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Unit 6: The New South to the First World War SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918. The student will evaluate the impact the Bourbon Triumvirate, Henry Grade, International Cotton Expositions, Tom Watson and the Populists, Rebecca Latimer Felton, the 1906 Atlanta Riot, the Leo Frank Case, and the county unit system had on Georgia during this period.

Unit 6: The New South to the First World War SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Dec 17, 2015



Bernice Collins
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Page 1: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Unit 6: The New South to the First

World War SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and

economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918.

The student will evaluate the impact the Bourbon Triumvirate, Henry Grade, International Cotton Expositions, Tom Watson and the Populists, Rebecca Latimer Felton, the 1906 Atlanta Riot, the Leo Frank Case, and the county unit system had on Georgia during this period.

Page 2: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Essential Question

What were the key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between 1877 and 1918?

Page 3: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Reconstruction is now over… 12 years since the war ended

Page 4: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Three Georgia governors that follow Reconstruction that dominate Georgia politics.

Each argued that Georgia’s future was not in the agricultural economy of the past, but in BUSINESS & INDUSTRY!!!

They wanted to keep old Southern traditions, including white supremacy.

Together, they were known as the “Bourbon Triumvirate”

The term “Bourbon” referred to a powerful French ruling family, so it came to mean any powerful ruling elite.

What was the Bourbon Triumvirate?

Page 5: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

The Bourbon Triumvirate

Civil War Governor of Georgia

One of GA’s wealthiest men

Joseph E. Brown John B. Gordon

Successful Civil War General

Served as U.S. Senator and Georgia Governor

Alfred H. ColquittServed as GA Governorand U.S. Senator

Page 6: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Henry Grady“Voice of the New South”

Industry wasn’t just

important to Georgia’s

governors, but to Georgia

native, Henry Grady

Influential editor of Atlanta’s newspaper, The Atlanta Constitution.

Urged Georgians to forget the past and create a “New South” built on industry

Page 7: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

The International Cotton Exposition

In order to spotlight and shed attention on Georgia’s growing textile industry, Atlanta hosted a world industrial fair called the International Cotton Exposition (ICE)

Atlanta hosted the ICE in…

The ICE gave Georgia recognition as a new and prosperous industrial state and attracted investors.




Page 8: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Farmers resented the newemphasis on business andindustry

The dramatic drop in cottonprices and the loss of thesouth’s agricultural labor forcemade life difficult for farmers

To protect and promote theinterests, a movement calledthe Farmer’s Alliance wasorganized

Created cooperative stores – Co Ops - to buy agricultural goods at discounts- Negotiated discounted rail rate for transporting agricultural products- Encouraged politicians to fight for Rural Free Delivery (RFD - freedelivery of mail to country farmers)


Page 9: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Supporters of the Farmer’s Alliance formed their own political party to challenge the Democrats

The People’s Party (or Populist Party) fought for farmers

Responsible for RFD

The leader of the Populist Party in Georgia was a lawyer named Tom Watson

Known for his views on favoringwhite supremacy as a way to get elected


Page 10: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Tom Watson, now a Democrat, was elected to the Senate where he continued to fight for farmer’s issues.

In 1922, Watson died in office, leaving his Senate seat vacant.

The Governor shocked the nation by appointing a woman, Rebecca Latimer Felton, to replace him until a special election the next day.Though she held office for only 24 hours, Felton was the first female U.S. Senator in American history!!!


Rebecca Latimer Felton

Page 11: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Racial Tensions ExplodeForced abolition during the Civil War, and the North’s policies during Reconstruction provoked a great deal of racism and ethnic hatred throughout the South

Though the 15th Amendment guaranteed African-American males the right to vote, many used terror tactics to “scare” blacks away from voting…

Others, like Tom Watson, tried to get laws

passed taking away the right to vote

for blacks

Page 12: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Racial Tensions Explode

In 1906, Hoke Smith was elected Governor after promising to pass a law taking the right to vote away from blacks…

The election caused racial tensions to run extremely high…

On September 22, Atlanta newspapers published articles alleging that several black men had assaulted white women…

That night, a group of whites attacked a black messenger on a bicycle, igniting a race riot that lasted four days…

Page 13: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

The 1906 Atlanta Riot Whites went on a rampage

10 African Americans and 2 whites were killed

The riots caused many in the black community to believe that coexistence with whites would not be possible.

Page 14: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Leo Frank Case Antisemitism (hatred toward

Jews) In 1913, a 13-year old factory

worker, Mary Phagan, was murdered while at work in Atlanta.

The factory superintendent, a Jewish man named Leo Frank, was accused of the murder

Despite conflicting testimony and clear, falsified evidence, Frank was convicted and sentenced to death.

Two years later, Frank was kidnapped from his jail cell and hanged by a mob.

* In 1986, a man who had witnessed the murder came forward with new evidence;the GA Board ofPardons reversed the guilty verdict 71 years after Frank’s death.

Page 15: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

County Unit System

Georgia was also locked in a powerful struggle between supporters of industry (the “New South”) and farmers

In 1917, farmers were able to convince GA’s leaders to adopt the county unit system.

This meant that small, rural counties had equal or more votes than large, urban

counties. The county unit system guaranteed, at least for the next 50 years, that power wouldbe kept in the hands of the farmers.

Page 16: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Study your notes…pop quiz!!

Page 17: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

What do you remember about……the New South???1. An organization/union created to fight for farmers’ issues

2. A political party formed to represent interests of farmers

3. Guaranteed free mail to country farmers

4. Leader of the Populist Party in Georgia who supported the farmers

5. The first female U.S. Senator in American history

6. The leaders of the “New South” (Brown, Gordon, Colquitt)

7. The “voice” of the “New South”; Atlanta Constitution editor

8. Cast a spotlight on Georgia’s growing textile industry

A. Rebecca L. Felton

B. Henry Grady

C. Populist Party


E. Farmers Alliance

F. Bourbons


H. Tom Watson

Page 18: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Jim Crow Laws

Starting in the 1880s, these laws enforced segregation throughout the South, creating two separate worlds – one black and the other white.

