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July 2012 EXPANDING CHANNELS HOPE OF philippines newsletter
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July 2012




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Neither roaring rains nor wild winds were able to dampen the spirit of TWR-Philippines when they launched Ministries Online on August 1, 2012. Ministries Online makes the ministries of TWR available on the internet through a website and live streaming of their radio programs. It is the fruit of months of planning, preparing, and praying. At the same time, it is also a seed that could grow into an extensive ministry that reaches people, especially Filipinos all around the globe. It is a growth that would speak hope to the world not just through mass media but also through multi media.

In Romans 10:17, the apostle Paul underscored that, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the Word of Christ.” Thus, it is imperative that a person hears the message of the Word of God in order for him or her to have faith, or to grow in his or her faith. TWR-Philippine’s ministries have their roots in this truth, hence their mission to meet people’s need to hear God’s messages revealed in His Word.

The radio is TWR’s main media partner in carrying out their mission, and indeed it reaches thousands of listeners all over the country. On the other hand, the internet provides an opportunity to reach more people not just in the country but also overseas. It allows listeners to hear the message at their own time, and for Filipinos abroad to hear God’s Word in the language of their home. Furthermore, the internet widens base of networks and connections with which TWR could partner in their ministries.

But going online is not a simple jump into the bandwagon for TWR-Philippines. Rather, it is a ministry move affirmed by God. When the Ministries Online was still at its incipient stage, one of the staff of TWR met a youth pastor who has never heard of TWR on radio. However, he learned of the company and its ministries while surfing on YouTube! He saw a video of an outreach by the children’s team to a remote village in Northern Luzon. He remarked, “I find it amazing that God is using TWR in this kind of ministry.” This encounter encouraged TWR to labor harder on their plans for an online ministry, for even before they began planning for it, God was already working on it. Praise be to God!


MinistryStories •pg3-7

TWRUpshots •pg7-14

Profile: •pg15

LeonardoPerez•CountryCoordinator TWR-Philippines

NewsletterContributors• FlorAbangco DanAbangco Jerry Ayawan

Max JohnHallig MelissaGacusan CrisantoGuzman RuthannaUy




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Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again but whoever drinks the water I will give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” John4:13-14

Joel of Bislig City, Surigao has been paralyzed since he was 20 years old. Now 52 years old, he lives alone for he has neither wife nor children, and his siblings do not want to take care of him. Joel is fine with this since he can move around with the help of a cane. He raises animals like chickens and goats, and plants vegetables in the backyard of his small nipa hut. In other words, he can take care of himself. But his neighbors cause him undue distress. Instead of helping him out, they ask to be given the vegetables for free. Worse, there are times when some of his neighbors run off with the animals he raises for himself. They know he can’t chase them, so they steal from him boldly. Worst, instead of defending him, his other neighbors criticize him. This gives Joel much grief, but not as much as seeing his fellow Christians fighting each other. When he tries to stop them, all he gets are curses and harsh words. Yet, despite these problems, he does not lose his hope and trust in God. He keeps praying for he knows it’s a great help in overcoming whatever difficulties he encounters. He even prays for his neighbors, being certain that, in time, God will convict their hearts and work out kindness in them. He himself does not stop showing kindness and a good testimony to his neighbors. He discerns that when they observe that he is different from them, that he is living according to God’s will, he may win them to Christ also. Joel finds our radio program Through the Bible Cebuano an encouragement especially when he is spiritually disheartened. He says that through listening to the program, he becomes comforted and joyful. He notes the verses that he

hears for he feels that the messages are intended for him.I find Joel’s story a very interesting and encouraging one. It is also inspiring and challenging for others who have disabilities, and for those who do not. His life reminds us that we should not let our illnesses or weaknesses stop us from moving on. It motivates us to be strong instead of feeling sorry for ourselves because of our predicaments. I would like to encourage our listeners to be like Joel who does not lose hope but stands firm in his faith. Like him, let us pray harder, and without ceasing. As a program host, I am encouraged that our radio program has become a source of emotional healing to our listeners. It inspires me to strive harder so I could be a channel of meeting the spiritual needs of my listeners.


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“Is this ‘Bigkis ng Katotohanan?’ I have taken notes all the lessons I heard tonight. Just like what you said, I am unstable and having second thoughts too in my prayers. And most of the times, I don’t know what to do. But, thanks to your message. It really helped me.”

“Good evening! I am one of the avid listeners of your program ‘Bigkis ng Katotohanan’. This is actually my favorite program. I have already surrendered my live to Jesus Christ. And I want to become a Pastor, and so I will enroll this coming school year in the Bible School. Please pray for me and my brother in our studies.”

