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U- I w 4I t 1 I t IrT I i 7 5Gffl > f < r- I ° z f i TiGREEN al la- r IDS I = Establtihtd March 4 1885 Made Famous laths Story of Joriathanand His Contineatby Max ORell 0 i e9f > 0pad Y4It0r The Oldest Most Popular Most Widely CrcuAted and Most Quoted Paper in the Kentucky Mountains 100 a YiiriiAdvaKi = = j u = = TWENTYFIFTH YEAR HAZEL GREEN WOLFE COUNTY KENTUCKY THUR DAY DECEMBER 2 1909 NUMBER Udrton and Eastern Railway jlae Table In EUect June 21 1908 WEST BOUND 111 1os No5 > Dail1 and uuday S 81Al10NS Dailyex Sunday Sunday I Ionly i IAMLvelscbon f VgKJancLt pm Jc 111 am 3 YU pm i5iuw e Tat 7 3Uam 3n po 15am 7 45 am 3 M po 8 = ti am Bridge I j Iii Js 7 48 am 3 57 po b8 aw campton 8 15 am 4 26 pm 81 amb atoD 8 25 am I 35 pm 902 am CUy C11 9 Wam 5 o7 pm iuuismW- iachester is LEJuncn 9 12 am 5 20 p 11 1012 am 955am 6U5 pm- l JOc a- mlar i EAST BOUND 1 IwNo 4 1I0 exSfATIONB Daily and R III1 l r Sunday at j daJ 1 > A31 Lye ivfJLWe1 Lexiugton 0 7 36 am i 13 33pm YO a 11 lnctlt 8 13 t am 8 26 pm- t S l9 d plD1L Way ter120lt 9 U2 lUll 9 lU am- 4SOplD M camptoUJUULUI 9381111 135 pm 61 am 447 pm 68 BeauyveJclU1017 am- IlUpm t 7U am g4Spm 90 OKJuncn 90 111 15 am i 610 pill 94 J ckaon1 94 2U am CONNECTIONS L dE JtM1101lUIIIII Kos 1 and i 1 wm mike conuectiou with the C ORy J i- pM is Sterling JvmcrtoiTrains Nos 1 2 eatrrox i lead 4 connect with the Mountain Central 0 Bytor Pine Ridge and Campton CTlONlraiu8 No2- r BIATTYVJAK Jv w wake connection at Beattyville June Tith the L wA hallway for passenger u tad from Be attyville o K JUCTJUNfrain Koi Sand 4 i 1 i with the O d K Railway for local IttSoni on the O d K Railway W A MCDOWELL General Manager oBAtltlCUTTGenPua Agent L 4 liD KeM Railway lime Table May 21 9OBi WEST BOUND 21I t susy f I Sunday JLAKtl PM ARB 0 27 I fIi 20 6 Cannel Citrl22l 12 35 65 11 Helechawa 20 12 19 1 t t 45 13 Lee City 13 12 13 t 405 20 Hampton 11 Hal f 362 22 Wilburst 6 H H 310 27 OAK Junction 0 11 15 i 3 00 Jackson 11 05i L EAST BOUND r Boat 121 I JSI No22 Daily CL STATIONS Daily e- gaay 3 v ° Sunday IJLMLYK PHLVE 1 710 27 Cannel City 0 1 00 K 733 2liHelechawa 61 117 I 7 45 19Lee City 11 1 2- 3if J U 13 Hampton 13 1 44- g 37 10 Wilhurst 20 151 t 25t Noi21 and 22 will make close connectto- it t 01i K Junction with Nos 3 and 4 for t pUoa the Lexington aud Eastern Rail I L CONLEY r wa1 M f j Superintendej G I nl Ito I t No1 No 2 BttABT ABE1VE- j 10600 a mCampton1130 a m 00p mCampton 000pm to 2 No1 AUU7E DEPART v I tSOamiCampn JunclO05am I 380 pmCampn Juno 440pm I The Mountain Central I COnnection with all L E pas longer trains B F BOLIN- CUNDBBTAKBB r CAMPTON KYe INFORMS the citizens of Wolfe and 4 i the adjoining counties that be carries t tliM of Coffins Caskets Burial Clothes eterrthing necessary to put awmjv C dead indecent style W pecial caskets supplied on 24 je g orderedTeameand g lUo can fill orders for tombstones C s EWELL C NOSE K I Notary Public I STILLWATER KY x RhU > professional services to citizens patronagetabs of Mt Jui midcDce oaUlxaser r i = T i 1 1 i COUNTY NEWS 1 Local Items of general tIt of our readers especi ally distant friendsa II STILLWATER Rollin Combs the ladies man of Laudsaw was at Trent Sunday preaching ¬ nightS H Rose whose illness has een mentioned in these columns able to be out again Mrs Geneva Brown of Trpnt went to Campton Saturday to at- tend to some legal matters Robt J Rose attended church Sulphur Springs in Menifee county Saturday and Sunday Kelly Sally of The Calaboose and a brother of G W Sally of this place is selling out to go to uskogee0klaRev of this creek went to Coppers creek in Menifee county Saturday to look after his i logging interests returning Sun dayArthur 1 Kash of Landsaw whe teaching trip public school at i Valerie was initiated into the JrI U A M at Trent Saturday i i night Ben T Gosney formally of GOB neyville and Campton returnedE to Campton recently from Muskp gee Okla after an absence of six I months i Miss Ninnie Brewer and G W f Sally and wife of this sleek and Rev J D Hunter of Cannel City were visiting your correspondent 1 and family Sunday Last week Burney Finch of this I creek traded a house and lot i in Cam ton which is known as the Henry Garrison property to B TI Gooney for a tract of laud near Gosneyville The writer had occasion to be- at Helechawa Friday of last week and found that the road between that point and Hazel Green was absolutely dangerous to tiayel es pecially