Top Banner
. . ':.' . . ' .. .... .c. !. , .''-, -'. " b•.. . ~ ' . ~ . i ~ : ..... :: .,!;- li:," . ~ ' ; : : : -l ,,,.; . o' ,.;, : .. ' . r., . - , " : ~ f: ., e tude. Sh e peDlIIIIIe1 reponed theobjeda MIcPlr as 2GO ft an d said that as UIe iDtere:eptors appl'llllc:bed UIe lIIbts went out. After UIe IDterceptors bad passed UIe Jllbts came on apID. ODe baur after 'Ule F-IOl1s retumed to bue. ItIis sUeslte..-J reportedtbe objec:t inc:reUed to a bIIb speed. raised II I alUtude an d could DOl be from UIe stars. •• , '1.. '.'.. "J have.api_ad my _ ce m to SAPOJ [Air .Force In formatiaD· OIIIcel·· that we __ u p - ' with a pzo paRd _ _ to queries from th e to pre¥Wlt overreac: tioII by tb e public: to reports by th e media dial ma y be blown . ou t o f pnpaniDD. To date er-, forts by Air GuanS belicllpters, SAC [Stratellc: Ai r Commllild] I bellc:opteiS an d NORAD F-lf16s bave failed to procIuc:e positive lD." I Operaua. e-.]. RelIable mWaary .......... a t 1.ortIlI AFB [Air Force Bue]. Maille, WIllUlDitb A B . Michipn. Malmstrom AB . [MoDwIa]. MJaot AFB. [North Dakota]. an d <:uadiu Forces SCatkla, FaIcaDbrtdp, Ontario. Cana- da , bave YiSuaUy ........ picious otIjec:Is. "Objects LoJ1IIC an d Wunsmlth wwecharacterlzed to be bellcopters. MIuUe sile peI'SOIIDll1. security aJert leamS an d Air Def_ pe. Delat MaImstraal Maataaa re- ported object wbJch swnded like a Jet atn:raft. FAA ad vised '11Iere ww e lID je t air craft il l UIe vic:iDlty.' Malm- stroInse areb and beiPt finder radars c:anied the object .. t_ 1.0lIlI ft an d 15,100 ft at a speed of sevea knots. . . F- _ _ IICrambIecl from Malm- strom c:ouk1 DOl malre c:ontaet due to darkness an d low altI- D.F.O. FILES: TH E UNTOLD STORY : " ' ~ ~ .-. " Though officials have long denied that they take 'flying saucers' seriously, declassified documents now reveal I extensive Government ~ n c e m . the p ~ e n o m e n o ~ , J. :. , ... _..,..-, - .- t ."" . p l. 1 W '':''::. ,.', . . " : . : ~ . B y PatricIr HaRlae Potric:lr Huy,he is Q free/_ wriler in New Yora. A meUll/ic:-U1te diM. reported CO lIaN IloNrecl ove,. SGnco Ana, CGJif•• in 1865. _ lite Subjecl o f · . · ~ : ~ , ( ~ : : ~ i b . .. # . :; . . . I . . ' . . ... , ' ..•. :. :,'. _., .' - J . " " : ~ ' . : ' : < : : : ~ ~ ~ \ - " . '" "" ... ..'._.-,... :•.• _ ~ : : : s . i : . : . Sighti", ON" 0,.,..: OM of ,h e b a l photCl8nrplUc: records. Tb e De'- Department message bears the c:1as&lfic:a- . tlCln CONFIDENTIAL. "Sub ject: Suspicious UnIlnown Ai r Ae:tlvlty." Dated Nov. 11.1975, II reads: " Si u c: e 2 8 OCt 7S DIIIIIeI'OUS reports of suspicious objee:ts have beeJI received a t the NORAD cae (North Ameri ca n ir Defense Combat . : ; ~ . . . ' . . ~ . : . . ~ .' .: ', .•:0 ..... l' ".- . ~ ' : ? 'J .......::.:';./ . .;' ··ti ';: ! ~ i : ; , ...... '. :.r.;.•; . " : l ~ ; . j £ : · - · · . : i . ~ ; f ; : '- . . ~ . S ~ : ~ , - : · : · · · · · · . , ; : ~ , .;. ..... I ~ : ' ! . ~ : .. r ,. .';

