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J ~ UKAS QUALITY "'''NAaUIIEHT AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIA NO.AAMjGMEjPIOjRTlj72j2014-15j Lt 0 dl4 February 2015. Shri Samit Gupta House No.1155, Sector 15B Chandigarh 160015 Sub: Reply to RTI Application of Shri Samit Gupta - Reg. Sir, Please refer to your RTI Application dated 22-12-2014 seeking information under RTI Act 2005. Reply received from the treated PIO(s), Chennai Airport, is enclosed herewith. In case, you are not satisfied with the information, you may file an appeal before the First Appellate Authority (FAA) as per Section 19(1) of the RTI Act, 2005 within 30 days from the receipt of this reply, whose name and address is given below: The Airport Director First Appellate Authority AAI, Operational Offices Meenambakkam Chennai Airport, Chennai - 600 016 (Phone: 044 - 2256.1122) Email:[email protected] Thanking you End: As above Yours faithfully ~ (I r{q I it- :L'1·l..·,S (<'fa-dfr ii\F{I;Qii\ ("t("tCOlldfi)/ (L. N. Tatwani) <JWJ ~ ~ / General Manager Engg ac:r ~ ~ / Public Information Officer .3-TR. tr. ~ ~ / RTI Cell, Chennai Airport . Copy to: Public Grievance Officer, AAI, CHQ, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi' 110 003 - with reference to his emai/ dated 27-01-2015. I ih'cm : 044 - 2256 0008 ~ tfT~ ~ ~ : 2256 0551, ~ ~<F<ciIe, ~ _ 600 027. FAX: 044 - 2256 0008 EPABX : 2256 0551, Chennai Airport, Chennai _600 027.

UKAS - · DGM (Commercial) AIRPORTSAUTHORITY OF ... ARVIND INAMDAR arvindinarr Hygienic issue in food served legal issuesand informed pax accordingly. ... l.D. No. (For office

Apr 10, 2018



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Page 1: UKAS - · DGM (Commercial) AIRPORTSAUTHORITY OF ... ARVIND INAMDAR arvindinarr Hygienic issue in food served legal issuesand informed pax accordingly. ... l.D. No. (For office




AIRPORTS AUTHORITY OF INDIANO.AAMjGMEjPIOjRTlj72j2014-15j Lt 0 dl4 February 2015.

Shri Samit GuptaHouse No.1155, Sector 15BChandigarh 160015

Sub: Reply to RTI Application of Shri Samit Gupta - Reg.


Please refer to your RTI Application dated 22-12-2014 seeking informationunder RTI Act 2005.

Reply received from the treated PIO(s), Chennai Airport, is enclosedherewith.

In case, you are not satisfied with the information, you may file an appealbefore the First Appellate Authority (FAA) as per Section 19(1) of the RTI Act, 2005within 30 days from the receipt of this reply, whose name and address is givenbelow:

The Airport DirectorFirst Appellate AuthorityAAI, Operational OfficesMeenambakkamChennai Airport, Chennai - 600 016(Phone: 044 - 2256.1122)Email:[email protected]

Thanking you

End: As aboveYours faithfully

~ (Ir{q Iit-:L'1·l..·,S

(<'fa-dfr ii\F{I;Qii\ ("t("tCOlldfi)/ (L. N. Tatwani)

<JWJ~ ~ / General Manager Enggac:r ~ ~ / Public Information Officer

.3-TR. tr. ~ ~ / RTI Cell, Chennai Airport .

Copy to: Public Grievance Officer, AAI, CHQ, Rajiv Gandhi Bhawan, SafdarjungAirport, New Delhi' 110 003 - with reference to his emai/ dated 27-01-2015.


ih'cm : 044 - 2256 0008 ~ tfT~ ~ ~ : 2256 0551, ~ ~<F<ciIe,~ _ 600 027.

FAX: 044 - 2256 0008 EPABX : 2256 0551, Chennai Airport, Chennai _600 027.

Page 2: UKAS - · DGM (Commercial) AIRPORTSAUTHORITY OF ... ARVIND INAMDAR arvindinarr Hygienic issue in food served legal issuesand informed pax accordingly. ... l.D. No. (For office

Airports Authority of IndiaChennai Airport: Chennai - 600 027

Department of Commercial:H1'((-1"'1~ RI(fj ICi qdCi ~

AAM/C.RTI/2014/ .3 11




Sub: Information requested under the RTI Act 2005 - Application of Shri.Samit Gupta, Chandigarh dated 22.12.2014.




