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1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In this lesson we will see how God showed His power and creativity when He made the world, man, and everything in it. Introduction: This is the first lesson in Unit 1: Creation to Babel. The answer to the question about how things came into being is found in the very first book of the Bible. It is called Genesis. The book of Genesis is about the beginning of the world. Genesis is the first book of Law which are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. Attention Getter: Pictures of the Earth (Show pictures or slides of mountain, ocean, forests, plains, desert, etc scenes.) When have you seen a mountain? Or a giant tree? Or maybe a beautiful animal? Just look at all the beautiful colors of fish! There are many different living things all over the world. Have you ever thought about how all these wonderful things were made? Today in our lesson we are going to find out what God did at the beginning of time to make the world and everything in it. Opening Prayer: Dear Jesus in heaven, Thank you for creating such a beautiful world for us. You made it just like you wanted and it was perfect. You even made us in your image. More than that you love us and we are special in Your sight. Thank you for loving us. In Jesus name, Amen Memory Verse: The memory verse is Genesis 1: 31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." Lesson Video: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was shapeless and empty and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. God said, :Let there be light." God saw that the light was good and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day and the darkness was called night. All this happened on the first day of creation. On the second day of creation God separated the water from above and the water from below and he called this expanse sky. So God created the sky and the clouds that were separated from the water underneath. God saw that His work was good. On the third day God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered in one place and let the dry land appear." And it happened just as God said. He ordered dry land to appear and the waters were gathered to form the seas. God called it land and sea. Then God said, "Let the earth burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant, and fruit trees with seeds inside the fruit." And it was so. The land produced vegetation. Everything God said took place. All kinds of grass, plants and trees grew with their own seeds to grow more. God saw all the plants growing and declared it was good. Plants bore seeds according to their kind. The trees had fruit with seeds in it according to its kind. God saw that it was good and it was the end of the third day.

Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God

Jun 18, 2020



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Page 1: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation

Scripture: Genesis 1-2

Lesson Goal: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. In this lesson we will see

how God showed His power and creativity when He made the world, man, and everything in it.

Introduction: This is the first lesson in Unit 1: Creation to Babel. The answer to the question about how things came into being is found in the very first book of the Bible. It is called Genesis. The book of Genesis is about the beginning of the world. Genesis is the first book of Law which are the first five books in the Old Testament. Let's say the books of Law together: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Attention Getter: Pictures of the Earth (Show pictures or slides of mountain, ocean, forests, plains, desert, etc scenes.) When have you seen a mountain? Or a giant tree? Or maybe a beautiful animal? Just look at all the beautiful colors of fish! There are many different living things all over the world. Have you ever thought about how all these wonderful things were made? Today in our lesson we are going to find out what God did at the beginning of time to make the world and everything in it.

Opening Prayer: Dear Jesus in heaven, Thank you for creating such a beautiful world for us. You made it just like you wanted and it was perfect. You even made us in your image. More than that you love us and we are special in Your sight. Thank you for loving us. In Jesus name, Amen

Memory Verse: The memory verse is Genesis 1: 31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good."

Lesson Video: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was shapeless and empty and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters. God said, :Let there be light." God saw that the light was good and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day and the darkness was called night. All this happened on the first day of creation. On the second day of creation God separated the water from above and the water from below and he called this expanse sky. So God created the sky and the clouds that were separated from the water underneath. God saw that His work was good. On the third day God said, "Let the water under the sky be gathered in one place and let the dry land appear." And it happened just as God said. He ordered dry land to appear and the waters were gathered to form the seas. God called it land and sea. Then God said, "Let the earth burst forth with every sort of grass and seed-bearing plant, and fruit trees with seeds inside the fruit." And it was so. The land produced vegetation. Everything God said took place. All kinds of grass, plants and trees grew with their own seeds to grow more. God saw all the plants growing and declared it was good. Plants bore seeds according to their kind. The trees had fruit with seeds in it according to its kind. God saw that it was good and it was the end of the third day.

