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Unit 2: Unit 2: Physical Fitness and Physical Fitness and Nutrition Nutrition How do you feel about physical activity? Choosing activities that exercise the body is an important choice for good health. Chapter 3: Physical Fitness and your Health

Unit 2 Health Book

Dec 18, 2014


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Page 1: Unit 2 Health Book

Unit 2:Unit 2: Physical Fitness and Nutrition Physical Fitness and Nutrition

How do you feel about physical activity?

Choosing activities that exercise the body is an important choice for good health.

Chapter 3: Physical Fitness and your Health

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Physical Fitness and It’s BenefitsPhysical Fitness and It’s Benefits

o Physical Fitness-the ability to carry out daily tasks easily and have enough energy to respond to unexpected demands.

o Physical Health:

-Reduces the chances of acquiring diseases; allows you to be more capable.

-Higher energy levels; improves your posture.

o Mental/Emotional Health: -Makes you intellectually more productive; relieves stress.

-Helps control depression; makes you fell better about yourself.

o Social Health:

-Reduces stress; builds self-confidence

-Gives you the opportunity to interact with others.

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Basic Components of Physical FitnessBasic Components of Physical Fitness

o Body Composition – the ratio of body fat to lean body tissue

o Flexibility – the ability to move a body part through a full range of motion.

o Muscular Strength – the amount of force a muscle can exert.

o Muscular Endurance – the ability of the muscles to do difficult physical tasks over a long period of time without causing fatigue

o Cardio respiratory endurance – the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to send fuel and oxygen to the body’s tissues during long periods of vigorous activity.

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Benefits of Physical HealthBenefits of Physical Health

• Exercise enhances the body’s protection against disease by building up resistance through improving fitness.

• Nervous System – improves your reaction time by helping you respond quicker to stimuli.

• Circulatory System – permits the heart to pump blood more efficiently, so that work can be done without much effort.

• Respiratory System – begins to work more slowly and efficiently so that you take fewer deeper breathes. This increases your lung capacity, which means you don’t lose your breathe quickly.

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Exercise and Weight ControlExercise and Weight Control

• Sedentary Lifestyle – a way of life that requires little movement or exercise.

• Metabolism – the process by which your body gets energy from food.

• Basal Metabolism – the minimum amount of energy required to maintain the life processes in a body.

• Aerobic Exercise – vigorous activity in which oxygen is continuously taken in for a period of at least 20 minutes.

• Anaerobic exercise – intense bursts of energy in which the muscles work so hard, they produce energy without the use of oxygen.

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Resistance Training ExercisesResistance Training Exercises

• Resistance training is a good way to tone muscles, improve muscular strength, and improve endurance.

• Isometric exercise – an activity that uses muscle tension to improve muscular strength. It’s muscles pushing against muscles.

• Isotonic – an activity that combines muscle contraction with repeated movement. Ex: Push-ups, pull-ups, and lifting weights.

• Isokinetic exercise – an activity that involves resistance through an entire range of motion. It increases the flexibility of the joints, improves muscular strength and improves endurance.

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Planning a Fitness ProgramPlanning a Fitness Program• When you are planning to exercise you should mark the activities and

times down on a calendar. Set short term goals first.

Rest or Inactivity (watching TVs, or playing computer for more than 30 min.

Aerobic Exercise (brisk walking, cross country skiing, swimming)

Leisure Activities (golf, bowling, softball, yard work)

Recreational (soccer, basketball, tennis, dancing)

Lifestyle Physical Activity (walk the dog, take the stairs, take longer walks)

Flexibility and Strength (stretching, push-ups, weight lifting)

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Selecting the Right ActivitySelecting the Right Activity

• These should be taken into consideration when making a fitness program:

- Where you live. (Temperature and terrain)

- Your range of interests. (Do something you enjoy)

- Your level of health. (Consider health problems.)

- Time and place.

- Personal Safety.

- Comprehension planning. (five areas of health-related fitness)o Cross-training – combining various exercise routines to help work

different body systems.

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Basics of an Exercise ProgramBasics of an Exercise Program

• Consider the following for an effective workout:

- Overload: working the body harder than it’s normally worked.

- Progression: gradual increase in overload necessary for achieving higher levels of fitness.

- Specificity: particular exercises and activities that improve particular areas of health-related fitness.

• Warm-up: engaging in activity that prepares the muscles for the wok that is to come.

• The Workout: performing the activity at it’s highest point.

- F.I.T. formula: Frequency, Intensity, Time.• Cool-down: engaging in activity to gradually decrease activity.• Heart rate: the number of times your heart beats in a minute when you

are not active.

