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Unified Planning WorkProgram and Budget 2009

Apr 03, 2018



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  • 7/28/2019 Unified Planning WorkProgram and Budget 2009


    Des Moines AreaMetropolitan Planning Organization

    Sponsored by


    Dallas CountyDes MoinesGrimes


    NorwalkPleasant HillPolk CityPolk CountyUrbandale

    Warren CountyWaukeeWest Des MoinesWindsor Heights

    Iowa Department ofTransportation

    Federal Highway AdministratFederal Transit Administratio

    Report 2008 - 4

    Unifed Planning WorkProgramand Budget

    Fiscal Year 2009

    June 2008

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    A Introduction........................................................................................................................................................................... 1

    B Planning Area Map .......................................................................................................................................................... 3

    C Committees.......................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    D Work Elements................................................................................................................................................................. 19

    1.0 Long-Range Transportation Planning...................................................................................................... 19

    2.0 Transportation Systems Planning........................................................................................................... 23

    3.0 Public Involvement......................................................................................................................................... 26

    4.0 Interagency Coordination............................................................................................................................ 27

    5.0 Transportation Improvement Program................................................................................................. 306.0 Central Iowa Regional Transportation Planning Alliance................................................................. 32

    7.0 Unified Planning Work Program............................................................................................................... 33

    8.0 Transit Planning............................................................................................................................................. 34

    9.0 Committee Support...................................................................................................................................... 38

    10.0 Administration................................................................................................................................................ 39

    11.0 Information Technology................................................................................................................................ 41

    12.0 Travel and Training....................................................................................................................................... 42

    13.0 Special Projects............................................................................................................................................. 43

    E Budget.................................................................................................................................................................................. 45

    DMAMPO Indirect Cost Rate Calculations........................................................................................................ 45

    DMAMPO Allocation of Staff Hours.................................................................................................................... 45

    DMAMPO Determination of Funding Shares.................................................................................................... 46

    DMAMPO Work Program Budget....................................................................................................................... 46

    DMAMPO Allocated Funding Sources............................................................................................................... 47

    Project Budget By Agency....................................................................................................................................... 48

    The Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (DMAMPO) has prepared this report with partiafunding from the United States Department of Transportations Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and FederaTransit Administration (FTA), and in part through local matching funds provided by the DMAMPO member governments.These contents are the responsibility of the DMAMPO. United States Government and its agencies assume no liabilityfor the contents of this report or for the use of its contents. The DMAMPO approved this report on June 19, 2008

    T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    A I n t r o d u c t i o nAs the DMAMPO sta assembled this document, we worked to present what we believe to be the anticipated

    transportation planning responsibilities, anticipated workload to complete those responsibilities, and anticipatedaccomplishments at the end o Fiscal Year 2009.

    Te DMAMPO work activities will continue to be ocused on developing the Year 2030 Long-RangeTransportation Plan update, including revisiting the growth scenario, and assigning that growth or the planninghorizon year so that the DMAMPO can begin work on scenario testing o long-range transportation plan projectscenarios. Te DMAMPO will approve the updated plan in 1st Quarter, Fiscal Year 2010 (September 30, 2009).

    Te DMAMPO will complete the Central Iowa rails Plan under guidance rom the Central Iowa Bicycle-Pedestrian Roundtable; will review and update as needed, the Passenger ransportation Development Programunder the guidance o the ransit Roundtable and ransit Action Group; wil l continue to promote the DMAMPOand central Iowa as a key node on the North American Inland Port Network, under the guidance o the Freight

    Roundtable; to continue to be the champion or Intelligent ransportation Systems (IS) applications, in particularin support o the rac Management Advisory Committee and to work with the Iowa DO to continue operationo metropolitan trac management center and the continued role o the ransportation Management Associationin aiding metropolitan travelers on the metropolitan transportation system; and to continue supporting the manycommittees, subcommittees and working groups sponsored by the DMAMPO or on which DMAMPO representative

    participate. Te DMAMPO wil l continue to support the newly created Stakeholders Working Group to seek commenton transportation planning rom the environmental perspective.

    As in past years, the DMAMPO will work to ensure that the DMAMPO does transportation planning procesor this metropolitan area cooperatively and comprehensively. Similarly, the DMAMPO will work to ensure strong

    and close working relationships on metropolitan transportation planning issues with and among, at a minimum, themember governments, the Des Moines Regional ransit Authority, the ransportation Management Association, theIowa DO, the Federal Highway Administrations Iowa Division, the Federal ransit Administrations Region 7, theGreater Des Moines Partnership, and the communitys citizenry. In addition, as in other years, the DMAMPO will beexible and will work to address topics, issues, projects, and any other needs arising over the upcoming scal year. Asthe DMAMPO has developed this document, we lef in our work elements to address those issues that will arise and

    we could not anticipate today.

    Te DMAMPO makes the ollowing points regarding the development o this Fiscal Year 2009 UnifedPlanning Work Program and Budget document:

    Te Federal Highway Administrations and the Federal ransit Administrations eight planningactors are recognized in developing this document, those eight planning actors being

    Support the economic vitality o the metropolitan area, especially by enablingoglobal competiveness, productivity, and eciency;Increase the saety o the transportation system or all motorized and non-motorizedousers;Increase the ability o the transportation system to support homeland security andoto saeguard the personal security o all motorized and non-motorized users;

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    Increase accessibility and mobility o people and goods;oProtect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, improve theoquality o lie, and promote consistency between transportation improvements andState and local planned growth and economic development patterns;Enhance the integration and connectivity o the transportation system, across andobetween modes, or people and reight;

    Promote ecient system management and operation; and,o

    Emphasize the preservation o the existing transportation system.o

    Our belie system remains constant. Tereore, I would like to close my remarks as I have done in recent yearsnoting that i history is any indication, the DMAMPO will have another challenging and successul year. We will notrest on the accomplishments o previous work years, but will be pushing to improve on those previous accomplishmentsin order to provide even more benet to the Des Moines metropolitan area and to the central Iowa community.

    om KaneExecutive Director

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    Te DMAMPO membership is comprised o sixteen cities; an associate, non-voting city; and unincorporatedportions o three counties in central Iowa. Te DMAMPO is located within the Central Iowa Regional ransportationPlanning Alliance (CIRPA) or Regional Planning Aliation 11, with eight central Iowa member counties and ten

    member cities. Te DMAMPO provides sta to the CIRPA, to carry out transportation planning activities or the region

    B P l a n n i n g A r e a M a p

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    DMAMPO Transportation Policy CommitteeTed Ohmart, Chair

    West Des Moines City Council

    Altoona Skip Conkling, City CouncilAltoona Michelle Sloan, City CouncilAnkeny Steve Van Oort, MayorAnkeny Craig Block, City CouncilAnkeny Carl Metzger, City ManagerBondurant Mark Arentsen, City AdministratorCarlisle Neil Ruddy, City AdministratorClive Scott Cirksena, City CouncilClive John Edwards, City Council

    Cumming+ Jim Giord, MayorDallas County Mark Hanson, Board o SupervisorsDes Moines Frank Cownie, MayorDes Moines Christine Hensley, City CouncilDes Moines om Vlassis, City CouncilDes Moines Chris Coleman, City Council, Vice ChairDes Moines Bob Mahaey, City CouncilDes Moines Michael Kiernan, City CouncilDes Moines Brian Meyer, City CouncilDes Moines Rick Clark, City Manager

    Des Moines Robert Mickle, CitizenDAR++ Brad Miller, General ManagerDes Moines International Airport++ Craig Smith, Aviation DirectorFederal Highway Administration++ racy routner, Iowa Division, AmesFederal ransit Administration++ Mark Bechtel, Region 7, Kansas CityGrimes om Armstrong, MayorIowa DO++ Lorne Wazny, District 1, DMAMPO PlannerJohnston Brian Laurenzo, Former MayorJohnston Paula Diereneld, MayorMitchellville Peggy Olson, City Council

    Norwalk Jim Lane, CitizenPleasant Hill Martha Miller, City CouncilPolk City Gary Mahannah, City AdministratorPolk County Angela Connolly, Board o Supervisors, Ex OcioPolk County Tom Hockensmith, Board o Supervisors,

    Secretary TreasurerUrbandale Bob Andeweg, MayorUrbandale Mike Carver, City CouncilUrbandale Robert Layton, City Manager

    Warren County Kevin Middleswart, Board o Supervisors

    C C o m i t t e e s

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

    Waukee Bill Peard, MayorWest Des Moines Steve Gaer, MayorWest Des Moines Jim Sandager, City CouncilWindsor Heights Jerry Sullivan, Mayor

    Bold = DMAMPO Executive Committee

    + Associate, Non-Voting Member ++ Advisory, Non-Voting Member

    DMAMPO Executive CommitteeTed Ohmart, Chair

    West Des Moines City Council

    Des Moines Chris Coleman, City Council, Vice ChairPolk County om Hockensmith, Board o Supervisors,

