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UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK % Alien H. Greenfield, Editor and Publisher AR ETSGRUPPEN FOR Uf'OLO f Summer, 1977 Edition Circumstantial evidence is a very tricky thing, "answered Holmes, thoughully. "It may seem to point very straight to one thing, but if you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it inting in an equally uncompromising manner to something entirely different ...... " ·,, Sherlk Holmes to Dr. Watson in "The scombe Valley Myste" A Rabbit always seems a rabbit If you have the rabbit habit. But if you chꝏse to change your view You just might find it's rabbit stew. --AHG in this issue DISCUSSION OF "UNCLE LOU'S" THEORY by our readers THIS ISSUE IS DEDICATED TO Dr. C. Louis Wiedemann and to Curt Sutherly

UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

May 08, 2018



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Page 1: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK % Alien H. Greenfield, Editor and Publisher


Summer, 1977 Edition

Circumstantial evidence is a very tricky thing, "answered Holmes, thoughtfully. "It may seem to point

very straight to one thing, but if you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it pointing in an equally

uncompromising manner to something entirely different ...... "

·,, ..

Sherlock Holmes to Dr. Watson in "The Boscombe Valley Mystery"

A Rabbit always seems a rabbit

If you have the rabbit habit.

But if you choose to change your view

You just might find it's rabbit stew.


in this issue


by our readers


and to Curt Sutherly

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Allen H. Greenfield, editor and publisher


Mailing Address - 1399 deBeers Drive, #6, Tampa, Florida 33612

Subscription Policy - Subscription is free of charge through arrangement with editor. Write us if you wish to be placed on our free mailing list.

Exchange Policy - We do not solicit exchange publications, per se. other journals are invited, however, to submit copies of their publication, which are much appreciated.

Policy on Lettres - All communication received will be considered for publication. Lettres of comment, whether published � not, are much appreciated by the editor. We cannot under any circumstances guarantee the return of manuscripts or other materials sent to us.

Policy on UFOs -This publication devotes considerable exploration to the subjective as­pects of the ufo problem. However, we do not editorially endorse any theory as to the origins and nature of the ufo problem, beyond our contention that the ufo problem is � important problem, by virtue of the sheer numbers of ufo incidents (in the millions, appar­ently), and the widespread dissemination of ufo-related rumours.

E D I T 0 R I A L N 0 T E S

At this writing I can't exactly claim that there is "peace in middle ufology", but a good deal of effort has been put forward by myself and by others recently to undo some of the 'bad blood' which could be noted by anyone reading the press of middle ufology.

As I said, I can't claim at this point that all is well (as yet), but one pretty firm in­dication of a positive nature is that I feel able, at this time, to (in good conscience) endorse the 1977 edition of the National UF O Conference, to be held in August in Sa� Fran­cisco. I cofounded this convention way back in 1963, but in recent years had separated myself from it both personally and professionally. I t does seem that at this point the time is right to attempt to· somewhat renormalise my personal relations with the NUFOC leadership, and it also seems that Dale Rettig, this year's convention chairman, is doing much to make it a success. Rettig's appointment, and the move to SF were both wise choices from the stand­point of revitalising the Conference. I still have serious doubts about this convention/ organisation; about whether it can once again be an effective force in ufology. But, for 1977, the convention has my full endorsement.

This issue of UN consists, to a large extent, of discussion of the version of the subjective theory expounded last issue by Dr. C. Louis Wiedemann ("Uncle Lou"). I am highly pleased with the extensive and articulate response to our last issue in general and the Wiedemann lettre in particular� At this stage of the game, the evidence for this version of subjectivism is more in the nature of deductive··(and largely intuitive) inference rather than hard data, but the concept has at least a couple of things going for it: Firstly, that some of the peemises of theoreptical physics and of parapsychology (as well as Jungian psychology) suggest that the psychic projection thesis is (at the least) a theoretical possibility, and, secondly, the superficial plausibility of the more established theories (e.g. ETH, 'natural phenomena') tends to fall apart into a dream-like world on closer inspection; a surreal world more suggestive of subjectivism than of the 'hard' theories. Nevertheless, there is another version of subject­ivism in which repressed psychic need is projected upon normal, conventional phenomena (e.g., weather balloons) which also merits attention and which I, personally, would like to see also discussed at length. �may hold more secrets than we have even begun to suspect. --AHG

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Larry H. Stephens, Maurice L. Kilpatrick, Jr., Tom Adams, Charles Caldwell, George Holcombe I I I , Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob E asley, Linda Janca, Richard Dal­ryrilple, Rick Hilberg (on tape), Carla Rueckert (on tape), Mrs. Frank August, Peter Rosenblum, Howard Gontovnick, Gray Barker (America's greatest writer), Gilbert J. Ziemba, Chris Lightner, Robert A. Schmidt, Gene Duplantier, Bob Schiller, David Fide­ler, Denis Corey, Chas Wilhelm, Guillermo Aldunati, and to any and all others who wrote. E xtra special thanks to T. B. Pawlicki • • • • •


a special "convention season" report by the editor

Summer, 1977, and the annual "ufo convention season" is underway in this, the thirtieth anniversary year of the modern flying saucer/ufo mystery. The ufo convention is a phenomenon unto itself, dating back to such pioneering efforts as the Giant Rock contactee conventions and the early editions of the Congress of Scientific UFOlogists.

I n the early history of ufology the large, outdoor conventions such as Giant Rock served as a focal point for the contactee wing of ufology -- those who stressed communications from alleged non-terrestrial entities and psychical aspects of the ufo problem. I n the 1960s per­iod the forces of middle ufology -- those committed neither to cultism nor the big establish­ment-oriented "official" groups -- found the convention format to be a valuable instrument. A more-or-less set mode was established for these gatherings; one or more 'open' public ses­sions were held, along with several 'closed' or delegate sessions. There were many informal gatherings and parties as well at these conventions, and it can be forcefully contended that these 'unofficial' events constituted the actual heart of these middle ufology gatherings. The Congress of Scientific UFOlogists reached a peak in 1967 with a giant convention at the Commo­dore Hotel in New York City which drew thousands of persons. It suffered a decline in the years that followed, but, under the name National UFO Conference has continued to the present and appears to be on the upswing again. The "official wing" of ufology -- the big ufo ·groups -- only got into the convention game at a very late ffiate, but their successful and well - organised gatherings have been a major feature on the ufology scene throughout the 1970s era.

Now, thirty years after Kenneth Arnold's sighting of 9 strange objects termed "flying sau­cers", the convention scene may be headed for yet another change, with both positive prospects and very real dangers. I t.appears that in this era of increased respectability for the ufo subject that future, very large and well-financed conventions will be held in growing numbers, sponsored not by ufo clubs or individuals, but by major newsstand publications and perhaps even business syndiicates. UFOlogy today, it would seem, has become "big business" indeed. The value of such sponsorship is that fairer representation for a broader spectrum of opinion may be offered on the public programmes, and that the better financial and organisational abilities of these sponsors may produce larger, more polished conventions.

Conversely, though, there is the danger of "watered-down" though impressive and slick pre­sentations wmth "safe" speakers and "safe" programmes will be all that is offered in an effort to be respectable and to attract the largest possible public. Such programmes may also become oily "medicine shows", while exorbitant admission �ees may strengthen the elitist, WASPy at­mosphere already all-too-present in ufology. The middle american, affluent, white character that already exists in all-too-many ufology conventions may only be increased by such app­roaches.

UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better financing, but takes a reserved view of this new trend. I t seems t'o us tha"l: the. f��ure of the ufology convention, and the future of ufology itself can be3 enhanced by the.following measures: (1) UFOlogy organisations and publications should withhold endorsement from any convention which charges excessive admission fees for public gatherings; (2) A Task Force on Racism in UFOlogy shoul� be established to assess the ex-tent of racism, sexism and agism involved in the practices of present and future organisations and conventions. I f necessary, this should be followed by a joint committee to increase par­ticipation in ufology by minority groups and by women; (3) A joint watchdog committee should be created to determine if public programmes and delegate sessions (if any) at conventions fairly represent the broad spectrum of opinion in ufology on ufos and otherwise.

Allen H. Greenfield

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By Allen H. Greenfield

When I first began to get inputs on the "new wave" ufo sceptics several years ago, I tended to take a dim view. I recall at the 1974 International Fortean Organisation's Washington, D. C. fortfest (which commemorated the 10oth anniversayy of Fort's birth) , sitting in a corner of the anteroom outside the lecture hall and watching one of these critics pomp�usly posturing before the press. Nuts, I thought, w�atta slob.

But as time passed, I began to realise that some serious ufologists of the nuts-and­bolts school were taking the new wavers seriously, perhaps in a way quite different from the general hostility towards the crudities of the likes of Condon and Menzel.

But what really made me sit up and pay attention were several case-studies by new wavers which, on the surface, anyway, appeared to provide important insights into the phenomena.

