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University of Groningen Hydrolase-catalyzed synthesis of polyamides and polyester amides Stavila, Erythrina IMPORTANT NOTE: You are advised to consult the publisher's version (publisher's PDF) if you wish to cite from it. Please check the document version below. Document Version Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Publication date: 2014 Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database Citation for published version (APA): Stavila, E. (2014). Hydrolase-catalyzed synthesis of polyamides and polyester amides. s.n. Copyright Other than for strictly personal use, it is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Take-down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. Downloaded from the University of Groningen/UMCG research database (Pure): For technical reasons the number of authors shown on this cover page is limited to 10 maximum. Download date: 28-06-2021

University of Groningen Hydrolase-catalyzed synthesis of ......Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of aliphatic-aromatic oligoamides 71 5.1. Introduction 72 5.2. Experimental Methods 73 5.3.

Feb 07, 2021



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  • University of Groningen

    Hydrolase-catalyzed synthesis of polyamides and polyester amidesStavila, Erythrina

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    Publication date:2014

    Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

    Citation for published version (APA):Stavila, E. (2014). Hydrolase-catalyzed synthesis of polyamides and polyester amides. s.n.

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    Download date: 28-06-2021

  • Hydrolase-catalyzed synthesis of

    polyamides and polyester amides

    Erythrina Stavila

  • Hydrolase-catalyzed synthesis of polyamides and polyester amides

    Erythrina Stavila

    PhD thesis

    University of Groningen

    The Netherlands

    Zernike Institute PhD thesis series 2014-07

    ISSN: 1570-1530

    ISBN: 978-90-367-6923-5 (printed)

    978-90-367-6924-2 (electronic)

    The research presented in this thesis was performed in the research group of

    Macromolecular Chemistry and New Polymeric Materials of the Zernike

    Institute for Advanced Materials at University of Groningen, The Netherlands.

    This research was financially supported by a Ubbo Emmius PhD Scholarship of

    University of Groningen.

    Cover design by Erythrina Stavila and Muhammad Iqbal

    Printed by Offpage, Amsterdam.

  • Hydrolase-catalyzed synthesis of

    polyamides and polyester amides


    ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de

    Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

    op gezag van de

    rector magnificus prof. dr. E. Sterken

    en volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties.

    De openbare verdediging zal plaatsvinden op

    vrijdag 9 mei 2014 om 16.15 uur


    Erythrina Stavila

    geboren op 16 juni 1987

    te Bandung, Indonesië

  • Promotor

    Prof. dr. K. Loos


    Prof. dr. N. Bruns

    Prof. dr. G. Fels

    Prof. dr. F. Picchioni

  • Untuk Keluargaku Tersayang

  • Contents

    Chapter 1 General introduction


    1.1. Enzymes in Organic Synthesis 2

    1.2. Hydrolases 4

    1.3. Enzyme Immobilization 8

    1.4. Polyamide 10

    1.5. Enzymatic Synthesis of Polyamide and its Copolymers 12

    1.6. Aim and Outline of the Thesis 20

    1.7. References 21

    Chapter 2 Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase


    2.1. Introduction 28

    2.2. Experimental Methods 30

    2.3. Results and discussion 33

    2.4. Conclusion 39

    2.5. References 40

    Chapter 3 Fusarium solani pisi cutinase-catalyzed synthesis of polyamides


    3.1. Introduction 44

    3.2. Experimental Methods 45

    3.3. Results and discussion 47

    3.4. Conclusion 56

    3.5. References 57

    Chapter 4 Synthesis of lactams using enzyme-catalyzed aminolysis


    4.1. Introduction 60

    4.2. Experimental Methods 61

    4.3. Results and discussion 64

    4.4. Conclusion 69

    4.5. References 69

  • Chapter 5 Enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of aliphatic-aromatic oligoamides


    5.1. Introduction 72

    5.2. Experimental Methods 73

    5.3. Results and discussion 76

    5.4. Conclusion 89

    5.5. References 90

    Chapter 6

    Lipase-catalyzed ring-opening copolymerization of -caprolactone

    and -lactam


    6.1. Introduction 94

    6.2. Experimental Methods 96

    6.3. Results and Discussion 99

    6.4. Conclusion 115

    6.5. References 116

    Chapter 7 Summary 119

    Samenvatting 123

    Acknowledgements 127

    List of publications 131

  • Chapter 1

    General introduction


    The history of using enzymes in organic synthesis and the industrial

    applications of enzymes are presented in this chapter. Two types of enzymes

    used in this research are briefly reviewed in terms of their immobilization and

    further use in enzymatic reactions; the enzymes are Candida antarctica lipase B

    and Fusarium solani pisi cutinase. Furthermore, a literature overview describing

    recent developments in the field of the enzymatic synthesis of polyamides and

    its copolymers is presented in this chapter.

  • Chapter 1


    1.1. Enzymes in Organic Synthesis

    Enzymes, also known as biocatalysts, are proteins with catalytic activity that

    control the rates of metabolic reactions in living cells.1 Apart from their natural

    function in living cells, since ancient times, enzymes have been used in the

    preparation of food products such as cheese, beer, wine, vinegar, sourdough,

    and in the manufacture of commodities such as linen, leather, and indigo.2

    One unique feature of enzymes is the specificity towards a variety of

    substrates. It was suggested by Fischer in 1894 and postulated as ‘the lock and

    key’ model that both enzyme and substrates possess specific complementary

    shapes so they can fit into another.3 This specificity is of tremendous benefit for

    the use of enzymes in organic synthesis, as well as pharmaceutical and industry

    applications. The chiral nature of the enzymes contributes to high

    enantioselectivity towards substrates and results in the formation of stereo- and

    regio-chemically defined reaction products.4 Enzymes reduce the amount of

    undesirable byproduct formation leading to more efficient reactions, also

    reducing the waste. Therefore, enzymes are considered environmentally friendly


    Over 3000 enzymes have been identified and classified into six enzyme

    classes (EC) based on the type of reactions they catalyze.5,6

    These enzymes are

    considered to be highly efficient catalysts for a broad range of organic synthesis

    transformations and some of them are also suitable for industrial scale


    EC.1. Oxidoreductases catalyze oxidation or reduction reactions.

    EC.2. Transferases catalyze the transfer of functional groups, such as

    aldehyde or ketonic, acyl, glycosyl, alkyl, aryl, nitrogenous, etc.

    EC.3. Hydrolases catalyze the hydrolysis of esters, amides, ethers, carbon-

    carbon, phosphorus-nitrogen, and so on.

    EC.4. Lyases catalyze the addition of chemical groups to double bonds, as

    well as the reverse reaction by removing chemical groups without


    EC.5. Isomerases catalyze the rearrangement of isomers via racemization,

    epimerization, and intramolecular reactions.

    EC.6. Ligases catalyze the bond formation, but require nucleoside

    triphosphates for activation of the enzymes.

  • General introduction


    In nature, enzymatic catalysis typically takes place in aqueous media,

    whereas most enzymatic catalysis in organic synthesis takes place in organic

    solvents as a reaction medium because many organic compounds are unstable or

    insoluble in aqueous environments.7,8

    Changing the reaction medium from an

    aqueous to an organic solvent may lead to new types of enzymatic reactions.

    For example, hydrolases catalyze the hydrolysis of esters to their corresponding

    alcohols and acids in aqueous media. This reaction does not take place in

    organic solvents due to the lack of water, but the addition of alternative

    nucleophiles such as alcohols, amines or thiols leads to transesterification,

    aminolysis, or thiotransesterification, respectively.7 Enzymatic reactions in

    organic solvents offer advantages including easy recovery of products, the

    possibility to use non-polar substrates, avoiding side reactions, increasing the

    activity (in most cases for lipases), and shifting the thermodynamic equilibrium

    to favor synthesis over hydrolysis that results in discovering new types of

    enzymatic reactions.8,9

    Due to remarkable progress in enzyme discovery, enzyme engineering and

    biotechnology, more enzymes have been used for a plethora of in vitro

    applications in organic synthesis, as well as in pharmacy and industry. Some of

    the application of enzymes in various industries are summarized in Table 1.1.2

    Table 1.1. Applications of enzymes in various industrial segments

    Industry Enzyme Application

    Detergent Protease, amylase, lipase,


    Stain removal

    Starch Amylase, amyloglucosidase,



    Food Protease, lipase, lactase Milk and cheese flavor

    Baking Amylase, xylanase, lipase,

    phospholipase, lipoxygenase

    Dough stability conditioning

    Animal feed Transglutaminase, phytase,



    Beverage Pectinase, amylase, -

    glucanase, laccase

    Mashing, juice treatment, flavor

    Textile cellulose, amylase, laccase,


    Cotton softening bleaching

    Pulp and paper Lipase, protease, amylase,

    xylanase, cellulose

    Contaminant control, biofilm

    removal, starch-coating

    Fats and oils Lipase and phospholipase Transesterification, de-gumming

    Organic synthesis Lipase, acylase, nitrilase Resolution of chiral alcohol and

    amides, synthesis enantiopure

    Leather Protease, lipase Bating, de-pickling

    Personal care Amyloglucosidase, glucose

    oxidase, peroxidase

    Antimicrobial, bleaching

  • Chapter 1


    1.2. Hydrolases

    Enzymes from the hydrolase class (EC.3) are the most commonly used

    enzymes in organic synthesis due to their acceptance towards a large variety of

    substrates, considerable stability in organic solvents, direct use without addition

    of cofactors, and the fact that many of them are commercially available.8

    Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B) and Fusarium solani pisi cutinase both

    members of the hydrolase class are described in-depth in this chapter.

