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1 NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020 Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus Scripture: Luke 11: 1-46 Lesson Goal: Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were friends of Jesus. He loved them very much. One day Jesus used them to teach an important lesson about life and death. Jesus has the power to raise people from the dead and bring them back to life as well as the power to forgive sins. Introduction: This is the tenth lesson in Unit 2: The Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. Jesus had three special friends--Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. One day Jesus used them to teach an important lesson about life and death. Jesus has the power to raise people from the dead and bring them back to life as well as the power to forgive sins. This lesson is found in the book of John. John is one of the four Gospels which are the first four books in the New Testament. This book is part of the four books called the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Attention Getter: Have you ever known someone who was really sick? Maybe they had chicken pox or a really bad case of the flu. When our little Andrea was born, she was very sick and was in the hospital. We loved her so much and prayed and prayed for her. Sometimes people can be so sick that they have to stay in bed for a long, long time and it may seem like they will never get well. Often we wonder why God does not seem to do anything about it. In this lesson we will learn how one of Jesus' friends was very sick and how Jesus used this time to teach us an important lesson about life and death. No matter how difficult things may seem to be, God always loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives. Opening Prayer: "Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to earth to be our Savior. We believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and Life and that He has the power over sin and death. We ask that you forgive us of our sins and give us eternal life in heaven. Thank you for giving to us a forever life with You in heaven. In Jesus' name, Amen. Memory Verse: The memory verse is John 11:25 Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” Lesson Video: Jesus had many friends. Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus were some of Jesus' special friends. Jesus liked to stay at their house because He loved them very much. They lived in Bethany. Bethany was two miles east of Jerusalem on the way to Jericho. It was a quiet little town on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. One day Lazarus became very seriously ill. Jesus was not near them at the time but was teaching in the region on the other side of the River Jordan. So Mary and Martha sent a messenger to go get Him quickly. They believed that Jesus could make Lazarus well because they had seen His miracles.

Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't

Jul 16, 2020



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Page 1: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus

Scripture: Luke 11: 1-46

Lesson Goal:

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were friends of Jesus. He loved them very much. One day Jesus used them to teach an important lesson about life and death. Jesus has the power to raise people from the dead and bring them back to life as well as the power to forgive sins.

Introduction: This is the tenth lesson in Unit 2: The Ministry of Christ. The life and ministry of Jesus is told to us in the first four books of the New Testament. Jesus had three special friends--Mary, Martha, and Lazarus. One day Jesus used them to teach an important lesson about life and death. Jesus has the power to raise people from the dead and bring them back to life as well as the power to forgive sins.

This lesson is found in the book of John. John is one of the four Gospels which are the first four books in the New Testament. This book is part of the four books called the Gospels in the New Testament. The word Gospel means the "Good News about Jesus." The Gospels tell the life and ministry of Jesus while He was here on earth. Let's say the names of the gospels--Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

Attention Getter: Have you ever known someone who was really sick? Maybe they had chicken pox or a really bad case of the flu. When our little Andrea was born, she was very sick and was in the hospital. We loved her so much and prayed and prayed for her. Sometimes people can be so sick that they have to stay in bed for a long, long time and it may seem like they will never get well. Often we wonder why God does not seem to do anything about it. In this lesson we will learn how one of Jesus' friends was very sick and how Jesus used this time to teach us an important lesson about life and death. No matter how difficult things may seem to be, God always loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives.

Opening Prayer: "Dear Father in heaven, Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to earth to be our Savior. We believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and Life and that He has the power over sin and death. We ask that you forgive us of our sins and give us eternal life in heaven. Thank you for giving to us a forever life with You in heaven. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Memory Verse: The memory verse is John 11:25 “Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”

Lesson Video: Jesus had many friends. Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus were some of Jesus' special friends. Jesus liked to stay at their house because He loved them very much. They lived in Bethany. Bethany was two miles east of Jerusalem on the way to Jericho. It was a quiet little town on the slopes of the Mount of Olives. One day Lazarus became very seriously ill. Jesus was not near them at the time but was teaching in the region on the other side of the River Jordan. So Mary and Martha sent a messenger to go get Him quickly. They believed that Jesus could make Lazarus well because they had seen His miracles.

