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UDVALG AF MISTÆNKTE Over 1.000 mennesker har siden 1971 været I FBI’s søgelys som flykapreren, men til dato er langt de fleste muligheder faldet på grund af mangel på afgørende beviser. Her er et udvalg af de mere navnkundige mistænkte. Blandt folket er der tusinder, der føler sig overbevist om, at Coopers rette idenditet gemmer sig herunder. Kenneth Christiansen In 2003 a Minnesota resident named Lyle Christiansen, after watching a television documentary about the Cooper hijacking, became convinced that his elder brother Kenneth was D. B. Cooper. After repeated futile attempts to convince first the FBI, and then the author and film director Nora Ephron (who he hoped would make a movie about the case), he contacted a private investigator in New York. In 2010 the detective published a book [ theorizing that Christiansen was indeed the hijacker. In early 2011 a History Channel documentary also summarized the circumstantial evidence linking Christiansen to the Cooper case. Christiansen enlisted in the Army in 1944, and was trained as a paratrooper. The war had ended by the time he was deployed in 1945, but he did make occasional training jumps (for bonus money) while stationed in Japan with occupation forces in the late 1940s. After leaving the Army he joined Northwest Orient in 1954 as a mechanic in the South Pacific, and subsequently became a flight attendant, and then a purser, based in Seattle. Christiansen was 45 years old at the time of the hijacking, but he was shorter (5 ft. 8 in.), thinner (150 pounds), and lighter-complected than eyewitness descriptions. He was also


Apr 27, 2022



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MISTÆNKTE Over 1.000 mennesker har siden 1971 været I FBI’s søgelys som flykapreren, men til dato

er langt de fleste muligheder faldet på grund af mangel på afgørende beviser.

Her er et udvalg af de mere navnkundige mistænkte. Blandt folket er der tusinder, der

føler sig overbevist om, at Coopers rette idenditet gemmer sig herunder.

Kenneth Christiansen

In 2003 a Minnesota resident named Lyle Christiansen, after watching a television

documentary about the Cooper hijacking, became convinced that his elder brother Kenneth

was D. B. Cooper. After repeated futile attempts to convince first the FBI, and then the

author and film director Nora Ephron (who he hoped would make a movie about the case),

he contacted a private investigator in New York. In 2010 the detective published a book [ theorizing that Christiansen was indeed the hijacker. In early 2011 a History Channel

documentary also summarized the circumstantial evidence linking Christiansen to the

Cooper case.

Christiansen enlisted in the Army in 1944, and was trained as a paratrooper. The war had

ended by the time he was deployed in 1945, but he did make occasional training jumps (for

bonus money) while stationed in Japan with occupation forces in the late 1940s.

After leaving the Army he joined Northwest Orient in 1954 as a mechanic in the South

Pacific, and subsequently became a flight attendant, and then a purser, based in Seattle.

Christiansen was 45 years old at the time of the hijacking, but he was shorter (5 ft. 8 in.),

thinner (150 pounds), and lighter-complected than eyewitness descriptions. He was also


balder; but his brother claims he wore a toupée routinely prior to the Cooper hijacking, and

never wore it again afterward.

Another witness, a longtime friend, confirmed that Christiansen ceased wearing his toupée

after the hijacking, and claimed (as have proponents of other suspects) that she recognized

the hijacker's tie clip as one belonging to Christiansen. Christiansen smoked (as did the

hijacker), and displayed a particular fondness for bourbon (Cooper's preferred beverage).

He was also left-handed. (Evidence photos of Cooper's black tie show the tie clip applied

from the left side, suggesting a left-handed wearer.

Flight attendant Florence Schaffner told a reporter that photos of Christiansen fit her

memory of the hijacker’s appearance more closely than those of other suspects she had

been shown. (Tina Mucklow, who had the most contact with Cooper, has never granted a

press interview.)

Christiansen reportedly purchased a house with cash a few months after the hijacking.

While dying of cancer in 1994, he told Lyle, “There is something you should know, but I

cannot tell you.” Lyle said he never pressed his brother to explain.

After his death family members discovered gold coins and a valuable stamp collection,

along with over $200,000 in his bank accounts. They also found a folder of news clippings

about Northwest Orient which began about the time he was hired in the 1950s, and

stopped just prior to the date of the hijacking, despite the fact that the hijacking was by far

the most momentous news event in the airline's history.

