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Jan 22, 2016




UNIT 1 – MANKIND. UNIT 1 – MANKIND. SECTION 1 – THE ORIGIN OF MANKIND. By the end of this section you should be able to: Describe God’s creation of man as written in Genesis. Tell the importance of man’s personal choice of his destiny. Unit 1 – MANKIND Section 1 – The Origin of Mankind. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: UNIT 1 – MANKIND


Page 2: UNIT 1 – MANKIND


By the end of this section you should be able to:

Describe God’s creation of man as written in Genesis. Tell the importance of man’s personal choice of his destiny.


Page 3: UNIT 1 – MANKIND

Unit 1 – MANKINDSection 1 – The Origin of Mankind

Vocabulary words:

created – Brought into existence from nothing. dominion – Rule or power to rule over. evolve – To develop gradually into a new form. origin – Beginning source. soul – Man’s moral and emotional nature. voluntarily – To do something of one’s own free will.


Read Genesis 1:27-31 and chapter 2

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 1 – The Origin of Mankind

I. The Creation of Man

A. The Source of Man

Our origin is in God - “In the beginning God created…” Genesis 1:1

We did not evolve as secular scientists say.

We were created from the dust of the earth. B. The Method of Creation

Our bodies were created first.

Then God breathed into man the breath of life – our soul.

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 1 – The Origin of Mankind

II. The Original Nature of Man


Body and Spirit

Uses Reason

An Immortal Spirit

A Relationship with God

Actions - Moral


A body only


A Mortal Being

No Relationship with God


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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 1 – The Origin of Mankind

II. The Original Nature of Man

A. God’s Image

We were created in the image (likeness) of God.

Unlike plants and animals, we shared both language and fellowship with God.

God gave Adam dominion over creation.

Adam was complete and no evil was found in him – “…it was very good” (Gen. 1:31).

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 1 – The Origin of Mankind

II. The Original Nature of Man…

B. God’s Friend

Friendship is based on choice.

God gave us personal choice.

We choose to obey or disobey voluntarily.

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 1 – The Origin of Mankind


1. What is the basic difference between making something and creating something?

2. List four facts about Adam.

3. How do you know God was satisfied with His creation of Adam?

4. List three ways Adam was different from men today.

5. Explain briefly what the word “image” means.

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By the end of this section you should be able to:

Trace the Fall of man and the reasons why he fell. Tell the importance of man’s personal choice of his destiny.


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Unit 1 – MANKINDSection 2 – The Fall of Mankind

Vocabulary words:

abundantly – Very plentiful; more than enough. confronted – To be faced with a decision. dethrone – To replace one’s ruler with another. disobedience – Refusal to follow commands. eternal – Without beginning or end; forever the same. forbidden – Restricted; off limits. redemption – Paying a price for something or someone to buy them back. saved – Delivered from something.

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Unit 1 – MANKINDSection 2 – The Fall of Mankind

Vocabulary words:

sin – Breaking God’s law. tempted – To be urged to do evil. tempter – One who tries to get another to do evil. vitally – Of greatest importance

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 2 – The Fall of Mankind

I. The Reasons for Man’s Fall

A. The Tempter

God created man and woman with a free will.

Genesis 3 introduces the enemy of man – the devil.

Once a beautiful angel who desired to dethrone God (Isa. 14:12-15).

The devil lost battle and was cast to earth (Rev. 12:3-9).

The devil now seeks to destroy anyone he can (1 Pt. 5:8).

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 2 – The Fall of Mankind

I. The Reasons for Man’s Fall…

B. Personal Choice

The devil’s plan was to tempt Adam and Eve to doubt God’s goodness.

Leading question of the tempter: “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Gen. 3:1

Eve’s dilemma: Obey God or become a god?

God’s law: “…you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat of it you will surely die.” Gen. 2:17

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 2 – The Fall of Mankind

II. The Result of Man’s Fall

A. Physical Results

Eve was confronted with a decision.

She and Adam chose to disobey and eat the forbidden fruit.

This disobedience was sin. Man was no longer complete and good.

A sinful nature is now passed down at birth (Rom. 3:23).

God offered redemption through Jesus Christ. We must now be saved.

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 2 – The Fall of Mankind

II. The Result of Man’s Fall…

B. Spiritual Results

Salvation involves both eternal life and abundant life – “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jn. 10:10

Disobedience brought spiritual death.

The “Law” cannot harm us unless we violate its eternal principles. It can bless us though!

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.” Prov. 23:7 (NKJV)

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 2 – The Fall of Mankind


1. How did Adam disobey God?

2. What temptation was used to make Adam sin?

3. What were the results of Adam and Eve’s disobedience?

4. What effect did the sin of Adam and Eve have on our need for salvation?

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By the end of this section you should be able to:

Trace the Fall of man and the reasons why he fell. Tell the importance of man’s personal choice of his destiny. Describe the love of God and how He demonstrated it to mankind.


