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Unit 6 Unit Six Conferences and Exhibitions Secretary English

Unit 6 Unit Six Conferences and Exhibitions

Dec 31, 2015




Unit 6 Unit Six Conferences and Exhibitions. Secretary English. Objectives. To grasp the words and expressions in this unit. To practice the situational dialogues skillfully. To be able to write notifications, agendas and minutes according to the given information. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Unit 6 Unit Six Conferences and Exhibitions

Unit 6 Unit Six Conferences and


Unit 6 Unit Six Conferences and


Secretary English

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To grasp the words and expressions in this unit.

To practice the situational dialogues skillfully.

To be able to write notifications, agendas and minutes according to the given information.

To know some cultural background knowledge about international exhibition.

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Ⅰ. Lead-in

Ⅱ. Language Points

Ⅲ. Classroom Activities

Ⅳ. Practical Writing

Ⅴ. Exercises

Ⅵ. Key to Exercises

Ⅶ. Assignments

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Ⅰ. Lead-in

A business conference is formal, especially when it is a meeting between people from separate companies. Formal introductions and exchange of business cards are usually done at the beginning of the meeting. Usually a secretary should organize it well and keeps the pace of the meeting and makes the meeting as efficient as possible.

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Ⅱ. Language Points

1. conduct [kən‘dʌkt] v. 引导、进行,经营、管理

The head office of the company decided to conduct a board meeting the next month.

公司总部决定下个月召开一次董事会。 2. relevant [ ‘reləvənt] adj. 有关的 be relevant to = be related to I don’t think your view is relevant to the topic. 我认为你的观点跟这个话题无关。

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Ⅱ. Language Points 3. resolution [rezə ‘lu:ʃən] n. 解决 , 解

答 ; 正式决定 , 决议 At the meeting, there was a resolution for/a

gainst building a new hospital. 会议上有一项赞成/反对建一所新医院的决


4. implement [ ‘implimənt] vt . 使生效 , 贯彻 , 执行   n. 工具 , 器具 , 用具

I’m sure these new policies will be implemented soon.


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Ⅱ. Language Points 5. consumer [kən'sju:mə] n. 消费者 , 顾

客  consumption n. 消费 In order to benefit the consumers, we have ta

ken many measures to bring down the prices.


6. contact [‘kɔntækt] n. 接触 ; 联系 vt. 联系 You can contact me at 5566778 when I was

in Beijing.

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Ⅱ. Language Points

7. make sure 确保,务必 Please make sure all the lights are turned

off when you leave the room. 在离开房间时请确保所有的灯都关了。

8. for reference 以供参考 The keys he provided yesterday are just fo

r reference. 他提供的答案仅供参考。

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Ⅱ. Language Points

9. in charge of 负责 Who is in charge of the company when the general

manager is away? 总经理不在时谁来负责公司的工作? in the charge of 由……负责 The company is in the charge of John. 这家公司是由 John 负责的。 10. in detail 详细地 Could you please tell me your adventure in the valley

in detail? 能不能把你在山谷的冒险详细地讲给我听 ?

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Ⅱ. Language Points

11. be specialized in 以...为特色 , 专攻

Our company is specialized in electric products.

12.keep up with 赶上 You should study harder to keep up with th

e other students in class. 你应该更加努力学习以赶上班上其他同学。

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Ⅱ. Language Points

13.satisfy (meet) one’s needs 满足...的需求

In order to satisfy the customers’ needs, the sales manager decided to promote sales.


14. keep in touch with 跟...保持联系 You had better keep in touch with him as soon as

you arrive in America. 你最好一到美国就跟他取得联系。

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Additional Knowledge

会议名称 工作委员会 Working Committee 小组委员会 Subcommittee 股东大会 General Meeting of Shareholders 周年大会 Annual General Meeting ( A. G. M) 例会 Regular Meeting 特别大会 Extra-ordinary General Meeting ( E.G. M.) 特别委员会 Special Committee 执行委员会 Executive Committee 常务委员会 Standing Committee 常会 ordinary Meeting 董事会 Board Meeting 筹备委员会 Preparatory Committee

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Additional Knowledge

会议出席、列席成员 主席          Chairman 法律顾问         legal adviser 委员会委员        committee members 律师           solicitor or attorney 贵宾           guest of honor 发起人          Office bearer 审计员          auditor 义务司库         Hon. Treasurer 义务秘书 Hon. Secretary

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Additional Knowledge

1.So, if there is nothing else we need to discuss, let's move on to today's agenda.

