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Muslral lostrome als. HOME AND ABROAD. WHS VILLI ITRWa OoVRTT 4 Ol RT- -. J ANI AMY SOCIAL AMD PERSONAL. Mayer Beard, of Sole, wat la Albany, the Wkt mnmt Official Coanfey Paper, EntereJ at the Past Office at Albany, Or. a second-clas- s mail matter. ALBANY MARBLE WORKS, etfailflgg BROS. FniBrieisWI ALBANY, OKKt.OJS. MONUMENTS, TABLETS, eWD 1 1 1 : a i w roM-i- P. nettled in Italian or Vermont Marble. Also, every variety of other stone work done with dupatch. Bpecial attention riven to ordan faunas all parts of this Htaio anf WuhlnMM Territory. aTA!l work wsrruital. 17M "VV O ODIN X O j B g H " H Sd W THE GREAT GERMAN REMEDY FOR PAIN. Rsllsres aad esses KII Kt MATISH, Neuralgia, Solstios, Lumbago, BACH A CUM. HIADACH1, TOOTBA0H1; SOftC THROIT. QUIBMy, SWJTM,f MB, arms ibb. arrnjs soatma, Asa afleaavtaSByasW Firrr corri a bottu aeMSV iMalors. kt n I assuages The Casrlss . Voceler 0 aa, s.aa Sheriff's Sale. In the Circuit Court oftlu 8taU ofQrnjon or (As County of Linn : Lewis Cox, Plaintiff. vs. Oslsnder Parrish and Pbebe J Parrisb. bis wife, and Otto Fox, Defendants. VIRTUB OF AN KXKCUTION BY order of salo issued out of fbe above named Court in the above entitled suit to roe directed snd delivered. I will on Saturday the 18th day of February, 184, the kurt House door In the city of Al -- bany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at public auction for cash In hand to tho big host bidder tbe real property described In sahl 0 order of sale aa follows, te wit i Begin - ning at the northeast corner or Iiosbbon Parrish donation land claim. Notification No. 1183 snd claims 44 and 57 In To. 11. sooth of range 2 snd 8 west, and running thence west 26 chains snd 1.1 links ; thence N south 42 chains end tA links to tho south boundary of said Not. 1183 ; thence east Z' chains and 18 links to the southeast corner Q said Not-118- 8 ; thence north 42 chain I"00? ? " P' Beginning, containing 100 34 100 scree more or lens a eltuetod In Linn county, Oregon. Also the tractions! nortb hair or tbe north oast otiarter of section 9. Tp 11. H K west, containing 4n 7 - loo acres of land, a more or lees, lying and being In Linn County, and state of orgt tbe pro arising from the sale of tbe first 3 above described tract of land to be applied roiiows, to -- wit : first to the payment the costs and disbursements of suit taxed at 6&43.30 and sccnilngeosta. Second tbe payment ol tbe sum of 8175 adjudg to Plalnlff as sn Attorney's foejsud I loo adjudged to deft O Fox as anjau'v fee. 3rd the payment to tbe Plaintiff the sum of 81843.10 and Inters tharoon from tho Xlrd In dav of October. 1883. at tbe rats of one nor cent per month and tbo overplus If snv to mm t ih. rv.biiH.iit rutn r ox, and the oroooeds arlainsr from tho amis of tbe second above described tract of land to be applied to tbe payment ef tbe sum found be doe ta tbe defendant, Otto Fox, amounting to f 1S12.&0. Dated ibis Pkh day of Janruuy, 1884. Gao. Humph ret, Sheriff of Linn county. Or. Referees' Sale. at Notice is hereby given that the undenign od, the duly appointed referees in the suit on in tbo Circuit Court of the Stateof Oregon for tbe county of linn, where H. D. Burkhart and Nellie O. Royae sre rlainttfls, snd Bobert u Burkhart, Wil ed liam Burkhart, liessic H. Burkhart and M. A. Burkhart arc IMcudauU, vuM. on Satur day March . lit, 1884, between the beura of as. ta 10 o clock, s. an., and 4 o clock p. m., of said day, to-wi- at the hour of one o'clock of said day, at the door of the Court in Albany, I .tun county, Oregon, offer fur salo st pubiu suction to tbe highest bidder the follow lug described real pro erty. to-w- it : of A fraction purcnasod of J. M. Ueveoneli, described as follows : ' Beginning at the northwest corner of Claim No. 49 in Township 11, south range 3, west of the Wi.lametto Meridian, snd running thenco south 1 3H ct 20 '.ft. 100 chsins to a stake in the center of tbe road leading from Albaoyto Salem ; thence north A7' 22 east 40 07-I0- chama to a SWSt thence south 80' 46' west on the north boundary line of said elaim 34 30 100 chains to the puce of beginning, containing 23 39-10- 0 acres, less all of tho land on tbe north aide of the creek contained in the above de- scribed real property sold to Ann Payton, tbo balance remaining being 14 acres more or less. Also Lots three, four, five and six in block No. 119 in Haekleman's Addition to ol to ths city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, I ss appears from tbe map snd plst of said addition now on file ana recorded in the office of the County Clerk of said Lion County, Oregon. Terms et Sale U gold coin, cash in hand oo tbe day of sale. Dated this 17th day of Jan., 1884. M. Patsb, Lor is Cox. Referees. AYER'S Hair Vigor restores, with tbe gloss snd freshness ot youtli, fsded or gray nalr to a natural, rick brosra odor, or deep black, ss may tx desired. By IU oae light or red bslr may be darkened, tbln nalr thickened, and baldness often. though not always, cured. It cheeks railing of tbe hair, sod uimo lines s weak and sickly growth to vigor. It prevents and euros scurf and dandruff, and beats nearly every disosss peculiar to ths scalp. As a Ladles' Hair Dressing, the VlOOB is unequalled ; it contains neither oil nor dyo, renders the hair soft, glossy, and silken in appearance, and imparts a delicate, agreeable, and lasting perfume. Ma. C. P. Batcnsra writes from Airey, O.. July 3, 1SWI : " Lsst fsll my hair commenced fslfiug out. and In s short timo I became nearly bald. 1 used part of a In.ttls of Avkh's HaiB Viooa, which slopped the fsll-in- g of the lislr. snd tar ted s new growth. I have now a full head ot hair growing vigor- ously, and am convinced Unit but for the ase of your preparation 1 should have been entirely bald." J. W. Bow ex, proprietor of the lie. Arthur (Ohio) Knquirrr. says : " AVEK'a It aik Viuoa ia a most excellent preparation for the hair. 1 apeak of it from my own experience, lis use promotes tbe growth of new hsir, snd mskes it gioeey snd soft. The Viou is aluo a aure cure for dandruff. Kot within my knowledge has the preparation ever failed to give entire satisfaction." Ma. Asot's FAianAins, leader of tho celebrated " Kslrbalm Family " of Scottiidi Vocalists, writes from Itotton, Ao., Feb. C, 1880 : a Ever aluce my hair began to give sil- very evidence of the change which Heeling time procureth, I have used AY tut it Haiu Viooa, and so have boon sble to in.aiutaln an sppearsnce of yoiithfumees a matter of considerable consequence V ministers, ora- tors, actors, snd in fset every one who lives in the eyee of tbo public." Mas. O. A. PaESroTT, writing from IS Btst St.. CharUttotcH, Ma$., April 14. Ii2, says : M Two years ago shout two-thir- of my hsir came off. It thinned very rapidly, aad 1 was fast growing lsld. On using Aykk's Haiu Viook the falling stopped snd a new growth oommeueed, and In about a mouth my head was completely covered witli abort hair. It has continued to grow, and is uow ns good as before It fell. 1 regularly used but one boitlo of the Viook, but now use it occasionally as a dressing." We have hundreds of similar testimonials to the otBcaey of Ayeb's Haiu Viooh. it needs but a trial to convince tho most skepti- cal of its value. BT Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co. , Lowe II, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. Notice of Dissolution. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Is the heretofore exist-in- g between Li Senders and M Sternburg under the firm name of Senders dr Stern burg, at Prineville, Crook county, Oregon, to this dav dissolved by mutual consent. L Senders win assume au uaDiiiuea oi said firm at said Prineville, and collect all outstanding debts due that firm and will continue the business at said place. L. Senders, M. Stkbnuurg, HARRIED. WARREN KEENEY On Motday, Jan. 14th. 1884. at Halsey, by Tvev T J rFilson Mr George Warren and Miss Martha Kbebby, of Halsey. We extend congratulations. F M French, jeweler, Pertland owe $100,000. The heat harnesses at J J Dubruillo's. Seattle has 44 lawyers, about one to every 200 doodIo. It cost $223, 26 1.97 to run the Portland city government last year. Immense bargains throughout at Nobn's great Nickle Plated Clearance Sale. of the Dayten murderers died in his cell a few days ago, at tnat place. Amnion's Cough Syrup never fails to cure if used iu time and according to directions. Remember Nolan's stock of dry goods. clothing, etc, is all new and will be sold at and under cost until the first of March. 78 divorces were granted in Portland last year, 25 per cent oftbe number of marriages. Liun oountv ia virtue itself compared with - m Portland. A second term ef the dancing school has bean bosun. As teuaht bv Prof Vauahn it has helped to rdlne the manner of many ef the young people. The contract for keeping the oountv poor was lot to C L Morris for 82.88, which is a very reasonable price, and they will be well taken care of by Mr Morris. The Willamette Association of the Con- - g relational church has been in session this 1 week, and we understand the meetings have I been very pleasant and profitable. I We are entitled to an unknown friend at I Knox Butte for several interesting items, I which, we are compelled to boil down some, on account of our Linn county article. Some new skates have been received at I Danuals rink, and everything is kept in first class conditou. It is the place for enjoy moot and deserves being well patronised. Do not fail when yea are looking for gro eerie, vegetables, soda water, cigars, etc. to rememberthat Hoffman AJoseph keep the J very best stock all ways fresh and reliable. Ayer's SarsapariUa ia the most potent bloed purifier, and a fountain of health and strength. Be wise ia time. All baneful in. factions are promptly removed by this an equalled alterative. Two of County Clerk Stewarts children and Miss Sophia Houck havo been afflicted with the scarlet fever, bat the disease seems to be entirely under the control of the dee tors, and nothing serious is expected. Another Ohio man has succeeded in ob taining an ofiiee, D W Rumbaugh has been appointed Justice of the Peace at Sweet Home, and we predict will mete out justice to Sweet Homer's in an impartial manner. In our first issue after New Year's we predicted that two young men who resolved to quit using tobacco during 18S4 would begin again at the earns time, and they have. We mention this simply as an illustration of the way New Year's resolutions are kept. A lateral sewer has been run from the man sewer tunning across First Street at Broada! bin to the ditch under tho sidewalk, on the latter street at the corner of Nolan's store, while the same on First street has been filled up. The February number of Frank Leslie's Sunday Jutagatim is very attractive. "Won- ders of tho Century," etc., attract ones at- tention and the whole series of articles and illustrations is uncommonly good, deserving of attention of all. Last Moadsy evening a special meeting of theCommon Council was held, w bos Marshal Dickey presented four names for the consid eration of the council for ningtwatch. A ballot was taken, resulting in tho election of Robert Brown for the position. Ayer's Hair Vigor improves the beauty of the hair and promotes its growtb. It im parts an attractive appearance, a delightful and lasting perfume. While it stimulates the roots, cleanses the scalp, and adds ele gance to luxuriance, its effects are enduring ; and thus it proves itself to be the beet sod cheapest