to drive over The reason our last weeks letter was not received at your office i iu due time was that the mail Carrie- o1 this route did not stop and get it from the rural mail box nnti 1 it had laid there over Monday and TuesdayGeorge Culbertson informed the correspondent Sunday that Wilej Perkins who recently detains Myrtle Trent and his own daugh ¬ ter has not been captured A writ was issued aud placed in the hands of Deputy Sheriff George ByrdGeorge L Athey of Campton- r who was the Republican candidate for circuit court clerk at the re- cent election eloped one day last week with the 18yearold daugh ter of Douglas Evans and took he Jeffersonville Ind where they married They returned to Campton Nov 29 DOMINGO Many persons rind themselves affected with a persistent coup h after an attack of influenza As this cough can be promptly cured by the use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy it should not be allowed to run on until it becomes trouble- s ¬ some Sold by all dealers TRENT Walter Maloney visited his fa- ther ¬ on Lacy creek Sunday Quite a crowd attended the Junior rally at this place Sunday Mr and Mrs S M Tyler of Consolation were guests of J H Barker and family Sunday There will be preaching at th ieot place the first Sunday in Decem ber Everybody is invited Asbury Robison and wife Lacy creek ook dinner with Je Edwar s find frniiy Sunday J M Rose of Hazel Green pur ¬ chased a hog from Walter Maloney last freek for a private price Mrs Jesse Ann Stamper and Lillian and Robert Johnson of- f H zel careen attended services this place Sunday 110lov29 pAQTBua i 4 lLi if TO youritems mornioR110ndalif not be published unless of unusual im Advertise no ones business write on one tide of the paper only SANDFIELD Willie Clark is building a nice storehouse Mrs Mattie Collinsworth of Mariba is visiting friends at this place Rev Frank Agar will preach at this place the second Sunday in next month 1H Mrs Joe Pieratt near Mt Ster ¬ lingast i week Alias Angie Wills who has been on the sick list for some time is slowly improving Longbranch Mrs WA Oldfield Sunday- J J Catron wife and daughter Mrs Garland Dennis were guests pf H S Stamper and wife Sunday W A Oldfiwlds and daughter Miss Cordie visited friends in i Menifee county last Saturday and Sunday Nov 29 HILDKKD I Mole U Sawmill at Miimiflht unmindfulof dampness drafts storms or cold W J Atkins work ed as night watchman at Banner Springs Tenn Suchexposure gave him a severe cold that settled in his lungs At last he had to give up work He tried manyjem edies but all failed till he used Dr Kings New Discovery After using one bottle he writes I went back to work as well as ever Severe colds stubborn coughs in tlamed throats and sore lungsc Hemorrhages croup and whooping cough get quick relief and prompt cure from this glorious medicine I 50f and 100 Trial bottle freeI guaranteed by all dealers I MURPHY FORK Manford Toliver is on the sickI list at this writing Luther Brown who has beenI sick for nearly a mouth is no bet ter Will Ayers moved from the placer 1last week Last week Melvin Tackett moved from Greenbrier to the J S Pie ¬ ratt place Married at Ezel Thanksgiving day Frank Montgomery and Liz zie Bailey Misses Nora aud Zelpha Pieratt spent Thanksgiving at the home of Miss Callie Rasa at Ezel Mrs Maude Cecil and children of Giilmore will spend a weekor two at the homo of her father W H Murphy The Hurt brothers and two oth or noted sportsmen from the blue- r grass were in this neck o the woods last week Dr Taylor Center passed through our village Sunday en route to th o home oi Miss Cora Murpby wh is sick with tonsilitis While scratching around for items the writer observed a rain bow of gladness wayine oer the dear old mansion on the hill On i inquiry it was found that a new occupant by the name of Hurt of Johnson fork of Lacy creek bad recently moved in Nov 29 TULIP Rich el1 QWIroa w beside this I wantsto go on rec- ord as saying that I regard Elec 7 tric BitteN as one of tbe greatw tI gifts that God has made to wo ¬ mans writes MreO Ehinevault Vestal Center N Y I can never forget what it haedoria for me This glorious medicine givd a a woman buoyant spirits irigot of quickff ly cures nervousness melancholy headache backache fainting and dizzy spells l j scon builds up the weak ailing and sickly Try them 50c at all deal- ers children cry atf OR FLEIC- NEtSCASTORIA > e- Ji d Ifi < BELKNAP Rollie Haddix spent baturday and Sunday with TJ E Perkins