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unidad didáctica de inglés

Oct 21, 2015



Marlen Rm

unidad didáctica de inglés sobre terror y misterio en UK
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Introducción ……………………………………………………………….. Pág. 3

Competencias………………………………………………………………. Pág 3

Objetivos…………………………………………………………………… Pág 4

Tabla de sesiones/ temporalización…………………………………………Pág 5

Metodología…………………………………………………………………Pág 5

Actividades………………………………………………………………….Pág 6-14

Evaluación…………………………………………………………………. Pág 15

Bibliografía………………………………………………………………….Pág 15

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Este documento es una unidad didáctica para 4º de la ESO titulada: Horror and mystery in the

United Kingdom. Dicha unidad, como su propio nombre indica, tiene por tema el terror y el

misterio en el Reino Unido (4 sesiones). La elección de este tema se debe fundamentalmente

al interés y motivación que despierta. El misterio y el miedo nos encantan. A demás del

interés, este tema nos sirve para que los alumnos aprendan y conozcan aspectos culturales del

Reino Unido. También aprenden contenidos conceptuales de gramática, vocabulario y

fonética y contenidos procedimentales con los que desarrollar las cuatro destrezas del inglés:

reading, writing, listening y speaking. Se trata, en todo caso, de construir una unidad didáctica

lo más original, divertida, completa, atrayente y pedagógica posible.


Se desarrollan casi todas las competencias del Marco común europeo de referencia. Se

especificarán en detalle en el apartado de los objetivos:

Competencia en comunicación lingüística (CCL)

Competencia en el conocimiento y la interacción con el mundo físico (CCIMF)

Tratamiento de la información y la competencia digital (TICD)

Competencia social y ciudadana (CSC)

Competencia cultural y artística (CCA)

Competencia para aprender a aprender (CAA)

Autonomía e iniciativa personal (CAIP)

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1. Objetivos conceptuales


1. Usar correctamente los superlativos y comparativos



1. conocer una de las diferencias entre el inglés Americano y el británico:

las palabras que terminan en <–er > en Americano se pronuncian

con /r/ mientras que los británicos pronuncian /ə/

2. conocer las tres maneras de pronunciar el pasado <-ed>: /id/, /d/, /t/

2. Objetivos procedimentales:


1. Comprender la idea general de un texto

2. Entender información específica de un texto


1. Construir un texto argumentativo con coherencia, cohesión y una

estructura correcta donde los alumnos sean capaces de transmitir una

opinión con argumentos.


1. Seguir la lectura de textos orales reales, no pedagogizados


1. Interactuar oralmente en pequeñas conversaciones

3. Objetivos actitudinales:

1. Interesarse por la lectura mediante textos atractivos que despierten la


2. Interesarse por la cultura del Reino Unido, en este caso, aspectos

inquietantes y misteriosos

3. Interesarse por la lengua inglesa

4. Ser capaz de transmitir una opinión propia y defenderla

razonadamente con argumentos

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(50 min)

_Reading: Stonehenge (25min)

_Ejercicios ( 25 min)


(50 min)

_Listening: Berry Pomeroy Castle (10 min)

_gramática. Explicación y ejercicios (40 min)


(50 min)

_Reading: Crop circles (25 min)

_ejercicios (25 min)


(50 min)

_listening: Manchester Egyptian statue (10 min)

_writing de opinión: ¿crees en los fenómenos paranormales o solo en la

ciencia? (40 min)


En el aula el profesor deberá emplear la lengua extranjera lo máximo posible y evitar recurrir

a la lengua materna. Esta unidad desarrolla las 4 destrezas del inglés: Reading, writing,

listening y speaking. Se aprenden los 3 tipos de contenidos conceptuales, gramática,

mediante ejercicios estructurales, léxico y fonética.

Se usa el método interactivo para que el alumno no se aun sujeto pasivo. Antes de leer un

Reading hay una serie de preguntas para que respondan de manera oral. Es una manera de

introducir el Reading. Para el aprendizaje del léxico se promueve el método intuitivo; se

aconseja al alumno que antes de buscar las palabras en el diccionario las deduzca por la

forma o el contexto. Después se realiza una lectura silenciosa y luego otra expresiva para que

practiquen la pronunciación. Siempre hay imágenes y/o sonido paraqué sea más divertido.

Los ejercicios son de todo tipo: responder idea general o información específica, dar una

opinión, responder verdadero o falso, formar antónimos, completar huecos de un texto,

corregir oraciones, inventar frases con una gramática determinada… Los listenings no

serán evaluados, su único objetivo es que el alumno practique el inglés y que se acostumbre

al aprendizaje autónomo. Debido a que son textos auténticos no pedagogizados presentan

bastante dificultad para unos alumnos de 4º de ESO, por ello la actividad consiste en

escuchar el video mientras se sigue la lectura de la transcripción. El video se pondrá 4 veces:

1º para ver las imágenes mientras se escucha, 2º se escucha siguiendo el texto escrito y

tratando de averiguar la palabra que falta, 3º otra vez lo mismo y 4º se escucha por última vez

para corregir el texto.

