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Un viaje por EspañaTeaching Language Acquisition and Conversation Through Culture by Nathan Andes Brook Road Academy at St. Joseph’s Villa, Richmond VA

Un viaje por España

May 08, 2015



Nathan Andes

PowerPoint of a presentation given by Nathan Andes at the FLAVA Conference, Williamsburg VA on October 8, 2012
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Page 1: Un viaje por España

“Un viaje por España”Teaching Language Acquisition

and Conversation Through Culture

by Nathan AndesBrook Road Academy at St. Joseph’s Villa,

Richmond VA

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Why teach culture? (according to me)-It uses language in its appropriate, applicable context

-It involves “real life”-It incorporates “everything”

-It can theoretically cater to the students’ interests, regardless of what they are, or regardless of the students’ age(s)

-Language is dead without its attendant culture…think of Esperanto’s failure

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What about Spain will influence my teaching in VA? A LOT…BUT…-Vosotros “matters” -Context is key to culture-Reality is more complex than stereotypes and controlled anecdotes are valuable-”Pronunciation with passion” -Give the student power!

Una casa en la Isla de Tabarca, Valenciana, June 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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Lesson 1: Daily schedule, traditions, and “la comida”

• Level: Any (can be adapted for use with various tenses, vocabulary, etc.)

• Preparation: Vocabulary in target language, presented in advance or with use of student resources

• The student will: -Consider the impact of their nation and home on their schedule

• -Consider what they eat and do each day, at what time• -Consider and notice family traditions and customs regarding

food and restaurants• Use an authentic Spanish menu, talk about likes and dislikes

with food

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Why do it this way? Isn’t this Chapter 1 day 1 stuff? (Yes)

• Learning Spanish (or any language) does not replace our understanding of culture but merely amplifies it. Instead of “psst, camarero!” jokes, you can have a real experience and create curiosity for more learning and experience, as well as inspire confidence!

Un mercado, Alcalá de Henares, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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Duration and materials:

• 2 classes of 90 minutes each, possibly 2.5• Materials: Menu of a restaurant in the typical

Spanish (or whatever) style• -List of necessary vocabulary for that restaurant

(1A) and menu (1B)• -List of verbs and phrases for discussing food,

likes, and dislikes, based on level (1C)• Pictures of 3 or more foods• Schedule lists for daily activities

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Step 1:-Distribute schedules and have

students complete in English, with regards to what time they wake up, go to school and come home, eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, do their

homework, go to bed, etc.

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Step 2

• Have a brief discussion asking the students why they do what at whatever time, and how that effects their day and their family’s life.

• The instructor should interject about how an accepted schedule develops and changes in a given country or culture

• Have students write a paragraph in L1 or L2 about a family tradition around a common holiday. Compare briefly and note common practices and dishes between students

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Step 3

• Without instructions have students make a list of typical American and Spanish (or L2) foods (gently correct misconceptions)

• Have them write 5-10 down (instructor can add to this) and write sentences about whether they like it or not (in L1 or L2)

El Generalife, La Alhambra, Granada, Andalucía (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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Step 4Distribute menu with vocabulary (1D) and ask students to read it aloud as a class, practicing pronunciation of words (the original vocabulary list can have words from this on it if necessary)

Talk about times of day that meals are eaten and lunch as the primary meal (in the case of Spain)

Introduce phrases related to ordering and eating food (1C)

Have students engage in and possibly present dialogue where they order from the menu, and include phrases based on what time it is, how long they might stay, and when they have to return to work/school (teacher can guide this, adding phrases as necessary)

Un bocado de pulpo, Madrid (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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El menú de “Al Sur,” Madrid

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Expansion ideas!

• Have students search for recipes based on the menu and instruct the class on its preparation (advanced) or simply list nouns in its ingredients (basic)

• Have students write a narrative in the present, conditional, or past tense based on what they are eating, would have eaten, or ate at the restaurant

• Bring in some actual food and eat it. Gets ‘em every time. Then surreptitiously start teaching about the history of the dish or its significance!