In 1889, Georgia’s General Assembly segregated a number of public facilities including theaters, prison camps, water fountains, and restrooms. People were fired from their jobs, jailed, or even killed for breaking these laws.

Page 19: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Though the 14th and 15th Amendments made African-Americans fully equal, participating citizens, discrimination continued through a series of “loopholes”…

Soon after Reconstruction, many states began passing Jim Crow Laws, segregating schools, hotels, restaurants, restrooms, etc.

In 1892, Homer Plessy (who was partially African-American) was arrested for riding in the “whites only” section of a Louisiana railroad car.

Plessy sued in court, arguing that his 14th Amendment

rights to “equal protection” were violated.

The U.S. Supreme Court, in Plessy v. Ferguson, said that segregation was legal, as long as facilities were “separate but equal”

Page 20: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Supreme Court Ruling 1896Plessy v. Ferguson

The Ruling: SEPARATE facilities were lawful as long as they were EQUAL.

Justice John Harlan, the lone dissenter wrote, “Our Constitution is color-blind.”

Supreme Court in 1896

The Result: legalized Jim Crow segregation until 1954

(Brown v. Board of Education)

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Page 22: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.


Disenfranchised – to take the right to vote away from someone or some group vote

Poll tax: required citizens

to pay a tax prior to voting

(eliminating the poor)

Literacy Tests: required citizens to

prove the ability to read before being

able to vote (eliminating the illiterate)

Page 23: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

White Primary: Blacks were not permitted to vote in Democratic primary (an election within a party to determine a party’s candidate)

The Grandfather Clause: said if a person’s father was able to vote before the Civil War, then they could too, without paying the poll tax or taking the literacy test. Used to allow some poor white citizens the opportunity to vote while continuing to deny the right to blacks.

*The law in some states said that if a person’s grandfather fought in the Civil War they could vote as well.

Page 24: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

By the 1900s, African Americans were…


Page 25: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

What do you remember about……racial disenfranchisment???

1. Disenfranchise means to deny the right to ____.

2. Georgia was the first state to levy the ________, which required voters to pay a fee in order to vote.

3. A _____________ was used to ensure that voters were able to read.

4. Blacks were not permitted to

vote in the _______________,

an election within a party to

select a party’s candidate for


5. The various laws used to

discriminate against blacks,

segregating schools, hotels,

theaters, restrooms, trains

were called ______ ________


Page 26: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

African-Americans Respond

Page 27: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

African-Americans Respond Booker T. Washington believed that the way for blacks to

advance was not through integration, but through hard work and vocational education.

He became a national figure with a speech at the Atlanta I.C.E. in 1895 in which he endorsed segregation and hard work as a path to equality.

Founded the Tuskegee Institute

W.E.B. DuBois believed that African-Americans should speak out constantly for full civil, social, and political rights.

Founded the NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

The Atlanta Race Rio largely discredited the “coexistence” approach of Washington.

After 1906, most prominent African-Americans tended to follow the more confrontational model of Du Bois.

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Senior class in Agricultural Education at Tuskegee Institute

Page 29: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Pharmacy class at Howard University in Washington, D.C.

Page 30: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Carpentry class at Tuskegee Institute (currently Tuskegee University)

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African-American Success Stories

Despite discrimination, several African-Americans achieved great success during the “New South” era:

John Hope and Lugenia Burns Hope

John Hope served as the first black president of Morehouse College in Atlanta

Served as the founding president of Atlanta University (later Clark Atlanta University)

Lugenia Hope known for her social activism in helping the poor (established the Neighborhood Union)

Page 32: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Alonzo Herndon“rags to riches”

Entrepreneur – a person who

organized and manages and manages

any enterprise, especially a business,

usually with considerable initiative and risk. Born a slave in 1858 Became a barber in 1883 – The Crystal Palace Founded the Atlanta Life Insurance Company By the time he died in 1927, he was Atlanta’s wealthiest African-American

Page 33: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

What do you remember about……African-American achievement in the “New South”

Who said what?

1.“If one just works hard, he can achieve many things.”

2.We must speak out against discrimination now!”

A. Booker T. Washington

B. W.E.B. Du Bois


C. W.E.B. Du Bois

D. John Hope

E. Alonzo Herndon

F. Lugenia Burns Hope

G. Booker T.


Match each person to their accomplishment.

3.Founded Atlanta Life Insurance; Atlanta’s first black millionaire.

4.First black president of Morehouse College

5.Founded of the NAACP

6.Established the Neighborhood Union social organization to help the poor

Page 34: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Reasons for World War I“the war to end all wars”

• Nationalism – pride in one’s country (extreme patriotism)

• Militarism – willingness to use organized violence for nationalistic causes or purposes.

• Spark: assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary at the hands of Yugoslavian nationalist.

• The war lasted for four years (1914-1918) and resulted in the death of millions throughout Europe.

U.S. involvement: Sinking of the Lusitania (British passenger ship) – German

submarine activity Zimmerman Telegram – German message sent to Mexico

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Page 36: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.
Page 37: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.
Page 38: Unit 6: The New South to the First World War  SS8H7 – The student will evaluate key political, social, and economic changes that occurred in Georgia between.

Georgia’s Contributions During WWI

Providing military training camps (Fort McPherson, Camp Gordon, Camp Benning and Camp Stewart

Over 100,000 soldiers took part in the war effort Over 3000 soldiers died War bonds and “victory gardens” to help supply the troops