“Good morning! Pastor, I one the avid listeners of ‘Bigkis ng Katotohanan.’ Thank you for explaining very clearly the teachings of the Word of God. How I pray you be able to have weekdays program too. This is Medy. Thank you so much. Have a blessed day. God bless you!”


It’s not just studying that keeps Jhun, a 20-year old Education major, burning the midnight oil. There is also the matter of seeking answers to questions that does not concern his studies. Jhun is not just a student, but a student leader—a Bible study leader, that is. His passion to serve Christ and reach the people around him with the message of the gospel prompted Jhun to lead a weekly Bible study with his friends and other young people near their school in Sipalay City, Negros Oriental. It is in these Bible

studies that Jhun encountered questions from his friends that he himself did not know how to answer. He thought of approaching his church leaders for counsel, but he’s afraid they weren’t available because of their busy schedules. So, he took on recourse that, perhaps, only an earnest learner and leader would take: seek counsel from a stranger. Actually, the stranger is not so strange to Jhun, for Jhun avidly listens to his radio program Bigkis ng Katotohanan every week. Through a text message, he sought counsel with the question, “If God the

Son and God the Father are one, then why did Jesus Christ refer to the Father whenever he taught?” Jhun did not mind that the reply came late. Once he got answers to questions on God’s trinity, his other questions poured in, even questions regarding his ministry and personal concerns. It was past midnight when Jhun ended the lengthy counseling-thru-text with a message that resonated with his satiety over having his questions answered and his concerns addressed. It read, “Thank you so much for your help, Pastor. I wish I could be like you. I need to sleep now; I have classes tomorrow.”

CounselFound in aStrangerby Purther Cabahit

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Elizabeth called to inform Women of Hope Cebuano that the program Kahayag sa Paglaum was not aired for 3 weeks. She said that it was replaced by another religious program. She’s confused and needed someone to talk with but she wasn’t able to save the program’s number, so she opted to call W O H Cebuano’s number to share her problems and to ask if the program will be aired in the station again.

Elizabeth shared her feelings and wants to be consoled regarding her problem with her partner, the father of her four children. She said that there is no more love between them and that they’re just living together to show their children that they’re still a family. She also

said that there’s no more intimacy between them and they only regard each other as friends.

She wants to move forward and make things right but she doesn’t know how to break the news to her children and her partner doesn’t want to leave them. Elizabeth asks for prayer, that God will direct her and give her the courage to move on with her life and her desire to be of service to her church and ministry. She belongs to one of the evangelical churches in Pagadian City in Mindanao.

Women of Hope Listener Prayer Request

GOD isWorkingin spite ofmeby Max

“How can I be saved?” This was the text message of a young listener who introduced himself as Dino. I replied and told him to humble his heart, confess his sins, and accept Jesus as his personal savior and Lord. Dino did not text back.

I wonder if he received my reply; if he understood it; if he is now saved. I wonder about the same things when listeners do not text back after I have replied to their queries. Since the bulk of text messages from listeners is one of the means we gauge the effectiveness of our programs, I wonder if I am effective as counselor and program host, and if my radio program is effective in sharing God’s Word. These are bleak thoughts, yet they brought me back to the Word of God.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19),” says Jesus in His Great Commission. He does not imply that I should sit around, wondering if my obedience to the command has results. And then I am reminded of prophet Jeremiah who preached repentance for forty years, but never saw any result of his hard work. It must have been depressing; yet, he did not cease preaching the Word of God. He must have left the rest to God, certain that God is at work whether he sees results or not.

This is liberating thought for me: God’s Words will continue to be at work in spite of me! I do not have to bear the burden of waiting for results to be visible. As one wise man once said, I do not need to be effective; I just need to be faithful in sharing His Words. Indeed, God’s Word is powerful in itself, and I can rest assured that it is working in Dino’s life.


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Despite the growing number of books and other reading material available in the electronic format, many readers still prefer the printed-and-bound format, says a recent study. One listener of Through the Bible Tagalog prefers also the traditional book format. However, there is just one book in his reading wish list—a Tagalog Bible.

Brother Jun has been listening to TTB Tagalog for many years already. Yet, it was only in July 16, 2012

that he first sent a text message to the program producers. Most listeners send in messages to express their appreciation of the program, ask questions regarding the messages, seek counsel about their personal concerns, or request for prayers. But not Brother Jun. He sent a message to ask for a Tagalog Bible. A series of exchanges through text messages

ensued between Jun and the program producer for the rest of the week, until a schedule was

set for us to visit him and hand-deliver his request.