    1.2.1. Candida Antarctica Lipase B (CAL-B)

    Lipases are enzymes that predominantly catalyze the hydrolysis and

    formation of ester bonds in lipids (see Scheme 1.1).10

    Lipases have been used in

    many industrial applications as shown in Table 1.1. CAL-B is one of its most

    famous proponents and has been used in many organic syntheses.

    Scheme 1.1. Hydrolysis or synthesis of ester bonds in lipid catalyzed by lipase

    CAL-B was firstly produced from the basidomycetous yeast Candida

    antarctica which was isolated from sediment at the bottom of the lake Vanda,


    Nowadays, CAL-B is industrially produced by submerged

    fermentation of a genetically modified Aspergillus microorganism.14

    The crystal structure of CAL-B was elucidated by Uppenberg et al.15


    results revealed that CAL-B has an α/β-hydrolase-like fold and an active site

    catalytic triad (Ser105, His224, and Asp187) that is accessible from the


    The results also revealed that the polypeptide chain of CAL-B is

    built out of 317 amino acids with a molecular weight of 33 kDa and

    approximate dimension of 30 x 40 x 50 Å3.15

    Moreover, it was also suggested

    that a 5-residue long hydrophobic helix (5 helix) in CAL-B act as a lid

    because of its observed disorder in some crystal structures, which indicates a

  • General introduction


    region of high mobility.15

    The structure of CAL-B is presented in Figure 1.1 and

    the catalytic triad is emphasized in purple.

    Figure 1.1. Structure of Candida antarctica lipase B; image from the RSCB PDB

    ( of PDB ID 1TCA15

    The study of interfacial activation of CAL-B has been performed by

    Martinelle et al.17

    They revealed that the hydrophobic lid (5 helix) is not

    involved in any conformational change in regulating the access to the catalytic

    site, which is why CAL-B does not display interfacial activation. Therefore,

    CAL-B has an easily accessible catalytic site towards substrates and can display

    maximum activity at the water/lipid interface as well as towards monomeric


    CAL-B has a broad substrate specificity and exhibits a very high degree of

    substrate selectivity (regio- and enantioselectivity).12

    CAL-B is a well-known

    catalyst in organic synthesis due to its high effectiveness in the resolution of

    alcohols and especially amines, which led to the synthesis of an important

    variety of optically active hydroxyl and amino compounds.18

    CAL-B has high

    stability in an immobilized form and can be used at elevated temperatures for

    hours without any significant loss in activity.19

    Because of these intrinsic

    benefits, immobilized CAL-B is used in many enzyme catalyzed syntheses of


    The most well-known immobilized CAL-B is the commercially available

    Novozym® 435 (N435). N435 is a heterogeneous biocatalyst that consists of

    physically immobilized CAL-B within macroporous poly(methyl methacrylate)

    beads, which are known as Lewatit beads with a particle size of 315–1000 m

    and an average pore size of 140–170 Å.14

    N435 has been used as catalyst in

  • Chapter 1


    chemical synthesis and production of polyesters,20-25


    polyamides and its copolymers.20,23,25-27

    Some of these enzymatic

    polymerizations have been carried out on large scale, for instance Baxenden

    Chemical Ltd. has performed a large scale process for the enzymatic synthesis

    of poly(hexane-1,6-diyl adipate).28,29

    Furthermore, BASF AG has patented

    different methods in enzymatic synthesis of polyamides for the production of

    aqueous polyamide dispersions.29-31

    1.2.2. Fusarium Solani Pisi Cutinase (F. solani pisi)

    Cutinase (cutin hydrolase) is a serin esterase that catalyzes the hydrolysis of


    Cutin is the structural component of plant cuticle and is an insoluble

    polymer composed of hydroxy fatty acids (C16 and C18) and contains up to three

    hydroxyl groups,33-35

    as shown in Figure 1.2.

    Figure 1.2. Cutin and some cutin monomers that originate upon hydrolysis (adapted

    from Carvalho et al.35


    Cutinase from pathogenic fungus Fusarium solani pisi is the smallest

    lypolytic enzyme composed of 197 amino acids and has a relative molecular

    mass of 22–25 kDa.33,35-37

    The crystal structure of Fusarium solani pisi was

    elucidated by Martinez et al.37

    They reported that cutinase is an α/β protein with

    the catalytic triad composed of Ser120, Asp175, and His188. Cutinase does not

  • General introduction


    display interfacial activation because the catalytic serin is not buried under the

    surface loops (lid), and therefore accessible to solvents. Furthermore, cutinase is

    a compact one-domain molecule, with dimensions of approximately 45 x 30 x

    30 Å3. In Figure 1.3, the structure of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase is presented

    and the active site of the enzyme is highlighted in purple.

    Figure 1.3. Structure of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase; image from the RSCB PDB

    ( of PDB ID 1CUS37

    Cutinase is able to hydrolyze lipids and may thus be considered as a lipase,

    although it does not display interfacial activation like most lipases due to the

    absence of a hydrophobic lid in its structure that covers the catalytic site.36,37

    Studies on the dynamics of F. solani pisi cutinase via structural comparison

    among different crystal forms has been performed by Longhi et al.38


    revealed that the absence of any significant structural rearrangements upon

    binding highlights the important feature of cutinase,32

    which is probably shared

    only by Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B).15,38

    Egmond et al. reported

    kinetic studies of cutinases and showed they resemble similar kinetic behavior

    to lipases and allow cutinase to be used as a model in studying more complex


    Therefore, cutinase establishes a bridge between lipases and esterases

    because it has the capabilities of both families.32,37,39

    Studies on the applications of cutinases have been performed extensively

    and were reported in several review articles.35,40,41

    Cutinases have been used in

    various chemical reactions (e.g., hydrolysis,42-45




    ) and as a lipolytic enzyme in industry or dishwashing

    detergent composition to remove fats.35,40

    Furthermore, several patents have

    been registered concerning the application of cutinase in industry, such as in

    industrial cleaning processes, degradation of biodegradable polymers, surface

    modification of polyacrylonitrile and polyamide fibers, production of esters in

  • Chapter 1


    the absence of organic solvents, enhancing the effect of agricultural pesticides,

    increasing the surface permeability of fruits and vegetables, and removing the

    excess dye in industrial textile dyeing processes.41

    Cutinases are not only successfully used in polymer degradation


    but have also been applied as catalysts in the synthesis of

    polymers, for example in the syntheses of polyesters.50-52

    Gross et al. 50-52


    used cutinase from Humicola insolens (HIC) in its immobilized form in the

    syntheses of polyesters. They discovered the similar kinetic and mechanistic

    characteristic between CAL-B and HIC in the polymerization of -


    In our studies, syntheses of polyamides were performed using

    cutinase from Fusarium solani pisi cutinase and will be discussed in detail in

    chapter 2, 3, and 5.

    Fusarium solani pisi cutinase is the most studied and well characterized


    It has been used in different forms in various reaction media,

    such as dissolved in aqueous solution, suspended as powder, microcapsulated in

    reversed micelles, and as immobilized enzyme.35

    Cutinase has been used in

    immobilized form in polymer synthesis, and because of this no denaturation

    occurred when used in organic solvents and at elevated temperature. Unlike

    CAL-B, immobilized Fusarium solani pisi cutinase is not yet commercially

    available, although several patents have been registered for application of this


    Therefore, immobilization of the enzyme will have to be performed

    before using this enzyme in enzymatic polymerization.