UFO Files: The Untold Story

Apr 06, 2018



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tude. Sh e peDlIIIIIe1 reponed

theobjedaMIcPlras 2GO ft andsaid that as UIe iDtere:eptorsappl'llllc:bed UIe lIIbts went

out. AfterUIeIDterceptors badpassed UIe Jllbts came onapID. ODe baur after 'Ule

F-IOl1s retumed to bue. ItIissUe s l t e . . - J reportedtbe

objec:t inc:reUed to a bIIbspeed. raised II I alUtude an d

could DOl be fromUIestars. •• , '1. . ' . ' .."J have.api_ad my _

cem to SAPOJ [Air .Force InformatiaD· OIIIcel··that we__ up- ' with a pzopaRd__ to queries from



overreac:tioII by tb e public: to reports byth e media dial may be blown .

ou t o f pnpaniDD. To date er-,forts by Air GuanS belicllpters,

SAC [Stratellc:Ai r Commllild] Ibellc:opteiS an d NORAD

F-lf16s bave failed to procIuc:epositive lD."

I •

Operaua . e- . ] . RelIable

mWaary . . . . . . . . . . a t 1.ortIlIAFB [Air ForceBue]. Maille,WIllUlDitb AB . Michipn.Malmstrom AB . [MoDwIa].MJaot AFB. [North Dakota] .and < : uadiu Forces SCatkla,FaIcaDbrtdp, Ontario. Cana-da , bave YiSuaUy . . . . . . . .


"Objects at LoJ1IIC andWunsmlth wwecharacterlzedto be bellcopters. MIuUe silepeI'SOIIDll1. security aJert

leamS an dAirDe f _ pe.DelatMaImstraalMaataaa re-ported object wbJch swnded

like a Jet atn:raft. FAA ad

vised '11Iere ww e lID je t air

craft il l UIe vic:iDlty.' Malm-stroInse areb andbeiPt finderradars c:anied the object . .

t_ 1.0lIlI ft and 15,100 ft a t aspeed of sevea knots. • . .F-_ _ IICrambIecl from Malm-

strom c:ouk1 DOlmalre c:ontaetdue to darkness and low altI-


UNTOLD STORY: " ' ~ ~ .-. "

Though officials have long denied thatthey take 'flyingsaucers' seriously, declassified documents now reveal Iextensive Government ~ n c e m . o v the p ~ e n o m e n o ~ ,

J. :. ,... _..,..-, - .- t ."". • p l. 1 W '':''::. ,.', ..

": . : ~ .

B y PatricIr HaRlae

Potric:lr Huy,he is Q f r e e / _wriler in New Yora.

A meUll/ic:-U1tediM. reported CO lIaN IloNrecl ove,. SGnco Ana, CGJif•• in 1865. _ lite Subjecl of

· . · ~ : ~ , ( ~ : : ~ i b... ~ . # .

:; . . .I . . ' . .... , ' ..•.: . :,'. _., .' -J . " " : ~ ' . : ' : < : : : ~ ~ ~ \ - " .'" "" ... ..'._.-,... :•.• _ ~ : : : s . i : . : .

Sighti", ON" 0, . , . . : OM of,h e ba l photCl8nrplUc: records.

Tbe De'- Departmentmessage bears the c:1as&lfic:a- .tlCln CONFIDENTIAL. "Sub

ject: Suspicious UnIlnown Ai r

Ae:tlvlty." Dated Nov. 11.1975,II reads:"Siuc:e 28 OCt 7S DIIIIIeI'OUS

reports of suspicious objee:tshave beeJI received a t theNORAD cae (North Ameri

can Air Defense Combat

. : ; ~ . . .'..~ . : . . ~

. ' . :' ,.• :0

..... l' •


.~ ' : ? 'J........::.:';./

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. : i . ~ ; f ; : '- ..~ . S ~ : ~ , - : · : · · · · · ·.

,; : ~ ,.;......

I ~ : ' ! .

~ :..r


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_, l,.

....even r'to the surveillance ofsever. 'rivateU.F.O. orpniz a ~ . . . ; t a s many of their-aaers baf t tone 1IIslsted)

andto tbeKl'Utlny of dozensoflIIdIVIduaIs _pec ted of subversiveU.F.O. activities.

