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A United Nations official says some 7,000 Somali refugees in war-torn Yemen have fled back to their country since Saudi Arabia started pounding the impoverished Arab country in late March. The refugees have joined the 10-million-plus Somali population, of whom, according to the UN, a large number are in grave need of their basic necessities of life, including food and medical care. The humanitarian situation “remains alarming” in the Horn of African country, whose northern border lies on the southern coast of the Gulf of Aden, said Nicholas Kay, the UN special representative for Somalia, on Tuesday. Saudi Arabia’s military aggression against Yemen, which began on March 26 without a UN mandate, triggered the displacement of more than half a million people. The airstrikes are aimed at undermining the Houthi Ansarullah movement, which currently controls the capital, Sana’a, and major provinces, and to restore power to Yemen’s fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, who is a staunch ally of Riyadh. Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper Gobolka Minnesota ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa waxaa warqaddii ka mid ahaanshaha Booliiska Minnesota la guddoonsiiyay Khadro Maxamed oo noqonaysa gabadhii ugu horreysay ee Soomaaliyeed ee ka mid noqonaysa booliiska Soomaalida ah ee gobolka Minnesota iyo guud ahaanba wadamada Waqooyiga Maraykanka. Khadro oo 22-jir ah waxay si rasmi ah uga mid noqotay booliiska gadiidka dadwaynaha (Metro Transit). Khadra ayaa sidii oo kale noqotay gabadhii ugu horaysay oo iyada oo xijaab xiran shaqo booliis qabata. Khadro Maxamed waxay sheegtay in iyadoo xijaabkeeda xiran ay shaqadeeda wadanayso; waxayna ku dartay inay iyadu ka dhaadhicisay saraakiisha sare ee nabad-galyada, iyadoo xustay in hab duwan xijaabyada kale loo tolay xijaabka ay iyadu xiranayso, haddii qof qabsadana uu si fudud ku furmi karo. Sidoo kale, waxay Khadro sheegatay inay aad u jeceshahay inay wax ka qabto dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee ka mid noqonaya burcada ama gala danbiyadda iyadoo xustay inay doonayso inay caawiso bulshada Soomaaliyeed iyo tan guudba ee ku dhaqan Magaalooyinka Mataanaha ah iyo nawaaxigooda. Ururka West Bank Athletic Club ee fadhigiisu yahay magaalada Minneapolis, gobolka Minnesota ee wadanka Maraykanka ayaa soo qaban qaabiyey koob kubadda cagta ah oo ku saabsan isdhexgalka Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota. Koobka ayaa loo qabtay dhalinyarada dhigta dugsiyadda sare iyo kuwa dhexe. Waxaa koobkan oo mudo saddex cisho ah socday lagu qabtay garoonka caalamiga ah ee ku yaala xaafada Cedar ee Currie Soccer Field, magaalada Minneapolis. Kooxaha ka qaybgalay tartankan ayaa tiradoodu dhanayd sideed kooxood. Haddaba ciyaarihii daahfurka koobka ee dhacay maalintii Jimcaha, May 22, 2015 ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybgalay masuuliyiin kala duwan oo ay ka mid yihiin xubno ka socday xafiisyada dowladda hoose ee Degmooyinka ka tirsan magaalada Minneapolis, qaar kamid ah hogaamiyayaasha Soomaaliyeed, waalid, culumo iyo... says Horn of Africa nation is ‘turning around’ 7,000 Somali refugees flee war-torn Yemen to home country Ururka West Bank Athletic Club oo Koob Kubadda Cagta ah u qabtay Dhallinyarada Gobolka Minnesota MIS/NN/HRB Qalinkii: CaBdIRaxMaaN MukHtaaR, t usmo times John Kerry in historic visit to Somalia; world see page 6 see page 4 ka sii akhri bogga7 ka sii akhri bogga 3 Kulan Dhaqaale loogu Yaboohay Isbitaal loogu Magac-daray Jaalle Siyaad oo lagu Qabtay OHIO ka sii akhri bogga 7 wararka gudaha Beinecke Scholars must be current college juniors with plans to pursue a terminal degree in the arts, humanities or social. ASC Student Nima Dahir Named Beinecke Scholar eduCaTIoN see page 11 Khadro Maxamed oo Noqotay Gabadhii ugu horreysay ee kamid noqota Soomalida Booliiska ah Qore: SIyad SaId SalaH, tusmo times tifatiridii: CaBdIRaxMaaN MukHtaR, t usmo times Congratulations to Class of 2015 Graduates of Every Educational Level! GEELJIRE’ GRILL IS NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS! KARMEL MALL 2910 PILLSBURY AVENUE MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55408

Tusmo Times May 2015

Jul 22, 2016



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Page 1: Tusmo Times May 2015

A United Nations official says some 7,000 Somali refugees in war-torn Yemen have fled back to their country since Saudi Arabia started pounding the impoverished Arab country in late March.

The refugees have joined the 10-million-plus Somali

population, of whom, according to the UN, a large number are in grave need of their basic necessities of life, including food and medical care.

The humanitarian situation “remains alarming” in the Horn of African country, whose northern border lies on the

southern coast of the Gulf of Aden, said Nicholas Kay, the UN special representative for Somalia, on Tuesday.

Saudi Arabia’s mili tary aggression against Yemen, which began on March 26 without a UN mandate, triggered the displacement of more than half a million people.