    1.3. Enzyme Immobilization

    The limiting factor in the use of enzymes in enzymatic polymerizations is

    generally their low stability towards both organic solvents and the high

    temperatures required to perform the polymerization reactions. Because many

    chemical compounds can only be dissolved in organic solvents,8 one way to

    improve the stability of the enzyme in organic solvents is immobilization.

    Enzyme immobilization is the localization or physical confinement of an

    enzyme in a certain region of space with retention of its catalytic activities and

    which can be used repeatedly and continuously.55

    Since the beginning of the

    19th century, long before the enzyme immobilization process was well

    established, immobilized microorganisms were already employed industrially in

    vinegar production and waste-water treatment.56

    For instance in the production

    of vinegar, an alcohol-containing solution was passed over wood chips adsorbed

  • General introduction


    with ‘acetic acid bacteria’. In a water purification process, a trickling filter

    (mixed with microorganism) was used in the breakdown of waste substances.

    Nowadays, immobilized enzyme has been applied in various organic



    and industrial applications.2,29

    There are several advantages for using enzyme in immobilized form, which

    are: (a) immobilization facilitates separation from the product (e.g., by filtration

    or centrifugation), and thus minimize or eliminate protein contamination of the

    product; (b) increased enzyme activity (up to a factor of 100) in organic

    solvents; (c) increased temperature stability; (d) increased enantioselectivity; (e)

    improved long term stability; (f) improved reusability of the enzymes even for

    other types of reactions.60-63

    1.3.1. Enzymes Immobilization Methods

    Enzyme immobilization methods can be divided into three types: support

    binding, entrapment (encapsulation), and cross-linking, 60-63

    as shown in Figure


    Figure 1.4. Different types of enzyme immobilization methods via (a) support binding,

    (b) entrapment (encapsulation), (c) cross-linking

  • Chapter 1


    The support binding method can be performed via adsorption (physical

    interaction between enzyme and support such as by hydrophobic and Van der

    Waals interactions), ionic, or covalent binding. The binding strength decreases

    via the following order: covalent > ionic > adsorption. Entrapment

    (encapsulation) is carried out through inclusion of the enzyme in a polymer

    network or gel lattice (such as organic polymer or silica sol-gel) or in a

    membrane-device (hollow fiber or microcapsule). For the cross-linking method,

    individual enzymes are linked together using a bifunctional reagent, such as

    glutaraldehyde, to prepare carrierless macroparticles.61-63

    Our studies focus on the immobilization of cutinase. There are many

    examples of immobilized cutinase in literature and they have been used in

    hydrolysis, esterification, and transesterification reactions.35


    cutinase has been prepared via adsorption (onto zeolite, Teflon, silica, PA6,

    polystyrene EP 100, or chromosorb P), covalent binding (on porous silica or

    derivatized silica supports), entrapment (in calcium alginate), and

    microencapsulation (using anionic, cationic, or nonionic surfactants).35

    Specifically for the use as catalysts in the synthesis of polyesters, the

    immobilizations have been carried out via physical adsorption onto Lewatit


    and covalent attachment on Amberzyme oxirane beads.51

    . The results

    demonstrated that immobilized cutinase (from Humicola insolens) catalyzed the

    synthesis of polyesters with high monomer conversion and molecular weight,

    which was similar to polyesters synthesized by CAL-B (N435). In respect to

    recent developments, same approach was chosen in our studies for the

    preparation of immobilized F. solani pisi cutinase for the enzymatic synthesis

    of polyamides.

    1.4. Polyamide

    Polyamide is a polymer that contains a repeating unit linked together with an

    amide bond (–CONH–). Polyamides can be found as a natural (protein) or

    synthetic polymer; however, in this chapter, the discussion will be devoted to

    synthetic polyamides. According to the composition of their repeating units,

    polyamides are classified into three types, which are (a) aliphatic, (b) aromatic,

    and (c) aliphatic-aromatic polyamides, as presented in Figure 1.5.

  • General introduction


    Figure 1.5. Classification of polyamides based on the composition of repeating units (a)

    aliphatic, (b) aromatic, (c) combination of aliphatic and aromatic

    Aliphatic polyamides, which are commercially known as nylon, are versatile

    synthetic fibers and engineering plastic materials due to their high mechanical

    and heat resistance properties.64

    The first nylon was poly(hexamethylene

    adipamide) and it was commercialized as nylon-6,6 and used for toothbrush

    filament by DuPont in 1938.65

    Another nylon designated nylon-6 was

    synthesized from -caprolactam and first described in 1938.66

    Even today,

    nylon-6,6 and nylon-6 are the most used polyamides. In addition, about two-

    thirds of the production of nylon-6,6 and nylon-6 is converted to fibers, with the

    remainder used as engineering plastic materials.64

    Aromatic polyamide or aramid is known as a high performance material. It

    has high chemical resistance, superior mechanical and thermal resistance

    properties compared to aliphatic polyamide.67-71

    Aramid is different from nylon

    because over 85% of the amide bonds are bound to two aromatic rings.68,72


    fully aromatic structure and amide linkages in aramid contribute to the stiff rod-

    like macromolecular chains that interact with each other via highly directional

    hydrogen bonding, which results in a highly compact intermolecular


    Aramid has been used for several applications, such as high

    strength and modulus fibers, high temperature resistant coatings, and highly

    efficient semipermeable membranes.69

    Moreover, commercial aramids, such as

    poly(p-phenylene terephthalamide) (PPPT) under trade name ‘Kevlar®’ and

    poly(m-phenylene isophthalamide) (PMPI) are used as electrical insulations,

    bullet-proof body armor, industrial fillers, etc.67,68,70

    Certain polyamides are synthesized from a combination of aliphatic and

    aromatic monomers. They are known as aliphatic-aromatic polyamides and

    mostly have better solubility than aramid and better mechanical and thermal

    properties than nylon. The commercially available aliphatic-aromatic polyamide

    polyphthalamides (PPAs) is produced by DuPont. The aromatic structure in

    PPA give advantages like higher glass transition temperature (Tg), higher

    melting temperature, and lower adsorption of moisture and solvent compared to

  • Chapter 1



    PPAs have been used mainly as engineering thermoplastics in

    automotive components.73

    Another example of application in the intumescent

    flame retardant (IFR) of polypropylene (PP) is using poly(hexamethylene

    terephthalamide) (PA6,T) as carbonization agent. Studies showed that PA6,T

    has promising flame retardancy properties74

    compared to using nylon-6 as

    carbonization agent.75

    The synthesis of polyamide can be carried out via three different methods (a)

    polycondensation of -aminocarboxylic acid, (b) polycondensation of

    diester/diacid and diamine, and (c) ring-opening polymerization of lactam. In

    this chapter, the discussion is focused on enzymatic synthesis of polyamide and

    polyamide copolymers.

    1.5. Enzymatic Synthesis of Polyamide and its Copolymers

    The global sales of polyamides (nylon-6 and nylon-6,6) was up to 2.6

    million ton in 2006 (around 30% in total market of engineering plastics) and

    they are therefore considered to be one of the largest engineering polymer


    The industrial synthesis of most polyamides is carried out by a

    melting process. The use of elevated temperature reactions leads to thermal

    degradation and undesired polymer products.70,77

    Polymerization under the

    polymer’s melting temperature (~ 215 °C) can be performed by using anionic

    polymerization methods in the synthesis of nylon-6. However, the

    polymerization involves the use of alkali metal catalyst such as Na, NaH,

    C2H5MgBr, LiAlH4, etc.64

    Because of increasing environmental concerns, many

    efforts in the development of green chemistry have taken place in recent

    decades and one of them is the use of enzymes as green catalysts. The

    enzymatic synthesis of polymers not only allows the application of milder

    reaction conditions, but also the use of enzymes as non-toxic catalyst which are

    derived from renewable resources.20

    Over the past decades, many enzymatic polymerizations have been

    developed. The first attempt in enzymatic synthesis of an oligoester was

    performed in 1984 by Okumara et al.78

    More studies of enzymatic syntheses of

    polymer have been carried out, such as synthesis of polyesters, polysaccharides,

    polycarbonates, vinyl polymers, polyamides, and polyaromatics.20-24,26-29,57-59,62,79

    Enzymatic polymerization is defined as an in vitro synthesis of polymer

    catalyzed by enzyme and does not follow biosynthetic pathways.57,58


    polymers synthesized via bacterial fermentation methods such as poly(3-

  • General introduction


    hydroxyalkanoates) and poly(γ-glutamic acid)20

    are not classified as enzymatic


    In the following section of this chapter, the discussion focuses on the recent

    developments in the enzymatic synthesis of polyamide and its copolymers using

    lipase or cutinase as catalyst.

