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1 NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus Scripture: John 3:1-18 Lesson Goal: The book of John tells us that God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. In this lesson we will learn how one man named Nicodemus came to Jesus during the night. Jesus answered his questions and explained to him how he could be born again. In this lesson we will learn about salvation and the second birth. Introduction: This is the sixth lesson in the New Testament Unit 2: The Life and Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. The book of John tells us that God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. In this lesson we will learn how one man named Nicodemus came to Jesus during the night. Jesus answered his questions and explained to him how he could be born again. This lesson is found in the book of John. John is one of the four books called the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels- -Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Attention Getter: Have students tell about a recent birthday party they have had or one they attended. What games did you play? Where was the party at? What presents did the birthday person receive? Ask students why they celebrate birthdays? (Birthdays express thanks for how long they have lived and a celebration of life). Opening Prayer: “Dear Jesus, I know I have disobeyed you and deserve to be punished. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. Today I want to believe in You as my Savior and be born into Your forever family and be called a child of God.” Father, thank You for making me a new person. Thank You for saving me and for allowing me to be part of Your family. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen Memory Verse: Our memory verse John 3:16 ""For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Lesson Video: When Jesus went to the temple one day, He found people dishonoring God's house. They were selling animals and exchanging money right in the Temple! Making a whip from cords, Jesus drove the dealers out of the Temple. "Take these things away," He commanded. "Don't make my Father's house a place of business." Jesus loved His Father's house. He wanted it to be a place of prayer not cheating people! The Jewish leaders did not like Jesus shutting down their businesses of selling animals. They demanded a sign to show that Jesus had the right to clear the temple. "Destroy this temple and I will raise it in three days," Jesus replied. The Jewish leader did not understand what Jesus meant.

Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone

Sep 25, 2020



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Page 1: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus

Scripture: John 3:1-18

Lesson Goal: The book of John tells us that God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. In this lesson we will learn how one man named Nicodemus came to Jesus during the night. Jesus answered his questions and explained to him how he could be born again. In this lesson we will learn about salvation and the second birth.

Introduction: This is the sixth lesson in the New Testament Unit 2: The Life and Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. The book of John tells us that God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins. In this lesson we will learn how one man named Nicodemus came to Jesus during the night. Jesus answered his questions and explained to him how he could be born again. This lesson is found in the book of John. John is one of the four books called the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: Have students tell about a recent birthday party they have had or one they attended. What games did you play? Where was the party at? What presents did the birthday person receive? Ask students why they celebrate birthdays? (Birthdays express thanks for how long they have lived and a celebration of life).

Opening Prayer: “Dear Jesus, I know I have disobeyed you and deserve to be punished. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. Today I want to believe in You as my Savior and be born into Your forever family and be called a child of God.” Father, thank You for making me a new person. Thank You for saving me and for allowing me to be part of Your family. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen

Memory Verse: Our memory verse John 3:16 ""For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

Lesson Video: When Jesus went to the temple one day, He found people dishonoring God's house. They were selling animals and exchanging money right in the Temple! Making a whip from cords, Jesus drove the dealers out of the Temple. "Take these things away," He commanded. "Don't make my Father's house a place of business." Jesus loved His Father's house. He wanted it to be a place of prayer not cheating people! The Jewish leaders did not like Jesus shutting down their businesses of selling animals. They demanded a sign to show that Jesus had the right to clear the temple. "Destroy this temple and I will raise it in three days," Jesus replied. The Jewish leader did not understand what Jesus meant.