如果没什么其他讨论的了,我们就进入下一个议程。 2. Before we close today's meeting, let me just summarize t

he main points. 在结束今天的会议之前,请允许我把会议要点概括一下。 3. Could I have your latest catalogues or something that tell

s me about your company? 可以给我一些贵公司最近的商品价格目录表或者一些有关说明资料吗?

4. It’s just the matter of the schedule hat is , if it is convenient for you right now.

如果你们感到方便的话,我想现在讨论一下日程安排的问题。 5. We‘’ve got to report back to the head office. 我们还要回去向总部汇报情况呢。

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Additional Knowledge 6.You‘’ll know our products better after this visit. 参观后您会对我们

的产品有更深的了解。 7.A notice of the general meeting is going round; please sign and r

eturn it to the main office 召开全体大会的通知已发出传阅,请签署并把通知退回总办公室。 8. All products have to go through five checks in the whole process.

所有产品在整个生产过程中得通过五道质量检查关。 9. Quality is even more important than quantity. 质量比数量更为重要。 10.The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities

of establishing trade relations with your company. 我此行的目的正是想探询与贵公司建立贸易关系的可能性。

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Additional Knowledge

11.I’d like to know some information about the current investment environment in your country?

我想了解一下贵国的投资环境。 12.Our foreign trade policy has always been based on equality and

mutual benefit and exchange of needed goods. 我们的对外贸易政策一向是以平等互利、互通有无为基础的。 13.I’m really positive that this product has all the features yo

u have always wanted. 我确信这种产品有各种你所要的款式。 14. We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a l

ot business with other customers. 我们向你们报最优惠价,按此价我们已与其他客户做了大批生意。

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Ⅲ. Classroom Activities

Role-play the following situations with your partners, acting as the Chinese speaker, English speaker and the interpreter respectively. One group will be invited to perform in class.

Situation A Two of the students will discuss the size, location, transportation,

and facilities of the Hi-tech Fair and Shenzhen. One tries to be the manager from a foreign company, the other tries to be the organizer of the exhibition, the third student will be their interpreter.

Situation B One of the students will be giving a brief introduction to one of the

exhibition centers in your city. Another student tries to be his / her interpreter.

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Ⅳ. Practical Writing

Notification (会议通知)1

Agenda (会议议程)2

Minutes (会议记录)33

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Ⅳ. Practical Writing

1. Notification (通知)通知的定义: 书面通知是书面的正式公告或布告,常常是张贴在显眼的位置,多用 notice 作标志。为了醒目起见,标志的每个字母可以用大写 NOTICE(但如发出通知的单位以首字母大写形式出现在通知的标志之上,则也要首字母大写形式 Notice) ,并常写在正文上方的正中位置。标志后可以编号,也可以不编号。口头通知用 Announcement 作标志,但通常省略不说。

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Ⅳ. Practical Writing

通知的文体 :

书面通知用词贴切,语句简洁,具有书面化;口头通知用词表达要注重口语化。口头通知的开头往往有称呼语 (被通知的对象 ) ,如:“ Boys and girls” ,“ Ladies and gentlemen” ,“ Comrades and friends”等,或用提醒听众注意的语句,如“ Attention,please!”“Your attention,please!”“May I have your attention,please?”等,且最好有结束语,如:“ Thank you(for listening)” 以示礼貌.