Perbaps most leWna or all.the GovemmeDtdocuments 011

U.F.O"s rewaI dlat despiteofficial deDlaIs to the contrary.Federal qendes contlllue tomaaitor tbe pbeaomenon totlUsday.'Ibe _tal task of

lIMUtbiD8 the_t batchof 'recordsOI l U.F.O.·s from a bunaucracy tbat baa for years

denied tbeir IIIdstence can betraelld to tb e efforts of a handful of tIIquIsltlft iAdlviduais

wbo. armed with the Freedomof IDfonDatloa Act . s et of f IIItb e micl-7O's GIl • paper cbaseof U.s. GovenimeDt documeau OI l U.P.O. . . . TIley 111

dude S. Maccabee. aSiI". . Spdaa. Mel•• pbysiciltworkitlI fa r th e Navy. wtaoba sIIIIUIIIpd to obtaiD &bereIeueof more tIIaIl . . . paps of........e tt • U.F.O"s fnImth e F.B.I.; 'fl. Todd ~ ofPrairie cIu sac:. 'f l• • ; Robert

Todd of AntIDant. Pa.: Larry' f l . Bf71IIl of ArtiDpIa, V•• ;an d Brad C. SPJrb• • SNdeDtIII astropbysic:a at Berkeleywe- five.yeu panul t of th e

C.IA's U.F.O. ftle eventually

provided tile foUndation fo r aJI'OlIIICI-bNaI Freedom ofInformatiGll laWSUIt filed byGround Saucer Watch(0.5.91.). an Arlaana-baled

U.F.O.QI'PIIIDdGIl.At !b e ~ of O.s.W. di .

rectIDr' WIDIam R. SpauJd1D&.Pta! 'Gemen. aD .uomey III!he New York firm of Rothblatt. Ratbblatt" 5eIJas. filed• dvt l acdGll . p l n s t th eC.IA III December 1 m deIIWIIIID8 all U.F.O. records IIIth e apncy's ~ G I l . The

suit - . . ee l to bawe .cllieved

its coal_ ' - l a t e last year !h eapncy reIeued .boul 400cIoc:unwnts- _rIy 100papsof_. reports and c0rre-

spondence tbat attest to !he

qency's toaa Illva1_t IIIU.F.O. matlers. Bu t tile civil

.cticm ba s DOt·_ it s finalday IIICOlIn•

By Gersten's .ccount. theapncy ba s ar1lltrarUy willibeld doclments. made deletions witlDlt . . . . .t. and failedto - . duc t a fo rU.F.O. The a, . . .CY'. current .ctions. be A) 'S.

perpetuate Its 3O-year policy ofdeliberate deceptlGll and dis

boneIty about U.F.O.'s."What baa been released to \IS

seems to have rathercarefully seJected," says Ger

sten. "We suspect dlal theapncy Is WitbboldiJII .t least200more doc:umeI'Its dian tile

57 they haf t admitted they arekeepill& from us to protect int e l l i e e n c ~ _rces ." VietorMarchetti. a former executive

jectofU.F.O.... baveover tile p u t few yeus wil.lJtile release of toaa·witbheld~ t . - ' C I s obtaiDedtIlrouP the Freadom of IIdOI'_ t i aa Act. Tbllup u-epapan fall to ~ v th eU.F.O. eaJama. tbey do __

aptodispelmaay papu Iar_tiaasabout tile U.F.O. _wny. as _I i as ~ v sub__ to . DUIIIber of otbers.Official records _ avail

able appear to put to ~ doubts that tile GoYenuDeatkaew __ about U.F.O"stlIan It baa claimed _ tile

p u t IIE PRm the start.It baa _--..-cs tbat

~ •• 0 . . . . . . . . . . .CDUldbeapIaJned III t8nIIS of IIIIsk*It1fiad baUoaas. cloud format i G I l S , ~ ..... liFtIIiII&.. . . - rs MIl lItba' IIaIIIrala_aBut th a papers also sMw

tbat th e GoYwDment remaIIII

perpIaecl about tile aaaIIII~ o f - . p l a i M d U.F.O.iiIbtiDP.wbic:h amotIDt to .

.8 pe r - . t of allU.F.O.llfPdaIp npaned . Do&bey. . . . . . . .t t o AN &bey!'*.1IY-IocIIIIIII - - fa r a n a ir ·banle 50YIet . . . - t E_dle ,.sIlIIIicy tbat dleae _

. . . . c:auId lie evldeace of. . . . . . ~ I ¥lsltadansbaa . . . a t - au_

tIoa IIIGowi-.circ:IeI.. WbIIe offtclal . . . . . . IIIU.F.O.·s bas tone been thouptto lie stric:dy th e _ of the

Air Force. the bulk of wholebas bam open to p u

lic view fo r _Iy • decade.

the ncIDCIy re i. . . . papersGIl U.F.O"s IDcIica&e 0Cberwise. TIle I)epaJ1rDets of theAnIIY. Navy. State and Der - . an d th eDef_ JDteJUpnce ApDcy. the N.tloaaI

5ecurIty Aacw:Y. th e JoiDtChIefs of Statl. the F.B.I•• tbeC.IA an d even tb e AtomIcEnerJ:yCommission prodUC*lU.F.O. the, . . . . .•

Many of U- 1pDCIeI stilido . an d many of their d0cu

ments remain c1 . . .fIed. But

it Is th e C.IA tbat appears tohaftplayed!bekeyrolellltbe~ . a n d m a y _ l I e. . . . . . . .b1e fo r tb e Government'S COIIduct In U.F.O. in_tipta. tiIrclu&hOUt tbeyeus. .