    Secretary/reasurerJohnston Brian Laurenzo, Former Mayor, At-LargeClive Scott Cirksena, City Council, At-LargeDes Moines Robert Mahaey, City Council, At-LargePolk County Angela Connolly, Board o Supervisors, Ex Ocio

    DMAMPO Surface Transportation Program (STP)

    Funding Subcommittee

    Brian Laurenzo, Chair

    Former Johnston Mayor

    Ankeny Carl Metzger, City ManagerCarlisle Neil Ruddy, City AdministratorDes Moines Rick Clark, City ManagerGrimes om Armstrong, MayorPleasant Hill Martha Miller, City CouncilPolk County om Hockensmith, Board o Supervisors

    Warren County Kevin Middleswart, Board o SupervisorsWest Des Moines Jim Sandager, City Council

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    DMAMPO 2008 Officers Nominating SubcommitteeTom Armstrong, Chair

    Mayor of Grimes

    Des Moines Frank Cownie, MayorAltoona Geri Huser, State Representative

    DMAMPO Auditor Selection Subcommittee[FY 2006 2008 Audits]

    Ted Ohmart, Chair

    West Des Moines City Council

    Pleasant Hill Martha Miller, City CouncilUrbandale Phil Noah, Citizen (Former City Councilor)

    DMAMPO Employment Handbook SubcommitteeKelley Brown, Chair

    Grimes City Administrator

    Ankeny Carl Metzger, City ManagerDes Moines Chris Coleman, City CouncilPleasant Hill Martha Miller, City Council

    West Des Moines ed Ohmart, City Council, DMAMPO Chair

    DMAMPO Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) Policy SubcommitteeNeil Ruddy, Chair

    Carlisle City Administrator

    Ankeny Steve Van Oort, MayorDes Moines Chris Coleman, City CouncilNorwalk Jim Lane, CitizenUrbandale Bob Andeweg, Mayor

    West Des Moines Bob Parks, City CouncilWindsor Heights Jerry Sullivan, Mayor

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

    DMAMPO Transportation Technical CommitteeGary Fox, Chair

    Des Moines City Traffic Engineer

    Altoona Vern Willey, Community Services DirectorAltoona John Shaw, Community Development Director

    Ankeny John Peterson, Director o Planning and BuildingAnkeny Paul Moritz, Public Works DirectorAnkeny Matthew McQuillen, Assistant to the City ManagerBondurant Lori Dunham, Finance DirectorCarlisle Mark Craword, ConsultantClive Bart Weller, Public Works DirectorClive Jim Hagelie, Engineering Services DirectorCumming+ Jim Giord, MayorDallas County Murray McConnell, Director o Planning and


    Des Moines Larry Hulse, Community Development DirectorDes Moines Jeb Brewer, City EngineerDAR++ Debra Myer, ransit Capital Planning DirectorDes Moines International Airport++ Shawn Arena, Deputy Aviation DirectorFederal Highway Administration++ racy routner, Iowa Division, AmesFederal ransit Administration++ Mark Bechtel, Region 7, Kansas CityGrimes John Gade, ConsultantIowa DO++ Lorne Wazny, District 1, Des Moines Area MPO Planner

    Johnston Dave Cubit, Public Works DirectorJohnston David Wilwerding, Community Development DirectorMitchellvil le Jerey Horne, City AdministratorNorwalk Chris Nosbisch, Community Development DirectorPleasant Hill VacantPolk City Bill Kliegl, Planning and Zoning CommissionerPolk County Kurt Bailey, County EngineerPolk County Bret VandeLune, Land Use Planning ManagerUrbandale Paul Dekker, Community Development DirectorUrbandale Dave McKay, Director o Engineering and Public WorksUrbandale John Larson, Assistant Director o Engineering

    Warren County Steve Akes, County EngineerWaukee Brad Deets, Director o Planning

    West Des Moines Larry Read, Director o Public WorksWest Des Moines Clyde Evans, Director o Community DevelopmentWest Des Moines Kara Tragesser, Community Development

    Planner, Vice ChairWindsor Heights Josh Heggen, Community Services Director

    Names in bold DMAMPO TTC Ocers+ Associate, Non-Voting Member ++ Advisory, Non-Voting Member

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    DMAMPO Transportation Technical Committee Engineering SubcommitteeVern Willey, Chair

    Altoona Community Services Director

    Ankeny Paul Moritz, Public Works DirectorDAR Debra Myer, ransit Capital Planning Director

    Des Moines Gary Fox, City rac EngineerIowa DO Lorne Wazny, District 1, Des Moines Area MPO PlannerPolk County Kurt Bailey, County EngineerUrbandale Dave McKay, Director o Engineering and Public Works

    West Des Moines Larry Read, Director o Public Works

    DMAMPO Transportation Technical Committee Planning SubcommitteeLarry Hulse, Chair

    Des Moines Community Development Director

    Altoona Vern Willey, Community Services DirectorAnkeny John Peterson, Director o Planning and BuildingDAR Debra Myer, ransit Capital Planner

    Johnston David Wilwerding, Community Development DirectorNorwalk Chris Nosbisch, Community Development DirectorPolk County Brent VandeLune, Land Use Planning ManagerUrbandale Paul Dekker, Community Development Director

    Waukee Jody Gunderson, Director o Community DevelopmentWest Des Moines Clyde Evans, Director o Community Development

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

    DMAMPO Transit RoundtableLoretta Sieman, Chair

    West Des Moines City Council

    Aging Resources o Central IowaAmerican Cancer Society

    American Red CrossAmes Public ransit Agency (CyRide)Broadlawns Medical CenterCity o West Des MoinesDes Moines Area Regional ransit AuthorityDes Moines Public SchoolsEaster SealsTe Greater Des Moines PartnershipTe Heart o Iowa Regional ransit AgencyHomeCare Services

    Iowa Bureau o Reugee ServicesIowa COMPASSIowa Department or the BlindIowa Department o ransportationIowa Lutheran HospitalIowa Workorce DevelopmentLink AssociatesMainstream LivingMajestic Limousine and CoachMercy Medical CenterPolk County Community, Family, and Youth Servicesrans Iowa, L.C.ransportation Management AssociationUnited Way o Central IowaVisiting Nurse Services

    Wesley Community ServicesWest Des Moines Human Services1000 Friends o Iowa800 Railroad rolley erminal

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    DMAMPO Transit Action GroupTracy Keninger, Chair

    Easter Seals

    Kristina Ahnemann, Creative Community Options

    Sharon Baldwin, Polk County Adult ServicesChet Bor, Des Moines Area Regional ransit AuthorityBrian Boyer, Polk County Community Family & Youth ServicesCentral Iowa Regional ransportation Planning AllianceLee Christiansen, rans Iowa (charter bus/taxi)Meg Fitz, Greater Des Moines PartnershipMarvin Grace, Heart o Iowa Regional ransit AgencyPeter Hallock, Iowa DO, Oce o Public ransit

    JoAnn Hickok, HomeCare Services, Inc.Nathan reloar, ransportation Management Association

    Linda Kelly, Iowa Workorce DevelopmentGail Miller, Broadawns Medical CenterCarmen Murillo, West Des Moines Human ServicesKristin Nanke, Heart o Iowa Regional ransit AgencySusan Osby, Polk County Human ServicesSue Paterson-Nielsen, West Des Moines Human Services

    Jesse B. Smith, Public CitizenJanis Vandike, Creative Community OptionsJim Wilkie, Link Associates

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

    DMAMPO Bicycle-Pedestrian RoundtableJim Lane, Chair

    City of Norwalk Representative

    Altoona Aaron Putnam

    Vern Willey II

    Ankeny odd RedeniusBike-o-Work Week Angie DaltonCarlisle Neil RuddyCitizen Advocate Gae Lea WilsonClive Kelly CaneldDallas County Jim GeorgeDallas County Conservation Board Mike WallaceDes Moines Richard BrownGreater Des Moines Partnership Jay ByersGreater Des Moines Volksport Phyllis Olson

    Grimes/Fox Engineering Mitch HolzHoward R. Green Company Nicki JensenIowa DO Milly OrtizIowa Natural Heritage Foundation Andrea Chase

    Lisa HeinJasper County Jim ChristensenJasper County Conservation Board Keri Van ZanteJohnston Ron WardMetro Advisory Council Ruth RandlemanPerry Butch Niebuhr,Polk County Conservation Board Pat BoddyStory County Conservation Board Carol Williamsrails and Greenways Advisory Council Carl Vossransportation Management Association Nathan reloarUrbandale Dave McKay

    Jan HerkeU.S. Army Corps o Engineers Michael Coltrain

    Warren County Conservation Board Jim PriebeWaukee Ben LandhauserWest Des Moines Gary Scott

    Sally Ortgies

    Windsor Heights Josh HeggenInterested Parties

    Barker/Lamar Engineering City o City o AmesBoone County Conservation Board City o KnoxvilleCentral Iowa rails Association City o NewtonDes Moines Area Regional ransit Authority City o PellaDes Moines Convention and Visitors Bureau City o Polk CityIowa Bicycle Coalition City o Story City

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    Madison County Conservation BoardMarion County Conservation BoardRDGVeenstra and Kimm, Inc.