My viewpoint began to shift subtly in their favour over a considerable period of time. At the Fort Smith UFO conference, the same critic who had come across so pompously as I watched him in Washington at the Fortfest seemed, if not less pompous, at least more creditable as a human being. A fellow investigator in an Atlanta UFO group had remarked to me that, while he disagreed with some of the man's conclusions, he thought that there was something to be learned from his methods.

I am sure that I am not the only ufologist who, during this period, began to take these people more seriously. These sceptics began to get invites to pro-ufo gatherings and were featured in mass circulation pro-ufo magazines. Only John Schuessler, among important ufo­logists, sticks out in my memory of this period as raising his voice against acceptance of this new element in ufo research.

Two things ultimately caused me to return to a modified version of my original dim view o9 the entire new wave crowd. Firstly, I decided to undertake an extensive case review of one of the classical ufo incidents, and compare my own results with that of one of the major new skeptics. I took as my sample a case which I had already thorougly investigated and could review with some authority. My conclusion was that the case-analysis contributed by the new waver established nothing and offered little in the way of new knowledge about the incident at hand. Worse, the critic's "case study" appeared to boil down to character assassination rather than the open, vigorous inquiry it might otherwise have appeared to be.

Secondly, a couple of the major new skeptics initiated correspondence with me. In the course of this (fairly extensive) exchange I came to realise that these people (A) had little depth (B) were.'very narrow in their views and (C) were intellectually questionable in their tactics. For example, one characteristic I noted was a strong tendency on their part to latch onto an isolated point and harp on it ad nauseam, to the exclusion of con­sideration of context which mi!ht change the entire ;eaning of the point. I abandoned the correspondence when I realised its pointlessness.

Naturally, let me say very quickly, there are individual variations among these people, and I continue to have considerable respect for several of their case studies, and for the implications of these studies for ufo research. But they are, in general, hardly serious thinkers and appear to have little enough grasp of the psychosocial context of the ufo prob­lem and seem to be- rather 'locked into the essential�y false dichotomy of "spaceships vs. conventional phenomena" -- they, of course, being on the 'c. p. ' side of the pseudospectrum. Ironicall{! hav£ plotted out in considerable detail the trend in opinion on ufo� they may constitute a rear guard for their 'side', for it seems likely that, over the next ten years, the ETH advocates are likely to pretty much come into their own.

I have purposely avoided singling out these individuals and their characteristics here as I have more latitude to comment generally.lallo�+b� for the possible exceptio�to the rule. More specific individual studies with heavy documention are certainly in order, but for the moment I think we can safely let it rest atthis.

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Q - A well known ufologist recently characterised your publications as " vanity publi­cations". How does this characterisation square with your assessment of your own work�

A - Well, this depends largely upon how one defines "vanity publications". In a literal sense, I suppose any publication which one releases at one's own expense is, b¥ the dict­ionary definition, a "vanity publication", but if we are to take the comment in the pejorative sense, I would take quite another view. · · ··


The ·independent specialty·press --·of which my publications.are a part-- constitute �ne segment of the independent free media; information media falling somewhat outside est� lished conventional channels of cormnunication. We.·-are a kind of "grassroot·s .press'·' ... and of

·value, I think. If we are to call the small specia.lty pre.s.a "vanity", j_et' s be sure to refer to the major media -- the kind of media that the ufologist in question has had a lot of his stuff published in -- as "com.'Tlercial exploitation publications" to even the impression up a bit.

Q - This same ufologist implies that your experience as a fi.eld researcher is very limited. Is this true?

A - To begin with, I'm not at all sure that being a field researcher is the be-all and end-all of ufology. To be sure, a certain amount of field experience is necessary to get the flavour of a ufo encounter that might not come through in the literature, but beyon� that I would not dismiss a researcher who confines her or his self largely to theoretical or analytical work. However, in my case I do, in fact, have rather considerable experience in the field. By my own, rough count over the years I have participated in about fifteen on-site field investigations of various fortean phenomena, including an investigation of the Pascagoula, Mississippi case and of the Brown Mountain lights. If the critic in ques­tiqn is serious about the 'two or three' field experiences he alleges I have been involved in, he is very much mistaken. I am not even including here the various skywatches and in­terviews I have also conducted or participated in. While I am not primarily a field resear­cher -- I am a theoretician -- I do know my business.

Q - Mr. Yonah Fortner has alleged· that you largely ignored him in your historical work on ufology. How do you react to this?

A - Frankly, I am truly at a loss here. It seems to me that over the years I have been one of the few, true champions of this gentleman's work with wijat has come to be called the "ancient astronaut" concept. In fact, in my rather slim volume, Saucers and Saucerers -­which is now out of print, I briefly discuss, in quite positive terms, Yonah's high impact appearance at the 1965 Congress of Scientific UFOlogists. That was on page 46. Yonah is mentioned twice agai_n, on pages 48 and 53. I really think I've been sold short here.

Q - There seems to be an understanding about your subjective theory to the effect that, under your concept, anything one wishes (or thinks) is true, becomes real. Is this, in fact, what you are saying, and, if so, how do you account for the very telling criticism that - obviously - everyone doesn't get everything one merely wants?

A - I certainly hope that I haven't given the �mpression to too many people that this is what subjectivism says. One -- the simpLes+ -- subjectivist concept just says that people see what they want to see; NOT implying, please understand, that what they want becomes true in an 'objective'. sense. In this version of the theory we concentrate more on why people WANT what they WANT, not on what it is they are actually seeing. In a more complex version of the theory we do actually envision 'psychic projections' which, in effect, be­��' but there are many modifying factors to be considered here, including the dif­ferences between conscious and unconscious belief; how the belief of the individual compares with the beliefs of the consensus of the society around him, etc. This is no simplistic matter of 'wish it so and its so', and if critici wish to criticise my theories, all well and good, but they'd best be sure they understand EXACTLY what I am saying before they go off refuting some red herring they, themselves have conjured up.

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Dr. C. [ouis \Vi8demann R.R. #.1 64- B l<ii·lgs l-!ighwa� HackeUstown, N. J.. OZSAQ

February 12, 1977

Dear Allen,

Thank you for placing my letter in a position of prominence in UFOLOGY No·rEBOOK 3/5. ·rhe concept outlined in my letter, plus the m�terial in your own piece on Archetypes end Psychic Pro­jections, plus several other letters, All set the direction which your Notebook hes been fated to assume. I look forward to future issues.

With the establishment of your policy of printing letters in full, I feel you should add R lArger section on "Comments by Greenfield" in which you comment more fully on each letter published.

I have not seen Tom Bea.rden' s work mentioned in U1�. If Tom is not receiving your Notebook, let me suggest that it is now virtually essenti�l to "include him in." H�ving studied Bred fteiger's GODf' OF ftQUARIUf, you already know that Beerden is one of our foremost theoreticians in the field of panforte�na (which of course includes urology), �nd his background �nd credenti�ls qre nearly as fAnt�stic AS his theories an� the m�them�ics which he uses to b�ck up his ideas. He has an amazing min� which is totAlly steeped in the field of sturty which is exposited in your Notebook. PleAse sen� him a copy of U1� 3/5 with a note expl�tning thqt I aske� you to contqct him. (ftddress included separ�tely.)

J\nother mPn who should be receiving UN is rom Pawlicki in British Columbia. J.lthough he does not h9ve the b�ckground in physics And mathematics which Bearden so c�p9bly employs, Pawlicki is an extremely gifted theoretician. His recent piece in OFFICIPL UFO (Dec. 1976) might lead you to believe he is a totBl nutz-n-boltzer, but this is not the case. fend him a copy, and mention my name (�ddress enclosed).

Third, I would hope that Bob Durant is receiving UH. I c�n not promise that he will write often, but when he does write you will value the communication. Bob preceded me as man�ging editor of f'URfUIT, �nd he has some extremely interesting concepts. (flddress enclo�Pd.)

I am looking forward to responding to interesting feedback, pro and con, on my letter t-

Uncle Lou

P.�. Why don't you w�ite � nice letter to Moseley one of these days?

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Mr. Allen H. Greenfield 139 9 deBeers Drive 1 # 6 Tampa1 Florida 33 612

Dear Allen,

117 Lynmoor Drive Silver Spring I Maryland 209 01 February 181 1977

Regarding Dr. Wiedermann's article (letter?) appearing in UN 3/5, I have some problems with the description of reality he presents. Perhaps others could reply and clarify some of the issues I think would have to be addressed.

Assuming that the events Dr. Wiedermann outlines took place I questions that have to be answered include: 1) Since we are aware that other realities exist, can they discontinue their own existance while we still believe in them? 2) Conversely I if other realities believe in us 1 can we discontinue our "reality". 3) Once the "illusion" of. this reality has been firmly established 1 do the "minds" left in this reality still have the ability or power to alter the "ill us ion", even if a large number of the "minds" attempt to accomplish this? 4) What could be done to test this theory and provide the same "proof11 that he states the 11 government11 has known and suppressed ? 5) Can the other intelligent life forms in the universe alter our reality or can we alter theirs'? 6) Are we figments of another intelligence's imagination or are they figment's of our's?