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NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

The messenger found Jesus and said, "Sir, your good friend Lazarus is very, very sick." Jesus announced, "The purpose of Lazarus' illness is not death, but for the glory of God. I, the Son of God, will receive glory from this situation." Jesus was saying to His disciples that God has a purpose for the illnesses. When trouble comes we should not grumble, complain, or even blame God. God can use this opportunity to show His power and strength. Then instead of rushing to Bethany, He stayed where He was for the next two days. Jesus knew how seriously ill Lazarus was because He knows everything. Jesus was waiting until Lazarus was dead before He went to them. He wanted Mary and Martha to trust Him even when they did not know what was happening. He wanted to show them how great His power was even when things seemed hopeless. Two days later Jesus told His disciples, "Let's go into Judea." His disciples protested, "Why do you want to go near Jerusalem? There are people there trying to kill you." That was why Jesus and his disciples were far off in another part of the country. They had gone there because there were some Jews in Jerusalem who did not like it that Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus replied, "Our friend Lazarus has gone to sleep. I am going to wake him up!" His disciples thought Lazarus must be resting. So Jesus told them plainly, "Lazarus is dead. This will give you another opportunity to believe in me. Come, let's go to him." Jesus wanted to make sure there was no doubt in anybody's mind that Lazarus was dead. When Jesus and his disciples arrived at Bethany, they were told that Lazarus had already been in his tomb for four days. The mourners were already there trying to comfort Mary and Martha, When Martha got word that Jesus had arrived, she ran out to meet Him. But Mary stayed at home. "If you had been here, my brother wouldn't have died," Martha told Jesus. "And even now it's not too late, for I know that God will bring my brother back to life again, if you will only ask Him." Jesus told her, "Your brother will come back to life again. I am the one who raises the dead and gives them life again. Anyone who believes in me, even though he dies like anyone else, shall live again. He is given eternal life for believing in me and shall never perish. Do you believe this, Martha? "Yes, Master," Martha replied. "I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God." Martha rushed back to get Mary. Martha secretly called Mary because there were so many people mourning at their house. Mary's friends thought that she was going out to visit the tomb where Lazarus was buried so they followed her. Then they saw Mary run out to meet Jesus. She fell down on her knees before him and began to weep. "If you had been here, my brother would still be alive," she wailed. When Jesus saw her weeping along with others who were mourning, tears came to His eyes. "Where is Lazarus buried?" He asked. "Come and see, Lord" they said. Jesus was taken to the tomb. It was a cave with a heavy stone rolled across its door. As the people led Him toward the grave, Jesus wept. Jesus wept not because Lazarus had died but because of what sin had done in bringing sadness and death, not just to Lazarus but to the whole world.

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NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

The people saw Jesus weeping and said, “See how much Jesus loved Lazarus!” The people waited quietly to see what Jesus would do. “He opened the eyes of the blind man. Couldn't he have kept this man from dying?” they wondered. "Roll the stone aside," Jesus told them. Martha protested. "By now the smell will be terrible for he has been dead four days. "But didn't I tell you that you will see a wonderful miracle from God if you believe?" Jesus asked her. Jesus was ready to keep His promise that day—to show Mary and Martha and all the people gathered at Lazarus’ grave the power of God. So they rolled away the stone from the door. Then Jesus looked up to heaven and said, “Father, I thank You that You have heard Me. I know that You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't need to pray out loud but He wanted the people to know that He was talking to God. Then the Lord shouted with a loud voice. "Lazarus, come out!” The people watched in silence. All of a sudden Lazarus came out from the tomb still bound up in the grave clothes! His face was still in a head wrap. The crowds fell back in surprise and fear at the strange sight. They could hardly believe their eyes. Lazarus stood before them alive. He was proof that Jesus had the power even over death. “Unwrap him and let him go,” said Jesus. Mary and Martha were overjoyed as they saw Lazarus alive! He could walk. Many people believed on the Lord Jesus that day because they saw His power to give physical life—they saw Lazarus alive again. They believed Jesus was the promised Savior, the Son of God, and put their trust in Him. But sadly other people who were there went and told Jesus’ enemies what He had done. They wanted to kill Him. They refused to believe that Jesus had come to give everlasting life. They wanted to arrest Jesus! The Bible says that Jesus loved Martha, her sister Mary, and Lazarus. He was concerned about their situation. Did you know that God loves you too? Just as Jesus gave Lazarus life, He has given us life also--eternal life. The Bible tells us that we are all spiritually dead in our sin. But all who hear the voice of Christ and open their hearts and believe in Him will have everlasting life according to His promise. If you have not believed and trusted in Jesus you are bound up just like Lazarus by the bad habits of sin. The sins of anger and disobedience make us dead in our sin. We need to believe and trust in Christ. Only He can deliver us from death and bring us to eternal life. We need to hear the voice of Jesus today. "Be loosed! Be free! We shall know the truth and the Truth will set us free!" If you already know Jesus as your Savior, remember that He is the resurrection. He is alive today! And because Jesus is alive you can put your hope in God no matter what happens. So today you can ask Jesus to be Your Savior. If you believe that He is the Son of God and that he died on the cross for your sin, You can pray and ask Him to save you. Then He has promised to give you eternal life in heaven with Him. Remember Jesus is the Resurrection and life!

