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UC Berkeley is a leader in sustainability and is a responsible steward of the campus environment. Through our actions such as the strategic energy program, promotion of walking and biking, restoration of natural resources, and green buildings, Berkeley’s passionate faculty, sta, and students have created many sites on campus that demonstrate our commitment to sustainability. Explore these places today! UC Berkeley Sustainability Walking Tour 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 H 1. Wurster Hall Bicycle Parking 2. ReUSE Station (North Barrows) 3. Water Refill Station (North Barrows) 4. MyPower Resource Center (192 Barrows) 5. Sproul Plaza Pavers 6. Strawberry Creek 7. Grinnell Glade Irrigation 8. Li Ka Shing Center 9. Pat Brown’s Grill H. Housing & Dining

UC Berkeley Sustainability

Dec 01, 2021



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Page 1: UC Berkeley Sustainability

UC Berkeley is a leader in sustainability and is a responsible steward of the campus environment. Through our actions such as the strategic energy program, promotion of walking and biking, restoration of natural resources, and green buildings, Berkeley’s passionate faculty, staff, and students have created many sites on campus that demonstrate our commitment to sustainability.

Explore these places today!

UC Berkeley Sustainability Walking Tour








1. Wurster Hall Bicycle Parking2. ReUSE Station (North Barrows)3. Water Refill Station (North Barrows)4. MyPower Resource Center (192 Barrows)5. Sproul Plaza Pavers6. Strawberry Creek7. Grinnell Glade Irrigation8. Li Ka Shing Center9. Pat Brown’s GrillH. Housing & Dining

Page 2: UC Berkeley Sustainability

1. Bicycle Parking 1(Wurster Hall)Over 4,000 people commute daily to Berkeley by bicycle and the campus continues to install bicycle parking to meet the demand. These sites are examples of new larger bi-cycle parking facilities that include pervious surfaces to reduce storm-water run-off.

2. ReUSE Station 2(North Barrows)A student initiative, the Re-Used Stuff Emporium, col-lects reusable, unwanted supplies and redistributes them at no cost through sta-tions in 18 campus buildings. Stations promote reuse and divert reusable materials from landfills. This station is a repurposed public phone booth.

3. Water Refill 3

StationBerkeley is now home to re-fill stations in more than 20 buildings on campus. Water stations encourage the com-munity to switch to reusable bottles and public water, forgoing the disposable vari-ety and supporting the zero waste goal.

4. myPower 4

(192 Barrows)Resource CentermyPower enables the cam-pus community to take ac-tion to reduce energy use to improve the environment and save money. It is part of the Energy Management ini-tiative that also includes the Energy Office, an Incentive Program, and an energy pol-icy. Stop in during business hours to pick up tips and view our real-time energy dashboards.

5. Sproul Plaza 5PaversAs part of a safety improve-ment project in Sproul Pla-za, impervious concrete was replaced by semipermeable, easy-to-repair pavers that reduce storm water runoff and decrease pollutants en-tering Strawberry Creek.

6. Strawberry 6

CreekBerkeley has an educational program to restore Straw-berry Creek and it’s native species: over 3,000 students use the creek as an outdoor lab annually, and the design of surrounding buildings in-corporates features to pro-tect the creek’s health and quality.

7. Grinnell Glade 7

IrrigationThe Glade is designed to decrease storm water run-off and conserves water through irrigation. Nearby, the Dwinelle Parking lot was re-designed to use perme-able pavement and vege-tated catchment areas to mitigate the runoff to Straw-berry Creek.

8. Li Ka Shing 8CenterOur new LEED™ Gold Lab building provides green roofs, reclaimed-wood pan-eling, low-emitting office carpeting and rubber lab floors. It also features us-er-controlled shutters, re-al-time monitoring of energy and water use, and occupan-cy sensors for lighting.

9. Pat Brown’s 9GrillPat Brown’s Grill is unique in that it is the first campus restaurant to be LEED™ cer-tified. The rennovation of Pat Brown’s includes a daylight responsive lighting system, Energy Star-certified kitch-en equipment, a reduction in dishwater usage, and a green janitorial program.

H Unit 1 & 2 H

Residence HallsFeaturing low-flow fau-cet aerators and shower-heads, energy-saving light bulbs and ballasts, and lo-cal thermostatic control-lers on gas heat boilers, the Halls also offer a vol-unteer-based Residential Sustainability Program, where students educate their peers on living sus-tainably through positive practices.

H Underhill HArtificial TurfThe Underhill Field has a state of the art synthetic turf made from recycled truck and car tires called Sprinturf that takes less water than a standard lawn. The drain mat un-der the field, called DBS (Dynamic Base System), is made from recycled rub-ber.

Brochure written and de-signed by Kendra Wrightson. Photos courtesy of Kira Stoll, Rachel Balmy and Nik Crain.

Copyright © 2013 UC Berkeley Office of Sustainability