    1.5.1. Polycondensation

    Synthesis of polyamide via polycondensation is divided into two: A-B type

    and AA-BB type polycondensations.

    Polycondensation of A-B Monomer

    A-B type monomer denotes a monomer with two different reactive end

    groups. Polycondensation of A-B type monomer is also known as self

    polycondensation where groups A and B react with each other,23

    as presented in

    Scheme 1.2.

    Scheme 1.2. Enzymatic polymerization of -aminocarboxylic acid

    Kong et al.30

    have filed a patent application on the method of preparing

    aqueous polyamide dispersions by lipase-catalyzed condensation of -

    aminocarboxylic acids (C2–C30). The conventional processes for preparing

    aqueous polyamide dispersions are generally multistage, technically very

    complex, and energetically demanding. However, they succeeded in preparing

    aqueous polyamide dispersion via enzymatic polymerization. They performed

    the reaction in miniemulsions using dispersants (non-ionic or anionic

    emulsifiers) and addition of water-immiscible solvent up to 60% (w/w) (such as

    toluene). The dispersed phase has an average diameter of 1 m in the aqueous

    medium. Miniemulsions containing lipase (0.5–8% (w/w)), dispersants, and

    water were also prepared and further mixed with the miniemulsions containing

    aminocarboxylic acids. The reactions were carried out at 60 °C and stirred for

    20 hours under a N2 atmosphere.

    Poulhès et al have performed the synthesis of chiral polyamide using amino

    ester as a monomer.80

    The chiral monomer of (R)-amino ester was synthesized

  • Chapter 1


    prior to use in the polymerization. The polymerization was carried out in

    diphenyl ether at 80 °C using N435 as catalyst for 240 h under reduced pressure

    (3 mbar), as shown in Scheme 1.3. They reported that the chiral polyamide had

    a molecular weight of 1316 Dalton and PDI 1.9. No polyamide was formed in

    the control reaction (without the addition of N435).

    Scheme 1.3. Enzymatic synthesis of chiral polyamide using CAL-B as catalyst,

    reproduced from Poulhès et al.80

    Copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier

    Poulhès et al.81,82

    have also reported another enzymatic synthesis of

    polyamide using an amino-ester containing an ethylene glycol moiety as

    monomer (Figure 1.6). All the polymerizations were performed using

    immobilized CAL-B (N435) as catalyst. The presence of the ethylene glycol

    moiety increases the solubility of the resulting polymer in organic solvent.

    Moreover, Poulhès et al.82

    also observed that by using -amino-α-alkoxy-

    acetate as monomer, 93% conversion can be reached within 30 minutes.

    Figure 1.6. Amino-esters contain ethylene glycol moiety. Adapted from Poulhès et


    Polycondensation of AA and BB Monomers

    The AA and BB type monomers are difunctional monomers with the same

    end group, such as diesters, diacids, diamines, etc. An example of the

    polycondensation of an AA and BB monomer is presented in Scheme 1.4.

    Scheme 1.4. Enzymatic polycondensation of diacid/diester and diamine

  • General introduction


    The preparation of high molecular weight polyamides via enzymatic

    polymerization was first reported by Cheng et al.83

    The polyamides had

    molecular weights of 3000–10000 Daltons. The reactions were carried out using

    different dialkyl esters (adipate, malonate, phenylmalonate, or fumarate) and

    amines (NH2-terminated triethylene glycol, triethylene tetraamine, or diethylene

    triamine) using commercial lipases.

    The synthesis of water soluble poly(aminoamide) has been reported by Gu et


    The poly(aminoamide)s were synthesized using lipase as catalyst at 70–90

    °C. They found that CAL-B (N435) and Mucor miehei (e.g., Amano lipase M)

    showed the highest activities. Various types of poly(aminoamide)s with

    different molecular weights were produced from these reactions, DETA

    (diethylene triamine)–adipate polyamide (Mw 8400 and PDI 2.73), TETA

    (triethylene tetraamine)–adipate polyamide (Mw 8000 and PDI 2.10), TEGDA

    (triethylene glycol diamine) polyamide (Mw 4540 and PDI 2.71).

    BASF AG has patented a method for the preparation of aqueous polyamide

    dispersions via lipase-catalyzed polycondensation.31

    The AA-BB type

    polycondensation is presented in Scheme 1.5. The reactions were carried out at

    60 °C at a pH between 3 and 9. The resulting polyamide had a molecular weight

    (Mw) of 5200 g/mol.

    Scheme 1.5. Enzymatic synthesis of polyamide in aqueous dispersion

    Azim et al.85

    have reported the synthesis of oligoamides catalyzed by N435.

    The reaction was carried out between dialkyl ester (e.g., diethyl allylmalonate)

    and diamine (e.g., 1,12-dodecanediamine) and the resulting oligoamides had a

    degree of polymerization (DP) up to 9. Another patent from Panova et al.86

    described that the polycondensation of diester and diamine not only resulted in

    linear polyamides or oligoamides, but also resulted in the formation of

    macrocyclic amide oligomers that could be useful for the subsequent production

    of higher molecular weight polyamides.86

  • Chapter 1


    The synthesis of silicone aromatic polyamides (SAPAs) was reported by

    Poojari et al.87

    , as shown in Scheme 1.6 where diaminopropyl-terminate

    poly(dimethylsiloxane) was reacted with dimethyl terephthalate. Two different

    molecular-masses of APT-PDMS (Mn 1000 and 4700 g/mol) were used and 96

    hours reaction time resulted in SAPAs of Mn 5700 and 40000 g/mol,


    Scheme 1.6. Lipase-catalyzed polycondensation of α,-(diaminopropyl)-terminated

    poly(dimethylsiloxane) (APT-PDMS) with dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) carried out in

    toluene at 80 °C for 48–96 h under reduced pressure (copyright from Poojari et al.87

    copyright (2010) American Chemical Society)

    The synthesis of chiral polyamides and polyamides containing ethylene

    glycol moieties were also reported by Poulhès et al.80-82

    By using AA-BB

    polycondensation, chiral polyamide was synthesized using immobilized CAL-B

    as catalyst, as shown in Scheme 1.7. The reaction was performed in diphenyl

    ether at 80 °C for 240 h under reduced pressure (3 mbar) and resulted in the

    formation of a chiral polyamide with a yield up to 87% and Mw 19280 D. The

    crystallinity and thermal properties of the resulted polyamides were determined

    as well.

    Scheme 1.7. Enzymatic synthesis of chiral polyamide from AA-BB monomer using

    CAL-B as catalyst, reproduced from Poulhès et al.80

  • General introduction


    Ragupathy et al.88

    have reported syntheses of nylon-8,10, nylon-6,13, nylon-

    8,13, and nylon-12,13 using immobilized CAL-B as catalyst. The reactions

    were carried out in one- (in toluene at normal pressure), two- (in dried diphenyl

    ether at reduced pressure), or three-steps (in diphenyl ether at two-step reduced

    pressure) enzymatic reactions. By performing three-step enzymatic reactions,

    yields up to 97% can be reached and a molecular-mass Mn (determined from 1H

    NMR) up to 5380 g/mol. Detailed studies found that nylon-8,10 had 4 identified

    microstructures, amine-ester, amine-amine, amine-amine, and ester-ester.

    1.5.2. Ring-Opening Polymerization

    Kong et al.30

    have reported the preparation of aqueous polyamide

    dispersions via lipase-catalyzed ring-opening polymerization of lactam, as

    shown in Scheme 1.8. They used various sizes of lactams, among them -

    caprolactam. They successfully produced nylon-6 (poly(-caprolactam)) with

    Mw of 212000 g/mol and Mn of 47000 g/mol.