It seems to me that you would �ave to know the limits of the reality being created to understand the function of the minds in it and the control they would have over it.

The current trend of investigation of UFO and related phenomena is now on surer footing than ever. The concept that mind projection may be at the root would explain much of the conflicting evidence that till now has caused confusion and concern among the many researchers. However 1 many preliminary questions should be presented and answered to clarify the true nature of the mechanism of the projections. Does the mind project these things directly or does it trigger another mechanism (Keel's super-computer, for instance) that in turn does the actual projection2 Once a projection has taken place, can it be altered while it still exists, or is it located in time and space in a way that determines its resulting actions?

The overall evidence offered in the numerous case histories in regards all phenomena in the subject area strongly suggest that some sort of time displacement is involved. Many, if not most of the well documented case histories have elements in them that a local or genez:_al al.te�?-tion of time would easily explain, using as a reference the more or less 11Constant11 flow of time that usually prevails. Keel's very carefully constructed theory involving electromagnetic wavelengths/frequencies can also be understood if the phenomena were operating at a constant frequency I but altering its rate of passage through time. To the observer outside the phenomena, the end result would be the same.

S�cere ly, IJ • _j_ _ 1lJI f:)!L,�� Paul f. · Chris tiansen

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Dear Allen,

Joseph Kerrick 3741' Midvale Ave. Phila., Pa. 19129

March 3, 1977

The changes in the new urology Notebook were very much to my liking, namely more metaphysics and less saucer-chasing. The biggest turn-on for me was the letter from Lou Wiedemann, bringing to light the message that the government is suppressing the information that the world is an illusion! Fantastic! That has simply got to be the most mind­blowing formulation since Jesus -- who claimed that the Pharisees were suppressing the information that the world was going to end.

Seriously, I think Lou is on the right track -- his statement that understanding and believing the truth makes the subconscious incapable of sustaining the illusion, and brings about the non-existence of the world -- this can be taken as an expression of a very high level of Awakening. However, I'd have to label as premature the conclusion that there is a danger of the majority of the population coming to this kind of knowledge; likewise the idea that it would be catastrophic even if they did. More advanced visionaries have postulated a theory that such an event would rather result in a race of men like gods, a species capable of deliberately choosing to build its universe on the foundation of the underlying non-existence. This new, consciously­created reality would presumably be better than the one we now inhabit. (Also, Lou seems to forget that the government itself is part of the illusion • • • !)

Let me interject my thanks for all the various material you sent, and offer an apology for some of the conclusions I jumped to in my first letter. The excerpts from U.N. which Dave Reissig originally sent me, and upon which that letter was based, were much too fragmen­tary for me to apprecia�e the actual dimensions of your �erspective. Once I was able to see where you're really coming from, I realized that my criticism about not taking seriously the possible nexternality" of UFOs was, to say the least, invalid. In my eyes, it was important to your credibility that you had reached your present conclusions after many years as an "objective" saucer-hunter. Also, your latest essay clarifies many points a great deal.

The three examples you gave of poRsible mechanisms by which the UFO archetype is·manifesting, were interesting -- though personally, I'd consider the first and third as one and the same. I find it a useful exercise in mind-expansion to try to grasp how it may be that UFOs are simultaneously a created product of our mass psyche and also truly visitors from elsewhere. (Clue: it may help to imagine a third point of reference, something outside of and beyond both ourselves and the supposed aliens. I.e., if we are projecting the UFOs, this does not eliminate the possibility that there is a higher sentient power pro­jecting both the UFOs and the human s�ecies. In this context, it could be_ said that the secret'Of Awakening is to identify oneself with that higher power. ) · ..

I'm sure it's obvious that my basic interest does not lie in UFOs nor urology per se; what I'm seeking to discover is how the outward thrust of the Space Age can combine with the inward plunge of mysticism to produce new frontiers of human development. Jung feared that the closing of the earthly frontier was resulting in a state of collective psychic stagnation -- new beliefs are needed, challenging concepts,

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fresh myths by which the timeless archetypes can express themselves • • •

and most of all, a way for turn-of-the-millenium, scientized� compu­terized humanity to confront something beyond itself.

I t's an archetypal turn-on to see telescope photos of spiral galaxies billions of parsecs from crotchety, bone-weary Terra, or to view her own blue and white face televised from the moon; but somehow, this has proved insufficient. The collective mi·nd apparently needs to reach outward toward its own image, another sentient being, or beings. The science fiction writers promise that if we'll just be patient for a century or three, a faster-than-light drive will be developed, and we can go off in starships searching for our stellar brethren. By that time, though, the mind of the species will likely have introverted itself into a putrid mess of over-urbanized, paranoid myopia, purblind to anything as distant as the stars.

The only solution is for the star-dwellers to come to us. And now they have, for those with eyes to see. Look to the heavens -- the UFOs have arrived! Or more accurately, a new mythos has arrived, complete with a scientific rationale for a mighty power higher than man.

Perhaps this will give you some insight into my estimation of the importance of ufology at the present moment in history, and particularly your approach to it. You are willing to see it as a quasi-religious phenomenon, and even to introduce into it certain elements of mysticism.

Maybe you've heard of Occult Americana magazine, published out of Painesville, Ohio. Its editor, Barb Mraz, and I are corresponding about the possibility of collaborating on a book, the theme of which is still a little vague, but will be in the area of overlap between my interests ex�ressed above and her major pursuit, which is researching the influ­ence of science fiction on new religious movements and the New Age zeitgeist in general. I sent her a xerox of your article from the latest U.N.; perhaps you'll hear from her.

Meanwhile, just keep cranking out your ideas in Ufology Notebook. It's definitely an exercise in mind-expansion to read it!

Sincerely yours, � 1::_0����� P.S.

Please note change of address.

·, ,. �

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Mr. Allen H. Greenfield 139 9 deBeers Drive #6, Tampa, Florida 3 3 612

Dear Allen:

19 02 Willis Road S. E. Huntsville, AL 358 01 March 2, 1977

I very much enjoyed your Ufology Notebook samples, and would appreciate it if you would add me to your regular mailing list. The subjective side of UFO' s and paranormal phenomena has occupied me intensely for some twelve or so years, and it is indeed refreshing to meet someone such as yourself (and many of your readers) who are not stereotyped and still trying to prove that UFO' s are the result of a group of young stalwarts on Planet S of the star X, getting beered up on a Sunday evening, hopping into the old space jalopy, and motoring over to planet Earth to jolly the natives.

If you read the last 10 pages of Brad Steiger' s Gods of Aguarius, you'll have an introduction to some of the work I've been doing. What was not in Brad's book was the analytical theory on which the conclusions were based. I enclose a copy of "The One Human Problem ... .. which contains the theory by means of which mental images/virtual state entities can become real, objective, observable objects in ordinary space. I.e., Appendix I to the paper contains the fundamental mechanism. I also enclose a letter to Uncle Lou which you may .find of interest also.

The flat solution to the UFO phenomena , and the physics schema that goes with it, is contained in the paper 11An Approach to Understanding Psychotronics" which I also am enclosing. I am presently expanding this paper to submit to an intema tional psychotronics congress this summer.

At any rate, I hope you find the material of interest. I believe the subjective/objective approach to the UFO phenomenon can be put into solid scientific format, consisten.t with the entire experimental basis of physics, and I have tried to sketch out that format. However, a new physics/logic/ mathematics paradigm is definitely required.


Jt-nt &P-��v ·,, . Tom Bearden

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Dear Lou,

1902 Willis Road s. E. Huntsville, AL 35801 February 5, 1977

You are indeed quite right in using caution in approaching the development of multiple realities; belief in a "single reality" is one of our deepest human hangups 1 in every field, from physics to philosophy to religion. This is particularly true wtth regard to our idea .. - (assumption) of a real, single, concrete "world" in which we live. The idea of "objectivity" thus is often taken to be synonymous with .. single concrete reality," which of course it is not, and the foundations physicist is well aware of it. I often quote Henry Margenau•s statement that physics has nothing to say about a possible real world underlying its equations. I.e., one constructs a theoretical model, not a reality per se. If this model is then found to correspond to observations fairly well, then it is useful. (It is not necessarily "true" as such, in fact, one of the pressing requirements is that a theory must be falsifyable, capable of being proven false.) The point is, one part of a correlated theoretical model is just as valid as any other part. In that respect, quantum electrodynamics (which is the single most successful physics theoretical model} employs two completely different types of "real_!� !.: �p

b�vable reality and nonobservable (virtual) reality. Electric field, e.g., i� -lfn:e continual emission and reabsorption of virtual photons -- which are "real" but never observed, even in theory. The requirement for a virtual entity (change) is simply that the product of its energy change (delta E) and its time change (delta '11 must be less than Planckrs constant divided by four pi. Such a change is totally nonmeasureable by any instrument, even in principle. ·However, notice that its delta T is perfectly ord� inary and real. The time channel/time dimension is thus actually modulated by a host of virtual changes, occurring at fantastic rate, but at an extremely low level, and nonobservable by any ordinary physical instrument. Thus from this viewpoint quantum mechanics already contains two distinct types of realities: the observable and the nonobservable (virtual). The boundary between the two realities (QM would call them "states" rather than "realities,") is given by a quantum statement; e.g., Delta A (change in action) equals h/ 4 pi.

