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Unit II American Political Culture

Unit II American Political Culture The meaning and unique qualities of American Political Culture What is political culture? consistent set of views.

Dec 17, 2015



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  • Unit II American Political Culture
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  • The meaning and unique qualities of American Political Culture What is political culture? consistent set of views as to the policies that government ought to pursue; what government should be like; the IDEAL America! (not reality)
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  • Persistence of Democratic Institutions in American CANNOT be explained by: Our unique Constitution (its been stolen!) Physical advantages of our country (it helps!)
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  • Other things we must consider: Customs of our people or traditions Examples? How are we unique? Moral and intellectual characteristics de Tocqueville Americans are more industrious Americans are more individualistic Americans believe they can change their station in life Political Culture
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  • Definition of Political Culture The inherited set of beliefs, attitudes, and opinions that Americans SHARE about how their government OUGHT to operate. Example: Americans believe in political equality but not economic equality NOT the same as political ideology!
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  • What is political ideology? The philosophical differences between people about what the role of government ought to be regarding policy Examples: Liberal Conservative Populist Libertarian Etc
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  • Four Elements that make up American Political Culture Liberty: we should all be able to do what we want as long as no one gets hurt Equality: equal political opportunity We DO NOT want economic equality! Democracy: officials are accountable to the people whom they serve Civic Duty: people have an obligation to participate in the political process be cause they have a right to do so!
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  • How do we know that Americans share these core beliefs? Inferred by the books we read (buy) Speeches we hear (political) Slogans we respond to Political choices we make Observations of foreigners Opinion Polls
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  • How do we explain behaviors that are inconsistent with our political culture? Self interest (our BELIEFS remain the same, our behaviors do not) Social circumstances (might not be cool for everyone to really be equal ) We believe in equality, dont always act on it Religious discrimination? Cliques? Beliefs important as a change agent Our ideals have resulted in changed behavior Voting Rights Equal Pay
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  • If there is agreement on certain political values, why have we had so much political conflict? *The conflict has been over specific policies, not values. Historians disagree about which values we really share, or to what degree Americans interpret the values as they pertain to their individual circumstances
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  • Most consistent evidence of a Political Culture Americanism, American Way of Life, UnAmerican Activities Rarely have this type of bonding in other nations Cant be un French, un Canadian, or un Norwegian No Saudi Way of Life No other nation seems to share this need for a national bond We dont share a common ethnicity, race, religion, or national origin, so created this as our bond
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  • American Economic System Support free enterprise, see limits in market Prefer equality of opportunity, not results Shared commitment to economic individualism and self reliance Willing to help only the truly needy; elderly and disabled Individualistic view of social policy (we want to choose who we help) The responsibility for financial success rests with the individual
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  • Distinctiveness of American Political Culture (Political Systems) Comparison to Sweden (more deferential than participatory) Vote, but do not otherwise participate Defer to gov and experts, dont argue or protest Rarely challenge gov in court; almost no lawsuits Believe in doing what is best for the whole, rather than gov providing what people want Value equality more than liberty Value harmony and social obligations more than anything else; need to get along and be agreeable
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  • Comparison with Japan (political) Value good relations with co-workers, must get along with others Emphasis on group decision-making Value preserving social harmony Display respect for hierarchy (boss, gov, ancestors) Sensitive to needs of others(at cost to self) Want to avoid conflict at all costs Reach decisions through discussion and compromise rather than an application of the rules/laws
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  • Americans Emphasis on: Individualism Competition Equality (political) Following the rules/laws Treating others fairly More assertive of rights (even if arent sure what they are) Stronger sense of : Civic Duty Civic Competence Obligation to be active in ones community Can rectify bad laws Can fight city Hall! Confidence in political institutions (trust) National Pride
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  • Over-generalizing and Stereotyping Misleading to think that we can understand a nations political system as only the result of their laws, economy, and physical circumstances Very difficult to generalize about political cultures in nations which have a variety of racial, ethnic, & religious groups
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  • Economic Systems Sweden compared to America: They believe more in equal pay and limit top incomes They believe their should be a lower ratio of income between workers and executives Americans are less likely to believe that government should be involved in income equity No Need to compare US and Japan in terms of Economics; we are virtually identical!
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  • Cultural Differences = Political Differences
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  • The Sources of Political Culture in America Historical Roots: American Revolution: equality! Constitution: our effort to balance personal liberty with social control Americans obsessed with assertion and maintenance of our rights Americans acted out of suspicion of government and devotion to individualism