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

    DMAMPO Freight RoundtableScott Cirksena, Chair

    Clive City Council

    Altoona Geri Huser, State RepresentativeCarlisle Neil Ruddy, City Administrator

    Urbandale Bob Andeweg, MayorWaukee ony Oberman, Former MayorWest Des Moines ed Ohmart, City CouncilPolk County Robert Brownell, Board o SupervisorsDes Moines International Airport Craig Smith, Airport DirectorPolk County Aviation Authority Je Wangsness, Board o DirectorsIowa DO Dale Vander Schaa, Oce o the Director

    amara Nicholson, Freight and Passenger PolicyCoordinator

    Centennial Warehouse Corporation Jason Middendor, Vice President

    Iowa Interstate Railroad Richard Stoeckly, Vice President o Business DevelopmentIowa Motor ruck Association Don Egli, Director o Saety and SecurityGreater Des Moines Partnership David Maahs, Executive Vice President or Economic

    DevelopmentVic Cameruci, Vice President o Economic Development

    Bridgestone Firestone John Wahlert, Plant ManagerNorth American ire erri Carter, Export Services ManagerD.J. Franzen, Inc. Dennis Franzen, PresidentPDM Distribution Services, Inc. Dave Haney, Vice President or Integrated ServicesMerchants Distribution Services, Inc. Randy Worth, Vice President and General Managerransportation Management, LLC im Woods, President

    Interested Parties

    City o AnkenyCB Richard Ellis/Hubbell CommercialCongressman Leonard BoswellEastern Polk Regional Development CorporationFederal Highway AdministrationGreater Dallas County Development AllianceGrimes Chamber and Economic DevelopmentGrubb and Ellis - Mid-America Pacic

    Iowa Legislative BureauKirkham Michael, Inc.Lockheed Martin Maritime Systems and SensorsMidAmerican EnergyNAI Ruhl & Ruhl Commercial CompanyTe Seed Company, Inc.Soy ransportation CoalitionUnion Pacic Railroad

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    DMAMPO Traffic Management Advisory CommitteeMike Ring, Chair

    City of Des Moines Principal Traffic Engineer

    City o Ankeny Al Olson, Public Works AdministratorJohn Schilling, Deputy Fire Chie

    John Evers, Police DepartmentCity o Clive Rick Roe, Fire/EMS Chie

    Pete Roth, Police Department Bart Weller, Public Works Director, Past ChairCity o Des Moines Dale Bunting, Fire Department District Chie o raining

    Greg Chia, Fire Department District Chie o SpecialOperations/Incident Management eam Leader

    Gary Fox, City rac EngineerJe Franklin, Fire Department Systems Coordinatorim Lulo, Fire Department Assistant Emergency

    Management CoordinatorRick Moody, Assistant Fire ChieSandy Morris, Police and Fire Dispatch communications

    CenterMatt Porter, District Fire Chie Fire MarshalDani Stookey, Police Department, CAD SpecialistWilliam Stowe, Public Works DirectorDana Wingert, Police Lieutenant, rac

    City o Grimes Kelley Brown, City AdministratorKevin Kestel, Public Works Director

    City o Johnston Dave Cubit, Public Works DirectorCity o Norwalk Ed Kuhl, Police ChieCity o Pleasant Hill Gary Patterson, Public Works DirectorCity o Urbandale Jerry Holt, Fire/Emergency Management Services Chie

    Dave McKay, Public Works DirectorCity o West Des Moines James Barrett, Police Lieutenant

    Cam Coppess, Police LieutenantDiana Borash, WESCOM DirectorDon Cox, Fire ChieEric Danielson, Police OcerMike Ficolla, Police Sergeant

    Steve Homan, Police SergeantRick Knowles, Public Works rac SupervisorJan Ward, WESCOM Dispatch Supervisor

    City o Windsor Heights William. Homan, Fire ChieGary Walters, Police ChieJohn Wiedman, Public Works Director

    Polk County A. J. Mumm, Emergency Management CoordinatorSteve Noland, Emergency ManagementMary Ann Perkins, Communications Center Supervisor

    Department o Public Saety odd Misel, Iowa Amber Alert Plan, Captain Steven Ray

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

    Mo Warord, Iowa State Patrol Communications,Regional Manager

    Doug Mollenhauer, Iowa State Patrol LieutenantDAR Jim ishim, ransportation ManagerFederal Highway Administration -

    Iowa Division Jerry Roche, ransportation Saety Engineer

    Iowa DO im Crouch, State rac EngineerSteve Gent, Oce o rac and Saety DirectorMichael Krohn, District 1 Maintenance EngineerSinclair Stolle, IS Design EngineerCy Quick, Maintenance EngineerLance Starbuck, Des Moines Division o MaintenanceLorne Wazny, Des Moines Metropolitan Area Planner

    ransportation Management Association Nathan realorIowa Motor ruck Association Brenda Neville, Vice PresidentPrincipal Financial Group Michael Richardson, Downtown Des Moines

    Emergency PlannersSnyder & Associates Mark Perington, rac Engineer

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    Stakeholders Working Group*Tom Armstrong, Chair

    City of Grimes Mayor

    Te ollowing are names o agencies and organizations that accepted our invitation to serve on the Des MoinesArea Metropolitan Planning Organizations (DMAMPO) Stakeholders Working Group.

    1000 Friends o IowaCentral Iowa Group o the Sierra ClubCentral Iowa Water AssociationDes Moines Area Regional ransit AuthorityDes Moines Citizens or Community ImprovementDes Moines Metropolitan Wastewater Reclamation AuthorityDes Moines NeighborsDes Moines International AirportDes Moines Water Works

    Federal Highway Administration - Iowa DivisionFederal ransit Administration, Region VIIGreater Des Moines PartnershipGrowing Green CommunitiesHome Builders Association o Greater Des MoinesIowa Association o County Conservation BoardsIowa Department o Natural ResourcesIowa Department o ransportation, Oce o Location and EnvironmentIowa Environmental CouncilIowa Natural Heritage FoundationMetro Waste AuthorityPolk County Senior ServicesU.S. Army Corps o Engineers, Rock Island DistrictU.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7

    Xenia Rural Water District

    * Any organization not on the Stakeholders Working Group may attend meetings and monitor activities.

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio


    Long-Range Transportation Plan

    Travel Demand Modeling

    GIS-Based Data

    Federal Functional Classification

    Census Data

    Socioeconomic and Demographic Data

    OBJECTIVE: Work Element 1.0 represents the commitment to maintaining a current long-range transportationplan, committing resources or maintaining and or updating databases and travel demandmodeling tools to ensure completing long-range transportation plan responsibility. For FY2009, the DMAMPO will be working on updating the current long-range transportation


    STAFF COST: $224,494 STAFF HOURS: 4,991

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:

    MaintainingandusingtheTransCADtraveldemandmodelplatform; RoutinelyholdingtraveldemandmodelmeetingsbetweenIowaDOTandDMAMPOstas; Developingtraveldemandmodeldocumentation,reviewedandagreedtobytheIowaDOT

    and the Federal Highway Administration sta;


    Transitioningtoapeak-hourtravelmodelplatform; Updatingtheroadwaynetworkandthetracanalysiszonestructureinanticipationofchanges

    in United States Bureau o the Census (Census Bureau) data products; ParticipatingintheMidwestTransportationModelerUserGroup; Providing travel demand modeling support to DMAMPO member governments related

    to Interchange Justication Studies and Environmental Impact Studies underway in themetropolitan area;

    Continuing touse thetravel demand modelingrequest processto be used by DMAMPO

    governments to solicit modeling support rom the DMAMPO sta; ContinuingtousetheNationalHouseholdTravelSurveydataandincorporatingthatdatathetravel demand modeling process;

    ContinuingtobeinvolvedintheIowaindevelopingaStatewideTravelModelfortheIowa; IncorporatingDMAMPOmembergovernmentspecialcensusdataintothedatales; Maintainingabuildingpermitdata; ProvidingGeographicInformationSystems(GIS)supporttolocalagenciesfromthedatales; Builtageographicdatabasetostoreandorganizeenvironmentaldata; RevaluatingtheDMAMPOPlanningAreaboundaryandsettingtheupdatedboundaryfor

    use in the plan update;

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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organization

    AerupdatingtheDMAMPO PlanningAreaboundary,undertaking tracanalysis zone(AZ) and computerized roadway network expansion and validation;

    Updatingtheadoptedgrowthscenario,usingthenewlydenedPlanningAreaboundaryforthat work;

    UpdatingandusingtheYear 2030 Long-Range Transportation Plan (Year 2030 LRP) Streetand Highway Element as input to the travel demand orecasting process;

    Maintainingandupdating,asneeded,theCentral Iowa Trails Plan map, using GIS; Continuing tobe involved, on thenationallevel,withthe NationalAcademyofSciences,ransportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Programs (NCHRP)Panel charged with updatingNCHRP Report 365 Trael Estimation Techniques or Urban

    Planning; and, BeingselectedbytheFederalHighwayAdministrationtoworkwithCambridgeSystematics,

    Bethesda, Maryland, as a beta site to test the deployment to a medium sized MPO o theransportation Analysis and Simulation System (RANSIMS), a ully-integrated, agent basedtravel simulation system that tracks the daily travel patterns o individual trip makers.

