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UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

Mar 04, 2023



Khang Minh
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Page 1: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

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. ...... ... UNE ....... .

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Page 2: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

"Sleep, ridlft and health art onlt ttuJ.y ftljo1fll after 'My have bHn in­~rrupm:l."



COMES TO TOWN The annual mHtiq of the. Pal· CENTER FUTURE myt'a·Riverton Y.M.C.A. Boam will

Commencement uerciaes at ..... myra Hiah Scllool will be held OIl Thuma)' evenlfta. June 13.. at o·dbdk. in the new stadium. weather permittina·


be held Tuesday nl,ht. June U. Three Ring Aliaii' Staged y Prftident IA~ B. Parker has

Pupila of ·the Riverton named Grover F. Pox Chairman of Public School tM Nominadn& Committee.

While the "Greatest Show OIl Secretarift Guy C. Hendry and Earth" folded its tenta a few days Bud Reeder of the ~un~ ~.M.C.A. "0 in Philadelphia. another maato- sta&: will attend this mHtlna and donic circua came to Riverton for a out.h~~ plana for lIummer Y.~.C.A. GIle-nilht stand on Tuesday of this aCtiV1~le.. Two of. theae WIll be _k. when the pupils of Riwrtoll camplna. at ~ckanlckon and Pal· Public School st .. ed their aMlual myra· RIverton s Home Vac.tion Pla, Day before a capaci~ audience. Camp.

Before the ' abow. the Riverton Parent-Teacher Auoclation aenecl a buffet supper toaether witb the vari­ou. acceasory eatmenta th.t are ... eociated 'With circuae .. inclucHna pillk peanuta, etc.. etc.

P.rade The clrcu. opened with a m.m­

moth • .. treet" parade led b, Dorothy J. Baker a. drum major. Th. fol. Iowlna unita were In the Une of aaarch:

RbJthm hand. P.trlotlc MaIdens, Dorothy (Marian St.fford). "Mun­chldnl". acrobata, aeal •• clown band, wild animele (5 caIH). .reab, monkeys. ChariotHr.; Malic Rose. rodeo. elepb.nta.

Th. Show Followin, tbe proceulon into the

"bla toP." Donald Taylor, rln, aau· tit and announcer. be,an the .bow ltaeU. the varlou. numben on the proll'aml bem,: (made .t the IChool). ;Patriotic Mlldenl. Doro­thy .nd tbe Munchklna, elephant., monkeya, clowns (balehall pme). IIde Ibow (frealcl). Uona, tI,ers. Malic Reile, leala, .crob.ta, charlot ncea, rodeo'(D horaea).

Well Bxecuted

'fhe entire proarlm which Will weU executed from .tart to finllh WI. received with enthualllltic .po plaUle by the larae crowd. Th. clr­cu. equipment ~ •• f.ithfully repro­duced. even to mlnut. detalla Ind n-

(continued OD PI,e I)

Athletics Here For Luncheon

The Palmyra-Riverton Bullne .. and Profeillonll Men'. Club WI' honored on Tueed.y of tba. week by bivins Fr.nk Hlyea, Bob Jobn. IOn and H.I Wlaner .. memben of the Philadelphl. Athletics, prelent .t the weekly luncheon held .t the Rlv· erton Country Club.

The member. of the A'. cut introduced b, Thom.1 Short.n and Ipoke briefly. FoUo.ln, the .allr bere, the club membe,. adjournH to Shibe Park to vie. the ,ame .Ith Detroit.

Local bullln ... men pr.MDt .t the m .. tIn, for the flnt time laeluded Paul Burk.. J, C. Ihlvera, Bu' .... BUlb, Claraaca Hubbe, Jr., A. J. Oreco and Charlet Wooa.toa.

C. Ward LowcIaD hat IDYlted m .... bert to ,0 OD • Iahlq trip .... M., ori 11ID4a, and W ....... da, of nat ... k and • IlUlDbar are apected to make the trip. IIr. Low· .... nporta that tba dealnnl 01 the • .., are bldn, nveDouaJ,.

LIOHT IN OPDATJON The new trdlc .. ,ht at the coraer

of Broad and MaID .ar ..... IUYertoIto ... III oper.tioa for the Int tIlDe on Tuelday afttl1lClOD. Accotdilll to polIc. omdall tha new equipment appeared to ba func:tloaiq perfectl,.

Inltallatlon W.I In chart. of Earl.


Exerciaes at Riverton School; New Teacher Named;

Bida Received At the meeUna of the Riverton

Board o( Education held on Monday nilht of this week, bids for • wide variety of .uppU" were received and ordeted referred to the .upply com· mittee for tabulation and report .t • lIter ae •• lon.

A lenathy .erjes of motion. w •• palled livlnl .uthorlty to the propo e~ committee fot a number of re­pair project. to be tBfried out dur­In, the .ummer moath.. .

The board voted '·1 .. alnlt hlrinc aD enalneer to Inveidaate the prea­ent he.tIn, .y.tem and present recommendatlonl for Improvement. tOlether with eltimated co.ta of the .. me.

Clollna exercise. wlU be held on Wednead.y nlllht of next week In the .chool .uditorlum.

New Teacher MI .. Hlld. Grob; of North Beraen•

N. J.. w.s appointed kinderaarlen te.cher for the year 1940-41. takina the pl.ce of MI.. Caroline Park.r, who,ned .recently.

Miu Grob i. • 1940 If.dUlte o( Trenton St.t. Te.c:ber. CoUea •• nel comel bere bllhly recommended by ollicial • . of that inatltudon.

Co.1 Bid. Tbe board voted to receive bid.

for pea co.1 In almilar q!lantity to that pr.vioUlly .dvertl.ed for buck. wbeat It the next meetlna .I.ted for Friday. June 21.

BACCALAUREATE SIIlRVICE Tb. haccalaureate servlc. for the

llnior cla ... t Pllmyr. Hi,b Scbool wW be beld on Sunday aft.rnooD, June D. in the Bethany Lutheran Cburcb. Palmyra. It o'clock.

Tbe prolr •• II III foUowll Or,an pr.lude. Marcb from

Athalia. Mendeillohn. Invocation. Glori. P.tri. Hymn, "B .. utlful SaYlor." Anthem, "A Dr .. m of Paradi .....

Or.,. Pr.yer. Hymn, "A.aIl ... M, 1ouL" IenDon, "SIII'rOUDclecl by Oppor-

tlUlitlea," II ... H. L. lIowe. HIIDDo "Now Thank We AU 0 ....

Ood." Jteaedjctloa. Orlan Pottlude, "lIarch PontUi­

c .... " Oounod.


Accordina to advice neel", ...... tblI ... from the BlII'IlDItoa Coua. t, Chapaer, Amerlcaa lied CI'OIIII, the IUvlrtOo Chapter baa doubled Ita quota of eeoo III the cun ... caaa­paip for fllDde to rtUne the ..... faina of ref~ ... III Europe.

Called for Monda).. June 10th at 8 p.m.: Public .fa

Asked to Attend In o:ase of rain. the exercises will

Riverton Resident Retuma Home After Year

in Enaland The Community Center Commit· be held in the hilh Khool .uditor-. The pluin& of • Britlab COQ1I07

tee . haa iuued a caU for an open ium at the MIlle d.te and time. was the onJ.y war-like demonstratloll town meetinc .t the Center. Broad The main feature of the procnm llten by passenaers .board the S. & Street and Oarfield avenue. P.l.· will be a serier; of addreaata liven b, \ Wnhinaton. accordina to Mia 118)0 myra, at 8.00 p.m. on Monday, June member. of the &enior d.... I Cumpston. of Riverton. who. ,trind 10th. It is hoped that reprHent.· If it II poniblc to use the st.dium, I on that vessel on Tuesday, May .. tives from every oraaniution in a areat many more people will ba! whcn it reached New YorIt. CoD­Riverton. Cinnaminson and Pal- able to be accommodated than if tile tnry to reporta, Mi.. CumPitola myra will be pre.ent as well .1 a affair is held indoors. states, pauenaers did not sleep Ia larle number of citinns who have i the awimminl pool. . e.prell~ intenst .nd approval of MEMORIAL PARK. SalUna for Enaland aboard the the proJect. American lmporter in MIa7 of Jut

Chatles Evans, of Cinnaminlon. year, MillS Cumplton .pent the .... will be chairman for the evenina· TENNIS I'.OUKTS tire year villitina ~Iatives and frleada The purpose of the meetina i. to "in Enaland and Scotland. While Ia aive • report on what haa been .c· Enlland she joillJd the W.V.s. aDd complilhed durinl the three month. worked in the ev.cuation of chQ. the Center h •• been open. Earl B. The first tenni. toumaments of dren September. Sb. also Whitcraft who he.d, the Center the sealon will belin on Saturday. .en-ed in the Cuteeft. Committee will some Inter- Junc 15, and only realdent. of River-"tina and reveallnl exhibita· to dia. · ton are eliaible for the.. tourna- People Calm play and some astonilhina .tad.· ment.. The finale will be played III A calm and confident .tmo.phen tiGa to report. part of the July 4th proar... and prevaila, and, MI.. Cumpston ..,..

handsome priaH will be awarded the people aeem re.d, (or the wont" Appreci.tion the wloner.. but do not abow fear.

The teat period of three months Contesta will conai.t o( .inlle. and b of • __ doublea for junior and aeniora anel ·Returrun, home y.ay ~ h.vlna ended the Committee wiahe. don and Pari. ahe .. w hundreda of

to pve public expreulon of . Ita lPO alncles for women. Relilter with barr .. e baUoon. over London. u4 preciatlon to tbe Rlverton.anna. Don Weat who i. In charle of the while In Paia, abe heard aun' III tile minion Bank .nd Trult Compan, courta this ye.r. . . ai.A

Th'- courts -- In Il!-e -'--pe now. diltance. In PUll no .., I' .. for It. aenerou. loan of the build· " _. un.... I~- b ard Ina and to the Recre.tion Dlvlalon 10 come 'around and ,et plent)' of warn ..... were e. _ ..• of the W.P.A. under Mr. Edward prlctice and make theae tournamentl Mi.. Cump.ton had no dltn~.,. GUMina for the part his oralnial- the beat '!Ie ' have ever h.d. In obtaininl pa .... e bome. bavlq don hal pl.yed In makinl .vailable I Followlna .re the reaul.tion. for enc .. ed her renrvatlonl in AprIL the tr.lned perlonnel which ha. f the ~eilni. c:ourts 'I deviled by the Amona the interestin, perlOnl contributed 10 much to the .ucceu I tennal committee and .pproved b, .board the Wa.hlnaton were Doro­of the experiment. Mr. Robert Knilht, chairm.n Mem. thy Thomp.on. commentator. anel

The committee sre.tly need. the orl.l P.rk committee. United St.t .. Amb .... dor to RuulL SailinS from Genot, Italy. on the

auldance of luch • crOll lectlon of I Re,ulation. W.ahlnaton• were • number of the public II It expectl .t thl. A' t ni h meetinl in determinins its future I Theae tennis c:o~rtl are d~C:ltecl mencan. re ur na ome. coune. Plan I for the future divide for Ule of the cillaen. of Riverton. The W.lhinlton. like aU American themlelvel into thon of the .um. Other. are welcome .t .uch time. vellels. ha. .. I.rae American 8ac mer sealon. until mld.Sep. •• c~urts are not in ule by cltiaeJiI p.inted on the lide. with • learch­tember, and thOle which may be of Riverton. U,ht to make it Yl.ible .t DI,ht.

There leemed to be no fe.r of tor­considered for the· f.n and winter All playerl mu.t real.ter .t the pedoe., the p.llenaer• not belne re-.... on to follow. The committee tennil court.. Quired to don life pre.erve,. durin, haa pl~nl for thele perlodl . under Court. 1. 2, Ind a reaerved for . life boat drill. ' conllderatlon which wlU be dl.· adultl .nd experienced player. 15

• (Continued on paa • . 2) ye.rl or older. . . Courtl 4 and S relerved for chil­

BRITISH WAR RELIEF dren under 15 ye.,.. We.r only ft.t, smooth, re",latlon

CHAPTER FORMED IN rubber .oled shOll. Railed heel. of RIVERTON AND PALMYRA any kind .re not permitted.

On M.y 22nd • local chspter of the Brltl.h War Relief Society, Inc •• w •• orlaniled by a aroup of Inter­eated men .nd women of Riverton .nd P.lmyra.

Your Immedllte help I. urlently needed-you and your friendl can contribute to thl. worthy c.u •• by:

1. Becomlns a member of the Brid.h War Relief Sodety. (nc.

2. Sendlnl • donation in any amount larse or 1m alL

3. Knlttina woolen comfort I, .ew­In, .nd crochetln, mintaweeper'. ,Iovel, .nd, later on, makin, lur,lcal b.ndita .. and dreaaln, ..

4. O.tdn, 10ur friend. to con· tribute and to work.

1£ players are w.ltlna: Play doubles. One Itt at a t1m~IICl. Score not to exceed 8-7. Adult. h.vlna played 3 or more

letl durlna the d.y Ire not ellalble to pllY in the evenins If othen are waitlns.

Your turn to pl.y determined by location of your racket In the br.cket. I

Boy. and alrll under 16 .r. not to use court. after 5 p.m .• eekdaYI nor Iher 12 noon Saturd.y.. aundlY. and holidaYI.

Infraction of an, ruI. mey r •• ult In 10.. of permlulon to III. th ... courtl_Robert W. KnI,bt. ChilI" man, Parll Committe ••

TWO INJURBD IN CRAIH Mra. Walter D. Lamon and Mra.

Herbert H. Panona. of Palm1rL re·

Community Church Services

For the .ummer months Com· munity Church Servicea wiU be held in the Municipal Grove from 7 to • o'c1ock every Sunday evenlnl. Tbe Ichedule of the .ervicea and lpeallerl is II follow.:

June 16-Rev. H. L. Rowe. June 23-Rev. Albert J. Harke. June 3D-Rev. WillI.m A. Boyd. july 7-Rev. Oeor,e Lockett. July l<4-Rev. William A. Boyd. july 21-Rev. Georae Lockett. july 21-Rev. Georae Lockett. July za-Rev. William A. Boyd. Au,u.t <4-Rev. Georae Lockett. Auault ll-Rev. Albert J. H.rb. Au,ult II-Rev. H. L. Row •. Aucult 2~R.v. Albert J. HII'll •• September 1-Rev. H. L. Row .. In cue of rain the .. rvlcCl wiU be

held in the Lutb.rln Church. . COOPER HOSPITAL


Duu and contribution. may be lint or ,Iven to lire. Lincoln Rid­ley. areuurer, 401 Main .trll" Rlv. .rton. telephone 117. Wool, neecIlta, •• t.rI.... lDItruction. .nd Informa· tIon mey ba obtalDld from Comtlla O. Murray, chail'llllnt .. 204 Llppln • cott .VIIIU.. RI".rton, t.l.phon. 4G.


c.lved he.d bruI ... and lhock ... The Wom.n'. Auxiliary to tbe rtault of .n accident on lIout. 2S. Cooper HOIpitat .nnouncta that near Flv. Pointl on Tuuday nI,ht. the Annual Flow.r Mart wW be

On laturday aft.moon .t J o'clock the Rlv.rton A. A. will oppote tbe PbUadelphi. AU·lt.,. at Memorl.l P.rk. .

On Sund.y It J p.m., tbe locala wlU en,.,., the locale a110 beln, .t the P.rk.

Walter D. Lamon ... drlvln, ... t held thla year on I.turda)'. June .. on the pike, wb ... hi. mechlne ... at Pulalkl Iquare, C.mden, inlt .. d

Tb. IWD of 1117. baa actuallJ .,.. collectH .nd about t40 adcIJdoal a. M~n .. er Arthur T.rreU ba. •

The American Lellon poIt III COD. aaaund. The drive baa ...... III pro. bUltbn, bunch of baU pl.y.rl and

Harder. local .1ICtridaD.

hit by a truck opersted b, Charln of on the boapltal .round. as ID E. Lon" Brld,evlD., DeL Botb carl pr,vioul Th. lIart wlU ba were ,oln, '11t. ChI.f Geor,. Dor- open from 9.30 I .m. until 10 p.m. worth, of Ciani minion, who InVtltl· The .uxlliary I, mOlt anxious to ,.t.d the .ccld.nt held the drlv.r th, continued tupport 01 Ita of the truck on I chara. of· m.ny fri.ndl In Burlln,ton count)'. Ie.. dflvln, and Lon, wW ba liven Ther. wW b. 'M u.ual lI'ot.rI ... a hearln, before Recorder C.cll areen v"".blta, plant I . Clat Bower. on Frida,. Ball •• 1 .. t .t fIow.r.. fancy ,ood.. hom.made 1200. I cak.a, pl.a, brada, lemonad.. 10ft

cdoD with otbar dYlc 0tianJa. ar ... for .... than two ....... hal booked ,ood opposition. (t II juD of thJa ar.. .OJ lpoaeor tba Couaty lied Croee oIIdaI. are hoped that tha fan. wiU tum out III =. "TIl. Flq IpaIIa" to ba ..... , moet aathaalutlc oyer the .ork of ,ooclJy num"'n to npport the home .... ted It 11 o'clock the mornlDt of the local uait and .... loud III their t ....

, July 4 la the Broad.l, theatre, for ....... o. Mra. Nathaa LaDe, .ho the cbucsrtll of the thr .. commaa- coachactad the drive IUppCII1ed b)'. No It,.c, I. IQ rich III boatety_ 1tI... InOIt ...... ,etIc etd of ......... WWIam lhaIIeIpeare.

N.lther Mr. Lamon or Herbert H. drink •• Ind hot do,. 011 .. I.. AllO ParlOna. .ho ••• rldIn, on the front • melodrama of the ,IY 90'1 "The ... t of Lamon'l c.r, .er. lnjured. 1 Ptril. of P .... Iope ... ,iven b), tbe The of the Lamon aaachlne WII lIerchantviUt pa.ycraft.,. win he badly dama,td. aD added .ttnlcdOll.

Page 3: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


RlYElION NINE I hlfb\U ~. .... , • • , • '* .MI ar'tlk\ hIa ..... • tt~ tt~ ~ ....... al\,," 10) e........ " ••• S~l ... ~... ~~--.hM .... - • I ~t~--. .:b " ttl 1 ~~ " • • • S ~ ___ -.n\l _~ ...... t. __ ~ .. ~ It*- De-.

..... lUn IM~ r...,\U. '-, 3 \) 0 , t ~ P ! • • : : '**'\\ a\\ ...... k-. ...... ~, AfIkt\ t.~ ~ "IIW ftl1U Lv-lIAl ~r"lktt\ .", .sb .. \) ~ , t S ...... '4;~. Uti " : 0' , 0 ~,t~ ~~ "!... ~~~ ~~.~ CatMrilM ~ - I" ~~'"" ~t " ~ , S 0 $..~'"' tf .y . r ..... ~ m.: ...-.y

l.cK~b T.b 9 , " Vfl'diu ' ·dt..-~ . tt .. , , t .. - - - - - ~~ ~ • ~t ... poXtft--irom FaithlU : I>\)W1\N .:\$Ml'. tb " ~ l S 1\ 't\)til.b ,. 1 S ••• ~\ \\ftd 1titi~ ". ~~Mt, NEW AM£tUCAN

STO~~ MANAGO 2.1 b,' N. Y, Shin i lli\" .. _ I'f l \l \l 1\ 0 "'.a~ .~ $~---' ~ lOt wot a • .. . \tl~ t. ~ .s \) 1\ U I lib t h " " ieI$iblt plln 'Of ..tmml-s\ft\Nft ,n.l

Rh'tit\'lll\ A. A. bNh .. ~ o~t &: Ihh. " l \l 1\ \) t Ztrnm"". Itt , '0 0 0 0 t\M\\clna N" bot ot~. fiI~ tht p.a.&l ~n.t .aVo tt... ~ _ _ _ _ _ ,.,. u ~ t " '" .. " ~ ~ t~ _ft\II,"~ _m ,JooM NtLa.til\, <IlK a m.t\ .... _ ~_ ... _ .... T 11 ..... . \ . ... "' ..... .,. ".am", d .. .. .. .. ..... ........ .......... - ~~ .... _a,_~ "# nrt .. llr .. fN t...-. ..}t,a .... ~ • "'" • b....... " .. '" , .. Q ~ &\lOth a _'" nll't. .'''~ ..... - ......., ..... ... Ile..'i~ un S;atll~ fl'\.\m tt... F.3lflutl 00. a1Q \\t1)-4 ~7~ I'f ; \ l i' II \'~~f ~~ aM ~t ~~ ~ of ~ R'~ A~ ~ Nth'" GlantiS i;\.~ <iroW'N " .... , ,"l,,,r t,,,.\l \lIt\ ~ ~ HIl~ tb __ , , • \) "N \ ... ~ In I\I""~ Iht ~m"'- in t~ W'i1l~l\\lI-Wriab' ~'-l\"na, altair \'1ft :Sll"'''~ t\) tilt pIQ'«1ttflll RI~ N\'i:k, 3b ~ II , 1 1 lft. Tb<e <ktt \11 ,JIa~ 10. Ult \\\\\t itt. Md .. ~kln .... ~ N ... \ Ship -oNC.t\ul\. t .10 t h \) e "lallaI'. ~ .. I) l 1$ l \11 &.\» ~m~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~, IM ... qet 0( ,~ h\~ ~ ,t -Ca~hart twirled i .... . It... ~.I. In i'm"ll. 'b I\)\) I) II B~'I, III t \) I) a 4 l\\Il\'lll;r ttfttti", ...,.. 1ItftItt .mt ~ 'Of ~ 'l~ aftd ~

.... S;atllnll» ",,«~t a"''' tI.a.t B"'_ttl If • Q I) • I) G. Hill\\'\\.. 1\11 a I) I) , , Cbfh~ a_1l't. "'~. ht it ",b\"I'Ot\ a~1l't. Itt hi. bt4t\\ ~ plO!ft~ ~ .IIlII. ~I-\In. tt... nin .. ' W;AII ..... ~ , .1b .1 I) \) , , DtW'balh. p " 0 \) I) , dIG_ Oft )'0\11' ~loeMlar 1\(1..... 'nIe ~ A~"'n $~ ~ t-ot\l" l\its -.til &l!pn"ttd.. Hot >It" L \, Mnl~~. ri , \) I) I) 0 _ - - _ _ Ne-. Itft botltt_ ~ I~"~ 1M 1l&1It M ~ta aM baa ~ Iia m da~ .~., In tt... (O\l~th. WMn t W. N~anmI<M.t.. ri 3 II Q Q Q Tot .. I. In 1 $ ~ • \)\" thlll _mlll\~ JI"Ilftt }\nt\hi ~ "a~ I~ tw die _ t tb ~tiOI\ ,.blIotd :a bra.-.. U( . '-arlti~ ~ • Q 1 ,.. I Pah,\yt..t \lQO QQO OlO ,.... 1O'lt PftUft"'* end tNt ~'.\toft ,.'" .. rbn. In addition to hi' ~' Glb..m. Ib 4 Q 1 f 1:1 Mbll<GtIi QQ' QQQ 000 o-t lot the ~ 0( the ~mltift ... "t- , CMI the hill. the ~I .... rt\)l\ IIlIfkr also if. N\:Dmt\ott.. d .. I 1 1:1 I) , &rNh: BIl ... \i1\l and 8«~1I. i tints the ~ \i\\\t It 'Wtn tab , pall\l Wt t_ lilts In th~ lI1l)s t\) . Colt. " 3 II , t ,:$ ~ B Diif"~" kom )'1Mlr e_tnc I MDCHAN'I'S WIN

the fIlbber :and a\:Oft\) tWl) fIln", l fhom:as. If. p ~. wt:., tn_III ... '4; i • 'nIe Nef\:ha"ta tadttd lIP ~ FOIU' fIln terti .. In ~ 6fth l ... d . i\'~m:an. Jb I\)' 1:1 Q t ~\li&. t. Bu .. Oft ball,! ott Dih-I- aURP1USli: P R'I'Y ,~ -.In of the _10ft Ol\ 'I'.IM-

"hth alanas Pill Ihe lamt on '.:e . &kff. ft. If I\)\) I , I balllb. t. Umpltft: "~nUtnan Il"d . A . ' d., nltbt of 1,.t ~ ~ .. lot tM hom .. **- I '" • \) \) II S Oitf. JOII" Woodaldt.. d.i~\ti" of lit", two Fl~ttt h\art", 1m: an ... ~

I -----t R. WCIOIhl*' of tIol Pl~ ·l_h. ((lion.

Pitdltl''a Battlt ' . T<ltal. ,. , $ It 10 I OPEN MEETING ON .... the I\lt&t of btlnOt at a W~R I Pall\ BIiM •• h~ ret_ell to .... Tile SlInday frat .. tumN Ollt t\) N. Y. Ship ! CENTER FUTURE S)a1"t1 tn MM\\)f t>f ber Hth bltttlll." \)Id po.t at llllnt ba. hII- m.. ..tI\.

be a Simon P\IH IIlIrlina dlltl be.' ab r II 0 • on Frid., elttftlq, M., St. \ "e", ffiebttb!d ~ QttU!1M\ .. , ~... Baku. I)f Rivtmn and lomm,,1I, IE - ~ I 1:1 0 0 '1' <_tialMCl ItGII .... I) 'I'he lUSts were joll" NOOt\t.. ' I\lttiQ one for the tIkult.

Oreea, of thle 0ppoUllon. ~ch al· i Coni,,),. 3b - S I\)O 1 "uMtd at t~ mftlll\l on the ttl\th. iF::::::::::::::::::::::;::; lo-..ct 6.... hits. both tuma aettlna Olml,nd. d • 4 0 1 Q 0 I 'rhe dtslfllblU~ and (e .. lblU\) of one dwble. 8ahr whilltd II Ind I blinn... - .. Q 0 1 I I plitt,", them I... etrlt\:t ..m be IUt-paged one, thla btina In the ninth. Chi,,", Ih 4 Q Q 1 • ploted Ilt tht m\!lttlna.

Qrftft fanned 19 andwaIUd a IInl!O. Ib 3 1:1 \) ., Q \ A (dlure _hll:h ha. lIven the I pair, bllt. hi. nllmerolia wnd plt(lIea, Moul1t. d .. \I Q , Q I Commllt\\t IftIt "tlatle,lo... II Ult kept l\im In trollble on .. \/\lru 00;- Paltttaon. I: 4 \) 1 If Q I tNt .:ommllnll,» o;hlrao;ttr of ~n· l· caal_ Grftn. p 3 1:1 3 0 0 I '''I' oper.tio... , ... d partldpation, NIIt

The Shipmen aco~ 1\ talnttcl - - - - - oo~ ha~ tht o;ltlnn, IIf IlI1 \hru til., in the 6tat alan •• by virtu .. or Total, - - 32' I ~ 11 S .:oml\\unIUn lInoted 'hI! territorial an error, "I:rllkl •• tolen blh and N. V. Ship .. --. .... 100 000 1)10-1 I bOlindarll!1 In their InttNIt ,,,d IlIp· 1 another boot. Aller thl. RI"'rton Riverton - • 010 000 000-, port hilt the at:tlvltln there have .. ttled down Ind pl&)ltd wonder(1I1 Two bue hlta-P. Mdlermoll, drawn partlclpanta 'rom all th~ ball dllrinl the remllh\c!ilr of the af. Oar.t1Il ... d, Stolen blln-Wallll.:ll, 1 \ownl In unnlM!.:b!d dtlru, Plana fair, Oillill..... SlfIldt ollt-By Green III, (oItternplo.led for thl! (uture -.Ill

by Baker II. b)l Thorn.. 2. au. tan lull ad".lita.e of thl. IInu.ull Two Hlta on bllll-o" 8lthr I, I)fr O~n 2. e"ldenc. of .:oopefatlon (or thl!

The home Illard penetrated to latll Q" buea-Rlvtrto" a. .N Y. (\lmmo ... COad. I

tht fIlbber In the lel:ond and Palll Sill" 6. U mpltet-Brllhl Ilnd Allo. I McDtrmott dOllbled to rllhl with way. I FIMndll1 Aapettl Olll Ion.. Cole'a Ilnlle '0 lert wa. ' . I While thete wUI .... "'0 .ppMI, . Ino'*lh to lI ... d him home. AI. PALMYRA GETS (or (lind, at the l\\eeUna. It will be I thollih Ihe locall had ellht Itrend· FIFTH LOOP WIN ne~\!Snt)' to llery rrallkly tltplOr .. 1 ell on the patha, they nlver aeri- . the 6nandal alllM!\:t, or continued oual)' threatened thenaher, the I operation. bllrlnl thl! teat period hllhwater mark belnl rllnne" Oil PlIlm~ra aubdued Medrord :a,1 on tltpenaaa were IIlnn,d to 1\ mini-the keYltone blae. be~orallo ... . DIY to a ....... 'x Ihe Rfth mum tather dl,~ourallnl to thOle

Balter had the a\tuatlon well In loop win o( Ihe leUG"', The alTair who rellUaed wha\ mllhl be I\ccom· hand IIntll the ellhlh .. hen hi. wtnt HI inllinti. pllahed with a Utli. mote IIber.1 mOlllld rival opened the frllme with billenbltuah. local hurltr. W38 III outlay. . hi. third hit. Olllil\illl puahed him fille form alld allowed ' oilly three Su~h finandal reaourcea •• were up, but Oree ... waa pinched It third hit.. He ",hl!leIl14 of the O~' I' ''' iil i\)1I IIvallable ~ame throulh relatively on Conlty', rllller to Cole. Oart- and " .. lk_tI two. few .v\)lulllary conlrlblltlona ,lind land'a dOllble alolll the left Reid Medford the actlvltln were matle ponlhle foul line brollaht In what proved to more throulh contrlbutlona of COil be the wlnnlnl lally. aU rho I alld "qulpnlenl rrom IIIIere.led cltl-

Cn ... n, 3b .. 0 0 a 0 .em!. IhAII IhroUlh aVllllnble c"ah. Thonlal In

Exaulitl/l ' . . TIle Snbftt Ful\eraI Homt. Il\ the

pedormlncl! of III dull., handl .. ..., detail _I,,, eltlelina un.

Ytata of eltpetlene. a ... 11 dOR atttn. lion to Ita bbllaatiOnl ha". IIIIOIl the appredatlon ot tholt _ho ... OIIr lIervh!~ ••

The Snover Funeral Home


313 E. Broad St., Palmyra, N. J-arrank A. Snovet Johll N. Swartl

"hone, Itlvtrtoll 830

PrlckeU. c 3 1 2 .. I Naturnlly thea" !lburcea Inual 1001l

With one OUt I ... the nltlth Boker :w~\)~r~r~el:I.:I=I:====3=0=0~;3 =O:';h~'),~U~f1~.;nd~l~h~e~ll~rO~j~e<~.t~ca~II~~~n~IY~~;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;:;;;;;;;;;~;;;;~;;;;;~;;:;~~ walked CUlleo ond Mlnllier 'rer-rail, tlklna no ,ChIIlUI, waved Thorn .. to Ihe hilI. AI 1anned the next two bauera without (urther ado.

The Invatlera had a amart ball dub with power In all departmentl and Rlvetton'~ uhlbilion Baal nit aueh formidable 0ppolltlon ••• urea the fan. that Ihe)' will lel! lome real baaeball before Ihe elld of the lealOIl I'olla around.


-W. M~Oermotl, .b r h 0 e

If :I I 0 I 0 Brewlter. If 3 1 :I I 0 Thom .. , ' rf I I 0 1 0 Kemmerle, rf 3 0 0 I 0 P. Me berm ott, tf 5 0 0 1 0 Wallace, lb - 4 0 0 II 0 Coil. II ~ 0 I I 5 • nydlr, c I 0 0 7 0 Karltll, c :I I I 0 2 Whltme),er, 3b :I 1 I 0 2 Mitchell. 3b I I 0 0 , Terrill, lib 0 0 0 :a 0 PrtlmlUl, lib :I I 0 , 0 Carhart, p , a 2 0 4 -----Totall

__ 33 II 7 27 16

New Shoe. From Old

"AMICO" Electrical Vulcanized

No Nail. Rnollnl

No .tltcht,

IIIaae • bIIMd

In SIIOE IElUILDm .. W •• road It. ..."a

;;~;;;;~~;,; __ ~-:::~~::~~~T~H:E=~N~E~W~~~R~A~,T~H~U~R~sn~A~~~'JJ~U~N~E~~~l~~~ ____ ~ _______________ P.GETHRRB QUAKERS TAlE \ ~=::.. -=~ ~!~N, thW~ :~~a . : ~ ~ ~ ~

COUNTY TI1tE III,"' , "~ p, Ii"t, 0..:" If, Stolhm. ab4 0 0 2 , ~: S:an~ lit, ttl"",,; WOO\- . .... to~ \b • 0 0 "9 0 ' ~'" B.. Mrth. ... ,! NI'Q'ky, rl • () 0 I \ I

N'''' ~, NlIOOOn!S\'o\t,~ fiRt· t Stt""'u. oC 5 0 (I l5 I ~ Pabm.n Get. ltb"Y Fim&., b\l\ Blltli~ ~; Palmyn thint . Sto\~, p S 0 () () s '

Flnish8 ~d ~ Only Plalm.y"-~'" N. NI~ "'nina I Th~ Tftms En~r F~1"t\(I1· 'rolll 4\ 1

O,-.m_l" Sd\ooI W80 R~~ hi. R1' ........ -Plal~ roott __ 6'Rts ."" tI\yH.. \at-tf\lbbs, H~, Ro&a, i ,~"'"

bt'd for .no''- ill ,. e1C>otl\ta laat "in'Cfll', l\lOOlftto""", ~; R",. , all I' h 0 Sat\l~ in the toeal *\tIdillm .t.t-~ t"lN. ':4U. I ~", ab ... _._ 6 0 0 4 iI\c the al\nll.ll Bllrlbll\'On ~~ Mt'd~)l~. 'i4 mile.: Pal. tire_t-, If • _ _ 6 1 3 0 ~"ti'<: 'i'ttclt M~t .. pon~ ~ ~t; hrl~, ~~ , Knitl.., c __ ._ _ _ 5 I 2 12 b, the '!'.ill Ci\:t Been.. of MOIOfts. lind M~ro'lt\\, thi"rd. Pa'~: Glbl'O ... , 'b __ . __ 4 0 I 16 to'lt\\, bI"It Cooatll I_blttt'* 'fttl IAn~I' Wtll-. QrltlM"", Btnbit. Cartllllrt. ri "' ___ "_ 2 0 0 0 ,*"Il~ iQllil.~r tuWl ~ 011 .lk.... I K'Hftmu~ d ._ _. 2 0 0 () -sth ~ hoI\on \'0 "il'l • ~ ~... ".\llt: Wtntltl, P, Loc~ ~... . ---.- _ _ 5 0 1 .. hi( on t~ ~ daMttd b~ the ... (. tot titat); IIltCortYl\dt, B, Walla~ 3b .- _.__ 2 ., ., I PalM~-IRt\'tttM Rota~ Club. thi"': RapIp, IIltConMl. B, &k\'r, P ---_. __ 2 0 0 1

'I'M t\"u lIOlnt ~ ..... )looru-I follrth. . 10 Mt. t iM:1Id. ' W. IIlcD-ermott, rl ._ SOl ., to_n tI4~, Pal"'1t'l ~ Bllr-linaton Jaft1in Th~_: Otft,. N. 61'&': '"'' ~cDel'tt\O", rf .. _ ~ 0 ., 0 .'4. ~ _re the ont, three ~l"", B. aecond; FIo'ftt, Ill, tllird; Whttrn't,3b ._. - .•• - 3 () I () ' I khooh ~ttrtd. t"- bet"" a "'I. Smith, P. ,. 1ft\. Tltoma.. p ._--- .. 3 ., () 0 21 "ntt "ck of Int..ttal 01\ tht .,.rt at Shot PItt: Adam" Ill. fint; Ne_· - - - - -RI\lel"'llidt<. &t'dtntown. ~btrtnn \'011, P, ~d; JoI\n_, B, third; Tot"la .- . 46 :2 II 3~ ts I al\d Mt; Holt,. Il.~n, B, fOllrth. ~ f~t, 3~ Inchee.

L Oiacua-JohnllOn. B, ilnt; Mtn~ bli:MOC~ATS OROANIZ~ I

o~a1 WI ... n~n , .. I. M, tttl'lndi . Adama, N, third; . A. "I' aa PAlmyra _a «lI\.:<e'r"ed, I ~tthilll\\an. B, fourth. U I . Iftt, 5. th~t ~~\)c:::ni~~~y ~e:~~\t:!

,\it! tul\\ ~uld have Mett .:om t Inc n. I h Id I " W 'l' &x>Ud 'Or " handful of mltlt C)I\~ Hlth Jump: 1It:~"ln. 1It:, tint; ~ alit wee • hOl\\es McGft~n. nl"e III tht sqUAd bel", fllttoliS In ' Co ... wel\, P, !i~nd; McCortnlclt. B, ' 0 Moore8town, _s ".arnell. Chalr-I the Red a ... d Whitt ,cori",. ', !hird\ Colt. M. fourth. 5 feet, 8\41 ~~.~. Mc~~~na ~t\I~-, Llchttll.

CIO ... well rook tht 100 a ... d 2lO. to. Inthee. . c A waa t ItC~, al wall ~thtr With a 'ttl'l"d ill the hlth i tiroad Flournoy, P, fint; t :~:. ~~:~nnWolfrol\\, Moullt Hol\y. jllmp. Muatard ran btautiful tacel ~~~'Iodtld' M, ,eco"d; Brown, B, I ElllAbltth R anCo~pe:;~~:I~ ::~~ In the IWo hurd lea lind ied thlt tltid ' . nJ ., e~haw, M, routth. 22 ; (ord • In bolh eventll. . . ftet. 1 Illch. I ' H~" 1'1111 a l\\ltlnilh:t ... t fa~ In ' F'rtshma... 880 Rela), : Paltn)ta, MI"'II. £dlll\ Ptn-y, Hartford. was

thlt mile, lalli"l th .. 'eed It th~ IIln 6nt (M)'trs, . Rull'lnll Gtlmee, Lan. , !"'.eltcted ~ct'etllry, and John Elltl. ed winnlnt IOlnll away. Btllolt, lilt). ButUnlto ... , attonll: Moo~. 1111. Rbebhlli. Waa named 'ft:llau~r fUnnlnl the mile I ... the medley reo town, third. for a nvtnth 'et"'. 1&)1 allo turned In I bealltlful tlt.1 An eltecuU"" committee Will

blbitlon. Wenlln!l tied for fit.t in RIVll:R'rON OPENS llamed, Indudlnl Jllmel CUllninl-the pole v.ult and Flournoy WII ' WIT" H VI . hlll\\, BUl-Unaton, chalr",an; A"'na the be.t in the brvad Jump. Me I . _ C'rORY I T, bennettr, Riv..rslde; Ko .. a'" &.1.0 abt third In the 100 and (ourth Mathia, New ONtna; Madelyn il\ 'he 22\). . The Olit)' other \l\)lht , A(ter two poal4liOnemenl., River. I Schulta. Beverly; Franll'Rya"', tiur. _Ihneta fl)t Palmyra _ere S",lth. · 1011 A. A. finitlty Opelltd the leilion Illlltol\; Frank T. Btowl!. Edae· fourth In the jll"eUII: Ntwton, aee.l on Decoration Day at Memorlll wa'et Park. Hattie Willner. Marl. olld I" the ahot PUI and Mye", aee- . Parll befoN II lar~ crowd. The ton; Frank Ro .. , Nl!w LI.bon, A. ond hI the 440. I fa .... were treated to a R ... e haU •• me, I Perlrl1l8 DaVia, RailCOClla, Albnt

the Ibcilla winnlnl a 2-1 dedllon 80we, Columbua; William R. Mllr. Stcond, and thlrdi fl1lm Bri"atol A. A. In an e"'la~- phy, Bo"'en,owlI: Flor..l\c. Potta.

Mooreltown laelted the I"dll/idull ment that wei't 13 Innlnl" MoorestowlIl MarU" Hahn. Maple .parkl!! of the locall, but Coach ' Lell Balin and AI Thomlll Ihared 8"ade: 1'.ul A. H\llhn and How­lIenberll had a team that IIlcked up the hurU". chorta ror the homeltl!" ard E. "owell, Palmyra. atcollds, thllii' a ... 1t evell (burthl a"d IImlttd' the opposition to three Oeorle Hllhnan. .tlte commit· _Ilh Itea' relulatlty. 'the Quaker, mealte blowa, Rlvetto", on the other teeman. alld Thomaa Dll"lIn. atored III evtt~ nell', whlll Pal_ hlllld touched lip Stover, en em)' hurl. PtllICelOll, Democl"l,Uc (IIndldatlt myrl w.. blinked In the 1110 itlld I er ror IIlnt, thrtt of thele bellli (rom for Conrreli from the Fourth Dis·

If , •• 'avi a '.I.p •••• I_ ... platN\i"l Oft -._



3· 4·

~ • tettphone NOW • , • to be lUre you will be II... In the new book.

Are you movinc? , • • Telt us .bout It NOW • , , we',,' chan .. your ~" In thl' new direc­tory.

Arr~ NOW for n.tlnll of members of your butlneas Or hbusehotd • , , It cost. little.

....... ....,.. .. I .. the VILLO.

.ACIS .. till. '1_..., , • •

........ tlil tI .... If '" act NOW.

CMt,,'tM " ........ ."" they ... t h,... Ie pM at ,.-... t,

diacul. , the bat of Btewater. ttid, were amona the Ipeakera.

fu~~~~~~~I1\.~~=~===========~============~============= did not fllure In the point total lind the 'hrreUmen kllotted 'he COUllt III wa. II dOlI! atralr with Mooreltown Ihe sheth, The wlllnllll tally came beatlnl burllnllOl1 at the tape. Foa, aa a result of a slnrle by brtwster 01 "almyra, ran I fine rltl! for thl , arid a Iwo.baller by Karltla. iitlt 440, but the home oll,Rt lin-I Bristol Ilhed • bad third. .

Moore,IowlI won the Alumni re- H r lib rho a I lay wlthou, oppalltlon. b enner t C - ~ 0 ISO

Chariel Julilna, of Mooreatown, l Ick, I •... ,. 5 0 I 2 0 handled the It.ttint Irl II wonderful I man ... tr and thl IIrlhou.ndn. willi talte .carl! of Idmlrably by J. B. ~ ~ Halntl, of the " .H,S. faculty. I 0

Summary -~ ;;(_ m 100 Vltd Oaah I Conwell .... flnt I .

IIl1Aa, M, Itcolld I Floumoy, P, B.rll~,lon Co~ntl' '~""""'. toWrt third; Pall I, M, (ourth. 10.1 IrC-, ItULIt TO BAR tRBDITOR' andl. II .. eulot'. NOli.. I

220 Yard Ollh: Conwell, Yo IIl'It; ir."l:IO of B. RALPH BOYIIR, D ......... Haoe, M, second; Palt •• M, tho Irdl h •• nat!::~!\~·.~~~r:~·~~ ~I~:I.-: i~~~~: . Flournoy, p, (outth. a3 tecondl. uh' 'ho louol, of B~tlloIlO", ........ ... 1

I nUf III uatar, r" lion 01 ,1.0 aublc b.t " .... ton. .. ~ul"' • . 120 HI h .. dl M d'" I ' 0 2nd da, 01 i a, . 1f40, • ...,11 .,,' Ie .. ,

lirtl; McOrath, B, tecondl Locke' l I~! JOt". dltoro 01 • Ita I"! Bo,." .1' '" I M thl ·t • 01" h. M f tho I"· Counl, 01 lIut 10.loftl ...... d. 10 b ....

t tu, uer. W, ,our h their claim •• ,.h1.t •• ~, ... D' thi (New record) II " . condl, , •• 111 dl.tdlnt._ undor O."h or 111'1""'"".'. 11 n

220 Low Hurdltll Mllttlrd P or btlotf N .. yombo. t, 1140. 0' th., wi • ,b. debarred Df Ib, Ictlon th.nfor •••• e.t 6rat. B ... condi Hutchln- Ih ... Id .".Ulotl. lon, M, third I Aldrich, M, fourth. ~PR~IJI·C~~q,,~V V.'ilf~ .. \I\. 21.3 Inandl. IiANIl .nd Tlh/liT coli/PAW.

440 V.rd Run I Retplet, II, llrat; . I· II • h I ••• .... • M .. d L II P.OC 0" 1'. • ... n.C Of, r. yere, r, I.can I onalnCl, ,blt.d I lia, t, .no . third I Maln ... M, lourth. au he· .'_-'_1_0_ .. _1-40 _________ _

ond .. 110 Ylrd Run I Podlltk D, flfltl


• w.t w •• h plclltd .(1 ~ .., driv.'1 by I a'c1oc1t .. ..,.., alllt_. deWy.eeI _ or bplorl , o'docll MOIWIa, mornln, .. • N. K ..... II. Prop. IUVERTON, N.W J .... Y

Phon., Rlwertalt .,.


Ta_o nolln that Joh .. B, Itt.tI., I ....... to • .,p'~ t" Clhtllmln'aft Town.hl, Cotll­mitt,. 01 ClnhlmlhlOb for a"',,,.,,, "ttllt C'O"IU.pUtih Un... fot pJltnl". 'U~.t" It 1 attlad Itt." , Bill 1"tHoII.

OIoJe<lIo.,. II ... ,. .hould b. m ........ m.d .. "." '" wttth.. to "atohl . R. W •• t. 1101 -rlMn .. a'.ftrc"klll'Wo~ ' H. J,

lIro.d 1"011 . MI"trtont cllltilftt'"IO .. 'tow .. ,hlp.

