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Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 337050 09 13 2020.pdf · 2020. 9. 13. · 4:30 pm (ICC) Stephen Yuhas (Bill & Nancy Mason) Sun. Sept. 20 Al “Butch” Heaney (Pat & Ed Trice)

Oct 24, 2020



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  • Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sat. Sept. 12 4:30 pm (ICC) Theresa & Walter Schlenner (Marie Miller)

    Sun. Sept. 13 Joan Wert (Family) 8:00 am (SJC) Kevin Doll (Peter & Anita Bott & Children) Mon. Sept. 14 In Thanksgiving to the Virgin Mary (Gedeon Family) (private) Barbara Downs (Theresa Kattner)

    Tues. Sept. 15 Virginia C. Llewellyn (Cathy & Joe Amant) 8:00 am (ICC) Donald Fisher (M/M Bill Solomon)

    Wed. Sept. 16 Desmond Behun (Dan & Marcia Evans) (private) All Parishioners, Living & Deceased Thurs. Sept. 17 Stella Nederostek (Ed & Sally Kattner) 8:00 am (SJC) Kevin Cassidy, dec. birthday (Cathy)

    Fri. Sept. 18 Jodee Cutola (Frank & Kayla Schatz) (private) Stephen Utrata (sister, Irene & John Dedinsky) 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

    Sat. Sept. 19 Carol Hanna (Cousins) 4:30 pm (ICC) Stephen Yuhas (Bill & Nancy Mason)

    Sun. Sept. 20 Al “Butch” Heaney (Pat & Ed Trice) 8:00 am (SJC) Elizabeth Boyle (Clay Family)


    PLEASE PRAY for the soul of Meg Dougherty, and the souls of all the faithful departed, may they rest in peace. THE USCCB RECENTLY called for a free-will offering to be taken up to assist the victims of the explosion in Beirut last month. Due to the limited notice, the Parish sent a donation to Catholic Relief Services in lieu of a 2nd collection.

    VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED to help with the sanitizing of the church, currently on Mondays and Thursdays, please call Judy, 570-325-3310, if you can give back to your Church to help keep everyone healthy & safe! The job includes wiping down pews, door handles and cleaning bathrooms. The more hands we have the less time and work for all!

    Immaculate Conception Parish Immaculate Conception Church & St. Joseph Church

    Pastor: Rev. James J. Ward • Deacon: Mr. Jack Mroz

    ICC: 570-325-2791 • [email protected] •

    SJC: 570-325-3731 • [email protected] •

    Confessions: Immaculate Conception Church, Mon: 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. & Fri: 4 to 5:00 p.m.

    Diocesan Victim Assistance Coordinator: Wendy S. Krisak, MA, NCC, LPC Direct Phone: 800-791-9209

    Diocesan Secretary for Youth Protection: Pamela J. Russo, MSW, MS Phone: 610-871-5200, Ext. 2204

    Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service: If you have an allegation of abuse against a bishop, please contact the Catholic

    Bishop Abuse Reporting Service at or by calling 800-276-1562.

  • THE WOMEN’S CLUB IS LOOKING FOR NEW MEMBERS! The club’s mission is to support the parish and they work hard year-long to provide activities and fun for all children (& Grandchildren) of the parish. Their largest fundraiser is the yearly basket raffle held in December. In normal years they host a Halloween Ball, & Easter Egg hunt where large amounts of prizes are given away to the parish children. They also lend support to the Parish Picnic event (usually held in September). Even though they are not meeting in person during the pandemic, with permission from Fr. Ward the members are still planning this year’s Basket Raffle, to be held within social distance guidelines, so that they can continue their generosity. More details for the raffle will be announced soon. The club is open to all women of the parish, both Immaculate Conception & St. Joseph Churches. If anyone is interested in being a part of the Women’s Club please contact Judy at 570-325-3310. If you would like to donate a basket/item to the Raffle please contact Judy or any Club member. THE DIOCESE OF LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA was devastated by Hurricane Laura. Every single parish in the area was affected by the storm. In response to this Bishop Schlert has asked all parishes to take a voluntary 2nd collection to assist the Diocese of Lake Charles. All funds collected will be sent directly to the LC Diocese for disbursement to the parishes, schools, and faithful. Details of some of the damage can be seen at We will be taking donations beginning Sept 19th until Sept. 27th. Since we are not having ushers take up collection during COVID, there will be a collection box at the front of church near the Weekly offering box. Please deposit any donations towards this relief fund in the box marked “HURRICANE RELIEF COLLECTION”. A SOLEMN MASS IN THE EXTRAORDINARY FORM will be offered at the Cathedral of Saint Catharine of Siena on September 13 at 1:30pm in celebration of the seventh anniversary of Juventutem Lehigh Valley. Juventutem Lehigh Valley is a local chapter of an international coalition of young adults whose mission is the sanctification of youth through the Roman traditions of the Church. Masses in the Extraordinary Form are celebrated in Latin. They meet every second Sunday of the month after the 1:30pm Extraordinary Form Mass at the Cathedral, which is offered with the same frequency. All are welcome! Masks will be required & attendance will be limited based on capacity.

    FORGIVENESS: Nearly ten years before, a son and father had parted ways when the business they shared went bankrupt. The son blamed the father. They did not speak to each other again. Then the father became seriously ill. The mother called the son and told him he had better come soon. The son walked sheepishly into the hospital room. The father motioned his son to him and whispered: “Did you ever think you could do anything that would keep me from loving you?” Resentment and anger are foul things, the first reading from Sirach tells us. Remember the last things. Stop hating. Live by the commandments. As St. Paul writes to the Romans, we are to live for the Lord and die for the Lord. Jesus’ parable in today’s Gospel reminds us of God’s compassion. The immense sin of humanity has been forgiven and stricken from the record. We are to forgive others in the same way. © J. S. Paluch Co.

    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION UPDATE! Due to the Pandemic we have decided to have everyone homeschool their children this year. Each child will be

    given a text book and information to access online resources. Fr. Ward has decided that because many of our families are having financial issues the registration fees are waived, but donations will be accepted to help defer the costs of the books. Please contact Mrs. Merkel at [email protected] for more information.

    GREEN PHASE I Mass attendance is still voluntary in the green phase until further notice. Those who are sick, do not feel safe, or who have compromising health conditions, should not attend. • MASKS are required by all Parishioners while in


    • ATTENDANCE LIMIT of 80 people to be in the church at one time. Please follow physical distance guidelines and remain at least 6 feet apart within the pews.

    • VOTIVE CANDLES in church can be lit by parishioners. If you prefer you may still request candles be lit by an usher or the Rectory office.

    • BULLETINS are available in church and on the Rectory porch.

    • CONTACT TRACING: We are asking that those attending Mass provide ushers to with a name and phone number to allow for contact tracing in the event someone who attends Mass test positive for Covid-19. Thank you for your understanding and patience.