The airstrikes are aimed at undermining the Houthi Ansarullah movement, which currently controls the capital, Sana’a, and major provinces, and to restore power to Yemen’s fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, who is a staunch ally of Riyadh.

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Warbixin la hubo | Local | Bilingual | Newspaper

Gobolka Minnesota ee dalka Mareykanka ayaa waxaa warqaddii ka mid ahaanshaha Bool i i ska Minneso ta l a guddoonsiiyay Khadro Maxamed oo noqonaysa gabadhii ugu horreysay ee Soomaaliyeed ee ka mid noqonaysa booliiska

Soomaalida ah ee gobolka Minnesota iyo guud ahaanba w a d a m a d a W a q o o y i g a Maraykanka. Khadro oo 22-jir ah waxay si rasmi ah uga mid noqotay booliiska gadiidka dadwaynaha (Metro Transit). Khadra ayaa sidii oo kale

noqotay gabadhii ugu horaysay oo iyada oo xijaab xiran shaqo booliis qabata.

Khadro Maxamed waxay sheegtay in iyadoo xijaabkeeda xiran ay shaqadeeda wadanayso; waxayna ku dartay inay iyadu ka dhaadhicisay saraakiisha

sare ee nabad-galyada, iyadoo xustay in hab duwan xijaabyada kale loo tolay xijaabka ay iyadu xiranayso, haddii qof qabsadana uu si fudud ku furmi karo.

Sidoo kale, waxay Khadro sheegatay inay aad u jeceshahay inay wax ka qabto dhallinyarada

Soomaaliyeed ee ka mid noqonaya burcada ama gala danbiyadda iyadoo xustay inay doonayso inay caawiso bulshada Soomaaliyeed iyo tan guudba ee ku dhaqan Magaalooyinka Mataanaha ah iyo nawaaxigooda.

Ururka West Bank Athletic Club ee fadhigiisu yahay m a g a a l a d a M i n n e a p o l i s , gobolka Minnesota ee wadanka Maraykanka ayaa soo qaban qaabiyey koob kubadda cagta ah oo ku saabsan isdhexgalka

Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota.

Koobka ayaa loo qabtay dhalinyarada dhigta dugsiyadda sare iyo kuwa dhexe. Waxaa koobkan oo mudo saddex cisho

ah socday lagu qabtay garoonka caalamiga ah ee ku yaala xaafada Cedar ee Currie Soccer Field, magaalada Minneapolis. Kooxaha ka qaybgalay tartankan ayaa tiradoodu dhanayd sideed kooxood.

Haddaba ciyaarihii daahfurka koobka ee dhacay maalintii Jimcaha, May 22, 2015 ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybga lay masuuliyiin kala duwan oo ay ka mid yihiin xubno ka socday xafiisyada dowladda hoose ee Degmooyinka ka tirsan magaalada Minneapolis, qaar kamid ah hogaamiyayaasha Soomaaliyeed, waalid, culumo iyo...

says Horn of Africa nation is ‘turning around’

7,000 Somali refugees flee war-torn Yemen to home country

Ururka West Bank Athletic Club oo Koob Kubadda Cagta ah u qabtay Dhallinyarada Gobolka MinnesotaMIS/NN/HRB

Qalinkii: CaBdIRaxMaaN MukHtaaR, tusmo times

John Kerry in historic visit to Somalia;


see page 6

see page 4 ka sii akhri bogga7

ka sii akhri bogga 3

Kulan Dhaqaale loogu Yaboohay Isbitaal loogu Magac-daray Jaalle Siyaad oo lagu Qabtay OHIO

ka sii akhri bogga 7

wararka gudaha

Beinecke Scholars must be current college juniors with plans to pursue a terminal degree in the arts, humanities or social.

ASC Student Nima Dahir Named Beinecke Scholar


see page 11

Khadro Maxamed oo Noqotay Gabadhii ugu horreysay ee kamid noqota Soomalida Booliiska ahQore: SIyad SaId SalaH, tusmo times tifatiridii: CaBdIRaxMaaN MukHtaR, tusmo times

Congratulations to Class of 2015 Graduatesof Every Educational Level!

Geeljire’ Grill is NowopeN for BusiNess!

Karmel mall2910 pillsBury aveNuemiNNeapolis, mN 55408

Page 2: Tusmo Times May 2015

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Ku Xayeysiiso WargeysKa Tusmo Times

Tusmo TimesTusmo Times is a monthly publication covering local and international community news, events and information.

Tusmo Times is currently published in Minnesota and distributed within the Twin Cities and sur-rounding suburbs.

editor-in-ChiefAbdirahman Mukhtar Contributors Abdi Adan “Xiito”, Abdillahi Ganey, Abdikadir Ibrahim, Ali Omar Suldan , Farah Blue, Fartun Ahmed, Ilyas Maow, Ibra-him Hirsi, Hashim Yonis, Mohamed Bare, Mohamed Taly-aani, Siyaad Siciid Saalax, Zeinab Ali, Maxamud Maxamed.

advertising ConsultantKaamil Haider & Mohamed Filibin Contact 420 15th Avenue SouthMinneapolis, MN 55454

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Maqaallada lagu soo qoro Tusmo Times waxaa mas’uul ka ah qofka qoray // Any editorials or opinions expressed in this newspaper is not that of the Tusmo Times and it is the responsibility of the author

Page 3: Tusmo Times May 2015

Cabinet to begin work on implementation immediately

M a y 1 8 , 2 0 1 5 (MINNEAPOLIS) — Today Mayor Betsy Hodges and the Cradle to K Cabinet released their final report which establishes a plan to eliminate disparities for children in Minneapolis from birth to three years old. This has been one of the Mayor’s top initiatives.