    FY 2009 Activities:

    Continuing to work on making the current LRP SAFEEA-LU compliant, in case a LRPamendment is necessary;Continuing to work on updating the Year 2030 Long-Range Transportation Plan, with thenext plan update due by September 30, 2009;

    Providing travel demand modeling technical support, using the ransCAD travel demandmodeling sofware modules, to the member governments and to the Iowa DO associated withevaluating transportation system alternative and scenario requests;

    Monitoring and improving the TransCAD travel demand model, including working ondeveloping a new Base Year network or the next long-range transportation plan update;

    Continuing to use the National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) results in the travel-demand modeling sofware;

    Working with the Microscopic Trac Simulation (MITSIM) sofware, recalibratingMISIM with a calibrated ransCAD sofware, to evaluate IS impacts on the metropolitantransportation system, as well as assist in evaluating management (maintenance) and operationsissues o that same metropolitan transportation system;

    ContinuingtoworkwiththeIowaDOTtoincorporateaStatewide Travel Demand Model into the travel demand modeling process;

    Continuing tobe involved, on thenationallevel,withthe NationalAcademyofSciences,ransportation Research Board, National Cooperative Highway Research Programs (NCHRP)

    Panel charged with updatingNCHRP Report 365 Trael Estimation Techniques or UrbanPlanning;

    BeingselectedbytheFederalHighwayAdministrationtoworkwithCambridgeSystematics,Bethesda, Maryland, as a beta site to test the deployment to a medium sized MPO o theTransportation Analysis and Simulation System (TRANSIMS), a ully-integrated, agentbased travel simulation system that tracks the daily travel patterns o individual trip makers;In conjunction with the Iowa DO, begin work on corridor transit modeling to support thosecorridors selected or analysis by the Des Moines Area Regional ransits Bus Rapid ransitAlternatives Analysis Study;


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    Des Moines Area Metropolitan Planning Organizatio

    the development o the Long-Range ransportation Plan; IncorporatingtheSpecial Census data, as collected, by DMAMPO member governments into

    the socioeconomic data; IncorporatingtheUnitedStatesBureauoftheCensusAmerican Community Surveydata sets

    into the transportation planning process, a signicant data shif rom the traditional method ocollecting transportation-related data with the decennial census;

    Respondingtoinormation requests by DMAMPO member governments, by businesses, bypublic agencies, and by the public; Serving as data repository, and including maintaining a Census Atlas o the Des Moines

    metropolitan area; WorkingwiththeIowaDOTtoupdatethetrac count database by incorporating the Iowa

    DOs 2008 trac count inormation; Updating the trac crash database by incorporating the Iowa DOs Accident Location

    and Analysis (ALAS) data or general accident location monitoring in the Des Moinesmetropolitan area, and using the acquired crash data in analyzing submitted transportationsystem improvement projects seeking DMAMPO unding support;

    UsingtheDMAMPOmembergovernmentCountyAssessorsOceparcel level database tosupport the transportation planning process; ContinuingtocollectandtomonitorBuilding Permit data; ContinuingtocollectandtomonitorEmployment data; Updating,atleastannually,theFederal Functional Classication Map; UpdatingtheBicycle/Pedestrian Facilities Plan Map, or use in the LRP update; UpdatingtheSidewalks Map, or use in the LRP update; Updating railroad trackage, railroad rights-o-way, and with railroad-highway grade

    crossings, as well as monitoringrail corridor, or use in the LRP update; UpdatingtheSkywalks Map, or use in the LRP update; Updating Taxicab Service data, or use in the LRP update; UpdatingthePipelines Map, or use in the LRP update; and, UpdatingWater-Related Activities associated with recreational activities at central Iowa lake

    acilities, or use in the LRP update.

    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    Continuedmonthlytraveldemandmodelmeetings; Completingthetraveldemandmodeldocumentation; Maintainthecurrenttraveldemandmodel; ParticipatingintheMidwestTransportationModelerUserGroup;

    UsingtheMITSIMmodel; UsingTransCADasthetraveldemandmodelplatform; ProvidingtraveldemandmodelingsupporttoDMAMPOmembergovernments; RetainingtheNationalHouseholdTravelSurveydataandusingthedataonasneededbasis; ParticipatingintheIowaDOTsStatewideTravelModeldevelopment;

    Initiate corridor transit modeling; Updating the various socioeconomic data variables needed for long-range transportation

    planning; Updatingthetraccountdatabase; ContinuingontheLRTPupdate,withtheplanupdatetobecompletedinFY2009;

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    ContinuingtoprovideGeographicInformationSystems(GIS)supporttolocalagencies; ExpandingGISusefordataanalysis,particularlywiththeSpatialAnalystsoware; Being involved with the National Academy of Sciences, Transportation Research Board,

    National Cooperative Highway Research Programs (NCHRP) Panel charged with updatingNCHRP Report 365 Trael Estimation Techniques or Urban Planning;


    sized MPO o RANSIMS; and, Continuingtobeinvolvednationallyontransportationdataissues.

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    Regional Planning CommitteeRegional Economic ModelCentral Iowa Trail PlanFreight PlanningIntercity Rail

    Traffic Management Advisory Committee Regional ITS ArchitectureCongestion Management SystemAir QualityEnvironmental Justice

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 2.0 represent commitment to undertaking or being involvedin planning activities to support this metropolitan areas transportation system. Tese planningactivities represent commitment to producing and to maintaining a multimodal and an intermodametropolitan/regional transportation system.

    STAFF COST: $214,499 STAFF HOURS: 3,837

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:

    ContinuingsupportoftheRegionalPlanningCommittee; MonitoringtheGoods Movement or the Des Moines Metropolitan Area Update; Supporting an active FreightRoundtable involved in international trade corridor issues and

    intermodal reight issues; PromotingtheTrans-Iowa/IllinoisFreightCorridorStudy,incollaborationwiththeCIRTPA,

    the Area 15 Regional Planning Commission (Ottumwa), and with the Southeast Iowa RegionalPlanning Commission (Burlington);


    the Des Moines Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) ve county areas; WorkingwiththeBicycle-PedestrianRoundtable,completingpartsoftheforthcomingCentralIowa Trails Plan;

    Continuing support for theTracManagement Advisory Committee,workingon incidentmanagement, intelligent transportation system (IS), and trac ow issues in the metropolitanarea;

    UtilizingtheDMAMPOITSPolicySubcommitteeinresolvingretentionoftheIowaDOTsrac Management Center and continuing the ransportation Management Associationsoperations;

    ContinuingtosupporttheTracManagementAdvisoryCommittee; UpdatingtheRegionalITSArchitecture.

    FY 2009 Activities:

    UtilizingtheRegional Planning Committee to acilitate transportation planning coordinationbetween the DMAMPO and the CIRPA;

    WorkingwiththeIowaDOTonusingtheRegional Economic Model, Inc. (REMI) data orsocioeconomic data;

    WorkingwiththeIowaDOTondevelopingaStatewide Travel Demand Model; Supporting interested bicycle and pedestrian groups through the Bicycle and Pedestrian

    Roundtable; Supporting interested freight and motor carrier groups through the Freight Roundtable,

    continuing membership in the North American SuperCorridor Coalition, Inc. (NASCO) topromote a strong and viable trade corridor connecting Canada, the United States, and Mexico

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    in the heart o North America; continuing to promote improved intermodal connections orroad, rail, and air in central Iowa, including investigating implementing an intermodal ramp andresearching the concept o a port authority or this area;

    roughtheFreightRoundtable,continuingtoparticipateinandpromotetheinland portsconcept with the North American Super-Corridor Coalition (NASCO), with the NorthAmerican Inland Port Network (NAIPN), and with the Northern Great Plains group orimproving American transportation corridors that would be integral in promoting movement

    o goods among the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and the need or inland ports in thosetrade corridors; ContinuingtocollaboratewiththeTrans-Iowa/Illinois Freight Corridor Coalitionon promoting

    this Polk County, Iowa, to Knox County (Galesburg), Illinois, corridor as an important reight/goods movement corridor as an option to the Interstates 80/74 corridor;

    roughtheTransitRoundtableandtheFreightRoundtable,continuingtopursueintercity railand rail reight as a part o a ull transportation system or the Des Moines metropolitan area,central Iowa, and Iowa, and actively working to preserve rail corridors or uture passenger orgoods movement use, particularly as it relates to studying Amtrak service between Chicago andDes Moines;