Christiansen continued to work part-time for the airline for many years after 1971, but

apparently never clipped another Northwest news story,

Despite the recent flurry of publicity, the FBI is standing by its position that Christiansen

cannot be considered a prime suspected. They cite a poor match to eyewitness physical

descriptions (despite Lyle’s toupée theory), a level of skydiving expertise above that

predicted by their suspect profile, and an absence of direct incriminating evidence,

William Gossett

William Pratt Gossett was a Marine Corps, Army, and Army Air Force veteran who saw

action in Korea and Vietnam. His military experience included advanced jump training and

wilderness survival. After retiring from military service in 1973 he worked as an ROTC

instructor, taught military law at Weber State University in Ogden, Utah, and hosted a radio

talk show in Salt Lake City which featured discussions about the paranormal. He died in


Gossett was widely known to be obsessed with the Cooper hijacking. He amassed a

voluminous collection of Cooper-related news articles, and told one of his wives that he

knew enough about the case to "write the epitaph for D.B. Cooper."] Late in his life he

reportedly told three of his sons, a retired Utah judge, and a friend in the Salt Lake City

public defender's office that he had committed the hijacking. Photos of Gossett taken circa

1971 bear a close resemblance to the most widely circulated Cooper composite drawing,

According to Galen Cook, a lawyer who has collected information related to Gossett for

years, Gossett once showed his sons a key to a Vancouver, British Columbia, safe deposit


box which, he claimed, contained the long-missing ransom money. Gossett's eldest son,

Greg, said that his father, a compulsive gambler who was always "strapped for cash",

showed him "wads of cash" just before Christmas 1971, weeks after the Cooper hijacking.

He speculated that Gossett gambled the money away in Las Vegas.

In 1988 Gossett changed his name to "Wolfgang" and became a Catholic priest, which Cook

and others interpreted as an effort to disguise his identity. Other circumstantial evidence

includes testimony which Cook claims to have obtained from William Mitchell, a passenger

on the hijacked aircraft, regarding a mysterious "physical detail" (which he will not divulge)

common to the hijacker and Gossett. Cook also claims to have found "possible links" to

Gossett in each of four letters signed by "D.B. Cooper" and mailed to three newspapers within

days after the hijacking, although there is no evidence that the actual hijacker created or

mailed any of the letters.

The FBI says that they have no direct evidence implicating Gossett. "There is not one link to

the D.B. Cooper case," said Special Agent Carr, "other than the statements [Gossett] made

to someone."

Richard Floyd McCoy, Jr.

McCoy was an Army veteran who served two tours of duty in Vietnam, first as a demolition

expert, and later, with the Green Berets, as a helicopter pilot. After his military service he

became a warrant officer in the Utah National Guard and an avid recreational skydiver,

with aspirations, he said, of becoming a Utah State Trooper.

On April 7, 1972, McCoy staged the best-known of the so-called "copycat" hijackings (see

above). He boarded United Airlines' Flight 855 (a Boeing 727 with aft stairs) in Denver, and

brandishing what later proved to be a paperweight resembling a hand grenade and an

unloaded handgun, he demanded four parachutes and $500,000. After delivery of the

money and parachutes at San Francisco International Airport, McCoy ordered the aircraft

back into the sky and bailed out over Provo, Utah, leaving behind his handwritten hijacking

instructions and his fingerprints on a magazine he had been reading. He was arrested on

April 9 with the ransom cash in his possession, and after trial and conviction, received a 45-

year sentence. Two years later he escaped from Lewisburg Federal Penitentiary with

several accomplices by crashing a garbage truck through the main gate. Tracked down

three months later in Virginia Beach, McCoy was killed in a shootout with FBI agents.

In their 1991 book, D.B. Cooper: The Real McCoy, parole officer Bernie Rhodes and former

FBI agent Russell Calame asserted that they had identified McCoy as D.B. Cooper. They

cited obvious similarities in the two hijackings, claims by McCoy's family that the tie and

mother-of-pearl tie clip left on the plane belonged to McCoy, and McCoy's own refusal to

admit or deny that he was Cooper. A principal proponent of their theory was the FBI agent

who killed McCoy. "When I shot Richard McCoy," he said, "I shot D. B. Cooper at the same

time.” McCoy's widow, Karen Burns McCoy, later sued Rhodes and Calame, and their

publisher, in a dispute over allegations made in the book The litigation was eventually

settled for $120,000, but Rhodes and Calame stood by their account.

While there is no reasonable doubt that McCoy committed the Denver hijacking, the FBI

does not consider him a suspect in the Cooper case due to significant non-matches in his


age (29) and description, a level of skydiving skill well above that thought to be possessed

by the hijacker, and credible evidence that McCoy was in Las Vegas on the day of the

Seattle hijacking and at home in Utah the day after, having Thanksgiving dinner with his


Duane Weber

Duane L. Weber was a World War II Army veteran who served time in at least six prisons

from 1945 to 1968 for burglary and forgery. He was proposed as a suspect by his widow,

based primarily on a deathbed confession: three days before he died in 1995, Weber told

her, "I am Dan Cooper." The name meant nothing to her until months later, she said, when

a friend told her of its significance in the hijacking. She went to her local library to research

D.B. Cooper, found Max Gunther's book, and discovered notations in the margins in her

husband's handwriting.