Page 2: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

On the fourth day of creation, God said, "Let there be lights in the sky to separate the day from the night." These lights were the sun and the moon. Then God said, "Let the sun and the moon be markers for the days, the nights, and the seasons." And so it was. God made the greater light of the sun to govern the day and the lesser light of the moon to govern the night." God set the sun, moon, and stars in place in the sky. Day and night and seasons and years came into being. God was pleased and saw that it was good. There was morning and evening and it was the end of the fourth day. On the fifth day of creation God said, "Let the sea be full of fish and let the birds fly in the sky." So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing in the ocean. He made all the beautiful birds that fly in the air. God blessed them and told them to give birth to their young and increase in numbers. Once again God saw that what He had created was good. And it was morning and evening and the end of the fifth day. On the sixth day of creation God said, "Let the land have many species of living creatures." God created cattle and reptiles and wildlife of every kind and He made them to produce after their kind. God created all kinds of spies of wild animals and cattle and reptiles. God saw that what He created was good. He was pleased. Then God said, "Let us make man in our image to be the master of all life upon the earth, skies, and the seas. God wanted man to rule over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over livestock and over every living thing that moves on the ground. So God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. The man became a living being. God named him Adam and put him in a garden he had planted in Eden. Adam was to work and look after the garden. The garden was very beautiful and lush with plants and fruit. There were four rivers running through it to water the garden. God told Adam that he could eat of any of the fruit growing in the garden. There were many fruits and vegetables to eat. Plenty of food was easy to find. However in the middle of the garden were two special trees. One was called the Tree of Life, the other was the tree giving the knowledge of good and evil. God told Adam, "You can eat the fruit of any tree except the tree giving knowledge of good and evil." God said, "You must not eat the fruit from that tree for when you eat of it you will surely die." Adam was clearly warned. If he disobeyed God and ate the fruit, it would result in death." God brought the animals to Adam so he could name them. Adam gave names to all the animals. To be able to name all the animals in one day meant that God had made Adam a very intelligent man! Adam realized that all the animals had male and female but he did not have a mate. Then the Lord said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper for him." God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, He took one of the man's ribs from him and from it God made a woman. God brought the woman to Adam. Adam said, "She is part of my own bone and flesh! Her name is "woman" because she was taken out of man." This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife in such a way that the two become one. Now although the man and his wife were both naked, neither of them was embarrassed or ashamed. They were innocent and pure. They did not know about sin or sickness or disease or pain or sorrow. God had made them perfect and holy! God looked over all that He had made and it was excellent in every way. This ended the sixth day. On the seventh day God rested. God blessed the seventh day and declared it holy, because it was when He ceased His work of creation.

Page 3: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

God created such an interesting world! He made the oceans and all the lands. He made all the birds and fish and all the beautiful plants and animals! He created all these things exactly as He wanted. And when He saw it, He said, "This is good!" That is our memory verse for today. Genesis 1: 31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." To be good means that it was perfect. Absolutely nothing was wrong with it. Everything worked right. There was no sickness, no disease, and no death! It was good...very good! Let's say that verse again. Genesis 1:31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." The Bible uses the word "created" to tell how God made the heavens and the earth and all that is in it. The word "created" means "to make something out of nothing!" Only God who is all powerful and sovereign could do such a thing as this! He just spoke the word and creation happened! Nobody else could do such a wonderful thing! God did not need to create the universe. The Bible says that He chose to create it because of His great love! Only the Bible tells us about the One Supreme God who created the world out of nothing and in His love gave Man a place in it. Each time in Genesis 1 and 2 the word "God" is used to say who created the world. The word "God" is plural. When God the Father created the heavens and earth, the Bible says that the Spirit of God was hovering over the water. This is the person of the Holy Spirit. When God made Adam, He said, "Let us make man." In John 1:1 Jesus tells us that He was present at the time the heavens and the earth were created. He says, "In the beginning was the Word [or Jesus], and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that has been made. In him was life and that life was the light of men. " Just think about it ---Jesus was with God in heaven when the world was created and He was the One Who made it! Genesis 1: 27 says that man is made "in the image of God." God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into him the "breath of life." To be made in the image of God means that we were given a soul that would live forever. In His wisdom God gave us something that none of the animals, birds, or fish had--it was a soul that would never die! Why did God give man a soul that would live forever? So man could know God and enjoy Him forever. Man could think about God and the world to come. He could talk to God, love God, and obey God. Animals can't love and worship God the way man can! They don't have souls. So when God created the world He made a perfect place for a perfect Man Adam to live eternally. Some people today do not believe this account in the Bible of how God created the world. They believe in evolution. You may have been taught evolution in school. Evolution teaches something totally different than creation. Evolution teaches that the beginning of the earth was from a "Big Bang." That is the earth came from a big blob of lava that spun off from the stars and the sun. It was just a big accident! Evolution teaches that man was not a special creation of God. Instead man is really a monkey that just changed gradually over time! Do you think that is true? Of course NOT! We are not monkeys. We were made in the image of God! Some people think that you can believe both creation and evolution but that is not true either! Let's see what are some of the differences. First, evolution says that the sun and stars came before the earth. In creation God says that He created the earth first!