• Distribute an example of a typical Spanish schedule. Compare. (Use 1E again)

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Restaurant Vocabulary• 1A: Vocabulario del restaurante necesario:• El restaurante restaurant• El/la camarero/awaiter/waitress• El menú/la carta the menu• El desayuno breakfast• Desayunar to eat breakfast• La comida food, meal, lunch (more common than “el almuerzo” in Spain)• El almuerzo lunch (Latin America)• Almorzar (o->ue) to eat lunch• La cena dinner• Cenar to dine, to eat dinner• ¿Podría traerme…, por favor? Could you bring me…please?• ¿Podría tener…?” Could I have a… • Tráigame/nos la cuenta, por favor. Bring me/us the check please.• Buen provecho Bon appétit• Espero que gozen su comida I hope that you all enjoy your food• La cuenta the check/the bill• La propina tip• El plato primero first course• El plato segundomain course• El plato tercero dessert course• La tapa appetizer sized serving (El profesor necesitará explicar más sobre cuando se come las tapas y cómo)• La ración larger serving of a tapa, served a la carte

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Vocabulary for tastes• 1C Vocabulario para hablar de los gustos:• Me gusta/n I like• No me gusta/n I don’t like• Me encanta/n I love• Me disgusta/n I despise/hate/loathe• La comida es rica The food is good• La comida es sosa The food is bland• La comida es sabrosa The food is flavorful• Students can look up adjectives and can use ser plus an adjective to describe an

aspect of the food:• La textura the texture• El sabor the taste• El olor the smell• La mirada the look/appearance

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Vocabulary for the menu• 1B Vocabulario útil del menú mismo:• Macarrones macarroni• El champiñón mushroom (Esp.)• El hongo mushroom (L. Am.)• El calabacín zucchini • Los picatostes croutons• Las judías verdes green beans• Jamón ham• El salmorejo cold tomato and cream based soup with hard-boiled egg and ham (se puede explicar más)• El gazpacho andaluz cold tomato based soup (necesita más explicación del profesor)• La chuleta de ternura veal cutlet• El lacón a la gallega foreleg cut of ham• El emperador a la plancha grilled swordfish• El ajo garlic• El perejil asparagus• Los acedias fruit from Andalucia, plum-like (necesita más explicación del profesor)• El pudin pudding/custard• La fruta del tiempo fruit based on the season• El helado ice cream• El yogurt yogurt

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The menu• 1D El menú del almuerzo para el restaurante “Al Sur,” en la Calle Zurbarán en Madrid:• Primero: -Macarrones a los cuatro quesos con bacon y champiñón• -Crema de calabacín con picatostes• -Judías verdes rehogadas con jamón• -Salmorejo cordobés • -Gazpacho andaluz con tropezones• **********************************************************• Segundo: -Chuleta de ternura a la plancha• -Lacón a la gallega• -Emperador a la plancha con ajo y perejil • -Acedias de Huelva a la andaluza• **********************************************************• Tercero: -Pudin de la casa• -Fruta del tiempo• -Helado• -Yogurt• **********************************************************• -Pan, vino, postre, o café • 11.70€•

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Lesson 2: Identities based on foods

Or, snaring them with regional alliances

La bandera del País Vasco, San Sebastián, August 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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We will do this by one by showing and not telling, a la John Updike

(R.I.P., John.)

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• No me gusta, but at least I’m not a cannibal!

-I will show several slides of foods. If you’re wise to this, suspend you cynicism and have fun. Pick your favorite and imagine as if you were a student who didn’t know anything about these, whose conception of Spanish food was Taco Bell. Would they look gross? Intriguing? Enticing? Vomit inducing?

(In the classroom, you can have students verbally describe the pictures in groups or individually, write about them, or just say if they like them or not in the target language. Clearly, this can be adapted. If you’re technology strapped, do it the old fashioned way and kill some trees, distributing the pictures throughout the classroom)

“Saturno devorando a su hijo,” Francisco de Goya, 1819-23

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Ok let’s get serious. Steps:

• Show pictures, one by one• Have each student respond to each picture in

the manner of your choosing.• Press students to tell you why they liked some

more than others• Have them describe the aromas, tastes,

ingredients, textures, or recipes for each item. Do not censor here; they have not tasted the food! (All this can be L2, ideally)