    Maintainingandupdating,asnecessary,theGoods Movement or the Des Moines MetropolitanArea ReportUpdate;

    Pursingissuesassociatedwithanintermodal transportation system or meeting uture demandsor moving people and reight;

    WorkingwiththeIowaDOTonsupporting,promoting,andusingdatafromtheIowaDOTsIntelligent (Integrated) Transportation Systems (ITS) and the associated ransportationManagement Center;

    MaintainingtheITS Turbo Architecture sofware; Continuingtosupport theTrac Management Advisory Committee, composed o ederal,

    state, and local law enorcement, public saety, trac engineering, emergency management, andplanning stas dealing with incident management and trac management related issues on themetropolitan areas roadway system;

    ContinuingtosupporttheITS Policy Subcommittee o the ull DMAMPO, working with theIowa DO on current and uture IS-related issues in the metropolitan area;

    WorkingwiththeIowaDOTtousetrac operations inormation rom the Iowa DOs programto aid the sta in its travel demand modeling program, including, but not limited to, queuing,

    weaving, vehicle classication, time-o-day, and travel time data; ContinuingtoparticipateinandbeingsupportiveoftheIowaDOTsCongestion Management

    System Committee, continuing to be involved with Iowas other ransportation ManagementAreas (and with Iowas other metropolitan planning organizations on a voluntary basis) on thecongestion management issue, and exploring possible solutions or congestion ound in thoseransportation Management Areas;

    Undertaking the annual Travel Time Survey, in Fall 2008, surveying in the Des Moinesmetropolitan area by using data collected rom the Iowa DOs newly installed IS system onthe metropolitan areas Interstate Highway system, and using the previously employed oating

    car technique using Global Positioning System technology to collect arterial roadway data,incorporating data rom the Iowa DOs MC or reeway travel time speeds, and incorporatingsofware that allows the sta to directly download the data and have the sofware do the traveltime calculations and automatically print out associated reports;

    UndertakingtheannualVehicle Occupancy Surveycounting program, partly in support o theneed or data to evaluate the eectiveness, through the ransportation Management Associations

    work, to implement the ransportation Demand Management (DM)-10 strategy or thismetropolitan area;

    Undertaking a review of the possible implementation of perormance measures or thetransportation system;

    Workingtointegrateaccess management as a critical part o how DMAMPO governments andparticipating agencies positively aect roadway operations in this metropolitan area;

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    Continuingtoworkwiththemembergovernmentsonhowpavement management data canbecome an integral part o the evaluation o proposed transportation system improvement

    projects seeking DMAMPO unding; Monitoringandupdatingthepavement management data, particularly pavement history, in

    association with the Iowa State University, Center or ransportation Research and Educations,work or the Iowa DO on the ederal-aid eligible Iowa Pavement Management Program bymapping the most current Iowa Pavement Management Program (IPMP) data or the Des Moines

    metropolitan area and by accessing and reviewing IPMP video log data; Undertakinga reviewoftrac count data collection in the Planning Area, the quality o thedata, the coverage o that data, and suggesting trac data collection improvements, i needed;

    ProvidingsupporttotheIowaDepartmentofNaturalResourcesandtoPolkCountyincarryingout and monitoringair qualitycontrol activities, including the proposed 8-hour ozone standard,under the Clean Air Act o 1990 (CAA) which requires that transportation plans be evaluatedor their impacts on a regions air quality ;

    PerformingEnvironmental Justice equity analysis, using Census 2000 data, ensuring that theDMAMPO is compliant with the central objective o Presidential Executive Order 12898, thatis, Environmental Justice, and ensuring that all ederally-unded, transportation-related programs,

    policies, or activities having the potential to adversely aect human health or the environment areexplicitly considered by the DMAMPO in terms o eects on minority populations and low-

    income populations; Monitoring activities relevant to minority participation in the metropolitan transportation

    planning process, ollowing the process outlined in the report, Title VI Documentation RegardingTechnical and Planning Assistance, as updated in Fiscal Year 2007; and,

    Reviewing current metropolitan transportation planning and programming practices, andmaking changes where deemed appropriate.

    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    Having theRegional Planning Committee serve as a platform for theDMAMPO and theCIRPA to hold quarterly meetings on central Iowa transportation planning issues;

    CompletingtheFall2008VehicleOccupancySurvey; CompletingtheFall2008TravelTimeStudy; Continue to beinvolved in international trade corridor issues, intermodalfreight issues, the

    intermodal rail ramp issue, the need or a port authority, and increased use o Foreign rade Zone#107; and,


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    Public Involvement

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 3.0 represent the commitment to possess a viable, active, andproductive public involvement process or input to the DMAMPO transportation planning andproduct development activities.

    STAFF COST: $49,428 STAFF HOURS: 847

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:

    Updatingandimprovingthewebsite; Issuingmonthlynewsletters; IssuingaFY2008AnnualReport; Maintainingandupdatingthelistserve; Convening public input meetings associated with Transportation Improvement Program

    amendments; and, Hostingsemi-annualCitizenTransportationCongresses,takingpublicinputonanytransportation


    FY 2009 Activities:

    UpdatingthePublic Participation Process; Continuing thepresenceonthe Internetbymaintaining androutinelyupdating thewebsite,

    introducing Internet mapping access as a public service or the metropolitan area and otherinterested parties;

    Preparingandmailingmonthly newsletters and theAnnual Reportto all individuals and groupscontained in the various public participation mailing lists and reviewing those documents orimprovement areas to better convey the message;

    CreatingaDMAMPOlist serve, acilitating central Iowa transportation discussions through ane-mail medium;

    Convening public meetings, inormal meetings, and workshops to obtain public input to thetransportation planning process, and to discuss and to receive eedback on current activities and

    projects in the metropolitan transportation planning process, using an announcement processo upcoming public input opportunities via special newsletter releases to those individuals orgroups contained with the various public participation mailing lists and via press releases in the

    Des Moines Register; and, Continuingtoholdasemi-annualCitizen Transportation Congresses to invite the public to

    these two special events to share what the DMAMPO has been working on and to take inputrom the community regarding what their interests and concerns are related to transportation,transportation planning, and the process or carrying out the long-range transportation planning

    program.Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    AnupdatedandimprovedDMAMPOwebsite; Monthlynewsletters; FY2008AnnualReport; AcurrentDMAMPOlistserve; Publicinputmeetingsassociatedwithdocumentamendments; Improvedpublicinformationmaterials;and TwoCitizenTransportationCongresses.

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    Interagency ParticipationLand Use PlanningPlanning Support

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 4.0 represent the commitment or undertaking activities

    promoting coordination, collaboration, and cooperation between and among the many entitiesagencies, and organizations in the metropolitan area as well as abutting the metropolitan area. TeDMAMPO expends the time and the resources or this work element, promoting coordinateddevelopment and a transportation system supporting anticipated development. Trough WorkElement 4.0, the DMAMPO is able to bring the transportation planning message to thecommunity and to both the public and the private sector.

    STAFF COST: $104,173 STAFF HOURS: 1,570

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:


    important to this metropolitan area; Workingwithotherregionalagenciesonfutureutilityandpublicserviceissues; Discussingfuturelandusestrategies,andpartiallyinresponsetothecommitmenttheDMAMPO

    made to the Greater Des Moines Partnership and to DAR as a ollow-up to the Transit Vision2030 Plan;

    Partneringwiththebusinesscommunity,throughtheGreaterDesMoinesPartnership; Partnering with Iowas Congressional delegation on transportation issues important to this

    metropolitan area; and, BeingavailabletomeetwithandtomakepresentationstogroupsinterestedintheDMAMPO

    and how the activities relate to economic development.