The final report outlines po l i cy , l eg i s l a t i ve and collaboration recommendations for 2015 and beyond. Read the final report here.

The Cabinet which has been meeting since the spring of 2014 will immediately begin work on drafting an initial implementation plan for the recommendations made in the report. “With the release of our final Cradle to K report we are sending a clear message to every child in the city of Minneapolis that we are committed to equity and to their success,” said Mayor Betsy Hodges. “I want to thank the 28 dedicated members of my Cradle to K Cabinet who have labored on this plan for the past year. My biggest thanks goes to the community for their serious and heartfelt engagement in this process.” “Our youngest children are counting on us now, so now is the time for us to get to work. All of us will benefit when all of them succeed,” Mayor Hodges concluded.

The Mayor and her cabinet met with over 200 community members in March, received considerable internet feedback for the final report and held five parent focus groups to gather input on the draft plan. Community recommendations incorporated in the final report include the understanding that stable housing goes hand in hand with safe housing which resulted in the amending of the Cabinet’s housing goal.

Peggy Flanagan and Carolyn Smallwood, the Co-Chairs of the Cradle to K Cabinet, joined the mayor in discussing some of the draft recommendations.

“The strategies in the report will help us meet our three goal areas: ensuring each child 0 to 3 has access to a healthy start, stable housing and development centered,” said Peggy Flanagan, Executive Director of the Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota. “Specifically, we recommend systems alignment and increased investments in children in the areas of targeted home visiting; housing for very-low income families; child care assistance; and service funding for our most vulnerable children such as homeless children and children with special needs.”

“The final report we released today is an acknowledgement from the community that we cannot close the achievement gap without everyone’s participation and dedication,” said Carolyn Smallwood, Executive Director of Way to Grow. “We’ve reached a milestone but the Cabinet’s work is just beginning. We will continue to engage the community as we work to implement the report.”

Some of the areas the Cabinet plans to immediately address in their initial implementation plan are:• Improving mental health services for children zero to three,• Increasing early childhood screening efforts,• Increasing the availability of housing for the most low-income families,• Connecting with the people who provide the majority of care to young children.

Goals and recommendations in the cradle to K report:Goal one: all

children 0 to three will receive a healthy start rich with early experiences that prepares them for successful early education and literacy.1. Increase early childhood screening at age three.2. Improve mental health services of children birth to three.3. Decrease the “Word Gap” of children birth to three.4. Expand targeted home visiting services.5 . I nc rease communi ty awareness and engagement in the importance of early childhood development

Goal two: all children are stably housed.1. Increase housing options for the lowest income families at 30% Area Median Income.2. Target funding to address the needs of homeless children and families to improve their stability while on the path to housing.3. Provide resources for very-low income families to become economically stable.

Goal three: all children aGes 0-3 have continuous access to hiGh quality child development centered care.1. Ensure that low-income families have access to financial resources to afford high quality early learning programs.2. Increase the number of available high quality child care slots in Minneapolis.3. Partner with family, friend and neighbor providers to ensure that the children they serve are prepared for kindergarten.

Contact: Alexandra Fetissoff, Communications Director, (612) 673-3825 office

Mayor Hodges, Cradle to K Cabinet Release Final Plan to Eliminate Disparities for Minneapolis Children

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Wararka Gudaha / Local News | 3

Khadro waxay toddobo ku

noqonaysaa dhal l inyarada Soomaaliyeed ee booliiska Minnesota ka tirsan, kuwaasoo ka howlgala waaxda gaadiidka (metro transit Police) iyadoo hore ay uga mid ahayeen lix wiil.

Goobti i ay Khadro ku guddoomaysay aqoonsiga ka mid ahaansha booliiska ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybgalay madaxda sare ee waaxda metro transit iyo dadwayne Soomaaliyeed oo iyaguna goobjoog ka ahaa maalintan taariikhiga ah.

Bishii April ee lasoo dhaafay ayaa magaalada labaad ee Soomaalidu ku badan tahay ee

Columbus, Ohio ayaa Ismahaan

Ciise oo doonaysay inay ka mid noqoto booliiska Ohio ay isaga hartay iyadoo go’aankii ay iskaga hartay in ay kamid noqo booliiska ay sheegtay in ay sabab u ahayd in loo diiday xiliga ay shaqaynayso inay xirato xijaab ama qamaarka.

Dhallinyarada booliiska ah ee Minnesota ayaa si iska daba jog ah u helayay dallacaadyo kala duwan, iyagoo qaar ka mid ahna ay gaareen inay tababaro ka hortaga dambiyadda Soomaalida ah ay kasoo bixiyeen magaalada Toronto ee dalka Canada, iyaga oo tababaray booliiskooda

magaaladaas oo ay bulshadda Soomaaliyeed ku badan yihiin.

