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Twenty First Sunday after Trinity 20 October 2013 Parish Pump UNITED BENEFICE OF WOOLAVINGTON WITH COSSINGTON AND BAWDRIP THE FOLLOWING COMMUNION PRAYER ROTA APPLIES 1st Sunday Woolavington (8 am) & Bawdrip: Prayer A 2nd Sunday Woolavington & Cossington Prayer H 3rd Sunday Woolavington, Family Communion Booklet, Bawdrip Prayer B 4th Sunday Woolavington & Cossington Prayer D 5th Sunday As advised A warm welcome to all. A special welcome to any visitors to the Benefice or those worshipping here for the first time. Liturgical Colour: Green TODAY Dear friends in the three churches in the Benefice, Please join with me in celebrating God’s goodness and faithfulness as I reach the ‘three score years and ten’. There will be a ‘Bring and Share Lunch’ in Woolavington Church at 1pm. Please ask Trish Lewis for further details. who would be pleased to receive offers of a plate of savoury ‘finger food’. Desserts are being dealt with separately. No presents but your presence! You are all warmly invited to an OPEN HOUSE AT THE RECTORY on Monday 28 th October to see the fantastic work the decorating team did. Please drop in any time from 5pm – 8pm. Kevin & Chris Mid-week Holy Communion Services There are midweek Communion services in our Benefice which everyone is very welcome to attend. Every 2nd Tuesday in Woolavington Church at 10am Every 3rd Wednesday (BCP) in Cossington Church at 10am Every last Thursday in Woolavington Communal Hall at 11am Today in Bawdrip at 11am The Baptism of baby Ada Adele Birch Please pray for Ada, her Mum, Christina-Marie, and Dad, Bobby, that God will richly bless them all.

Twenty First Sunday after Trinity - · writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is inspired by God and

Aug 24, 2020



Welcome message from author
This document is posted to help you gain knowledge. Please leave a comment to let me know what you think about it! Share it to your friends and learn new things together.
Page 1: Twenty First Sunday after Trinity - · writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is inspired by God and

Twenty First Sunday after Trinity 20 October 2013


ish P




























1st Sunday Woolavington (8 am) & Bawdrip: Prayer A

2nd Sunday Woolavington & Cossington Prayer H

3rd Sunday Woolavington, Family Communion Booklet, Bawdrip Prayer B

4th Sunday Woolavington & Cossington Prayer D

5th Sunday As advised

A warm welcome to all. A special welcome to any visitors to the

Benefice or those worshipping here for the first time.

Liturgical Colour: Green


Dear friends in the three churches in the Benefice,

Please join with me in celebrating God’s goodness and faithfulness as I reach the

‘three score years and ten’. There will be a ‘Bring and Share Lunch’ in

Woolavington Church at 1pm.

Please ask Trish Lewis for further details. who would be pleased to receive offers of a plate of savoury

‘finger food’. Desserts are being dealt with separately.

No presents but your presence!

You are all warmly invited to an


on Monday 28th October to see the fantastic work the decorating team did.

Please drop in any time from 5pm – 8pm.

Kevin & Chris

Mid-week Holy Communion Services

There are midweek Communion services in our

Benefice which everyone is very welcome to attend. Every 2nd Tuesday in Woolavington Church at 10am

Every 3rd Wednesday (BCP) in Cossington Church at 10am

Every last Thursday in Woolavington Communal Hall at 11am

Today in Bawdrip at 11am

The Baptism of baby

Ada Adele Birch

Please pray for Ada,

her Mum, Christina-Marie,

and Dad, Bobby,

that God will richly bless them all.

Page 2: Twenty First Sunday after Trinity - · writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is inspired by God and

Today’s Readings

Collect of the Day

Grant, we beseech you, merciful Lord, to your faithful

people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed

from all their sins and serve you with a quiet mind;

through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive

and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,

one God, now and for ever.

First Reading Genesis 32. 22-31

Jacob got up, took his two wives, his two maids, and

his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the

Jabbok. He took them and sent them across the

stream, and likewise everything that he had. Jacob

was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until

daybreak. When the man saw that he did not prevail

against Jacob, he struck him on the hip socket; and

Jacob’s hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with

him. Then he said, ‘Let me go, for the day is

breaking.’ But Jacob said, ‘I will not let you go, unless

you bless me.’ So he said to him, ‘What is your

name?’ And he said, ‘Jacob.’ Then the man said, ‘You

shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel, for you

have striven with God and with humans, and have

prevailed.’ Then Jacob asked him, ‘Please tell me

your name.’ But he said, ‘Why is it that you ask my

name?’ And there he blessed him. So Jacob called the

place Peniel, saying, ‘For I have seen God face to

face, and yet my life is preserved.’ The sun rose upon

him as he passed Penuel, limping because of his hip.

