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U1 Schedule • Thursday, 9/10 and Tuesday, 9/15: Lecture • Wednesday,9/16: Instructional Assistance 6:30-8:00 pm Wood Hall, 1 st Floor Lounge • Thursday, 9/17: Exam 1 1 Just a reminder: This and future ppts can be downloaded from

U1 Schedule Thursday, 9/10 and Tuesday, 9/15: Lecture Wednesday,9/16: Instructional Assistance 6:30-8:00 pm Wood Hall, 1 st Floor Lounge Thursday, 9/17:

Jan 03, 2016



Helen Powers
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Page 1: U1 Schedule Thursday, 9/10 and Tuesday, 9/15: Lecture Wednesday,9/16: Instructional Assistance 6:30-8:00 pm Wood Hall, 1 st Floor Lounge Thursday, 9/17:

U1 Schedule

• Thursday, 9/10 and Tuesday, 9/15: Lecture

• Wednesday,9/16: Instructional Assistance 6:30-8:00 pm Wood Hall, 1st Floor Lounge

• Thursday, 9/17: Exam 1


Just a reminder: This and future ppts can be downloaded from

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Unit 1 Overview• Main emphasis: Respondent behavioral

relations and respondent conditioning– Many think respondent conditioning is not very

important in everyday human affairs, but Chance argues that point

– Respondent conditioning = Pavlovian conditioning = classical conditioning

• Review of basic concepts (Malott, Pietras)Start with basic definitions, abbreviations, diagramming conventions

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Respondent and Operant Relations Respondent Operant S ---> R R--->Sc1. US ---> UR SD or S∆:R--->Sc2. CS ---> CR MO:SD or S∆:R--->Sc

SO2: Diagramming ConventionsA. Respondent: S ----> RB. Operant: R ----> ScC. Operant with SD: SD:R ----> Sc (SR/Sr)D. Operant with S∆: S∆:R ----> Sc (Ext)

Note: NOT SD ---> R ---> Sc, but SD:R --->Sc

(Malott, box diagrams, arrow denotes temporal relations, but conventionally, contingent relation, If-then)

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SO 3: Stimulus/Stimuli• Definition (note bold face in SOs!)

– An energy change that affects the organism through its receptors

• Examples of stimuli– Respondent: USs and CSs– Operant: SDs, S∆s, all consequences

• Some stimuli for humans (not for the exam; see study objectives for additional examples)– Visual:

• Energy change: electromagnetic wavelengths, photons• Receptor: photoreceptors in eyes

– Auditory: • Energy change: vibration of molecules• Receptor: phonoreceptors in ears

(hear, taste, touch, see, feel: examples - physical energy change/receptors)

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When analyzing the behavior of a particular individual, environmental events are always classified from the perspective of the behaver.

(often mix up stimuli and responses: 2 important points about stimuli)

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Stimulus vs. Behavior

In the following examples of operant relations, should we classify the consequence for the R as a behavior or a stimulus?

A. R (drink hot liquid)-->Pain (burn tongue)

A. R (answers lecture question correctly)--> Praise

A. R (answers lecture question correctly)-->OK gesture

A. R (rat presses lever)-->Light comes on

B. R (baby coos)-->Parent strokes baby’s arm

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An energy change cannot be a stimulus for an organism if:

1. The organism does not have a receptor that can detect it (across species differences)

1. The organism’s receptor is damaged and thus cannot detect it (within species differences)

(important to stress energy change that affects the receptors, cont, look at examples)

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SO4BAn energy change cannot be a stimulus for an organism if:

1. The organism does not have a receptor that can detect it (across species differences)

A. Dog whistles Phonoreceptors of dogs can detect faster vibrations of molecules than can the phonoreceptors of humans.

Faster vibrations (high tones), are energy changes, and can be stimuli for dogs but not for humans because humans do not have receptors that can detect them.

B. X-rays X-rays are energy changes, but they cannot be stimuli for

humans because humans do not have receptors that can detect them.