    FY 2009 Activities:

    Participating onmulti- and inter-agency advisory committees, as appropriate, including, butnot limited to:

    American Planning AssociationCenter or ransportation Research and EducationCentral Iowa Arc User OrganizationCommunity Workorce PartnershipDes Moines Regional ransit AuthorityEastern Polk Regional Development CorporationGreater Dallas County Development Alliance

    Grimes Chamber and Economic DevelopmentGreater Des Moines PartnershipGrowing Green CommunitiesIowa Association o Regional CouncilsIowa Geographic Inormation CouncilI-235 Steering CommitteeI-235 Celebration CommitteeIowa DO DMAMPO Directors MeetingsIowa Public ransit AssociationIowa State University, Center or ransportation Research and EducationIowa State University, Community and Regional Planning DepartmentIowa State University, Planning Advisory Council

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    Iowa ransportation CommissionIS Heartland, Inc.Metro Advisory CouncilMetro Parks PartnershipMetro rails Planning CommitteeMid-America ransportation CenterMidwest ravel Model Users Group

    National Association o Regional CouncilsNorth American Inland Port NetworkNorth American SuperCorridor CoalitionNorthern Great Plains, Inc.1000 Friends o Iowarans-Iowa/Illinois Freight Corridor Consortiumransit 2030 Vision Committeeransportation Research Boardravel Model Improvement Program

    Warren County Economic Development Corporation

    Workingwith theIowaDOT, theFederalHighwayAdministration, and theFederalTransit

    Administration to incorporate the newlyadopted ederal transportation legislation (23 CFRPart 450 and Part 500, and 49 CFR Part 613) related to the metropolitan planning organization

    process; Monitoringandreactingtoproposed transportation-related state legislation; Contacting theIowa Transportation Commission annually to be on a Public Input Meeting

    agenda to make a presentation on transportation improvement projects important to the DesMoines metropolitan area;

    WorkingwiththeGreaterDesMoinesPartnershipinselectionofDesMoinesmetropolitanareapriority transportation projects or the June 2009 Washington, D.C. lobbying trip;

    Continuing to work to coordinate metropolitan transportation planning eorts and to beresponsive to the desire o more and more groups to be involved with the DMAMPO onmetropolitan issues, by continuing to acilitate a working group composed o transportation,water, sewer, solid waste, and other inrastructure groups to ensure that all such groups involvedwith projecting metropolitan growth and providing services or that projected growth are usingcommon and agreed to socio- and demographic data with an adopted growth scenario;

    ServingtheDMAMPOinitsinteresttoworktobringmorecoordinationandcooperationindiscussing metropolitan-level land use and transportation questions and how linked land use isto the Des Moines metropolitan areas uture transportation system, particularly as it relates to theDMAMPOs LRP update process;

    ServingtheDMAMPOinitsinteresttoworktobringmoreconsideration,morereview,andmore opportunity or input on potential environmental issues associated with elements o theupcoming update o the LRP; and,

    Reviewing the opportunity for theDMAMPO to apply for grants to help provide unding

    support or the transportation planning process and to help control the amount o local unds theDMAMPO member governments contribute to this program.Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    MakingtheannualpresentationtotheIowaTransportationCommissionontransportationissuesimportant to this metropolitan area;

    Workingwithotherregionalagenciesonfutureutilityandpublicserviceissues; Workingwithlocalgovernmentsonfuturelanduse,particularlyrelatedtoDMAMPORegional

    Planning Committee activities; Continuing to partner with the business community, through the Greater Des Moines


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    ContinuingtopartnerwithIowasCongressionaldelegationontransportationissuesimportantto this metropolitan area; and,

    BeingavailabletomeetwithandtomakepresentationstogroupsinterestedintheDMAMPOand how the activities relate to economic development.

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    Surface Transportation ProgramSurface Transportation Program Transportation EnhancementTransportation Improvement Program DocumentTransportation Capital Improvements ProgramCongestion Mitigation Air Quality/Iowa Clean Air Attainment Program

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 5.0 represent the commitment to maintaining and supportingthe ransportation Improvement Program process.

    STAFF COST: $38,670 STAFF HOURS: 562

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:

    Solicitation,projectselection,andprojectfundingrecommendationsbytheDMAMPOSurfaceransportation Program (SP) Funding Subcommittee or theFederal Fiscal Years (FFY) 2009-

    2012 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP); IncorporatingtheFFY2011andFFY2012-fundedSTPandSTPTransportationEnhancement

    (E) projects into the draf FFY 2009-2012 IP; SupportingthemembergovernmentswiththeirIowaCleanAreaAttainmentProgram(ICAAP)

    and with Sae Routes o Schools (SRS) project applications; CompletingadraoftheFFY 2009-2012 TIP; MonitoredandmaintainedtheFFY 2008-2011; and, CompletingaFY 2008 Transportation Capital Improvement Program (CIP).

    FY 2009 Activities:

    WorkingwiththeDMAMPOTTCtopropose renements to and to implement a technicalranking process, including incorporating any changes brought about by passage o the newederal transportation legislation, or projects seeking DMAMPO Surace ransportationProgram (SP) or SP ransportation Enhancement (E) unding, with the DMAMPOconsidering the technical ranking when selecting projects or SP unding;

    Reviewthe useofandincorporate ITSdata,IowaPavementManagementProgramdata,theStatewide Urban Standard Design and Specifcation manuals, and access management data in theDMAMPO Cs STP and STP TE technical ranking process;

    Continuing tomonitor the STP unds programmed to metropolitan transportation systemimprovement projects, through semi-annual project status reports and through communication

    with the Iowa DO using the Transportation Program Management System (TPMS); Maintaining the DMAMPO STP Funding Guidelines, outlining the process or selecting

    metropolitan transportation system improvement projects to receive SP or SP E undingsupport, with consideration given to guideline renements, as needed;

    Maintainingandrevising,asnecessary,theFFY 2009-2012; Preparing a FFY 2010-2013 TIP, coordinating and being consistent with the Iowa DOsStatewide Transportation Improvement Program (SIP) using the Transportation ProgramManagement System (TPMS); and

    To complement the TIP development, preparing the FY 2009Transportation CapitalImprovement Program (TCIP), the document serving as a companion to the IP and containinglocal improvement projects not expecting to use ederal unds, but, more importantly, together

    with the IP providing a better view and more complete pictures o the total transportationimprovement investment taking place in the Des Moines metropolitan area.

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    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    Solicitation,projectselection,andprojectfundingrecommendationsbytheDMAMPOSurfaceransportation Program (SP) Funding Subcommittee or the FFY 2010-2013 IP;

    IncorporatingtheFFY2012and2013-fundedSTPandSTPTEprojectsintothedraFFY2010-2013 IP;

    SupportingthemembergovernmentswiththeirICAAPandtheirSRTSprojectapplications; CompletingadraoftheFFY2010-2013TIP; MonitoredandmaintainedtheFFY2009-2012TIPs;and, CompletingaFY2009TCIP.

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    Unified Planning Work ProgramTransportation Improvement ProgramLong-Range Transportation PlanPublic Participation PlanTransit Planning

    Administration Committee SupportPlanning Support

    OBJECTIVE: Te DMAMPO includes Work Element 6.0 by reerence as a link to the sta services providedto the CIRPA by annual contract, and all activities included here are a mirror o the activitiescontained in the CIRPAsFiscal Year 2009 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget.

    STAFF COST: $74,070 STAFF HOURS: 1,652

    FY 2009 Activities:

    In accordance with the 28E Agreement between the DMAMPO and the Central Iowa Regional ransportationPlanning Alliance (CIRPA), providing transportation planning support and services to the CIRPA, toinclude:

    Preparing the CIRTPAs Fiscal Year 2009 Unifed Planning Work Program andBudget;

    Maintaining theFiscal Years 2008-2011 Transportation Improvement Program andpreparing theFiscal Years 2009-2012 Transportation Improvement Program;

    Creatingperiodic progress reports, socioeconomic and transportation data collection,as needed, and supporting the CIRPA ransportation Policy Committee and theCIRPA ransportation echnical Committee, as necessary;

    MonitoringtheCIRTPAs Long-Range Transportation Plan update

    , as required by theIowa DO based on the Iowa DOs inusion o an increase in transportation planningunds to support the regional transportation planning process in Iowas regional planningalliances/aliations;

    Continuingtoparticipateandtosupportcorridor-planning studies; WorkingwiththeDMAMPOontheissuesbeingdiscussedandstudiedbytheRegional

    Planning Committee; Oeringandprovidingother transportation planning services, as needed; Preparingandmailingquarterly newsletters and convening public meetings to obtain

    public input to the CIRPAs transportation planning process, and to discuss and toreceive eedback on current activities and projects in the regional transportation planning

    process, using an announcement process o upcoming public input opportunities via

    special newsletter releases to those individuals or groups contained in the CIRPAspublic participation mailing lists; Attending the monthly Heart o Iowa Regional Transit Agency (HIRTA) Board

    Meetings and providing transportation planning services to the HIRA, as sta timeallows; and,

    Making an annual presentation to the Iowa Transportation Commission on theCIRPAs activities with transportation planning projects in central Iowa.

    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    CompletionoftheCIRTPA transportation planning activities as documented in the CIRPAFiscal Year 2009 Unifed Planning Work Program.

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    UPWP/BudgetProgress Reports/Reimbursements

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 7.0 represent the commitment to developing, to monitoringto maintaining, and to completing the work elements contained in the work program or FY


    STAFF COST: $23,798 STAFF HOURS: 192

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:

    ClosingouttheFiscal Year 2007 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget; MonitoringtheFiscal Year 2008 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget; DevelopingtheFiscal Year 2009 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget; and, PreparedquarterlyprogressreportsandassociatedreimbursementrequeststotheIowaDOT.