, ·10 to .1-40 .rll.,,,', 'H ••.•• ~

PI . . .. W .. I". ".retlll" •

a··I.U'lnt .It cum_, II, TIt.U.,

Bilathlll, .nlp Tnlh"I"'

~~~~ • .s=~04 01 I'I!RMAHItNT WAVlNO

TIIFRC i.~ a sprcial aura aboul girts for n bride. ROll1ant:e, beauty,

happiness dre slIggt" ted. Ell'ctric appliances tit right into the

picture. Thdr durability, their clt'an and shillillg appear.l-nce, their

quiet, clepelldable service make them a logical answer to that pn.

plexing question 'What ~hall I give her?' t1cctric toastrrs and lI1ixe,~. e!cllric r1tll"ks :1IIc1 ilUIlS, elcdric bl'OiI('~ [llld cotTcc

makcl'S anyone of th('se will delight a bride and conlribute some­

thing to the happineM of her days and to the slicerss or her hou~c. keeping. Prices are modrra,te and pn~ment trrm8 are t'asy. \"ollr local dealer carrlca electric appliance. in wide a550l'tmrnt~.

Page 4: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


I Ii i ~ent production ftSevet'l (hancu" are PALMYRA '1 RIVERtoN to be made .t this meetiq.

1 ____________ .. 1 ____________ .. : Mrs Gertrude Lynclt. of Lippin.

C&rolyQ Bauer, a Fadua~ of Pal. ~a lti&"h S"hool, has .hown throllCh h~r cha!'lderiaation in a play by the Dramatic Club of the GIa"boro Stitt TeacheR Collect. her abibty in charader delineation as well as her u\.-.ellent voice qualitih ~d .peech, ac .. 't)rdina to a reletse from the \.-olleae.

IIllla Ruth S".nback. and Mr. WiI· bert Kahler, of Miffinburc, PI .. are .pendina a brief visit with Mr. and MR. Albert Kahler, and ramily of WClt Broad Itreet.

Mr: and M .... Albert Kahler, and family of Weat Broad Itrect, lpeat tbe holidays with Mr .• nd M .... wu. Uam Kahler, and family of MIfftln· bur,. "a.

I cott avenue. spent ,everal day. of The fourth winner ot the IIlseel. I the past week vlllitin, friendl at

laneous Club of the Ladll~s Aultiliary l.~wu, Delaware. of the Parry Volunteer Fire Com· ;

Mrs. C. J. Monfaaue, o( 215 Lin­aen av"nue. was last week's winner <li tlte Sacred Heart P.T.A. mer·

Miss Ann Coles. of Clnn.minlOn" chandise .:tUb. is spendinl aeverdl days in Buffalo, j

pany "'as Mn. John Mutschlc:r, &t. lin,ton Pike.

N. Y. . Mr. and Mrs. Geora" Carnie. and

Mrs. Sadie W . Perkons. MI'S. Anna Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Leavy, and W Dod d M N . Clark dauchter Carol, of Thomas avenue.

. Ite an ISS aney , spent the weekend viailinl Mr. and all of ~~vertoll. were anlone the reo Mra, Charles Bowen of Hi,hts. cent VISItors at the Chalfonte-Had· ' doti Hall, Atlantic City. I town.

Mrs. Fannie Reeves. of 427 Elm ' HOME WUUNG SHOULD BE avenue. and Mrs. M. Vo,t: of 2181 BASED ON MODERN NEEDS Linden avenue, were the. winnen in , Probably there .re a creat m.ny the 14th and 15th drawlnas of the I houses in thll State that were wired O.E.S. Miscellaneous Club. , f I ,. . h h

or e ectm:lty In t e era loll en cur-

~:~:~;:!:::E~i~~:MAIN ST !c;:!~tllicen for the 'talOn of I • pr::::::ltp!::ea T~:~:~n~= MAR KE T pondina secretary, Eunice VOal; reo .:ordinc secretary. Thomas AS&),I tt·easurer. Dorothy Jay.

Aiter the qteetin, entertainment was provided in the form of two one·ad plays under . the dire~tion of Marcard Hill and Robert Strah.n,


Si8 MAIN STREET Nellt to Chew', B.kery

RIVERTON The Footli,ht PI.yen! feel certain Phone 904 FREE DELIVERY

that their productions are beln, well ______________ _

received in the local communiti"l i S TAR and that they are produdn, the I hilher types of playa which 10c.1 BEVERAGES residents enjoy. It Is felt that the ~omin, sealon will even prove more .uc~ •• ful to thil recently or,anlled 3 bot 25 Little Theatre Group. C

ALL FLAVORS Plul Depollt • (30-02. bottlea)

The Ladies of the Golden Eqle, will hold their re,u1ar monthly meet· Ina In SocIety Hall, thil evenin,. .

The United MUlic Publilhera. of I rent was needed for Hahts only. In 1845 Broadway. New York, have an., ~he past d.eeade th.t need haa eX.j nounced their acceptance of a aew panded to Include the radio, electric ~·."1·'" <!.l"", lona, "Take Me Back to My Home I toaster. percolator, wa.hin, rna·



Mr. and Mrl. Robert Blad:bume, by the Mohaw ...... written by Char. chine, electric Iron, vacuum cleaner" Of Arlinlton, N. J., Ipent several / lotte Blatchley Unland, o( 638 and refricerator. The IUIIUriH of d.y, o( tht plst week vlsitin, Mr. Thomas avenue. The son, wiU be I ye~terday become the lIeces· and Mr.. Leonard R. Baker, .nd published in the near future. sltlts of today to keep up the family; Americ.n ltandardl of livln,.

Ann Coles, Kitty Oliver, Betty Thele .ddltlon&l demandl on old Mr.. Adtinlon, of Memorial ave·

hue, wal the winner in the May 31 drawin, of Shulman's Merchandlu Club.

Atkinson. Becky Greer, M.rian drcuitl may result in overlo.dln" Speake.r and Helen Coles, member. wama the New Jersey Public Util. of the J. D. Club. celebrated their ity Inform.tlon Committee. It second annlveriary at • dinner In would be wise to consult with your Trenton lalt week. electric company or electric eon­

The fust drawina of the new , Christ Church merch.ndile club wUl The River Townl Ladies Club will take pl • .:e on Monday, June 11th, In sponsor their weekly ·c.rd party to· the parilh houle. A dllplay of all I dl1Y at ,the K. 0-. E. Hall, ~venld.e, tbe merchandile will be held. ThOle at 2 0 clock. Mr.. Fr.nehllla WIll Interested in joinin, the new club se,rve as host~.s. The rumma,e lale m.y contact Mrs. Walter David, 295. WIll be continued on June 7 at 14

Scott street.

Mr. and Mra. Thomas McChuney, and dllf,hter, Mary EH.abeth, of Moorestown, apent decoration day with Mr. and Mrs. John O,den, of Garlield avenue.

Blanche and Mildred Redfield, of Pennsylvanl. avenue. celebrated their 14th birthday with a parly IBit Friday even ina. ---Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Neln, of Readlnl. spent last Thursday with Mfl. EIII1 Evaul. of Vine street.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Naylor, 'of Bur­lInaton. and Mr. and Mrs. Jamew Weart, of Broad street, were Ihe dinner ,ueetl o( Mr. and Mfl. Eula Roach, o( Delaware .venue, lalt TbUflday.

The Sacred Hear,t Scltool w1l1 hold their annual picnic this yur on June 13, at Clementon Park. Transporta­tion will be adults 40c and children 20c. Buaes will leave the school at 9 o'c1ock sharp.

Mrs. J. C. Bucher, or Stewart ave. nue, Riveraide Park will entertain the members of the Luo:ky Social Club thia evenin,.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeLaney, and son Buddy, of Thomas avenUe. apent Sundar at Sea.iele Heillhts.

The Sacred Heart Dramatic Club will hold their monthly meetina thIs evening in the 9chool auditorium at 8 o'clock. Returns from their reo

tractor to learn If your present wlrina i. adequlte to your present. dly needs and to clve the beat reo suIts with modern appliances.


At the meetin, of The Foodl,ht Players, held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Strahan, 400 Seventh



at 1 p.m. Durinl June. July and Auault

WOLFE'S Palmyra Sc & 10c

STORE 9 West Broad St.

10 other

FRESH Strawberry



delicious Breyer

2 cans 23c -----KELLOGG'S MILK

2 large cans 13c ---KELLOGG'S

French Style CARROTS 3 No. 2 cans 2Sc

Kellogg's CRAB MEAT 6%-oz. can 2Sc ·


FLAVORS ,LOBSTER ~U~~A~erry 15c · 6-oz can 35e Double Rich Jumbo \, /../ Ice Cream SODA ,~\\ , Ilh ISc ,,~ '.


N.f 1M_ WIA1WI~ DRUG NEEDS ..,.............,.... ...


.606 Main Street Riverton Phone Riverton 1510


TtJNA FISH 7 -oz. can 19c


MIDGET PICKLES 10-oz. jar 23c





In lovlna remembrance of Sol Romm, who died Ma1 29. 1930.

More Than 3,000,000 IlDle-tabIes Were Distributed . 5 to 6 Ib av,

Ib 29c Ttie pe.rly latel were opened,

A lentil' voice 1.ld "come," \ \ And with farewell unlpoken, ~ He ,ently entered home.

-Sldly milled by wife and family.


EYKS EXAMINED Phcme Rlverlld. 615

10 'eolt Street Rlvlrlld., N. J, ('l Bulldln,)

June 16 IS





L L KEATING Broadllld ...........



Last Year by Public Service Coordinated Transport SOHmnULING ot hillel. 10 that

tha, .rrI'l .t certaIn pollill &1011, till roule .t Illeelne« tlmH. hu bpt p.e. wltb otber d.~elop. meDta 10 tb. moderolaatlon of bal ttanlportatlna antll tnda, It II no 10D"r lIeeell"" for a \ll!flno to UI. mere lUeuworlt 10 m.1I1111 bUI eODDeeUoDI.

Public aenle. Coordloated Trani' port 1.11 ,e.r dlltrlbuted .ppro.l· matel, ',000,000 1I1lI ... hl ... Til .... .... ,rlDted lebedule. for nearl, all of tb. compln,'1 ba. routel.

OD rnuttl wber. l.r.I,,1 11 ,." trequ'Dt (l1Icll a. "." fOllt Dill· UIH) tbe d.,tlm •• cb.dul. II IU.' wltll •• tat.mnt !!ODcem· IDI the lIeadwa), anll pol, till "owl" trl ....... recorde«. Oa rout .. wllera till I1l14w", .... rel.tI"l, loa.", til .... et time' for lbe ... to .,.. rI •• at tb. nrloul poltlb aloal the ro .... r •• Ifatl. n... lI .... III.. .... plac" ,. .11 bu .... la d .... rtm.DI .tor ... at b .... rmlnall or ...... al to parao .. telephoalo. fnr lpeelll bu. lotorm .. tlOL It. tlm.lable eb.ol' II belol ._Htlt 08 a cartal. IIu. roul .. t ... a... UDI.tabl. II Dlall" to till bo •• '" ,ractlcall, .. e"o •• &10 •• til. ro .... Th. corrected 1I •• talll, I. IOCODlpaole4 II)' • I.tter •• ,laIO· ... Ill. ella.,... A,proalDialel, IlaII • _Illloa ne" w .... ... t ~ til. eom\llll, Iut ,ear.

....... lIIaa 1II .... orll I •• r.. II 1M .ltlilla. '" ...... &10', 11011 r08'" 0....,.. UHIIa ........ _ til. u... '" I ... .., "ll .. ,.... PI trey .. II 1'-'* or ... ., ........ . II IIPIa .... ra"·brt ......... It, 'If ......... trIIIe aM .ell., ...

ton UI t.hll InUt "oall',",lIo. klG ... the llu4w., of bu •• loD. u, .. rial. rout. oaa IN ...... .. au, d.el ••• poL .... tile _ea ..... M •• u",

... .. ... rl.ace caaaot ,ro,". tor

.. ..,.IOH .... aJ ................ •

cla.lllt wlllller. l)urlal lucll UDI •• bow •• er. wbea dela,1 elooot be .. old". til. aDan.Seec. of tb. rid-1.1 palllle II pto,"" for II, til • o ... ratlOll of addlUoa&l ba_ Ie th • morata. and ... ala. ralb .. our. 10

tllat '111, ........ 1.1 ....



'Rib of Pork 3 Ib av,


Klnpn'. or Armour'. "'lOrted

COLD CUTS ~-It. Sc - It) lic

CASE'S ILlCBD PORK PACK ..... _ __ ... lb 35c

Squab Broilen 3 for 99c



1f2-lb pkg lIe

Brea. of

VEAL Ie 2 .. &


FESTIVAL HERE JUNE 7th, 8th. 9th

MEET "CHUM" I bau,h. 9. B'lel on bails-Oil Dill" 6.2. '-5; Peterlon, Brld,eton. over I 2; Diffenbauah, 2. Two·base hit- Cannon. p.lmyra, 6.0. 6-0.


crown of the atate. .Palmyra HI,h. alooa with both ,roupa of the South • L. sey tennis lel,ue will be re~ sented at the annual tennis banquet that will be held ;u Bndlleton OIl Wednesday. June 12. Awards to the various players will be made at thl. afialr.


On June 7th. 8th, and 9th, Henry A. 'Oteer, Inc., Philadelphia, will present their annual ROle Feltival. at their Nurseriel It Riverton. Every year thi. lirm, famoul more than a century for fine rolea openl their carden to the public. ' Here rose lovers may h:llt their eyu Upon a spectacle of outslandinc bcauty. More than SOOO rOlel will be in the ful\ Rower of their beauty, makinc the aarden, which is laid OUI in a modern aeomctrlc fashion with convenient lawn walka, show­InK varieties of rOlea to their best advanlace, a perfect fairy land of color and fraarance. Hybrid.tea. Polyanlhas, Hybrid Perpetuals. and

IN TWO PARADES Cotler and Mona,han, Bridleton. In the mornin, the members of over Dietz and Wilson. Palmyra,

the company went to Riverside for ,61. 6-3. the holiday procession. tORether Palmyra is champion of South with houlin, ceremonies for • new Jersey Group 3 Lealue and they will lire truck. while in the afternoon play this Friday al.'nlt Red BUlk they marched in • similar affair at Hiah, at the Trenton HiCh Courts Pitman. in the ,emi.6nals for the Group I.

The Riverton Fire Company. led . ,

Speakina of the 100d neiehbor policy. it doesn't ,0 so far a. to send OUt a Fifth Column.

by Chief E. M. Carhart. Jr .• parti. ============================-cipated in two parades on Mem· KNOW YOUR BANK

c1imbel'S of practically every well I . knuwn variety and many foreiln . ~nd domestic varieties beinll aTown Th. new baby wonder star of . or tnal. that have ~ot yet be~n this or any other season. in the IIttroduced 10 the public, I0Il11\ be m , hilarious production of "Forty LIt-full bloom. tie Mothers" now playing at the

New This Year Sayar Theatre. Camden.

orlal Day, the local out lit havi!"1 35 men and three pieces of appar. atus in line.


Playlnll an indifferent brand o( ball. Palmyra High qropped the final Kame of the season on Monday af. ternoon to Camd.n Catholic. Score 9 -S,

Leonard started (or the locals. bUI retired Ilt the end of the second when the Irish coin.d (our runs on a pair of walks. a glaring error and three hits. Van Emburgh held the

Amonc the new introductions for MERCHANTS MEET opposition in che~k until the sixth 1940 will be Orana. Nassau, a na· when three hits and two more boots tlve of Holland and named for the FIRST REVERSE gave the opposition three more Dutch Princes o( OranKe and I' tallies. Nassau. It is a vivid red-oranae. . P I b k ' h b II blcolor-deep alowina yellow on Either Georae Kmaht. Merchants a myra cot ac mto t e • the Inner petals with deep reddilh , h~rler, was off form, or the G"r~an aame temporarily in the lourtb u oranee rever.e aivinC an effect of i Kitchen out6t ha~ supcrline battm.e three sinale. and a brace of passes d.ep oranae throuahout which is a ' eyes on Monday mahto for the. G.K. I pushed two runs in. A chanae o( new roae color. Mrs. Oliver Amel pounded ~e lealue leade.ra for 17 pitchers o.n the part of the invader.

hits that add by a few m acue \I put out the lire and the Red and even more deli,hlfully fraarant ' I. e • ~ s, e • White showed little enthusiasm duro than Marechal Neil and of a beau. abled the Kltcheners to wm IS-7. tiful shade of lemon yellow; Call. William., winnin, pitcher. allow- . in, the remainder of the fracas. fornia, a rich salmon, an.d Apricot e~ only live lafetles, but wal wlld'j NETMEN LOSE Queen a betuti(ul Iwo·tone pink. palsina 12 batter.. The Merchant. all Itron, and prolific Irowe" could not cllh in on hia lIenerolity, The Brideeton Hilh tennis o'ltlil ,rowinll In "Oora.abundance." however, when hita mcan't runl, let back the Palmyra Hiah netmen

A few of the better known roae. .Williaml hit a homer in the ei,htb on Monday to win the South Jeney that wiU be exhibited al Drter', WIth two aboard. ,Championlhip by the close acore of ROle Futlval .re the len .. llonal The Standln, 3-2 at .the Farnham Park Courta. R. M. S. Queen Mary that hal W L Camden. Palmyra'i points were rCI' created luch a ttemendoul enthuI· Merchantl . ___ . _ ____ 2 1 iltered by Russell Stickel, over Don iaam in the ROle World, ,rown to D.wley _ ••.. _ _ __ 1 1 Peck, 6-4. 2-6, 7-5. The other local I perfection In ,reat q'"'!'tity. It. Foremen _ ... _ _ . ____ 1 1 point wa. recorded by Don Welt, color II a ,Iorioul combln.tion of G. K . .. _~ _ _ • _ ___ 1. 2 over Tom Newton 6.2, 6-2. Weat, rich ,Iowln, Ill!"on blendin, with I Score by innln,l: hal not been deleated since the Pal. I exquilite pure pink and an oran,e Merchantl _. _ _ _ • 200 301 lOG- 7 myra's netmen oraanization IBlt ' bale .. Crlmlon Glory. itl weUlG. K. _ .• ____ 300 SIO 331l-15 year. I branched, compact bUlhel ladeft Other Icores inclued: Fisher, witb m.,nl6cent urn'lhaped bud. The Schedule Brldaeton, . over Hozier, Palmyra, '

Where This Bank Gets the 1\loney it Leilds

htE runr1~ we have available' to lend and to

invest arc derived from three primary sourc:ee:

1. That part of our capital and surplus which

is not ."vested in building, furniture, fix· tures. ~nd equIpment.

2. Deposits of customers, after a sufficient

amount has been set aside to take care of

current withdrawals.

3. The exce" of earning, over ex~

Secondary sources of loanable fundi are af­forded by rediscounting eligible paper and borrowing on our own DOteIaecwed by baDdI which we hold. . .,

Cinnamilison Bank and T mst Co. RIVERTON, N. J.

which open to an Intenae deep .nd I Tftulday, June 6- ============================================= vivid crimlon Ih.ded with deep red I Firemen VI. G. K. wiU be indeed a re&l lilht of "crim- Monday, June IG-Ion ,lory" to deliaht the eyel of Merchantl VI. Dawl~y. roae lover.. Tbll rOle II the fav- Tuelday, June 11-orite of Secretary Mor,enth.u .nd Dawley VI. Firemen (poltponed h. hal chosen It to be planted be. aame). fore the Treuury buildinl.t --------Walhlnalon. PALMYRA WINS SIXTH

Other Varletiel

coara ON.£F A PBW'" DO~.1J60RB • .

The lovely Counte.. Vandall. winner of the Toronto ROle Society Gold Medal. hal lar,e double fra­Irant bloom. of • deep pink wllh • beautiful lalmon ,low. G\:)win, Sunset, an unulual rou of most at· tractive rorm, itl Inner pet.11 Icnathen and twill In the binrre manner of • choice c.ctu, Dahll .. winner of the Baaatelle Gold Medal. 1934. and awarded the honor at Lyon. France, as belnl the "moat beautiful rose In France fOl' the year 1934" hal lonl, II ender, point ~d Nalturtlum oranae bud. which open to fra.r.nt Rowerl of • charmlne Nalturtlum buff atrayln, to a lovely Ihade of Ihell pink .t the petal ed,el; Souvenir de Jean Sou pert, • lovely cream·colored Hybrid.tea. ha·. Ion, tapenn, deep lolden yellow budl Ilowly unfold. inc to broad cl'eam-colored blooml 01 lovely tellturl.

Palmyra u,htened ill ,rip on firat place in the National Divillon of the Burlinlton County Lea,ue by • 3 to 2 U.innin, victory over M.ple Shade Sunday at the latter's diamond. '

Everyone II invited to view thla fine display. where. In addltton to the rose Ihow. lOme .urprJle. arl rlanned (or the ,UHtl. The Ladin of the John B. Deaver .ulllll.ry wlU lerve tefrelhmentl for a lIDalI .um which will be donated 10 Lanllenau HOIplt.l. The ,ardenl will be open Irom 10 Lnt. until II p.m. wltb It­tendanll In charle Ihrou,hout the entire dlY 10 .nlwer any q,*ttlcta. you may care to .Ik.

All the rOKI In the Dreer ROM Oarden are ,rown undn the .. me n era,e condltlonl found in the ,Irden of any real ROle mth •• lut. Oood 1011 condition I and ,000 ure arc III that il necnut)' lor the RD.. fan to reproduce the .. me buuty In hll own ,arden •

Yeiterday'l win I0Il.1 the lixth In leven liar II for. the "locals" and was won in the eleventh innin, loll hen Venner "n,led 10 center to Icore Broderadn with the deddln, marker. Diffenb'uah hurled for Palmyra and spaced out eilht hitl. three loina to Ventura.

Palmyra I ab rho •

5 0 0 2 0' 6 020 0 4 I 1 8 I 5 0 0 18 0 40012 5 I 1 3 0 S 0 2 1 1 4 0 1 0 2 51204 2 0 000

Devln·ey. rf Baker, If __ .. _ Broderlon. p __ _ Humel, Ib Mlck, 3b ' __ _ Venner, c:f Boraflll, 2b __ _ G. H.mlin ... _ _ Dilrenblulh, p __ D. Mamlin, r£ __ _

Totalt . _ _ 44 3 9 33 JII Maple Shade

ab rho • L. Bar10, lb _ _ 5 0 0 J2 1 Ven're. 31>-.: ___ 4 2 3 3 0 Burnt, 2b 4 0 1 3 2 Twor10, If ___ 5 0 1 2 3 Sextot., cf _ __ 4 0 1 1\ 0 Henle, If 4 0 0 1 0 Chio,", c ___ 0 0 0 3 0_ N. Bar'lo, II __ 4 0 1 1 2 Bru·II.... r£ _ _ 3 0 1 1 0 Dill . p S 0 0 I 4

Totall _ ~_ 39 2 .33 12 Pllmyra ~ 001 000 000 11-3 Maple Shad. __ 000 '100 000 IG-Z

8tnK'" Out-By Dill. S: Oifl'ea·

Lawn Mowen Sharpened F.H.A, MORTGAGES b, ModerD Machinery 'U

ElIpe,. Worll OuaraDlHd WALTER D. LAMON Palmyra Lawn lIower Service ..... or 412 Delawar. A~ Palat,.. .. H. J. 116 a-a •• _ A .... Palla,.... H. J •

...... IUHrIOIa _ ...... ItiYWtaa as



THK81t auperioritiee In drivinl and ridlna .... not.u Oldamobil. hal to oft'erl 1be btl Olda "60" Jivw

you more me, more nyle, more power and IDOft

qUllllty-plu. ec::caomy that' comparee with the bait. And dJnc:t com.,..,;.oa with 10"".,. priced c::ara will prov. that 0148' atra nlue ,. outwei&ba the ... atrI doIIIr8 you pay. DrIft an Olda "eo- todayl

$807 ~~·a~I~~; ~~ COUP~I. $8~J (or S~an • . d~

Nve,..d at Lana;~. 1II.('/I./lan. Trans· portabon ~ed on r.,1 r.'.I. .t.,. and local t~e. (i( .n .. '). opt. c>n •• equip",.,.' and aC'C' •• aor'~I- to I t ra . Pri_.u~tlo~p wlthour n o rr ,-('. A OaNaaAL MOT O R. VA l-V!" ...... - _,,-..... _ ', . ... - "- _ . OJ

·'JACK" DAWLEY, Inc., 1 0 Broad Street, Riverton

Page 5: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ



John L. Pollock, regional New Jersey winner of Theodore N, Vail Medal Award, highest honor in the telephone industry for noteworthy public service (left) and Furn W. Underwood of California. only recipient this year of national Vail Medal.

Pollock. resident of Livingston and staff assistant to New Jersey Bell Telephone Company general supervisor, won medal and American National Red Cross Certificate of Merit for timely and efficient first aid and able handlin& of a difficult situatiol;l when a little girl was seriously injured by an automobile at Sprin&dale. N. J.

,ty, has ma&nificent laurel arowth which can be admired from numer·

, ous roads and traila wind ina

i throuahoJJt the park. Adequate fa­cilities for picnickin& and out.door

I ,ookin& arc av.i1able. '


COMES TO TOWN (continued Irom pa&e 1)

Rected much credit on the part of both pupils and leachers.

It is understood that the manager I of the circus has been requested that his show again visit Riverton in the not too far distant future.


"The biggest show" lailed to de· scribe the show-it was bigger and better than ever.


The monkeys and trained ele. phants were a big hit.


A rushing business Was done at the P.-T.A. booths. particularly in t\1e ice cream and lemonade sec­tions because of the extremely torrid weather. Experta claimed the 'Iemon­ade was distinctly superior to the usual drcus blend.


Photographers were nearly 811 nu· merous as the performers.



Riverton Board: Robert G. Adam .. Walter S. Barclay, Howard B. Can. over. Clifton p. Mayfield, Charlea W. Ray. Floyd W. Spahr, Chlrle. S. I Stickney and Charles H. Yost.


I The ftowers that bloom in the 'prin&, tra la-yes, even the beea

I and the birds in the trees-receive their share of attention in Agricul. tural Department bulletins avail. able at the office of Con&ressman D. Lane Powers in Washin&ton.

If you have a family of fine fealhered friends you'd like to set up in housekeeping. write Power .. He'lI send you a booklet which shows you how to build the bird·

, houses. includinl means of protect.' ing the occupants from youu--or your neighbor's-pet cat.

What type of ftowers are beat suited to certain climates, time of plantin&. ' etc., is the subject of sev· eral Agricultural bulletins. A com· prehensive booklet shows how to keep bees --or make them keep youl Powers, who rep,esents Bur. lington and Mercer Counties, saY' he has enou&h bulletins to his credit ~ith the Department to fill any, and all, requests.

Twelve 1935 and twenty 1939 Agrl. cultural Year Books remain In Powers' office. First come, he promises. first served.

Underwood's medal and citation for prompt action. courage and reo .ourcefulness under hazardous ,and it ions resulting in probable saving of a man's life, followed his rescue frolll a pole during a severe storm of a man .hocked and burned by contact with high-voltage power circuits.

Vail Medals Awards are made annually when merited on a regidnal basi. in bronze, and on a national basis in silver or gold with cash awards as a memorial to Theodore N. Vail, Jerseyman and great leader of the Bell Telephone System during its formative years,

The gaily decorated rings, hun· dreds of Rags and the bright co.· tumes of the troupers gave a real starred to&ether in "Shooting High. One way to tell whether a woman festival aspect to the affair. i I is able to make up her mind is to

--0-- I NEW COUNTY "Y" watch her trying to back into a It woula be impossible to ainale I parking place.

out anyone act for special commen-, BOARD MEMBERS ============= RHODODENDRONS NO , witli its clusters 01 pink blossoms is dation so well ,:"ere they all per- I I

LONGER A LUXURY ; to be found in its native habitat. formed. ' I Rotation of membership on the The rhododendron is becoming I widely scattered throughout the 1 County V.M.C.A. Board became I

one of the most popular plants for 0 coastal plain area of New Jersey. It TENNIS MEET~NG effective at the annual meeting May hO,me groun.ds. No long~r a.luxu,ry. is particularly abundant on certain The Palmyra Tennis Club will ' 28, when Charles B. Marple took the I thl~ at~actlve shrub w,th 'IS. nch sections 01 the Lebanon, Penn. hold a nieeting this Friday at 8 p.rn. pl.ace of Grover Fox and Robert J. fohage IS one of the most sallsfac. G B k B R ' d B 11 in Society Hall All members are] Fanney succeeded Nathan Lane on I tory I t '1 bl H 't reen, an. ass ,ver an e e- . h C Y M CAB d Th

P a~ 5 ava,. a e. owever, I plain State Forests and Parvin State urged to attend this as a areat deal I t e oun~y . . .. oar . . e '_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~L ha~ certaan definat.e preferences as to I Park. Motori'lts ' will find many of of business that will be of interest: membership ?OW atands-from R,v- I

SOIl and surroundtngs.. ' the best displays easily accessible by to all .members will be tranlacted at ' e~ton: Fra~c,s B_ ~lwel1. Robert J" Friday and Saturday. June 7.8 In the first place, ,t must be reo way of improved gravel roads that tIme. I FlOney. Victor Rttschard. R. M.

me~bered t~at the rho~o~endron I throughout the forests and parks. The club will play a return match Woodward. and from Palmyra: ' thnve. best an the shade an 115 nat- L' b S F h J with the Delanco Tennis Club on Charles B, Marple. Lawrence B. 1

I 'C I h b e anon tate ore st. at t e un· P k P I R J J h F Ira .settlng. b ons~~ent ~ t ~ elt ctio;' of New Jersey Route 40 and I Satu~~ay, June IS, at the Palmyra , .;,r ~r. da~ . NO~~, a n '1 ocatlon must ,e s ~ tere an pro. I S-40 at Four Mile Circle. 27 ntiles muniCIpal courts.. ar : an eor&e . Imer. . I

tected from drymg wand. and SCO.Ch·


f C d h b d f The club tournament w,ll start on Bes,des these men the followan'" I A I 'I II d . d cast 0 am en, as an a un ance 0 I . '. I ng

d SUDI. 'h I o~dm .SOI , w

f e draanBe , laurel In the vicinity of Deep Hollow I Sunday •. Ju!'e 16. weather ~ermlttinc, are also members of the Palmyra- '

an S Ig t y aCI 15 pre erre. e· . I hr ' d . ThiS Will mclude both smgles and =============== fore planting rhododendrons in a r~ckr~allofna'l .a.rea w ere'llmbllte pIC· doubles Those de.iring to play are I -I '1 h dd" fir I nlc In, aCI mes arc aval a e.' ,,---------------. c ay so,, tea Ilion 0 peat, ea - Th "PI' " d f f f asked to get in touch with Jack Han· I

mold' and well-rotted slable manure . e k aands'l a I whar °hresth.oh nuni. River-ton 932, as early as pos-: and perhaps some sand will be bene- pane. oa an aure t roug w Ie 'bl I .1 !.!! ! ~ ..... ~~!1 fida!. In extremely sandy soil., the Rout~ S-4O passes is most attra~tive Sl e. it! if !Il1 "-W ;Ya peat and leafmold are essential. at thiS season .• O"~ of the best vle;",s • _. __________ _

. of New Jersey 5 Wilderness area With 'IIt!CI1ON ~ AMW. Q)..a-AVOId Sun its luxuriant laurel gr.owth can be I,IS A RIOT I. Maunee Daily at 2.00 p.m.

Rhododendrons show to better ad· had from the observation tower 10- Evenin&s 7.00-9.00 o'c1ock vanta&e when grouped in a mass caled On Bear Swamp Hill, Penn ----planting. Exposure to full miday State Forest, where facilities for pic. Melde 'or laullhter ••• Eddle, a THURSDAY, June 6-lun should be avoided. nicking are available. bah"and40lIorgeoulllalllri MERLE OBERON with

The roots 01 the rhododendron reo I Best Display one of the merrlnt mix-ups GEORGE BRENT and main very close 10 Ihe surface an<\ Many of the most magnificent ' PAT O'BRIEN in should always b,e mulched or shaded. of man, en-

- laurel displays to be found are on TILL WE MEET AGAIN Hoein& or raking around them is the interior forest roads of the Green I 'ertCllnmenl inadvisable since the surface roots Bank Forest located on the Mullica II Added-THE LATEST are easily injured. Instead 01 prac- River at Green Bank. MARCH OF TIME ticing clean cultivation. rhododen· L I I SRI ThuTl.-Free Gifts to the Ladies! dronl should be mulched during the aure a ong ta&e oad, is prob-

ably the ,most oulstandin& to be The Platter of the Tia Juana hot weather with a layer of well- found on any of the interior of the II Breakfast Set rotted stable manure, rotted leaves Bass River State For .. t. Near the or peat moss. Such a covering will forest headquarters are the oldest ' FRIDA Y and SATURDAY keep the "round cool and wiU help pine plantations established on New I June 7 - 8-ta conserve the moisture. Jer,sey's State Porests, LAURENCE OLIVIER and

In feeding rhododendrons. no lime. Many clumps and masses of laurel JOAN FONTAINE '

:n:':e"::,,1 1~r w~~:~he:h:~ou~:v:ve: in bloom can be seen from traill and REBECCA'" gravel roads in the vicinity of Lake

tendency to destroy the soil acidity Nummy on the State For­preferred by the broad-leafed ever· est in Cape May county. F.cilitiet ,reenl. for picnic kin, are available on the

Much Water Needed Lake Nummy and Cedar Brid,e Pic.

The rhododendroa require I a ... eat deal of moi5ture. For this realOn. new pllit.ntinc. must be watched clowly. particularly if placed in dose proximity to the root. of shade trees. The ume i. true if planted close to or under any portion of the house whic:h may prevent the rain from reachlnc the lOiL When wat.erinc. tarce quantities oj water should be applied at each application in order ' to thorouchly soak the soil. I

The ftowerin, period extenda, in ,-&I, from May until July. but the plant makea a fine showinC all the year around. A wide variety of colon and typn adapted 10 New 1e ... , eonditiOl)I are available in moat nlll'Wriel at pric:es much lower than formerl, prevailed.


nlc Areas. Parvin State Park. in Salem Coun •

Play Golf OD a Spony Course


~1.25 71e after I p ...


7:>c JOe .ft ... i P _In.

H.-MW .....

A New Star Is Bom


(Produced by David O . Selmick who made 'Gone With the Wind') Feature Time-2.IS • 6.40 • 9.20

-saturday Matinee Only­wPLASH GORDON CON­


MONDA Y and TUESDAY June 10 - 11



JOHNNY APOUO ~ay is Encyclopedia Day





.,... ....

REBECCA ,'orr;ng .


JOAN FONTAINE Di.ected by ALFREO HiTCHCOCk '"",uced by DAVID O . SflZNICk -"0 MOd. " GONf WflH THf W1~

'---...... ---_____ ,.----i Extra Feature-Saturday Matinee


Sunday and Monday, June 9·10

-___ ·IIM .... --.-.... .--.....-EJltra-"Autograph Hound"

- ' ' --Tuesday. June 11 ENCYCLOPEDIA DAV

Riding • Shootiq • Sincinc JANE WITHERS and


"SHOOTING HIGH" -Spec:ial MatiDee Today-

(2 P. M. and 4 P. II.) W-edn- ead-;y- • Tbunda,. JUDe 12-13

IIDIIIIIt tD Uwe far ... &It lM!

loath Jeney'l wpiaey woods- will ...-t ita aamaal dUpIa, of laurd wIIidI is eapectcd to bloom froat J- lat to J- 15th. Tbia ebnab

- ...... _I'IAMK ...... F U'DIeI'S Daqhter I ~"Iafot'lIIMioa ""-e--n.-..-Pne Gifta CD tIac.... COIlING-FriIIaF ... .......,. ' __________ -' "lIlY SO., IIY lOll"


OFFICERS NAMED Passaic ._ 62.14S 10.080 FOR "Y" BOARD sPaalSesmaic . 62,74S 10.080 I I .. 10,859 2,537

, Somerset ... 18,853 2.587 At the annual meeting of the 0 Sussex 8,192 2,1S3

County Y.M.C.A. Board at Camp Union , 79.221 9,392 Ockanickon last week the follow- : Warren ,J 11,987 2.1271 ing were elected as officers for the Non.resident 7 1,545 lollowing year: President, John W. ---I Thacher, Moorestown; vice pres i- 902,406 142,416



dent. Ii:. Newbold Cooper, Moores. _____ ~ ___ ._::... _ _ _ The Burlington County Council town, and S: Ro&er Oliver, Bu~ling- _ _ . __ _

Boy SCOlds CampOl ee will be held , ton; recordm& secretary, Lou,s B. II . at the Camden County Scout , Forsyth, Bordentown; treasurer," YWCA NOTES

v.1110n on Fnday. Jut'i~ 14, and all Howard C. Darnell, Moorestown. I day Saturday. June 15. This an. Nominated to succeed themselves .... _______ .... ___ -=:!I I BRIEF ITEMS lIoullcemenl was made by Lt. Com- , as board members for the ensuing frOll1 mallder J. B. Ryan, U. S. N., Ret., ' three year.s were Raymond J . An- : ~~/oulY ~ s~mew~er~. be~ween 100 1 0 IT, acatl·On t,·me of Palmyra who is chairman of the derson, Bridgeboro; LeRoy Church ' an . lI,r s r,om ur 109 on coun. , ABOUT T WN v.

" , d L ' B F h B d rl I ty Will be carried by specIal busses , coullcll camporee commtttee. It was an OUIS . orsyt, or e town; h b k f h R N necessaoy to postpone the Cam oree cveret~ H. Haines; Medford; John t~ I e an sot e ancocas at ew , Specl·als d h t h p. I H Hutchinson and John H L Llsbon. Here, wbere natu.e has pro· The lenethy spell of wet weather ue to t e S orms t at were ragtng • • ee, d h f b k I h M at the time it was planned. Word I Bordentown; Charles G. Lester. l viele a c armmg panorama a water ; w~s ro cn ani enoug on em- IN GOOD h b . d' h ' C il f Lumberton ' Lawrenc R P and trees. the'll.. W.C.A. Day Camp l anai Day so that there was no Inter·

as een receIve an t e oun~ o· " e . . . arsons, ! i. held. I /erence with the program. There Ike that all troops are preparang to Burlington; Harry Relhnger, Bev. lb ' h Ii f USED CARS take part in the overnight camping erly; Leonard R. Spotts, Florence; I' Prooably one thIrd of these girla ' was a arge n~m er .'n t e n~ 0 "

. H F Stockwell J M to I will be scholarsh,p campers aent by march and reSIdents m both Rlver-C'xperlence. I . . I r., oores wn; t d P 1 d ' B tv. ' Howard G. Taylor, Jr.. Riverton, i community organizations and char. ton an a myra turne out an U" oU)

"World's Fair Troop" ; and A. Roy Townsend. Columbus. itable individuals throughout the g,oodly numbers to vIew t~e proces'l .., The foUowin" Scouts iiave signed! M Th h d .. coanty. The others will pay their sion an~ attend ~he exercISes at the I and Save

• r. ac er Kuccee s Benlamm . h' h cemeteraes and In the Grove Pal up for the World's Boy Scout Ser· J. Roberts as president. Mr Rob- own way to enJoy t 's w olesome, • - I vi,e Troop at the World's Fair duro ' erts left the county March' 1 for out·o/.doors va,ation. , myra. I ing the week 01 August 19: Robert I Rhode Island, and since that time The unique feature of the camp is -0- • Hamilton and Willial11 Sumner, of the responsibility of the presidency its schedUle. It is in session 'only , A large. auto tr.ansport t~uck had 11936 FORD Troop 4 Moorestown; Charlel has been divided between E. New- from nine until four on Tuesday, dIfficulty lD ne&OI.latm& MalJ~ street. Weact, Arthur Hoyt, and Warren bold Cooper. of Moorestown. and Wednesday, and Friday RIverton. on Frtday morDlng be· DeLuxe , Tudor, Radio,. Heat~ Lamon. all of Troop 5, Palmyra. S. Ro&er Oliver. of Burlington. vice of each week from July 9 until cause of branches that brushed the Good Tires. Clean InSIde and When this Troop's completed there presidents. August Z. At the end of each day : top of the massive vehIcle. Ready to Go. will be 31 scouts. and 3 Scout Lead· M~mbers of the nominating com· I the gIrls again enter the busses to -, • ers ~n charge of the boys. Many mittee were C. William Haines. I return, to their families. 1 The i?stallation of Riverton's 1937 FORD Burlan.gton County. boys were a part I Masonville; William H. Heisler., ~u.TI.nll these h~urs re~lar ca'!1P I new. traffiC light attracted much at· , of thIS tro\lp wh,ch attended the Pemberton. and Victor Ritschard acuvmes are car ned on. They In· ; lentlon on the part of, DeLuxe Tudor. Heater. Motor World's Fair in 1939. I Riverton. " dude swimmin&, boating. life aaving, 0 Earl Harder and his men having a Overhauled. Good Paint and

, pioneering; handcrafts, tenni., bad· ' considerable audience during the Tires Nearly New. A good buy. TI{REE POWERS CANDIDATES AUTO SALES' IN i minton. archery" first aid, sketching, : operations. ' • ENTER SERVICE, ACADEMIES , newspaper and hbrary. I

Three of Congressman D: Lane I NEW JERSEY I' T'!is splen~id program is made I ' The ne.xt census in E~rope won't 1.936 FORD Powers' Annapolis appointees will _ ' pOSSIble by g,rls, well qualili~d for' be anythang for the various cham· enter service, schools for the next : Motor Vehicle Ar., t~e work, who volunteer theIr ,ler·1 bers of commerce to braa about. DeLuxe .... Door Sedan. Beauti-term, accordmg to an announcement ; thur W. Magee announced th18 week VIces 31 counselors and JUDlor aIdes. ~~t!~agcv;"i~~~~ed~eS~~r·t~:~ today from the Congressman's 01'1 that automobile sales, transfers and' Several of these helpers have crown ~ow I pray to God that ye do no fint . fice in Washington. trades in New Jersey last year rep. ' up ,with the camp,. star~ing as yoU?, eVIL; not that we should appear ap·

. . resented a business turn-over of up. campers. Other mdlvlduals and In· 0 pr~ved. but that ye should do that I •

Tile entl:ance of the can~ldate. I. , wards of a quarter of a million dol. Ititutions increase the value of the whtch is honest.-I1 Corinthians I'

~ade p?ss,b~e through. t.he'r BUCCetS lars. ' camp by extending to the Burlina· 13:7. MORE GOOD m .Presldentlal :mpet,'~lvea f0'wap• The total number of car tran .. ton County Y.W.C.A. the. uee of --- - - - - --- - .- ____ _ I ppol,ntmenTth toc nnapo IS ,or f esht I actions out, of the 1 045604 vehicle. boats. tennis court. and book.. ' as assistant to the director of edu. NEWS' Oant. e ongressman 5 ourt . ' • , A f -d' 11' Ali ' t I h h reg,stered was 700 860 These saln i ore most conll eratlon al a catlonal work. nn:~ , s at!'Po;n e~d a ~ ~Ug su~. or transfers invoived' 111 543 new I times is the 'safety of the campers. •

c:ss u lD t e re~, e~t.'a competi. cars and 589,312 used cars. ' In all water activities the Red Cro.. =============== bve. was found mebglble by, the 0 On this basis, out of every , 100 ! regulations' are followed, enforced by ~avy Department due to a technical. motor vehicles s!>ld or transferred, ' couns~lo~s with long experience. A I

y. . 16 were new cars and 84 were used nurle IS tn constant attendance. a 10' I As result of the Annapolts compet- cars. cal doctor on call. I

itives con~u~ted I~r the Congress- . These statistics, a. revealed by • man by CIVIl Service last January, ; bills of sale which are a legal reo P. S. OFfICIALS RIchard D. McCord, of Bordentown, quirement in every automobile . was principal appointee to the Naval transactl'o . d' t th . I Announcement \I made 01 the n, JO Ica e at approxl· ' I J H B Academy. The first alternate was ' mately two-third$ of the automa- p.omotlon 0 ames. . arker to John B. Stetson. of Riverton, the biles in the State changed hand. I be assistant to the vIce ,pre,sldent In second alternate Charles Henry, of during the year and only one-third I c~ar&e of Southern D,vlsu>n. He Trenton, and the third alternate Jus- 0 of the registered vehicles remained WIll be located In Camde,:,. till C Williams of Moorestown I throu""ho t th . th Mr. Barker has been an the tax ., . • u e year tn e same d ' d P bli MacMullin to Point ownership. I an !nsur:once epartment .01 I.t C

McCord took the Presidential com. Serv,ce. JO the company s general petitive open to sons of Army of· I N~rthern Counties Lead offices at Newark, slnc~ 1934, H.e fieers and won appointment to West I C .. Mid was graduated from Prmceton Unt. . ' . I omm.8aloner a&e:e a so ma e versit POlDt al~o. He chose West POlDt public a break-down of paslenger Y' . ,

d '11 enter in JISt t . . " . PromotIOn of Wilbur M. McFee. an WI u y. e son won and commerCIal vehIcle registration. ' . appointment to Annapolis in the by co t' E B Hud Iy to be director of educattonal un les. ssex, erllen, • k P bl ' S ' ' . competitive open to members of the son U ' d P . 1 d' h wor, U IC ervlce companaes. .. , , nlon an assatc e , to t at I d M M F I Naval Reserve. Henry, as second al· order, in the number of aSlen er a so announce . r . c ee y Sue·

17 West Broad Street

I i




WITH EVERY I .1935 I £~~Tl!.~RESE!-!;:c. 'I ONDS-BUT BRAND NEW U. S. , 4-PL Y TIRES.

• LISTED BELOW temate became the Con"ressman's h h fir fi p . C ceeds George B. Webber, who baa • • cars w ereas teat ve 10 com· b d' principal appointee. William., al- mercial vehicle rellistrationl were een ~romote , 10 assIstant 10 .the p.lmyra. N. J. Are a FSee~ TOhfe5~uFr l'rl.9

t35 Cars

though placing !n !he Reserve com- Essex, Hudson, Bergea, Pa.saic exec:ultve ass~stant, home office. Phone ft78 • • Petitive in a wtnnang position wal ' d U . F Robert K. Zimmerman has been ' • , an naon. ewelt passenger CAl' d d M M F I found .by th.e Bureau of Navillation and commercial re,i.trations were promote to succec r. C ee y '1935 FORD to be meligtble becaule he had not in C!,pe, May County. I served the twelv~ month. required Followin& is a break-down of total "~~~aDGCiaDCi~GCiCi~~""".#' l DeLUXE 4-DOOR SEDAN of Reserve. candidates before they I passenger and commercial vehicle " ~, • can be lIppoanted. Both the Bureau registration, by countiea: Co-' VENETlAanNd BLINDS :: I 1935 FORD and . the Congressman have urced I County Pas ._ • ..; Wilhams to take next year'. com· , Atlantic _ ___ 22,73& 5 731 K petiuves from the Nava.1 Resa;ve· , Berlien ___ 104.87. 10:904 WINDOW SHADES ~ STANDARD.TUDOR

Powers has no Annapolis appornt. , Burlinlton --- 22,318 63'.97~ purchased here arc s~ 1935 FORD ments next year. Camden 51 009 .... measured and inltalled

is Powera appo~tee to ~est Point Cumba-land _ _ 18,437 4:913 1 FREE ~ STANDARD COUPE Robert !- Mac:MuUiD. of RiV~n.1 Cape May ___ 7~ 1953

thi. ycar and WlU eater III Jul,. E.... 118,08S 21.- 1 Prices Reasonable I ~ •

THINGS TO WATCH FOR I~~=t~--= :: 3,7'" 1· SCHWERING'S ~ 1935 FORD A new kind of fryinc paD, with Hunterrloa __ 10.010 1~~ ~ STANDARD COUPE WITH

convex bottom, and a &rid to keep ' Mercer - 40,720 6.921 Palmyra. N. J. Pboee.:S RUMBLE SEAT bacOD from curlin, while fryiDc ••• , Middlesex --- 47,48% 6.467 • ...,., QO IS IS 0 DO DO DO IS IS DO IS DO DO 01 DO I In I U OD n IS ;.n; .u,,~'n'O!~ • a ncw !dnd of automatic: pun'CJ'cw Ifoamouth ___ 44.118 1.309 19 5 Ch I for cola drink~eliven drink in a Mom. 35,711 3,865 3 evro et sanitary paper cup ia seven aeconcIa . Ocean _ ___ 11.711 2.547 .~lIaalSaaISUUllCilaaaaaDOalSaanlllJD~""',;oV~.'~

:. ~ COACH. Master DeL un. Com-••• a new drink. made of ... ound .... Th. W--l~'. N 11:'_- Th............ X pl·te O .. er"-··' N- PainL apples and .lrirn milt, invented at S '" UrIQ rww ~ ''""5" ~ ~ .... -~-V,rcinia Polytechnic Inltitute. ~ THE CHRISTIAN ScIEl\CE MONITOR §

LEONA HUNT A. '.t" ".fm,..} o.d\ Nn ... ~,.,. I NO DOWN PAYMENT "HonestY i. the beat policy," bat

he ... ho actl 011 that ~pJe is _ an honest man..-Archbiatiop Richard Whalely.

Evans' Smicr Station Broad a Ifaia Sis. Ri~ N. J.


Tir~~~~~~ :'t?Jt .1 Ikoad albia.... Ri.-t ....... J.

h air stylist 11 l. IaOAD ST.


- ... TBr. CRII,",A" SCU:" CE pt,'U-HI"G 5OCUI"r ON CARS SELL I NG FOR 0... --. "_ . _ , ,,_

10 T .... hd-e-.-ti--U ............ _F ... f.- s- tIi.... I ll50 00 or L E SS --~ Aft TIawfy .... butrw1iww .... 10 Daily ~----------~ "--. T ............... ...., M~ s..nw.. ..... I ........... - ._al ~- f. dw H-. LESTER S. FORTNUI

...-- • t2 00 Y INlrly . .... ,I 00. ' 1""ct.. I Sa......t., 1_ IftCI~n, M. ........ Sec".,n . • ! 60 . Y-.

InaodllClAXT Oil .... I- !, Cai ....

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 703 Thomas Avenue, Riverton. New JttIC)·


lZS W Ht Br~d Stffft

Palmyra, N. J.

Page 6: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


i WESTFIELD FRIENDS W 1M' neceaaary. They .re 80, I .uditorium in re,ard. to lor

I Ch h N I MEETING es eyao en S rel.ted they can hardly be aepar.ted. : the Sacred Heart Churcb caml'"

urc otices BurlinltOn P,ke Bible Class How are they related .nd are they which will be held this year on Fri. • • Sunday Momlll, cooperative .nd .ppreclated? We I d.y .nd S ... urday. Au,ult 2 and 3

BETHANY LUTHER AN U o'c!ock-M""IIDII lor worahip, I invite the community to hear thi. l on the Km&hts of Columbul haD n addr".. lawn, Broad and Elm Itreets, Pal.

CHURCH CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH For the Men of the Community I The One Hundredth Anniverllry myra, under the direc~ion of . Re.. Broad ant Mor,~n JAvenue. Rev. Georlle Lockett, B.D., Pa.tor , of the Bible School will be held Vmcent A. Luther, ao.,.tant paater

Pa myra. . . CONTRASTS Sunday. June 18. The church and oC the church . . Leo Terrell, w •• se-The Rev. Harold Lee Rowe. Pastor Services. SUllday, June 9th. Two milltary leadera ,ive their the school will worship to,ether In Olecthted aSh chairman of

d theth.fralr.

10.30 •. rtI.-Vouth Dny servicea ill Bible School. 10.00 a.m.-U you . f Ch ' h' C , . . . hi S d D era w 0 were name on e ea· which the church school will worship wallt to know just how cool and views 0 flat on t e rou; . a JOlDt SUBlon t , a un ay. r. ecutlve committee in dude vice chair.

comlortable our buildin, is, come , The Roman Centurion, • com· , ~vaul of the Baltimore Con~erence I .... · W'nif dB. tr with the others in a combined aero I S d ' d f R Id' d ' IS to be the speaker a .. y I re rennnn. ea.urer. vice in chargc of the various de. out 10 the schoo on un ay ",orn., m~n. er .o oman so lera, .too . , • , . Herbert Kemmerle; and lecretary

f h S h I A r ' lngs A fine pla~e 10 keep cool phy· Wllhln Siehl of the Cron of The Bible School P,CRIC will be Bettv Downs part menta 0 lee 00. eature . · ,. d H" h f' CI P k S d J ' f h '11 b h fi I slcally alld meniallY-50 easenual In an saw 1m IR t e agony 0 paIR, at ementon ar. atur ay, une _______ _ o t e progr(amhwl vet e pr"t al~' these days yet manifesting Corlivinll love and 15, We invite all members of the pearance 0 t e oung eop e s · ' fi ' I d h f k ' d d I h d hid th' f I d A pop.ular slogan for the cam· Choir. All members and friends of I ' I,;hildren's Day Exercises, 10.00 ~ac~1 cia ~at ' d or,,;a~ III h: eep· i ~ lurc IBn SCit~O an thO elf :- en s pai,n this year mi,ht be "billiona B th "I d t tl d Th a.m,-ln the ~hurch, This service y Impresse sal, ru 31 I .s man 0 go a ong w us on .. ou In,. for defen-e but not one cent for e . any are mVI e 0 a en . e . . . wa' the Son of God" n

pastor'. sermOn subjeci to the chil. 1 Will be con~ucle~ by the JURlor, PrI· 6 .. " ' I elren and young people will be ' mary Be,lRner 8 and Cradle Roll The other mIlitary commander of COMMUNION BREAKFAST "Pencil Pointers." I llepa~tments. Parents oi the children 1940." ruthless and d.e8~oyer of lives

2,30 p.m.-The baccalaureate ser. are urgently asked to be present. The I and, property, repudiating the Cr~18 vices for the graduates oC the Pal. proll' am which will be of interest to ~.o Ju.stlfy hiS worldly. ambition saId. myra High School. Pastor Rowe'. all parents. has been the re8ult of a I ChrIst .on the Cross IS too "!~ch of .ubject all thia occasion will be, caretul study by the heads of these a weakltng to rule the world. "Surrounded by Opportunilies," deparunents who should be encour· What does jesus say, "If I be lift·

The St. Joseph Council Knights of Columbus of Riverton will hold their, annual communion breakfast fOllOW-I ing the 7 0 'c1ock M aS8. this Sunday in the Sacred Heart School audio torium, William P . Breen. of Had· don Hd"hts. will be the principal speaker at the affair, Mr. Breen. Is noted for hi. K. oC C. work throu&b­out the state. Rev, Vincent A, Luther. assi8tant pastor of the Sacred Heart Church, and Leo Ter. rell. local Grand Kni,ht. will be amon, the speakers.

6,45-Lulher lealliue. aged by a hne attend.lRce. I ed up from the earth 1 will dr.w all Morning Worshill. 11.15 a,m.-A I m~n unto me." The Cross is . the

Chlldren's llllY theme wiU be carried I mlglny maa:net of ,love, 8elf.~acrlfice out In the ~ermon by the FaHtor with and world redemption that w.ll over· the subje~I. "l'he Child in the come and yet rule the Word and Midst." Appropriate solo and an. create a brotherhood that shall ob. thems by the choir. literate hatred and cruel ambition


Rev, John F, Welsh. Pastor. Rev, Vincent A, Luther. Aasistant

Sunday Masses. 7.00. g,OO, 10.30 a.m.

Confessions : Every Saturday 3.45 to 5.45 and 7.30 to 9,00:

Daily Masses: 7.00 and 7.45. Miraculou • . Medal Novena: Mon.

day at 7.45 p.rn. -0--

The first meetin" of the ,enera) pariah committee for the Annual B.zaar waa held on Monday evenin,. The dates for the Bazaar were aet for Friday and Saturday. the 2nd and Ird of Au,uat.


Thil comin& Monday evernn, will mark the of the series of Novena devotion. in honor or our Lady of the Miraculou. Med.l. Theae devo. don. will be reaumed In the Fall 01 the year.


Graduation eaerciae. of tbe Sacred Heart School will be held in Sacred Hean Church on Wednesday even. m., June 12th.


The weekly B,Y.P.U. meetines a~d. bind mankind to the rulership oC have been disconlinued for the aum. ' D,vme Love. mer months I' "The Kin,doma of this World are

• -0- become the Kin,doms of our Lord Evenin, Worsbip, 7.45 p.m.-Thil I and ~ia Christ; ~nd He shall rei,n

wiU be the last of the evenin, ler. Corever ~"d ever, Rev, 11 :15. vices durinl the Bummer. Ende.vor . In, thaa alSurance of ~alth meet to attend this lervice even for only ua next Sunday momma at 9.50. the selfiah realon-of your own .pir. itual benelit. The aermon subject METHODIST CHURCH wiU be "Jelul in the 8yna,0,ue." Palmyra, N. J.

Otis W. Myers. is chairman of the affair and is assi8ted by Joseph Dou,herty. James Kennedy. Charles Getty. William Scully, and A. E. Conlow. A lar,e crowd II expected to attend aa 150 reaervationa have already been made. All the men of the parl.h are Invited to be preaent.

CHURCH CARNIVAL Mu.ic by the choir. Rev. William A. Boyd, Putor '

. , A meetin, waa held on Mond.y -0- Ch.ldren I Day wilt be observed iveninl at the Sacred Hean School

On thil Friday evenill', June 7th, thia Sunday. In the morn In, at 11 at 8 o'dock tbe Primary, Be,inner'. o'clock the Sacr.ment of Baptism ' ============== and Cradle RoU Departmentl will w;U be adminiatered by Rev. Boyd.! PROPOS"LS entertain to meet tbe mothera of tbe I The Friendly and 8enoir Cholra will ' Se.,.d YUIIOIlIO ",III b. ..nlv.d ':l Ih. childre~ in thSe relpective depart· 'iln" ~Uhebepreparlatory Membership :.~:~~~. J"u:,I:n mO: .. 'l;.~ ~~nj,~I~.rd ~~: menta IR the unday achool room. c a .. WI reee ved Into fuU con· d.V ... nln •• Jun. 2', 1140 •• , • o'clock A 6ne pro,ram hal been arran"'ed I nection.. D.yll.hl SIYln, ~Im •• 10. 100 ton. of An:

.. .• • • thradt. Coal. or more If required. Pca tin COmprllln,. ,ood .peakerl, entertain. In the evenm, at 7.45 we ahall 10 be d.II ........ n.od.d. Co.1 10 be pui ment and refreabmentl. ~Everv have the lalt Sunday evenln, lervlce In <0.' bin In th ••• hoo' Dulldln,. M h Pr .. " .# , . h h d . An app,o.I", .... n.I..". 01 tho co., 10

ot er esent II tbelr aim. l,n our c urc urln, the .ummer. ' b. furn.ohod by Ih. Bidder I. 10 accomp •• y It will be in the nature of a Veaper ! .. <h bid. .

PHYLLIS WHEATLEY service. Since it i .... aduatlon time'l anTb~r "::,,\,,dbl.t:.",vH Ih. dlhl 10 re"'1 Mr, Boyd will speak .bout the "Two' jly onle. of Ih, Bo.,d at a m ... ln, ho'd

P.T.A. ~reat PiII.ra of the ·E.rtb." There Juno J. 1140'WILLI"1I H, BOTTOBR.



• ~:rll:~" -C:,!:"ci:!t:

• rrel'lch Ment.l .,.. ,., ... lIn,",

• ._It._ .. .,. .... ..11 ..... ,," We,e_

• --.... ""*­D1_n.I""" '

W.'CNe • ' LlIItJIAI. TItADEoUi ALa.oWaHcz 0. _ WA'I'CHIII. MY MAKe

• .......... wan .-. .. ,. t'''' ................ .".. At a meetin, of the Sacred He.rt

Alumni Social COmmittee held lalt Sunday It wae decided that reception and dance ahould be ,iven the &r.d. aate. oJ Sacred Heart School on lion day evenine. June 17th. Another meetin, of the Social Committee will be called for early neat week.

II no que.tlon but that Relilion and 6+40 DI ... i., C'erk.

The final meetin, for the Beason I Education are fundamental and =============================== of the Pby~a Whea~ey P.-T A, was '111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111 held on Fnday evemn,. M.y 31, at PROPOSALS ~cbool No.... Sin~e this i. nOI elec:. , S .. led P.OIlO .. I, will be .... 1 .... b the II NORGE ZENITH tl0n year the offlcerl remain the I BO'0l1.h Counul 01 Ih. Bo.ouah 01 ~i .... lIIfte eKept for the trellurer who is Ion. OW J .... y, al the Pi .. Hou .. In Rlv· C W .

1 erion, New lutey, 'I .ilht o·clock. P. II .. == ARD LOWDEN now Mr. I (!!all.r. Oo,.lI.hl Savin. Time) on lIonda,.. == -0- Th Id'" Jun. 11, 1~40. for furnllh!"1 and d,IiYnlna I '

Ma .. es on the Pi rat Friday: 6.00 e pres !nt, _u. ....bby ea.'aPPro.,m ... I,. 610 lono 01 Cold III ... d Bhu. /L Pfaff and R Dennil' 700 J R ! presaed a deure for tbe P •• T./L to mlnou,' Con,rel •• Typo .. ,," (Top <our .. ) I •

and G. Strohlein. c e war .... .n, • 'Ciliono 01 ,h. N .... J .... ,. 81 ... Hi'hway . .... ELECTR . , . • • 0.. do conatru u'v k d"" th I mIt ... ' <onlormln, 10 Ih. alOndanl Sped· I """" .ummer. Several membeu volun. Ocporlm ... L , E ICAL APPLIANCES and SUPPLIES

--0- I t eel b I h R Each bid .hall h. accomp.nled by • etr. 'I Confe.aions will be heard on eer to e per. eturna from ri~.d <heck. dr."n '0 ,h. o.d", 01 Ih. ao.. • Thuraday from 345 to 545 d 7.30 Ihe operetta "Tom Sawyer" were I OUKh Tr ... ur •• 01 Ih .. Bo,ou.h of Rlv.rlon. 1

. . .n I liven to the P .. T.A and ... _ In the amount of len per Un! (lO~ ) of t"~ == to 9.08. • • repo..... total IU.", of .uch propoul. .ubf.ct to the -

~~~ were aubmitted by the Waya and I conditlono •• 1 10.lh In Ih. In"ructlonl 10 ' E SPECIAL ~ M d S' k C . - Bidd en -

Sunday MISses: 7.00. R. Rowan, T. I eanl, an .e ommltteeL , lnIlN'liono 10 Bldd ..... p«" •• lIono and a · 9.00 W Kemmerle J Ham I A felture of the evenin, was the (ob·ml lor P.op_1 .nd Conlroc, .... y ~ -

, , '. ••• • . . 0 talnC'4! by apphtlltlon 10 th. a.,inn .... / == lin; 10.30, R. F,chter, H. Groome. R. plano aelectlon. rendered by Ray. Sht,mln and SI«pe.. 50. Coopt. SI..... E Strahle in. ' mond Mark •• a former aludent of the Cl mden. Ii ... Jency. I = CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH I :~~~~e~~:~~h:~!~.Of coffee, tea. bi~· ri.hl I, r::~::~o ~~jc;~:;;':Ii ; i

8orou,h Cletk . == "God Ihe Only Cause and Creator" ;;

Ia the le. son. l ermon su~ject for Sun. i ;; day. june 9. In a ll Chrlsl/an Science I ;;; ~~u';;~:I~. and Societies throu,houl I SUMMER BIBLE SCHOOL '55

The Golden Text is: UAh Lord E Godl behold. thou hast made Ihe AN INTENSIVE STUDY OP THE BIBLE POR I beaven and the earlh by thy ,rut Child power and .tretched out ann and reD and Young People there i. nothin, too hard for thee" ( 32: 17). ' Ales 6 to 16 Ye ...

Amon, Ihe lenon·aermon citationa WILL BE HELD IN iI the followin, from the Bible: "'Thou art worth,. 0 Lord, to reo c:eive Ilory and honor and power: for thou has created all thinel, and for thy pleasure they are and were created." (Revelation 4 :11).

The Ieaaon·sermon abo includes the . followinl passa,e from the Christian Science leztbook, "'Science .-sci Health wiUa Key to the Scrip­-~ by Mary Baker Edd,: OOCrw­&tor: Spirit, Mind; God •• ho mad« aD that .... made aDd could ROC create aD .tom or 1ft elemClIt the oppoaite of H imself"' (p. 513).

Calvary Presbyterian Church School Riverton, New Jency

JUNE 17th TO JULY 5th (Jw, 4th EuiDded)


Open to All Youth of the Community Registration Fee 25e for Each Family




FREE with the purchase of any NORGE ELECTRIC

REFRIGERATOR selling for $139.95




We will give absolutely FREE

An AlI·Steel Ironing Board and an Automatic Electric Iron (retail value $14.90)

$1 TRAOE-It;f ~ce Oft 70W oW itOft 011 die pwcu. of aD, electnc 11'_ m oar lUlre ecIIina from "95 lip



514 DnnamiDSOll Aynor. Paillyra. N. J. ,..... ...... 717




Once a,aln the ~.Y.C. opens its &eason with the well known Blitz. krieg. Saturday and Sunday will of. 6cially open the saiting aeason at Riverton, althou,h the local sailors have been at it for several weeks. Beinl an invitation Re,atta, there wiu be competition from many well known club.. Those upected to be pre.ent are: Beverly, Delaware River Yacht Club, Quaker City Yacht Club, Corinthian SaiUn, Club. and Ye Goode Olde Riverton Yachte Klube.

As our Comet Beet haa been ,reat· Iy en/ar,ed, thia year'. elimination lerie. Ihould prove quite Uvely, Startinl thla Saturday the aeriea will run every Saturday for five weeki, and the winner will represent tbe R, Y. C, at the National Re,atta In New York St.te thia September. The ever popular DUlter Fleet will IUP· ply entertainment for the onlooker., and other clalle. to be represented are: Crickets. Stara, plu. the u,ual. Free·for·alL I

We wilh to 1831, althou,b the bOYI ,ot a late atart this year, we many new additiona to the fleet. Amon, these may be Iiated three new Stars, 6ve new Cornets, and four new Ousten. Of colirae herein we never mention additions to the Stink·boat Fleet.


Seen around the dub: The Sail B8111 (Women'. Auxiliary) plottin' and plannin' another Iwell party to match the one tlley ,ave Memorial day. Bi, Bill Gruman back on the job. Bob Lippincott polishin' hia bottom on his new Comet. The three Musketeera of Photoaraphy, Mudd. Bornet, and Hebb. anappin' ahota. johnny Ayres tryin, to aplice wire cable. Alao Pa (Commodore) Lippincott tryin, to splice wire. And last bul not least yours truly tryin, to find somethine to write about.


Robert Snover. proprietor of the new Palmyra Airport announcea that the field will be opened this Satur. day for airplane traffic. ' Workmen have been bu.ily en&a,ed for Ute

. pa.t Cew weeks cl.,.rin, and ,r.din, the terrain.

The han,ar ac~ommodatin, three ahipa ia nearin& completion and more wiu be ltarted immediately.

Beeinnin, Saturday, .tudent in· .truction will be available as wen .1 commercial paasen&er trips. An ea· perienced in.tructor will be at the 6eld to ,ive leslODL

Roben Snover'. new T.ylorcralt ahip with dual control. i. DOW

boused .t the han,er. Mr. Snover will be the .,ent for Taylorcralt ahipa at the new airport.


Strawberry Season

THE bellht of Ihe .trawberry lellon In New Jeraey ,. Ma7 ,25

to Jun" %0, approzlmately, The iIerrlel are tresb. plentIful and tn· IIIIpenBlve.

After ,ou buy atrawberrle •• store I em ImmediateI', In the automatic refrigerator. Cooked strawberrlea are delicious and the fresh fruit makea 8 colorflll garnish or addl· tlon to lIIan, IIllads and douerts. 30me people recommend SIJflnkllllg Ii amall amollnt of pepper on fresh berzles,

Here 81:8 • rew recIpes.

I Devonahlre Shorteaka I qt straw- II sltces buttered

I I' rlos bread I cup grnnu- Whll.ped

lated sugar crollm Crush berries with sugar, T.rlm

.: root from brood and Itne a greascd ""wl willi tbe sllcos. cutllng cor 1I0rs 80 thot the pieces meet. POllr In the berrIes. cover with bread, set Ilillte OD tal' of tht •. Ilfesa dawlI with. weight alld pul In the aUlo· mllllc refrlgerlilor 24 hours. Turn out 01 mold. gornlsh with whlppNI crenm and serve . RaftphurrJN' or cru8hed poael,,!a mny be used 10' stead or slrnwhprrles,

atrawberry Flamingo

1 qt. atrawber. 2·2/3 CII". boiling rlea. hulled water

1 cup au!:ar a eupa .Iraw· '"' CUll minute berry Juice

tapioca ~ CUll croalD. ~ tap, •• It

Crulh a(rawberrlel Ilightl)', add .ugar and let .tand at lealt 30 mID· utes. Add mlllute laploca and .alt to bolllng waler aDd cook In dolable boiler for 15 mlnutel or until lal.t· Dca la clear. Add Itrawberry JUice ~o tapIoca. Cblll. POllr one·balf of thll mIxture (nto .a glau bowl or par·

l ND'" I. the tim. to buy (r ....

N.", J.,..y .trawb.rrl •• , You will .njoy th~ erlap loodn ... and d.llcat. fI.vo~ of t"'a hom.· .tat. fruit.


Catt glasscI, Obllt. Fold wblpped cream Into remaining tapioca miK' ture. Plio IIgbU,. ooto mlKtura In tho bowl or parfait glauas. Serve. S.

atrawberry Shortcak. 1 quart strawberrlea, washed.

hulled. sliced .. Mix wIth 1 cup augar. allow to

atalld for two houra at leoat. In • coot place. SerYe on biscuit Ihort· cakq with p(nlo or whll.ped cream. a cups nour % cup milk or 4 tall, lin kill, water

powder '1 '"I'. "Illt Z t\)Kp .• horlo • tbop. IUlar

enlll, SICt together nil dry Ingredtent.,

CIIL In ohol'Lelllllg wlLh two knlvel, Add IIIlIk or wal er gradllally. nank· Ing a 80rt dougb, TOKS auto .lIl1ht· I, nouTed hO/lrd. roll out 10 1- thIck· no ... cut wltb hlscllit cUll er and bllke In qlli ck oYeu. 4r.O degrepo, 15 mlnules. or hnke In a Inl'ge cllke. 811l1t In holr ileCol'e 11 "1 1111. bolb balve. u.pd crust s l d~ down. Two thinne r c rlke fS lulll Oll u ou th~ o lh"r In the flume fw,n c.:nn btl matie. l3ru"h or dot tho lower with but­ter llerol'o pln elng Ilro I c(', ,, .. 1,

St,awberry Pr •• erv •• • Ihs. herrl .... 6 CUI'S Ollll;ar

Solcet ripe. eOlln~ b~I'Tle •• wasb an~ huil, Arid lI'H .11 ~"r to the eU'llwilprrle8 and bellt ~ ently unlil .u~nr dl"sulv". Ulld Jui ce I. drawn frolll Ille twrTl08. Cook rOllldly un· til tho rl'ult I. "lump and transpar· ent and tile .yrup la tb Ick. Pack In r1 ~ao. hot Jan and leal Immediate· Iy ,

NOTE:: All berrte. except blacl!· berrlea may be made Into preserve. by thla mel hod.

Strawb.rry and Rhubarb CanHN. 1 qt.. 'tra,,' 1 ql, rbubarb

berries 6 eupi .ular CUI rhubarb IDto ." locb plec •••

being careful oot to pee\. Mix to­gBlher IIrllwberrie • . rbubarb aod sugar aod cook mtnur •• Iowl, UD' til (t II tblck and clear. Pour In to cleao bot Jara aDd seal .t ODce

Before the end of June all of the • __ l1lil1li public schools .ill have c:Ioeed and thousu~, of children wi! be added to the cro.elI that thron. dt)' IIId villae. .ttecta aDd the public ~b­.aYL These playful and beedl_ )'OUReaten mUlt be pudecI IiDce they are DOt yet 014 euoaP to _ !ldpate danaer. and this Ia the dtdy of every adult and every elmer of a motor .. ehicle. It i. • public re­apoaaibility, auerta the N_ Jenq PubLcit, UtiJit)' IDI«matioD C-

="-The PabUc: Senice Coordiaated TraaJlport has achoiIed the optr. _ton , aDd 1,Iea-- oa aU 01 ... public cOftftY8DCC'l to _ nita· ordiDaty ~ to ur.-.s tbese childrca and to aaticlpete for them. .0 fu .. po .. ible, IIIddCD dane..... aach .. nabiD, oat "­brbiDd a_bet 9'Cbidc or frv. the ufdY of the aidewalk iDto the patll 01 aD OD<C I . baa or cw. R_ aJcr-. iI DOt InfaDi" .. it .oJ 10 ..,. .. protmiq ..... JGDtbf wbo we __ au- of r _ ._.

0/IIPft.,,. q"a"'" 1I...t

Chuck Roast "15: ,... ............ f .......... -Ue

-250 ...... J.icy ca. ,,. .... rten -I'e 6,., ....... c ..... ~ ._ .... -27c

.......... ""'"-....... Hams ~:,E~ .... hils - 18 I She ..

Seafood Specia/.r SIic.I C...... - l7e M ... ,.'': aac

-IOe HI ...... Had ... "I~ I flu. I.r -

FACE TRAFFIC I ~I'ht . condltio~,:· . he contln~e4. " fadn, traffic." the Key. Headh,hta "'hlch It,ht up the hleb­

stone AutomobIle Club ur&e. in a l way so far as the pedestrian is con· bulletin askinl pedestriana to coop. .;e-ned may be 'blinding' the driven erate with motorists for their own I of .ppl'oachin, c ..... with the relult saCety. . that walkers close by are in Immin.

Trevor B, Mathew.. Manaler of I e .. 1 pcnl. the Camdeo Division of the Club. I "The walker who is Cacina: traffic: said pedestrian hia;hway casualties at I con aVOid dan,e. under such condi. nia:ht usually show a marked In· · tions by the simple expedient of creaoe at this time oC Ihe year. This .tcppina; off the roadway. The walk. i. accounted for by the Cact that er with his back to approachln, hi"hway use-both pedestrian and headli,hts literally betl his liCe that vehicular-surges upward In sprinl the motorist will see him in time to and summer. avoid runnin" him down,

Pedestrians have it well within "Considerin, the multiple dim. their power to avoid accident on the cultics oi car operation under condl· highway by taking the simple pre. tions now exi"tinll at ni,ht. we feel caution of facing. instead oC walking pedestrian co· operation ia of the with their back. to traffi~, the Club IIrealest importance," official asserted. "Every driver knows. and every pedeatrian should By the way, what ha. become of learn. that it is difficult to ace walk. the old faabloned wisecracker who erl on the roadway under . avera,e I said that this was a phony war?

start Hel'e-for Larger Savings I

When you Itart .hopin, in your nei,hbo,hood American Store you ' will· notic. • decreale In your food bllli. At the .ame time you will ,eoll'll quality-test.d foodl and oourteoul .erYlol from our laillpeople.

PEaErlY AJuneS . Ca,dln . 4 No.2 29cl FrI,h oanl

1',,,,,,"11 0111, a rew 1'1l1li", after plcll''''' .... /...:;.71 7 1' rbWI17/m1ft(YJ-?':4t'1?~.o/d..e'q;J~,q~/// ... · .

Apple Butter Ol.nwood II;;''' 10c Appl, Sauce Ol.nwo~d , 4=:';: 2Sc Ripe Pru.... 1 N:~ ucl Helll& k.tchup ':.:::' 16e Che"i .. p~ 11:0,.2 IOe IISCJJ To",.toSoup '0:;:;.0. 5e Ba,tl_tl Pean II~ .. :~ 16, Plc"I.1 ..!'!~~:~I~tI 2 q::::: 25, C.lif. Prun •• 40/IHI 1 Ib_ 17e Gr •• n Gla .. t P.a. '';~' 13c Hu,ff'1 :!;:: 15c j llSCJJ Cor .. Flalcell :i.':'. lie T .bl. S.It 3 Ip~-: IOe Bo.cul Co".. t.. 16c I P~ACHES """ ~'" 2 :~. 27 c-

PklM BLUE ROSE RICE 2~~-::'9c Calif. Dried Lima Beans 1ft 7 c

~ ~ ~

H.,.. Shoe R.d S.I",on r.~~ '!:!. lie F.ncy W.' P.clc Shrl",p ·2 '~~"27e 8uit.r K.rn.' Cor.. 1 ~.: 1 I e '.blt •• it Ch •••• '~';".!':I~ .. - 1 '!t:15c CI.pp'. S' Food. 3 ..... 10c LaChoy Chop Su.y .!t.' .. ~ ':;':;" 17" LaChoy SOl S.uc. ~ 10c

Drink Juice. lor Health .., .... 111. J.I.. tII .... _ ,. :::.: 2Sc Or ...... Gr.."""ult Jill.. ~.. ,. ~: 21c

HI.H. Pru ... Juice 3 ..... 25c I Sun,l .. f.male Jui~ FI •• O,ang.Juic •• ~15c 2 ~ 29_.2 !!.:.: "c

H.,.'. H •• lth c.rr .. Jill.. :I ~ I,&: '-~-N;;rc;nal Dairy Month!

~= Butier tb32C AmrrIca·. GftOIC Prt ... WIaaI ... __

.... RI ............. r Prt.v~~"1 ·JOe

'aMy MIW C.N4 CIt... · IJ~ F.rMd.l. T ..... tee. 2 "~ IJ. F ...... d ••• Cut W.. ...... 2 ~'7e F ..... d.l. Li •• a. ..... .::., 2 ~ . ..: 17c ,.,..d.,. $hi... ...... 2 ~.: 15c: F.nneI.l. At,.,s .... ('.::'a~ .. ".:~'15c

RID .liT. ,,- - r_---~!_:' S­CA •• AGI 11-__ • r... '2 •• Se UMA .IAN. - ... ~- 2" I'e L1MONS I ••• c....,.... 6 ... 10,-

TCMATO'~ - ."" R".. 2 -.10.-


Page 7: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

--!_A_G_E __ T_E_N __ == ____ ~=_--------------~T~H=E~N7E~W~E~R~A~.~T~H~U~R=S~D=A~Y~,~J~U~N~E~6,~1~~~ ______________ ~-------------------THE NEW ERA uae when the worken "burned out the bearing.... Puhape the r------------e

t JiC:Ol'POfa tt1J

Publl.hed Every Thurwday It 609 Miln Street RIVERTON. N. J.

BIItered at the Riverton. N. J.. Post Ollice •• Secoad Cia.. Mltter Telephone. Riverton 712

WALTER L. BOWEN. Edator •. W. MET~GER. A .. oclate Editor KARL W. LATCH. Adv. MI'.

4 Second Street. Rlnrton SI2 Morpn A"e., Palm,... Phone 406 Phone 1611

LBOAL ADVERTISBMBNTS na N_ Era I. a Le,a" New.,.pcr. Comml .. loner'a. Iherift". 8IId

......... Admlnlltrator'l and Execlltor', ,AdvertlHmenta are tollcited. 'l'IIe N.w Era wiD appreciate belD, remembered ' ill t". conaectiOll.

Sublcriptlon 11.50 a Vear in Ad .... ce AdvertiaID, Ratea on Applic.tlon

PRINTING The ,N_ Era Ollice II equipped to do aU Idnd. of Pill. Printla •• t


Law Enforcement Gains The year 1939 was marked by legislation and court dedlionl

of broad Importance in the fieldl of law enforcement and greater .. fety. reportll the new municipal Year Book of the International City Managers' Association. Labor disputea, gambling. auto­mobile parking. speed regulations. wire tapping and police re­organizations were among the lubjects on which new law was written. .

Acts regulating picketing and outlawing lit-down strikes were adopted In a number of states and had the eRect of making the role of police in labor disputes less diRicult. Minnelota, Ohio, Pennsylvania. Rhode Island and Wilconlin made contributions In this coneetio. Legislation regulating picketing In Alabama and in Shalta County, California, was held conconltltutlonal by the United States Supreme Court on the ground certain of the provillons infringed freedom of Ipeech.

Minnesota created a state agency of conciliation with power to act in labor disputel. The act prohibits ob!Jtruction of high­wlYs and streetl. and interfernece with vehicles. It further requires a 30-«1ay notice to the Governor before a strike i, called' In a businesl especially aRecting pUblic Intereatsl

In the traRic safety field, Indiana and Maine legalized evi­dence obtained by cbemlcal testl thowing intoxication. The law. provide an alcoholic content of 15 per cent or more in a person'l blood ia prima facie evidence the defendant Wall drunk while driving. Chemical teats have been uaed in tbe courts of 22 statea al evidence of intoxication, laid the publication.

New speed regulationa mostly, railling old limitl, were en­acted by 15 state a including New Jersey. Six states-Minnesota, Maine. Michigan. Indiana. Nebraska and North Carollna-estab­lilhed both prima facie and fixed limitl. ' Statu with prima facie limitl make it unlawful to exceed the limt unleas tbe motori.t, if arrClted, can prove his Ipeed was "reasonable and prudent" for exilting conditions.

South Carolina and West Virginia adopted compulsory motor vehicle inspection lawlI. while Arkansas and Nebraaka repealed .uch legillation. Maine. New Hampshire and Vermont added teeth to their inspection lawt. Illinois. Minnesota. Iowa. Oregon, Tennessee and Texas enacted laws permitting all or certain cities to require periodic lafety inspections.

State police reorganizations occurred in leveral Ita tell. Min­nesota combined its highway patrol and bureau of criminal iden­tification. Tennessee's highway patrol wall granted general police power to curb gambling and bootlegging. Iowa crea~ed a state ufety department. placing in one ,unit a variety of activities. in­cluding traffic regulation. Alabama created a department of pub­lic lafety and. in addition. granted police power to the State highway patrol. Kanan City. Missouri, became the alxth city in which the police department ia under state control. the police being officera of the .tate.

Bicycle ordinancel enacted during the year brought to more than 500 the number of citiea with local regulationa for • u~h mean. of conveyanee.

More W.P.A. Projects During the paat few year. we have been regaled with .11 aorta

of Itoriea on what wal bein, done by the W.P.A. under the aulae of relief. Some of theae .toriel have been unbelievable and othen have tbeir humorous aapectl. although it muat be aaid in all 'almeu that they would be a lot funnier were It not for the fact that the taxpayerl of the country eventually wiD have to foot the bilL

Among the outltandin, rumplu in the report of the HOUle of Reprnenhtivu committee which haa been inveati,atin, the activitiea of the W .P .A. are the foJJowin,:

The auountinr oRiee reported. according to the preu, that on one project the W .P .A. purwaed 1.008 wheelbarrows wben only 104 men were wOJlcing. Juat what became 01 the other 904 wbedbarrOWI deponent aayetb not. It DUly ... ...-ed. bow· ner, tha1 the estra ones wen not replacementa to be rudy for

wheelbarrow. were ju.t permitted to accumulate aa were the wooden ships and other surplua material during the World War.

Statiltician. reported' that a rodent extermination project In New Orleans cost S2.9; for every rat exterminated. No detail. were given as to how rat. Were killed but it ia to be aAumed from the expense account that ,they were given a fair hearing before they were aentenced and electrocuted .

C o M M E N T

It il declared tbat at Evansville, Indiana. 1/11 W.P.A. worken labored two and a half month. at a coat of $7.440 conatr\lcting ... ----------.... papier-mache Santa Claules and chimney top decoration. for a Now th~t we are IUd.denty coa.

. fronted With the neceAlty for ea-Chriltmal parade. Perhaps this I. the moat popular adlvity of all pcndine b\llionl for defenle in adell-hecauae at Governor Al Smith hal told u. nobody ever take. a, tion to the monel' already appro­.hot at Santa Clau.. priated .nd Ipcnt durine the pIIt

leven year.. we may wondu Jult In view of the fact, however, that we are now being informed how well the Ne" Deal II liP OIl

that we need 50.000 airplanea for defen.e and the expenditure military Iffairl after aU.

of billions of dollarl. $12(),000.OOO of which I. to be turned over --th P Id d d d f d f wi h Next time you feel Ulae I'owllnc to e rea ent an expen e or e enn t no queatlon. in the momine bec.lI.e )'OU let lIP

aaked, one may feel at Jeast jUltified in atopping for a moment to with a he.dache .nd the collee II wonder. cold. just think about what h.1 been

One may wonder allo. whether the money spent for lawn happcnine in E=. raking and .making papier-mache Santa Clauaea could have been It I. said thlt a W.P.A. project better uled for expanding our plantl for the manufacture of air- pllrchaled 1.008 wheeibarrowl for 104 planel. If tbe New Dealers are the only onea who are keeping workmen. Maybe the relt were u,ed

to haul the bal'l to the poll •. abrealt of the times. the relt of us mUlt be pretty far behind In- _ deed. It is laid that the Indians refer to

Our Record On Defense There il a great deal of discu8sion over the natlon now about

conltructlng defensive armament which would defeat any attack agalnlt UI from Europe or Aala. It .ia well that the American people keep awake to thil danger and do lomething ,about it.

, But it il to be pointed out, whenever tbere is a diaculaion of the matter, that while national defense is not a question of partilan politic I because the great body of Republicans and Democratl favor it alike, yet there are some thinga to be taken into conllder­ation, other than 50.000 airplanes if we are to have adequate de­lenn.

. It ia to be remembered that no country which doea not put its finances In order can wage a lucceilful war of any duration.

the radio al "the wind th.t talla .. " They have the machinery confused with the announce ... -Some of the folk. who .eem to b. almost forlouen-Babe Ruth. Jim Braddock and the Dove of Peace. - ' A lot of thele pretty youn, stew-.rdelle. on the airlinen teem to be pickine off lood hu.blnd. thel. daYI, accordlnl to the newspaper .. It aeem. to be ealier to let the bo,. up In the air when they are up ID the air. -Looka like Secretary Hull'l world trade ideal for promotine peace will have to be put into the filln, elbinet for a little while.

Thil ia especially true of indlvidualiitic nation. like the United SNOVER AGAIN States. Now we have a national debt of $ and It il fast getting ready to spill over the legal limit. COUNTY G.O.P. HEAD

But up to tbia time there has been no real effort to balance • The or,lnization of the Repub-the budget or to get our industries prepared to turn out defenllve lican COllnty Committee took pllCI armament of any kind. Inltead of getting encouragement from la.t week in the court hOUle, Mt. Washington private Indulltry hal been getting discouragement in Holly. when Prank A. Snover, Pal-myra, county trealurer, wa. nlmed the shape of bigher taxCl and a threat of governmental com- chairman for a. third term. Mra. petition and tighter regimentation. Thil is not calculated to ex- Alma M. Bvan.. Riverton. W.I re­pand industry to the point where it can engage in the manufacture elect~d 6r.t vice chairman. and Mri.

Paulane "Irtlett. Burlinlton, aec-of defenle materials. land vice chairman.

Furthermore it may be pointed out that during the past Othefl elected were Geor.e N. leven years the national government haa expended lomething like Wimer. Palmyra. former' aherllf and 8 000000 d b'll' h ' . tI now deputy coWlty clerk; leere­,6, • 0,000. an Beven I lonl of t III went duec y for defenlle. t.ry; Mrl. Lorena Blanlrenmeyer, Yet we are told now that we are only at tbe beginning. The I Rlve.tllde, I •• i.tant leerewy, .nd question naturally arises: what have we been doing with our DanIel R. Lemmon, Brownl MW ..

d . treasurer.

money unng these seven yeara. and wouldn't it have been better Wimer. nlmed tempor.ry chalt. to spend more (or defense and lelll for tree planting, aocialist ex- man. pled,ed "100 per cent IUpport" periments and the like? to Senator Robert C. Hendriclraoll

W d 11 Wilk' II d h h b • h h h .nd all other clndidates on tla. Re. en e Ie ca e t e turn t e ot er hlg t W en e publican ticket. Freeholder. CharI .. declared that the New Deal during ita term of oRice had "demon- R. Stout and Albert C. Jonel and t.trated itself incapable of organizing and eRoctlng the gigantic Fre~ C. Norcroll. Jr.. Freeholder task involved in lutb d.fen.e," nomInee .• poke briefly.

"We have a. ahortage of akilli. We have a puny ordnance induatry and owing to the New Deal's attack. upon what it called the munitionl profiteers. our capacity for mlking powder and explolivel i. virtually nil.

NEED IS GREAT fri,hteed children under' yea ... of a.e .t .very concentration point. French pc .... tI 1114 utltocratl


Mra. Mildred Mllo •• n, principal of ClnnamlnlOR School., received the decree of Meater of BelucadOll at the commencement exercl_ of the School of Bclucatioll, RlIle.,a Unlverllty. held on S.tarday after­nOOn of Ia.t week.

The followin. tal .... _, alpecl work 8id. II)' aide ID beat demo-' by William Carl Hunt, of the N ... crade: tradltloa." Pr .. c:a Ia loo~ IWARTHMORE GRADUATE 1I000al Red CrDA, Wublacton. ... in, to UII for aid. Ita r.-rcea a't. Lewlt Morrell Robblna, _ of received II)' M,.. Ooy L. Heltolt, 01 inadeq.... to haII4Ie thla pwoblem Mr. and Mrl. Lindley C. RobblDt, Mount Holl)" chat,... 01 Barlln,- of I11III terror 1114 _latina. Let of Rlv.rton Road, w.. eradaatecJ ton Count)' Chapter A-'caa Reel UI be ptOIIIpt ill MDdIn. halp. YOII rrom Iwarthmore Coli.,. wttII a CrOll: can do ,our part by carryIna )'Oar Buhelor of Artl da,re. 011 Jue

Ent, cabla from oar r.-t; communit, o.,.r the top wttbOIIt 3. He ... Jorld In -":a. ativH in Frlftc:8 paiDta a bJacket deta, ..... Wi111am H. Well .. COtIat)' Robbinl' intereat in athletlCl .. and more appallln, pletar. 01 con. ChainnaD War R.IeI Pund. an und.rl'a4uate Included ....... dition. __ the aai1JIoft8 01 of vu8ity buketball, captalac:)' 01 refueeci liNIn, from the batda INYDER-WILLIAMI the Vlrlity tennl. team. and _ .-. On. cable II,.: "Paria II MiM Grace Williama. dau,hler 01 berahip in Kwink, the DMIl" ..-.wam,," II)' tanor atriellen, INa- Mr. 1114 Mr •. Hedley WIlliIma, of _erla) eoclet,. H. II""" 011 die IfY and nhauatect -. W01IIeII aDd 1000 Garfield a"eaal, Palmyra, 11141 Social Committee. and _ a _ children. Roada from the North are Geor,e B. b,der, Jr~ _ of Mr. ber of the Phi Kappa Pli 'tit_tty. cluttered with carta. bic,cJea and and Mra. Gear,. B. So,der. 01 3a bullet-le.ned lutOlDOb.1ea. Under Lcconq .... _. Palmyra, were the THANKS the ahade of the P.1au 01 Veraaillew principaIa ia I q1IIct weddlDe cer •• / 'I'o~tary Pint Aid wor..... are mOIl, Thanda,. naomin, lit 10.30 , M.,. I t.... thia DI9OI1I11litr 01 bathiq feet of old men 1114 w-, o'clock.t the WiIJia_ boaIa. TIle thankia. tboae who voted for ... _ of whom waJkecf 40, 50 aDd Rn. W. A. Boyd perfon.ecl the /in the prIaaary electioe. 60 milea In the ,... dar .. ..,... ccrcmODy. Tho-. Ida .... Itockinp had to be WI fr_ lacer- Mra. Walter lhiclcla, of Garleld -:-__________ _ ~ted. lwollea feet. lot.., w.. ... a,,-. PaIIIIyra, w.. tIM _trOll ' dOD w.. held at tIM __ 01 .... tired 10 lit. W_ w.t.d at die 01 hoDor ad n..a. ._-, .... 1'11rida'.,.,..... TIle COIIpIe .. ...... of f~ ....... to _ 01 o.IaW _. _ .... _ realcle at ,. IAcOIIey _ .,..

Tllerl are .... 01 .. II 1111' Pollowiac dae c.-" a ....... a ................



.~ •••••••• OD ................................. 1 ....................... D.' ....... .




SERVICB 8AltBBR ... ..--... ,.. •• ~"' .. aM .-

Repain IIId IDatallatiOll. Patetlt MedldMa - OIIta • ~ .~ . . .

B~ A .... tlOIl to IAn Dalva .. 1 •• w"aD

BELLEVUE GARAGE Power and Lilbt Orwetlaa Carda - 11:* er- Ada E. Price All Won _ Me1_ A_lie Palla,... Cipn aa4 ltatic1aer7 Broad and Kern Bt .. E. R1Yertoa _ BROAD STRBIIT PbOlle JtiftrtoD lllS Broad aa4 IIaID Btraeta, KQ~ ""Me IMI ......

Telephone Riv. 15M - Nlabt la-II RIVDTON 0-1 t_ ..

PMDe 1540 4UI Ll~ttA .... ~ , Sc AND tOe STORE

.... aI __


GEORGE BONSAL [,iSurance Oldsmobile ~


~ BARBERS t West Broad Street ROOPING - OIL BURNUI H....., ...

Salea and 8emc. CADYINO A UNa OP COAL BTOKBRI _ ~ JOS. F. YEARLY NO'ftOKI, TOla.n AIITICUII Safety Talted U'" ear. NOYaLTIIU. CANDY. ftC. 101 I.1ocolD Aft. PaIm)'ra, N. J. !S:... & .......

Tel.pboGe RlftnOD a 10 Broad Street. Riverton Emerson Wolfschmidt FLOORS Lealie W. Reeves Telephonea Edward Moorhouse George Friday, Jr.

lU"erton 1212 MercbaD..uIe 510 .......... All W ....

Plumbla •• Heatfq IUId Roo6Ia OBOROE W. rm:::!N l1li&. 521 Howard It. R1vertoa 1I~...w. ... a....._ ladol • ...,. R&AL TORI - ca

Quick Service - Sanitary Sbop Frank Hansen ELECTROL OIL 8URNERI hoM &l9VtOIl m or ... PIlT.o.N()'IEOL OIL DVDnD. SIt Ctaa'.!DMIl A"..

Koe~nhaver Motor Co. HAGWOOD PLOO •• at a __ ....... LINOLaUIi IIW TIIoiDU A"ealle PALIIYRA, H. J.

DOE and PLVMOUTH . BUILDERS lUIIn '= ... D __ PboDe 07 RiftftOll -SALES Ind aERVICE .,.",.... IIIIeIII 04 ~ Pholle RlftltGa I u. Cutio " ....... DaLAI" If. J.

100 Broad St. Riverton Curti. E. Stavely H. D. Hullings & Son GEORGE F. GINTHER Phone RlYerton S80 GROCERIES FRANK I. LLOYD

PLUII8IHG-HBATINO-ItOOPINO ). L. LIPPINCOTT co. CONTRACTOR AND 8UILDER Delco OU Burners Sefvice Mana,er aped.1 AttentlOll to Jobbfq Realton - Oeaeral 1___.

II W. CHARLa IT .. PALMVRA W. F. Becker _ B~d Itreet N~ PublIc

II f PbOB.7 .... &I •• rtoD, N. J. PboD •• wuua_Wr!Ut 814a. ....-. •. r.

IALB8 IBRVICE o.-tea. Pnalla, v_ .....

DeUc&_ Ceutar

John E. Me Vaugh lI ... ta ..... 1'IoYIIIo .. WM. B. BISHOP Walter D. Lamon Mooreatown Jiotor Co.. Inc. 517 HOWARD ST .. RIVERTON 219 W. Kala at., MoorntowD Contractor and Builder Phon. 7I4-Pna Dei.." Plumbinl • HeaUne - Roofine REAL ESTATE PboDe Mooreatown 77 or 4IS RIVBRToN, N. J. 601 Linden Ave. Riverton. N. J.



Telephon. Rl'llrtOll Ill-) Telephone Riverton 841 PbOll. R1vartoD 25 MEAT MARKET


Burke's Service Station 'hlu~eoal' Covered by In.urance

HARDWARE Painting N. Beitz Broad IIId Linden R1..noa .UILDINO IIAT.DIALI-HAaDWAU

Phone 1512 LV ••• &-P •• O-CO&a HARRY c. SCHWERING

EDWARD HUGHES. Mlr. SHOE SERVICE D_d oad ."a .u- 114 Garfield Ave. Palmyra 117 E. Brold Str .. t, P ... ,.... H. J.

PtIo_ .....

LESTER S. fORTNUM ~nehouse ~~0;:;e.:341·-and 245·M PbOlle 1115


us-us W. Brold It., PALMVRA 0...... PUEL OIL Relrlleratora and ApplJlIICH PRINTING and 111 W. Broad St. PALMYRA

Phon. 1180 COAL S05 E. Broad 8t. Pelm),n. N. J. ADVERTISING All Kind. of Orthopedic Shoe Wort! cW LUMBER Pbon.2I with Dr. Scholl'l Foot Remedl ..




Clean in. - Whitewa.hin, Phone 712


• BSSO GASOLINE and OILS Phone Rlvlrton 1M .. , D: TURNER RADIOS Cleaninl • Prealin, . DYIID,

• BRAKE " LIGHT SBRVICE Free Delivery Service

eo LUBRICATION - WASHING 207 Llnlon Llndln" Road John H. Etris RIVBRTON Pho •• 114

• IGNITION .nd BATTBRY H. B. WILLIAMS Kalt Nlvertoa. . J. - -


lIB 1E0PPIi •• paoea.a eoaa ('IICC_. 10 J, L. Y_I'

THB ONLV COMPLETE 'UaL OIL Radios, Refrigerators CLEANER and DYER .uIl4Iae ... ~

ONE.STOP SRRVICB STATION • ........ onua.- RIVERTON Washers. Etc. PALMVRA. N. J.


Expert Repair Service Worla caUed for and DeU"ered

RIVERTON Excfuslve PHILCO Dealer for RIYlrton 775

D~IRIES M. IEUa.aIiLL. ....... C.... CaU.d for and D.U .... a4 ......... RJy_,,, Palmyra and Riverton ICE

Phon. Riverton 1567 BISHOP'S DAIRIES Riverside Home Laundry BARGAINS IN USBD S&TS


Riverside, N. J. SOl We.t Third It .. Palm,,1 f 'A.~hXm. PbOIIe 41' Ri" ...... • H-.e-llade '" Cr_ PIIoee Rlverald. 1M • COHP~ON'

tIM Idad J'OII will DRY GOODS be JII'OtI4 to ..... MEMORIALS CHBW'S BADIIY $.MaID'~~ Smith'. Store

-- - -_1- . .,.... C"'OIII·buIlt c-tery Memortat. Ia

Dr7 o-s. . Not"- -~ Or.he. Marble aad SrOUl

Will Hope It Son BANKS McCall'1 Pltteraa - Gifta 414 MAIN InERT. RIVDTON Wlahiny:on and Federal StrMta



BANK • TRUST CO. _I!!!II!!~II!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!I!!!_!!I!!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!" I 1iaatoa 1 The FciaadJ, Bank Shi' Ex ---------- ---

t Member FDIC no • preas I W. H. SLOCUM & SON Mila at Harriaoa Street RhwafcJa, N. J. ........ • Graai&e

, RIVERTON I WorIIa DAlLY TO PHILADE1.PHIA 67 E. lIaIa Itnet RYTKX ITAnOHERY 0..-186 N. IdIItreat M_--., ... J.

~......... .....1. 1'111 ...... CNBce 1M « .. ' I._I'" 0. Ow Price



514 Ann .. PIItD,.,.. H. J. Telepbolle 717




Real Estate and Insurance 5 Eat Broad St., Palmyra

PIlon. JUyertaa 500


Telaphonl Riverton SSl·J



PORTABLE '....,;a ............ -.---- ---.. -f_ THE HEW &RA

Rytex Stationery $1.00

. The New Era Offite

Page 8: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


"A 10nl rM,e educational pro­anm b, public health alenc:1es in cooperation with medlc:al arollpa Ibollld be carried out de~ed to ttreu the lmpottanc. of elrl, med1-cal aUenlion In calt. of aClitt ut. .IIL"

TbI. .Iatement .1. UIIoJDI . tht recommendationl lubrmtted to OOY. WIIor Moort b, tbl NI. Jlnt, Health Md Welfarl Con'.rentt, a committee wilieh teclntly IIII'Vey"l bealtb cOllditlone In Mtw J ..... 1.

Thle wHldy feature, beaun mOre than two ,earl 110 b, tbe ltate or· ,Mlntlon of ph,IIc:1MI In Mew Jer. .. " wa. Itarted tt lD elfort In tha direction of health fducaUon 1I0W



Rate 100 Per Line c.- ........ w_) ~CMrp ...... ""


BALE I Slendard bullt.ln balh lubs complete al '14.95. allo lei tub. very I cheap, all kindl of plumblnl sup pilei, I lumber and Ihlnele lath. Lumadue, I: 80n. Sprln,lllIe, BurUnllon, N. J, Telephone BurUnllon 26ft. 6·6·2t

1037 DeSOTO Sedan. vel', low mile. I I,e. lood tlree and uphoiliery. ex.

cepUontl car for lomeone. "Jack" Dlwle,. Inc., 10 Broad Itreet, Phone I 1212.

WANTED: Cleln wlpln, 1',,1.1 colo rId or white. fr'l from lint, no c1lppln, •• 5c: lb. New Era. lOt Main ' .tr .. L tf

1ta7 CHEVROLET coach. new paint, ,ood tit .. , lin, molor, prlc.d

''''onabla. "Jack" Da.le" Inc., 10 • road .tr ... , Phone 1212.

aBNT: Month or ''1lI0II. Furnllh. ItS cott.,., 24 0 Itre.t, .... Id.

Parll. Very dtllrabla location. BYe', Fot 'urther tn'orma. don apply J. C. Clarll. Fultoa ..... 11, a1v.rton or ".nrOM a: Croft, ..... d. Parll. S-zt.4t

I ... PONTIAC tudor Ndan, orI,. tnal palnt, perfect cOfldltioa, low

O.MA.C. ..tal.. "Jack" Dlwl.y, be., 10 Broad tUH' Phon. 1212.

RENT, Modern lpartment, North Wildwood, J rOOlJll. beth, ,arl,'.

all •• , tuo lJloatb. Call 1U",ton 421. 11--6-4Q.1t

JtJ6 OLD. t1ICSor tnmll tt4an, IlIIa .... , GIlt _, prk:acI ri,bt an4

__ 1.0 IlliL "Jaci'" Dew..,., lac .. J • .,oed Itt ......... JDI.

•.. the dlY dlwnl; God', IInlvenal Idn,dom will appear, Love wUl rel,n In every heart, and HI. wUl be done on earth •• In b,aven.­Mat, Baker Edd,.

recommended by thli .ped.1 com· mltte ••

Prell dent Roouvelt ma)' plan a Itlp .round the country to colltclde with the Republican Nltional Con. vention. Maybe he feel' th.t If he rema.lnl In Walhlnlton, 1Iitenln, fo all that lOUd cheerln, In Phlladel· phla It will mike him nervoUI.

~h,le prices Me low. III)' In a luppl" elf Evans Premium Anthracite Coal -the cNillm of the coal Seld_

.• It goe. !arlll er 8 ltd lin.. 'onger" Now .v.llI,ble .t low lummer prices. Order ltoW altd RIve money, Fuel 011 • Oenulne koppen Colte

Streen Wire • La",n Seed Fertlllllt'a

Cedar POltl • Bean Polea Vita Var Pllnt.

Bulldlnl Materiel_ • Lumber New Dulldln.. and alteratlona on

Eu, Monthly Pllymeltt-. D.tlmat •• free.

J. T. Evans ,tvaRTON

a 0 I




$5750 837 Hithland Avenue Palmyra, N. J. PI ret PlOOf: Llvln, Room, Dlnln, Room, Study, Kitch,n Ind Llundry.

Second Floor: Four Bedrooml Ind Blth.

Hot wner h'lt with 01J burner, lutomatlc hot wlter hllter. Fhlplic., hard­wood flootl on lit floor., Itorm ulh, and awnln,l. O ... a,.,

Thl. hom. I, In perfect condition In.ld. Ind out.

Lot 100 feet x 206, btautUul lawn, tre., Ind Ihrub ••

WALTER D. LAMON Exc;/ulJive Sellin, Agent



FR~B Dltt.tVltRY PALMYRA, M. J. PtIoM 'M



Ripe ·Tomatoea . 2 Ibs 23c




ORANGES ............ 20 for 2Sc CALIFORNIA Sut"KIST

LEMONS 18 for 2Sc



BUll-fER 2 lb. 59c

P.rm RoU


dOJ!en 2Sc BIRDS EYE PEAS .... , .. ... ...... ........... , .. box 23c • CUT RITE WAX PAPER, 2 roUs llc kello'l', Iweet Wrinkled PEAS ........ 2 No. 2 cans 29c


3 No.2 cans 2Sc






Squab Broilers 3 for 99c H.t 1 III Etch


TODpea lb 23c Jt041b1.,.