(bats, sharks, etc. – radar/sonar -important to stress energy change that affects the receptors, cont)

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SO4BAn energy change cannot be a stimulus for an organism if:

2. The organism’s receptor is damaged and thus cannot detect it (within species differences)

In this case, the energy change can be a stimulus for one person or organism of the same species, but not for the organism with the damaged receptor

A. Damaged phonoreceptors Hunter’s phonoreceptors are damaged due to firing rifles

close to his/her ear so high tones do not affect his/herreceptors (problem for veterans as well)High tones, which are energy changes, can be stimuli for

others, but not for this hunter.

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SO4B – Another Example• The Mosquito: Box that emits a shrill piercing noise

• Used to prevent loitering by teens• The sound is audible to teens and young adults, but

typically not adults (older than early 20s)• Can be heard by animals and babies, but is only

aversive to children older than 12 – “teen-repellent”• Teens say: “It’s horrible, loud, and irritating. It’s this

screeching sound that you have to get away from or it will drive you crazy.”

• Why? Heard by teens and young adults who still have sensitive hair cells in their inner ears, hair cells that don’t develop until teen years– Energy change is the same but differences are due to the

receptors (not yet developed, deterioration due to age)10

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SO 5: Behavior/Response(Dead man’s - person’s - rule)

1. Movement of the skeletal muscles (striped, striated)Muscles attached to bones and move bones when they contract: fingers, arms, legs, back, vocal app.

2. Movement of the smooth muscles Located in blood vessels - face flushes or blanchesAround hair follicles - hair stands up on endIn eye - pupils constrict or dilateDigestive, reproductive, respiratory system, cardiac muscle

3. Secretion of the glandsSweat glands, salivary glands, lachrimal glands, adrenal gland

(also electrical conductivity/activity of skin, gsr, but not requiring this)

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SO 6: Response vs. Response Product

• Response

Movement of the skeletal muscles, movement of the

smooth muscles, and secretion of the glands

• Response Product (response-produced stimuli)

Stimuli that are produced or result from the response


(often said that the behavior of someone serves as an SD or reinforcer for the behavior of another;That is not true; it’s the response product, the stimuli that result from the behavior that serves as the SD/reinforcer –as we just wen over in SO4. I am hoping this distinction between r and rp will help you understand this better; cont.)

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SO6: Response vs. Response product, cont.

• Response: movement of the skeletal muscles

• Response product: visual stimulus of the thumbs up


When a person makes a thumbs up gesture:

• Response: movement of the skeletal muscles

• Response product: visual and auditory stimulus of the “clap”

When a person claps his hands together:

• Response: secretion of the gland (lachrymal)

• Response product: visual stimulus of the “tears”

When a person cries:

(Again, the take-home point here is that it is the response product – the response-produced stimuli that serveas SDs, reinforcers, punishers for the behavior of others: not the response/behavior of the person)

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SO 7: Types of Behaviors and Relationship to Type of Conditioning

•Relationship to operant and respondent relations

and conditioning (typically)–Movement of skeletal muscles: Operant– (a) Movement of the smooth muscles &

(b) Secretion of the glands*: Respondent

Commonality? Behaviors controlled by autonomic

nervous system

(*also GSR, but not requiring this: clearly exceptions - next slide)

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SO8 Exception

US (pain to hand/foot) ---> UR (hand/foot withdrawal)

Why is this an exception?

The relation is a respondent relation, but theresponse is movement of the skeletal muscles (rather than movement of the smooth muscles or glandular secretion).

It is incorrect to say that the hand/foot withdrawalis operant behavior? Why?

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SO 9 Behavior vs. Behavioral Relations:What is the Difference?

• Behavior– Movement of the skeletal muscles, movement of the

smooth muscles, and glandular secretion

• Behavioral Relations– Behavior plus causal stimuli, e.g.,

Respondent: US URCS CR

Operant: R SR or Sr

SD: R SR or SrMO:SD:RSR or Sr

(examples next)

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SO 9 Behavior vs. Behavioral Relations:Examples

• Respondent:– Behavior: salivation– Relation: US (food in mouth) UR (salivation)– Relation: CS (tone) CR (salivation)

• Operant:– Behavior: Press power button on TV remote– Relation: R (press button) Sr (TV comes on)– Behavior: rat presses a lever– Relation:

MO (food dep): SD (light on): R (press lever) SR (food)

(not NS does not elicit a response)

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SO 9 Behavior vs. Behavioral Relations:Why is the distinction important?*