    FY 2009 Activities:

    MaintainingandmonitoringtheFiscal Year 2009 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget,amending the work program and budget as needed dependent upon monitored progress oraccomplishing the Fiscal Year 2005 work elements;

    Preparingprogress reports and quarterly reimbursement requests that document activitiesaccomplished and associated with the Fiscal Year 2009 work elements;

    PreparingaFiscal Year 2010 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget; and, Evaluatepossible unding sources and unding strategies associated with the change in central

    Iowa transportation planning geography.

    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    ClosingoutFiscal Year 2008 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget; MonitoringtheFiscal Year 2009 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget; DevelopedtheFiscal Year 2010 Unifed Planning Work Program and Budget; and, QuarterlyprogressreportsandassociatedreimbursementrequeststotheIowaDOT.

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    Program CertificationTransit Service PlanningTransit Management AnalysisRegional Transit Management AnalysisFinancial/Capital Planning

    Risk Management Special StudiesMarketing PlanSecurity AnalysisSystem-Wide Passenger CountAlternatives Analysis

    STAFF COST: $72,288 STAFF HOURS: 1,437

    FY2008-2009 Federal Planning Projects

    Program Certification Te transit portion o planning documents and any related items will be prepared andinormation provided to FA, Iowa Department o ransportation and the Metropolitan Planning Organization

    per requirements or certication. Te ransportation Improvement Plan (IP), Unied Planning Work Program(UPWP), Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) requirements, Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO)and itle VI programs will be administered under this project.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $10,000 Sec. 5307 $10,000 Sec. 5307 $10,000Local 2,500 Local 2,500 Local 2,500otal $12,500 otal $12,500 otal $12,500

    Transit Service Planning Tis activity would include continuing the development o a database or analyzing

    service perormance. Route and passenger data would be gathered or analysis. Recommendations or route orservice changes will be analyzed and completed as necessary. In addition, this project would work with othertransit agencies and communities to coordinate commuter services in the Central Iowa area and including vanpooservices.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $72,800 Sec. 5307 $72,800 Sec. 5307 $72,800Local 18,200 Local 18,200 Local 18,200otal $91,000 otal $91,000 otal $91,000

    Transit Management Analysis Various internal management studies will be perormed throughout the yearto guide DAR in eciently managing the transit system and increasing ridership (i.e. stang levels, technical

    analysis, etc.). Te development o management documents and strategies that will aect the uture o DARor example, completing the FY 2009 budget. DAR sta will analyze and evaluate the status o DARs newcomputer system and determine ways to complete tasks more eciently with computer technology. DAR wilrevise and update the saety and security plan in concurrence with monthly saety meetings and/or tabletopexercises. Maintenance consultants will conduct quarterly audits enabling the department to operate moreeciently. Sta will also perorm Alternative Analysis planning or any signicant capital investment requests toFA. A locally developed non-emergency human service transportation plan will be developed and coordinatedor uture transportation with human service agencies.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $70,800 Sec. 5307 $70,800 Sec. 5307 $70,800Local 17,700 Local 17,700 Local 17,700

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    otal $88,500 otal $88,500 otal $88,500

    Regional Transit Management Analysis With the urban transit system becoming a regional system, variouinternal management studies will be conducted to guide DAR in ecient management o the transit systemregion-wide. Te documents will aect the uture o DAR and how the system is unded. Discussion and

    planning o how regions receive transit may also be within this project.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $12,000 Sec. 5307 $12,000 Sec. 5307 $12,000Local 3,000 Local 3,000 Local 3,000otal $15,000 otal $15,000 otal $15,000

    Financial/Capital Planning Te Capital Improvement Study would consist o three sections. Te rst sectionwould analyze the current eet, paratransit, xed-route and vanpool, and determine the uture replacement/expansion needs. Te second area would address capital purchases anticipated rom ederal/local/state undsover the next six-years. Te last section would weigh the needs against the available unding and determine i, orhow, the capital could be purchased and meet FA requirements. Investments would also be analyzed throughoutthe year to determine i dierent strategies are needed to maximize interest income.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $19,200 Sec. 5307 $19,200 Sec. 5307 $19,200Local 4,800 Local 4,800 Local 4,800otal $24,000 otal $24,000 otal $24,000

    Risk Management DAR has been sel-insured since 1986. A risk management program was establishedat that time and has evolved into a very successul program or DAR. Tis project would support the cost omonthly monitoring o the insurance reserve to assure adequate liability coverage. Tis project would also undsta time spent on developing new techniques, policies or procedures, and disciplinary actions needed to reduceDARs liability risk.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $36,000 Sec. 5307 $36,000 Sec. 5307 $36,000Local 9,000 Local 9,000 Local 9,000otal $45,000 otal $45,000 otal $45,000

    Special Studies Tis project will address transit issues that arise throughout the current unding year whichcannot be delayed until they can be placed in a specic planning grant the next year. Examples o past projects thathave been unded include: West Des Moines study or transit, updating DARs job descriptions, Cost AllocationPlan study, Compensation Plan research, MIS study to replace sofware, and Strategic Planning.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $19,200 Sec. 5307 $19,200 Sec. 5307 $19,200

    Local 4,800 Local 4,800 Local 4,800otal $24,000 otal $24,000 otal $24,000

    Marketing Plan Each year, DAR sta analyzes the current situation acing the transit system and determineswhere the limited marketing dollars should be spent to maximize new ridership. Tis plan details the specicprojects and unding needed or implementation. Once the plan is completed, marketing sta will detail how eacho the projects will be implemented and complete analysis on the eectiveness o each marketing strategy.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $2,500 Sec. 5307 $2,500 Sec. 5307 $2,500Local 625 Local 625 Local 625otal $3,125 otal $3,125 otal $3,125

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    Security Analysis Tis project will und periodic condential security checks during the year. Internal stawill prepare detailed route inormation to give to the external company conducting the perormance checks. Techecks identiy which components o the job the drivers are doing well and where improvements need to be madeAn evaluation o the written results by internal sta will be completed so that changes in the system or training

    procedures o drivers can be accomplished to improve DARs saety or customer service.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $2,600 Sec. 5307 $2,600 Sec. 5307 $2,600Local 650 Local 650 Local 650otal $3,250 otal $3,250 otal $3,250

    System-Wide Passenger Count - DAR conducts a system-wide passenger count each year. emporaryemployees are hired to ride DAR buses and record where each passenger gets on and o the bus. Tis inormationaids sta in determining where service is perorming well and where improvement is needed. Decisions on servicereductions or additions are based on the inormation gathered rom this activity.

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5307 $14,400 Sec. 5307 $2,600 Sec. 5307 $14,400

    Local 3,600 Local 650 Local 3,600otal $18,000 otal $3,250 otal $18,000

    Alternatives Analysis Study Tis project is to continue a 2006 alternatives analysis study or bus ways withinDes Moines and nish with an environmental analysis o the project. Previous ederal unding was in the amouno $148,502. DAR received another $150,000 in ederal unding rom the IDO to nalize the environmenta

    portion o the study analysis and thereore needs to be incorporated into the UPWP. Te project schedule beganin late 2006 and will take approximately 24-36 months to complete. Last, DAR is expecting another grant or$250,000 to begin work in July 2008 on the next phase o the project.

    Tis easibility study would provide unding or a consultant to do the ollowing:a. Review the recommendations o the Commuter Rail Feasibility Studyb. Identiy rail corridors conducive to bus waysc. Perorm Alternative Analysis Study consistent with 40 CFR Part 611 Major Capital Investmen

    Projects; including:1. Purpose & Need2. Development o Alternatives3. Analysis o Alternatives4. Adoption o alternatives in long-range transportation plan

    d. Discuss applicability o bus ways as a mode o transportation in Des Moinese. Identiy barriers and opportunities regarding bus way implementation.. Prepare a cost analysis or construction o bus waysg. Recommend operating methods and costs or bus ways

    h. Provide environmental analysis o the preerred alternative.Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)Sec. 5309 $20,000 Sec. 5309 $20,000 Sec. 5309 $0Local 5,000 Local 5,000 Local 0otal $25,000 otal $25,000 otal $0

    Funding ( July - Dec. 2008) Funding ( Jan June 2009) Funding (July - Dec. 2009)State Grant $60,000 State Grant $60,000 State Grant $80,000Local 15,000 Local 15,000 Local 20,000otal $75,000 otal $75,000 otal $100,000

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    Working with the Transit Roundtable, including DAR, the ransportation ManagementAssociation, the Iowa DO, taxicab companies, local and regional transit providers, and railroadcompanies (DMAMPO);

