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Oct 14, 2015



Umang Katta

it describes various things about UAE i.e. their culture, business etiquettes, opportunities, etc.
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INTRODUCTIONThe United Arab Emirates (UAE) is an oil-rich Middle East federation comprised of seven emirates (sheikdoms).Ranked fourth in the world in oil resources.One of the globe's hottest tourist destinations.The UAE has one of the world's fastest-growing economies.It's a country with both a record-setting building boom and a still-vibrant Bedouin culture.It has luxury Western-style resorts, cutting-edge architecture, and international cuisine, but many of its enduring customs reflect the beliefs of the largely Muslim population.A GLIMPSE OF PASTFormerly known as the Trucial States, the United Arab Emirates are a federation of seven individual states, all ruled by emirs.Founded between the 7th and 8th centuries, the Trucial States granted theUnited Kingdomcontrol of their defense and foreign affairs in treaties signed in the 19th century.WithBritishprotection, acts of piracy declined allowing the pearl industry to thrive and generate income and employment to citizens along thePersian Gulf.ECONOMYThe UAE has one of the world's fastest-growing economies.Prior to the first exports of oil in 1962, the U.A.E. economy was dominated by pearl production, fishing, agriculture, and herding.As a member of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), the U.A.E. participates in a wide range of GCC activities that focus on economic issues which includes regular consultations and development of common policies covering trade, investment, banking and finance, transportation, telecommunications, and other technical areas, including protection of intellectual property rights.

POLITICAL CONDITIONSWhile the U.A.E. has worked to strengthen its federal institutions since achieving independence, each emirate still retains substantial autonomy.A basic concept in the U.A.E. Government's development as a federal system is that a significant percentage of each emirate's revenues should be devoted to the U.A.E. central budget.It has no political parties, the rulers hold power on the basis of their dynastic position and their legitimacy in a system of tribal consensus.FOREIGN RELATIONSThe U.A.E. is a member of the United Nations and the Arab League has established diplomatic relations with more than 60 countries, including the U.S., Japan, Russia, the People's Republic of China, and most western European countries.It has played a moderate role in the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries, the United Nations, and the GCC.It is a member of many international organizations.It is also a member of the International Renewable Energy Agency(IRENA). CLIMATEThe U.A.E. falls in a dry area extending from across Asia and North Africa.It is also subject to the same regional climatic conditions on the coast of the Arabian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman.The countrys high and severe temperature in the summer is linked to the noticeable rise of humidity then, as there is a big climate difference between the coastal areas, land-locked desert regions, mountainous areas that collectively represent the countrys terrain.The country suffers from rains scarcity just like the other countries in the dry region.GEOGRAPHYThe U.A.E. enjoys a mixed main geographical condition.They are the mountainous high lands that covers a small area relatively and a valley areas that covers more than 92% of the country.The UAE terrain varies greatly from low coastal areas that contain mash, much sand and islands as well as dots of land-locked desert areas, which characterize most of the country.RELIGION & LANGUAGEIslam is the official religion because of the relatively small indigenous population [especially in Dubai and Abu Dhabi].The official language is Arabic but Farsi heavily influences the local dialect, making it sound strange at first.English, Farsi, Urdu and Hindi are also widely spoken.EMIRATI CULTURE KEY CONCEPTS AND VALUESIslam Religion has played an important and influential role in shaping the society and culture of the UAE. Islam is the official and majority religion and pervades almost every aspect of life. Family Family and tribal connections form the basis of Emirati social structure. The family and tribe are highly influential and play a role in shaping a persons values and behavior.Hospitality Hospitality is an essential part of Emirati culture and applies to both social and professional contexts. Guests will be received with enormous generosity. WORKING PRACTICESThe working week traditionally starts on Saturday and ends on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday are the official days of rest, though in some cases, people will work Thursday and take off Saturday instead.Meetings should be scheduled in advance with extra time allocated in case it should go on longer or start later than anticipated. Attitudes to time in the UAE are much more relaxed than in many Western cultures.

STRUCTURE AND HIERARCHY IN EMIRATI COMPANIESThere is a strong vertical hierarchy in most Emirati companies. Many are owned and run by one powerful person who makes all of the decisions.Age, money and family connections are all key determining factors of a persons status. Who you are is usually more important than what you have achieved.Status is important and must be recognised by using the correct title such as Shaikh (chief), Mohandas (engineer) and Ustadh (professor).When first meeting a group of people, it is important that you shake hands and greet the most senior person first. Usually the oldest person in the room has the most seniority.Working relationshipsPeople in the UAE prefer to do business in person. Relationships and mutual trust are paramount for any successful business interaction and can only be developed through face-to-face meetings.It is important to have connections to someone in the UAE who can introduce you before attempting to do business there on your own.Family and friends come before anything else. As a result, it is not uncommon for an Emirati to reschedule or cancel something to accommodate their needs or wishes.MAKING APPOINTMENTSGenerally, businesses in the U.A.E open at about nine in the morning, close for most of the afternoon and then re-open from late afternoon until mid-evening.Government offices and banks open an hour or so earlier with the former not re-opening in the evening and the latter closing finally in the early evening. The importance attached to courtesy and hospitality can cause delays that prevent keeping to a strict schedule. It is therefore customary to make appointments for times of day rather than precise hours.GUIDELINES FOR BUSINESS DRESSUnlike elsewhere in Arabia, it is inappropriate [in some places even illegal] for foreigners to wear local garb. The reason is that the preponderance of foreign residents can lead to them impersonating nationals merely by dress.Appropriate business dress for men is shirt and trousers during the day with collar and tie in the evening. Bush suits are also popular and suitable for the climate. Ladies need not dress quite so modestly as elsewhere in Arabia but should still be careful not to offend by wearing anything too revealing.

