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" on TV THIS WEEK ' WTVf) If 'JuftWUir, *»«> -wlfl law oC Wild mo Mj>"» liawgi cjVv ictn2 ty ' ***** **. #jM Kingdom *CC TSwketball &TST ~~ 1 4°P Theater 1 ekm fr.n»>oT B*i it*h Dftfrtey 7-*W ,ti«Vo r.Vixrft G'Wf n.i's Isfa _ 83QO l|4a From UNCtjS 1 , }o®i ' tl > i Sta» Final ' 11:30 Cfowtry Style ?WNDAY, JANUARY it tWrrh*»h F>o. 7-T» Swt. Semester M k S^L**. i : i / 140 ilnw Unto > ! ylils iSok ufc and Live . ' lt:0 C«mera rn \ lg| Hip'^vir- la > profiles In Courage fcO Airigle Theater : :S ' CBS Siiorts 4 :< > NFC Sports ky> j M Showtime I t « 28Jh Century ftite Ea "W Wirard of Oz bonanza 18:00 Candid Camera ? \u25a0 MM What's My Line MONDAY* JANUARY 18 8:30 Sub. Semester \u25a0 7:00 Jamboree 7:83 News i-no Capt. Kangaroo fl:Q0 Cartoon Shop f:SO Match Game MrW Room for Daddy t#4a I Love Lucy 11:60 Concentration 11:80 Jeopardy 11:00 Love of T.We ? , 18:25 CBS NEWS I. if-jlft Search for Tomorrov' ' 1t:45 Gurdin- Light >M P«f«v Maim «, 1:30 As World Turns 2:00 Password r 8--30 House Party 1 3:00 Another World ! 8:30 Edge of Night 1 Secret Storm Make A Deal Fun Hour Yogi Bear Nwira and Weather W. Cronklte Hazel Dr. Kildare Andy Griffith Allen Sherman's Funnyland Happy R«t»Oa A. Hitc«ocV> 11th Hour Report Late Sports i Thnight Show TUESDAY, JANUARY If S'iti Semester 7:00 Jamboree 7:98 News |:Bt Capt. Kangaroo |:00 Cartoon Shop 8:$) Match Game I*oo Room for Daddy 18t*» I' Love Lucy 11:00 Concentration t Jeopardy Love of Life Seihrtch/G. Light Guldlns Light f?eggy Mann . World Turns Souse I>artv \ndth?r World Edge of Night Jecrfet Storm Make A Deal Fun Hrtn* Pet© 1 Potamus and^ffews Dbetbrs/Nur«o< News Wea./Sports Bun. Semester News Jamboree Capt. Kangaroo Cartoon Shop 9:30 Match Gaihe 10:00 Room for Daddy 10:30 I Love Lucy 11:00 -Concentration 11:30 Jeopardy 11:00 Love of life 6:30 CBS News 13:30 gowch for Tomorrow ldß As World Turns *»ET&rty 8:00 Another World 8:80 tWcx)dy > Wo«dp«ckftr Elliott and News 6:80 OBS New° S rter ; 7:00 Virginia 8:80 Hillbilfia 8:0 Dick Van Djti I 8:80 Cara Williams I 10:00 Danny Kaye 11.-dO News/Wea/Sports 11:80 Tonight Sh4S- ft k THURSDAY, JAlfcjAlY H 8:30 Sun. Semesfer 7:00 Jamboree 7JK Nows ' r \u25a0 ~ I 1:30 A?ls6rld Tuans i ssnu r f foo Arioth* wtyw I S dge '* s -i ISfe'SS ; 5 00 fin H&r 4ki j ScWJ Huuk Hound . - t | Ne^s I ft-XK) TOs W<SW» ?? LU.OO l>ei*m»ers >{;ts & . " FBIDA*, JANUARY 22 SSIJLSS^ : 7 :«8 MM - 8:00 Capt. Kangaroo 19rM Cartefaa ShWp * , *a» iptek G*n« \u25a0 . ? «0.H9 Raws for Daddy 1 | 10:30 1 Vive L«py ' far^V^niorrQw lS AJ 8 ItfTrts "4:00 Password ? * jl:uJ4 h«J» rt** 8:80 Abother wirld SM» K4p> of Niaht 400 Sestet Storm ,i . 4:30 Mike A ueal liSMTg^ii. 8;Q0 tllidlt aau News Easo Reporter r . W«rti»«r 6:30 CBS News ' 7:00 Petticoat Tunetion \ T. 90 fcavAUk 8:30 Hope Theatre . V:3O Gomer Pyle 10:00 Shtfery NeWs/wea/Sports 11:30 Toaigfcl SUow WKAL Ctu»nai4 5 SWIbAY, JANUARY 17 - fim MOrnw TttwHtn ?:00 flie Lone Ranger . 9:30 Discovery . 10:00 Shennlgans 10:30 Annie Oatiey liM UMtw tavtf 11:30 Parke* ,P»2 12:00 The t*>i£. t»'noy Sho»/ 12«) Hoppity Hooper IKtO Magic Land el Allakatam 1:30 American Bandstar.w 2.30 Teenage Frolic 3:00 Shindig 3:30 Wide World of Sports Ciumpiousnip Wi«atUog 8:|B NwrsUiie.. 8:Q0 Ole op«ry_ 1:30 T»e Wiibum Kfothers *:«0 Porter Wagoner Show R3O Outer Limila k3O U»»i«nce Welk Show 1:00 Late Dateline *arw°aod J Cecil 11:00 Light Unto BfyPcth 12 00 Show 1:30 The ClttUlt Ri<*r 8:00 MBA Basketball 5:00 wjdte Wojrld of Sports 6 30 .lohnhy Quest li 9:00 Sunday Night Movie 11:00 ARC Stope 11:80 Gieat Moments in Music 8:20 Ron Cochran Nrra 6:35 Datftoie-Viewpoint B.' 0 MWl|nn-weather ill I Bottom at 8:38 Sg Ytaxt for Bergeants show lf:W Bob Yoon} wfth 'ho NeWi ! 9:00 Fjimme Fare with Betta E&cßt and Jack Latenn I%ooTrajjFor Uncle Paul 1 iffl Huh Noon, New« 'f;»fSk&r ,Besl I|o TjU'^nna^Reed^Sho* 4:2® S?