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Chapter 4: Physical Activity for LifeChapter 4: Physical Activity for Life

•What type of physical activity are a regular part of your life?

- Everyone should have some type of physical activity

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Choices for Physical ActivityChoices for Physical Activity

• Physical Activity – any form of movement, whether purposeful, as in exercise and sports, or incidental, as when carrying out domestic chores.

-Lifestyle activities – forms of physical activity that are a normal of your daily routine or recreation and that promote good health throughout a lifetime.

-Sports activities – sports that usually involve competition and have a set of rules or guidelines.

- Individual sports – swimming, bicycling, or playing golf. - Partner sports – tennis, racquetball - Nature sports – surfing, rock-climbing, or sailing. - Physical Activity is a healthy way to socialize with others.

Never limit yourself to one type of activity. Get involved in all types, because it reduces chances of injuries.

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Skills-Related FitnessSkills-Related Fitness

Skills-related fitness contributes to your total health. These are the six basic measures:

• Agility – the ability to control the body’s movements and to change the body’s position quickly.

• Balance – the ability to remain upright either while standing still or moving.

• Coordination – the ability to use two or more body parts together well, or to use the senses along with the body parts.

• Speed – the ability to move a distance or complete a body movement in a short period of time.

• Reaction time – the rate of movement once a person realizes the need to move.

• Power – the ability to use force with great speed.

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Sports and NutritionSports and Nutrition• Training program – a program of formalized physical

preparation for participation in a sport.• Hydration – the addition of body fluids. You need to keep your body hydrated for an effective

workout.• Anabolic steroids are chemicals similar to the male

hormone testosterone. Some of the consequences are: - increased risk of cancer and heart disease. - sterility, or the inability to have children - skin problems, such as acne and hair loss. - unusual weight gain or loss. - sexual underdevelopment and dysfunction. - violent, suicidal, or depressive tendencies.

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Minor Exercise-Related InjuriesMinor Exercise-Related Injuries

• Muscle cramp is a spasm or sudden tightening of a muscle. It usually occurs from being tired, overworked, or from dehydration.

• Strain is a condition in which muscles have been overworked. Strains occur from participating in strenuous activity you are not used to.

• Sprain is an injury to tissues surrounding a joint. It is caused from a moveable joint being stretched or torn.

The injuries are minor so a proper treatment is R.I.C.E.:

- Rest. Stay off of it for about 1 or 2 days.

- Ice. Apply ice to the area to reduce pain and swelling.

- Compression. Wrap an elastic bandage to apply pressure.

- Elevation. Raise the affected limb over heart level.

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Major Exercise-Related InjuriesMajor Exercise-Related Injuries

• Fractures are any type of break in a bone. To properly heal you must stay off of it for a period of time.

• Dislocations is when a bone slips from its normal position at a joint. The doctor must put them together and immobilize.

• Tendinitis is a condition in which the tendons, are stretched or torn from overuse.

• Blows to the head can cause swelling of the brain or even death.

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Weather Related RisksWeather Related Risks

These are some of hot weather health risks:• Overexertion – overworking the body.• Heat cramps – muscle spasms that are the result of loss of

large amounts of salt and water through perspiration.• Heat exhaustion – an overheating of the body resulting in

cold, clammy skin and symptoms of shock.These are some cold weather health risks:• Frostbite – a condition that results when body tissue

becomes frozen.• Hypothermia – a condition in which body temperature

becomes dangerously low.

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Thinking About SafetyThinking About Safety

• Be aware of the people around you.• Playing at your skill level.• Obeying rules and restrictions.• Accepting responsibility for your own

safety.• Choose the right place and time to exercise.• Use proper equipment when exercising.

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Chapter 5: Nutrition and Your HealthChapter 5: Nutrition and Your Health

• Have you ever eaten just “to be sociable”?

- Nutrients: substances in food that your body needs to function properly to grow, to repair itself, and to supply you with energy.

- Hunger: a natural drive that protects you from starvation.

Appetite: a desire, rather than a need, to eat.

Nutrition: is the process by which the body takes in and uses food.

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Unit Two Test1. What were the main types of health we mentioned?

A. PhysicalB. Mental/EmotionalC. SocialD. All of the above.

2. How does your body benefit from exercising?

3. According to the Physical Triangle what activity should you do the least?

4. When injured the method they suggest to use is R.I.C.E, what does R.I.C.E stand for?

5. Give an example of one health risk from hot weather and cold weather?