U.F.O". haf t been tbe provInce of tb e Dation's IIIlelli·aence ClIIIImunlty ever sinceth e . . . . . . . . i. . . of th e cold _r.wben the nodon took bold dlatsome nylnasaucers mllllt actually represent • secret. technoloItcally adVlllCed. lore lp

weapons system. "Every time

we were c:oncerDed." recallsHerbert 5coYilie Jr••• formercllief o f t he C.IA. 's Office ofSCientific lntelllpnce. "i t wasbecallle we wanted to know:Did th e R\ISIlans do It?"As !h e cold w. r cave rise to

tb e fears of th e McCanllyera.

, ',

..,' .. ,' -

' ~ . ' " ..... :'!'j •

~ ; ; ' f ' : . ~ . , . ".. ~ . ~ " ' . " ~ . .

',. - .'. .: "

N_ cWIy ....

:epc tile JatDt Cbiefs of Staff

"formed of u-e IncursIaaa.y U.F.O.·, III tile fall of 1m .

: ~ p r l . .rtlUft1 of tile n ..:IIH IDteI1ipDc:e ApI1I:y and' \e NaUoaaI 5acurlty Apncy

• well as • IIaDclfuI of Olber_ t deslcs recetvedo p l . of th e Nau - J MWeary:ommud npons GIl

.l e lncIdIats.ODenpon a idlat an object

deliiiiMtaaled • dear iDleIIt. Che_paa l . . . . . . . _ ...

hOUIh Ail' Force -.Is',_ that th e C.IA _ _ IIlltI-

ed ."... U_ of t ' -e.netratiGlls over nuclearmls

.Ie an d boIIIbar ..... the~ b a a ~ a d & e d o n J y() Ie IUl9l DCldfteatiGll. Sable_t l D Y e s t I p ~ by tileAil';-ce lIItD tb e8fIbtiDp.tLor-

" ' ; Ail' Force Bue. MaIae,

here the nmarlrable Mrie.: ' ! _ t s . . . .aa.cIIdDOtrewaIcall iefor tlleallhUnp.


Delplte offtcia1 ..-·ents for dKadeI dlatF.O". were IICIItblna _rean misJdeftUfted aerial •':ts and as such were no•use for . larm. ~ _

.dSlftedU.F.O. . .-.cIIlrom

..C.IA. th e F.B.I. and otherodera1 epnde I IDdtcate

at . . . . . .1inceU.F.O'" made~ .ppearaac:e in our IkIestile INrs . the ...-'s mucll be~ _ i D o f -'ial drdel . Details of tile inIIlpace _unity', pro.

;.... . '.. ,


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_ty d I ~ ~ t o r , al- ' with : seC ret weapoiW. H I .. ~ Gersten. ~ " :entire exercise, reassurances were ab',...M a n : l l e t t l ~ o t e ..-tly In a thatthisWasllOtsO. ......mqaz ine a rt lde . "has the By th e end of the summer,_e aroma of th e aleney's t he F .B .I . bad "fai led to reprevious messy efforts to hide veal any Indication of I\& s Involvement III dnIp and sive individualsbeln& InvoJvedmlnd-control operations, both III any of the reported silbtprime examples of a suc:ceA- Inp ." A RESTRICTEDArmyfullntelliaencecover-up." letter that fOUlld Its way to

o Hoover'. desIr.said that th e bureau's services actually ba d

' lbe first sl&htlna to be I. . been enlisted to reIleve theAirbeled a "Oylnlsaucer" by th e Forces "o f thetask of trae:ItiIlIpress occurred on June:U. down al l th e many Instances1147.when an Idaho bUsl . - . wlllch turned out to be ubcanman Oyllll Ills plane near covers. toilet seats and wbat·