** with the Woman'* Con't 8:40 Atlaattc WeaaJkw B:4S Dateliafc R^v- -8:30 IfcHafe's Navy 9:00 The Tycoon 9:30 Peyton Piaie 10:60 The Fugitive 11:0U Bob Young with tnc NeW. !l:Kk. "«tt Datelin' 11:25 Late Weather 11:30 T> Les Crane Show WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 38 8:15 Aspect 8:46 Ray WUicinsnn 7:00 Xotiaiy 1 7:25 Vewpoint 7:38 Today 9:98 Femme Fare ' 10:00 Time For Uncle Paul | 10:20 TUA 11:0b Inauguration , 4:00 The tarl> Scjw V 4:25 News WRh tfee Woman's ; Touch I 4:80 Early Show Cou't I 6:00 Dateline | 6«0 Ron Cochran News I 6:35 Dateline-Viewpoint f 0:40 DateUno-Weather I 6:45 Daleliue-tfecve "7:00 Death Valley Days 7:80 Ach'entures of Oaie and Harriet 8:80 The Patty Di-ke Show 8:30 Maverick 9:30 Burke r s Law ?M-wi fi>A * 11:00 Bob Young with the NewS 11:10 Late Dateliac 11:25 Late Weather 11:30 The Les Crane Show THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 8:18 Aspen 8.40 R»y Wilkrfwoii 7.00 Toda: 7:28 Viewpoint 7:30 Tttdaj i Q-n* far» 10:00 Time For Untie Paul 10:80 Trailmaster 11:30 The Price is Riaht 12:00 High Wnoh Newi 1:00 Tenn. Ernie 1/J0 The Donna Reed She * 2 00 Flame In The Wind y j0 The Doctors 3:00 Dinah Shore Special 4:00 The Earl Shoe# 3:30 The Young Married* 4:25 News With the Woman'a Touch 4:30 Early Show't 6;00 Dateline ' > 8:28 Ron Cochran News 8:35 Dateline-Viewpoint 0:40 Dateline-Atlantic Weather B:4S Dateline-Reive S 7:00 Thursday Nite Ho vie 8:00 Bewitched 9:30 Peyton Place 10:80 Jimmy Dean Show 11:00 Bob Yoong. 11:10 Late Dateline 11:25 Late Weather ». J 11:30 The Les Ctai-e Sh<r» ; FRIDAt, JANUARY tt 8:1$ Aspect 8:48 Fflrm Rapor T:88 Today C OcOO Femme Far* , 10:00 'flme Fo? Uncl6 PJ»ut Trailmaijiter 11:30 Thb Price to Right 12:00 Hi«h Noon ftow* . 1?:30 Father Knows Beat i 1:00 Tcnn, Ernie y' . 1:30 The Donna Reed Shv* 2:00 Flame In The WWu 2:80 The Doctors 4:85 News with the W*«*!t'l 6.20 Ron Cochin' ; \u25a0 8:38 Viewpoint J , i 8:40 Da tehne-.W 4at her \u25a0 V.4S Dateline-Reeve . 1 sim&stfg, 8:0O The Farmer'!" aDMhter I 880 The Addanu Family 9:00 Valentine's Day * U:l0 natelUie 11:30 StarHght Ttrtatrt "I used to cry for no reason at all" i i ? \u25a0 i«T One of th# Hrst "change-of-llf#" danger signals No wonder a woman feek Ute crying! The suiTocatinji aurge of hot flashes one minnti; cold, clammy pergprratidn tM ttiit can make a woman #ond*r "What's eome ever met" Chaiige-of-life »a*io a*ts nerves drt edge, flfla he* with fear! Proven help! Woman aflae » woman in doctors' testt jiffhfKtiiii iuu i wminiawt reitoi Troni fwi mwiWj nwifwin M Some women worry UeoM*lv»s ikt; soma Women do 1 thing kbodt awesome ehange- f bf-llfe Symptom*. Thoasandt hare feand thai Lydia fc. Pink ham TaUete helped them helped other women. Not a new, johnny-eame-lately «cih- f edy, btat a triad aiid trusted ~' ''friend";.,>te r«Jia«e func- tional mid-life complaint* ' f'-' * ?riti r| i Gwiice el Fnir Chance U1965 Challenge Declares WHlerd Wirtz WASHINGTON. D. C. "We wijit to make equality of oppor- tunity not just a birthright but a lifetime guarantee of a fair chancp I'n a great society," Secretary of tabor W. Wilbrrl Wirt? in his annual year cB3 SQSBtwH irt which his New Yp" 's wish M* our couriry ' V "'?* that in this ye ah .1 tv *~c wVrt have the lfest ?'!!! r 'n tf" ' " i th'! eotnin '"» a " Store- tary sail, "cai b? he fm po'rtant arid of rerah* ftbtory?the yc«r In which dur ieSdiirc'es were committed to the tirtconrltttcnfll effort to eliminate and poverty from AiWerlca." "'Our remaining task is to se6 to "t that e'v-ybddy who tries can sfcire what most of uS now en- w- "The Civil Ri-rhts Act And thfe Etyia! OppdrturiiVv Act have c'ortite only Just in li:ne. Far while tech hology increases riortthly its de- mand for the highly skllleJ, oitr growth adds a growing burden on educational and em- 1 plbyment opportunities. Poverty lh(F prejudice in such a setting could cancel permanently the f»- tttHis of millions of young Ameri- 'cims. "There \*iH be a greater in- crease In the number of 18?and > I#-year-olds in th" lah«r force in 1*69 than the increase in this afe grdup during the entire de- cide of the 199CS. Between 1940 »iM 19WB, the total number of 18?and 19-year-olds in tWe work Wrcie rose by 3C0.000. In the nekt 12 months, the number will soar bj 900.000 from 3.4 million to % iWMWn. Owr cbnstfehce aid youojf p*»p*r»d fo» rewarding JcOhi* M that they &x& not tosjd'crowli hardcore unenv ployed anil «»ture oases." "It was hArd, a year ago. to si? Happy flew Teak, aad ieatiy. toe** :i", the SeiwUrs continued, ? now 9 year lattr, at the start of IdtSs this feting theans more i more ot us tftait it ever has "jflforc. "NV- «rf» 160* »K*, with pride, o* * jrea* N incomparable, un- served aehievfcmien*. "Wt live lftofcen ilnrost every economic /icon) oh the books. "The longest peacetime period without a recession continued iate its fourth consecutive year. A record 71 Million Americans weire at Wort?ls ihittion more thai ii WW*. Average factory e«r*rin*» reached i new high of slfc»7d i W*ek?up nearly $4 a <Mr tot yeir. The value of fodds and servfetes produced rose to a record fWM billion?per- cent greitei thah in 1906. "It hii Bieh i' ye»r in whicb tflfe majdrifjr dt Americans re- ceived tt!