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Unit 3: The American Revolution: 1775-1783

Dec 30, 2015




Unit 3: The American Revolution: 1775-1783. Bell Ringer: On the Eve of the Revolution ?. How does a rag-tag group of farmers and merchants defeat the most powerful military in the world?. Loyalist Strongholds. I. The Fighting Begins. A. British want to capture colonial - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Unit 3: The American Revolution: 1775-1783
Page 2: Unit 3: The American Revolution: 1775-1783

BritainBritain AmericansAmericans

AdvantagesAdvantages ?? ??

DisadvantagesDisadvantages ?? ??

Bell Ringer: On the Bell Ringer: On the Eve of the Eve of the

Revolution ?Revolution ?

Page 3: Unit 3: The American Revolution: 1775-1783

How does a rag-How does a rag-tag group of tag group of farmers and farmers and

merchants defeat merchants defeat the most the most

powerful military powerful military in the world?in the world?

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E. The American RevolutionE. The American Revolution


I. The Fighting Begins

A. British want to capture colonial supplies in

ConcordB. British soldiers

clash with Lexington militiaC. No supplies are

found in ConcordD. Colonists attack

retreating Redcoats

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II. Second Continental CongressII. Second Continental Congress

A. Purpose—restore PEACE

1. Olive Branch petition sent to King George

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Gentlemen may cry peace, peace; but there is no peace.

The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps

from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding

arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why

stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? Forbid it, Almighty God – I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty,

or give me death!

Patrick Henry of VirginiaMarch 1775

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B. Continental Army isB. Continental Army is established with established with

GeorgeGeorge Washington asWashington as commandercommander

2. King rejects offer of peace

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Phase IPhase I:: The Northern The Northern CampaignCampaign[1775-1776][1775-1776]

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III. Fort Ticonderoga

A. Important British fort on Lake Champlain

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C. Valuable Artillery captured &

hauled to Boston

1. 59 cannons—weighing up to 1800lbs each

2. Dragged for 200 miles by oxen

over snow/mts.

B. Captured by Benedict Arnold &

Ethan Allen (Green Mountain


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Page 13: Unit 3: The American Revolution: 1775-1783

Bell RingerBell Ringer:: Interactive JournalInteractive Journal

Fold a sheet of notebook paper into four parts. Then write the following in each of the boxes.

1) What similarities and differences existed between the British and American Armies? (at least 2 similarities and 2 differences)

2) Were 18th century war tactics reasonable based on the technology? (Defend with evidence and description of the tactics and weapons.)

3) Trade to a partner: Add at least one similarity and one difference that is not there.

4) Trade with a different partner and respond to the statement in block 2.

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IV. Fight For Boston (June 1775)

A. Americans occupy high ground on Breed’s Hill

B. Americans run out of ammunition & the British

take the hill on 3rd attemptDon’t fire until you see the whites of Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes!”their eyes!”

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Bunker Hill (June, 1775)Bunker Hill (June, 1775)

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C. Americans retreat to Bunker HillC. Americans retreat to Bunker Hill

D. Americans lose, prove they can D. Americans lose, prove they can fightfight

E. British suffer over 40% lossE. British suffer over 40% loss

F. Later (Jan ’76) cannons arrive from F. Later (Jan ’76) cannons arrive from Ticonderoga, Ticonderoga,

British evacuate BostonBritish evacuate Boston

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Bell Ringer:Bell Ringer:1’s quiz the 2’s on the 1’s quiz the 2’s on the

meaning of the first meaning of the first six vocab termssix vocab terms

2’s quiz the 1’s on the 2’s quiz the 1’s on the meaning of the second meaning of the second

five vocab terms five vocab terms

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V. The Break with Britain

A. “Common Sense” pamphlet written by Thomas Paine—urges colonists to reject monarchy & form a republic (Jan 1776)

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Ideas of Thomas Paine

“Society in every state is a blessing, but government even in its best state is but a necessary evil.”

“A thirst for absolute power is the natural disease of monarchy.”

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As regards kings and subjects - “… how a race of men came into the world so exalted above the rest … is worth inquiring into, and whether they are the means of happiness or of misery to mankind.”

“To the evil of monarchy we have added that of hereditary succession.”