Thus crudely one can say that quantum mechanics already employs a host of

·t-' entities which.' exist in a nonobservable reality, but which can actually occupy the �. "real observable universe" a small fraction of the time. Roughly, the virtual entities

� .. ( are sorta like the minute dots in an overall observable picture; one ea n see the picture,

��-�� not the individual dots. The analogy of course breaks down if one pursues it.

;j ll�.)\(�, Now notice very precisely what one means by .. mental changes" or "mental � � �-:.J � objects." Take, e.g., the mental image of a chair, as a structure to be used for \Y)t ·1?Y�� illustration. Take its counterpart also, a "real physical observable chair" in the � '\� . _1 fJ� ·�'i :'t � ,:� ordinary sense. The mental chair exists at the same time as the physical chair, i.e., "_:( _ 11�''!;. � it occupies the same time dimension, simultaneously. That's a real, objective

•i i' -.l •l ., "\

- . • .

f' � � \ .. �:·dimension in physics. But the mental chair does not occupy observably any of the �.j'J �·r:>� spatial dimensions of the "frame" or "universe" or "world" occupied by the physical �� ��,.� - ·� :1 �":¥chair. Specifically 1 each discrete action change that represents the mental chair #. �\.; :Y,.'� .... - must be of magnitude less than. Planck's constant divided by farr pi. In that

V � ,_. , , :?- '"' \.." �([ case (let us assume· that for a moment) the mental chair would be quite real, but

>..� * - �). � - �f�� i"'j totally unobservable and undetectable by any instrument. But if a way could be \;. '�'-;?..� \ · found to coherently collect or superpose repetitions of the mental '>� � - .,..-�� chair, then when the superposed subquanta reach quantum level, the mental � f� . �t�. : �� �

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chair · would become quite real indeed, and would be just exactly like its previous physical counterpart. I.e., there would be no difference. Then if the coherence in the subquantum collection were lost, the "mental chair that had materialize and become physically real" would simply vanish.

It so happens that one can produce a theoretical analysis for all that quite simply, �nd I have already done that (see my "The One Human Problem, Its Solution, and Its Relation to UFO Phenomena", specifically 1 Appendix I: The Holographic Hyperchannel Effect.) (Available through the Defense Documentation Center ,r

In playing around with "higher dimensions" in infinite-dimensional frames, I was struck by the fact that all sets of three spatial dimensions which are three orthogonalities removed from the observer's spatial frame 1 and which share the same 4th dimension -- time-- as does the observer's Minkowskian frame, precisely fulfil the conditions for mental frames. Thus an unexpected realization that. almost all the higher dimensional frames are simply mental worlds , but they have in their own space the same "concrete" reality that an ordinary physical object does in the common frame of human observers' bodies. Further, all these frames crosstalk an incredibly small amount -- tiny enough to normally be virtual changes with respect to the ordinary observer's frame, but real (virtual) nevertheless, with their own little time changes riding on the ordinary time dimension as "jitter" or modulation.

Then one simply takes the ordinary coherence in the jitter common to all such mind frames, and that corresponds to the collective human unconscious. Common groupings of these changes constitute what Jung called archetypes. A living biological system thus became simply a direct and continuing association between a set of phenomena in one of the mind frames and a set of physical phenomena in the ordinary frame. I.e. 1 with coherent crosstalk continuing back-and-forth between the two. Death of a biosystem then s�mply becomes the loss of the coherent crosstalk channel.

The point is, one can model the mind as physically as one can model ordinary objects. The model is as valid in one part as in another; arguments with the model must not be based on whether or not one "believes" or "can be comfortable with" multiple orthogonal worlds/world models, but simply whether or not the theoretical model fits the observed data.

It turns out that the model fits the data. First, from Everett's work, such a model is totally c'onsistent with the entire experimental basis of modern physics. So no "physical objection" is valid. Second, parts of the model admirably provide for ESP, telepoJ1:ation, psychokinesis, UFO's 1 Fortean phenomena, etc. That's in addition to such other necessities such as the mind, the collect! ve unconscious, thought photography, spook lights, sasquatches, fairies, elves, Loch Ness monsters,

· yetis, etc. Further, the model provides a framework from which actual engineering can be accomplished (e.g., radionics, dowsing 1 psychotronics, etc.)

So at this point I'm not saying the many-worlds or many-realities model is �·true" per se; what I'm saying is that the model seems to fit the data rather well, and it offers- a, rich, almost breathtaking vista of possible developments to come. And at present no other single model can be made to fit other than a single portion of the Fortean phenomena. In such a case 1 the truly scientific way to proceed is to accept the model as a working hypothesis 1 and continue to examine its fit or nonfit to data, and its theoretical predictions. E.g. , it would a pp ear that the long sought positive detector for "bioenergy"�can be built, although its development will probably require a fairly good electronics laboratory and about a million dollars or so. It also appears that psychokinetic amplifiers can be built, e.g. 1 but again it appears to require a fairly substantial electronics laboratory and sufficient funding. Just at present, such is not available, and it does not appear to be forthcoming.

, . ., ?-

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So in the meantime I just go on working out some of the ramifications of the model, continuing to try to fit it to data from Fortean, UFO, and paranormal phenomena, etc.

·And occasionally plead with some of the organizations and groups for assistance in obtaining data, photos, etc. (Not much assistance has been given. E.g. , I personally spent over 5, 0 0 0 dollars last year in acquiring information; this is a labor of love and is definitely not a moneymaking proposition. NI CAP and APRO, e.g., gave no assist at all.)

Finally, I would like to point out what ·is really implied by the concept/occurrence of 11paranormal" phenomena. E.g., let us call everything that occurs in the normal observer's frame, �nd which can be physically observed, "observable phenomena. " Ordinary physics attempts to represent that phenomena by a precise and complex coherence to unobserved realities (probabilities, DeBroglie waves,· etc.) Ordinary physics however is interpreted for only a single observer at a time, indeed as is ordinary mathematics and ordinary logic. ' In that type of interpretation, the "collapse of the wave function" is mysterious, unexplainable, and absolutely contradictory to all the other elaborate assumptions. E.g., the wave function collapsesthroughout the entire universe instantaneously, communicating with every other particle/location instantly. And it collapses without any particular "cause"! So here we have the following limitations: (1) only a single observer exists at any one time (2)· the observer is external (separated) to the event observed, even though he (his physical part) inevitabl§! interacts within the observation itself (3) two 110rdinary" types of realities exist; the observat?le and the virtual, ( 4) a weird and inexplicable effect exists, with no cause whatsoever, which "collapses the wave function . . and selects the specific reality (most immediate past) for the observer. Further, this effect is universal and inevitable and instantaneous.

Now add in the following: (1) The observer has a mind (observer is after all just an acronym for mind, a word which the physicist_does not like to say) (2) mind itself is not describeable by physics of the ordinary kind; hence 11mind" must lie outside the ordinary physics realm, (3) the observer inevitably interacts with every observation; hence in an observation, a mindchange and a physical change are correlated at least timewise; (4) consciousness actually does not perceive the physical at all, as is well known, but rather only perceives the particular mindchange involved (5) we can normally convince ourselves that multiple simultaneous observers exist (in fact, in assuming the .. observational fact ., that the wave function universally collapses, even ordinary physics sticks in a lot of changes everywhere, as if observed or capable of being observed) .

One can continue, but that should suffice to show that ordinary physics, as presently interpreted (single reality), will not withstand rigorous analysis. Specifically, it cannot solve the problem presented when the observer himself is part of an observed system; i.e., when I look at you, or you look at me. And it cannot resolve the enigma of the necessity for the collapse of the wave function. Only Everett' s work appears to resolve all the issues that can be brought to bear, and the emergence of multiple realtties ·arid multiple universes in his theory is so strange that all but an exceedingly few physicists have chosen to ignore it. Mostly because it is so terribly alien and uncomfortable, not because of theoretical objections!

Well, in Fortean phenomena one is dealing with and confronting alien . reality! So for that, one ought not be surprised to discover that some alien physics becomes necessary. Most researchers in strange phenomena have either consciously or unconsciously hoped that some great physicist would step forward and point out where this is all cbntained in ordinary physics; that is just not going to happen,


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because it isn't in there in ordinary physics. Extraordinary physics is required to explain extraordinary phenomena. And the only real candidate presently available to deal with the exhibition of multiple kinds of reality is Everett' s many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.