We were warmly welcomed at Brother Jun’s small but cozy abode in Upper Loakan, Baguio City. There, we met his wife, Gina, and their two sons. There, too, we learned that Brother Jun helps provide for his family by doing repairs on electronic gadgets and parts in houses and cars. He explained that he has a Bible but it is in English. He preferred a Tagalog Bible for he could understand it better. Brother Jun was very happy at receiving his Tagalog Bible, but we were happier to have

Something to Read for Someone who Listens

by John Hallig

TTB Listener Jun holding the Tagalog Bible he requested from TWR

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been used by God to provide him with a Bible written in the language he uses every day.

We were also blessed when Brother Jun testified that whenever he listens to TTB Tagalog, the Word of God pierces his heart. It is apparent that Brother Jun is not just a passive listener of a radio program, but an active receiver of God’s Word. His passion to know God’s Word better and deeper shows in his desire to have a Bible which he can understand better. “I will take care of this Bible,” he promised us as we left them. We encouraged him to do so, and we also invited him to visit us at the TWR-Philippines office.

As we left Brother Jun’s home, we felt that we have been to the house of a man of peace. When Jesus sent out his disciples, he instructed them to leave His peace at the homes of such men. Yet, it was us who left with peace, and with joy at knowing that it was not us whom Brother Jun welcomed into His house. Rather, it was Jesus Christ and his message of salvation proclaimed in the Bible.

Something to Read for Someone who Listens

by John Hallig

TWR-Philippines team together with Pak Fredrik Makitan, International Director for TWR-South East Asia visited Barangay Calmay in Dagupan City, Pangasinan. Our host Pastor Rommel and his wife, Pastora LJ Astadan introduced the team to the community. Over 200 children together with their family and friends gathered to watch the puppet show. Excitement and laughter filled the air as Cris shared his knack for magic tricks to the children which was followed with insightful stories from the puppet show. Afterwards, the team conducted a feeding program to reward the children for actively participating in the show.

The event made an impact on some of TWR-Philippines staff. They saw how poverty could bring about rift and disorder among the people in the community. There were many young mothers and delinquents, who are victims of a misguided society. As Pastora LJ shared, “They need to be aware and be guided of the things that they do. Change should start with the leaders in the community. We have to pray for them.” True enough, prayer is needed to restore the community of Calmay. They need to realize their need for Christ and embrace the message of salvation shared to them.

The TWR-Philippines team with Pak Fredrik Makitan in Brgy. Calmay, Dagupan City.

Taking Part in Building God’s Kingdom by Ruthanna Uy

twr upshots


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TWR Joins FEBC’s 64th Anniversary

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TWR Joins FEBC’s 64th Anniversary

Anniversary is a time to savor the cake of rich blessings, a time to light the candles of thanksgiving. It is also a time to remember God’s faithfulness in the ministry of sharing the gospel through the power of radio to people who are yet to receive Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. As Far East Broadcasting Company celebrates their 64th birth, they count their blessings one by one and behold the glorious future bestowed by, and wrapped up in, the magnificence of the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave His life for His church, that which is represented by each one of God’s children.

A team from TWR-Philippines joined FEBC’s annual celebration held at the Folk Arts Theater in Manila. There were more than 1000 delegates who came to be part of their significant festivity. An extravagant praise and worship kicked-off the event at eight in the morning followed by testimonies and intermission numbers. It has been more

than 2 years since the last time TWR joined their anniversary celebration; nevertheless, FEBC-Philippines amiably acknowledged TWR-Philippines during the ceremony. It was a heartwarming moment for the whole team when the crowd applauded with much esteem after TWR-Philippines got recognized for programs like “Bigkis ng Katotohanan”.

Edward Cannan, FEBC-USA president approached one of the team and with a big smile on his face he introduced himself to them and shared about TWR-Cary. “I am glad to see TWR-Philippines here. I have known TWR for 20 years. But when my close friend Lauren Libby (TWR-US President) became the president, I got interested more on TWR,” remarked Edward. He also shared his future plans to FEBC-US and at the same time his testimony how he became a believer through radio street evangelism broadcast.