Waxaa kaloo la sheegay inay hoos u dhaceen dilalkii ay isku gaysan jireen dhallinyarada Soomaal iyeed ee deggen Minnesota kaddib markii xaafadahii dilalku ka dhaci jireen ay ka hawlgaleen booliis Soomaalida ah.

Gobolka Minnesota waxaa jira dhallinyaro badan oo ka mid ah booliiska ka shaqeeya magaalooyin fara badana ay ka koobantahay gobolka Minnesota, waxayna leeyihiin urur ay ku midaysan yihiin dhamaan booliska Soomaaliyeed, laguna magacaabo Ururka Isku-taga ee Booliiska Soomaalida Maraykanka ah (Somal i American Police Association) loona soo gaabiyo SAPA. Booliska Soomaalida ayaa sheegay inay doonayaan inay ku caawiyaan ururkan dhallinyarada danaynaysa ka mid ahaansha booliiiska ee ku nool Maraykanka iyo waliba jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota.

Khadro Maxamed oo Noqotay Gabadhii ugu horreysay ee kamid noqota Soomalida Booliiska ahka yimid bogga 1 Office of Mayor Betsy Hodges | News Release

Xarunta Philips oo ku taalla Koonfurta Minneapolis ayaa lagu qabtay kulan looga tashanayay sidii ay Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed ee dalka Maraykanka uga hor-tagi lahaayeen xag-jireynta

dhallinyarada.Kulankan ayaa daba socday

xariggii todobaadkii hore loo geys tay dha l l inyaro Soomaaliyeed oo lix ahaa; kuwaas lagu eedeeyay inay u socdeen Dalka Suuriya si ay ugu biiraan Kooxda Daacish.

Agaasime ku xigeenka golaha Qurbo-joogta Soomaaliyeed (Global Somali Diaspora), Sadik Warfa ayaa kulankan furay, isagoo sheegay in kulankan uu hordhac u yahay kulamo wada-tashi oo is-daba-joog ah oo Jaaliyadda ku nool Minnsota uga arrinsan doonaan sidii looga wada-shaqeyn lahaa inaanu badbaadada dhallinyaradeenna.

Sidoo kale, Sadik Warfaa ayaa ujeeddada kulankan ku sheegay in wadahadal laga yeesho wax walba oo lasoo gudboonaada

Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed, isagoo xusay inay garab-siin doonna waaliddiinta Soomaaliyeed.

Kulankan ayaa waxaa ka qayb-galay Jaaliyadda dhinacyadeeda kala duwan sida hay’adaha xaquuqda Muslimiinta u dooda ee CAIR - Council on Islamic Relations, Madaxeeda Qaybta Minnesota, Jaylaani Xuseen, Bruce Nestor oo ah Qareen u Doodda Xaquuqul Aadanaha, Prof. Axmed Ismaaciil Samatar

oo bare Jaamacadeed ka ah Macalester College St Paul Minnesota, xildhibaanno ka socday barlamaanka gobolka Minnesota, xildhibaanad Phyllis Kahn oo laga soo doorto xaafad

(60B) oo ay Somali badan degen yihiin, xildhibaan Karen Clark oo iyadana laga soo doorto xaafadda Koonfurta Minneapolis ee (62A) oo Soomaali badan ay degen yihiin iyo xubno kale oo ka socday Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed qaybaheeda.

Bruce Nestor oo ah qareen arrimaha Xaquuqul Insaanka ah ayaa ka hadlay muhiimadda ay leedahay Xaquuqda Insaanka iyo inaan lagu xad-gudbin Xaquuqda Shaqsiga; iyadoo loo isticmaalayo arrimo nabadda Quseeya, isagoo intaas ku daray muhiimadda ay leedahay in haddii laamaha amniga ay kuu yimaadaan aad u sheegtid inaad u qareen u baahan tahay.

Prof . Axmed Ismaaci i l Samatar ayaa isaguna si qoto-

dheer uga hadlay waajibaadyada iyo Xaquuqda waddaniga ayaa sheegay in Soomaalida Maraykanka ku nool ay la jaan-qaadaan fursadaha dalka una dhabar-adeygaan caqabadaha ka hor-imaan kara. Isagoo ka dalbaday dadka Soomaaliyeed

inay u hoggaasamaan sharciga dalka Mareykanka oo ah mid wada-qabanaya cid walba oo ku dhex nool. In dhalinta laga hor-joogsada wax walba oo u keeni kara inuu dambi ka dhaco.

Xildhibaannada Phyllis Khan iyo Karen Clark ayaa iyagana ka hadlay inay jirto baahi weyn oo ah inay dhallinyarada ku dadaalayaan sidii ay u kordhin lahaayeen qorshayaasha loogu talo-galay dhallinyarada.

Dhanka kale , kulankan waxaa looga hadlay sidii ay Jaaliyadda wadajir ugu caawin karaan qoysaska laga xiray Ilmahooda. Kulamada noocan oo kale ah ayaa socon doona iyadoo ay ujeeddadu tahay sida ay Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed si wadajir ah uga qayb-qaadan lahaayeen badbaadinta dhallinyarada.

Ugu dambeyn, waxaa iyaguna doodda qayb ka qaatay xubnaha muhiimka ah ee jaaliyadda sida; Xaashi Shaafi, Jamaal A. Ilhaan Omar, Waalidiinta la Xiray Ilmahooda; kuwaasoo loo haysto dambiyo la xiriira ku biirista kooxda ISIS iyo kuwo la mid ah.