Psalm 121 I lift up my eyes to the hills;

from where is my help to come?

My help comes from the Lord,

the maker of heaven and earth.

He will not suffer your foot to stumble;

he who watches over you will not sleep.

Behold, he who keeps watch over Israel

shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord himself watches over you;

the Lord is your shade at your right hand,

So that the sun shall not strike you by day,

neither the moon by night.

The Lord shall keep you from all evil;

it is he who shall keep your soul.

The Lord shall keep watch over your going out

and your coming in,

from this time forth for evermore.

Second Reading 2 Timothy 3. 14-4.5

Continue in what you have learned and firmly

believed, knowing from whom you learned it, and

how from childhood you have known the sacred

writings that are able to instruct you for salvation

through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is inspired

by God and is useful for teaching, for reproof, for

correction, and for training in righteousness, so that

everyone who belongs to God may be proficient,

equipped for every good work.

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to

judge the living and the dead, and in view of his

appearing and his kingdom, I solemnly urge you:

proclaim the message; be persistent whether the time

is favourable or unfavourable; convince, rebuke, and

encourage, with the utmost patience in teaching. For

the time is coming when people will not put up with

sound doctrine, but having itching ears, they will

accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own

desires, and will turn away from listening to the truth

and wander away to myths. As for you, always be

sober, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist,

carry out your ministry fully.

Gospel Luke 18.1-8

Jesus told his disciples a parable about their need to

pray always and not to lose heart. He said, ‘In a

certain city there was a judge who neither feared God

nor had respect for people. In that city there was a

widow who kept coming to him and saying, “Grant

me justice against my opponent.” For a while he

refused; but later he said to himself, “Though I have

no fear of God and no respect for anyone, yet because

this widow keeps bothering me, I will grant her

justice, so that she may not wear me out by

continually coming.”’ And the Lord said, ‘Listen to

what the unjust judge says. And will not God grant

justice to his chosen ones who cry to him day and

night? Will he delay long in helping them? I tell you,

he will quickly grant justice to them. And yet, when

the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?’

Post Communion Prayer

Father of light,

in whom is no change or shadow of turning,

you give us every good and perfect gift

and have brought us to birth by your word of truth:

may we be a living sign of that kingdom

where your whole creation will be made perfect

in Jesus Christ our Lord.

Page 3: Twenty First Sunday after Trinity - · writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is inspired by God and

Benefice details…

Thought for the day….

As a child of God I am greater than anything that can happen to me

Abdul Kalam

Hallowe’en – Trick or Treat and all that?

A Comment from The Rector

As responsible adults we all want the best for our children and those in our care. There are some aspects of Hallowe’en

that are seriously unhelpful and potentially harmful to them. It should never be dismissed as “just a bit of fun”; it’s not.

The unhealthy interest in ghouls and ghosts can lead to nightmares and an interest in the occult. The presentation of evil as “a bit of fun” is contrary to Christian teaching, which regards the dark side as very real. This is the thin end of

the wedge in my opinion and a way for evil forces to gain a foothold in young lives and in society. Apart from that there are now increasing numbers of people who find the evening, waiting for a knock at the door, really intimidating,

even frightening, and they feel obliged to buy treats for children who call.

I think we should proactively speak out against these practices and discourage any youngsters we know from taking part. There are posters, which you can display to tell callers not to knock, available at the Co-op from the Police. There

will also be Christian leaflets available in our churches to give out wherever you feel it is right – please take them. It’s not being kill-joys. Maybe next year we can offer an alternative with a positive message about The Light of the World.

If you have any comments or reflections on this issue please speak to me.

Kevin Wright 20th October 2013



On Saturday evening the Woolavington

Village Hall rang (literally!) to the sound of

contrasting live music. In a combined concert

with the Woolavington Handbell Ringers the

Burtle Band played a variety of music. This

included hymns, marches and popular show

songs ably conducted by Beverly Ryde. With

foot-tapping music and items the audience

could join in with, this part of the

programme was a great

success. Also very successful

were the Handbell Ringers who

performed three numbers each

side of the interval.