Anyhow, after that blast, I'll return to the main point. You've done an admirable job of "Trimming Bearden to the Bone," far better than I can do myself, I believe! Anyhow, I'd be quite pleased to have it published, although I assure you it is far too flattering of my own feeble efforts. Let me make one correction; I am not a physicist per se, but rather a nuclear engine er (Georgia Tech, 19 71, MS) . In some respects that has been a peculiar sort of advantage, in that I know just enough physics to be dangerous, and not enough to be hidebound and wearing programmed blinders. Also, I have no physics reputation to build or maintain (I could care less!) and so do not have a vested personal interest in any particular status quo. Further, by being retired and by making my living at other things (large computerized wargames) , I'm insulated from suppression by authorities in the physics field. I'm not bnocking physics at all, just stating the simple fact that any organized group of long standing and high authority tends to pick up all the trappings of the power/prestige/vested interests game, and I am relatively free from that game. Of course the disadvantage is that I have to go it relatively alone, and my "funding" comes out of my own pocket .

. It also means that things go slower, and the work indeed suffers and is lacking from my own personal limitations. Nonetheless that's all part of it, and one must do what he can, regardless.

Anyhow, I want to express my deep thanks to you again and to Vestigia; I w0uld be gratified at anything you care to print, because if the word is spread, eventually we'll get some really good theoretical phiJsicists turned on, and in that case Bearden's work will essentially have succeeded and will be finished.

By the way, I'd appreciate receiving a set (full if possible) of the spook light pictures at your convenience. Also, if Vestigia permits it I I'd like fo use the incident and the characteristics of the phenomena in a paper I'm starting I which I intend to place in DDC (you know, propagandize the system a little from inside!) on Unexpected characteristics of the photon interaction and unexpected implications of higher dimensional spaces.) I intend to gather several other things together also for it; e. g., thought photography incidents/exampl�s, several lights-in-the-sky type UFO incidents 1 etc. I already have some excellent Soviet references which support the entire hypothesis/theory model.

Thanks again for your support and for keeping me informed; let me wish you all the best of luck iri your n'ext instrumental effort.

Sincerely I


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To a Allen H. Greenfield 1399 deBeere Dr. , 16 Taapa., Florida 33612

Allen ,

Thanks for UN 3/4, and now 3/5. They' re �1

Fe� 14 1977

You 1BJ.Y not. mali• it yet'" but you have j_uat invented a .!l!U! !.!Dl of •gazine --one consisting almost entirely of photocopied letters consciously written for publication. I think it will 'be a very ,_ 'Y.e:ey interesting mag· • • •

it· will be. like a giant conversation.

I subscribed to a libertarian magaz-ine a few years ago , I think it. was called Li ber$a.rlan Connec_tionJ it was Jrlme.ogra phed , everyone sent. iin stencils J but often the stencils were poo�, and the result was pretty unsa tisfaet.ory. But photocopying_ solves that. ADd you hav.e a lbetter e-lass of correspondent. You can avoid the mistakes of G'reen �g' s Forum.

11 m quite deligh� to see. au'j�ctiv.e idealisa eaexgimg into popular thinking. I especially likeci: Lou Wiedemann' s letter repllOdiuceci in UN 3/5. But I ' m not worried a-bou-t his gneat fear, which he S{lys can be aupponted. by "absolute pl!Oofs" 1 I don 1 t think there • e an a baolute proof of anything. All you ha v.e to do to refute any proof is re jeet- any part of any,- pmaise . That takes care of scienillic pxroofs too.

Now , eybe Lou Wied.eann is right a the wdverse will end.. as a dreaa •nishes_. when. its support is weakened or withdmwn. Is that cause for feaJr� When I die , eithe-r I will stop or· 1.0 ono Either way,. the:re 1 s aothhg to be afmid of •

Wiedeann' s pessimistic projection of 'ty to follow the ending of our reality see . to me qJli te unwarmnted. I just en'rlaion pm:re consciousness 1 Wiede.ann ' s "loneliness of isolation" aiaply oar:rles no fo:DGe . I think perhaps only a lUi can be iaolarted and lonel.y.

The bi.sie: dis�very is-a apa.qe-time .!a .§. functiion ..9! conseiogness. Wit.h or without coatents.

Lol The subject Changes • • • I want to urge yoa to subscribe to Fortean Ti.ea (formerly The !m!§) of Lomd.on, if you haven• ·t already. I reeeatly d%opped my subsaipti.ons t-o Pur&-uit and The l!!!2 Journal , baca.use they' u gotten too e:x:pensi v.e J but at the ti.e I extended ay su.,cription to Fortean Tiaea. It' s the beat one. I ' a enelosiq. a photocopy o£ a cottple of pages f-roa the lateat issue , ntlllbe:xr 18. The eurxent subsccrlption rate is, $6 for 1 year (6 issues) plus 1<>% inte:mationa.l check ehaxge . Make cheek to Robert J M Rickard-. The ·· ·new. pe.ranent. add.l2ess is a

Fortean Tiaea p 0 BoJt 1.52 Lomon N10 1EP , England

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. "( i I


,, I


I recently got amud to reading. "The Cosmic Pulse of Life" by Trevor Jaaea Constable , and I loved: it. You' ve p:nol:ab�y llead. ' it by now 1£oo , but in ease JOU ha•n' t , it' s awa.ila�le :flo:r $1.9.5 postpa.i<L froa He:din Press , P 0 Box 121.59, Santa Ana , Cal�ornia 92712. Pape:rl:ac:k , 400 page s , illust:mted.

I alao racerlly /�w lbocak na ed "Gravity and Levity" by Alan t\cGlashan (Boston a Hough ton IU.fflin 1976 $6. 9 5) , and it' s a very wise book. I' 11 be sencl1wg you ao• oc:erpb fro a it in a separate letter in just a few. days.

I also read a new boo-k naaed "The Space-Gods Revealefll" by Ronald Story (Harper & Bow , 1976, $?-•95) • It' s subtitled "A Close. Look at the Theories: of Erich wm lllniken" . Not really a ..ary good lJook , because biased ioward_ orthodox science , but l' a enclosiq. photocopies of the last eight :pages , which hcltde an intexestiltg appelld:ix by Robert. s. Ellwood , Jr.

Here are ao• quotes :r:ro.. "The Hearing Trwapet" , a surrealist novel lly LeoDO� Carzipgtona

I neftr eat 1188. t as I think it is wrong to d.e.plrl. w animal a of their lifa when thay are ao difficult to chew anyway.

"SillOJl, what is it like being dead?" He looked puzzlecd. for a JtOJJent then b.e sailda "You tl!d1tk 1� is goiq to emi all the but it ever does. "

Lots of people enjoy amokilrrg marijuana , it cheers the a up.

It is impossible to understami how millions and millions of people all obey a siCkly colleCtion of gentlemen that call themselves 'Go�rruaenl ' The wom ,. I expect,. frightens people• It is a fomL of planeta.Jry hn>nosis , and wzy Dheal thy.

ADii he:re ' s a li1le from· "The End· of the Web" , a mystery novel lby G.eorge Simsa

There was an umrls.taka.ble aura of mcred·om a bout him, as if he had been let illlto the Secre_t of the. Uniwrse and foumd olllt it was not very inteDatimg. • • •

That' s all :for · this time

·, t �

Dave Reissig 402 Ar.thur St. Syra.c1me NY 1 )2o4

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1 4 7 1 Second Ave nue Apartment 1 9 New York , ny 1002 1 Dear A l len & Barbara -

February 2 5 , 19 7 7

Am enj oying the idea s in UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK . Don ' t ha ve a copy with me now , but I am remembering the person who fe lt the Nature of Rea lity wa s being covered-up by the C . I .A . As I am sure it i s , if they are ab le , but they are doing one he l lu va lou sy j ob of it • • • those same idea s (that ha ve been around for centurie s : the Universa l Mind

· manife sting itse lf in diverse forms , Rea lity a s a function of agreement) ha ve a lready been popu larized to the point of sounding a lmo st trite . Werner Erhard , founder of e s t , ha s even expre s sed the thought in a l­most the same words - once you find out Who you rea l ly are , the game is over . Fortunate ly , · mos t of us can ' t remember for too long at a stretch !

Speaking of e s t , I hard ly dare to , becau se it' s had such a bad pre s s . Picture , if you wi l l , six people in a room . Five are discu s s ing what a terrib le thing is e s t , becau se : it costs money , they won ' t let you go to the bathroom anytime you want , the trainers ca l l you na s ty names , its founder ca l ls himse lf Werner Erhard , and thousands of peo­ple love . him , proving they ' ve been brainwa shed . Est is a wa ste of money , doe s not work , turns peop le into Robots , and is a Menace to Society . I am the on ly one in the room who ha s taken the e s t training . Ha ving been brainwa shed , I am obvious ly unqua lified to hold an opinion on the matter .

Like many of the other " graduate s , " I ha ve been through quite a few " human potentia l " exp lorations , be fore and after taking the tra ining . I can only say tha t so far , e s t is the only thing I ha ve found more va l­u�ble- thari· psychede lics . . . and that ' s a high compliment !