• A behavior, such as crying, can be caused by very different variables - it can also have multiple causes. (onions, operant crying, both - pain, Sr)– US (fumes from peeling onions) UR (crying)– R (woman crying) Sr (please don’t cry, I didn’t mean it)– US (pain) UR (crying)

R (crying) Sr (poor baby, hug)

• Respondent relations: tendency to call a behavior rather than a relation inherited– US (food in mouth) UR (salivation)– CS (tone) CR (salivation)

• In order to understand and change behavior we must know what is causing it

(*this slide, NFE)

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SO12 Unconditioned Respondent RelationsExamples in study objectives; for the examlearn the ones numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, & 11

1. US (light increase) --> UR (pupil of eye constricts)2. US (light decrease) --> UR (pupil of eye dilates)3. US (touch to eye/chemical irritant) --> UR (lachrimal gland secretion)4. US (irritation to nasal mucosa) --> UR (sneezing)5. US (irritation to throat) --> UR (cough)6. US (low temperature) --> UR (shivering, surface vasoconstriction)7. US (high temperature) --> UR (sweating, surface vasodilation)8. US (cold/fright) --> UR (hair stands on end)9. US (food in mouth) --> UR (salivation)10. US (bad food in stomach) --> UR (vomiting)11. (NEXT SLIDE - EMOTIONS)

(Skipping to SO12: focus on respondent this unit. On exam, if US, give UR; if UR, give US, or whole relation)

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SOs 12 &13: EmotionsALL emotions (joy, anger, sadness) consist of:

A collection of respondent behaviors elicited by a stimulus that is (1) painful, (2) very intense,or (3) very unusual and together is called the

activation syndrome.US UR: Activation Syndrome

Pain Heart rate increaseVery intense stimulus Adrenaline secretionVery unusual/surprising Release of sugar into blood stream

Blood vessel constrictionGalvanic skin response

(pain is always a stimulus, never a response!; note respondent – do not leave this outof the definition - it is a critical part - emotions are not operant behavior)

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SO 14: Lower-order and Higher-

order Respondent Conditioning Definition: Respondent Conditioning (not for the exam):

A neutral stimulus is repeatedly paired with a US or CS that elicits a response, and the NS becomes a CS that elicits the same response.

(Conditioning, making new CS->CR relations)

Qualifier: The response is the same in the sensethat it involves the same muscle movement or glandular secretion but may differ in intensity.

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SO14: Lower-order Respondent Conditioning Diagram

Four parts to the diagram!

NS does NOT elicit R (either as a UR or CR)US ----------> URNS/US -----> UR (NS and US paired several times)CS ----------> CR

Critical Features:• US always elicits a UR (never an “R” or “CR”)• NS always precedes US to ensure conditioning• Pairing is symbolized with / (Not an arrow)• NS becomes a CS when it elicits the response• CS always elicits a CR (never an “R” or “UR”)• CR must be the same response as the UR• CS must occasionally be paired with US

(exam: not ask critical features)

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SO 14A: Pavlov’s Original StudyExample of Lower-order Conditioning

NS (tone) does not elicit R (salivation)

US (meat powder in mouth) -----> UR (salivation)

NS (tone) / US (meat powder in mouth) -----> UR (salivation)

CS (tone) ----> CR (salivation)

Review of Critical Features:• US always elicits a UR (never an “R” or “CR”)• NS always precedes US to insure conditioning• Pairing is symbolized with /• NS becomes a CS when it elicits the response• CS always elicits a CR (never an “R” or “UR”)• CR must be the same response as the UR • CS must occasionally be paired with US

(Russian Physiologist)

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Skip to SO 15: Respondent Extinction

NS (tone) does not elicit R (salivation)US (meat powder in mouth) ---> UR (salivation)NS/US (meat powder in mouth ---> UR (salivation)CS (tone) ---> CR (salivation)

How would you respondently extinguish the CR(the salivation response) to the CS (the tone)?