DeUeIoue '.Mled Hot or Cold



RIB CUT - Jib •••



SMOKED PICNICS Ib 15c 41.01 ....

~M\lth!1'IC ia .. \Mil hy .mrunt ," a~t lind IoIMI'IC a fri'tftd.'"


Many At~nd . Mftting; Will Raiie $300 for Elt~nafl

During Summer

$t~It~.f\'ft ~tIftl\l of Pltm,ie.


AU dote a~ wamtd. No more to roam

Palm:yra" Itreeta Away froln Irome..

U yoor prin pooch Geta in tbt net,

Tb'rft doUna II T~ COlt that'" Itt ~ pt him from

The local pound, Or ellt he'l be A poor dead hound.


Riverton .nd Cin .... mln.oa. ~ ItDtinl mOlt of tbe GI' .. niaatlon .. In thia aoedion, attended a meetirIC at the Colnmunl~ Center In Pa\m~ on Mond.)' nllht of thll weeIt to de­termine the flltu~ of the three­month's old Institution.

Tbe IrouP "'II unanimous I ... com· mendation of tht work «rried oft to dlte and for a continuation of the actiVity. A bud,et of tlOO for .um­mer work'll" Ipproved and a drive to atcure this money by lndh'ldual contrlbutionl authol'iaed.

Graduation At Palmyra School

Mayor John F. Ward, of Palmy .... •• 1 chairman 01 the drllle commltteie. All thon who detlre to aid in thi. worthwhllt p~ject al"1l lilted to lend donltiona to the trell· unr of the Center, William F. En,lt.

Further Orlanl*lIlon It WII allo decidtd at the "I·

alon, which w.. prtllded over by Charlce Evanl. of ClIUlamintlon, to . continue with the pretent commit­tHe until fall, when a IUler or,anI. IItion will be formed thd .,ran,e­menl. made fat ralalnl the funda Decca .... y to continue for' the bal. M~e of the year. It II elltimated that the lum of ,1,500 ma~ be neee.. tar,. Up to the prelent tiltle IS03 bu been received In ctth Md _ expended.

The bulldlnl II owned b, the CIll. aamlnlon Bank Ind Trult Compant and this In.tltutlon hail perltlltted Ult of the Itruoture without tWle and II wllllni to continue on the ilm. be'" for anolher year. W.P.A •• e· thlti .. will allO be continued, It WII Italtd.

Due to the flct th.t tile bulldln, bal beeb made available by the bani&, the .ponlor'l Ihare of the W.PA, project II taken care of In lieu- of rtnt payltlt!nt ••


Mr. EVanl, In openln, the meel· In" reviewed the biltory of the

(continued on PI,' I)

Scout Camporee - Thi. Weekend ...

'the closln, ~rclsel of tbt e1ahth ,l"1Ide class of Palmyn Public Sch\lOl .111 be held In the b1.h Ichool ludltorium on Frid., mom· in, of thll week at US.

The member. of the cllIl art: Vlrllni. Abdl\l

. Id. Mae AUllin SalvetONi S. Avena. Cbarlell H. Balle;, Jr • Fred C. B.uet Rlch.rd D. Clnon Joh ... R. Cauthorne E. Id. Craven . Robert B. deOothaler Tommie 'Lou de Holl Jotn A. Doltl,hy John Evana, Jr. Marleln E. Filrrell Jlne E. Flaher Portia M. Oale Ruth L. Oardner Clarence E. Oarwood Jean V. O,.lIsle OIorla I. Orlmea Melvin Hartlloh Robert H. H.yel, Jr. Carler F. Henderaon Mark Hoepfner Oerle D. Horter Richard D. Hubbl Helen M. Hudllnl Richard Hunter, Jr, Leonard Keenan Ellie R. Kercher JOleph Ke .. ler. Jr. Emma M. Knllht Robert S. Latch Jlck W. Le.wll );ewll M. Lippincott Jamel L. Marahall Lawrence A. McC.y Vlr,lnla T. Mllel Eileen R. R.e Betty A. Rauch Rudolph J. Rinaldi Betty E. R. Roben Doloret M. Ruffin Cecelia T. A. Sacca Norma M. Schwlnk Nlncy K. Standen Jean S. Itlekney Frttik Btone Edward H. Stoo". R.lph E. Ulrich Mary E. VanSant Ada R. Vincent Hatry Ward. Jr. Charlee R. Weart LUliln E. Well. L.ura E. Voun, Edmund L. Zapp, Jr.



80y ScOUtl of Burlin,ton county wiJI be bUI, thl. week leltin, their campln, equipment to,ether for the camporee that will be held thl. Pri. day nllbt and Baturday at the Cam. den Boy Scout Rel"rvatJolt. Some of molherl h'tln, pan. will be bor­towed for thl. occallon, u weU II mJlcelianeoll1 .tew pot.. Tentl will be put In .h."" ropee checked, Md "acka wl\l be prepared for thll ov.r· nilht campln, trip. Jud ... will ba preltnt from the Camden Council and the Phll.delphla Council to ••• .llt the Camp It,rr unller Lt. Com­mlllder J. B. Ry.n, U.II.N" Ret., of p.lmyra; John T. Quinn, 0' Mount HolI,1 llenley Covill., 0' New LI .. bon; Rlchlrd Dever.uI. 0' 8urlln •• ton; and Icout Ellec:utlv. 0_,. A. V,rllnaton.

alverton and ClnnamlnlOn coU.ct­ed 11,313.01 for the Red Croll drin.

WII.t., you will .. , d •• the oae c.nt come from' Lilt ... k • tin, -----

BOTTOER TO IPEAK ,ltI, clllpin, two penflle., came Into At the mettln, 0' the Palmyr.. I local Ilore to bu)' candy. Ih ... w

Riverton Bulin ... and Prof ... Jonal tbe Red Croll po.t.r with It •• td Mln'l Cilib held on Tuuday of thl. little ,lrl, MIS atIItd the proprl.tor weell. thtee n.w member. Wet. wel- what It meant. After h. had .. plain. comedo the .. beln. Dr. Dean H. tid ti to het, Ih. looked loa"a,I, LeFavor, Dr, J. RowlMd De,. and at the cand, Md tben bou,ht wb.t WilUam H. Bott,er. .h. could for on. penny tad, hand-

Karl W. Latch wa. pr.atnt •• the in, the other penny acrOIl the -. ,ueat of lIcit Dawl.,. 1'1', .. Id "PI.tte II •• thl. pttIIIy to

IIr. Bottler h .. IrJndJ, content" the IIttS. ,11'1." to lpeall to the club DIIIt Tu .. d., Wh"n w. thlnll of OIIr a...u towa

moet pertinent ",bJ'ct.· "Cltl. MIS ClnnamInlOn alvin. the Iar, .. t :~:hIP Rnponllbllity , •• the Prke IJIIOU/1t In Burlla,loa cour-ty, of Libert,." 11,J1l.01. for the relief of the mil-

lt II .. peeled that tJ,tr. will be u lim. 0' w., refu .... Wt 'HI that 1lllIIIIIoIIIy lar.. atteadUct to ...., 11IWI1, Uka thl. little R1Y.toa alrl, II Bott •• r'. d1ac:our .. on thll ti __ • mu.. han _de ,rltt aac:rIIc.. 1.0 I,'iopic. . C .. U .... - .... f)


I Friday. junt 14, 1& Fla. Da:t. -It la to be hoped thet ~ win

be • coodl, displa., of the colon In this Itttion.

List Of Graduates The followint memben 01 the

Senior CIa .. It Pa.lm,ra Hilh School will receive dlplomll at the Com· mmcement KIlerc:1ael to be held thll (Thul1lda~) evtnln,:

Mildre,l Ro~e Albertson . lletty Anne Allen

netty lillian AhorFer Vlrslnia Kathryn Ambrose \)or'\thy Ruth Anderson Normal! L. Arm.trong John Alherl Austin Veta Jane Beauchlmp Uorolhy Edith Belford John H. lle\'c:rh' lIoroll", Florine airkhead Harold·R. Bishop

·~.villiam Charlee Black Hazel May Booth Alberl H.rt, Btewster Harold A. Btillhl


Wfffltin. derrick lOti to 511vqe wreclr.inl derrick that wenl to raillt sunken tUI. Thi, in brief II the sto!'y behind • «IIWOY th.t went up rift!' on Friday aftemoon of talt _k whe.n I laree o::rane in tow of • pair of tucs .,.a. • ... charetS near the lunlten lalv'ee barle oft the Torrb.


Palmyra Council I. Equ.u, Divided Over QUHtion;

M.t~r DroplJed d.le ""ater worb. Sunday btltba1l .11 the tptr~

tht first de"icli: clme to lriltf la.t that touched blf the ~amite at the . winter .... hen it was enl"ed III .. 1 •• repl., meetina of Palm)'1'a Dor­vale operations 0'" a tu, that had outh Councll, held TIltedI)' niab\ of beelt sunk b)' helvy Ice Rot.. Se\,. this week. -rhe m.,or introduced eral attempts to rtise it with 'miller the lubject at a lat. hour Ia the equipment havine fliled. the luce meetinc Md wamed the membera batp ~as hauled into ntlon to &n. that it WIS a "touchy lubJttt." Ha ish the task. staled Ihat Judie K.te. an ardmt

Closing Exercises At Local School

Tht clolin, caercls .. of Rivertoll Publh: School took IIlace Wedneaday eveninl In Ihe Ichool auditorium. The afflir WII in .the form of a clotinl meellnl of the Ki,htb Ond, Civic Club.

After the procHalonll, the pretl-

l.,orl8 promoter tn Palmyra rei'" the question of Council putlinl their O.K. on SUllda, baleball.

H. john Broemme James Wendell Brown Sue Fosler Browning Robert Andrew Calhoun. Jr, joseph S. Camardo . Carnlell. S. Cardta

Councilman Mervine Wtt firlt up for the opp<*itiotl Md took a htalth, cut at the firet ball ro.led b)' the Mayor, and loudl)' denied hli _c:­tion of Bund., lporta. Mr. Menln, ltated that be would vote .. ain,t b.seball. football. tennil or wbat not. He .. Id th.t chUdren in the com. munlty need Md Ihould have the fundll11entall of C"urch i!duCltiOD .nd Ihould not the temptatiOli of ba .. ball lamel on the Sabbtth.

McCay'l Opinion

- dent of the Civic Club, Bebe Car~ hart, ~al In char,e and dellvered tbe ·addre .. of Welcome. After the Itcretll'y'l report by Betty Hellry, the (0110 win, committee reporte Mlyor Ward called upon .01lc:11.or .

Robert W. Carharl Wesley W. Carr Charles Wilbur Cavalle A nlol1in. B. Chlon.i Jessie Clem ow l!mm. Anjanella Cole John Michael Conlow

• frances C. Cook Harry Criste Con,tallee Mae Crouthamel Dorothv Mae Dadlno We5Ie~". W. 1)3\·lel. Jr. ~Iary Jane DeCour.e),

"Richard Graham Detmer John Albert Deilz. Jr. ~allluCi 1<1. DeVece I"" Kntherlne Diemllld ~I"rj"rie Eli7"belh Dimon

·Elinore M. Faunce ~Iichncl Edwnrd FAunce ItaYlllnnd John riehler nc .. r~l· H "" a,d ford Palricia Anne Ford Regina Fowle. Dolmld frnnklin Fox RUlh IW7nl,cIII frank J . LOlli. It. Franklin Barhat!' Jane Freeland Howard W "It.' r Gibson Relbcrl Willillm Gibson Miriam Loi. Oorman Arthur Lewi. Oowell Harry Vlncen, Groome. Jr. Clement A. Baas

'Hellv M. Haines WIlier 11""8Id Harlnl

OMary Rlla Hawl • Della Marie Haynu lame! Gordon Hoff borothy A. Hollln~hed William Whllson Holmes Jane R. Holvlck john M. Hulllnils Alherl EdWArd Hunter Manuel Burll H.len Jablonski

(continued on P'I' I)


At the clo.ln, nercllttl 0' Clnna· ,"Inion School No.4, held In the Ichool alldltorlum on Tueeday nllht, the rhythm bllld of CIO-pupll.muII. attrlcUvel, attired 10 cOltum .. of blue and wbite, rendet.d .... tal telectlon ••

Th. perrormance w .. on. of the bett of tbia kind wit_ted her .. aboutl and, received the unatlnted ,po pilUle of the IIr,. audlenct.

were liven: McCay for tti eaplanation of the Student Council: Bett,y Blacllwell. New Jerae, State "blue IIWI" Mil Safety Patrol: Kathryn KrMU Mil wit Informed thlt It I, unllwflll to

June Rodman. waUr, ride In a Clr, buy a 8undq Cheer-Up Committee: Carol Kia,. neWlpaper, deliver milk, etc. H, Room Committee: Olady.Oood. went on to IIY that the II •• wera Pro.rem Committee: Doroth)' "cock.eyed" but were undoubtedl,

Baller. written thlt way pllrpoeely b:r the Carol Kin, read the Clul Will. le,lllatorl. They are however, lood

end Phyml Roblnlon preaented the Md valid law I, and every time lome­cia.. 11ft. A pIa, entitled "Llbellt1 one commits one of theae Sunday and Union" wal liven Ia wblch tbe lact" he il vlolatin, the Ilw. rh. majorit, of the cl ... took part. only way il can be lilted In Palm~

The eiihth ,rade Interpreted a II by a quution on the billol thi. Iroup of poems In choral Ipeakln, comlnl election. form. Mlyor Ward Ipoke for Sund.y

Son,B were rendered b, the CIvic baseball lIatlnl that 10 him it teem· Club. while Jean Walter Md June ed • realon.ble compromilt In the Rodman played inltrumelttal muslc.,",ht 01 what mllht happen Iholllcl A lextet rendered two 10n,l. the illue be ralted and the queatioD

The invocaUon by the Reverend put to a public vote. H the lawl are Charlu Dattl rector of the Calv ... y Jlfted locally, tbe town will be wid. Prubyterlan Church. open with movlnl picture theatre

Mn. Orace M. Yost. president of .howi. liquor Itorea and .. loon. the Board of EdUcation pretellted Ihe open. all Iportl, etc. certJlicat.. and coplet of the Con. Quiet In Riverton .titutlon to membera of the tl.... Mr. Mervine Hid, "I'll take the

Alter the ftal lalute. the pro,ram public vote before 1.:11 vole "yea" wal cloled by the alnllnl of to Sunday baacball. CouncUmM .. Americ.... Flynn Ilated that he could lee no

The Iradllatea were It followl: real objection to baltball outalde of Charlel Biddie Allee. . Church houn. He cited that he hid

-Dorothy Jane Baker. attended a Sunday b.aebln ,1111. OM. Eli2abeth Blacllwell. in Riverton the week before Ruth Marllrel Boren. Ind WII erutly Impreaaed with the

oBealrice J. Carhart. (continued on pale 12) John E' Carllon Doril Jane Cook.

°Emllle Elilabeth Cral,. Charles Clement Elwell OladYI Jacquelyn Oood. Leon E. Or.y.

OBetty Eleanor Henry. OIoria Ruth Kann.

·Carol Kine OKathryn Marie Krante Jean Loui .. Lundy

·Bellie M. MeLau,hlln Milton L. Moreland Vir,inll R. Moyer Shirley J. Pennlnlton

·PhylJJl B. Robinlon 0Edlth Stephenl Rodman Clarll" W. 8wayn. WllIJam P. W.hl

o Jetn W liter

New Ordinance In Cinnamin.on

At the meetln, of the Clnnamln. Ion Townlhip Committee held on Tunday ni,ht 01 thil week, an or. dlnance ret(rlcUnl the number of 1''' t.11 plenary conlumer'l liquor li. cente. to three and replationl 1''' ,ardin, the .. me palled fiut readln, by I 2-1 vote. Joaeph Obert votill, no b,eaule no provilion WII mad • for lundlY .aI .. · afier 2 p.m.


The ordinance il pubU.hed In full In thl. week'. Illue of The New Bra .nd the public hearln, will be held on Tuted.y .venln,. June 21. at an adjourned mccUn, of the committH.

The Riverton Tennll Committee ur,"1 you to enter the tennll tOllrna· mentl to bel In thll comin, Satur­day. CIaIl'1 conilit of boy. under 16. lin,l.. and doublet;. onr 16, lin,l.. and doublet. and ,lrI. MIS women of an ',et, Iln,I ••.

The final. are to be a part of the Jul)' 4th prolram. HandlOme prl". will be awarded tha wiMer ••

Thee •• re the fir .. tlftllil tOlirna­IIIIntl 1.0 be plly.d h.r. tn HVlfal ye., ..

°M.rlaret L. Wol'hchmidt

FIRE AT DREERS At 10 o'dock on lunday rnornln,

the Riverton Fire Company illawer· ed I can for a \lvely blare at Dreer. where a IIr,e aumber of empty padr. in, CUll, Itored near the rlnr, w". on fire.

The firemen IaJd two Un .. of m Inch hote Ind _ had th.8 ...... under controL

Entrlee ",III clOIi Prlday at the competition. By tb. .1" the 7.110 o·docll. 10 com. 0\'1f to M_ , courtl are cerlalnly In In. aha,. orIa1 Parll IDcl .nter 'OW name for now.

Maurlc. Conrow, chairman of the committee and Elmer Mandemle lIalft! they felt lundlY I ••• tart· in, It 2 p.m. Ihould not be anowed.

RIVERTON ON RADIO "A Sllute to Rlv.rton" will be I

feature of a radio pro,ram over WCA U to be pr"ent~d betwten 7 .nd 7.30 a.m. on Tuesda, momln, of next wHIl.

The hialorlcal .ketch of Riverlon w .. written by A. B. Oarwood. of Lippincott a"enu •• at the request of "ayor H. Mcilvain Biddl", who •• 1 .. lied to provld. thil materi.1 by C.B.B. official ..

Page 9: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

'I'NIt NItW UAo THURSDAY, JUNk l$. 1140

an unriahttcMaa.\Ib)m, aIld tDSIa1Pirlcl"- Th 1l000000ble Jolla H. Jaart..1 Oode Sl 1IU1 Bcqet. J- De- SonaALL GAInS !Idee: and it ads richt dlat wtaaa lett. fonMt 00_ of New ~ C--.,. LewW 0IbtIt. a-.. hbln.- ill tile lleaodIl .- of "alues .. hich _ld p-efH ahlft, Ii\ iii, ~ 'A ~ HI-.- HoOper, Ulabeth ItInc. o.rM Park SoflWl Leq.- an .. ro.­tlli. ao-.:eUed Pftee to that ad''llei tory ol t~ GtaDitt Stete..' mdtts this Sto .. , Robttt s.rt. J- Sa..,.. 10 .. : .uf.~ kt_ the 8esh and Spirit ' statm'lent: 'No writel"'a name will Joelbn Van Hom, Once walter. Th~.JlaM IS-whicll The MOlMt Chul'\:h t7J)ihs. ever lift lonce.t than tllet 0( Ma.., Grade 4: Matthew CkoI(, Nam:,y Ft~ .... IIUdluta. and whicll ultmlates ill the ,,;ClOI'f of . Balm' IW., aIld no ~ will be Muon, ~ Mqu, BIlrbu1l Sbaartt MOftdQ,.)lane 17-aplntuali\7 and Loft." re.d b, mOR ~eteti_ theft Vircinla W..-. Otrman KitcMn .... Dawlq

Rtfnrina to the apparent ItRqtb . 'Science aIld Health. Grade !I: TIItima 0...... Doria OIdL Aft a.,peel for calm and more faith of unit» or quantity in material or.l A. W~ Nonon. M~. of Glbaon, Donald Garwood. ThundS7, Jllfte 20- •

in tM omnipoten« of God in the pnitation, Ihe. quoted Mn. Ed~)'·' Th~ Chril~an Scien~ P\abli&biq Gtllde Y' Martha J- Daniel.. Gennan Kitthen .... Madleats. face of present -.orld turmoil, fea· statement in MI.~'tilaneoul Writlftll ~ocle", dtd~ ~he P\a~ Donald ~Ior Mariaft Staftord. The half .. S7 mark in ~ CWftIIlt .. ~ the latherina h_ ttldS7 of (p. 131): -I once thoUCht tltat in ma ouae Iii me WiO S Ma Walter Vlrairua Woodward. __ III June 24, but with ~ thounnds of Christian Scientists unity wal human stRlllth, but have known as a pla~ .of Inttrest. ftI' , , Baker lion as keen aa Ibo_ thu fu, .~ &om all over the world for the an. crown to IInow that human strenlth 100.000 people Vlut It annually, In.. Grade I: Doto"" Jane • thi"l ali happm before ~ end 01 IlllalmHtina of The Fint Chureh of is weakness,-that unity III di,,;ne c1udina croUPII from well·known ed- Bet17 Blacllwell, Bebe Ca~~ the plS7inl period Chrilt. Scientilt. in Boston. Mana. miaht aivlna to human power ucational inatitutions and indMdula Emme Cnia, B~ Hen..,. I ____ . ___ _

:. . ' , from all pam of the world." Ki"l. Katllr»tl Kranta, B~, M~ c:huaettL peace. . William W. Da"; .. Eaecutive Su. Lalllhiin. P~lUa Rohlilion. June Ihm the ~at mUlt 0_ that ...

-Thlltina In the omnipotence of In a paral~e! vein, c::ifll' Sh:; per,,;aor of the charitable institlltiou. Rodman. Jean Walter, M.rpret tienee and retltIt\atiOft are ~ pWan God," said Harry C. Browne, Flnt Cook. th~ ~tlnna Presl en~, ~nt upRllltd Il'atitude fot the mU\7 Wolf..::hmidt. . of' human Pftee on earth.-YO\UlC.

lteader of The Mother Church in out th~t the ello~ of one IndlYldual demonstr.tions of heali"l at the ;.;;:::::::;;;;;;;::::::::::;;;= readina a mHaacc frokl'l Tbe Chris~ at' na~lon to dominate othera. or to Christian Science Sanatorium.. also tilln Sdence Board of Director.., 1 explOit t~em, by means of f?ree, co- to the .... du.teII and IlftdHaradutell "_bles one, throUCb demonsttlltion, i erelon, dllhoneal?" or deception. tna, I of the nunea' ttalnina l:OuneL to enjoy the freedom of thouaht reo appear temporanly to succeed, but It "Taucht by eaperiented inltnactora," • ultinl from the unfoldln& of the I cannot permanently prosper for the I M said, "they ilre brinli"l hcalinl, chuacteristics of di,,;ne Mind II u· . s~mple .re~son that evU h .. no di- comfort. and love to ~ performance i prtued b, Chri.t Jelu" , VIne PrInciple. Ita nature is aell-de- of the dutiea of their chosm profea-

"Becoml"l coaniunt of the true Itructive.. I alon." I idea about anythina, exposell itll lUII-I "The ultimate triu!"ph of Iood II I The report fo 'the Cbriati.n Sci-I poaitional opposite all a Ue. There-I not meRI~ a que,bon of hope or enee Boud of Lectuftllhip, read b'l fore, when the true idea of man', even of faIth. A~I that is IOOd in Min Lucia C, Coulsoll. Chairman. telatlonship to God is univeraally ex- hUman experience II upheld by dl"ine told of lecture& delivered thro ... houl preued, milunderst.ndlna. between or Ipiritual law. And this law II able the world durina the palt JU.r. men. Men and nations will vanl.h. to as.ert itlelf and enforce ibell, In ticminl the unulual IUCCeA of the

"The divine Mind is ' in reality the Ipite of .the ellort of mlsaulded kl'Ior· Australalian tour and of the Far nl th f thl n tals to anterfere with or to prevent Eallt tour wlie~ well attended lee-o y poweq ere ore no . nl CI it operation" h

h.llt the manifeltation of ~ilhteou.- s. tu~ were ,Iven In Hon, Kon" t e Ileal. With due reaard for the neees· Treasurer'. Report Philippine Island., Strait. Settle-.arlo' human footsteps, which our mentl, Netherland.., Indies, Illdl" Leader, Mary Baker gddy. laYII a~ The report of the Trealurer for Ceylon, E,ypt. and Palelltlne. Indlipenllllble in meetina problems, It the liIeal year ended April 30, 1940, la allo buperalive to look to the dl- ' llhowed aa usual that the fund, of vine Mind for lIuldance and wisdom I The Mother Church were in a 1I0und, to .upply the impetus to do aU thinal ' hea~thy condition. and that there wa.

.in a riaht way and at the nlht no tndebtedness at the dose of the time" year. . I Earl W. Palmer, Clerk. reported

Church Officers "a loodly number of new member. . auamentina 'our membership lilt.

Mrs. Margaret Murney Glenn which eontlnuell to arow normaUy Matten. C.S.B., of New York, and naturally. To aeCOmkl'lOdlte the daua.hter of the late Major General Clerk's records anl:l p'rovide adequate Edwan F. Glenn, of the United Statta office facilities. It became necenary Army, was elected President of The recently to add 31 per cent additional Mother Church to succeed Georae floor spice to the Clerk's office." Shaw Cook, C.S.B.. of Brookline, The Trusteel Under the WIU of Mall. E~ward L. Ripley of Brook- Mary Baker Eddy reported Mra. line and Ezra W. Palmer of Marah- Amell. H. Harril, Secretary, assillted field were re.~lected Treasurer and msny branches of The Mother Clerk, resp~ctlvely. The chief duty Church In canyina on various church of the PreSIdent Is to serve as pre· actlvitl"s Indudlna contributions to­eldlng officer at the Annual Meetinl. ward th" cost of church property.

Mrs. Matters spent her childhood A number of churchee to receive In various army posts in the United aid in the past hive voluntarily made States, Alaska. the Philippines, repayments to the trust fund. China. and Japan. She studied music In Boston wher~ she became inter- , Friendly Preis uted In Chrlstlan Sdence, joined · Readina the report of the Man. The Mother Church and three years aaer of Committee a on Pubilcatlon, later, Second Church In New York. Mrs. Florence W. Saunden. Allist. She then went abroad to ' contln\le ant IBid that the Committees are her study of music, and while there IIra'teful "for an Increaslnl manlfelta­detlded to devote full time to Chris. tion of the Iplrh of frlendlinnl on tlan Science practice. I the part of' the prell and of the


Honor Roll for Year Grade 1: Jean Groff, Jane Malor,

Sidney Ann Meyen. Belsie Roulle, Eddie O''''elll, Gordon Small, Roaer Warner.

'Grade 2: Suean Daniela, DIan Kim· ball, Marjorie Taylor, Jack Carhart, DeHertburn Cook. Deweea Showell, Norman Allen.

Followlna Normal Cia .. Instruc- derlY toward Christian Science. Thl. tlon In Chriatian Science In the frlendlinell Is evidenced in the ie.s. Board of Education In Boaton she enlna of public attacks on Christian became an authorized teacher. The Science and In an Increullli number followlnll sprlnl she wa. elected of requ~ltl for Ipuken on the lub. S.cond Reader of The Mother Ject of Christian Science. Church. She ~erved III a lecturer "La" summer the Manaaer of on Chrlltlan SCIence until July, 11131, Committeel on Publication .d. .nd Iince then bal been practlclnl druled. with lratlfylna relultl, lome . .nd teachlna Chrlltlan Science III twelve thouslll1d church memberl In New York City. I Oreat Britain and Ireland and on the

I Unity Divine Mlaht I continenl of Europe.

, ',' Important recollnltlon of our Commetltinl on the turbulent In- Leader Is belnl Ilvan from tlma to

ternatlonll .Ituatlon, the Incominll = ____ .... =-========= Prelldellt said that "Chrlltisn I Science reveala the power of Indlvld- I ..... ----------.. -~

Exacting. , . The Snonr P\menl H_1t, fa the

petformance of ita dud.., hIUldlea ...., detaU with ... etlnc an-

Ye.,. of uperllUlce and d_ atteD­don to ita obUpdon. ba.. woe the .ppteclatloll of th_ who .eek OIl!'


The Snover Funeral Home


313 E. Broad St" Palmyra, N. J. Frank A. Sno". Jolm N. S'!art-

Pholle, Riverton 1130

Cooking Is Easy With a Modern Gas Range ual mlln to meet and overcome the hordea of mHmerlc suale.tlonl and !

.ubUe In8uenc.I clalml", to ltaduce, dllcouUlement and apathy. It .a­ablel the Chriltlan Sclentiat to over· I com. the belief th.t war can b. of ptrntanetlt .dvantale, or that It la to ' be feared. It destroYI the detllr. for



.11 ClanaalMH 4... PALMYIIA ......... -New Shoes From Old


No hara.1ed mother i. me but re.ted and reldy 101' lull, .he i. the happy companion .f her children. Boulekeepln8 doe. not abeorb In her lime Ind ener8)'. think. to a modem P' l'anse •• ~ AU the P' rl08e. we lell are built to meet the risld .peciflcatlon. oltbe American Ga. A .. oclltlon. Ovenl Ire fully 'nlullted Ind bave automatic beat CIOnlrol. Price. be~o at $44.95 ca. If you trlde 10 your old .tove, m ... na.

• Wet ..... picked .., .., .. dthItnI by 2 o'clock • ...., all. 00IIa tWI .... 1Id _ or ...... • o'docll II...,. _. I ... •• N. X_..u. Prop. RIftIlTON. lOW ..... n

PIlau, 1Ii.en- .,.

EIec:trlca1 v ulcan1zecJ ReIoUng

NoNIIiIa No'tltch ..

tlOD Included. If you w •• b to pur. ehale 00 lerm ... mall doWD payment aud lDIall monthly PIJlbeD" can be arrln~



Thursday. June 13., UMO Hlp School StadiWll


"Cot.lnation March" Meytrbeu "P\'mp and Circumstance" ___ ______ E1pr

INVOCATION Th Re-..d Jobil H. Cba .... n


Christ Church, Pall1\l'" WIUlam Ito~

au-uSd .. -HISTORY 0 .. PALMYltA H10H SCHOOL­




·'n."ulirul Oreamu" _______ _ Foster· Rieltlltr "OUR SCHOOL IN SPORTS AND OTHER



Lucille Le}'lholl

Polka-"Two Friends" l.o .. s·e .. r~· Louis O. Pike lind J. Edmllnd Turno.:k. Jr.

Accom\lanied by Virginia MII.~ PRESENTING AND RECEIVING

THE BANNER William Mlcltle Prealdcnt of the Senior elliS,

William Wentael Preaident ot the Junior Cla5~

PRESENTATION OF THE SENIOR CLASS Ven M. Brower High School Principal

PRESENTATION OF DIPLOMAS Leonard R, Balter Presidellt, Board of Education

PRESENTATION OF MEDALS AND AWARDS P.ul R. Jonll Supervising Principal

BENEDICTION The Reverend John 'F, Wel.h The Church ot the Sacred H~lIrt

·RECESSIONAL Hllh School Orc:hlltra "Airla" _._ .. _ Tubhlll "Finlnlldin" ._._ ___ Sibelius

• Audience \lh'ase remBin sute<l <luring Sellior March.

ORCHESTRA-Walter. Pew, Conductor VGCAL MUSIC-Dorothy M. Diener, Coh.luctor

STUDENT SPEAKERS-Edna K. Zelaler, Coaci!


Kemmerle, rf ___ 2 0 0 1 0 Baker, rf _. __ ._._ 2 0 0 0 0 Thom •• , p _____ 1 0 0 1 0 Leonard, p ____ ~ 2 0 1 0 2 ·Schnelder __ ._ 1 0 0 0 0

P L d H ld E Totals . __ .- 55 4 7 27 ,p ctc conar o. nemy .Batted for Leonard In the 7th.

Scorelell Until Seventh; Score 6 to .. Twin City Bean

Pete Leonard, Riverton hurler, WIS In fine (orm for Ilx Innll111 on SUll­day ahernoon, at Memorial Park, but the Twin City Beari, of Moorettown Ita,ed B filii run lortle In the aeventh frlme which enabl,d tb.m to cop a 6-4 verdict,

Leon.rd anowed only five hits un­III the fatal, which Pond opened wltb I .Inll,. Arm.tron. duplicated thl. performance, INt ROlan rolled • doubl. pial' ball to Freeman. Fred bobbl.d thl. wltb a double and two mot. bit. 6aI.bH thin,.,

The oPpolltlon tabbed a allllliton In the ninth. AI Thom •• hurled tb. lut two 'rame ..

Lead MOlt of th. WI'/ The locall wert In tha van 4ur1n.

1II0it of tha putlmlnl' ubbln, a nm In the fir.t on Paul McD.rmott'. double, an Infield out and Whit­meyer'. boIst to Wondolol:

Cole openH the ruth with • on .. bal.r .nd Wallau 'allowed In the .. me vein. Both .4vanclld on an Infield out .nd .corH ., Leonard 4eUvered • Ilmely alllll.,

Swo,.r appeared to b. on th. rope. In the .. v.nth, but lIIanaleel to weather the atorm. W. McDermott WI' larc on .n error an4 Kemmerle ,01 • p.... Th. runn.... .4nnced on Schneider'. hoi" to rllht and Freeman'l lecond hit ... 100d for 8/1 r.b.l.


ab r Wondoloa, If ___ 5 2 Baker, lb _.__ __ ,. 0 Wilkin I, c ~___ ,. 1 WII.on, •• _.__ !I 0 Swoyer" 5 0 Smith, cf • __ ~__ 5 0 Pond, rl ____ S 1 Arm.tronl. Sb _.. ,. 1 Reaan, 2b ___ •. _ ,. 1

hoe S 2 0 o 10 0 100 212 2 0 S 010 200 1 2 1 125

Totll. ____ 311 6 12 27 11 Bear. __ _ ___ 000 000 501-0 Riverton ___ ._ 100 020 100-4

Two base bUll P. McDermott, WondoloL Itrtlcll outl By Leonard 2, by Thom .. 2, by Swoy.r" Ba .. on b.II.: 011 Swoyer 1, off Leon.r4 I, 011 Thomu 1. L.ft on bu._ Riverton 5, B • .,. I.


"Hoot" Olb_, tfturnH to mound duty on Tburaday nIIht of last W"1t and cel.bratlld the event b" admin­I.terlnl • 4-0 whltawub to th •• ver. daal.rou. N, y, ahlp IIlnl on the'. ael4, He allowed oaly 8va hit ••

Glblon w .. also a eparlli. at the pl.t., IInocklta, the .ppl. on thr •• out of four trlpL

Local No. 1 I. Y.

• b Olllf'ln, If ... ___ 3 Conley, 2b •

rho • 011 1 022 2

e Pron., sb _ 4 o 0 2 2 o 0 0 0 o 0 10 0

o Oreeny, Ii 3 o Cuneo,lb ,.

omo.., -_

Totala ____ ItI 4 7 14 • Rlftrton • 100 001 ot-4 LCic:al No.. 1 _._ ._ 000 000 --.0

Two-baR hit: GlblOn, Stnack eMIt: By Gibson, !I: Savl~h, , •


Crowda at Memorial Park b .. ~balI alUDes have been decidedly milai"l thul flit thia yur, which is a sham. becaule the lada hne been play(nl a 100d brand of ball.

No tesm Is at ita kIt without moral and linllncial support ftom 10-CIII followen and It I, hoped that

PIS7 Oolf on a Sporty Coune

IRON ROCK COUNTRY CLUB S.I.hlaA I.ndo. and Halld_

~t .~:> IS. .ft.. 5 ",In.


7:lc SOt .ft... a p.m.

lfodd"nfttld M •• d


Why PubH( Banking Hours are Short

M ANY people wond6 why blinks .~ open for compara.ti..,.1y few hoUl"a eIlclt bWlln_ day. This Ii,," ri!lle to a mi~cep"olHhlllt banbn' hoUl"a III~ 111110 shott.

The fact is that much of 11 blink's work must be dbne artN It c11:11RS its doors in the afternoon -Work which ('Onnot be romple~ whlll! the bank lIS servinl the public. Checks received during the day ' must be posted to custome .... accounts. or listed and !lent to other banks for collection. The daY'1I entire transactions mutt be entered. and the bIlok! balanced Ilt the ebd of each day. If they don't bltiRnce. employ.­must remain until the error Is col'l'1!Cted.

At times there 8re ''peak loads" that require considerable work after public banklna houn - .uch Gil period~ when atatementa .,. . belq maU~ to cuatometL

Cinnaminson Bank. and Trust Co. lUVERTON. N. J.


W HY belltlded with ... wh.,.lt c:oet.1O IIttI. more to buy 11\ OleSl' OId.mobU. hal everythJn~ you

want your car to hav.-.tu, bHuty, poWer, quality and pretltla" Yet It'. priced for .verybodyl Orin around to our ahowrooma and try Old.moblle', thrUl­In. 115 H, P. performance, OId.moblle'. matchl ... handlin, .a •• , Oldlmobile' ••• n.atlonal Rhythmic Rid., You'll want to-and oln-.t.p up to an Old.,

COUPP8. '801 Ind up; SNan., 'lJ$j and up, *deJivered If Lln.ln~! IIIlch. Tran,portlHon ba.N 011 rill rlt ••. .t.t" and 10011 f.K.I (IIII'I,Y), option.' equipment Ind Icce •• orl'.-e.trl. Prloe •• ubJeot to ohlnle .,..lthout notio.. 4 OkHltM4L MOTORS VAl.Ul!: ..... ., ............ -." .... ' " ..... -." .... , .. '

.b rho P. McDermott, cf _ 4 1 I 1 Freeman, 2b _ __ 2 0 2 2 Terrill, 2b __ :I 0 0 0 Whltmeyer, Sb __ 4 0 0 I Rothb.\IIII. lb _ _ 4 0 1 10

2 Dunn._ • 4 Aah'b'rn, cf ___ 2 o P.*lOn, C •

o 0 0 "~~~~ ____________________________________________ ~~::::=-_

o 120 _

: ~ : . ~ "JACK" DAWLEY, Inc., 10 Broad Street, RivertoD Cole, .. .. 0 1 I WtlIace, c .. I I .. W. McDIfIIIOtt. II _ .. I 0 I

o 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 ____________ ------__ T_£_L_a_P_H_0_N __ a_'-__ R_i~_e_rt_on __ 12_1_~ __ II_~~ __ ~t~~~~~~ ________________ ___

I lavlch. p 2 o II .... , tf 1 o Moor. I

Page 10: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

~ of"-~ 'htIliir~ : l,.,~ t'Ott. 1iI1-.......... a.... I IMAJN Sf Nt~ .. : , a..~ Iih,'" Mh. o..wa........... II M\"s. ~ P. Atwll \)( ~ lit .... IIht.. bntIl RIVER'ION· I IIln.. ~~ F. AIt<tft ~ <Of ~ .... .... .... • Mr$.. w~ ~ ~ ...,.. N .. H~ \)( tilt.. K~ I :~Em':'~""" Mi. ,..., ~~ ot .. ~ ~ ~ a- ~ ... MARKET lim L.allt"a &tdl~ ..... ~ _ '-t to"-"~ c.t~ ~ C~ - ---. Nm~MB""~ ~ .. \he pMt M~ ~.1~_1I~~_""'1 l\Ir$.. S~'hrt A. ~ 1'1Ilot¥ will b\lM • 1IIk'O'" ~ aut ~ ~ >lit n..o..a a~ WALD ... CAItttAltt: ~ Nr$.. B,*iM IE.. ~ ~ a~. ~_~ oi tk ~ a-. • Mrs. Fft.l W. C\&tbs tnNt will be ant \\) tM hi ~ sa MAIN STRRft Nn.. ~ J . £tt\~ ~ Y,,* ~!l ~ ~ ~ , !tot to ~" ~ Mn.. F'ra1\~IS a. ~ Sta~ ~. 'ill Dtia __ a ..... ~~ at L~ PI., to



J~ NI<tr- t\-. ~_ ~ 'ill Wat 8roaoil ~ ... .-M<tt ~~ hia __ ta RIVERTON Mrs. J. ~, 'Ha~ _tHfl.. Hatt1 a._. of M", a ..... of n.o..a .__ PtIoM __ ~RU D~"

Miss Ah\.'t Harwtil 1\-. u.t St'Mrt H~ of Ib~ Mrs. W. 1.$1\\\ Hft\d~ atft.. IIMbt tilt past -- at 0..._ *- Kam ~ of .... a ..... llrs. Ridlard H~tll· Q~. "-' __ ai- a w--- .... SPECIAL SPECIAL

Iih. altd Mrs. A. B. Garwood. of l.lwta\."Ott a_1lto 8~ed wtttl a .... put)' 01\ ~ ~~ of a.t __ kit (0ft7 lilts" (~ PhIl.

1IIln.. IE.. C- 'H1ICt* I and '- ........ Mn.. J. IW-.rd L~~ s~ ~. --~ MIM lit\' .:::. ~~.=~ SUGAR IIIR. Rl\:lIanl Lippi"""* from hrk c~.t ~ ..... __ ~ ~ Ii~ ~ . M .... SURI\ lJppft\."Ott -.ri. to ..-.s "- ---- -.\\.IiI lila lin" ~ K~ of ~ h-

~Ia and III.1It LOte ':Ol,,,l\\lI\Itla. :~~U~ =::":~W~lS::: s. :.:a.~R~~W::: 10 Ibs •••• ~47c IIIi .. &llcabetl\ ItkUtp Mn.. Stal\k.:t l)qft,*", of ~ ,,_. ~ III.'*. 'I'td ~. of ------------~

MI'. ~~u Rnowtton Wamer. of JIrldatport. COI\~ti~t, Ift~ah,td .. IlIhm lIHI best l\t&I'l at a ba~. ... d~ It tilt Uttl_rsi\J Cillb 1ft lilrl~ 01\ Satllnlq. jIlne .. lilt, Vlantfl''a IIIal'riIl'e to lIIi .. Dot-ot~ WOf\:a~ Sar.-t. of RI\ltrton, *,Il t._ pla« on Satllnl." june ta.

1IIn. A. IE.. Sdlllb ~. Cotm .. aptIlt tilt paat ~ ~H:!. ~ ~itl::: ~ul or Maxwell Hw. == =:. S::~!tt ;:.':.. ~ Anna R~W. of Vleet COFFEE Mn. BhdlGrd S~mM\ Mn. lobb Carbatt. Sf .. ot ~ Mn. Do\lcl .. B. Tyter Tile ~ &aterll Stat ~ ~tt '_1Ie. ... hoi .. to \Ile atM- 25 lb Mn. Winfield So WH_ bi-t," tWl" Ilat bt~ witll • ben Of tilt L~~ Soclll ClIkb. Oft e 1 can Rit:hanl M; Wood_nl pa~ CM\ 'I\tteda, t-ma. TUflda, ~_llIC. johlt Wlm, ---

lC'ifl7 womtn', ,_ten lltd IS The Trlplt ~w'" ~1llOCftth: Robert DillOn ,of Ca.m __ a tbh -1111 .. Nallq CI.rk. d.lllh~ of Mr. pain of a«b ha~ been tw'MIt 1ft at- a .:ant pa~ tlIIa h'- wttat'a wilt'*' of tilt Sat:m HtMt to the Bllrti~ Co.. Chaptw. d., ~lItI\lnc at the home of Nt. IIIOf'. P. T. A. m~hal\di" dub. Il\d Mn. Stuart B. Clark, of Iti.,.,.·

ton. entti-talned at a lun~beon and Iho_r on TIltsdq In honor of Niu Dototh1 W. Saratnt. dalllh~ of 1Il~. alld Nn.. Gorh.nt ... &rttnt. MI .. &raent·. marneat to DeVer Knowlton Warner, of Bridaeport, Conn., will talre pla.:e on Saturdll1, Jlln~ 21.

~n~.(out *,h~ d~ fw tan A, Mobnnann. of 4$S HOrtte women al\d airla a~ Ollr quota to ._11... t'he.tralt wi" atart at t be made befo~ A\lCIIlt t buldee o'dO\!k and admilltil)ft Will be ma", IIwta~hI. Wool .:al\ be obtaift. t_tr-ti_ (tftta. Reft'tshn\tn\s atld ed at al\1 time. Four~ d~ doo~ prift. ha_ .1I'Nd, betl\ ~ut out. ThtH will be two ,e*'nl d~ tal:h _It- Ml.. ~Itano~ III. Capl'ano, daqb. Tuesday and Thunda)1a from 9 Lm. ~ of Mr. and Mn. JuUua J. Ca..

_ till 12 m,_t the Po~h Club, ul\til p~ano, of Morta" aYtl\u"l WII amDna Mr. al\d Mra. Clayton M~Mh:ltatl. the dreo" a~ Iblished. Come and , the 61 ltaliua~. at the Balilwilt

of SarallOta, Florida. were the _It-- help! 8rinl needles, sdsao... al\d ' School. ~ryn.Mawt' on 'l)lead.,. tnli aue.ts of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart pll\lI. . I . B. Clark. Mr. and Mn, Clarll. a~. Thoae 11\ .:harle of the 10l:al tam. M .... A. Wood. of Weet Phlladel. COIUpal\ied by Ihelr daulhter and palin also wish to thank the loal phia. Mn. K. 'Hallihey. of Collbtp. liOn. Mias Anne O. Clarll and Emor, merchllnta for dls"lylnl potten, th~ ' dale, Nn. M. Weber, of Atlantic McMi.:haer Clark, lelt Wednead., to mlt\illters of Ihe churches who plead. ~ Ci~. and Wal~~ Kemmerle; of Rl~. attend the Iradualiolt of Stuart B. ed the ~aulI! and the Rll7trtoh FI~ : eraide. Wtl't the weekend lIIestll of Clark. Jr.. al St, Oeorle·. School. Company for pladnl the bant\c'\'. Mt .. Albert Smith, of West BhlIId Newport. street.

M~. And Mrs. ;:;:Ias Vinolrad'otr , I i Mr. and Mrs. Robut Case, .nd are arrlvlnl here on Thursday. June , PALMYRA famll" of Montl:lal~, .re now rttlld· 13. (or a shorl vl.,t with Mr, and _ Inl It tslll Maple avenue.

The mtnlbe~ of th~ Chl-stanta Delta aorori~ beld tbtl.r ant\ual Illllcheon at tilt Hotti Adtlphla, lot Satllrda7 afternoon *'tb sa nttmbtn pi'fttnt.

Nt. IlI\d M .... Jolll\ M.tbrf.· and family of -..ddlln 'Htl.lbts._ Iptnt SUl\dq with M~ •• nd 1IIn. KilI'y A. M"lrer,. of Itlm aYtl\~

AUX1LlARY MItSTINO Tile p.lmyr. Branth 01 the .u~

brun Memorial HOIpitll AIlItIUary will hold Ita final medln. of tbe ata. 80n at the lIummer hontl of Mn.. lI't'ed Sttbe~, at Ship Bottom. N. J.

Cm will leeve Piolmyr. atatlon at 9 uti. on Thursday, June 20. ThOle deslrlnl to 10 are urted to contact MI,a Pearl Coombll, Rlveri1ln 9&8, not later titan MondRY, June n. Mrs. Basil Osmln, at 110 Midway,

Rlverlon: The)' will arrive from Mrs. Maty Rln.ldi, of 319 Weat ['w·· ...... e ... ·s .... t .. f· .. ls·.·e .. 'C·l .. d·h .... o .... FO .... l .. r' .. i .. e .... n .... d .. · .. s .. · ... ~ ____ ----___ _ Shanlh8'. Chilla. where Mr. VIt,o' Broad street. waa the winner In the 1 H. that clln have patience. c.n ,radoll ia employed by the Chinen June 7 drawlnl of Shllintat\'. Met. hive What he wlll.-1I'ranIlUn. Oovernment II one of the ofTIcial. chandise Club, of the "Chinese Maritime Custom •. " will be rttlumed al81n thl. year be-'l'heir permanent realden~e In Thomaa H. and W. C, R.ndall, . Ibmll\l Jllne 2~th. Sh n hal " I Ih f "c h .. "nn .... u"I~I"IUllln1tUUItI .. ""'"tIIlU"U""'''U

a I . • e an,oua at ay sona of Mr .• nd Mrs. Thomas Ran. --=====""======== __ Hotel" which WitS .very badt, dam. daU. of l.incoht Avenue, hRve return. The .ctlvltle. durinl th~ doaln, -aled by aerial bonlbardment durin. ed home from "enn CoUele. _It.t Welt Reid Frienda' School t"'------------+ Japanese coniliel for pOlae .. ion of were celebr.ttd and Fri. th.t dty. M ... , Bryant C. ROil, of 1107 Mol". day, June 7th 'nd 8th. • The Thllr ..

Mr. and Mr.. Vino.r.dolf intend lin avenue, .nd MrL Joaeph WU. · d." performance conal.ted. of a to the New York ahd SIn Fr.n. COlt. of 7113 New Je ... e), avenue wen I p .. eant liven In pantomime of "Th. cllcO Fair. and Intend to .ail baell the winner. In the lllth drawin, of Pled Piper of HamIUn." Th. Icrlpt to Chlnl .ometime this fall. the O.B.S. Muchlndl.e Club, ! WI' read b, Mrl, Vlnc~nt Hackett

_ iltd the .cUnl with the la" .~el\er, Mr •. Francl. B, Baker, of MIver. Mill !Gltanor Phelan, of Clnna. I and cOltumlni wa. lovely to ....

ton, hal '1 het weekehd Iue.t MI.. minion avenue, wa. tlte 5th winner The children painted tile leenel')' ar· Ibther In.up. of W.ltham. M ... , of the " .. ty Fire company AUIlU'1 ter h.vlnl learched throulh boob

-0- iary'a merehlt\dl .. club, for Ide .. of the tlml .nd pllce. 11'01. John Hallinan, Ion of Mr. .nd i 10winl the paleant, tit. Ilath ,fad. I

Mrl. John J. Hallinan. of 1105 Litt. A I.wn featl".1 .nd chicken .. I.d I'v.a •••• y. which they had written. d.n .1I.nue. w ... warded lbe delr.. .upper will beheld by tha 8t. Alit. CutIRc.t.. wlra .warded to the of B.chelor of Mechaltlcel Enll. lupc,r will be held by the 8t. 1.111" cl... by Mr. Win Raid WIJIOIt. An neerln. at ViII.novl Coilli' lut Oul d of the Chri.t Church thla 1 ... 1 outdoor .upper and Fath •• nd lOll




(uullt Chldl~n or 1II1l11i..-) 3 cana ·2Se KELLOOO'S


'POTATO SALAD 1St (lS~-o •• can)

RELLOOO'S CORN STARCH 9c pkg. (1~1b ain)

BISQUICK ....... __ ._ pkg. 2k (40-0'. alit)

SOFT AS SILK CAKE FLOUR 44-02, pkg, 25c


2 pkga. 21c ----Large lUNSO .... _ .. pkg. lOe



VEAL 1b28c


CHICKENS lb 2ge ( --'l'hur.dIY. untay ,tartln, at a p.m. luppar will ' ba .. ball concluded lba .lrelr.

ba I.rved from UO till ?SO. Adultl Thl naat d.", Frldl,. thIN w .. I ENOAOED CIOt.htl and children undar 11, 10 c10lln, ol'lIIbly whlcll '11'" a

Clntl. Mr.. Prllton P.rrow Ia .. WIU to the IIl1lb c..... Th. lower chatla of .rranlalllanti. uhoo1 .ntattaln'" for tb. lIPPI' 98c Squab BroDen"

Mr •. Admonl H, Clarll, Moch"t.r, N. Y .• and form.rl, of B.ltlmor •• an. nolinc.. the enlll.ment of hit OUlbtar, Mill Anne Jlnet Clark, and Mr. Pet'r .. IClrd Modtnlh, IOn of Mr .• nd Mra. Clarenc. U. Rod. IDlIn, Riverton.

Mr.. Wlllilm Lond..., of 011 .. Cit" w •• the ,utlt 0' IIr. ud 111'1. Oaorl. A. ..... of ClnnamlnlOll .... nu., 011 TIl.adl, and Wldueada,.

,roUPI and .t tb, COIlclli1loe lbm wal • IpllUn, btl with IlIncbton Ollt. of·door. Illd HI., ric .. In the If. tamoon.

Both OCUIllOllI ... "'7 Ittln. tor the cJoaInl of IClaooI for lba aWII.

Tb. Dublatt .. wlU I .. ". thla IWI- m. IIolIda1I.

SCHWERING'S *OS Kalt Broad It., Pllmyr.

Phon ••

3 for 9ge =--::-~=-=---- _L

RoDed Veal Rout lb 2ge MI.. Clatll wa. ludulted ftom

til. Br)'n M.wr Ichool. BellJmor .. and from Br),n Mlwr CoUel" and la now Itud"Inl It Johna Hopltln .. Iht IDlId. h.r d.but at tha Bacb .. lora Cotillon ,,"erel .e .. on. a,o and &I a IDlImber of th. Junlo~ Lea,UI.

dlY to .plnd two w.1ca at tile Tile W .. tftaId 'umm. D., Camp .,.------____ -i~1 .. , Ocean Clty. -======================= ---:A:-::R:-::M~O""-U-R-'I-Q-U-A-t-ITY---Tb. P. O. of A. will IIIIIt thI. , D!I. Rout II» 'lO ..

eVlnlnl .t the P. O. I . of A. hall. RII ~'"

III. Modman WII Iradult.d from Hawrford Collele In 1937 and I •• t. t ..... Unl .. ~.lty of P.n"."I"anla M"'llcbooL

..... Clark la the ,rlndd'Ulht.r of 0., .nd Mn. William H. How.lI, of -.ltlmora.

RBD CROI' (Condllued 'rom PII' I)

llva tow ... dl tblt Ir .. ' nNd.


. Tb. Snt dr.wln, 0' the CbrIIt Cburch mtrchalldl .. club wlll be Oft Mond.y av.nIn, In lb. P.riIlI Hou... AU the mU'chandl .. wlH be on dl.pla, and anyone Inter .. tad Ia Jolnlnl. mil, contlct IIr.. Walt ... D.vld. :191.

oant. lI.nto. Albert IItd I., I.ccl, of Weat Btoad .trllt, aItd I Paul Olbbon, of lIorl.n a.1IItII, i apent lund., at the Ia At­lantic Cit,.




SPINNING WHEEL Gin SIIop . B ..... tlla apJendld r •• ponu 01 Mr. and Mr.. Nlcbolla aeltl. 01 tile people. the IIIItlrtn. efrortl tad HI,bland n_. lilt....... It I tile ...... amouat of tllDlI aItd Iftlt.' part, III boaor of Mr. .alta'. bIrtJI. j ..... t bp the ...... ,rOllP of .oluao clay .... l.ttIrda'....... TItoM 0.,." AU Day":".ftf)' D., lIad •• ..." ."MI",

....... alao rllpOftllbJt lor tile ... pr_t ••• IIr. aItd If,.. J- ~--------------~-------.J ..


Rout Ib 35c SldaIe.. Half SlDOk ..

Ib 25c KINGAN ..


COLD CUTS ~·Ib 5c - ~Ib 110

, '.

Merchant. Back In Win Column

After lullerln •• bid HI.PI' lilt w.elr. the Mlrchant. cUmbed batla Into tlte IIIIn column on Monet., nllht b" poundln, out I lI·a dedllon Over tha Dawlar. Oldl, I bl. ninth Innln, rally play nl' prominent part In thl win.

Th. Oldl outllt, baltlnd the ... ceUeltt pltchln, ot K,"I.t '11'.1 In front mll.t of til. w.y, tlbbln, aln. ,laton. In til. IIcond, fOllrth and IUth maldn, ,ood 1111 of th. f.w hltl thl,. w.r. Ibla to ,.t 011 Olorl' Knllht, Merchant hllder.

Plr.t In I.v.nth 'l'hl wlnn.rl finlllll lIIalll.ed to

d.nt Ihl rubber In the IIv.nth ••• r .. ult 0' thrll aln,lfI. Th.,. iot 1II0th.r In the followla, ltanu. wlth the bl, pa,oW cOlllln, In the AIIII Iram ••

In thl. • ... Iolt II. of th. M.,. ch.ntl hit larll" .11 beln. a!nal ... Th. followllt, contributed to the 40wnflll 0' tb. DIWI.,.hlll Brod.,­'011, Buthllol.. Hum... BUlr, An· d'flDn Ind Terrell. Th. b .... war. trimmed wh.n W.lkmlln pop))Id lIP t of t h. flnll lIut. i.

Dawl.y thrlltan.d In fII. ninth .. Ken '.r Ind Beddow aln,l.d. Th. r.lly w .. nlllped III the bud wilh K"lltt on third. llinapr .ad· dow .. IIYld to IIcond with on.

Lawn Mowen Sharpened by Mod.a II ....... '

.Illllr' W.,II Chllnllilld Pllmyra Lawn lIow., "r¥Ic. •• J Dabw.,. A ......... ".. N. I, .............

I t.~~; l)w-, H~ l\. ~ ~i Cellill a"'" ~ ~1\~ 'Of tilt ""''*nll r:"I'aterni\y ; » .... Hoo ..... "' ~'<lIt of lilt ~,W.CA .. MI", tolarie M.-:~ and Miss C. '£.. ~t:DoMl" oi tilt Woo"'tt\ 's BIm. Mu _ ~'0l\&1 Club. o( Pal. ~ .. nd ~iftIoton ; "alll ~ l ent's., ~"* ~l 'Of hl~ Sdl-'1I; 'Hoo ..... nl c.,m, __ • of \be C\",,*\1\~_ Ban"; A\\drew, oM tilt It. 'I)( C-; Mn.. L<eslre R~~ CQ\"I",I\\_ P,T.A.; M .... ~ B.. c.~ lti~ P,T.A..t T. l'r'alll ~ Bllrli~ C~\\ty '\1.~tCA,~ Robert . ~tcltall.. "alltl,yta HII\\ ~~hooL, A ~ Winis, cotnll\lnder ot Pol, ~ Atntrical\ ~.m.

CO'i~R~D DlSH SO .... ~R " IOO~ dish _upper ut\der tilt

au,pj~ oaf lM '-aliitt Guild ~( Bethal\)' Lu~" Chll~h. will be h!e1d on the th~ lal»l\ at the hOlM 'I)( DW'. altd Mn.. Baller. 5\5 Maple a"" I\Ue. "" tI..~ o'clock. Do you ~1eI\l. ~r the fit\e ti",es Whl~i' wtft Mhl at thttt etrei ... I""t SU!\\b\ut Cum. out t:'riday-bril\t »Our tll"~ tllt\\llt 41\d your Itltl\da. We e~ col\fldft\t th.t you will ital?t Iln t!tjonblt time.

P ROPOSALS Sdl~d ' l N p!,) .... I. \\ m be uech ~d by \h't

T.".,hlp COl\1"'ItI<o of Tho r.. .... lhlji .r ( innaminton. N 'I:\\ hilt)., in lh~ C."",·

·.,In,on P.bllc Scho. l 1\ '.30 o'dock f,~ \ E~.IU" U'),lh:tn Sa,i"" T irnt \ o n FHd.y~ Junt 2.' , '94\). lur thle ' ''''',t td" . 01 Chun:h }toad \\,uh 8 .C.0 .-J Ind land \.0 \11 tor I db· t.t'h.~ ' 1)1 At1PfOllhna l lel), I 2 mil"... U Idt itt wi.tth, ~"u.h\n. an an. 101 lJ,too '~\l"" )'.nl'~ ... fo\h.1\\" t

I. On~ aPJ" " .. ,. 'ioJ" to be apttl.' et\ at tht ""'t 01 8, l\) 5tllonl 0 1 S.C ,O .l \ I'\d ~. ptlutul_ 01 und (oYer per ''lu .... ranL ,

i. A. llecond apI,lh l t lGn \ 0 b~ applied ".q '0 th~, \\'u"'. after the f\nt ap~llutl.on and h) \ori,t" of l lU l -al1oni 0IS.C.O.2 an" .:. 5.puund. ot n nd lO\ r r pft . " ulre )-.d~

N.'.ria'. Ihllt conlorm \.0 'he Standnd Sptdlh.ltiu" " ,,( 'hit Ntw h U t)' 8 \1 \1r HI.h. \\11 Olfpartmtl\t.

P Hctl t\) lndud. an " bor and matni.'L E'<h bid 'holl b. ,«om".nl'd by • <.~

IIhd <hock. d .. ,,,, I. tho uhlo, 01 Tht To~"'h\tl Trea, uru of thle ToWh, hlp ()f CI" .. "I""tuon If'j _h~ Ih\oun, 01 'Itt &Iff eta' l 10· . J of 'h~ hltll l um or ' .\l ch propO. II,. bld~~t tiah.' I. rtlttud to "'Jut Iny or .U

HAROLD R. WEST. lollt. BIl(hholl' throw to Terrell ,ntl .ave tnoilt Inltrl!llinl IIluree fe. alivea were the follllwlll,: Council. TclWhlhlp t'1'~" WII Ptrt~d' .nd the Dlwley ltIentor , IArdlnl the . number uf parllci\)llnt. men William 1". BlI,le alld Johlt IN cHANCERV 01' NltW lERSlty WII na e • , in ,,"'1ou. atUvltltl. A tutal or litO To IlLBAkoR 1', WHAlltMABV' ,

The Merehlntl mlde IS hlta com. hllVI belln lit aU ,rllIlP'1 Llnd,r.f, of ... Imyr.t M.urlc. Cott· 111 \'Ir'uo I 0 o,d .. 01 ,ho C Url ~I !lInd with ellht for the 101lrl. : .nd totlll partltipant. III .amll, etc.. row Ind SIltier Mandervllle, mem- Chollmy 01 ~0 .. 1.rlty. ",odo 0" It. do, Merchilltl 000 000 II- • number II 14$ I btl's of the Clnnlmllllon Townahl" . 01 ,I.. dol. htrtol. I.. 0 ntlol" "UI, .-- .- ........ , ,. "M •• M I .. Whtrtl. Ro, Whorlnoby " 'ho Pllllioftt' o.d o.wle, _ .... _ 010 110 Il00-4 ' Mr. Whitcraft toncluded by". "ommittett Iyot n. d 'tilin Bid. toll .rt 'he d.t.h~'n'. yoil or ... qulrO<! I •

b.tterles, Merchlnlll Knllht .nd I Ifrtlh' thlt there were Ir"t poI. die Ind Coundlltlen Nlth.n Lanl "I ",'''''Ih' • Ihl,'h ~'lIlIunl.f' polltlon on or be-B hh I 0 b d .. hlb Id B h r RIot ~ .oy 0 " •• Ull. bU', or 10 d .. lie 0 •• .wley, Keilier and ,I Ultlel 'lit the flltllte .nd lelt that ' an ,.rc I UI • o. IItHonl IIU I .huool. ,uch de".. will bt I,ktp Bonatelll. Umplr." Carhart Rich. the Center hid broulht all tltrH Mfl. If, B. Blwell, president of thl "'~rl~1 )'ou dO' Ih. Chlot"lor .hoU thID man Illd Rolenburll. ' tommullitiea tOltther, Mlverton Por~h Club, Oeorl. M, Iqn.: .\\::, of":~. I. 1~1t I. 10 ob,ol" 0 d ..

Dlltlln, Palm"r. Baird of Iduca. er .. 01 d .o'to. dl • ..,I".1 ,h. m."lo.. .... Tha Itllldin. No Competition tlllh I Lawrenct B. P.rllft, pH.ld,nt ~~::: :,o~':'~~I.~" .o'd ,.1111011" lur tbe

Merch.nti Flttmen Dlwlay

W L C. P. MI"Reld W.I than Intrlldllctd of Ihe Palmyrl·Rlverton Y.M,CAI DAVID p. OllltaNBatlO. -.---- --.-,--- a • by Mr. Itvan.. H~ "Id that. It prtl. Mra. Mobert J. 'Im. Mr., Frlncll :~~I'~mk~: ~ml::,"'t. -"'----- I 1 el1t. there w.. I tremendou. nead baiter and MI" CornelJ. Murr.y, of Ce"'d, ... N .... Jor .. ,

- .. _._-- --- I I to live YDunl Peollli whIt the .trltt the ItIYerton Clnnlmlnlon.Welfarl fr~ot,i /4~~ Hh. 1.40. O. K. • • corner. do not Ilford. H. .llted


thlt tha Center W •• not In comp •• tlon with .. 1.tll1, Of'lIIllItlOllI, .Inel III clter to certlln IfOUpl.

Mr. MI"lIeld It.ted th.t, Iinet h. (continued IrolD PI •• I) had been leU". In Boy Itolll .nd

Y.M.t.A. work, h. WII In • pollUon Centar Illd pall& tributa to the pr... to .peal! .Dmlwhll on .nt commltt .. , whIch Inelud .. M". thl. IlIbJ.ct. Olorl. Luc.. Wllllim If. Enl'. Illd M.yor John If. Ward. o' 1I.lm,..., Ma,or W.rd Mr •• Victor, H. K, Ruthar. M ford Illd C, P. Maylllld, 0' RI".r. .yor Wlrd, the Rnll .puller, lolt Ind MfI, Jam.. Dlllidlon, 0' .. Id thlt he felt IU three munlclp.l. Cinn,mlllJon. Mr. B.anl I. lIto • lUes ahould mllee .om. contribution ClnnamlnlOn m.mber I towlrd tha tOllt of tnailltllnln, lhe

• Centu, but that a portion of Ih •• 11· The thllr""n Ilatad thlt the r •• , p.n" Ihould al.D be carri,d by In.

aultl obilln.d thul .... had .Icteded I dlvldu.1 contribution •. t,".clltlona on. hundred fold, H. allO .tat,d Iblt, .Inca the banI!

Kltl Whlttraft, wllo ha. baa" on. had llon."d the Ille of Ihe bulldllli of the mOlt Icllv. worll .... In the thlt the Aaed chlrle. luch .. In. project w .. the na.t apeaker. H. .urlne •• nd tun lholiid b .... ,d for outfln.d the ICcoml' to dati out 0' Cenler fllndl.



I •• CI.C"'.t:t.. ~.,., If, J •

Amonl the orllnilitioll repreleht.


BY.I.XAMIN8D Phoa. Rlv.rlld. '11

ao Icolt Itt... IlI .... Il., N. J, (llch'. .11114 .... '

1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II 1111 ....

ROSES End of the Season Sale The Lovell .. t of Ro.e.. Fin. varletlea like Olowln,

Carmine, Oalety, Olp.)' L .... ROlf Marle-relny .1I 10rt. tltlllogutd at 811e uth that ar •• tlll In .tock . , •

Now 6Sc Each Ple .. e call It the hUtler)' .nd make peno'nll IIlec.

tlon If pOlllble. although phon. or tnlll order. will haY. prompt .Hentlon.

Henry A. Dreer, Inc. IJlltI.illl (,·,It.,,, , 11' ''''"/111 m,.., 18.' 8

IUMIIIWIUIHUHII ............... IllltlIlItIIltWI .. IU_lllllllHUllllllutII __ 1

Page 11: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

\M t«It~ of \lit _~ V ...... '». Mt-W, Rba-. J- ...... awcll vtsl1'8 aCOU1' CHtd.ft I ,"1Il\in~U: c:'1t~~ -=-' .. -; t'CWI~tion a, Camclm, (Wl &.ftltday, da~tet, C"'1"Iotte Lana, of 40' ~ 1:"'PIaY fOI' am altd cnlft ........ ~UM a9th. "nit ~ .... 11 le.d hr. hee-for-All atreet. Ri-vtrton. _. a vilit« .t theanci ~ted b, Girt Scouta *"" tat Iinawn Co\Intt Ilt nils a"alr. ~, , .. .... ,.- ....... her f . , . -ra'\led in Rivtf'Side In ~ ft\Ort\iftC B b L· ..... ncott. Smith, 5.",4$' Girl .. C'Ollt Cna_ ""nne -toIlr 0 ' oII,da eqlll.,mellt. .

,..... . n.... 0 l...... ' the New Yorit W«ld'. Fair thia It la planned to Clhlnae tile ... of DeC'Qrahon .,..,. Howaro l.ipplntutt.Barbara. $._t.50; week. The Chaltt. •• t of \be Em. hibitll from time to time 110 that

~~" Lt&ton ~t ~ E. K. Mtrtill.Kn1lht, 5._t.S5 ; Phil ph~ State ~rid.~ in the Amusement wodt from ma~ lI8m . of tile ~

It. R~ \¥\, of hllftYt'*l lleld. FOOD SALE SomlMf'vell·Rhawn. ~trt Shoemebr, Afta at tile Fair, is attnctil\l hll'" try .U1 be .hown dunne the ....... ~ m(Wlthly mtflilll on TIleIIda, or I Nitk Shtb\e Kina altd B"" };'arriE\l' dreda of orilliton .ell WHk. Lut mer and eart, faU. f he Girl SceNt tlIe pell\ ~ .... th Commal\det 1'I;e Palmyta·RiVftton Y,M.CA-. B rei c M L" t, year orisitwa from eWt'J atate in tile Three mtn'lben a t ~)I Wlm" pre<aidlna. M_bet'l of \' Women" Au.ilia~ will cond\Kt a t\)n. ~ma ~,arcy 'PPlncot nation a"d. from aa fotei&n ~n'l national atall !re on hand at all tlIe ~t wtt'e honor<td with the food sale and "trawbett, f'ttl""'\' Tolll Coe. £d. Smith, John Roaen. tries recistered in the Girl Scout I tillln to .,-eet VISltorl and to ana .... lftIe"\:'e of Rl\)ft\ond Danley, of &,turoay, Jun~ 15. from \0 a.m. to Jess Haydock. Ch"~t IIIHt book. Cl,uestlons which m\aht be .... J.toeblil\al !let\iot" vi~ I:'Oft\tnandtr of 180300 p.m" at tltt 'Y .M.C.A. bulldina, I The is a small scale replica . Mlout Girl .;;cou~ hiltory. and pro. t~ BurUnatOn County Amtrican ~-omtr of Broad and Gameld., Pal. WOMEIol'S G.O.P. CLUB lot "Oil\" Chalet" netlf Adelboden, ((t'am activitIes. l.taion myra. Tile annual meatina IIId ~Itttion Switaetland, International meatin, I -------

TIlt Pllmyra post and Patmel' L.. 1 Mt'I. . Arthur H. Hoyt, pl'ftidm\, . place for Girl Scoul1l and Girl Gliidea I Nothin, is more aimple th~ Irt4lto Aida'l\l", 'IVIah to elttend their thallb ,states that there will be ~~rythina of . ofttcen f~r tltt enilline yeIlr of from aU ~m oof the world. The or· i ness; indeed, to be simple " to M to all ",ho ~oopttf'lted 1'0 a~lendld'" iii the food line. ind""ina hoot dots the Women II Republl~an Cllib of ltiltal Chalet ... prtaellted to the .... t.-Emenron. to mab the Pal~a.RI~n mem., and pink I_04tf\te. She also .~Id Bllrllnaton COllnt)' wl\l be held on ' World A&IIoclation of Old Gllidll'll -------~ d.y pro&t'lm a ."tcl!'llS(u\ one. \hat a'n:l orden recel~ .rty Thursday. June2\), at l.30 p.m. at and Girl SCO\lta by M.... Jams J. There il a lIYajeaty In a1mpUcltlt it. lat&'t tunlOllt _. made at the I enouall wi\! be filled In 1'0 fit" U poa. tile COlIn" Welfare Home at New StolTOW, of bOlton, The replica at which ia far lbove the qll.lntn_ iOf altnlW me~orial day ~IIurch aemce ,lble. These ma, be llhontd to her Lisbon, Mn. Pet.rl M, Bridt,urn. I the World's hir la the oMela' til, ""it.-Pope. Mld \WI Slindu t_bt" Mat "' at fftiden~RIVftton 1071. - .ho la reHrlnl aa preaident of the

" tlIe ~tral Bap",t Church, b)' the TIIesdlY the memben oof the aUk. dub. anno\lnced this 'Week. &l'OIt and buale and drum corps. Ula~ had a meetinl In pt-tps ... tion Mrs. Flore\lce Blbr. ot Merchlllt·

_ fOr thla ewttt at- the lutl\lner home villt, tbe newlyeltcted vice chttr· Delecates who win t'epreaent the o( W. R. Dunn. at Salem. man of the Repllbllcan State Com.

Pallnyra ~t at tht State of Ne'" I 'that .. me evenlnl \he V.M.C.A. mittee haa accepted an Invitation to ltrte, A\\\ericalt Leeton Convention board held I mettilla to mab plan. be the Illest of honor and speabl" at fa Camden on AIIIII't 22, 23, and for the summer vacation camp. Bec- the meetine· An mtn'lbel'll of \ht ~h at'e Charltea It. YOIt, a II\JI'\ber rttiries Gu)' "endry and T. Pnllll club are urael to be pffttnt. Re­of the ~(lII\\ty American Leaton ex· Reeder ot the COUllty Y.M.C.A •• taR freahmenta IlriU be aer~.


June 16

etli"ve boanl. a\\d. ~eeV'H, Mo .... n. llfet'e preaent. _hile the Ilternltes are GeOrJe ""ce _____________ 1 lnd Commander A 'ft'ry Willi.. . 'the Alpha OtImma Clallll of the

At the t'ece\\t meetln, Post Rod. ' Centl'&. Baptilt Churth .,,111 hold I Ift8 obtained four new Melnbent t R' 1 f I h ch h Bdwaro Hoyt. Robert Roaera. li:d. lverton Itrawberry teat val on t eurc ""aro Hlllh- .lId Coul\cilmln Ar. lawn thla Saturday from 5 till a p,m.

~... Y h t Cl b In cast of I"dement _athet, the thur Wrllht. I ,ac U I afFelr will bt held Inside \ht church.

To yoll vete ... nl wllo .re Qot memo , t.-rrI d h btt'l 'of the local American Lellon I I Ice I:ttam, ,traw"" el el\ ome-post and are Interested In Ltaion ac. Sunda)' Winne... made cake. 15c a ticket. tlvitlel. kindly notify Avery Willi" ~mmander by call1n, ~IO.R.S and DUlter Cia .. full In(ormBtiol\ about bellomlnl I Bert Shoemaker, •. 22.2ih John member will be .iliell to you. Ayres, . •. 24.00, Marcy Lillplncott, :

--0- ".2".50; Bernaro Cae, 111d. Smith, B.



18 The poat desires to remind the 1'001. Alh:e LIppincott. I public o( its annllli carnival which Star CIa .. win be held the entire week o( June Stln Lippincott, 4.3UO: J, Harvey I FAT HER'S DAY


.. th and .Isoo tile movie, "The Flal Htbb. "'45.05. B.,e.ka," which la beinlsponlored by 1 the post ilnd other civic orlanlta. Comet CIlia I RICMMlMBER HIM WITH it. tions on 11 a. m. of July 4tll (or the Phil 80mmervell, Georle Rhawn. GIFT FROM thlldren of the community. ".18.40, Bob Lipllincott.Bob Smith,

_ 4.19.O~: 1£. K. Merrill. Chules The bUilt and drum cadet corps Knllht, •. 20.09; H. Lippincott and

are maklna plans to attend the par. brother. Klnl Ind Bud Farrlnlton, ade lind competltloh to be held at: Nick Sheble· J. Knl,ht, Harry Hor.






FREE wlth the purchase of any EMERSON RADIO

priced from $12,95 up



AU Steel Irolling Board Retail Value ............................................................. .................. 5.95 ONB GENERAL El:ECTRIC

Automatic IrOD Retail Value .. ....................................................................... • 8.95

Total Value ................. _ .................... _ 114,90

Both for $9.95 $1 TRADB·IN allo.antl on ,ollt old IrOli 011 tht 1IIItC ..... of 1tI, Illctrlc Iron In our ltore HI1bt. tram ..... up



51. Cnnamlnson Avenue, Palmyra, N. J. Pboat IUYtrtoa 71'

KEATING'S -We' 8ullut­


L. L. KEATING Broad and M.ln !tHeta










, ,

'+ , '.'