f Reese Lindon and wife and Lo- gan ¬ Lindon of Ins o visited here Sunday Misaes Rnnaia and Esther Allen i and Eva Burton pent Sunday afternoon witt Miss Diarists Ar ¬ nettRobert Rose and Miss Gordo Whitt of this place were married Saturday at his h me near LeIJ Cityt Howard Bach of iBnrkhart and Burns Elam of Hazel Green pass ed through here Saturday en route i to Lee City Mrs Clark Cecil qf Hazel Green visited her dauRhters Mrs Addie Huff and Mrs Ida iTaulbee from Friday untilSundar- Forest fires are doing some dam 1had j stroyed and Em Pljipps had overJ 100S Nov 29 fr AutHr Corrssdeat writes Mrs Rebecca Lindon andson inlaw Reese Liudqn passed thrn here SundayII splendid i completeit Cager Center one of our former good citizens merchant and post- master but nuw of Paducah re- ports the birth of at fine girl to his wif Mr and Mrs Taylor Hamraons who went to Oklahoma about a year ago returned home Saturday on the late train a delay being made by a wreck on the O S K George Center lost a hog Monf day which would have weighed about 250 pounds by its bowels locking This may seem strange 3 to some but it is a fact as the hog was inspected Lawrence Oney and Clifford Sloan two young men who were accused of starting the fire which burned about 200 panels of fence belonging to Dick Lindon were tried and fined 25 each 1 Our prayer meeting seems to bei I i progressing very nicely since our boys have quit coming out intoxi- cated We are proud of it asitia better than to keep + t up and have to answer in circuit court for die turbauces i Nov 29 J L C A sprained ankle will usually disable the injured person for I three or four weeks This is due 1 to lack of proper treatment When Chamberlains Liniment is applied a cuie may be effected in three or four days This liniment is ona of the best and most remarkable preparations in use Sold by aUI I dealersI I ROSE FORK All the mills here are in work i orderMrs Rose went to Adele ThursdayA made a business trip to Lee City Saturday Bird hunting hog killing and corn huakingarotheActbQrQ o spento Ola Miller who is teaching here went home Friday returning Sun day Miss Ada Shockey accompanied by her brother Elisha left for I Hazel Green Sunday Misges Calla Rose and Jessie land Bbulah Arnett were pleasant 1 i guests of Mrs Mae Cecil Sunday Mrs Fanny Bryant who huI been in Oklahoma came home Friday accompanied by her little son Everett Fred and James Hurt and Mrs Hurst and son went to Gras y last j Wednesday and returned Friday Fred says they killed 75 birds while gone Nov 29 PANSY If you are suffering from bili ¬ ousness constipation indtgefjiorr I chronic faeadaolLes invest ooeicent in a postal card sand to Chamber berlainflMedicine Co Des Moines Iowa V1tbyJorname and address plainly on the back and they will forward you a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets Sold by all dealers Subscribe for the IQJVYDJL J- L 4 LANDAW Saturdayfor Born to thi wife of John Mad- den ¬ on the 28th a boy N L Combs is this week haul- ing ¬ logs to the mill of Kash Hal sey Tackett daughterDell family of E T Kash Sunday I Tte time ofJ M Tester is be tag wholly occupied looking after interests of the Edgle heirs Floyd Murphy and wife have been visiting relatives and friends in Morgan county for several dnyai DJ Landrum who has been in Illinois for the past six months returned to his family Thursday WH Taylor and W H Tack ett have contracted to build a barn atIt nowJohn byrailer r tryingto Misses Lillie Gruhnm and Kath arias Vanoleve were visiting here meetiugilt Several of the boys of this see inhunting several birds and rabbits Moving has begun in this sec lion Kelly Banks has moved to JakeTester D B Center of Hazel Green preached at Murphy school house Sunday to a large crowd Boone always draws a good audience Arthur Kath who is teaching- at Valeria visited home folks Sat urday and Sunday He was ac- companied by Percy Kasb son of H B Kash W C and Grant Rose General J i and John Dalton and Garland Bolin all of this neighborhood are at Elmeudorf farm near Lex- ington ¬ working in the dairy The largest boiler that has ever been seen in the mountains passed through here today Monday It- s being taken to the C H + Love- land band mmat the head ofI Stillwater E T Kash has just put up a- new pair of etook scales which will be a great couvenience to the farmers of this section and he will begin enlarging the main building of his store next Monday Nov 29 ANON There is morecatarrh in this