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NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Review Questions: “Jesus Game Board” Preparation: Print out the Jesus Game Board below on cardstock. You will also need game pieces as markers for each student. Procedure: Give the students game pieces (from other games or just coins or candy). Place all pieces on start. Have each student roll a die and move forward the number of spaces they roll. If they land on a positive number, they move that many spaces forward too. If they land on a negative number, they move that many spaces back. Don’t penalize the students for wrong answers, we just correct the misunderstanding. First one to end wins.)

1. What were Lazarus’ sister’s names? (Mary and Martha.) 2. Why did Mary and Martha think that Jesus could help their brother?

(They believed that Jesus could make Lazarus well because they had seen His miracles.)

3. When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick and dying why didn’t He hurry over his house to heal him? (Jesus wanted to prove that He is God and has power over life and death as well as power to forgive sins.)

4. Why can the trials and the hard times that we go through bring glory to God? (God can bring good out of any bad situation.)

5. Why was Jesus “glad” that Lazarus was dead (verse 15)? (He wanted to show God’s power!) 6. What did Martha do as soon as she heard that Jesus was coming? (She went out to meet

Him.) 7. What did Jesus mean when He told Martha that He “is the resurrection and the life?”

(“Because I live you also will live.”) 8. What does the word "resurrection" mean? (Resurrection means "to bring back to life after

something is dead.") 9. What is the shortest verse in the whole Bible? (John 11:35, “Jesus wept.”) 10. Why did Jesus weep? (When Jesus saw Mary crying, He was moved to tears.) 11. What was in front of the tomb? (A stone.) 12. What did Jesus do when they took away the stone from the tomb? (He lifted up His eyes and

prayed to the Father.) 13. How many days had Lazarus been dead? (4) 14. How did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead? What did He do? (He spoke. Just like He spoke

the creation into being, He spoke life into the dead man.) 15. Why did some of the people that saw Jesus perform this miracle not believe that He was

God? (They were so full of pride, they rejected Jesus rather than admit they were wrong.) 16. What did Jesus give Lazarus after death? (Life after death) 17. How does Jesus give you life after death? (If we repent and believe in Him He gives us

eternal life with Him in heaven.) 18. What is the memory verse? (John 11:25 “Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life.

He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”)

Bible Memory Verse Activity: “What's Missing A to Z?” The memory verse is John 11:25 “Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.” Have students locate the verse in scripture and read together several times. Say: “This verse means that Jesus came to give you and me life that lasts forever. He is the one that has the power to give everlasting life—the kind of life that we need to live in Heaven with Him someday.” Procedure: Write the entire verse on the board and have the children read it together. Then begin by erasing some of the words. Start with the words that begin with "A" first, then the words starting with "B" , then "C" and so on until all the words are removed. As you

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erase the words, each time have the students recite the verse inserting the missing words from memory. As the last word is erased the students are reciting the verse entirely from memory.

Group Learning Activity: “Bottle of Tears” Object Lesson (Grades K-6) Preparation: Bring a small clear bottle with a little water in it. Say: "In the book of Psalms, David asked God to put his tears in a bottle. (Psalm 56:8) Do you see this little bottle? I call "My Tears Bottle." These aren't real tears, it is just water, but it reminds me of the times that I have cried real tears. Now, I don't know that God keeps our tears in a bottle like this one, but I do believe that God sees our tears and hears us when we cry.” “Do you ever cry? Of course you do. Even you big strong boys sometimes cry -- even though someone may try to tell you that "big boys don't cry." I made a list of some things that make us cry. “Have you ever fallen off your bicycle and hurt yourself so badly that you cried? Have you ever slipped and fallen while carrying a tray of food in the school cafeteria, and though you weren't hurt, you were so embarrassed that you cried? Have you ever moved to a new school where you didn't know anyone and you were so lonely that you cried? Has anyone ever said something mean and hurt your feelings so badly that you cried? Have you ever had a friend that was crying, so you just cried along with them? “I think that we all could answer, "yes" to at least one of these questions. We all cry, don't we?” “Did you know that Jesus cried? The shortest verse in the entire Bible says, "Jesus wept." “What are some of the things that made Jesus cry? I know of at least three things that made Jesus cry. (1) The Bible tells us that Jesus cried when he prayed for others. It says, "While Jesus was here on earth, he offered prayers and pleadings, with a loud cry and tears." (Hebrews 5:7 NLT) (2) The Bible also tells us that Jesus cried when he saw people who were missing out on what God wanted for them. Luke tells us that as Jesus approached Jerusalem and saw the city, he wept over it and said, "I wish that even today you would find the way of peace. But now it is too late, and peace is hidden from you." (Luke 19:41-42 NLT) (3) Another time, the Bible tells us that Jesus cried when friends of his were hurting. Jesus had a friend named Lazarus who became very sick. His sisters, Mary and Martha, sent word to Jesus and asked him to come and heal Lazarus, but when Jesus arrived, Lazarus had already died. The Bible tells us that when Jesus saw Mary weeping because her brother had died, he cried too. That isn't all that Jesus did -- listen to what happened next. Jesus went with Mary and Martha and some others to visit the grave where Lazarus was buried. It was a cave with a large stone across the entrance. When they arrived at the tomb, Jesus said to some of the men who were with them, "Take away the stone." Then Jesus called in a loud voice, "Lazarus, come out!" And Lazarus walked out of the grave. I imagine that when she saw that, Mary's tears of sadness turned to tears of joy. We all cry, and I am glad that we have a Savior who weeps too. I am glad that he loves us so much that he hurts when we are hurting. He feels our pain. He sees our tears and, who knows, perhaps he keeps our tears in a bottle.