article for toilet use. Another match hunt wfll take place to day (Friday) between the same sides in the one last Friday, with perhaps the additioa ef one or two to each aide. The straggle will be a desperate one, but all feeling will be cast aside ia a grand sapper night, which will bo blessed by the presence ef the Nimrods wives, if they have any. According to instructions from the Post master General, persons having 3 and 8 cent stamps and stamped envelopes can get then, exchanged for other stamps, postals or stamped envelopes, but stamps previous to 1861 will not be taken ; also addressed en velopes will bo taken, bat no mutilated or defaced stamps ; envelopes defaced by di recting will be taken in oxebaage at postage value. It is astonishing the number ef intelligent e . . m people wne regard a cold or cough as a trival matter, something unnecessary to pay attention to. How many times have yen heard the expression, "6 nothing tho mat ter only a slight cold." Yes my iriond, and nine-tenth- s of the many thousand consump tives who walk the earth to-d- ay doomed to a premature death, said the same thing. We pay attention to a cold, aad promptly toe. Our remady is Ammoa's Cough Syrup ; some other preparations are good, but we have found it by far the best. The play of "Above the Clouds" is being . t B si. a reuearsea in in is city tor rendition at an early day, Mr W S Peters is managing the same, which insures its success. The fol lowing will take part in the play i Jas Foster, Jr., Thos Overman, C W Watts, Mack Monteith, Will Fortmiller, Thos Cal lahan, R A Foster, Misses Minnie Mon teith, Mary Irvine and Mattie Footer. A large stage has been made at Y PGA Hall, where the drama will bo rendered, and everybody shenld prepare to attend. Two or three persons .once came to Oregon from Southern Minnesota, were sprinkled on several times by a few rain drops, and went back disgusted, very luckily for Ore gon, ae that is the class of people that should stay away from here. Our winter rains are what give as oar splendid crops, and peo ple who have not sense enough to appreci ate this should stay in Minnesota and stand their 35 below zero. At the same time it should be remembered that the rainfall in Oregon is less than that of most other states. Ah "Wm H Vanderbilt," a Chinaman, was hit last Wednesday by a stone thrown, or supposed to be thrown by a school boy, cutting a deep gash in his head. Thinking he knew which boy it was he got a warrant and went with the Marshal to tho school, when they wsnt through the rooms together scrutinizing all the half scared children. Finally William H. made a rash for a twelve year old, and yelled : "Him, him, I heap sabe bun," and jerked htm from his seat but all the other boys declaring he was not the one, he was released. The right one cannot be found. If ho can be he should be prosecuted the same as if he hit anyone else. As long as the government allows the Celes tials here they should be protected the same as the white man LOST. On Wednesday the 9th inst a white and black spotted English Coach dog, answers to the name "Singer," a liberal reward will be paid for his return to D. B. Monteith, Albany Oregon, J. II. Daniel bow has a complete line of musical Instruments of all kluda for sale, oousisting of the Mathushek piano, ths Shonlnger orgsn, fiddles, viol I as, guitars, etc., as well as ths latest sheet music, ills Instruments are nil of the best grades, nod are not ths obssp trash, so that wltso you get sn Instrument sf soy kind you may know that yon are getting uue that will last and hold Its tuos. Big Bargains. In "remnants" of dress good, silks, plash OS, velvets, satins, muslins, shootings, tick ings, ginghams, waterproofs, wool and sot ton flannels, piques, floe linens, Nottinham lace, Vainsooks oratons, prints, plaids, eat. broideries, lacs and ribbons. Also "job lot' of fancy goods, which must go before the first of March. Ons Gosh Pries NOLAN'S Store At Allen A Martin's is ths place to find boots an i shoes In any quality you wish. snd at any prloe. Good goods In this line will bo sold obeaper than at any store In the valley and no old stock to work oft. BICBLKV'S ABXIO t Silt S. at Ths best salve In the world for outs. bruises, so roa, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains, oonia and all klads of skin eruptions. This salve Is guaranteed to give porfe saiiaiaouoa in every oaae or mosey re funded. Price 8Ao per box. For sale by Poshay A Mason. Central Stoat atarfset. Tbe undersigned having bought the Con-- 1 of trsl Meat Market, hones br fair deal lna P W SF SB and striot attention to business, to merit a fair snare of the trade sf Albany. He will alwaya have .on hand a fresh eupply of 2, meats of all kinds, and will make an extra effort to make It give satisfaction. M. Hyds. ss A of Mr. M. K. A 1 Usee.. Matehtaeeo, Kaa.. Saved his life by a simple Trial Beetle ef to Dr. King's slew Bioeovery, Bas ed tion, which ceased him he creenre bottle, that completely emreg him. m Deotors, e hangs sf ml mate and everything else had failed. Asthma, BroaohBJs, I H Severe Ceagae, and all Throat and Luna? dlaeaaaa. It la wnanuu I h eed to oars. Trial Bottles free at Feebey I o Drag SUwo. seas P-0- 9 I to far Obs hundred snd forty acres, niae milss above Lobs no a. 40 acres ia cul- tivation. 10 scree slashed and sown to rasa Comfortable dwelling, good euthouaee. Cheap Inquire at this offiee. in Everybody comae to Alien A Martla, Albany, Qr they com frm every nook, crook aad corner la Lion and - Beaton counties, to buy their fall sad winter supplies. People say they can do better at their store titan any other etore in the 8tate. A Corel. To all who are asfteriag from the lodsMrettoaa ef youth, nervous weak earlv deeav. leas of taaahood. etc. . I will ssavd a recipe that will ears yea, FEES OF Crl A BOB. This great remedy was dis covered by a mieaieaary io Heath America. Ssstd a self sddressod envelope to the Est. Joaars T. Is mas. Station D. New York Olty. I tee Acres ml Lead for Sate. Oae farm of 890 acres very desirable. One farm of 188 One tract of 169 sores of wild land. One tract of 80 Oae tract of 70 One tract of 185 acres, snd ether small tracts. Will sell in lots to salt ssireliasers. Will trade tor other property. Call at this Money to Loan We are now prepared to make loans ia aay sums desired aa improved farm land in Linn and Benton counties for any length of time not less than ons year. BuaauAKT Bros. Per Bale. Three snd s half sores of good garden iand,all fenced, house snd bom .in edge of the city. Will be sofd Call at this office. Albany Mark Wheat 90c per bushel, Oats 50 Beef on foot, SKc Hay baled, 2S&26 per. ton. loose, 18 to 20. Butter 26 to 80 ota per lb. Eggs 44 cents per dot-Potato-es 7&o per bushel. Pork 6 M eta per lb. VeaL-74c- per lb. Bacons hams, 15c shoulders, 10c. sides. 1H c! Lard 15c per lb. in aq cans, 14J4 Flour- - 8.00 per bbl. Chickens 8.80 par doe. Sugar -- San Franoiao C, 12c. Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton. Dried Fruit sun dried apples, 12c a " plums, 12c. machine oared apples, 15c a a plums, 15. MOTTCK. All accounts duo the undersigned have been placed in the hands of T J Stites for ndlMtion Who ia authorized to receipt for the same. If not paid in a reasonable time the names of thoss neglecting or refusing will be given to the public, Fkkd Rxis. At Cost. I will commence my eeml-annu- al clos ing out sale, at and under cost on Satur day, January 5th, 1884. This sale Is Im perative as the stock must, will and shall be reduced by March order to make way for new spring goods. Cash buyers and bargain hunters will find it to their Interest to call and Investigate. Cloaks, ulsters, dolmens, jackets, overcoats, rub ber and oil clothing,gossamers,arotios and overshoes under cost. "All spot cash." One if A I ABJIQ Cash Price nULAn O Store For Sale. Span of fine horses for sale. Eigh8oars old. One 16 and the other 161 hands high. A great bargain. Call on Wm Terhuno, 4 miles south of Albany. Information given at this office. (a men, Judg, John I torn ami I R 0tayieol, vomraswonors.) Reports of the following road super vis ra wsrs accepted, and they were allowed lbs amounts set after their namss : a j Bbslton . esse iSMSeeoo ee sssaosese I 4.00 I JT sestssess eeeaeoeee eesssseae , 2.09 J A 9. !?k-ri- i- 22.09 o. - r uevanev 71 tin 0, Newton Crabtree lS.fiO i. vv uiouarilMou isno w. -- ino vy uaines 4.60 io, i M ilruos 78.00 J u Wood 29,00 io i u . j if. Jo. 00 W. If P Pavna t7 na tA u u amt' T. -- vr- t eettati ......,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, so.09 o, r w spinks 00,80 18. James Dvor as aa if, itarrv Frnakssm 27 fia 1, Mstt Scott 22.00 10, J K Hill t I JAM ? Kiwn :::::: t . u lsettlemelr.:.;::;;::..::::::::,::;: siw 2 T ?Dnllu " 28,09 AohfMu.ii iAM on wiT ' ww.ww fTr "uyeu 80,00 IS. D M llsrr . ia ntt ...... 29.09 ol. WU Swank v j. n 8J L Hasbrook -..- ..!.-...!!! 84 18 it 89, Noah Shanks ,..LL..u'. 20.50 b Jon GtlHUnd 27.24 a, J P Hawk if X' S R, HMrF 5. Grimes... sa 00 ,j m auth ujfi 49, Jehu Brewa 50, G W Ho wo Id 00 Report of O F Colbert Snpt Dtst 84. con tinued, also reports of F M Klasr. J II Wlgls, J W Swank, W M Hale, D Bilyeu. ietitlon of F Krelg for location of coun ty road road, and J Koeter, ttam'l Cowan aad R Cbeadls were appointed reviewers. The following bids were resolved for keeping tho County poor : J J Dorrls, for keeping 7 persons 1 yesr $1980. C L Morris, for keeping each per- son per week, 82.88. P B Potter, for keep ing each person per week, 5. Ordered that contract be s warded 0 L Morrie. Ordered tax on t2uoo be returned to H C Hard man less stats tax. Bill of John F Williams, I87-&- 0, contin- ued. Ordired that 820 be appropriated for Mrs Chambers for January to be expended under direction of H Lamp man, also foo for Munson faraly, by A Umphrey, Bill of Joe Moist for grsvst eenUnaed. Bill of J H Peery, agsut school fund, al lowed. Fees In State of Oregon against Fisher, allowed. Also In fftate against Jordan and Annie Ilowera. also la Stats against Kd Broyse, also la State against W P Fon-Bobah- or, also In State vs Kendall, Sbough Ward. Resignation of W K Simons aa Constable of Sweet Home Precinct, accepted aad L Mathews appointed, alas resignation of VV m MoKlnnon as J P, of Swoet Home and D W Kumbaagh appointed. Ordered that ths Clerk furnish the road sups visors with blanks with which te maBe their reports. Ordered that C L Morrla be ordered to purchase such clothing as the county poor In his charge may used to keep them com- fortable, to he as follows : For malea ; suits of flannel lined duklug ; under clothing cheap woolen or mixed goods ; shoes common brogsns i socks, shsker; beta, cheap wool or felt ; shirts, cheap check, such ae ordinary laborers wear. For females; uelloo and cheap cotton drosses ; aattallu underclothing ; cotton hoes i shoes and other article of similar quality, Tho said C L Morrie to certify to all bills of purchases to the oonnty Court. Ordered that boom be placed io Masai lam river by SR Clay pool and W B Donaoa for protection of Lebanon bridge. f1te new district 81 Is alt north ol the north lias of Section 18, Tp. S. It. 1, west in Road Dtst 1, The following bllla were allowed . J Y Schooling, gravel 8.06 C F.Croft, keeping Cole 3 mea. aad Slothing 180. () Wm ltalstoa, rent of house by Mrs Slats 6.00 J F Hyds. keeping Davis 8 mos. . . 62.00 A D Gardner, endue 4. 