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Year RepresentativeHandbook 2012/13

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Introduction 3

Why is there a representation system? 4

Why become a representative? 6

Your role and your responsibilities 8

Key roles 14

Communication 16

eActivities for representatives 18

Useful contacts 20

Version 1.0 - 01 Nov 2012

“In giving these lectures there was one serious difficulty: in the way the course was given, there wasn’t any feedback from the students to the lecturer to indicate how well the lectures were going over. This is indeed a very serious difficulty, and I don’t know how good the lectures really are”

Richard Feynman on the importance of student feedback

Introduction to ‘The Feynman Lectures on Physics’, 1963.

congratulationsCongratulations – you are now one of over 2,500 College students who have taken up a voluntary position at Imperial College Union, including over 2,000 Club, Society and Project officers, 400 academic representatives, 50 welfare volunteers, and dozens of campus, Hall and community representatives.

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Welcome to your new position as a Year Rep, part of the Academic Representation System of Imperial College London. You now speak on behalf of hundreds of your student peers – representing them to Departmental & College staff, to Imperial College Union, and to the wider world.

We are grateful to each and every one of our volunteers for dedicating their time to hundreds of causes and initiatives – in your case, to improving the academic standards and social community of your department. Everyone from the Rector down recognises the importance of representatives to the academic standing of Imperial College London.

In return for your efforts, we aim to give you support and training to make sure you are as effective and knowledgeable as possible, and ensure that you look back on your experience as a representative as an opportunity for personal and professional development.

This handbook is the primary resource for achieving that. It is complemented by in-person training sessions in the first weeks of the academic term, as well as workshops throughout the year, online resources, and the availability of staff and fellow student volunteers for advice, guidance and cups of tea.

Throughout this handbook, you will see

Doug HuntDeputy President (Education)E: [email protected]:020 7594 8060, extension: 45646

three kinds of box: Get started, Perks of the job, and Give me more. They give you suggestions on how to get started in your position, how to make the most out of it for your own personal & professional development, and where to find extra information and training.

We hope you have a great time, and make the most of all the opportunities that Imperial offers its students. Don’t forget – we are in the Union building all year round. If you ever have a question or need some advice, drop us a line – or just drop in.

Here’s to a successful year!

Doug HuntDeputy President (Education)

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Why is there a representation system?The simplest explanation of the role of representation is to solve students’ problems.

Over 8,500 people are taking undergraduate study at Imperial College London, across sixteen departments and multiple campuses. Students work in groups and cohorts, but ultimately each student interacts with their peers, their department and College in their own unique way. Problems can and will arise every day, and student representation can provide many forms of support to help students resolve issues as they materialise.

Representation brings power to the students – but it also brings benefits to College. Imperial College London is a world-renowned institution with a well-deserved reputation for academic quality and cutting-edge research. Its departments and researchers are regularly checked by external examiners & reviewers, funding agencies, and annual assurance processes.

However, these are only part of the picture when it comes to quality; on the ground, a network of trained & trusted student representatives is needed to work with teaching and support staff to

identify issues on a granular level. Imperial College Union believes that problems are best solved by those most familiar with them, and we try to run a wide-ranging, decentralised representative system where each member is empowered to set their own tasks, goals and agendas, while learning from each other and drawing upon our collective experience.

Additionally, Imperial College Union has the aim of preventing its members from becoming detached from academic and social communities. Therefore, as well as our social events and our clubs, societies & projects, we aim to have a representative known to each student as part of our efforts to build a strong student community.

As a representative, those you represent have given you the authority to bring up issues with College, and to plot your own path to solutions and success.

You can find a full explanation of this system – and your part in it – in Your role and your responsibilities, on page 8.

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Why is there a representation system?The simplest explanation of the role of representation is to solve students’ problems.

Education, Welfare and Outreach Staff

Andrew KeenanEducation & Welfare [email protected] runs the team that looks after our student representatives, as well as our welfare, campaigns and liberation officers, the student-led teaching awards, and other education-related matters.

VacantRepresentation [email protected] Representation Coordinator supports and maintains the representative structures - arranging for elections, organising training, and answering day-to-day queries from representatives

Nigel CookeStudent [email protected] supports and advises individual students or small groups who have been affected by any one of a wide range of issues - from academic matters to accommodation, crime, and more

Vic CasambrosOutreach [email protected]’s role is to improve the support and services offered by Imperial College Union to campuses other than South Kensington, postgraduates, and international students.

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Why become a representative?The primary reward of being a representative is in the satisfaction of having made a difference.

Not just by helping your fellow students overcome difficulties, but also by influencing opinions and decisions directly affecting your group, course, department or faculty. The changes you make will be apparent in your and your fellow students’ courses.