Mount Rainier O b s e r v e d ~ not." Inc:ensed,Hoover IIIOYed

disc-sbaped objects ma quickly to disQant1nue the bu-unclu1atinl motions" a reau'. U.F.0 . investlpuaas.saucer sItlppin& over _ter . " In September of that year,As early as World War II , the eommandinl General ofAllied bomber pilots ba d told the £ '" ---'_

of "balls of I i-ht " tha t 101- Army .. .r ...wee._ a• letter from the Army Chief of

lowed their OI&htsover Japan Staff IJeut. Gen. Nathan F.and Germany. A U.S. Ei&hth TwIl1ina, -YIn& that ' ' the pile-Army Investiption concIU/1ed nomenonreponed Is of _that they were th e product 01 t l l inl real and not visionary or"masshallucination." fictitious," that the objects apo

T1IelIe and o ther incidents pearecl to be dlsc4haped. "aswere reported Ina 1973bookby Iarae as man-made alrUaft,"David Micbael JACllM. ' 'The and "controlled either _UFO Controversy in Amer- ally, automatically or remote-Ica."whlchWitilthe..-tre- Iy." At Twlnin&·. ~ lease of Government docu- project "S ip" _ . . . . . . .ments _ th e _ t compre- J iahed. " , "

~ v ..-.slrUCtiCln of th e " 51111" failed to fiDd aDY evl-Government'. U.F.O. Involve- dence that t he objec ts werement. . • Sov' __A . . . . .

When 5candinavlans re- ' .e t secret weapollS ....._- '

d ._..-.....

bj . fore1011& submitted


.....- a a r - - ~ 0 ects II I I cial "Estimate of the Slcua.llM6, U.S. Army ll l

telliaence i t" " I ired TOP SE-.uspected that th e RussIanS I .on. e ass •bad developeda secret_ p o a CRET. wbidI Indicated that

WlththehelPofGermansclen-1 U.F.O.'s were of iDterplaDel is ts f rom Peenemi inde . The tary o r i p . The ~ t C.I.A., then knowD as the cen- : nentually reached Air Forcetral Intelllaence Grwp . . . ! Chief of Staff GeD. Hoyt s.

lis 1 Vendenbera. who rejected Itcretly be&an Iuleplll& ta on) for lack of proof. . .Sip·.. . In-thesubject. . .Wt.I th e UIlIcMwn objec:ta . conclus ive f inal report re

returned to th e sides, thi. time : mained c:Iuslfied fa r the IIIIl lt

over the United States In the! 12years.

summer of 1147.the Army Ai r I After "Si&II." the Ai r ForceForce set OUt to determIDe " continued to collect U.F.O.whatthe objectswere. Witllin : data IIIIder the cocIe DUDe_Its. BriJ. Gen. Georp F. i "Grudae." 1bls SIx·monthScbuJaen of Army Air Corps I praject fOWld no evideIlc:e ofInte ll iaence requested the: forelp scientific cIeve10pmentF.B.L·. assi.tance "In Iocat- ' an d therefore no direct threating an d questioniJ1& th e Indi• . to natloaal security. It did,vlduals Who ftrst sipted th e . however, .tress that the re

so-called O)'i1ladiscs. . . . . . Un- . ported s ip t inp could be dandoubtedly swayed by Oarina ; geraus. "There ar e indicationscold-war tensions, Schulaen! that the planned release of re- .feared that .. the first reponed : laced psycholo&lcaI propesi&htinp ml&ht bave been by ; ganda would cause a form ofi nd iv idual s of CommWlis t' mass hyster ia ,. . t he report

sympathies wit h t he view to I' stated. "Employment of thesecaustna hysteria and fear o f . I methods by or aplnst ansecret Russian weapoa." J. enemy would yield similar reJid&ar Hoover aareecl to coop- I suits •• • aovemmenw qenerate but insisted \bat the bu - : cies Interested In psycho1OCi-reau bave "full access to discs I cal _r fa re should be inrecovered." formed of t he resul ts of this

The Air Force's behind-the- I study."s ce ne s i ll te re st c on tr as te d I " press release following thesharply with i ts public stance I termination of "Grud&e" aI .tbat the objects were products lowed th e publicto believe thatof misidentifications and aD theAir Forcewas 110 Jon&er i l llmaalnative populace. A . . . terested in U.F.O.' s. But the

curlty lid was imposed on th e AIr Force contillued to collectsubject III July J947. hiding a reports throuah normallntelll.potentially "embarrassinl gence c:hanneIs Wltil a dra-

situatiOll" the f011owln81 matic sightlnl of a U .F .O. atmonth. when both the Ai r t he Army Signal Corps radarForce and t he F .B .J. b eg an I center ill Fort Monmouthsuspectina they mi&ht eetu- ! N.J••In 1951 led to th e reac:i


. .