Repeatedly present the CS (the tone) without the US (meat powder in the mouth)

Why is “present the CS” wrong? (without repeatedly)

(Problem with “pair” instead of “present”; Extinguish vs. extinct, next slide)

Skipping 14C-E for now

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Extinguish vs. extinct

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SO 14C: Higher-order Respondent Conditioning

Lower-OrderNS does not elicit RUS ---> URNS/US ---> URCS ---> CR

Higher-OrderNS does not elicit RCS1 ---> CR1

NS/CS1 ---> CR1

CS2 ---> CR2

SO 14D: Difference in WordsIn lower-order conditioning, the NS is repeatedlypaired with a US while in higher-order conditioningthe NS is repeatedly paired with a CS.

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SO 14C: Example of Higher-Order Respondent Conditioning

Pavlov’s Lower-Order Conditioning Study

NS (tone) does not elicit R (salivation)US (meat powder in mouth) ---> UR (salivation)NS/US (meat powder in mouth ---> UR (salivation)CS (tone) ---> CR (salivation)

Higher-order Respondent Conditioning

NS (bright orange light) does not elicit R (salivation)CS1 (tone) ---> CR1 (salivation)NS (bright orange light)/CS1 (tone) ---> CR1 (salivation)CS2 (orange light) ---> CR2 (salivation)

(cool examples in text related to advertising; George Clooney, Jack Sparrow/Johnny Depp, lovable Geico gecco; beer commercials; cars with models; on exam, CS1 - second diagram)

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SO 14E: Watson & Raynor, Little AlbertRespondent Conditioning of Emotions

NS (white rat) does not elicit R (fear, startle)

US (loud noise) ---> UR (fear, startle)

/NS (white rat) US (loud noise) ---> UR (fear, startle)

CS (white rat) ---> CR (fear, startle)

REVIEW SO 15: Extinction of CR

(emotions vs. simple reflexes, all emotions were genetic, 11th, diagram this study, question, not answer,process of extinction often forms the basis for treatment of most phobias; article 4 yrs ago – who Was little Albert and what happened to him? American Psychologist)

How would you extinguish the fear,startle response?

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SO 16

Assume, as actually happened, that Watson and Raynor did not extinguish the fear, startle response.

Also, assume Little Albert has not had any contact with white rats for 1 year after he left Watson and Raynor.

If you showed him a rat, would he exhibit a fear, startle response?

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SO 17: Counterconditioning

Counterconditioning is NOT the same thing as extinction.

Extinction: The CR is eliminated by repeatedly presenting the CS without pairing it again with the US or CS1

Counterconditioning: Not only is the CR eliminated, but it is replaced with anincompatible response.

The CS that elicits the CR is repeatedly paired with a stimulus that elicits an incompatible response.

(Extinction is not the same as elimination, specific process, counterconditioning usually faster; also used to treat phobias)

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SO 17: Peter’s Original Conditioning: Same as Little Albert’s

NS (rabbit) does not elicit R (fear, startle)

US (loud noise) ---> UR (fear, startle)

/NS (rabbit) US (loud noise) ---> UR (fear, startle)

CS (rabbit) ---> CR (fear, startle)

(NFE, but important so that you understand the counterconditioning, same except rabbit)

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SO17: Counterconditioning Peter’s Fear, Startle Response

NS (rabbit) does not elicit R (pleasant emotions, salivation)

US (milk, cookies) ---> UR (pleasant emotions, salivation)

NS (rabbit) / US (milk, cookies) ---> UR (pl. emtns, sal.)

CS (rabbit) ---> CR (pleasant emotions, salivation)

Note the first line of the diagram. Important!!

(SO16A, diagram; SO16B, conditioned rabbit to elicit unpleasant emotions;stress NS first line, extinction embedded)

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SOs 18-19: Staats & Staats• To date: Respondent conditioning can

account for emotions to stimuli that are paired with a US, e.g., Little Albert’s fear/startle response

• Series of three studies showing how emotions to things/people/ethnic groups that we have never had contact with can be respondently conditioned

Nonsense syllablesNames of males (e.g., Tom, Bill)Nationalities (e.g., German, Dutch, Swedish)

(higher order conditioning, increasing applied relevance and implications)

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Staats & Staats Study

• Participants were college students• Slides with names of nationalities shown on a

screen• Words said to participants, which they

repeated while slides were shown• Purpose? How visual learning affected

auditory learning• Ps told they would be asked to recall as many

of the words as possible.