% hrgHt boost in pur- fchising fitfirtr ft their working live*. hi the postwar years, the ahhial ivfngi rise in per capita fc*rt*ha«!ilf powe* has been l.£ percent. ft» li#%, the increase as a flill lirger than the rises of lite Snd 1063 com- bined. "We have written our con- science Into iur l»ws. "#e have My) the jkiibi in a rcfttfess, stiH troubled frdirld. "We !oOi ahead?through eyes of hope, ahd with thi sure know- ledge of odr atfeiftb?to a year of still fuller promtti." v continued economic vitality de- mand that wie assure that these President Lyndon B. Johnson's Message fo Nation "Inspiring" NEW YORK?Roy Wilkins. exe- cutive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, today eobi- tttentted as follows on President Johnson's State of the Union mes sSfie: i President Johnson's inspirihs State of the Union message Un- veiling additional facets of the Great Society vindicates the shri confidence of the millions of )>is fellow Americans who voted for him. Of particular interest to Nejjro Americans and o'hws committed lo full equality for all citizens re pledges (1) Ma open for .ill Americans the opportunities nc.y enoyed by most Americans," Dr J. R. Picott Named to Va. CR Committee rat* CAN oet RELKF HEADACHE PAIN STWIBACK sfm fw FAST rtttef mm mk \u25a0» MMtcht, MurWgia. WASHINGTON, D. C. Dr. J. ipert Picott, executive secretary f the Virginia Teachers Assofci*- ioa, has been appointed to a wo-year term, ending December Jl, 1966, as a member of the Vir- ginia State Advisory Committee <»r Civil Rights. His appointment announced by Samuel J. Sim- ftOu, director of the State Ad- visory Committers Division, fol- lowing a recent meeting of United States Commission on Civil Right* riWe M the nation's capital. A leader in| the Civil rights movement in the Com mod wealth Lg-Virginia, Picott was formierly * Member of the Mayor's Com- mlftee on Human Relations ID thk city of Richmond and former- ly chairman of the Richmond Ci- tizens Advisory Committee (RCA- C), which »as formed to provide finMcial and other support to the local student-initiated segre- gation protest movement in Vir- I giaia capital. (?) to e»fo*et "the CWU Riglts Law and the elimination of bir- -iprs to the right to v*te," (3) to touble the war against poverty, (4) to prowkk hospital care lor and ni*» koaeft Ittrweeta to the eMcwy t (ft) to provide vast nfew funds for at ail levels, '*) to "wik* ne« efforts to con- trol aed preveat erime and delin- Mid IT) b establish "a rte**#ne«t 4 Mttaing aid urban development." THfc PftMVlht'* ***?*> Prom- ises a mm. frNr Md richer lifn for every Ajfcerka*. M pro- vides * prttfe* of #ftat this rountry stwMd fce, c*n be and \u2666»» he. II aefe a soil for Con- gress ami the America*) people. It remaitH ftJr the people to give the President the kind of sap- port seeded to Mrfeg his Great Society ioto beiag. \u25a0 Legal Notices nuSKioSSm #*Mus Williams, Deemed Haying qualified as Adminfetra- tor of the estate of Julius Williatn; deceased iatii of Durham County North Carolina, this to td notify ail ttonnM having claims against Mid estate to exhibit them to the uMdratgnfed at 110 Wert Patrish 'firWrt, Durham, North Carcdis* ett Mr Mfdre the 28th day df June. : lfWt or this notice will be plead- ed id bar of their recovery. AH (teradna indebted to said estaM wH pleas* made immediate pay- -1 idem to the undersigned. ; thil z2nd day it December, , Mechanics and Farmers Bank, t p r of ?TH» CAROLINA T!M£» T* »UMWM. N. ||t U,m» ~ ~t. - \u25a0?'< , ~ - i - : \ Mademoiselle Magazine v Lauds Mississippi Sltideiil YiWWifS Among Ten Merit Award Winners A^i Mademoiselle magazine's 1964 Merit Award honored for signal achievt- ment during tlie past year: 1) Mississippi Project Volunteers, northern students \u25a0who contributed to social progress In Mississippi; 2) Shirley Knight, actrew; 3b Marilyn Horne, opera singer; 4) Patricia Mcßride, ballerina; 5) Lois Sherr, landscape architect; 6) Anne Pyne Cowley, astronomer; 7) Donna deVtfMtj* Olympic swimmer; 8) Emmanuelle Khanh, fashion designer; 9) Ehwbctp Montgomery, entertainer; 10) Renata Adler, literary critic*' " J, New York, N.'Y? M atlemotselle'a 22nd Annual Merit Award winners include for the first time an entire gToup, the Mississippi Project Vol- unteers. This past summer, hun- dreds of college students went to Mississippi, fully prepared to face physical danger in support of so- cial progress. Under the