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':r .


C1 :',T I I e . - . H i e t ,,;;iDurdays .....

niII&JM . 14.1\153. CIIaInd"'Dr.H.P. Raben100, u expert ID physk:a and - J l O M syslems. tbe p u e l - . n t i a 1 l y-..-.. tbe aden

tlfle ... of approvalon pnI¥IcluIy eItabUabIdofficial polley r e p n I l q U.F.O.'•. TIle cIiItIDl 'Iisbed paneJilts felt that all tbe It&htlnpcould be IdeDlIfiedonce all tbe data _ r e avail.

able fOr' a proper evaluallon- I D oilier words.


·,1IIe " - ~ ' : E ' , ' . 10l i le "'s :__..~ ' b e y o o d t h e " : : ! '.'01P J - t"bow!edae at . plijIIcaI Iei; ~ . " Neltber d. . . . . . pueI- ~ ··lIts find U.F.O. ' . IO.a diNCt t1hreat 10 DadonaI'leCUrity,lbaulb 1bey . . . .eY8d . . . .t Ibef t IwM . of 'U.F.o.· . n p o r t I

'ODUId cIoc IDWtaiJ InIeIU-. . . ....... Pr'lclPltatep u i c . and JeM _ _ per-:'. . . . . 10 l p o r e ftIel 1Ddlea-'IIans of _ t i l e acIIaD. TIle......wwrIed abaIIt SoYIet

J!lulpuiallon at tht!, ........~ ..; Ibat tbe. reJ!D'U' could")tbake tbe public wIDenble 10':'!",poaIbie _y . ea l w a r t a r e " " ' I 1 I e ~ " " " ,. ~ - . e l u d e d , _ l b e . ·. . .

'JiDIU :;'.>',.P__ that aI,tb '"

U.P.O.'. mfIbt to

propriefe IICIiaaa ...• '" Ibe.AIDerk:an public:, tIiIii'. . . . .iItS 'decided that a "broIId edUcational pnl8r&m iIIteIRtIDI ef .

forti '" all . . . . . . . . . .c:Ies" must be UDlIertaIIea.They 8lIUCht to strip U.P.O.'.of tbaIr ..... of myIlery"

throuch thII JII'ClII'UII at''tI'aiaInI and 'dIbuRIdn&.'''1118pr'ClIJ'am wwId .-It Intbe "proper ......dOD of-uy WlIIDiIIaled 0bjects" and ID a ''redIIdian inpubUe l i l t . . . - In OfIyb1a _CII'I... . 1b e ........ reclOIIl

meMedthat tbalrmaa D*IIapropam haf t .. II I advIMn. ~ 1 t I familiar with_ ~ a n d ~Inca p e r t s . wblIeWalt DiIney

IDe. anlmaled andIUCh .--utiel • ArthurGodfrey wwId lIIIJI'i11 tbeeducatiolllli Ctve.·.To.1Mure

complete c:ootroI . . . tbeIltuadOD, tbe panel . ~ .

. . . . . . . that n,........

. . . . . . . be . . . .t e I I e d · - . - tf.;of tIIeIr poteIIIIaIly..-at I I I f l a . ~ W

:::.; Jf"TIle . . . . , . . . . b l I.P [ d.l1Itllty. , ' . . .

and tbe paaIbIe _ at IUCb ,:. . . . . . . fOr' pur_,'...............,1!' - ; . ~ ~ : i-

n . I ' j " ( . . "

...- i·;·t.'. . . . . - . . . c : .r:

_.... at p I I M I c . . . . .. . .;:"

Wbetheru.e prlIpI-aIswere ~ ' aded upon. tile c.u..W111_ 0!lL;.y. Bu t tbe npor t _ c:irc»- ~ l c J . . . . "lated-e Ibe tap . . . . . . a ttile AI r TecImIca1lMa1U&ece . '. 'Ceater. Ibe C .U IIoard of-: : .Natiollll1 EatIaaa (at wlaicb ~ •IIoovw - . a memIIer). tbe it. "C.JA·.bureaucb-.dlesec. $ ~ . retaay of di e cbaIr- ~ - ,

- of tbe Natiolllll 5ecurIty ~ t · . · .t - . r c e I Board. u d Ibe eli- . , '

n c t o r of tbe P. . . . . . . ChoU De- • .'- AdmiaIIatra.... wIlD '; ,.

eveatua1Iy - a ............ at 10 _ t with c.u.. "'f i- E'c1aillal till ·""hme..t ; . tbe appropriate aspecta of the "','

Panel's Repon as 'QIPUcabie ;.:'10CivilDefense." .>,.

na.Government'. eftorts intbe SO'•.lUld . ' s 10 aque1ch

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U.F.O....~ ......