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Next evolution says that the earth was first covered with a hot molten lava. In creation God says that the earth was first covered with water. That is very different isn't it? Evolution says that the land came first and then the oceans. The Bible says that in creation the oceans were first and then the dry land. They both can't be right, can they? In evolution land animals began in the ocean. That means that fish changed into reptiles and reptiles changed into animals and animals changed into man. But God says that He created each animals and that they had baby animals of their own kind. Which makes more sense? In evolution the plants came after the sun. But in creation God made the plants before the sun and moon. Evolution says that the birds came after the land animals. Birds were just land animals that flew. Did you ever ask yourself how land animals could learn to fly? That's what evolution says. But that isn't what God said happened! He created birds before land animals! Evolution says that land animals came before the sea animals. But God says that he made the whales and fish before land animals. Wow! There are lots of differences between creation and evolution. So you can't believe both creation and evolution! Who will we believe? I will believe God and the Bible. The Bible says that God created the heavens and the earth and it was very good! And He did it in just six days! The word create means to make something out of nothing! That is much more powerful than evolution! When we see all the good things God made, we know that He has lots of power and creativity. We can thank God for making our world and especially for making and loving us. Remember God created the Heavens and the Earth and He created YOU!

Review Questions: Connect Five Preparation: You will need a large sheet of graph paper with 1" square grid OR make a game grid page by drawing a grid of 1" squares 10 by 10; markers Procedure: Post a game grid on the bulletin board to record the score or draw a 10 X 10 grid on the whiteboard. Divide the class into two teams. Ask the following review questions. When a team successfully answers the question then one student from that team chooses an X or an O and writes that letter on the any of the squares on the game grid. Repeat with the alternating team given an opportunity to answer a question and record their X or O. The goal of the team is to get five X's or five O's in a squares in a row either across, down or diagonally.

1. Who made the universe? (God created the heavens and the earth.)

2. What does the word "create" mean? (Create means to make something out of nothing.) 3. Why did God create the heavens and the earth? (God chose to create the world because of His

great love for man.) 4. Where do we learn the truth about how the heavens and the earth were formed? (The book of

Genesis in the Bible tells us about the beginning of the heavens and the earth.) 5. What does the theory of evolution teach about the beginning of the heavens and the earth?

(Evolution teaches that the earth was formed gradually over a long period of time and came as a result of a Big Bang that accidentally happened.)

6. Who created the heavens and earth? (God the Father, God the Son Jesus; and God the Holy Spirit were all present and active at creation.)

7. What did God create on Day 1? (God created light and darkness.)



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8. What did God create on Day 2? (God created water and air or sky). 9. What did God create on Day 3? (God created land, sea, and vegetation.) 10. What did God create on Day 4? (God created sun, moon, stars, seasons, days, and years.) 11. What did God create on Day 5? (God created the fish and birds.) 12. What did God create on Day 6? (God created land animals and humans.) 13. What did God do on Day 7? (God rested and called the seventh day the Sabbath Day.) 14. What did God mean when He said that his creation was good? (God created everything perfect.