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NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: Re-enact "Story of Lazarus" in a Play (Grades 2-6) Preparation: Bring robes for each Biblical character. Prepare a “tomb” made from a large cardboard box, before class time. You can also construct the stone to roll away from the tomb from cardboard or Styrofoam sheet that has been spray painted gray with stone outlines. Procedure: Re-enact the story of Jesus raising Lazarus back to life. Give each student a Bible and find John 11:1-44. Encourage each student to mark their lines by underlining the scripture passage. Have children take turns assuming various roles: Jesus, disciples, Mary, Martha, Lazarus, Thomas, Jews, people of Bethany. Lead children in portraying the following scenes:

Jesus receives word that Lazarus is sick and Mary and Martha are asking for him to come.

Jesus and disciples travel to Bethany and meets Martha outside the house.

Mary and Martha and Jesus go to the tomb. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead.

Have each child take a turn being the women and Lazarus/ If you teach older children go into more detail about Jesus as the Resurrection and Life.. Allow your students to take turns acting out the story, using all “extras” as the town people. Optional: You can print copies of the skit, “Jesus raises Lazarus.” Have students read the dialogue and role play the story. This skit was written directly from the NASB version of John 11:1-44 This can be used in a class setting reading from the script or as a full skit in front of an audience with costumes and props. Use it along with your Sunday School or Children’s Church lesson. The more involved the children, the better they will grasp and remember this Bible story.

Group Learning Activity: Toilet Paper Relay "Wrap Lazarus"(Grades K-6) Preparation: You will need large rolls of toilet paper. Procedure: Divide your class into two teams. Give each team a large roll of toilet paper. Say: "When Lazarus died, his body was wrapped in long white strips of cloth for burial. Today we are going to play a game that will remind us of how Lazarus was buried.” Each team is to choose one person to be Lazarus. The object of the game is to totally wrap Lazarus with the toilet paper until their roll is gone! Try to cover as much of Lazarus as the team can. Teams must leave the mouth and eyes open. Work together to see which team can accomplish this task first. The team that finishes first, wins. Next see which team's Lazarus can get out of the mummy wrap first! Gather children together to summarize. Say: “Just as Jesus gave Lazarus life, He has given us life also--eternal life. The Bible tells us that we are all spiritually dead in our sin. But all who hear the voice of Christ and open their hearts and believe in Him will have everlasting life according to His promise. If you have not believed and trusted in Jesus you are bound up just like Lazarus by the bad habits of sin. The sins of anger and disobedience make us dead in our sin.”

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NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Say: “We need to believe and trust in Christ. Only He can deliver us from death and bring us to eternal life. We need to hear the voice of Jesus today. "Be loosed! Be free! We shall know the truth and the Truth will set us free!" If you already know Jesus as your Savior, remember that He is the resurrection. He is alive today! And because Jesus is alive you can put your hope in God no matter what happens. “