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Anyway . . . my pre sent Exploration is a course in P . E . T . 1

or Parent Effectivene s s Training . No 1 I ' m not a parent yet , nor ye t a p . -to- be , but the communication technique s can be equa l ly we l l app lied to a lmos t any aspect of human re lations , though e specia l ly we l l- suited for situations where there is a power im­ba lance .

Ye sterday Thor & I met Robert Anton Wi lson , whom we found very likeable . He to ld us about his own Contactee experi­ence , which is the subj ect of a new book soon to be publi shed by And/Or Pre s s . Also had some UFO s ightings near the Wanaque Re servoir in Noo Joisey in early 19 6 0 ' s , a s did his son .

Just read an Expos� in the Vi l lage Voice about a certain unscrupu lous go-go agent who is sending Whole some Type dancers to Fairbanks , A la ska . . . . s ti l l . Had I any idea he wa s sti l l in the busine s s , I would ha ve sued the #$ %9 & *@ . Howe ver , seeing that artic le gave me a great excuse to write to the co lumni s t , with whom I had been wanting to become better acquainted .

Oh ! And Thor ha sn ' t been around much the pa s t coup le of weeks . He ha s been Occupying radio s tation WBAI as part of a S taff & Vo lunteers rebe l lion against a new management who wanted to switch the format to Latin Music . . . among other indignitie s .

We were at the Boskone la st weekend , and I had the first­time experience of s igning up to lead a Discu s sion Group . The subject wa s Evo lution of P lane tary Consciousne s s , and about ten people came . I thought it wa s pretty good for a first attempt at being a group leader I tho ' I did have some troub le hand ling a coup le of very we l l-read peop le who wanted to quote authoritative ly at great length from many Great Works 1 rather than speak from their own experience .

Ha ve been taking yoga le s sons at a hea lth spa near my p lace of work . . . a lso learning to swim . Read a great book on in­creasing your inte l ligence , exp laining how many forms of Higher Inte l ligence ha ve their ba sis in mus c le coordination . . . lacking somewhat in my ca se be cause I skipped the crawling s tage a s an infant . P lan to put in a couple of se s sions in the water whi le tripping . � . I ' m ba sica l ly afraid of the water , and need some re­programming to fee l at ease !

And many other things are happening here , and I hope your own live s are going a s we l l . Would love to hear from you .

Love -


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De ar .All en •

Re c ieved your current UN today, re ally l ike the cover·, al so the new format�

H6pe . you re e ' d the tape I sent ok� Well my club i s re all y growing now • . At our . l as t me e ting 5 more pe ople came to make a to tal o f 14 pe opl e .

Hoppy & I are almo s t fini she d w i th the bo ok �e are e o- autaor�, i t w il l b e ver y bene fi cial to a lot of Ufol ogis ts , ol d & new al. ike !f�

I would l ike . to urge all re ader s o f m to try and form �all UFO s tudy group s . It is one sure way o:f re aching the publ i e ;

Unl ike a lo t o f the b i g name cl ubs , the· small cl ubs all ow e ach person to spe ak . . out , abou t the ir own s i ght ings , pers onal views about UFOs e tc � The study se s s i on all ows for que s ti on s to be asked ab ou t the pervi ous le s sion e t c .

Larry Stephens will be coming to Denver in May , I have se t up an interview on XWTZ rad i o for h� & my VP i s con tac t ing KIMN r ad i o , we hope to re c ord both in terviews .1


I f any o f you fell ow Ufol o gi s ts � pl an to be in Denver any t ime thi s ye ar l� t me know in advance A I will ge t y ou on the Jud ie Wagner show;�

By ._ the way !1 , as :/ou c an see I have a new typewr i tter at l ong l ast�

\ You are wel c ome to reprint thi s le t ter in the ne xt UN .

In Ufol ogy·,

Jani ce

·, , ..

I .

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Thur s d a y 2 0 Jan u a r y 1 9 7 7

D e a r Al ,

I have r e a l l y e n j o y e d r e a d i n g UFOLOG � NOrEBOOK . You r a p proach a nd e xpre s s i on t o the s i t ua t i o n i s r e f r e sh t ng . Yo · 1 a r e s ha r i ng me a n i ng ­fu l l n s 1ght s . I f o u nd yo ur �Pa s c a go u la , S h o r t a n j Swe e t " T F V i e w e nl i gh t e n i ng .

I v i s i t e d E i c k s on ' 3 h o me onl y t e n d a y E a f t e r h t s e xp e r 1 e � c e and �e t t o t h he a nd Park e r b r i e f l y , a s � e d a f e M q u e s t i , n R a nd g o t d i r e c t � � n s and T�T e n t d o�n and l o ok e d 2 t t h e a bd u c t i on s i t e . I n Augu s t 1 9 7 5 c on ta c t e e S t anl e y I n:;5 ra m g na m fs e l f v i s i t e d ' ·1 i l l J i ma i n qun t sv i l l e , A la ba ma , who c l a i m e d a s t range UFO- r e l a t e d aut i s t i c e x p e � 1 1re e a t Pa s cag o J la eho r t l y � f t e r t h e 1 i c k s o n - � 1 rk e r e 1 t s o 1 e 3 ' d pr od u c P d t r--ro re c or d s ( 8 - t r�: c 1< a D d LP ) e n t i t l e d r� UFO n.: - : -�'S an d R�VEL �. 1' � ·'"' N 666 . I f o u n d J i ma a l i �{Ia b l e g u y and I na s i m pr ... � s s � d tha t 'I '? wa s e xpr e s s i ng h '· m s e l f s i -:. c e e l y . r h e n e x t d a y I ,,·p s i n a. l t hr.s. r y i n v.rayne s b o ro , r e nne s s e e l o o k i ng f or a n y l e ge nd s , m y t h s o r f o l 1< l or e o f t h3 t re g i on t h J t m i g ht t i e i n w i t h t h e s i t ua t i on s I wa s c h e c� i n g O tl t i n t h J t s t 9 t e a . · d i n s t e ad c a m e s c r o s s t l1 e s t o r y o f t h e Pa s c 9.go u la R i ve r ( " s i ng i ng r i ve r " ) , a l l qu t t e b y " :1. c c i d e n t " . I r e f l e c t e d o n m y l nv o l ve �e n t w i t h t h e P a s c a g onla a f fs i r i n t h a t my m e � t i ng w i t h �1 11 J i ma ws s a s e e m i n g a c c i d e n t , l u c k , wh� t e ve r ( be ing i n t � P r i g� t pla c e a t t h e r i gh t t i m e ) , I · s s t a t i on e d 1 · t ' -, e n : v y 3 b o 3 ,..,d t "'l e US S PAUL ( �E- 1 0 8 0 ) h o me � o r t e d Ma y p o r t , Fl9 . a t t h e t i m e o f th e 31 c k s on- Fark e r a bd u c t i on , s o � W) S s t 9 t i one d a �c e � s i bl y n r a r b y p e nd t h e n s t umbl i ng a c r o s s t h i s l e g e n d I h 3 d � n o �n no t h �_ ng a b o u t . I c o � ld n ' t e xp r e s s 1 t b u t I f e l t a l mo s t l i k e I v g s o n t h e e � g e o f s o me ne w und e rs tand i ng i f I c o u � d onl y ge t � be t t A r gl i mp s e o f t h e � e a n i ng be h i nd t h i s r e a l i t y pr p : e n t e d . ( Th i s may b � o f i n t e r e Q t : I wa s d re a m i ng t h e t s o m e h ow s o me o ne h a d b � r n a b d u c t e d b y c r e 3 t u r � s f r o m a UFO � i th c l aw s . I woke u p i mme d i a t e l y a � d t h e o ve r h e a d s p e 8 ke r -. J S o n ( l i gh t s T-.r e re o u t , 1 t wa s l ·:3 t e , a. nd na t ural l y t h t s we s no t s up 9o s e d t o be ) and u p o n a. 1··a k e n i n g I l i s t e ne d and r P � l i ?: e a th3. t t h e vo i c e o n t h e ra d i o ... Ta s t a l k i n g · 1 b · u t a UFO B b -J u c t i on- - la t e r a c l a s s i c . t o u s a l l a s t h e P a ·3 C 8..g o u l a a f f a i r . (Io�T l u c k y I t h o · 1 gh t I ·r.,a. s t o have p i c :�: e d t h i s u p . O t v i o u s l y s o me on e had l P f t i t on by m i s ka k e or so }e o ne had c o me i n w i t h a b i t t o o m u c h to d r . nk , r e a che d up and s ,·, i t c h e d i t on , and a t t h e t i m e no t h i ng -r•r? s on o r r.rh s t e ve , and t h e n c ra s he d i n t ') h i s ra ck . ·,�Jh g t e v e r "' ? 9 t h e c a s e t h i s r .0 d i o c ont e nt wa 3 b e i ng a b s o rb e d b y m y . s l P e p i n g s n l f and wh e n th i s UFO � s p e c t c J me u p s u b c ons c i o , l s c e n t ra l kne w t hg t I h a � be t t e r s i t u p and pay a t t e n t i on : rh e m i n d i s p r P t t y � 9 rVe l to u s . ) I am e nc l o s i ng a c o u p l e o f 9 0 e m s d one b y a o e g r f r t e nd o f m i n e t ha t 1 t h i n · · yo u ma y e n j o y .