.... ...a.'" !11 tIlIUCIIed di e filleror - . . .•..iiIaaaUy protecIed

free ..-c:h- AccarcIIIIc to autborDavid I ~ InIJ53 di e AIr ..--Look Iatopublilblalccttscl·· &IInIucIIoullUl ....tIcIe by " 'nMlMaJ.DImaIclE.ICeyboe eadtJed NJl1yiDa SaucersFrga ~ S p e c e . " T h c .apil l , In 1lI8S.di eArmy - ID a .prepublication I'e¥IewdeDIedc lea . - Io r a U.F.O..n1ar.d UdcIe by _ of li s

em..,... Larry W. Bryuat.a c.e:IDdcaI edItDr.1IIlW be IiDOktbeI-. toClllllrt. I

M.-b i le , the C.IA lindth e F.B.I. proceeded.-tIDelYIn the 8UI'VeI1Iuxe 01 U.F.O.OI'I.n'ptiana an d U.F.O. en-tbusias&s. witb U.F.O.

iIIter'eslI were c:IallcUdou t bythe F.B.I. at th e ......of theC.IA, tbe AIr Force. or private citizens Inquiriltc abMItpoalble aubvenive activities.None caaed as IIIUCb-*'"naUon as tbe cae 01 MajarKeyMeand tbe orpnizationbe directed. tbe Natinnal In-vestiptiollS e-miuee anM r i a l ~ ( N 1 C A P ) .The C. IA appean to baw

b8d a - ' - In 'NICAP. wbic:bwu balded ID1"and utlliaed by Keya- aslU IorpnIzatlanallOOl for cba1-JenalIII tbe ...... AIr Force

cover-up 01\ O.F.O.·s. Botb theC.I.A. and theAi rForce_

..... by NICAP's WidNana

.... ~ Its pnstipIusbuanI 01 dlnctan Incl1Ided,.-.odIers. ViceMm. ao.ClIe 1WIenlriDeUer, tbe 11mC.IA DIrecCor (1147·1.)."The AIr Force ~ t1ws believe &batIIIUCb01 tbetrouble •• • witbMajar ICeyboe• •• c:auld be ·alleviated:'states a C.I.A. _ ...Mey 18.1 _ . " I f tbeMajor didnot haft such imponant per._ . . as ViceAdmlralR. H•

H11lenkoetter. U.S.N. (Ret.)• •• 01\ the buanI••••"The Ai rForceauaeated &ballf tbeAdomirel were ..-.. the SECRET peDei report be JDiPlundersleIId an d take "appro.

priate ac:tlans." Wbetber ornot tbe Air Force JOl tbnIu&bto the admiral . HlI. . . . . . ........ fnllll NICAP In 1111.The ... saw Iurt1Ier C.I..\.

. . . . . . . . . ID NlCAP. After atIurry of .". ..........

. . . . . . . . . ID . . - . : J .

CIIIIlaCted N1CAPabout.....tame 01 its cue files 01\ the!llalter. IUc:harcIH. Hall, tbenNICAP assistant director.c:batted witb a C.IA apat IDthe NlCAP oIfice about the

siIbtinP, NICAP's metbcJd.oJosy. and Hall's bacqnund.The apnt 's memo 01\ the visit

suaests &bat th e C.I.A. b8dsome role in mind for Hall.predicatecl upon Ilis beiDa. . . . . .ted a M C l l r i t y ~ .Notbin& apparently came ofthe suaesUon. A liter . . or

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C.I.A. p a p e r ~ ~ : w c a l s an Inter.e5 t in NICA .:;•.Orpnlzat__ lstructure ariiI'notea lIIat "thisgroup included _ u.c.I.A.

and Defense Ime l l la - types

who adviHon InveatiptiVet eebn iqua and NICAP-Govemmant relations." There ar epresently three former C.I.A.e m p l ~ 011 the NICAPboard of cllrectors, Incluclln&Char" ~ b a r d , a ClIIlIras__ l aide to s.nator Barry

Goldwater, who Is blmself aNICAP board membe r; and

retired U.S. Air Force Col. Joseph Bl)'an III. Bryan feels, ashe did back in 19S8 wbel! haljoined the board, lIIat U.F.O"sar e imerplanelal)'. NICAP'sCUITeIIt president Is AlanHall,a former C.I.A. covert _p&oyeefor30years.