Group Learning Activity: “Lazarus is Alive!” (Grades 3-6) Preparation: Before class prepare enough small slips of paper for each child to have one. On one of the slips, write "winker" and on another slip write the words: "miracle worker." Leave the rest of the slips blank. Fold all the slips in half and place in a basket. Say: "Today we are going to play a game that can help us feel like Lazarus in our story. Lazarus died and then he was made alive by the power of Jesus. One of you has a slip of paper that says "winker," and another one of you has a slip of paper that says, "miracle worker." The rest of you have blank slips of paper. Don't tell anyone which slip of paper you have! Say: “You will watch one another carefully. If the person who has the slip of paper that says, "winker" winks at you, you're "dead" and must cross your arms over your chest to indicate that. Say: “Keep your eyes open, because if the miracle worker blinks both eyes at you, you will be alive again! Then you should raise both of your hands in the air, and say, "I'm Alive!" and then come and sit in the middle of the circle. But don't say who the “winker” or the “miracle worker” are until the end of the game!" Repeat the rules to make sure the students understand the game and that they are not supposed to reveal who the winker and the miracle worker are during the game. Begin the game. When everyone but the winker and the miracle worker are in the middle of the circle, have kids shout together who the miracle worker and the winker were. Say: "In today's Bible lesson we learned about a man named Lazarus who was brought back to life. Jesus is the perfect miracle worker. Only He can bring us back to life from spiritual death!"

Group Learning Activity: “Jar Drop” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Print out the "Lazarus" men from the template below. Cut out each Lazarus and give one to each child. Make a large box or piece of cardboard with a hole in the side large enough for a child to slip his hand in with a Lazarus figure. You will also need a jar with a large mouth to “catch” the Lazarus figure. Procedure: Distribute the Lazarus men to all the children. Show the box with the hole. Instruct the students to go to the opposite side of the room where they cannot see the other side of the box. They are to take turns trying to dropping the "Lazarus" man into the jar on the other side. The point is that they cannot see the jar but they have to make a guess as to its position. As each volunteer drops the Lazarus figure, make sure that the volunteer cannot see what the rest of the class can see...move the jar so that each child drops the figure right in; do not let any of them miss. After dropping the Lazarus into the jar, the child can move so they can see what you are doing. After everyone has had an opportunity to "drop Lazarus into the tomb," ask someone in the class to explain why everyone got "Lazarus" into the jar. They will, of course, explain that you moved the jar to

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catch each man as he was dropped. Ask the class who was in control of "Lazarus" going into the jar. They should, of course, answer that you were. Say: "You were successful in getting Lazarus in the tomb because I was in control of your efforts. Did you know that just like I was in control of this game that Jesus is in complete control of our lives? Every success and failure He uses to our benefit. Say: “Even if we cannot “see” or understand what is happening in our lives, the Lord knows and is in control. Jesus is in control of every situation. He is the only master over death. He is the only One who can change man’s sinful situation and the hopelessness of death. No one should settle for any god who has not conquered death. Jesus is the only true God. Death just becomes a servant to God. This is the most important thing that separates Christianity from other religions in the world. No other religion can claim victory over death."

Group Learning Activity: “Lazarus Come Out, Lazarus Go In!” (Grades K-3) Purpose: This game is a version of "Mother, May I?" and is designed to help students remember the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. Preparation: You will need masking tape and a large playing area. Procedure: Place a line of tape down the middle of your playing area. Designate one side "inside the tomb" and the other side "outside the tomb." To begin have the children stand anywhere they would like. Say: “Today we are going to play a game to help us remember the story of Jesus resurrecting Lazaras from the dead. It is called “Lazarus, Come Out, Lazarus Go in!” Here is a tape line on the floor. This side is inside the tomb and the other side is “outside the tomb.” When I say, "Lazarus, Go In" everyone should jump to the "inside of the tomb" side of the room. When I say, "Lazarus, Go Out” you should all jump to the "outside of the tomb" side of the room. If I say simply, "Go out" or "Come In" then you are to remain where you are.” You will try to trick them to jump on the wrong side depending on what you say. If a child jumps to the wrong side, he is out! Keep playing until only one child is left. To add to the difficulty, you should always jump to the opposite side of what you say. The children may automatically follow you to that side even though you said something different. Gather the children when the game if over. Say: “This was a fun game wasn’t it? You were very good a following directions. In our lesson Lazarus was able to come out of the tomb because Jesus brought him back to life. That is why Jesus came to earth. He loves us all very much and He wants us to go to heaven to be with him someday! In order for us to go to heaven, Jesus must forgive us our sins and give us new life! Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life! He has the power to give us new life in heaven! Let’s thank Him for coming to bring us Life in heaven.” Close in prayer.

