. Some genes are similar to the BRCA genes and cause a high lifetime risk of breast and/or ovarian cancer. Other genes increase breast or ovarian cancer risk to a smaller, or "moderate" degree or have undefined risk levels. The following theoretical scenarios aim to gather consensus about how varying risk level may impact screening/management recommendations. A patient with a strong family history of early onset (<50 years) breast cancer is found to carry a pathogenic variant in a hereditary breast cancer gene other than BRCA1/2. In each scenario, the gene is associated with a different level of lifetime breast cancer risk. Which screening or management recommendation(s) would you consider in the following situations? Average lifetime breast cancer risk for women is 12.5%.


screening younger

Adding more

sensitive screening

(breast MRI)

Referral to a high risk

breast clinic

Consideration of risk-

reducing medications

Referral to discuss

prophylactic bilateral


15% lifetime risk ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢

20% lifetime risk ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢

40% lifetime risk ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢

60% lifetime risk ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢

Increased, but

undefined level of risk

▢ ▢ ▢ ▢ ▢

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A patient is found to carry a pathogenic variant in a hereditary ovarian cancer gene other than BRCA1/2. In each scenario, the gene is associated with a different level of lifetime ovarian cancer risk. Which screening or management recommendation(s) would you consider in the following situations? Average lifetime ovarian cancer risk is 1-2%.

Regular Ca-125 levels

Regular transvaginal US

Consideration of risk-reducing BSO

5% risk ▢ ▢ ▢ 10% risk ▢ ▢ ▢ 20% risk ▢ ▢ ▢

Increased, but undefined level of

risk ▢ ▢ ▢

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For the each of the following clinical situations, would you consider the patient to be at average or increased lifetime breast cancer risk?

A patient with a variant of uncertain significance identified on a multi-gene

breast panel Average risk/Increased risk

A patient with a strong family history of breast cancer and a negative multi-gene

breast panel Average risk/Increased risk

A patient who tests negative for a known BRCA pathogenic variant in a family

member Average risk/Increased risk

A patient who tests negative for a family pathogenic variant in a "moderate risk"

breast gene Average risk/Increased risk

Choose to what degree you agree or disagree with the following statements. For patients with a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, Ob-Gyns should be the primary providers responsible for initiating genetic testing efforts.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

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Identifying patients who might benefit from cancer genetic testing is a priority in my practice.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

I am more likely to order cancer genetic testing since the introduction of multi-gene panels.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

I feel that I am able to adequately obtain informed consent for multi-gene panel testing.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

o N/A

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I would feel comfortable interpreting a positive multi-gene panel test result in a gene outside of BRCA1/2.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

I would feel comfortable managing a patient with a variant of uncertain significance identified on a multi-gene panel.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

I would feel comfortable managing a patient with a negative multi-gene panel result.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

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I have found that it is easy to refer patients to cancer genetics professionals.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

o N/A

I am familiar with national management guidelines for individuals with a positive multi-gene panel result.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

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I feel that I received an adequate education in cancer genetics during my professional training.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

I have been provided with continuing education opportunities related to cancer genetics.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

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I have been able to stay informed about new cancer genetics research.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

I attend a regular multi-disciplinary tumor board meeting that includes a genetics professional.

o Strongly agree

o Somewhat agree

o Neither agree nor disagree

o Somewhat disagree

o Strongly disagree

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Please complete the following demographic questions. What is your current professional role at your institution?

o Ob-Gyn

o Gynecologic oncologist

o PA-C


o Resident

o Fellow

o Other

How many years have you been practicing independently?

o I am still in training

o Less than 5 years

o 5- 10 years

o 11-20 years

o 21-30 years

o Over 30 years

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What type of community do you practice within? (Can select multiple responses)

▢ Urban

▢ Suburban

▢ Rural

Are you in regular contact with a cancer genetics professional?

o Yes

o No

Have you been contacted by at least one genetic testing laboratory that offers multi-gene panel testing?

o Yes

o No

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Table 6. Supplemental Demographic Information

What type of community do you practices within? N=67

Urban 47 (54.0%)

Suburban 32 (36.8%)

Rural 8 (9.2%)

Are you in regular contact with a cancer genetics professional? N=67

Yes 29 (43.3%)

No 38 (56.7%)

Have you been contacted by at least one genetic testing laboratory that offers multi-gene panel testing? N=67

Yes 33 (49.3%)

No 34 (50.8%)

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Table 7. Provider Perspectives on Cancer Genetic Testing

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly disagree


For patients with a strong family history of breast or ovarian cancer, Ob-Gyns should be the primary providers responsible for initiating genetic testing efforts.

23 (34.3%)

23 (34.3%)

10 (14.9%)

6 (9.0%)

5 (7.5%)

Identifying patients who might benefit from cancer genetic testing is a priority in my practice.

38 (56.7%)

19 (28.4%)

7 (10.5%)

2 (4.5%)

0 (0%)

I am more likely to order cancer genetic testing since the introduction of multi-gene panels.

5 (7.5%)

12 (17.9%)

32 (47.8%)

8 (11.9%)

10 (14.9%)

I feel that I am able to adequately obtain informed consent for multi-gene panel testing.

6 (9.0%)

16 (23.9%)

12 (17.9%)

14 (20.9%)

18 (26.9%)

1 (1.5%)

I have found that it is easy to refer patients to cancer genetics professionals.

43 (64.2%)

10 (14.9%)

4 (6.0%)

5 (7.5%)

1 (1.5%)

4 (6.0%)

I am familiar with national management guidelines for individuals with a positive multi-gene panel result.

6 (9.0%)

22 (32.8%)

11 (16.4%)

15 (22.4%)

13 (19.4%)

I feel that I received an adequate education in cancer genetics during my professional training.

0 (0.0%)

20 (29.9%)

13 (19.4%)

25 (37.3%)

9 (13.4%)

I have been provided with continuing education opportunities related to cancer genetics.

5 (7.5%)

25 (37.3%)

20 (29.9%)

15 (22.4%)

2 (3.0%)

I have been able to stay informed about new cancer genetics research.

1 (1.5%)

28 (41.8%)

11 (16.4%)

21 (31.3%)

6 (9.0%)

I attend a regular multi-disciplinary tumor board meeting that includes a genetics professional.

7 (10.5%)

8 (11.9%)

8 (11.9%)

11 (16.4%)

33 (49.3%)

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