section ot the country than all other diseases put to ¬ gather and until the last few jests was supposed to be incarablgb For a great ma > ny years doctors pronounced it a local dis ¬ i ease and prescribed local remedies and by constantly failing to cure with local treat ment pronounced it Incurable Science has proven catarrh to be a gonstitntional disease and therefore requires constitutional treatment Halls Catarrh Cure man facI tured byF J Cheney Co Toledo O is the only constitutional core on the market It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to ateaspoonfiiL It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Whey oflerone hundred dollareforanycase- k fails to cure Send for circulanandteK timonials Address F J CHENEY t CO Toledo O Sold by druggists 75ci Take HallFamily PiUs ICOOltipQtiod DORStEi Mrs Emily Elamis very low at this writing J H Elamt of Perry county was in this section Saturday and SundayElijah Patrick who has been Very sick for a long timeis at the point of death Misses Mary and Minnie Elam and Cora Crass attended meeting at Elmore Sunday Miss Lila Elam lefttMonday for Perry county to spend thewinter with her uncle J H Elam jMisses Loucreteaod Dora Bail- ey visited their aunt Mrs Ellen Rudd in Magoffin county Satur day and Sunday John Goad and Shejrman > Elam are building a new schoolhouse on Wheelrim which will add ranch beauty to our crook Nov 29 VERMONT The peculiar propertiesof Cham berlains Cough Remedy have been durinppiRamTica taken in time we have not heard of a single case of pneumonia Sold by all dealers I ± ± LL L I CANNEL CITY John Brown is in Paris this week on business Judge Saufloy of Stnnton was registered at Hotel DeLancy overt Sunday C B House of Manchester in visiting Hubert Gambill his for- mer ¬ college chum I J S ORoard is this week in Cincinnati looking after Christinas goods for Caonel Citv Mr antI Mrs Will Stacy of Stacy forkiWere ues B of Malone Lykins and wifo Sunday The Kentuoky Block Cannels Coal Co has received aiiOrden for 2500 tons of coal from Brazil South America Henry Lawson former brake man on the passenger train has moved his family to Paris where he hasa position Chas McCarroll of Lexington MulonQLyldnsfrom time he and Charley Byrderrjoyed auext9 de bunt in the viuiuityi of Hazel Greeu The reportiof the public acboc4 for the month ending November 19 shows the ollowing bonoR rpilt Grade IXOmer Gambill 90iEdflii ha Lykihs 94 Mary Stamper 91v Canidallt5Grade The Ciceronian literary society rendered an excellent program in Assembly HalbFridajiuigliV > One of the largest audiences that has been seen in Cannel City recently- was present The school societies are doing good work this yeari The little fouryearold son of Connor Lykins met with a terrible accident While play ing taboutt gap that happened to be loaded and in the house the gun dis ¬ charged the entire load into the i little fellows head killing him instantly Nov 29 ETHEL Looking Dies Best Its a womans delight to look 1 erupbone joy Listen 1 Bucklens Armies i Salveouro8thQn 5 raake the akin soft and velvety It glorifies the > i face Cures pimples sore ayes chappeddhands pile25c MURPHY Carew Niokell went to Mt Ster ¬ ling Saturday morning George Sample of Stillwater is visiting John A Nickell fromMtSterling Mrs G C Nickell is visiting J D Hanry and wife ODU Grassy throughbere G C Nickell and family will start for Florida this week to live Charles Carter and wife of Bona ny are visiting J S Nickell dv wife Boone Jacksoa returned ° homQJ Saturday evening rirom the blue- grass Mica tflorenc Miller o1 H1G A ia visiting Mr and IraJS NickellMrs Dock Fannin diedKridayi and was buried at the EzelHeifie tery She leaves herhuBbaud and four boys tomouru hendoBci < i Clifford Nitikelltan4DanielBenez ry returned Saturday from A tWOj days hunt near Valeria and re port that they killed several birds T H Greenwade and wife q f Spencer Station visited J1tf JMjir = phy and family from Tuemiaydn = til SaturdayNOV Guns I StuIt11L 1u1b- y indigestions pang trjyif many doctors and 20000 worth of medicine in vain B F Ayscue of Jngleslde N Cat lastnJlllitt Dr Kings New Life PiJls and writes they whollyr cured him They cure constipation bilious ¬ ness sick headache stomach liv ¬ er kidney and bowel troubles 25c at all dealers For SaleTwoof the Fjwatt cottage for less than the lumber and Jot can be bought Onoacre in each lot five rooms in each house Apply at this office Seitiis fee Bm tJ j1 r > C n = JIi