Page 2: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

They said, "Impossible! the Temple took forty six years to build." But Jesus was talking about His body. His body was God's dwelling place. Jesus knew that he would die on the cross and that God would raise Him from death on the third day. While Jesus was in Jerusalem he performed many miracles. Many people began to believe that Jesus was really the Messiah--the Son of God. One of the temple leaders who had seen Jesus cleanse the temple was Nicodemus, a Pharisee. Nicodemus wanted to learn more about God and find out about Jesus' teachings. He knew the miracles that Jesus performed showed that He was sent by God. So he wanted to go talk to Jesus personally and find out the truth. But the other Pharisees did not like Jesus. They thought that people who listened to and followed Jesus were wrong. Many of the Pharisees wanted to get Jesus into trouble so that people wouldn't listen to him anymore. Nicodemus knew that the Jewish leaders were watching Jesus so he was afraid to be seen talking to Him. That's why he decided to visit Jesus at night! Quietly Nicodemus walked through the streets of the city at night until he came to the house where Jesus was staying. Perhaps he looked around carefully to make sure no one saw Him. Nicodemus knocked at the door and Jesus invited him into the house. Nicodemus said to Jesus, “Your miracles show that You are a teacher sent from God.” I know that no one could do such miracles unless he was a man of God. Nicodemus really wanted to know if Jesus was God and how he could go to heaven. So Jesus answered and said to him, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” Nicodemus had never heard about being “born again.” So he asked, "How could a grown man become a baby again? How could he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born again? This just did not make sense to him. Nicodemus did not understand that when we are born as babies into our human family, we are born with a desire to sin. By ourselves we do not want to please God. That means we will be separated from God forever in Hell after we die. Although Nicodemus knew about God he needed to begin a new life. To be “born again” means to be born spiritually – to become a member of God’s family. We are born again when we believe in Jesus as our Savior. The Holy Spirit makes us into a new person and then places us in God's family. We are born again into God's family! When that happens, we come alive spiritually and we know we will be in heaven with Him someday. Jesus answered Nicodemus by saying, "That which is born of Spirit is spirit. You must be born again." Suddenly there was a howling wind blowing against the house and through the cracks of the door. Jesus said, "Do you hear that wind, Nicodemus? Even though you can't see it or understand it, you know it's there. You can only see what the wind does." Then He explained, "God's spirit is like the wind. When someone believes in Jesus, he receives the Holy Spirit. You can't see the Holy Spirit but you can see how He changes your life! He changes you on the inside--your thoughts, your attitudes, and your feelings. It is important to be born again of the Spirit because that is the only way you can go to heaven! Nicodemus still didn’t get it. Jesus said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things? Nicodemus should have known that God can change someone’s heart. Jesus then reminded Nicodemus about the story of the children of Israel complaining to Moses long ago. "We have no food, no water, and we hate the bread God has given us," they cried. The people's sin angered God. He sent fiery serpents among them. The serpents bit the people and many of them died.

Page 3: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

"We have sinned. Pray that the Lord will take away the serpents," the people begged. So Moses prayed for them. But God did not take away the serpents. God told Moses to make a fiery serpent and set it on a pole. "Everyone who is bitten will live when he looks at the serpent on the pole," God promised. So Moses made a brass serpent and those who looked at it were healed. Jesus told Nicodemus that the Son of God must be lifted up just like the brass serpent. Jesus was talking about the cross where He would die for sinners. Anyone who trusts in what Jesus did on the cross to pay for his sins, will have eternal life! God’s love is so great, He sent the Lord Jesus to be punished for our sin. He wants you to believe or trust in what Jesus did so that you will not die in your sins and be separated forever from God. People who do not trust in what Jesus did for them on the cross will be punished for their sin. You must be born again to have your sins forgiven. Jesus then told Nicodemus that is why God had sent Him to earth. Jesus said, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. That means that whoever believes in Jesus is born into God's family. Jesus then said, "For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone to believe in what Jesus did for them on the cross. When we trust Jesus (that is, believe that He is God and ask Him to come into our lives) we are “born again” into God’s family. Nicodemus did not become a disciple of Jesus that night. But years later he showed that he loved and believed in Jesus. The Pharisees and other religious leaders became more and more angry with Jesus. Eventually they arrested Jesus and had Him put to death on a cross. Nicodemus was there when Jesus died. That time Nicodemus did not care what the other Pharisees thought. In fact he loved Jesus so much that he and another man took Jesus' body down from the cross after he died. Nicodemus helped to place Jesus' body in a tomb. He must have been terribly sad. But three days later when he heard the news that Jesus was alive, just think how excited Nicodemus must have been. A butterfly can help us understand what Jesus meant when He said we have to be born again in order to go to heaven. Isn't this butterfly just beautiful? I think the butterfly is one of the most beautiful things that God has ever created, but it wasn't always so beautiful. The butterfly began as an egg which was laid by the adult butterfly on a leaf. This tiny egg has everything it needs to help a baby caterpillar grow. It gives him food and shelter. Once the egg hatches, the caterpillar begins to eat. The very first thing the caterpillar eats is the leaf where it was laid. After its finished with the leaf, it will go out and search for more food, eating everything in its path! The caterpillar will eat and eat until it’s ready very full. Now some people may think caterpillars are cute, some may think that they are funny, but probably no one would say that they are beautiful. A caterpillar is a worm -- and worms are not beautiful! Once the caterpillar has eaten all it wants, it begins to form a cocoon, or chrysalis, around its body. This chrysalis is the caterpillar’s home until it is ready to hatch. Inside the chrysalis the caterpillar begins to change or undergo a metamorphosis.