BUU IS S££ "OO~TOW R" AS I hImJra 000 100 Il00-1 Palftl7rll mml. dub of .... t --11 .... 0 £ST SCRBIlN HITI' DtlaDco 210 GOa 01-· & H ...... ,--

DE S -- e is bn:aklne in hi. IOn, Ro" Jr ..

ClDIHG F'l"""R CoIumbia'a COIIastent rec:ont of donntnlck out .... B' HamUIl "L~I_~- to (oUow in hi. footateps as anotherl ,,\, I U comed, llita continuee, if ecatatic H~n ~ Base on caUed..... Palmyra champion.

ad ... nce repom of the atodio', new-- Two or the Palm,ra coum ha.,. Whitme""'r B ka U B U eat production. "The Doctor TUet a been tr~a~ with calcium chloride to I

Ga .r ": • rea . P • Wife" a PALMYRA. WINS condition the coum and tIIil lime y;. In. Nmth; Riverton re to ~ considered. The A ainlle b, Brodenon in the ninth tl'fttment will be aiven to the other Ins. Ba~r Hurl. ::w acomedy, whlcll opena Wedns.I ICOred Hamlin with the run tIIat en. two court. loon. Credit ia due Mr.

Saturday afternoon at Memorial t y ~! ~und., at tile FOil Thea· abled Palm, .. to earn a ~ declalon I Harker. (or hi. interest and coop. ~ark and Ri~ton trails Fellerta. ~lIa~ oretta Youne and Rq ove.r 12th Ward, of Camden. on I eration in the care of the coune.

ahort center brinalna up WhitmeJft, ~ t ,r W ha-r an" r. .mlth onl, aill blo_ IIn~lea ~hde eilht are entered in the

What do you look for in a

~,lIe \.0' in the last half o( the ninth t' : co"'j..,rred. follo_ in the Saturday afternoon at the localll8dr. I The club tournaments are ached. wit,h two cone. Cole, with two ::..u:: ::t ,~a of sucb recent IUC,: Dillenhauah, hudina in hil uaual ecutive ~rd, and Reevel Mo~an. strIkes on him drops a lIinale Into I "H.i G' I F~~ ,!"a~ ,~~nd~ malterful manner, allowed the enelllJ t~n are I!sted so far in the men'a

lexai third sacker h 0 . ~II Inatan, and .. a lirl I IInllea. Those interested In T . ' wort , addltton to Columbia'l COl· enterinl ar ked 11 J k H

hIS aentleman promptly poled, lection of redoubtable filmll Uke "The WEST UNDEFEATED num 972 e a. to ca 'b ac an- USED CAR" o~e .that rolled aero .. Seventh IItteet ' Awful Truth," "It Happened One "The Palmyra Hlah netmen loat a " as soon as POISI Ie. s<onn~ Cole and himself brinai~ In Niah,," "Mr. Deedl GoeI to Town" clolely contellted match to Red Bank' THIRD NO.HITTER e' ~~tt;In~lft~ run on a close decliion and "You Can't Take It With You." Hiah, in the Itate ,lIeml·final held ati Paced b, Dou CI k' hi

. ea Th: :1: ... ' enabled Len Baker to I!;~::!y rol~O!£':er ~=:: h: !: ~~:t ~~'::. ~:n!~~ ~~~ls~llm I ~~~~i~~~~:lr::~ ~r;e~~~;i~: no';, the decillion after a fine after· h,.h pralae for the deUahtfuln_ of Don Weat and Robert Hoder won ton Townllhip 8 to 1 and ca tured tivitie~nhth~lm~d. Durina ~e 'es.! her ,fin~ all-comed, characterintion. their matchea for the loeala. Weat, the Mercer County Junior leape lix bl e md f ~".e oPPOSItion to I She I hilariolUlt, leen as Public Spin. defeated William Matthewa, Red I c.hamplonship last Wednesday on the

ows an ann~ 15. ster No. I, the airl who writes boob Bank. In two leta, 6-3, 6·1, to remain home field . I Al Bre~lter had a fine da, at the I in pnise of slnlle blsledne.... Sha undefeated (or tile le .. on. Hoalet I Clark ~ho comes from Riverton

pate, lettinl four for four. I thinlla Ille doesn't like men, until ah. def.ted Jamea Klann, Red Balik, ~ New J~sey and who pitched hi' Excellent Game meetl. and "marris" a man who an Inteffttin. match with the lot I thlnl no-hi; lame of the leason~

Th donn t like women, ItId then alte beIna the ItiReat. HI, Icorel were Itruck out 12 Princeton batlmen and e lame was well played from Imowl Ihe doesn't Ilke menl RI7 6-8, 6-2, 15-13. walked only three

Itart t~ finish, only two erron belnl MlIland, the youthful expert In heart The annual banquet o"f the SOlllh . c~mmltted, Riverton belnl withoul a,' trouble ~ho cannot even cure him. Jeney Tennll Leape WII held I .. t m scue. self. ia s.,d to provide an equall, en· evenlna at Bridaeton Other achool.

Baker waa in bad . trouble durlna . joyable portrayal as the doctor who repreaentin, South 'Jene, In the

Appearance or

Dependability ? e


IN OUR the ~hlrd frame, but bore down and takes a "wife," seml·fiIIa1a were Bridleton and the Invaders were blocked (rom the I Supportinl the Itan In this fun- Woodbul'l', US p~tter. Socklow sl~lled to Itart I packed narrative of a younl doctor RllIsell Stickel. Jack Dieta, and ED CAR S t~Inl8 and then Len I control went' and a younl author who pretend to Richard Deemer will be 10lt throuah IlIghtly alltray al he passed Peru. I be married because their careen de. vaduatlon. and can offer you the BEST Ia Ebberts. on an attempted lacrifice pend upon It, are .iluch well.Jmown I DEPENDABLE transportation at popped to the mound, but Podwln Holl~wood personalltlel .a Reainald TENNIS TOPICS the L'OWEST prlcea ..• atrolled to cram the plllowa. Klu,e ' Gardiner, the British comedian; GIIiJ rolled to Baker and Socklow was 'I Pat~ck. Edmund Owenn and The Palmyr. Tennil Club will play Friday and Saturday Jun I~ SEE US FIRST and forced at the plate, after which Gold Geor,el Metaxa. t.,e Delanco Tennla Club .in a return . ' e became one o( the numerous strike- I match thia Saturd.y atartina at a MADELEINE CARROLL ~.~ BE CON.VINCED out victlml. PALMYRA LOSES o'clock at t~e Palmyra ~ourta, m

The opposition finally acored In The local entry In the Burlco Baae- The ,lrla team of tile elub h .. • BRIAN AHERNE ~ ~~~o!rth .a Perez alnlled Ind atole ball Lealue dropped a Cl.I declalon to ~1~~~e:tC;;~duled for June 22nd with '. '~j 1937 FORD '" droved~ .'!~::~:O~d;ehl~sl!~b;:-(t: ~~Ianco laat Friday nllht on the A new doubles team' of Jack Han. f' LOUIS HAYWARD .·, DeLuxe Tudor, Colo~ Blaclro Podwin also hit lafely, but Bake; etl o~ the owoaltlon. " num and James Ballantyne hal been I · .... :. Very Good Rubber, Motor evidently' beeomin, bored with IUth ta onlla ent the route for the I posted on the ladder. ' MY SON ~\ Overhauled. atuff, then whlRed the aide without :arpmen and allowed ellht hlta, Two new memben were admitted . , ...... . fUrther ado. He waa never In danler I a my~a fot four oR Hamlher, De., into the club at the meetinl lalt. MY SON ,.; $375.00 thereafter. anco ur er. Friday evenlnl. They were Charles " ~1 .

Delanco (Kin,) Wynkoop and Frank Cham. ' lit, Several Chances ben. Extra Feature Saturday Matinee 1936 FORD

Meanwhile the locall were ,ettinl . ab rho e, It la. ,rati(ylnr to lee once more "R/g~~J'~Y~E in .. men on base (requently, but couldn't ~:~·~~'b!~"j,;"lb-= : ~ 2 0 02 ! ~ th~ padlmyrha Courta oU~dold friend Feature Tlme-Frid~y 2 I~07~ 5 9lS DeLuxe Tudor Touring, Color ret a run In. Brewster reached H lin • 2 0 I. oy ar y w 0 wal prell ent of tlte Saturday Shows CO;Iti~u~u~ . Gray, Heater, Very Good TIre., third as his Iharp lingle was mesled am ,p ------.. 2 0 "I . . --.- Runl Like a New Car. up In left. McDermott and Gibson Bacon, 3b -_ .. - 4 :2 I 0 1 Sunday and Monda),. lune 16· 17 $300 00 were deserted at third and sec'oltd L'atrom, e --.- -.-._- 4 0 1 I 21 I 2-BIG ATTRACi'IONS-2 • respectively in the followinll Itanl8, ~; P·.cla, s: ---- : ~ ~ t ~ I ,W&.,:L*I, "y, itALIIOACH "M IUVD E •

Brewater,othilrourthhittoopen FI:;~:~'r~ _.=-::- 4 0 0 0 O' 'it!if!87Ij)YjYlf!J .-to UUREL&HARDY 1935 FORD the eighlh and took lecond a. WaI· VanSciver. l£ __ 3 0 0 1 0' • ------- - ---- ~, lace wal thrown out. Paul MeDer- ' )fRlcnclt VICXIIIA AMUI. «Do.... "SAPS DeLuxe 4.door Sedan, Oood M .. mott plaatered one to rllht. but Totala _. ____ 34 -; "8 24 g I Matinee Dally at 2.00 p,m. . ' chanical Condition, Clean. Brewster wal out by a atep B. Pod· I Evenlna. 7.0D-9.00 o'clock A'T SEA" $200.00 win uncorked a perfect heave to the Palmyra· " plate. ab rho e THURSDA y, June 13 •

The local" laat Itand opened malt Brod~raon, rf • ___ 2 0 0 2 0 ' Two Outltandlnl Features -AllO- 1933 FORD unauaplcloully, but aU ended weU.. B. H'lIn, rf ____ 1 0 0 1 0 ' J heretofore atated. Baker, If 4 I 0 1 0 I ANE WITHERS and

Riverton ab r

Brewater, If ___ 4 0 Wallace, lb, c __ :2 0 MllcheU, 3b ___ 2 0 P. McDermott, cI _ 4 0 Carhart, rr 1 0 Glbaon, rf 3 0 Rotllballm, lb __ 3 0 Cole, '1 4 1 Terrell, ab I 0 Freeman, 2b ___ a C) Whltme,er, ab .__ 2 1 Schneider, c ___ a 0 Baker, p 3 0 ~homal I 0

h 0 4 3 o 3 o 0 1 a o 0 2 0 o a 1 I o 0 o 1 1 0 013 I 1 o 0

Total. 14 2 10 27 -Batted for Freeman In 7th.

F .ltenlYllle ab' r b 0

Per • ., cf 4 1 1 1, 2b, p __ S 0 I 1 Pod"ln, rf S 0 I I Xl:::., lb, C __ 4 0 010 001, • 4 0 o S Bedr. U 3 0 I I Doqblfty, c:. Ib _ 4 0 o 7 -:!tab, Ib 4 0 o 2 • ow,p,2b __ 4 0 2 0

e 0 1 I 1 a 0 0 4 I

De'ney, cf ___ . _ 4 0 2 0 0 OENE AUTREY In

~'=~~ibP ~ ~ ~ I~ ~ SHOOTING HIGH MaUard, c .. 3 0 0 3 0 D, H'lIn, II ___ 2 0 0 0 3 Henlen, 3b __ 2 0 0 I I Altadonna, p ___ 3 0 0 0 4

Totall ___ __ 27 1 "27 13

_nil­MARTHA RA YE and


F armer~ Daughter Free OUlI to the Ladill'll



MY SON, MY SON A love trlan.le tbe Icre.n· bu

never ..,. beforll

laturday Matln .. Only • STATIONERY "PLAIH OORDON CON.




Total. ;; •• ;; ii • CIRCULARS RAY MILLAND In

-t out wben wtnntn. run scored. For Every 0.' __ 4 The Doctor Taka PeltealYilla __ 000 010 OC»-l • W ~ • Wife RlYerton 000 000 001-2

Brroral Oold. BICk. Home NIl: The New Era, Inc. Eatra Added Attnctioa Wbltmq_. Two but hit: B.k. The ,"HII'a DlOlt ta1bd aboat .crUIce hit I Roth........ ltol.. JUYBRTON feal\U'eHI ...... , .b ..... , Per .. , BrewNer, "THE PLAG lPEAKI" Cole. Itnaclr OUtl B, Baller U • ." p Co ,- --"'--'. -_ .. .1IINra.. BaN OIl baIlI: O. ..... or IIIp.... -- - A.bort subject 110 AtDtricu

,I. Left _ ..... 1 amrtoa t. Pel. La,OUl Pboae IU.... 7U ahoIald ... I """'11. U ...... lldpt ItICI AI- MONDAY II BOOK DAY I 1Mrq, .... ------~''-------_---J


Chale Comedy· New •• Cartoon Wednetlday, Thuraday, June 19.20-

-AdIW- . , Popular ldeace • New, - C_edy '

Tudor, Lot. o( Unuaed In This Car.

$125.00 • 1935 Chevrolet

Standard Coach, Motor 0" ..... hauled, Ready to Go.

$215.00 •

1938 HUDSON Club Sedan, Lookl and R .... LIke New. See Thil One.

$650.00 •

1936 Pontiac 4-Door Sedan, Will Make. Nice Family Car.

$335.00 •

1938 FORD DeLuxe Tudor, RadIo, H .....

. A Car Anyon. Would Lilli eo Own.

$485.00 -: Many Others to ChooH frolll _



I EaVlC8

III Wilt BrHd ItHet

Palmyra. N.J,

Page 12: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


I Church Notices i l (C~~~~I) I Bnrke \\'. I:",

Ir"rlt W . jNi .. n

MBTHODIST CHURCH I cond\letcd in the Munldpal Oro ... Palmyra, N. J. The fint of the leriea will lit held

Rev. William A. Boyd. Pa'tor thit Sund.y even In, and In !Ch" .. Thl, Slinday our Church will Join of .erviee will be Btthany Luthe~

Ihe 100lh .nnlve .... ry of the ac:hool. Church with Iheir paltor aev H L hIe tOOth anniversary of Ihe Ithool. a d II' ,. . • An excellent order of wouhl hal owe e verln, the "rmon. Th.


BurUnaton Pllee SundlY Momin,

·l:IIl,I\. Ir".I\'I1 lewtlt 11 elmr)..,. 1I""n' ' Karll

. ~ Enl)'11 Hd",i K",,,. I':le311"r M. E. h~"trlllllll Herber, !.:el"merlt R"~' III""" , ' ic",r Kelldllll Riel'''tli E. Kercher I.awrellce H. Kern ~u~~,,11 Willillll1 Ktms Ver"a ~13rch tlllllon R<lbnl J. L"C~,u

been .rrln,ed. 'The Rev. Dr. frarry publi~ ia mOlt cordially Invited 10 . Ev.ul, diltrict .uperintendent In the enter Inlo Ihe .ervlce .. 10 o'clock-Meetln, for _rlh~p.

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH Pint Church of Chrllt, Selenliit

Thom .. Ave .• nd Sevenlh St. Riverton, N. J.

IlIIId.y School, UO un. Bunday Service.. 11 a.m. Wldntldl)l, '.00 p.m. Readln. Room In Church BuUdln,

Thoml. Ave .• nd Seventh St .• River. tcIft, open Tuead.y .nd FrIday,

.. ~ 104.SG. .

Mn~. MAROARET MATTtRS CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH 111t·"" ,I"" Pr('~ldent of Tbe Firat

(' burch or· Obrl.I, Sclentllt, "God the Preaerver of Miln" il Ihe 11001011. Mnl@BchuecUI

Ie .. on-urmon .ubje.:t for Sunday. ---.----------­Juno 16, In all Chri.lilln Science , yeAre ,t WOl decided thaI a commit­Churches and Societies throulhoul j tee "hould .:anva .. the parllh .oliclt. the world. 1111 contributions 10 ward Ihe car to

Tho Golden Text il: "The Lord il b .. live" awoy on ~he .econd nilht III)' rock, and my (ortre .. , and my of t~e Carnival. ThIS commlltee will deUverer; my Ciod, my Itrenlth, in beg~n operatlo,ns nexl week. The fol. whom 1 will trUgl; nlY buckler, Ind I 10wClla ~en Will make up the cor do· the horn of my salvation, IIl1d my 1'~llIlon "ommlnee: Leo Terrell, WH­bllh tower." (Pltllml 18:2). hllm Sculley~ Raymond Flchler. Leo

Amonl the leelon-urmon citation. ~all~ce. William Eck, Jr., Robert la the followilll from Ihe Bible: I ?o., "Thou art my h1dinl .pl~ce; thou The anllual 0:::;;; for the Altar ahllit com pall me about w,lh '0111' Boyo of Ih ' . h ' II b h Id S lbalt comp"1 me abuot with lana' AI h ,e parla w, e e al I. of dellvcrance." (PIl\lm. 32:7). p onlu, Relreat at Weat End, N.

The lellon.lermon 11110 in dud.. J 'i. on th: 1 ~omlnl TUkeBdoy• All boya the follow;nl paslale from the won en to ma e th~ trip will Chri.tian Science textbook "Sdenc. PlrBl~ report 01 a meehnl III the and Health with Key 10 :he Scrip. IC 100, hall on,·day mornlnl at turee" by Mary Baker Eddy: "Chrl.. ten 0 clock. Brlnl 25 cenllt alonl tianl rejol~e in .ecrel beauty and with you. Thla mOlley will be und bounly, hidden from the world, bllt to def~ay Ihe COlt of latollne. known to God. Self-forleUulne.. On rhuraday mornlnl of thla week purity, and affection are conllant bUllel will leave the .chool at 0.00 preyer.. .l'racll~e not profenion, o'clock .harp for Clementon Lake. under.tondlnl nol beUef, lain the Park whe!e children of Sacred Heart lit and rillht hand of onllllpolence School Will have their anllulIl plcnle. and they atiilllredly call down infinite :"dult. and other children of the par­blol.lnlil" (p. 15). '~h .r~ Invited, but Ihe children

lint "Iht. to the bUll ... BETHANY EVANGELICAL

LUTHERAN CHURCH Brold Slreet and Morlan Av.nlll

l'almyra, N. J. The Rcv. Harold Lco Rowe, p •• lor

The Fourth Sunday after Trinity. 11.00 a,m,-The Horvl~e. Sermon

theme, "Beln, Merciful." 1.00 p.m,-Orove Ve.pen. Pa.tor

Rowe'. .ermon .ubjecl, '·Tree .... Come and Join In thl. Union wonhlp .. rvlce.

Sunday Ma"clI: 1.00, R. Dennl., R. RowRn: g.OO, J. Ford, J. Laverly: 10.30, R. Strohlein, R. Fichter, V. Collar.

Dally ,Mauc. (nckt week): 7,00. W. Kelhmerle, J. Hamlin; 1.45, J. McLoughlin, B. Dall.y.

Wesleyan Men's Bible Class

For Ih. Men of the Community

!.Ioy,l J. Lc""ard Lucille ~lirinlU t...,yshon ReI/ina l.illk.lwicz IIcllnell II erhert I.llflsfield Frank Russell l.or" (;",'rll" Juhll Mn..,k. Jr. Franklin ~Inrker AII'III ~1. Mlu.hnll Willinlll Gc"rlle M"th\'w. Carl '1'100111'" Mcllermolt Dorolh\' Lillian ~Ie"tz Willlnll; n. ~Iickle

• ,\I icc Miller Ellller E. M"hrnlllnn Helen A. M"rri~ !lori. l.illii'" ~Io,lIell Iloris ~1. Mullen 1'h,,'u,,~ FllI rick ~t u"'Rlley

·Janet EII,."hrlh Mu",o ,\lfrcd F.. Newt"n. Jr. CI:trellre Fr"dericlt 011

·XI"r\' U. I'hile I.""i~ I'. Pike XIIII'~ :lrcl Mllr\' l'if1Pill I':,h", ~"'rlc RAIIl"'" T.ihlh'tt l't\lI!'t(,tll. Jr', lIc1l'" Ilmllo", Reid ~Iar>' 1·:I I1.:,h"lhe R~nl1fr ~ .\ ' ''· i'' RC)'l1n l.l~ AllIIn R"""rt' . Ihlllo Neville Rohertson \\ illin.n II. RuJ,inwn lIar,,)'1 R, Rnrllnnn Willl:un J Rn~~ "Inlnn ~rnrl' Hnlenbury A" ,," E. Hi"' h .I. Helle ~",,,I,," licliruc I), Schill. Jr . . G('rnrrl J"~c,,10 Sclolindweln

·Cntlette S. ScclIlulJer William J. Slrltlilll

·hnll C. ~'lInllcy Cllnrlr~ It. l'lltln!ler J"IIII .1"'"1,10 SpHIlr.:~r \\'il1;(«<1 rio ~tcrlll1g Frallk Willi. 51ewart Hnrry Ru'",,11 Stickel

'1 ': II,w(,rl to DCIIHI rc~t 510110 J.,illinll 1)",1" Stowe

Baltimore Conference wlU lit the -0-,ue.t preacher. Dr. Evaul II a nil- Th AI h G live of Palmvra and a former .tudent • p. amm. Cia.. of the , Sundll,1 School will hold a Itraw-in our Bible School. We w.l~om. berry feetlv.1 on the ehurch lawn on him home upon Ihll occllion and i.- thl. Saturdl)l eVeninl. Come out .nd vlte all hi. friendl 10 come ,reet encoura,e. them by your -Irona,e. and welcome him. ....

Some of our former Ichool luper· DAMICO B'"T Y Intendenll, W. H. Libe, W.' H. - ... T Homan, Albert McCay Ind other. Cenlral Baptllt Chutch, Pal\1t)'r •• will partieipale in Ihe luvl(e. M.ny I wa. Ihe .cene of a very prett¥ wed­former memben .nd frlendl of the din, on S.turday, June .. at 4.00 .chool and church will be pte.enl., o'clock, when Mil, leabol Betty, Spedll mu.le will be ,Iven by the dau.hf'r of Mr .• nd Mr .. Lawrenc. orchellr., the Senior Church Choir I Belly, of soa Broad Itreet, became • nd Mill Eileen aae, violinltt. A the bride of Stephen Damico, IOn of .hort hl.tory of the bible Ichool pre-I Mr. and Mra. Alell.nder D.mlco, of pared by Mi •• Helen Wolcott w'iII be 308 Woolman .treel Mt. Holly. read. The bride WII liven In marriale

Ple .. e take note of the time thl./ by .h.r father • . and her attendanll mcelinl will belin, 10.15. were Mill Maraaret Neal. of Parry.

Thla .ervlce will be held In Ihe 1 maid of honor: and Mille. Valerie Bible School Temple. There will be Jonel, of Mt. Holly, Miriam Man. 110 aervice In Ihe eancluary at 11 lelli. of Camden, Vlrllnla Bal.dl. o'clock. This il a combination .er- o( p.lmyra and Rita Pallante, of Mt. vice of the church and Bible .chool. ' HoUy. brldelmald •.

Our church service In the even-' Anlhony Janone, of Mt. Holly. inl' will be dl.contlnued for the .erved III belt man and uahera were .ummer. We will ulllte with tho! Howard Beyer and SlIvl. Voll.rlno Churchca of Plllmyra In the Union : of .Mt. HollY, Georle Parle, of Rlv: ServicCi held In the Palmyra GlIOve I er.lde and John Philip., of Camden.

. at the Stallon. The Rev., Harold Jean ShUlar. was 80wer IlrI and Rowe, mlni.ter of the Belhany Dorll Shulan sanl precedln, the Lutherlln Church Is the preach.r thl. ceremony. Both are daulhlen of Sunday evenlnl. The lervlce is from ,' Mr. and Mr.. Chl\rles ShuI.r., 01 7 to 8 o·c1ock. Camden.

-0- I Aher a recepllon .1 the home of The Bible School will have Itl lalt the bride'. parenti the couple left

.upper conference for thl. year on on a weddlnl trip to New York. Monday evenlnl In the intermedlat. l:eY

H Wlilll make their home .t 35 room. All memberl o£ the board are I. a y avenue, Mt. Holly. ClIpected 10 be prelent.


The Mi •• lonary Society will have a parly Ilt the home of Mn. Hlrlnl on Orchard avneue thi. Wednesday noon. All membera of the .oclellea are urled to be prelenl.


"AdellllC Rita Tliloricco M .rr,aret TII.'1I111.on CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH nll\' ,I A. "0)' Rev. Goorle Lodeoll, B.D., Plltor

At the commencemenl ellerclle. of the Moorestown Friend. School held on Thunday. June 6, Walter H. Drew, .on of Mr. and Mr., Waller Drew, of Morlln avenue, read an e •• oy on "Whot Aboul Il)lorna­Iional Ciovernment."

Lilted amonl the Iraduate., In .d­dltlon to Mr. Drew, were MIll Calh­erlne Chatmen, dau,hter of Mr. and Mn. W. W. Chalmera; Bernard Coe, Ion of Mr. and Mr •. Gilbert Cae, Robert Haley, Ion of Mr .• nd Mre. Fran'lc Hiley and M.lhew., .00 of Mr. Ind Mr •. Prank Mathew ••

Alherl W. 'I'rupen 'OIIC" C. 'l'rOIlIl Servlcu SundlY, June 16th.

to'CI'Io E,hlll1u<I Tllrnock, Jr, Blblo School, 10.00 a.m.-The !'hll I., Villi F.l1lburgh .chool feel. very Irllteful 10 Mr. '.huer L. VRughn . W. Weart ror hi. wlillnlneel

Hclen R. Vile d I ' D,'rollov Artlla \Varden .n cooperat on on filllni the office John E. WashIngton 01 Secretary durinl the Ib.ence of

.~ubert Middlelon Wat.r. Mr. Howard Yerkee, and allO .Ince R. Webb hi. reellnatlon. A concerled effort AI(IIC1 Amelia Weber I. bein, m.d, to keep up the Itt.nd-

encalrlce L. Weiher ann In the .ummer month.. Such

POULKE-BLACK On Frid.y evenln" Jun. 4, .1 6.30 D'clock a covered dllh .upper for till cOD,re,.tlon will be held on tb. lawn II tbe home of Dr. .nd M,.. H. W. B.uer, 515 Maple lIV.nue. .pon.ored by the L.dl .. Guild. W. Jaope all the member. and friend. 01 Bethany will come and enjoy til. food) lun and fenowlblp to­I.ther. If Ih' wealher I. Inclem.nt til. ,upper will be held .t the pariah !&alL

Miriam Luui,e Well. lealonl al ar. t.u,ht In the .ohool "Con.lder the 1111e. II Ihl --Id LaBella LiIIlall ar. JUlt •• e •• entl.1 In Ihe .ummer

• I - Mary I\Bthr~'n Wigll'lne J .. u. 10 Ih' people of Hil day, which eHelell Evelyn Wilcox .. In the winter. LeI'. let the real

Announcemenl hll been mad. of the marrlale of MI.. Dorl. Black. dau,hler 01 Mr. and Mfi. Edmund P. Blick, of Mor,an avenu •• to Wil­liam Harold Poulke, .on of Mr. In4 Mra. William Foulk., to talr. place on SlIurday, June 15, II 4 p.m. In Calvary Preabyterlan Church.

.pplle. 10 u •• 1.0, "how th.y ,row Erncsl W. Willi. benefit of thil Ichoolln,. Ihey 1011 not, Ih.y .pln not. y.t i R.lph Willi. Mornln, .enlce, &l.I5-·7he Sin .ay unlo you thll Solomon In all blII n,,"'tl.y r.1I,"beth Wlleon that Doe. E •• lly Bea.t U." will be ,lory wa. nOI arra),ed like 01Ul of ~nn .. ~Iay Wolhchmldl the lubJec:t of the Mrmon for the theM; how much more wUl H. not Donald R. Yerk" mornin, .. rvlc.. Add.d to thl. In-cloth. you, ° )'e of Uttl. fallh" IL RQberl Galli Yerkta .plrln, m .... 'e wID be the anthtme CARD OP THANKS Lult. Uta1. ' • • ASlerisk denotn honor ,r.dullea by Ihe choir. Vlaltor. In our com- M

SACRED HEART CHURCH Thi. btlUllJul whll. Bow.r t .. chet who ""~hr red "Iolu at Com- munltl •• ar. a1w'YI ,Iven a warm IY w. lab thl. opportunity of Riverton N J

Ih' Iovln • ~-.. of o'ur H _I lIIencemenl e.erd.e.. wllcom. and made 10 f.el rI,bt at eapre .. ln, our deep .pprtclatloa for • • • ... ~ .. v .... )' the --- L._ .. Rev. John P. Wellh, Pillor F.lher 10 needful in IheM dan of __ hom., ...... )' ....... ,.pr .. lIIon. of

RIV. Vlncenl A. Luth.r. A •• 'I Pa.tor known .venl. th'l may occur at aD)' NOTICE Durin, lb. balance of the __ .ympethy durin, our recent ber .... -I da M 1 To rlll,v. the mind of Tb. member. of Delawar. "Ir. month. Communll, .ervfc. wUl be ment.-Th. 'amll, of WIWam A.

un )' aile.. .00. 0,00. 10.10 • unc.rtainll .. conc.rnin, IUIllolUI IIICl C • M.Jor. Dally M ..... , 1,00. 1AS. individual., the pur. Illy In lb. ompe"y No.2, alit Rlv.rton, wfab j~~~~;;;:::::::::::::::::::: Conf .... on.: Every lalurd.y from beauly of III qwlt unfolclJn., lIaea- to .ccept Ihl. metnl of "PHI"

.... 5 10 S.U and from 7.30 10 \l.00. the value of the qul.t ku.t In God'. their thanb .nd .pprtd.tIon to all - lovin, car.1 thoM who conlrlbuled In .n), wa,

The r.,war monlhly m .. tln, of J .. UI loved the be.u~ In 10 .ucc ... ful annlllll canv ... for the Sacred Harl Alumni AlIOCialion ... I Dowera. fund •• conduCled durin. the put two wW be beld on Friday nl,ht of .1.._ not mp)' &0 ,r.W), I. ..qultltl weeb

II • 00 • I ..... MnM of the beautiful. but to _ III . ... .t . 0 c oeL It II to be them the unfoldlna of J)lvt W. hope w. ma)' w.rrant the eon. JIoped thlt wDl b. ,0041 "How mucb III b lUI car.. t1nued .upport of our man, frlllldt. alne. Ihi. wllrbe tha J •• t me.tin. of you, ° l' ofi:'Je ~alth.! not clothe the current HUOn. Purther plalUl It I lbe wW be diac:ulMd for the ReceptloD Clu. ~ 1ntpIr~ of our Bible :: ~:f ~ be ,Iven In bonor of and perleer o~:!c"!n-:: ~ u.:

The annlllll renpUon __ .. d tbat without w. can ~ the , the la ' ..... anee tOlllOtrow .. or c II of 40 will be ,Iv.n on lunda will

JlOIIday evmin,. An __ nt of Main Icbool y 8M _t III &be II cent. baa been placed on IYtty with tbe 1000h Anni ' cooperaw. __ her 01 the a11&111n1 lUod.tJon to of lb. Chur b Icl.--vL.ur)' Propm cover the COlt of Daullc and refrttb- c ...... .. ~ :==----==-wc====-= -• At a _dn. of the G .... ral Par-.... CommItt .. on the Annual lacred H_n eanuval further plan. wer. 6cu ... d and IIIW commItt_ IP­_tid. AccorclJna &0 the c.-- of

EVins' Service Stallon .... a .... Ita. JUveno., N. J.


ftw ..... n. - MIG At u lie . .............. ., .......... J,

LEONA HUNT hair stylist 1. L-'.OM IT.

'ALMYIA JOHN H. ETRIS I 17 Wilt .r ... Itt..t

P .... 1I& •• J. ...... t7I


PVclaattcl ..,. ar. --1Ifed aDd IutaJW .. aEE

Prfcee Res .....

SCHWERING'S ...... "... N.J .......


M_auru conducted by the United Illn_ RYTaX STATIONaRY. 1 •• 00 Slate. Bureau 01 St.nd.rd. held In I Funer.1 .ervice. were held from Walhin,ton. D. C. 'I the Snover Funeral Home on Tu .. - .. =====-===A=T=T=H=E=N=E=W==E=R=A=O=F=P=IC=lt========

day evenln" the Rev. A. J. H.rke == C o

i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; I offlciatlna. Service. were 1110 held M M Ii: N T

I l at ROllboroll.h, Pa., .. here Interment I'

OBITUARIES I wal made. The Rev. J. A.quith of- .,.l1lil1lil1li11 fiel.led. .!!I

1 ____________ .1 Mrs. Dlwaon II lurvived by her

dnu,hler. Mre. Cieotle Dorworth • with whom .he made her home. three

Out We. I ,tlebra a. "taldn, IOmethin, you h.ven't ,ot and ,et­tina oomethin, you can't ate." What a pea~h of a definition for the New Deal. -If the ten.UI takerl really wanted to know lomelhln •• bout mort,e,ee tbey .hould have a.ked .bout the family automobile and radIo. -A lot or aUmentl people now dla-CU.I In public, • few yea,. .,0 were never mentioned .bove a whl.per

-0-­Any time you're afraid you .re ,.t­

tina too cocky JUlt .tlrt around town and try to borrow a hundred bueb. -

LLOYD LEONARD Lloyd Leonard. .on of Elmer

Leonard. of 21 Rowland atreel, Pal­myr., w.. drowned Sunday after­noon, whUe .wlmmina .t Water Gap.

The youlh was a member of the pretent senior d ... at p.lmyra Hl,h .schciol and would have received hll diploma on Thursday nl,ht of Ihll week.

Puner.1 aenicea wlU be held from hi. late readence at 8 a.m. today (Thurad.y) wIth requiem mal. In the Sacred Heart Church .t 9 o·cloc:k.

Interment will be In Mt. Carmel Cemetery, MoorCltown, under the dl. rectlon of Fr.nlt A. Snover.

MRS. KATE DAWSON Mre. Kate D.wlOn. 80, died on

Sunday. June 9, foUowln, a ahort

aralldchildren .nd 'one Ireat .rand· child. '


Urlin, the need for I,eater con­centration while drivlnl, Arthur W. M •• ee. Motor Vehicle Commlaaloner. laid recently that the c:areful driver I. aile who doetn't reto,nl .. frlendl In p ... ln, ,ulomobile. or on the aidewalk. He doe.n't have time.

"Show me the driver who II,. he didn't aee you when he drove by and u.ually you will find a careful driver," nld the Comml •• loner. "The driver who teU. you the nellt day that you pa •• ed wllhout recoanJtlon \llually . h.. eye. for ,verythln, but the huard. around him. Remember the ,ood old d.YI when the only thinl we had to worry about 1 ___________________________ _

In the aprlnl w .. hou.etlelnln,'


Mr. and Mre. Eame.t G. Snow. of 31 Firat avenue, Haddon Hel,ht., , .re bein, conlratulated Oft the bIrth of I IOn. Earnell John. born on SIIft­day. June 2, at the Lylnl Inn, Ho.­pltal, Phlladelphll, Mra, Snow, II the former Mila Hannah J. Doonan, of Parry .venue, p.lmyr •.


Freeholder LeRoy Church. of Bor­dentown, hila been elected to life member.hlp In the Order of the Flol, the Lelion of Honor of the United Stales Flal A •• oelallon, ac­cordinl to an announcement made Jalt week.

-0-The MI. Holly armory Is under

luard 24 hours a day under • new National defense rulln,. -N, F. S, Ruslell, of Edlewaler Park. WOl recently named to fill • vacancy on Ihe South Jer.ey Port Commiftllon. -----


Tlwu.and. of vi.ltora came 10 Riv­erton on Friday. Saturday and Sun· d.v to attend the annual Dreer ROlle Featlval. The plant. were al their belt and preaented a mo.t colorful • pectacle.


The river bank w.. lined with .pec:talor. on Sund.y afternoon to w.tch the race. held by the River­ton y.cht Club.

Cakes Must Be Pretty

GRAOUATIONS. weddllll(" IInel h' .... ~ J!""at8 c ... mblne to m"ke

811111mer truly a I,arty seA "011, Cllk,' •• r .. hnllorlanl ror "redlll ne' caelon I and good to hn ve rPlldy for UIIPKln'cted cOlllpallY, Here a"O two raclllel tbot ... 111 be very uoofui.

On .. Two·TIl ... ·Four Cak • I cup butler • cup milk I CUllS ollg.r S tsp. b",kln, 3 "UI18 lIour powder • elllli '4 tl p, lalt

I tiP, flovorlnll

l 'A1 . ' 11 rlS .ugClr 2% eu"o "11 k, · • 3 ('ggl nllur (Rlft, 'd

1'10 totl. \'11,,11111 IIp!uI''' 111"01'

~ cup milk "rlllg I Cream the butter, add AUj(ur nnd

"rABm t"~6ther \llItII IIl1ht Ilnll RurTy. Add tile ... h ... le eu •. bonllnll w,,11 Brler the addlthtn ot (·. r lt Rlfl baklnl! IlClwder and n ... llr t,,~plh"r . Add vanilla to the milk. Adll ai' lern811-ly. Ihp nour and mnk ml,,· tllre, heH lllnlflll with dry hl~r",I1 · ent. aad endlaK wltb tbe dry Ingre·

atll 8mooth Bltd wpll

Greatel' 'V liLUb lur LESSJ When you .hop In your oonvenient, ne'ahbornood American Stor., you are a?lured of Quallty­tetted foodl-auarant.ed to pleale at rea.on­able . prloel. made po •• lble throuah our Producer to Conlumer Merchandlainlt Plan.

~!!~ -Specl.';IY prl.ed-_-(JSQJ--P,-.-,,-CY

CORN 3~:~!25: ' (;uldclt 11.11",,111. ('ulll1lr~ ''''"dt'man ur \\Ihl .. era.hl!Cl. Pack.,., 100m""la,el, ,,1ft plckln. '0 hrlll. "n. lhe true. fl'08h 1I""or .

,--:~----:. --- ' -P· LSI - AI •• lra 2 tall 27c Inll • "'0" f'l\lIo" can.

F.ncy SlIc.d ••• t. 1:;~'IOc Kid ... y ...... .. ... 11 uf Aro 2 - 15c AC'hr. •• n. will> l'urll allel , .. a-t1I 19c .......v • T.-.t" huot .. , .....

Hurlecll T e",.to., ' .4 .-:;;.: 25c Jl New Everyday Low Bread Price r

Milk or BREAD 2 lar,. 151 Soft-Twist loav ••

11."(0 Pure Blaokl)lIr .

PR'ESE,RVES ~ ......... .......----~ ........... r-. .

R.,d Pitted Sour Ch.rri.. ~:-n· IOc C.IiJe Sw •• t Prun •• 10ttOl 2 ftI. lie lISCO Gr.p. Juice :::~tJ'! 19c C d. r Arlllou,·. 01' 2 1:1'0& 3"c . or... ..r Swift'" It,," .,

Marrowfat B •• n."=~I0,..~:::. 2 ftI. 13c liSCO Sw~.t P ••• RI~~Z""I 2 ~j,~ 25c Cr ••• -whlt. .::. 15e a 3-!" 39c M".hmallow. 2 ;i::. 15e Gra." P ... ~~. 2 ""ISe Lv"lt 001 Food",!,;:,. 25e fISaJ AmmonIa ':~, ge

FLOUR ~.!:! 12i.!!'1137 c


O.farlo" Product. L.undry ,So.p 3 .... ~ .. 10. Soep Powd., 2 I,:i;~: 9.

Gold Medii flour 12 ;,::',49(:

I~;~ LARD ... 6 Toilat SOIP J ... h .. 13c I •• p.r.,.d Mitk

f.,,,,d.l. " ::!I. l"e " -.' 19 Soap Fl..... ".. c CI •• n •• , IS,'" ,on 4c lISe/) ,:~~,:':.~'.!:. 3 ,~~.19c

Pllrmda/e Poultry Peed. a:~~.& ••• ~ ':';: 61e • ''::,;.11> '2.39 aroll., M •• h .~ 6S~ • ':;'11> 1 2.51 .rowine M .... ':;!" 61c • II:''' '1.39 Chic" .r.i.. ':e: S7c • '':;.11> '1.11

Fresh Fruits and Ve etables

N'iwWPOTATOES 10 1ba 23C

0 .. 1 .... ::; ~~t.:. I -. II. ... ..... :.~;:I:~'~ 6T-.. • 10e: P... a.tIf. _ I .. 1,_ Ca~. r_ r.- a Ie

TOMATOES ~k1~-= 2 •• 1k T e,,4., Itanil". an. 'rlc ...... on. HI«h.r

RIB ROAST tt» 23; a .......... .4 ...... 1 .. ......

"-"' ....... m ... .... Lea .. Cro •• Cut 0. ........ .

• 1ge ·s ·U

I FRyiNG ~CHICKENS-x- H1a:'r 27c :

, .. " .... n-:. HUt J:'IIif' &.01 .......

Pork Lol.. ~P~~' ... 13c: ~ .... ,: • 17c c. .. 're Clil e .............. 1. • a 'S

_ ... 1 • -r'Il •• .. I ...... ".nII • 1 ';:Ic 1111__ .. if... a " ,,, 1 .... ~

Butt End. lI.m~ .. lar : Slic .. :::- a 35c 1 .... .4 ....... aZlc I A.eriaaac ...... ~ a 12 .. Le.ttd.I ..... ""Se ..... T ....... ~ L..N_ .. ! ..... If .. • • "'.......... 16. 10,

::;;;; .ek".1 a Be : = Crull.. • 8c I l

f_cy ·'.1s .... 1 •• Ha..... a 19«: I . Fltl .... f O~ Petdt • 17e .

Page 13: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


THE NEW ERA , __ , .. Publltlled E .. .., Thunday at MIl Main Street

RIVERTON. N. J. "tered at the RIYenon, N. J .. Poat OIiea a. Sec:o.d CIeaa Matter

Telephone, Riverton 712

their purchaaing. knowing the meter wal running againlt them. uatinl ela •• wal thc larlcet In the Other merchants insist bu.inell hal been stimulated and the hl.tory of tho Unlver.ity.

The Commencement exerelln OIl turnover of cUltomer. Increued. Mond.y were the 72nd In the,

Flgurel covering 102 communitlea ullng metera Ihow ,p • . of Lehl,h. Dr. Harry Woodbtll'D proximately $3,470.000 of revenue collected I8It year, an average Chue, c:hancellor 01 New York Uni-

. . veralty, WII the .peaker. of $290,000 a month, or $2,844 per city. The return showl Wide Elliott, who il a araduate of Epl ..

WALTBR L. BOWEN, Llltor •• W. IIETZOU, A_elate Editor KARL W. LA1'C", Ad". 1I1f.

4 Sec:ond Street. Riverton 812 Morlen Awe .. P8lmpra

variance, however, depending upon the number and location of copal Academy, received the d .. meters. HOUlton, Texas, with 3,869 reported more than $260,000 Iree of Bachelor 01 Sclenae Ia

II d I 1939 W hi D C I . . d Chemical En,lneerlnl. He II a memo PIIone 40& hono IGI CO ecte n ' . as ngton, . ., a . arger City, receive ber of Chi Phi .ocial fraternity, aDd $38,000 from 300 meten. w .. active in stuclent ure at Lohllh.

LBOAL ADVBRTISEMENTS TIt. New Era I. a Lela] New.paper. Comml.loner' .. 811ertra aDd

etIIer W ... AdmJaI.trator'. aDd Executor'. Ad"ertlMmenta an aollc:ltecl. 'I'be New Bra wW Ippreclate beinl remembered In thl' c:on •• ctlon. ,

Most of the meterl operate on a nickel charge for 30 min- HII Ictivltlel Include: Football (3); utes to two hours of parking the time allowed being governed by wreltllnl (3); trick (Z, 3); Prelh.

, man Union; secretary.trealurer of the type of diltrift In which the device is located. Recent de- Sophomore CIa ... velopments are the penny and accumulative penny and nickel ______ _

Sab.crlptlon t1.50· a Year In Advance Advertlal., Rat .. on AppllC:ltlon

meterl. Penny meters permit parking for 12 to 15 minutes with IN ORADUATINO CLASS an arrangement for tbe motorist to deposit several pennies for a COLLEOE OF SOUTH JERSEY

PRINTINO The New Era Olflce I. equipped to do all Idnd. of Pili. PrI.tiIIl at

nuooable price •.

I f ri d S ILk CI h b h d . . k I Amona the aradultes from thl, succes. on 0 pe 0 I, a t a e ty al ot penny an mc e vicinity at the exereiaea 01 the Col. accumulative metera with provision for insertion of one to four leae of South Jerley and the South pennies for 12 minutes each, or one or two nickela for an hour. Jeney Law School were: David P.

National Defense vs Economy Automatic meters predominate in 29 cities of more than MacGhee, of Mooreatown, Jean P.

Middleton and John H. Hecker., of 100,000 population, while ~anual meters are the most common Merchantville; Elaine Smith and in the 126 municipalities under 100,000 populalton. An analysis Helen E. Wood, Palmyra; and W. of revenue per meter shows the return from the automatic type Maynard Bowen, of Riverton. During a recent conference in New York, the executives of

• tate taxpayers associations of eastern states pointed significantly to the need for state and local governmental economy to facilitate the nation's defense preparations.

.. 15 . hi h h h I 1(1 ' ld h . The proaram WBI held in the audl • II per cent g er t an t eye of manual meters, sa tel torlum of the Camden Hl,h School report. This was consistent, it waa stated, with the experience J on Wednesday. June 12. in several cities having both typu. Senator Oerald P. Nye, of North

"In view of the need for Increased national defense," declared the executives In a resolution, "rigid ec:onomies in local and state governments are in the national intereat today al never before."

It must be admitted that an extensive program of defense building requires careful c:onsideration of our resources-that walteful spending and inefficiency in the .atate and loc:al branches of government must be thrown out promptly.

Within recent years certain pseudo· economists have tried to . spread the idea that prosperity can be achieved through lavish

lpendlng projects, . financ:ed with public funds. Although this Idea falls apart when it Is examined closely, It has been fed to the public in large doses by the "political spenders."

, Now that this absurdity is being pushed aBide' because of Our defense needs, it is reassuring to know that civic.minded citizens have already installed the machinery to promote state .nd local governmental economy. The rapid development of taxpayer groups during the past few years has brought about In. slstent and well.managed opposition to profligate public Ipend. Ing.

These groups have analyzed closely the fac:tors that make up the COlt of government. They have made a sharp distinction be. tween expenditures that are beneficial, .and expenditures that are a Iheer waste of public funds. Placing an informed finger on the underlying cause. of the high cost of government, they have paved the way for elimination of thOle cauees.

In one city a change from manual to automatic meters in. ' Dakota, was the lpeaker at the af. , '. lair. Durina the proaram, Senator creased .revenues about 30 per cent, continued the association. Nye and William D. Lippincott, for.

InfluenCing this difference, it was pointed out, wae the fact many mer Common Plea. Judae of Bur. motorists fail, either accidentally or intentionally to turn the IIn,ton county and past pre.ident of h dl f " • h . h' the New Jereey Bar Alldelatlon, reo an eater inserting a COin w en uSing a and.operated meter, ceived the honorary delree of doctor and park over the specified time. Police find it difficl!lt to ilsue of lawl. over·parklng tickets because they cannot tell when the parkillg ------_ began. LOCAL COUPLE CELEBRATB

SILVER ANNIVERSARY But a Itudy of installations failed to show any clear prefer. Conaratulatlon. to Mom and Dadl ence by the 16 cities beginning the ule of meters this year. Mr. and Mrl. Howard Wa.hln,.

Eight ordered each type although in the two largest munici· ton of Palmyra, celebrated their palities automatic meters were· in.talled. . twe'nty.Sfth weddlna annlvenary on ------------------_______ , Friday, June 14. The parenti of .Ix,

D EB R the couple have resided at tbelr pre. MI DL U Y GRAD riebury open. on Thursday. June 13'l.ent Fourth Itreet addr., •• for the Richard M. Barc:lay, Ion of Mr.. with the Senior Ball. Realatratlon palt 21 years.

Richard D. Barclay, 20S Lippincott for alumni and alumnle will .tart In Mr. and Mn. Waahin,ton, held uvenue, RIverton, will receive the de. Eabert Starr Library Friday after. with reapeetful relard by the com. iree of Oachelor of Art. at the 140th noon and that evenln, members of munlty and their anoelates, are Commencement of Middlebury Col. tho Dram. Department under the dl· 'membere of Mt. Zion A. M. E. le,e on Monday, June 17. The ex- rectlon of Profenor V. Spencer I Church. in Riverton. and active ercllea In Mead Memorial Chapel Goodred. will prelent Thornton worken In civic affairs. For the that mornina: will conclude the ac:. Wilder'. "Our Town" at the CoUeae Palt 22 years the husband has been tivltin. Playhoule. Saturday'. event. Include in the enlploy of MIlS Mlr,aret I.

Barclay, a araduate of the Moorel. Clast Day exerclsea, alumni meednl' Vau,hn. of Riverton. town lilah SchOOl, hOI majored in and reunlonl, th~ annUli Barbecue, The proud parenta have. worked ,eoloiY at Middlebury. He won hi. and the Prea~dent. Reception. Bac:. and conlerved so that all but one of letter in winter Iport, and In track cal aureate WIll be held on Sunday their children have completed Pal. lind haa been active In Intramural morn Ina and on Mond.y Dr. Willl.m myra Hiih School the younieat child athletic. durin, hll colle,e coune. A. NeUlon, prealdent·emeritul of ,oln, Into hll third year at the hi'h He h .. been on the .tudent a .. embly Smith Colle,e, will deliver the Com. Ichool. The only daulhter. Edna, and ha. held member.hlp In "M" mencement addre... i. in the fourth year at Trenton State Club, the Mountain Club, Skyline Teacher. Collele. The bo". are and the ,overnln, baird 01 the club. LEHIGH ORADUATE locally employed, the elde.t .on

Organization of this IIOrt has been especially well.developed In New Jersey. During the past ten yean taxpayers associations have been formed In communities in every part of the Itate under the stimulation and guidance of the New Jersey Taxpayerl A'lociation. Operating on a long·range basil, these groups have made Iteady gains. The fact that tax ratel thi. year in Ilxty:: three per cent of New Jersey's municipalitiet are lowe!' than lalt year II tangible evidence of what can be accomplilhed through

He ha. lerved on varlou. loclal com· Prank B. Elliott. Ion of Mr. and havin, completed Virainil St.te Col. mitteel Ind durin, hll .ophomore Mrl. Ro.. T. Elliott, 402 Fulton leae in 1939. yelr WII on-th, bUllne .. Itaff of thelltreet, Riverton, WII one of the cia.. How cood it i •• 0 lee

wideapread civic action.

. Now the nation's deCenee Iituation places addition II rcapon. .. billty and dutiu upon the tlxplyer group'. Upon them filii the talk of inlilting that the C:Olt of local government be kept under rigid control. It i, pi lin that the effortl to achieve gov. emmental economiea by citizenl organization. mUlt be clal.ed .snong the genuinely Ilgnificant deyelopment, of the day.

Parking Meters Parking meter. are in ule in It lealt 155 American c:ltiea,

dedarel I report by the Internationll City Mlna,eR' AlIOCiation baaed on a national lurvey. There hal been a .teady Increase in

• tile number of municipaUtiea tumin, to ~hil form of parkin, reauJation, and revenue, linee the first inltallatlon wal made by OJdahoma City in 1935. Nine cities, however, have abandoned their use .fter trials conaidered unaatiaIactory, while four odIera-Topeka, Kan ... : Bri.tol, Tennessee: Lubbock and Tyler, TeuI--()rdered reinstallationa after periodl of diacontinuance.

Dall .. and EI PalO adopted melon the lame year .. Okla. bema City. In 1936, 17 cities fell into line with the movement, followed by 29 in J937, 35 in 1938, S5 Iaat year and J6 duri", die first four montha of 1940. New Jersey ia repreaented in the lie of meter municipaUties by Atlantic City, Asbury Park, PueaIc:, and Patterson. In leveral other eilia of the .ute in­..... tiona are under cliIcu8Uon.

TIle mc:don in New Jeraey has been milled. While eon­cecUa, .buIes of parkin, priviJe,a have been checked wbm ..un were installed. mercbanta have C4mplained in IOIIIt in­IhaCc8 of buaineaa goin, to other eommunitiea becau.c of reo _tIDaIt aclinic the char,e and penalty of a "lIDmona f. onr. ...... ADOtlIer complaiDt baa beat tJqt CUItOmtn are hurried in

.tudent weekly, the Middlebury of approximately UO men who reo And how It plel.letb well Campu.. celYed del reel from Lehllh Unlver. Tocetber e'en In unity

The Senior Week prOlram .t Mid· Iity on Monday. June 10. The Irad. Por brethren 10 to dwell. .'


'~""''''''''''''''''''''BusiNESS'''DiRECTO RY ~.




BELLEVUE GARAGE SPKiaI AtteotiOll to Power aDd LI,ht AU Work 300 lIelroll Ayenue P8lmpra Broad and Kern Sta. E. RlyertOll 106 BROAD STRBBT Phone Rlyerton liB Telephone Rly. 1595 • Nllht 161.11 RIVERTON



Oldsmobile ~ EXPERT 5c: AND tOe STORE BARBERS 9 Wat Broad Street

S.... IDcI a.mce ~ CAUYING A CO.PLaTa LIN. o.

~ NOTION" TOILII1' AII1'ICLU Safety Te.ted Uaed Care HovaLTlal. CANDY. IITC.

10 Brold Street, Riverton Emerson Wolflchmidt FLOORS T.lephon .. Edward MoorhoUle -.a ..-. All WOlll RiYerton 12t2 Merc:hutvlU.· 510 521 Howlrd St. RI.ertOll • __ ... UIoo .M ladolactafJ'

Frank Hansen Quick Service • Sanitary Shop

Koggenhaver Motor Co. HARDWOOD '1.00.1 of IC".", DooIp LINOLav.

DOE and PLYIIOUTH BUILDERS ltain Ir:ct.":f ---.. hnIk... ad ItapoIoM SALBS Ind SBRVICE 'U Cut .. A_ DBLA.a. H. J. 100 Broad St. RIYerton Curtis E. Stavely Phone Riverton 380

GROCERIES FRANK I. LLOYD CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Serylce Manlier Speclal Attention to Jobblq

W. F. Becker 16 W. CHARLBS ST., PALMYRA • PhOlle 744 0r0cerI... 'NIta, Veptabloo .ALaS SERVICB DoUcol_ Coutar

John E. Me Vaugh lI .. ta aa4 PI'1IYIo\o.1 Moorestown ~otor Co., Inc. 517 HOWARD ST .. RlVBRTON 2111 W. Main St., Mooratowa Contractor and Builder Phone 724-Pree DeU".,. Pilon, lIoor .. toW1l 77 or 411




Plreatoae Tlre_Bltteriea Phone ea Burke" s Service Station 'hlueeoal' HARDWARE Broad IDcI Linden Rlvenoo .UILDING IIAT.RIALI-HAaDWAU

LUII.a_,aJt:D-COlta Phone 1562 .-11_ .... -- HARRY C. SCHWERING ........... 4.

1.· ... - ......... llQhouse L LESTER S. fORTNUM Wy I" ~TLANTIC PRODUCTS J. T. EVANS CO. Complete AutomobUe 1ervIc:e SALES and SERVICE

U5-12S W. Broad St., PALMYRA a..... PUBL OIL Relrla_tOR aDd ApplluC18 Phone 1110 all

COAL aos B. Broad It. PllJllpra, N. J. LUMBER Phone 28 MILLWORK



PALIRRA. N. J. CIaIlInc • WbItewaUlaa


'1111 l1aioa ~ Roed LUBRICATION· WAlHINO • H. B. WILLIAMS But ItInrtoa, . J. • IONmON aDd BA'M'BItY SDVICE .... 1 •• YAIoUY


...... :0


c:.... CaW 'or ... .,..... "'- --- '" Pboae RiftrtOD 1567 BISHOP'S DAIRIES Riverside Home Laundl}


Riverside, N. J . • "'CY 8AJDIIO ..... .;. RI .......

f"~~<r ftoM RI ....... 1M ....... ,.. .. DRY GOODS be ........... MEMORIALS CBB"" II.&Ir1II!Y ....... \l ....... Smith'. Store c:.!.'; baik_~ IlU'F II __ tWa .. .... 1_ .0.--

ar..ita, ........ a.-Dry 000cII • Il~ • It.., PI.,.

Will Hope & Son BANKS 1iIcCeII'. ~ • 0IftI ..... IIADf 1Ta8ft. IllY_TON WubinctOll and Federal Streets ...... BudiqtOll, H. J. .

CINNAMINSON EXPRESS I'IIoae ......... IS I BANK • TRUIT CO. .. ........ =e~ .. =-=e~ ___________ _

. ,"=.=o:o~ . Shinn'. Expreu f W. H. SLOCUM a SON . ..... at Ibrrieoa Itreet .. I ....... J. ~:"'

IUVUTON I DAILY TO PlllLADa.PIIIA ., K. .. ..... ...... 11 _ .. - --- .. .... ..... J. aYT8Z ITATlO .... Y ..... - -- -r ._..... ..... ..

11Ia .... a, 0.. r' "s' I '. _ o.t 0. .....


L. L Keating Pawn lIed1c11l.. • QUta • CaDdy

Oreetlaa Carel. • lea c_ Cipra aDd Statloaery

Broad aDd IIaIn Itreet.. Riftl'tOD PlIone IMI




1101 LIDc:oIa Aft. P8lmy .... N. J. T.lepbon. RI .. non 12

George Friday, Jr. Plumblnl, Heatilla aDd Roolaa BLECTROL OIL BURNBRS PII1'Ro-NO·ItOL OIL BVRNaRI

lIOII TholDU Avenue Phone N~ Ri .. rtOll


Delc:o Oil Bumers 20a Broad Street

RlYertoa, N. J. Phone eo

WM. B. BISHOP Plumbin, • Heatin, - ROOIi'll

601 Linden Ave. Riverton,. J. Telephone Riverton 847


MAGEE &: HUGHES Covered by Inlurance

Paintin~ BOWARD HUGHES. M,r.

114 Garfield Ave. Palmyra Phones: 341 and 24S·M


also SPRAY PAINTING S06 Broad Street Riverton



THE .NEW ERA, Inc. Pbone 712


John H. Etris 11 West Broad Street

Pahnyra Radios, Refrigeraton

Waahen, Etc. Expert Repair Service Eldcuivr PIIILet Dulrr '.r

Palmyra and Rivnton BARGAINS 1M UIBD UTI

CALL IlYall'!O. '"



Z'BNITH RADIOI sa4 Cb= I I.A_ ~ 1f.J. T ...... _ "'


w . , , • REX. McCROSSON

'-pol ... Real £etate and Insaranc:e S East B~ St.. Palmyra

PIIoM 16 ...... toO





I NSURANC. will MI.pU4 ,..,.r hll1llhlrtl .. 4 _

•• _blle . . • IA,. DRlvaR'1 UWAltD

Ada E. Price Nota", P.bUc Real ___

. Otfttral 1_ .. 416 L1p~c:ott Aye, Ri~

PIlon. R19OnOll 101

[nsurance REAL ESTAT&

Noeu, hIIIIc • JOS. F. YEARLY ~, Rlwei10D PIaaae ...

Leslie W. Reeves OBOROB w. RooaaL ~ REALTORS· IMIVRANca Phone Rl"ertoa mow ... 529C~aA .....

PALIIYRA, N. J. _ . Phoae Riy.rtoa 2


Realton • Oeneral IaIanDce NoterJ Public:

Wuu.-W .... I BI4 am....... •• J.

Walter D. Lamon . REAL ESTATE

INSURANCB 5115 Clnnamlnlon AYe. P8lmpra

Phone Riverton 25


For Better Shoe Repeirln. ~


117 B. Broad Street. PllJllpr .. N. J, Phone illS

N. DREIER III W. Broad St. PALIIYIlA AU Kindt of Ortbopedlc: Siloa W"

Dr. 8c:boll'. Foot R .....


Peel Poindexter TAILOR

CJeanlna • PreeaiDl • 0,... Pret Dell".,. ~

~VERTON P .... II.

J. R. JOHNSON (---- • J. &. y_)


Work CaDecI 'or aDd D.K ..... RIvertoa "5



- w_ nard ar.. pu.,ra Tdql!:oae RIvenoa lIS-I



PORT A.Bl.Jt A ___

• _.-.-- -.-..-- THB NIlW au. ~-

Kyle! Statioaery $1.00


Page 14: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ




c:LAIIWID ADV..,D.,'I'II ....... -~mrtl

Rate 10e Pet Line (I.iMt A_ . W_)

....... Ooorp .... a.. '" Pboae"'12

1~ BUICK. Ipedal 4 ·door led.n. fulJy equipped. 7.000 milel. We 'are

accommodatinl an eatate on thil car. or we would never have it to offer for aale. Abaolutely a perfect a"tomo­bUe. "" Dawley. Inc .• 10 Broad atreet. Phone Riverton 1212. --------WANTED: Room by quiet couple

with opportunity to prepare lilht meall. Write Box "M" New Era.


1040 OLDSMOBILE "60" Coupe. Here il an opportunity to buy a

.plendid ear in perfect condition. Due to the fact th.t • larler family occ_itatea a Iar,er car-we traded thil back on a ledan. Don't mi .. thil one. "Jack" Dawley. Inc.. 10 Broad Itrect. Phone Riverton 1212.

WANTED: Clean wipins rap. colored or wbite. free from Unt, DO dipplnla. 5c lb. New Era. 609 MaiD Rrcet. tI

APARTMENT for rent, 6 and bath. private pard\.

eat,. 421 Linden avenue.

rooma Adul .. 6-u·tf

• _ OLDSMOBILE .. door aedan. Automatic: tr.-iMioD. radio.

..... cr. ddrotter .. cIoc:Ir, lota of ell· traI. Upbolstery perfect and a brand _ lit of Goodrich 8ilftI't_ wllite IIidcwaIl Iir_ H Jack" Dawley. IDe., 10 Breed atrnt. Phoae Ri~cr. r-lZl2.

UNT: MoatII or _ PanUah· cd cottacc. 24 G .... ect, 1eMide, "'11. Very clairable JocatioD.. E~ery ~ Fot f1Iftbcr __ I doD apply J. c. c..... FIIItoa IItftd. RiYcrt_ ot PCWOM • ere., I .... Parll. S-2't-4t

SALE: Wllite pu. ........ for .,. ac. 12 or 11. a __ .... · CaD , ....


For the Wise and Thrifty There iYpo •• iblllty of coal belnl very hi,h and .carce this c~minl winter. and the wiae and thrifty wiD lay in a ,ood lup"ly of Premium Anthracite Coal, It not only "Ioee farther and heatl lonler" but coitl Ie .. per 8,T.U, Order DOW w.blle pricn are low. Alao

Genu!ne Kopperl Coke Flne.t Gradel PUEL OIL

Screen Wire and Window Screen. Lawn Mowen • Hardware

Vita. Var Palin. and Enamel. Venetian Blind.

Lumber and 8u1ldlnl Materl.l. Build. New Home. make Repalra. Sldlnl and Roof. on our E •• y Monthly Payment Plan.

Eldin.tea Pree I






400 Linden Avenue Riverton

Only $4500 FIRST FLOOR-Living Room, Reception Hall, Dining Room, Kitchen

and Breakfut Nook. SECOND FLOOR-Four Bedroom. and Bath. FEATURES-Hot Air Heat, Gas Water Heater. Fireplace, Stone Porch

with Cement Floor, A.bestos Roof, Screens, Large Cor­ner Lot, Garage, Beautiful Lawn, Shade Trees and Shrubs.






RED BEETS , ....... 3 bu. 14«:


2 1b 19c --~-



2 . for 2Sc

California ORANGES or LEMONS for Juice

18 for 2Sc



BUITER 2 Ib.59c

Parm RoD ----Kraft Velveeta CHEESE or WHITE AMERICAN . 2·1b box 49c .


dozen 2Sc


2 1b 2Sc


Ib 15c

Franklin XXXX. Brown or Powdered SUGAR


100 for 75c -----::,-----::-::--

Cup and S.ucer with Purcbue of I pound CUP·O·LUCK

COFFEE ........................ Ib 25c DRIP or PERCOLATOR


qt. jar 39c BIRD'S BYE BROCCOLI ..... __ ._ box 2Sc BIRD'S EYE CA ULIFLOWER. box 23c:

This Week's Best Buy ••• Fllturinl Only New l~ trOll GENUINB BABY BPRING


Ib 29c Real Prime Beef •••





Squab Broilen 3 for 98c Net Weipt 1 • 8edI

Exclu&ive Selling Agent .MALL CITY » .... &»

516 CINNAMINSON AVE. Pboa. ZS ••••••• PA.'.M.Y.IlA. •• Jf ••• J·.IIIII POR!. ~I a!. 15c

. ,

..It is • aood thin, to be nch, and a cood thin. to be *tronc-but bett"r .till to be beillm b, m:lny friend .. "

Sis! Year No. 23



TO START WORK Widening Main Street Await.

Necellary Relea.ea from Property Owner.

Councilman J. W. Sylvater, re­portinK for th" hllhway committee, at at cd that he had received word from the Board of Freeholder. that the county wilt ltart widenlnl Ma,n atreet as loon 81 Ihe Boroulh il ready for the worle to Itart.

At the prnent time. the project 'il brin, held up beellule a releaH bal not been secured from tbe Pennayl. vania Railroad and the U. S. Gov. ernment for the poat office property.

Parking Ordinance

Due to an unexpected delay C.Uled by a lellal anKle. the proposed ordi· nance reatrictinK parkin, In certain l"ction8 of Riverton. could not be published in time ao that the hear· inK and filnal p .... le could take place at the meetln, of Riverton Boroulh Council I18t Thureda)' niKht.

The ordinG!)ce. which wal palled .t fint readlnl I8It month. waa fg:· ther conaidered and • minor chanle made. After diacu .. ion. it wal de. tided not ~ Include • b.n on aU. nilht parkin,.

The public helrinl on thll piece of lelillation will place at the next meetin, of Council, on Thurld.y. July 11.

Era Starr Photo stal:~~ ':'h:~:~ °tf td~e Bednlorl ClOtS hi of Palmyra Hllh Sch?ol ' are .hown .eated on the .ttractive outdoor

. s a tum ur n, e commencement exerclles held last Tbursday ve' 0 3000 ~:~~;'~d fnends attended the function, the firat ,raduatlon ever to be held elaewh:re nt'h:~ theve:ch~1 .~:i:

Honor RoD 6th Term Palmyra Hllh School


Graduation At Sacred Heart

LI,htln, M I Frelbmen: Pauline Arndt. Prancel

r. Sy vater. 1110 reportlnl for Burnl. BUlh. Rlch.rd Choyce. the Illhtln, committee. aald that a Delorll CI.rk. Veata Jean furlber I.urvey had been of the Ferlulon. Shirley Priday. Joan Gra. communlt,. In company with Public ham. Dolorea H ... a. M.rcella Kle. Service official.. There are leveral kot. Mary Laninl. Roland Lanlnl. alternate pl.n, under c:onllderatlon.' Stlnley Llpkowlta. Eleanor Metll,er. all of wbich are aimed at a cOl,lllder. Dorll Paul, Elilabeth Wlnkl. Laura ~ble repl.cement of the 105 la. Yer"ctI Marilyn Y t J h S h.

Graduation exercioea were held l8It Board of Freeholders A,ked week in the SIC red Heart Churcb for

to Cooperate; Outcome the eilhth Krade clall of the Ichool Uncertain to Date of the pari.h.

TwentY'leven ar.duatea were pre· At tbe meetinll of Riverton Bor- aented diplomas by Rev. John F.

OUlh Council. held on Thurlday Welsh. pastor of the church. nilht of I .. t week. a relolutlon to .

Illhtl Itilt In operation 'I' • 01. oeep C No definite .ctlon ~I taken reo weltnr.

the Burlinlton County Board of ProKram Freebolder. re,lrdinl the movin. The proKram wu al follow.: of the railroad at.tion in Riverton to

Kardlnl the next ph .. e of the lilht Sophomorea' Palmer Rob. Improvement project. ert Lewll. Jeanne HawI, Pel'y

a new loeation WBi paned by a Processional. "Pricltl' March." by unanimous vote. Mendell.ohn.

The propoaed lewa,e dlapoaal Ryan. Ele.nor Voorhi •• pl.nt WII alao dilculled at lenstb. Junio,.: Richard Joyce, Loulae matiere recel';in. cODllderation belnl RabeJic. Sar.h RoblnlOn. Grace the loc.tion (It ill held In .beyance) RUlh.

Councilman J. W. Sylvester prior "Veni Creator," J. Sinlenberler. to the paalile of the resolution Bacred Heart P., T.A. Glee Club. Itated that the matter had been Address to ,r.duatel. Rev. Vln.

and the type of equipment belt IuIted Senlon: Georle Pord. Robert Glb. to local need.. Ion. Mary Hawi.

t.ken up lome time a,o witb rail., cent A. L~ther. . road official a, who Itated tbat. linee Dlllribution of dlplomu and Broad ~treet wal a county road, a m~dals. Rev. John F. Welsh.

Building Work In Palmyra

Construction operatlonl In Pal­myra durin, the put month tOlaled ntarly 18.000 accordinl 10 the report vi the buildinl inlpector. Edw.rd A. Kin,.

The varioul proJech are .. fol· lows :

Robert Snover. airport. B.41: Ed· ward A. Kinl.

Itatement relardinl tbe propol.1 fhe Iraduate lehool pled,e. Honor. would be nece".ry from the county Duet-"Ave Maria," Rosewil.

Frelhmen: Beatrice Anderaon.1 Kovernln, body. Benediction of the Blesled Sacra. at h ment. Maraaret Celent. AI.n Cooper Gene. ... t epresent time there II no in.

vleve Crille. Georle Down •• ~"lael\ dlcGtlon rei. ardinl the attitude of the "Pie Pelicane ... · P. Piel. "V' t "Tanlum ErKo." AKoltino Donini.

Farrow. Leater Fortnum. Marie ransportat~on comp.ny · concernina "000<.1 Niaht Sweet JeauI," Se. Grab, Roy Hardy. Lorraine Hawke. the propOGltion. lee ted. B~rtha Hullon. Laura Nebel. Del. Oi.t of RHolution Receuional "Marche aux Flam. onl Stephen.. bl:aux:' Seotson Clark.

Sophomorel: Fr.nces Arndt Jean ' A summary of the resolution II aa • followi' G I Hardy. RUlh Henry. Nina Price. • rat uatu

k:hzabeth Warden. B~tty Warner. "The palsenKer Italion of the k:d",'ard C. Barr Junior.: Jane Craven, Lillian Schil. PennRylvania Railroad at itl localion I Margaret T. Barr

Iin,er. encroachea on the rORdway of Broad William F. Betz ·Senior.: Pr.ncee Cook, Carlette IIreet and thil location is a conltant Mildred A, B'anracci

Seemuller. hazard to vehicular traffic .. evi· ) " •• ,I"·ne M. Boyle

:5\ KOIOGY S£'-1 h'if'\ fh':f ,"'f'ci t!".,

t ;ln ~~. tT~l'Y ' 1' \ "I T# ,~ - ~ ," .J : 'C1' v t' ' . .. ~."" .t~ .. ~,..~~.;;.,. ~.,.:

.... 1" ... :"1'



Mr. and Mrs. Jamu T. Wl'art of Palmyra. to Have

Reception Tuesday

Mr .. and Mrll. James T. Weart. of 3~ CInnaminson avenue, Palmyra. will celebrate their 50th weddin& an­niversary next Tuesday. June 25th. Mr. Weart was a bookkeeper for a wholesale KrOcery firm at the time ot hi. marria,e to Annill J. Stephen .. both of Philadelphia in 1908.

The Wea"s moved to Palmyra In the year 1898 and have re.ided here ever alnce. , Both have taken an active part in the civic life of the community In the ye~ ~~ past. Mr. Weart .erved as Palmyra's first Mayor and served on the Palmyra Bo~rd of Education for 19 yeats and waa President of that body for IZ y""rs. He was 1\ member of the Pal. myra fire company fot 2S yean President of the P. O. S. of A: fo; two terms and ia at prelent a memo ber of the Board of Direetorl of the Cinnaminson Bank and Trult Com. pany.

Mrs. Weart Volunteer Nune

In 1!106 Mr. Weart wa. employed by the Keystone Leather Company and today he i. mana lin, the eatate of Char lei A. Reynoldl. the decealed prelident of that company.

Mrs. Wean had the diltinction of belnl one of the two nurael from Palmyra who volunteered ' to lerve with the Red Cro ••. at Camp Dht. dUrin, the 6ret World War wben the levere influenza epidemic: broke out there. She and Mrl. Edward Keirn undertook that danlerou. talk while relular nurses were beinl tranlpotted from the Weat.

Mr. and Mrs. Weart have three children; a dauKhter. Mn. Jennie Bonlll1. of Montclair. Mrs. Francel Wilkinlon. of Palmyra. Ind James M. Weart. of Palmyra. There .re four arandchildren.

The Weartl' are holdina open houle on June 25th in the afternoon until 5.30 p.m. and in the evenlnl' from 8 o'clock on.

The lolden annivenary couple plan to leave the next day for a 26-day tOur of the Welt .

Woodward 18 Y President

Richard M. Wvodward ....... el.cted preSluent 01 the Palmyra· Riverton V.M.C.A. Board at the annuai m~et­Inll. Jun. 11. Charles B. Marple is the new vice prellelent: Walter S. Barday the ntw .teretary and How. ard B. Conov ... r I. continued aa trea. Florence Sa.r. repair dwe1llnl. 513

Delaware avenue, Albert RUlh. H.O ,L.C. new roof and repalrl.

804 Columbia avenue. Emelt Fllb.

dented by several accident. which' L,lIi./l M. Clark have been· occ .. ioned thereby. I"n. K.lthryn M. Dietrich

_ lurer.

Thomal Wallice. ,ara,e. 2S Pear Itreet. Alex Wallace.

Bernhard Dlnn. '.r.... 23 Pear ltre«t. Mr. Dinn.

Stanley Lippincott. repair dwell. ina, 802 Columbia .venue. Hedl", William •. Mauric~ Lon,. Jr .• new dwe11inl.