He created a perfect man Adam and placed him in a perfect world with no sin, sickness, disease, or death.)

15. What did God do when He made man? (God took the dust of the earth and formed man. Then He breathed into him the breath of life?

16. How did God create Woman? (He caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam and took a rib from his side and made a helper for man.)

17. What does the Bible mean when it says that God created man in His own image? (The Bible means that God gave man and woman eternal souls that would live forever.)

18. Why can a person not believe in Creation and Evolution at the same time? (There are too many conflicting differences between creation and evolution.)

19. How many days did God take to create the heavens and the earth? (God took six days.) 20. Name the nine differences between Creation and Evolution. (One point for each answer and

alternate teams with answers.) 1. Evolution says the earth formed over a long period of time. Creation says that God

created the heavens and earth in 7 days. 2. Evolution says that the sun and stars came before the earth. In creation God says that

He created the earth first! 3. Evolution says that the earth was first covered with a hot molten lava. In creation God

says that the earth was first covered with water. 4. Evolution says that the land came first and then the oceans. Creation says that the

oceans were first and then the dry land. 5. In evolution land animals began in the ocean and then changed into reptiles and reptiles

changed into animals and animals changed into man. Creation says that God created each animals and that they had baby animals of their own kind.

6. In evolution the plants came after the sun. But in creation God made the plants before the sun and moon.

7. Evolution says that the birds came after the land animals. But creation says that God created birds before land animals!

8. In evolution the plants came after the sun. But in creation God made the plants before the sun and moon.

9. Evolution says that land animals came before the sea animals. But God says that he made the whales and fish before land animals.

Bible Memory Verse Activity: Stuffed Animal Toss Say: "The memory verse for this lesson is Genesis 1: 31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good." Discuss the meaning of how God's creation was good. Emphasize that God made everything perfect and without any disease, death, decay, or problem. Everything was created perfectly. Have students locate the verse in scripture. Read the verse together several times before playing the game. Preparation: You will need Bibles and a small stuffed animal. Procedure: Children are to sit or stand in a circle and toss the stuffed animal back and forth repeating the words of Genesis 1:31. For a challenge have the child who catches the stuffed animal say the verse and then name a bird, fish, or other animal.

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Group Learning Activity: Balloon Tap or Coin Slide Preparation: You will need Bibles; balloons, large sheet of paper, marker, and masking tape. Optional activity: table; coins Preparation: Use masking tape to make a long line on the floor in an open area. Print verse on large sheet of paper. Blow up balloons--one for each pair of students. Print the memory verse Genesis 1: 31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good" on a large sheet of paper. Procedure: Divide the class into pairs. Pairs stand on opposite sides of the masking tape line. Give one student in each pair an inflated balloon. Pairs attempt to tap the balloon back and forth across the line to each other without bending their elbows. Repeat the activity by being able to bend your elbows. Then students attempt the same task bending their elbows but with one eye closed. Table Alternative: Students in each pair sit on opposite sides and attempt to slide coins across the table to each other without bending their elbows. Repeat the activity by being able to bend your elbows. Say: "Which way of tapping the balloon was harder? Why was it hard to play the game without bending your elbows? How did God make your body so you hit the balloon more easily? Read Genesis 1:27 again. What do you think was "good" in God's creation of your arms? (He made them to bend so we could do things more easily.) God showed incredible wisdom when He created man.)