Kulan looga hadlayay Badbaadinta Dhallinyarada Soomaaliyeed Qore: SIyad SaId SalaH, tusmo times



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Page 4: Tusmo Times May 2015

A councillor made history this month by becoming the first Somali women to be elected to Northampton Borough Council.

Councillor Muna Cali was elected in Castle Ward in this year’s local election with 1,753 votes. She now represents

the area with fellow Labour councillors Danielle Stone and Enam Haque.

Whilst ‘very proud’ of her Somali heritage, she said she will be working on behalf of all communities in Castle Ward.

Muna Cali, Labour councillor

for Castle Ward, said: “I’m delighted to be elected to Castle Ward and of course I’m proud to be the first Councillor of Somali origin to serve on Northampton Borough Council.

“I will work hard for all people and communities in Castle Ward.

The town centre is a great place to live but there are many challenges as well, such as the redevelopment of many sites and some persistent problems of anti-social behaviour.”

Cllr Danielle Stone, Leader of the Labour Group, said “Muna is

a terrific asset to the team and she will play an important role over the coming four years. She is certainly talented and a quick learner.”

JOHN Kerry made a surprise trip to Somalia on Tuesday, becoming the first US secretary of state to visit the war-ravaged Horn of Africa nation.

Speaking in the capital Mogadishu, Kerry said war-torn Somalia was facing a better future Tuesday during a ground-breaking visit as the most senior US diplomat to visit since the doomed ‘Black Hawk Down’ incident of 1993 in which 18 US troops died.

“More than 20 years ago, the United States was forced to pull back from your country,” Kerry said in the capital Mogadishu, adding that now the “country is turning around.” “Now we are returning in collaboration with the international community and bearing high hopes but also mixed with ongoing concerns,”

he added.The top US diplomat was

spending just a few hours in the capital, Mogadishu, and was not scheduled to leave the confines of the fortified airport where he met with Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmake.

Officials said Kerry’s visit was designed to give a diplomatic push to Somalia’s internationally-backed government in their fight against Al-Qaeda’s Somalia branch, the Al-Shabaab, as well as efforts to build political security in the war-torn country.

“The next time I come, we have to be able to just walk downtown,” Kerry said as he met President Mohamud, striking an optimistic tone for the future of the country.

“Downtown Mogadishu is very different now than it was two years ago,” the Somali president replied, asserting that security was steadily improving and describing Kerry’s flying visit as a “great moment” for Somalia.

A senior State Department official described the visit as “historic”.

“I think it will send a strong signal to the Somali people of our commitment,” said the official.

“I think it will send a strong signal to Shabaab that we are not turning our backs on the Somali people and that we will continue to engage with Somalia until we bring Shabaab’s terror to an end.”

Other senior foreign officials and leaders have visi ted Mogadishu in recent years, including Britain’s former

foreign minister William Hague and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Kerry thanked Burundi, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda which contribute troops to the 22,000 African Union mission in Somalia (AMISOM) that defends the government in Mogadishu and fights Shebab in the regions.Drone strikes

Since 2007 the US has spent “more than half a billion dollars” funding AMISOM, US officials said.

During the same period the US has carried out more than a dozen air and drone strikes against militants, according to the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalists which tracks US covert operations. In September US missiles killed

Shabaab leader Ahmed Abdi Godane.

Somalia endured more than two decades of civil war after the collapse of the government in 1991. The appointment of President Mohamud in 2012 was supposed to signal the beginning of the end of years of instability with elections due in September 2016.

However, the State Department official said that elections “as we know them” were not going to happen.

“This is not going to be a one man, one vote election as we would have hoped it to be,” said the official.

Instead the US is now eyeing “some form of election or selection that is different from what they’ve done before.” Mohamud was elected by

parliamentarians who were hand-picked by clan elders.

The US has a turbulent and scarred history in Somalia. In 1993 during a doomed military and humanitarian intervention 18 American soldiers were killed in Mogadishu during the ‘Black Hawk Down’ incident later retold in a book and film.

In February the US appointed its first ambassador to Somalia in 25 years. As the US has no embassy there, Katherine Dhanani will be based in Nairobi, Kenya, like her predecessors whose job title was Special Representative.

“We’re making plans to make our presence more enduring in Somalia,” said the official.

After decades of war in the horn of Africa nation, Somalia’s government has unveiled a new Population Estimation Survey data, paving the way for an official 2016 census in a country where militants still control large swathes in Somalia.

The estimation of the Somali population in over four decades is yet another sign that despite challenges Somalia moves beyond violence. According to the survey issued on Tuesday, three-quarters of Somalis are below 30 years, and around

46 percent of the population is below the age of 15.

“In deciding to hold a Population Estimation Survey (PESS) 2013-2014, two years before the proposed 2016 official census, we were acting upon our critical need to obtain basic information and bridging the information gap, so that our plans should be based on the real situation. said said Abdirahman Aynte, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation.

Buoyed by the new finding, Somalia’s government says that

the newly collected information will enable the authorities to better design the next phase of this work, which is official census.

“The completion of this survey is a historic event for the Somali people. It gives the Somali authorities and us international partners a much better understanding of how many schools are needed for school-aged children, where to build hospitals, and what kind of services the people around the country will need,” said

Philippe Lazzarini, the United Nations Resident Coordinator for Somalia.