Chestnut Itreet. Calvin 8towl. Cetro Balada. lIew brick aldin,. 50tJ

Wcat Broad IIreet. Model Roo6n, Company. -----


crally to IIranlert in this vicinity bdKar b. Eek who are unf.mili.r with this unulual John J . Ford

Frederick M. Rod,etl American condition. J.mea S. Hamlin Le,ion POlt of Palmyra will conduc:t "The IhuaUon w.. Informally Elizabeth M. Hopinl t.,. annual carnival at the Palmyra broulht to the .ttentlon. durinl the Lillian M. Hopkinl Recreatlon Park Itartinl Monday past winter. of • repf#lentative from El.i~ E. Hull!n,1 evenin, tbrou,h Saturday nilht of the office of the luperintendent of Mary M. K~liy nnt week. The affair il In cbar,e the di\'iaion of the railrold with the William P. Kemmerle of RtaaHlI J. MUNCr. and a lar,e inquiry al to whether or not hil com· John Prancis LIBar,e committee. while a cake .nd ice pany would ,ive coneideraUon to a John M. La\'erty cream atand will be under the dlrec-I proposal 10 eliminate thil huard by Doril E . Mallcy tlon of Mra. Prank M.thl.... Tbe I tranaferrln, lbe prelent Ita"on from Catherine M. M.thewl leneral public I, Invited to attmd ita exiltln, location. which II partly Jane E. Mllltinily' the .ffair. in the bed of Broad atre.,t. to the Helen T. Rowan

CARNIVAL Board membt" for 'tho enluinl year are: from Riverton-Robert G. Adam •. Walter S. Barciay. Pr.ncia B. Elwell. Robert J. F,nney. Nathan Lan". Clifton P. Mlyfirld. Vidor Rltlehard. Wilmer C. Swain. Richard M. Woodward and Chari ... H. YOlt. From Palmyra: Howard B. Conover. Oro\·.r F. Fox, Paul R. Jone •• Ch.,l", B. Marple. Lawrence B. Parker. Floyd W . Spahr. Clifford H . Loane. John F. Ward. Ceorle N. W,mer. Swain and Loane arc new members. One additional man Will be named to membership flom the Phalanll Fr.ternity.

AI the meetin, of the BUline .. and Professional Men'l Club of Pal. myra .nd Riverton held 01'\ Tueada, 01 ~)oi. week. William H. BOII,er la". a most interulin, and timel, "Ik on the subject "Cltbcnahip R .. • pon$Ibility .os the Price of LibertI."


0Ppolite aide of the tracka. Conltanc~ W. Siddall PALS CLUB OFPICERS Inlpection Barbara J Smith

Ann H V II Trulleu The Club of Palmyra elected . "1\' I : "a. I art

New m ... mbera pc-ncnt inch.cred frank Chambers, T. Curt.. PIJM and Paul Schneider. GIlCSta were Jarob Eber and Howarel Cooper .

NOTICE The offICe of Dr. Ha,.'1 B. Brady

...... 1 be c\4Md duriD, the IDOIIlh of


new officer. at their club boule on II r~p y Wat to th., effect that EI •• M. Webn Trult.,,,, are Howard 8. Conover. Cinnamlftaon avenue lalt Wedn.,aday IInce Broad atr~~t " a county road., Juha £. Wilmore Geo'le N. Wlm~r. ann L ...... ttnce B. C'Yminl. Albert Sacca w .. elected the conKnt of the Board 01 free. H~rry A . Wille Parker pre,udent; Ed.ard i.amon. viee h~!den must firlt be .ecur~d. . Report' "j the ,,~S\ ~ur .... ert sum. prnident; John V.n F.mbur,h ICC' Thll cond,t,on WII reantly In· RIVERTON PARKING manud by Secrel'ry T Pr~ul R"d •

• _peeled by the dIrector of the Board I . . .. letar". John Rockfeller. treasllrer. l of Preeholden. who concurred in ORDrNANCE ON PAGE 6 CI. He told 0/ Ihe .",,,tles oi :1:"

The Board of Governors i. com, tM opinion that th d' followl"l ,roups: Lont Slar H Y poW(! of Dante Mmto and WIlliam ICnted a haurd I" co.n .'\l0~ pre· , lea I bj' James Du,h." and Harr; Buries •• while the Hlltorian ia Paul which ..... ury'd ~ ~Itmlnanon of . At the m .... t,nl of Ihe Board of Connell ; the Linco'n ""Y undtr 'he Gibbon. "e .. u e. If re~holdtu 011 Priday afternoon the ludn hI,' "f Cl'I!c d LOllnt r.t!

the Ta~:e=!er ~I ~ou~ ~r'7'~y to R"'rrlon rtlOllillOn ... as recrived and I "alrv Rld<!l~ the T'win CII )' ::>r .. ~. When a woman 11,1 a m~'s a I bolders for the r f 0 r ..... , I refwntl to the counly ~nl,"eer _ho I Un Ou. V. ltd by Rd'ert A •• n thr

"bealltiful dancer," lhe otber Men 'eljthcil cooperati~~1 °h.~:r~ ":'.lI n;snucttd to prepare a ruolll· Inc" Gra.V. R,ch<ord OHmer ·,.-!t r

101. cw .... ~ lirable matt.,. • tlOn (> lOn('UFrmc. thai win ". for. the Clnnam:nson Gra-V. ltd by . • ... lIfded hert. Cccntiautd OD .... 4) •

Page 15: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

'PAGE TWO THE k£W £RA. THUltSDA Y. JUNE 10.. 1940

I "'" m bottI daSRS haft bftn ~. to ~t in d\oe '** of -tine .. , NItW LItGISUTION • l~. G_ I'IhlSt of tile WU f_I ~l\et ~ oOft mot f ....... r C®nty ~liue boanh and <OOUnt, ' II we III • -N ;1t <)t t\)'I<II_ We sa'lIft ,.;t a -W ~mVDitst. I welfan din..:toh would be lAnder- I e neco. I ... \ttllui~ 1\.c)'I<'e~.,anocl ... 1stI -'We .~-.x'~bncl, s~. forticn (i~l --..:e protttlion. ... IthooQI (\)m· • t ~I'" W-eft m.,~. J»Ii~ .lIicl'l will

~ petlti~ enm.t\atlQ.!\s. ill a hlU intn>- I _ I. Keep the United Statu out of duced by SenalJOr Roo ..... nt E.o.atwood, 1 The R.~ FI~Rm\ ~ a n-s 'Or ,tr.

' oi Bllrlinc:ton. anJ ~~ by the , I .. ~mi tram P,as.:O oon Frtday n.ahl 2. Elttend the inftlll!ntt of the .. ___________ aio ... , Senatl! at n-c,nt\ln on Monday niehl• \It 1.15< "...,k. I Un\~ Sta~ in ..:oop<t~tion ""til SCHOOL ItNROlLMEN r I",:he b.1I also pro\,dQ ci\'il ~.:-e • , Olhe,t" neutral SUta in suppoon of

Pu!"ls loc the RwenOft Publi<: 1 A$SIstance O,,·.s,on ot the Inpart. .. .. . • d I b.n ........ -

". rle~ts (.,.- ot. the Old Ace I Trill NI'" TEAM LOSES ! medianon I'O~ the pro.:\Ir'Itft\'a\t 'CIl a

. .' V' " ~ h' tin h . C I JUs, an as ... t'--~~ School K.nd~rllat1en mal' be en- m<nt of In~tltubons. '''' Itt,:,e~r ~u II e t e The Palm)'1'a Tenn .. , Iub <)st ~ 3. le.;~en n:onorru.:: tension"" Ild,just rolled on the followinl dates: JUM A b.1I inlrodll<W b~' A~semblyman apple ",.:-ely th.s year. He I(Ot two t ':\<:$" m .. t.:h to the »elana:> Tenn.s tantf$ al\d lay the basis (M world 20 and 21 .and September l. 4. Sand A. Matladt Sta.:khousc. or Mooru· Ollt oof thttt Satumay. one belnll a Ctul> last ::,atu.n lay at the Paim)Td . n:Ol\<lm • .: ' <l<lperation. 6. 1\)",1'1 . and al~o p.t$sed by the sen.ate.ldOUble. Brewster. F~man and COUrt~ by a S·", ~,;)~ Th.s "as the . •. Strenilithen th~ Oood N~ellor

Parent~ are urged to enroll <chil· crealh .1 bureall in th" Department Cole ha\-~ also boos~ the.r a\·"r- se.:"'hi mat"h w'lh the Delan.:o net· P" ltcy in 0111' dtalinp with Larin eiren belore the orening C'f s<choat. ,,( Con5Cr~atlOn and ~\.dorment to aaleS ~ons.derably dunna tht .:u~nt m"" I Amelkan rollntnes, Birth and ,-a.:dnation <erlifi.:arto are ' lo~enSl! •. and reelliale cerhfied tree smso\\. . Ja,k Ptle,"er and Frank Chambers , 5. \Vork for some form of world feqllifl!1i for enrollment. experts and pro",,!es a $1\) llcensel - . ""1\ t"~I( ",a,,,,,es lor the 10~allL I lI'O\'Crnmcnl throllih whkh 0111' 0_

f"e and ~ for Q yearly ~ne"'at. Wallace is II real utility man. He \ Plio<lier del~.ued Unley, Oelal\co. 1 .md other nations may a(hi~\'C peace, WASHINGTON PRAISES • h.a. hdd d~"n the hot comer and 6·2. 6· •. while Chamber~, Palmyra. , ju8tl~ and S-e.:llrity.

ARMY RECRUITING SERVICE Mrs Me ...... Haas \\;1()fked beh.nd the plale. Saluma)' deleated H~rmst'l!ad. D"lan,'O. ~. I "We dledare al"o for a dometltic: . , . I . a ... a he aMllmt<! a new role and played at ,,·3. Rle~uits 01 the other m"l~hetl i poli~y which will pre".,...t eltplolta-

• Lleut~n.ant WIlham deR Wa.~. W'O 'Prea·d tirst. I were: S,nlllles-H02icrm._ DClan.:o.1 tion of war for private a.I .... which IIlKton mtantry-reserve. of 303 Main I I e - .i.r .... led \ I ),nkoop. Palm}>ra, 6-J. "ill strenilithen the in~titlltion, of atteet, Riverl~n. a dcs"endant or Joe KlIrlti .. local <catcher. who hall 6-2. N~l!Ole. Delanco. defeated Mar- American democracy and whlcb ",m Georlle Wa~h.ngton. father of our The laraest latherina of postma.- been on the sideline. with an injlli"ed 5 .. a .l. Palmy ra, 6.2. 6-4. Doubles: !C'CII~ lor all of ollr peopl" the dvU. cOllnlry. rev.ewed the p~ollress by tera ever to assemble at a convention ankle. il IIdtine alona nicely and u· Un'c} and Hoaier. Delanco. ddeated i polilical and religiOUI riahttl cuar. the army rccruitina Itauo!' . of t~e in New Jersey. I. expected 10 aather peetl to be able to play alain within Pflelaer and Wynkopo. Palmyra. 6.3. 1 an lew under th" Constitution." SOllthern New Jertley r""rullmll dIS' at Albllry Park on Jlln" 21 and 22. .1 few week, , 6.1. :.u.:kel and Naeole. Oclanco. trkt al room 410. new POlt Ottice when the New Jersey Chapter oor the - ddcated Hannum and Ballanlyne.' . DEFENSE CONFERENCE bllildinll. Camden. New Jersey. on .1 National Association of POltmasten Flltllre games as announced by 8·6. 6·2. - I A . f ,L N recent visit there. indorsed bearlily convenes for their annual seas ion.. Manlier Arthu~ l'etrell are: ' ' The Girls' team of the club will ' c~n ertnce ';In Ute ~rt _ the army's drive ror recruits and call· Invitations have been elttended to Saturday. Jllne 22- play their first match of the 8eason Jersey IS to plaY

h It'I tbhe nah'i~~ dbe-

ed upon all dillibl" YOllna men. in ailainsl the Gloucesler Cillo' Tennis , fense pro.rant as een ca qJ ,

this area to enlist In the United Postmaster Gener,al James A. Farley, Riverside A. C. team at Ihe Palmyra Courls nellt Wayne O. McMllrray. pruldent a. Slates army. his aoi.lanta. Civil Service hea~a •• of- Satllmay. Jlln,e 29- Salurday June 22 at 2 o'dock, Ihe New Jers"y Prnl A8Ioclatloa,

" " ,.. tken or the National AasoClllboD, Relllrrechon Catholic Club, or '. , • lor Friday. June 28. at 2.30 p.m. at My .\IUlt~.OU' anc"'t~r. L.ellten- members of Ihl! House of Repr!!> Philadelphia. The club s ~lnlle. started laot Sun- the Stacy. Trent hotel, Trenton.

~t Washmlton pomted out., selltativel. as well as olherl who a~ , SlInday. June 30-- day .al the local courtl. Amona the The conrerence will be addr-estll!d thoua.

ht ~noueh of our c~~try 10

1 connecled Wilh the Oovernment ler- Delanco. mat~he& c~mpleted .nclude Ihe fol. by.E. Donald Stuner. ltate hlahwa,

ri.k hoa bfe and rortllne tn ttl de- vice. Th" headquarten will be It Wedneaday. Jllly 3- lowl~lI: WIlliam McCamy. ddeated commissioner, Gm Robb WIlIOD, dI.. fenle ~nd loday. al never before. we tht Bcrkeley-Carte~et Holel on the Riverside F. C. Wilham Kitchen. 4-6. 6-4. 6·3. Don rector of the state blltuu of .... mUlt I~sure our national derense. II ocean tront. and the Wentwortb Thunday, July 4- ! Wesl. defeated Robert Cannon. 6-2. alion. and J. Spencer Smllh. prql. • lIbacrt~. 10 Ihe admonition. he left Hotel will take care of the overflow. New York Ship. 16.2• and Russell Jermon, dereated dent or Ihe department of commerce ua thaI Ihe sllrest way, of millrinil Th- bUII'n~1 lel"ionl will L. ~on- _ I Edmund Jones. 1\·3. 7-5. Satllrday.' d 'II P bl f t

'. b ' d r ,,~ ~. 0 uc ~ J 16th I th I rt' d I f h an ,navllla on. ro ema 0 rana-peace .. to e prepare or war. ducte" in the North Solarium on the ' I L d u y • s e saini a t or t e ; I bid d _I .. Thia advice aeems more appropriate" I The local Sortbal eaeue ha (ollr men's doubles. air Is doublel and I portat on y wllter. all . • an _. today Ihan it waa a hundred and fifty Boardwalk. oppo. te the headquar- baseblilla left over rrom Ililt eealOn. : milted dOllbles and all entrlel mlllt which have been rendered of para. years aeo" lera hotel. These have been Uled and another , be placed wIth Jack Hannutn 932/ mount Importanee In modem medl.

. . U d A t d dOlen purc:haaed. Thul far the tot.1 nol I.te- than Tueada Jill 2nd' • ,anleed w.rrare. will be dlaculled b, Llellten.nt Washln.ton allO called rle to t en collection. have not been aufficient I '" y. y . the departmel'lt heada for the bene8t

trict Inslruclor or the Camd~n mllt- ROil Fenton Farma, on Deal Lake, The leaeue la .not askinl much I PEACE PLATFORM will follow tht addretllel. upon Major Andrew C. Tychaen. d~- On Salllrday evenlne. a dinner at to pay for the new baUI. I 01 Ihe newsmen. A queltlon period

tar~ 'area. In Major Tychsen s office will wind liP the convention. Elab- from the ranl-jllat enollah to pay' The Westfield Monthly Meetine or , he IRlpected the new colon or the orate arranaemenll are be Inc madie tIIpenael. I Friendl In seslion on June 4 en- I Why do pllblisherl aUow autbon 3D!1th Infantry do~ated by Capta.ln for the dinner. Followlne a rew _ dorst<! the followlnl peace platform to wrile so mllth and 88y 10 UtdeP and Mrs. Harper Sillman. of WII· brief Ip<teches by the luelta or Attendance at both hardball and of the N.tlonal Peace Conference: mlnelon. Delaware. The Southern honor. danclnl will be provided by lortballiamea h.a been very poor to ' "We declare ror a forelln policy The racllltles (or eettlnl Into New ~eraey army recruIt Ina dla. one of Meyer Oavll' banda and allo date-way below lalt year. Th~ which will .. feauard the peace of Ihe trouble have been vaatly Improved, trlet. With headqllarten at room 410. a rhlltnba band. OUlstandin, radio Ilranee thinll about It II that the ' UnIted States and enable our nation alonl with everytblnl el.e. new post office buildlnl. Camden. and stale Itan will provide the en- 1 ' comprlsea Ih" countlel of Atlantic. lertRlnment. Burlineton. Camden. Cumberland. State Prelldent Mervll Haas. of Glollceller. Mercer. Middlesex, Mon- Riverton, Isaued an appeal to all New mouth, Ocean and Salem, Jeney postmaslerl to .ttend. The

Men belween the 811el of 18 and members or the Btate Executive 35. who are linlle. physically fit and Committee. of which Postmaster J. without dependents arc uraed to in- O. Malec, of Bordentown. II the rep­vellilate the opportunities offered by r""entative from Burlinlton counfy. enliltment In the United States army. staled that this county wlU be well They may Inquire at the post office represented. bulldlna. Camden. or at the post of. _______ _ lices In Brldaelon. Atlantic City, Perth Amboy and New Brunswick.


The Phyllis Wheatley P .. T.A .• of Cinnaminson School No.4. I. spon. lorlna an trip 10 the World's Fair on Thursday. July Il.

A bUI will leave Union Landlna Road lind Broad street at 7,30 a.m. Ticket. at .2.50 can be Ie cured rrom Mrl, Wallace Aahby. president of the alaociation.

B.dI ••• on Cou.,y 'urro •• I.·. Court aULI£ TO BI'R CREDITORI

Kaleutot'. Hotlc.

&tt ... 01 ANNIII HAIHII •• D.e ..... NotJe.. 18 h.reby ,I" •• Wt •• IP'''' ...

.... D m.d. b)I (loo'i' II. Blldn ••• urr .....

." lb. Coullty 01 Ur1J~llGn. bauJ_.. cia •• .... • '" d., o' J... 1_ .• __ lkalltoa


The Merchanll failed to have a leam on the field Jail Thllrsday nllht for their lame with the Firemen and Ihul losl the affair via the forfeit route,

A considerable IIBtherine of Ipec­tators Wat disappointed over the Ilt­uation.

New Shoes From Old

"AMICO" Electrical Vulcanized

No Nail.


No Btitch ..

lhoe. ShlDed

UNln SHOE RfBUILDW lOS W. Broad It. PaIaIpn

... "'. ..boedbt,. k ..... o,. 'l9ukla.. It..

., .. ho,. of Annie HoJ .... let. of .... C~ =============== 1:80,.Ia,I ... d ...... d, to IN'8, '" 1 • ... ... 1 ill ..... ,. of .... taW 4ec It. under oatJi or •• "nutloa, Oft Of' ... lor. Dec_ ..... 0, ._. 0' "'-,. will be ... "'re' of ... , Klioa .... '.fo' ....... .... .... It •• n...... JO'IPH L. THOMA ••

&a.._ rt:#J~' •. lHO. I. CHAHCaRY 0' N&W 1&lItillY To &J.lI:ANOR P. WHAIITHABY I .. . Yinut" ., .11 ord4ir 0' the eo.,. ., Ct:£" .1 "- ,.,,,,, ..... oa "'- .. , 01 d.,. .....d. in • caul" cau.

w R"" WblIlnaby la the petitto., and! you .. the def.-ndan I. J'OV .,. rll4"uid to ...... the ,..tlt .... '·. PI1"io. .. ., .... lor ..... ' tb .." 01 Atlcu.t ......... I .... latoll -oor. _b 'ec'H .. ill bt tall ... apllot ,~. .. ... C ...... u.., ebaII IIIIaIo .................. n..~oi_ .. It .. to_ ....

er .. II "'OfC'J ._1 ....... tII&r,ia& .... -_ ............. _ ... ... ... .. .... rtioeO'VID ,. OIlUNIIIRO. .... , ........ -. 'U .. _ .. , ....

~ .. -,--u. ... , I_ ' ... IHI. • U"f'f-W


• Wet • ..., pic .... 1Ip"'_ dmen by 2 o'clodl • ....., ....... delhwed _ or ""ore • o'docIr If..tq --...

Q NK of the bil reMCJnl for OJdimoblJe' ..... .. tiona! __ ~ .. the l.:t that mora

and more 0WfWrI 01 Iow_ priced ..... ftnd­Inc out how little mora It co.Ia 110 buy. bIc 0Id8 "60," Por GIll, • r_ dol ... mora, 0Ide ..... you bil-cllf .tN, ftne.aIr quality and 1'5 H. P. Ec:ono-Muter performancel Come In Md tr)' ttl

"JACK" DAWLEY, Inc., 10 Broad Street, RiverfoD TEL&PHOH&l-ltiYerton 1113-11.,"'''' ..



DIllrD'TON BEATS Gibs-on. "P j 1 tOl l In De~\r a\\<d ~moe to this «01'I-eI\lsiICMt 'l ru , £l\ Thotnn. p 1 0 I) I) l a~ Unl'Ol'I Lalod\~ 'road. The bus In

PWLA. 'E' "GLES 'totals -; -; ~ ;; -; .~I\':II he -, r-tdint st-op~ ;a~d the , J;II ~ dri-.u ll~ a'mlth<tt COutC III tilt i

I Pllfh,. Eaelta I opposl~ dir-e.:ti-on. As thl! ~(tim . " I ab I' bot slepped in front of the MlItboun-d bus '

Btt E:lan:up 'In SIXth. Frame I Lel'rtlltf.. 3b 3 I) I 2 0 ' to .:al<h the othtJ" one he was atnrdo: Chnchu Fracas; Tnple Klemmer. B..., " 0 () 2 2 by a (at drwen b, Mrs.. Stella Gon- l

for Bn:wster I Sampson. d4b 3 2 0 " 1 tHin. of R",e~tI. She too" him to I Silt hie' fUns b8nK"ttd o'Oer the rub- L~""n5Otl. ( .. 0 1 II 1 the h~~pital "'he~ he "'as truted i

ber .n tht l'oiath rrame of tile ball ' RIley. d 1 0 I G 1 toOl' tnlnOl" la.:eratrons of head lind , I . m., at !\lemonal Para.: Iallt Satur- 8nerll'. P' $S 3 I 2 1 I b<l<iy and later sent home.. . I d~y afternoon and enabled the 10- Orl"sbadl. Ib " 0 1 3 0 Ch.ef Dorworth. of CinMntin!lOtl. ellis to tlllte a 7·4 ~-emkt rtom the GallBah"r. rf 4 0 0 0 ,:ol'ldu~ ted an in\'I!slilatlon.

, PM d I hi Eall If 3 () () 0 ()

T:e e !n; wal ":ulminated by al' Stllrm. p.2b ~ .: ~ .:.. ~ I RIVERTON BOY WINS AWftRD Iriple Imm . the bat of Brewster that Totals 32 4 ; 24 11 John 1', WIllis, who resides Ilt 306 brauaht in a filII house. AI ealil, , Thin! S"ut. wu awanled one of J had a homer on his lonl blast to I E~al"s ()(lQ 000 1l2-4 f Kappa Delta P. • ... nt, at State d~p center. bllt he failed to tal R,,-erton 001 00fi 00lt-7 TH~hers' CoU~. of Trenton, whll:h thIrd alld had too retra~" hil ateps t\) HOnle rlln-Brierly. Three base was ai"en to th~ students In th., Ihe hot ..:orner when nearly home. hit-Bn""ter. Twa base hit-Witt- sophomore dan Who ranked hillhest

Gibson hurled effecti"ely lor 7!~ II mel"'r. Stolen bases-Wallac\! 2, in scholarship. inn In IS . and la"" way to Thomas Kemmerle. Double pl .. ~_Col~. Wal- ____ ~ __ _ "ith one down In the !!iahth. Hoot t lace. Snyde~. Sth_.her. Stu~m. 8I1o",~ one run and silt hits. Struck out-by Gibson 6. by Thomas DROWNED SUNDAY

, S~arted in Third

Riverton scoored a .lnllHon in the third, a ' sin lIe by Freem.n and a double by Wittmeyer bein, contrlb­Iltinl r"ctofS. l'he bie alltth dro\>e Ol\e enemy pitcher to cover and the aecond wa. mallied abollt a bit.

I. by Stllrm 2, by Bnerly 2, by Klem- Edward Oilk., 42, of Randolph mer I. Base on balts- (Iff Gibson street. Easl Ri\'Crton. WIS drowned 2. off Schweilftr 4. off Klemmer I. Sunday afternoon In the Delawa~ Left on bases-Baales ~. Riverton R,ver QR Palmyra when an olltboilm 10. Untpirel-Brieht and Alloway. .motor boat. In which he wa •• .,.s­

.enler upsl.ed In II Iwell callsed by the passaae of a luaer craft, Flying Club Is

. Form~ Here

MISS KATHARINE A. WELLS appointed to be Executi,' \! Secroetary ot the Bllrlington County Y.W.C.A. beginning September I, 1940.

Min W~Us has an ulen.''''''' u­perlence in proiliram for both adllit and jllnior IlroIlP. in V.W.C.A .• Scout and Church actl"i!l"",. and hal been holding an adminlstratlv" poIt in Ih" Chllrch Army of Ihe Episcopal Chllrch. As Elttcllti"l! Secretary Ihe will be responlible for lenetal ad· ministration "nd for the promotion


I\..,.s Jocan l.~ of Nt.. H()l!r. 'IIriIl ; ... "'Gn.t\bUrt-~! Uft'l,-~ !.~rttary.

I COM~UTS $utcmE Nts! H.a1:O!1 MI!\!h.ler. l l . 01 k..nJ

str-e-et. East Riv-erton. " as round I dead al &IS ''.In. on i!'\~da~ " lInt ~ by ber mothtt .

Th.~ dl!\!ease.t re-oit f:I;e~ hte by 3\' t"duna a cared:> h05 Ihe e,< hJ.u~t of an allto nld then nn :" e im~ pt\)" istet! Itthal pipe In throuilih. the car "'indow. stuffing pmo~ in the apntllre to k-cep OUI the aIr.

Or. T .. BfU~\! Okkson. of Rh"<l!rton. w"'" slImmoned to the "cme, but life \Vas al~dy e:tti"':t. Coroner James J. Tomts. of II-Iooroestoo"n. ls<ued a ~rtificate th>ina the .:allse or death as a resllit of carbon monoxide pols­oni"l~

Rehlth-es stated Ihat they could ascnbe no apparent ruson for the act.

There's .omethiha te~rilym& abollt a silenl woman.

Evans' Servi[e Slation Broad a Main St.. Riverton. N. J.


Tlrea - Batterita - tUlta iluea.ories Broad .t Main BtL Hlfttt ...... N. J. Wallace Itlifled by Itrollina ind

Kemmerle allo drew a wlllk. A dOllble Iteal waa enllnee~d and Wallace came home on Cole'l hoiat to rillht. Snyder wlla allO aiven a ticket and Gibaon wa. lafe on a boot • Brtwlter dell"~ed at thla ' juncture. later scorlne. Freeman, Wlttnteyet and Wallace illao hIt lafely, the l.t­ter batt In I on two occallonl durine the aottle.

Rob,," Snover. proprietor of the new Palmyra Airport and Acent for the Taylorcrilrt airplane. annollnced that he has jUlt laId a new Taylor. cralt trainer to the "al Ait Cillb. a new Bylne club recently oflanlled here. The new .hlp will be equipped with a 50 H.P, Lycomlne enllne. dllal controll, tall whtel .lId brlra".

Jamea Stone. of Philadelphia. allO in the overturned Cnllt wal reacued beil'le able 10 ' dina to the hull until another boat wa. able to rtach him.

Dilks was thrown dear of the ollt­boant, bllt t.hoae who arrived 011 the scent 800n after the accident were lin able 10 locate hia body.

or adult pro~am In the . Bllrllneton .. ------~!--'!!'''''!''--t Counly V.W_C.A. 'Inpo: Wool_.

Ooea Nicely

Oibaon wal breelllni throullt the oPpolltlon withoul milch dill'lculty, bllt the, finally lot to him for a ntn In the leyenth and added another in the roUowlne .t.nlll.

Thoma, was not bearln, down be­hind hll lub.tantlal lead and Brierly tacr.ed one for Ihe clrclIll In the final aession with one aboard. Thla appeared to Irk AI and he breued three fa.t onel palt Oallalher to end the aame.


Brewller. If _, .... __ _ Freetnan. 2b .. , __ ._ ,_ Carharl. cr __ . P. McDermott. cf ._ Mitchell. 3b "~" __ " ... Wittmeyer. 3b " __ Wallace. lb _____ • __ _ Kemmrele. rf _ ... Cole. IS _. ____ _

Snyder. c _,_ •.

ab r ii' 0 e 4 1 1 0 4 1 232 10000 4 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0 ~ 3 0 2 0 '6 31211 1 a 1 0 I 0 4 0 2 2 3 3 1 1 7 1



5.8 elaaualllloa AYI.. PaIa"., N. J. ~ RI.,rtOll U

The new Cillb II headed by "ChIck" FOlllke and hi. three mem­berl to "art. New memberl are In­vited to make appllutlon. Lellonl wUl be elven to new members lit the rale or P.!IO per leason lind aa loon a. license is obtained and member­ship paid, each member will own an Interesl In the plane and fllrther coala will be ror easollne. oil and alorale only. Information .bollt member­ship may be had rrom eltlter "Bob" Snoller or "Chltk" FOlllke.

He i, allrvlved by hia wldo. and Ilx children,

Mias Virelnia Slim, who.e ucel. .. •• <tliln. .... lcu .... lent work with the Oirl Retlervea In H.1t C.I1I~1l

the cOllnty has ntended and Im- TI~tlall BtHe .... .

proved the prolram heft ""ill con- 1I~<a • .'p~Tfta ........ t Ilnllt al Oirll' Work Secr"tary. .1& .. ,

/. .~~~r~~A\. ..


WINDOW SHADES purcbQld litre Ita

manured uti laltded pa ••

Prien a_bill

WAVING Ctoottl

Wedn.ed., Afternoon,


)1. Clnllllllln ..... A... PAL .. yltA Phon. 410

No Dlvinr Over Town ~~?O~~ .... ~~ .... ~~ .... ~~ .... ~~~~~~OO~~ .... ~ "Bob" Snover alked The New Eta

Pa""".. N. J, PhOM •

to pllbllsh Ihe fact that the ted air­plane with Iilver wine. "8!unllna" and dlvlnl over Palmyra last Friday beloneed to • Philadelphia pilot who is not connected In any way with· the Palmyra ,airport. he did not land al the Palmyra Alrporl and no shipi rrom the Palmyta Airport were In the air al the time.


Linwood M.upin. 1616 Stilel Itreel. Philadelphia. left home via bua fo~ a day's outlna at Delair lilt Sunday. but hll trip ended In the Zurbrual Memorlll Hospital. Rlver­Iide. aa a rei lilt of an unfortunate accident.

Maupin went paat hll deltlnltlon

i--::i:;~1iE~~~R A" ''''''''~IIf!".1 D.lly Nrw'/I4pn

~ ., THB ClfltlmAN 8Ctf!NCI PUIILlSHINII IIOC1I'ft' One, 1'1 .... 7 5" .... 1Iootati. M_b_l ..

It T,.thful-Con • .,UdI_Unb' ..... _Prn from SetuM'CIn.t. .... -lIdkorl.t. A... 'nmol, .nd In.trott/vI .nd III D.II, P--. T ... th .. wlth tho ", .. Id, M .... ln. SfttI .... M" ... Moaltor an IdOlt N •• ep ..... 'ow Ih. Ho .....

·Prlt. _12.00 V.",I,. o. _1.00 • Month. .... rda, Iltu •• "''''udln, M ........ Settion. _2.450 a Y_

IntrOcItIcUN')' 08' .. , • 1. .... U Ceau. CJIMaInabIe au

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 703 Thoma. Avenue, Riverton. New Jeney

17 Weet Brold Strul Palmyr .. H, J.

Phone 9711


• • • AI, .. 01 • Wrileft 011 .... _ ........ 0,1..... ....... 'rum A ....... '41 Mea .... 01, .. n ... ~. .... 0. fII .................... ".,. 18 .... &MI ..... BrI ............. IN ,~ AI .... ",., .. a.,. "r. I ... ... It .................... nre,.... II .............. _11 wtt .... "1I1It .... __ ." 1_ --. ........ t2 ....... .

Page 16: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


£. 'lot. , .. ,.

f £"" v t; ... , 'It . ,.... th'<fl B lit-Jo.h ct \'I.-i~

,,..\ ~,, "-'" .. "'. ~~. ,'""'1' tht \tttm-'MAIN ~~ ,;:' '!,,,, (:~ ~~.~t. '>lNiht) j

a' ~\~- T,,~J~'< .. rtt' . ..".. I . ST. I ~.~~e-.• - ". h~.e'" iI.: .... - ":'1< ~~ s-.~. oi l\ :1"·~4 H ," ... · .. ,~, t- _ ... :...,~, .,~~ W",,:.. e-t~ ~t S!':':,.."'t:t& ,,-~~,~.~ - .t.t-I -- 'V-e-l~ -.. s, .. -t-.. -. EJ.7-": -i..u·~ ~t n ~i.a.~ 't:.ftu.:'".c

t! ~-_ '': .-~ : ' ... - 'F ~,"ac~ J a.::.': -1 ~.:- ,,!;.t

i ~ .. ~J V--;-h •• · G~~e ry; ' ,. Ii .... P'~..:..:~- ~~ l.~-=t~ j. !"";~:~ ol\~,~,,:. t" ..... ~ .... l-r:t-.: .. --:. :&!:,,: .. C, .... d t .&.~ ~tt C~ Io;:!'te]'ti:~.t: th~

I " ~'l'""':'"~~ :.l~ 7'~':".,.r .... , :. ~ .~~ t' ..... , ~ 1..~ ,~ttCIt

:c~"' .. ~~~:.,';h~tt~'~~\MARKET Pa.-ry F :n; C«tt~"t'~ ~"'k\b&ty tI'Iff·1 c"a~d.· .. ~,"~ ,

~m ~ ":ett" .,. ust Fu"th j WAtb aMi tAttHART. ~ • ltl'tet. e-lff~ .. t\.,J t .... m~ben I3f 528 MAIN S1'RBRT

. ~e· i Sa-~~~ at~{>':~ at AIld\i-\t . a"': !ot '. \\' l ... =- D,tmU:.. . l--.



;I~~ tar-Jl! .:.. H",-r:'Kr ~ ~ co. . ·~ ,,~ .... .:'tt"l t~t':: ;~.,~,'t\ ~~ S~ .. ~ .. lt!n. P5. <,~~ ~':t ~. ~.1.

~a·:··t"'t l'.~ cr ot 81Uh~ ~b~ )ur'. tt'liuatll\C db, I3f tM \ ~: 'he .... ,t ~d wtth Mt ..... S4,nJ H~rt S~Itc()1 it , I>a~ "(lI\ l

M" Kula R",dl. ~ o..~ a~ . \\"t.ln~a~ "\~ll\t . Nbt to ~1I4t"" IhIttt1

RIVERTON Wtll\&rn H~~"t· ~tt ~_ c:f R_

... -----------.... , ·~t ved ... , .. :! h:o ~'"t c .. th· el1L H'lb &... bOi>O. <>i Pb..lIodtiphaL_ !\!:"~ i


lilt. and N t&. ~ J. ~ and I WOOOWARD IS I'hot\4t* ~RE~ DELIVUt~

SILVER DUST D~It)· Jan" 8a~ . .. i IiicI Ttr· A .... -u •• atdM ~ .. ~ A.>n~ ~<.UI Le· • ,...... 101M..! .t 'hit d"~t'" ...... CI.a of a..-er.<>tl Pubh, Sd, ..... hHcl 1&"

daiaa-htft NI~~ of MapkWOOod. ddl . "Y'\ PRESIDENT Nr Chttotl ~L of N_ Yottt c.~ .

7M merr.Mn 01 th .. L..Idr~ Soct&I sptftt Sllfl~ ~th Mt. aII4l lin. (~~- --- .... 1) ..ntll TOWEL flutE ( h.b '-;u be the «'I"ts oi M.~ JoM J~ S~ .. of C~ '_1It.. James St.thff Itll' Vidor Doffftl: pkg, 2le: _ Cuhart. Jt _ ot C,1U\I'rlAJn_ 5tntt. tht Rt,bbll Gra-y, WU_ S.all\, ____ ..... ________ _

Mr and IIItn Ralpft Flo...,.. 'Of tbu t.~ IWedioft of n __ of. D~ and M~s. W. R. O\lna.. u" 14tedtt: hlftlyn.·atlnrtoft RIh ctllb HARTL~n ~

Londm n~nu~. ami Mr and MrL Ii<~ _. Mid last ~Int at tilt hmil)' of Bhald \trtfl. ~ ~. ~ di~ted bt La~n~ a Perbr, tilif OIJbert C_. 01 Tho ..... '''flI''t, l\ayt homlt 01 M", Gfftntd4t Lrndl. of !nt tilt \\lIIUntt at tlItir co~ I\tar" ' PIaJ.....,....d ~ 5~1td by ORANGE MARMALADE apenrlt th~tr a"mmotr homes at Spta)' L,pptntott .. ,.,..U<t SIl-. Ra~ond CAl .... tlu; Pllallll. Fr-.· 1 !b c:foclt 23c hdt (OK the a ... ~n. t4tn\lty ,,"ttl .. , Nt..tlold CO<[II!4tt "

-'0- Mr. and lin Tbomu\I&b. MA . . Gffmallt bllll\, ' of Motaft ita m~ton tht Paltnrh·ltl'ltttOft -------------B.olton Elwell . .. ho hat bitfll at. 01 "lttalNrlh. P&., met Nr. lhd tl", a\'ttlllt, tntffUlllld I n __ of Homt VI~tlOI\ CAmp. dl~tld b, Kelloggl

, MAINE CORN tutdlnC Phillip, Bnter Aaldan, al I "Aneu Slava.. of R_dotlC. h., """ fntAu at ~nb 0(\ W.tMtatSffrttary RMdtt. WMtTlt Of OOl-O .. N l~trt~1II B..,,,ott'. N~ H,mpshlrt. 101' Ute put Ott CUbts of Mr . .. nd "re. Wllliam t\'ttllll& h ...... pointtd ollt that In Iddltlaft It-two ,ur •. h .. "'at betft tl«ttd c.ap. M_, .• Dd lanul". of Iilm I_II. N tilt Y.M .C .~. BlIIlllint, tilt foUo",,· 2 (Ani ''If 23c aln o( thlf bUlfbeli team lor Ib", . n,omn R. Braddock. hu I'4tt\InMd Ina wwt Ilald .1 m~tilll pllctl : K II \ APPLtI' SAUC com.n, ,ear. TIle Ii.tttd Hart DAlMtlc Club homt from CoIb" CoUifI4t. It Wa~ . the Pttsbyttriln. Mttllod.'-t anll Bap. e ogg S D It

-0- wtIll10ld lhtir ftC'llar moftthl, _t.l..ult. Malnt, to lpellet th4t wmm4tr l tilt Ch~hta anll tht 'adlitite of tht 2 No 2 tana llc Min Meryl Or~n, of Dflrott, '"' thll ",earn, In lht school Illdi. '*1tl\ )Ita a-t4ttIts. Mr. ud III", CtnI\tmill_ PIlbll~ StlIoOl , _____ ' _______ _

· Mlch.,en. unved b)' pWsIf on Fri. tohum. AU memben Ht nq .. "'ltd 1 D£ COS"~ da, ~vtrUnl to 'IRnd tht _HIr with 10 be prbfllt U Wa •• 11 ~ the luI Mi .. Plum~e Narthrop. o. Thoma. m_na of tht .tUGlI. STUFFED OLIV'ES .venu~. and to a'lflld MI,. Nor· thr<lp, ..... .. b,th will taltt Mr •. G"'f1rudt Rteu. of Rlvtnldt. 6-0., Je,r 2ic pIau tm S""rrlo,,. wa. last WHir', winner of tht Sacrtd

-0- Hurl P .·T.A. mtnhandlse dllb • Kellogg's BEST RICE Th"lma Oa Vis. and ltallyn Van G 0

Horn. " iln', pupil, 01 Emma A. The SlInda, School 01 Chrill ! L RY _ EL t·n, pkg, Dc Pn<e. 1,,.,1< the Philadelph.. Mlliit Church held their annlla! pltnlc It

· 'r~<h~r ·. A .. "ulllon ,"'!llIon, and CI~menton Parlt On Wednma". OCTAGON SOAP r«~n·l c"rllli cO-'''' ror Ih"lr reapte, I SHOP · ltv" ,rad". Emilie Coole. 01 MoorHtown. Ind 3 lor llc .. .;-;;-;;-;~=;;;;::;;;;;;;.:;;;;;:;;;;; Nalille H. KVln •. 01 Thom ...... t. '

1 nu". Riverton. are ,,,,,,ndln, the weelr ____________ ... 1" I Camp at Allow.". N. J . I RIVERTON Mr. and Mr •. Fred W, Willard. I lind Dr. and M rl. H aruld F. Willerd. I

Mn. Ann~ T. O-r;naler. of Riller. ind 11Iu,hler N.ncy. of Shl)rt Hilla. , , , New Jeney. ' penl Sunda" with Mr. 1

ton. "Mil Mr . Bow" ... 01 Rlversld". ahd Mn. Oeor,e Car'lIe. of Thom .. w«:re lun" " f Mra. Pauline Stuben. avenue. <II BUcll H ll ven. laM Friday. i

Mrs. Ge'ttut.le Hamea. 01 Moore •• , I! lown . "., Ihe .I .th wlnn". In the PALMYRA tn .~cellanc .. u, d ul, , pl")nlV)ted by the . Ladle. AUluh4ry (If the Parr" Vol. ' 1 UMleer '·ir. Co"'p.ny. I '

MiAi Belty Gelty. "f Oermantown.

formtrl,. KONA MKA'tON'S llANDY SHOP

now under mlna,tmtnt of

Mr. I: Mrs. A.ntbOD), DeCarlo

BERKSHIRE HOSIERY S9e:· 69e:· 79e:· SSe:· $1 Min America FOllndatlon Otrmenu

Slimmer Cotton, lihetr Drellea Lllllerl~ "'en'a Dr,," Shlrh. Shorta and Shlrta

Bodll • Tiel • PaJatnu . ttandlrerehler,

aaby. Oartnen\e : Notion •• Olltl Noveltllf' • ber·Mel Yarnl Th" 1., .. 11 •• AUl<IIIa,y 01 the Dtl~. wn th" winne. In the 17th draWlnCj

w.r~ Fh. C')mpan" No. 2 will hold 01 Ihe O.K.S. MIKellaneous Cillb; • lard I'atly ')1\ I' ,irlay. June 21, It 3 E B d St Pal a 30 p ttl III Ihe rort h"ule. Re· MI •• EI""rlQr Hulle. ot Hl,hland Open Kvenln,. • roa ., myra 'ruhrn~l1l . will he lervetl Adm, .. ll]n : 3v"nlle. II recoverln, trom an oper. ' _________________________ -'

2S <trl\"

Willi/un Ulet rich. or Harrison .treel. retur"e,1 I,"m the Cooper H01I1'1181. on 'rue.,la" alter •• erl · 1 ou~ .I'/len."dli~ operat",". .

Mn. R. S. ~lIa"s. of Thornll Ive· · nue. a"enl Sun,la,. with Mr. and Mra. Willian. L. C .. key. or Borden. t"wn.

AWlrd. made at the Sacred Helrt 'choul ,radu.llon were a. followa:

Rell,lon Medal : Kltht"" M. Diet· rich.




KEATING'S Fountain



L L KEATING ............... aJYIUITOX








KLKX .... .. ...... 2 tor 310

PAl.MOLIVE SOAP 3 for 17c


FRUIT COCKTAIL No. 2~'~ can· 2Sc

I V001"S 'l'RIPl.lI: 'tIU~DltRtZll:b

Hams Ib25c WHOtl or HALF



8 tb .VI.


Rib Roast Ib 29c TOP MUICLa

Rout Ib 35c Rib of Pork

lib •••


TONGUE . QD 95c ....... &.1.


2 Y2-lb pkp 21c AHO.TaD


Ib 19c I KkA"f'S PAkKAY

I MARGARINE _._._ .. tb '2 .. c

, " ,n

, I



Mrs. ltranlr WIIlla Stewart, of 2111 Oarlleld avenue, Palmyra, InllOllnl:ea the tnllrrhllt bf het niece, Altnee Lewl! Siewart, to MI'. Fralld. tole HaYlle!, of Haddonileld, N.. J., on I&atllrday, JUne 15, In ChrIst Chllrch. Rlvertoll . The Rtv, Frantll B. t:lown.. pa.tor of the chllrch per· fbl'tntd the tl!l'eltlbny.

the btlde wa. ,lYen Itt martla,e by her brother, Fruler Stewal'l, of Philadelphia, The tnald of honor wae Mills MtlrJorle Kyle, of Paltnyra. and the btit man waa Howard liedtnan, of Colllniswood.

Arter all e.lellded weddln, trip the couple wllt reside In Haddonfield.


The martl.le or MI" Dorll E. Blaclt, daUlhtlt of Mr. Illd MtI. Edtnund it. black, of lOt Mot,llIl a\/eIlU', and W. H.rold Jlolllke. of 600 Wllhln,ton IlIenll., took place In Calvary Prel,..erlln Chllfth, RIII­erton, 011 Iiturday eYenln. at I 7 o'dod! tlretnoity perform.d by the R.v. Chari .. T. Sit .. , potot of the church.

The brld., Who WI. alv.n Itt m.t­rl.,. by her flthe" wort whitt dotted moulI.llit. de lolt, mid •• n· trlln, Ind I Anllr.tlp Ilnlth nU with • tlee nil, lhe clrrled blu.h plitt ra. .. , ,ndenl .. Ind 111111 of tb. nU.".

MI .. Jean B. Stacll, Illter of the btld., •• rnd I. maId of honor and wort I period moo.1 of orchid dottad ,wi .. , with I bllllfttt of whitt atrlw, tltd with •• tvet ribbon to mltch her ,own. He, bouqu.t wu of y.lloW rott ..

the brld.,m.ld. wlf' MI.. Rllth IIlaclt, .llt.r of the brktt, ItId MI •• Rllth I .. ber, •• rln •• rftII IIId ,.1-Inw dotted Iwl ... r .. paeth"I,. 'they wore lar •• whit •• Ir.w hat .. trlmtned In IIelnt ribbon to match th.1t ,rod .. , and carried tolonlll bouquete o. dalll ...



The (ollbWlll, pupils of the Irldt athoola wert IIwarded perfect attend· ance tettilltatu at Ihe dolt of tbe te"rln, htl'lln, bttn neither I"e nor abaent for tht tilt Ire achool yeah

k Indu,arten

Harold bauer toopet

FIrM OradI'

John Carson

Second Orade

Wllllim Stephellion

ThIrd OradI'

Ktlllleth SUII "el"n Shirley Atltlnlon Helen May Hunter Eltlnor It\lubeth Lamont ROlalle Ltwla

Fourth Otllde OOll,Ial Chrlltlne Oeor,e Halt tlalre Bllrke Joan Orllfenbu, Janet BtllI

Fifth Orad.

John AlbetJ Bauer klytnond Clemenll . Peter John Oil Marco William De Vetl Robert Harliet Hauy Albert Hubb. Joltph Na,la Richard UlrIch WIlUltn Henry Yult" Mlty Jlnl ~bdlll Hele" Jille dl Ooth .. tr Arden L.wt. SUnor Ohmber,et Clrol Mlr" Yetlt" Orad.

81tty Bettin • ., Jo Ann Irr.nlt C.rlta Rulh Cooptr M Ir,lrti 01111, CharI ... "wlre EII.n Hili RUI .. 11 MlttheU Alfred HI." Cecelia Pril«:O Dorolh), Rhoad.

LIOn 110l1li, of .telton. w.. beM man Ind th. lithe" war. Norman D.Utn.y, of Rlvtrton, ud Thoml. C.hIU Ind Jim," R •• nl, II' Pal· m,.rl.

pollowln, a receptIon Mr. Poutll. and hi. bride left for I motor trip throu.h Hew Yorll ttlt. and tltledl. They wW rtaldt at 407 Clnaalftift. ton ." • ." .... "..

I.unth Or'"

June A •• tin Mildred CullOl1 0_ •• ClIIt,y ".rion Cooper

NOTlts •




The follo""l\1 'tudtn~ ItCtiftd ,choUtnhlp lett4tn and urll6clm tot 4t"cell~t schollrahlp durin, tile year:


v...IICCS Coo., Miry ita", '*"' Oto\'l4t Ford.


Jane CA\tfll. Sarah Robb\ltIll.

8ophomol'ft · Heltn Gtllfellber, bttllttltf Johnaon Nurtnan KIIII Oeorl! KOllItUIII.H john Ml!ann,tt Frarld~ Mitchell

~Ibett Oordon, b4tHtr Imo""' I' .. AI," to patron, of the Phllad4tlphla Marlltt HOllse, I, hO lonltr IInder tilt emlllu, of proprietors l..IplroWltt Ind 8eh.ltte.

Ht haa b~n replaud by Allfin !It'brl.y who haa h.d wldt nperi. tnee a. a cltrk and mlnaler.

l'qn Ryan, Plli\\tt . Adllll .. JUIIII. Na",., .. Itellor Voorhll, hit, "Mn Mathe ...


"'Irlarei Celellt. Joan Oraha"" Mlrcella Kltkol, Mary l.anllll. Ellllbeth Wink •. Mlrlatn Pille

John Polndellter !!:leallor Bllunwelll Lesttt Schalf~r , Franklin -raylor Oebr,t Wtl8and. Jr. Edythe Mae Wen,u

Blahlh Grade

Vlr.ihill Abdlll John DonAlhy II:mma Kni,ht Frank Stone EdwAr.1 Stoops MAry Van Sant Harry Ward Charles Wearl.

Honor Certlllcat.el .

-rhe follwlnll pupils Were Iwarded I Honor Certillcates for ollt.taltdln" Bthollrshlp and cltlnllshlp dllrln" lite Ichool term:

Orade Five Rlthard Eberly Harr, Hubbs David Jonn ltdwlrd Lel,hion Joseph N a,le Matlin IchloetUer Richard Ulrich BeHy LOll Bowtnlll Allee Bur, ... Helen de Oothaelr Almlrl DtVlnlity Dorolh,. Maklll Dolly M.r.hlll

Or.d. 811l

Marlon Apr.le,at. Dorothr B .cllebl Mar,.ret DIlIt, Mar,lrtl Oltwoocl "'r.nlt KitH Dorothr Knl,ht Alfnd NI,le Carol Ward

Orlde lev.n

Wllllim Kn,l. Btatrlce Johnlon Ma,Jorle Knl,ht Ionll Ntb,,1 P.lntl. Mitchell ThomBl Icbwlnlt Jlcquelln. Itntnlon

Orad. El,ht

Jane FI.her Norma Ichwlnlt Vlr,lnla MU" J ..... Lippincott J- IJcnillh,






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We will give ablolutely FREE .

An AU-Steel Ironing Board and an Automatic Electric Iron (retail value tI4.9O)

$1 TRADE.IN IlIoWlnce on ,our old Iron on the pureh ... 01 .n, electric Iron In our .tor ... mn. ftom ".tS II"



514 Cinnaminson Avenue, Palmyra, N. J. Phoet a'v.rton 717

........................................ IIIIHI ....... ' ............ I.

Page 17: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

I : : ""-_.n.""'" ..... . ~CJtU) Itlldt1' eltUKK l ~ =1)blo---=~"'" I ~ *-~~~, $0"''' ·-RID OO~ 1 Ih~ M. J. .. M!III~" '- \MIlt ..... ... ~urch Nodcea -- ~ ocf ~ .. nt ... of h " l'*''' W ..... .,... , ~-a_ lI)f ~ " ... ftoNtt ~~~ _n ~ tM -im f.ot- ~. ~ A. " ..... A.,\'" ~_\.. ' ... .. .. __________ .:dlas --... .. ~~ ~.... S~ ·~lfau,~;, .. ~ ' ...... ·1 16t '*" ..... ~ blo"* ......

aa1'tlAMY ~V~ sol\) '1 tiIIt \.~. . .. Nt\JS DMr, • .......:. • US. ' lltt . ..... lltt'&. ~ h ...... LU't'IlUA}( Cilvaeai ec-m_q-~ ~~ •. + C-~ t~ Sa~. ~~

"""--_d ... p..ft\_ ~ \b llt~~. hot. $.~"" ;~ to" • -- StHtt ....... R.... AItlftt J. tla.tb.. __ 0( tM ~_. ~ Nr s..ft.t,,: ~.*-~,I~----____ - .... ~ M. J. ~t'I ~ .... of. ~. ~ .&h___ . l.aftt.. .~. $th)lItttft , ... ~W. ~.

~ h" Hanlid LH rt-o-. !"a'-I tht --. ~~, ~ haiM- ill l t.a~ J. R_, t~. ~ 'At F\\"U. Sll"~ aI\tl' ~~. ~ ~f ..-Itlt tM 1\ is 'lit'" _'11 &Tlu,* ~ R'tIl ~. ~~, ' hwaJ\.. "atWtlO. .. u. pftl>!tii\t6 ocf btt.. U\d brilI& ~ C~ C-1l\~ a~_ tlIat tM · MaSftS d\lnt\& ~ ~~ M».-J. 'fit ~\.'t. 1l.OO Lift.. t~ ~\lI ~ T1\t P'lbl\'(O ~ 'ftNlt ~ .... dri'St fot' ..... t ttrttf '*-1 ~ W . 8t1im'*\I&h: ;.U-W. Gt-o~ V~ ~ .OO p..m. Spuht. ~--'tal\~ m~~. ~ a ~tof. "~ fw R~I Smith. T. l\ml\\ff. ~ Rn. Albert J "~ tn .:tlPt of r..11\ thtc ~~ -m M aft.t OI\I\,-mll\_. , .. 'UU~ tha~ Suttda..~· aM coft. tt'tlll (tl tM '~tI' L.~ fit .. mm~ qllota fot' d.wU\c atld · SPRtNO CONC~RT A.ND

\inma \ t~ ~.mmtr Chllf>..~ Bt'Oad al\d lltorau .~ft.. Im\t\il'4: \\ t~~-fo\lt "~aft.t l . 2-P1ANO "R~SI>N1"ATlOMS _tlIa BttI\lftJ -.nil h,'<t two 1ItOrft· "'I~ all thit ._ten Uk" \Ods \lilt <*l\ W · \)f ... &.a ~~ ~ lltat ... at IUS od Wedl\-t~...OIl .,..l'l'l,-Mtd~ ~ bitted tft ,t., \i~. ~b_ fw , MatS::U Chl.lot t!~'a!loo ftta~ ' --~ S_" at H ,OII\. At ,hit PI'Utt stnict Md med.latiOll. ~ ,,"n~ '!rill hit Ih~ it\ A .... t. . =--~ ~t o.l ::~ 1ft ' "atin Sent" tilt }lIntO<' C:~ wm hOt &~ ~notU as "'I Q tM n. hami --t fw ,,~ ia ,tn, ~ tal ~ R,~ PIi~ .. .m lM SttUI .~ ~ t:! t!: pastor .t'lli t.M "'01" tailhlU.ia.. .... , to bit dot\e.. ami e~ _1\0 <aft l ~': a\td~~m Frida, e~ C~~~~f td·s _ • .:T"' ..... __ ~'-" •• ~ tlUs ~ se. is IlIttd to ~e to tM Portb Jllnt II .t "l~ • , It\~, .t ... tlftl .... Deu...,. _UI _ Cblb • ~ and ~ndIu •

• STATIONltRY • MAIL PIECES a~ ftthft <X both ftntctS. Pat- n. Sll,"", kbool (tloth dIilotr. ft\OIt\tllP from "Iftt to twel~ oo·dodt n. ~Il\ '!rill ~\:l\tdt ft~

tot Ro~" m~ for tht ~ will ahd .dlllta) 'Irill hold , pI-mk at aft'. ttl ~ .nth ~ls W«tt. It)'W taft· I ~"""s .mtl\&ot'll for \WO k -Life" L.lIrary. ;. cot1iIal wd. In\ Par\.. • Sa~. ,r.lle Itth. I l\ot ft. at the c:hlb ~ .. l' wUi hit l ~'-I\Ol. • BILLS ICOmt ...... I~ ~ h -, IOIbc to ~ • nat ald·fa~ eqlkallJ lIe1phl If..,.. 'M1I Itt _ _ __________ _

1ft tht ~ at ?GO \ht UftIon _e ' talde 01 \hot tMthod of ~ of \he ""'- and &Nih It at ~ • FORMS Qn)~ S~ at _hk:h time tht \ t"auc: OIl U hit" bin an Albert j "arb 0( tM "~. ponatiOft aIId \hat "" , Win :tW bit • s_ttt ~ a lid' \riaj\' Ch\U'ch ..riu speek. Yola art ,-.I-.hid, ..nil a\art rollttll at UiO fnm \)f l«" for OIIe of tilt tho_d. of

dian h' C ity tbe o:hlirch. AdWtl wUl bt 1Ch&~ ~ who will .ullet U\is 'lriftm ~ ~ In t ta -- I the .bole ,\1m 0( (IS.:) In- dtl\\a I if AmHic:a dots not htlp to dotht .. _0 p. for thl\tpOftIltl.. lIlan to com. ,,,-~ eHRlaTlAN SCIENCE CHURCH a\\d 'lina tM ramll¥. Mrs. FIl_ CkaIf Will .... ~ blo

I fIlmllh ,Olk with _l alld cllf'tdiOft' "la tht Ulli\'ItfSIt. tlldllclina ".n., METHODIST CHURCH fOf bl\\iIIl. CaU htt It W-S.

~~I'<td by AtoMic Fotte~~ 'a tilt PallllJ"". N. I. Thai work i, a ~I\\muni'l/ pt'O~t, ItssOl\-unno\\ aubjtd hit SUI\dal/· l Re". Willilllll A, BoreL .... tor and t'<tf1Ol'e who hall .'" tttlint of IlllIt 2~ In tlll Ch.~'tiall Sdthtt TlU, S\IIId&1 momlnl at 1I 0 ·dodt. \,'Onttm for .hat i, h.pptl\lnl to \M IChun:htl .1114 Socltties throuaho\l\ the Rev. Booyd will preac:h .bout ptllplt of EW'Ot)e tad., .holiid be the world. I . th W'-d· " l ..tlltlll to help. Tht Golden Tett la' --1.00 ht that • Optnll'll t "' OW" . , CI b ._et.h the mOllnt.ln~. tllld' c.rdttth I Tbls \:hllt.:~ . whh thpt lother P:~ TU'!~:;~: -C:;~:~dll~~::~I' ~t the ... llId alld dedartth IInto mat'l , Htallt chut(nU 01 • myn. G II r H Yuh I wh.t I. hi, thoulht. that m.lreth the ' unite in tht CommlllIity I\leetill. ttl ~.II Mr~: ':e.tJr - 0 rep MOt1d1l1 d.rkllcs," alld tfftded upon I be helci III the ",lm)lt. Grove. Sun- IS lreal y II • the hi.h pltlcMI 01 the Mrth The I d.y e\·tnill. (rom 7 to • o'dock. Tht ============= Lord. Thee God of hOltsl .1 hi," " Re". A. J. Harke. milliliter of the AN OltDtNANClt or t'H£ BOItOUGH (AmOi 4:U). Mora"i.n Church " 'iII be tht p~~h- OF RI\~ltItTON IN THE COUNTY

Amolll the Itsloll-8trl\\01l cita-I tr. . OF BIlItI.INQTON It£GULAtINO

tionl Is the (ollowinllrom the.Blblt: all Wedllesd.y t\oeninl III the TUS PARKING OF V£HICLliS ON "Por all thou thlnl. hath min .. h.nd I t>tethodlst Chllnh tht Mid-Week PORTlONS OF (liRTAIN aTRli£'fS I

h S . III b ducted bv IN THE SAID BOROUOH : \ND ' mad ... and .11 tholt thin •• h,,·1t been, Chu~ er,·t(e w It COli . ' PRI)SCRIBINO PENALTIES I'OR .. Ith the Lord : bUI to thll m.n wUl the Rev. W. A. Boyd. THE \lIOI.A1:ION OF THJi TERIIlS I look. tytn to him thai il poor 'lid I AND PROVISIONS TIU.RI)Ol' 01. contrite spirit •• l1d trembltth at MlSS10NARY SPm:AK~RS AT BE IT ORDAINED by 'lit Bbto •• h

.IttY word," (laalah &6:21). PRESI3YTKRI ... N CHURCIt Council ot Thl Ilorou.h 01 RhnlOh In 111.

The ItlSon-sermon 3110 Includes 1 The Rtv, and Mn. W, T. Cook. C·8~lITr6~u':I~'\O~., no pmon, ., .np the fo. 1I0wlni p'~Sftle rrom the . I I I 011 furlo"lh from tlml, .h.n s"t- .nr 'oh.ldt 01\ .nr 01 lb. Chrl S· It ' tb L "S I II '~ I til II Oll.r es U d II - I. "tt. In I .llall . < ence elt 00_, c e ,,~ Chosen (Korea) wUl speak It the ~:,,'.".~~,eli o~~~:~'~'u d\~~.t':,':.': 0 and Health with Ke), . to the Scrlp- ! I . r hlp 01" Prt'-

.. b M B k Edd ' "I dl morn nl "0 a , II ) Tho SOulh" .... lly 'Ide 01 "'.In ~~~:s Sd~nct~r~t ~n~~trse. ~~c1u~in~ I br lltrlkan Church on Build." at Il a .... , b.,,, ,on S< .. nlh 5""1 •• d EI.hlh I . I I h I I1d 0 < (lc . . 8t~~ell: Th. Notlhwe .. etl,. •• d. 01 Fou,lh

Ittan. .~ §llIr 11111. IrmOn OUI. a M r~. Cook was lormerl), Mill S\ .... b .. ".en I'ulton S .... I •• d Iilm tternal (I)· 114) , 't'·u,l. Hemkhlll , 01 ~h'erton. A "nut. ( ... . pl .nd pro, ldod. ho''''''1 ,hot ,

l'" 1; t" \«h id" mly bt t1'tkltfi ttn nhl tlG.t of


~urlll1lton Pike Sundny Mornllli

10 o'do<k-M~ehn, for worlhip.

The (lublk I, cordially Invited to Fouuh I" •• t on Sunrll''1 I, allend Ihl.

'·rvde. 'c) Th. Soulh .. "10,11 ,Ide cil Mow_,d ~ Sirnt blt",,,n M,tn Strnt Ind J:'lh h

Illtolll,ellt (ltople welcome mt· chnnkAI Invention! whlth Idd to tht "0111[01 t ~nd cottvemence 01 I\\'illi.

at~~.)\; 'the Not\h \\ , ."rI, 11IIe C)f Filth S"f'tl h'C'twUI1 HowlnJ Strut t..nd tit, I nllnihpon Stnt\ I

1 1 T.,,, N ur-th~ •• tnh· ,hI" 01 Ito\\hd

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH h, Ih. C"",ml"lo',, 01 M .,~, " ,hid .. 0 1

lEONA HUNT halr styU&l " •• llOAD IT.


For EftrJ hrpose 11ae New Era, lac.

luvaRTON ()

~ot ColQI.-. ........ tJM Lll'OlIt Pfloft. IU........ til

mllllllllllmmlllllmllllll"lIIl1l11l11l11lmlmlltlllmmlmlllUllU .... " ....... ,

ROSES End of the Season Sale The LoveHut of Rosea. P'bte v.rietle. Ukt Olowlftl

Carmine, Oalety., OlplIY Lall, ROllI! Marie-reaUy .U IOrt1l

e'tillogued It 8Se: tlt:h that are It III In .tock •••

Now 6Sc Each Please call lit the nuraety lind make pertonal lelee.

tlon If pOSSible, although phone or man order-t will hive prompt attention ..

Henry A. Dreer, Inc. Suut \\Hhi" BO '''''!l N drlt1\\ut\urdl )l

tffc t. ' .n. th" dtll! of '.t1f' "'luo' I' 'h"l'"eoi I tlrsl Chutch ' of Chrllt. Scientl.t NO ·lI t .. 01 SJ: TTLF:MENT . 'h~. :':"'i,j;\.1~:~.!~'h' . ThumA. A \ e. and Seventh SI. Tru" •• , " wuo' f 1 he Sou.Io" ..... Iy .Irl. 01 Clnn.. 1I11111111111111111111tllllllllllllllllllllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllUtlllllllllllllllillllllll

R I N J mit,."" SPflf:t "I"'In 1 ~ !. Int NOllh",tlt. , == .... ====:=! .. ========-::=============..;. Iver o n. . .' b't"t"' JOliN 't. UURltAN(I:. J'luulfll \\lIIf .!".· .. I ;~ ,. ~ f't" ,

Sunday S, hool. 9,30 a.m. I , r A I S • S.. 11 Nn~'lIe t· htle,l,) ",\tl1 t "l t· t "/' Sl-. t 110tl 1 That no ,'trwn tl,a1l ,1"-"

UnuRY CI\ . .m. lIJUI\! ,l,-Ilt "Uh"'lllhf'lll. 1. 11"11,'" Ln· ", lltl' IllJl' \('hi,lr trjl 111U11! ,It." onll' huur lfJn"

Wednes day, 8.00 p.m. . 1I11t1 ... ,.,... lu,,' vi the lut WlII .",1 Ilhlltlh"'.'. II" 111, 01 \~f; h'lelt1aftfr delll,. Reodinu Roo.n ih Church Build'hl 1''''\lll1tn~ I'l l J1ll\n T O urult ". SIt' uu". nl1tll ru)t1iut'''' IJI . ,UttU Itt Iht Slhl hut.

• I \~ ill 11«, IUtll'ill ."d ,tIlt" 11r the. '..Irftlgl\c " nU111 ')1 HI\ rttm' 'rhomal Ave aNd Seventh Bt.. River .. In,l no'IJIlI'"'' tfll ,ttll .. m,"' Inll ,III)" IITh. t to I , u

T · I d F d 2'0 ' th. 011111 ." .. ' (,.IJUIt ul ,hI!' County of B"I!' !t ' llle 9"u'h'ltlttt1~, .. Ide 0 -.11" ton, Ol'th ue l 18 Y an r • • y. o ~ lInlw,n It I ... ~\tllj" to ., .. hetll 1 "u,,1IIY . SlInt nithln :110 Int Ntlltt1w-t.rtt\"a.dly to 4.30. J uly d. 194U, II Itt'! 11°( h" k In th, ft.".- hom N"' rth Blold SttUt.

11l0r1" U S 1 . It ,h, Coutt llou .. , I t Mount I) The Notthc-lIt'th ' tid. 01 ,.hln H ully R ,JtllnJ\QI1 lO\lnt)'. N t'w J ePI', . 9IU t'! he\~un NUI4h Uruad Strnt add

CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH billl L M IJORRItI'lCIl lI o~"d . S ..... : d M I key. Otorlr Lockett. D.O .• PAitor I O. EOltOR MOl<1I19 UU kRItt4tE. MD.. SI :;~I ~::hl.;'"n~"I~::lfN:;,~ .. o~'t. ... ~I;

1tlliliUR I. IJOl<IMNlt:. ""~ I .. II "'.,~ S""I $ervlces Sunelay. June 23rd. C"MIIEN 1 I<U.T CpMPANY. Sur. '~dl T'h. No .. h ... i'tl, .Id. 01 »d""d Bible School i 10.00' f.... ~~~i~r a!'I rr~~~t'cd,~\,,;~;:d,n S.f. u,· attlet whMn 1', , .. , North.lI,ward.,

the ettet1donce 01 the Bchool hili kellt T,ult... ".m M.lo ... ttl. \I .. with the record A. the .chool I'rO<IO. ' Wm. D. Llppl. con SECTION t. Thlt .n, ........ ~bO "".11

.... I . Ol'fd - J'I.I'" II, ".U I I h 0 dl ~, t • ttt~. with It. pruficlent anel earnelt tnch-I o,~o t. 1-1'·40 :: :::.I.I~nl \h.~~~f.· 0°,' :h~ :hal dq .';;:r. er.: I. endt • .,orlrl, to live to tach leI 0' .1,1 •• I. ,hi. Ordl.ant_,r,bl" •• ,

c par .~tll Ah. nol OtH,II.. the ..... ., on~ Who attendl that .omelhlh, th.t I HOTICR 0' ."TT"SMItHt ,h.ll. u~ •• co •• ltUo. ,hellO , 10,,,1, I •• will ba 01 IctuII help In their ever1' T,utl ... Ace.,,", Pllt, Do \A,. 0' be lIJIfr ....... d I. tn. B.,. d III I I d I t b I d th t· OUlh J.II 0' Co\i"t, III for luch term no) I" e. t , n)' ° ., upec e I Ittl ... 01 SOUH T. DORRAHCII:. D.c .... d ... u.illn. 811, •• dl,'. I •• hall b ........... .. on the pert 01 member. wW I Holk. I. hlt.b, ~".h th.t the 'ltl'~' •• d InI\IIIHd b~ lit. "'IIII •• t. bol ..... h"" I 0 'I I .et t h r thlt I h L, T ~a .uch ..... on .h.1I ~ lril' ••• .. ...... 11 •. ' ncre .. t. on o. r 0 • a • I CQu.t 0 • • I.vler n, rUlt... ""' • ~,0'1'-", t .t '~ch .... IIIt ... e;.u I II ~Ith -, hbo .. Pou ..... th.. It,.. iiI Oi. IUt II ,.. 0_ h ~reat pr \I e.e w "our n"'l t, T .. lln.o.t .1 S.h. T." '.ctaMd, "I \IIIW.,. I. hto dllc"lIooI, to 1111_ t r l..,d or .1,1\0r who are without .f. ..III b, .ltdl ...... d .t.ted b" Ihl 1M ..... '. Inl I.. IIII'rI......... ... 5 .... 1'1 til,

• • '. llow u¥.cll¥. 111 ..... II1II u..\I. \110 .. ... filiation. . •• d ' .... 't.a lor .. tI ..... nt... .hj:q ICTION • t Thll IhIi 0, tII.c" lltar . tho O,ph .... · Court of .h. Couo" O' Mr· = .... ~ .. Mornln, .ervlct. JUS a.m.-Tho", u..llOh .1 ..... 10. 10 bI h.l. Thu t, It. r.a.. ......... , ...... "". 1--110 were lbaenl IAit lund." ml.H4 I.r, ,.. ".0. '1 III 0·.1ot1o I. t~. lor.. ,ubi c.tlo ••• ,.,,1I1t Io, t.w. "". I ciiol .. 9~~ I) I T .t tho Coli. HOII," Itatlill "O'tICB • lermon which will lonl be remem- I HolI,. Co •• I,. N.. • ... , . "I h 0 ..

bIr.d b" thon who he.rd the plltor. I\\T~II:L \ bOIUHCB! C It 1I ... ~T~~lwh~:·~t1.:~:~.'.·:.·: tlE~' 011: -9.B Ollbll'lt~Q~ "':,.11:. .D ...... aul, Intr .... cod .N nalid ":1 ~:III~i~ CTR~r, !o!'J.1H'l. • . .... 1 •• 10, .Ihl ., .... ,h· CIPM.dl u h.

L r. C " U.e 8DrO".h of a ••• rt .. la .t.. COU"., 0 .,. .• _. D, ..... to I .• .. DI. 1I •• loft. 'til' '" N .. J .... ,. il! ..... u., I ..... It.... , .. 1 c __ •• ,. th.,.01 h.1 oa ,h •• lIIiII do, I, 1141.

I .. T,~"'.. . .n" th.1 I • Ae.1 , ...... an • 1,,{Io. .1

',octo" W... II. ldr,w.otL tho .. kI O,dl ... t. wUI .... o~.w •• id 10, tlo. O"teI I Jun, II. a.. ..14 8ato ... h CaUftcU 'I' .. btln. dNi, .. , to '11 to ' ·1- b. h .... I. chi COUIIC I 1_ .1 til. tlld

_(j1//1 (r~( , Itjtl' , r t',t. !,,"" II f,' f'J r , io .. Uah. .. tlo. ....... 1_ If the PI ••

I NOTICI 00 ... IIlu." .. Ih. Notl!'lt!t. .... If . q" •• f. 11, .. 1. betw .. n .1. If'HI ,1\4 - ..... ~-' ''''''' IT.". IIOI.U Ihll A. H .... h_ InE Uth "Nt, iii tho iolII ,.. .1 .... :r.=- - ifill! or to ."I~ to C ...... I._ T.," .... I' _ ,,10.. ft ,h. e"lI1, of .. B tulla., .... ""\. o'

~ ........... .I.' ~a- ",lit •• o. C .. " .... '"_ .... PIn..,. III II .. J .... 'I .1 til •• M ..... h .. , If ~ It ~...... , •• 'oror r,,""e ' C.IIIUIII,Ila. 11 ... =,., ... ,.... Iiltoele4 .,~ • • t' 0tE .... Ie tilt ........ 'III

_ .t 'or" L .... ". • ....... HlJInrlt. Timol • • t .. , ...... _'1'<. I.' , .... -."'2 CIa:LIIftlAIO• Tr.ti (p. J:: • .t:4.~' :u I o'~.? win III Ali

Mn. ~ M. M.I"-my I dla~.r,cl':!";ltrl'" 1I:".,,~-rr:. ,:"., Itt;,t'!..!5 .. "':OJ:: ... eII .. • LUI lito' ... V"'~~ ~ or. , I ., 0 •• , ~ Borott." C_cU 0' Th.

.. ~- --" _~__ " . '.'''' /Io,ou,h 0' JlI ...... II Ih. e ... " ...... - - - '0. LaMIq ... 1-4, HI ..... , ........ ,.. ........ ...... ...... I CI ........ T...... D""'B" It. CLI"~~ .. _--"-'.iiiiiii. .. "' ... -iiiiiii ... "' ___ .J ~:::'~": " .N bat'" I." •• ,... ~

A nank' s nuty tn its lJel)osilol'~

ht" Amerlean Banke... AUbClatlott In Ita 8tatement of I>rlnclplH of Commercial Bank. In. ")'I. "The talatr 01 the lund. entrueted tfJ ,he hilt/ie by ell 01 It. dapot/toll mUM' bfI the 10000000llt obJec:ttva of the COItIltHtf'tJle/ bank., •• 'l'hUi benlu mutt ulrelae .. tteme care bl lI'antinllOlltll and IIlIlItInt Inveltmetata to l1li. auard depcllitl.

It Ia .110 our duty to render • prompt and Ideo quat. IIheclrlna .mce fat th. "'ely abel CODo ......... vi our cS.poellOl'l In ttaDllmlttiaa lunda.

To .'fOId cIleerimInatinl .... 1IIt eertate de­poeItota b1 '.tIm. to ..... uIte Neb ACOIMMlt ... .., '01 til. ..... ee It NelIIWtII, It II obYIGueI, ..... .". eltbat to r.quu. balaneea_dent to ,.hnburlle the bank fat MIdt lWYioaa, 01 tID ....... , ....... 1« ...............

Gmn·;' .. W _ TnII fAt. RlVDTON, N. J.