Group Art Learning Activity: Timeline Mural (Grades K-5) Preparation: You will need a large roll of butcher paper or plain white wrapping paper; colored markers Procedure: Roll out the butcher paper or plain white wrapping paper and secure to wall making sure the paper is within easy reach of the students. Divide the butcher paper into seven large sections and label the sections with the days of the week: Day 1; Day 2: Day 3; etc. Gather the students around the butcher paper. Discuss what God did on each of the Days of Creation. Write a sentence describing what happened on each day under the appropriate section. Ex. Day 1: God created light. Day 2: God created the sky and the clouds that were separated from the water underneath; Day 3: God made land and sea, plants and trees. Day:4: God made the sun, moon, and stars. Day 5: God made the birds and fish. Day 6: God made animals and people. Day 7: God rested. Divide the class into no more than six groups. Assign each group a day or two of creation. Have students think of pictures that they could draw depicting the events that happened on that day. For small groups you can have the entire class work in one day at a time.

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OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Group Learning Activity: Creation vs. Evolution (Grades 3-5) Preparation: Pass out blank sheets of paper and pens or markers for each child. On poster paper or on a white board draw a blank comparison chart similar to the following. Procedure: Lead the students in a discussion of creation vs. evolution. Ask if any of the students had studied evolution at school or in science. What things had the book or the teacher taught? How does what the teacher said compare to what the Bible says in Genesis 1-2. Have students draw their own comparison chart between Evolution and Creation. As the discussion proceeds summarize the differences between evolution and creation and have the students write the differences on their chart. You can add the information to the chart on the poster paper or the white board. The completed chart should look similar to the following:

Evolution Creation 1. Evolution says the earth formed over a long

period of time. 2. Evolution says that the sun and stars came

before the earth. 3. Evolution says that the earth was first

covered with a hot molten lava. 4. Evolution says that the land came first and

then the oceans. 5. In evolution land animals began in the ocean

and then changed into reptiles and reptiles changed into animals and animals changed into man.

6. In evolution the plants came after the sun. 7. Evolution says that the birds came after the

land animals. 8. In evolution the plants came after the sun. 9. Evolution says that land animals came before

the sea animals.

1. Creation says that God created the heavens and earth in 7 days

2. In creation God says that He created the earth first.

3. In creation God says that the earth was first covered with water.

4. Creation says that the oceans were first and then the dry land.

5. Creation says that God created each animals and that they had baby animals of their own kind.

6. In creation God made the plants before the sun and moon.

7. Creation says that God created birds before land animals!

8. But in creation God made the plants before the sun and moon.

9. But God says that he made the whales and fish before land animals.

Encourage the students to take the chart home and use it for reference when they are studying their science books or other materials in school projects.

Group Learning Activity: Moon Phases (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need an apple on a fork and a flashlight. Say: “Do you remember what God created on Day 4? (God created the sun, moon, stars, and seasons of the year.) Have you ever thought about how wise and powerful God was to create such a magnificent world? Let's experiment with just one of the amazing parts of God's creation--the phases of the moon.” Procedure: Have a child come up and hold the flashlight. They are the sun. Have another child come up and hold the apple on the fork. Have the child with the apple face the child with the flashlight so the flashlight is shining directly into the face of the child with the apple. Explain that the apple is the moon and their head is the earth.

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OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019

Say: “If you hold the apple out at arm’s length just above the flashlight while facing the Sun, you can’t see it. This is New Moon. The Moon is still in the sky, but we can’t see it because of the bright sunlight. Now keep the apple at arm’s length and turn slowly counterclockwise and watch what happens. That’s right! You see the apple go through phases, just like our Moon. When your back is towards the Sun, you see the apple as whole, and it will be Full Moon. The Moon will rise on the opposite side of the Earth at the same time the Sun goes down. Keep turning and you’ll see the phases reverse as the Moon moves back towards the Sun again.” Say: "Does anyone know how the phases of the moon affect life on earth? We do know that the Moon's gravity pulls on Earth's oceans and distorts them, causing tides. The water on the side of Earth closest to the Moon experiences the biggest pull, and bulges outward. The water on the opposite side also bulges, and the two bulges follow the Moon's motion and Earth's rotation." Some people have long believed that the phases of the moon affect human behavior but that has not been proven to be true. However there does seem to be a strong correlation between the frequency of earthquakes and the phases of the moon. God has created a magnificent world and it has many relationships that we have yet to discover." Conclude in prayer thanking God for the magnificent creation of the world that He has given us.