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“America would have flourished as much, and probably much more, had no European power had any thing to do with her.”

“The same tyranny which drove the first emigrants from home pursue their descendants still.”

“Whenever a war breaks out between England and any foreign power, the trade of America goes to ruin, because of her connection with Britain.”

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B. 2nd Continental Congress—debates independence

1. committee appointed to write declaration

2. Thomas Jefferson (VA) does most of writing

3. Declaration of Independence adopted on July 4, 1776

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Declaration of Declaration of IndependenceIndependence

• Preamble—(intro) states WHAT the Preamble—(intro) states WHAT the document isdocument is

• Natural Rights—states basic rights given to Natural Rights—states basic rights given to all all

men (Life, Liberty, men (Life, Liberty, Happiness)Happiness)

• List of Grievances—allegations against KingList of Grievances—allegations against King

• Formal Declaration—official statement of Formal Declaration—official statement of independenceindependence

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“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal , that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

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That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

That when ever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.”

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Page 27: Unit 3: The American Revolution: 1775-1783

Signers of the Declaration of Signers of the Declaration of Independence by StateIndependence by State

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Independence HallIndependence Hall

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New New National National SymbolsSymbols

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Bell Ringer:Bell Ringer:

After being pushed out of After being pushed out of Boston, what targets do you Boston, what targets do you

think that they pick to go next?think that they pick to go next?

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Washington’s HeadachesWashington’s Headaches

Only 1/3 of the colonists were in favor of a war for independence [the other third were Loyalists, and the final third were neutral].

State/colony loyalties.

Congress couldn’t tax to raise money for the Continental Army.

Poor training

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VI. Early Strategy

A. British

1. Control Hudson River2. Link up with troops from Canada

3. isolate New England Colonies

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B. American

1. build up an army

2. inflict damage on British using guerilla tactics

3. get help from French Canadians—attack on Quebec failed

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Phase IIPhase II::

NY & PANY & PA[1777-1778][1777-1778]

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The Howe Brothers

VII. War in the Middle Colonies

A. After leaving Boston, British

Army heads to NYC

B. Continental Army cannot prevent their capturing

of NYC

C. Washington & men abandon NYC (Nov.

’76) & retreat to NJ, then

to PAD. Continental Army shrinks— only 8,000 men in Dec. 1776

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World’s First Submarine “The Turtle”

September 6, 1776, New York Harbor

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Nathan Hale and the Burning of New York City

* Sept. 20, 1776, New York City

* Put resin coated logs in the city* ¼ of the city destroyed

* Hale was caught and hung for spying and sabotage (No Trial)

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New York City in FlamesNew York City in Flames(1776)(1776)

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"I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country"

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These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

Thomas Paine

“The Crisis”December


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E. Washington needs a victory to boost morale & attract soldiers

1. Dec. 25, 1776—Americans cross Delaware R. into NJ, headed for Trenton

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Battle of Trenton, December 25, 1776

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2. British soldiers & mercenaries (Hessians) were surprised; no American casualties3. Main British Army in NYC sends help—GW defeats British @ Princeton (Jan. 1777)4. Huge morale boost—enlistments increase

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Battle of Princeton, January 3, 1777

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F. Next British goal—capture Philadelphia

1. Americans lose @ Brandywine & Germantown

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2. British, led by HOWE, occupy Philadelphia 2. British, led by HOWE, occupy Philadelphia (Sept. ’77)(Sept. ’77)

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3. Washington & his army go to Valley Forge (Dec 1777)

a. winter quarters 20 miles NW of Philly

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b. conditions are awful-20% die

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c. Baron Von Steuben trains the army

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Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Quiz Bonus Question: (GN)Quiz Bonus Question: (GN)

Who wrote the document Who wrote the document and when was it adopted? and when was it adopted?

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Declaration of Independence Declaration of Independence Quiz Bonus Question: (CP)Quiz Bonus Question: (CP)

What are three of the main What are three of the main

ideas contained in the ideas contained in the document?document?

