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Big Picture Themes! Nomads are major outside threat to sedentary peoples and impact Civs. Golden Age of Religion – Power in government - Rise and Spread of Islam Foundations and Classical eras of civilization Classical Era – achievements in arts, architecture, science, Math, weapons, metals, literature Religion and goods spread over the Silk Road Unit I Extensive land routes and regional water routes World Religions of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism are established Unit II Land and sea routes expand! Indian Ocean, Trans- Saharan, River networks in Russia and Africa Religion and goods spread over Silk Road Golden Age of Nomads! Continue to be biggest outside threat to civilization and Empire Classical Civs collapse – Rise of Post Classical Civs - continue to achieve in different ways. Development of Empire and spread of civilizations
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Page 1: Unit I And Ii Comparison

Big Picture Themes!

Nomads are major outside threat to sedentary peoples and impact Civs.

Golden Age of Religion – Power in government - Rise and Spread of Islam

Foundations and Classical eras of civilization Classical Era – achievements in arts, architecture, science, Math, weapons, metals, literature

Religion and goods spread over the Silk Road

Unit I

Extensive land routes and regional water routes World Religions of Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism are established

Unit II

Land and sea routes expand! Indian Ocean, Trans-Saharan, River networks in Russia and Africa

Religion and goods spread over Silk Road

Golden Age of Nomads! Continue to be biggest outside threat to civilization and Empire

Classical Civs collapse – Rise of Post Classical Civs - continue to achieve in different ways.

Development of Empire and spread of civilizations

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Greek and Latin based – Greco-Roman

Patrician and Plebeians – social

Citizenship – unifying Identity

History, Music, Drama, Art

Chinese – calligraphy

Confucianism – Filial Piety

Superior and Inferior

Stressed education – “Gentleman”

Ethnocentrism – Great Wall

Classical Comparison: Roman Empire and Han Dynasty



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Well organized bureaucracy based upon Legalist and Confucian ideas and education

Well organized bureaucracy founded on Greco-Roman law and classical learning


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Reliance on Patricians

Greek and Roman Mythological faith

Temples, Sacrificies, Olympics

Judaism and Christianity – Persecuted at times


Reliance on landed gentry

Ancestor Veneration – Oracle Bones

Daoism – “The Way” – Wu Wei

Confucianism – five relationships

Buddhism – Persecuted at times


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“The Great Builders”

Columns, Dome, Arch

Aqueducts, roads, bridges, theaters, The Coliseum

Great Wall of China

Bridges, Roads, Canals

Tombs - Terra Cotta Warriors

Public WorksPublic Works

Wow! I wish I could do a hand stand!

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Grand Canal Roman Roads

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Strong Military – professional army - led to expansion

Gave land and riches to soldiers - reward

Strong Military – led to expansionGave land and riches to soldiers – seen as very important figures in Legalist China

Use of Mediterranean Sea

Built roads, bridges, canals

Use of rivers – Huang He and Yangtze

Built Roads, bridges, canals


And Trade


And Trade

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Decline of EmpireDecline of Empire

Roman Empire Han China

Decline in Morals and Values that have upheld

society together

Public Health and Urban


Political Corruption

Unemployment and Inflation

Military Spending- too


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Western EuropeUNIT I

Classical Civilizations (Greece city-states, Rome – centralized empire)

Golden Ages = Great accomplishments (Democracy, Republic, Law, architecture, art, philosophy, astronomy, science, military, engineering)

Nomads are biggest outside threat to sedentary people (Germanic Tribes, Huns)

Land routes begin (Roman roads and Aqueducts)

Regional trade routes important (Mediterranean Sea)

Polytheistic Religion Persecution, adoption and

spread of Christianity Decline due to corruption, no

clear succession, barbaric threat, loss of identity, economic hardship

Unit II Fall of Roman Empire from Visigoths

leads to decentralized feudalism Widespread education ends (Gothic

architecture, monasteries, weaponry.) Barbarian threat limits trade (Dark

Age, manorialism) Roman Catholic Church dominates

Europe (Political, Economic, and social) Threat of Islam (Charlemagne,

Crusades, Reconquista) Rigid social structure (Kings, Nobles,

Lesser Nobles, Knights, Serfs) Crusades = revival of trade = rise of

cities = power of kings = Nation-States Commercial revolution – guilds, banks,

monetary system, mercantilism. Black Death = 1/3 pop dead = need for

labor = wage labor of serfs = end of serfdom

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Western Europe – Important People


Alexander the Great Augustus


King John

Joan of arc


Pope Urban II

CharlemagneUNIT I


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No longer unified politically and a loss of central authority

Development of Feudalism as a political and social system

Depopulation of urban centers – London is about 10,000 people

The Catholic Church is the only institution to survive the fall of the Western Empire. Becomes the only unifying force in the West

Little contact with the outside world Loss and in some cases rejection of Classical thought.

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The truly important part of the Roman Empire. Contained the biggest portion of the population and wealth.

Continues with its classical tradition and becomes the major power in the Mediterranean area.