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

When the metamorphosis is complete, the chrysalis begins to break, and what do you think appears? Why, a butterfly, of course! The caterpillar is now a beautiful butterfly. It will sit in the sun for a few minutes, drying its new wings. Once the wings are dry, it will fly away, searching for a leaf to lay its own eggs on, and the cycle will begin again! The caterpillar has been miraculously changed into a beautiful butterfly. God didn't just take a caterpillar and stick some wings on him and paint the wings all different colors. When the cocoon opens and the butterfly crawls out, it is a new creation. The caterpillar is gone! It has now become a butterfly. That is a good picture of what Jesus meant when he said we had to be "born again." The Bible says, "if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" When we invite Jesus to come into our heart, we become a new creation. God doesn't just clean us up and slap on a little paint, he makes us into a new person. Would you rather be a worm or a butterfly? Jesus will make you into a new creation if you will invite him into your heart. What about you? You can born again into a new creature! Do you want to be? Bow your heads and repeat after me, “Dear Jesus, I know I have disobeyed you and deserve to be punished. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. Today I want to believe in You as my Savior and be born into Your forever family and be called a child of God.” Father, thank You for making me into a new person. Thank You for saving me and for allowing me to be part of Your family. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen Jesus showed God's love to Nicodemus by talking with him and explaining God's love to him. God wants us to care for others by telling them about how Jesus came to die on the cross to pay for our sins and how he rose again. Let's tell everyone about Jesus and how He saves us!

Review Questions: “Bean Bag Toss” Preparation: You will need a cardboard box, scissors or box cutter, markers, and a bean bag. Procedure: Cut a triangle, square, and a circle in the bottom of a cardboard box. Make the openings big enough for a beanbag. Decorate the box and label the shapes "Who,” “What,” and “Where.” When a child throws a beanbag through a shape he may select a card of the corresponding shape with a question to answer for points for his team. Who Questions

1. Who was the man who came to Jesus by night? (John 3:1 – Nicodemus) 2. Who did Nicodemus come to see by night? (John 3:2 – Jesus) 3. Who will be able to see the kingdom of God? (John 3:3 – Those who are born again.) 4. Who is the wind like? And why? (John 3:8 – The wind is like someone who is born again.

You can’t see the wind, you can only see its results. You can’t see a person get born again, you can only see the results of it – the fruit.)

5. Who lifted up a snake? And why? (John 3:14 – Moses. Those doomed to die from snake bite could be healed by obeying God’s command to look up at the elevated bronze snake and by believing that God would heal them if they did.)

6. Who is to be lifted up just like the snake Moses lifted up? (John 3:14 – Jesus) 7. Who loved the world so much that He gave His one and only Son? (John 3:16 – God) 8. Who gets eternal life? (John 3:16 – Whoever believes in Jesus) 9. Who stands condemned before God? (John 3:18 – Whoever does not believe in Jesus)

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

What Questions

1. What is a Pharisee? (John 3:1 – A ruler of the Jews) 2. What did Nicodemus say to Jesus when he first came to Him by night? And why? (John 3:2 – He

said, “Rabbi, we know you are a teacher who has come from God;” because of the miraculous signs.)

3. What did Nicodemus come to Jesus by night for? And why? (He wanted to examine Jesus for himself. He came at night because he was afraid of persecution from the Jews.)

4. What did Jesus say you have to do before you can see the kingdom of God? (John 3:3 – Be born again.)

5. What does it mean to be “born again”? (When you trust that Jesus took the penalty for your sins and made it possible for you to go to heaven, you become a new person – born of the Spirit!)

6. What two things do you have to be “born of” before you can enter the kingdom of God? (John 3:5 – Water and the Spirit.)

7. What does it mean to be born of water? (Physical birth) 8. What is born of the flesh? (John 3:6 – Flesh) 9. What is born of the Spirit? (John 3:6 – Spirit) 10. What does it mean to be born of the Spirit? (To receive the new life given by the Holy Spirit.) 11. What is someone who is born again like? And why? (John 3:8 – The wind. You can’t see the wind

you can only see its results. You can’t see a person get born again, you can only see the results of it – the fruit.)