00 A If Marshall, ase't rendered .stone 8.00 R R Humphrey, lumber for dlst 20 6.20 A Kariew. gravel for dlst 12 2.68 KW White, gravel 4S8 8 H Cowan, gravel A 00 gGurley, repairing acrapor 1,60 j W Coooway, lumber T.20 Davis Bros. A Watts, mass 1314 A Whsstsr, lumber 9.SS It Smith, lumber low HC HsBnle, ss Sunt, Dlst 1 26.00 Jobs Gstasndorfer, gravel 8.60 E N White, gravel 7.n J B Roberta, supplies 8.00 A Wheeler.iumber tu.uu W CTweedale, labor and material 6.00 Job a Brlgga, stove and repairs 22. oO It O M array, urayage oo John Usher, putting down carpets 16.00 Hoffman and Joseph, mdas 8-4- 3 T . . L Duarcer. aas't In public exam't 6,00 . .. s. 9 ra a SY 1 A Meets, salary iou.uo Goo Humphrey, fees ...482.00 JaaH Pserv. salary 8 mos 280.00 LattiteB.fees In State vallerrlngtou 8.35 LH Mentewye, Dlst Att'y 600 Koontzand Lame, lumber 10.18 W Price snd Co. lumber 20.24 D Wstkins. timbers 10.00 J 8 Dickeon. lumber and nails. . . . 7.84 A Wheeler.iumber H.23 RUtaaand Nutting, printing 4-9- 0 G H Stewart. indexing and number ing county papers 681.66 Jaa 1 tl ley , Constable foes, ........ 10. 16 J B Miller, mdse ana Doara lor Miller 28 81 Skating at Bannai's riak Tuesday night for ladies' with escorts, Thursday and Satur day nirht uublic Saturday afternoon for ladies. Everybody shoald go. Indian Stabbed, A brutal affair occurred near Lebanon on Thursdav niaht of last week, in which In diaa George came near losing his life. man went to the cabin of Indian George and his squaw, gave him some wishkey, and then getting him outside attacked him with a knife, making a severe gaah over the right eye, and cutting ths left oar completely off, and stabbing him in other places, beating him with a club and whea he was down tamning on him. Ths sauaw gave the alarm, and T B MoTimmon, who was im mediately suspected, was immediately searched for, and was found to have left going towards tho mountains, but at the present writing has not been captured. In dian George will probably recover from the wounds. Since tho above was pat in type Ma Timmon was captured and is new in jail. Ths war news from Tonquin and Soudan don't create half the excitement in this sec- tion as Nolan'sGreat Nickle Plated Clearance Bale. Everything slaughtered tot sixty days. W. C. T, V. Regular meeting of the W. 0. T. IT., ob next Tuesday at 3 o'c look, p. m . , at Y PC A hall. Matters of unusual im- portance will be open for discussion at this meeting and every member should be present. Mb. M, J. Townsend, Mrs. W, 8, Pbtbrs, President, Secretary. Mrs Alios Tuoksr who has been visiting friends in this city for tho past week will re turn te her home in MoMiauville eo the 17th, Mr and Mrs WM Coohrau will start to California on ths 18th, for Mrs Cochran' health. Mr V 0 Brook got his hand out vary badly last Saturday night by falling on oos ef the footlights. Klmsr Cu irons intends starting to Fort land Wsdussday, where he will spend a few weeks. Tho Brownsville Amateur Dramatic Club gavo an eutortainmsnt at Crawfordsville last Saturday night Mr Nate Standish is having a hall fitted up for a skating rink, over his blsoksmith shop. Ths South Brownsville school house has been fitted up and partitioned off into two rooms, and is to have Prof Brook's wife as assistant teacher. Services wore held at the Presbyterian Church, during, the week of prayer, conduct od by Rev Wm Robe. The Baptists are holdiag a revival meeting this wsek, Rev Wm Robe, assisting Rev 0 Bperry. On last Thursday night State Supt. K B McKlrey, lectured before the North Browns vills Graded Schools. Although there were other meetings in session ; yet the City Hall was well tilled. Tho introductory exorcises wore something like tho following : Instru- mental march by Ida Coahaw ; Greeting song, by school, Clyde Foster, ohorist i Iva Templeton, organist ; Invocation by Rev C Sparry ; song, "Tell Him to Halt" by school, lone Arthns and Sarah Coebaw loaders, Libbie Kay, organist ; March played by Cynthia Sparry ; declamation, "Bangs" by Alexander Kirk ; solo, "Little Brown Jug" by Maggie Aldersoe j quartette, "Sailing Down Ufa's Rivsr," Ida Coahaw, lone Ar thurs, Harvey Stansrd, Clyde Fester, America Kirk, organist t Salatatory by Florence Brown I solo, "Only a Pansoy Blossom " by Misses Carrie aad Cynthia S perry ; Lecture by Hon KB McKlrey, on the subject "Literature f parting hymn by ths school ; Ida MoKinney and Ida Shackel- ford leader, Alice Hansman organist. RVfJX sIlTTB items Kd and Mat Chambers are outtlng Wbod near the Santlam. Several of the Knox Butte yoang men are anxious for the yoang ladles to un- derstand that It la leap year. A yeuag man who was in the Albany hunting match last Friday from Knox Butte, came to Albany before hand to gat a pair of rubber bools.bnt on getting home waa considerably onagri aed to fled both were for the same feet ; and that waa why he killed ao many geese. Mr Jeaee Archibald has a number of Chinese grabbing for him. This week J E Knox and Cox are slaughtering 20 hoge. Kuaior says Knxo Butte will soon bo afflicted with a wedding, which It Is hoped will prove true. On Saturday, Jan. 28th, Knox Butte Grange will meet to Install officers for the ensuing year, A big dinner will be pre pared and a fine time no doubt be had, ae extensive preparations are being mode. On tho 8th the Council mot at Harmony Grange where a splendid repast waa serv- ed to a fall house. The following officers were Installed by the AOU T at the hall on Jan 19 1 J E Knox. Past Templar, C Powell, Templar, Mrs Wilds, Vice Templar. Mrs Mose Miller, Lecturer. Geo Gelsendorfer, Recorder. Mrs J E Knox, Ase't Recorder. Mr Wilde, Financier. GM Konx, Treasurer. Frank Trite, Marshal. Mla Loe Powell, Aaa't Marshal. Taylor Pro pet, Guard. Tom MoNally Is visiting friends In Knox Botte. Tbeie Is no school at the Butte this win ter. Kvorette and Smith Knox are attending sciiool at Lebanon, and SS Knox at Al bany. Fred Lynee Is buying calves to take to Kastcrn Oregon. Mr Alonxo Miller, formerly ef Knox Butte, but-no- w of Seattle, is visiting rela- tives near the But to. Rev Judy, of Albany will preach at Trinity church on next Sunday. o arras Pro II Drier. Parties desiring to purchase fruit driers for the year 1884 will please boar in mind that the Curran Fruit Drier la still In tho field and wUh tho latest Improvements, making It the beat fruit drier ever intro duced on the Pacific Coast. Mover before in the history of Oregon baa there been ao much interest manifested in the fruit dry ing business as In the past season. Fruits of all kloda have brought the highest prices, and now that the Northern Pacific railroad la completed we can find a remun erative market in me east ror an or our dried fruits, which will Insure n ready sale at all times In the future. Tho prices the past season have been quoted by Messrs. Allen A Lewis, of Portland follows t Apples, machine dried, 14 to 19 cento per pound ; plume, pitted, 18 cento per pound. At such prices persons own ing orchards cannot afford to neglect their fruit and let It go to waste. The fruit dry ing business in Oregon premises to take .the place ef farming in the future. There Is no place on the Pacific Coast that com- pares with the Willamette Valley in fruit growing. We expect to make a thorough canvas of the entire valley the coming aprlngi and will be able to furnish driers to all who need them. We have on hand circulars and testimonials from parties who have used our drier, for ths past two years, which we will promptly forward to any one sending us their names. All communications should be sddreased to D. B. Monteith A Co., Albany, Or. Baeaa vista Notes. Rev I G Hershner preached here on Satur- day evening aad Sunday morning of last week. Says that bright paper, the Wtst Side t "Ferguson, ths Insurance Agent, returned yesterday, as he told us, from most any place." This is somewhat indefinite, but we presume 'Ferg' knows where he was, The sorrowful news reached us the ether day that CharUe Doughty, of Monmouth, dislocated his right srm by throwing at a cow in that place. Dr T J Lee, of Inde- pendence, re-e- the injured limb. Prof Bigler was in town last wsek. MissLillie Richardson wsnt to Salem Friday. I S Haley, of Portland is in tho olty. Prof J W Buster, went below last Satur- day on a visit A. E. S. A Bare Chance. Wringers at reduced rates, both the Nov olty and Rcreka, the best made, at Peters At Blain's. first ef the week, Dr J L BUI went to Junction Wednesday I attend Dr Lee, who is dangerously ill. nom M Shannon, or Monroe called on us Wednesday, while on his way to Salem. Mw AI Church, of Portland, is visiting at farthor's, Mr Jos Webber's in this city. Dr Kdward R Ooary, of Ashland, former of Albany, was in the city the first of the I week, Mr" F II Raymond and sister, of Salom, been in Albany this week visiting friends. Sol Stock, II W Vincent, E J Johnstone and I Jacobs, of Corvallia, were in the oily Sunday. Craigie Sharp, agent for the Went Shirt, kas been in the city in the interest of that - journal lately. Mr Ala Karris was in Albany the first of the week. He makes a live commercial tourist and serves his employers well. O P Coahaw and U R Powell, of Browns . two of the Diatom at' most faithful meads wore in Albany Monday, and mads a pleasant call Judge O NIDouuy, Cousul Uoneral, at Shanghai, arrived in San Francisco on Jan. 9th on his way to Washington, where it is thought ho will resign his office. He is one of the bostCoasuls the United States has had - foreign countries, and on leaving China received from the people of Shanghai, of all classes, the greatest praises possible. Mr F P Cavinam la visiting ia Albany. H bM just returned from the East "here h WM received with great favor, particular J Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and Portland, Maine. Ho saw everything everybody, and never was treated better Ia Mr Uaviaess reports that there -- U be a big immigration here this year Ilema J W Rector recently shipped about 250 boxes of spplos to Portland, getting f 1.30 s box net Francis See per sad J S Churchill started for the D' Alone miaeo last Tuesday. The "Plug Ugly Band" wont to serenade the newly married couple, Mr and Mrs War. roa, but after playing some of their meet tumultous pieces, found they were not at the house, and then they went home chagrined, and it ia to be hoped wiser, Tbut no, the next night they again tried it, and again went to the wrong house. So crasy have the hoys gone over the ohivaretng business that re cently when sn old gentleman and a widow happened to go to Albany and oome back on the same train they took it fe. granted that they were married and gave the worthy and innocent lady a genuine chivareo. Scarlet fever continues in the Oak Plain District Born To the wife of M MeNeary, on Jan. 12, 1834 -- a boy. The teachers at Halsey will attend the teachers sassting at Shedds oext Saturday . The Bogle does not blow this week, but will bo on time nest week. aIiuba. SWKKT NOME ITS.' J M Gallikon. revivalist has been labor ing st Sweet Home to bring sinners tc sanct ification. A Holy Band, with 31 members has been organised, and now oar correspon dent says, there is hopes of Swoet becoming civilised. J L Brooks is teacher in District 55. A sister ef Mrs Brceks who has boon on a visit to Sweet Home, and ha been very sick, is reported better. Miss Betty Gill dead was married at the Depot Hotel io Albany on the 5th, and im mediately loft with her husband for her new homo in California. Elisabeth Settle has rata roe J home from s four months visit in the valley. J. Summer has sold his ranch ia Sweet Hesse, and will go east of ths mountains In the spring. J Davis has been very low with inflamma