It takes a stagnant institution to be free of problems for resolution, and there will always be a need for vigorous academic representation even in one of the world’s top universities – particularly as the rate of change in teaching & research methods accelerates. The most satisfied, fulfilled students will still have issues to raise, and it is often the very best, most effective staff & students who will take advantage of our representative capabilities the most. The College itself is aware of the importance of an effective student representation system, and is supportive of your efforts.

Personal & professional development

But there’s even more in it for you. Alongside the knowledge that you will

have made a difference to how well you and your peers have been taught or supervised, being a representative is an ideal way to work on your own development – meaning your time as a volunteer can have benefits long after your thesis is completed and you start the next stage of your career, whether it is in academia, industry or other fields.

These benefits can be both personal and professional, and can be an invaluable boost to your employability. Being an effective representative means being proficient in teamwork, time management, interpersonal communication, lobbying, and problem-solving. Crucially, you are not learning these in the abstract – you will be experiencing them first-hand as well as receiving tailored training with real consequences, and employers value that above almost everything else.

Throughout this training and others, we are highlighting Perks of the job – ways to maximise the positive impact that being a representative can have you

If College is to succeed in constantly improving and developing its academic offerings and support for researchers, how can it do it without effective and open student representation?

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on personally. More information on what being a representative can offer you, and how to develop your skills, is available from the Union website,


In recent years, we have introduced special awards for the most dedicated

The primary reward of being a representative is in the satisfaction of having made a difference.

perks of the jobVolunteering as a representative can help you work on the core competencies that College aims to impart to all of its students – the Imperial Graduate Attributes. More information can be found at

representatives as part of the Union Awards scheme. You could help one of your departmental teams to be singled out as the best, or you yourself could be recognised as one of the best representatives anywhere in College. We will be looking at lots of factors throughout the year –such as energy, effectiveness, enthusiasm, attendance, innovation and communication.

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Representing your year group

Your duties are straightforward, but vital – you are in direct and daily contact with the people you represent, and will be their first port of call when problems arise. You are instrumental in academic representation as the primary means of communication between the student body, College staff, and your fellow representatives.

If you drop out of the structure, you disconnect your entire year, cutting off hundreds of students from the College-wide representation system.

The best way to start off your new job is by making sure everyone knows who you are, and that they can come to you

for help. Your manifesto and election campaign were just the beginning; once you are elected, you must make your role absolutely clear to your year so they can use your power effectively.

Starting the year

Start off by sending an email to everyone in your year group (talk to your Departmental Administrator to find out how to do this). In this email, you should:

• Introduce yourself as their Year Representative

• Outline your role and your responsibilities

• Give them your contact details (just an email address is fine!)

• Give them the name & email of the

Your role and your responsibilitiesYou are responsible for making sure the student voice is heard within your Department.

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You are responsible for making sure the student voice is heard within your Department.

Departmental Representative, as a secondary point of contact.

• Stay informal and relaxed – but be clear and don’t assume that slang is comprehensible to everyone on your course.

As mentioned elsewhere in this handbook, your role is proactive as well as reactive, so make sure to gather all of the manifesto points and proposals you can think of, combine them with your own goals for the year, and begin to develop your own coherent agenda rather than waiting for issues to come to you.

If you keep your Departmental Representative aware of these plans, they can give you advice and assistance and make sure that effort is not being unnecessarily duplicated across College.

It is vital that you remain in continuous contact throughout the year with your fellow students and representatives;

establishing a good relationship with them will make your job much easier! Be approachable and friendly with them, so that they feel comfortable seeking you out for advice.

All of this goes for the staff in your Department too; representation is cooperation, not battle, and maintaining a friendly rapport with your staff will go a long way to smoothing the path for your proposals. Introduce yourself to them early if you don’t know them already, and keep in regular contact about the progress of various issues and the latest news from the representatives in their department.

Dealing with issues arising

If you have made your role clear to your fellow students, it won’t be long until they first approach you. When this happens, your first task is to gather information on the issue. Ask yourself:

get startedThere is a full checklist for getting started as Year Representatives at the end of this handbook, and staff from the College and Imperial College Union will be in touch with you regularly throughout the year.

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Your role and your responsibilities cont...

• What exactly is the problem? If it’s not an academic issue, it may be out of your scope; refer them elsewhere, for example the Advice Centre or the Student Hub (contact details at the end of this handbook). Talk to all the students involved in the issue until you are completely clear about it.

• Who does it affect? Which student or group of students? This could range from one student to the entire College. Issues affecting one student must still be dealt with but they may require particular care to maintain the student’s right to privacy. Consider sending them to the Deputy President (Welfare) if it is a personal issue.

• How does it affect these students? In what way are they pressured or disadvantaged? Try and assess the nature and the extent of the effect by talking to them, and make notes of what people say.