12. What did God send His Son into the world to do? (John 3:17 – To save the world) 13. What do most people love better than the light of truth? And why? (John 3:19 – The darkness of

deceit because their deeds are evil) 14. What does everyone practicing evil hate? And why? (John 3:20 – The truth for fear that their

deeds will be brought to light)

Where Questions 1. Where did Nicodemus think Jesus came from? And why? (John 3:2 – He thought Jesus came

from God because of the miraculous signs He was doing.) 2. Where do you get to go if you become born again? (John 3:3 – the Kingdom of God) 3. Where does the wind blow? (John 3:8 – Where it wishes) 4. Where was Nicodemus a teacher? (John 3:10 – Of the Jews in Israel) 5. Where did Moses put the serpent? (John 3:14 – Up on a stick in the desert) 6. Where did God send His son? And why? (John 3:17 – Into this world to save the world) 7. Where does someone who does not believe in Jesus go after they die? (John 3:18 – Hell. They

are condemned.) 8. Where does anyone who does the truth come into? And why? (John 3:21 – They come into the

light that his deeds may be clearly seen that they have been done in God.)

Review Questions: "Gift of God" Box.

Preparation: You will need a wrapping paper, gift box, ribbon, marking pens, and index cards. Procedure: Decorate a gift box with white wrapping paper with an opening in the top for a drawing. Draw crosses and hearts and write the words: "Jesus is God's Gift to Us" on the sides of the box. Write the following review questions on index cards. Have students take turns drawing out the cards to answer the questions.

1. What did Jesus talk about one night with a man named Nicodemus? (They talked about how to go to heaven – being born again).

2. Why did Jesus tell Nicodemus that he could not go to heaven and see the kingdom of God? (John 3:3 – because he had not been “born again.”)

3. What does it mean to be “born again”? (Being “born again” means to begin a new life with God as my “boss.” We are born again when we believe that Jesus died to forgive our sins.)

4. How did Jesus know so much about heavenly things? (John 3:12-13 – He came from heaven)

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

5. To whom does God give eternal life? (God gives eternal life to everyone who is “born again” – to all who believe that Jesus died to forgive their sins.)

6. Recite the memory verse. (John 3:16 or Romans 10:9) 7. Why is it important for us to tell other people about the way to eternal life? (Possible answer:

Because if no one tells them, they might never find out.) 8. Was Nicodemus a sinner? (Nicodemus was a good, honest man, but he was a sinner like

everyone else.) 9. What is the difference between your physical birthday and your spiritual birthday? (Possible

answers: your physical birthday comes before your spiritual birthday; your physical birth comes from your mother; your spiritual comes from your Heavenly Father; etc.)

10. How does God save us? (We are saved when we believe that Jesus died to forgive our sins.) 11. How does it feel to know that God loves you enough to die for you?

Bible Memory Verse Activity: Memory Verse Banner

Our memory verse is John 3:16 ""For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This verse is many people's favorite because it tells about God's love for us and how we can go to heaven. Have the students locate the verse in the Bible. Repeat the verse together several times. Say: "Today we are going to make a memory verse banner to help us remember this verse. We are going to make a banner with as few words as possible. We will write the verse like a rebus and use picture words. I will demonstrate on the board. "God so (heart for LOVED) the (earth for WORLD; that He (present for GAVE) His (a numeral 1 for ONE) and only (a cross for SON), that whoever (a bee and leaves for BELIEVES) in him shall not (a tomb stone for PERISH) but have (a crown for ETERNAL LIFE). Preparation: You will need a roll of drawing paper or news print and colored markers. Procedure: Give each child a large sheet of newsprint or a roll of drawing paper, crayons, or markers. Have them work individually or in small groups to draw the pictures, write the words, color the drawings, and complete the banner.

Group Learning Activity: “Guest Speaker: Nicodemus” (Grades K-5) Preparation: Invite a “mystery guest” dressed up as Nicodemus into your classroom and talk to the students as though sharing secret information. Procedure: Have “Nicodemus” tell the students about his night encounter with Jesus. Include an explanation of who Nicodemus is (a Pharisee) and why he had to meet with Jesus secretly, the questions that Nicodemus asked Jesus and Jesus’ reply to him, an explanation of the term “born again” and a clear explanation of the plan of salvation.] Use the lesson script as a prompt for this interview/conversation. Another option to this approach would be to invite one or more people to come into your class and share their salvation experiences with the students. Be sure to have them share the steps involved in becoming a Christian.