aegis of the Council,of Federated Organizations, they car- ried out a three-pronged project: to get Negro voters registered; to act up "freedom.schools" of crash program education for Negro youngsters; to start community centers for adult Negroes. To recognize their courage and devotion, Betsy Talbot Blackwell, Mademoiselle s Editor-in-Chief,felt that a collective citation should be made. rlclt. Her **SooV* lias InvaieJ America, is easily identified by its markings: patchwork accents, big zippers, detailed cu2s and .collars. TELEVISION STAR Elizabeth Montgomery is know to millions of viewers as a young suburban housewiteh named Samantha?the extraordinary half of ABC's couple conjejiv "Bewitched." Of tfee. '64 season s new snows, it enjoys top rating in both popularity and criti- cal acclaim. Oi the set, Elizabeth is happily married, without benefit of sorcery, to William Asher, di« rector of "Bewitched." CRITJC Renata Adler, a young staff writer and book reviewer for the New Yorker, has confounded the literary establishment by Sug- gesting that editors and reviewers should stop trying to take the show away from the writers. After Bryti Mawr ('59), the Sorbonne and Radcliffe, she joined the New Yorker , is alreddy a Sought-after voice for symposia on the state of American literature. tmj Award nominations for l * roles in "The Dark at the Top the Stairs" and "Sweet Bird rf Youth." SINGER Marilyn Hontt Mom three sehsatioas in 1064: her New York triumph in RossTnffe amide," her recital debut at Ph I- harmonic Hall two months lat< r f and her first app**rasoe i|# don's Covent Garden. Trained m California, she came to the notiM of Stravinsky, sang with him ofteo on programs ranging from Mcfc* teverdi to the modern*. She S< it lives in California. LANDSCAPE AR(2HITB< t Lois Sherr went to work in 19 4 for the Canadian World Export n of 1967, which will occupy ti o islands created for it in the 5 U Lawrence River. Lois' job: the e {? tire outdoor framework, fro mtfc selection of plant life to the des(| 1 of drinking fountains. A *6l grad f ate of the University of Pennt) U vania, Lois has two major mdo V interests: jazz and painting. ASTRONOMER Anne Pjri o Cowley Is the only woman on tl e staff of the University of Chicagt a Astronomy Department. A t search associate, she is eat obser* i- tional astronomer who is marri< d to a theoretical one (1 watch ? tee what; he Can tell my »kf. n ) i a field triditionally hostile i> women she has made stellar pro [? rest at one of the three top nhivtjr- skies for astronomy. (The other two, Cal Tech awl Princeton, do not take women in their depart- ments.) ; T; The ten awardees will be fea- tured in MaicßHittUe's Januaty The nine other silver medallion awards were presented to young ?women who, according to Mrs. Blackwell, "have already distin- guished themselves in their fields and are expected to achieve even greater honors." They are as fol- lows: DANCER Patricia Mcßride was raised to the status of principal dancer with the New York Chy Ballet four years ago ?at 18. "to- day, her classic and modern reper- toire is unmatched by any dancer her age. She started dancing at 7 ("because Mother thought nice little girls shouUJ know how"), wants to stay with the Chy Ballet as long as George Balanchine is its choreographer. ACTRESS Shirley Knight same to Broadway's rave notice in last season's '"Hie Three Sister!." Shir- ley came to New York from Holly- wood, to which she frame from Kansas. She haa won two Aca4- SWIMMER Donna de Varona Yiit the finish line to shatter an Olympic record in Tokyo last Octo- ber. Acknowledged the country's best all-around woman swifhmer at age 17, she holds American and world records in the 200- and 400- meter individual medley events. On land, she is a high school senior in Santa Clara, California. FASHION DESIGNER Em- xaanuelle Khanh has given French ready-to-wear enough lift to make haute couture look to its laurels. She thinks that clothes should iaake a woman feel pretty, not just ©tor retreads Have double the vrear it yottr tires. They are engineered to rive the best La perforni- | iutfc* Vrtth the lvast possible wearl Ov Retreads are Guaranteed* Across tie Nation. *Based tread death used. \u25a0 " ' < 'i n irth:,, \u25a0 , \u25a0 EAST TERMS-ALL WORK GUARANTEED?I-Day Service I \u25a0 r i "Mil ~ , i ; -i -t ?' RtGSBEE TIRE SALES SttWARt masteß OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY & fr. MOTHERS «§ I 108 LAKEWOOD AVE. fEk y2l LOCatlOnSa 2820 HILLSBORO RdAi> T5L- s .