At this point you are in a position to

decide where to take the issue. It may be appropriate to simply monitor the situation, perhaps if it is something that should sort itself out. It is more likely that you will have to take action by elevating the issue. It is then time to decide where best to take it.

Elevating issues

Broadly speaking, elevating an issue means taking it along one of two routes: directly to departmental staff, or up to the next level of the student representation structure. The appropriate route is at your discretion. • If you believe your issue could

benefit from consideration by your departmental staff, make it happen. Your primary point of contact with staff is at Staff-Student Meetings, however you do not need to wait for these meetings to bring up issues.

• If you are unsure of how a problem might be solved OR a problem

get startedConsider getting a notepad (the paper kind!) and a folder specifically for your representative duties. There, you can keep all of your papers and notes in one place - and make next year’s handover to your successor much simpler.

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remains unsatisfactorily addressed after a Staff-Student Committee OR there is some complication (e.g. personal privacy issues) you must elevate the issue to the next level of the student representation structure: your Departmental Representative.

Urgent issues

In certain circumstances, generally urgent academic problems that require immediate attention, do not wait for the next Staff-Student Meeting or for your next meeting with your Departmental Representative. Speak to a member of your departmental staff describing the problem and its urgency, or to the Deputy President (Education).

Information goes up, information comes down

Just as you are responsible for representing the views and experience of your year group to College staff and Departmental Representatives, you are responsible for disseminating information down to the student body too! All aspects of your active representation must be made transparent to the students you are representing. Where you are bringing an issue to the attention of staff or other

give me moreWe recommend using SMART Goals to keep your ideas and rep work on track. To learn more, check out and your Rep Training handouts.

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representatives, you must ensure that all students involved in the issue are informed and continually kept updated.

This might be an acknowledgement of the issue and a promise to investigate further. It might be an explanation of the rationale behind the decision not to act or it might be a proposed solution to the issue.

If you report an issue to staff, inform your students so that they know that the issue is being dealt with.

If you receive any response from staff concerning the issue, inform your students.

If you elevate an issue to other representatives, inform your students so that they know that the issue is being dealt with.

Should you find out that any decision has been or could be made by your department that could affect students’

Your role and your responsibilities cont...

academic affairs in any way, whether positive or negative, try to inform your students as soon as possible to allow them to consider the decision and respond through you.

Throughout the year, you will be asked by your Departmental Representative/ Academic Affairs Officer (AAO)/ Deputy President (Education)/ Representation Coordinator to disseminate information to your years. This may range from emails asking them to participate in one of our surveys, to vital academic information updates. Please make sure that this info reaches the students quickly!

perks of the jobSSCs and similar meetings are good chances to work on your professional skills - real-life opportunities for chairing, setting agendas, speaking in public, and extracting action points and conclusions from discussion.

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Key rolesThe people and the positions you will be working with throughout the year.

These are the people & positions you will be working with the most. All contact details are available at the end of this booklet.

Year Representative (that’s you!)

Every year in every department will have at least one – usually two - Year Representatives, drawn from the students enrolled on that course. They regularly consult with their peers, attend staff-student committees, and build a relationship with the course staff. They coordinate feedback between students and staff and report up to the Departmental Representatives.

Departmental Representative (Undergraduate)

Every Department – such as Mathematics or Chemical Engineering – has at least one Departmental Representative, drawn from the undergraduate students. They are the

next level up of the system – coordinating all of the Year Representatives in their department. They will keep an eye on departmental issues, and are in regular contact with senior staff such as Heads of Department and Directors of Undergraduate Study. They coordinate feedback between the reps and staff and report up to the Academic Affairs Officers (AAOs), who are part of the Faculty Union.

Give me moreEach of the above positions has their own handbook, which explains their particular role in more detail – feel free to have a look at them online at

Academic Affairs Officer

The Academic Affairs Officers (AAOs) look after all of the Departmental Representatives in their faculty. There are six AAOs in all, who attend some of the most high-level committees in College and work with senior College and

perks of the jobThese members of staff, and other senior positions, are excellent contacts and sources of information about life in academia. If you want to understand how College works, or need contacts in industry, a professional relationship with senior staff is a good place to start.

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The people and the positions you will be working with throughout the year.

Imperial College Union staff.

Senior Tutor & Director of Undergraduate Studies

Each Department has at least one of these positions, although the titles may vary in different departments. Responsible for the overall smooth running of the department’s teaching & student welfare, their many duties include pastoral and administrative

responsibility, leading induction sessions for new students, and ensuring that academic standards are of a high quality.


The non-academic heart of each department, the Administrators are useful for disseminating information to students department-wide, organising contact with senior staff and being the department’s ‘institutional memory’.

get startedHave you had a one-on-one with your Departmental Representative or Year Head, if one exists in your department, yet?