GENDER & ATTIREMen should avoid touching and prolonged eye contact with Muslim women.It is considered improper to inquire about a mans wife or daughter. It is polite to ask about family or health, but never specifically about any female members. Family life that involves female members is kept extremely private.When visiting religious sites, women must also cover their hair.In some circumstances shoes should be removed, such as at the entrance to religious sites.


It is the position of the host to set the subject of conversation at the outset.If others were present before your arrival, he will tell you the subject of prevailing conversation and invite you to contribute.Be forthcoming but always polite.Do not be afraid to disagree but, having made your point, give him the opportunity for rebuttal.Conversational manners should, therefore, adapt to the nationality of the host, which could be anything except Israeli.Business practices in the UAEThe customary greeting is As-salamalaikum, (peace be upon you) to which the reply is Waalaikum as-salam, (and upon you be peace).When entering a meeting, general introductions will begin with a handshake. However avoid shaking hands with a woman unless they extend their hand first.They are generally long in duration and discussions are conducted at a leisurely pace over tea and coffee.Business cards are common but not essential to Emirati business culture. If you do intend to use business cards whilst in the UAE, ensure that the information is printed in both English and Arabic.

Addressing others with respectThe use of first names denotes more familiarity than in the west, 'Sayyed' is borrowed for this purpose in correspondence.'Bin' [or ben or ibn], preceding a name, particularly a middle name, means 'son of.' 'Bint' [daughter of] is the female form. The perfect level of friendliness without undue familiarity in any Arab society is achieved by the use of the kunya. Members of ruling families are addressed as His/Your Highness [Samu al-Emir]. The titles Doctor, Shaikh [chief], Mohandas [engineer] and Ustadh [professor] are used, as on the Continent, in both the literal and honorific senses. 'Shaikh' should always be used the same as a knighthood in English--applied only to the first name, never the surname.

Meeting & GreetingIt is important to greet and acknowledge the most senior person in the room first.When doing business in the Middle East, handshakes are always used and can last a long time. Etiquette recommends that one waits for the other to withdraw their hand first before doing the same.Always use the right hand. Among Muslims, the left hand is reserved for bodily hygiene and considered unclean. The right hand should be used for eating, shaking hands, or handing over an item.Special respect is paid to older people in many circumstances. This can include standing when older people enter a room, always greeting older people first, standing when speaking to ones elders, and serving older people first at a meal.

Gift GivingGifts constitute a greater problem in the UAE than in most other countries because virtually everything can be purchased there less expensively than anywhere else in the world.Never buy gold jewellery or silk garments for men, as both are deemed effeminate in Islam.Platinum is most acceptable but, as it can be confused with white gold, silver is safer, provided that it is properly hallmarked by a government authority.Traditional perfume is the gift most appreciated by Arabians, perfume should be given to women only by other women or close relatives.Negotiating EtiquetteGenerally, one need only satisfy financial criteria to open a business there, with the result that most businesses are foreign owned and run.If the room is carpeted, the visitor should remove his shoes and leave them outside to avoid bringing in impurities and thereby rendering the carpet ritually unclean for prayer.The visitor should not change the subject of conversation except by logical opportunity or invitation.Once seated, crossing legs is perfectly acceptable, provided one does not direct the sole of the foot to an individual, which is a 'go away' gesture.

Pace of BusinessBusiness proceeds at two rates--snail's pace and light speed. There seems to be nothing in between, which discourages foreigners by making it impossible to judge progress until work is in hand.After several lengthy but fruitless visits, the western businessman may suddenly arrive to find his work required 'overnight.' Negotiations must therefore be swift, but not necessarily easy.

22Entertaining for business successLocals habitually entertain at home but, as a concession to western custom, they will often accept a foreigner's invitation to a hotel or restaurant.hospitality is merely a courtesy and should not be interpreted as a harbinger of commercial success.When the visitor is entertaining in a restaurant or hotel, tipping is the same as in Europe; ten percent over and above the service charge if merited. Also as in most of Europe, it is not customary to tip taxi drivers.Sharing a meal is the universal best way for people to get to know one another.

Business etiquette (Do's and Don'ts)DO address your Emirati counterparts with the appropriate titles followed by his or her first name. If unsure, it is best to get the names and correct form of address of those you will be doing business with before hand.DO dress conservatively. While the UAE is more Westernised than many other Middle Eastern countries and therefore home to many Western style clothes, it is still important to dress modestly. As a sign of respect, men should wear a conservative suit and women should ensure their clothing covers their legs and arms.DO accept an invitation to a meal or social event. Relationships are an integral part of doing business in the Emirates. Spending time with your Emirati counterparts is the best way to build trust and mutual understanding.

DONT schedule business meetings during prayer times or any of the major Islamic holidays such as Ramadan or Eid. These are extremely important periods for the majority of native Emiratis who are Muslims. Business is usually put on hold during these occasions as it is a time for reflection and celebration.DONT expect a one-on-one meeting to only include yourself and the other person. Often there will be other people present in the office or meeting room waiting their turn to meet with that person. When you arrive, it is polite to greet the person, take a seat and accept any coffee served until it is your turn.DONT assume that the person who asks the most questions in meetings holds the most responsibility. In the UAE, this person is considered to be the least respected or least important. The decision maker is usually a silent observer and will only speak when discussions come to a close