TV THIS WEEK el Fnir WHlerd - · 3:00 Shindig 3:30 Wide World of Sports Ciumpiousnip Wi«atUog

Jun 13, 2019



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Page 1: TV THIS WEEK el Fnir WHlerd - · 3:00 Shindig 3:30 Wide World of Sports Ciumpiousnip Wi«atUog


on TV THIS WEEK' WTVf) If'JuftWUir,

*»«> -wlfl law oC Wildmo Mj>"»


cjVv ictn2 ty '***** **.

#jM Kingdom

*CC TSwketball


14°P Theater 1ekm fr.n»>oT

B*i it*h Dftfrtey7-*W ,ti«Vo r.Vixrft

G'Wfn.i's Isfa_ 83QO l|4a From UNCtjS 1, }o®i '

tl >i Sta» Final' 11:30 Cfowtry Style

?WNDAY, JANUARY ittWrrh*»h F>o.

7-T» Swt. Semester

M k S^L**. i :

i / 140 ilnw Unto >

! ylils iSok ufc and Live.


lt:0 C«mera rn\ lg| Hip'^vir-

la > profiles In CouragefcO Airigle Theater

: :S ' CBS Siiorts[£ 4 :< > NFC Sportsky> j M ShowtimeI t « 28Jh Century

ftite Ea

"W Wirard of Ozbonanza

18:00 Candid Camera? \u25a0 MM What's My Line

MONDAY* JANUARY 188:30 Sub. Semester

\u25a0 7:00 Jamboree7:83 Newsi-no Capt. Kangaroo

fl:Q0 Cartoon Shop

f:SO Match GameMrW Room for Daddy

t#4a I Love Lucy

11:60 Concentration11:80 Jeopardy11:00 Love of T.We ?

, 18:25 CBS NEWSI. if-jlft Search for Tomorrov'' 1t:45 Gurdin- Light

>M P«f«v Maim«,

1:30 As World Turns2:00 Password

r 8--30 House Party

1 3:00 Another World!

8:30 Edge of Night

1Secret StormMake A DealFun HourYogi BearNwira and WeatherW. CronklteHazelDr. KildareAndy GriffithAllen Sherman's FunnylandHappy R«t»OaA. Hitc«ocV>11th Hour Report

Late Sportsi Thnight ShowTUESDAY, JANUARY If

S'iti Semester7:00 Jamboree7:98 News|:Bt Capt. Kangaroo|:00 Cartoon Shop8:$) Match Game

I*oo Room for Daddy18t*» I' Love Lucy11:00 Concentration

tJeopardyLove of LifeSeihrtch/G. LightGuldlns Light


. World Turns

Souse I>artv\ndth?r WorldEdge of NightJecrfet StormMake A DealFun Hrtn*Pet© 1 Potamus


Dbetbrs/Nur«o<News Wea./Sports

Bun. SemesterNewsJamboreeCapt. Kangaroo

Cartoon Shop9:30 Match Gaihe

10:00 Room for Daddy10:30 I Love Lucy11:00 -Concentration11:30 Jeopardy11:00 Love of life

6:30 CBS News13:30 gowch for Tomorrow

ldß As World Turns

*»ET&rty8:00 Another World8:80

tWcx)dy >

Wo«dp«ckftrElliott and News

6:80 OBS New°Srter

; 7:00 Virginia8:80 Hillbilfia8:0 Dick Van Djti

I 8:80 Cara WilliamsI 10:00 Danny Kaye

11.-dO News/Wea/Sports11:80 Tonight Sh4S-

ft k THURSDAY, JAlfcjAlY H8:30 Sun. Semesfer7:00 Jamboree7JK Nows

' r \u25a0~

I 1:30 A?ls6rld Tuansissnu rf foo Arioth* wtywI S dge '*s -iISfe'SS

; 5 00 fin H&r 4kij ScWJ Huuk Hound . -



I ft-XK) TOs W<SW» ??

LU.OO l>ei*m»ers

>{;ts &.



SSIJLSS^: 7 :«8 MM -

8:00 Capt. Kangaroo19rM Cartefaa ShWp *

, *a» iptek G*n« \u25a0 . ?«0.H9 Raws for Daddy 1 |10:30 1 Vive L«py

' far^V^niorrQwlS AJ


"4:00 Password ? * jl:uJ4I® h«J» rt**8:80 Abother wirldSM» K4p> of Niaht400 Sestet Storm ,i


4:30 Mike A uealliSMTg^ii.8;Q0 tllidlt aau News

Easo Reporter r. W«rti»«r

6:30 CBS News' 7:00 Petticoat Tunetion\ T. 90 fcavAUk

8:30 Hope Theatre. V:3O Gomer Pyle

10:00 ShtferyNeWs/wea/Sports

11:30 Toaigfcl SUowWKAL Ctu»nai4 5

SWIbAY, JANUARY 17- fim MOrnw TttwHtn

?:00 flie Lone Ranger. 9:30 Discovery

. 10:00 Shennlgans10:30 Annie OatieyliM UMtw tavtf11:30 Parke* ,P»2

12:00 The t*>i£. t»'noy Sho»/12«) Hoppity Hooper

IKtO Magic Land el Allakatam1:30 American Bandstar.w2.30 Teenage Frolic3:00 Shindig3:30 Wide World of Sports

Ciumpiousnip Wi«atUog

8:|B NwrsUiie..8:Q0 Ole op«ry_1:30 T»e Wiibum Kfothers

*:«0 Porter Wagoner ShowR3O Outer Limilak3O U»»i«nce Welk Show

1:00 Late Dateline

*arw°aod JCecil

11:00 Light Unto BfyPcth12 00 Show

1:30 The ClttUlt Ri<*r8:00 MBA Basketball

5:00 wjdte Wojrld of Sports6 30 .lohnhy Quest

li9:00 Sunday Night Movie

11:00 ARC Stope11:80 Gieat Moments in Music

8:20 Ron Cochran Nrra6:35 Datftoie-ViewpointB.' 0 MWl|nn-weatherill I Bottom at8:38 Sg Ytaxt for Bergeants


lf:W Bob Yoon} wfth 'ho NeWi!