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  • Revolution of 1800 First test of our democracy/political culture: Federalists (Adams) V. Democratic-Republicans (Jefferson) Jefferson accused Federalists of subverting Constitution (Alien and Sedition Act) Hamilton/Adams thought D-R would turn country over to France Civil War did not occur; peaceful transfer of power Role of opposition parties legitimized; peaceful, orderly transfer of power possible
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  • Legal-sociological Factors Constitutional permitted wide-spread participation (voting) No national religion prohibited by Constitution Wide-spread, diverse immigration ensured there would be none
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  • Religion Religious diversity was inevitable & led to conflict With no common religion, common political culture is difficult to create
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  • Conflict between Puritan Tradition and Catholic Church Differences: Religious practices Regulation of manners and morals Choice of political party Reflected in struggle over Prohibition
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  • American political culture is dominated by Puritanism (Protestantism) Five ethics Hard work Save money Obey the law (human and God) Do good work (charity) Embrace Puritan Ethic Work=Happiness=Heaven
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  • Churches offered opportunity to develop/practice political skills Protestants are organized along congressional lines Churches were controlled by the members (popular sovereignty) Churches are like mini political systems A participant political culture was made easier by the existence of a participant religious culture
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  • Family Political culture is transmitted primarily by the family Despite erosion of family unit (divorce, single parents, etc), family still has largest role Other sources are significant; just not as important as family Family determines identification w/ political party almost exclusively
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  • Family American children experience greater freedom and equality which shapes political culture Have a say in leisure activities Have own phone, tv, computer, car, etc Have ability to decide what to purchase w/ own $ Have influence on family vacations, meals, etc
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  • Absence of Class Consciousness Results from: Religious and ethnic diversity (no ruling class) An individualistic philosophy (its all about me!) Fragmented political authority (federalism) Most people think of themselves as workers rather than management Most Americans think they are middle class Even those who are unemployed do not think or act in terms of their current economic situation Americans still believe they can succeed if they work hard US is only large, industrialized nation w/ no significant socialist party or movement
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  • Mistrust of Government Evidence of the increase: 1979 Speech by Pres. Jimmy Carter Speech about the recession/inflation Blamed Americans attitude for the economic downturn American Malaise Growing disrespect for government
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  • 1958-1980s increasing mistrust Perceived that the number of crooks in gov. increased (Nixon, Agnew, Rostenkowski, Kennedy(Teddy), Traficanti, etc) Government appears to be run for the benefit of a few big interests (NRA, oil, AMA, etc) Lots of tax $ seem to be wasted
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  • Cases for Mistrust Watergate Vietnam Civil Rights Movement (violence by gov) Dramatic increase in crime rate (drugs) Assassination Rate (JFK, RFK, MLK, etc) Massive number of riots and campus demonstrations 2 nd highest rate of inflation in US History! (up to 25% in some States; about 17% nation-wide)
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  • Necessary to view mistrust in context We mistrust the leaders and politics, but NOT our system of government Current level of mistrust is the norm; 1950s had unusual confidence Mistrust was shared w. other institutions Mistrust static since 1980s (slight increase in 2002-03) Level of mistrust in 1990s? Level of mistrust in 2000s ?
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  • Summary No loss of confidence in Americans themselves or our system of government We are still #1; but gov America still best place to live (according to Americans) People less ready to support leaders and their policies More ready to believe in scandalous rumors More cynical Less likely to join political parties More likely to join interest group
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  • Political Efficacy A citizens capacity to understand and influence political events Two types: Internal: confidence in ones own ability to understand and take part in political affairs External: a belief that the system will respond to what citizens do (protest=gov action) Levels of internal efficacy constant since 1950s
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  • Political Efficacy Level of external efficacy has dropped a great deal since the 1950s Why? Conclusion: American political efficacy still higher than Europe (and most of the rest of the world, too!) Americans are probably not more alienated, just more realistic than in the past
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  • Political Tolerance Crucial component in democracy Democracy in US would fail if: Unpopular speakers were shouted down and prevented from speaking People supported gov censorship of newspapers or other media (internet!) Peaceful demonstrations were routinely broken up by mobs or govt Losing candidates did not allow winners to take office (helloAl Gore!)
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  • Tolerance People do not need to be perfectly tolerant Everyone has some prejudice No way to remove all stereotyping
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  • Levels of American Tolerance Most Americans are tolerant in the abstract--- we believe in equality, dont always act on beliefs Most Americans would dent rights to some one else in a concrete case Community leaders, judges, lawyers are more tolerant
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  • Average Americans Tolerance Willing to allow people they dont agree with to speak, write, protest, run for office, etc Has become more tolerant since the 1980s Is willing to with hold political liberty or equality from some group or individual
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  • Why do unpopular groups survive? Most people dont act on their beliefs There is usually no consensus on who to persecute Courts are sufficiently insulated from public opinion. They protect even the most extreme groups rights.
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  • Conclusion We cannot take political liberty for granted; it can be taken away No group should pretend to be perfectly tolerant