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Ⅳ. Practical Writing

通知的基本结构: 受文者( To): 发文者( From): 发文日期 (Date): 事由 (Subject): 时间 (Time): 地点 (Place): 主持人 (Host): 会务费用(Meeting expense): 联络人及电话 (Contact person and contact number): 摘要 (summary): 附件( Enclosures) :

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Ⅳ. Practical Writing

2. Agenda (议程)议程的定义: 会议议程是指在会议上各项内容的安排。会议


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Ⅳ. Practical Writing

会议议程的结构 : 1) Call to order 主持人宣布会议开始 2) Roll call 点名(可由主持人口头点名或由秘书进行) 3) Announcement of quorum 宣布到会法定人数(不常做) 4) Reading of minutes of the previous meeting 宣读上次会议记录(也可在会前分发给到会者) 5) Approval of minutes of the previous meeting 通过上次会议记录 6) Chairperson’s report 会议主席发言 7) Subcommittee report 与会者发言 8) Unfinished business 讨论未完成事务 9) New business 讨论新事务 10) Appointment of committee 任命工作小组 11) Nominations and elections 提名和改选 12) Announcement of the date of next meeting 宣布下次会议的日期 13) Adjournment 会议结束或休会

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Ⅳ. Practical Writing

3. Minutes (会议记录)会议记录的定义: 会议记录是真实记载会议情况的文字材料。每次会后,秘书都应根据会议内容整理出会议记录,它客观反映会议的内容和进程,是形成会议纪要、简报的重要素材和检查会议决定事项执行情况的依据,具有重要的保存、利用价值,是重要的文书档案材料。

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Ⅳ. Practical Writing

会议记录的基本结构: 1) Time and place of the meeting 会议时间与地点 2) Chairperson 主持人 3) Present, observing or absent 出席者、列席者与缺席者

4) Subject 议题 5) Summary of discussion 发言、讨论纪要 6) Resolution 形成决议 7) Date for next meeting 下次会议时间 (也可

不要 ) 8) Time of the adjournment 休会时间 9) Signature of the recorder 记录者签名

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Ⅴ. Exercises

Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary.

1. In order to make herself understood, she told us what had happened to her ____.

2. When you leave the lab, please _____that all the lights are turned off.. 3. A(n) _____is a list, outline, or plan of things to be done during the meeting. 4. At the meeting, Mr. Smith _____some suggestions, but no one was willing to s

econd them. 5. It _____that it was not John but his sister-in –law took over the company, whic

h was not expected. 6. In order to ___the normalization of relations between the two countries, a lot o

f measures were taken. 7. The ___refer to the summary or records of what is said and decided at a meet

ing. 8. Almost everyone ____Zhao Benshan’s cross talk. 9. Nowadays, people seem too busy to ____each other. 10. In order to ____students’____, three more labs will be set up. 11. Li Ming works as a law___ in a big company. 12. The leaders_______ this project, they spent much of their time doing researc


put forward keep in touch with satisfy one’s needs agenda minute turn out attach importance to think highly of make sure promote consultant in detail

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Ⅴ. Exercises

II. Translate the following into Chinese or English.

1. 一名秘书应该在会前把跟会议相关的文件准备到位并且发到各位与会者。

2. 我们希望跟贵公司保持长期的业务往来。 3. 有关这次会议的议程和要求我已打印出来放在那边那个文件夹里。 4. 我们的新产品在国内外享有盛誉而且质量上乘、价格合理。 5 .一个秘书的重要职责之一就是做好会议的准备工作。 6. 经过讨论,董事会一致通过这项提议。 7. 谁负责这个公司的市场营销? 8 . 我们在提高销售量的同时应重视售后服务。 9. After some discussion, the Board agreed on the proposal unanim


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Ⅴ. Exercises

III. Fill in the table below by giving the corresponding Chinese or English equivalents.domestic market

new product development

market research

confidential paper





first-rate management levels


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Ⅴ. Exercises IV. Practical writing Write a meeting notice according to the foll

owing Chinese information: 海洋公司定于 2007 年 3 月 12日(星期

一)上午 8 点在友谊宾馆 206 房间召开关于投资计划的董事会,经理吴卫光主持了会议,财务部主任刘红、市场与销售部主任卢伟、开发部主任周毅刚及投资顾问伍洁都到场并发言。假如你是秘书杨兰,请写一份会议议程。

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Ⅵ.Key to Exercises I. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below.

