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ultra sep - oil-water-separators

Apr 11, 2015




ultra sep - oil-water-separators
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Page 2: ultra sep - oil-water-separators

Condensate purification with Ultra.sepwith an oil content of 5o/o on average, condensate is too harmfulto the environment and must not pass into the wastewater withoutpur i f icat ion. The speci f ied cr i t ica l value by legis lat ion is at a maximumof 20 mg/l (measured according to DIN EN ISO 9377-2) - some localregulations of today are even more restrictive. Ultra.air systems for oi7water separation fulfi l these requirements, reduce disposal costs andprotect the environment.Al l s izes have been appl ied for the Deutsches Inst i tut fur Bautechnik(Structural Engineer ing Inst i tute).

Features and BenefitsI Separation of compressed air condensate reqardless of which type of compressor

ubricant is apol ied.I For each capacity we offer the correct solution; 6 models for compressor capacities

ranging from 180m3/h up to 8400m3/h.I Any type of compressor can be applied.I Any type of condensate drain may be appl ied.

I Does not incorporate/require a condensate setll ing tank.(Therefor there is no bacteria build-up)

I Simple to instal l .

I S imple and fast f i l ter change procedure.I Service drain incorporated for drainino the heavier models.I Optical overflow indicator.

I O i l res idue va lue < 10 p .p .m.I Test valve and test set included for sampling purposes.I Protect ive c lothing suppl ied as standard.

The Ultra.sep condensate separator is designed to separate all types of compressed aircondensate.

Condensate emuls ions created through either mineral and/or synthet ic lubr icants wi l l besuccesfully separated by the Ultra.sep.

Al l Ultra.sep models can accept condensate discharge from intel l igent drains, t imer drains, f loatdrains and manual drains. Addit ional condensate can be added manual lv.

TEST kit to ensure proper operationWith the test set, the purity of the water can be tested. The test set - which is included in thesystemb tower head, is available at all times.

Multi-connections for condensate supplyThe units incorporate 2 or 4 brass threaded connections (depending on the model).This s impl i f ies the connect ion of more than one condensate drain und increases the f lexib i l i tvdur ing l ink ing up.

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The U|tra.Sep separates all types of compressor condensateThe Ultra.Sep is designed, to separate mineral lubr icants and synthet ic lubr icants from thecondensate. Condensate emuls ions created through either mineral and/or synthet ic lubr icantswi l l be succesful ly separated by the Ultra.sep.Special elements are available for Polyglycol applications, please consult the factory.

Principle workings of the PUROPolypropylene has the perfect effect on oil. lt attracts oil and captures it, almost as if it draws oill ike a magnet. That simplicity and our technology are at the root of the Ultra.Sep efficiency toclean virtual ly a l l types of condensate, emuls i f ied or not.

Subsequent separation stages incorporate specially selected activated carbon to polish out theremai ning contami nants.

Technical Data UItra.SepMax. compressor capacitiesfor al! climates

UASScrew and Oi linjected rotary



5 210m3/h 210m3/h' 15 480m3/h 480m3/h

30 1200m3/h 1200m3/h

60 2100m3/h 2100m3/h

120 4200m3/h 4200m3/h

240 8400m3/h 8400m3/hAl l Data: Nm3/h. Example: Screwcompressor, total performance 1200 Nm3/h. select UAS-30

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lot (a\*7

The FunctionPressurised oi ly compressor condensate (emulsi f ied or not) may be discharged in to the Ultra.seprange of separators through the inlets (.1).The condensate gets depressurised in the central depressuris ing chamber (3).