U- IrTTiGREEN I · storehouse Mrs Mattie Collinsworth of Mariba is visiting friends at this place ... me This glorious medicine givd a quickff a woman buoyant spirits irigot of ...

Mar 22, 2020



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This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: U- IrTTiGREEN I · storehouse Mrs Mattie Collinsworth of Mariba is visiting friends at this place ... me This glorious medicine givd a quickff a woman buoyant spirits irigot of ...


w 4I t 1



i 7 5Gffl > f < r-




fiTiGREEN al la-


IDSI = Establtihtd March 4 1885 Made Famous laths Story of Joriathanand His Contineatby Max ORell 0

ie9f >0pad Y4It0r The Oldest Most Popular Most Widely CrcuAted and Most Quoted Paper in the Kentucky Mountains 100 a YiiriiAdvaKi= = j u = =


Udrton and Eastern Railway

jlae Table In EUect June 21 1908


111 1os No5>Dail1 and uuday

S 81Al10NS DailyexSunday Sunday IIonlyi

IAMLvelscbonf VgKJancLt pm

Jc 111 am 3 YU pm i5iuweTat 7 3Uam 3n po 15am

7 45 am 3 M po 8 = ti amBridgeI j Iii Js 7 48 am 3 57 po b8 aw

campton8 15 am 4 26 pm 81 ambatoD 8 25 am I 35 pm 902 am

CUyC119 Wam 5 o7 pm iuuismW-


isLEJuncn 9 12 am 5 20 p 11 1012 am

955am 6U5 pm-


JOc a-mlar


1I0 exSfATIONB Daily andRIII1 l r Sunday atj daJ1


A31 LyeivfJLWe1 Lexiugton 0 7 36 ami

13 33pm YO


11 lnctlt 8 13t am8 26 pm-


l9d plD1LWay ter120lt 9 U2 lUll

9 lU am-


McamptoUJUULUI 9381111

135 pm 61 am447 pm 68 BeauyveJclU1017 am-

IlUpmt 7U amg4Spm 90 OKJuncn 90 111 15 am

i 610 pill 94 J ckaon1 94 2U am


i1 wm mike conuectiou with the C ORy Ji-


SterlingJvmcrtoiTrains Nos 1 2eatrrox

i lead 4 connect with the Mountain Central 0Bytor Pine Ridge and Campton

CTlONlraiu8 No2-r

BIATTYVJAK Jvw wake connection at Beattyville JuneTith the L wA hallway for passengeru tad from Be attyville

o K JUCTJUNfrain Koi Sand 4i1i with the O d K Railway for local

IttSoni on the O d K RailwayW A MCDOWELL General ManageroBAtltlCUTTGenPua Agent



liD KeM Railway

lime Table May 21 9OBiWEST BOUND21It susy f I Sunday

JLAKtl PM ARB0 27IfIi 20 6 Cannel Citrl22l 12 35

65 11 Helechawa 20 12 191

t t 45 13 Lee City 13 12 13t 405 20 Hampton 11 Half 362 22 Wilburst 6 H H

310 27 OAK Junction 0 11 15 i

3 00 Jackson 11 05iL EAST BOUND

r Boat 121 I JSI No22Daily CL STATIONS Daily e-


v ° Sunday

IJLMLYK PHLVE1 710 27 Cannel City 0 1 00K 733 2liHelechawa 61 117I 7 45 19Lee City 11 1 2-

3ifJ U 13 Hampton 13 1 44-

g 37 10 Wilhurst 20 151

t25tNoi21 and 22 will make close connectto-itt 01i K Junction with Nos 3 and 4 for

t pUoa the Lexington aud Eastern RailI


fjSuperintendejG I


ItoIt No1 No 2


jj10600 a mCampton1130 a m00p mCampton 000pm


v I tSOamiCampn JunclO05amI 380 pmCampn Juno 440pmI The Mountain CentralI COnnection with all L E pas

longer trains


CAMPTON KYeINFORMS the citizens of Wolfe and

4 i the adjoining counties that be carriest tliM of Coffins Caskets Burial Clothes

eterrthing necessary to put awmjvC dead indecent style

W pecial caskets supplied on 24

jeg orderedTeameandg lUo can fill orders for tombstones C



x RhU> professional services to citizens

patronagetabs of

Mt Jui midcDce oaUlxaserr i=



1 1

iCOUNTY NEWS 1Local Items ofgeneraltItof our readers especially distant friendsaII

STILLWATERRollin Combs the ladies man of

Laudsaw was at Trent Sunday

preaching ¬

nightSH Rose whose illness has

een mentioned in these columnsable to be out againMrs Geneva Brown of Trpnt

went to Campton Saturday to at-tend to some legal matters

Robt J Rose attended churchSulphur Springs in Menifee

county Saturday and SundayKelly Sally of The Calaboose

and a brother of G W Sally ofthis place is selling out to go to

uskogee0klaRevof this creek

went to Coppers creek in Menifeecounty Saturday to look after his ilogging interests returning Sun