A aood delHI no. btlnt done to help mah ~ l\ItOple mlltt ~ ..,methlll, m~ tha" "all ,b,Ittl~~ or "'II\IIb\ltt mUlter," A ttllklll, -.odd tfltllnd. III at leVItt), lIalld III the lleed I()f all"lU6te .~h aklll.. Qllot ot tht mOl\ l!l*,:UQI *'11 tu "'VItI"" Mtter apet!\!lt, bteau,e or Ita iltm .. -tIOI\ or the IftIllP alld tttlmWo\-lI, " tltl'Ou.h (htl'" Vene Ilpeeldl\l, A decade a\lO the 1t"lutl of thle ~h\Jrit ape,ki". o( W ... e wert pr.clh:al4t tNSTRUCTOR AT !lARK UIlItIlIlW\\ tlll:tpt b), • ftltf pion"", Altlt\Jun~tmeltt w*, made thli Vern ,pullllt, ~holr. m~ 1I0W be Itfttk that tl pl~lhlUlld (lI,ttlldor toulld hi OUI' ,,,hoola iNm co.,t to for bll),s will be at Mtmorlal Park, ell.'t. The (1:Illllwlnl cllo~1 ,pl!tlt- Rlllttrton, eYer), .weelt tillY (tltcept 1111 pro,1'Pl w*, ILvtll a •• pirt or Stlturd\lt) t1uHnl tht iummer talt)IIUta the dl:llllli tllttcilel l\\ tile itivut1!1I frt)t\t 10 • • m, IInUI nool'i .lId froM Publl~ School. A ,hlUP ell tltfel\t)'- loS p,m. 8\'t elahlh I~aele chlld!'," (ormtd tile Mr. OtVlnlley I, tilt Pf'tltltt tholr. 1'he alllloul'i~er Wal Jal'ie t)QClIl N.Y."" emplllyte Olt tluty litre. wbo .a\lt the hlltl:ll')' tlml ell\llallattlll "Brit "trltlall Clltptct Ihit '" III ' of c\loroll .Il~.ltllll' .trUdelr lor Ilrla wUl bl! anlllled tt)r

"Pelttl'1 hi. lIi""YI btell I "atUral 10c.1 dUty In the lIeer (UWN! •

Air Conditioned 't'ht! St\U\-'r FUlleul "0011l~ ,. *ir

~otldltll/l"ed to btlll, tllldtd c\)m(ott W thlll!! who lvall \helttlel,," Clf tile Ust of ~ht hllltlt. It II jUlt &l\othtt teIIltt­mellt IhM m,1ffiI the SIIO\ltr Se~ ... t.:t a~ outIU"d'lI, ollt 1\\ tht phlftl!lo".

The Snover FUnerlll Home

11l~llt\ll) ... ted

313 ~. broAd St., ~al,"yta, N. l-ttrAll1t A.. S"lllitr lohh N. S",att*

Phalle. Riverton e1~

for"1 01 Iltlll elc\>I·t&lloll lei.· I\\.h, . _

Whenever the tal'ly \l~oplt sowlld -~illlliillliiiA1liliitli~iiiUUiJiiiWIi~UIii61j.\lOO~i.IDii\lilrD··-~-tliW~ijjjDigijliU~Wk:\\ii\t~~~l\i~~u.1UlDlQU;ra thtlr II'aln, or .. Ued tileit' 1111\111. or tilled Upoll thtlr lOti., or tleillbratetl their \lldol'I!!I, Ult)' IIltlld Up tllllir vtJluttI Ihilly .1111 toaelher In ~ruele ,ullli8 "lIll I:hanll, AllhtlUl1i the Wardl tliid rh)'thlu \l8t leU to Iult the lltolld llr 11iUltlioll, allva)'. lhere " 'al powel' Qtlel beallt)' hI lhl! '1Il1reatralued \lukel of lite II1IU\I. Lalel' th~ an­dent Hebl·r.wB ftu slvtred chotuB wltll dtol III III \I' "Iohtll OOll, IIlId.fter I them Ihe U"eekll uled Ihe I\>eakllili I ChOIIlI '11I their &ll tol elllltllal. DoWII till oUII. the oiel whe"tver IIlen w~re , buoy. happy. Ot tl1ouIIIIIIII. tlte)' COli- ,

Unued to . illli. III ollt own coUlltt)/ • the nelru Illhltual., Ihe balladl 01 tbe luounllltteefB, \!owbo)ls. IlIIIl Ie.· Ittell, alld tbe' war Ind r.ln chulIli of the lnelian..-all thue Ire etlllhtplel 01 Btlrrlnl rhythmic .It\lrullOIl of tlie .tou\>. 1'or ctlttlltlea tbne .ellli' Illd dllultl heve been lIepl allv. Iltd .Ivell to the lIext lelleratlon by I lholl who loved thelll. TotI.y. how. I aller. when vetil hI t,,1't! ha. dl •• , pl.ced lhat 01 the tOlllu., w. Illtd thlt WI tlte tIIl •• 1I11 htuch of Ih. I Ind th)ltlltll III po.trr, b~ ttld-I Inl It '11,nllr.' JfortWllte Y we are I ' .. rltln. I'. It that potltll llIae Olt tte. uri .ltd Ilttr •• m.utin, altd bIIutl whllt blerldad vole .. Interpr.t them. '

Th. clue r.1ldtr1d IICIlml I)' I .. 01 mood. IItd Idllj ... of whlgh wer. art'l\Ilcl fot cbotll1 lpea/dtta.

1'he IJOIftU .. ltctld were dlYldad Into tlta ,,,lIowltt. lubjtctl IIltd IIhll­tr.tld by paiIltln.. III blaa.. .nd whit. 011 tbe pql 01 a lat,. booIt. Vir,oo. Woodward and IUlllna. Tro •• 11 lura.d the .... " of tha book &lid .&>olae an InttodlKllon .ltd fin ....

A'hllolOph" "Ode" b, Arthur O·.hau.h ..... jt'

.rr ..... d lor hI.h ... d low ¥oIcM. "What 1. Oood~ 11,. Johll 1Io,le

O'aet11, .rr .... ad lor chllir with IOkit part.. ..

"Tw.I •• Oood .... and Tnae W H ..... 111&111"" • dt._tle Int.",.. .. 1lo1L

Won I "Wilt.... c. 10'" 01 It_,h) ..,


Of Course , I READ THE ADS e

"w. E have been able better bUYII on 111Bny ot purchallell by llpending ..

to make

our local lew I11ln-

utell each week going over the

NEW ERA advertlttel11ent •. "John l>lcked up a dandy U.ed Car

bargain he uw advertlHd In 1'HK , N1l.:W ERA, and week we fbtd we can lave "real moneytl by taking advantage of advertlied week .. nd food .peel ....

"We like 1'HK NEW KRA lor Ita "NKWSY" dl all Ideal hap­pening. and event •. , • and the tittle it COiti Ui Ie .. ved many tim .. over through th, aid of Itl advertl'lnr column.,"

• Phane 712 and uk td h8VI your

name placed on th. .ubtcriptlon lI.t.

........ I •••• t •••••••• r ••••••••••• ~ _!_. -1-J_'_J._~_._'_' __ !_' •• o' .' II',


Page 18: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ

Dawley Drop' To La.t Place

"I'M h\lalblll ~1111\ ~Itth\ ~\\ ~\I1ll'1 PIISIItd 1M ... It) Ol\h ~\t\~ Into tht ~"lt' of ~ '**"'O~\ .,.rlt l.~t Oil ttlon· • I\~\ Qf \:1\1, ~; wh~ .. fj6\lI\dt;l 0\1\ a ,0.. -Mil o~ \ ."'PI ~ I." _lOll.

''rtIt ,*",n~ toolt r.Iher ~lIdly to eM ~IIP "01 ~t"Itl\ Old& hlltlef'. ~\ lit mlt'lt M~ bttt\ ,bIt to ~I~ 1M .tonn hed not hl~ '&Ilp. ~rt ral~ III ocrltl" .. 1 \lm6. 'tht 0-. ~. Mm ~n~l~ "reI, on U lllitHaloon" ~U~ lelldlnl tht IIIsuII11. wnll follr blllllta.

Al\ows Onl)' SII. WIIUIIWlII twltlel for tht \lkhlr and

\lie blll~l.\>lttll ,,·trt able to ~olllltd lOt o\\ly ~11t hila. Tht!., h.d WI~II on ,",l" In e\'try £ramie., ho_vn •• In\:t WllIlamll Willa h\\htt letlU\lII& III tbe l\\ltlitr of pa~SIe., 11111"1 'nint £\'te tltktta. Q. k. _______ ._ 302 ~ 1103-10 ba"'Ie~ _ _. ._. Ho oal 000 •

"atte"'tI- D.wley: kHlller and ""lIIttll.l. G.~. t Wllilalll' and lItt.


~o\t. UWI,lttjI ~ ~olenbury,

alld Catillrt. ~khman ~ ad\ltlltllroua Rwt'tlhearlw tlll"l\iI!d i1\to fourttfn.lnth.!11I hlllllall·

,ttu b)' tile dilbollcAI "Dr. ~ydllp\l" ll~ playtd b)' lanlte Lotall Ind ThonlAI Colty In the 'rlechllicolor ,hodt d"Amll IIl1med afttr the mall III medl«l, The SI&lIdllll

ltIremel\ __ . _._ 4 Men:h'lIt. . __ ._ _ ... S G.K. _____ 2 »awlty ___ ._. 1

, It Inti h .. in .ItrIlClNe bloblll. 8~Vtr.1 ! IIf the SpiraM. libr IIOlIslbllltltll 1l1l4 4 hllve bte" 1I1ed with 'Dod ttlllIl",

COllllnl Ga"'el

If''Um!i)'1 JUlie to-O,rmall ~I\tbel\ n. lIttrehll\t ..

ablldlll)'l SUll' 14-lflreml!Ii v.. bawley Oht •.

Pahnyn Wina DUI'itbaUlb Jllh:hed Palmyr. to Il.

tAI"th will Iii the .hlrllnlton (liunt, .'111'*11 Lea,ul! lilt ~aturd.y alter­btllIll at the Ilieli. loolt bel .. nco tnto talilp b}! th. seor~ of 11.4.

IIplrata Anthon)! W.ttrtf with Itl liendtt .rowth and tOIl' crlw,lon lIowen Ind tht taller SplRta 'lIn Houettl. .Ith II. m ..... of white flowtrll In ttlay IIrt bolh ulellil rOt Infarmal hedle\lllllllnli. tbe IWttl

. modlOl'lIInlt, lihllildelphll. coronar· III', III Ideal where a htdle of ,II. leet or more II lIetded. Ihe foll'lt I. at· tra~tlve lind the m ... of whitt bluliWI in lllllt II IItry Im/3rtllllve.

Tiller Hedles

1111 !llillle IIwnerl I'ullat thelf .,11,,1. bllllitl and 111\111II1II1 bt'1I1y. Tht}! al't avallablt III vakilill' Ilad alld are Inea\lenlllvt. '10111' lIuner),mln will IItlll YOII In Itltttln, tbe type that RII yollt l1eed whelher )'Our .. rdt" arta II 111111111 or larte.

NSW CROSBING aliEN Tile liew railroad crouln, lI¥er the

tUell. lit Btold Itl'eet, Pllnl~1 Which leld. to the ~"utlon"'tlr wa. upened lor . Pllbllc: Ule lin 'rllee· da~ 01 thl. week. 11 I. Ilflltetted by IlIlolllatit IIlthl"l IIlhll.

.... t tht lame tlllle two other croll· Inl' III tht vicinity Wete dllttln. tlt\ultd lind torn up. Tht.e were the ono It Wllllact I.nt .nd Inother JUII 10 the well 01 the crolllni re· cenlly openil!d,

Both were very nlrtoW lind hu·

h\ «Iml'of\ duri~ tll<t h-olta\ d..,.. T.U~ TO WATCK )tOR

~ttor bllldtll with .I.".. 01 '"* .tlllm}ltd on ~\PS so ~ ~n ... tratlt and " \»flIt 'em down 'MIl" ••• a I\tw dllte Aa'>oriq. a qnIp .... ttll,tt~ frolll imp<lrttd dale. with l\O l\1Itr lidded. m:oWlllltl'ldtd ~'t top­pina I~ tmm, pan'talrea, alld - . forth • . • pilltit ~Iotb" plna In • n~"" l!tape and ttla~ on the dot'" . , • III \tallOt with two oppoll\te 'PW" and two «IWlpartw,tn", I:lnlfl for slroll* tea. the other tot hot -­fot dlllllilll·

M.!\» oftt.:t ~i\dlnp alte a~ ~~~ .h' «lOI~. ftMarb the N~w JetU)' ~bll~ U\i\lty tn(onna· \100 Comw,i\\k. And now tht ttend II to"' ... '" the 1IoInt. Man)' tnoes oof coo.lll~ IInltl a~ now a~ ... ilablt \MI a~ llO\'tllble IIIl1d 'tan ~ mo~ from Iooon\ to YOOl\\ IllS dtsirtd. Tto~ hll\lt bttn follnd of ""tflial aid In hO'SPltal, \0 help m.ltt ftven.h l1li\.1 "",,1_ .,at\t.I\" more ocom{ottablt. Somt of Ihtllt 1111\\'& .~ simply phll.-ed hlto In ~Iedtk 10~lret. bill thlll IIIlr ~ondltlonlqls htl't to at"I~ ________ ~ __ .. t II n\lW IIIlmOl\ ttrtaln. PA V AS YOU 00

lDAk-lO STA'fil:k-lOOD STAMP A IIpedl. 'nil!! of !.~lIt stamp,

\.'OmWleWlorlllln, tht 50th anni~l'1II\ry or the admisllion ttl sl.teh~ of the Slate of Idaho will be pl",,~ on MIt nt noln ld"ho. on jllly !. 'IMo. 'fh~ <:'enttlll dUil11 01 thla III amp show, 1\ reprodudion of tht State ClIpitol Blllldln, nt Billa\!. Th~ sllllmll will be of Ihe ,pedal-dtli~r~ln. ar· rallIed horitontally. Ilnd printed In \lllrple by Iht rotary procus. 50 ttl a .hl!et.

Holding Galvanized ,Nalls in Mouth Has Caused Lead Poisoning Among Roofers

Ellhl ellltil of 18d plliioninl

PI" Golf 011 I Sport)' COIlnt.

IRON ROCK PARK GOLF CLUB &,"111,", 8 •• ~," '"~ h .. I1~.~

. ~1.2:; ;!, ." •• 5 \!. ....

·iK... WEEIt DA \'S --,.)t· SOc ", .. a I ..... •

h,ddo.tI.hl It •• "

"'. "" .It\ft ,...,,,· ... hlp

" h.18

trloctd to lhe practice of holdlnl .. I ... _________ .......... valllHd nalll In the lIIullth we~ reo ethtl, ~lIOrted to the JUllrnal of the ---=""""=_ ..... =======­Aw,el'li:llln ttlttllca.l Anodltlon,

All tanl wef't roolen who held tht "alii III Ihtlr tholllh, while liy. llil 1'0011".. Thll pnttlce eIllbltd thtll\ to IIII)' the fIIOfln, taller. the wOfklll~ had heell lold to Ule potkell In dellllll apronl to hold the nill .. bllt thll ,lowed their prqrell alld mlllted thelf daU)' WI,t .. they wel'l \)lId b)' Ille ,,,1111'1 foot.

Two pt~~entl\ltll of lead pollolll111 frolll thl. c:all" Ite IUlielled: pa,· In. work!!rI b~ Ihe jub Inlttad 01 b)' pltte work: Inti cllltlni tooRnl 1\1\111 with a non.poll0110UI allo,.

The featurt I. prflpartd by the Burllnlton County Mttlltal SotielY and tht Medlul Sodety 01 Ne. Jerlty.

'I'ltl whlnen took Itlndly to the 01· tlthl,' of Iwo oppo,lIlon hllrlera, Vln~lIIblit. and Vlln Sellier. IIOII"d. (III ollt III bltillell,

When 1II0rt de"lt. tille.r htdlel IIrt needed to prellent trtllp ... llil iiI' keep out anllll.11 .. nd the alit 01 the .llI"IIen w.rrllntl IlIelr IIle. the followln. Irt IUllelted: Crllitlul 0. haWthorn. hotnb .. ,III·. holley locult atld RUlllall olive or Elte •• nu1l

lillmyra anllllurolill. These typel Ife Inelt. ardolli. the Wall.ce lane havlnl unly ~===~~~==!:==~ a btll, ",hUt Ihe othtl' had nD w.t"· ,. In. IIInll18 at III. THeil' t'emovlll ha. tllllllna!ed Ihe pO'llblllt, 01 I Illal Iccldent to either 1II0turiarl or '''WI'I1 •• ~

bevln'" d .tOIIIlI1, rl

"'ilnea, Ib • ll1l11tt'. If 'owler. c Henaon, 3b 1)1i'llIlIl,h, p .or·~htll. 2b


• M't·.h, II M'A'en, Ib II, .... m·n. II Au,tln. d

lib r h \:) e Ilenlllvt Ind Ite allo uleful II wind e 2 3 0 1 brelk~ and art belutlful In the fall ~ 1 I 0 0 lor folllll" Alld berrlt~. Some vny 4 I 2 :t 0 I pl .... lnl color combinations can be 4 a a 1 0 nlllle with Ihese hedln ftI I bllck· ~ 0 I 0 .ollround lot rORt or perellnlal .ar· • I I 11 0 den •. • I 1 3 4 , Mlllt of the Iypes mentioned .re 4 2 1 0 0 Informal and mUlt be trelttd al such o 0 0 0 0 I to derive full heneRt of their ftee

- - - - _ IItowl"1 hablta. The, require IItlie 40 11 I~ 21 10 tIre ellcel)t for yearl, prunln, to

keep thetn nut And 111 tlood vllor. belanco I Oue· to their 1I110rmai habit thty do

ab tho e hot require Ihe freqllent. IIhearll1, 4 0 1 0 0 I which I~ 10 eBsenUel with prlvel. 3 I 2 10 0 They are HOt 10 euetlh, In their 4 II 0 3 D I requlremenls and thrive In Iverale ! 1 II 1 D I .arden loll. Then Ihruba ate COnl-4 0 0 3 1 Ih, more and more Into ptllmlnence

\Jedeatrlln •.


W, BlCOI1, 8b . .. .... I'o'roll. c: __ •. __ • itarltl., ab

Air coolin. and condltlonln, II now 10 .eller.lI)' relArded lis a hot· Wealher lIeeenlty thlt It II ethplo)'ed In ahnol! evety phaae of lIIe that ARecta human hellth and comlort. ltallr08d~ oRer the public cool al1d cothhirllble alee"llll. dlnln. Illd dll' COAches. Rt.taurlnh and hottl. provide cooled dlnln. rooms and enn sleeplnl room •. Motlo" plclure theatres Ire air condlHotted, Shopi Illd dellartmenl ~torel hne thlde It poilible for thelt cullomet. to .hop

4 0 I 0 II ==_===-==-======-= __ -==_ ...... ____ _ : ! ~ ~ ~ I OIlIlINtIIIHHtIIIIlIlIIlIHlIIOIIIIIlIIllIl.,III_II •• nll n .• "111'". rf

VIII~lttbur.h. p •. BlCOI1. d Vadc:lver. p

101 0 t

.. : ~ ~ ~ g SEE PHILADEI ,PHIA Total. __ .._ U 4 II j~ ,

'lllII,ra __ laO 014 100-11 n .... ctl . . .... 010 010 to- 4,

anot. ~ McAdd,,,. lloomilrolll. "rill.. Ittilc:1r out b, I>IfttftNu,h.

~j Viti IlIIbllt.h. il VI" Itllllt. 7, , . .. ott b.Ut-Olr Ullrltlb.u,h. Ii

ItI Ellltn.~.h. II V.n Ith,." •• Two

sa hl*-Allttltt. O. Hallll,.. Tht •• .. hll-blllln.,. HOIII. tII_ lelt.


UII'UL IACKOROUHb 1I1tt)' hcJltt. _lIer. Rnd tbat a

.... ,. Ie Il.tded to obtain pr'"c, 01' , to ktlftj ofIlOiD. objectionable .I.w .. Wei! .... , dlft.el ftom the ."pul'. IfIc. of lhe hCIIIII. ,rollnd •.

T. IIIIJIt ·hCllm. ,,,lItn.r. tht ,ttl. ItIl Id.. of • htd,. Ittl.n. .,.m., _Ntal b.rbltt, ItId ,ptlnt plattt. .... trlmltlld tlpJ.rI, or .ht"ed

, .. lorlll dlll,n. How •• .,. III buut, _, be obtained 10


PALMYRA From the AlRI YI)U·v. n.vlt Inlown the town you II.. In until

you'y, had a PLANE-EYE-VIEW from the alt.

PmNGER FUGHTS $1 II1II '1.50 ... 1.tI .. IIH ... I .. IHIIIIIHIIIIIIHlHlIIIIHlHllUlHtllIIHHIIfllHl ..... ,""

LEARN TO FLY Complete Course ••••••• $60

(IU! ... r 1ft1D1!)


PALMYRA AIRPORT Jlattl.... b, IIl1n, «II,.",. Iow.lin. Ihtllbt. Pat In.

C,doall J.ponlu. the dw"f ...,IN, .. lace, ..... " III .. NIl

WIIhMI 0111II1II. It lIIdoat .... ...... , ... tID, II _PM.


'I\ __ ~MIUt. ..... M.tlnee O.lIy at 2.00 p.m . Evenln .. 7.110-9.00 o'clutIIl

THURSDAY, June 20 2 BI. Hils


Saps at Sea -Allo­


And One Was Beautiful

Free Glltl to the Lldl"

Friday a"d "turda" June 21.n


.114 all Jaclr Benn,·. R.dlo aall' III bill tat"t lIu,b hit

Buck Benny Rid. A,ain

-Added-"Old Hlcllory" ••• hCIIw Prllldllli

Ad4It.w J.clrton .ol\led the uc: .... CIfI problem

-S.turdar ... IIn" OnJ,­"PLAIH GOJtbON CON.


MolICI.,. .nd Tuttda". Jun ..... 11 Th. Thrill "Ietu" of the Vear

Dr. CYCLOPS (I" Tlc:hnlc:olot)

with AL •• RT DUka. Ind JANICB LOaAN

MoacIt, II MIIc.1lantout D., P.tt_ 111M "W. their cboll.

of an, qn. Bitc.1d!'Pld1l at Die.

H b' Jillll'cl\aII!If an ...... tldtet .. 10. ...,. ,IL


Also-Hdr's Tille-A Merrie Melotll Suiiilay .nd Monday, 6uI1e 23 - 24

I Ddt or Dlel

Uri, to .Iet III the thrlllil -Plu_

L.lelt-OOMlrch of TIni." Tue.aa)', June ill


~ ... " ... " Co"".:a .. tWA ft, ,''- .

" .~

. ;.



.-----------... 1 MA.RGA~r.T W~BliR t<lr of tht du. ""II pnunmi withi whid! u. S. 1I11iftts. ~ and sfl"Viq beside the pi~tt and htt

I I ttl~ M-attaret W~. wife of a btautiful ftt of di,l\ts. ttl'" C. I ullo\"8 ~ part, attldttd .... d Itt- . m~, 0111, a fe_ _b .rm- ther OBITUARIES JtIS~ph H. Weber, d\~ at htr home. Homer. tltt. new tft.:her. - .. alSOI atto.rtd tile pirate Itr'Oft&hoId. ae4Hd ' had helped t<l delu", his Itronchold I Randolph and ~o"'''nd strttts. pnsen~ with a houqutl of 110-.-.. be' . h'- nd Mred lie I and lein hi1l $hl.,.. .. ___________ .. I ~st RI\"ettOl\. on Thu\'$da)' ]\Int t pltlte a - a II'CS t , Tbe p!rIltts were !'ar'doned br

13th • 0 0 bIlttUetn. numbtriq tlltU'" -r Ptt~ident M~dison, but two yeaR OAVID LMIRENC£ VAUOHf.N l ~neral RrV;~e\ "'Iere held on thouand 111_ later the, -r:oe active a,ain neaR o.~ l.allrtnl:t Va\llhllln. a for • . MOnd" at II 3.m. (rom th~ SholTtr ' Soon afterward Iht appal'tftlt, re- the she of the present city of Gal.

IIIIM' I'tIidel\l of ~I\"erton, diN at his ' Futlt"(;ll Homt. with Hi,h Ma.s at .!I" ..r. penttnt Lailt~ of£ti"t!d the let"rka w.ton. Whtn proeuurt was br-oucht RIo i Pri WttI d I the ClIur.:h of the Sa~rtd "eart at ..... .... • of hlm.tlf I"d his men to Gener .. 11 to bear b, the .United Statts in lUI.

tile II "~ton ~ llta ". 9 I\.th. Intetml!l1t was ' made in St. ""If ~v SIAm Andre ... jaclnson .... ho ...... 1 mllttnl boe.:allse u\lttal of Ihe freeboolu"I JUlie It. lind WIIi' Interred. in th~ ' Peter's Ctmtttry RilTtl'Side plalll for the defense or the city lIellttnanta had atta.:1rtd Amtri(U Wtttt\tld fritnds Bllrial Grolllldl 00 I The dt\:tuN i~ surv;\ltd ' by Ihret I acallilt the Brillsb . . Thll olftt. Ihips. Lafiltt auddenly piclted a crt. !='ridlll)'. I dalllhtett and I son. Oenfll"1l1 jlll.:bon. badl, In lIetd of to III." his favorite ~astl. "The

'fh , men. acctpted Ind ,he B.r.tllianl Pride." and sailtd awa, into the e hlntR lI

tfV\Cfl wert hdd al I in ocb.rat of the .rtlllery lI\anall.)' leatndary realms from which he ha4

his la~t home In l'rinceton. ABOUT TOWN I Odd . d . U 8 dilltlnl'lished themlelftl It the Bat. come. Mr. Valllhllll '10" the Ion o( D .. vld . '1 the Il venill,," of the • • tIt of Ntw Oriealli.

... Illld Lallra Va\llhln and ...... born Mr.lnd Mn. LtRoy VlnEmburth Marines haw been. ftw of them Tto\l1l tbe U. S. Matinee. and sOlllt Children are often cuntd b, the III Mo~ol\lllhtl .. Pa., in 1814. . and IlIImll,. of Garfield avenlle. and I hllve tquaUtd tbelr «Intlcta with of the other Alllme",. wha took ellcnsive' 8n1bltion.s of their partnts

""dow Avis HoweU Valllhllln, . , spent lilt 'l'bu~d.., at tht World~ pirate, amllllltt. blletanHr ."d , dalllhttr. MtL Harold S. Be~. of I Flir. privateer.

The dtocealed I. aurvlvtd b, h1a: l.awren"e DllIf of Cinnaminson Jun Lalint. who hll hI!tn. tallttl I part In that battle, found thtm"l_ (or their IUCCesS and welflre.

Montdair: a br-othltl'. Charita z., With hla Mrl)' life shrouded In t Valllhen, of HaddOllfitld. and alia· M\"8 Ltonant R B .. hr of Gar m,.lt'tf, and wtth 110 cmlentilla 'J W ~ Itt ~I '~Ia ttr. MI .. M'r-cU'tt 1_ VlIIllIhan, '1II field lII~nlle. Is chAj,erolllnt the all": othtt tha" a ptlri\ftt COlI\m.I .. lon I '.8 I , 111


l1lil1li_ Riverton. Debt, who Art Ipendlq tWo _Its from the I'tpllbllt 01 Cart ....... . he I ~ ------

at OlCHn City. _I tht ltadu of a colont of pk. -= • .... • DONAl.D D. DBNHAM a_ and 1ftl1lU1.,. located Oft thl •

Dollald 0. Oetlha"" .. of IIGC) Weet I lin. MlbtI Schontl, of Glllrfltid laratarlan tIIIlt, IOlIth uf Nt. 0,.. Q I·, V J. 8Iath Itretl, died on Tlltlldl),. June : avenue. w ... the fint wlnntt In tht I".nl' more than a ctllturt qo. . ua " Y L' OO~fJ-'1, at the Wett Jerle), H01lpltal. , new 1II.~h.ndl.t c:lllb lpoonlllrtd b)' For lbollt to\lr )'earl tha pira'" .

fulleral "!'Vlc:et will be beld to- the 81. Alllta Guild. of tht Chrilt i:ri~l~:a~~~~:...~ 1 for Sum ... -dm• M .. I.I dill)' (Thu~a,.) at a p.m. at the Ch\lt'ch. ... -..- UVII I Fa

allover Fulltral Home. the ReV'. =iiiiiiiiiiii ruty Ulld., cold and coolin 1 drlnkl are now. the ordlr of U,I day. Save tim. and un. nlcen.ry .tePI In your food .hopplnl thll warm we&thlr by patronlllni your oon¥lnllnt. 1'1.1",­borhood Am.rloan Stor ••

William A. Bo)'d oRlelaUn,. Inter. ~harles Bulvld .. , of Clnll.mlnlOn ment will ~ made In G_nwood a\\tlllle, atadllated from Call1de" K.u.htl of P)'th"l Ctmem-y. Phlla. Cathtlllt HI.h School on Sllnd", delphlL .

Tbt pa~ts. Gtor.t Ind MUd~ Denham 111M Ye.


Mr. and ttltl. Thom.. ~e,. ahd flllnlll,. of Clevtland III\\t11Ut. left dv. In. the palt week to lpend the 111m. mer It Bfllnt BHth.

SUNTAN Face Powder

Ralph E. Btaatr. of S12 Melron A ~tptlon w .. held In honor of avenue. died Iuddenl, on June 14th. Mrl. ThOmlt C. VanO.~en. by the Enhance your· i

Summer Tan with Summer Cosmetics

Funer.1 ,Iervleet were held on Fidelia CIIl .. of the Cehtral Bllptl.t 'ruhda, it 2 p.m. from the SnoYer Chun:h on' Monday evenlnc. Mrs, Funn.1 Home, the Reli.WIIIIlm A. VllnOsten. who II rtllrln ... Instrue. Boyd oRlelatinl. 1nterment w., ____ =-=-==::::!==== made 111 LakeView Melllorill "lIIrll. -

Mr. Sta!ftt Iw IIlI'vil/td by hi, wife .... ------------t • Eather R. Staltr, Aud thrtt daulh. tera. Mra. Harold Stevena, 01 Pal· myrL Mill Jun Stlcer, • nurlt at the Rooltvelt Hos"ltt'. fIltw York. Ind Mill Marian Sta,er. of the Reid. In, Hospital, Readln •• PI.


HIlL. WMI'I'IID CLAI\IIPlW AJ)VIl.,.I ...........

Rate tOe Per Line (~ MtnItt • W_I

___ CItotto IDo ret ... M

l'bone -'t2

LOST: Blaclt fountlln pen on Main Itreet. Itlvetton. SUitable reward If returned to Mrs. Ch.tle. F. Allen. 404 EI.Mh St .• Riverton.

BALK: White P.lm Buch .ult. far boy I,e l2 or 13. ..

Call 709-R.


98c up •


$2.98 up •

SCHWERING'S S05 E •• t BraId St.. p.lm,ra

Pho"e Z8

Don't let • wronc face powder shade make Yclur lunt.n look un· , hulthyl lilck YOllr eolor rilhl , here.





CAPS \c~""/4 .V ~ a DRUG NEEDS --


1106 Main Street Riverton Phone Riverton 1510

IALR! 8l1nd.rd bullt.ln b.lh tub. complet •• t '14.115. alto Ie. tuba Iftr" cheap, aU kind. 01 plumblnl luppllel. , = I lutnber ."d .hlnll. 1.lh. Lutnldua • ~ IIIrIJ ~ " I ~e~e~ho::r~:::~~t!:r:~on. ~-L pll8llllMllIIII ;, Wiij\wri ,:vIIIILUIIIIIB

WANTBD! CIaaa wlplna r .... colored at white. '1M ........ .. cUPIIInP. Ie lb. New En. .. ..... ItrItt. If

APARTMINT for rent, • l'OOtIII

IItd bath, prl~tt patcIa. A~ onI,. 411 Lind ... a...... ..ll-tf

RaNT, lloath or __ 'uraIaIl-ad cottq.. M 0 ........ IIMkIt

PatIt. V." .... t." .. IocItioft, a.., COIIftlIItac:I. Pot ftuther 1DI0NIa0 tIoa .PPl, J. c. CIuIr. 1' ..... Itt .... IIlYlttoa or PItIrOtII • Croea. ....... Parll. J.II.4t

RBNT: Apartm"'t. all cOIItr..u...c ... 4 r_ and bath ......... I pore ..... lit,. "ounda. ftuOftlblot. Call at 411 a.rfleId IV ... II., Palm)'tL .... It

RENT: Modetll 1Ic:1ItId loot apart. ment. hot W.lII' bul. No chll.

dren. Ap"l, 101 L.c-, ."-' Palm,.rlll. " .. It

LEGI If SPRING LAMB" 21c VII.,........" .......... .

_ MINT JILLY ....... I •• Imoked. I.dnned .. 13e LARGI HAMI =t-r.

.uttIRde1:jp. .I.c ...... .r.:r: •.••• M .. ., porlc C...... • Ie

&.eM,.. .... 'H...... . •. .... ... ,......... . ... .... .4 ..... 14........ .,tc

FLOuNDER Delle/oua eOld .uta, ~ . "IOc ~ .. r .. ' .......... H .. "RiERa. .. ..., ct •• , ... .. Creamy 17C M.yonnai •• ~1;:9C: r.~ Ho ... -el •• L1t. htell D .... I •• lJ;~' ••• 1>]:: "0 Oran ...... ,.,,.. .. H..... I ~. 210 • an" Wh.l. P •• I.II Aprl.... :::: II"

IIJaJ IEANI '';!!::..':.:'~.:~: I ~: I'e .PU,T COCkTAIL F: ........ d, I ::~ tSe nn'TEA CATSUP .... 't~'~I::.. '::or 100 IIS(D TOMATOIIII.~~,ul~':k"" 2 l'I:;.~'- 250 - Horse Shoe ~1~a:-"'~"-\f";"Mo.:l:"":n:-.. ~rl:-:'I-"":'::'::----

Grep.',ult Julc. • ........ '" F"'lCY Rl'd F,..h p,Uft.. 2 :1,1. 13c: Salmon Me"h ... eU.wI 2~~ '~21 C,ec •• " ~ •• :':i,~ ~~. II, H.I ... Mace,oftl 2 Ir~;~: 2,1. ~Ix.d Vet.tebl •• ":~ •• i 15 Cholc. loup B.eft. 2 n" 'l HII,u', loup 2 .~~~,,'" 11('

Itlt·.. "\>41 "nltulm r.'U1U t\f"lIk"',, WAt" .....

tall 21C ORII

~ ______ ~ _____ '~~ __ T..;n..;n'..;.I..;n_M~V.~.~.I~.I~'I.~ __ __

Peach.. lISa) 2 No. 2'1, 27'" Calif. oan. ...

Bacon Sllo'd~.wa ••• 3 ~~i~ 25c New Low Fin. T.~I. 1.1'--'3 ~~i 10,

Speolll' p,./o.r T •• I.~'. T •• ~~~. v. 21" Herme", T •• ,.,'. T •• ~:II'!. ~ • 201 ..... R.II ..... rt DOl Food 3:';~ 25. ~ D.,~y Mllal.reI .... pe, .. 'I~:'" 5

\ ,MIIlIt.u< 1I·."Il. IIo'I'W ''''red .:~:::. 3 ·'~n 55, wid, or Itll'd wlU. IIst:lJ Cu, a.... " ~: ... I Ul nall! ...... 1 "'..... WlndaWSar .. n ...... l'lIt '1.10

lor ••• ~::~;:... .. ,k. IJ H.r.h., I.,. I';:: 15 1Zooz25C

(lltn \huUlui. Mnll. krarkl· l . .... -~ ..... ~ .• - .

lOUR " DILL PICKUS I>tcllnlrlt 2 J::' 21e a.,.. CAL". PRUN.I II":~I .0.Oa I ". ". .., TOA.TID CORN 'LAk.. I:~ II. 'ARMDALI CORN ~:.'::....t.:.~.; 2":;':111 Y.II •• ~."" PR.IIRV.~ M,," Ma, 2':' 2t.. , ,!f ... , .. " .. .,... ..... .. .... "r.

III.U" •• 1 nair, 1I"lIlh I CRISCO ..., ;UTr1i"' .. llc ,,_ .............. It... V.,etlbl. Ihor..nin&

1l1ah1.ft4 lut .. , II> JO', 17 _ ..... _, ...... otI _.UII. II» .., C

.,.... .... Ch_ 2,~I" 3,11», tl48~ ""' ............... .. ScotTowals r01l9~

Waldorf 1 ..... 1Ic: ScotTlslUlI ",1I·15~

Tomato •• Solid Iound

=!,,, •• "::.~.... ea ...... - ..;;;--. Je / ...... h • .;.;-- J .. 10e BALE: L1v1na. bedrOOtll' Iumlhar.. ~H D .... .r.:::.. I. III "t . .....I.L·.

6........ _ .Oe ,. ____ '-" J" 10e

radlo,Iem .... cllehla. c:haIr tad r_· llUUrlilt "' • ..1 • __ _.... I "'.. __ ........ . In, machln •• _for. Call 411 Dar- .. 1 .... 1 III I.c - -wee • c: ea ....... ,.. &:::. "'.Oe ................ 2 •• I ••

.. ., .. • "e ... 'e

laid uenllt. 'allII,r.. .. ... It ~ .... -- ~. III IOc - --------- IfADDJCI leite ... ~. ..... 4, III .~ W............ Tom WatlOn·. ..., Je" RIt .. NatT,lan'lIrIIa.~ ... becI P· ... JII'!!*'L ~~ 11L._ ... _Ileie __ . ..;:~:.;;ct.;; .... ;;;;'=';:-;.';'~I!.~k.;;;;;;;~_.iii'~.;r;;_.1 Solid RI,. .......... .u ,....- n;;;._ u_ .. Ow ..;.;,-..... _ ....... .u-- _v..-, IllV«'tOa M'·W. _____ ~-----_---_----•

Page 19: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


THE NEW ERA .............. Publiahed E'ft1'7 Thllnda, at CS09 Main Strut

RIVBRTON. N. J. "teM at the Riverton. N. J" POlt Otric:e ae SKond CI .. , Mauar

Telephone. Riverton 712

WALTER L. BOWEN. E.htor •• W. METZGER. Auoc:late Editor KARL W. LATCH, Ad". Mlr.

4 Second Street, Riverton 812 Morpn Ave., Palmyn

, Half of the amaUest communitiel pay their firemen Ituting I tlalaries of $I,49i or more. while half the largest tities offer Itart­

ing pay of $1.825 a.nd upward. Typical top salaries range from $1.620 in the smallest cities to $2.310 in the largelt. These lalaries. it wla cited. are comparable to police pay in cities of the same IIi Ie. Salaries of fire chiefs range from $2,100 in the small .. t citiea to $6,500 in the larger ones. and are likewise generally comparable' to police compensation •

C o M 'M


Phone 406 Phone l16li Palmyra. Riverton and Cinnaminlon are thus most fortunate

in ha~ing volunteer companies. . Lei's have a show of hand. from Ihoae who enjoy a lap-lunch. com­m<lnly ~lIl\ed a buffet, If your hand is raiied, you should be able tOI

LEGAL ADVBRTISBMENTS The New Era I, a Leaal New,paper. Commi.,ioner'" SheriB'1 and

.....,. Balta, Admlnl.trator·, and Executor'. Advertl.eme"te are aollclted. on. New Era will apprKlate beln, remembered ill thi' connection.

SubRcription 1l.50 a Year in Advance, Ratea .on Application

Municipal fire departments constitute one of nine factors con­sidered by the National Board of Fire Underwriters and other rating agencies in grading fire defenael and represent 30 per cent of the possible total number of "points of deficeincy" fixing the classification , of a. city for nre insurance .'ates. Property owners in communities with extreme deficiency ratings pay the hlgh .. t insurance premiuml.

, PRINTING The New Bra Office II equipped to do all kinde of Fille Printlnl .t

.... oDlble pricea. The precedure Is based on periodic checks. Lalt year. ac­

cording to the survey, 2S municipalities of more than 30.000 popu­------------------------ Illtion were regraded by the national board. Eight of the group Fij:'th CO/UnlIt Here received reductions in the total number of deficiency pointl. but

'J ~ In only three cases waa the reduction large enough to place the The Diu House Committee in itll investigation of un­

American activitiea haa been condemned by ostrich-like offlciall .ho were lenient toward the Oerman-American bund and the

city in a more deaitable class. These cities were Lexington, Ken­lucky; Portland. Oregon. and Tacoma, Washington.

Hold two pliltes, your own and that of your dinner partner, and lind the menna of cOllveyina food from the table to the platu;

Control your temper when your companion send. you back for an ex­tra olive;

Keep your chelt In, chin out (if thie i. impo •• lllle, lome other wal( to watch your Itep mUlt be deviled) I

Sit r.roll·leCied on the 8001'-­when there II a full houle-and Jlck­knife for elch 'mouthful of food;

Drink hot coffee while balanclne • pllte on your knee;

Communistl. Now. the committee il In far better favor with CHURCH GIVEN Salute to FII, Keep the end. of your de out of the coBee;

InteUlgent American citizens who have heard of fifth columnl and UNIQUE HONOR Mr. Church, apoke briefly .fter the , how they operated In varioul European countriel. Let it be hoped prC!llentatlon. lIylnl.-

Pick your w.y Icroae the llvln.­room 800r, littered with diner., whlll returnln, the dlehel; that high government officials. who ostrich-like buried their heads On Friday afternoon of thl. week, "Let UI think God thlt we were

In the land, will join the reat of UI and demand th.t ,no fifth column LeRoy Church. member of the Board born under the Itar. and Itrlpe .. 1M permitted to operate here. o( Freehol,derl, bleaul. the only cltl- May God bl ... our country now. al

f h h vi h h In the palt and may each .nd every

Join with th, othert In con .... tu­latina your Inlenlou. holtea. for 41 .. coverln, luch • "pratlcal" ".y to feed thirty ,ueata.

The United Stalel for a good many ye.rl hal been the hippy "fnllfo t. betat·hl al nih t.!rd onorf one of UI .trl"e to be better dtl. It . ° .memenpnte ..... ro ..

untlng grounds of foreign agentl. There have been more Ipill' The FII •• Lellon of Honor of the 'enl. HEMPHILL ,NA'MED It h h I b hi ld d h aI h He then .. ked all thOle prelent RESIDENT PHYBICIAN ere t an anyw ere e Ie ecauae t • country prov e a e t - United Statet Fla. A .. oelation. to Join In I 'Ilute to the .,. lui climate, politic.lly apeaking. for them. Uncle S.m w •• 10 The preeentation of the certificate A lar,. number of Ipectatora WII Dr. J. Allen Hemphill, IOn of Mr. tolerant th.t foreign agentl could operate almolt .t wOl. le.rnin, WII mid. durlnl the .. woq of the preeent at the ceremony. In addl. and Mfi. Frederick P. H.mphill. of

I t county .overnlnl body on Frldl)' If tlon to the complete Pr.eholder Riverton h.. beln nlm.d r •• lden' our mil tlfY IIcretl. mapping and photographing pl.CII of Itrate- ternoon b, Colonel B. J. Buclm,,: Baird, County SoUdtor Chrlltopher 'PhYllcl.~ at the Burllncton County lic importance and thus laying ground-work plan. for •• bot.,. nltlonal r.preaenladve of the U. B. N. Pedltto. Count, Bnllneer F. L. HOlpltat. Ha will Ilium. hie duti .. If and when that In.trument leemed to be needed. PI .. AllOCI.tioll, who 111110 • memo Branin. Proaecutor Daniel Llchten· on July t. when Dr. H. Barl Taylor,

Communilt. in thll country, allen and n.tive born, have no , de.ire or intention to contribute anything to the public goocl.

ber of the State Staff, New Mexico that, SheriII' F. Oeor,1 Furth, Super. o( HOUlton, Texae. leav .. to Itlld, N.tlonal Guard. Intendent of Wal.hte and Mellurel Idv.nced lureery .t thl Lahq

Major General Clifford R. C. B. FI.her, hll .. ,I.tant Cllrence Clinic. BOlton, M .... II the only other New Jer.eylte who M.ttla and County Superintendent of Dr. Hemphill I, • "aduatl of h .. been honored by the "Ioclatlon. School. Louie J. Klier. H.verford Collele .nd of the Unl. hi. Iward belnl alonl military linea, vUllty of Penn.ylvlnla M.dlcal , while thlt. for Mr. Church read. "In Anybody can do bualn"l If he', School. He h .. Interned .t the Hoe-reco,nltlon and hi. p.trlotlam .nd wlllln, to be a banker on the other pltal In Mt. Holty .nd at the Medl. civic .plrlt. fellow'. lerml. cal Centre, Jeraey City.

They .re deatructlonllt.. pledged to a program inimical to the American people and their form of government. It hal been the citinn'l practice to be contemptuoul tow.rd the Com­muniatl but not to 'take them serloualy. Thil, becaule It wal not IMlleved 10 Imall a minority could accompUlh anything In leek­ing to Interrupt, or hinder. or defeat organized .odety In wh.t ==================================== It undertook in the Interest of the public good. If tliat belief of the average citizen were wholly true, If the Communilts could not operate I~ucceltlfully al lome kind of fifth column to h.rall and embarr8l11 the nation and its people. It atill would be a confounded nul.ance to have them trying it. and for that realon the .uggndon m.y be made 'that law enforcement be directed againlt them to the Umit of .uch legal It.tutU at ex lit.

There I. a drive in Congreal to purge the W.P.A. of .11 Communilts. Chairman Diea Inilitl that Communllts .nd Nazi a,entl have fifth column plans for the United Statel IlmU.r to thole uHd In Norw.y .nd other European countrle •. He promll .. an Inveltlgatlon which he lay. will reveal det.1l1 of luch for .. plonage .nd More power to him and hil committee I

POI.ibly at lalt we .re commencing to UII our he.d. In the United St.te.. A n.vy Ipokeam.n. vilioning the activltie. to be punued In our defenle program ahortly to be I.unched. h .... ked Conlre'l to let the dep.rtment choole it. civm.n employe. with­out relard to the civU lervlce 'Yltem. One of the re.ton. h' ,.ve wa. the poallbmty of individuall, who .re technically qu.lified but unp.triotlc and .ubvenlve. lodging themilive. In key poaltiona where they could oper.te II unitt of • fifth column. Capt. Charlu W. Filher. director of n.v.l .hore eat.bUlhmenta, thi. r. flu .. t before the HOUle N.v.1 Committee. Chairman VlnlOn of Geor,la told him he had "hit th en.U rlgh ton the h •• d."

Fire Protection Municipal fire protecdon expendlturu lalt year repr.oented

• per capita COlt of 13.71. 'I:cordin, to • lurvey contained in the 1t40 Munidpal Yearbook of the Intematlonal City M .... ,ed· A8MIClation. The number of firemen .v .... 'e 1.311 per 1._ JIOPUlatlon and their aalarin totaled 1152.671.427. or SZ.G2 per per-10ft, Other upen ... amounted to 69 centa per capita in the 570 __ of more than 10.000 population covered by the lurvey.

Cldea of moderate me tended tow ... d more firemen per capita. ..... there wu littl. reladonahlp between the .... of Sr. depart­_t8 and the me of citln. Por IJUUIIple. munldpaJltln ewer _,000 population reported 1.37 firemen per 1,000 perIOI18, wblIe ... in the 100.000 to 200.000 ,roup bad 1.49 per tbouaaDcI. N .. York City bad the Iar,nt number. 11.101. with Cbicaao next, tile ~ there bcinl 2.1116. and Pb1IacIelphla ... tblrd witb 2,224.

TIM report uIcl CGlDpart.ooa between penoanel Ipree 01 ........ dtIa IbouIcl 1M macIe with caudoa, pointlna oat .... ~ ..... It 01 property &0 be prowcted. the lIluaiclpal ..... and II:U* I

......... y..w .... , 8IDODI dtIn 01 t!- -- ..... j

U .. fMI,


An Iron that II hot but wW 'not ICIOI'dl materiaJ.-or II cool but will not '10 cold' on you-that II what you need if ironing II to be done quickly. That II what, you have if you buy an eJee.. trIc Iron with automatic heat COD­

trol. Why not look over the iftllll we carry? !aeh maU hat Ita OWD

spedal featum. Prica are moderate

and only a nail ea.rrrina dwae added If you buy on termL



000.0 •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 ••••••••••••



= Pontiac ~ SALES


BELLEVUE GARAGE • • ro.d and Kern Sti. E. Riverton Telephonl Rlv. 15115 - Nllht 101·11

-R"""!L !'!!!!!A""'Y~' B,....~ - ""'!!!A""'N!!!!!!L!!K""S""""""I~-=' ""'E!!!!!!!!!!"A'!"!'!R!'!!!!!LE!!!!!!!'!!B~. !'!!!!!H""A'!!!!!-P.!!!!!'.D""!!E...!!!!!R~ 1!!'!!2 !!!!E!!!L!!!.!!!L!!!!!!2. !!!K!!!!e!'!!!!!a!!!!t!'!!!!!in!'!!!!!g~!""! -wl!'!!!!!II!!! .. !!!!f.!'!!!!!"'.!'!!!!!~!'!!!!!N:..~~~!'!!!!!~U!!!!!~~!!!!!I':v.!!!!!!2.n4!'!!!!!_i!!!!!!!S, BARBBR C •• tolllobli. • • •

Repaln Ind Inltlll.tioni Pattat Medlclnea - Giltl - IDdll IA'. DRIVER'. RBWARD Special AUllllion to Power and Lllht Oreetlnl Carda • Ice Cream Ad E p.

All Work 306 Melro.. Avenue Palmyr. Citl" and Btatlonery a • nee S06 BROAD STREET Phone Riverton lIIIS Broad and Main Btr.ete. Riverton No'." PUblJa•nor•1 In •• ra.<OI II ••• &Ita •

RIVERTON =======.;:::==== Phone 1540 410 Lippincott A"e. Rlvertoa

"JACK" DAWLEY. Inc. Oldsmobile

s.te, and 8."lea

Bafltll ~ .. t.cI Ueed Can

10 Bro.d Street; Riverton

Telephon ..



,< , '::~

Emerson Wolfschmidt

Edward Moorhouse

O PIIoe. IIlolll'tOfl 101 Sc AND 10e ST RE PLUMBING



NOTION" TOILItT ARTICL.I - ~ NOV.LTIEI. CANDY. ETC. 801 Lincoln Av.. Palmyra. N. J. ~" Riverton Pboat .....

Tellpbon. Rivenoa 8Z

FLOORS L I· W R !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!L!!!!L!!!L!!!!L~""""'" George Friday, Jr. ea Ie • eevea •• n Ph ... , All Work OBOROB W ROOBRI ---

RlverlOft .. wch •• t.lII. 'M 0. .... , ... '.d".~ Plumbln,. Heatlal and Roolnl RBALTORI' _ INSURA'NCi


Riverton 1212 M.rchantvllle 110 521 Howard Bt.

KODoenhaver Motor Co. , tibOOE .nd PLYMOUTH

SALBB Ind BBRVICB ito .road St. Rh,erton

Phon. Rlvlrton sao FRANK I. LLOYp

S.rvlce Man.etr


llOO1'11town lIotor Co., IDe. 11' W. MaID It.. lloo .... tA .. ..... lloorftto_ " or 4U


Quick Service • Banltar" Bbop ran ansen ,nao-No,IlOL OIL auaNCII. PlioDe IftttoD 7 or 609 Thoma. Av,nua sn ChmlmlDIOn A .....



Speclll Attention to JolI_ I' W. CHARLU IT •• PALMYRA PboIII144

HARDWOOD 'LOOR. 01 •• .., 0.1 .. LINOL.U ..

.Wn ............ _.....s .... 1 .... R.b ............. ....

U. Ctlltlt A..... D.LAI" •. ,.


w. F. Becker ............. " v.PtA .....

DIIIea_ c:oaw

Pbone 937 RIYlrtoll PALIIYRA, N. J.

H D H 11' & S Pboal Riverton I '~UIl~IN~H.~::I!.ROOPl~n GEORGE F. GINTHER

Delco Oil Bumera J. L. LIPPINCOTT CO. • Bro.d 8treet Realton • o.a.ra1 IuuratIce

... N J Pb'" NotIr1 PuIlUc _ .. rtoa. • . one - ...... w .... ' a.... ___ ... ,.

WM. B. ' BISHOP Walter D. Lamon Jh EMV h II .. ~ ....... ~

on. c aug .17 HOWARD ST .. RIVERTON Plumbln. _ Heatln~ - Roolif. Pbonl 1I4-Prae DaUYII7· REAL BSTATE

Contractor IIld Builder GOt Linden Ave. . Iverton.. J. INIUR.o.NC. Telephone Rlv.rton 847 ft -

RIVaRTON. N. J. KARL FRANK'SI==:::;:~~;;;:~== 516 Clnnamlnaoa Ave. Pata,Ia TtItpbotI. _wert_ '11oJ PAINTING Phone RivertCltl 25 ==============1 MEAT MARKET __ .... ___ !!!!2!II!!!!I!!!2!!!11!1!r COAL IDATi-POULTRY


PI:!:: TI~~t:rI" J. S. CoWna &: Son, Inc. eo7 IIaIn IL'PboH 18 RIVBRTON Covered b~ Inlurlnca I!!p!2o!2r!2!28ett!2!2,,!2!2!2.!2boe!2!2!2R!2epUr1n!2!2!2!2.!2!2'l'1p-

6'L1 ai' Painting Burke's Service Stallon D De 4!0 HARDWARE BDWARD HUOHEI. M,r. N. Beitz .road and LInd. ' Rl ..... VILDIKO IlAT.RIAU-HA.DW~" 1I!!!!2!2!2!2!2!2=!2!2!2!2==!!E!!'lI!2!!!!!I! 114 Garfield Ave. p.lmyr. SHOE SERVICE

P"-e 1162 L" .......... O-COD HARRY C SCHWERING Phon,,: 341 .nd Z4~·M UVP ............ __ • _________ 1117 IL Broad Itrtet, Palm" .. N. J.

...... • ... • ,LEON ROUSE PbOllt 1115



Compll" AlltomobU, lervlce 11&-125 W. Broad It.. PALIIYRA

Pbonl 1110'


Rdrl.eraton and Appllan_ 504 Brold Street Rlverto" 19 W. Broad St. 105 B. Broad It. Palm" .. N. J. ===::::;::::::;:::::::;:::::;::=== AU Kind. of Orthopedic aoe W_


Phone 21 PRINTING Dr. Icboll'. Poot Ra.a4I.

!i!l!!!!!!!!(~~!!!!iiii!!1i WOOLSTON'S


Pbone RIftrtoa led


LEHIGH COAL • UIO GAIOLlNB and OILI PboM Riven- .. • BRAKB.t LIOHT IRRVIC& _________ _



HAULING 0l1li"'. • Wblt .... ldq

Lawn Work .. , D. TURNER

'lin "ntoe LaD4lD1 Road aut Il ... ttoe, N. J.


• OBN&RAL aEPAIRINO I!IlI!!I &o ... .,vaogyta COD _1I!!S!!2!'!!!""",,,,!II!II!I!!!!!!I!!!I!!!!2!!I!!!!!I!!~!!2!!!!!-THR ONLY COKPLBTa ~ ......... W- VERTON

ONa-ITOP laRVlCa ITATION .... .. ....... RI

81 OAD AND IIOWARD STREETS PALIIftA ...... •• LAUNDRY RIVERTON DAIRIES ... .,. ..... '" ..... .... __ .n


THE NEW ERA, Inc. !>hon. 712


• .:xe McCROSSON

a-....... Ral FAtate and InatraACe S Eat BroM St.. Palm,...

PIIoM iii .... _


Peel Poindexter TAILOR

CteMlne • Pr-Inc . D" ..... Free D.Uvery 8e~

RIVERTON Pboae •• 4

J. R. JOHNSON (-.- • J, L. Y_,


Work Called 'or ud Deli ..... Rmrtoa 171


ICE _ Wilt Tllird I," P .... "" ·

TeIcpbe 1U .. ru. l"'J



PORTABLE ,,-...-.---.---- .......... ---------

Ryles Stationery $1.00


Page 20: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ





A II veteranl mcmbe" of the Fred. en,'k M. Rodgers. Amencan Le,ion Po,t are asked to contact their com· mander. Avery Willi., Riverton 910· R-3 as soon ns possible. The e""cutive ,roup of Ihe local POI' il anxious to mllke the membership in. crease. It is interudnl to note that at present the poat has Ita lnrlest memberahip in twelve years.

Many members of the po It are urled 10 come out and help on the ca~nival. Brlnl your frlenda to the ev~nt. The affair is beln, held this yeAr at the Polmyro Recreation Park instead of in Weat Palmyra near ROute 41 at in lormer years.


John F. Ward, Mayor of Pal. myra. announces the appointment of 1940 Fourth of July Ceiebratlon com., mittee as follows: De Wit! Morri •• Chairman. T. Curti. Flynn and John I Landlraf. These men are work In, on a mornin, prolfram which will be I Anflounced In the paper next week.

The Citizen. Club and the wom.l en's Social Service Club. both color. ed or,aniz91ions in West Pal~yra

In LOWER OIL CONSUMPTION I have alked council lor financial .aid and In many of the other Incidental. In prelenti"'1 their own prOiram lor ; that 10 to make it really economical colored citizens on the Pourth of, t b d . July. The requelt was iranted b)' o uy an run a the Palmyra Council.

Dawley safety-Tested

Used Car The followln, II a lilt of eeleeted

The colored committee ' i. a. fol. low.: Carrol Birkhead, Chairman, Wendel HilI, Mrs. Charlotte Cherry, Mr •. Eva Gale., Mrt. Anne Shockley. Mr.. Mildred Hili. Mra. Charlea Thomas and Robert Hunter.

Simplicity of chlracter II the nit· ural rClult of profound thoulht.­Haalltt.

ANNUAL TENNIS lof Camden Hilh. Jack Dieta and LEAGUE BANQUET Richard Deemer, 01 Palmyra, did not

receive award. because they. alonl Th . I b I h S h with e;1ch member of the local team.

e annu~ anquot 0 t e . out 'were handed a deleat when Pal. Jer~.y lenntR lealue WAft held llBt I I d C IIi d . . myra ddau te to 0 n,swoo Wednelday eventn, at the Rambo,", . . h I h h hed led Lake Inn near Bridleton. Palmyra I Hlg (\ ter t e matc . wal IC u Hiah"s netmen were amona the I to be played at Colbn,lwood three schooll represented at the affair: different time. and was pOltponed

The Palmyra playerl were the I because the Collinlswood courtl champion. 01 the South Jeroey Group were not In condition to play on. I Lealue, While Brid,eton Hi,h waR The award. for the doubles team the champion of the Group II went to Collln,.wood Hi,h al they LeB,ne. All members of the Brid,e. had won six of their matchel, three ton HI,h team were awarded ,old by default and three that were play· medals while Ru •• dl Stickel. Robert ed Hozier and Dave WiI.on were Entertainment WRi provided at the awarded aold medllie for their recol., banquet and privilelel of boatin, and nidon alon, with Donald West who swimmina extended to all the Ichooll wa. liven a tie with William Taylor I prel~nt.

For the Wi.e and Thrifty There il a pO.llbllity of coal beln, very hilh Ind .carce thl. comln, winter. and the wl.e and thrifty wlU lay in a ,ood lupply of Premium Anthracite Coal. It not only ",oel farther and heatl lonler" but COlt. lea. per B.T.U. Order now while price. are low. Also

Genuine Koppers Coke Pinest Grades PUEL OIL

Screen Wire and Window Screen. Lawn Mowers • Hardware

Vlla·Var Palnta and Enamel. Venetian BlIndl

Lumber and Bulldln, Materiall Build a New Home. make Repairs.

Albeltol Sidina anel Roofl on our Eaay Monthly Payment Plan.

E,tlmatea Pr .. I




UHcI Carl that carry the DAWLEY 1====================================== :a~~J:N~~QU~LITY and IInUUIIIIUIIIIIIIII.UII_lInnaml_IHHlII_lnm.nnHIUIIIHnn-..

• 1938 Oldsmobile

4 Door Sed.n, DaLuxe. Heater. Defro.t .... Radio, Automatic Trani· IIIIIIlon. Brand new act of Goodrich S1Jvertown White Side Wall Tiro. Upholltery and paint IlIte new. Don't bUy an,. late moelel clr until you aft thIlone.

• 1939 DODGE

DeLuxe, .. Door Sedan, Heater, Defroltet, Radio - Everythinl you could wllh for. A Black car In aplendld condition. Save 1400-m. .ead of buyin, a new car In thil price ran Ie.

• 1938 WILLYS

Coach. New P~int, Seat Coven. Heater, Good Rubber . Enrine over· bauled completely. A ,ood car for tile almost In economicll tranlporta. don.

• 1937 Chevrolet

J>eLue. Muter Town Iedaa. A blado: car and in ,ood condition. You know a Chevrolet II ,ood, 10 ..... In .... ICe Ihl. car. .-1936 Oldsmobile

• 6 C,UocIw Town Sodell, RacIio. H..ret. Splendid &ndibon throach. ... T'he .. f. cat on the r~

• 1935 FORD

, Door Sedan.. Vny ,oad tr.... JIOf1adoa for ftrJ' little -,..

• 'JACI' DAWLEY, lac.

OLDSMOBILE JO Broad Street Riverton

.. 707 Washington Avenue, Palmyra

You can buy it for only $4990 Two and on~half story frame dwelling with living room, dining

room. kitchen. laundry, four bedrooms and bath.

Its features are fireplace. hot air heat., Itonn sash, full length screena. asbestos roof, lot 50 x 150 feet., beautiful shade trees, flowen shrubs. and excellent residential location. '







Ripe Tomatoes 2 Ibs 19c


Lima Beans 3 Ibs 25c

NEW CABBAGE ............. .. 2 !b 5c


each 25c


2 for 25c SUNKJST

LEMONS or ORANGES 18 for 25c


BUTTER 21bs 5ge




qt. jar 3Sc

SPAM ....................... _ ..... can 2Sc The MCit of Many UI"


STRAINED-can 7c doz. SOc

CHOPPED-can IOc doz. $1.15

ATMORE PRESERVES Raapberry • Strawberry • Pineajlpla

Cherry . Blackberry Your Choice - 1b jar 19c


4 bottles 19c - doz. sSe Plul Bottle Depoait


PORGIES Your Choice - 2 !b 25c



Legs of Lamb Ib 27c.

S to 6 Ib aYR.



Lar,e Fowl Ib 27c.

StQ6 ..... . Ddiao. for

Stewm, or Frtca.e ... PgJ), c..otce6-R-'Y to ....... VOG1"'$ TRIPLE YaNDE.

Butt Half Hama Ib 27c

~==-__ S_ ,o-=' It, .....

T.pl_ ...... m2or ... ~_1 Ezcluaive SellinR ARent



Squab Broilers 3 for 98c .............

"It II by far. better to

know little than to know

10 much that Iln't 10.~

51st Year No. 24


All· Day Schedule of Eventa in Riverton. Dedication of

POBt Office Arraniements have been practical·

ly completed for the Fourth of July celebration In Riverton anel there I. every indication that the pro,ram thil year will be even better thin thOle precedinl.

The committee; under the chair. manship of Robert W. Kniaht. memo ber of the boroulh council. h .. been hard at work lor the paat two l1>'nths prepllrlni for the bli day here.

A. ulual. the celebration will be opened by a parade In the momlna. This will start from Memorial Park at 10.IS. with Clarence Mattis as manha!. "'rhe children'l section will fall in lit Main Bnd Howard Itreets.

In Line

Included in the procelslon. in ad· ditlon to the hundreds of children. 80ats. decorated vehicle.. etc., will

. be Ihe followin,: Georie H. Imhoff Drum and BUlle

Corps, liD memben. Plynn·WaUI POIt Drum and Bu,le.

Corpa. SO member •. Rlvenlde POlt Drum and BUlle

Corp., SO memberL St. Peter'. Brilade Drum and

BUlle Corpl, 40 membera, Palmyra Cadet Drum and Bu,le

Corp.. 50 memberL Palmyra Fire Comp.ny. Palmyra Ambulance A .. oel.tlon. Parry Fire Company, Riverllde Park Fire Company. Delanco Plre Company. Delran Pire Company. E .. t Riverton Fire Company. Riverton Fire Company,

Exercil" at River Upon the arrival of the parade at

the rivet. the ulual exerel... wUl be held. The pro,ram thi. year la .. foUowl:

Invocation-Rev. Charl .. T. paltor of the Calvary Pr,eab.ytc:rian Church. Riverton.

Addre .. of Welcome-Ma,or Mcilvain Bldelle.

Sin,in& of patriotic eonp-J. tell Jermon. leader.

(COIIdouecl 011 tale .)

Small Fawn I. Fine

THE NEW ERA fi ... · S/ KOLOGY Sll7. : ... " Xr,,)' reepull Het.

- Ihr)l' I, hahlln' ffr a to\ u y nun land.




When Independence Day rolli , Cotnmlttee. f~1f Riverlon', Fourth around aiain let UI devote I few of July celebration a. announced by momenta thou,ht to the problem of Ro~ert W. Kniiht. chairman of the prelervlnl this Independence which day I eventa are as foliowl:

Several members of the Palmyra. Riverton Busine .. Ind Profe .. ional


Men's Club enjoyed an all· day 61h. A .elected litl of bookl haa r .. In, trip on Wedneaday of laat week cently been added to the RivertoD off Cape May aa the ,uelts of C'I Free Library. providini rcadin, ID Ward Lowden on hi. spacious filh· both lilht and leriou. vein I for an

WallO dearly won by our fore. Council lathen. We can only do this If we . keep our political and economic In- Mr. Kni,ht. Councilmen David F. ltitutlonl at home free and untram. Gould. J. W. Sylvester, Archibald meled. and if We build lip our de- BUlh. Daniel M. Clifton •• ecretary. fenlea to the point where no nation, treaaurer.

ini cruiler. readln, preferences.

no matter how filled It may be with the IUlt of conquest. will dare at· tack us.

New POlt Office Dedication Here

At 11.30 on the mornini of Inde· pendence Day. Riverton's fine posl office will be dedicatc;d and opened for public Inspection and the exercisC8 will be one of the feature. of the elaborate Fourth of July pro· iram In that community.

The followln, ia the order of events at the dedication: Mrs. Mer· vii E. Hall. local postmaster, beln, In charie of the ceremoniel:

Invocation. Flai Raleini - Deleiatlon from

Post Frederick M. Rod,erl. Amerl· can Lelion.

Addreal of Welcome-Mayor H. Mellvain Biddie, of Riverton.

Greetin,_The Hon. William P. Ker", Jerley City, director of the National Alloclation of POltmllters.

Musical eelecdon. Addre .. - The Hon. D. Lane

Powen. Member of Con,rell. Pourth Conireilional Dlltriet. of New Jer. ley,

Introduction of IUelta. M ullcal lelection. Addrea_Ofricial of the United

States POlt Office Department. from Walhlnlton. D. C.

Mrs. Haaa extend. a mOlt cordial invitation to the ,eneral public to In· spect the buildlnc at the clole of the prol1'am .


Clarence N. Mllllla, chairman; John P. Abell. Robert C. Ayre .. Paul Barnharl, Oeor,e Bornet. B. G. Cook, j. Gardner Crowell. Harry E. Davis. , Ross T, Elliott. Herbert Evans, Albert C. Farrow. Frank J. Hamlin, John M. HUlLhes, John Hull. inis. J. Runell Jermon. Lloyd Ma. jor. Ollden H. Mattis. F. W. Metz. lIer, Q. Lincoln Ridley. Dewees Showell. G. Rex Showell, Jack M. Showell, Hilton M. Smith, J. Law. ton Steed Ie, John L. Strohleln, Ed. ward Wallace, Richard M. Wood. ward and R. F. White.


Jack M. Showell. chairman; Mn. Walter W. Moyer, Mr •. David F. Gould. Mra. Arthur H. Burn •• Mra. James R. Wri,ht. Mrs. Thomal R. Taylor. Mrl. Robert Finney and Mn. Mary McDermott.


Jack Showell. chairman; Dr. J. Rowland Dey, Mrt. Mary McDer. mott and Frank P. Coddiniton.

Yacht Club Event.

Oiden H. Matti •• chairman; GUI· tav Probatin" Edward K. Merrill and Charle. W. Kniiht.

Tenn!. • J. RUSlell Jermon. chairman. Eel·

ward Wallace and Richard M. Wood· ward.

The prize fi.h wal hauled In by Fiction N. K uensell and the total catch wal' well over 200. , "The World 11 Like That." Nor-

Mal de mer. overtook two of the I n~:Of Human Kindne ..... MitcheD. party. one havlll." a mOlt serious at., "W'ld r. Call'" Wh O

k I h I I d B h I ueeae In,. lie. toe 0 t e my&ler ous ma a y. ot "Oh P . d L d" S h d h ,romlse an, treet. recovered, . Bit OUlh one averre t at "Lady Wept Alone," Dawson. never aliRon wo~ld he. venture forth "Chalice." Doner. upon the bo~ndona moon. . .. Anaels Unaware," Offord,

The 101l0wll11 made the expedition, "Shadows on the Valley" Web- ' in addition to Skipper Lowden : Iter. ' Thomas Shorten, Dr. }. Rowland "To Have. To Keep," Abbott. Dc)" Paul Burke, N. KuenBell. "Show in a Land," McMeekin. WALTER D. LAMON. JR .• Chris· "There 1a AlwaYI Love." LoriDa. topher N. Peditto. Xavier Walter "Stars Still Shine," Larrimore, and Pete Heisler. "Unmarried Couple," Grie,.

New Era Out Next Tuesday

In compliance with the requeat of ecveral of the advertisorl. The New Era will be published on Tueaday of next week. Instead of Thurld.y. July 4. '

The deadline for all newl and ad· vertillnl copy will be 12 noon. on Monday, July 1.

Attention of all advertleen and new. contributofl i. called to the advanced date of publication and t heir cooperation in thia reapect will be ,reatly appreciated.


"Before Lunch," Thlrke1L "Quietly My Captain Waltl:

Eaton. "Stara Over the Sea." Mason. "My Mother 11 a Violent Womlll:

Wadelton. "Lone Star Terror," Cole. "Whisperin, Cup," Seleey . "Where There'. a Way," Stout. ·"Matter of lodme," Keith.

Non·Fiction "Doctor'l Holiday . in ' France,"

Morton. "Your Career in Bu.ine ..... Har­

vey. "A Woman Facel the War,"

Drummond. "I Married Adventure," JObnIOn. "Quaker Childhood," Flexner. "Mad Boothl of Maryland." Kim.

mel. "Toniiht at 8.30" (play.), Coward. "Down Jerley," WeYlandt.

The Government Surplul Com. "Abraham Lincoln" (4 volumet). modltiea for the Borouih of River. S~?~b.ur,. . . "

Athletic Eventl ton and Townlhlp of Cinnamlnlon Failure of a Mlltllon. Henderaon. Dr. J. Rowland Dcy. chairman; will be diltributed July 2 from the I :7hia War." Mann. . ..

Mill Grace Sipple, O. Lloyd Major. Parilh House of Chri.t Church. : Canada. AmerICa. Problem, Richard M. Woodward, Walter Arm· I Fourth and Howard IIreetl, River. ! M~cC~rmac. .. .. .'roni, Albert Farrow. G. Rex ton. Entrance from Howard Itreet. 1 . Pohlh Profile, SapleJia. Showell and Prank P. CoddinCton. . All recipient. Ihould brinl to the .


AI a lpeelaJ meetinc of the Cinna· minIOn Townlhip Committee held on Friday nilht of lalt week the contract for oilini Church rOld WII awarded to the Bltuminoua Surface Co., of Weat Cheater, on their low

of '1.20S.60. ordinance dealin, with the of retail con.umer liquor U.

Rlvcrton.Cinnaminao!' Welfare AI- : Luncheon r Or ' loclltion office thar old lurplul r ~ ~:::":,:!~.y cardl in exchanlc (or Mrs. Warnick

MARY B. SIM, Director of Welfare. On lalt Friday, 'the 2111, the 193Do

t 1940 executive board of the Cinna. SURGICAL BANDAGE STATION . minIOn Parent·Teacher AlIOciatiGG

OF BRITISH WAR RELIEF lave a luncheon in honor of their SOCIETY OPENS ON FRIDAY I ~etirina preaident. Mra.. Eric Wam­EVENING , ~ck. l'he IUDc:b~D, which waa bdd

and reculationa recardi", the ... palled on final rea<!inl I

Ul one of the pnvate rooma of tiM The lirat meetinl of thOle inter. Newlin DiniD& Roo ..... MOOI"ettowu.

.. ted In maitinl aurrica1 banda,.. wu attended . b, all but one member A~lOtl~er ordinance dulin, with the for the Britilh War Relief Society ' of the execubvc Committee..

of anoccupied buiJdinp will be held It the R.I.enoa Porch Mn. Leahe Reevea. who IUcceecIa are clanaeroal to Ufe or health. Club, the 1Ue of whic:b Tueada, and Mrs. Wanuc.ll .. prClldenl of the or·

or caa.titute a 6fe huard, _ Frida, evenm,. baa been liven to ,aniAtioD, made a Iractful . Utde paaed at lint radlnl b, a anaDI- the R.lvcrtoo·Palmyra Chapter, at apeecb of welcome and ~pprecl~noa moal vote. 7.30 o'c:Ioclt FridaJ. June 28th. of the prOCraa wblcb th~ a~ .. tloa

Samplea and matcria1l will be oa made WIder .Mra.. Wa.r:ruc.lla leada-­hand, and Mi. MBY Pape, R.N .. a Ibtp. preacabDI ber with a bouqfIIIt British Red Croee 0_ and oftkial of lito ..... in • lovel, potlery v .... imlnKtreu, will be pr-eac:nt to help Tben, 111 the aamc of the AlIOCIIo­ltart III oft riIbt OIl tIIia vital work. u a wbole,. M ..... Reeva WClCllud

Pkuc brine No. 40 cottoo thread. lin. Wanaic.II "rlth ber put ..... CIIi­~ and if ,011 can, lIrIe .a.. ckDt'. pm. a . to~aI whlC.h e~ch reo toni 01' ~ unne ex_ve UI tura II ~ -

Houn At Ubrary

0. W~, Jilly St. the U. ....., will be cbe4 for tile -r .acad(a periocI 01 _ -' ...


AttalUoa Kaitten ShipiMDU ,0 _ ~ three

or fow • .,.... G_fa read,. to co ill Jal,. aboIIJ4 be tw1Ied ill 10 die Wed COIIIIIIittee a. .. Lippincott a ____ before 10 p.a. lloaday. Jilly 1-.. Betwcm JaIr %lid ancI JIIIy I ..... iII~hnift.. die WOGI c-mee ..,0 haft its hnocIqg..-tcn ill the IIDdr~ Sbpp. 6CM Maie..--.. "'- " .. n tIIcTc for wool ancI aee4Iea. 8IId ka>'C finiataed ...- with M_ CIeIJand.. T1w shop it opm m- a to 1 and 1 10 S.lO.

a r I 1= 01 ... eervice ill olice. M.... Reno.. baa a1rudy named

hr:r cucative memben for tbe fort ... CGGUna year. aDd .bcda haft becD let ill moOoa for a AW;C~ 1940-41 __ Mra.. Perc, Hotchlrls. .... a-.. .....te c ......... of tht C01DIIIit. u-e ill cbar,e of arnn&emftlt. fOf' makine Yfttma'llS fOf' the .",001 G&et C1Db. A _r." of -mc da,. wiD be appot:lIed. . net om . he ...".. .... DIGIItha It ;. a-ticil'lled thaI the 6ft,. c- nec .. ..ary 10 vC'St the -tIre cJgb _ ben"'" _ill t>e cor.>· pIeted.