    SupportingtheFederalTransitAdministrationsUnited We Ride initiative, including being activein supporting the Federal ransit Administrations Coordination o Non-Emergency HumanService ransportation. Tis eort will be a continuance o the involvement with and support or

    the Iowa DOs Mobility Action Plan eorts. Te DMAMPO, through its ransit Roundtableand the roundtables ransit Action Group (AG), will work to support coordination amongIowa DO and non-Iowa DO-unded human services transportation providers, which includesmaintaining and updating the locally prepared coordinated human service-transportation plan(Passenger ransportation Development Plan (PDP) as the basis or project-level undingdecisions. Te DMAMPO will participate in developing that coordinated human servicetransportation plan along with representatives o public, private, and nonprot transportationhuman service providers, as well as participation by the public, including older adults, people

    with disabilities, and individuals with lower incomes. Per SAFEEA-LU, the DMAMPOrecognizes that the project competition or unding awards at the local level under this programshould be coordinated with the DMAMPO and the DMAMPO is prepared to serve in that role.(DMAMPO);

    MonitorandupdatethePassenger Transit Development Plan, in coordination and cooperationwith public transit operators, now required o the DMAMPO and the CIRPA (Region 11) aspart o their ederally-unded transportation planning responsibilities (DMAMPO); and,

    ProvidingtransportationplanningsupporttoDARTforitsTransit Alternatives Analysis Study(DMAMPO), including assisting in preparing data sets, including ridership counts/projectionsor corridors identied in the study, and includingproviding travel demand modeling supportto the DAR at the level consistent with the adequacy needed to support and address the FAsNew Starts criteria.

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    DMAMPO Transportation Technical CommitteeDMAMPO Executive CommitteeDMAMPO Transportation Policy CommitteeOther committees, subcommittees, and working groups, including, but not limited to:

    Central Iowa Bicycle - Pedestrian Roundtable

    DMAMPO Freight Roundtable DMAMPO Transit RoundtableDMAMPO Traffic Management Advisory CommitteeDMAMPO Stakeholders Working GroupDMAMPO Transportation Technical Committees Engineering SubcommitteeDMAMPO Transportation Technical Committees Planning SubcommitteeDMAMPO Surface Transportation Program Funding SubcommitteeDMAMPO ITS Policy SubcommitteeDMAMPO Nominating CommitteeDMAMPO Auditor Selection CommitteeDMAMPO Regional Planning CommitteeDMAMPO Growth Scenario Working Group

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 9.0 represent the commitment and support o the numerouscommittees, subcommittees, roundtables, and working groups. Tis administrative activity isa separate work element to reect how much sta time is expended to support the committee,subcommittee, roundtable, and working groups routine meetings, beyond the day-to-dayactivities o operating the organization.

    STAFF COST: $84,929 STAFF HOURS: 2,012

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:

    Prepared agenda(s), meetingminutes/notes, and hosted the manyDMAMPO committees,subcommittees, and working groups.

    FY 2009 Activities:

    PerformingdutiessupportingtheDMAMPO, the DMAMPO Executive Committee, and theDMAMPO Transportation Technical Committee, and other committees, subcommittees, and

    working groups as appointed rom time-to-time, with the DMAMPO sta activities including,but not limited to, preparing correspondence, records management, meeting agendas and meetingminutes, public notices, and any other supporting materials and activities.

    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    Agenda(s),meetingminutes/notes,andhostingthemanyDMAMPOcommittees,roundtables,and working groups.

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    Office ManagementPersonnelAuditLegal DocumentsEquipment

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 10.0 represent the commitment to ensuring ederal, stateand local unding support given to the DMAMPO to carry out the unctions are managedappropriately, responsibly, and eectively. Tis work element represents those activities thatensure that that goal is achieved.

    STAFF COST: $77,055 STAFF HOURS: 1,881

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:

    CompletingasuccessfulFY2007Audit; Filinglobbyistreports,asappropriateandasrequired;

    Monitoringthe28EAgreementandBylaws; ExecutingagreementswiththeIowaDOTandwiththeCIRTPAforfundstobepaidforwork

    to be accomplished under the FY 2006 work programs; Preparing and issuing DMAMPO and CIRTPA assessment notices and collecting those

    assessments annually; ExecutinganagreementwiththeTransportationManagementAssociationforpartialfunding

    support o that groups activities; Performingstaevaluations; MaintainingtheMerleHayCentreocelease; Acquiringoceequipmentandfurniture,asneeded; Maintainingpersonnelandpayrollles; ReviewingandrenewingtheDMAMPOHealthBenetsPackage;and, Outsourcingthestapayrollfunction.

    FY 2009 Activities:

    Maintainingandperformingthoseactivitiestoaccomplishthepersonnel, payroll, inventory,ling, and routine administration activities;

    Performingsta hiring, sta evaluations, and other associated personnel activities to ensure aviable and productive sta;

    Maintainingproject management sofware, bettering sta ability to monitor and completeprojects in a time sensitive and cost-ecient manner;

    Evaluatingandamending,asneeded,theEmployee Handbook afer review o sta s external use

    o technologies such as Virtual Private Network, extime, benets, and charging outside agencies,specic DMAMPO services; Maintainingaviableocebyacquiring,asneeded,oce urniture and equipment to support

    the transportation planning activities; Workingtowardavirtual oce and apaperless oce; Executingacontract annually with the Iowa DO to receive ederal transportation planning

    unds or work activities as described in this work program and budget; Executinganagreement with the CIRTPA to provide transportation planning services or FY

    2009; Executing an agreement with the Transportation Management Association to provide

    DMAMPO unding support to that program or Fiscal Year 2009 or $90,000; Executing,monitoring, and/ormanaging any other contracts as the DMAMPO may deem

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    appropriate in the eorts to carry out its responsibilities or long-range transportation planningin this metropolitan area;

    Workingwiththeauditortoperformtheannual audit or Fiscal Year 2008; Monitoring theMemorandum o Understanding between the DMAMPO and the DART,

    including annual discussion o what transportation planning, or more specically transit planning,activities the two agencies can coordinate and support each other;

    Maintainingandamending,ifnecessary,theChapter 28E, Code o Iowa, intergovernmental

    agreement that created the current DMAMPO structure or providing transportation planningservices or its member governments; Preparing other Chapter 28E agreements, as deemed necessary, to provide transportation

    planning services; Maintainingandupdating,asnecessary,theBylaws; and, Monitoring the Federal Register, ederal publications, and any other source o inormation

    regarding improving the mission or operation;

    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    CompletingasuccessfulFY2008Audit; HavingtheDMAMPOseekauditorservicesforFY2009,2010,and2011;

    Filinglobbyistreports,asappropriateandasrequired; Monitoringandupdating,ifneeded,the28EAgreementandBylaws; ExecutingagreementswiththeIowaDOTandwiththeCIRTPAforfundstobepaidforwork

    to be accomplished under the FY 2009 Work Programs; Execute an agreement with theTransportationManagement Association for partial funding

    support o that groups activities; Preparingstaevaluations; Acquiringoceequipmentandfurniture,asneeded; Maintainingpersonnelandpayrollles; MaintainingtheMerleHayCentreocelease; RenewingtheHealthBenetsPackageannually;and, Outsourcingthestapayrollfunction.

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    Information Technology Activities

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 11.0 represent the commitment to ensuring that the stahas the tools and the resources or supporting the many DMAMPO activities eciently andeectively. A key oce eature today is inormation technology (I) and, given Is importance

    to the DMAMPO oces operations, this work element reects how important the DMAMPObelieves I is to the success.

    STAFF COST: $80,987 STAFF HOURS: 290

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:

    Upgradingthenetworkserver,computerhardware,andsoware,asneeded;and, RetainingoutsideservicesforensuringtheDMAMPOstahasasuccessfulITsystemtosupport

    their transportation planning activities.

    FY 2009 Activities:

    Acquiring,upgrading,maintaining,andtroubleshooting,asnecessary,thecomputer hardware,computer sofware, and computer network support, which the DMAMPO sta depends uponheavily and daily as tools in perorming the transportation planning responsibilities; and,


    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products:

    Upgradingthenetworkserver,computerhardware,andsoware,asneeded;and, RetainingoutsideservicesforensuringtheDMAMPOstahasasuccessfulITsystemtosupport

    their transportation planning activities.

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    Travel and Training

    OBJECTIVE: Activities included in Work Element 12.0 represent the commitment to ensuring that the stais aware o, conversant in, and trained on the latest improvements, advancements, or changesin the transportation planning proession in its various and sundry aspects. Tis work element

    represents a commitment to ensuring that the sta is prepared to provide the best service to theDMAMPO.

    STAFF COST: $91,237 STAFF HOURS: 712

    FY 2008 Accomplishments:


    FY 2009 Activities:


    training opportunities, including conerences, workshops, seminars, and training sessions.

    Anticipated FY 2009 Work Products: Att