Kash of Landsaw wheteaching trip public school at i

Valerie was initiated into the JrIU A M at Trent Saturday i


nightBen T Gosney formally of GOB

neyville and Campton returnedEto Campton recently from Muskpgee Okla after an absence of six I

months i

Miss Ninnie Brewer and G W f

Sally and wife of this sleek andRev J D Hunter of Cannel Citywere visiting your correspondent 1

and family Sunday

Last week Burney Finch of thisI

creek traded a house and lot iinCam ton which is known as theHenry Garrison property to B TIGooney for a tract of laud nearGosneyville

The writer had occasion to be-

at Helechawa Friday of last weekand found that the road betweenthat point and Hazel Green wasabsolutely dangerous to tiayel especially to drive over

The reason our last weeks letterwas not received at your office iiudue time was that the mail Carrie-

o1 this route did not stop and getit from the rural mail box nnti1

it had laid there over Monday and

TuesdayGeorgeCulbertson informed the

correspondent Sunday that WilejPerkins who recently detainsMyrtle Trent and his own daugh ¬

ter has not been captured A

writ was issued aud placed in thehands of Deputy Sheriff George

ByrdGeorgeL Athey of Campton-

r who was the Republican candidatefor circuit court clerk at the re-

cent election eloped one day lastweek with the 18yearold daughter of Douglas Evans and took he

Jeffersonville Ind where theymarried They returned to

CamptonNov 29 DOMINGO

Many persons rind themselvesaffected with a persistent couphafter an attack of influenza Asthis cough can be promptly curedby the use of Chamberlains CoughRemedy it should not be allowedto run on until it becomes trouble-

some Sold by all dealers

TRENTWalter Maloney visited his fa-


on Lacy creek SundayQuite a crowd attended the

Junior rally at this place Sunday

Mr and Mrs S M Tyler ofConsolation were guests of J HBarker and family Sunday

There will be preaching at th ieotplace the first Sunday in Decem

ber Everybody is invited

Asbury Robison and wife

Lacy creek ook dinner with JeEdwar s find frniiy Sunday

J M Rose of Hazel Green pur¬

chased a hog from Walter Maloney

last freek for a private price

Mrs Jesse Ann Stamper andLillian and Robert Johnson of-

f H zel careen attended services

this place Sunday

110lov29 pAQTBua

i4 lLi if

TOyouritemsmornioR110ndalifnot be published unless of unusual im

Advertise no ones businesswrite on one tide of the paper only

SANDFIELDWillie Clark is building a nice

storehouseMrs Mattie Collinsworth of

Mariba is visiting friends at thisplace

Rev Frank Agar will preach atthis place the second Sunday innext month1HMrs Joe Pieratt near Mt Ster¬lingasti week

Alias Angie Wills who has beenon the sick list for some time isslowly improving

LongbranchMrs WA Oldfield Sunday-

J J Catron wife and daughterMrs Garland Dennis were guestspf H S Stamper and wife Sunday

W A Oldfiwlds and daughterMiss Cordie visited friends in iMenifee county last Saturday andSunday


Mole U Sawmill at Miimiflhtunmindfulof dampness draftsstorms or cold W J Atkins worked as night watchman at BannerSprings Tenn Suchexposuregave him a severe cold that settledin his lungs At last he had togive up work He tried manyjemedies but all failed till he used DrKings New Discovery Afterusing one bottle he writes Iwent back to work as well as everSevere colds stubborn coughs intlamed throats and sore lungscHemorrhages croup and whoopingcough get quick relief and promptcure from this glorious medicine


50f and 100 Trial bottle freeIguaranteed by all dealersI

MURPHY FORKManford Toliver is on the sickI

list at this writingLuther Brown who has beenI

sick for nearly a mouth is no better

Will Ayers moved from theplacer1last week

Last week Melvin Tackett movedfrom Greenbrier to the J S Pie ¬

ratt placeMarried at Ezel Thanksgiving

day Frank Montgomery and Lizzie Bailey

Misses Nora aud Zelpha Pierattspent Thanksgiving at the homeof Miss Callie Rasa at Ezel

Mrs Maude Cecil and childrenof Giilmore will spend a weekortwo at the homo of her father WH Murphy

The Hurt brothers and two othor noted sportsmen from the blue-

r grass were in this neck o thewoods last week

Dr Taylor Center passed throughour village Sunday en route to thohome oi Miss Cora Murpby whis sick with tonsilitis

While scratching around foritems the writer observed a rainbow of gladness wayine oer thedear old mansion on the hill Oni

inquiry it was found that a newoccupant by the name of Hurt ofJohnson fork of Lacy creek badrecently moved in