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1.) La fabada asturiana

April 2012, Richmond VA (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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2.) El gazpacho

(Photo: Uncle Internet)

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3.) La paella (y yo)

Valencia, July 2012 (Photo: Jessica Woodlee)

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4.) El salmorejo cordobés

Al Sur, Calle Zurbarán, Madrid, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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5.) Las gambas, con cabeza, estilo gallego

July 2012, La Latina, Madrid (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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6.) Los calamares a la plancha

Madrid, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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Los tres platosAfter students have discussed their dish of choice, present information about the course divisions common in Spain

Ask them if they think their chosen dish would be served as a first, second, or third course, and why (this can hearken back to their descriptions of the tastes, flavors, and textures)

Divide the class into groups based on their shared preferences. Then, give each group images to associate with their chosen food. These groups can be used in the future for many purposes.

The same exercise can be done with drinks. For the purposes of this demonstration, I have left alcoholic drinks in. This can continue into an exploration of the culture of the USA and alcohol versus that of Spain, and different countries’ notions of prudence therewith.

Obviously, if your school discourages that, don’t do it.

Una calle en el barrio de Santa Cruz, Sevilla, June 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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1.) La fabada asturiana, “los asturianos”

Puente Romano Cangas de Onís, Asturias. 10th century. (Photo: Uncle Internet)

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2.) El gazpacho, “los sevillanos”

El Real Alcázar, Sevilla, June 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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3.) La paella, “los valencianos”

La Plaza de Ayuntamiento, Valencia, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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4.) El salmorejo cordobés, “los andaluces”

Una vista de Granada, June 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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5.) Las gambas, “los gallegos”

Richmond VA, October 2012

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6.) Las gambas a la plancha, “los madrileños”

El parque del Retiro, MadridUna terraza, Madrid (Photos: Nathan Andes)

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7.) Un café solo

Sevilla, June 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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8.) Un café con hielo

Segovia, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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9.) Una cerveza

Madrid, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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10.) Un kalimotxo (a la derecha)

Madrid, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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11.) Un tinto de verano

Madrid, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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Et cetera.

• The goal is identity and ownership. The student has inadvertently identified with the L2 culture

Now do the same thing with the drinks- asking what they like and why, and getting descriptions. Ask them to notice differences such as the shapes of glasses, sizes of portions, etc. and compare these with American (or L1) customs.

Again, the class can be divided based on regions (this time much more arbitrarily). This can be used as a motivation to “adopt” different communities and to create identification with specific aspects of the L2’s culture

This can be simplified or amplified, with or without vocabulary prompts, as a review for a test on geography, etc. Students can write or speak comparisons, defend “their” community’s food, etc.

Segovia, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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7.) Un café solo, “los madrileños”

Madrid, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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8.) Un café con hielo, “los segovianos”

Segovia, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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9.) Una cerveza (una caña), “los españoles”

La Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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10.) El kalimotxo, “los vascos, los euskera”

San Sebastián, País Vasco, August 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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11.) El tinto de verano, “los madrileños”

La Plaza de Castilla, Madrid, July 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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Ideas for the identities:

• Extension activities where students research and present on their region, with their choice of application

• Stage debates between regions, where students defend their chosen region. This can extend to other aspects: sports, weather, geography, politics, economy, etc.

• Have students search an artifact, product, music, or food from their region and discuss it with the class. Can be done in L2.

• (The handouts have examples in English and Spanish---can be used for any L2 with your adaptation)

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Gracias por su atención. Preguntas/comentarios/quejas...

San Sebastian, País Vasco, August 2012 (Photo: Titus Marques)

La Massana, Andorra, August 2012 (Photo: Nathan Andes)

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¡Que país único y rico!

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Resources and links

• Contact Nathan Andes: [email protected]• Download the slides:, search “Un viaje por

España”• Download the vocabulary sheets:, search

“Vocabulario útil del menu mismo,” “Vocabulario para hablar de los gustos,” Vocabulario del restaurante necesario,” “El menu del almuerzo para el restaurante,” and “Weekly-hourly planner.”

• My blog, written in Spain:

• Vocabulary sourced from experience, and where necessary