    Scheme 1.8. Enzymatic ring-opening polymerization of lactams

    Mechanistic study on enzymatic ring-opening polymerization of β-

    propiolactam has been established by Schwab et al.89

    and collaborators.90,91


    proposed mechanism scheme is summarized in Scheme 1.9. Schwab et al.89


    reported the synthesis of linear nylon-3 (poly(β-alanine) by lipase-catalyzed

    ring-opening polymerization β-lactam. The resulting nylon-3 had a low average

    DP of 8, which is likely caused by low solubility of nylon-3 in the reaction

    medium. They also performed control experiments with β-alanine as a substrate

    and confirmed that the ring structure of β-lactam was necessary to obtain the


  • Chapter 1


    Scheme 1.9. Mechanism of enzyme-catalyzed ring-opening polymerization of β-lactam

    developed by Baum et al.90,91

    (reproduced from Schwab et al.92


    1.5.3. Enzymatic Copolymerization

    The enzymatic synthesis of copolymers containing amide bonds or

    polyamide blocks can be carried out via ring-opening copolymerization,

    polycondensation, or via a combination of ring-opening and polycondensation

    in a one-pot reaction. Several selected reports are briefly discussed in this


    The first report on the block copolymer synthesis using enzymatic

    polycondensation was by Gross and Scandola et al.93

    They described the

    synthesis and solid state properties of polyesteramides with a

    poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) block. The polycondensation was carried out

    with various ratios of dimethyl adipate, octanediol, and diamine-functionalized

    PDMS (Mw = 875). The physical properties of the resulted copolymer varied

    from hard solids to sticky materials.

    In the paper discussing the preparation of aqueous polyamide dispersions,

    Kong et al.30

    also produced copolyesteramides. The copolymer was prepared

    via enzymatic ring-opening copolymerization of pentadecanolide and -

    caprolactam with ratio of 1:2.3. The produced copolymer had amide and ester

    bonds in its backbone chain, as shown in Scheme 1.10. The copolymer had a

  • General introduction


    weight-average molecular weight (Mw) of 16600 g/mol and two melting points

    at 97 °C and ~ 210 °C.

    Scheme 1.10. Enzymatic synthesis of aqueous polyamide dispersion by Kong et al.


    Palsule et al.94

    have reported the synthesis of silicone fluorinated aliphatic

    polyesteramides (SAFPEAs) using immobilized CAL-B as catalyst, as shown in

    Scheme 1.11. They proposed that SAFPEA’s have the potential for a variety of

    low surface energy applications. The SAFPEA’s are viscous materials due to

    the presence of highly flexible silicone segments in the backbone chain.

    SAFPEA’s with a silicone content above 15% no longer exhibit crystallinity.

    Scheme 1.11. Lipase-catalyzed synthesis of silicone fluorinated polyesteramides

    (SFAPEPs) by transesterificatioan and amidation of α,-aminopropyl terminated

    poly(dimethylsiloxane) (APDMS) and 3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6-octafluoro 1,8-diol (OFOD) with

    dimethyl adipate (DEA), respectively. Reprinted from Palsule et al.,94

    copyright (2010)

    with permission from Elsevier.

    The synthesis of poly(amide-co-ester)s (PEAs) via a combination of ring-

    opening polymerization and polycondensation in a one-pot reaction has been

    performed by Ragupathy et al.88

    By using a three-step polymerization process,

    as described in Scheme 1.12, molecular weights up to Mn of 17550 g/mol can be

    obtained, with melting points of approximately 164 °C.

  • Chapter 1


    Scheme 1.12. Synthesis of poly(amide-co-ester)s by N435-catalyzed polymerization.

    Reproduced from Ragupathy et al., copyright (2012) with permission from Elsevier

    1.6. Aim and Outline of the Thesis

    The goal of this thesis is to gain a better understanding on enzymatic

    polymerization in polyamide syntheses. Therefore, the synthetic activity of two

    enzymes (CAL-B and F. solani pisi cutinase) and their effectiveness in the

    synthesis of polyamides, using a variety of monomers and techniques, was


    In chapter 2, the preparation of immobilized F. solani pisi cutinase is

    described. Three different methods of immobilization via physical adsorption on

    Lewatit beads, cross-linked enzyme aggregates using gluteraldehyde as cross-

    linking agent and covalent linkages on modified Eupergit CM beads are

    explored. The quality of these immobilized cutinases was assessed through

    extensive hydrolytic and synthetic activity studies.

    Chapter 3 focuses on the enzymatic synthesis of aliphatic polyamides

    (nylon-4,10, nylon-6,10, and nylon-8,10). The enzymatic polymerization was

    carried out using different length of diamines (1,4-butanediamine, 1,6-

    hexanediamine, or 1,8-diaminooctane) and diethyl sebacate by using

    immobilized cutinase or CAL-B as catalyst. The selectivity of enzymes toward

    different diamines is studied.

    The enzymatic synthesis of lactams is described in chapter 4. By using

    different chain length -aminocarboxylic acids (4-aminobutanoic acid, 5-

    aminovaleric acid, 6-aminocaproic acid, 8-aminooctanoic acid, and 12-

    aminododecanoic acid), lactams with different ring sizes were produced.

  • General introduction


    In chapter 5, the enzymatic synthesis of aliphatic-aromatic oligoamides is

    examined. By combining aliphatic and aromatic monomers, for instance diethyl

    sebacate and p-xylylene diamine or dimethyl terephthalate and 1,8-

    diaminooctane, in a one-pot enzymatic polymerization, oligoamide containing

    both aromatic and aliphatic units were obtained. The conversions, DPmax,

    structure, and thermal properties of the oligoamides are examined.

    The ring-opening copolymerization of -caprolactone and -lactam is

    reported in chapter 6. The structure and thermal analysis of the synthesized

    copolymer are studied.

    Finally, the main results of the enzymatic synthesis of polyamides are

    summarized in chapter 7.

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  • Chapter 2

    Immobilization of Fusarium solani

    pisi cutinase


    In this study, the immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase using three

    different methods of immobilization (i.e., hydrophobic interactions on Lewatit

    beads, cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEA) using glutaraldehyde, or

    covalent linkage on modified Eupergit CM beads) are presented. From the

    hydrolysis and synthetic activity studies, CLEA cutinase showed higher activity

    compared to the other immobilized cutinases.

    Part of this chapter is published as:

    Stavila, E.; Arsyi, R. Z.; Petrovic, D. M.; Loos, K., Eur. Polym. J. 2013, 49,


  • Chapter 2


    2.1. Introduction

    Enzymes are known as biocatalysts and are protein with catalytic activity

    that control the rates of metabolic reactions.1 They have also been used as in

    vitro catalysts in organic synthesis, chemical industry, as well as pharmaceutical

    processes. In chemical reactions, the chiral nature of the enzymes contributes to

    high enantioselectivity towards substrates and results in the formation of stereo-

    and regio-chemically defined reaction products.2 Thus minimizes the formation

    of undesirable byproducts and contributes to enzymes being labelled as

    environmentally benign catalysts.1,2

    Therefore, enzymes are excellent

    alternative catalysts in chemical reactions compared to the traditionally

    employed organometallic catalysts.

    The hydrolases type enzymes are the most used enzymes in chemical

    synthesis due to their broad substrate acceptance and considerable stability in

    organic solvents.3 Among the hydrolases, lipases are the most frequently used

    and several immobilized lipases are commercially available. Particularly the

    enzymes lipase, cellulase, hyaluronidase, and papain have been used in polymer


    In addition, other hydrolase enzymes such as cutinases have

    recently also been investigated for use as catalysts in polymer synthesis.

    Cutinases are hydrolytic enzymes that degrade cutin, which contains

    polyester and epoxy fatty acids (C16 and n-C18). This enzyme is known as a

    small carboxylic ester hydrolase (Mw 22 kD) that bridges functional properties

    between lipases and esterases.7,8

    Different from lipases, cutinases do not exhibit

    interfacial activation due to the absence of a hydrophobic lid restricting access

    to the catalytic site.7 Because of this, cutinases are expected to accept the

    substrates easier than lipases. Therefore, in this study the catalysis of cutinase in

    the enzymatic synthesis of polyamides was investigated. The enzyme Humicola

    insolens cutinase (HIC) has already been used in the synthesis of polyesters.9-12

    In our studies, Fusarium solani pisi cutinase was chosen as catalyst for

    enzymatic polymerizations as the best of our knowledge the use of this enzyme

    in enzymatic polymerization has never been reported.

    The limiting factors for using enzymes in polymerization reactions are

    generally the relatively low stability of enzymes in organic solvents and the

    high reaction temperatures compared to metabolic reactions. One method to

    improve stability of enzymes in organic solvents is via enzyme immobilization.