Change the form where necessary. detail 2.make sure 3.agenda 4.put forward 5.turned out 6.promote 7.minutes 8.thinks highly of 9.keep in touch with 10.satisfy……needs 11.consultant 12.attached importance to

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Ⅵ.Key to Exercises II. Translate the following into Chinese or English. 1. A secretary should make the documents relevant to the meeting

available and distribute to the attendants before the meeting. 2. We hope to maintain the long-term business relationship with yo

ur company 3. I have typed out the agenda and the requirements concerning t

his meeting and put them in the folder over there. 4.Our new products are famous both home and abroad. What’s mo

re, they are good in quality and reasonable in price. One of the important duties of a sectary is to make good preparatio

ns for a conference. After some discussion, the Board agreed on the proposal unanimo

usly. Who is in charge of the marketing sales of this company? 8. 我们在提高销售量的同时应重视售后服务。 9. 经过讨论,董事会一致通过这项提议。

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Ⅵ.Key to Exercises 10. 会议通知 受文者 : 所有的销售人员 发文者 : 秘书 Jerry Kane 事 由 : 2007 年销售计划会 我公司定于 2007 年 9 月 20日上午 8:30 在厦门长城宾馆举行销售年会 , 为了保证足够的房间和午餐供应 , 如能告知是否参加会议 , 我们将不胜感激。

为方便起见,随函附上一张回执卡,敬请在 9 月 11日之前把回执用已付邮资的信封寄过来。

回执 ---- 是的,我打算来参加这次销售会议。 ----很遗憾,我不能来参加这次销售会议。 签名 公司名称

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Ⅵ.Key to Exercises III. Fill in the table below by giving the corresponding Chinese or E

nglish equivalents. domestic market 国内市场 multi-media conference room 多媒体会议室 new product development 新产品开发 promoting strategies 促销策略 market research市场调研 the layout of the exhibition hall 展厅平面图 confidential paper 机密文件 high-tech digital camera 高科技数码相机 first-rate management levels 一流的管理水平 satisfy one’s needs 满足顾客需求

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Ⅵ.Key to Exercises

IV . Practical Writing Hai Yang Company Board Meeting of the investment plans 8:00 a.m. Monday, March 12,2007 Room 206, Friendship HotelAGENDA1. Call to order : Mr. Wu Gang, manager President’s report: Mr. Wu Gang, manager Committee’s reports: Ms. Liu Hong , director of Finance Department Mr. Lu Wei, director of Sales and Marketing Mr. Zhou Yigang, director of Development Ms. Wu Jie, investment consultant Old business 1 Discussion of the profits of the company last year 2 Discussions of the board resolutions in the previous meeting New business 1Discussion of the investment plans this year 2Discussion of strategies to win new clients and expand new overseas markets AdjournmentContact: Yang Lan , 13000022222

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Ⅶ. Assignments

Let the Ss write down an essay about meeting minutes and then comment some Ss’ writing.

写一篇会议记录,包括一下内容: 给全体员工发奖金,奖金将于 2007 年 1 月底

发放。 销售人员奖金视 2006 年 12 月底的销售业绩而定。

办公室人员在销售期间工作压力大,所以奖金为 2006 年全年工资的 20% 。


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Key 答案: Minutes of meeting held to discuss annual bonus Time: 23-12-2006 Venue: 203 Office Building Attendance: Larry Bird (General Manager), John Smith (Chi

ef Accountant), Tony Stone (Personnel Manager) Chairman: Larry Bird Minutes Taker: Tony Stone Topic for Discussion: Annual bonus Voting Result: All agreed Resolution: Each employee with good performance will get

2000 pounds. Department heads will get 3000 pounds. Those with s

uper performance will get 5000 pounds.