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Unit 1 – MANKINDSection 3 – The Re-creation of Man

Vocabulary words:

administered – Given out – punishment or justice. craves – Longs for eagerly; is in great need of. despair – To be without hope. just – Right or fair; righteous. re-creation – Something created again. redemptive – Able to save. resurrection – A rising from the dead; coming back to life.

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UNIT 1 – MANKIND Section 3 – The Re-creation of Man

I. The Method of Re-creation

A. The Motive of Re-creation

John 3:16 provides the motive of God’s redemptive plan – “For God so loved…”

God created us to crave fellowship with Him, but sin destroyed this fellowship.

God is just and cannot overlook sin.

This penalty must be administered by a just Judge.

Justice demanded penalty for disobedience of God’s law.

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UNIT 1 – MANKIND Section 3 – The Re-creation of Man

Death was passed on (Rom. 5:12) which brings despair.

But God sent Jesus to pay for our sin.

Old Testament – perfect lamb (physical).

New Testament – perfect lamb (Jesus Christ).

Only through Jesus’ death and resurrection was re- creation made possible.

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UNIT 1 – MANKIND Section 3 – The Re-creation of ManI. The Method of Re-creation…

B. The Price of Re-creation

A personal salvation experience with Jesus Christ is the only way to regain fellowship with God.

Jesus agreed to be rejected, hurt, and killed to pay the penalty for your sin.

Refusing Jesus brings hopelessness, despair and death.

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ” (Eph. 2:13).

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UNIT 1 – MANKIND Section 3 – The Re-creation of Man

II. The Result of Re-creation

A. Eternal Life

Jesus Christ came to give us eternal life when we

receive him by faith (Jn. 10:10).

Jesus paid the price of divine justice and satisfied God’s law.

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UNIT 1 – MANKIND Section 3 – The Re-creation of Man

II. The Result of Re-creation…

B. Abundant Life

God has promised to meet our every need (Matt. 6:25-34).

Jesus’ death and resurrection offers freedom from

the bondage of sin (Jn. 8:36).

Re-creation also involves the renewal of our minds (2 Cor. 5:17).

Our ungodly habits should begin to disappear after we are saved.

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UNIT 1 – MANKIND Section 3 – The Re-creation of Man

Our relationship with God should be evident (Matt. 7:16).

God wants us to be transformed, not reformed.

Reformation begins with an outward effort to eliminate undesirable life patterns.

Transformation begins the change within a person.Genuine salvation always produces fruit (Gal.


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UNIT 1 – MANKIND Section 3 – The Re-creation of Man


1. What is God’s motive for redeeming mankind?

2. What was God’s method of paying the penalty for mankind’s sin?

3. What relationship did the Old Testament lamb sacrifice have to do with Jesus Christ?

4. How can a person have spiritual fellowship with God restored?

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By the end of this section you should be able to:

Tell the importance of man’s personal choice of his destiny. Describe the love of God and how He demonstrated it to mankind.


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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 4 – The Mission of Man

I. God’s Original Mission

A. Man’s First Mission

Man’s first mission was to tend the garden of Eden

and live in a world of peace (Gen. 2:8).

He was also to enjoy the fruits of his labor (Gen. 2:15).

He could eat all the fruits and vegetables but he could not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:16-17).

God’s will was for Adam and Eve to enjoy all of God’s creation (Gen. 1:28).

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 4 – The Mission of Man

Even after the fall, God still expects us to fulfill his

original mission.

According to Genesis 1:28, Adam and Eve were to keep the garden, to care for it, to have children to

enjoy the earth with them, and to have absolute authority over all of God’s creation.

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 4 – The Mission of ManI. God’s Original Mission…

B. Man’s Failure

Consequences of Adam’s and Eve’s sin of disobedience found in Genesis 3:16-24:

1. Pain during childbirth.

2. Marital tension.

3. Struggle to scratch a living from the ground.

4. Physical death.

5. Drove them from the garden.

We still live under this same bandage (Rom. 5:12).

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 4 – The Mission of Man

II. God’s Renewed Mission…

A. Man’s Second Mission

Man’s second mission is to receive Jesus as personal Savior (Jn. 1:12-13).

God created us for his pleasure (Rev. 4:11).

When we accept Jesus as Savior, then once again God finds pleasure in our lives.

God replaces the old things in our lives with new things – love, joy, peace, hope (2 Cor. 5:17).

Our sin-darkened life is changed into a new life!

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 4 – The Mission of Man

God’s desire is to restore mankind to that original state of fellowship with Him.

God wants to renew our minds (Rom. 12:2).

God wants to renew our spirits (Ps. 51:10).

God wants us to fulfill the divine mission by telling

others (Lk. 24:47).

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UNIT 1 – MANKINDSection 4 – The Mission of Man

II. God’s Renewed Mission…

B. Man’s Hope

Without God’s redemption plan, all mankind would be without hope (Rom. 3:23).

But because of Christ’s work on the cross, we have new hope (Rom. 8:1)!