Page 7: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle (Grades K-1) Preparation: You will need the book “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” by Eric Carle. Procedure: Read the children's book to the class. It has great pictures and details the change from an egg to a caterpillar and finally to the butterfly. "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" is a wonderful book by Eric Carle. The story begins with a tiny egg on a leaf in the light of the moon. On a Sunday morning, the warm sun came up and -- pop! -- out of the egg came a very small and very hungry caterpillar. He began to eat, and eat, and eat, but he was still hungry. Finally, he had eaten so much that he had a stomachache! The next day was Sunday again. The caterpillar ate through a nice green leaf, and his stomach felt much better. He built a small house, called, a cocoon, around himself and stayed in there for more than two weeks. Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon and pushed his way out. Guess what? He wasn't a caterpillar any more, he was now a beautiful butterfly. Compare the change in the caterpillar to becoming a butterfly to the way it is when we invite Jesus into our heart. Say: “When the caterpillar came out of his cocoon, he wasn't an improved caterpillar, was he? No, he was a totally new creation. A butterfly! That's the way it is when we let invite Jesus into our heart. He doesn't just make us a better person. He makes us a new creation!” Review the memory verse John 3:16 ""For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Repeat several times with children. Say: “This verse tells us that we have to believe in Jesus to receive the gift of salvation. To believe in Jesus means that we love Him very much and we want Him to be our Savior. We ask Jesus to change us to become like Him. That is the gift of eternal life!”

Group Learning Activity: “Salvation Object Lesson” (Grades 1-5) Preparation: You will need strong paper towels, one per child; red food coloring; quart jar with a small amount of bleach in the bottom; wooden spoon or stick to stir with; and old hand towel for blotting up drips. Procedure: Before class the teacher should draw a simple figure of a child on the towel in permanent marker. Allow to dry. Fill the quart jar 3/4 full with water. Give each child a paper towel figure. Say: "How many of you know what sins are? Let's name some things that are sin that you might do." (Lie, cheat, disobey parents or teachers, be mean to your brother or sister, steal, etc.) As the class names a sin put a drop of red food coloring on the paper towel figures. Make sure all figures have at least 2 or 3 drops on them before you move on. Now talk about how Jesus can take our sins away if we ask Him. Say: "Jesus died on the cross to take away our sins. We are going to put our paper people in this glass jar." Have each child take a turn dropping their paper towel figure into the jar. Let them GENTLY stir several times. Remove and squeeze out access water spreading it on the table before them. The red should be completely gone. Say, "When Jesus forgives our sins, He makes us all clean and new inside." For best results you will need to practice this activity before class.

Page 8: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: “Story Chain” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: For this activity you will need strips of construction paper and some glue sticks. Procedure: Before class the teacher should print the following sentences onto the strips of paper: (Print without the numbers!) Mix the strips of paper up.

1. Jesus went to Jerusalem for the Passover. 2. Jesus was angry at the men selling things in the temple. 3. Jesus told them to leave. 4. The people that came to hear Jesus stayed, and He talked to them

and blessed them. 5. Jesus went to the Mount of Olives. 6. During the night a man named Nicodemus came to see Jesus in

secret. 7. Nicodemus was a very important man. 8. Nicodemus wanted to know about God and Heaven. 9. Jesus told him he must be born again. 10. Jesus told Nicodemus all about God's love for each person who chooses to follow Him. 11. Nicodemus believed what Jesus said and was changed. He became a brand new person inside. 12. When Jesus died, Nicodemus showed everyone he was Jesus' follower by taking Him from the

cross and burying Him. Say: “We had several events in our lesson today. Let’s see if you can retell the Bible story in the correct order. Here are some strips of paper. On each strip is an event in the Bible lesson. You are to take turns drawing an event from the pile of strips. We will work together as a class to put the Story Chain in the correct order. Optional: You can print a set of events for each student. Then students can glue the strips into a paper chain in order. Teacher should provide clues as needed to help the students review the story.