Despite questions on the credibility of the new survey, the government said that in the near term, data that has been collected but still needs to be analyzed also has the potential to provide information on a range of socio-economic realities, including the use of basic social services such as education, water and sanitation, occupation, mobility and migration patterns.

According to the survey

carried out between October 2013 and March 2014 the it targeted 250,000 households in urban, rural, nomadic settings and camps for the internally displaced people.

The survey provides crucial information on the size, gender and age of Somali citizens, as well as how they are distributed. It also determines how many Somalis live in urban and rural areas and camps for the internally displaced, and how many live nomadic lifestyles.

The development follows an

another initiative by UNFPA which took the lead to organize Population Estimation Survey of Somalia (PESS) following a request from the United Nations Country Team (UNCT). The PESS was seen as a first important step and as an instrument to enhance statistical capacities inside Somalia and provide soundly accurate, reliable, credible and accepted indicators for more specific follow-up surveys.

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Caalamka / World News | 4

7,000 Somali refugees flee war-torn Yemen to home countryMIS/NN/HRB

A United Nations official says some 7,000 Somali refugees in war-torn Yemen have fled back

to their country since Saudi Arabia started pounding the impoverished Arab country in late March.

The refugees have joined the 10-million-plus Somali population, of whom, according to the UN, a large number are

in grave need of their basic necessities of life, including food and medical care.

The humanitarian situation “remains alarming” in the Horn of African country, whose northern border lies on the southern coast of the Gulf of Aden, said Nicholas Kay, the UN special representative for Somalia, on Tuesday.

Saudi Arabia’s mili tary aggression against Yemen, which began on March 26 without a UN mandate, triggered the displacement of more than half a million people.

The airstrikes are aimed at undermining the Houthi Ansarullah movement, which currently controls the capital, Sana’a, and major provinces, and to restore power to Yemen’s fugitive former President Abd Rabbuh Mansour Hadi, who is a

staunch ally of Riyadh.Escalating violence fearedKay also warned the United

Nation Security Council (UNSC) that the threat of an escalation in the activities of the al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militant group during the refugees’ return must be tackled with vigilance.

“We need to monitor closely and be able to respond to any sign that al-Shabab is benefiting from their links to” Takfiri militants in Yemen, he said.

On Monday, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned that Saudi Arabia’s war on Yemen could pave the way for Takfiri militants through Somalia, threatening the security of the whole region. Ban was quoted by the Associated Press as saying that “the crisis in Yemen has the potential to further destabilize the region and open a corridor” for Takfiri militants

through Somalia.Back in April, Somali Prime

Minister Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharmarke had warned of Takfiri militants who could use the cover of fleeing refugees to penetrate the country, which has been the scene of deadly clashes between

government forces and al-Shabab since 2006, and called for strict checking of new arrivals to curb Shabab’s attacks.

The militants have been pushed out of the capital of Mogadishu and other major cities in the country by government forces and the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), which is largely made up of troops from Ethiopia, Uganda,

Burundi, Djibouti, Sierra Leone, and Kenya.

Councillor Muna Cali ‘proud’ to be first Somali woman elected to Northampton council

John Kerry in historic visit to Somalia; says Horn of Africa nation is ‘turning around’

Somalia unveils population estimate data in decades

By: NICk BIeBeR, HP, Northampton Herald and Post

Source: MGafrica


Page 5: Tusmo Times May 2015

With East African ethnic markets flourishing in the Twin Cities metro area, the Oromo community has come together to create a group aimed at helping reduce barriers for local entrepreneurs: the Oromo Chamber of Commerce.

OCC was established last

year to support, connect and expand the community’s diverse businesses throughout Minnesota, home to an estimated 35,000 Oromo people, who make up the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia.

Earlier this month, the chamber

brought together nearly 100

community members and state officials in celebration of its first anniversary at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest.

“I know this is something new to our community,” said OCC chairman Teshite Wako of the chamber. “But the voice of Oromo businesses is important. We need to come together and amplify our voices and get recognized.”

In recent years, the Oromo community has been spreading its entrepreneurial wings in the Twin Cities, opening grocery stores, barbershops, restaurants and other businesses that serve their own people.

Members of the Oromo community started streaming

into Minnesota more than two decades ago, after then-Ethiopian President Mengistu Haile Mariam was ousted from power and his government collapsed.

The community is making a positive mark in Minnesota, said Minneapolis-based Oromo activist Nasser Mussa. But the the successes of the community often go ignored, he added. “The Oromo community is not very visible,” Mussa noted. “The mainstream community thinks that we’re Somalis. We’re put into one category, even though we have different cultures, different languages and different lifestyle here. That’s kind of challenging for us in terms of visibility.”

Community-run groups like OCC, however, are working to reclaim that visibility and creating a platform where members can make their voices heard.

Since its establishment, Wako said, OCC has been engaged in bringing the various Oromo-operated businesses under one umbrella — to inspire and advocate for other entrepreneurs in the community. “We have made tremendous efforts in terms of organizing ourselves,” he said.

He continued: “We would like to unite, unify and amplify our voices. We would like to provide different kinds of trainings that are needed to really strengthen our businesses.”

Speaking at the Saturday event, Concordia University economics professor Bruce Corrie applauded OCC leadership for creating the chamber.