Group Learning Activity: Books of Bible Spell It Game (Grades 2-5) Preparation: You will need Bibles; large sheet of paper, markers, and index cards. Procedure: Print the names if the first five books of the Bible on a large sheet of paper. Print the alphabet on index cards--one letter on each card. Make two sets of letter cards. Add two blank cards to each set. (Save alphabet card sets for reuse, laminating the cards if possible.) Divide the class into two teams. Give each team a set of cards to be divided as evenly as possible among the team members. One student on each team opens his or her Bible to the contents page. Say: "Today we are going to play a game to find out more about the first five books of the Bible. These books are called the books of Law because they tell about the way God created the world and the law He gave to protect people and help them get to know Him." Call out "Genesis." The students on each team holding the letters in the

word arrange themselves to spell the word correctly. Students use blank cards for duplicate letters. Students can refer to the Bible contents page or the names of the books of the Bible printed on the large sheet of paper to check for spelling. When team members think they are in the correct order, they call out the name of the book they spelled. The other team must freeze in position. If the word is spelled correctly, the team gets one point. If the book is not spelled correctly the other team unfreezes and continues to spell the book name. The game continues on with another book. When all five books have been spelled, the team with the most points wins. Optional: To add more challenge, the students on the team need to not only spell the Bible book correctly but tell one event or story or fact that is found in that book.

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Group Learning Activity: Which Day of Creation? Preparation: Print out the chart summarizing the Seven Days of Creation. This exercise will help you evaluate whether the students have learned the Days of Creation events. Procedure: Put six chairs across the room. Mark the chairs with a sign: Day 1; Day 2; Day 3; Day 4; Day 5; and Day 6. Say: “I am going to call out an item. You are to walk to the chair that corresponds with the day that God created each item “ Call out the following list of items one by one: (add more items if desired) 1. seed-bearing plants (third day) 2. the sky (second day) 3. grass (third day) 4. stars (fourth day) 5. called dry ground “land” (third day) 6. light (first day) 7. trees with fruit (third day) 8. called the darkness “night” (first day) 9. called the gathered water “seas” (third day)

10. bears (sixth day) 11. people (sixth day) 12. apple trees (third day) 13. seasons (fourth day) 14. cardinals (fifth day) 15. called the light “day” (first day) 16. dinosaurs (sixth day) 17. sharks (fifth day) 18. moon (fourth day

Group Learning Activity: “Finger Play for Creation” (Grades K-1) Preparation: No additional materials are needed. Procedure: Simple finger motions can help young children remember important facts in order. Here is one for the days of creation:

In the beginning on day one, God created the heavens up above and the earth. The earth was empty, so God made light (called day) and dark (called night). That was on the first day. (Hold up 1 finger)

On the second day, God made the sky. (point to the sky)

On day three, God created the land (or earth). He also made the seas and oceans. Then He said, “Let the earth grow plants, and trees, and fruit.” God looked at the world and knew that it was good. (act like a plant grow, grow, growing up)

Next on day four, God made 2 large lights in the sky. One during the day (Can you guess what it is?) The Sun! And He made one large light at night (the moon!). God also made stars to shine in the night sky. God looked at His creation on the fourth day and knew it was good. (squint for the sun, flick your fingers to resemble the stars)

On the fifth day, God designed birds to fly above the earth. He also made sea creatures to swim in the sea. God saw what He made and He knew it was good. (wave hands like a bird and move your mouth like a fish)

On day six, What do you think God made? (See if they can guess) God made the animals. Name some animals that God created. (make animal noises)

God also made man and woman on the sixth day. He looked at everything that He had done and He smiled—He knew it was good. (SMILE big)

On day number seven, God rested. He looked at the earth and was proud of it. He had made a beautiful world. (Hold up 7 fingers)

Make up a little song to a familiar tune. The words may be similar to “God made you and me, God made you and me, God made you and me, in the very beginning.”