9:00 Fjimme Fare with BettaE&cßt and Jack Latenn

I%ooTrajjFor Uncle Paul

1 ifflHuh Noon, New«


I|o TjU'^nna^Reed^Sho*

4:2® S?** with the Woman'*


8:40 Atlaattc WeaaJkwB:4S Dateliafc R^v-

-8:30 IfcHafe's Navy9:00 The Tycoon9:30 Peyton Piaie

10:60 The Fugitive11:0U Bob Young with tnc NeW.!l:Kk. "«tt Datelin'11:25 Late Weather11:30 T> Les Crane Show


8:15 Aspect8:46 Ray WUicinsnn7:00 Xotiaiy 17:25 Vewpoint7:38 Today9:98 Femme Fare

' 10:00 Time For Uncle Paul| 10:20 TUA

11:0b Inauguration, 4:00 The tarl> ScjwV 4:25 News WRh tfee Woman's; TouchI 4:80 Early Show Cou'tI 6:00 Dateline| 6«0 Ron Cochran NewsI 6:35 Dateline-Viewpoint

f 0:40 DateUno-WeatherI 6:45 Daleliue-tfecve

"7:00 Death Valley Days7:80 Ach'entures of Oaie and

Harriet8:80 The Patty Di-ke Show8:30 Maverick

9:30 Burke r s Law?M-wi fi>A *

11:00 Bob Young with the NewS11:10 Late Dateliac11:25 Late Weather11:30 The Les Crane Show


8:18 Aspen

8.40 R»y Wilkrfwoii7.00 Toda:7:28 Viewpoint7:30 Tttdaj

i Q-n* far»10:00 Time For Untie Paul10:80 Trailmaster11:30 The Price is Riaht12:00 High Wnoh Newi

1:00 Tenn. Ernie1/J0 The Donna Reed She *

2 00 Flame In The Windy j0 The Doctors3:00 Dinah Shore Special4:00 The Earl Shoe#3:30 The Young Married*4:25 News With the Woman'a

Touch4:30 Early Show't6;00 Dateline


> 8:28 Ron Cochran News8:35 Dateline-Viewpoint0:40 Dateline-Atlantic WeatherB:4S Dateline-Reive

S 7:00 Thursday Nite Hovie8:00 Bewitched9:30 Peyton Place

10:80 Jimmy Dean Show11:00 Bob Yoong.11:10 Late Dateline11:25 Late Weather ».


11:30 The Les Ctai-e Sh<r» ;


8:1$ Aspect

8:48 Fflrm Rapor

T:88 Today COcOO Femme Far*


10:00 'flme Fo? Uncl6 PJ»utTrailmaijiter

11:30 Thb Price to Right12:00 Hi«h Noon ftow* .

1?:30 Father Knows Beat i1:00 Tcnn, Ernie y' .1:30 The Donna Reed Shv*2:00 Flame In The WWu2:80 The Doctors

4:85 News with the W*«*!t'l

6.20 Ron Cochin' ; \u25a08:38 Viewpoint J ,

i 8:40 Da tehne-.W 4at her \u25a0V.4S Dateline-Reeve . 1sim&stfg,8:0O The Farmer'!" aDMhter

I 880 The Addanu Family9:00 Valentine's Day


U:l0 natelUie11:30 StarHght Ttrtatrt

"I used tocry for no

reason at all"i i ? \u25a0 i«T

One of th# Hrst"change-of-llf#"danger signals

No wonder a woman feek Utecrying! The suiTocatinji aurgeofhot flashes one minnti; cold,clammy pergprratidn tM ttiitcan make a woman #ond*r"What's eome ever met"Chaiige-of-life »a*io a*tsnerves drt edge, flfla he* withfear!

Proven help! Woman aflae» woman in doctors' testt

jiffhfKtiiiiiuui wminiawt reitoi Tronifwi


M Some women worry UeoM*lv»sikt; soma Women do

1 thing kbodt awesome ehange-f bf-llfe Symptom*. Thoasandt

hare feand thai Lydia fc.Pink ham TaUete helped them

helped other women. Not anew, johnny-eame-lately «cih-

f edy, btat a triad aiid trusted~' ''friend";.,>te r«Jia«e func-

tional mid-life complaint*

' f'-' *

?riti r| i

Gwiice el Fnir Chance U1965Challenge Declares WHlerd Wirtz

WASHINGTON. D. C. "Wewijit to make equality of oppor-tunity not just a birthright but alifetime guarantee of a fair chancp

I'n a great society," Secretary of

tabor W. Wilbrrl Wirt? inhis annual year cB3 SQSBtwH irtwhich his New Yp" 's wish M*

our couriry ' V "'?*

that in this ye ah .1 tv *~c wVrt

have the lfest ?'!!! r 'n tf" '"ith'! eotnin '"» a " Store-

tary sail, "cai b? he fm

po'rtant arid of rerah*ftbtory?the yc«r In which dur

ieSdiirc'es were committed to the

tirtconrltttcnfll effort to eliminateand poverty from

AiWerlca.""'Our remaining task is to se6 to

"t that e'v-ybddy who tries cansfcire what most of uS now en-

w-"The Civil Ri-rhts Act And thfe

Etyia! OppdrturiiVv Act have c'ortiteonly Just in li:ne. Far while techhology increases riortthly its de-

mand for the highly skllleJ, oitrgrowth adds a growing

burden on educational and em- 1plbyment opportunities. Povertylh(F prejudice in such a setting

could cancel permanently the f»-tttHis of millions of young Ameri-'cims.