· Mu s t r �n { :0 · R. c o l d t o T•.?a l k ) . ra k e g o o d ea r. e . I r c i!l ::l i n ,

; s a l l·Ta y s ,


Page 21: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

Dear AI,

245- 1 0 Grand Central Parkway, Apt. 3A Bellerose, N .Y. 1 1 426 February 1 8 , 1 97 7

Well , here I am again. Sorry I haven't written you to let you know what I a m u p to . I have been busy getting used to married life .

I have, however, begun to get back in the swing of things with regard to writing . I have a couple of articles due out in UFO Report over the next few months, with more in the works. One of the articles deals with the UFO/Star Trek connection ( I won't explain that! ! ) and the other is an interview with Yonah .

I wonder what would happen if I turned in a manuscript this way? By the way, if you like the typeface and style , we can quote you a real deal on typesetting of your publications. I see you are trying it out, at least for the covers.

Also, my bride Barbara's brother- in- law sells rare gold coins, which appreciate in value more than most investments . So if I can interest you in a small purchase . . .

Enough of the commercial stuff!

Let me know what you want to do with regard to a proposed Middle Ufology convention . I am very sorry that I couldn't get together with you for a meeting over the Christmas holidays. I am sti l l quite in­terested in anything that can be done in this connection .

I have learned , t o m y regret, that m y old Caveat Emptor subscribers have been orphaned again . Probe-The Unknown has gone under, I hear, though I never did learn just how many of my old sub­scribers they actual ly served. In any case, they have my subscriber records-so I wouldn't know just who is due what. Crossroads Quarterly told me they would be will ing to fill a few subscriptions now­so you readers who are .affected by all this can contact me or them for details. But bear in mind that this is all being done on the honor system . We don't know how many issues you ordered, how many you received , etc. But I am sure your readers will be totally honest about this.

I enjoyed your article about UFO projections in the current newsletter. I am certain you have specu ­lated on this before , but if the human psyche can project a new and distinctly separate real ity , then perhaps our perception of reality as it has grown through the ages has affected the entire rea lity con ­struct . This would mean that when man in the Middle Ages bel ieved in the satanic creatures of the night, their actual existence was the inevitable after-effect. When belief in such creatures diminished , and disbelief followed , r�ality became less substantial .

Could i t even b e possible t o will a person o u t o f existence this way? Perhaps those Voodoo Doctors have a point!

The possibil ities are extraordinary and perhaps frightening in some ways-though it would probably

Page 22: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better




take the combined energy of a number of minds working in concert to bring all this about.

It would seem , therefore , that the early U FO era beginning in 1 94 7 seemed a particularly physical phenomenon because believers in what were then known as "flying saucers" assumed we were being visited by extraterrestrials. The contacts of the period support this contention.

Then , as awareness of other possibilities expanded-through the dawn of the psychedelic era-the reality of UFOs changed accordingly . Now the objects or whatever they are behave in precisely the way that Subjective Ufologists would expect them to behave-though the large amount of ETH- buffs around might stil l make things interesting.

Wonder what the next generation of belief might produce?

Now if I can only will myself to have a couple of million dollars-or a best-selling book . . . . .

Route 2 :Box 1.59 ViD& , AL 3.5.593 March 16, 19'n

Dear Al,

Ulf 3/.5 • GREAT:

Glad to see your reply to rq thoUihts on personal treedoa as related to society. I respect your opinion on thi s atter, and think perhaps you are rilbt to soae decree.

'l'he- extensive letters section was up to par. I really like your forat--priatiDc letters e.xactl.y as ·received, and devotinc a larp portion of your pub to thea.


steven Elliott

Page 23: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

/Jev..r /t-L LeN ,

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Page 24: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

\ K \ 5 � rtT l ( L � l S

D e ar Al l en :

Your c urrent sy s t em o f print ing who l e l e t t ers i s f l at t ering i f not emb arra� s ing . I t h?s o c c urred to m e that numerous p o s sibi l i ti e s in the f lying s auc er f i e ld have b e en l eft out . Re c en t ly t here have b e en t e l evi s i on c omm erc ial s of p e op l � g e t t ing p e c ul i ar urg e s an d runn ing or o therwi s e hurrying down to the n e are st hamburger j o int . The s e j o int s , i f you have no t i c ed , hav e , some of th em , d e c ked them s e lve s o ut as Attack She l t ers for p eople s ub j e c t to thi s i n s am i ty . N ow , th e on e thing that puz z le s me i s that t h e Big Mac s d on ' t ac tual ly attack p eop l e , but p e op l e at t a c k them . Suppo s e y o u had a M a c f lying abo ut i n sp ac e and i t had mach1n e gun s s t i c k ing o u t o f th e burg er and it w8 s sp inn ing around and f lying about and d ropp ing fren c h fri e s on p e op l e whi c h wo uld e xp l ode when h i t t ing t h e gro und , and that they d rop� ed Ho t App l e Pi e s that were f i l l ed with p lut onium and e t c . Then a real B i g Mac . Attack wo uld b e in progr e s s and you had b e st h e ad f or an Air Raid 0hel t er a s soon as p o s s i b l e .

I want t o sec ondly c o mment on Samue l R . D e l an ey ' s nov e l Th e Fal l of t h e Towers , one of the truimphs o f the s o c al l ed "new-wave " or-th e 1 �s . If you haven ' t read t he s t o ry I wont give away t he c ruc i al s e c ret , but the c lue s to t h e s e cret are very important and c an h e lp us in our l i t t l e d ebat e . 500 years af t er the ho l o ­c aust al l t hat i s l e f t o f c iv il ixat i on i s an i s l and c i ty c a l l ed Toromon and it s more pri m i t ive emp i r e on the main l and whi c h i s hemmed i n b y the rad i at i on b arri er . Due t o vari ous ali en int er­f erenc e s from out er spac e , Toromon ge t s in a war with the enemy b ehind the b arri er and r egains the l o s t c i ty of T e lphar in t he fi rst en gagement . Skipp ing the intri uge , in a f ew y e ars an o t h er war st art s and the l ady mathemat i c i an O l e a who s e genius he lp ed win t he f irst war ( and who s e f ian c e d ied i n a«t i on ) has thr e e awful insp i rit ion� . T h e f irst w a s t hat u s ing t e tron ( the m irac l e metal l i k e tri li thium i n s t artrek on ly more so ) c ry s t al s and l as er b e ams a c omput er c ould b e bui l t t hat hand e l s as muc h info a s the human brain , the s e c o nd i s that u s ing her subtri ginometri c f ormulae and a gad g e t that f i gur e s promin an t ly in th e story , a p erson c an b e tran s m i t t e d anywhere on earth wi th a p inp oint ac c uracy wi thin m i c rons . Her thrrd insp irat i on was so horrib l e she c o uldn ' t even think of it due to a mental b l o c k , and yet it was b eing d on e . On ly th e l e ad ers of �oromon and a f ew fr eakish t e l e p aths kn ew b e s i d e s her .

Third ly , l et me say t hat the " mm two d iment i onal wo rld " h a s s omething t o d o wi th t h e shad owyn edd of fairyl and and tha para s i t i c nature o f i t s inhab i t an t s . That uf o s are n o t a l l f emal e don ' t be so s e l e c t ive . That t h e " me t aphys i c al " and the spiri tual are n o t th e s am e . In your l i f et ime o f s e arch ing mayb e you d idn ' t l o ok the righ t p l ac e s . Have you c on s id ered the r e l i gious v i ew of an inv i s ib l e - spiritual world around u s with God and s ain t s and ange l s and p eop l e ' s sp iri t s a l i v e and d ead and o ther t hings . The world has b e en so suffused wi th ab stru s e and e s o t eri c m et aphysi c al i d e as and o th er Kant that a r e turn to s i mp l i c i ty and b asi c s m i �ht b e in order here , t o o . M e t aphy s i c s i s l ik e g e t t ing a m i c ro c o mput er t o tun e your am tran s i s t or rad io . u t t erly ridi c ul ou s . Al s o , I was s ay in g your vi ew and t h e nut s&b o l t s one were not s o . � ar apart . as you s t i l l t hink th ey are t hat on th e advm1c eu front� ers of S ? l en c e t h e i r phi o s ophi z ing i s s t i l l glori f i ed ma t eri al i sm mad e mys t 1 c b e c au s e you c an ' t s e e m e sons and n eutrino s and klingon s .

yours , ev er so qu aint ly mi s spe l l ed , Pet er .

Page 25: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

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Page 26: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

E E Feb . 11 , 19 77

Dear Mr . Greent i e ld :

You and 7our cohort s c on t i n ue to p ur s ue the subj ect of UFOa when 7our be a t effort s are Futi le , and at a t �e when the Chain o t Even t s is br ing in g knowledge to the world that all s uch s ighting a are the re sult s or halluc inat i ons and natural phen omena .