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1ª sesión

Actividad 1: Reading

Look at the pictures. Have you ever been in Stonehenge? Have you ever heard

about this mysterious monument?

Use your dictionary if you don’t know these words: circle, stone, wheels, Neo-

lithic, tonnes, aim, airport, seasons, crops, engineering, but firstly, try to guess

the meaning by the context.

Read the text and then answer the questions.

Stonehenge is a prehistoric monument in Wiltshire,

England, built in 2800BC, but started in 3100BC. It is

one of the most famous and mysterious places in the

world. This monument is composed by four circles

made with enormous stones.

Stonehenge is one of the oldest constructions in the

world, in fact, it is older than the Pyramid of Giza!

Some stones weigh 25 tonnes! How is it possible?

How did Neolithic people transport such heavy

stones? Their technology was simple and poor. They

didn’t use wheels.

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The biggest and heaviest stones stood

very near, but the blue stones, which

were a little bit smaller, were taken

from Preseli to Bristol along the sea,

and then, from Bristol to Stonehenge

along the river.

Some people believe the monument

was created by aliens because it was

impossible to move such enormous and

heavy stones 5000 years ago. The aim

of the construction is unknown. We

don’t know its function: it could be a

king’s palace, a place to fight or

practice sport, an alien airport, a sacred

monument, a spiritual place with a

mysterious energy….

The most logical explanation is that Stonehenge is a solar calendar to observe the sky, the

position of Earth, Sun, planets and stars because their economy depended on agriculture.

Whatever the function is, Stonehenge is the most important prehistoric monument in the UK

and the people who made it knew a lot about engineering and astronomy.

A) Comprehension of the text:

Why is it so difficult to believe that Neolithic people didn’t create the monu-

ment? Where did they take the blue stones?

Why was so important for prehistoric people to know a lot about seasons? Why

did they need knowledge about astronomy?

B) In your opinion, what was Stonehenge made for?

C) Find all examples in the text of superlative and comparative.

D) Are the following statements true or false? If they are false, write the correct answer:

1. The Pyramid of Giza is bigger and older than Stonehenge

2. Blue stones were taken from Preseli

. In Neolithic period wheels were already invented

4. The most logical explanation is that aliens moved the stones with developed


Actividad 2: vocabulary

Form opposites of the words below with the prefixes: un-, il-, im- i-

Logical, rational, possible, known, expected

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2ª sesión

Actividad 1: Listening

Berry Pomeroy, the most haunted castle in England

Berry Pomeroy Castle, built in 1305 by Henry

Devon, England

Berry Pomeroy. There are several supposed hauntings in Berry Pomeroy Castle. A woman in a

long blue cape has been seen around a particular archway and it’s said to be a Pomeroy

daughter who murdered her own illegitimate child. Photographs have been taken in the area by

separate tourists who later discovered the figure of a man in a tricorn hat and a lady in dark

clothes who weren't apparent when the photos were taken. The Castle also boasts its very own

"White Lady" who appears in the castle dungeons. It is said she is yet another of the

unfortunate Pomeroy daughters, who was placed in the dungeons by her jealous sister and left

there to starve slowly to death. Also, a child's cry can be heard from the archways of the castle

and visitors have described the site as having an eerie feeling to it.

This is a location we would love to investigate some day. Thank you for watching this video.

If you want more information about this location please click on the link on the video

description below.

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Actividad 2: Gramática. Explicación y ejercicios

A) Check the following sentences. If they are wrong, mark them with X and correct the form:

Stonehenge is one of the most mysterious places in the world

The grey stones were more heavy tan the blue ones

The smallest stones were situated inside the circle of the biggest ones

This monument is one of the more important prehistoric things we have

B) Write 2 sentences using the superlative form and 2 sentences using the comparative form

C) Complete the text using the correct form for superlative and comparative:

God Neb-Senu is the ………………….(weird) statue in the whole Manchester museum. It is

…………..(special ) than the rest of statues because it spins on its own. It is one of the

……………….(curious) phenomena ever because there seems to be no logical explanation.

Many people think there is a spirit inside it, but it is ………….. (good) to believe in science

proofs than in supernatural theories. This phenomena is it probably cause by people or car’s

vibrations when they move.

Notice that there are 3 different ways of pronouncing final <-ed> :

/it/ after <t> and <d>

/d/ as in “ murdered, discovered, described” after voiced sounds

/t/ as in “supposed, placed” after voiceless sounds

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3ª sesión

Actividad 1: Reading


Look at the pictures, do you believe in aliens? Why? Why not? Have you ever heard

about this mysterious phenomena called crop circles?