oIn 1166.mountlnl cn - t e n t

from members of th e press.'eona.... and the scientific

community compelled th e AirForce to commisaion an 18momlI scientific study ofU.F.O.'sWIderthecllrection ofEdward U. Condon. p ro t_ rof physics at the University ofColorado. The politically expecIIent study. in wtaIch _

third of the I I cues examinedremained unidentified, reiter·ated official policy with one_ I twist: U.F.O". "educa

t__lIy banned" scMolc:IIiJ.cIreIl wbo . . . . . allowed to . .sc ie . - SlIIdy lime to nedblIoks and ·mapzine art ie '

about U . F . O . ~ . Condonwamecl tHChen to withholdcredit from any studentU.F.O. project. The Air Forcetook the cue an d disbanded

project "Blue lIolik"in I••L8S than a decade Iater,tlle

White" - , perhaps In an at ·tempt to m a ke p o d Jimmy

caner'. - . .tan promise totell al l allout U.F.O. . . . SlI&-p s t e d vi a advisor

Frank Paws lIIat l*SlbIyNASA c:uuIcI lIIldenake a ....v l_ of any s1anificanl newfindi . . . . since Condon'. study.NASAexamined tile offer. but

saw noway to attack tile pr.lem on a sc\eIIIlfic buIs wi&ll

au t physical evidence. Theyenvisionecl a public-relationsnJahUnare If they were to accept such a project, an d so ....jected It. A frank, in-houle

evaluation of NASA's options,--. . , naced l II at a bandsof l attitude OIIly be&&ed the~ So in p o d spirit. thespece aaency offered to exam·ine any piece of physical evl

dence brvulht to it s aUention.1blIt position led oneFederalaviation official to comment:" II yau le ta piece of the thinl,fine. But cIon't botber me withaaythin&eIse..'

on- clays. the Air Force

admits to nothinl more than a"transitory Interest" in tile~ althou'" mill-


lary directives sliD exIs1". .,.reportinlU.F.O.'s. \"0 ..:

Th eC.t.A. is st i l l_ry of'GIepossibility that U.F.O.'s . maybe ofSoviet orieID. "The'. interest." says KatherinePherson. a publie-affalrs offi.ce r for tbe C.I.A.. "lies in Itsrespons ib il ity to forewarn

principally of th e possIbllitythat a foreipl powermlpt de

velop a - weapons SJSlemthat might exhibit phellenenathat somemight cale&Of'ize asa U.F.O. But there Is no pr0

gram to actively collec:t infor·maUon on U.F.O",'" Theagency's interesl cannot

denied. however, as tw o lI76

_ r e v e a l .The first. dated April 26.

states: "It does not seem tbat

the Government has any for·mal program in progress forthe identification/solution oft he U .F .O . p he nonmm. Dr.[name deleted] feels lIIat thf!efforts of Independent ....

searchers. [phrase deleted). 'ar e vital for further JII"CICRlIS :

in this area. At th e present I'time, there ar e offices and per·_I within tile a p n c y whoar e monitorina th e U.F.O.phenomena. but sp in , this isno t CUITeIIlly on an officialbasis."

Another memo. dated July14. and routed to t he deputychief In th e Offac:e of De¥eloj)ment and EDaineerinl, ~ "A s yau may recall, I men,, tioned my own Interest in thesubjectaswellas the fact. thatDCD [Domeslic CollectionDivision] h as b een reeelvllIJU.F.O. related material frommany of our S " T [SCienceand Technolo&Y] sources whoare presently CGIICluctin& related resean:ll. These scientists include _ who have

been IlSSOCiated with theApnc:y for years and whose

credentials remove tbem fromt h e ' D U l ~ " ' r i e t y . " ' ~ ;, :o ;r.'........

If nothing else. tile __of the U.F.O. paperc:buemayhave lent U.F.O. 's a -...

of respeclability tbat baseluded the subject for the pastthird of a century. Thou&h Itappears that 110 U.F.O. si& ha s ever represented anairborne SovIet or foreipl

t hr ea t, t he p*ibillty tbatsuch an event could occur ....mains foremost in the coldwaroCOllSCious GoverDmentmind. Shauld that threat come

to . . . . . military officials believe. au r nation's sophisti.cated defense system wouldknow about it before someone

gelling a glass of milk in themiddle of t he n ight sees thethreat hovering out si de t he

kitchen window, Or sowe ar emade to understand tbe AirForce's . -minety nonc:haiant

advice'to th e public: " I f yausee II U.F.O. and yau feel th esiluationwarrants it, call yaurlocal police." •


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