PRIZl S 0 -': DISPL A'It

Page 21: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


, LIFE SAVING PROGRAM II .... • .. '·" .... ·""' .. "'-"'-.... --"-'"' .. '~J who would have had thoroulh mili· tary trainmllin their formative years; ~ The County Red Cross Life I Country Club who will be sounder 01 body and r::.!.III BOY Savini prolram has been started and I . trained 01 hand and mind in the 1III-a ~~ will continue for dlht

M orG'lnllne Notes

",'ellt they should have to bear arm a ... OUT I weeks. Miss K,\therme . I am, in dclen~e of this II10rious country. SC 10f Mount Holly. who did .~eh auc· i ..................................................... , ........... ..

Thursday. JUlie 27. the Y.W.C.A. ' ' It is my .in~ere wilh that we ~iII . NE' WS ceasful work lut ., IS Blnln I Second round matche. In the Club

I YWCA NOTES I Day Camp Committee. Mrs. William never haVe! (ause to use the serVIces Inltructor alld will VISit about 19 Matlack, of Moorestown, chairman. 01 these yOllng men in this way, and I bothinll beaches eB<h . weeK. Championship Tournament played will be hOltenu Qt. an all da" meet· it grows more apparent day by day ' The instruction is free of charlie ; durlnl the past week Include the fol-Inl of the Camp Shlnln~ Arrow Maff. thai the way to keep from sacrificinl and all swimmers are uraed to Join 10wll1l: The day will sl.lrt with a seneral diS· , I dl I I b ' I I" II b C 1 . I II d b young men 8 Ives nee us y • to e Over 135 tired but happy Boy the da~.e. in the!r OWI1 oca Itles. or Hemphi ut onroy. up.

leuashron of 'dPrdolbramh' a OW~tt "l a hilly prepared. Toward this end I Scouts and their I~adcr. returned to wherever it is convellient. The sum· Meyer heat Lamon, 4 and 3. unc provi e y t e comml ee. n h kit th Amerl~an I d '11 bill H k b L 4 d 3 Ii I I f I d .we wor.( au e ~ Bllrlinlton county last Satur ay mer schedule WI e as a ow.: ac etl eat oney. an .

the afternoon 1110 P "ns or tie . ay

. S"hool Army plan with the cooper· "' ht from the New York World'. Monday-I.OO t~ 3.00. Palmyra Lippincott beat Farrell. 2 and I . :~:h :II~II ~; ~~~dd~~t t~;e"a~~~t~~~: I ation or t~e S Offlce:f E~~cation and 1 1'~r. 'rroop 13. of Bordentown, un· (Penn~auken Creek); 3.30 to 4.30, will alao allow time for .wlmmll1S the Un te tates rmy. . der Scoutmaster Calvin Snyder had Delanco: 6.30 to 8.30, Burlinaton HATHAWAY SPEAKER and other recreation. I E GENCY 122 S~o.ut. in their party. . (foot 01 Stacy street). I At the recent meedni of the

Thia formally starts the trnillinl in AN EM R I P ~'II"lam ;A c::;es. Jr'H:~~~a D:'i ~i Tuesda Y-10.320 30 tOB

12.0?. ~~~v~n Ladies Auxiliary of the Parry Fire eounsellinl which the camp offers to I . . ! . a an r ur. . ' . Lakes: 1.00 :to . , ever y.. 0 Company the luest Ipeaker Wll 118 helpen. Besides an opportunity '1 ne ".W.C.A. IS al,am aervlnl ' Mooresto~n'h haid ~2 d S~ou~a Int thel~ I S.OO. OlympIC Lake. C Chief Henry P. Hathaway, of the to spend sixteen days in pleasant out· wOlllen and cl1lldren $tl'allded in the , !'!lrty. w tC nc u e cou I 0 I Wednesday-ID.30 to 12.00, amp CompBny. of.doors surroundinas this is the only Wdr ..:onc~. 11 roop 4 and 30 01 Moorestown and Ockanickon and Camp Matollione· Chief Hathaway prelented a most remuneration which these public illcoe .ralie daYI arc pierced with · Troo.p.1, 01 Leno!... ,quay; 1.00 to 3.00. Lake Pine: 3.15 to Intereotinl di.courle on a topic of apl'rit.d youn" women receive for but one tlllll Ihall of liaht-our op· Will,am E. WilkinS. Scoutmaster 1345 Medford Lak .. : 4.00 to 6.00, I . t t

~ • liT 14 f M It n had 15 . • lenera In erea • thia work. P0I'tWUlY lOr .ervi~e lO thOle whOle 0 roop ,0 ar 0 • I Taunton Lakes. _______ _ liVes have been shattered. An emer- Scouts. Thunday-l0.30 to 12.00. Hainta· k

Staff i ene), call has i one out from the ' Scoutmaster LOllan B. Morrll had port: 1.00 to 2.45, Pember,ton (Ran. Somebody . writes to now what The staff for this Bummer include.: ,J'edcral CounCil of the Churchea of five Scout. from Mt. Holly. i cocas Creek); 3.00 to 5.00, Brown. I constitutes hll~ locle.ty at Washini'

Swimmina. Betty Reeder. of Borden. CnnKt III America lO all pattora and' Seoutm"'ter Harold ~. Gibb. Mills (Dlx BeDeh). . ton . . At Waahlnlton the upper cru.t town, Dottie Reeder. of CIJlumbul. Ulember» ot Christaan Church •• Iiat. ' 18 Scouta from Troop 3S. of vln-, Friday-9.30 to 12.00, Y. W. C. A. ·constatutes those whq pus the and Martha Reeder. of Columbus: In, .even areas of .ervice to which ' centown. accom~anjed by Dr. and Day Camp at New Lisbon; 1.00 to berrin to ' the lower crust. boatinll. Marion Cramer. 01 Birmlnll' ':IIUt'CII people .hould eonuibUle.,· Mrs. H. T. irick, and Reverend 12.45, Bordentown; 3.00 to 5.00,1 ham, Alice Bruce. New Lisbon. Dar· One par"lIraph in that emeriency Smith. Fieldaboro. Holly (Mill Dam); 1.00 to 3.00. Flor-othy Cooper, New Lisbon, and Jane .:all reads: Fpu! Scout •. of Troop S, of Bev. Saturday-10,30 to 12.00. Mount ence: 3,15 to 5.00. Roeblinl. Townlend. M t. Holly. eporty. arch· "The Y. W .C.A. i. carryini on war I erly. Joined With Troop 13, 01 Bor· ery. Adelia O·Donnel. Mt. Holly; emerllcney work to provide center. dentown. tennis. Betty DeLaRoi. 01 Florence; 01 rclulle counBel and friendly ser. Troop 3. of Roebllnl. under Scout. ~OO 0 0000000 G 0 ooooa 0000 000 00 GO 0 0 0 000 oa aooo ~ .. ,oftball. Marie Elberson. of Mt. vice for :.vomen and IlrI. uprooted' master Fred M. Linda. and Sea , VENETIAN BLINDS Holly: crafts. Hannah Lippincott. of and stranded In Europe. Trained ! Scout Shlp 3, of Roebllnl. under I IIUI Columbu.: sketchilli. Dotlie Evans. staff and experieno:ed volunteer per-, SkIpper John M. Bunah. of Medford; libr~ry and newspaper, sUllnel are already on the apot. Many Th~ E~plorer Patrol of Troop 2,: WINDOW SHADES Martha Cowperthwait. of Medlord. of the European Y.W.C.A. leader., of, Rlverllde. was under the leader-, and Kitty Smith. of Marlton. Pion. arc them8elve. refule.e. and ready to Ihl.p of ~a~istant Scoutmaater Oeor,e purch .. ed her. are eerinll, Mary CI.ire Bruce, Moores. aid in reunitini iamiliel, relievini Widmaier. and Scoutmaster NellOn I me.lured. and InataUecl town. and Elizabeth Underwood of distreMl, and fillhtina moral decay on J. ROla. FRBB Mt. Holly; nllture. Jane Nack, of behalf of Frencll, Belilian, Dutch, S~outma.ter of Troop 9, Palmyra,. Price. R~b1e I Mt, Holly. and Veronica Bradley. i'oli.h and other women and chil- with five Sc~Utl, were at the Fair. of Wrightstown , dramatics. PeallY drell and the evacuated civilian. in They all joaned with 35,000 other O·Manoney. of Mt. Holly; office. J<'rance and e1lewhere. The ,reat- Scouta from }.Jew Jereey. New York Betty McGrath. of Roeblinl. eat need il for emer,ency funda and New Enlland In a pro,ram in

Other appointments in nature which arc beyond the capacity and I the Court Of. POIce to help celebrate study and sports and the appoint. re.ponllbility of the Y.W.C.A. con. the :Oth ~Irthday of Unel~ ~.n

SCHWERING'S P.lmyra. N. J. Pboae •

ment of II camp nurse will be made stituency alone to provide. Bear • National Scout Comml.s on· before the camp opens on july ninth. er. The ScOUtl cheered wildly, ",11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJI

$7$,000 Needed wavine their neckerchiefa. lliIaklne a , !!I -0-- colorful lite when Uncle Dan eame

Belinninll with Monday. June 17. To maintain thue emerlleney ler- to the microphone to .peak to the the relular hours for the Y.W.C.A. vicea ior women and lirla $7$,000 ia boya. A liant birthday cake with office will be from 8.JO to 4.30 daily. required. Contributor I to church reo candle. wa. on the platform of the eKeept Saturday when the office willi lief appeal a may delianate lome of United Statea Oovernment Buildlni be closed. Belinnina with Tunday,. their church a ihl for the Europe and after the Iinlinl of "Happy July 9. the office will be cloled on Y.W.C.A. E,":er,eney Com~ttee. Birthday to You. Uncle Dan," which Tuesday. July 9. 16. 23. an~ 3? aa Th~ church ",:ill ,et the credit for waa lead by Lanny Ro .. , a Seout well as on Saturdays. Thra IS to thear contribution.. climbed out of the center of the make possible Mi •• Jean Lee'l ler· The .. fety of the funda contrib- I birthday cake to nlute Uncle Dan vicca at the Da~ Cam~ at New Lis· uted i. allured. They a~e helil in a Other lpeakera were Waite' W: bon. The office. Will be open ~oUar account by the Natlo~ Boas:d I Head. prelident of the BOl( Scoutl throUlhout july wl~h thel~ exce?'1 In ~ew York and ar~ tranamltted an of America; and Dr. Jamca-&. Weal, tions and the matenall available an ! limited amount. as ~rected by cable . Chlef Scout Executive and editor the office may be borrowed al ulual. from the World. Y.W.C.A. forl of Boya' Life. Since Mi .. Slim will be camp direc- ' specific daily needl. They are _______ _ tor she will not be available durinll th ... aafeauarded for adminiluation Y.W.C.A. DA V CAMP J,;,IY for other V.W.C.A. pro~r.m aero !hroulh truated Y.W.c..A. perlOnnd OPENS ON JULY Vlce. except by apeclal apPOIntment. m Europe. Thia work 11 coordinated

with that of other international or· Approximately 1U lirla in PROPOSES SCHOOL ARMY lanlQtiona luch .. the Red Cro .. !incton County are awaiti,nK

. , 10 that there will be no dupll~- the arrival Qf Tuesday mCl.rnin •. In a plan .dCltlned to provrde a pe.r. tion, 19• when the Y.W.C.A. Day

'!'anent trarned reserve of two mal· I . . Camp Shinlnc Arrow. will open. lio~ men. for the defen~ of the ' 1 R .. awl Pund. fint day will be devoted to teet. Umted Slatca. ReprHCntatave . Kent In atldition to coop.ratinl witb f .wimminc and selection of E. Keller. (Democrat~ of lIIinOla. re· churc.h.. to ralae fundi for thia ! by the campen. After that the untly Intfoduc~ a bill in the Ho';'K emerlenc:y Y. W .C.A. mcmbcna are I lram will be In fuU awlnc of Repreltn~t .. ,ea, lor the creatton urCed to do their bit direct!)' lor tbe I awimmln, inatnlction and of The A~erl~n School Army. Europe Y.W.C.A. Emercency Com. strenuoua ,amea 61JinC the

To beeln wrth the plan calli for mrllee and for the Red Croas. The I inls and such dunc ... the (rarninc of 21.850 youthl bctw~ V.W.C.A. Commlttee needa funda. i tore study. newspaper. th:e. ac .. of 15 .and II. each year ~n The Red Crosl needl both funda and durinl the heat of the .fliorn ..... 1l..

military. vocatronaJ and acadenue work. Summer is. bad time to cam- I Milly special ncola ba.e &ducatron to be Incrcaacd .. lound paiCn for funda, but unfortunately ia; planned for the _ AIDOftI -ry. ~ c:adeta arc to. be the beat time 10 umpaicn for mill. are a trip throuch the Lebanon eelec:ted aCCOC'dJIIC to the ap~lon- tary advantace and civihaa d __ 1 P_t, a visil to the bot _t of the .. nau. eon,rCllionaJ Wb"·· D_ •• _.. hoaa' Diaui Is. In the K U Pia the Therefore let ua turn our 0W1I -- . ..... -- ..... a ItOrJ' Jrducational Board, ..:c.: ~ Chair- m~ sociablct iato OCcaMons that wiD..... Hannals Sewms, of

. . r .. se money or contribatc work 10 MoorfttOWD Libr'Irp. ~P 01 the UftJt~ Statea Com. thoac orlaruzatioM whidl ate reo Prida,. will be ..aiton· cia7&-llliallia·DMer'r 01 ~ucabOft, ~ cJw:le licvilll diatr_ M_berI 01 Ibc ada 01 theee _ ..-w of fhc a~c and ¥OCa~ trauI· board (direct of the BarI--- uhibit will be prcp8tcd.. TIle ilia aod 11 to c.oopuate with the War 0 01"1 ... - at 01 Prida A ~t wlUcb prcmcla the Count, Y.W.CA aw-t at.. -- ~, .... ..... cliacipline and mal . -III on J- II pIedced them- lMt cia,. of camp, will lie ... n.....e it to be no == .. to faDe - doIJ.- pa' ~ a ~ ...... - c-. . The . throach the _ for tile £.ope ... to CIdIiIIIita "- .. i ..... ___ . onl,. ~ ... - Y.W.CA ~a.q Co ' tt.&. tcft:III..-... ........ ~':" ;:0 ~h to enter IS ~ pity. Coa~ to tile ... c.- 01 .. aa.pen .. r.... tal

ect w (; cae . - - cor· I sboIaId be amt 10 tile local dwb .. c-. .,. _ .ritIeys lID ftiCted by care and II"IIIIUa& or IIMfthI ~--"'-""_ ........._ die lID .. Ipse . .......... de6c:Naey II to be cluMd ~ ........ -- 10 -- -- ~- . peuIIt.. TIle", IS to ba.-e mIiIt. Y.W.CA Emerpacy Co ·1 .... MiwpbOW""" die ..... _ eMit"eIy ~Uif)'. sboIaId be .mt 10 ....... wm.. JIat..

III ~nie." _ -n. 01 .. bill lack. M---. .. W~ Mr, KdJcT mted : -------

... rqat tIIIIt DO c~ will at. Wbca ~ ...., • boy -.I eridt-tadr A-n.. _to oaT anh1IIited R . IDC'bc: -. a co I ad ... ,...., .... _en II A-'ca IS {aU, Pft'I*'cd. jert .... __ .... tile __ ~ c-ne. WI ~ JIGItIt. Deden deal ndIaeii."., .. ----. ..... foru. (at be _ ...,. IJ,p force.. "-ica _ Ma't _ ...

....,. .~e _ 0lIl, for tiM pra- & •. Sa1kt Slill •• - -. .... for aD a.w 10 c-.. . n. ~ SdaooI Army .... wi! ...... 1liiie... .. ....... J. ,.,.----...-U_for... SUNOCO ..-c a-. T-,.,.arl tr,- _ GASOLINB .... OIL BBAUTY STUDIO

SAVE YOUR PLANTS from the ravagel of insect.· and elilealea thia lummer by 'Yltematic Ipraying and duating with Itandard inleeticldea and funglcldel.

Tri-ogen protectl againat all inleeta and diaeuea peculiar to ROlel. Porno-Green with Nicotine. alao • ROle fungicide, kill, inleeta and doe. not dlacolor folia Ie.

Leaf 40 for aphia and red is the belt aU-round

of PaIayra. Jt1~ ...



C •• 1

......... ~-tlllroIIa •• 'naw.· , ..... , I .. a ' ..... ~

........ "'-Y, UIIM.t - .............. • -.. .. J. 1-___ .......... _-____ ................................................... 1



Maple Shlde tabbed two runa in the final frame of a ball aame played here lall Priday n1lht to talte a )·1 decilion from PallnJra and lend t" home.te ... into aecond place In the BurUnlton County Baseball Leape.

The revetle wal the fint letback In many a moon for AI Dlffenbauch, local pltchef, who lia. bee\ aettina down the oppo.itlon with Ireat relu, larity.

Palmyra'a lone run wa' a round­tripper by Diff. Baker .nd DeVinney aot two blow. each, hut the home luard could not hit Dljl, oPpolltion hurler with men on the pathl.

Resolution By Local Club

At the meetln,· of the BUlin.1 and Profcalonal Men'a Club. of Pal· myra and RIYerton, held on Tun· day afternoon of thl. wcell. the fol· lowlnl r .. olution wq pt.IMd by the unanimoul vote:

"WHERBAS the world today I. in the throel of conRlet cauline leriou. hardihipi on all dviUud nation. 01 the world, and

"WHERh:AS creat con.ternatlon and realiution of ,he inadequacy of the national defenae. of the United StatU of America i. apparent to an American till.eM, . and

"WHEREAS In the molt recent Maple Sbade ah r

SchultE. If __ ".___ 4 0 h 0 2 I o 10 1 5

monthl it ha, been learned that we e arc far Irom beinll prepared In uae o of an invaaion upon our ahorea and

L. Bartello. If ._ ___ 3 0 Bierne, 2b _,.___ 4 0

l.amon Spealter f Dawley for the club memben to The apeaker of the day ..... Walter vr,it the Genetal Motor. aaacmbl:f

D, Lamon. Jr.. who tallied on the plant in Linden within the nellt tlIOO r>re~ent real cltate aituation in the or three _Ita. Untted State.. _______ _

Mr. IAmon pr .... nted most inter- I We'd' make more friendly social catinc data. included amonl the facti . . • . were that catperta predict a mOlt tails If we dldn t have to pIa)' with 10 enercetic boom in real eltate durinl many dOCI, admire aO many chil. the preaent year. , dren, and 10011 at 10 many 01 our

Plana are beinc made by Jaclt hoa .. ' movln.

Drivers Won't Hit .. . ,

What TheV Can See

Followinl i. a picture of lOme e>f the acope of the Y.M.C.A. activity here: The membe ... of the Home Va. cation Camp .pent a total of 100 daya in connection with thll pro­ject, which inc:1uded .wimminc, craft work, hike I, educational triPi, loft ball lealUta, etc. The lotal attend. ance at the varioul dlncea .ponaored by the Women'. Auxiliary for the first time thi. Palt lleaaon-110. 21110 is the total number of houra Ipent by bOl'l in the lupervllcd plaYlround activity periods at the Y.M.C.A. build in I. There were 148 entreel In the pet show which wa. by the Y.M.C.A. In conjunction with the observance of Youth Week. 311 boy. took active part in winter hike •• educational trip •• and winter eamp· inl. 212 boy. participated in ba.ket· ball lames played with other ,roup. throullhout Ihe county.

There are over 150 partlclpatinl In scheduled soft ball and baseball lames, 15 boys took part in two Gra, Y pin, pone tournamentl held at the .. y" buildililil durin, last win· ter.

V.ntura, 3b ... _._ .. _...... 4 0 Chiono, c ..... ... "-_._ 3 1 Sexton, cf .... __ .. _......... 4 0 N. Bartello, II .. ....... 4 1 Finlin, rf _ ......... " ... _ _ 3 1 Dill, p .. _._._ ........ _.... 3 0

o 1 o 6 1 0 2 1 o 1 1 '2

o reallzinl the necca.ity of immediate 3 preparedness. therefore be it 4 "RESOLVED that It i. the len.c 1 of the members of the Buaine .. and 1 Profe6lional Men'l Club of Palmyra 1 and i{iverton. New Jeney, that an o emerleney doea exllt and that it i. i 1 absolutely neee.sary thaI the lovern.

No lingle factor contribute. (IInre to the traffiC accident prob. l~m thnn the pedestrlan's invisi­bility at night. accordl" iii to "Smash HIlA of tho Yenr," tenth Ilnnual booklet published by The 'l'i nvelers Insurance Cnmpany In t1w inlcrcslII or highway safety .

than five per ceM 01 the light which falls on him i. reflected back to the driver'! eyes. Rain, wet pnvcmenLS ond glaring hend· liMhts make mailers evel'1 Wllrse.

Over 12,000

- - - - - ment of theBe United Stat .. s do all in Total.. ._ ....... L.. 32 3 1 21 11 it. power to expedite the defense

Palmyra I program and that the President of ab rho e theBe United StatCH and Conlress be

The attendance of boys and lirla at Hamlin, 81 '_'"_''''''''' 5 0 1 2 2 memOrall1.ed to take whatever leI­various V.M.C,A. functions and ae· Boker, Ib ' .. _ ...... _ .. _.... 4 0 2 12 1 iBlative action that is ncces.ary to tlvit!eB was over 12.000. Of course. Brodenon, rf "_.'" ...... 4 0 1 0 0 meet the preaent emerllcncy situation many of them were repeaters and at· Mick. 2b ..... _._......... 4 0 1 Oland tentlinll a number of tiltaes. Dev'ney. If ._................ 4 0 2 0 0 "BE IT JlURTHER RESOLVED

Secretary Reeder also pointed out Hensen. 3b ........ _ .... _ 4 0 0 0 1 that " certified copy of this resolu· that the Home Vacation Camp Pro· Fowler, c ..... .,.............. .. 0 0 11 I .ion be sent to his excellency. Fronk. Irom will allaln be conducted at the B't'hall, d ............. _ ...... ~.. 4 0 0 1 0 lin O. Roosevelt, President of the ·Y.M.C.A. in Palmyra. This yent I D'ff'Ullh, p ,: .. , ... _........ 2 I 1 I " United States, the Hon. W. Warren the 'dates arc July 9 to AUlust 2. - - - - - ' Barbour and the Hon. William !i. Forty boys to date hllve liined up. Totals _..... 35 1 8 7 27 10 Smatherw. United Slatea Senator.

The above filurca do not Include Maple Sh~de ................ 000 001 002-3 from New Jersey and the Hon. D. visitors at the Y,M.C.A. bulldlni, PalMyra ...... __ ... _ .. ,_ ... 001 000 000-1 Lane Powers. Conlreuman from the leader~hlp traininl meetina l • the ae. Error_L. Bartello. Bierne, Fow. 4th Conlrcllional I?,latrlct of the

ler. Two·bale hit-Devinney. Home State of New Jersey. llvities of the Women', Auxill .. y. runa-Dlffenbauih. Struck out-By The relolutlon WAI prepared by

Bulldln, Uacd Much Dill, 6; Dlffenbaueh. 11. Base on Christopher N, Pedltto, member of In varioul .tate.wiiJe and national ball_Off Dill, I: Dlffenbauch 1. the club.

Y.M.C.A. event., thl •• eetion of the county haa been repre.ented. Five

Few pcdCJ>trlnns, and ('specinlly th"sc who ate not drivers them· Il'l \les. realize how dlmcllit it Is for approaching drivel'll to sce them during dusk . bnd dnrknc8lI. lhe booklet a8llcrlll ... U tho wolker 1a wearing dark' clothing. lesl

When Wearing dark cloth ing the pedestrian Is all but in\,ls i- ' ble at 0 mere tOO feet away. it 18 shown. tr he wenrs s(·me· thing white. or cllrl'lca a hnnclkpr. chief or new. puper, he can be secn fnirly caslly at thot distance.

"Never depend upon the drlv­er's ability to see yOU at night." the booklet . urges.

hilh school boy. represented the two town. in attendance at the State alder BOYI' Conference in Jelley City lut December. Lut aummer four boy. attended the Y.M.C.A. Day at the World'i Fair. Thil summer two boy I from the Lincoln Hi-Y will at· tend the National HI.Y Con,re .. at Oberlin. Ohio. June ~2+-Raymond Schill and David HOl/lh.


TRI·MOTOR AIRLINER! With the completion In March of

the work of Inllallln, a new 011 burner and lenerally repalrinl the Y.M.C.A. bulldinl In.lde. it h .. been In con.tant use.

Y.M.C.A. Day at World'i Pair

Twenty.6ve bl, Y.M.C.A. event. will be a part of the obllervance of the Y.M.C.A. Day il the New York World'l Fair. Tuada)" July 9.

There will be Y,M.e.A. .port championlhlp nenla. baaltetbaU, wrcatlin" volley ball. fencma. tum· bllnl, Iymnalt.ic. and we\&bt WtlnC· BalketbaIl u wal played In 1m wIU be demonauat&d in cOllUm., WIth the orl&inal 12 baaketbaU rw..

. Tbere will be Y.M.CA band .. cbor­uae.. dramatic poupe. cJee duba, orchcatral, paleanta and tbe P­a,.lvania Railroad Y.".C.A. Cborua of 100 mea.

The jud&ea Include New Yodl'. "ayor. Fioreno H. LaOuardia, Dr. J- Rowlaud AIleen. Plorel W. RMftI, Roben LitteD aod D«otb}' Can6c1ct ,iaha.

10.000 "V· JDtfIIIIcn ...s friecII are npeded 10 pettic:i,. .. ill • p .. _ ..... attbe~.P_at UO p..aI. JtC* Ora--. Cidee ... ftce H_ ..-..-.. will be a aoIOiII at tIaia I\iaIa.

PIMa ............. • .. • ~ c-r,. <IIId ,etiGe at .... pia Y.M-CA. I>q III .... Worti'. .-. c:-p ..... ~H au •• 1 us "- to.tIa

Jen",. •• et c-P Ocl I ........ .... N-'1" -- eJao tMre boll --. Dirwdon C. A. aDd M,... &wdya ..... wi! ..... tkU' c-. ... _ •• llt ...... __ 01 till ..-riftI • 1M ~

jew a ....-Ia,. C4IIIf-.... '. JsI}' 4. TIle Y..ll.CA. c..,. ~ s.-r-,.. ,..,. • for • • ~ ,.. ..-. 'noire.... II I --......-............ . AI .......... .......

W ........... • .... y .... ..c..A.. ~ ...... ~.

.......... if ...... ... M ------...II til. I ' he = ::. r;;:;:..... .~

See the Real Beauty of Burlington County from the Sky in One of 'America's LaI:gest Transports

MOORESTOWN AIRPORT June 27th thru July 2nd

COST 152600-METAL CONSTRUCTION-8.600 POUNDS -THREE· INDEPENDENT POWER PLANTS! Equipped with all modan convenienc:es. such as lavatory. electric lights, water heat and hydraulic brakes. to auure lUXUry and comfon. Chid· Pilot Capt. H. L. Meeks, a transpon pilot with 1 S yean continuous air tlC'l'Vice. and a Government licen.ed mechanical crew are in command.



Palmyra., N. J.


- i 1 ' 1 i 12-Mile I


Page 22: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


RED CROSS NEWS I Olnd Mn. Lot..,. Sharp, of 218 MOl" • Thot Do.l~1tIt &irts -. tba followlna :a dinnft" at Nerin·. can avetlle . "'en th", wlftnen fOl" cueata of M.r., R. H ....... lau Th",," I Dlnina RO<)IDli.

An imp.3rtant correction "hould be JII~~ 14 and 21 nape.:t,v",ly. in Shlll- dd.y at Park. - ----broualtt to the atteation 01 the pub- ' man s Merch.mdlSO! Club. I Mr. and M"- 1)eVet Knowlton lk in aweral. It was ori&lnally .tated ~ .' Mrs. Ella Wehaae. 01 &lmemlle, Warner. of R .. ,erton, are spcndlna that the national quota 11\ the r«ent \ The bUSIness meettn. of ,the Phlla- M~M .• is the &II""'t of Mr. and Mn. theIr w...!dinC trip at Sea I.tand. drive for money i\lr war reh.,f was I thea Class of Central llapU"t Chllr.:h <leor.., A. Seel, 01 Cinl1aminaon ave· GeoqIa. Befon hu Oft ten million Jollar •• and that the ~w. \\;1\1 be held today al the home of lhe nue. June 22. Mrs. Wart'er was NI .. etton and Cinnaminson quota was tea~her. Mrs. Moore. 231 Elm a~· Dorothy Wor.:utet Sarcent. • tIiOO. Shonly followina this an. ' nu". at 2.30 p.m. All members an: The officers "ard party of tbe East-

MAIN ST. MARKET ftoun.::emenl. the nallonal quota wa.1 uraC<! to be present. ern Star ,.tIls held at tht home of I The Lllck., Social Ctub eltded

raised to Iwel\l)' million. which auto- \ M Cl ' L' ' . d M Mr~. Martha Haye~ of Hllhland officers for lhe year at lhe ho~ ol maticaU)' doubled the quota for ellery ! H In. R ~lre 'rpl;~~1t an rs. avenue. Mn. C. W. Rudolph, Mn.· Mrs. Gerttude Lyndl. LipplJlC1ltt WALD and CAHHART. PIGpt.. town. .Hen"e, this community', mini- I "'Ie edn "'ter ... 0 af mr.r'· H. R. Guldin. and Mn. Esther a.".,nlle. Mrs. Lynch. was Relected. 528 MAIN STREET mum I. $1200. . on ay a. ."e.t.. 0 ra. •. allo were hostess.. Oth"" ollken are Mrs. Geo~

Do not let ml.understandlJla 1 nfld,,~m. at the Ph.lad.elphl .. n. while Carnie, lIice preSident; Mn. Anna RIVERTON Ie..en your effort •. The ne...! i. "er), " attend,n, the Repubhcan Con~· Frederick M. Rodl"". American Dav,.. treasurer: Mr.. Bleanor

areat. Thoae ~ho ha"e not ),et con. tlon. l.eaion Po It lSi. of Palmyra; will Lea"y. secretary. The memben 01 tribut...!. and any ",ho would like to '. . hold their monthly meetinl at the the dub will be entertain...! this even- Phone 90' FREE DKLIVUY add to their fint contribution can 'S Mrs. !!ardrry Prt~e. of 21t~ Wt8et~ Lealon home Tue.da)' evenlne. ina by Mr •. Gl'Orle Camie. of ---------aend their check, to Mrs. Nathan ~rtnl va en street. wa. e Thomas a"enue. EC Lane, 30S Hiahway. Riverton. who' w,nner In the 0 .E.5. Merchandise Edwin Collar. o£ Linden avenue, Rlv· SP IAL

• I. the local chairman. Club. Morlan avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Harry V. Groome, The committee i, much Iraitfi...! Edwin Cllar, of Linden avenue. Ri.· and family. of Linden avenue, apent

b Dr. and Mrs. Hayes B. Br,dy. and M d y the response of the women who erion. spent on ay at Seaside Park. la.t Saturda), at Seaside. CAMPBELL'S SOUP

ba"e .:ome to the Porch Club to lew, dauahter Nancy Lee. of Waahincton ---- I and thOle who have taken work home, avenue. spent the past ",eekend at Mrs. Morrl. Klel. of Seattle, Jack Perkins, of Kim avenue, apent and II very arateful to all tho.e who Ocean Cit,. Washinaton. and Mi .. Carrie Seel. of the pAllt weekend at Sea,lde Park .. bave helped. A, a result, the twenty- M' M ' hOt f W bl Lansdowne. PI .. apent leveral daya four dre.aes are completed. so the "8 art a ues . 0 as nc- of the past week •• the &IIest of Mr, 1Ie"'lna days at the Porch Club will ton ave~ue. entertained the membera and Mr.. Oeorae A. Seel, of Cln· be discontinued until further notice. of Chl,S'ama.Delta aororlty on Tues· naminlon avenue.

It il intereatin' to know that the day evenln.. ----

Mr. and Mn. Edward and family, of Linden avenue. are vacationina at Ocean City for the summer.

ALL VARtETIES (Except Chicken and Mushroom)

3 for 2Sc CHASE a: SANBORN-

COFFEE Durlln,ton County chapter hn dll' M Edwl W Redfi Id S ( The Women'l Bible Cia .. of Cal-tributed to all partl 01 the county n. n . e, r., 0 vary Presbyterian Church, held Its a25 pounds of wool for sweater. and Penn~ylvanla avenue. WAi alvena annual meetln& on Thunday, June lockl. Much of \hI, hal already surprtse party lawt Friday nlaht In 20. The bUllne .. meetina wa. held been made Into wearina appare!.i honor of her birthday. at the home of Mrs. H. P. Landll.

Mrs. Norman Andenon, of Ran· l-tb -pkg. 23c dolph ,treet, Ealt Riverton, .. as I •• t _____ -,-_____ _

There I, wool .till svallable for I Mr. and Mrt. Jamet T. Weart. of lOck.. however, In Riverton, and It I, e.arnestly hoped thll wiU be Cinnaminson a""nue. who recently knitted durin a luly. . celebrated their SOth weddln, .nnl·

If you can do thla work, will you I versary. left on Wednelda), of thl. call Mrs. Oraff, Riverton 99.1, and week for a tour of the w!!Item tbe wool will be delivered to you. Istatee. They plan to Include vI.lts

A new Ihlpment of wool will loon to the Grand Canyon •. Yellow Stone be received, ao If you can knit a Natlonal Park. San Prancllco Ex-.weater or cr <het ah wI it In pOlltlon. Seattle, and Lake Louise h • 0 a a ur" and Vancouver In Canada. The trip

t e .ummer, call Mrs. Graff, and the 111 b d b th th t wool will be aent to you a. loon •• w e ma e , e IOU em rou e It arrlvel In Riverton. returnlnl by the northern route, and

One of the claesel in the Baptllt will take 2e dlYI. Sunday Ichool ia knittlnl an Afahan ============ from wool supplied by another cia.. ~It-----------~·"i' I In the Bame Sunday school. Thll I. a very commendable project. lind It I. to be hoped that other or.ani2a­tlono will (ollow their example.

ABOUT TOWN Amonl the aueata at the Orlscom­

Northrop Weudln. on Saturday were Mill Meryl Oreen and Mill Jane McDonald. oJ Detroit, Mich., former Ich()olmatea of Mis. Northrop, and Mra. Edith Bradley, of Buffalo, N. Y.

Mrl. Shaner will lerlle .. hOlte .. at the reaular weekly card party of the River Townl Ladles Club to be beld In the K.G.E. H.II. Rlveraide, toclay at Z o'clock. The club I, col­lettin. arocerles to be donated to the Beverly Home. Anyone wlahlna to donate, write Mr •. Anna T. Den­neler. Riverton.

Mrs. JOleph Urban, of Parry. WI. the leventh winner In th~ Mllcel. laneous Club of the L.din Au .. lllarJl! of the Parry Fire Complny.

Holiday Headquarters




KEATING'S Fountain



Mr. and Mra. Charlel P. 8tow, o( _ ... _-========--= .... 411 Thorn .. avenue, have moYed to Charlestown VIII. Ie, Phoenl .. vllle, ~-----------Pa.

Mrl. Rubino, of 119 Oxford Road,

HOTICK ....... 't~l. f~' ,,, •• ra"ltJOt, •• l6it of

"-,I. ..III be reulyed b., ,he: lIo.rd of UVUltk,.., of the 8cll001 Dill"" of ,h. TOWltthi, of Cifu,a"""'lOft •• • OOL'.m. (D.' ." .) o •• h '6th tiel' 01 Jaly. It'll •• , ......... k-" .~ .. t"'" IMl' be MelliN 'tom (h.e b •• trier tift .. ..,,-40 IUUIA D. ;'!~k~~"rto


ayu &XAMIH&D P1IoIN ah' .... 611

s.1cott Itr... Ri ...... H. J. (Iach'. hi .... )


0,.. &w.iIttp


Let ... _ppf, 'ou with



PIIHING uPOaTi Delaware Bay - Esccuent Ikach Haven - Off __

2-u..c Bamept Bay-Pair

SCHWERING'S -............ ~ ......

week's winner in the Sacred Heart GEFFIN'S P.·T.A. merchandise club. ORANGE PEKOE TEA


CALLS· for


USED CARS SHORTLY Prepare yourself for this .hortage NOW


1939 STUDEBAKER Champion, 4 door aedan. 9.000 original mUe.. perfect condition. Mu.t be aeen to be appre­ciated.

1939 OLDSMOBILE "'0" Club Coupe, 10,000 mile., appearance Hke new. A dealrable car for bu.ine •• or plea.ure.

1938 OLDSMOBILE "80" 4 Door Sed.... automatic: drive.

. white .ide waD tirH. radio and beater. Automobile.


• new A real

Coupe. good paint. rubber. ana upbolatery. A truly beautiful c:aJ'.

1937 CHEVROLET 2 door trunk eedan, mec:banJcaUy fine. orIpw paint. good condition throughout.

1936 PLYMOUTH Sport Coupe. Ready to 00.

1936 FORD Tudor, original paint, ,ood motor anet tHea.

The above c:artI are priced ript for quick tunIOY«. LOW G .... A.C. RATEI



y,t-tb box 18c K~LLOGG'S

LEMON JUICE (5~·oz. cans) 2 cans ISc

Each can contalno Juice of 6 lemonal


(16.oz. cans) 4 cans 19c

MERION TOMATOES 3 No. 2 canll 29c



No.2 can 17c DUFF'S








Ib 38c Top MUlCle Rout

Ib 35c


TONGUE ca9Sc a.....,. IUS ----.,...H JEal&Y .TaWlNO






~t."i." •••• "".'''''''''''' •••••• u.a.~ .................. ~.o-. BUSINESS DIRECTORY





(§f RAY BANKS I la-a- .,....M'OII~--

P.tiac SALK. EARLE B. HARDER Wcds --","~-' It IL M. Itntt -~--saRVICI BARIlIUt Repel.. IIIlIl lnatallatlollta • ~-.N.J. ........ i l~ THE NEW ERA .

BELLEVUE GARAGE I .... Attta .... bI 1»0_ ad Llaht Ott": :a _la.. ." IU\>Pt'ON. II J

All WcKt SOlI MtlnIM 11.__ JIabarn

Broad Uld Kem 8t .. .. BROAD STJt&Il'r &. 1ti'lfttOll PboDe Rhatoe ulS REAL £STATE Telephone Rl.. aMS • Nlaht , .... RIVDTON PATENT MEDIClNES


"JACK" DAWLEY. Inc. L. L. Keating .ua ~ Je'" .... 1 ..... ,lid ,..

PALMYRA Patent Medicine. • Glrt. • C.n~ lua -:lm':~.' UWAltD

Oldsmobile ~ EXPERT Sc AND 1Oe: STORE On.tina Card. • I~ c.- Ada E. Price BARBERS 9 Weat Broad Street CIaa.. and Statioll'ry

~ CARaYING ,. COIiPLaT. LIN. O. Droad .nd Main Streeta. Rlftrtoll No, • ., .... 1011. a .. 1 -_

Salee and 8em.,. at_I I.' .......

{SJ NOTION" TOIl.'T AlITtCl. •• Phone 1540 416 LtP\l!nCDtt 11._ RllfWtOll

Safety Te.ted U.ed C .... NOV.l.TI ••• CANDY. 'TC.

..-. JU_ ...

PLUMBING 10 Broad Street. Riverton Emerson Wolfschmidt FLOORS [lIsurOllce Telephone. Edward Moorhouse - GEORGE BaNSAL

alverton 1212 Merc:hant.lU. 580 Boll PhD .. All Work PLUMPINO . HEA'tiNG REAL ESTATB

521 Howard 8t. . RlvertCll1 lIudt .... IH, 5" o.,~.,,,,, 8.\1" .. ,_

Frank Hansen ROOFING. OIL BURNERS NClta.., PltbUc

Qllick Service • Sanitary Shop COAL STOKERS :. ~ JOS. F. YEARLY.

Koegenhaver Motor Co. HAaDWOOD PLOO.I of •• .., ~ 1101 LlJlcoln Ave. Palmy ... N. J. ~.. Rlnrton PhOlle ....

l.IMOl..VII Telephone Riyerton 82

DGIt and PLYMOUTH BU.ILDERS ',aln, ... ad lI.ea .....

SALBS and SERVICE ,."'"... a, Illithod .nd 1t' ... I .... George Friday, Jr. Leslie W. Reeves In Cortla A.,.o. D.Uta, N. I .

IIIG Bro.d St. Rlnftoa Curtis E. Stavely Phone Riverton 380 GROCERIES Plumblna. Heallll, and RooBII. GEORGE W. ROOSRI lac.


Service Manlier Spedll Attention to Jobbla. P.TRO· NO·ItOL OIl. aVRN.a.

Phalle' RIYettOIl '" or ...

ae W. CHARLES IT" PALMYRA W. F. Becker 1109 Thom •• Avenue UO Cinnamlll.oa A_lie' ,

II Pbona'144

Pholle '37 RI.ertOlil PALMYRA, N. J.

IALa8 IERVICB 0_ ... ""It .. v ..........

. beUca'_1l CotaDI ..

H, D. H ullinlcs & Son Pholl. RI .. rtCIII •

lloorestown Jlotor Co.. Inc:. John E. Me Vaugh "lO.. ... """'_ •• GEORGE F. GINTHER 5a'1 HOWARD IT .. RlVBRTON PLVIIBINO-H.ATI o-aOO""O I.' W. Mala It.. Ko_town Contra<:tor and Builder Pbone 7a4-Fret D,lI.." Delco on Burners J. L. LIPPINCOT'T co. PboGe MooNftown 'If or 4U

RtVBRTOH. N. J. KARL . FRANK'S aoa Itroad It'H' Realtor. • G .... ral luuruct

AUTO SERVICE T.le,ltoll. RlYertoa .. I-J lti .. rtOD, N. J. Phon. 611 Notarr Public

MEAT MARKET .U~Wrlaltl BW .. 111 __ •• I.


CAa. WA.HBD J. S. Collina & Son, Inc. 807 IIaln 't. alVEaTON Plumbln, ' Heatinl - RooSn,

PIr ..... TIr_Batt.rl .. Pboll,l4I eOl Linden Ave. Riverton, N. J. REAL ESTATE

Burke's Service Station ·hlueeoalt Telephone Riverton 147 INIURANC.

HARDWARE 1.6 ClllllamllllOIl A ... Paba,..

BfOId ud LIDcJID Rl.-toe .V.LDllfO IlAU"AL~HAaDWA" PAINTING Pholle RI."rton 25

P1IoM 1111 Lv •• a--. .. D-COU ............ ...... HARRY C. SCHWERING LESTER S. fORTNUM


westthtbouse Covered b)' Inlurance


111-.11 W. 8rGBd 't., PALMYRA .... PuaL OIL ."rlter.ton ud AppUUCII EDWARD HUGHBS. Mlr.

PlIo .... 110 S COAL 114 Oarfield Ave. Palmyr. Florid. ROld Tnt Lubrication

LUIIB •• 101 B. Broad It. Palaarra. N. J, Phonel: 341 .nd 245-M Lee Tires - E .. lde Patterln

PItoBa • Droad and Morlan Palmyra MILLWORX e PIIoM ....... - LEON ROUS~

Telephone Riverton U71




ESSO ST A TION PALIIYaA, N. J. 506 Broad 8treet RI.ertoll Por, ..... R ..... rIa. ,."

LEHIGH COAL Claealn •• ~

• 1:1.0 OAIOLI'" UICI OILI ...... 111 ........ ..... WorIt RADIOS N. Beitz


• LUBRICATION • WAIIH .. O H. B. WILLIAMS 107 " .. t..dIIIf, .... John H. Etria • IONITION aac1 BAT'l'II:aY

.... llIYert.oa. • J. II' B. .roael It'Ht. PabD"., N. J. ....... VALUY 11 Weat Broad Street ...... 11 ..


• OI: .... AL aDA.RINO lIE KO"'YJl.OSr COD ICE Palmyra N . DREIER

THa ONLY COMPL.,.. !\IIIMIIII. ... Radios, Refrigerator. ONS-ITOP ".VIC& ITATION

, ...... , ..... HARVEY FOOKS Waahel'l, Etc. I' w .• , ... It. .ALIIIYU PALMYRA .......

Il~AIl AND IOWAn STlan ICE Expert Repair Service All KIIIdI " Ort ....... c .......

RIVERTON DAIRIES .. Welt 1'IIIrd It.. Pa..,.,. Exclusive '"ILeO De.ltr for Dr. klloU', 'oot ........ Can CaJIejI 'or .. ~

T ........ IUftrtoe 1"~ ,.Imyr. and Rlnnon TAILORS ...... IUYemIa •• , BISHOP'S DAIRIES aARGAINI IN UII:D 1&1'1


BADRI" QUALITY PRODUCTS RIVERTON c. WARD LOWDEN Peel Poindexter TAlLO. {.::£.& ...... ..,. .. , ..... LAUNDRY Noaa ..... 'OBATO •• c ....... · ........ - o,.tIIa

. coJfJ'll:C1'lO DRY GOODS

... .,. ........... ...... C ....... NOIlOI: LIIfII: .,..0.11..., .... ...... ,.. .. .......... m 'AaNaWOaTH. a.C.A. ... arvDTON ......... ............. nNITH IlADIM

CH"" BAKaY Smith'. Store Rlvmicle HOlM Laund.., S.4 ebz I •• A_ J. R. JOHNSON -..... ~ ....... PaIIIJTa, If. J. T"'.I'I' ...... M-' • .,... ...,0..- ............... , 318 Paine Street

ct-- • ,. L ,,_,

BAHKI 1IeCeII' ............ Rlveraide. N. J. REAL ESTATE CLEANER and DYER

.... IIAIIf .. iUft. aJYDTOIf .AL.YJlA. If. J. ...... .,. ..... ,.. -. . ...... ,. • w. • Wed CaJIejI lor ... .,. .....

• __ dl_- I ~'" BANK • nuST co. - EXPRE88 MEMORIALS REX

1'IIe .,.., ..... Ryle! SIatioDery ....... Jll)lC Shinn'. Upreaa Ie.. '.1 (.It.,. M ....... McCROSSON ..... at...,.. .... ............... ar-arvDTOlf ..... ••. J. . WiU~&Soa In. ' ..... $1.00

DAILY TO PIIJI.AIJmIIIIA IW"'h~. __ Real Eatate and luurance

II1'1'U I'rA1'IOIi&IIr :a:~=""" S lEu. Broecl °lt.. Palm".. 1\e New fn Dice ........ a..

......... j. ":t=-:r'- ........ ,..11 ..............

Page 23: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ


THE NEW ERA P\a"'~ ~~, at " ·Mai" S~

. RlftR1'ON, M. J. ~ al tM Ri~. N. J .. Pelt ~ .t S~ Cia ... "'.~


Right to Practice Medicine Granted to 398 in Ne. Jersey in 1939

na~l'd. OOO\ltd ~, .. ~ bttrt partially ttaiMd m the ~ntiak of nati-onal dt~nst wh\~ the go'''fl't\m~t ,,"'U 5uppottil\f; ~ \n the c.c..C. ~ut e\~n now. with bis dire ~idiot\s of diu.let, the President op~ military di5cipline in the ~amps: t~ N.YA. goes its ~s}' way: and there i-s talk of military consuiption ,~ik '" ~ast ann}' of those of military age continue -on the government youth protrams without dilttipline and '~thout the basic essential'S

W~L 't'IU~ L 80WEN, Ji.hto~ I • \1 ' " l:"d Okl Ne •• W. IIIIt'tmItR. Aaod1Itt .wI.. KARL W. LATe'H. Ad't. Mtt'. '1)( m ltarr tralntng.-&:>m. <t., WI.

4. Stcoftd St\"ttt, Ri'l'erton . Il2 1II00000n Aft., h\myra I U~ t'4 pA-.:ti'ce nmficlftt ill

l't"", ~y _ i~\l'e'd t'4 3'98 ~

WftS iYI 1m .. ~ to • ~t i~ll~ of th~ J()llmal of UI-t A~'I\ Mt\li\:al As~ .. atron. Ho_Wi". on~ 2hlof t~ h.~tiam ~t l'cl. di\,ons t'4 th~ number of p~dlll' I'ra.:ticinl m~""'ne in the state. Som~ ph.ysicians ll"/! lict!nRd to prtc­tict! In several stat'S and SOI1\e p~. sid:.n! liC'ttls-N to prtctke \n N~w Jersey do not • .:tuaU, prtdi'C'C In tbt sblte.

Pboott _ Phootle 1M ~

L~AL ADVBRTIS~MBMTS "'ord Frolll BraZil _ .... ~dmlllll\rator'. and EllftUtor" Ad'ftrtlaeme'll" art 10 10..... J • ........... ~ Ne. an I •• L.I Nt~r. comml"\OI'let'''8berithl~'~1 American diplomats both In our own otountr'" and "l'Outh of

"- tte. Eta .ul ..,~ate betna rtmtmbeml 1ft 'hll coftlledion. the bomer" art \'Ioting \~th surprise what they otall apro-Faott'St s~h Which was de1i~red the other day by President Vargas l'tew Jeney ranbot IlK'Ond .mo,,*

the statel in the numoo of llcenm IJI'1Inted to C"lduam of fofoti1'4 5.:hools. New Jeney rankotd lirat amonl the Stites In the. number of ollte<lpaths IRnted full lIcenlul"/! to pnI.:tlct! m~iclne.

SllbttriptiOil ".SO a Year In AdvanC't of Bratll only a few hou~ after President Roosevelt had deliwred A..t'ftrtial_r Rattt on AHllcetiOil' .

We Need A Plait . . MiJltary expertl In the United StateB are pointing out tbat

If 'M! really want to put Uncle Sam in a good Btate of de{enBe we .m have to, have a sound plan and then work to It, without the intervention of theoti~m or matss hysteria. Some people .tem to have the idea thtat since the President appointed an atmament board and Congress appropriated live bUlion dollars, It" all over but the shouting.

This, however. is only tbe beginning. 1£ we are going to build the right kind of defensive machinery in tbe United States­and of course we should do lio-then we ought to make up oUr minds first just how much of the Western Hemisphere we are going to 'defend ahd how. 18 our real .aphere of Interellt tbe en­tire bemlaphere. north and Bouth of the equator, Including ' the Illands In the Atlantic and the Philippines on the other side ~ Or do we want to restrict our defensive measures. firllt, to a some­What more limited IIllhere?

Here are lIome questlonll that ought to be answered first. The United States never. so' far as anybody knows. had a well out­lined polley of defense. This hall been due Itt great part to the belief that we Bre too far away from Europe and Asia for auc­cesllful attack. But now that we have become jittery and a great many people seem to believe that the enemy will be on Long b­land or in the HawaIIan Islands during the neltt few weeki. a dlf­terent lort of Idea III sweeping over the country.

JUlt how 'Ioon we could be attacked from abroad by any con. Iiderable force III a matter for debate. But certainly, If we want to build up our defenseS-lind we do-then we ought to ad~pt a loui;d military and naval plan and work to It.

In no other way can we Inaure the United Statell agalnllt at­tack. Thill cannot· be done In a day or 8 week or a month, and It will never be done unlen We let about It In the right way and devote the bellt mlndll In the nation to the t,\lk, regardlul elf polltlce.

T raining and Discipline There II much talk now of conllcription. of a military ttaln­

Ing sYltem for the United Statu such 81 Europe long hal had. It II made to appear 811 part of the movment. Inllplred by the recent eventll overseaa. thot young Americana mUlt at once be con­.cripted to meet a military contingency. And yet there are no Ipeclal training facllltiea, and nothing with which to arm the ),oung conllcrlptl if they IIhould be called up to the color. now.

Meantime. while the President allk. added mllllonll for the training of young men In civilian occuplltlonll and hlnta .t con­"rilltlon, Mrl. Roosevelt Ipe.k. up In opposition to compul.ory military training, but advocatea that the government Ipend mon.y to train youth In "other lervicea eleentl.1 to national defenle." C.rtalnly we do not want to become. mlllt.tI.tlc n.tlon and the eGnacrlptlon Ide. II not nec.s •• ry of conllderaUon now. It II p.rt 01 the window dreiling, tbe leare Ituff, to .rOUM the peopll to putting blind faith In an admlnl.tratlon. If the occa.lon ari ... , nothlnC .bould .tand In the w.y of protectln, the naUon, .nd yOUtM certainly .hould not and will not b. expected to ,0 to war without tralnJn,.

But In the mean tim. there I. no reaeon In common lena 'Why the youth wbo wlllln,ly ,0 to the ,overhment for a •• I.tanc. In .....un, • U"lnl Ihould not learn the rudiment. of mUitary aclenee 01 why they abould not b. lubject to dlaclplln.. In tb. C.C.C. tor iMtance, whete 'aeUltI .. are av.llable hundred. of thouaancl. of youn, men hne been fed. c:Jothed and palel by the ,ovamment. Tbet ,ot bett.r quart.,.. better food. better cloth .. and cr.attt IlbIrtIaa on the whol. than the nation'. pnvat. eotdJar'l. 1'helr hoart w.r. abort; the work eeldom Okult. They were 1IIOItJ, ,.......,. In need of dlacipUne, yet an officer In char,. who trW to .... lecture them 'or ........ In work or In loUowln, camp ruIae .. Hable to censure 'rom aboY.. MaantJme, bar- attancHnc ...... aWed by ,ov'tnm4lnt (and man, other colle, ... too) _ "1 ' .. to ..... certaia COUrM Ia mUJtary tra1nJa" mucIt ..........

• Ii. tt. -" WtPr ..... Ikher out ,... ... , • _

one denoundnK Munollnl for entering the \Vat' against tbe alhee.

President Vargas. wbo is himsetf a dictator. ,had ~n counted al friendly to the demooerattc Ideals of the Wetltem Hemisphere. Hill recent addrella. however, did not bear out thill idea.

The Brullian dictator Illlld a new era ill in the making and that the dme of decadent liberalism ill past. He also declared :

"the new order. created by the new circumstances that dired natlona. Is incompatible with htdividuallilm. upecial\y when tt clashes with collective Intertlltll: luckily Brazil has created a regime adequate to Its necellsltlell. It is not imitating nor is it affUiated with any doctrlnary currents or Ideologies existing else· where.

There ill nothing particularly reassuring or democratic about theae IItatements. At beat they only seek to show that Brazil has its own brand of faclsm. one different from that of other countries. But the Bame thing is claimed by each totalitarian country in Europe.

Th~ nllmes of 6.04.1 phyald.ns wert add~ to the humbn practlcina 1ft tile United SlatH in 193~. The lIet II\~re3le Will about 2.300. afttr dt­ductinr the number of pr.ctlcln. ph)!lldans who di~ hI 1939. ,

This feature Is prepared by the Burllniton Count)' Medical Sodet, and the Mtdh:al Sodet,. of N ~w Jer­sey.

In other South American countries. where it Was believed that 8u~ltrt~nT~ouB~ItIl'tm\·.t'oirrt BruU. the bla"lt country on the lower continent, would "go £ •• ClllOt·, N~'I ••

I .. Ith th U it d St t m h .. t .. d Ililltl ~f A1'I1'II&: itAINES. Die",,, a ong wen e a ea, uc ama2"men WOS "ltpresse . HOII<o" h .... by II .. n tlou .~ order ha, S h Id \0 I f Va de lare th t he Willi forced .... 1\ ",odt by 0.., .... B. Bildnl. lIurro .... ome w 0 wou apo g f:e or rgas c a 01 ,h. Counly 01 Burnnl,on. b'IrI~1 dall

to make the kind of slleech he did becaulle his cabinet Is 110 IItrohg· . ~,. ,~~b ::tl'.c'~M~.a.B::!.IO~\>O.'!~~~II~ol:r. Iy pro·Fallcillt. But there III nothing particularly comforting In ~i-:}t"but.\'t~~~~:etl:~~~~~.I~~\':t ... t.:'·~':; thlll alsurance. If the cabinet ill pro-Facillt how about the head of ~.~I:.t ~~~':"loOI~O 0;'~rr1",,~lo':.0 0:-':' .. th" government' . rora D.cemti.r 4. 1940, or tho, will b.

" r barred 01 ... , Ictl~n ,h.ref",. ,,011111 tbI In Wallhlngton It was declared that Vargas had made the o&IiI &:.'<~tor. lOIBPit L. Tito .. AI.

speech for "home conllumptlon." But there Is no comfort in the Oa, .. , tuq. 4, l.40. B .. cIlM. allllurance of this eltplanatlon either. If the Brul1lan prelident was u .. ,-4-40

forced to hide hili real sentlmentll and make a Faclat IIpeech be­cauae hill country demandl that kind of talk then there II 1I0me­thing wrong with the 1>emocratlc Idealll of the people themselves.


B, ,Irtut 01 a" ord.r 01 the C".rt III Chi.cer, 01 N..w left'",. IIIlde 0" lb. da, of the dlt. hereof, In • tertii" CIU" whorll" Roy Whlrlnoby .. Iho p.tI,lollor olld you an ,h. d.I."dl." 'OU ore required 10 1)1.'"~th. petition.,·. Plthlan on or .,.

Here is another indication that we mUlt apply realism to our Iummary of the IIltuation In Pan-America.

c o M M E N T

THE SOUTHERN INVASION Route as I. a Iplendld hllhway.

It .houtd be entirely adequate for .Imost any "olume of traffic. but when the .outhem trucker. take over overy aftemoOn and ellenlh, It II dOUbtful whelher • 10 line hllhway would be .ufflclently llrle for thHe road hOI"

One nlcht Ilat week flye of titHe motor fr.llht clr. .tllild a "you .hlll not pI .. " act II they blocked both Ian.. of the ,"tbound portion 0' the road. joclleyln, for poaltiOll In tha manner of ric, track dtltle,.. Sine. aU were trav.IIft, It .bout th. 11m. rat. 0' .peed the battle for tIM le.d w.nt on for .e".... .mO ... Mean"hll •• an, mototl.t that tried to pall the caruan took a Ioal c:IWIc. of lettln, tmOll,1t tit. blockad. ne· ce .. 'uIJ,. -An BnlU.hwomaa WI. awarded a dlvotc. the other da, beeaa.. .... hadn't .poken to her Ir0un4 the bou.. for It yen ,...... "Irbt the poor f.dow "",er hac1 • cheace. -On_ thin, ..... ope .. almott lat. to let ••• renlt of thlt war. no .. t­ter which lida win., I. I fir.t da .. f.mllN. And,.. ar_ atlll peyln. oar farmer. a blWon • ,ear to reduce

New Jereey Ind Del •• are. the three Itatel comprilln, the lecond corp. Irea. from hi. office,ln the Army bulldln. It 311 Whitehall Itreet. New York. N. Y .• Innounced the lar.elt requl.ltlon for recrulte ever to be Inade In the eecond carpi Ire I In reo cent year •.

In .ddltlon to unRlled quot .. 1I0w In the proce.. of beln, Riled. 2,179 vaC8nclel for the I~cond corp •• rea. to be filled by Au,uBt 31, were .1. lotted to the recrUltin •• ervlce. Ohe hundred el.hty.three openlnl' for the .I,nal corys III the Canal department thle total to 3,062 enUetmellta to be filled by Auault 31.

Totll. Colonel Ma,ruder lI.ted the totll.

for the different po.ts In the .econd corps Irea a. follow.: Fort NII,lra, N. \'., 1111: Reid artillery. Mldl~ 8arracke, N. Y .• 122; qUlrttrml.ter

lor" "h da, 01 Au.uII •• "'. or In d .. roul, .rl<ll. lu~h doct" will ... take. o,olnll ,ou 00 th. Chonctllo. ahall lblltlt «lull obi. ••• lIIat.

Tht object at .. Id ault II to obtol" , d .. 'ret 0' d vore .. dla .. I,lh. the 1II1 .. lal' .... tw •• " ,.,.. Ind the IIld p.Utlonn low ,be ...... 01 .eatttlofjAlrlD I' QRa&HBJUtQ.

I.olltll"r 01 P,IIt1ontf. IU ... k" It"'" ' cain ..... Naw lena,

ft~.:!.' ,~u.:: ',h, I .. d,


TrUlt... A«ou"t Iht ... 01 JOHN T. DORRANCe, D ........

HOI .... II horeb)' ,I"n Ihot the Plret Ao-count .r th, .. b .... lberl. Trulle" w.d .. ,be "Thlrttthlh' him 01 the lOll III and Te .. o .... , 01 Joh .. T." ........ will ... ludne' ottd IW..s by 'h, •• tto.ot. Ind "port,d lor IItll .... onl ad otfow •• c' II ,hIo O,phln.' c<>urt 01 .... Counl,.ol .... IIn.,o., 0, a ., .. Ion 10 iii h.ld ThIlJ'lda" Jul, U, .. ~o, II "" .·doek III ,h. lor .. noon D I. T. It 'h, Cou .. HO", It ...... nt HolI,. Bu,lIn.lon Count,. Ifaw .... ,.

~llH:~&~8.?lt'~J:itAH!;& ••. D~ AR "UR C DORRAH!; •• nd !;A Ottlf tRUIT COMPAH'I, .... ct'lOr b, ....... 10 cam4l.. 101. 0. ,011t and Trull COnt .... y.

corp •• t I.rlil. 1111, 18th Inrlntry. P,otlo" Won. D. Llpplaco ... Fort Hlmllton, N. Y., 1"': llcond Dat.d: Jlln. I., ,.40.

..... "'0 '0 ' · 11 .. 0

,. .. ot-.

llId third battalion.. 11th Infantry! ____ ---------Ford Wad.worth. N. Y., 2241 eZnf! HOTICa 01' II&TTL ... aHT co •• t artlUery, antl·alrcrlft, tron Totten. Lon, hl.hd, N. Y., "" COllt IrUllery. rallwl,. Port Han. cock, land" Hook, H. }., 74, 11th Infantry. Plett.bur. al"adta, H. \'i. 2171 11th Infantry, Pon Ja,. ao.­.mot'll "lend. H. Y., IISI and tIM recruit tralnln, center. ordn.nce ct .. plnment, Raritan "aenal, Metuchen, H. } .• IM.

Th. qUote for tbe Iouthem H .. Jerlllt)' DI.trict I. Ippr01llmatel, 225 men.

Thl. ..JIIftIIon of the attn" pre. HIlt, an ncallent opport ... I.,. for JlouiI. men ,.ho d_.. to learn • load trade and It the ...... tim. inlare thetr C9IIIItry'. IUttiolUtl de.

T .. ,t... Ace"'l &.~t. 01 JOHH T. DORb"!;" 1Ue .. ....

Hollc, II h .. ,by .II.' .... n1;.' .... ' ..... ~ coul of ,h ......... 1ItI:t, nina. ~ "'OIIt1_,." Jt.... '" I .. t III T ___ • ,I obit 1'. 1Jofr"~ .. If' iii , .. Ir.d... ... ... __ " on. ~ ' ..... lot .. It~~· ~ II

f: O~oa" COIItt ':r'ii.':~"ii ... ot _ 10 " .~ .... .:., 1Ii ..... e III ..... __ , D .... T. iii u.e C'*'t It __

... .., .... h .... c:..i-.. .. _. .&TH! .... OO .. A"tt OaOr/I,& .0 •• 11 ~ "C" •. D .. ~nD.= ~t 13wlAeJ.:i!A'I, .... .-., ....... we ......... ...... ... -~. 1'_

.. , ... I ... ' W .. D ........ .... Daled I JM... It. • ... : . .. 1 .... ,·1 ..

prOOd(tioa. 1_ .... , It wu 8IIftOIIIIUd It tIM _ "OTlca _ time .., Captala W. t . 817'ant,... T ... Mtke ..... II

A lot 01 ..., ,0611, ,~.!ea-. ..... nt rlCf'llltlq lIMe.. -'htta 10 -'" .. C.... , ~~ lui ...... ,..,... .., the ........... New J...., .. .,allhtt awrict, w1Ioee ~1t1M Iif Cle. I - .... ~ ... ..-._ .... , ......... " .. _ .. '._ .... Of. ~.l' down. flu ........ c.n.r.. If .. Jener. ~-r.

. Captain .".... .............. LNI;:":- "& 'Ct.'" A ... YUCJrUm.o =.":;~~,~....!!.~~ ... r.

C*-I L ......... .:*"'= ............... ~--;:; ~l .,=:::: ............ . ........... .., III Y ,.,...... . .., ........



. ~, '. \ I I




Tht Uftittod Sbtel hal .. Pft etI'It

of all II\OtW ~ naUteftd in C ..... ••• ..... 1 ........ - ~~. \lIe Ke}'atOM Alltomobit~

anltl.r\ n\l~lS .... lCl!.Y K'Ul" Clllb sa)'S in a statttnent of alltollto. Eigh' lnnmJl1l Aptn., t\"" f."ta .n'II l\au1tS d~ \0

Jersey TigeR lans- qllUUOftS !rtq\m\U, .. bot. . Thill oC'OlIntty "as more t"an ~ooo.-

• 'R1~tton ~ .. to '\'l~ 011. \lOG ~ide'S.. wllile ali tlle ttst of IIlfttll rally by the .}-y 't'iltn.. of the world has approximatel, '4,_ ~i'''tI-si'de. last Saturday afl-en\oon. 000.000. at M~orial "'~k, with the tttlult that the InVlld~t'& \'Vel"/! able to lft'ft Siltty-slx )l'er cent of world auto­

mobile production Is etI'Itet'td in tlte United Shit..,. and Can.da, .nd 1\ poer ttnt of AmtriC1ln·made can sold in this colln\ty. More theft &.500-000 Workers art emplo:ttd dl· re.:tly and Indlrt'Ctly In moto~ irani· port, indudinl manufadure, rtfininr. salt'll, aetvlcln,. road b\llldinr. truck. inr and blls operation. Ptnnsyl\1ahla'. total thlla ~mployed Is 386,400, Ne. Jmeys' 196,500. Ind Maf)lllllld'. 62,tIOO.

tlte fi~ld on the loft. end 'Of • 9-6 count.

Ca~hart _, the a'amll. plk"et' for the loal •• nd did a fil\e job for f'ramt'll. The oppoSition scored • brace of m.rker. in 'the fint ~me llrith lora • .....,. Both 1\1 • ~ IlIlt of a damqin. error .nu Nodti tripled Into left.

From then on tht Riverton plt'Chet' .... In complete master ' of tllt 1\tIl­tltiOil alia. 1ft. 1\0 further Illta until a lone on\! came In the seventh. Thl. .... of little v.lue .Ince the ruMer waa \licked oR lint. .

Sl:'Ored Ti~ The homsters knotted the "aunt

In the third at 2·all. alnrlea by Ktm­me~te and Schneldu beln, con· trlbutln, factora. The)' went ahead In the fourth a. I rt'IIult 01 an error and hltt from tht bat. of Schneider and Carhart. 'rhe liNt was another ,c'Ol"/!.producln, frame when the op· *",'Itlon lIta,~ an a.cehaloh and three Ilfetle. wer~ ,ood for all many hlarlrera. '

With the count readln, 6·2 aoll\' Into thl! elrhth thlnrl looked very well Indeed and. when the opposltl~ tabbed a pilr of markers In the ellhth. there Ippeared lIule cau.e for alarm.

The ninth WI! a dlRarent atory, h'Owever, as the firlt fout Ti,er bat· tera hit eafel),. Carhart wal liven the olllee t'O retire and Leonard took over the hurUnl ch'Orea. The enemy took to bUiltin I at thl. Itale and two rolled for hlta all In III. the opposition knocked aeven one baaera In this lellion and thell! producild five talllu lind the ball ,ame.

After hlttln, utely In every frame except the Rrat, the 10c.11 expired ltIeekly In their final Itilld.

80th pitcher. hId excellent con· trol, Carhart ,Ivln, no fr~e tleketl. while H amUn I.sued only one,

Riverton ,at 12 hltl and the enemy 14. the dlRerence beln, thlt th_ Ti,er. bunched 10 of their III the I .. t two .tan ....

Rlvenoll ab r h 0 e

Brewater. tr _. __ . ___ 5 2 2 3 1 Freeltl.n. 2b .... _._ ..... _ of 1 1 3 3 W. Mcberlitott. rf ._ 1 0 0 0 0 kemmerle. rf __ " • .. 1 II 2 0 Wall.ce, u ______ II 0 I 1 4 Glb.on, Ib ____ II 0 211 0 Mitchell, 3b ___ I 0 0 0 1 Wittmeyer, ab _._ a 1 0, 0 II p. McDermott, cf _ 4 0 0 5 0 Schneider, c _, __ .. 0 II II 0 Carhart, p ______ .. 1 I 0 II Leon.rd. p 0 0 0 0 1

Total. _ __ 40 6 12 27 14

Jer .. y TI,er. ab r h 0 • B.Ulow, u S 2 II 3.0

E. Hlmlln, 2b __ a 0 I 4 2 Nocltl, .. ·ef _ a 1 II It II B.con,3b a 1 0 3 It Erml.h,lb 4 I :I • 0 alocnn.trom, cf-c _ .. 1 • 1 l Prilco, c 4 , 1 • • Grom .... tf 4 I I 0 I D.HamUn.p_ • I I 0 I -----Total, 40 • 14 J'I 11 T .. .,. JOO 000 02I-f RlwlriDfl em lao ooo--e

Thre. .... ... t-Nodd. Doll"" .. le,-B_. Brml.... Itrue" out­b, Carhart I • .., HIlhllIn.. a.., 011 balJe--..oI HBIIIftn 1. Lift 011 __

RJ"erton 7. TI,.... 4. U IIIJ1irtt--­Btllht and AUoo.a,.

ICOUT TROO .. AT JrAJR Two more appHcatlona haw .....

rlUlved fot the World'. F* 8QJI Icoat IeNIu Troop. The,. II ... Ii­ton B. DeIu, of Troop ., ., .. ....,t .. .... Jack ......... ", ~ II, ......................... ...... lIoh .............. ... World'i Fair Troop. ......~ ... .................. .. ..... _ Y.t.WcwW' .. .... ...... ", ...... ......

Si"6 Lud Slx.cyUllder aUloh\obllt'll and trucks

lea" all othertl. elthoulh in 19211 four· cyclinder ~lIrll represented 50.' of the country's production. lfour· cycllnder vellld~s declined and aI,,­cylinder ' ca~s be,lln tile ISl:endanc, In 1929. until It the berlnnlllr of 1'»11 tile percentales were: trour-cyclln. der, 0.8: sill eydlnder. 62.8; elaht cylinder. 35.4. and twelve and .Ixleen cylinder, 1.0 ptr cent.

Four·door sedanl al"/! the mo.t popular Iype of paalenaer vehIcle. their number produced betn, now more than 4! per .;ent of the total prodUctl'On 'Of 1111 types. 'two·door tledan8 are Itcond. comprilina 311 per cent of the country's pr'Oductlon. T'Ourlng cars, which In 1927 were 8 per cent of production. dropped to .24 per c~"t lallt year.

The automotive Industry usea 69 per cent of all the plate ,Iall· factured In the country. 63.000.000 slluare , feet In a total \lroductlon of 91.000,000 ICluare feet annuaU,. 1t alIa uses 65 per cent of the. le.ther produced In United State_al.I!I6.-000 sCluare (eel. ------RItD CROSB DONATIONS

STILL COMING IN With the Red Crosl A" 8yln.

from the County Red CrOll head· quart en, contrlbutlonl for the war relief fUlld Ire .tlll comlnl In Ind It II expected the County qUotl of ,12,000 wUl be ral.ed, eyen tllOulh only three.quarters of thlt alitouht I. on h.nd It this dlte.

AI .oon al received the hloney I,


• Wet Wllh pltlled tIJI .". _ driven by II o'clocll .... reIa, IIt...-a deU .. red ota or before • o'clock Monda, momln ••.

17 W .... oed It,.,. • ..."., •. J.


~nte.l to Wa~ as tM bot" mat>::ltes and '110\1'\ . 'Re'Wb of nud is 'ftl', urctn\. Monty con· I tlt<t cont6t-tnb\ated to tlte _r n:lttf fUnd II S\nctes : Gnce Sippel. __ o\"tr btlna .lIsed tfttftlt .fo<' Red ~ F I}·t\tI. GI_teste\". 6-2.. MI. Wood, rtlm In tllt -.r--stridtoen COIIIItries.. GI'Mh."t'!ter, d~fNteJ Dons S~le\ No part of tlle fund ..... n bot IIRd In PelmY5&. 11.3., 1.4. 1I-ti. Bell. -of Gloll. the nonn.1 domesti.: p\'OII'f'am of the ctStu ,,"On from lJett,· Baltn P.l­R~ Cl"OSs. myra: 6~. ; .4. Boett~ ' H"'in": P.l.

Contribllh)rs may bot .1Ift tIIat m }Ta. def~ted t{Iot,,_ Gl()Il\."eSltr. n'One of the: I"/!lief Ill1Pplies nol' any ~ .~. 6·3. Sch~l. Gloll.-ul:'er. won of the funds n.ift'cl in tlt<t \lft\I'tftt o'~ Dorothy R'leC'er. Palm)"lta. 11-4. em~c» campa\lll ~Il be .Iii· ,-~.

E. Turner, 64., "-6, 6.2 Fra\\lt Chambtn. !o'H bad, Wilham Mlln ... 11-0. 3-ti. 6-4. and .hmes Banant,. retilltertd " vicl'<M'Y (),"t'r K.n"I'tt'. Sr ~ wi\h ll00f'tS" II-&. 6~ 6-3. Club m"""bers are to be fimimt_ tl th3t -all t!t\tries mlllll bit placed Mth Jad, Hannum. 932. b)l Tuesday, July 2. rOT th~ mtn-~ doubl~~ IIrl*, doublell and m;"",1 doubl~ th.1 are s~Mduied to start on S~lurd~ l'. Jul, 6th.

tributed "'h~1"/! tlt'e American R~ Oollble~: Siprel and Steedle. Pal-Cross does not have complete Itbert» myn. ,Iddt~ H;e,,:ltman and Lane .• of adlOll .nd propoet' safltCUard'S to Glou~e~t'tr. 6-1. 6 .. \), wh:\t Baker .nd insul"/! the relief tel's to tho!st for lbln6_ P"Imyra, defeated Cuey and ",hom it i. Intelld~. lA"'$On. Gioucester,II~. 6-2.

COAL BmS At a tneetlnl or th~ Rivertootl

Bo.\rd of Eduo:atlon held on 'l"rida, tlirhl of 1,,5\ week tht «)nlract for fUmlshinr 100 rons of .- roal •• 1 .warded to H .. B. Williams on hi. low bid of S?!i.

tn Ihls l:Ounl1 Jobstown. Maple The men's team of \h~ dub win Shade, C'Olumbus, Ri\ltraid~ Pel· endeavor to ~I In tht \\lin column m)ml. Riverton, Beverly .nd Bor- when Ih"y play the strolll Parlt Ttn. dentown have lOne over the top .nd nls Club. of Bri'd~toII. at the Pal· stin money la romlnr In from thoae myra municipal courts this Saturday, \Owhs. Jul)' 29th. sta~tlna at 2 o·dodt.

Undew- M .... J. t;>rank Schuyler. pro. ductlon "h.lrman. wool .nd drt'llll Local Mat&H

Due to the fatt Ihllt th~ m"joril, of the mtmbers felt thaI Incrused elflden~y would result. Ihe declaloll was to use coal of thll ai_ rather than bucltwheat. III In fol'ft\tr' years .

