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Unit 1 - Intrdn to Training.ppt

Apr 14, 2018



Poorna Venkat
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  • 7/27/2019 Unit 1 - Intrdn to Training.ppt





    10/25/2013 Sona School of Management 1

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    Unit 1 - Introduction to Training


    To understand the need and importance of Training.

    To define the key terms used in Training Literature.

    To understand how Training Strategy facilitates

    Organizational Change.

    To understand the new developments in providing

    training for employees.

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    Key Training issues

    How can training keep pace with a changingorganizational environment?

    Should training take place in a classroom

    setting or on the job?

    How can training be effectively deliveredworldwide?

    How can training be delivered so that traineesare motivated to learn?

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    Objectives of Training

    Increase employees knowledge of foreigncompetitors and cultures,

    Help ensure that employees have the basicskills to work with new technology,

    Help employees understand how to workeffectively in teams to contribute to productand service quality.

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    Ensure that the companys culture emphasizesinnovation, creativity, and learning.

    Ensure employment security by providing new

    ways for employees to contribute to thecompany when their jobs change, theirinterests change, or their skills becomeobsolete.

    Prepare employees to accept and work moreeffectively with each other, particularly withminorities and women.

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    Meaning of Training

    In general, training refers to a planned effortby a company to facilitate the learning of job

    related knowledge, skills, or behavior byemployees.

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    The key terms used in Training

    Literature Learning Relatively a permanent change in

    cognition (i.e., understanding and thinking)

    that results from experience and that directlyinfluences behavior.

    Knowledge Organized body of facts,principles, procedures and informationacquired over time.

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    SkillA persons skill are reflected by howwell he / she is able to carry out specific

    actions, such as operating a piece ofequipment, communicating effectively orimplementing a business strategy.

    Attitude Employees beliefs and opinions

    that support or inhibit behavior.

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    Competencies A set of knowledge, skills andattitudes that enable a person to be successful

    at a number of similar tasks. Training Systematic process of providing an

    opportunity to learn knowledge, skill andattitude for current jobs.

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    Development Providing an opportunityprepare for future jobs.

    Education Focuses more on generalknowledge, skill and attitude, which are notspecifically tailored to a particular person

    career or job.

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    Classification of Learning Outcomes

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    Training as a Subsystem within

    Organizational System

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    Training versus Development


    Training typically focuses on providingemployees with specific skills or helping them

    correct deficiencies in their performance.Development

    Development is an effort to provide

    employees with the abilities the organizationwill need in the future.

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    Training versus Development


    Current job

    Individual employees


    Fix current skilldeficit


    Current and futurejobs

    Work group ororganization

    Long term

    Prepare for futurework demands

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    Challenges in Training

    Is training really the solution to the problem?

    Are the goals of training clear and realistic?

    Is training a good investment?

    How can we know whether the trainingworked?

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    Importance of training

    It is true that no organization can get acandidate who exactly matches with the joband organizational requirements. Hence

    training is important to develop and makethe candidate suitable to the job in whichhe is appointed.

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    Importance of training (contd)

    Benefits to the organization

    Increases the profitability.

    Develops a positive attitude towards theorganization.

    Improves the relationship between the bossand the subordinates.

    Aids in organization development.

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    Importance of training (contd)

    Prepares guidelines for work.

    Effective decision-making and problemsolving.

    Increases the quality of work.

    Develops a sense of responsibility.

    Improves organizational communication.

    Aids in handling conflicts & disputes.

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    Importance of training (contd)

    Benefits to individual

    Making better decision and effective problemsolving.

    Growth and responsibilities are achieved.

    Aids in self-development and self-confidence.

    Helps to handle stress and tension.

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    Importance of training (contd)

    Improves communication skill and attitude.

    Increases job satisfaction.

    Moves a person towards personnel needs andgoals.

    Eliminates fear in attempting new tasks.

    Develops a sense of growth in learning.

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    Training in Indian Airlines

    The Airlines has a Training Center at

    Hyderabad, linked to all the regional offices. It has a database of all employees of the


    Training needs are identified by the TrainingCenter based on the qualification & skill.

    The training imparted is mainly job-oriented,basically for the technical people engaged inthe organization.

    Very few non-technical training programmesare co-ordinated by this training center.

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    Training in Indian Airlines (contd)

    Some of positives of the training :

    The training is centrally co-ordinated.

    Intensive technical training is imparted.

    Some negatives of the training :

    Commercial functions are not given dueimportance for training & development.

    The training programmes are not extensivelystructural & do not cover a large area in termsof manpower & functional aspects.

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    Ranbaxys Quality Training

    Features :

    It gives its workers an exposure in foreigncountries where the attitude towards hygieneis fundamentally different.

    The company randomly chooses 20 workersand sends them on a 20-day trip to USA.

    The workers visit various hospitals & clinics,where they analyze the environment in which

    their medicines are being used.

    They realize the necessity of hygiene in theirplant.

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    Training Processes Model

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    Class Room Exercise - 1

    Discuss the training responsibilities of

    supervisors and managers who are not a part

    of the HRD department.

    Prepare a list of responsibilities that might be

    rationale for your choices.

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    Class Room Exercise - 2

    Describe ways in which training units can go

    about meeting the challenges they face which

    was previously discussed in this chapter.

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    Class Room Exercise - 3

    Conduct a web search to find a company that

    has recently been identified as the Best

    Companies to work for.

    Conduct a second search to find any articles

    that have been written about this companys


    Write a one-page report summarizing your


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    Summary and Reminders

    This unit explained about the following:

    Meaning of Training

    Objectives of Training Training Process

    Training Benefits

    New Developments in Training

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