Page 9: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: “Names of Jesus” (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need Bibles, pencils and spiritual journals. Say: “In this lesson we learned that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. He performed this miracle to bring glory to Himself. We are going to read our story in scripture and find out some important things about who Jesus is. Procedure: Each child will need a Bible. Have children sit a table or in front of a chart stand. Have students find the following scriptures in the Bible and discuss the important points. John 11:1-7 “How do you think Mary and Martha felt when they heard Jesus’ words? (vs. 4) The women probably felt very confused and could not understand what Jesus was trying to tell them. They thought Jesus should come and heal Lazarus. How could Lazarus’ dying bring glory to God. John 11:8-17 Notice that Jesus was going to teach the disciples some important lessons. Jesus knew that Lazarus had died, but He wanted the disciples to know that physical death was not the end. Jesus was also about to teach the disciples that He has power over death. John 11: 17-20 Notice the sequence of events. Jesus heard about Lazarus’ death, then waited two more days before traveling to Bethany. Now, Lazarus had been in the tomb for four days. Why Jesus wait before traveling to Bethany? Jesus wanted His followers and the other people who witnessed this miracle to recognize His great power over death. No one would question that Lazarus was indeed dead and not just asleep. John 11:21-27 What type of faith do you see demonstrated in Martha? Martha was a woman of deep faith. She believed in Jesus’ power to heal. She understood that Jesus came to bring life in the final resurrection. Jesus wanted her to also understand that He brought spiritual life in when we belive in Him. What message do you think the people who were watching this conversation received? They must have been confused and could not understand what Jesus was doing. John 11: 28-37 How do these verses show the humanity of Jesus? Jesus wept. Jesus wanted us to know that He understands our grief. Jesus showed that He cares enough for us to weep in our sorrow. He was also troubled over the unbelief of those who stood at the tomb of Lazarus. John 11: 38-44 Jesus commanded the people to roll away the stone from the grave. He then prayed an intercessory prayer on behalf of the people. He prayed aloud so the people could hear His prayer. He wanted the people to know that God had sent Him from heaven to bring life to those who believe. The people needed to learn to trust Jesus for a miracle. Summary: “In this passage Jesus refers to Himself in various ways. Let’s find these ways. Read the following verses and find the names for Jesus.” Matthew 16:16 (Christ, Son of the Living God); Matthew 20:28 (Son of Man); Mark 1:24 (Holy One of God); John 1:29 (Lamb of God); John 4:42 (Savior); John 6:35 (Bread of Life); John 9:5 (Light of the Word); John 10:11 (Good Shepherd); John 20:31 (Christ, Son of God); Romans 10: 9 (Lord); Ephesians 2:20 (Cornerstone); and Revelation 19:16 (King of Kings, Lord of Lords)

1. Jesus is ___the Resurrection_____. John 11:25 Jesus has the power over life and death as well as power to forgive sins.

2. Jesus is ____the Life_____. John 11:25 Jesus give spiritual life over spiritual death. Christ has spiritual life that death cannot conquer or diminish in any way.

3. Jesus is ____the Christ___. John 11:27 Jesus is the Messiah. He is the Promised One. God promised to send a Redeemer and Jesus was the fulfillment of that Promise.

4. Jesus is ____Son of God___. John 11:27

Page 10: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Group Learning Activity: "Friends of Jesus" (Grades 3-5) Preparation: You will need a chalkboard or whiteboard, straws, slips of paper, and a tall cup or glass. Procedure: On the chalkboard or whiteboard, write the following names of friends of Jesus: John, Joseph of Arimathaea, Lazarus, Martha, Mary, Mary Magdalene, Matthew, Nicodemus, Peter (Simon Peter), Salome, Thomas and Zacchaeus. Type the following clues on paper strips and roll each clue into the bottom of the straw. Divide the class into two teams. Each team draws a straw and blows out the clue. As a team, they have one minute to answer the clue. If they need help they can look up the scripture reference. Match all the clues with the correct person:

a. Sister of Lazarus who prepared meals for Jesus. (See Luke 10:38–42.) b. Told the Apostles that Jesus had risen from the grave. (See John 20:17–

18.) c. Publican (tax collector) who welcomed Jesus into his home. (See Luke

19:2–6.) d. Baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. (See Matt. 3:13–17.) e. Defended Jesus before the Pharisees and took part in His burial. (See John 7:45–51; John

19:38–40.) f. Woman who anointed Jesus’ feet with costly ointment. (See John 12:3–8.) g. At first he doubted, but later believed that Jesus had risen. (See John 20:24–29.) h. Mary (James’s mother), Mary Magdalene, and ________ went to Jesus’ tomb with spices.

(See Mark 16:1–8.) i. Asked Pilate for permission to bury Jesus’ body. (See Matt. 27:57–60.) j. Jesus called him Cephas, which means a stone. (See John 1:40–42.) k. Jesus raised him from the dead. (See John 11:38–45.) l. Tax collector who followed Jesus as one of His disciples. (See Matt. 9:9.)