Please refer to Note No.AAM/ENGG/GME/PIO/RTI/72/2014/19 dated29.01.2015 on the above subject.

In this regard, the information pertaining to Commercial Department,Chennai Airport is as under:

QuestionsThe reasons for allotting shops forrefreshment and beverages tovendors who are chargingexorbitant rates as compared torates in the open market andpassengers are being fleeced.

Why vending machines for tea,coffee and cold drinks are not beinginstalled by AAI in the airportpremises for the convenience of thepassenger at affordable rate:s.

Copy of any approval taken fromministry of civil aviation for leasingrenting out these shops whichsupply for refreshment andbeverages at exorbitant rates.

GME (Civil) (Public Information Officer)

AnswersAs per policy decision of AAI,the exclusive right toDevelop, Operate andMaintain Food & Beverageoutlets at Chennai Airporthas been awarded to oneMaster Concessionaire.

The tea, coffee vendingmachines are availablewithin the snack bar countersat various locations inChennai Airport. The colddrinks vending machines arealso separately available atvarious locations in ChennaiAirport for the convenienceof the passengers.

The required information isnot available at this office.


po) \(S. undararajan)

DGM (Commercial)

Page 3: UKAS - · DGM (Commercial) AIRPORTSAUTHORITY OF ... ARVIND INAMDAR arvindinarr Hygienic issue in food served legal issuesand informed pax accordingly. ... l.D. No. (For office




No.AAM/GM(O)/RTI/2015/ I q ~ 05.02.2015OFFICENOTE

Sub: RTI application of Shri Samit Gupta, Chandigarh, dated 22.12.2014 - Reg•

....Reference is invited to GME(C) & PlO Office Note No.AAM/ENGG/GME/PIO/RTI/

72/2014/19 dated 29.1.2015 enclosing therein the RTI application of Shri Samit Gupta.

2. It is submitted that the first 5 points raised are pertaining to AAl's Commercial Policyon leasing out F&B business outlets at various airports. If point no.6 is read in the context of

above 5 points, we do not have any grievances received on the subject, however, in the

absence of clarity on the subject and the period, we are herewith furnishing details of

grievances received on F&B in respect of Chennai Airport for the year 2014.



GME (Civil) & PlO

Encl: As above



Page 4: UKAS - · DGM (Commercial) AIRPORTSAUTHORITY OF ... ARVIND INAMDAR arvindinarr Hygienic issue in food served legal issuesand informed pax accordingly. ... l.D. No. (For office



/ Date Category Name of the complaint Subject Action taken

I , [email protected]

Unbranded soft drinks served at Food outlet inside the Refer~d to Comml. Department to advise the outlet1 22-05-2014 Grievance No 220 Terminal accordingly

MR.PARTHASARATHYRAMASAMY Food options are limited TFSmaster concessionaire is in the process of opening2 08-06-2014 Grievance No 328 [email protected] more food outlets at SHA

Grievance No 312

MR.AJAZ MEMON M/s TFShas started operating a Bar in domestic terminal3 25-07-2014 [email protected] At Domestic Terminal Restaurant and Bar not availiable a few months back

MR. N.R. BALASUBRAMANIAN Through Comml. Department taken up with M/S. TFS,4 27-07-2014 Grievance No 317 [email protected] At food counter balance amount not given subsequently settled between the pax and M/s TFS.

Through Cornrnl. Department the issue is taken up withthe concessionaire, subsequently M/s PKHospitality

MS. EMILY MASON wound up operations due contractual legal issues and5 15-11-2014 Grievance No 574 [email protected] Sale of spoiled food informed pax accordingly.

Complaint is on M/s Sapthagiri outlet, taken up throughMS. KAYLAREED comml. Dept to seek clarification from the

6 25-11-2014 Grievance No 577 [email protected] Illegal sale of products and charged high rates concessionaire - Pending

Through Comml. Department taken up with M/S~TFS,MR. NITIN SHENDE nitin interim reply sent, awaiting response from the F & B

7 02-12-2014 Grievance No 624 [email protected] Non-Hygienic food served at TFS concessionaire - Pending.

Suitably warned to maintain hygeine, subsequently M/sPKHospitality wound up operations due contractual

8 03-12-2014 Grievance No 630 MR. ARVIND INAMDAR arvindinarr Hygienic issue in food served legal issues and informed pax accordingly.

Suitably warned to maintain hygeine, subsequently M/sMR. R,AGUPATISHARMA PKHospitality wound up operations due contractual

9 05-12-2014 Grievance No 6'33 [email protected] Over charging food stall legal issues and informed pax accordingly.