"There \*iH be a greater in-

crease In the number of 18?and> I#-year-olds in th" lah«r force in1*69 than the increase in thisafe grdup during the entire de-cide of the 199CS. Between 1940»iM 19WB, the total number of18?and 19-year-olds in tWe workWrcie rose by 3C0.000. In the nekt12 months, the number will soarbj 900.000 from 3.4 million to% iWMWn. Owr cbnstfehce aid

youojf b» p*»p*r»d fo»rewarding JcOhi* M that they &x&not tosjd'crowli hardcore unenvployed anil «»ture oases."

"It was hArd, a year ago. to si?Happy flew Teak, aad ieatiy. toe**:i", the SeiwUrs continued,? now 9 year lattr, at the start ofIdtSs this feting theans morei more ot us tftait it ever has


"NV- «rf» 160* »K*, with pride,o* * jrea* N incomparable, un-served aehievfcmien*.

"Wt live lftofcen ilnrost everyeconomic /icon) oh the books.

"The longest peacetime periodwithout a recession continuediate its fourth consecutive year.A record 71 Million Americansweire at Wort?ls ihittion morethai ii WW*. Average factory

e«r*rin*» reached i new high of

slfc»7d i W*ek?up nearly $4 a<Mr tot yeir. The value of

fodds and servfetes produced roseto a record fWM billion?per-cent greitei thah in 1906.

"It hii Bieh i' ye»r in whicbtflfe majdrifjr dt Americans re-ceived tt!% hrgHt boost in pur-fchising fitfirtr ft their working

live*. hi the postwar years,the ahhial ivfngi rise in percapita fc*rt*ha«!ilf powe* has beenl.£ percent. ft» li#%, the increase

as a flill lirger thanthe rises of lite Snd 1063 com-bined.

"We have written our con-science Into iur l»ws.

"#e have My) the jkiibi in arcfttfess, stiH troubled frdirld.

"We !oOi ahead?through eyesof hope, ahd with thi sure know-ledge of odr atfeiftb?to a yearof still fuller promtti." vcontinued economic vitality de-

mand that wie assure that these

President Lyndon B. Johnson'sMessage fo Nation "Inspiring"

NEW YORK?Roy Wilkins. exe-cutive director of the NationalAssociation for the Advancementof Colored People, today eobi-tttentted as follows on PresidentJohnson's State of the Union messSfie: i

President Johnson's inspirihs

State of the Union message Un-veiling additional facets of theGreat Society vindicates theshri confidence of the millions of)>is fellow Americans who votedfor him.

Of particular interest to NejjroAmericans and o'hws committedlo full equality for all citizensre pledges (1) Ma open for

.ill Americans the opportunitiesnc.y enoyed by most Americans,"

Dr J. R. PicottNamed to Va. CRCommittee

rat* CAN oetRELKF

HEADACHE PAINSTWIBACK sfm fw FAST rtttefmm mk \u25a0» MMtcht, MurWgia.

WASHINGTON, D. C. Dr. J.ipert Picott, executive secretary

f the Virginia Teachers Assofci*-ioa, has been appointed to awo-year term, ending DecemberJl, 1966, as a member of the Vir-ginia State Advisory Committee

<»r Civil Rights. His appointmentannounced by Samuel J. Sim-

ftOu, director of the State Ad-visory Committers Division, fol-lowing a recent meeting of United

States Commission on Civil Right*

riWe M the nation's capital.

A leader in| the Civil rightsmovement in the Com mod wealthLg-Virginia, Picott was formierly* Member of the Mayor's Com-mlftee on Human Relations IDthk city of Richmond and former-

ly chairman of the Richmond Ci-tizens Advisory Committee (RCA-C), which »as formed to provide

finMcial and other support tothe local student-initiated segre-gation protest movement in Vir-

I giaia capital.

(?) to e»fo*et "the CWU RigltsLaw and the elimination of bir--iprs to the right to v*te," (3) totouble the war against poverty,(4) to prowkk hospital care lorand ni*» koaeft Ittrweeta to theeMcwy t (ft) to provide vast nfewfunds for at ail levels,'*) to "wik* ne« efforts to con-trol aed preveat erime and delin-

Mid IT) b establish "arte**#ne«t 4 Mttaing aid urbandevelopment."

THfc PftMVlht'* ***?*> Prom-ises a mm. frNr Md richerlifn for every Ajfcerka*. M pro-vides * prttfe* of #ftat thisrountry stwMd fce, c*n be and\u2666»» he. II aefe a soil for Con-gress ami the America*) people.It remaitH ftJr the people to givethe President the kind of sap-port seeded to Mrfeg his GreatSociety ioto beiag. \u25a0

Legal NoticesnuSKioSSm

#*Mus Williams, DeemedHaying qualified as Adminfetra-

tor of the estate of Julius Williatn;deceased iatii of Durham CountyNorth Carolina, this to td notifyail ttonnM having claims againstMid estate to exhibit them to theuMdratgnfed at 110 Wert Patrish'firWrt, Durham, North Carcdis*ett Mr Mfdre the 28th day df June.