tory rheumatism. Wm McKinnonand E Haaor, hove chang ed places, the former going to Canyon Creek, the latter coming to Sweet Home. Sweet Homo has s good grist mill, 43 pounds of good dour are received per bushel after tolling. Sweet Homo has no Smith, ao lawyers and doctors. xoTirs. Owing to tho th of M. Sternberg who desires to retire from business, we will discontinue oar business . in Albany aad therefore offer our entire stock ef goods at that place for cost Tho stock is complete and first-cla- ss in every particular, and never before was sack sn immense stock offered for sale at such a sacrifice In prises. We therefore invite our customers, friends and the public generally te call and oxsmins oar goods sad prices. All those knowing themselves indebted to oar Albany house will please call and settl at once as oar business must be closed. Thanking the people of Linn and surround ing counties for their liberal patronage for the past twenty-tw- o years. Wo remain Respectfully, SSMPBRS A SrgRXBCRU. Lebaaen Metes. Born To the wife of Charles Burns a boy. A Hie Nickersen was fined $10 last week for tearing down Mr Jany's boot sign. Mrs Al Real was buried at Lebanon last week. ProfMcElroy, the State Superintendent will deliver a lecture before the Elite Liter ary Society, nu Jan. 24. Tko tO OTk-a-- t apa'iUe installation of ofiirs last Saturday. Several were present from other lodges. The ladies' of Lebanon gave a leap year party at the Band Hall, last Friday evening. It was very fine to see the girls lead the boys around and foot the bills. This Issue. In this issue wo give as complete a descrip- tion of the resources of Linn county, as it is possible for us to do at this time, together with a directory of the business men of all the places in the county, which shoald be saved for reference, as thoy are gotten up by men in the different localities and are supposed to be complete. Of course errors and omissions, though, may have crept in. On account ef the space occupied by this article, we sre only sble to give about half ef our usual amount ol ocal matter. Be- sides several correspondences are unavoid- ably left over until next week. How Lawyer Treated the Case . I, David Strouse, of New Haven, Con- necticut, was attacked with a severe rheu- matism in my right arm, hand and foot, so that I walked with difficulty and eould hardly use my hand to eat with. I used one bottle of St, Jacobs Oil, rubbing well three times a day, and obtained Instant relief. David Stuotjsb. Attorney-at-law- , FRIDAY JANUARY 18, 1884 BTITE3 & KUTTIHO. Editors an 4 Proprietor. riisr. NirrriNa, Local svitur. AO. e C. It.' R. TIMR TABLE. Albany Station. DMViRTI RE OF TRAIN. SOTSD KOSTIt. ALBANY KXPRR8S Depart t 6:90 A. M rftKiuirr trains M MO A. M. ArrbajS t A. M HAIL TRAW Dsfswtaat 13:06 P. If socks sooth. " 11:46 A. M MAIL TR.UK . 105 V M. freight TRAIN r 8:30 P.M. ALBANY EXPRESS Arrivesat S46 P. M. All Train doily, except Sander. Notice. On and after this date regular tickets will be sold at oar ticket office for following points on Columbia river: Upper cascades, Danes, urn sua a, wauuia, Walla Walla and Alnsworth. Will. B. Rica, Freight and Ticket Agent O.AO.R.S. Co. Albany, June 18th, 1881. Ot B ABR.NTS. Following are the Democrats duly au- thorised agents ha reeeiro subscriptions or ley for the same t Lebanon. . . . T L Wallaee Harriabarg . Sam May Brownsville. . . .0. P. Coahaw Halaev T. I Porter Shedd'a F. A. Watte Scie W.K. Kelly Jefferson... a A. DeVaoey The Match Haat Ltet Friday an exciting match hunt took place near Albany, which became noticeable for good and poor score, bat the day was a very pleasant one, so that few match hunts are more enjoyable than this was. At half past eight in the even- ing all of the hunters were in at their trysting" place, Wills Bros., gun store, with one exception. The game of those present was counted, the score standing, at 9 o'clock, the time appointed for all to bo la, 's team, 16V3; Watts' team 1525; and so the match was decided in favor of the form jr. Fallowing is the B3ore : SCOTT'S TKA.M. W B Scott 2 mallard duck, 4 snipe, 2 teai-a- ao. DD Hackleman 3 mallards, 2 snipe, 2 teal, S widgeotL 135. J J DubrulUe 1 snipe, 8 teal, 3 widgeon Burr Sloan-- 13 mallard, 1 snipe, 20 teal, 3 widgeon 520. Geo W Burkhart-.- -. m tllsrd, 9 teal, 19 widgeon 340, Geo M Knox 2 mallards, 7 geese, 3 snipe 435, S W Langdon 0 nothing 09. Total 1085. WATTS' team. CW Watts 1 snipe, 4 teal, 1 widgeon 70. D B Monteith 5 snipe, 3 widgeon 120. Nick Springer 1055. Jas Foster xl snipe, 1 teal, 3 widgoon 70. Oren Rubaits 2 mallarJ, 4 duck, 1 goose 130, Chas P&iffer 1 teat, 2 widgeon -- 40. Total-15- 25. Kwswrvteors. The County Court appointed at their last meeting the following road Supervis- ors for the Districts named, in Line coun- ty: 1, J L Tumbridge, Fox Valley. 2. H She! ton, Jourdan Valley. S, F8 Thayer, Mt Pleasant, 4, Wm Montgomery, Scio. 8. A F Powell, Scio. 7. John Bryant, Joardan Valley, 8. Andrew Crabtree, Scio, 9. HN Durthick, Scio. '10, J C Salt marsh, Lebanon. 11, D Mot horn, Lebanon, 12, Paul Buebner, Miller's. 13, J Fro man, Albany, 44, F M WestAll, Albany. 15, Peter Schloeser, Albany. 18, P Muzenmier, Albany, 17, Henry Free keen, Albany. 18, Phil Swank, Albany, 19, Wm Baltimore, Albany. 20, R Cheadle, Lebanon. 21, A Umphrey, Albany. 22, D Houck, Scio. 23, J B Coney, Oakville. 24, J A McBride, Shedds. 25, J A Robnelt, Shedds. 20. Wm Fletcher, Shedds. 27. Harvey W Vader, Sodaville. 28. D H Harris, Lebanon. 29. GB Splawn, Crawfordsville. 30. G F Colbert, Crawfordsville. 31. A W Stansrd, Brownsville. 32. J B Henderson, Brownsville. 33. EJ Miller, Halsey. 34. TF Smith, Halsey, 36. Geo At ford, Harrisburg. 37. 1 N Warmouth, Halsey. 38. John Tyeer, Brownsville. 39. J N Rice, Crawfordsville. 41. WRumbaugh, Sweet Home. 42. H Bishop, Harrisburg. 43. M Phiipot, Harrisburg. 44. Walter Huston, Harriabarg. 4 G W Riggs, Mabel, 47. W F Jerdaa, Albany. 48. F M Miller, Millers Station. 49. A Butts, Brownsville, 60. J McOea, Sweet Home. 51, Martin Ryland, Sweet Howe, U. P s 8. The following officers have been elected by the above Sunday School for the en- suing year : GW Grey, Superintendent, I, Blain, Assistant Superintendent, C H Stewart, Secretary. 8E Young, Treasurer, J W Blain, Librarian. Lfly Robertson, Organist TeachersW C Powell, LE Blain, S G Irvine, S E Young, Mrs Etta Brown, Mrs S E Yoang, Mrs L E Blain, Mrs Robert son, Mrs J H Townsend, Mrs H McBride, Miss Libbie Irvine, Miss Ollie Kirkpst-ric- k, Miss Hettie Miller, Miss Lily Robert son, Miss Ina Robertson, Miss Ella Mc Bride. Tweaty-Flv- c Year. w t, lweedale h. baan dein business with the people of Una county for the past iwenty-nv- e years, ani judging from his 1 S 4 present use or costomers we fool sure has, given reasonable satisfaction. He is keep ing as usual a fine stock of parlor and cook- ing stoves and ranges, also tin, copper and snees iron ware, pumps and pipe, and ail other goads found ia a first-cla- ss Tin Store He manufactures all his own ware and war rants it He is also agent for the St. Louis Charter Oak stoves and ranges. U DERTAKEB Sheriffs Sale. the Cirruit Court o tk State of Oregon, for thf County of Linn . John J Davis, Plaintiff. va. John II Davidson, Mussn Davidson and William J Wolfe, Dcfondnnta. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION order of sale Issued out of the above named Court In tbe above osBBiod suit, I will on Saturday the 20th day of January, SM, at tbe Court House door In tbe city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon, the hour of one o'clock, p. m sell at public suction tor ceah In hand to tho highest bidder tbe real property described said execution aa follows, to-- wit : Be- ginning; at the northeast corner of block Bad in Haekleman's second addition to tbe city of Albany, aa tbe same ia designs! and described on the maps and plats of said addition now on file in tbe office of Me County Clerk ef Linn county Oregon, running thence south one hundred and trn feet parallel with Jefferson street io aid addition ; thence west sixty-si- x feet parallel with Fifth street ; thence north DD" hundred and ten feet parallel with Jefferson -- treet ; tbence east sixty-s- ix feet parallel wUh 5th street to tbe place, of be- ginning the proceeds arising from tbe sale sstd premises to b applied first to tbe sty tnent of the coots and disbnrsmenta of uit taxed at 938.40 and the coots end ex-liens- es of sale, second to tbe payment of the Plaintiffs claim amounting to $313.50 and interest at the rate of eight per cent, fier annum from tbe 23rd day of October 1K&8, and the retnaiuder if tnv to be paid over to tbe defendants, John II Davidson snd Susan Devi IsoSL Dated this Mlb day of December, 1883. Geo. Hex phbjct, Sheriff of Linn county. Aciministratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that the under- signed has been duly appointed adminis- tratrix of the estate of John Howes, late Linn county. Oregon, deeeaeed. All -- arsons bsving claims against said estate ore hereby required to present tbe same with proper vouchers, within aix months of tbe date of this notice, to the undersign- ed st Sweet Home, Linn county, Oregon. December 28tb, 1883. W. W. M"' li EE, R. S. Stbaha, Ad in r. Att'y. Notice of Dissolution. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT NOTICE heretofore existing under the firm name of Dan nab A Wood-i- n, is this dsy dissolved by mutual oen-so- nt. All debts due the said firm should be paid to Mr. A. B. Wood in who v ill pey al 1 liabilities of tbe said firm. Albany, Dec. 19, 18S3. Jas. Dannai-s- , A. B. WooDUt. Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the under signed has filed in the County Court, of Linn county, ureaon.ner nnsi account ss administratrix of the estate of Homer Da vis, deceased, and said court has appointed Saturday, tbe 9th day of February, 1884, at tbe bour of nine o'clock A M of said day at the Court Hoosein Albany, Linn county, Oregon, for the hearing of objections to ud sccount and tbe settlement of tbe same, at which time and place all persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to SDoear and file ol lections horeto.if any they nave. January, lOtb, 1SS4. MART K. DAVIS, Adrxr. STALLION FOR SALE. Look here for your Interest, all of you that want line stock, the undersigned has a fine Clyde stallion, two years old, weight 1171 pounds, at a low figure, lie is s tine sbtUion. He also has a fine turf nag, supposed to be the fastest on the Coast. Call soon If yon wish to purchase, i, w, vacoh.v, Co berg, Or, OWE NO MAN ANYTHING. All persons knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned are respectfully rcanest-e- d to call st once for settlement, as I ssjowc make collections to meet my own obligations. A disregard of this notice will entail oosts on debtors. Chas, B. Mwti Lebanon, Nov. 6th, 1883, For Sale. One half block In eastern part of the oily with fair house and barn will be sold cteap. SODA WATER, MINERAL WATERS, SP.VRKLIMi VTI.SS AND ALL t ABBO.VVTED BEVEKA4.ES I AiPAKATI3, MATERIAL A.VB AtCESSO- - tlES FOR M AMTACTI RISC, BISKESS-IS- U and BOTTLIS4., WITH Ff LL ISSTRl tTIOSS. Catalogue sew upon application. Tbe Firm of JOHN MATTHEWS, First Aveane.YSth aad 3Uk Streets, New Tea. A NASAL INJECTOR free with eacb bottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price 5C cents. FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, W have a printed guarantee on every bottle of Shiloh's Yltalizer. It never fails tc cure, For sale by Foe hay A. Mason.