Craft Learning Activity: “The Bandaged Man” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need 4 jumbo craft sticks for each child; white strips of cloth approximately 1" wide or toilet paper; and craft glue; and a round face shaped circle to glue on the head of the man. Procedure: Distribute the materials to all the students. Demonstrate how to arrange four jumbo craft sticks in the shape of a man. Use one craft stick as the body. Put the second stick across the first one to form the two arms. Use the remaining two sticks to extend from the body to make the legs. Help students arrange their sticks in the correct pattern. Have students glue the sticks together where the joints meet. Wrap the man in cloth strips or toilet paper as Lazarus may have looked when he was raised and came out of the grave. All his friends were happy to see Lazarus come out of the grave so add a smiley face to the top of the stick! You can hang these Lazarus men with clothes pins on a line stretched across the room. OR use them in the craft below to make a Lazarus' tomb.

Page 11: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Craft Learning Activity: “Lazarus on a Roll” (Grades K-4) Preparation: You will need a toilet paper roll, gauze, glue, and googly eyes. Procedure: Distribute the supplies to the students. Have students glue the googly eyes to the top of the paper towel roll about 1 inch from the top. Then have students wrap the gauze around the paper towel roll covering the head and body. You could use strips of paper or toilet paper if desired. Say: “In our lesson today we learned that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. When Lazarus came forth from the tomb, Jesus said that He is the Resurrection and the Life. He showed us that He has the power over death, and anyone who believes in Him doesn’t have to be afraid of death. Jesus promises to give us the gift of eternal life when we trust in Him as Savior.”

Craft Learning Activity: “Lazarus' Tomb from Paper Bag” (Grades K-3) Purpose: The children will be making tombs, from which Lazarus will come out. Preparation: You will need the following materials: Small brown craft gift bags; Grey cardboard; Doll pins; Linen; Markers; Colored yarn for hair (black, red, yellow); Strips of paper; and Metal craft brads (to enable the “rock” to swivel) Procedure: Take the small brown craft gift bag, and fold half inside. Stand it on its side. Cut an oval 'rock' from a piece of cardboard, large enough to cover the opening and to close the paper bag tomb. Next, set the tomb aside and make Lazarus by wrapping doll pins with linen, drawing on a face and gluing on hair. Set aside. Make springs to attach to the back of the tomb by braiding strips of paper together tightly. Tape one end of the braided strip to the back wall of the tomb. Braided strips should be slightly longer than the length of the tomb. Glue Lazarus to the front of the spring. Then close him in with the "rock"(attached with a brad). When you move the "rock" off, he pops out!

Group Learning Activity: “Lazarus' Tomb from Paper Plates” (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need brown poster paint, paper plates, and a brad. Procedure: Paint the back and front of a paper plate with gray or brown poster paint. Let dry. Cut the plate into halves. Cut a half circle "entrance" into the tomb on one half-plate. Place the half-plates with the fronts facing each other. Glue along the edge of the rim to hold in place. Allow to dry. Make a Lazarus figure from the "The Bandaged Man" craft above. Cut a gray half-circle out of poster board to form the stone. Attach the half circle with a brad to make the tomb open. Optional: Crinkle gray cardstock that has been sprayed with water on both sides into a ball to form the stone. (The water makes the cardstock easier to crinkle and will hold its form better.) Allow time for craft to dry.

Page 12: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Craft Learning Activity: “Rock Mosaic Coaster” (Grades 3-5) Purpose: This craft helps students remember that without the Power of the Resurrection of Christ we have no hope of eternal life. Say: "The cross is a symbol of the Death, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ. When Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave, He was teaching his disciples about the power He has to give eternal life. Today we will make a coaster to remind us of the fact that Jesus is the Resurrection and Life." Preparation: You will need premixed grout tile adhesive from home improvement store; aquarium rocks in various colors, large spoon; one large wide mouth canning jar ring and lid. Pour each color of rocks into a separate shallow container. Place canning jar lids in rings. Procedure: Use a spoon to fill lids with group leaving about a 1/8 inch space at the top. Push colored aquarium rocks into the grout to make a cross design. Use one or two contrasting colors of rocks to fill in the rest of the lid. Allow to dry overnight. The grout will take several days to harden completely. When dry, you can use your mosaic as a coaster or trivet.

Craft /Snack Learning Activity: “Lazarus Cookies” Preparation: Make gingerbread men cookies--one for each child. Procedure: Give each child one gingerbread men and some fruit roll ups. Students are to wrap their gingerbread men in the fruit rollups to make a pretend "Lazarus."

Life Application Challenge: Hope Drawing Say: "Jesus brought Lazarus back to life from death. This shows us that death does not have the final word when we believe in Him. Jesus gives us hope. What are some symbols that remind you of hope? How would trees and butterflies and rainbows remind you of hope? Give each child a sheet of drawing paper. Each child is to choose a symbol. Under the symbol they are to write how that symbol shows hope. Take the drawing home to hang in your room. When you see these symbols, ask God to fill you up with His hope! Examples:

A tree looks dead without its leaves in winter but when spring comes it comes alive with new growth. Jesus brings new life to our dead bodies!