Page 10: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Craft Learning Activity: Creation Pot and Plant (Grades K-5) Purpose: This pot is decorated in a creation theme and holds a real plant or flower. Preparation: You will need Terra cotta pots; green plants or flowers; potting soil; craft paint (acrylic); any colors; shovels; newspaper; paintbrushes; and paint smocks; or old shirts Procedure: Cover work area with newspaper. Paint the pots with the phrase “God Made Everything,” a picture of the world, or something from each day of creation. Let them dry. If there is not enough time for this, plant the flowers or plants first then paint pots. Plant the flowers or plants.

Group Learning Activity: Paper Plate "Creation" (Grades K-2) Preparation: You will need two paper plates for each child; blue and pink finger paint; green construction paper torn into small pieces or scraps. Procedure: Have students make hand prints on a paper plate. Let the hand prints dry and then cut out around the edges. (See photo,) On the second plate have students draw a circle. Then they are to use finger paints to color an ocean on the round world shape. Finish the earth drawing by gluing pieces of the green construction paper to form the land. Have student with adult help write the words "God made the world and God made me" plus the memory verse Genesis 1:27 on the lower section of the plate. Add the painted hand prints to the side of the plate. Review with students the days of creation and the things God created on each day. Craft Learning Activity: Days of Creation Bookmark (Grades K-5) Preparation: Print out the template below on cardstock--one copy for each child. You will also need colored markers or crayons. Procedure: Have children color the bookmark according to the following directions: On the first day section color one half black and leave the rest white for day and night. On day 2 section color the sky and the water. On Day 3 color the clouds, land, and water. Repeat for the following days. Fold the bookmark on the solid lines. Use folded template as a bookmark. On the back of the bookmark write the memory verse Genesis 1: 31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”

Craft Learning Activity: Creation Mobile (Grades 3-5) Purpose: Students will make the following mobile to summarize the days of creation. The center of the mobile says, "In the beginning God created all things and saw that they were good." The mobile hangs from a 4 sided cloud. The mobile pieces are a star, a fish, a pig (animal) and a bird. Preparation: You will need a glue stick or white glue; scissors; printed copies of the mobile pieces (Be sure to print two copies of the cloud shape), one page per mobile; wool or string; thin cardboard or white cardstock; and colored marking pens. Optional: You can use other decorating items such as feathers, gold sparkle glue; cotton balls; or unused coffee grounds.

Page 11: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Procedure: This project can be done as individuals, or a small group of 2 or 3. More children working on the mobile will ensure its completion during the classroom session. If you use it as a group it is nice to use the optional decorations on the mobile pieces so individuals in the group may have a piece of the mobile that is their own work. Print the templates below on medium weight cardstock. Have students cut out the pieces, gluing the two identical pieces back to back to make a more stable mobile piece, making sure to attach a long piece of wool yarn or string between each piece. The string or yarn should be at least 20"-30" long. The string or yarn can be adjusted in length to fit the mobile as it is assembled. Optional decorations: For the fish shape have students color it with finger paint, colored markers or crayons. For the star students can use gold glitter sprinkles. For the pig students can put a couple of puddles of glue near its feet and a little on its back and then sprinkle with coffee grounds. For the bird, have students color it as desired and then glue a feather onto each wing. For the sun students can use gold sparkle glue or a gel pen to color. To make the top cloud from which the other mobile pieces are hung, cut up the center dotted line. Slide the two cloud shapes together to form a three dimensional cloud. (See photo.) Punch holes in each corner of the cloud and one in the middle (5 holes in all). These punched holes will the place from which you hang the string for each mobile piece. Optional is to decorate cloud with cotton balls. Tie an equal length piece of string to each of the four corners of the cloud and attach the mobile pieces. Tie one last piece of string to the top of the cloud and hang from the ceiling.