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G. Saratoga (Oct 1777)

Turning point of the war…

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1. strategic location near Lake Champlain & Hudson River2. British plan—bring 3 forces together & defeat

Americans3. British miscommunication—Howe goes to Philly

instead4. Americans (Arnold & Gates) surround & defeat British

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The Surren


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5. Results of the victory

a. British plan to isolate New England fails

b. American morale is boosted

c. French sign an alliance with the US &

recognize independence (Feb 1778)

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With a partner…With a partner…

• Decide who is a 1 and who is a 2.Decide who is a 1 and who is a 2.

• 1’s---tell your partner 6 events that 1’s---tell your partner 6 events that boosted American moraleboosted American morale

• 2’s---tell your partner 5 things that the 2’s---tell your partner 5 things that the French gave to the Americans after French gave to the Americans after SaratogaSaratoga

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Bell Ringer:Bell Ringer:

What changes were made What changes were made during the winter at Valley during the winter at Valley

Forge that made the Forge that made the Americans a better Army? Americans a better Army?

(Write at least 1 event.)(Write at least 1 event.)

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H. Battle of Monmouth (June 1778)

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a. Continental Army holds their ground

3. GW leads attack on British Army

2. Americans attack their supply wagons first

1. British retreat from Philadelphia to protect NY

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b. Mary Ludwig Hayes takes husband’s place at cannon after bringing water to soldiers all day

“Molly Pitcher”

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VIII. War in the West

A. Native Americans mainly help the BritishB. British forts captured in the Ohio Valley1. Kaskaskia & Cahokia (1778)

2. Vincennes forced to surrender (Feb. 1779)

C. American Commander:


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Phase IIIPhase III:: The Southern The Southern Strategy Strategy [1780-1781][1780-1781]

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IX. War Moves South

A. British strategy changes

1. plan to isolate New England has failed

2. more Loyalists are in the South

B. Early British success

1. Savannah, GA (Dec 1778)

2. Charleston, SC (May 1779)

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C. Final British attempt to control Hudson River fails

1. Benedict Arnold—attempted to hand over West Point, NY (Sept 1780)2. Americans learn of threat but Arnold escapes

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X. The War Ends

A. Americans use good strategy

1. Battle of Cowpens (Jan 1781) British lured between 2 parts of American army

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2. Francis Marion – “Swamp Fox” – harasses British with guerrilla warfare

“as for the old fox, the Devil himself could not catch him” -Colonel Tarleton

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3. Battle of King’s Mt. (Oct. 1780)

a. American militia surround and defeat Loyalist militia.

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B. British, under Lord Cornwallis,

retreat to Yorktown, VA; await supplies from

NavyC. Americans see opportunity

1. GW & troops (some French under Marquis de Lafayette) trap British on peninsula2. French Navy arrives; blocks escape by sea.

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D. Yorktown placed under siege; Cornwallis surrenders

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Cornwallis’ Surrender at Cornwallis’ Surrender at Yorktown:Yorktown:

““The World Turned The World Turned Upside Down!” Upside Down!”

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Write down three advantages Write down three advantages of the British.of the British.

How did America overcome How did America overcome these advantages?these advantages?

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E. Treaty of Paris signed April 1783, ends E. Treaty of Paris signed April 1783, ends the war.the war.

1. British give independence to 1. British give independence to AmericaAmerica

2. France gains a large debt for helping2. France gains a large debt for helping

3. America gains lands east of the 3. America gains lands east of the Miss. RiverMiss. River

a. Keep Canadaa. Keep Canada

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Signing the Treaty

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North America After theNorth America After theTreaty of Paris, 1783Treaty of Paris, 1783

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Battle/Location Year Who Won?

1) Lexington/Concord 1775 British/Americans

2) Bunker Hill 1775 British

3) Fort Ticonderoga 1775 Americans

4) Montreal 1775 Americans

5) Quebec 1775-76 British

6) Trenton 1777 Americans

7) Princeton 1777 Americans

8) New York 1777 British

9) Saratoga 1777 Americans

Major Battles of the American Revolution

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Battle/Location Year Who Won?

10) Germantown 1777 British

11) Brandywine 1777 British

12) Philadelphia 1777-78 British

13) Valley Forge 1777-78 Americans Here

14) King’s Mountain 1780 Americans

15) Cowpens 1781 Americans

16) Richmond 1781 British

17) Yorktown 1781 Americans