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Modern-day slavery or human trafficking is one of the issues not just here in the Philippines

but all over the world. Poverty is one of the main factors why women and girls, who are the usual

victims, are lured into this societal problem.NOT FOR SALE, together with Philippine Council of

Evangelical Churches and other entities, joined hands to create awareness and appeal to local and global organizations to

put an end to slavery.TWR-Philippines women’s ministry team, Ruthanna Uy and Jennifer

Hallig, were given the opportunity to be a part of the Asia Pacific Forum on Human Trafficking on July 19-20, 2012. for two days, the ladies were fed with

information that helped them understand totally the real issues behind slavery. Let’s continue to pray for the women and girls who survived to speak up on behalf of those who are still chained in slavery.

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Freedom to Connect

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Quality program production output stems from quality audio training

Master Audio Engineer Eran “Toto” explains that high-amplitude waveforms are loud while low

amplitude waveforms are quiet

Eight team members of TWR-Philippines and two outsources availed of the in-house “Audio Training” conducted by Eran “Toto” Hobar, Sr. at Guisad, Baguio City. Toto is currently TWR-Philippines Technical Operations Supervisor. He discussed lessons on audio frequency, type of microphones, pick-up patterns and stereo signal. The participants learned new lessons and some were refreshed from the insights shared by Toto. Everybody enjoyed and was able to take a break from their production works. No wonder they are all set up to the next level of training, soon!


Audio Training

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As time passes by access to information is made easier by the help of new technologies and social media. We can easily receive and read inspiring quotations from different people around the world. That’s why TWR-Philippines took this opportunity to come up with a new program known as WST or “Wellspring of Truth” which is a devotional that blends eternal truth from the Word of God with different inspiring quotations.

WST is a 5-minute program hosted by Project Hannah Ministry Coordinator Ruthanna Sombero Uy. Talented writers among TWR-Philippines team join hands to produce this new program to redirect the meaning of these quotations into the truth of God’s Word. We are given the opportunity to air this program through “Shortwave Broadcast” all over South East Asia and the South Pacific Region.

We have launched our “Livestream Broadcast” last August 1, 2012, and WST will be aired consistently in between programs to inspire and minister to potential listeners around the world

The Baguio City government has been conducting awareness for proper waste management in different barangays to make the city’s waste collection system more effective. The recent movement of the city government, in cooperation with TWR-Philippines and one of the TV Networks conducted a ZERO Waste Management campaign at P. Burgos, Baguio City. In support of the campaign, TWR-Philippines presented a Puppet Show entitled “Waste Management” to engage the children and further encourage the residents of barangay P.Burgos to take part and making the city a better place to live in through segregation of biodegradable, special waste, and residual waste.

Community Development

Wellspring of Truth

TWR team and the children of Brgy. P. Burgos strike a pose

by Crisanto O. Guzman

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Last June 6-8, 2012, a training on how to present the Thru the Bible Radio

program was conducted in the TWR-Philippines conference room. Facilitating the

training was Joe Fort from the Thru the Bible International Ministries. According to him, Thru

the Bible is currently being aired in 800 stations in US and Canada, 600 stations in Spain, and is being

heard in 108 languages and dialects around the world.

At the training, Joe Fort discussed with us some points on how the program would be more effective. He emphasized

that, being a part of the TTB ministry, we must understand and embrace its mission: to take the whole word to the whole

world. As program producers, we can do this by understanding the characteristics of our listeners, which involves

identifying how much the listeners already know, what their attitudes and opinions regarding the subject are,

and even their listening habits. Also, we can take the word to the world by using scripts as a map for presentation. Mr. Fort stressed that effective scripts use a conversational tone, as if you are talking to the listeners in person. Finally, we must ensure that our listeners are captivated by the messages of the

word as they listen to our programs. This can be done by focusing on one idea at a time,

asking questions to maintain listeners’ attention, and then motivating them

to take action using practical applications.

Training for a more effective programbyDanAbangco

Joe Fort receiving his token of appreciation


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Seven delegates from five different Asian countries attended the Finance Workshop 2012 held last July 23-27, 2012 at the National Service Resort Country Club in Singapore. The workshop was hosted by the Asia Finance Support Team, and assisted by Asia HR and other Asia Regional Support Teams such as Marcom, IT, Asia Media Services, etc.

Here are the highlights of the workshop.

Day 1 AM Facilitator: New Finance Director Samantha HoTopic: Policies, processes and procedures that should be followed by all Regional Offices with regards to Finances. Highpoint: Expense Advance is permitted only in anticipation of imminent ministry expenses.

Day 1 PMFacilitator: Asia Senior Accountant Lindawatti MintardjoTopic: The treatment of in country donations where a certain percentage is allocated for administrative overhead. Highpoint: Can a local staff have a certain percentage of the fund raised to be given to him/her in addition to the salary? Asia HR Nicole Foo clarified that cash incentive is not encouraged but the efforts of the local staff can be acknowledged by means of non-monetary benefit such as additional leaves, tokens and gifts in kind.