Said Corrie, who has long s tudied loca l immigrant communities: “What you’re doing as a chamber is that you’re collecting the business voices and economic development voices and you want those voices to be heard.”

He added: “Mainstream organizations are not reaching the communities. So a chamber like this could collect the voices and make the case.”

Murtida BishaXigasho: Buuga Ha Suntin, Mohamed Duale

Nabigeena lama naco Nabada lama naco Nolosha lama naco

saddex lama naco

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Ganacsiga / Business | 5

Oromo business group celebrates first anniversary of supporting local entrepreneursBy: IBRaHIM HIRSI, MinnPost

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa maanta xarigga ka jaray Bangiga Premiere oo bixinaya adeegyo caalami ah oo aan waddanka

horay looga heli jirin.Munaasaabadda lagu furayay

xafladdan waxaa ka qeyb galay Wasiirka maaliyadda, Wasiirka arrimaha gudaha, guddoomiyaha bangiga dhexe, wasiiru-dawlaha maaliyadda iyo guddoomiyaha gobolka Banaadir.

Premiere Bank wuxuu keenay adeegyo caalami ah sida MasterCard iyo SWIFT oo lagu maareeyo lacagaha dalka soo galaya iyo kuwa ka baxaya. Adeegyadan waa markii ugu

horreysay dalka laga hirgaliyo.Maamulaha Bangiga Premiere

Mahad Maxamed Axmed ayaa yiri “Premier Bank waxa uu kalsooni ku qabaa mustaqbalka

Soomaaliya iyo in Premier Bank kaalin udub-dhexaad ah ka qaadan karo dib u dhiska iyo soo kabashada dhaqaalaha Soomalaiya, taas oo lagu gaaari karo keenista dalka adeegyo banki oo casri ah, taasina waa sababta aannu u keenay Soomalaiya ayuu yiri adeegga MasterCard oo adduunka oo idil lacag loogala bixi karo iyo adeegga SWIFT-ga oo sahlaya in lacag loo soo diri karo lagana diri karo Soomaaliya si aan bulshadeenna ugu xirno

shabakadahaas dhaqaale ee caalamiga ah” .

Wasiirka Maaliyadda mudane Maxamed Aadan Ibraahim oo i s agoo i s t i cmaa laya kaarkiisa(MasterCard) uu kala yimid dibadda lacag kala baxay bangiga ayaa sheegay in adeegga uu soo kordhiyay Premiere uu yahay mid ay baahi badan u qabeen dadka Soomaaliyeed.

“Bangigaan wuxuu isku xirayaa Soomaaliya iyo caalamka intiisa kale, wuxuu saamaxayaa inuu keeno adeegyo horay uga maqnaa Soomaaliya oo caalami ah, sida aad aragteen haddaa MasterCard la iga soo siiyay Australia ayaan lacag ugala baxay halkaan, taasi waxay idin tusinaysaa in wax weyn la qabtay”.Ayuu yiri wasiirku.

Ganacsato Soomaaliyeed ayaa furtay bangigaan oo sameynaya maalgelin waafaqsan shareecada Islaamka iyo adeegyo kale oo ay ku jirto Xisaab si gooni ah loogu asteeyay dumarka oo loo yaqaan MAANDEEQ.

Guddoomiyaha Bangiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya Bashiir Ciise Cali ayaa yiri “Bangigaan casriga ah

inay joogto waxay muujinaysaa in bangiyadu ay sii hormarayaan, bangigaan arrin aan bangiyada ku badnayn ayaan ku arkaa oo ah in ay kala soocan yihiin maamulka iyo lahaanshaha ra’sul-maalka…. Waa xigmad, waa caqli, waa nidaam casir ah oo sidii laga rabay ah”. Ayuu yiri Bashiir Cali.

G u d o o m i y a h a g o b a l k a Banaadir ahna duqa Muqdisho Xasan Maxamed Xuseen

“Mungaab” ayaa tilmaamay in bangigaan oo tusaale u yahay isbedelka ay magaalada Muqdisho ka gaareyso dhinaca horumarka.

“Waa ta l laab kale oo horumarineed oo ku soo

korortay magaalada Muqdisho, Premier Bank waxaan leeyahay hambalyo. Arrintaas waxay na tusinaysaa in ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ay ku dhiiradeen inay dalkooda maalgashadaan” ayuu yiri Muungaab.

Guddoomiyaha Bankiga P r e m i e r e J i r b i l X a s s a n Maxamed ayaa yiri “Waa bangi ay ganacsato SOomaaliyeed leedahay…. Waxan rabaa inaan dadka u sheego in bangigaan uusan u dhisnayn inuu dadka lacag la sameeyo ee ay tahay ummaddaan SOomaaliyeed ee dhibaatada badan soo martay ee habka dhaqaale ee adduunka laga gooyay inaan ku soo celinno. Falsafaddeenu waxay tahay dadka ka qaada kuna celiya”.

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya ayaa tallaabo kale oo dalku dhinaca horumarka u qaaday ku timaamay adeegyada cusub ee uu soo kordhiyay bangigani, isagoo ku dhiirri galiyay ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed inay ka qeyb qaataan maalgelinta dalka.

“Bangigani wuxuu yahay qiimi dheeri ah oo ku soo darsoomay dadaalladii waayadii dambe

dalka ka socday runtii, waana wax ummada SOomaaliyeed oo dhan ay ku faanto” ayuu yiri madaxweynaha oo ku amaanay maamulka Premiere adeegga ay dalka ku soo kordhiyeen.