Group Learning Activity: “Birthday Party Theme” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need birthday party themed decorations, birthday cake, birthday party games. Procedure: Decorate the room with balloons and streamers. Give each student a cupcake with a candle on it. Sing “Happy Birthday” to each other. Or, children can be given a little heart shaped chocolate candy or a heart shaped cookie. If time allows, children could frost and decorate their heart shaped cookie, with sprinkles!! Explain that it is God’s desire that each of us have a “spiritual” birthday. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Jesus said that Nicodemus had to have a second birthday. He was to be born again into the family of God. Nicodemus had to believe that Jesus was the only way to heaven. He had to personally trust Him as his Savior. We too have to have a second birth if we are to receive the gift of salvation. You can do that too!” Review the ABC’s of salvation:

A- Admit to God that you are a sinner. Repent turning from your sin to God. Acts 3:19 B- Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and accept God’s gift of forgiveness from sin. Romans 5:8 God sent Jesus so you would not have to die for your sins. Jesus died on the cross. He was buried and He rose from the dead. C- Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Confessing means you “tell people you believe that Jesus is Lord.

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Craft Learning Activity: “Salvation Bracelets” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need colored pony beads for each child and a leather string. Procedure: Make salvation bracelets. This is a good conversation starter to tell their friends about salvation. Encourage the students to practice sharing the bead story with a friend. For each student you will need: 1 piece of leather string; 5 beads, one each of black, red, white, blue, green, and gold. String the beads on the leather in order given. Tie a knot at each end of the beads to keep them together and centered. Tie the bracelets onto the student’s wrists. Guide the class to discuss the meaning of each color. “My heart was black with sin, but Jesus’ blood (red) made it white as snow. I want to obey Him by being baptized. (blue) Now I’m growing as a Christian (green) and someday I’ll walk with God in heaven (gold).” As they work on the craft, invite them to share the story of their own spiritual birthdays, explaining when and where they came to know Jesus as their Savior. Use the chart below to look up scriptures and read as you discuss the meaning.

Craft Learning Activity: “Night Time Picture” (Grades K-5) Crayon Release: You will need watered down black tempera paint, 1 paint brush per child, and one printed coloring sheet for each child. (See coloring sheet below.) Print coloring sheet on heavy drawing paper or cardstock. Before class, put a plastic table covering over the table. Put paint smocks or old men's shirts on the children to protect their clothing. Let them color the Memory verse picture for this lesson with brightly colored crayons. Allow them to use the black paint to paint over their picture. They will be amazed as the colored crayon picture comes through the black paint. Crayon Etching: Have student solidly color the picture solidly with bright colored crayons (red, orange, white, yellow, light green, light blue.) Then have students color over the picture with black crayon until all the other colors are covered. You must color very heavily with the black crayon. Then take scissors and scrape the black off with the scissor blades. Move in a "scribbling" fashion across the picture. The colors will appear through black streaks! Be sure to color the black very heavily for this to work best.

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Craft Learning Activity: "Jesus Saves" Picture Frame Preparation: You will need white cottage cheese container lid, sandpaper, white paint, sponge or paintbrush, scraps of felt, box cutter, scrap of yarn or ribbon or a length of white cord for the rope hanger, Hot glue and glue gun, wallet size picture, and tape. Procedure: First trace a circle around the middle of the lid. You can use a small cup to make the circle. Cut it out with a box cutter on a scrap piece of wood so you don't ruin your table. Then sand the cottage cheese lid and wipe off the dust with a wet rag. Paint the lid white. A sponge works well for painting. Then hot glue on the felt. Make sure it's long enough to attach on the back of your frame. Hot glue the hanger on the back. To make the "Jesus Saves" you can print it up on the computer on sticker paper and let the kids stick on their own stickers. If you are making this for older kids, they could write the words with a black sharpie. Tape the picture on the back and you have a life preserver picture frame. Say: "Many people enjoy boating, fishing, sailing, and canoeing on lakes, rivers, and streams. Have you ever gone out in a boat? If so, you know that it is very important to put on a life jacket any time you go out in a boat. You never know when an accident might happen or when a storm might come up. If you are thrown from the boat, a life jacket can save your life.” “The Bible tells us that "God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Jesus is like our spiritual life jacket. It is foolish to go out onto the water without a life jacket, but it is even more foolish to try to sail the sea of life without Jesus!"