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Communication“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” - George Bernard Shaw

The importance of communication is brought up in almost every section of this handbook, but we think it is so crucial to an effective system of representation that it’s worth mentioning again. Furthermore, it comes in many forms.

From the Deputy President (Education) to each and every rep for every single course and research group, there must be a constant flow of information back and forth about the various issues being brought up, discussed, and solved. This allows progress to be tracked and momentum maintained. Otherwise, problems are left unsolved, and the crucial trust of students in the representation system is weakened.

Departmental Representatives must be pro-active in seeking out the opinions of students across their whole department – whether through surveys and emails, or through deploying Course and Group Representatives to communicate with their peers and explore issues widely.

A problem that is not communicated to a representative cannot be solved; a problem that is sorted, but the students are left uninformed, may as well never have been solved at all.

Support and Resources

This year, Imperial College Union is expanding its staff support and resources dedicated to student representation. A new position of Education & Welfare Manager will oversee a full-time Representation Coordinator, who will be the main point of contact for all representatives.

We have also appointed an Outreach Coordinator, who will expand our work with certain groups – postgraduates, international students, and students on satellite campuses. The budget for training, conferences, communication and other representative support has also been expanded.

get startedTo make the most use of the online & communication resources offered by Imperial College Union – including Mailchimp, SurveyMonkey, Exchange distribution lists, eActivities, and the website – check out thoughout the year.

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“The single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” - George Bernard Shaw

Do you know who the following people are, and how to contact them?

Deputy President (Education)

Education & Welfare Manager

Representation Coordinator

Departmental Representative

Head of Department

Senior Tutor

Undergraduate Administrator

Your fellow representatives

Have you introduced yourself to the above people?

Have you explored the new eActivities functions?

Do you know which committees you are expected to attend?

Do you know how to put items on the agenda of these meetings?

Have you put meeting dates & deadlines into your calendar?

Have you familiarised yourself with SMART goals?

Are you aware of any students you represent on other campuses?

Do you know how to contact your constituents?


This checklist will help you get off to a good start as Year Representative.

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eActivities for representativesA new app to help academic representatives plan, communicate and work together.

eActivities is a tool designed for volunteers and staff of Imperial College Union enabling them to easily administer their activities and services. This year, we are launching new features built specifically for our academic representatives – the first online tool of its kind by any students’ union in the UK.

eActivities is browser-based and can be accessed easily anywhere. You log in with your College username and password, and it presents the functions and features appropriate to any Union position you hold.


Imperial College Union recommends the use of SMART Goals whenever possible. They are a way of setting objectives and targets that helps you achieve them. SMART Goals are clear, understandable, and help make representatives accountable to their constituents.

All representatives can now store SMART Goals on eActivities. They can allocate target dates, create progress bars, sort goals into a set list of categories, and mark goals as complete.

SMART Goals will not be publicly available, but Year Rep goals will be viewable & creatable by Departmental Representatives – helping Dep Reps

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A new app to help academic representatives plan, communicate and work together.

manage and coordinate representation within their department.


Throughout the year, departments and representatives generate a large number of papers – from staff-student committees, departmental representation meetings, student forums, and other sources. eActivities can now store and index these files.

RepfindersWe are launching two new tools to help students find their Reps – the Representative A to Z and the automatic


The A to Z is a dynamically-generated list of all departments, centres, liberation zones and Halls of Residence across College. It pull representatives’ details from our central database, meaning that students can locate and contact any representative within just a few clicks from our homepage.

The Repfinder is activated when a students logs in to the Imperial College Union website – it pulls the name and contact details of their representatives from our database, and shows them down the side of the screen.

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Useful Contacts

Position Name Email [email protected]

Deputy President Douglas Hunt dpeducation(Education)

Education & Welfare Manager Andrew Keenan a.keenan

Academic Affairs Officers

CGCU (Faculty of Engineering) Leonardo Paoli cgcuaao

RCSU (Faculty of Natural Sciences) Cecile Borkhataria rcsu.aao

1st year, 2nd year and Graduate Entry Medics

Ken Wu icsm.ao12GEP

4th year Medics, Biomedical Science and Pharmacology

Matthew Hutchins icsm.ao4bp

3rd, 5th and 6th year Medics Sybghat Rahim icsm.ao356

Departmental Representative (fill in yourself)

Year Representative (fill in yourself)

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Departmental staff (fill in yourself)

Head of Department

Senior Tutor

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Other contacts

Advice Centre(Student advisor)

Nigel Cooke advice

College Tutors – refer students to them for confidential advice on any issue

Mrs Margaret CunninghamDr Lynda WhiteDr Mick JonesDr Simon Archer


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Imperial College UnionBeit QuadranglePrince Consort RoadLondon SW7 2BB

Tel: 020 7594 8060Fax: 020 7594 8065Email: [email protected]: @icunion