: lfWt or this notice will be plead-ed id bar of their recovery. AH(teradna indebted to said estaMwH pleas* made immediate pay-

-1 idem to the undersigned.

; thil z2nd day it December,

, Mechanics and Farmers Bank,

tpr of




~ ~t. - \u25a0?'< , ~ - i - : \

Mademoiselle Magazine vLauds Mississippi SltideiilYiWWifS

Among Ten Merit Award Winners


Mademoiselle magazine's 1964 Merit Award honored for signal achievt-ment during tlie past year: 1) Mississippi Project Volunteers, northern students\u25a0who contributed to social progress In Mississippi; 2) Shirley Knight, actrew; 3bMarilyn Horne, opera singer; 4) Patricia Mcßride, ballerina; 5) Lois Sherr,landscape architect; 6) Anne Pyne Cowley, astronomer; 7) Donna deVtfMtj*Olympic swimmer; 8) Emmanuelle Khanh, fashion designer; 9) EhwbctpMontgomery, entertainer; 10) Renata Adler, literary critic*' " J,

New York, N.'Y? Matlemotselle'a22nd Annual Merit Award winnersinclude for the first time an entiregToup, the Mississippi Project Vol-unteers. This past summer, hun-dreds of college students went toMississippi, fully prepared to facephysical danger in support of so-

cial progress.Under the aegis of the Council,of

Federated Organizations, they car-ried out a three-pronged project:to get Negro voters registered; to

act up "freedom.schools" of crashprogram education for Negroyoungsters; to start communitycenters for adult Negroes.

To recognize their courage anddevotion, Betsy Talbot Blackwell,Mademoiselle s Editor-in-Chief,feltthat a collective citation should bemade.

rlclt. Her **SooV* lias InvaieJAmerica, is easily identified by itsmarkings: patchwork accents, bigzippers, detailed cu2s and .collars.

TELEVISION STAR ElizabethMontgomery is know to millionsof viewers as a young suburbanhousewiteh named Samantha?theextraordinary half of ABC's coupleconjejiv "Bewitched." Of tfee. '64season s new snows, it enjoys toprating in both popularity and criti-cal acclaim. Oi the set, Elizabethis happily married, without benefitof sorcery, to William Asher, di«rector of "Bewitched."

CRITJC Renata Adler, a youngstaff writer and book reviewer forthe New Yorker, has confoundedthe literary establishment by Sug-gesting that editors and reviewersshould stop trying to take the showaway from the writers. After BrytiMawr ('59), the Sorbonne andRadcliffe, she joined the NewYorker , is alreddy a Sought-aftervoice for symposia on the state ofAmerican literature.

tmj Award nominations for l *

roles in "The Dark at the Topthe Stairs" and "Sweet Bird rfYouth."

SINGER Marilyn Hontt Momthree sehsatioas in 1064: her NewYork triumph in RossTnffeamide," her recital debut at Ph I-harmonic Hall two months lat< rfand her first app**rasoe i|#don's Covent Garden. Trained mCalifornia, she came to the notiMof Stravinsky, sang with him ofteoon programs ranging from Mcfc*teverdi to the modern*. She S< itlives in California.

LANDSCAPE AR(2HITB< tLois Sherr went to work in 19 4for the Canadian World Export nof 1967, which will occupy ti oislands created for it in the 5 ULawrence River. Lois' job: the e {?tire outdoor framework, fromtfcselection of plant life to the des(| 1of drinking fountains. A *6l grad f

ate of the University of Pennt) Uvania, Lois has two major mdo Vinterests: jazz and painting.

ASTRONOMER Anne Pjri oCowley Is the only woman on tl estaff of the University ofChicagt aAstronomy Department. A t r«search associate, she is eat obser* i-

tional astronomer who is marri< dto a theoretical one (1 watch ?

tee what; he Can tell my »kf.n ) ia field triditionally hostile i>women she has made stellar pro [?

rest at one of the three top nhivtjr-skies for astronomy. (The othertwo, Cal Tech awl Princeton, donot take women in their depart-ments.) ; T;

The ten awardees will be fea-tured in MaicßHittUe's Januaty

The nine other silver medallionawards were presented to young?women who, according to Mrs.Blackwell, "have already distin-guished themselves in their fieldsand are expected to achieve evengreater honors." They are as fol-lows:

DANCER Patricia Mcßride wasraised to the status of principaldancer with the New York ChyBallet four years ago ?at 18. "to-day, her classic and modern reper-toire is unmatched by any dancerher age. She started dancing at 7("because Mother thought nicelittle girls shouUJ know how"),wants to stay with the Chy Balletas long as George Balanchine is itschoreographer.

ACTRESS Shirley Knight sameto Broadway's rave notice in lastseason's '"Hie Three Sister!." Shir-ley came to New York from Holly-wood, to which she frame fromKansas. She haa won two Aca4-

SWIMMER Donna de VaronaYiit the finish line to shatter anOlympic record in Tokyo last Octo-ber. Acknowledged the country'sbest all-around woman swifhmer atage 17, she holds American andworld records in the 200- and 400-meter individual medley events.

On land, she is a high school seniorin Santa Clara, California.

FASHION DESIGNER Em-xaanuelle Khanh has given Frenchready-to-wear enough lift to makehaute couture look to its laurels.She thinks that clothes shouldiaake a woman feel pretty, not just

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