Nov 29 TULIP

Rich el1 QWIroa w

beside this I wantsto go on rec-

ord as saying that I regard Elec 7

tric BitteN as one of tbe greatw tIgifts that God has made to wo¬

mans writes MreO EhinevaultVestal Center N Y I can

never forget what it haedoria forme This glorious medicine givd a

a woman buoyant spirits irigot ofquickffly cures nervousnessmelancholy headache backachefainting and dizzy spellsl j sconbuilds up the weak ailing andsickly Try them 50c at all deal-


children cryatf OR FLEIC-NEtSCASTORIA >




BELKNAPRollie Haddix spent baturday

and Sunday with TJ E Perkins f

Reese Lindon and wife and Lo-gan


Lindon of Ins o visited hereSunday

Misaes Rnnaia and Esther Allen iand Eva Burton pent Sundayafternoon witt Miss Diarists Ar¬

nettRobertRose and Miss Gordo

Whitt of this place were marriedSaturday at his h me near LeIJCitytHoward Bach of iBnrkhart andBurns Elam of Hazel Green passed through here Saturday en route ito Lee City

Mrs Clark Cecil qf Hazel Greenvisited her dauRhters Mrs AddieHuff and Mrs Ida iTaulbee fromFriday untilSundar-

Forest fires are doing some dam1hadj

stroyed and Em Pljipps had overJ100SNov 29 fr

AutHr Corrssdeat writesMrs Rebecca Lindon andson

inlaw Reese Liudqn passed thrnhere SundayIIsplendidi

completeitCager Center one of our former

good citizens merchant and post-master but nuw of Paducah re-ports the birth of at fine girl to hiswif

Mr and Mrs Taylor Hamraonswho went to Oklahoma about ayear ago returned home Saturdayon the late train a delay beingmade by a wreck on the O S K

George Center lost a hog Monfday which would have weighedabout 250 pounds by its bowelslocking This may seem strange 3

to some but it is a fact as the hogwas inspected

Lawrence Oney and CliffordSloan two young men who wereaccused of starting the fire whichburned about 200 panels of fencebelonging to Dick Lindon weretried and fined 25 each 1

Our prayer meeting seems to beiIiprogressing very nicely since ourboys have quit coming out intoxi-cated We are proud of it asitiabetter than to keep + t up and haveto answer in circuit court for dieturbauces i

Nov 29 J L C

A sprained ankle will usuallydisable the injured person for


three or four weeks This is due 1

to lack of proper treatment WhenChamberlains Liniment is applieda cuie may be effected in three orfour days This liniment is onaof the best and most remarkablepreparations in use Sold by aUIIdealersII

ROSE FORKAll the mills here are in work


orderMrsRose went to Adele

ThursdayAmade a business trip

to Lee City SaturdayBird hunting hog killing and

corn huakingarotheActbQrQ ospentoOla Miller who is teaching here

went home Friday returning Sunday

Miss Ada Shockey accompaniedby her brother Elisha left for I

Hazel Green SundayMisges Calla Rose and Jessie

land Bbulah Arnett were pleasant1i

guests of Mrs Mae Cecil SundayMrs Fanny Bryant who huI

been in Oklahoma came homeFriday accompanied by her littleson Everett

Fred and James Hurt and MrsHurst and son went to Gras y last j

Wednesday and returned FridayFred says they killed 75 birdswhile gone

Nov 29 PANSY

If you are suffering from bili ¬

ousness constipation indtgefjiorrI

chronic faeadaolLes invest ooeicentin a postal card sand to ChamberberlainflMedicine Co Des MoinesIowa V1tbyJorname and addressplainly on the back and they willforward you a free sample ofChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets Sold by all dealers

Subscribe for the IQJVYDJL





SaturdayforBorn to thi wife of John Mad-


on the 28th a boyN L Combs is this week haul-


logs to the mill of Kash Halsey Tackett

daughterDellfamily of E T Kash Sunday I

Tte time ofJ M Tester is betag wholly occupied looking after

interests of the Edgle heirsFloyd Murphy and wife have

been visiting relatives and friendsin Morgan county for several dnyai

DJ Landrum who has been inIllinois for the past six monthsreturned to his family Thursday

W H Taylor and W H Tackett have contracted to build a barnatItnowJohnbyrailerrtryingto

Misses Lillie Gruhnm and Katharias Vanoleve were visiting heremeetiugilt

Several of the boys of this seeinhuntingseveral birds and rabbits

Moving has begun in this seclion Kelly Banks has moved to

JakeTesterD B Center of Hazel Green

preached at Murphy school houseSunday to a large crowd Boonealways draws a good audience

Arthur Kath who is teaching-at Valeria visited home folks Saturday and Sunday He was ac-companied by Percy Kasb son ofH B Kash

W C and Grant Rose General J i

and John Dalton and GarlandBolin all of this neighborhoodare at Elmeudorf farm near Lex-ington


working in the dairyThe largest boiler that has ever

been seen in the mountains passedthrough here today Monday It-s being taken to the C H + Love-

land band mmat the head ofIStillwater

E T Kash has just put up a-

new pair of etook scales whichwill be a great couvenience to thefarmers of this section and hewill begin enlarging the mainbuilding of his store next Monday