    The immobilization of the enzyme not only improves the stability in organic

    solvents, but also bestows additional benefits such as: increased enzyme activity

    and temperature stability, remarkable long-term stability, increased

  • Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase


    enantioselectivity, enables efficient recovery (by filtration or centrifugation) and

    reuse of the immobilized enzymes.13-15

    In the enzymatic synthesis of polyester, HIC was used in its immobilized


    Immobilizations were achieved via physical interaction on Lewatit


    or covalent linkage on Amberzyme oxirane beads.12

    By using a similar

    approach Fusarium solani pisi cutinase was immobilized via three methods.

    The enzyme was immobilized on Lewatit beads, cross-linked enzyme

    aggregates (CLEA) and modified Eupergit CM beads. Lewatit are macroporous

    poly(methyl methacrylate) beads that have also been used as solid support for

    immobilization of Candida antarctica lipase B. Eupergit CM beads have

    oxirane groups that enable covalent linkages in enzyme immobilization. The

    immobilization scheme of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase is shown in Scheme

    2.1. In addition to the increased solvent and temperature stability, using an

    immobilized enzyme for enzymatic polymerizations also facilitates the

    separation from the product compared to free enzyme and minimizes any

    potential protein contamination.13,14

    Scheme 2.1. Simplified schematic immobilization of cutinase via (a) immobilization on

    Lewatit beads, (b) cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEA), and (c) immobilization on

    modified Eupergit CM beads

  • Chapter 2


    2.2. Experimental Methods

    2.2.1. Materials

    Fusarium solani pisi cutinase (Novozym 51032) was generously supplied by

    Novozymes, Denmark. Lewatit OC VOC 1600 was donated by Lanxess,

    Belgium. Ethanol, ammonium hydroxide and calcium hydride were purchased

    from Merck. 1,2-Dimethoxyethane, sodium phosphate dibasic, sodium

    phosphate monobasic, 4-nitrophenol butyrate, sodium cholate hydrate, -

    caprolactone, chloroform-d (CDCl3), Eupergit CM and Lipase acrylic resin

    from Candida antarctica (immobilized CAL-B and commercially available as

    N435) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. A bicinchoninic acid (BCA)

    Protein assay kit was purchased from Thermo Scientific. 4-Nitrophenol was

    purchased from Fluka. Tetrahydrofuran and glutaraldehyde were obtained from

    Acros. Except for toluene and -caprolactone, all chemicals were used without

    further purification. Toluene was dried by a solvent purification system (SPS).

    -Caprolactone was dried using CaH2 and distilled under reduced pressure.

    2.2.2. Immobilization Procedures

    Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi on Lewatit

    The Lewatit beads were first activated with ethanol and dried at 50 C under

    vacuum for 60 min to remove traces of ethanol.10

    Then, beads (0.2 g) were

    added to 3 mL cutinase solution (used as received with concentration of 20

    mg/mL). The samples were incubated in a shaker at 100 rpm at 4 C for 48 h.

    Subsequently, the supernatant was removed and the remaining beads were

    washed with sodium buffer phosphate (0.1 M, pH 7.8). The concentration of the

    remaining cutinase in the supernatant and the washing solutions was determined

    using the bicinchoninic acid (BCA) protein assay, and then compared to the

    concentration cutinase before immobilization in order to estimate the amount of

    immobilized cutinase on Lewatit beads (enzyme loading). Prior to use, the

    icutinase on Lewatit was freeze-dried for 48 h.

  • Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase


    Preparation of CLEA Fusarium solani pisi cutinase

    Three milliliters of cutinase stock solution (20 mg/mL) was dissolved in 6

    mL sodium phosphate buffer (100 mM, pH 7) according to literature


    Subsequently, 18 mL of 1,2-dimethoxylethane and 480 L

    glutaraldehyde (25% w/v in water) were added. The mixture was stirred at 4 C

    for 17 h. After 17 h, 6 mL of 1,2-dimethoxyethane was added and followed by

    centrifugation at 7000 rpm for 20 min. Afterwards, the supernatant was

    separated from the residue. The residue was washed with 30 mL of 1,2-

    dimethoxyethane, centrifuged, and decanted. The washing step was repeated

    three times. The CLEA cutinase was collected and dried in a vacuum oven at 25

    C for 1 h.

    Immobilization of Cutinase on Modified Eupergit CM

    Preparation of Modified Eupergit CM

    Eupergit CM was first modified by amination as described in literature.17,18

    The amination reaction was performed by adding 0.3 g of Eupergit CM to 20

    mL of ammonium hydroxide (25% w/w). The reaction mixture was kept at 50

    °C for 24 h and stirred at 100 rpm. After 24 h, the aminated Eupergit CM was

    washed with an excess of demineralized water and then dried at 40 °C for 2 h in

    the vacuum oven. Subsequently, the aminated Eupergit CM was activated with

    glutaraldehyde by addition to 15 mL of sodium phosphate buffer (0.05 M, pH 8)

    containing glutaraldehyde (10% w/w) and stirred at 100 rpm at room

    temperature for 3 h. After 3 h, the modified Eupergit CM was washed with an

    excess of sodium phosphate buffer and dried at 40 °C for 2 h in the vacuum


    Immobilization of Cutinase

    The modified Eupergit CM (0.2 g) was added to 3 mL stock solution of

    cutinase (concentration of protein = 20 mg/mL). The immobilization was

    conducted at 30 C for 24 h and stirred at 100 rpm. After 24 h, the solution was

    separated from the beads and the remaining beads were washed with sodium

    phosphate buffer (0.1 M pH 7.8). The supernatant and washing solution were

    treated with BCA reagent and analyzed on a UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 562

    nm to determine the enzyme loading. The resulting immobilized cutinase

    (icutinase) on modified Eupergit CM was freeze-dried for 48 h before use.

  • Chapter 2


    2.2.3. Hydrolysis and Synthetic Assay

    Cutinase Hydrolysis Assay

    The hydrolytic activity of cutinase was determined by hydrolysis of 4-

    nitrophenyl butyrate (p-NPB) to 4-nitrophenol (p-NP). In a standard procedure,

    immobilized cutinase (10 mg) was added to 1 mL of sodium phosphate (11.3

    mM), tetrahydrofuran (0.43 M), and p-NPB (0.55 mM) in sodium phosphate

    buffer (50 mM, pH 7.0). The hydrolytic activity of the cutinase was measured

    by UV-Vis spectrophotometer at 399 nm over a time range of 1 minute against

    the blank solution.19

    The molar absorptivity of p-NP (p-NP) was determined by

    the calculation of the slope from the calibration curve and was found to be

    7919.2 M-1


    . The specific activity of cutinase was defined as nmol of p-

    nitrophenol for 1 min per gram solid support.

    The activity was calculated as shown in equation 2-1 and 2-2:


    Cutinase Synthetic Assay

    The synthetic activity of cutinase was determined by ring-opening

    polymerization (ROP) of -caprolactone (-CL). One mL of -CL was added to

    a 25 mL two-neck flask containing immobilized cutinase (10 mg or 10 L for

    free cutinase). The reactions were carried out at 70 C for 24 h at 100 rpm,

    under N2 atmosphere. The monomer conversion and the degree of

    polymerization were determined by 1H NMR measurements using CDCl3 as


    The conversion of -CL was calculated by comparing the area signal of CH2

    next to the carbonyl group of the polymer backbone (I1) at 4.09 ppm and of the

    monomer (Ia) at 4.19 ppm. The ratio of the area from the signal of CH2 next to

    the carbonyl group of the polymer backbone to the total area from the signal of

    the CH2 next to the carbonyl group of the polymer backbone and in the

    monomer was determined as monomer conversion, as depicted in Figure 2.1,

    see formula.20

  • Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase


    Figure 2.1. Monomer conversion calculated from the

    1H NMR spectrum of the reaction

    mixture after 1 h of ROP of -CL at 70 °C using N435 as catalyst

    2.2.4. Instrumental Methods

    Attenuated Total Reflectance-Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR FT-IR)

    measurements were carried out on a Bruker IFS88 FT-IR spectrometer. UV-Vis

    measurements were performed on a Spextra Max M2 spectrophotometer. 1H

    NMR measurements were performed on a 400 MHz Varian VXR apparatus,

    with CDCl3 as solvent.

    2.3. Results and Discussion

    2.3.1. Immobilization of Cutinase on Lewatit Beads

    In the immobilization experiments on Lewatit, cutinase was attached to the

    beads by physical adsorption/non-covalent linkages. From enzyme loading

    determination, the amount of attached cutinase varied between 127–143 mg

    cutinase per gram Lewatit beads.