The oi ly condensate f lows rn the central depressuris ing chamber f irst through a large part ical f i l ter(2). After depressurisat ion the condensate f lows fromlhe central depressuris ing chimber in to thetower # 1 (4) ' afterwh jch the condensate f lows through a high capacity oi l adsorbing f i l ter element(5), to ensure separat ion takes place' In this second f i l trat ioń phase most of the oiI is adsorbed'

The pre-cleaned condenate, which wi l l now contain very l i t t le oi l , wi l l f low throught the thirdf i l trat ion phase in tower # 2 (6), which contains an act ivated carbon element (7) ensuring f inalpurrf icat ion is achieved before being discharged through the outlet (8). This third f i l trat ion pnaseensures that possible remaining oi l contaminants are adsorbed and pol ished out.

Ultra.Sep 240With the Ultra.Sep 240 the pol ished water f lows on to a fourth f i l trat ion phase in tower # 3 (9) inwhich there is a second act ivated carbon element (10) for f inal f i l trat ion pi io, to discharge throughthe outlet (1 ' l ) . Due to the fourth f i l trat ion phase the total contact t ime between the elements andcondensate is increased to a level that alows a great condensate f low and a subesquent capacrtyenlargement.

Oi l residueonce the Ultra.sep separators are installed correctly and properly matched with the compressorcapacity, the oi l residue remaining in the water wi l l be in accordance with local water authoritvreoulat ions.


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Service advantagesServic ing drain valveOnce a year we recommend a thorough c leaning/servic ing of theUltra.sep. For health and safety reasons the whole unit can be drainedfrom its water content by opening the servic ing drain valve.

Clothing kitFor health and safety reasons the Ultra.sep units and replacementelements are suppl ied complete with a protect ive c lothing ki t . Thecontent of the k i t is: face mask, gloves and overal l .

Hook up feature for the larger modelsAlthough the overal l s izes of the

- Ultra.sep models are compact in design, thev larqer models have an addit ional hook-up

fealure. The Ultra.seo 240 can be posit ioned ina 9O-degree (corner posit ion) or a 180-degree(f lat against the wal l posit ion).

Condensate distributor for large condensate flowAlthough the Ultra.sep 240 has a compressor capacity of 70m3/min,i t is possib le that certa in large appl icat ions require two or more unitsto be instal led. In these cases i t is recommended that the condensateis equal ly distr ibuted in to the separators so that the elements aresaturated evenlv.

.'.iY I Activated carbonI f i l ter-Element

I Condensate emuls ions createdthrough either mineral and/orsynthet ic lubr icants wi l l besuccesful ly separated by theUltra.Seo's white element.

Page 6: ultra sep - oil-water-separators

ProductsI Act ivated carbon f i l tersI Adsorpt ion dryersI Air aftercoolersI Air reciversI Bag f i l te rsI Breath ing-a i r un i t s! Ch i l l e r sI Condensate dra insI Cyclone Separators

Serv i ceI A i r f low measurementI A i r qua l r ty measurementI Condensate res idua l o i l

a na las i sI Contract ing-compressed air

supp ly prov ided a t am3 pr i ce

! Dew-point measurementI Different ial pressure

measuremenTI Energy Aud i t







l - ) i < n n < : h l a f i l f a r <

Dust col lectorsHigh-performance f i l ters| - . ' ł inh-nra<<l l ra f i I to rę

Hydrau l i c f i l te rsL iqu id f i l te rsMembrance dryersO i l -vapour absorbersOi l/water separators

Energy Performance -

comp|ete porŁ f o| io o{compressed air services fromone sourceEnergy Survey - ana ls i s o f thecompresseo arr sysremEnergy Ut i l i t y - compressed a i rsupp ly w i thout anyINVCSIMCNI

Fu I l - serv i ce agreementH i re -pu rchasel n t on r i t \ / tA<t<" ' ' - Y '

Pure gas f i l tersRefr igerat ion dryers( o n : r : f n r <

S i l i con- f ree f i l te rsSteam f i l tersSter i le f i l tersSystem solut ions

Leak detect ionLeas i n gMa in tenance ag reementOi l -aerosol measurementsPart ic le measurementsR a m n t o n l i : n n n < i <

and cond i t i on mon i to r i ngRenta l serv iceRepa i r se rv i ce