Craft Learning Activity: “Jesus Loves Me” CD Picture Frame (Grades K-5) Preparation: Print the "Jesus Loves Me" coloring page below for each child. Procedure: Give one CD template to each child. Have the students color the drawing with colored pencils. Be sure the pencils are nice and sharp as some of the spaces are small to color. (Crayons do not work as well.) Give each child a clear plastic CD case. Once the frame is colored, use a glue stick to attach the child's picture to the middle square. Cut the frame out around the outside line and it will slide into the CD case. Use a few pieces of clear tape on the back to hold it in place and keep the picture from sliding around.

You can make your CD case into a frame 2 different ways. You can either make a frame that will stand up on a table top, or you can make a frame that can hang on the wall. To make a frame that stands up, you’ll need to attach a short piece of ribbon from one side to the other. Use tape to attach the ribbon. This will keep the CD case from opening too far when you set it on your table. You just want the CD case to open enough to stand up. If you want to make a CD case frame that hangs up, start by tying a piece of ribbon or sting into a circle. We tied ours with a cute little bow. Just close the ribbon into the CD case! Now it can hang on a nail or even a door knob.

Page 11: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Craft Learning Activity: "The Wind Blows" Pinwheel (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need a large piece of construction paper, scissors, a penny, colored markers, pin, and an eraser for each child. Say: "In our lesson Nicodemus came to Jesus to ask Him how a person could go to heaven. Jesus told this that a person must be born again. He must be born of the Spirit. Then Jesus compared the Spirit to the wind. Today we are going to make some pinwheels to help us understand more about God's Holy Spirit." Procedure: Cut a large piece of construction paper or lightweight tag board into a 7"- 8" square. Draw two lines diagonally from corner to corner. The lines will form an X in the center of the square. Put a penny in the center of the square and trace around the penny to form a small circle in the center of the square. Decorate the pinwheel front and back with some stripes or crazy lines. Cut on the diagonal lines from the corner to the edge of the center circle. (Do not cut through the circle.) Number the corners--1, 2, 3, 4 as shown. Bend the four corners into the circle. (Don't fold them!) Stick a pin through all four corners into the center of the circle. Then put the pin into the eraser of the pencil or the end of a small dowel stick. Now blow on the pin wheel or run in the wind and watch your pinwheel spin! Say: "Let's blow on the pinwheel. Can you see the air moving the pinwheel? You can't see the air but you can feel it and see its effect on the pinwheel, right? Jesus went on to explain to Nicodemus that that is the way the Holy Spirit works when we place our faith in Christ. We can't see the new birth or watch it as it happens but we will be able to see the effects of the Spirit in our lives. We'll know that we are born again by the changes the Holy Spirit makes in us. We don't see the wind visibly but we do see its effect."

Craft Learning Activity: “John 3:16 Door Hanger” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need to print a copy of the picture of the cross, door, earth (template below) on heavy drawing paper or cardstock--one for each child. Procedure: Have students color the cross and earth with crayons or colored markers. Cut out all the pictures. Glue the cross to the door hanger first. Then glue the earth over the cross. Discuss with children the ABC’s of salvation.

A- Admit to God that you are a sinner. Repent turning from your sin to God. Acts 3:19 B- Believe that Jesus is the Son of God and accept God’s gift of forgiveness from sin. Romans 5:8 God sent Jesus so you would not have to die for your sins. Jesus died on the cross. He was buried and He rose from the dead. C- Confess your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Confessing means you “tell people you believe that Jesus is Lord.

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Craft Learning Activity: “Paper Plate Fluttering Butterfly” (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need the following supplies: dinner sized paper plates; scissors, crayons or markers, paint, pipe cleaners, wiggly eyes, tacky glue or glue gun. Print out the butterfly pattern below for each child. Procedure: Distribute all materials to the students. Have children cut out the butterfly pattern. Place the pattern on the paper plate so that the top and bottom wings touch the edge of the plate. Trace the pattern then turn it over and place it on the other half of the paper plate and trace it. It should look like a butterfly. Cut on the solid lines. Do not cut the line between the antenna. When the butterfly is cut out, color brightly with colored marking pens. Then fold the butterfly in half so that the top of the paper plate is up. Fold the other piece between the top wings and antennae down or the opposite way. Then fold the line between the antenna down. This will be the stand. You may have to cut the stand a little flatter on the bottom edge. Place a small piece of tape on the back side of the butterfly between the antenna and the butterfly at the fold.