She then recalled, in retrospect, that Weber once had a nightmare during which he talked

in his sleep about jumping from a plane, leaving his fingerprints on the "aft stairs."[ He also

reportedly told her that an old knee injury had been incurred by "jumping out of a plane."

Like the hijacker, Weber drank bourbon and chain smoked. Other circumstantial evidence

included a 1979 trip to Seattle and the Columbia River during which Weber took a walk

alone along the river bank in the Tina's Bar area; four months later Brian Ingram made his

ransom cash discovery in the same area.

The FBI eliminated Weber as a suspect in July 1998 when his fingerprints did not match any

of those processed in the hijacked plane, and no other direct evidence could be found to

implicate him. Later, his DNA also failed to match the partial sample recovered from

Cooper's tie in October 2007.

John List

John Emil List was an accountant and World War II and Korea veteran who murdered his

wife, three teenaged children, and 85-year-old mother in Westfield, New Jersey fifteen

days before the Cooper hijacking, withdrew $200,000 from his mother's bank account, and

disappeared. He came to the attention of the Cooper task force due to the timing of his

disappearance, multiple matches to the hijacker's description, and the reasoning that "a

fugitive accused of mass murder has nothing to lose." After his capture in 1989, List

admitted to murdering his family, but denied any involvement in the Cooper hijacking.

While his name continues to crop up in Cooper articles and documentaries, no direct

evidence implicates him, and the FBI no longer considers him a suspect.] He died in prison

in 2008.

Barbara Dayton

Dayton was a recreational pilot and University of Washington librarian. Born a man, named

Bobby, in 1926, he served in the Merchant marine and then the Army during World War II.

After his discharge he worked with explosives in the construction industry. Later he became

a private pilot and aspired to fly professionally, but could not obtain a commercial pilot's


In 1969 he underwent gender reassignment surgery and became Barbara. Two years later,


she said, she staged the Cooper hijacking, disguised as a man, to "get back" at the airline

industry and the FAA, whose insurmountable rules and conditions had prevented her from

becoming an airline pilot. She said she hid the ransom money in a cistern near her landing

point in Woodburn, Oregon (a suburban area south of Portland). Eventually she recanted

her entire story, ostensibly after learning that she could still be charged with the hijacking.

The FBI has never commented publicly on Dayton, who died in 2002.

Ted Mayfield

Mayfield is an Army Special Forces veteran, former pilot, competitive skydiver, skydiving

instructor, and ex-convict who served time for negligent homicide after several of his

students died when their parachutes failed to open. His criminal record also includes armed

robbery and transportation of stolen aircraft. He was suggested repeatedly as a suspect

early in the investigation, according to FBI Agent Ralph Himmelsbach, who knew Mayfield

from a prior dispute at a local airport. He was ruled out, based partly on the fact that he

called Himmelsbach less than two hours after Flight 305 landed in Reno to volunteer advice

on standard skydiving practices and possible landing zones

In 2006 two amateur researchers named Daniel Dvorak and Matthew Myers proposed him

as a suspect once again, and attracted coverage from a Portland television station and the

syndicated program Inside Edition. They claimed they had assembled a convincing

circumstantial case that would be presented in detail in a forthcoming book. (Among other

things, they theorized that Mayfield called Himmelsbach not to offer advice, but to

establish an alibi; and they challenged Himmelsbach's assertion that Mayfield could not

possibly have found a phone in time to call the FBI less than four hours after jumping into

the wilderness at night. Mayfield denied any involvement, and repeated a previous

assertion—that the FBI called him five times while the hijacking was still in progress to ask

about skydiving techniques. (Himmelsbach said the FBI never called Mayfield. Mayfield

further charged that Dvorak and Myers asked him to play along with their theory, and

“we’ll all make a lot of money.” (Dvorak and Myers called any inference of collusion a

“blatant lie.”

Dvorak died in 2007, and the pair’s investigation and book apparently died with him. The

FBI has offered no comment beyond Himmelsbach's original statement that Mayfield, who

still resides in Sheridan, Oregon, was ruled out as a suspect early on.

Jack Coffelt

Coffelt was a conman, ex-convict, and purported government informant who claimed to

have been the chauffeur and confidante of Abraham Lincoln's last undisputed descendant,

great-grandson Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith. In 1972, he also began claiming he was D.B.

Cooper, and attempted through an intermediary, a former cellmate named James Brown,

to sell his story to a Hollywood production company. He said he landed near Mt. Hood

(about 50 miles (80 km) southeast of Ariel), losing the ransom money and injuring himself

in the process.

Photos of Coffelt bear a resemblance to the composite drawings, although he was in his

mid-fifties in 1971. He was reportedly in Portland on the day of the hijacking, and sustained

leg injuries around that time which were consistent with a skydiving mishap.


Coffelt's account was reviewed by the FBI, which concluded that it differed in significant

details from information that had not been made public, and was therefore a fabrication.

Brown, undeterred, continued .


Kilde: Wikipedia