Nov 29 ANON

There is morecatarrh in this section otthe country than all other diseases put to ¬

gather and until the last few jests wassupposed to be incarablgb For a great ma >

ny years doctors pronounced it a local dis ¬ iease and prescribed local remedies and byconstantly failing to cure with local treatment pronounced it Incurable Sciencehas proven catarrh to be a gonstitntionaldisease and therefore requires constitutionaltreatment Halls Catarrh Cure man facItured byF J Cheney Co Toledo O isthe only constitutional core on the marketIt is taken internally in doses from 10 dropsto ateaspoonfiiL It acts directly on theblood and mucous surfaces of the systemWhey oflerone hundred dollareforanycase-k fails to cure Send for circulanandteKtimonials Address

F J CHENEY t CO Toledo O

Sold by druggists 75ciTake HallFamily PiUs ICOOltipQtiod

DORStEiMrs Emily Elamis very low at

this writingJ H Elamt of Perry county

was in this section Saturday and

SundayElijahPatrick who has been

Very sick for a long timeis at thepoint of death

Misses Mary and Minnie Elamand Cora Crass attended meetingat Elmore Sunday

Miss Lila Elam lefttMonday forPerry county to spend thewinterwith her uncle J H ElamjMisses Loucreteaod Dora Bail-ey visited their aunt Mrs EllenRudd in Magoffin county Saturday and Sunday

John Goad and Shejrman>Elamare building a new schoolhouse onWheelrim which will add ranchbeauty to ourcrook


The peculiar propertiesof Chamberlains Cough Remedy have been

durinppiRamTicataken in time we have not heardof a single case of pneumoniaSold by all dealers I

±± LL L I

CANNEL CITYJohn Brown is in Paris this

week on businessJudge Saufloy of Stnnton was

registered at Hotel DeLancy overtSunday

C B House of Manchester invisiting Hubert Gambill his for-mer


college chumI

J S ORoard is this week inCincinnati looking after Christinasgoods for Caonel Citv

Mr antI Mrs Will Stacy ofStacy forkiWere ues B of MaloneLykins and wifo Sunday

The Kentuoky Block CannelsCoal Co has received aiiOrden for2500 tons of coal from BrazilSouth America

Henry Lawson former brakeman on the passenger train hasmoved his family to Paris wherehe hasa position

Chas McCarroll of Lexington

MulonQLyldnsfromtime he and Charley Byrderrjoyedauext9 de bunt in the viuiuityiof Hazel Greeu

The reportiof the public acboc4for the month ending November19 shows the ollowing bonoR rpiltGrade IXOmer Gambill 90iEdfliiha Lykihs 94 Mary Stamper 91v

Canidallt5GradeThe Ciceronian literary society

rendered an excellent program inAssembly HalbFridajiuigliV> Oneof the largest audiences that hasbeen seen in Cannel City recently-was present The school societiesare doing good work this yeari

The little fouryearold son ofConnor Lykins met with a terribleaccident While play ing tabouttgap that happened to be loadedand in the house the gun dis ¬

charged the entire load into theilittle fellows head killing himinstantly

Nov 29 ETHEL

Looking Dies BestIts a womans delight to look

1erupbonejjoy Listen 1 Bucklens ArmiesiSalveouro8thQn 5 raake the akinsoft and velvety It glorifies the >

iface Cures pimples sore ayes


Carew Niokell went to Mt Ster¬

ling Saturday morningGeorge Sample of Stillwater

is visiting John A Nickell

fromMtSterlingMrs G C Nickell is visiting J

D Hanry and wife ODU Grassy

throughbereG C Nickell and family will

start for Florida this week to liveCharles Carter and wife of Bona

ny are visiting J S Nickell dvwifeBoone Jacksoa returned °homQJ

Saturday evening rirom the blue-grass

Mica tflorenc Miller o1 H1GA ia visiting Mr and IraJSNickellMrs

Dock Fannin diedKridayiand was buried at the EzelHeifietery She leaves herhuBbaud andfour boys tomouru hendoBci < i

Clifford Nitikelltan4DanielBenezry returned Saturday from A tWOjdays hunt near Valeria and report that they killed several birds

T H Greenwade and wife qfSpencer Station visited J1tf JMjir=

phy and family from Tuemiaydn=til


IStuIt11L 1u1b-

y indigestions pang trjyifmany doctors and 20000 worthof medicine in vain B F Ayscueof Jngleslde N Cat lastnJlllittDr Kings New Life PiJls andwrites they whollyr cured himThey cure constipation bilious ¬

ness sick headache stomach liv ¬

er kidney and bowel troubles25c at all dealers

For SaleTwoof the Fjwattcottage for less than the lumberand Jot can be bought Onoacrein each lot five rooms in eachhouse Apply at this office

Seitiis fee Bm tJ j1

r> C

n =JIi