University of Oregon...HOME AND ABROAD. SOCIAL AMD PERSONAL. WHS VILLI ITRWa OoVRTT 4 Ol RT--.JANI AMY Muslral lostrome als. Wkt mnmt Mayer Beard, of Sole, wat la Albany, the Official

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Page 1: University of Oregon...HOME AND ABROAD. SOCIAL AMD PERSONAL. WHS VILLI ITRWa OoVRTT 4 Ol RT--.JANI AMY Muslral lostrome als. Wkt mnmt Mayer Beard, of Sole, wat la Albany, the Official


Mayer Beard, of Sole, wat la Albany, theWkt mnmtOfficial Coanfey Paper,

EntereJ at the Past Office at Albany, Or.a second-clas- s mail matter.




etfailflgg BROS. FniBrieisWIALBANY, OKKt.OJS.


1 1 1 : a i w roM-i-P. nettled in Italian or Vermont Marble.

Also, every variety ofother stone work done withdupatch.

Bpecial attention riven to ordan faunasall parts of this Htaio anf WuhlnMMTerritory.

aTA!l work wsrruital. 17M


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FOR PAIN.Rsllsres aad esses

KII Kt MATISH,Neuralgia,

Solstios, Lumbago,BACH A CUM.



QUIBMy, SWJTM,f MB,arms ibb.

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Firrr corri a bottuaeMSV

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The Casrlss . Voceler 0

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Sheriff's Sale.In the Circuit Court oftlu 8taU ofQrnjon or

(As County of Linn :

Lewis Cox, Plaintiff.vs.

Oslsnder Parrish and Pbebe J Parrisb.bis wife, and Otto Fox, Defendants.

VIRTUB OF AN KXKCUTIONBY order of salo issued out of fbeabove named Court in the above entitledsuit to roe directed snd delivered. I willon Saturday the 18th day of February, 184,

the kurt House door In the city of Al --

bany, Linn county, Oregon, sell at publicauction for cash In hand to tho big hostbidder tbe real property described In sahl 0order of sale aa follows, te wit i Begin -

ning at the northeast corner or IiosbbonParrish donation land claim. NotificationNo. 1183 snd claims 44 and 57 In To. 11.sooth of range 2 snd 8 west, and runningthence west 26 chains snd 1.1 links ; thence Nsouth 42 chains end tA links to tho southboundary of said Not. 1183 ; thence east Z'chains and 18 links to the southeast corner Q

said Not-118-8 ; thence north 42 chain

I"00? ? " P' Beginning,containing 100 34 100 scree more or lens aeltuetod In Linn county, Oregon.

Also the tractions! nortb hair or tbenorth oast otiarter of section 9. Tp 11. H K

west, containing 4n 7 - loo acres of land, amore or lees, lying and being In LinnCounty, and state of orgt tbe pro

arising from the sale of tbe first 3above described tract of land to be applied

roiiows, to -- wit : first to the paymentthe costs and disbursements of suit

taxed at 6&43.30 and sccnilngeosta. Secondtbe payment ol tbe sum of 8175 adjudgto Plalnlff as sn Attorney's foejsud I loo

adjudged to deft O Fox as anjau'v fee. 3rdthe payment to tbe Plaintiff the sum of

81843.10 and Inters tharoon from tho Xlrd Indav of October. 1883. at tbe rats of one norcent per month and tbo overplus If snv to

mm t ih. rv.biiH.iit rutn r ox, andthe oroooeds arlainsr from tho amis of tbesecond above described tract of land to beapplied to tbe payment ef tbe sum found

be doe ta tbe defendant, Otto Fox,amounting to f 1S12.&0.

Dated ibis Pkh day of Janruuy, 1884.Gao. Humph ret,Sheriff of Linn county. Or.

Referees' Sale. atNotice is hereby given that the undenign

od, the duly appointed referees in the suit onin tbo Circuit Court of the

Stateof Oregon for tbe county of linn, whereH. D. Burkhart and Nellie O. Royae sre

rlainttfls, snd Bobert u Burkhart, Wil edliam Burkhart, liessic H. Burkhart and M.A. Burkhart arc IMcudauU, vuM. on Saturday March. lit, 1884, between the beura of

as. ta

10 o clock, s. an., and 4 o clock p. m., ofsaid day, to-wi- at the hour of one o'clock

of said day, at the door of the Courtin Albany, I .tun county, Oregon,

offer fur salo st pubiu suction to tbe highestbidder the follow lug described real proerty. to-w- it : of

A fraction purcnasod of J. M. Ueveoneli,described as follows : '

Beginning at the northwest corner ofClaim No. 49 in Township 11, south range3, west of the Wi.lametto Meridian, sndrunning thenco south 1 3H ct 20 '.ft. 100chsins to a stake in the center of tbe roadleading from Albaoyto Salem ; thence northA7' 22 east 40 07-I0- chama to a SWStthence south 80' 46' west on the northboundary line of said elaim 34 30 100 chainsto the puce of beginning, containing 23 39-10- 0

acres, less all of tho land on tbe northaide of the creek contained in the above de-

scribed real property sold to Ann Payton,tbo balance remaining being 14 acres moreor less. Also Lots three, four, five and six inblock No. 119 in Haekleman's Addition to olto ths city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, Iss appears from tbe map snd plst of saidaddition now on file ana recorded in theoffice of the County Clerk of said LionCounty, Oregon.

Terms et Sale U gold coin, cash inhand oo tbe day of sale.

Dated this 17th day of Jan., 1884.M. Patsb,Lor is Cox. Referees.

AYER'SHair Vigorrestores, with tbe gloss snd freshness otyoutli, fsded or gray nalr to a natural, rickbrosra odor, or deep black, ss may tx desired.By IU oae light or red bslr may be darkened,tbln nalr thickened, and baldness often.though not always, cured.

It cheeks railing of tbe hair, sod uimolines s weak and sickly growth to vigor. Itprevents and euros scurf and dandruff, andbeats nearly every disosss peculiar to thsscalp. As a Ladles' Hair Dressing, theVlOOB is unequalled ; it contains neither oilnor dyo, renders the hair soft, glossy, andsilken in appearance, and imparts a delicate,agreeable, and lasting perfume.

Ma. C. P. Batcnsra writes from Airey, O..

July 3, 1SWI : " Lsst fsll my hair commencedfslfiug out. and In s short timo I becamenearly bald. 1 used part of a In.ttls ofAvkh's HaiB Viooa, which slopped the fsll-in- g

of the lislr. snd tarted s new growth. Ihave now a full head ot hair growing vigor-ously, and am convinced Unit but for thease of your preparation 1 should have beenentirely bald."

J. W. Bowex, proprietor of the lie.Arthur(Ohio) Knquirrr. says : " AVEK'a It aik Viuoaia a most excellent preparation for the hair.1 apeak of it from my own experience, lisuse promotes tbe growth of new hsir, sndmskes it gioeey snd soft. The Viou is aluoa aure cure for dandruff. Kot within myknowledge has the preparation ever failedto give entire satisfaction."

Ma. Asot's FAianAins, leader of thocelebrated " Kslrbalm Family " of ScottiidiVocalists, writes from Itotton, Ao., Feb. C,1880 : a Ever aluce my hair began to give sil-

very evidence of the change which Heelingtime procureth, I have used AY tut it HaiuViooa, and so have boon sble to in.aiutalnan sppearsnce of yoiithfumees a matter ofconsiderable consequence V ministers, ora-

tors, actors, snd in fset every one who livesin the eyee of tbo public."

Mas. O. A. PaESroTT, writing from IS BtstSt.. CharUttotcH, Ma$., April 14. Ii2, says :

M Two years ago shout two-thir- of my hsircame off. It thinned very rapidly, aad 1 wasfast growing lsld. On using Aykk's HaiuViook the falling stopped snd a new growthoommeueed, and In about a mouth my headwas completely covered witli abort hair. Ithas continued to grow, and is uow ns good asbefore It fell. 1 regularly used but one boitloof the Viook, but now use it occasionally asa dressing."

We have hundreds of similar testimonialsto the otBcaey of Ayeb's Haiu Viooh. itneeds but a trial to convince tho most skepti-cal of its value. BT

Dr. J . C. Ayer & Co. , Lowe II, Mass.Sold by all Druggists.

Notice of Dissolution.VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATIs the heretofore exist-in- g

between Li Senders and M Sternburgunder the firm name of Senders dr Sternburg, at Prineville, Crook county, Oregon,to this dav dissolved by mutual consent.L Senders win assume au uaDiiiuea oisaid firm at said Prineville, and collect alloutstanding debts due that firm and willcontinue the business at said place.

L. Senders,M. Stkbnuurg,


WARREN KEENEY On Motday, Jan.14th. 1884. at Halsey, by Tvev T J rFilsonMr George Warren and Miss MarthaKbebby, of Halsey.We extend congratulations.

F M French, jeweler,Pertland owe $100,000.The heat harnesses at J J Dubruillo's.Seattle has 44 lawyers, about one to every

200 doodIo.

It cost $223, 26 1.97 to run the Portland

city government last year.Immense bargains throughout at Nobn's

great Nickle Plated Clearance of the Dayten murderers died

in his cell a few days ago, at tnat place.Amnion's Cough Syrup never fails to cure

if used iu time and according to directions.Remember Nolan's stock of dry goods.

clothing, etc, is all new and will be sold atand under cost until the first of March.

78 divorces were granted in Portland lastyear, 25 per cent oftbe number of marriages.Liun oountv ia virtue itself compared with- m

Portland.A second term ef the dancing school has

bean bosun. As teuaht bv Prof Vauahn ithas helped to rdlne the manner of many efthe young people.

The contract for keeping the oountv poorwas lot to C L Morris for 82.88, which is avery reasonable price, and they will be welltaken care of by Mr Morris.

The Willamette Association of the Con--

g relational church has been in session this 1

week, and we understand the meetings have I

been very pleasant and profitable. I

We are entitled to an unknown friend at I

Knox Butte for several interesting items, I

which, we are compelled to boil down some,on account of our Linn county article.

Some new skates have been received at I

Danuals rink, and everything is kept in firstclass conditou. It is the place for enjoymoot and deserves being well patronised.

Do not fail when yea are looking for groeerie, vegetables, soda water, cigars, rememberthat Hoffman AJoseph keep the J

very best stock all ways fresh and reliable.Ayer's SarsapariUa ia the most potent bloed

purifier, and a fountain of health andstrength. Be wise ia time. All baneful in.factions are promptly removed by this anequalled alterative.

Two of County Clerk Stewarts childrenand Miss Sophia Houck havo been afflictedwith the scarlet fever, bat the disease seemsto be entirely under the control of the deetors, and nothing serious is expected.

Another Ohio man has succeeded in obtaining an ofiiee, D W Rumbaugh has been

appointed Justice of the Peace at SweetHome, and we predict will mete out justiceto Sweet Homer's in an impartial manner.

In our first issue after New Year's wepredicted that two young men who resolvedto quit using tobacco during 18S4 wouldbegin again at the earns time, and they have.We mention this simply as an illustration ofthe way New Year's resolutions are kept.

A lateral sewer has been run from theman sewer tunning across First Street atBroada! bin to the ditch under tho sidewalk,on the latter street at the corner of Nolan'sstore, while the same on First street hasbeen filled up.

The February number of Frank Leslie's

Sunday Jutagatim is very attractive. "Won-ders of tho Century," etc., attract ones at-

tention and the whole series of articles andillustrations is uncommonly good, deservingof attention of all.

Last Moadsy evening a special meeting oftheCommon Council was held, w bos MarshalDickey presented four names for the consideration of the council for ningtwatch. Aballot was taken, resulting in tho election ofRobert Brown for the position.

Ayer's Hair Vigor improves the beauty ofthe hair and promotes its growtb. It imparts an attractive appearance, a delightfuland lasting perfume. While it stimulatesthe roots, cleanses the scalp, and adds ele

gance to luxuriance, its effects are enduring ;

and thus it proves itself to be the beet sodcheapest article for toilet use.

Another match hunt wfll take place today (Friday) between the same sides in theone last Friday, with perhaps the additioaef one or two to each aide. The stragglewill be a desperate one, but all feeling willbe cast aside ia a grand sappernight, which will bo blessed by the presenceef the Nimrods wives, if they have any.

According to instructions from the Postmaster General, persons having 3 and 8 centstamps and stamped envelopes can get then,exchanged for other stamps, postals orstamped envelopes, but stamps previous to1861 will not be taken ; also addressed en

velopes will bo taken, bat no mutilated ordefaced stamps ; envelopes defaced by directing will be taken in oxebaage at postagevalue.