Page 13: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

God gave Noah the rainbow as a promise that He would never destroy the earth again with a flood. Noah received new life as he exited the Ark. Jesus brings new life to our dead bodies of sin!

Page 14: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Jesus Raises Lazarus

John 11:25

“Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.”

Page 15: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 16: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 17: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 18: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 19: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 20: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 21: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 22: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Jesus Raises Lazarus Play John 11:1-44

Script with seven parts: Narrator, Jesus, Mary, Martha, Disciples, Jews, Thomas

Narrator: Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. Mary was the one who anointed the Lord with perfume and wiped his feet with her hair; her brother Lazarus was ill. So the sisters sent a message to Jesus,

Mary and Martha: "Lord, he whom you love is ill."

Narrator: But when Jesus heard it, he said,

Jesus: "This illness does not lead to death; rather it is for God's glory, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it."

Narrator: Accordingly, though Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus, after having heard that Lazarus was ill, he stayed two days longer in the place where he was. Then after this he said to the disciples,

Jesus: "Let us go to Judea again."

Narrator: The disciples said to him

Disciples: "Rabbi, the Jews were just now trying to stone you, and are you going there again?"

Narrator: Jesus answered,

Jesus: "Are there not twelve hours of daylight? Those who walk during the day do not stumble, because they see the light of this world. But those who walk at night stumble, because the light is not in them."

Narrator: After saying this, he told them

Jesus: "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I am going there to awaken him."

Narrator: The disciples said to him

Disciples: "Lord, if he has fallen asleep, he will be all right."

Narrator: Jesus, however, had been speaking about his death, but they thought that he was referring merely to sleep. Then Jesus told them plainly,

Jesus: "Lazarus is dead. For your sake I am glad I was not there, so that you may believe. But let us go to him."

Narrator: Thomas, who was called the Twin, said to his fellow disciples,

Thomas: "Let us also go, that we may die with him."

Narrator: When Jesus arrived, he found that Lazarus had already been in the tomb four days. Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, some two miles away, and many of the Jews had come to Martha and Mary to console them about their brother. When Martha heard that Jesus was coming, she went and met him, while Mary stayed at home. Martha said to Jesus,

Martha: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died. But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of him."

Narrator: Jesus said to her,

Jesus: "Your brother will rise again."

Narrator: Martha said to him,

Martha: "I know that he will rise again in the resurrection on the last day."

Narrator: Jesus said to her,

Page 23: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Jesus : "I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

Narrator: She said to him,

Martha: "Yes, Lord, I believe that you are the Messiah, the Son of God, the one coming into the world."

Narrator: When she had said this, she went back and called her sister Mary, and told her privately,

Martha: "The Teacher is here and is calling for you."

Narrator: And when she heard it, she got up quickly and went to him. Now Jesus had not yet come to the village, but was still at the place where Martha had met him. The Jews who were with her in the house, consoling her, saw Mary get up quickly and go out. They followed her because they thought that she was going to the tomb to weep there. When Mary came where Jesus was and saw him, she knelt at his feet and said to him,

Mary: "Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died."

Narrator: When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her also weeping, he was greatly disturbed in spirit and deeply moved. He said,

Jesus: "Where have you laid him?"

Narrator: They said to him,

Mary and the Jews: "Lord, come and see."

Narrator: Jesus began to weep. So the Jews said,

the Jews: "See how he loved him!"

Narrator: But some of them said,

the Jews: "Could not he who opened the eyes of the blind man have kept this man from dying?"

Narrator: Then Jesus, again greatly disturbed, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone was lying against it. Jesus said,

Jesus: "Take away the stone."

Narrator: Martha, the sister of the dead man, said to him,

Martha: "Lord, already there is a stench because he has been dead four days."

Narrator: Jesus said to her,

Jesus: "Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?"

Narrator: So they took away the stone. And Jesus looked upward and said,

Jesus: "Father, I thank you for having heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I have said this for the sake of the crowd standing here, so that they may believe that you sent me."

Narrator: When he had said this, he cried with a loud voice,

Jesus: "Lazarus, come out!"

Narrator: The dead man came out, his hands and feet bound with strips of cloth, and his face wrapped in a cloth. Jesus said to them,

Jesus: "Unbind him, and let him go."

Page 24: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020

Page 25: Unit 2: Ministry of Christ NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus...You always hear Me, but I say this for the sake of those people here that they might believe that You did send Me. Jesus didn't


NT2.10 Jesus Raises Lazarus © Beverly Wilson 2020