You s peak or the power source s of thes e non-exis ten t cratt and the d eve lopment ot un -d epend able Solar Knerg7 when we , 7our real ben efac tor s , s ee k Cons ervat ion of our exi s t ing fos s i l and the d evelopment of Atomi c Fus ion .

We mus t pre s erve at all cos t the un i t ed Nat i ons and our tree Fed eral Re s erve S7s t em , and a World Ord er ravored b7 Mr. li a s inger whe re Ma j or i ty Rule mu st come to Forei gn lations and Kqual Opportun i tr on the North Amer i c an Cont inent .

Trul7 there i s no censor ship and al l of us mus t speak · out , but we mus t temper our remarks wi th the knowledge

that should the Energy and Moner srs tems be threat ened , all i s chao s ; therefore we mus t be more d i s cre te . Fal s e reli g ions mus t b e s een i n persp ecti ve , and we mus t turn o ur efforts toward the d evelopment or be t t er Mental Health Care , s uoh as the Alas kanPro j e c t whi ch, con trarr to s ome thought , has not been aband oned .

It a s 7s tem or Internmen t i s n ece s s arr as a las t resort to prot e ct Ord er , then it mus t be .

Your publicat ion i s now Reg i s tered wi th us , as are s �i l ar pub l i c at ions in all Nat i on s .

We regret that thi s Let ter has been ne ce s sarr .

Yours verr resp e c ttullJ ,

VI ... ·-

�� ' /

Clark 318

Page 27: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

F 0 U R T E E N T H A N N U A L

N A T I 0 N A L U F 0 C 0 N F E R E N C E


1 : 00 pm SATU RDAY , AUGUST 6 , 1 977 The Nob H i l l Room PSA HOTEL SAN FRAN C I SCAN

1 2 3 1 Market S treet ( near C i v i c Center ) SAN FRANC I SCO

S i nce 1 964 the Nati o n a l U FO C onference has been a n a n n ua l g atheri n g o f ufo l og i s ts who get together t o s h a re news , i nformati on , a n d i deas ( the Conference was known a s the 1 1Congres s of Sci enti fi c U fo l og i s ts 1 1 be tween 1 964- 1 972 ) . The " co n " has had o n l y one set pol i cy over the years : o pen parti c i pati on - no group o r i nd i v i du a l has e ver been excl uded . We bel i e ve th i s po l i cy i s parti c u l arl y appropri a te today i n l i gh t o f the numerous person a l i ty d i s p utes a nd group ri v a l r i es wh i ch c haracteri ze con temporary u fo l ogy .

The 1 1 C l o sed s es s i on " i s des i g n ed to fac i l i ta te thE. pers o n a l excha nge o f i nfo rmati o n amo ng parti c i pants . I t cons i s ts of p resenta ti ons a n d tal ks on vari o us a s pec ts o f the p he nomenon wi th th e o pportu n i ty to as k ques t i o ns and commen t . Bec a u s e th i s i s be i n g wri tten severa l mon th s i n adva n ce , i t i s not pos s i b l e to l i s t here a l l of th i s year ' s p a rti c i pants . A s o f th i s wri ti n g , a ten ta t i ve l i s t i nc l udes : Al l en Green fi el d o f F l o r i da , one of the con ' s fou nders wi th 1 7 ye ars experi ence i n the fi el d ; R . F . Hai n e s , P h . D , a resea rc h s c i en ti s t s pea ki ng on 1 1Wh a t d o UFO wi tnes s e s and non-w i tnesses t h i n k U FOs l oo k l i ke ? " ; Curt Sutherl y of Pen n syl v a n i a , a wri ter whos e arti c l es on UFO s and paranorma l phenomen a h a ve appeared i n many n a t4 on a l magaz i nes ; Gray Ba rker o f Wes t V i rg i n i a , whose i n ves t i g a t i o n o f the Fl a twoods , We s t V a . "mo n s ter 1 1 i n 1 952 l ed to wha t i s now a 25 year i n vo l vement wi th the U FO phe nomenon , not o n l y a s a n i n ve s t i gato r , b u t as a wri ter , ed i tor , p u b l i s her and a uthor ( h i s bes t­k�own w� rk , T�ey Knew Too Mu ch Abou t Flyi ng Saucers , a ppeared i n 1 95 6 and wa s the f 1 r s t d 1 s c us s 1 o n of M I B i nc i dents } ; John Mu sgrave o f Edmon ton , Al berta , one o f Can ada ' s mos t res pec ted researchers , tal k i n g about 1 10ccupants and C r i tters North o f the 49th Para l l el " ; R i c k H i l berg ( another fou nder of the con ) and Bob Ea s l ey of O h i o , d i s c us s i ng recent deve l o pmen ts i n the i r Sta te . The c ha i rman of the conference i s J ame s W . Mos e l ey , who was ed i tor o f Sauc er News between 1 9 54-1 968 . Thi s year ' s event i s s po n so red by C a l i forn i a U FO Rese arch , a g ro u p from the San Franc i s co Bay area .

There i s s t i l l s pace on the program fo r a few add i ti o na l pre s e n tati o n s . As th i s i s the fi r s t t i me the conference ha s been hel d wes t of the Mi s s i s s i pp i , C a l i forn i a researchers are e s pec i a l l y i nv i ted to pa rti c i pate . For tho s e comi ng from out of town , there a re room s ava i l ab l e a t the San Franc i scan Ho tel at a s pec i a l g ro u p rate . The meet i n g room for the c l osed s es s i on has a l i m i ted capac i ty wh i ch n eces s i tates a dvance reg i s trati o n ( there i s no fee ) . I f you wi s h to g i ve a presenta ti on , reserve a s ea t , or reserve a hote l room , p l e a s e u s e the s pace be l ow . We l oo k forwa rd to s e e i ng yo u Aug u s t 6 th .

To : C a l i fo rn i a HFO Re searc h , P . O . Box 1 1 304 , San Franc i s co , CA 94 1 01 . I ' m i nterested � n g i v i ng a presentati o n a t the c l o s ed s es s i on ( send deta i l s ) .

Pl ease reserve me a s e a t a t the c l osed se s s i o n .

P l ease reserve a s i n g l e ( $ 22 ) of Aug ust -. -



doubl e ( $ 26 ) room for the n i g h t ( s )

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Page 28: UFOLOGY NOTEBOOK -, Manuals and Published... · Holcombe III, Robert Sheaffer, Dennis Pilichis, Bob Easley, ... UFOlogy Notebook applauds the better

8 : 00 pm




SAT U R DAY, AUG UST 6 , 1 977 PSA HOT E L SAN F R ANC I SCAN 1 2 1 3 Market Street ( near Civic Center)


STANTON T . F R I E DM A N - " F L Y I N G SA U C E R S A R E R E A L " - M r . F r ied m a n , a nuclear phys ic i st , h as l ectu red to h u nd reds of col l ege and profess i ona l audi ences i n 46 states . He is a member of the American Nuclear Society, American Physical Soc iety and the Amer ican I n st i tute of Aeronaut ics and Astronaut ics . 18 years of study h ave conv i nced h im that the ev idence demonstrates we are bei n g v i s i ted by i nte l l i gen t ly

cont ro l led veh i cles from off the Earth . M r . F r i edman's i l l ustrated lecture covers data f rom several sc i e n t i f i c U FO studies , m i sconcept i on s a bout U F O's travel t o t h e stars, l a n d i ngs and "cri tter" repor ts, and the fau l ty arguments of the "educated skept ics . " The lectu re is fol l owed by an open quest ion and answer pe r i od .

A L L E N H . G R E E N F I E L D - " U F O 's A� D TH E C R I S I S O F CO NSC I O USN ESS" - M r . G reenf ie ld has been engaged in U F O resea rch s i nce 1 960 and has i nvesti gated nu merou s U F O i nc idents in the southern U n i ted States. H i s p i oneer th i n k i ng on the re lat i onsh i p between the U F O phenomenon and "a l ter nate rea l t ies" adum brated the cu rrent i deas of such scien t i sts as D r . J . A l i e n H y nek and Dr . Jacques Va l lee . Mr . G reenfi e l d 's aud i o-v isua l lectu re focuses on the nexus between U F O 's and para n or m a l phenomena and the i m pl icat ions of the UFO exper ience for modern man. He i s the ed i tor of Ufology Notebook and h i s art ic les h ave appeared in n umerous publ i cat ions , i nc l ud i ng the B r i t i s h journa l F lyi ng Saucer Review.

N u merous U FO resea rch organ i zat ions w i l l be represen ted and a var iety of books and publ icat ions on the su bject wi l l be offered for th ose i nterested in learn i n g more about the U F O phenomenon .

T I C K E TS : $3.00

·, , . Advance t i c kets are ava i l ab le from :

CA L I F O R N I A U F O R E S E A R C H P . O . B o x 1 1 304 San F rancisco, CA 94 1 0 1