It is astonishing the number ef intelligente . . m

people wne regard a cold or cough as atrival matter, something unnecessary to payattention to. How many times have yenheard the expression, "6 nothing tho matter only a slight cold." Yes my iriond, andnine-tenth- s of the many thousand consumptives who walk the earth to-d- ay doomed toa premature death, said the same thing. Wepay attention to a cold, aad promptly toe.Our remady is Ammoa's Cough Syrup ; someother preparations are good, but we havefound it by far the best.

The play of "Above the Clouds" is being.t B si. areuearsea in in is city tor rendition at an

early day, Mr W S Peters is managing thesame, which insures its success. The fol

lowing will take part in the play i JasFoster, Jr., Thos Overman, C W Watts,Mack Monteith, Will Fortmiller, Thos Callahan, R A Foster, Misses Minnie Mon

teith, Mary Irvine and Mattie Footer. Alarge stage has been made at Y PGA Hall,where the drama will bo rendered, andeverybody shenld prepare to attend.

Two or three persons .once came to Oregonfrom Southern Minnesota, were sprinkledon several times by a few rain drops, andwent back disgusted, very luckily for Ore

gon, ae that is the class of people that shouldstay away from here. Our winter rains arewhat give as oar splendid crops, and people who have not sense enough to appreciate this should stay in Minnesota and standtheir 35 below zero. At the same time itshould be remembered that the rainfall inOregon is less than that of most other states.

Ah "Wm H Vanderbilt," a Chinaman,was hit last Wednesday by a stone thrown,or supposed to be thrown by a school boy,cutting a deep gash in his head. Thinkinghe knew which boy it was he got a warrantand went with the Marshal to tho school,when they wsnt through the rooms togetherscrutinizing all the half scared children.Finally William H. made a rash for a twelveyear old, and yelled : "Him, him, I heapsabe bun," and jerked htm from his seatbut all the other boys declaring he was notthe one, he was released. The right onecannot be found. If ho can be he should beprosecuted the same as if he hit anyone else.As long as the government allows the Celestials here they should be protected the sameas the white man

LOST.On Wednesday the 9th inst a white and

black spotted English Coach dog, answers tothe name "Singer," a liberal reward will bepaid for his return to

D. B. Monteith,Albany Oregon,

J. II. Daniel bow has a complete lineof musical Instruments of all kluda forsale, oousisting of the Mathushekpiano, ths Shonlnger orgsn, fiddles,viol I as, guitars, etc., as well as thslatest sheet music, ills Instrumentsare nil of the best grades, nod are notths obssp trash, so that wltso you getsn Instrument sf soy kind you mayknow that yon are getting uue that willlast and hold Its tuos.

Big Bargains.

In "remnants" of dress good, silks, plashOS, velvets, satins, muslins, shootings, tickings, ginghams, waterproofs, wool and sotton flannels, piques, floe linens, Nottinhamlace, Vainsooks oratons, prints, plaids, eat.broideries, lacs and ribbons. Also "job lot'of fancy goods, which must go before thefirst of March.

Ons GoshPries NOLAN'S Store

At Allen A Martin's is ths place to findboots an i shoes In any quality you wish.snd at any prloe. Good goods In this linewill bo sold obeaper than at any store Inthe valley and no old stock to work oft.

BICBLKV'S ABXIO t Silt S. atThs best salve In the world for outs.

bruises, soroa, ulcers, salt rheum, feversores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains,oonia and all klads of skin eruptions.This salve Is guaranteed to give porfesaiiaiaouoa in every oaae or mosey refunded. Price 8Ao per box.

For sale by Poshay A Mason.

Central Stoat atarfset.

Tbe undersigned having bought the Con-- 1 oftrsl Meat Market, hones br fair deal lnaP W SF SB

and striot attention to business, to merit afair snare of the trade sf Albany. He willalwaya have .on hand a fresh eupply of

2,meats of all kinds, and will make an extraeffort to make It give satisfaction.

M. Hyds.ssA of

Mr. M. K. A 1 Usee.. Matehtaeeo, Kaa..Saved his life by a simple Trial Beetle ef toDr. King's slew Bioeovery, Bas edtion, which ceased him he creenrebottle, that completely emreg him. mDeotors, ehangs sf ml mate and everythingelse had failed. Asthma, BroaohBJs, IH Severe Ceagae, and allThroat and Luna? dlaeaaaa. It la wnanuu I heed to oars. Trial Bottles free at Feebey I

o Drag SUwo. seas P-0- 9 I


Obs hundred snd forty acres, niaemilss above Lobs noa. 40 acres ia cul-

tivation. 10 scree slashed and sown torasa Comfortable dwelling, goodeuthouaee. Cheap Inquire at thisoffiee.


Everybody comae to Alien A Martla,Albany, Qr they com frm everynook, crook aad corner la Lion and -

Beaton counties, to buy their fall sadwinter supplies. People say they cando better at their store titan any otheretore in the 8tate.

A Corel.

To all who are asfteriag from thelodsMrettoaa ef youth, nervous weak

earlv deeav. leas of taaahood. etc. . I

will ssavd a recipe that will ears yea, FEESOF Crl A BOB. This great remedy was discovered by a mieaieaary io Heath America.Ssstd a self sddressod envelope to the Est.Joaars T. Is mas. Station D. New York


I tee Acres ml Lead for Sate.

Oae farm of 890 acres very desirable.One farm of 188

One tract of 169 sores of wild land.One tract of 80Oae tract of 70One tract of 185 acres, snd ether small

tracts. Will sell in lots to salt ssireliasers.Will trade tor other property. Call at this

Money to Loan

We are now prepared to make loans iaaay sums desired aa improved farm land in

Linn and Benton counties for any length of

time not less than ons year.BuaauAKT Bros.

Per Bale.

Three snd s half sores of good gardeniand,all fenced, house snd bom .inedge of the city. Will be sofdCall at this office.

Albany Mark

Wheat 90c per bushel,Oats 50

Beef on foot, SKcHay baled, 2S&26 per. ton.

loose, 18 to 20.Butter 26 to 80 ota per lb.Eggs 44 cents per dot-Potato-es

7&o per bushel.Pork 6M eta per lb.VeaL-74c- per lb.Bacons hams, 15c

shoulders, 10c.sides. 1H c!

Lard 15c per aq cans, 14J4

Flour- - 8.00 per bbl.Chickens 8.80 par doe.Sugar --San Franoiao C, 12c.Mill Feed bran, 14.00 per ton.Dried Fruit sun dried apples, 12c

a " plums, 12c.

machine oared apples, 15ca a plums, 15.


All accounts duo the undersigned have

been placed in the hands of T J Stites forndlMtion Who ia authorized to receipt for

the same. If not paid in a reasonable time

the names of thoss neglecting or refusingwill be given to the public,

Fkkd Rxis.

At Cost.

I will commence my eeml-annu- al clos

ing out sale, at and under cost on Saturday, January 5th, 1884. This sale Is Im

perative as the stock must, will and shallbe reduced by March order to makeway for new spring goods. Cash buyersand bargain hunters will find it to theirInterest to call and Investigate. Cloaks,ulsters, dolmens, jackets, overcoats, rubber and oil clothing,gossamers,arotios andovershoes under cost. "All spot cash."

One ifA I ABJIQ CashPrice nULAn O Store

For Sale.

Span of fine horses for sale. Eigh8oarsold. One 16 and the other 161 hands high.A great bargain. Call on Wm Terhuno, 4

miles south of Albany. Information givenat this office.

(a men, Judg, John I torn ami I R 0tayieol,vomraswonors.)

Reports of the following road super visra wsrs accepted, and they were allowed

lbs amounts set after their namss :

a j Bbslton . esse iSMSeeoo ee sssaosese I 4.00I JT sestssess eeeaeoeee eesssseae , 2.09

J A 9. !?k-ri-i- 22.09

o. - r uevanev 71 tin0, Newton Crabtree lS.fiOi. vv uiouarilMou isnow. --ino vy uaines 4.60io, i M ilruos 78.00

J u Wood 29,00io i u . jif. Jo. 00W. If P Pavna t7 natA u u amt' T. -- vr-t eettati ......,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,, so.09o, r w spinks 00,80

18. James Dvor as aaif, itarrv Frnakssm 27 fia1, Mstt Scott 22.0010, J K Hill t I JAM

? Kiwn :::::: t. u lsettlemelr.:.;::;;::..::::::::,::;: siw

2 T ?Dnllu " 28,09AohfMu.ii iAMon wiT ' ww.ww

fTr "uyeu 80,00

IS. D M llsrr . ia ntt...... 29.09

ol. W U Swankv j. n

8J L Hasbrook -..-..!.-...!!! 84 18

it89, Noah Shanks ,..LL..u'. 20.50b Jon GtlHUnd 27.24a, J P Hawk if

X' S R, HMrF 5.Grimes... sa 00

,j m auth ujfi49, Jehu Brewa50, G W Ho wo Id 00

Report of O F Colbert Snpt Dtst 84. continued, also reports of F M Klasr. J IIWlgls, J W Swank, W M Hale, D Bilyeu.

ietitlon of F Krelg for location of county road road, and J Koeter, ttam'l Cowanaad R Cbeadls were appointed reviewers.

The following bids were resolved forkeeping tho County poor :

J J Dorrls, for keeping 7 persons 1 yesr$1980. C L Morris, for keeping each per-son per week, 82.88. P B Potter, for keeping each person per week, 5.

Ordered that contract be swarded 0 LMorrie.

Ordered tax on t2uoo be returned to H CHard man less stats tax.

Bill of John F Williams, I87-&-0, contin-

ued.Ordired that 820 be appropriated for Mrs

Chambers for January to be expendedunder direction of H Lamp man, also foofor Munson faraly, by A Umphrey,

Bill ofJoe Moist for grsvst eenUnaed.Bill of J H Peery, agsut school fund, al

lowed.Fees In State of Oregon against Fisher,

allowed. Also In fftate against Jordanand Annie Ilowera. also la Stats againstKd Broyse, also la State against W P Fon-Bobah- or,

also In State vs Kendall, SboughWard.

Resignation of W K Simons aa Constableof Sweet Home Precinct, accepted aad LMathews appointed, alas resignation ofVV m MoKlnnon as J P, of Swoet Homeand D W Kumbaagh appointed.

Ordered that ths Clerk furnish the roadsups visors with blanks with which temaBe their reports.

Ordered that C L Morrla be ordered topurchase such clothing as the county poorIn his charge may used to keep them com-

fortable, to he as follows : For malea ;

suits of flannel lined duklug ; underclothing cheap woolen or mixed goods ;

shoes common brogsns i socks, shsker;beta, cheap wool or felt ; shirts, cheapcheck, such ae ordinary laborers wear.For females; uelloo and cheap cottondrosses ; aattallu underclothing ; cottonhoes i shoes and other article of similarquality, Tho said C L Morrie to certify toall bills of purchases to the oonnty Court.

Ordered that boom be placed io Masai lamriver by S R Clay pool and W B Donaoafor protection of Lebanon bridge.

f1te new district 81 Is alt north ol thenorth lias of Section 18, Tp. S. It. 1, westin Road Dtst 1,

The following bllla were allowed .