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1. Slides saying Dutch were paired with words that elicited pleasant emotional reactionsNS (Dutch)/CS1 (joy, happiness) CR1 (plsnt emotions)

2. Slides saying Swedish were paired with words that elicited negative emotional reactionsNS (Swedish)/CS1 (death, pain) CR1 (unplsnt emotions

3. (Control) Slides saying German, Italian, French were paired with words that did not elicit emotional reactions

NS (German)/NS (words) No emotional reaction

Staats and Staats Study, cont.

NS = nationalities (German, Dutch, Swedish)CS1 = words that elicited emotional reactions (joy, happiness)NS = words that did not elicit emotional reactions (book, table)

(SO18: full diagrams later)

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Staats & Staats Dependent Variable

College students rated the extent to which the nationalities were pleasant or unpleasant on a 7-point rating scale.

They rated:• Dutch as very positive/pleasant• Swedish as very negative/unpleasant• German, Italian, and French as neutral.

When asked why they rated them that way, the students could not tell the experimenters. That is, the conditioning occurred completely without their awareness.

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NS (German) does not elicit R (any emotions)NS (table, chair) ---> No R (no emotions)NS (German)/NS (table, chair) ---> No R (no emotions)NS (German) ---> No R (no emotions)

NS (Dutch) does not elicit R (pleasant emotions)CS1 (joy, gift) ---> CR1 (pleasant emotions)NS (Dutch)/CS1 (joy, gift) ---> CR1 (pleasant emotions)CS2 (Dutch) ---> CR2 (pleasant emotions)

NS (Swedish) does not elicit R (neg. emotions)CS1 (death, pain) ---> CR1 (neg. emotions)NS (Swedish)/CS1 (death, pain) ---> CR1 (neg. emotions)CS2 (Swedish) ---> CR2 (neg. emotions)

(note: last is not really respondent conding; must begin with nationalities that are NS, not Dutch here)

SO 18: Diagrams for Staats and Staats

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SO 19: Staats & Staats Wrap-up

• The DV consisted of the extent to which students rated the nationalities as pleasant/unpleasant on a 7-point rating scale.

Was this the CR? Why or why not?

• Chance called the words “neutral words,” “positive words,” and “negative words.” This is NOT good behavioral terminology.

What is wrong with this way of describing the words?

(not in study objectives, but fair game for the exam)

(Stimulus vs. response)

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Staats & Staats Implications

If you grow up in a social environment where international or minority groups are always described in negative terms, you are going to develop negative emotional reactions to those groups, even if you have not had any contact with them.

If Italians are always paired with “gangsters,” “mafia,” “Jersey Shore,” if females are described as “inferior,” if Jews are described as “sly” and “shrewd,” if Arabs and Muslims are always described as “terrorists,” if homosexuals are always described as “immoral,” etc., you can develop negative reactions to those groups.

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SO 20: Respondent Conditioning of Allergic Reactions*

NS (shape, color, smell of rose) does not elicit R (allergic reaction)

CS (shape, color, smell of rose) CR (allergic reaction)

(How could an artificial rose come to cause an allergic reaction? Is the person reallysuffering or just being “psychosomatic?” and a hypochondriac?); No different than how the sight and smell of food come to elicit salivation

* NFE, unless I add it in lecture

US (allergen) UR (allergic reaction)

NS (shape, color, smell of rose)/US (allergen) UR (allergies)

CS (artificial rose, scented rose candle) CR (allergic reaction)


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SO 21: Respondent Conditioning and Drug Overdoses*

• Shepard Siegal’s work on respondent conditioning can help explain why:– People develop drug tolerances over time

and have to take more drugs to get the same “high”

– Drug addicts who get “clean” at a rehab facility often have such a high relapse rate

– Some people die from overdoses when they take the same amount of drugs in a different place/setting

41*NFE unless I add it in lecture

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SO 21, cont.


US (addictive drugs) 1. Physiological effects due to the drug + 2. Physiological compensatory

responses to “offset” the effects of the drugs

When an NS is paired with the US (dope) the responses that become conditioned are the2nd set of responses, not the first.

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SO 21, cont.