Craft Learning Activity: "Cut Out Shapes" Picture (Grades K-3) Preparation: You will need a large sheet of drawing paper for each child; glue sticks; and colored markers. Make the following colored sheets of construction paper cut outs one per child: Day 1 white paper for daylight; black paper for darkness Day 2: light blue for sky or clouds and dark blue for water and dark brown for land; Day 3: Green paper cut like grass or tree; Day 4: yellow paper cut into sun, moon, and stars; Day 5: red and blue/purple fish and bird shapes; Day 6: brown paper for Animals and paper chain of people for Man Procedure: Retell the creation story or read the verses in Genesis 1. As each day is read, hand out the appropriate paper cut outs for that day. Have students glue the cutout on their art page wherever they desire. When all days have been reviewed and all the cutout passed out, have the students finish their drawing with colored markers.

Page 12: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Craft Learning Activity: “God’s Creation Mobile” (Grades 1-5) Purpose: Students will make a mobile of the seven days of creation to remember the majesty and power of God. Say: “In this lesson we studied Psalm 8 and 19 which describes the greatness and beauty of God’s creation of the world and man. These creations show us the majesty and goodness of God. Let’s read and review Psalm 8:1-9. (Read scripture.) To help us remember these verses we are going to make a Creation Mobile as our craft.” Preparation: You will need one clothes hanger for each child, poster board, fishing line, markers (assorted colors), scissors, and a hole puncher. You will also need to print copies of the seven days of the week creation cards and the “God Created” bubble cloud on poster or cardstock paper for each child. Procedure: Distribute the Creation Days of the Week cards and cloud shape of “God Created” to each student. Have students cut out the various shapes. Next, allow the children to color and decorate their creation cards on both sides. Next using a holepuncher make a hole at the top of each creation card. Cut various sizes of fishing line so the cards will hang at various levels. Tie a piece of fishing line to each card. Next, tie the other side of the fishing line to the hanger. Tie the cards in order of the days of creation. Cover the triangular section of the hanger with the colored “God Created” cloud. Encourage students to make their mobile colorful and to decorate with glitter or stickers, if desired. Have the children take the mobile home to hang them in their rooms.

Snack Learning Activity: “Creation Concoction Sundae” (Grades K-5) Procedure: Help students remember the events on each of the days of creation by making a "Creation Concoction" ice cream sundae. This mixture is sure to keep your children’s attention and help them remember the days of creation.

Day 1 Day and Night--Begin with an empty bowl. For day, add cool whip. For night, add chocolate chips.

Day 2 Sky--For the sky, add marshmallows

Day 3 Earth/Sea/Plants--For this day, add green coconut or another candy/cookie that would resemble earth or sea. (Some kids don’t like coconut)

Day 4 Sun/Moon/Stars--You can add star sprinkles, peanut butter chips, or other goodies that look like sun/moon or stars.

Day 5 Fish/Birds--Add gummy fish or birds

Day 6 Animals/Man and Woman--Add animal crackers and 2 gingerbread cookies.

Day 7 Rest--Explain that God rested and said, “It is very good.” Now we can rest and enjoy eating our concoction!

Life Application Challenge: God created YOU! Have students stand in a circle. Remind students that they were not created "just good." God created them "very good!" Say: "God did not create "junk" when they were born! God loves you and He cares about you and your needs! He loves you so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for you."

1. Use a blue marker and make a plus sign on the left palm of the person to your right. Say, “(insert name), God created you and He loves you.”

2. Pass the marker to that person to draw a plus sign on the next person’s hand and say "God created you and He loves you."

3. Continue around the circle. When the marker comes back to you, say to the group, “Remember that God made us, and together, we are very good. God loves and cares for us."

Page 13: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Creation Genesis 1-2

Genesis 1: 31 "Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good."

Page 14: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 15: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 16: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 17: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 18: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 19: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 20: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 21: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 22: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 23: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

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OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

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OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Creation Cards for Mobile

Page 26: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016

Page 27: Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation...1 OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2019 Unit 1: Creation to Babel OT1.1 Creation Scripture: Genesis 1-2 Lesson Goal: In the beginning God


OT1.1 Creation ©Beverly Wilson 2016