    Further characterization of the icutinase on Lewatit was carried out by ATR

    FT-IR measurement. Figure 2.2 shows the ATR FT-IR spectra of the Lewatit

    beads before and after immobilization. After immobilization there are three

    additional peaks at 1653, 1541, and 3286 cm-1

    , that can be attributed to amide I

  • Chapter 2


    (C=O), amide II (N–H) and intermolecular hydrogen bonding, respectively,

    which confirms successful immobilization of the cutinase.

    Figure 2.2. ATR FT-IR spectra of (a) Lewatit beads and (b) Lewatit beads with

    immobilized cutinase

    In order to determine icutinase on Lewatit’s activity in toluene, hydrolysis

    assay tests were performed after stirring in toluene at 70 °C for 4 days and

    compared to fresh icutinase on Lewatit. The results from the hydrolysis assay

    are presented in table 2.1. The hydrolytic activity decreased from 13 to 7 nmol

    of p-NP min-1


    . This decrease in hydrolytic activity of icutinase on Lewatit

    means that less cutinase leach out from the Lewatit beads and immobilization

    able to inhibit denaturation of cutinase. Therefore, icutinase on Lewatit is able

    to maintain its activity after stirring in toluene.

    Table 2.1. Hydrolytic activity of immobilized cutinase on Lewatit

    Enzyme Unit activity

    (nmol of p-NP min-1


    Specific activity

    (nmol of p-NP min-1



    iCutinase on Lewatita)

    132 13

    iCutinase on Lewatita)


    stirring 4 d in toluene 78 ± 17 7 ± 2

    a) Enzyme loading was 127 mg/g.

    2.3.2. Immobilization of Cutinase by CLEA

    Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi via the CLEA method was

    performed via a simple cross-linking process using glutaraldehyde as cross-

    linker agent. Around 0.1 g CLEA was isolated from 3 mL free cutinase solution

    (20 mg/mL). The cross-linking was achieved via the reaction of a primary

  • Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase


    amine (from lysine for example) with the carbonyl from glutaraldehyde, which

    react rapidly under neutral pH.21

    In reactions Scheme 2.2, the simplified

    reaction of glutaraldehyde with primary amine is shown. However, the reaction

    is not as straightforward because glutaraldehyde may form oligomeric (dimer,

    trimer, tertramer, etc.) or cyclic species apart from its monomeric form and all

    of them are in the equilibrium state in an aqueous solution.21

    Scheme 2.2. Schematic presentation of reaction scheme of cross-linking of cutinase and


    ATR FT-IR spectra of free cutinase and cutinase after cross-linking are

    shown in Figure 2.3a and b. By comparing the spectra before and after cross-

    linking, we observed three new peaks at 861, 978, and 1049 cm-1

    after the

    enzyme was cross-linked, as indicated in Figure 2.3b. The peaks at 861 and 978


    can be attributed to the quarternary pyridium compound from the aromatic

    vibrational stretch (C–H). It is also likely that the amino acid of the free

    cutinase can be observed in this region, because the CLEA after cross-linking

    precipitates, whereas the free cutinase remains in solution. Furthermore, the

    peak at 1049 cm-1

    originates from the stretching vibration of an aliphatic amine

    (C–N). This peak indicates that the cross-link between glutaraldehyde and the

    amine group in the cutinase was successfully formed.

  • Chapter 2


    Figure 2.3. ATR FT-IR spectra of (a) free cutinase and (b) CLEA cutinase

    2.3.3. Immobilization on Modified Eupergit CM Beads

    An important feature of the Eupergit CM beads is that they can be used as

    solid support in immobilization of enzyme without further modification steps.

    The oxirane group present in these beads is crucially important in the process of

    immobilizing an enzyme and allows for covalent binding after physical

    adsorption of the enzyme on the beads because of the reaction of the enzyme

    with the epoxy groups (oxirane groups).14

    . However, we observed no cutinase

    immobilized on the unmodified Eupergit CM, because no enzyme loading could

    be determined after the immobilization. Therefore, the Eupergit CM beads were

    modified to include a spacer to allow immobilization of cutinase. The

    modification of Eupergit CM beads and the subsequent immobilization of

    cutinase are shown in Scheme 2.3.

    Scheme 2.3. Schematic reaction of the modification of Eupergit CM and the

    immobilization of cutinase on modified Eupergit CM where (a) is the amination step,

    (b) the activation using glutaraldehyde, and (c) the immobilization of cutinase

  • Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase


    The modification was carried out by first aminating the oxirane group and

    subsequent activation using glutaraldehyde, as shown in Scheme 2.3a and b. By

    comparing the ATR FT-IR spectra, we observed the difference before and after

    modification steps, as shown in Figure 2.4. In Figure 2.4a the oxirane group

    from Eupergit CM beads can be observed clearly at 871 (stretching C–O–C) and

    909 (stretching C–O) cm-1

    . After the amination step, the peaks belonging to

    oxirane were no longer detected, as can be seen in Figure 2.4b. The final step in

    the modification was performed by activation using gluteraldehyde. The ATR

    FT-IR spectrum in Figure 2.4c shows no significant different with the spectrum

    after amination step. Because of the formation of an amine, a new peak was

    expected to appear around 1025–1200 cm-1

    , which belongs to the stretching

    band of C–N (amine). It is likely the amine peak was hidden under the main

    peak at 1106 cm-1

    , which is probably from stretching C–O of ester group of

    Eupergit CM beads. The modified Eupergit CM was further used for solid

    support in immobilization of cutinase.

    Figure 2.4. ATR FT-IR spectra of Eupergit CM beads (a) before modification, (b) after

    amination, and (c) after activation using glutaraldehyde

    The immobilization of cutinase on modified Eupergit CM beads was

    achieved via hydrophobic interaction and the formation of a covalent bond after

    reaction between the glutaraldehyde and the amine from cutinase. The enzyme

    loading after immobilization procedure and purification was 77 mg/g. Further

    characterization of cutinase attached on modified Eupergit CM was carried out

    by ATR FT-IR measurements. From the ATR FT-IR spectrum of modified

    Eupergit CM beads after immobilization (Figure 2.5b), a new peak was

  • Chapter 2


    observed at 1026 cm-1

    and comes from the stretching band of C–N (amine).

    Thus, the presence of new peak proves that cutinase attached to the modified

    Eupergit CM bead.

    Figure 2.5. ATR FT-IR spectra of modified Eupergit CM beads (a) before

    immobilization of cutinase and (b) after immobilization of cutinase (enzyme loading =

    77 mg/g)

    Because the immobilization on Eupergit CM occurs via the formation of

    covalent bonds as well as physical interactions, we would expect to observe

    higher enzyme loading than immobilized cutinase on Lewatit. However, the

    immobilization of cutinase on modified Eupergit CM resulted in lower enzyme

    loading values. This is because Eupergit CM beads (particle size of 50–300 m)

    have smaller particle size compared to Lewatit beads (315–1000 m).

    Therefore, less cutinase can be immobilized on Eupergit CM beads.

    2.3.4. Activity Comparison of Immobilized and Free cutinase

    The hydrolytic and synthetic activities were examined for icutinase on

    Lewatit, the CLEA-cutinase, icutinase on modified Eupergit CM, and free

    cutinase. The hydrolytic activity was investigated via a hydrolysis assay, where

    the hydrolysis of 4-nitrophenyl butyrate (p-NPB) to 4-nitrophenol (p-NP) was

    analyzed. In the synthetic assay, the ring-opening polymerization (ROP) of -

    caprolactone was performed. The results of both tests are summarized in Table

    2.2. The hydrolysis assay revealed higher activity of free cutinase compared to

    cutinase after immobilization. The icutinase on modified Eupergit CM showed

    the lowest activity, because the enzyme loading of icutinase on modified

  • Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase


    Eupergit CM was lower compared to icutinase on Lewatit beads, therefore

    icutinase on modified Eupergit CM showed lower hydrolytic activity compared

    to the other immobilized cutinase.