Page 5: UKAS - · DGM (Commercial) AIRPORTSAUTHORITY OF ... ARVIND INAMDAR arvindinarr Hygienic issue in food served legal issuesand informed pax accordingly. ... l.D. No. (For office

No. Ops. 7411RTI AcU201014 f ~ s a" Jan, 2015

To,ShriSamit Gupta,House No. 1188, Sector 15 S,Chandigarh-160015,

Subject: Request for Information under Right to Information Act 2005 -Request ef Shri Samit Gupta,

Sir,Reference may please be made to your RTI application dated 22.12.14 The Public Information

Officer % Airport Authority of India, Rajiv Gandhi Shawan, Safdarjung Airport New Delhi-110003. Received from D.G.M. (Low)-RTI, Central Nodal Officer RTI, AAI, Rajiv GandhiShawan, Safdarjung Airport, New Delhi 110003, vide I.O.N No. RTIIMisc/2011NoI.XV/31 dated05.01.15 which was received in this office on 06.01.15 on the above mentioned subject.

The information sought is as under:No. Question Answer

1. Give the iist of Airports in India The information available at AAI websitemanaged! operated by Airport (i.e.)!miscJairport charges.jsp I

Authority of India (AAI)The policy of AAI to lease out! rent The information available at AAI website

2. various shops at the airport (i.e.)!miscJairport charges.jsppremises for refreshment andbeveraqes.The reasons for allotting shops for Pertains to commercial Directorate

3. refreshment and beverages tovendor» who are charging

Iexorbitant rates as compared torates in the open market andpassengers are being fleeced.Why vending machines for tea, Pertains to commercial Directorate

4. coffee and cold drinks are notbeing installed by AAI in the airportpremises for the convenience ofthe passenger at affordable rates.Copy of any approval taken from Pertains to commercial Directorate

5. ministry of civil aviation for leasing! renting out tne ;e shops which

supply for refreshment andbeveraoes at exorbitant rates.

6. Copies of complaint received Pertains to public grievance

Iearlier in this matter and details ofremedial steps taken at your end

Yours faithfully,

(Aj~~'General Manager (Ops.)

CPIO, Department of Operation



Page 6: UKAS - · DGM (Commercial) AIRPORTSAUTHORITY OF ... ARVIND INAMDAR arvindinarr Hygienic issue in food served legal issuesand informed pax accordingly. ... l.D. No. (For office


(See ruff 3(1 jI

Application form for obtaining Information

l.D. No.

(For office use)


fhL'!'uOilcll1fl1rm;"lIionOfiict:l. ftlf.2.(,of2rS /}U1/70(,;,01 0(2 -;:.A'(}I/{

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~ -Name ut" tilt: appl icant . S fr"-t : I G'....-() f' r It

Full Address +1e US t3- t\l (J ne: / SEefDR... I (A. / CV! ;nv 0 Ic..~P . I I-I ~ . . d ti bri "\ - (J. 00 t~artrcu ars 0 nrorrnauon require t In net):

r{<;, ~'E r:.... Pr,,-'I'v' G X \J £k? A",

~ I. hereby. state that the information sought is not covered under the categorieswluch are exempted from disclosure of information under section 8 or under section 91)1 the Right to Information Act. 200:" and to the best of my knowledge. it is pertainingIt) your .

.:\. --*',) I have paid the Fee!' R,, .. _ ._ ..__ ._ .. _._ ill words rupCi;':,

on dt.vide receipt n(l. _. __ in the Department/office ot

-'---"- ~o ~ S-gJ (,&'1Demand Graft/Pay order \:;0.70 C.Sj3_(fsS'" Dr.favour of Officer.

Bank towards the feesissued b"payable. - Jr ~-.(~1-=--C-\=-:'-~1""---Non-judicial stamp of Rs. ._

applicationis affixed on rh is

~~ ! belong to B.P.L. family Xerox cop! of l11y card/required Certificateis enclosed herewith.

p;"~.,, Uf~O/~'/f.

; ':i:L': 1)~ J-~ U [4)

SiC;flHlllrc: or' tne applllum:' rtV( r (-c r FP-(;:-0.;<2;: add-e ss, ifany: ..s,~C'L"i·S' 6yaJu:1. (ft....,..

Telephone No. (OrtiCC): CJ 5/ be j 31 / C

(Residence) A

Full address \)1' correspondence11C (,IS ~ NG i I ~'-f S tcrt i.

,1\.8 Person belollging to 8.P 1 familY,'eec' . t C/141V 0 / c.:ntf-t-{- . -. ,I no pa)' any type of fees.


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