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Unit v diseases affecting the circulatory system

Jul 05, 2015


Health & Medicine

Alvin Angeles
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Page 1: Unit v  diseases affecting the circulatory system
Page 2: Unit v  diseases affecting the circulatory system

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever


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Is a tropical disease caused bydifferent strains of dengue viruswhich are transmitted by mosquitoesby the genus aedes

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Dengue virus

Mosquito AedesAegypti

4 – 6 days ( minimum 3 days)

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1. Infected persons

2. Stagnant water

Bite of infective aedesaegypti

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1. Water stored within household or standing water in premises

2. High human population density

A. Age

B. Sex

C. Season

D. Geographical

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Fever accompanied by non specific constitutional symptoms

Positive tourniquet test

Spontaneous bleeding

Gum Bleeding

nose bleeding

GI bleeding

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Cold clammy skin

Reapid weak pulse

Pulse pressure of 20mmm/hg and below

Grade II + Circulatory failure

Grade III + shock

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Blood Test

Platelet Count




Presumptive Test

Tourniquet test

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Control of mosquito vector

Environmental sanitation

Storage of water

Change the water of the flower vaseeveryday

Vaccine against types of dengue virus isin progress

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Symptomatic and supportive

Effective replacement of plasma , fluidand electrolyte solution

Oral fluid and electrolyte

Hematocrit determination

Hemoglobin Determination

Close surveillance

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Symptomatic and supportive

Effective replacement of plasma , fluidand electrolyte solution

Monitoring patients condition

Initially when HCT has increasedby 20% or has kept on rising

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Blood Pressure Every 24 hrs. Every hours if hypotension sets In every 30 minutes or more often

HCT Every 24 hrs. Repeat after 6 hrs.if still high or going up every 2 hrs.

Platelet countHemoglobin

Every 24 hrs. On admission

Every 6 hrs. If HCt falls after the initial rise or if bleeding occurs,repeat as necessary

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Grade I and II good

Grade III , guarded

Grade IV, serious (mortality rate very high)

Isolation of the Patient recommended

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1. Bed rest

2. Care of the mouth

3. Prevention and control of bleeding

Ice compress for bleeding do nothyperextend the neck

Ice compress may be placed on thebridge of the nose

Avoid forceful blowing of the nose

Do not pick the nose

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1. Bed rest

2. Care of the mouth

3. Prevention and control of bleeding

Give ice chips

Use of soft bristled brush

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1. Bed rest

2. Care of the mouth

3. Prevention and control of bleeding


Platelet transfusion

Avoid eating dark colored foods

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Is a specific infectious diseaseproduced by anyone of four protozoanparasites which is transmitted to aman by the bite of the mosquito

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1. Plasmodium Vivax

2. Plasmodium Malariae

3. Plasmodim Falciparum

4. Plasmodium Ovale

Protozoa Plasmodia

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Female mosquito (anopheles mosquito)

Bite of infected female anopheles mosquito

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Severe chilly sensation as manifested by severe shaking tremors of the body



Diaphoretic stage profuse sweating

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4 Aminoquinolines (Chloroquine,amosiaquine, Quanine)

Chloroquine – infection due to sensitivestrains of P. Falciparum, Vivax, Ovale


Malarial Smear

Giving of anti malarial drugs

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Use of Mosquito Nets

Spraying of insecticides

Screening of windows and doors

Use of skin repellents

Use of electronic mosquito repellent