Day 2 AMFacilitator: Regional Support Teams led by Daryl RenshawTopic: The goals, vision, mission and impediments of each support team Highpoint: Each country should have an open communication with them whenever we encounter problems in our work. For the Asia Media Services team, each country should report immediately to them when new contracts are made with new stations, and when old ones are terminated.

Day 2 PMFacilitator: Chief Accountant Bob ThorpTopic: The budget process for 2013 Highpoint: This was in preparation for the activities of Day 3.

Day 3 AMHighpoint: Templates were distributed and each country started to prepare the 2013 budget. (This is a long-way process and the 5-day workshop is not enough to finish the budget, Samantha Ho gave August 10, 2012 as the deadline to submit the budget.)

Day 3 PMHighpoint: Team building at the Marina Garden by the Bay.

The Finance workshop 2012 has been a blessing, and I’m glad to be a part of the Finance Team with a commitment to be accurate, relevant, and timely, as well as consistent, accountable, and exemplary. To

God be all the glory and praise!

FINANCE WORKSHOP 2012by Flor Abangco

The delagates namely: (l-r) 1st row: Samantha Ho (Asia Finance Director), Elok Maimunah (Indone-sia), Marianne You (Cambodia), Yvette Dalagan (Philippines), 2nd row: Flor Abangco (Philippines), Rhoda Van Nei Zing (Asia Finance Staff), Chai Yi Ting (China), 3rd row: Jonesh Rai (Nepal), Utomo (Indonesia), Lindawatti Mintardjo (Asia Senior Ac-countant), Nicole Foo (Asia HR), Bob Thorp (Chief Accountant)


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by Flor Abangco

It’s not difficult to size up Pastor Jerry, who stands 5 feet and 4 inches. Although he is quiet and serious in his work, his friendly disposition and bubbly personality will put anyone at ease.

Pastor Jerry came from Aloran, Misamis Occidental where he learned at a young age how difficult life could get. At seven years, he began school but didn’t finish because he had to help his father out at the farm. He also had to work to help put food on the table. But, at age ten, motivated by a desire to gain knowledge and an education, he left home and worked for a family that had the means to send him to school. He was 11 when he started Grade 1 and graduated from elementary school at 16. He continued on to high school as a working student. He worked as a helper for a family whenever he had no classes.

After high school, Pastor Jerry worked at GMA Prawn Hatchery as a budget officer, and then was promoted as assistant technician after six months. But, after a while, he decided to quit his job so he could study at the local Bible School. However, his Christian guardian encouraged him to study at Grace Bible Institute in Baguio City. He did so, and in 2003 he graduated with a Bachelor in Theology. A year after graduating, the former Production Manager of TWR-Philippines, Mrs. Jatayna, asked Pastor Jerry to translate Dr. Charles Stanley’s sermon scripts into Cebuano. During that time, they were planning to start a Cebuano ministry in Visayas and Mindanao where the lingua franca is Cebuano.

Mrs. Jatayna sent a sample of Pastor Jerry’s translations to leaders in those areas, and his translations were approved. Thus, Pastor Jerry began his ministry with TWR-Philippines. He considers this opportunity to be one of the defining moments of his life. He remarked, “Through TWR ministry, I was given the chance to enhance my skills especially in translating English Commentary into the Cebuano language. I was able to learn many new things that I did not expect myself to be doing.” Indeed, his involvement is not just in the Cebuano ministry; he also records and edits audio in Ilocano as well as in Tagalog.

It was a desire to learn and gain knowledge that brought Pastor Jerry from the mountainous area of Aloran to the mountainous city of Baguio; and it is that same desire that keeps him here. Even as a skilled program producer, he continues to update himself about what is happening in the world, especially in the area of media. He yearns to keep improving his skills, knowledge, and abilities so he could meet the needs of his listeners better.


Getting to know Pastor Jerry AyawanTTB and In-Touch Cebuano Producer,Translator


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TWR-Philippines is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ nationwide through clear, effective, and relevant radio programming.

We are part of TWR’s global media outreach that engages millions in 160 countries with Biblical truth. TWR-Philippines offers 12 programs in five different languages (Tagalog, Cebuano, Ilocano, Waraywaray, Hiligaynon-Ilonggo).

partner with usby financylly supporting TWR projects, together we could bring hope found in

Jesus Christ

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Mailing Address:PO Box 332, Baguio City, 2600Email:[email protected]:(074) 424 1262 / 63