Sim\llidty. 'Of .U tlllnl1l. I, tile hardest to be \:opi~.-Steele.

materi.l, been dl,triblited an over th~ collnt)' anti people III"/! 1I0t only w\ulna. but a.nxioul to work and .lsl.t thole in dilltl"ella from the Wlt. Th~ demaltd for tht'lle materlll, Is 10 Ir/!4lt that Mn. Schuyler h,. creat dllficull)' in Heplnl • supply on hand.

Arnone the mat..:hes «)mplettd In th~ mel\'s lIinllH of the club touma· ment were: CllatlH Wynkoop, .It· leated William M\:Camy. 4-6. 6-4, 6.3. J. Marshall. set back Arthur Faunce. 11·3. 6·4. Sidney White won out over Fred WilriftS, 6.4. '1·5.

============-\ Women'lI dl"ttlSea, Iwe.terl. aockll

and shawll, .re beln, m.d~ and .t thlll time over 3.000 artidetl of cl'Oth. In, have b~en shipped from the counl)'.

Sunday, June 30. ha. been deslr· nllted al a dlY on which all Cllurchea will ur,e lIupport 01 the Red CrolS Wllr Relief Fund. stl"/!sslnr the rrtat need of aSllltllnl:e and ha"'i! a special collection for the fund.

Even children are denyln, them­selves little pleasurel In order to rive to the children In need In th~ war . Eone.


The rlrla team o( tlte Palmyra 'tennis Club chalked Up a \/lctory In their firet match of the lealon by. beatln, the Gloucelter City team by a 4·3 Icore. Gloucester took thtee out of tile five slnileR but the Pal· myra doublea team, came back to take

H.rry Detlner. Jr .• defeated W.

PAY AS YOU GO Play 0011 on a 8porly COline

IRON ROCK P~RK GOLF CLUB 8l1urdo"., lund .. ,. ond Holld.,.

""1 .)­~ ._.l lSI.: ah.t 5 "m.

\IIEt;:1( DAYS --I,,)t' 10c Ilttr S p.lII.

Ihddon~.ld Raid

Penn!'t"uk,h Towt\lhlp

II Hoi ..


$2 30 Every Week-Dar • (EX!;ItPT HOLIDA'tI

Qoo' an SptclHe 1' .. I .. a

$2.55 00 ~~Eo~w!f.!!e. Ret. en tt-liJu'ar ttain. rront

(Penna. Sta ) N~w VQtk up to • A. M. <D.S.T.) Mo"dl,.

....m Po~~ .. 51_ .• N •• Yolt 10 SIO_ till O"'und . ... br tnI8 . ... 10-'­

. -to nall ndi ... ! _

Ito fI\'Ire bt Ilk "!3fttl lilt d,.u.

"-~':'~~.~o~ ;r~~or..!!'-':r-bonIJ 'Ik. Inlhlliold. ~

f'1 N N S VI VA N I A R A II R 0 fil l I,t' C>, " I I"~ .,. iI' • "ll

..... , , , "4 , I. I ~ ,. 'f "


"fH,tJIMfJ'll. II I'Itln. tlNlY A nw IIfJUAWI MtJIt. THAN TH' I.III1'11i"­AI' WMf eMltT'NNlY'.T MIIIl' CAW!-

OLD. OWnerl who tw .. IWltehed from Iowftt prlc:trct car ..... 1IIII8Md at Old. "eo" economy

• .. they My It corns- wfth the beat. And wfth thle IICOI1OII1Y. the bi, OIeta "eo" pve. rvu more liN, mor. elfie, more f-na ..... more quality and mot. perlorrnanc:.. a.ecIJ up on Otdamoblle )'OUr· ..u. you,t I\ftd th.t OtdernoblW. ad ......... II. wortb ,. mote tJwn the f_ ntra doIIan IN", elDllt


Olde prio" ".,/11 .t '(f01 (or ,(f63 (or Sed.n., .~IJ ... n-d .t L.n· "114. Mlol!. Tran.port.tion luI.~d on ,.ail """ .t.t. and lor. I tU!!I' (If IIU'), Optiollai fHlulpmflnt .nd 'CC-PIII ·

I0I'l __ •• ". • . Prloa •• ub/ect to ch.nlr without notio.. A 0 ... 8,.1 104010'8 V. lu •

.....",...... .""-41 ... Wf fl .......... " ... i • • '

"JACK" DAWLEY, Inc., 10 Broad Street, RivenOD TItLK'HON&S-amrt ... 111J-.. .,cMM ..... _


Page 24: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ



(_ ..... '"- .... 1)

~retiol\-Rev. &tft. A-rnint of priftS. ~t It •. 11'1. .ailine raCH 'lrill be

IItttd ilt tM Rittrton Yacht Club. .. ith _\>\tQ1 'ClaaftS _te...,;t. indud· inc Dliiten, Comen and Stan. TMre 'lrill 11110 be I frt<e·for .. n.

'to Post Office

f'oUoWine the proeram at the rlwt. part of the parade will coun­~an:h to the new post office, -.h~r-e formal dtdication be held. 'the complete Pt'OCt'am of thla phase of the day's activitie! III pllblshed elsewhere in this is5ue or 'the Nlew Itra.

Tht buildlna will be thrown op<tn for public inapection after Ihe u<er­dlles.

At Park

'the afternoon op.,ns with the \IInl chlldt~n's athlet.c evehls at Memorial Park. stattinll at I o·dock.

. It. tlennis toUrnament. a new feature thil year, will let under way at 1.00 Ind at 2 o'clock, the drum and buele COrPII will 8ittlle their usu~1 colorful .. hlbltion drill

At 3.30 the hustlinll Rivel'ton A.A. ba.eball team. under the lIuidance of Artliur Terrell. w.1l enll"ge the crack I\ine from Ihe New York Ship Com­pany. of Camden.


The fireworks display will bellin at t o'dock. the piec." beihll att oft' from the yacht club "ier. as UIUal. 'rbe committee In charlie of thi. fin­llIe on the proeram has · spent much tilne In Inveltteatinll the displays of· 'ered by various manufaclurers and believes that the pyrotedlnlcl thl, ,ear wUt ~ up to the uptctatloh of the thousands that jam every inch of the river bank to view tht Ipec­tade.

Athletic EVehta

'tbt followlnl prollram of atb­.• lett.: evtllt. will be carried out .t

Memorial Parllt 'tbree Lened Rlct (btllli OWh

.trap.), Olrl .. 10 years and uhder. Sack Race: bOYl, 10 yurs 8/td

Wider, Fifty Yard Duh: 011'1 •• 1& ynn

. and uhder. Bevehty-five Yard Da.hl Boy •• 15

, .. rs and under. Potato Rice: 011'1 •• to to as yean, Baleb,1I Throw: Glr).. 10 to 15

1ean. Ba.eball Throw: Boy., 10 to 15

1ear •• aalloon Blowine Contutl Bo,.

and Ilrl. unde'C 15. Flnt. "cond and thIrd prln. will

be awarded for eaeh event. The committee In chlr,e I. COln­

poled of Dr. J. Rowland Dey. chllr­trIIln i Mil. Orace 8Ipp<tl. Lloyd Ma­Jor, Walter Arm.trone, RIchard M. Woodward, Albert Farrow. Frank P. Coddlll.ton and O. Rea 8howell.

Fla. Parade Awardt

Prl .... will be Iwarded a. rollow., !'atrlotlc ftOlt., Attractive float •. Orl,lnat Boat •• ComIcal Roat •• Flr.t and second prllla In each

c ..... Mo.t patriotic: co.tum •• Mo.t attractive co.tum •• llaet orli\nal co.WIn •. Mo.t comic coatume. carrl ..... Chlldretl pu.bin. doll c.rrla, ... Plr.t. IIcond and tblrd ptUe in

each c ..... Boy. Veloclpad .. 1 Flnt and .. c­

oed pri ... Olrll Ve!odped .. : Flr.t Iftd IIC·

oed prl ... B018 blcyct ... Olr'" Ble,el ... Plr.t. aecond and third prla ... All Jud.ln. will be don. duMft,

tht parad. and the ptU" awarclad Itom the 'ront of tM 8Jlftlren pl.t. Iorm IlMIdaiately altar·tbe •• ltd_

O~ Iftd IIIDpUclt, ar ...... ...... ,. IIIIItld ..... M.nIa .....



Advance detuhments of ttrt ItStll and 18th rnfantry rtaimel\n amm ;\t "-ort 01" last -" to prepart for tll<e aq;val of trooP'S tllis -'t-'tlld for thi summer trainlne Pcri~


TM much disputed Dorrance tax case IS back in lM limcliaht bKali.~ of a new lecal action.

Servinl a demand on New J~Y officials. Burlincton county mo""" to coll«t 11'111.366 of the $3.34'.333 pen. alty l"eC'eim by Ne'" Jersey 01'1 the lone·!itillated inheritance t,x of John T. Dorran~. late president of the Campb~lI Soup Company, of Clm. d<en.

The d.,mand was ser~-ed on Stllte Comptroller Frank J. Murray, Jr .• State Treasurtr William H . Albrilht and Tax Commi!lSion~r J. H. Thayer Marlin. the ~oUnty anertine it was entitled 10 five per c~nt of the \)<tn· ally as well as the five por cent of the· tax nlief.


Fires reponed to the fire marshal by chier. from the "lIrious towns 0/ th., county durina the past month were as follows: Beverly. 3: Burling. ton City ... : aurlington township. 3: Bordentown. 4; Bridgeboro, 3: Cookstown. I; Cresawick •• 1; Flor· ."~e. 2; H~in<esport. 3; Lenola. I: Medfon.!. 3; Marlton. 2: MI. Holly. 8 ; M~ple Shade. 9; Mooreotowll. 3: Riversid~ Park. I; Vincentown; 3: Wrightstown. I.

Th., loos on build!nes was $1.610 and on co"tenl" '385.


After six yean of idleness at Dredlle Harbor. the Wawaloam headed for the open sea laat week


Council of The Boroulh 01 Hlnrton til th. County of Burlln,ton t

BRCTION II That no ptrlO.. a, .n,. time .han puk any ".hlde on any 01 th. herelnaher dtll.".ted _pO,.'O';1 of .tr.~'. In the Illd Borouah of Riverton:

(.) Tho BOlllhwallarljr tldt .1 Maill Itreet bttwflD •• ~.nth Sutet Ind .llhth

'~t·)' I tho Nerd,woltrlll' ald. .1 PO\Itth Btrttt betwetn Vullan Itrtet In" Elm Avenuet {facett and provided. h0'J'uer, that venlcle. h1IY be path .. on .Ild .Ide of Fourth .trut an Sundl," l

(.) Th. B.uthWo'arlr. ... d •• , "_,r. 81rH' b •• weoe Mal.. Itru. .nd 1I1f1h Itrutl

(d) Th. N.rth" ... trl" tid. 01 Filth It ... 1 b....... Ho .. a... I .. Ht .nd. Cle· namlnlOn I"",,

(.) Th. N.rthe .. llrl, Iidi 0' H_.rd I I ... e' wllhln 110 ' .. t North .. o ... ardl, from PII,h IlrHt 1

1tI1~.'o. T~~,.:t"".!~:r:·~r~~ mIt ':!tt~:;.~~: w.rdly Iro ... Plllh Itru •. IIiCTIOH II That nO parlOn th.1I ,ark

any v,hld.. 'ot more lhlP Ddt hour con­tinuoult" on anr of the It.refnlft.r ""'." "Ited portion, 01 It,.,.. 1ft .h. .tet Bor .. OUlh of Rl".r1on:

(.) Tht lou.hwHlerlll' .Id. .; it."'., 81ru, wUhln no 'ttl NorlhwHtwiltdl, from Notth 8rol" Itrett 1

Itm. ~~:..::rW:~-.:·rlrro::'do.,~! •• M:!: H..,. ... I .. tt'l

(.) The ".Hh ... ttrl, .. d •• , M,le Itr •• 1 within 110 '01 HoH .... Htw.rdl' from Howard It,,,t ,

(d) Th. ~.rlb ... t.r1y lid •• 1 H ..... td ~~:'.:J~hll .. ~~ 'a .. Horthw ....... dl,

IKC'rION I, Thol .n, ,. ... n "bo obal\ .flil.t. thl. O.dl ....... r .~, 01 11111 t_. or pr""ltIo.a thor.., ... r wllo th. I ... ~ • ct or thin. ... Ibl. Otd1a ... ~. .roIalbil IhaU, _poe con.lcUOII thHeoi. 'Ddllt •

t~r. '~\.I~ •• '.~ r.:.~~~ .~. u:'\.:. ou.' J.II or C ••• I, ,.!1 Of _h ._ "I .. ••• IIa. 8\1 .. 0 •• , .. at .U too .at_=: •• d t.\OIiIt4 b, Ik. IIMI.II.I. too,,,. auch ....... n obaU too &led lad ..... 1.1 11 ",.ri"", .......... lho ..... h _.talr ....... U h ••• ,.,..... 1ft hll .. I.cretln, IOlns_ both fi". ... """,1__ eot •• _. tilt '0,..,,,. IIIU_III _It bor'" IUd.

.eCTIO·N 41 Th ..... 11 0 .......... If. II. lnal ,._... o4ofljN, ._, ~~

~"lIcotiotl U ....... ~ _.

"' ott tho •••• ttl .... ,. .... lIN C ........ tIott .. ttl lIolti, v.h1 .... I II.t •• , H .. J .. ..,.

HOTICI HOTICI I. h"J.'" .1 ....... 1 •• 0 ... 1-

='~_I~ I:,'::t.ttd· ~ "..!.,.~ r.odIa. "" the ......... h c;;;;.u or ;;;.; JIo,o.jh ttl Ill ....... '" the C .... lI' or .... 1Ia ... _. 't.t. 0/ H .. J_,. at .Il _,Ia. tho, .. 1 h ... a. tho libiDo .. , ttl II.J\ I"', .... that tho 11 .. 1 _"0 .... ~"'" .. .ht .... Ordl ..... WID be ........ il·~ tit. ..... 0' ..... Cat/.dt .1 • _ • ..... ioI 10 110 h.W Ia Ih. C"nell __ ., tit. ooId loroaalr. .. lit. ....... "- 0/ tho '1 .. n-. oI~"" •• tho H~~e:tL.. ... ttl ,17:I."'I,i.1 ::'tw:l.,C. .. uii:.a~ V!:" /:.:." :':t ~ .. !I:''ti ttI~ttI I .... 1 , ..... eI, .. tilt ........ (h

T~) •• ~ wtt.Ir~~..r. ... '!l r.:~~ "c! ....... .. "n...., ~. .. C __ ttl ".. =" 01 JU._ C..., ttl ....

DA.I8J. 1I.~=t~ u.tM, J- .......

to bqin a~ to. 1ft in "armt e­Istence, T'he _I, a familiar siehl I to motorisu Oft tM RiW'l' road wu I completdy ~ltioMd btfore iUI' doepartui'<t. ------



-Ri\"CrtOIl mfttJ the ~iecthm Catholic Club of phiJade)pIIia nut ~tllrda.y and tabs on Delanco Sun. day a.fternoon. Botll aamn will be played at Memorial PI4. atartint at 3 p.m.

Sevtf'8' h.l\'d~ medlanrel ate ne-eded' few work in ttte national ... fbl5~ procyam, tM United Btlltta Civil Ikrvice Commi .. ion announe-ed this _It. The Frankford "'~ TM GCt"man Kirche aoftboll tam in Philadelphia nftds ml,hlniats, took the raltume \lter-chlnts Into

The fast New York Ship outfit wiD be the attraction 01\ Fourtb of Jub afternoon.

toolmalren.. and inatnlmet mlltera. camp laat Thunday nieht by the A 101 of politicilns have procnml Workers in a nllmber of trade. are aeon of &-4. for resc:uinll aaricu!tur-e but ~ beat nftd~ alao at ~h" Philadelphia Navy - one we know of for helplnt ~ aorer. V.rd. boatb\l~lden, . boilemtalten, Riverton had little trouble in die· 1 al"e farmer il proper CIIlti'l1ltion 01 cal!tt" a,nd ch,ppcn (Ii~n). topper-I pesine of O"ley LeCion last W~- f the soil and a timely ahoW'tl' now and ~m.ths,. ?fnmen. ereclinl machin- nesdllY nieht at M<tmorial Park. th<e th.,.., ISn. aYlatlon metalsmith" Ihlpfittets, and shipwriehts. The Navy Yard ~ollld al80 U.e eCitleerinl assistanu with e"perience or education on ae .... nautical work. for ~mploym"'nt in the Naval Aircraft Factory. Aircraft _Id«ll alld aircraft rallio el«tricians are nuded at the Middletown Air Depot in Middletown. pennSYlVania.,

Applicants for most of the trade! positions mentioned must have fin­ished the recoenized trainin, period . in the occupation for wl)ich they are ' allplyinll. in most casn. 8 four-yur ' appr~nticeshlp. Copi<es of the an· nouncements and application forms may ~ secured from· the secretary. Board of U. S. Civil Service E"am­iners. at the post office In this city. or at any firat or ae~ond class posl olti~e.



10SaveTIma and Food

and Monay

TJI' aacrnottll P' reld,eralor 0,.,. .tM .1 low eott. It .... bel .. O\OID,

, ..... to .ear oat or to mue a bol... II .. lilent whea It .. DeW aocI .bea It hu worked 'or 'e..... It helpe ,OU 10 reduce 'ood bJII. tJee._ ,011 eell tale adw ... IIII' 01 nIet aad 110 ... ppUea. Food ..,. , ..... ,." da,. Ie .... EleetroJa.

TN • ••• c ••••

Air Conditioned

'fhe Snover Funeral Home is air conditioned to bring added comfort to those )'iho avail themselves of the use 01 the home. It Is just anolher r<eline­m.,nl that makes the Snover Service an outstanding one In the profession.

The Snover Funeral Home


3)3 E. Broad St., Palmyra, N. J, Frank A. Snover Jobl\ N. Swart.

Phone. Riverton ISO

Leltowen eaa ... lIond ud IIIICI .... r. T .... eau be .. wed b)' preparlll, .... dHhea ,he.d of time and keep .... !he .. lelhe 1I0rap oompmment or the retri ,"tor. Eleelrolu prieet belln al .ur. _b. Small clrryln, charII' added II ,00 bu)' OD term.. Wby DOt wie" our ahow. room and 10011 O\Oer the dlll'ennt __ J.r

...... ".u. M.L. m


. T"E NEW ERA. THURSDAY. JUNE 21', 1940 PAGE NINIl ----ABOUT TOWN atntctiDc l'INfia anb. at "oren) ill- of !ast ~ for-' a ..... in lit the ~ at t~ ~« ot Mr, ami aftn\lt. and Wilham Powtll. of

tH1Iectiona in Ri'lHt'oft. rur of t~ Kine poIoptI'Q all .... Atn. HUT)' Tnndute\b, of U2 Wut Bt'11a.i Sl~, ~~ I't~ The ~t Rocfcen uniliral on the - &'~nu"_ T1Ien .. s - dam.., I fi...1 h,,",~ atter ~~d·nc ten dill" at th<tir

okl athletic litid, Pa~ .. with ita S .... rtn. of hild\-h,iktn inf~ted ~ lirun_ also MId a driB on .... a-.roe a~u~,nc \t "t~ con,"&" at 1., .. 100,

man,y attractions, i. &ttractinc Iarae Ri....,.. road on Momlay alUrnoon of TIl"'a!" niaht of this wtd; at Man- I . -<'-crowds this week. ~ atlm con- this week. orial Par\. Th., P,o\m)ml Aroans ........, .,nttr· AII...,;t Wells. 01 OajoN Road. ... tinues \1J\til late Saturday nilht. Pa,y - I - t.i~ last TIlHd~, ~nnlne at the.r e"'eU" .urpn"" p;lrt~ II)' hlS tnenda k a visit if yoU haven't. alread, doae ~ Palm)ml do& catcher Is still The provision of lunches f1M' the monthly mmma tn th~ P. O. S. of A. . ,n hon.,.. or hi- list btrthda, last 10. at work and a numbH of canina visit,ne drum and buete corps mem- hall b, th~ f~mo\ls bas~~1\ WT~tU. Saturd~r niaht.

_ haore beeil rucued from the pouml l bns on Fourth of Jul, is UftCkr ~e HCt'bert Cushme, and ~he ~ -0-

The condition of Chief William I b)' tMir ownera upon the pa,ment : ~"pabl~ direction of " tommittce L<eacu~ ~s~ball m.,~'1e Tou.:h,ne Mr. and Mrs.. "'I~rt Kahler, at Gootee, of Riverton, who was tUcn of th<e ~OO assesam<mt. h"Nded by ~ Bomet. the B~st'S. West ~d st~t. are ~nlltrtainillC ill .... veral wulra aco is improYinI _ I _ -0- (ri<ends from C~t<es,·.I\<e, PL. this in a satisfactor, manner, accqrclinll The Ri~n Fire Compan, 8Il- I Th<t Tript., Towns Democratic Mrs.. Jos<eph Ur~n. 01 J~II'<e~on .-<edt. to recent reports.. swered a c:al1..,n Saturday afternoon Club will hold a meetine this Frida, street. ParT,. was th .. 7th winner ,n -0-

__ I • th~ ParTY Volunteer Fil"lt Company E.-llI"r Ed,. of Columbia a_u~. Finishil'll touches are heine mad~ Auxmar)' merch"ndis<e club. ",ill ent"'rtain the memb«s 01 the

on the neW post office buildinc pre_I llIIIIIIIHlillIIlIIlIIlIllll .. llll11m .. IIIIIIIIIIIIII ..... lllnnlllllllllllllmn.IIIHmlll!! - craduatina dan of th<e Sacred Hcart

=~or!f ':<eit!e~~tu: ~~: :: ~ AIR T' OUR WEEK ~ M!r. ;'~~h Mi:;m~:r':f K~~"'l:~~ ! .. party at his home thl.

read, arrived. i ! ======================::=0==== ..... _ __ _ E Worll:m<en are eneaced in ron- ; I

-=============- -AN ORDINANCE OF TIIB TOWNSHIP I June 27 to July 2 Inclus.·ve !-OF CINNAMINSON IN THE COUNTY i

OF BURLINGTON PROVIDING FOR -TilE ISSUB OF LlCBNSBI POR THB' E tt;tT~:GA~~~H3~:.CB::VJ'r'i~~it E ; k~9~:'ft Ot~~B :i:JNp~YAttt: . i AT MOORESTOWN AIRPORT :: TttBRBFOR;,.. BSTABLISHING 1UtG- :: = ULATIONS . 'OR TIlB CONDUCT 01' . - = THE BUSINUS OF SBLLING ALCO· -E = . HOLIC BB_RAGES' AND PRS- SPONSORED BY =1 ·~ti\tf:g::\tl.r!o:n~'l.' lU~li LESTER S· FORTNUM i Bli: IT OROf.INED 1>1I' tho Townahlp = . =

C_ ... i" .. 01 Th. Townahl" 01 CIJuI."'ill .... . = • !i lit the Count,. o( BurUnlitOn, in thl 8tate I = II or N ... ! .... y: ,E FORD DEALER iii

8SCT10N , : That not more thin thl'ft = Ec Plenary a'taU Conlumptioll Lltenl" for = Br'dlleboro and Palmyra N J = the eate or alcoholic be\'era.u ,haU or may = It · • = I be In .. ed .n4 ou .. tlndlo. at ... , on. tint. i! • E III the .. id Town,hlp. i. E

SECTION 2: That no Club LI«n" lor I = TIC K E T S = ti\. ..l. 01 al(oholic bevera.-cl ahan be = = ...... 4 In ,h ... 14 TOwnlhlp. I = will ~ eiven with a purchase o'f $1.00 or more for Gas and Oil. E

SECTION J: Th., ,ho .nnu.1 , .. lor oach! Service. Repairs. New or Used Cars. or any me'Cchandlae at iii ..,d .. tr, Plonary R.,all Coel ..... ,I.n 1.1. I = either of Our Allenciea durin II Air Tour W.,<ek. Thi, ticket and iii c.n •• that Ihall hord" .. b. IlIu.4 .In ,h. I = 11.00 will entitle 'holder to TWO 12·Mile Air Tours. -Mid Town,hip be and the .am. it hlnb, = = liaed It the lum of Three Hundred and = = Pltty 001\.1" (tUO.OO). e St . t..l I 7j. I. I

IBCTION 4: That no .koh.lI. bOVH... ! op an oaay ror your aCRet I th.n be IOld In the "1.1 TO .... lhlp bo ....... 1 = . !':.. h:t:n;I.:=k.l~~I~C:a<~~~ ::4'~':~1~::'! LESTER S. FORTNUM i : IIowever. that. on the STlt day of Jlouary. = & ' U the urn. ba • wnelr...d.,., no alcabolic btv- , & ;; I ::'.~~ 't~~1 h':ur":l~f ~h~~ ~fo~lt",,:tl:'.~ · 1 ;: o'clock I.m. of uld day, 1= = - -.ECTION •• That 110 .1.obol1. bo...... i IALD BERVlCa = l1li.11 bo sold ... ,h ... Id Townlhlp botw..... = the bour. of one o 'doclr. a .m. OD Sunday IDeI · ... ~ • = "yon o'c1oclt Lm. 0' Mond.y Iloa. fOIIow_, W B I .... 1 .,. .. pl ."d provided. b.w •• or. that Oil 125 est road Street the fir.t clay 01 JaftUlry. if tht ume be • I S_nd., ... 0 .lcohoUc bo ...... Ih.n bo 1014 Palmyra, N. J. la. the .. 1d. Townlhlp IMtwHn the hour. 01 thr._ o'c1colt L.... 0' IOId dor, .... _.. 1I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111111 o'clocll Lm. of Monda, ne.t olio_Inc·

IBCTION 6: That n. porIOn .h.1I Mil .n~ alcoholic beyer •• e or bey., •• " Whue/ ~:cCII~r'."

ISKCTION 71 That the hourI hor.lft'- ~1111111111111it1ll!l lor. mentioned .halt b. E •• tern Itlndar4 Tim. .actp. froln two o'clock. LtD. on the lui ' .. nd.y ., April ".111 .wo o'dock '.m. ... Ih. loll 8u.d.y 0' a.p,amb_r ill •• ch ~r. when _1d hoUri ,h.n b, £ .. ttm na,­Uah. B •• ln. Tint •.

.ECTION . : Th.. no porton Ih.1I lell. or der for .. If; or have bt hla or her COIM •• lan (or 181, a",. alcohlllh: bewera,.' or

a::cr:~:~ ~:~':,~u~~Ir.,;-. o.S:t~!~~.': t O! C.n .. duly Illued. O'Uttlndlnl and val;:(.

aBCTION • :Th .... ch .nd .... , lIunlt lor Ih. late 01 al(ohoUe beVIl'll", thlt ahalll be '.Iued b, virtue of the authority 01 thi, O"'''''ac. .holl bo Inu.d ... bj... to Ih. 1 AlcohaUc Slverl3t' La. of Ih' ata'. of New ,

l:~flah·:l b;o tho ~0!:::::U::: :·.tr:::::::: Bt •• r ••• Con.rol 0' 1014 Ill.. ..,. 10 the I .arm ••• d pro"lalonl of lb. Ordinance and I oth.r Rul.. an. aa.ulaUoal III may I b ..... ". bo .dop'oc\ b, tho T_hl, C ..... mUtte 01 tht Townlhlp.

SECTION 101 Th ••• n, II .... " _'''1 ".d.r 1"'/, __ of thio Ordla •••• _, bo .ut, ••• d or .... k.. by .h. .v.oraltr. bod, 01 ,h. IOld T_ .. thIp ._ .... oof '0 .b. IOttllo.,lon of 001 •• 0 .... 1 .. bocl~". ~ bo.r ...... 1 OD)' .lolorJo" by ,h. ho 0' lueh licltl" 0' da. AlcohoUc 8 •• .,1.. • 0' th. I •••• of New J....." .. the _alii .... Rta.uI.t1 .... ot.1oIIIh1d bJ tho COIIIIIIInkl ... r 01 AleohoU. ........ CCNnrol .1 MY lla.a or the term ..... pro.1alou a' thl. Or41 ••• " I • .., .aIII ... .......rJoeo thai 10', " ........ bo .dop'od 10,. tho .... -hlf ..... ' 01 tho told Towitahl •.

IECTION II. Thai "I' _ ........ 11 0101 .... n, of the _ ... __ • 01 thio Onl ...... c. or .0 .. , .et .. tItIq til ......

r.rohlbil.d ah.ll. ._ _.Ie...... thoraol. oritl. an .. p.lI' .. eb .... 80t ...... Ia. Ibo _ 01 Two II....... Do"t!:r _ IIci --

r!lr,:d .. ~h :::.. ~~~r;; ':It~:j "

.1 ..... bo ................. l1li,- .." mqlttr... bol_ wIooaI ... It _ bo ,rtocI .a' _riCloc\l .... ........... th~t ... eb _.Iotrat •• '1 b •• _or. tot Ioia dllicrttlo .... __ a ........ ..-. _~I no' ea_la. tho r_tWo _it .... u.t •• h ..........

IECTION 12 . Th ••• 11 Ordi .. _ ... __ ",,10.1 ... ,..u 01 Or ..... _ ... _ho.lowl ............... willi 0.", or Ibo 1_ .ad ,ro._ •• f thIa 0........ be ..,d the ..... ar. h.telb, ._Ied to Ibo ea· , •• , 01 lech _lit_.,.

ISECTI 0 Nil : That thIe OrtIU ... thaII talle ••• c. "po.' U, ".11 ........... .... ..d , .. bllca'loG oa III .... _ ...... loW" b, \.I •.

NOTICa I HOT'CIE II h.teI .... II'" .ho ... ani\. "nce. 01 .bleh ..... (or ........ ~. --... 11, , .... OD' ........ .." .... T"""'*'P COIftIIIII'H 01 Th. T ....... ., 0/ CI ...... _ 10 ,h. Co..t, 01 "rllaatoa. '1... ttl .-JOt"" at • 1tI"'Ia~ di .... ' .... OIl 1It'1 •• auy-irll uJ 01 .... ..... I

BlI' 0.'" 01 tIM __ ship c-II_ 01 TIoe To_shl, 01 C ...... _ ...... C_,. • of B ...... '.... HA80LD .. W .....

T ....... c.­D., .. , ,_ H. I ....

LMII .... olrt!ll OIOC PRICll-lf01'fll 1II0111CR

PICNIC SHOULDERS If) 13c On 8 .. 1" hi .11 oar _'7 1ItO_ .114 maa& --.. .....

8 ... nlt .... 8Id"nOO. '-'t Imall alec I Butt Ilid. Ib 23c

I'Im"" .. 1 1I"I"ned

Lar._ ~",e:. Ib 13c a.1t l .. eI. r.':.":. It! til •• u ••• r.':.":. .. JI

.::, ....... ,... Ib 19~ I ~~;~" .. II ... r.::;~ ....... I... "'ge r.:~ ...... r .....

III It. ·1

PIIIeIo.. •• .. ... IrIwa. .1_- ."C ....., ..... " .~


Get Set, for the 4t,h 1. \:,,1,,11..... lbl. bolldaT ..nib QM1I~ 'l'eatetI ""'* "­,,,ur ,~"'..,nlenl Miahborbood Aatettc.n ~ 011. court" ........... I_ple ......... u.ea. toft." ""r ttl _ .. J'O.' "unib t?' ".1, oeIeb"'tloa the beet - •

Op ... U .. tll 7 ,_ M. W ..... ..tIQ, J.1y • ..-Clo .... J.I, .. ..

lISCO Peanut Buttar

6-ul 7 · 8 .... 9 "mllirr c. t\lmbl.... C

II:IiJ"1 lit.. deU"lau. r,."..lIer. lUll,·, oner· naw .. , al ou, t_t-no ..... , .... Co"_ IrEDI

/lSaJ 2 lb. 31c: Ib lee " RI~n/l 0' tbe \\'orld·. n_t CofrMII 3 "3ger al4c UeeP. ruc,b

Florida Orang. Juice L h T l·udall,'. 01' unc ongue Armn ... i

Ic. Mix Junk., D.vil.d Ham Underwood'.

2 :~': 29c 2 "d:" 25c 3~; 25c

2 ·:tn-:- 25c • Gr~p. Juic. ~ piIIl bot IOc : <I::"~ 19c

Appl. Butt.r Olenwood Ir;:- IOe Appl. S.UC. GI.nwood 4 :u: 25e

Ja, S.'ad Dr ••• I'I pint ISc Hom-cl.-Llt. ayolln.a.. r~~1 17 C

4SaJ S.ndwlch Spr •• d uy:lt. IOc Dol. Pl .... pr,'. :,,,:;!.:! J I::' f7c' ........ _"... J ".!"n: 17c D.II.lou. f ... lt Coc""" 1 ""::'! Uc F ... ey Tu •• Fl... lJ.hl 1 110_-"'.27" Ch

lI .. t •••• --,h·en "Ht Cl't'ltnl, 2 I..... 13

flf!U.h rtltd .... nfll.. uk.. e r ••• III•Wk ",. ".\1. 12 a 0",_ 1't!lItK' '.·n. II ,",,·.I .. ku C a or .... ".... I.lle C PJck... ~'u. '· ... " .. 1.·" J quarl 2Sc

tit OU1 Jnr.

list» .h ••• trln, A.eI ..... I " lie Coo ..... Spl •• ch · 2 w_..:.': I'e C~ .. P... ...!':."~Iofi 2 ~t 290 W ...... •• Cn.It...... I,.., ,. ,-Ill

I(r.ft·. C...... A"i7:.!,.. 2 .:., U. N •• tI.· •• ru' .... Ch.... J ,t:. I •• Or ... ,!. 'u~~":"'" J' ,., Jar

New Low Bread Price r MIlIa.r BRE aD 2 "'.MeISC .eft Twll. ,. I .....

Pr ••• rv •• 1ISQJ Pur. J'! 15c I'Nc-h. 81'"''' ...... '. CJIMoft" sua • ....., ............ R...-

_. .......ApI'Ioot ............. .

SPRY S~ort.nlnl o~n l1c: 3 .~" 4Ic • Old Dutch CI ...... r 2.u 13c Wax.d P.p.r 'U:=-'. .:~I. ISc

Fresh Fruit., clfld \I'·gd.lhlp,>

O 8w .. t ranae. v~:i .. do·23C

Tomatoe.:= 2 a. ISc Ch.rrl.. III_h_ • ISe

• -=- · Ie N~w PotatO •• == to •. 2t ..

..,...,...., u ..... 0 ... _ ....... t ..... _ .............. v

Page 25: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ



weste' •• I.'s WA~NJRlt-..$ARGb't , INDIA DESCRlBltD I aft. IftIIl at:!:! .. e. ~

I Ch-__ L I '1- ~t ~~ ~ Jb~ TO ROTARIANS 001 UWiM.-.-.....r. .~ .. ~ .un;u. Nodces - thot ~~ of a ~ ---I t\llatiolia '* tM ~ !ill • _~ D:L.L I'L_ dine 0.\ Sa~, ,J\la, a.. at... I ..... ~ of ~ -' ..... :: Patlkla bM. Swlda) .... b,

.. _________ ... .... ~ P-~ -- Mila Danlt~ W~ -\nit&, ... -- II\~ . ' .. ~ H~ Rtf,.

aroo-HaNY L ....... UAN Sa...-t.. d.tllllh_ !Of lilt. -- 111ft. ~ ltIIt ~ b) ...... 0.. ~ aN> a ft ... ~m PaR'OM ~t. ~ -......" belOIt tile )oocal Rotu7 Chb..

CHURCH Fw tlIe .... CIf tM CG. -~ thot ~ of lilt. DtVft Kl'IO~ ;;: ~ • .m~ lila hnM lin. $~ ~ .. ~ Broad ucl MotaU A~~' '''I'nkth <:N .... to aNI lIMn rite W ... 'nft, !Of ~ ~ lIIDd 1II.l" Mt. ~" haa'~ ... AI\M £. ~ 'IIi ~

PakQn. N. J. I *pin, UIt etft'Oal 1ftr& of God ~ 'I'M ~ ... ~ b:r 1kWo~ of hia I\l~' ~ Sa 'hle Rn. KaroW Lft Ro-. hator ~" $0 ...-ott ,lit poet LOlIIt- thot Rn. ~ B.., ~ hla,-.. of ~ tkft. tle" VISITATiON DAY

'I'M S~ .fter Tri.nit:r. I reUo.. of t" d\~ and ~ Itid~ no. r-tot of tllt N~'" 'nit GIrla ~ H~ Ho.III1t Tbe lII.till--..45 un. StmIon. 'rnath h .. e'ftdtn* ita i~~ pIQtd tile 1IttddIq ~b. ~h ia c.mdtft. a' .. &and H.ta ...w ... _ 'Ii ••

"'Chaqtd Good .. " tibitit:r dlarina tllt Ill"' 1ft qIltt of The bnde.. ~ _. *,- In mar-. Dl-mtina hia tilt i~to t_ atot"-> tion 0., t" Sa\\l"', ,J\lM atb. Chlanh School. 10.00 a.m. mert:rr& U_ end "t~ Ita.... ~ by 1m- f.tMr. a.ted a IO~ lilt. W,." lint do-.ed ... amn!Of Chlhbtt\ , to I. wUl be taN tM The SeN\te. 11.00 un. Sumon.. tUnate trillmPb it innitablt.. n.Ia of .hite m.~u1ftltt, made ..... tohKOO a-ttn ~ ~ !Of lint __ 'fteb ll\ ~. An lifts bd

·"'aIanttd God .. ~ &\lbll~ . fact _ ~ ... Med to ~ litht Rtted bod\~ witb ~ t:rpic "*nat intfl'at aM up&ainina nlotMr& .r. uttd to 'fiIIlt till. 1m. The .nnu.1 Sunda)' School pknic -e,,-er bd~ u.. e.~ In tbIM .lu_ and It ~U ~n. $he --. thelt aodal, nliJlcMaa and hlatOrital lIlml'Aet <:amp.

lot wr memben .nd frittld" .nil be t"i~ d.... ahort \\llle ftll .mI earned a cokIUal ba(~nda _ embelli~ hi. taUt _______ _ Wd Saturdla1. June n. .t Clemen. "1II:r Father .. Id Inu&, -"til ~Mt of 1Il1e. or tllt ... I*:r, let- witb • _Itb of penoftal \"'Ilfft- tfo l.I<mIft

ton Parllt. All art In~totd. 'hltherto .nd I' -'- Un.... bIl, d~':!. a~~:~ ~~~r of Cam. &iona which offend unuaual mtttftt Oilbert .. ace. ()f SoIath ~ 1t\'U .ctift, tM IIIl1h" God CGfttroi. .. • ' .. to hla Ustltrlitn. . ..._

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH ... d li f and Mlion... bridat. M ..... w .. ma~ of honor, T~ ftUM\d ~ ... of hi ... lilt carried paid. linlt of 11.00 ud -\'I, -,.,... u.e a 111 0 men _rin. a ~ marqullwlle trotllt, • ....... Recordet W. H. Balliet, of IU .......

"Chrl,ti.n Sdenl:e" ill thlt IHIIC)I'\- Selfish and unhol,y pow« m., .nth • .m.1I Io_rt'd hat matthlna lfttimattlll\pnulC)I'\I of t"-e. di\'UIII:llt ton, Tuaday e_1na for dnYh1t: Mtmon lubje.:t for Sunday, june ao.. _ to ~per but C)l'\l:r for • tim.. her dN!A .lId tI~ In batllt with .. aodal, e.:onomlc a.nd polittt.! pt1Ob- -'thoul rqiltration and __ thout an aU Chriati.n Sden~e Chun:hel and Truth -::111 nat in trlumpb in the. wide velftt ribbon. Stle cllrrled lem. of the lC.lte~ and .rtilflon

' of oper&tor" llcenle in a Mar:rland ear.

Bodetl" throulhout the world. eIlrth. ,;t'he eternlll Yftn III God Tali .... "n t'OU:II and blue ddphlnium. t~ peap.I.. The 'ncte~bble altill of I Mace ... pltbd lap 'l'ue.ll., The Golden Tellt la: "The an hl!h; • The bndeamalda, Mill' K\ttl,yft the Bri.tillh hi ~plq M!IlBon.bI:r I motnl", "bout 1.4$ t)'tllIdI: b, Olflcu

prophny came not In old time "1 ~n th ... ssurance 01 f .. lth an the Betr. of Bahimore. Md .. and Mt.. hlrmon,oua relallonl betWtdl ,,\I the RobinlOn .nd held unlit Tuead.» the will of man: but holy men of ultimate triumph of TNth And the NllnlCY Rke. of Beverly, Mil"., IIteft elemtnta of lIuch a IIodel1 Wall elt- eveninl, when hl.ld .. " ••• Clod .pa~ Itll Ihe7 weN! mowd by O\'utllrow of U1Ir\ahteouanen, our IOwn~ "Ukt In plnlt mafqulutte toll~ In hlill termll by Mr. Wyatt. lIahtd .nd rtlllatt.tion and drlvu'll the Hoi), Ohollt:' (11 Peter 1 :21). Bible Clasa will meet Il,tltt Sunil., with amlill flowert'd hilts mltthlnl T-.o principal .nd utterly Ilntaeon- IIlCense prodllced.

Amonl thoe loeslon·l\oermon citations morn!",. their dnasell and Clltrl~ TaU,mln isl\( roellalons with <:er6llonlttl .nd ____ ...... __ I. the followlna from the Bible: dl Join with UI 111 the study of the roSH alld delphinium. tllstoma aurtoundln~ thtm whlth am come" Iilht Into the world. that Ete~nal Tt~th •• nvuled In the Mr. Stuart T. Warnoer. of Brldae. aroule (()~stllnt conRlet; I~numerable .tloaoever belioeveth ,?n me should S<f,pturu, The •• woni of the Lord port, Colin.. brother of the ,room. ~ltatft which Ultewlae ~f1na frlttltl~ Dot abide In darknt... (John 1'2:46). endureth fOreftf. served Illl belt man, Ind ulhel1l weN! ,nto the aimplest of da,ly actMtln.

The lenon-sermon alIa Include. Morton F. Judd, of Stratford. Conn .• 1I!,d le"en hundred and twenty •• lx the followina passaiC! from . the CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH Stiles C' Ooo(llell. of Brldleport. dlff~renl lanaultaes and dlaleda Chd.tlall Sdenc.e tCXlbook. "Science Rev. Georae Lockett. B.D.. P .. tor Conn.. Weacott tllllllhtcn. of whll:h mllke .evell a common under-and Health wilh Key to the Scrip- SIS d J . 30th Brldleport Conn and W.lIace C stllndlnl Impollible .re jUlt 1I0me of turK" by Mary Bake~ Eddy: "Chrla'l B~~ec::h~r la:.OO :."':'-Mr~. Pen. Rltdell. of 'O"rde~' City. L. I., N. Y: the hBndl~lIpl which admlnlstr.tllln t1all ScienCe! Is dlwnml u~n II ma· cake, for 311 yura a mlaalonary of Mrl. Sarlent selected a IOwn IIf ' o[ thll vaat empire, cont"lnllll one· terlal IIle. The areAt ~plr'tual. rll~Ia Illdia. who ia nt!w livlnl here In Pal-\' duaty rose chllttln with a lelhorn fifth of the popUlation of the ~orld, of belna. like riY' of haM. Ih 'lIe! In myra will addre.. an open leolon picture hat trlmm~ 111 roae and blue hili! had to contelld. the darknell. thouah the darkn,... of th~ Bible School on thll Sunday chilton. Her ~t!rllBle wal of IlIrde- The Irutelt traledy that .;ould comprehend!.nl them not, may den" mornlnl. UnquuUonably .he will be nlal. come to thll haplus land. beUe\>el their rullty (p. 546). a mOil Inlerutlnl -.peaker .nd It II The brldelroom'I mother appeaN!d Mr. Wyatt, would be ludden arant·

hoped tht all membera will .vall In II slllt print with ,rHn bllCIt'111I1 of complele .utonomy_ con· CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH themselvel of the opportunity of lroulld .nd orchid 80wtn alld wore vldlon by latle numbers Of

Firat Chllrch of Chrll" Belentllt hearilla Mn. Penclke. Brlnl your an orchid .tt.w hilt. Her corole . educated and thouahtful nativea. Thom .. Ave •• lId Beventb at. viII tori and friend.. wa. of IIrchld.. '1

Riverton, N. J. Mornlnl wor.hlp. 11.15 •• m.-"Th. A reception wal held at the home In the load old dayl, molher kept SundlY School. II.S0 • . m. ReUaion of the CIOIk or Sword" wUl of the bride'. parent. Immedlltel~ her coltlee Irlnder In the kitchen.

Remember the aood old day, ",hell every fellow yoU met h.d • flVbl\tt redpe lor makina home bN!w con. venlently folded In hll Yelt poclteU

LEONA HUNT hair styli" 1 ••• nOAD IT.


Sunday Service&, 11 a.m. be the timely aublect of the .ermon followlnl the ceremony ahe!:.: which Now father Iteep. his In the I.rale. .

Wadn .. dIY. 8.00 p.m. by the Pa.tor. The choir, with their Mr. and Mn. Warner leh tor their ~=====;;===:========:::::::::::=:t Rudin. Room In Churoh Bundlnl ulual anthem., lend. In.plratlon to weddlnl joumey. ~ Tbom .. Ave .• nd Seventh Bt.. Rivet- the lervlce. They will be It home lifter July lOll, open Tu .. day IIld Fnday, 2.10 Community Servlee .t 7.00 p.m. In 15 It 402 Lippincott avenue. River-\0 4.10.. the MunlclPiI Grove. Thll will b, ton.


BurUn,ton PIli. Sunday Momlnl

10 o'c1ock-Meellnl (or worablp.

under the direc.tlon of Re\>. WilU.m I A. Boyd of the Epworth MetheMIlat GRIBCOM-NORTHROP Church. Come out, ellpectln, to Alarie .... mbl... , In hear • flne mea"le IIld receive the the Epworth Methodlat Church, Bit. ' help that thtle ' meetlna •• fford and urd.y, Jun. aa.. for ·th. w,ddhtl of which everyone need.. The pubUc MI" P.Uence A. Northrop, dalllbter i. Invited. M d M B I WU N·" BACRBD HEART CHURCH o( t. III re. ar COli orUl-

N j - rop, of 221 Thom.. avanuI, IIld Riverton, • • The enthullalm for the Sunday Lloyd E. Orllcom, .Oft of Mt. IIlcl ,

School picnic II belnl ueelerlted a. Mrl. E. A., of 311 the time IpprollehK. Nellt Siturd.y .venu., P.lmyr ••

Rey. john F. Wellh, p .. tor a.v. Vincent A. Luther, AII't Pa.tor

Bunday m ...... a.m. D.lly Ma,lea-7.00 • 7.~5 a.m. Conle .. lonl every S.turd.y from

1.45 to 5.45 and from 7.30 to 11.00. -0--

Meednl' are belnl held every Monda" nlaht It 8.30 for the lenlr.1 parl.h committe.. on the annual parllh b .. ur; The b .... r h •• blln acheduled for the firat Friday and "turday In AUlult. Ticket com­mittee. will be .nnounced thl. SlID' day .nd wUl pleiN report .t the pulah hall on thll comlnl Monday IIlIht .t '.30, when book. will ba dlltrlbutld. -AU other lpee'" .ctlvltJe. have .... n dllconllnuld for thl lummer month ••

It 11.30 I.m. bUlel will leave the Th. clrlmony toolt IlJac. at 2.aO church to Ilk. all tholt who dellre o'clooll, tb. R.v. W. A. Boyd, paa. to ao on the picnic of the year. It tor of the church. otrlciatlnl. Mr •• will be held It Berlin (N. j.) P.rk. Rachel Lord, or,lIlllt. lillyed thl Children will be tflln.ported fre •• Ind weddlnl mlrch and accompanied .dultl for the lIum o( only 15 cen" Mrl. Loul. Jandlr In vocal lelac­lor the round trip. Yoll c.nnot af. tlou. ford to It.y hom.. Coml out and Thl bride. who w .. Ilvlll In mar. brlnl your friend.. Hire'. hoplnl rl.le by har f.ther, wort a 10"'" ot thl w .. lher mIn II len.roul with Ivory .. tin trimmed wltb balrloom hi, lood weather. lice and fuhlonld with. train and

• hoop .klrt. Her fln.ertlp veU w .. BTAVELY-WOLFICHMIDT hlld by a crown outlillad In purl.

Mr. IIld Mra. Bmenon Wolf. Ind her bouquet w.. of baby'a Ichmldt. of 4011 I,v.nth bav. brelth, 1111.. of the valllY and lar· Innounced thl martlli' of ... dlulhter, Anna MlY WoUlcbmldt, to Mrl. Robert Younl. of Palm),r ..

C I f II ..,.".d .. m.tton of honor. and hit W .... y urtll ltava)" .on 0 r. lown . W.I of "e1low taffeta, made IIld Mr .. CW'tI., of 16 w .. t I

Chari.. Itre.t, Palmyra, on I.w. with I hoop plrt. A tiara of )'.lIow - d.y, Jun. 22. Aowlt' held her m.tchlnl vaU

Th. followlnl )'ounl men hay. The Clrtftlony wa. pttformlcl at IIld Ihe carried a bouqu.t of cora-lIIen authoriled to coU.ct 10m. 4 h h f th R H L ftowttl and ,lllow 1DI1Jdr1'0DI. moMY from tb. mamb.... of lhI p.ftI. It t. oml 0 • .y. • • Th. brld .. mlill.. Mill Doroth)' 'Iu.d Heart Alumni Auoclltloll. ~:'r~~.tor of Blthany Luthmul Ihllltt, MI., Hellft HaWIlt and ThI, money will be Uled for • pur- Mia, Doroth, Ward .... 01 .rid,.. MfI." J. NorthrOp, of Palm,.... and pou .h1eb the mlmlMrt alrtady boro,.nd Robart IlIval),. brother of Mil' JPlOtlllCI laatlaa, of PhI ...... bow 1114 II to be collected OtlIy tb. Iroom, wltl the couple', 081, phi.. Worl ,OWIll of bll&l ad .... 'rom thou _ber. wbo ba"l IIOt IttlnclantL f.lhl0M4 alt. that of the mltr08 dona their lhar. In the JIIAI actMUu A tlc:eptiOil WU bald at tbl boma of honor, with III.I;tchlq lace ...u.. of thl A,aoclltloa. of the brIdIl', pat •• 10Uowla'.... The)' carrItd coJcinIIJ bouqlltt. of

CommItlH-Ro"'rt WaI1ac., Wu. cer.moa, yellow claI .... IIl4 ... pdt .. OfIL 111m IIcDltmott. Robert MlY. &tao The *pt. lIa now at bom. It Blliworth J. Northrop, brotbtt of 1_ COiliow, CIII McDermott, Joba 4011 .. vtath ,tt... the bride. .....ed u btl{ man and •• klDa, Thomu Lane, HIII7 • ul1Mr.lachlded LOIIIa Jand ... Walt. Oroom.. a.)'mond Plcbtlr. RI,- ENOAGED L.ftIOft, Jr .• IIICJ HIfttJ WUbrahlm. IIIOIld Ittohl..... of PIlm1ta, and .... 0tItIt, 01 Hact-

-0- MtI_ JUc:&ard TI)'Ior, of 117 .... lIon1a14. hIlday M_II 7.00, R. Deaa!a, C:OIII)' ."IIIU1, baelllllOllACed till .. Alt ... a rtceptloft at the bollll of

V, Collar I t.oo. G •• arohle1n. J. La .. • lal.llllllt 01 h.. dllllbtlr. lUll tilt bride', ... rMII the COlI"" Itft ,",1 10.10. T. LillI. R. Rowan, R. Alyet CharDl." to Dr. Jobo •• for a wecSdln, Jown.,. The)' wm • trohWa. IcllIDldt, Jr .. _ of IIr. and II .. be It holM Ifter J", II .t 101

DaD, 11 ..... 1 7.00, J. La .... ,. J. Jolla 8chmidt. 01 Wlllt. HOt ........ Ltc:oaI)' ........ .... 7.4'1 J .• ...,ecbtt, Tboaw Taylot WIt 1Udua&ed from ..... ". ------ar- Hllb Ic:boof ud Dr. 'cbmldt II I Parmera lis L1acolalldrt. "Iud.

prof_ la tilt ~ De- .... wortda, da, ... .,ht pIowtnt • "..... teIuca&orl the other da, partmeat 01 .11.... UaI"".,. lip adctIdona1 acrtI 10 tItat _I

wpl tbal tile 'talIt ...... 1'bt wtdcUat wW taIIt piau Ia..,. .ood CIII III .,.... 'or die ..... ......, ,tt hi .... &aroptUl war'" t_blr, ' 0. ... tilt vnW ..... w. If. ... __ , ....... It ......... ' . ph d., ....... a ...... ....,. ..... tIIat .... 01 .... .,.... II In'., ............. ,.,.,. &0 .~ tilt ~ 10 ..... ....... "II' of ....... t... I0IlII-II .. T_ ....... Jislt. ........ ........., II ......


All III""""oMI lHIl, N,."a~~ ~"~,e..,~~.r:.~'r1Oellft'

=:-:;:III-CoIutttd_Unlll ... - .... 1_ he d ..... -1IdItorI.1t AN 11nM1, l1l4I 1amtIetl ..... lit Dell,

T ....... with tIM W.., MquIaa Ieedaeo ..... ......... an Ideal N • ...,."., f . .... H-.

,. 'U.OO Yearl" Of' ,1.00. Month. ......, ~ Iftdudlr..a Me ....... SeetiD~!.eo. Y ...

~O'., •• J-.I' ~laau

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE READING ROOM 70S Thoma. Avenue. Riverton. New Jeney

- - --~-- - - -- ------- -------- - ~-- --- KNOW~

The Birth of 8 Bank Do YOU know h&w benkt are orpnl.edP PlrIt • oomprthentlve IlJIel,a1. of thl cOmmunity it made. It the Grlan ...... are eonvlneed that a DeW bank II ' .... bl., an appllcltlon for • cha ... _it IUbmltted thowint the nama 01 the benlr, ..don, Cllpltal and IUI'1Jlua to be ralMet, and aamaa 01 ptOpOIId IIlcorporatottand ofIlcen.

A national bank chartar mutt be MeUI'ed from the Comptroll ... 01 the CUlftfte)'~ • ltat. baftk or truIt company chartar mUll com. 'roth the ttate banJtIftI dep.rtmeftt.

'nw ehetterinI authority ma'" ... In" ...... tIoa to juldfy ....... a new bank. II the dec» loft II favorable; a .. rmlt to ~ Ia IIIUIit, and Itock may thea be told. Whtft the ttode halt been ~uJly marbW, 1IJ'tk1 .. 01 MIQI:l.

or ation and an orpnbadon certlftc ... are RIId. The dutrt ... II then ....... lad the bulk ma, ",.1IMONt ...... .....

JtlVDrOII. R. J • ...... , ..... ___ ....... ceo .......

o d lit

t -. '

~r '. ;

DawleyWina Short Coated

~. ul~ • halt to \lit ~­o."lQ 018 aoftW &Ute 0.\ "0.\. ., llicht 01 th ...... t .. ~ ...... u the FiYti\\fll 'fm-e at bilt k\ tllt btc\llNi\l 0( the 1Ii~ frame.. ~ SCOft >/pU batted at tbi-.

point and tile ""~teR had • t\lI'li\.u '* tt\inl ..nth n_ oot..

Unfortunate" fw them... or fw· bmatd1 lot ~ v.-.lqttft, whidl. .~ tlIt m:'ffpoil\t. tllt l .. \ttI- ~tftt .u lNdina W at tile end of the Iifth and. aiilce t~ aror-e re'ritttd to tMl point. tile Old. ~tlit "" tile wilmet at tbe abbN!\>ill.\ed fra\ll ..


The l'btmtn &Qt 011 to a fine atart. tabbb\c one ~ in \lit &tat ami t.d\bq thrH mON! In tbe foUoWiq -uort.

The Olda "areallion Wi~ one in the auond and tied thlnp up at Ioilr-all in the (ourth.

The Flrftnen ptompll:r e_ed the count lli the upper hall of the lifth, but o.wll!1 lOt two m\)~ in their pl)rlimi of the .. me .tlknn.

.)Olt \toearl,y h.d three hita tot \lit Fu-emen, Obe • double. HI. brothtr, Luter, aliso had t_. Colt .. (or the .inner, .t.o lOt a br.ce of binale.. Firemtll I ~ 0 I) 1-5 bawlet ___ __ 0 1 0 3 2-6

htttrieti-Flrtmtlu Gontulti and P. McDttlitott. D.wle},: Hubbs, . Bonatelli and Fowltt; Umplte.­Rotetibllry, Richman and Carbart.

The Standi", Flremtll ~. ___ .. __ • 2 Merchantl ___ ._ _ ___ 3 S Oerman KltlChen ____ __ 3 3 D.wley Old. a 4

Cominl Oa.mel

ThundllY, June 27-Dawley Oldl YI. Merchlllt,.

MondllJl, July l-German Kitcblll v .. 1I'lremen.


Paltn)'l'. toolt Mooreltown o\ler a.l I .. t BatllrdllJl aftertlooh on tbe Quoer'. field, • three run r.Uy In the .eventh alvlnl the local. the Yer. dlet.

HlIllon lot two ot the lla Pal. myra hit ••


ab r h 0 • O. Hamllnb .. __ a I 0 Z a

Henion. J ___ 4 I 2 a a Broderloh. rf _ ._ 4 0 1 J 0 Bllter. 1b a 0 0 s a Mlell, 3b _. _______ a 0 1 0 1 Dev'ney. If ____ a 0 0 J 0 Fowler, c 4 0 0 II I Bort'eU, d a 0 0 0 0 Ro.rk, p _____ a I 1 I 2 Dllrenb.u,h, cf _ 2 1 .1 a 0 -- ..... _-Total, _ __ as • «I 27 10·

.b r b 0 • Wondo, rf ___ a 1 1 0 0 Bak.r, lb I 0 a II 0 WUItlnI, c • 0 J 7 0 Wllaon, .. 4 0 i I J Swoy.r,2b I 0 0 I 4 lmith. U _____ I 0 1 1 0 VIIlScl"ff. cf_ 4 0 I 4 0 Horton •• b I 0 0 0 1 Rob'~n, p _ ___ I 0 0 0 I Bolton, p ____ I 0 0 0 0 -- .... _-

Tolllt 11 I , If 10 Palmyr. 000 001 100-4 Moortltown ___ 000 010 OC»-I

Errort-O. HIIlIlIa, '/ '''0)' •. Horton, I. Two-baH bitt-.abt, WlIlOn, H-. ItttadI out-., Roarlt, ., RobllllOD, 7, ..... CIa blU-01J Roarll, II aobluon, t.


Tb. tlltnll toutaam.llta at ".m­orlal J>arll IIrOlr..... well uW Monelly wbaa rala left the court. Ia unfit condition for pia),. T .... wid ... needed. IOaII Ittad)' 1l1a)'ina of match .. to ..... lIP for the two , .. ,. drlay. Tbla appll .. to _'a ...... $Ild 'wbl.. IIId w_·. ...... ~ JI palrlnla arl potted at tilt COIIItI .. ., uy. '0 ,tt out.lnd rov op­ponlnt and ba.1 a ,004 taIlIIIt l1li14. ...

,lttt Rotaad ....... BIIIIf d.f ..... H. D ..... Jt C. WalIac, .w ..... ar...

K .. ~tt04 . Rft.d dtfeated w\d\. Cot defeatt..t b--. Vilts defHted Elliott (det.lllt). Sto~-a- defe.\ed W,,- (default). J. MICV-alll .. .tm.ted Earp. Jtm\on ~~ &. Wallace. Jr.

ltlllPtoa .tt&attd lIIanhail.

Se-conci ~~ ~fta Ki~ defeated c. W.Il.ce. ltaaatoc .wu~ Jtm'lo.\.

TlI-t a)St of \i\>ina ~s al~ a little aheaw;l of 'n~

TI.I'OO Smart Girls Entertain 1"'00 .... ellnl<lnll: d"nk~ ... nll ,,'''n­~ t~ of Ie>' c"I ..... _n .. """u,"'rtt)' ll'e'tl"et of ,1I,,!oe "'~\e"" . S\'nlnll~\" en· t.!Malnh'!r I .. Oln. \1\"0 311:1""'.

netl~ til .. el~ .. )r Oil tile lefl. I~ enlll\,elutl .. ahout III .. fMlIt "un\'h rMII,red lI ... re. 'file buncll ol Itr.'"". hI Ille or'I'nter of tile ,,'lndl bu~1 I~ , 1I .. 'd In p'ace by • 'ar,... blo .. i< of lee mad ... III III .. autonllltic reftllt­"rator. 1"n'lllt .. IlIle lor'I'-b'ooelt slle In>ete~ ""'<e<. colured willi ftlill JIlI~. In the dteep lor'I' "reabl I~_

H"re are nlld-flunlnl .. r !COOleMl the .IItI!MI reconln,end.

Fruit Plillcll

1 pI. !\Tot"d 1 lit. 1111'11 .. -"Inp" 1'1,1.. hen,.- jUice

J Ih .. . ~ltlt~r 8 I~m .. ",s S "UlI' hollins 8 ol'nn~s '1 qte. cold 1 Ill. hOI tea water

Cook 111I'<'IlPlIle. Rugal' Bnd boll· Inl\' wt\lpr t,,~,'thpr 1It1,,!.',. mhllll" • . ed,1 Ip" 111111 ~ll'nhl , Whe" cold ","I frllil 111"''' lind "0101 w"tl!r. IIddh'~ Ie" ft Ahort time hpfnrt! ~pr'·h.g Mnu~~hlllo or rlll .. " ... d chp\ ... I .. ~. 8t''8\\' I'''rrl''~ or millt lea"e! moy he II~Ni ,,~ I\'Arnlsh . 'I'hl8 fl!clllf' ",like- nhn'll 1,,11 '1Ullrt8.

To "RI'Y .hl. l'e~l"e. ~uh8titlltp

ol"pr f"1111 jnk"! ror the sIr" w­bl!rr!" jnlr" 01' IpAve 0111 etltll"'I~'. Wh"n th .. f"1111 jllh'e I. 'Imit'I't\ . a ~\ltI BIII'IIt df fl'esh minI Ipu'·t!a CI·II.lIpd Ad,l- 1I11\"0r and chAngee thl' d"ln k enlh't'I!". Ginger AI • .

1 bullch freeb ... CUll water n,lnt - II CUllS grape

• lemon. Juice (JulclI' 1 qt. ,Iu,er

\fI CUll .u .. r ale Sbalte • bUllcb of IUlnt under

faue.t, ",mo", Ie."... rea.rvtolf tllIl of '111", for larnl.h aM put len •• wltb lemoD JUICII, .u .. r lad water. Let llaad lhltl, IUlnut.l.

51 mil'. IIdd gralle Juice and gln",r 1\11'. PoUr o\"er block of Ice IIlld ser\"e In ,Inl\8ell ,,-Itb mint le •• e. Bud allces of len-Ion for garni.b..

C.lIldlall Grell.dle .. (1IIdl .. ldual Portion)

2 lar!!" Ih.\I . \"8\11111\ Gini'll" .Ie ice cre"". 1'1,'ce tbe Ice el'ealll In a ta\l

glUM. Fill wltb I~e cold gillpr ala. G,Il·lIl.h 1011 Wllh red ellel·'·Y. Or­ange 0\' lemoll. ice IMy be sublll­lI,ted [01' III@ Ice ~rea'".

Coffel Ice Cre.IY' Punch 1 tit. cullee. ~ CllP bea.,

,·ckula.· "r~nm

8trclll(.b " tall. .llIlonll 1 \t 1118. cllueo· lIu "orillg

Inte Ice Nutmes cream

Cblll colree. Place olle·balf chIlO> oillte Ice ~reB'n III punch bowl alld ndd coffee. Blend until cre.m te lIartlblly melted. Whip creBlUt Idd naVOI·IIlI!. Plnce II'hlllped etealll abd renlBh,der of Ice cream over top ot 1II1~IIII·e. Slwlllkle Whipped o .... m with IIUtIII eg, Bervea twel" •.

ODlltlnentl' Punch II qta. napa 1/. CIII' lemo.

jUice Jule. I l'La. onlng. • bottlel

Juice glnpr a1. i cup lu .. r Bloolt ot lei

Oowblu. tile fruit Juice .. luaar aM IIbaer .1.. "Is. pOllr 0'" blook ot Ie. all\l .. rn with .n Ice cub. or orulh.1I 10. ill IIOb I .....



PAG£ £L£vaat '

, Aa soon as the foli~ of tullpil

YOUR GARDEN -WHAT TO DO T .. IS WEak a, A c . .......

~s.n-."J~ ... .."..~

turns yel\o... it would be • aoo4

I Idea to diC and stof'lt them. non, dia thtm too early. however. (or tbe folia~ mul>t ripen in ordff that coocl bud. will develop tor bloom neat

Allhouah some aardene~ may be \\tUry of bet ... ret1Iinded of il\" thlt fa.:t n:malns thai the ~'Ontrol of in. S«t$ and funcoull d'seases lS of pri. mary imporlanc," in the larden naht 110 .....

SUSOII_ "flier d,ce;I\ •• dry tht bulbs in a shad» place and store them in a cool. dry pia.:e until time to replant in early 'Autumn.

Some philosopher says that a woman is ;\. old as she looks. Our candid opil\ion is that she is mora nurly as old lIS I\u woman frittlds sll» she looks. -----

One w.y to further the proaram of national de£entSe would be to reserve our man-power, by havina 'ts5 reck. less Sunda" dn\>inl C)I'\ th~ hiChwllY'

1'hil applies particularly to aphid, or plant 1I.:e, whl\:h multiply very <luh:kly. Allhoqh apr.yina 15 uaual­ly more dfeclive ,hall dll.ti .... there are 'ome nltw dusts on the maf~t whIch .re 'Illite effective. A ROOd honltmade one, hoWtvu, is a com. blnatioll of ni«)tine duat IUId pyre. thrum. Thi, kills bolh ,uduna .nd +-_~ _________ .... cbewina inlects. For aprayina, u.e either nicotine, pyrethrum. or rote. none compound ..

About the only way to deal with plallt dlstasts succtssfull}' I. to IprllJl piants wilh BorduUlt mllltUM!-or I dust with sulphur in the c .. e of rosu-btfore any disease apptar&. Clltllna off any leavu :which show I disease a"mptoms is also. vital pre'j caution.

Transplant lrisea

Another late June or carl, july I chore il Itakirla tall'lrowina pllllt .. Llaht bamboo stakes may be boulht at almost any seed store alld are quite aatiafa~tory for mill» plant •. He."ier plallts such lIa dahlial. how­ever. need somethlnl like the cedllr stake. Which may be purchas~ quite rt:asonabl". Oood .trona wire Itakes I of No.8 or No. 9 wire are also suited to 80me purposes. The malll thina Is to plant. b~fore they blow over, particularly delphiniums. foxllovea. hollyhocks and dahUa •.

It will .oon be time to tralliplant bearded Irises. and If t hey have not been divided for the Illlt three or four yean. It III Important to look after this job thia year, too. Bearded Irlsea moved and fertillied now will mai\e Itrona buds and crownl for nellt aprlna. Siberian and non·beard. ed Irises, such as jap.nne I ria. are be.t moved In September.

'It_ WiIOIIII. MIW. ...... Matinee DaUy at 2.00 p,m. Evenlnll 7.00-9.00 o'clock



Pull tier Prlle Wlnnlnjf PIa"

Saturday'. Children

Free Olft. to the Ladln

PRIDAY and SATURDAY-­june 21 • 29


In Leap Yur', Mo.t Hilarioul MIII'up

Too M~Lde~~.bandl




For Every Purpose The New Era, Inc.


FOr Complete Sllim.ta and

Layout Phone R\Yerton 712


Frida" Ilnd Saturday, lune 2S. 29 2-81G Hl ..... B-Z

with LOLA LANE A Mickey MOUie Clrtoon -a.turd., M.tlnee Only­


Sunday II Mond.y. June 30--. -:j-'ul'-y-l­The Gre.telt Thrill. on E.rth I


MONDAY .nd TUESDAY jul, 1 • Z

One Million B. C. A fantutlc Dra.m. of Ibe

Prehl.torlc Br. with


LON CHANEY, Jr . -Added-

AN ANDY CLYDE COMEDY and a Color Cartoon PrH to the Ladl ..

ltart Monda, .nd continue .... , Monday for U .bort Wltau. and racalv. I com.,let. ot of otII' aew "'prlnltlma" .... t" Kd •• a .... r. ... lit. lpac:lal oparuq 111'­Two I-otanu tumbl.rl .

W.DN •• DAY, JuI,. -On. Da" OnJ),­


Forty UttIe Mother.

Page 26: UNE - Historical Society of Riverton, NJ



Aviation we<ek w.a uabered in to­..., by the arriv.l at the Moorea­to.m Airport of a twelve pa .. encer ItinlOn Airliner which will for one week to .timulate airrnlnd­edneaa in Bllrlincton county.

'I'he vi.iti", airliner ia equipped .... three powerfUl Lycomlna 1IDO\'ora, conauminr over fifty-five pUon. of ,as p.!r hour with a ...... apeed of approlllm.teq two 1Di1a per minu~. Tbe dlief pilot. Captain H. L. Meek •• ia·. veteran o( the airways, h.vinl Rown contlnu­ou.a, for over fifteen yUta with many thou.anda of houn .ucceaaful time loceed. He hold. the hi,hnt ratina iBlued by the ,overnment for traltaport flylh,.

Tbe op.!rationll manaaer for the Atrliner Tour Service, Frank B. hill'. on hia .rrival here •• tated that 0( the twenty-two IItates in which bla eompany op.!ratea. New Jeney i, out.t.ndlna for ita beauty. Burlinr­ton County la eSp.!ci.lly a ai,ht whIch mUlt be aeen from the .ir to be properly appreciated.


One 200-yd. Salt Water Fishing Reel

FREE Iflth the purch.le of one Salt W.ter PiIhln. Rod lellln. for 111.50 or over

-and-with the purch •• e of .ny

PPLUEGER filhlnr I'eel ullin, for '5.75 up we wll ,Ive No. 12

line for .ame



$19.95 up E-t TERMS

Ju.t the Thin.. for the 4th of July PIcnic

AC .• D.C. or PORTABLE .~




C. WARD LOWDEN .. 4 CIon.mln ..... A ....

PALMYRA T.t ...... "7


Accol"din, \'0 Mt.Pubr, mere and Camden Airport michl be dosed In OBITUARY more people are l'Oin, airmindtd and the neal' future. It ia hoped the JOSEPHINE C. NASH aviation haa itO'" taken Ita pla~.. Moorntown field will be the center Mi.. Josephine C. Nuh died on

of aviation In South Jeney. Tueaday. June 19, at the home of PHILA. one of the safeat meens of travel. FlI,hta will be made d.lly and Sun- her lIiater, Mra. JOhll Ford, of Cl2l The combined airlina in the United day, so th.t you", and old m.y have Lincoln .venue. MARKET

HOUSE Statu completed over a yen of the opportunity of viewlne Burtlnc- Funer.l aervica were held from oper.tiona without an injllr7 to po- ton County from the all' duri", .vi- her I.te reaidence on Monda:f .t I senaer or member .of !Crew, darin, ation week. With eech purcha.e Ilt a.m .• with Hi,h M ... ·.t the Church which time the., have 80_ over either Fortnum .a-en!Cyof at or more of the Sacred Heart at .. LID. aso,tIoO,OOO pa .. encer mila, a ftocord a ticht wiU be ,,~ tb.t entltla the Interment wa. made in Potu.lDl. excellin, any other meen. of traveL holder to two rida for a.. Pa.

In ol"du to aee Jult how man, Mill Na.b wa. employed u • He-middle-qed foln are airmindtd, FIGHT PICTURES retary in the executive department Lester S. Fortnuln, Ford dealer in of the New Jene, Bell Telephone Brid,eboro .nd Palm,ra, lponlOr of The Loui.-Godoy &cht picturea Company, Camden, for II yean.


the riant airliner. I. "vlna one caR will be Iho_ at the Broadway She was the d.u,hter of the late o( aoft drinks to the oldest couple to Theetre on Monday and Tuead.y Luke and Catberine Na.h, and • fly Satlll"day .nd .nother on Sund.,. nlahta of next week. niece o( tbe Rt. Rey. Mact. Jama

PALMYRA, N. J. ... PhODe ...

FANCY SOUND This proved a allccelll In St. AUCUI - Nash. of Phlladelpbla. tine, Fl... •• In one plane load of Bven a wat .care ou,ht not lead The deceeaed II lurived by ber paaaenren total area were 1165 yean. UI to forcet that forty-five billion liater. with whom .be made her

Ripe Tomatoea lb lOe 3lba25e


the oldellt belnr 92 je..... dollar debt. home.

It ill antic:lpattd a IfHt dMl of In. ~=======================:t tereat will be created by the ~ of the airliner in Moorestown, tbe first lince 1928, .eapecially aa the

WANT ADS SALE: Bunralow. 4 18th street. Sylvan Lakes, Burllnrton, N. J. a200 down. balance easy terma. Write H. A. Gibb. 114 Elm avenue. River­ton, or phone Riverton 802.

For the Wi,e and Thrifty There i. a polllblllty of coal bein, very hiah .nd .carce thl. comlnc winter, and the wile and thrift! wiU lay in • rood lupply of Premium Anthracite Coal. It not only "loti farther and beat. lonler" but COlti len per B.T.U. Order now While pricea are low. AI.o





16-YEAR·OLD Colored Olrl would like a place .1 mother'l helper for

the lIummer. Call Arinstronr's Moorestown 229. . 6-21-2t

Oenuine Koppera Ooke Fineat Oradee FUEL OIL

Screen Wire and Window Screen. Lawn Mowen • Hardware SWEET

Vlta.Var Paint. and Enamel. CANTALOUPES or Venetian Blind. HON Y BA

Lumber .nd Buildlnr Materi.l. E LLS APARTMENT (or rent. Six rooms

and bath. private porch. 421 Lin. Build a New Home, Repaln. 2 for 19c

Albeltoa Sidini .nd Roof. on our den avenue. 6-13-tf EalY Monthly Payment Plan. Harding's Sweet Cream

. Eatlmatea Pree I BUTTER RENT: Furnl.hed apartment, 408 Morlan .venue, P.lmyra. Phone J T E . C

Riverton 247-W. . 6-20-tf • •. vans o. 2 lb. 59c RIVERTON

LOST: Black female Cocker. Re- SOl FARM ROLL ward. Phone Riverton 1184.

8-27-1t STRICTL Y PRESH 4--------------__ ll BROWN SHELL EGGS


324 Garfield Avenue, Palmyra, N. J. lit FLOOR-Living room, dining room kitchen

extra room with leparate entranc~. ' lavatory and large

2nd FLOOR-Three bed .rooml and bath.



doz.27c Phila. CREAM CHEESE

3 pkgs. 2Sc PRESH CAUOHT






GRANULATED SUGAR 10-1b bag 49c

BIRDS EYE Sprouts ...... box 23c

BIRDS EYE Lima Beans ............... box 23c



Btlt CUll


Squab BroDen 3 for 95c Met WeJaht 1 Ib each


LEGS OF LAMB Ib28c 5 to tI Ib a.,.


PORI LOINS It 12c BDCl c........aH • a.i

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