Craft Learning Activity: “Light Bulbs Refrigerator Magnets” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need the following supplies: white and orange foam sheets; scissors, markers, glue and peel and stick magnetic strips. Procedure: Draw a light bulb shape on white foam then cut it out. Trace base of light bulb on orange foam then cut out and draw lines on it as shown. Have students write on the light bulb: "Light has come into the world.” John 3:19. Glue orange base onto light bulb. Add a peel and stick magnet to the back to stick on the fridge or in a locker. Craft Learning Activity: “Earth Mosaic” (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need paper plates, blue, green, and yellow construction paper, and glue sticks. Procedure: Give our one paper plate, a glue stick and a piece of each color of construction paper to each child. Show children how to tear the blue and green construction paper into small pieces and glue it to the paper plate to make a mosaic of the world. Student may need to refer to a poster image of the world so they can see the pattern of green and blue to use. After the children have finished gluing the blue and green pieces, show them how to tear two strips of yellow construction to make a cross and glue them in the shape of a cross/ Have student glue the cross shape in front of the world on the paper plate.

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Refer to the memory verse John 3:16 John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Have students repeat the verse together. Say: “God so loved the world which includes you and me. As we are making this earth mosaic let’s think about all of the people God loves. How will those people hear about Jesus? We need missionaries to share the gospel with people around the world. Perhaps you might like to be a missionary someday.” Encourage students to consider the people they know who need to hear the gospel.

Life Application Challenge: “The Gift” Preparation: Wrap a gift package with a bright colored bow. Say: “Look at this beautifully wrapped package. As you can probably guess by the way it is wrapped, there is a gift inside. Do any of you like to receive gifts? Of course you do! I can't imagine anyone saying that they don't enjoy receiving a gift. If I were to give this package to you and ask you to give me five dollars, would it be a gift? No, if you have to pay for it or do something to receive it, it isn't a gift. When someone gives you a gift, it doesn't cost you anything. It doesn't come with any conditions. All you have to do is accept it. That's what makes it a gift.” Say: “What was the best gift you have ever received? Was it your first bicycle? Maybe it was an X-Box or a play station. For some of you it may have been a battery-operated remote control car or, for others, it might have been a favorite stuffed toy. In a group like this, we might have a lot of different ideas about what makes a great gift, but today I want to tell you about a gift that is, without question, the greatest gift ever given.” Say: “What is that gift? It is the gift of eternal life. It is the gift of God and it was given to anyone who wants to receive it. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Whoever -- that's you and me. The greatest gift of all is for you and me.” Say: “When someone gives you a gift, it is never polite to ask, "How much did it cost?" But in this case, the Bible tells us how much God's gift cost -- and the cost was great. It cost God his only Son. Can you imagine how much God loved us to send his one and only Son to earth to die on a cross so that

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we could have eternal life? Can you imagine how much Jesus loved us to be willing to die on that cross so that we could have eternal life in heaven? Eternal life -- what a gift! And all we have to do to receive it is believe and accept Jesus as our Savior.”

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Nicodemus Comes to Jesus

John 3: 16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,

that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Page 16: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 17: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 18: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Nicodemus Comes to Jesus John 3:1-21

Fill in the blanks with the words below:

1. Nicodemus was a ___________________________ and a ruler of the _________________.

2. He came to see Jesus at _________________________________.

3. When Jesus told him he must be "born again", Nicodemus thought he would have to become a ________________________ again and he knew this was not ________________________.

4. Jesus said a person must be born of __________________ and the ____________________.

5. God sent Jesus into the world because he ________________________ the people of the world and wanted them to be _____________________________.

6. Jesus said he must be lifted up as _____________________ lifted up the sepent made of brass in the wilderness. A serpent is a ________________________________.

7. The two men who asked for the body of Jesus after his death were ________________________ and _______________________________ of ________________________________.

8. They prepared it with about 100 pounds of ________________________________.

9. They wrapped him in strips of ___________________________________.

(Use these words to help you with the spelling)

baby water spices night

saved Pharisee Nicodemus loved

Jews Arimathea Moses Joseph

snake Spirit possible linen

Page 21: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.6 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus · God hates evil, but He loves people. That is why we need Jesus. God doesn’t want anyone to go to Hell. God wants everyone


NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

CD Case Picture Frame

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020

John 3:16 Puzzle Directions: Print the heart below on cardstock. Cut apart on the heavy lines to make puzzle pieces. Put the puzzle together individually or in groups.

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NT2.5 Nicodemus Comes to Jesus © Beverly Wilson 2020