NS (drug paraphernalia) do not elicit R (compensatory Rs) (stimuli in apt., friends)

US (drug) UR (compensatory Rs after initial drug effects)

NS/US (drug) UR (compensatory Rs)

CS (drug stuff, apt., friends) CR (compensatory Rs)

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SO 21: Drug Tolerance


1.CS (drug stuff, apt., friends) CR (compensatory Rs)

1. Now, US (dope) UR (drug effects)• But, the compensatory Rs have already been elicited

by the CSs in the environment, thus the effects of the drug are not as great

•So, a person needs more and more of the drug to get the same “high”

And, remember, respondent conditioning doesn’t happen all at once, so the tolerance develops gradually as the CSs come to elicit the CRs

(gathered at the typical place with the “usual suspects” to do some dope)

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SO 21, cont: Drug Overdoses


Now, what is going to happen if a person shoots up in a completely new place/setting?

1.CSs (drug stuff) CRs (compensatory Rs)But, there are not as many CSs so the compensatory Rs will be a lot weaker, not as strong counteraction

2.Take dope, same amount:

Page 46: U1 Schedule Thursday, 9/10 and Tuesday, 9/15: Lecture Wednesday,9/16: Instructional Assistance 6:30-8:00 pm Wood Hall, 1 st Floor Lounge Thursday, 9/17:

SO 21, cont: Drug Relapse• Why did returning Vietnam vets who got

“clean” at rehab have such a low recidivism rate in comparison to the average recidivism rate?

• Why is there such a high recidivism rate when individuals get clean then return home?

• Siegel’s story of a drug addict who got clean and then experienced full-fledged withdrawal symptoms when he crossed the GW Bridge, returning to NYC


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SO 21, cont: Drug Relapse

• The compensatory responses are also what is commonly referred to as “withdrawal symptoms”

• They create “cravings” for the drugs if elicited in the drug’s absence

• So, if CSs elicit the compensatory responses then individuals will have a strong tendency to do drugs to relieve those compensatory responses (withdrawal symptoms)


Page 48: U1 Schedule Thursday, 9/10 and Tuesday, 9/15: Lecture Wednesday,9/16: Instructional Assistance 6:30-8:00 pm Wood Hall, 1 st Floor Lounge Thursday, 9/17:

SO 21, cont: Drug Relapse• Former drug addict returning to NYC

CSs (GW Bridge, NYC skyline, etc.) CRs (comp Rs)

• People who get clean and return home

CSs (streets, home, friends, etc.) CRs (comp Rs)

In contrast to:• Clean Vietnam vets who returned to their home

No or few CSs (all related to Vietnam and fellow soldiers)

Therefore, no or only mild withdrawal symptoms


What important point about CSsCRs and respondent extinction do the first two illustrate?

(last slide on this – next slide, term “elicit”)

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The EndBut don’t forget to study the SOs that I have asked you

to learn but did not cover in lecture!!

• Questions? • Instructional Assistance Hours:

Wednesday, 9/16, 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Wood Hall Lounge, First Floor

Jessica is in charge!• Email addresses for TAs are in the syllabus• ppt is posted on my web page:

*ppt slides testing elicit, evoke, and emit follow

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SO22 Examples: Is elicit used correctly?

• When the temperature is cold, a person elicits a shivering response.

• The SD (a tone) elicited the behavior of turning in a circle by the pigeon.

• The CS (a tone) elicited the CR (salivation).• Pressing the lever elicited the reinforcer of

food.• In lower order conditioning, the NS elicits

the US.

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SO22 Examples: Is evoke used correctly?

• When the temperature is cold, a person evokes a shivering response.

• The SD (a tone) evoked the behavior of turning in a circle by the pigeon.

• The CS (a tone) evoked the CR (salivation).

• Pressing the lever evoked the reinforcer of food.

• In lower order conditioning, the NS evokes the US.

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SO22 Examples: Is emit used correctly?

• The rat emitted a lever press when the SD (a light) came on.

• When the temperature is cold, a person emits a shivering response as a UR.

• The SD (a tone) emitted the behavior of turning in a circle by the pigeon.

• The CS (a tone) emitted the CR (salivation).

• In lower order conditioning, the NS emitted the US.

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Answers for slides 50-52 See SO22 for reasons

• Slide 50A. No B. No C. Yes D. No E. No

• Slide 51A. No B. Yes C. Yes D. No E. No

• Slide 52A. Yes B. No C. No D. No E. No