Orthodox Christianity is the main faith and is controlled for the most part by the emperor

Significant influence on the emerging civilization of Russia.

Constantinople was considered the endpoint of the Silk Route.

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Classical Civilizations (Qin – Legalist, Han – Confucianism)

Mandate of Heaven Development of meritocracy

(civil service exam, scholar-gentry)

Golden Ages = Great accomplishments (Great Wall, Terra Cotta Warriors, Paper, Silk, Rudder)

Nomads are biggest outside threat to sedentary people (Xiongnu)

Land routes begin (Silk Road) Merchants looked down upon,

eunuchs gained power Polytheistic Religion – Chinese

folk, Daoism Decline due to corruption,

barbaric threat, loss of identity, economic hardships, internal strife

Unit II Fall of Han= 400 years of warring

states = Sui, Tang, Song (Centralized gov’t)

Mandate of Heaven Meritocracy (civil service exams,

Neo-Confucianism) Golden Ages = gunpowder, Grand

canal, compass, moveable type, junks, porcelain, paper money)

Nomads are biggest outside threat (Mongol invasion= Yuan Dynasty)

Pax Mongolica = increased trade along Silk Road, merchants gained prestige

Ming Dynasty – erased Mongol rule, developed navy, Zheng He

Spread, adoption, and persecution of Buddhism, foot binding of women

Decline due to corruption, barbaric threats, economic hardships, internal strife

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China – Important People

LaoziHan Wudi

ConfuciusShi Huang di



Tang Taizong

Kublai KhanZheng He


Marco Polo

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Unlike Europe, China recovers from nomadic invaders.

New “classical” era begins with the Tang and Song dynasties.

Mongols do more to spread Chinese culture under the Yuan dynasty

Continues to be a major influence on Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia

Many overseas Chinese communities begin during this time period

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Classical Civilizations (Maurya- Buddhist, Gupta-Hindu)

Centralized bureaucracies Laws and society structured

around religious beliefs (Rock Pillar Edicts)

Golden Ages = Great accomplishments (military, mathematics –pi, zero, numerals - astronomy, medicine, literature)

Nomads are biggest outside threat to sedentary people (White Huns)

Extensive Trade (Silk Road, Indian Ocean, central location, monsoons)

Buddhism in Maurya (Ashoka) Hindu revival with Gupta (Caste system)

Decline due to corruption, poor leadership, barbaric threat, land too vast and diverse to control

Unit II Decentralized Hindu provinces,

Rise of Delhi Sultantate in North (Muslim), Chola and Vijayanagar in South (Hindu)

Semi-feudal Kingdoms Built mosques, castles, roads –

Temples, sculptures, literature Nomads are biggest outside threat

(Conquered by Tamerlane, Mongol)

Extensive trade network (Silk Road, Indian Ocean, central location, monsoons)

Islam brought by force, replaces Buddhism (Claimed to be high caste) South remains Hindu (Caste system)

Decline due to corruption, barbaric threats, poor leadership, economic hardships, internal strife

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India – Important People

Chandragupta Maurya

Chandra Gupta I




Hakka and Bukka

HarshaMahmud Ghaznavi


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Middle EastUNIT I

Classical Civilizations (Persian) Centralized bureaucracies

(Satrap = governors) Laws and society structured

and enforced, secret police, Immortals

Golden Ages = Great accomplishments (Royal Road, military, coins, postal service)

Unified diverse region with tolerance, trade, strong leadership

Extensive Trade in Mediterranean – attempt to take Greece led to two major wars- Persia lost

Zoroastrianism developed – Dualism – mostly tolerant of other faiths

Decline due to corruption, poor leadership, intolerance, foreign invasion led by Alexander the Great

Unit II Decline of Persian Empire led to

period of decentralization – controlled by Byzantines at times

Islamic Empires centralized the region, Dar-al-Islam (Umayyad, Abbasid)

Golden Age: Built mosques, hospitals, libraries- achievements in Math, literature, medicine, calligraphy

Unified diverse region with Islamic law, strong military, expansion=Crusades

Extensive trade network (Silk Road, Indian Ocean, Med sea, Trans-Saharan, central location)

Islam was dominant faith –tolerant of other religions. (Jiyza tax)

Decline due to corruption, Mongol attacks, poor leadership, religious schism (Sunni/Shiite), Rise of Ottoman

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Middle East – Important People






SaladinHarun al-Rashid

Genghiz Khan



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Rise of Islam in the 7th century breathes new life into this area.

Like Christianity in Northern Europe there is some “conversion by the sword”.

More tolerant than their Christian counterparts. Because Muhammad was a merchant – trade is a

respectable profession unlike in China and Japan Arab merchants become the heart of the Indian

Ocean trade Islam expands into North and East Africa as well

as Persia, India and Southeast Asia

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Silk Road trade was indirect. Goods changed hands many times before reaching final market.

Items had to be mostly small luxury goods.

Large profit margin on a few small items. Limited number of buyers – mostly the

wealthy Arab merchants were the key to most of

the trade.

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