J Y Schooling, gravel 8.06C F.Croft, keeping Cole 3 mea. aad

Slothing 180. ()Wm ltalstoa, rent of house by Mrs

Slats 6.00J F Hyds. keeping Davis 8 mos. . . 62.00A D Gardner, endue 4. 00A If Marshall, ase't rendered .stone 8.00R R Humphrey, lumber for dlst 20 6.20A Kariew. gravel for dlst 12 2.68KW White, gravel 4S88 H Cowan, gravel A 00gGurley, repairing acrapor 1,60

j W Coooway, lumber T.20Davis Bros. A Watts, mass 1314A Whsstsr, lumber 9.SSIt Smith, lumber lowH C HsBnle, ss Sunt, Dlst 1 26.00Jobs Gstasndorfer, gravel 8.60E N White, gravel 7.nJ B Roberta, supplies 8.00A Wheeler.iumber tu.uuW CTweedale, labor and material 6.00Job a Brlgga, stove and repairs 22. oO

It O M array, urayage ooJohn Usher, putting down carpets 16.00Hoffman and Joseph, mdas 8-4-


T. .

L Duarcer. aas't In public exam't 6,00. ..s. 9 ra a SY

1 A Meets, salary iou.uo

Goo Humphrey, fees ...482.00JaaH Pserv. salary 8 mos 280.00LattiteB.fees In State vallerrlngtou 8.35L H Mentewye, Dlst Att'y 600Koontzand Lame, lumber 10.18W Price snd Co. lumber 20.24D Wstkins. timbers 10.00J 8 Dickeon. lumber and nails. . . . 7.84A Wheeler.iumber H.23RUtaaand Nutting, printing 4-9-


G H Stewart. indexing and numbering county papers 681.66

Jaa 1 tl ley , Constable foes, ........ 10. 16

J B Miller, mdse ana Doara lorMiller 28 81

Skating at Bannai's riak Tuesday nightfor ladies' with escorts, Thursday and Saturday nirht uublic Saturday afternoon forladies. Everybody shoald go.

Indian Stabbed,

A brutal affair occurred near Lebanon onThursdav niaht of last week, in which Indiaa George came near losing his went to the cabin of Indian George andhis squaw, gave him some wishkey, andthen getting him outside attacked him witha knife, making a severe gaah over the righteye, and cutting ths left oar completely off,

and stabbing him in other places, beatinghim with a club and whea he was downtamning on him. Ths sauaw gave the

alarm, and T B MoTimmon, who was im

mediately suspected, was immediatelysearched for, and was found to have leftgoing towards tho mountains, but at thepresent writing has not been captured. Indian George will probably recover from thewounds.

Since tho above was pat in type MaTimmon was captured and is new in jail.

Ths war news from Tonquin and Soudandon't create half the excitement in this sec-

tion as Nolan'sGreat Nickle Plated ClearanceBale. Everything slaughtered tot sixtydays.

W. C. T, V.

Regular meeting of the W. 0. T. IT.,

ob next Tuesday at 3 o'c look, p. m . , atY PC A hall. Matters of unusual im-

portance will be open for discussion atthis meeting and every member shouldbe present.

Mb. M, J. Townsend,Mrs. W, 8, Pbtbrs, President,


Mrs Alios Tuoksr who has been visitingfriends in this city for tho past week will return te her home in MoMiauville eo the17th,

Mr and Mrs W M Coohrau will start toCalifornia on ths 18th, for Mrs Cochran'health.

Mr V 0 Brook got his hand out vary badlylast Saturday night by falling on oos ef thefootlights.

Klmsr Cu irons intends starting to Fortland Wsdussday, where he will spend a fewweeks.

Tho Brownsville Amateur Dramatic Clubgavo an eutortainmsnt at Crawfordsville lastSaturday night

Mr Nate Standish is having a hall fittedup for a skating rink, over his blsoksmithshop.

Ths South Brownsville school house hasbeen fitted up and partitioned off into tworooms, and is to have Prof Brook's wife asassistant teacher.

Services wore held at the PresbyterianChurch, during, the week of prayer, conductod by Rev Wm Robe. The Baptists areholdiag a revival meeting this wsek, RevWm Robe, assisting Rev 0 Bperry.

On last Thursday night State Supt. K B

McKlrey, lectured before the North Brownsvills Graded Schools. Although there wereother meetings in session ; yet the City Hallwas well tilled. Tho introductory exorciseswore something like tho following : Instru-mental march by Ida Coahaw ; Greetingsong, by school, Clyde Foster, ohorist i IvaTempleton, organist ; Invocation by Rev CSparry ; song, "Tell Him to Halt" by school,lone Arthns and Sarah Coebaw loaders,Libbie Kay, organist ; March played byCynthia Sparry ; declamation, "Bangs" byAlexander Kirk ; solo, "Little Brown Jug"by Maggie Aldersoe j quartette, "SailingDown Ufa's Rivsr," Ida Coahaw, lone Ar

thurs, Harvey Stansrd, Clyde Fester,America Kirk, organist t Salatatory byFlorence Brown I solo, "Only a PansoyBlossom " by Misses Carrie aad CynthiaS perry ; Lecture by Hon K B McKlrey, onthe subject "Literature f parting hymn byths school ; Ida MoKinney and Ida Shackel-ford leader, Alice Hansman organist.

RVfJX sIlTTB items

Kd and Mat Chambers are outtlng Wbodnear the Santlam.

Several of the Knox Butte yoang menare anxious for the yoang ladles to un-

derstand that It la leap year.A yeuag man who was in the Albany

hunting match last Friday from KnoxButte, came to Albany before hand to gata pair of rubber bools.bnt on getting homewaa considerably onagri aed to fled bothwere for the same feet ; and that waa whyhe killed ao many geese.

Mr Jeaee Archibald has a number ofChinese grabbing for him.

This week J E Knox and Cox areslaughtering 20 hoge.

Kuaior says Knxo Butte will soon boafflicted with a wedding, which It Is hopedwill prove true.

On Saturday, Jan. 28th, Knox ButteGrange will meet to Install officers for theensuing year, A big dinner will be prepared and a fine time no doubt be had, aeextensive preparations are being mode.On tho 8th the Council mot at HarmonyGrange where a splendid repast waa serv-ed to a fall house.

The following officers were Installed bythe A O U T at the hall on Jan 19 1

J E Knox. Past Templar,C Powell, Templar,Mrs Wilds, Vice Templar.Mrs Mose Miller, Lecturer.Geo Gelsendorfer, Recorder.Mrs J E Knox, Ase't Recorder.Mr Wilde, Financier.G M Konx, Treasurer.Frank Trite, Marshal.Mla Loe Powell, Aaa't Marshal.Taylor Pro pet, Guard.Tom MoNally Is visiting friends In Knox

Botte.Tbeie Is no school at the Butte this win

ter.Kvorette and Smith Knox are attending

sciiool at Lebanon, and S S Knox at Albany.

Fred Lynee Is buying calves to take toKastcrn Oregon.

Mr Alonxo Miller, formerly ef KnoxButte, but-no- w of Seattle, is visiting rela-tives near the But to.

Rev Judy, of Albany will preach atTrinity church on next Sunday.

oarras Pro II Drier.

Parties desiring to purchase fruit driersfor the year 1884 will please boar in mindthat the Curran Fruit Drier la still In thofield and wUh tho latest Improvements,making It the beat fruit drier ever introduced on the Pacific Coast. Mover beforein the history of Oregon baa there been aomuch interest manifested in the fruit drying business as In the past season. Fruitsof all kloda have brought the highestprices, and now that the Northern Pacificrailroad la completed we can find a remunerative market in me east ror an or ourdried fruits, which will Insure n readysale at all times In the future. Tho pricesthe past season have been quoted byMessrs. Allen A Lewis, of Portlandfollows t Apples, machine dried, 14 to 19cento per pound ; plume, pitted, 18 centoper pound. At such prices persons own

ing orchards cannot afford to neglect theirfruit and let It go to waste. The fruit drying business in Oregon premises to take.the place ef farming in the future. ThereIs no place on the Pacific Coast that com-

pares with the Willamette Valley in fruitgrowing. We expect to make a thoroughcanvas of the entire valley the comingaprlngi and will be able to furnish driersto all who need them. We have on handcirculars and testimonials from partieswho have used our drier, for ths past twoyears, which we will promptly forward toany one sending us their names. Allcommunications should be sddreased to

D. B. Monteith A Co.,Albany, Or.

Baeaa vista Notes.

Rev I G Hershner preached here on Satur-

day evening aad Sunday morning of lastweek.

Says that bright paper, the Wtst Side t

"Ferguson, ths Insurance Agent, returnedyesterday, as he told us, from most anyplace." This is somewhat indefinite, but we

presume 'Ferg' knows where he was,The sorrowful news reached us the ether

day that CharUe Doughty, of Monmouth,dislocated his right srm by throwing at acow in that place. Dr T J Lee, of Inde-

pendence, re-e- the injured limb.Prof Bigler was in town last wsek.MissLillie Richardson wsnt to Salem

Friday.I S Haley, of Portland is in tho olty.Prof J W Buster, went below last Satur-

day on a visitA. E. S.

A Bare Chance.

Wringers at reduced rates, both the Novolty and Rcreka, the best made, at PetersAt Blain's.

first ef the week,Dr J L BUI went to Junction Wednesday

I attend Dr Lee, who is dangerously ill.nom M Shannon, or Monroe called on us

Wednesday, while on his way to Salem.Mw AI Church, of Portland, is visiting at

farthor's, Mr Jos Webber's in this city.Dr Kdward R Ooary, of Ashland, formerof Albany, was in the city the first of the

I week,Mr" F II Raymond and sister, of Salom,

been in Albany this week visitingfriends.

Sol Stock, II W Vincent, E J Johnstoneand I Jacobs, of Corvallia, were in the oilySunday.

Craigie Sharp, agent for the Went Shirt,kas been in the city in the interest of that-journal lately.

Mr Ala Karris was in Albany the first ofthe week. He makes a live commercialtourist and serves his employers well.

O P Coahaw and U R Powell, of Browns. two of the Diatom at' most faithful

meads wore in Albany Monday, and madsa pleasant call

Judge O NIDouuy, Cousul Uoneral, atShanghai, arrived in San Francisco on Jan.9th on his way to Washington, where it isthought ho will resign his office. He is oneof the bostCoasuls the United States has had

- foreign countries, and on leaving Chinareceived from the people of Shanghai, of allclasses, the greatest praises possible.

Mr F P Cavinam la visiting ia Albany.H bM just returned from the East "hereh WM received with great favor, particularJ Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia

and Portland, Maine. Ho saw everythingeverybody, and never was treated better

Ia Mr Uaviaess reports that there-- U be a big immigration here this year


J W Rector recently shipped about 250boxes of spplos to Portland, getting f 1.30 s

box netFrancis See per sad J S Churchill started

for the D' Alone miaeo last Tuesday.The "Plug Ugly Band" wont to serenade

the newly married couple, Mr and Mrs War.roa, but after playing some of their meettumultous pieces, found they were not at thehouse, and then they went home chagrined,and it ia to be hoped wiser, Tbut no, the nextnight they again tried it, and again went tothe wrong house. So crasy have the hoysgone over the ohivaretng business that recently when sn old gentleman and a widow

happened to go to Albany and oome back onthe same train they took it fe. granted thatthey were married and gave the worthy andinnocent lady a genuine chivareo.

Scarlet fever continues in the Oak PlainDistrict

Born To the wife of M MeNeary, on Jan.12, 1834 --a boy.

The teachers at Halsey will attend theteachers sassting at Shedds oext Saturday .

The Bogle does not blow this week, butwill bo on time nest week.


SWKKT NOME ITS.'J M Gallikon. revivalist has been labor

ing st Sweet Home to bring sinners tc sanctification. A Holy Band, with 31 membershas been organised, and now oar correspondent says, there is hopes of Swoetbecoming civilised.

J L Brooks is teacher in District 55.A sister ef Mrs Brceks who has boon on a

visit to Sweet Home, and ha been very sick,is reported better.

Miss Betty Gilldead was married at theDepot Hotel io Albany on the 5th, and im

mediately loft with her husband for her newhomo in California.

Elisabeth Settle has rata roeJ home from sfour months visit in the valley.

J. Summer has sold his ranch ia SweetHesse, and will go east of ths mountains Inthe spring.

J Davis has been very low with inflammatory rheumatism.

Wm McKinnonand E Haaor, hove changed places, the former going to Canyon Creek,the latter coming to Sweet Home.

Sweet Homo has s good grist mill, 43pounds of good dour are received per bushelafter tolling.

Sweet Homo has no Smith, ao lawyersand doctors.