Use your dictionary if you don’t know some word: crop, maize, wheat, tornadoes, adver-

tising, companies, increase, journalists, tools, but firstly, try to guess the meaning

by the context.

Read the text and then answer the questions.

Crop circles are figures created in

maize or wheat crops. There are more

than 10.000 crop circles all over the

world, but 90% of them are in

England. Most of them are near

anc ient monument s, such as


Crop circles appear since ancient times, but

they began to increase since 1970. They

appear suddenly, during the night, in some

seconds and there is no-one on the crops.

Crop circles are getting bigger and more

complex with the pass of time. Now they have

a deep mathematical and scientific

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Logical or paranormal explanations?

Scientists say that crop circles have a logi-

cal explanation. They could be created by

men with their hands, their feet and simple

tools, such as Bower and Chorley, two men

who said in 1991 that they made some crop

circles and made an example in front of

journalists to prove it. According to scien-

tists, crop circles could also be created with

very developed technology, such as GPS

and laser. Other reason could be the nature:

meteorological phenomena (whether, wind,

tornadoes…), animals, bacteria, energy

from the Earth…

Some circles are created by

companies as advertising

because it is a good way of

Bower and Chorley, England

But science is unable to explain all cases.

Crop circles seem to be created by

something very intelligent with a powerful

technology. They are so big and so

complex that is it impossible to create for

human beings. Some people reject logical

theories and believe that crop circles have

paranormal explanations, such as God,

aliens, beings from other dimensions, our

own minds with a common psychological


Whatever it is, crop circles are fascinating

and beautiful and continue to appear

without knowing the authors.

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A) Comprehension:

1. There have been crop circles since a lot of centuries ago, but, are they having

any kind of evolution? Explain it

2. What is the country in which more crop circles have appeared?

3. Why do some people disagree with scientists?

B) In your opinion, who or what is the agent that creates this phenomenon? Do you

defend logical or paranormal theories?

C) Find words in the text that mean the same as: shapes (par.1), rational (par. 3),

business (par. 4), refuse (par. 5), extraterrestrial (par. 5)

Actividad 2: vocabulary

A) Match the words with their definition:

B) Write synonyms of: weird, horrible, supernatural, immediately



crop circle


Rounded shape on maize or wheat


To make or become greater in size,

degree, frequency…

Beyond normal explanation

The promotion of goods or ser-

vices for sale

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4ª sesión

Actividad 1: Listening

Before watching the video, look at these two pictures. What do you think is going on with

this statue?

God Neb-Senu, Egyptian statue in Manchester Museum

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What you are seeing has yet to be explained. This Ancient Egyptian statue appears to be on

its own, as seen in time-lapse footage in the Manchester museum. The nearly 4.000 years old statue has

been part of the collection for 80 years and has never moved until recently. Ancient

Egyptian believed this type of statue can act as a vessel for spirits but the exhibit curator thinks even the

Ancient Egyptians would be surprised by this strange occurrence. Some logical explanations could be

vibrations from cars outside or foot traffic in the museum but it doesn’t explain why it moves on a per-

fect circle. Whatever the answer, the is surely to draw more visitors to the exhibit.

Actividad 2: writing: un breve texto de opinión (100 palabras mínimo) donde

expresen si creen en fenómenos paranormales o si solo creen en la ciencia. Se pue-

den mencionar ejemplos, casos, experiencias personales…

Notice that in American English words finished in < –er > as “Manchester, never, answer,

whatever, ” ... are pronounced with /er/, whereas in British English they do NOT pronoun-

ce /r/ at the end of a Word, they pronounce /ə/.

Missing words: spinning—museum– phenomenon

B) Try to write the words that are missing:

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Las actividades de esta unidad son para realizar en el aula, por lo que necesitamos

recursos audiovisuales como imágenes, videos, proyector, internet… Los listenings no

serán evaluados porque su único objetivo, como se dijo anteriormente, es que el alumno

practique el inglés. Los readings serán evaluados por los ejercicios. Si se realizan co-

rrectamente como mínimo 3 ejercicios de cada Reading se obtendrá un punto extra para

el examen. La no realización de estos ejercicios supondrá un negativo que bajará un

punto del examen.


Stonehenge, Wikipedia Foundation Inc, 30 enero 2014


Crop circle, Wikipedia Foundation Inc, 4 febrero 2014


Dorsetghost. (2013, Septiembre 14). Berry Pomeroy most haunted castle-England ghosts

[Archivo de video]


Newsy Time. (2013, Junio 25) Ancient Egyptian statue spins on its own at Manchester mu-

seum [Archivo de video]
