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Unit 7 Bats Unit 7 Bats

Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

Jan 16, 2016



Linda Garrison
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Page 1: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

Unit 7 BatsUnit 7 Bats Unit 7 BatsUnit 7 Bats

Page 2: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question:

• In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

Page 3: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• Do all sounds made by animals serve as language?

• Does the voice play a strictly utilitarian role in the echo-location in bats?

• What must we turn to first to get a full appreciation of what this discovery means?

• What will happen if a person shouts in the vicinity of a wall or a mountainside?

• Who knows this?

Page 4: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• What if the solid obstruction is further off? • If you tap on the hull of a ship, where will the

sound be reflected from? • How can you calculate the depth of the sea at

that point? • Is an echo-sounding apparatus in general use

in ships? • What will every solid object reflect? • Will a shoal of fish also reflect a sound? • How simple a step is it from locating the sea

bottom to locating a shoal of fish?

Page 5: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• It is now possible to tell what kind of fish a shoal consists of. How?

• What do certain bats emit?

• How can those bats locate and steer clear of obstacles?

• What can they also locate?

• What is the echo-location of bats often compared with?

• Why is it often compared with radar?

Page 6: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


1) Bats fly at night and feed on insects and fruits.

2) As blind as a bat

视力极差的4) Have bats in the belfry

5)精神失常 / 想法怪诞6) Like a bat out of hell

7)极快地 back

Page 7: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

Strictly- clearly and exactly defined precisely limited 明确地Eg. Fishing in this pond is strictly

preserved.utilitarian – made to be useful rather

than decorationadj. 实用的

I bought a set of plain utilitarianKitchen ware for my mother.

n.Utility - quality of being useful

Utilitarian n. 功利主义者 back

Page 8: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

Appreciation – (statement giving )judgement/ valuation.n.欣赏;评价;鉴别

Appreciate v.

Appreciative adj. 感激的; 有欣赏力的

Appreciable adj. 可估计的


Page 9: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


-sth that blocks the path of sth

e.g. Your car is causing an obstruction.

你的车挡到了。obstruct. V.


Page 10: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


- Pass away

e.g. Five months have elapsed since he came here



Page 11: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


- the body or frame of a ship most of which goes under the water

e.g. The boat has a beautiful highly faired hull.


Page 12: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


- a period between two events or times, or the space between two points.

e.g. There was a long interval before he answered the phone.

。 next

Page 13: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


- the act or state of receiving money or goods /he fact of receiving

- a written statement that one has received money

e.g. Ask the shop for a receipt for your money when you pay the bill.


Page 14: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


- Be in receipt of 已收到- Make out a receipt 开发票- On receipt of 收到…时e.g. I am in receipt of your mail and

thank you for your greetings.

。 next

Page 15: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


- a set of equipment or tools or sometimes a machine which is used for a particular purpose

- Sets of instruments put together for a purpose

- e.g There some sports apparatuses in the jym.

. next

Page 16: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


- great number of fish/ people swimming together

- In shoals 成群,许多- A shoal of 一群鱼- Shoals of 许多,大群的(人)- The ship was wrecked on the



Page 17: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?


(squeaky adj)- short shrill cry- eg.We heard the squeaks of the

old wooden door.- A narrow /close/near/ tight

squeak- 幸免于难;险遭不测;九死一生

的脱险;非常勉强的成功- Squeak by/ through. 险胜;勉强


Page 18: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

(squeaky adj)- short shrill cry- eg.We heard the squeaks of the

old wooden door.- A narrow /close/near/ tight

squeak- 幸免于难;险遭不测;九死一生

的脱险;非常勉强的成功- Squeak by/ through. 险胜;勉强


Page 19: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

•Language points

Page 20: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

1.Not all sounds made by animals

serve as language, and we have

only to turn to that extraordinary

discovery of echo-location in bats

to see a case in which the voice

plays a strictly utilitarian role.

Page 21: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• Not all : 部分否定• 修饰可数名词复数时, 谓语动词用

复数, 单数及不可数名词用单数。• 例句: Not all food tastes


• Not all girls are good at dancing.


Page 22: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• Serve as 作为, 用作• He has served the company for 50

years, first as office boy and eventually as managing director.

• 他在公司干了 50 年, 最初当勤杂工, 最终当上了管理部门的经理。

• One room had to serve as both bedroom and living room.


Page 23: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• turn to : 求助于• 例句: They had to turn to the

villagers for advice.

• 他们不得不向村民们求助。


Page 24: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• play a role in ... 

• 在 ... 里面扮演角色,发挥作用

• 例句: She played the leading role in the school play.

• 她在学校的戏里扮演主角


Page 25: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• play a role in ...  • 翻译:根据最近一项调查报告,


• According to a recent report, teachers also play a very important role in students’ daily life.


Page 26: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• 2.Everyone knows that if he shouts in the vicinity of a wall or a mountainside, an echo will come back.

• in the vicinity of : 在 ... 附近例句 1. Are there any supermarkets in the vicinity of our community?.

• 2.The family's annual income is in the vicinity of $15000.

• 这家一年的收入在一万五千美元左右。back

Page 27: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• The further off, the longer time… 越来… . 越 . ..

• 例句 1. the more money you make, the more you spend.

• 2 房间越小, 或者越多人在里面, 房间的空气就越快变坏。

• The smaller the room is, or the more people are in it, the faster the air becomes bad. back

Page 28: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• 3.Every solid object will reflect a sound, varying according to the size and nature of the object.


Page 29: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• according to :根据,取决于•

例句: Please arrange the books according to size.

• 请按大小将书分类。Every one will be paid according to

his ability.


Page 30: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• feed on :以 ... 为食物• 例句: Cows feed on hay.• 牛以干草为食。 • Eskimos feed on meat and

fish.• 爱斯基摩人以肉类和鱼类为生


Page 31: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• 4.So it is a comparatively simple step from locating the sea bottom to locating a shoal of fish.

• A group of people• A herd of cattle• A flock of birds• A swarm of bees• A litter of pigs back

Page 32: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• 5.It has been found that certain bats emit squeaks and by receiving the echoes, they can locate and steer clear of obstacles -- or locate flying insects on which they feed.


Page 33: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• steer clear of :避开

• 例句: Kids should steer clear of that park, it doesn't seem safe.

• 那个公园好像不安全 , 孩子们应该避开。


Page 34: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• feed on :以 ... 为食物• 例句: Cows feed on hay.• 牛以干草为食。


Page 35: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

-----or locate flying insects on which they feed

• 例句: The teacher from whom I learnt most was Mrs Zhu.

• The hotel which we stayed at was both cheap and comfortable.

• The machine which I have looked after for 20 years, is still working well.


Page 36: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• 6.This echo-location in bats is often compared with radar, the principle of which is similar. .


Page 37: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

• compare with :与 ... 比较

• 例句: The output of the factory this year has increased by 20 percent as compared with last year.

• 这家厂今年的产量比去年增加了百分之二十。


Page 38: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

注意比较: compare to      把 ...比作

• He compared the girl to the moon in the poem.



Page 39: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?

So was born the echo-sounding apparatus, now in general use in ships.

• 本句是一个倒装句,正常语序是:• The echo-sounding apparatus

was so born, now in general use in ships.


Page 40: Unit 7 Bats. T: Listen to the passage (or read it silently) and answer this question: In what way does echo-location in bats play a utilitarian role?