    The synthetic assay illustrated that the free cutinase has better catalytic

    activity than any of the immobilized cutinases. It is likely that some of the

    active sites are no longer accessible to solvent or monomer because they are

    blocked by the solid support or cross-linked with glutaraldehyde compromising

    their activity. Although the synthetic and hydrolytic activities are affected by

    the immobilization, the immobilized cutinases were used in the synthesis

    reactions described in the following chapters, because they facilitate separation

    from the reaction mixture, as well as minimizing protein contamination of the


    From Table 2.2, it becomes obvious that CLEA seems to be the better

    immobilization method for cutinase compared to icutinase on Lewatit or

    Eupergit CM. This behavior is in line with to literature,14

    because enzymes in

    CLEA preparations are usually more concentrated. Furthermore, immobilization

    on macroporous beads such as Lewatit beads or modified Eupergit CM leads to

    dilution of activity, due to the large amount of non-catalytic solid support.

    Table 2.2. Enzyme loading and activity of free and immobilized cutinase

    Sample Hydrolytic activity

    (nmol of p-NP min-1


    Amount of

    sample in

    synthetic activity


    ̅̅ ̅̅ Monomer



    Free cutinasea)

    124 ± 25b)

    10 L 3 34 ± 8

    iCutinase on Lewatitc)

    108 ± 19 10 mg 1 4 ± 1

    CLEA cutinase 124 ± 12 10 mg 3 19 ± 4

    iCutinase on modified

    Eupergit CMd)

    11 10 mg 1 5

    a) Enzyme concentration was 20 mg/mL.

    b) Hydrolysis assay was carried out using 20 µL of free cutinase.

    c) Enzyme loading was 135 ± 8 mg/g.

    d) Enzyme loading was 77 mg/g.

    2.4. Conclusion

    Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase by physical interaction on

    Lewatit beads, cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEA) or covalent linkage on

    modified Eupergit CM beads has been performed. Immobilization of cutinase

    using the CLEA method resulted in better catalytic activity than immobilization

  • Chapter 2


    on Lewatit or modified Eupergit CM beads. Therefore, in this case, the

    immobilization by CLEA method was the preferred method for Fusarium solani

    pisi cutinase immobilization.

    For immobilization on modified Eupergit CM, low enzyme loading and

    lower reproducibility of the immobilization methods resulted in relatively

    complicated immobilization. Despite the fact that free cutinase has higher

    hydrolytic and synthetic activity than the immobilized cutinases, only the

    immobilized cutinase on Lewatit and the CLEA-cutinase will be used in the

    enzymatic polymerization reactions described in the following chapters.

    2.5. References

    1. Akiyama, A.; Bednarski, M.; Kim, M.-J.; Simon, E. S.; Waldman, H.;

    Whitesides, G. M. CHEMTECH 1988, october, 627-634.

    2. Koeller, K. M.; Wong, C.-H. Nature 2001, 409, 232-240.

    3. Gotor-Fernández, V.; Vicente, G. Use of Lipases in Organic Synthesis.

    In Industrial Enzymes, Polaina, J.; MacCabe, A., Eds. Springer

    Netherlands: 2007; pp 301-315.

    4. Kobayashi, S.; Uyama, H. Enzymatic Polymerization to Polyesters. In

    Biopolymers Online, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: 2005.

    5. van der Vlist, J.; Loos, K. Enzymatic Polymerizations of

    Polysaccharides. In Biocatalysis in Polymer Chemistry, Wiley-VCH

    Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: 2010; pp 211-246.

    6. Cheng, H. N. Enzyme-Catalyzed Synthesis of Polyamides and

    Polypeptides. In Biocatalysis in Polymer Chemistry, Wiley-VCH

    Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA: 2010; pp 131-141.

    7. Carvalho, C. M.; Aires-Barros, M. R.; Cabral, J. M. S. Electron. J.

    Biotechnol. 1998, 1, 160-173.

    8. Egmond, M. R.; de Vlieg, J. Biochimie 2000, 82, 1015-1021.

    9. Gross, R. A.; Ganesh, M.; Lu, W. Trends Biotechnol. 2010, 28, 435-


    10. Hunsen, M.; Abul, A.; Xie, W.; Gross, R. Biomacromolecules 2008, 9,


    11. Hunsen, M.; Azim, A.; Mang, H.; Wallner, S. R.; Ronkvist, A.; Xie,

    W.; Gross, R. A. Macromolecules 2007, 40, 148-150.

    12. Feder, D.; Gross, R. A. Biomacromolecules 2010, 11, 690-697.

  • Immobilization of Fusarium solani pisi cutinase


    13. Miletic, N.; Nastasovic, A.; Loos, K. Bioresour. Technol. 2012, 115,


    14. Sheldon, R. A. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2007, 349, 1289-1307.

    15. Mateo, C.; Palomo, J. M.; Fernandez-Lorente, G.; Guisan, J. M.;

    Fernandez-Lafuente, R. Enzyme Microb. Technol. 2007, 40, 1451-1463.

    16. López-Serrano, P.; Cao, L.; van Rantwijk, F.; Sheldon, R. A.

    Biotechnol. Lett. 2002, 24, 1379-1383.

    17. Bilici, Z.; Camli, S. T.; Unsal, E.; Tuncel, A. Anal. Chim. Acta 2004,

    516, 125-133.

    18. Miletić, N.; Rohandi, R.; Vuković, Z.; Nastasović, A.; Loos, K. React.

    Funct. Polym. 2009, 69, 68-75.

    19. Almeida, C. F.; Cabral, J. M. S.; Fonseca, L. s. P. Anal. Chim. Acta

    2004, 502, 115-124.

    20. Schwab, L. W.; Kroon, R.; Schouten, A. J.; Loos, K. Macromol. Rapid

    Commun. 2008, 29, 794-797.

    21. Migneault, I.; Dartiguenave, C.; Bertrand, M. J.; Waldron, K. C.

    BioTechniques 2004, 37, 790-802.

  • Chapter 2


  • Chapter 3

    Fusarium solani pisi cutinase-

    catalyzed synthesis of polyamides


    Polyamides, or nylon, are widely used in fiber and engineering plastic materials,

    due to their good mechanical and thermal properties. Synthesis of oligomers

    from nylon-4,10, nylon-6,10, and nylon-8,10 were performed via

    polycondensation of diamine (1,4-butanediamine, 1,6 hexanediamine, or 1,8-

    diaminooctane) and diester (diethyl sebacate). These reactions were catalyzed

    by immobilized cutinase from Fusarium solani pisi on Lewatit beads, cutinase

    in the form of cross-linked enzyme aggregates (CLEA), or by immobilized

    Lipase B from Candida antarctica (CAL-B). The highest maximal degree of

    polymerization (DPmax), up to 16, can be achieved in the synthesis of nylon-8,10

    catalyzed by CLEA in diphenyl ether at 70 C. By performing a reaction at

    cutinase optimal temperature (70 C), CLEA cutinase in the synthesis of nylons

    shows good catalytic activity, like CAL-B.

    Part of this chapter is published as:

    Stavila, E.; Arsyi, R. Z.; Petrovic, D. M.; Loos, K., Eur. Polym. J. 2013, 49,


  • Chapter 3


    3.1. Introduction

    Polyamides, also known as nylon, are widely used in fiber and engineering

    plastic materials, due to their good mechanical and thermal properties.1

    Synthesis of nylons can be accomplished via ring-opening polymerization2 and

    polycondensation.3 Industrial synthesis of nylon is conducted at high

    temperatures, which leads to thermal degradation and results in undesired

    polymer products.4 On the other hand, alternative options for synthesizing

    polymers at relative low temperatures can be achieved via enzymatic

    polymerization. Enzymatic polymerizations are known as environmentally

    friendly reactions, as they can be carried out in relatively low temperatures, and

    they use enzymes as catalysts.5-10

    Candida antarctica lipase B (CAL-B) is a highly used enzyme in

    biocatalysis. CAL-B is commercially available as N435, which is physically

    immobilized CAL-B within macroporous poly(methyl methacrylate) resin

    (known as Lewatit OC VOC 1600).11

    CAL-B is known to have high catalytic

    activity over a broad range of esters, amides, and thiols.12

    CAL-B has been used

    in esterification and transesterification,13


    and synthesis of



    and the poly(amide-co-ester).20

    Here, we present, for the first time, the synthesis of polyamides catalyzed by

    Fusarium solani pisi cutinase. Cutinases are hydrolytic enzymes that degrade

    cutin, which contains polyester and epoxy fatty acids (C16 and n-C18). This

    enzyme is known as a small carboxylic ester hydrolase (Mw 22 kD) that bridges

    functional properties between lipases and esterases.21

    Like CAL-B, Fusarium

    solani pisi cutinase belongs to the / hydrolase family, which has a catalytic

    triad in Ser120, His188, and Asp175. It is known, that the act