Owing to tho th of M. Sternbergwho desires to retire from business, we willdiscontinue oar business . in Albany aadtherefore offer our entire stock ef goods atthat place for cost Tho stock is completeand first-cla- ss in every particular, and neverbefore was sack sn immense stock offeredfor sale at such a sacrifice In prises. Wetherefore invite our customers, friends andthe public generally te call and oxsmins oargoods sad prices.

All those knowing themselves indebted tooar Albany house will please call and settlat once as oar business must be closed.Thanking the people of Linn and surrounding counties for their liberal patronage forthe past twenty-tw- o years. Wo remain

Respectfully,SSMPBRS A SrgRXBCRU.

Lebaaen Metes.

Born To the wife of Charles Burns aboy.

A Hie Nickersen was fined $10 last weekfor tearing down Mr Jany's boot sign.

Mrs Al Real was buried at Lebanon lastweek.

ProfMcElroy, the State Superintendentwill deliver a lecture before the Elite Literary Society, nu Jan. 24.

Tko tO OTk-a--t apa'iUe installation ofofiirs last Saturday. Several were presentfrom other lodges.

The ladies' of Lebanon gave a leap yearparty at the Band Hall, last Friday evening.It was very fine to see the girls lead theboys around and foot the bills.

This Issue.

In this issue wo give as complete a descrip-tion of the resources of Linn county, as it ispossible for us to do at this time, togetherwith a directory of the business men of allthe places in the county, which shoald besaved for reference, as thoy are gotten upby men in the different localities and aresupposed to be complete. Of course errorsand omissions, though, may have crept in.On account ef the space occupied by thisarticle, we sre only sble to give about halfef our usual amount ol ocal matter. Be-

sides several correspondences are unavoid-

ably left over until next week.

How Lawyer Treated the Case .

I, David Strouse, of New Haven, Con-

necticut, was attacked with a severe rheu-matism in my right arm, hand and foot,so that I walked with difficulty and eouldhardly use my hand to eat with. I usedone bottle of St, Jacobs Oil, rubbing wellthree times a day, and obtained Instantrelief.

David Stuotjsb. Attorney-at-law- ,


BTITE3 & KUTTIHO.Editors an 4 Proprietor.

riisr. NirrriNa, Local svitur.

AO. e C. It.' R. TIMR TABLE.Albany Station.


ALBANY KXPRR8S Depart t 6:90 A. M

rftKiuirr trains M MO A. M.

ArrbajS t A. MHAIL TRAW Dsfswtaat 13:06 P. If

socks sooth." 11:46 A. M

MAIL TR.UK . 105 V M.

freight TRAIN r 8:30 P.M.ALBANY EXPRESS Arrivesat S46 P. M.

All Train doily, except Sander.Notice. On and after this date regular

tickets will be sold at oar ticket office forfollowing points on Columbia river: Uppercascades, Danes, urn suaa, wauuia,Walla Walla and Alnsworth.

Will. B. Rica,Freight and Ticket Agent

O.AO.R.S. Co.Albany, June 18th, 1881.


Following are the Democrats duly au-

thorised agents ha reeeiro subscriptions or

ley for the same t

Lebanon. . . . T L WallaeeHarriabarg . Sam MayBrownsville. . . .0. P. CoahawHalaev T. I PorterShedd'a F. A. WatteScie W.K. KellyJefferson... a A. DeVaoey

The Match Haat

Ltet Friday an exciting match hunttook place near Albany, which becamenoticeable for good and poor score, batthe day was a very pleasant one, so thatfew match hunts are more enjoyable thanthis was. At half past eight in the even-

ing all of the hunters were in at theirtrysting" place, Wills Bros., gun store,

with one exception. The game of thosepresent was counted, the score standing,at 9 o'clock, the time appointed for all tobo la, 's team, 16V3; Watts'team 1525; and so the match was decidedin favor of the form jr. Fallowing is theB3ore :


W B Scott 2 mallard duck, 4 snipe, 2teai-a- ao.

D D Hackleman 3 mallards, 2 snipe, 2

teal, S widgeotL 135.

J J DubrulUe 1 snipe, 8 teal, 3 widgeon

Burr Sloan-- 13 mallard, 1 snipe, 20 teal,3 widgeon 520.

Geo W Burkhart-.- -. m tllsrd, 9 teal, 19

widgeon 340,Geo M Knox 2 mallards, 7 geese, 3

snipe 435,S W Langdon 0 nothing 09.

Total 1085.

WATTS' team.C W Watts 1 snipe, 4 teal, 1 widgeon

70.D B Monteith 5 snipe, 3 widgeon 120.

Nick Springer 1055.

Jas Foster xl snipe, 1 teal, 3 widgoon70.

Oren Rubaits 2 mallarJ, 4 duck, 1

goose 130,Chas P&iffer 1 teat, 2 widgeon --40.Total-15- 25.


The County Court appointed at theirlast meeting the following road Supervis-ors for the Districts named, in Line coun-

ty:1, J L Tumbridge, Fox Valley.2. H She! ton, Jourdan Valley.S, F 8 Thayer, Mt Pleasant,4, Wm Montgomery, Scio.8. A F Powell, Scio.7. John Bryant, Joardan Valley,8. Andrew Crabtree, Scio,9. HN Durthick, Scio.

'10, J C Saltmarsh, Lebanon.11, D Mot horn, Lebanon,12, Paul Buebner, Miller's.13, J Fro man, Albany,

44, F M WestAll, Albany.15, Peter Schloeser, Albany.18, P Muzenmier, Albany,17, Henry Freekeen, Albany.18, Phil Swank, Albany,19, Wm Baltimore, Albany.20, R Cheadle, Lebanon.21, A Umphrey, Albany.22, D Houck, Scio.23, J B Coney, Oakville.24, J A McBride, Shedds.25, J A Robnelt, Shedds.20. Wm Fletcher, Shedds.27. Harvey W Vader, Sodaville.28. D H Harris, Lebanon.29. G B Splawn, Crawfordsville.30. G F Colbert, Crawfordsville.31. A W Stansrd, Brownsville.32. J B Henderson, Brownsville.33. EJ Miller, Halsey.34. T F Smith, Halsey,36. Geo At ford, Harrisburg.37. 1 N Warmouth, Halsey.38. John Tyeer, Brownsville.39. J N Rice, Crawfordsville.41. WRumbaugh, Sweet Home.42. H Bishop, Harrisburg.43. M Phiipot, Harrisburg.44. Walter Huston, Harriabarg.4 G W Riggs, Mabel,47. W F Jerdaa, Albany.48. F M Miller, Millers Station.49. A Butts, Brownsville,60. J McOea, Sweet Home.51, Martin Ryland, Sweet Howe,

U. P s 8.

The following officers have been electedby the above Sunday School for the en-

suing year :

G W Grey, Superintendent,I, Blain, Assistant Superintendent,C H Stewart, Secretary.8 E Young, Treasurer,J W Blain, Librarian.Lfly Robertson, OrganistTeachersW C Powell, L E Blain, S G

Irvine, S E Young, Mrs Etta Brown, MrsS E Yoang, Mrs L E Blain, Mrs Robertson, Mrs J H Townsend, Mrs H McBride,Miss Libbie Irvine, Miss Ollie Kirkpst-ric-k,

Miss Hettie Miller, Miss Lily Robertson, Miss Ina Robertson, Miss Ella McBride.

Tweaty-Flv- c Year.

w t, lweedale h. baan dein businesswith the people of Una county for the pastiwenty-nv- e years, ani judging from his

1 S 4

present use or costomers we fool sure has,given reasonable satisfaction. He is keeping as usual a fine stock of parlor and cook-ing stoves and ranges, also tin, copper andsnees iron ware, pumps and pipe, and ailother goads found ia a first-cla- ss Tin StoreHe manufactures all his own ware and warrants it He is also agent for the St. LouisCharter Oak stoves and ranges.

U DERTAKEBSheriffs Sale.

the Cirruit Court o tk State of Oregon,for thf County of Linn .

John J Davis,

John II Davidson, Mussn Davidson andWilliam J Wolfe, Dcfondnnta.

BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTIONorder of sale Issued out of the

above named Court In tbe above osBBiodsuit, I will on Saturday the 20th day ofJanuary, SM, at tbe Court House door Intbe city of Albany, Linn County, Oregon,

the hour of one o'clock, p. m sell atpublic suction tor ceah In hand to thohighest bidder tbe real property described

said execution aa follows, to--wit : Be-

ginning; at the northeast corner of blockBad in Haekleman's second addition totbe city of Albany, aa tbe same ia designs!

and described on the maps and plats ofsaid addition now on file in tbe office ofMe County Clerk ef Linn county Oregon,running thence south one hundred andtrn feet parallel with Jefferson street ioaid addition ; thence west sixty-si- x feet

parallel with Fifth street ; thence northDD" hundred and ten feet parallel withJefferson -- treet ; tbence east sixty-s- ix feetparallel wUh 5th street to tbe place, of be-

ginning the proceeds arising from tbe salesstdpremises to b applied first to tbe

sty tnent of the coots and disbnrsmenta ofuit taxed at 938.40 and the coots end ex-liens- es

of sale, second to tbe payment ofthe Plaintiffs claim amounting to $313.50and interest at the rate of eight per cent,fier annum from tbe 23rd day of October1K&8, and the retnaiuder if tnv to be paidover to tbe defendants, John II Davidsonsnd Susan Devi IsoSL

Dated this Mlb day of December, 1883.Geo. Hexphbjct,Sheriff of Linn county.

Aciministratrix Notice.Notice is hereby given that the under-

signed has been duly appointed adminis-tratrix of the estate of John Howes, late

Linn county. Oregon, deeeaeed. All--arsons bsving claims against said estate

ore hereby required to present tbe samewith proper vouchers, within aix monthsof tbe date of this notice, to the undersign-ed st Sweet Home, Linn county, Oregon.

December 28tb, 1883.W. W. M"' li EE,

R. S. Stbaha, Ad in r.


Notice of Dissolution.IS HEREBY GIVEN THATNOTICE heretofore existing

under the firm name of Dan nab A Wood-i- n,

is this dsy dissolved by mutual oen-so- nt.

All debts due the said firm shouldbe paid to Mr. A. B. Wood in who v ill peyal 1 liabilities of tbe said firm.

Albany, Dec. 19, 18S3.

Jas. Dannai-s- ,A. B. WooDUt.

Final Settlement.Notice is hereby given that the under

signed has filed in the County Court, ofLinn county, ureaon.ner nnsi account ssadministratrix of the estate of Homer Davis, deceased, and said court has appointedSaturday, tbe 9th day of February, 1884, attbe bour of nine o'clock A M of said day atthe Court Hoosein Albany, Linn county,Oregon, for the hearing of objections to

ud sccount and tbe settlement of tbesame, at which time and place all personsinterested in said estate are hereby notifiedto SDoear and file ol lections horeto.if anythey nave.

January, lOtb, 1SS4.MART K. DAVIS,


STALLION FOR SALE.Look here for your Interest, all of you

that want line stock, the undersigned hasa fine Clyde stallion, two years old, weight1171 pounds, at a low figure, lie is s tinesbtUion.

He also has a fine turf nag, supposedto be the fastest on the Coast. Call soonIf yon wish to purchase,

i, w, vacoh.v,Co berg, Or,


All persons knowing themselves indebtedto the undersigned are respectfully rcanest-e- d

to call st once for settlement, as I ssjowc

make collections to meet my own obligations.A disregard of this notice will entail oostson debtors.

Chas, B. MwtiLebanon, Nov. 6th, 1883,

For Sale.One half block In eastern part of the

oily with fair house and barn will be soldcteap.






Catalogue sew upon application.Tbe Firm of JOHN MATTHEWS,

First Aveane.YSth aad 3Uk Streets, New Tea.

A NASAL INJECTOR free with eacbbottle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price5C cents.FOR DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint,W have a printed guarantee on everybottle of Shiloh's Yltalizer. It never failstc cure, For sale by Foe hay A. Mason.