During the interval a

ploughman’s supper was served

by Sheila and her team, and this

was very well received as was the bar which was open throughout

the evening manned by Michael and Barry. The ever popular raffle

was drawn at the end of the interval with prizes kindly donated by

Church and Band members.

The proceeds of the evening were divided equally between St.

Mary’s Church and the Burtle Band and both organisations were

delighted to receive £200 each towards their funds.

Many thanks to the performers and all those who contributed to the

success of the evening including the very attentive and appreciative audience.

Page 4: Twenty First Sunday after Trinity - · writings that are able to instruct you for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. All scripture is inspired by God and


Woolavington Cossington Bawdrip

Week 1

08.00 am

Holy Communion

09.30 am

Family Service

11.00 am


11.00 am

Holy Communion

Week 2

09.30 am

Holy Communion

11.00 am

Holy Communion

6.30pm Evensong

Week 3

09.30 am

Family Communion

11.00 am

Songs of Praise

11.00 am

Holy Communion

Week 4

09.30 am

Holy Communion

11.00 am

Celebration Ser-


11.00 am

Holy Communion

6.30pm Evensong

Week 5



Rector: Revd. Kevin Wright

The Rectory, Vicarage Road, Woolavington TA7 8DX

Tel: 01278 686440

E-mail [email protected]

NOTE: Kevin’s normal day off is FRIDAY

Benefice Administrator Tel: 683655


Bawdrip: Mr G Jarman Tel 422969

Mr S Peel Tel 684222

Cossington: Mr R Turner Tel 722177

Mr J Gane Tel 722660

Woolavington Mrs P Lewis Tel 683655

Mr A McKechnie Tel 685105

Pump Editor for October Jan Reade [email protected]

Pump Editor for November Godfrey Hebdon [email protected]

Pump Editor for December Jim Gane [email protected]

Around the Benefice this week

Mon 7.00pm Woolavington Neighbourhood Watch, Woolavington Village Hall

Wed 10.45am Us. Coffee Morning, Liz Turner, Croftdown, Brent Road, Cossington


ACP: The Arctic - (Rupert's Land, Canada) RR Andrew Philip Atagotaaluk 1.SB Arctic - RR Larry Rob-

ertson, 2.SB Arctic - RR Benjamin Arreak

Porvoo: Nidaros/ Trondheim (Bp Tor Singsaas), London (Bp Richard Chartres, Bp Adrian Newman, Bp Pe-

ter Wheatley, Bp Pete Broadbent, Bp Paul Williams, Bp Jonathan Baker)

MP: Nidaros/ Trondheim (Bp Tor Singsaas), London (Bp Richard Chartres, Bp Adrian Newman, Bp Pe-

ter Wheatley, Bp Pete Broadbent, Bp Paul Williams, Bp Jonathan Baker) Z: St Barnabas Parish Chipata, & Sub-Parishes Chipangali & Lundazi. The Revd Dennis Milanzi & the

Revd Elias Mwale. SEDGEMOOR DEANERY. (Taunton) (10) RD Chris Keys, LC David Martin. Please pray for all clergy with

PTO in this Deanery.

The Community For those living in:- Bawden Close (W), Millmoot Lane C), New Road (B)

The Sick:- Mary Gingell (*), Grace Good (*), Jo Stevens (*), Carol Watson (*), Helen Oldman (*), Margaret

Shippen (C), Bob Clegg (*), Alan Calaminus (*), Geoffrey Izooba (*), Dennis Farmer (W),

Zebeth Engelbrecht (*), Robin Tracey (*), Aiden Newcombe (*), Peter Buck (*),

Derek Heaslewood (W), Annamarie Kruger(*), Tom (*), Jean Langford (W),

Hannah Millichamp (*)., Caroline Simpson (*), Brian Lane (*),

(* = Out of Benefice)

The bereaved

Those previously Baptised in the Benefice in October.

Ethan Ryles, Jessica Ingram, Anastasija Chidgey, Dominic Chidgey, India Lily Earl


Prayer for Woolavington

Thursdays from 7- 8.30pm at 11 Higher Road

A regular time of informal prayer for the

needs of our village.

Contact John Simpson (684537) if you would

like more information.