Sidoo kale madaxweynaha ayaa ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed ku dhi i r r i ga l iyay inay adeegsadaan bangiyada noocaan oo kale ah. “Waxaan aad iyo aad ugu dhiirri galinayaa ganacsatada Soomaaliyeed inay adeegsadaan bangiyada, Bankigaan iyo kuwa la mid ah ee bixin kara adeegyada inay isticmaalaan oo ay ku dhaqmaan.

Premier Bank waa Bangi Islaami ah oo ay leeyihiin ganacsa to Soomaal iyeed , ruqsadna ka haysta bankiga dhexe ee Soomaaliya, isla markaana dalka ku soo kordhiyay adeegyo ay ugu muhiimsanyihiin MasterCard oo markii ugu horreysay tariikhda dalka la keenay, maaligelin waafaqsan Shareecada Islaamka iyo SWIFT lacago meel kasta loogu dirsan karo.

MOGADISHU — Many in the Somali diaspora are returning home to make a new life despite the continuing risks. Since 2011 when a military campaign against Al-Shabab militants began making progress, members of the diaspora community have come back to open hospitals, schools, hotels, restaurants and other businesses. The owner of a chain of hotels and restaurants who is helping to bring change to the once-deadly Somali capital.

Along the Somali coastline sits the Jazeera Beach Hotel,

one of the finest beach resorts in Mogadishu.

It is part of The Village hotel and restaurant chain, owned by Ahmed Jama. Originally from Britain, many in Somalia now refer to him as Ahmed Village because of his thriving businesses. A chef by profession, Ahmed enjoys cooking for his ever-increasing customers.

He recalls the risks he took coming back to invest in a country once regarded as a failed state.

“When I left my restaurant

business in London, everyone was surprised. When I opened up a hotel at Jazeera beach everyone was also surprised. But now it’s evident that all who followed my lead and invested back home have changed the narrative. And we look forward to more developments for Somalia in the near future,” said Jama.

With Somalia’s thriving fishing industry, Ahmed’s clientele are assured of a good meal at any of his chain of hotels across the capital.

A m a j o r s o u r c e o f

employment, Ahmed has hired scores of Somalis to work at his establishments.

“In this restaurant alone, I have 58 employees. At least 20 others work at my other restaurant in Hawa Tako. I have employed more than 100 people in Mogadishu alone. I have opened up a beach restaurant in Hobyo that has more than 20 employees. This is something I hope to expand all across the country if security prevails,” he said.

Ahmed’s restaurants in

Mogadishu have been attacked numerous times by extremists. But this has not deterred Ahmed, who instead urges other Somalis in the Diaspora to return home.

“It is human beings who create both conflict and peace. So as to develop Somalia, we shouldn’t be afraid. It’s wise if we come back and invest here instead of elsewhere. Those you offer employment opportunities to will help in creating peace and stability. The instability and challenges will come to an end one day, so it is best we stay and

invest here,” said Jama. In 2013, the Somali

government launched the Office for the Diaspora Affairs. The agency has been holding a series of conferences with Somalis across the globe in a bid to increase their involvement with the East African nation.

Ahmed Jama’s case is an example of the brave hearts who have returned to Somalia and are slowly changing a nation that was once mired in anarchy, but is now slowly settling down, and reviving.

Somalia’s president has lashed out at the government of neighbouring Kenya - accusing it of a “heavy-handed” approach to regional security, and specifically criticizing Kenya’s recent decision to clamp down on money transfer companies allegedly linked to the militant group, al-Shabab.

In an interview with BBC News, Pres ident Hassan Sheikh Mohamud described the remittance industry as “a lifeline” for millions of Somalis and for others across the region, and said “the massive closing of accounts, the closing of remittances” was counter-productive.

Following the massacre of 148 students at Kenya’s Garissa University in April, the

authorities shut down 13 Somali money transfer agencies, arguing that they were channelling funds to terrorists.

Asked i f Kenya was mishandling the security threat posed by al-Shabab, President Hassan Sheikh said: “I would not say [they’re doing it] the wrong way. But I would say there are better ways to do it. I would have suggested that the Kenyan government change their strategy.”

It is estimated that an astonishing $1.3bn (£840m) is sent to families in Somalia every year by relatives who fled the country during two decades of conflict, to join the diaspora.

That is roughly half of Somalia’s gross national income

- and 80% of total investment - easily eclipsing all international aid to the country. The World Bank estimates that 40% of all Somalis depend on remittances for their basic needs.

“We were getting money from relatives in Kenya. It was helping to pay for school and university fees. Now we’re even having to cut back on meals,” said Moalim Mohamud, a Koranic teacher in one of the crowded makeshift camps for families displaced by conflict in Mogadishu.

And it is not just Kenya’s actions that are causing hardship here. Banks in the US and Europe, seeking to avoid the risk of potential fines from regulators, have also been closing the accounts of some

Somali remittance companies.This is happening despite

precious little evidence that money sent to Somalia has ended up in the hands of militant groups like al-Shabab.

“It’s very difficult. My daughter didn’t go to school now for two months,” said a woman named Hawa, emerging empty-handed from a branch of the Dahabshil remittance company on a narrow street in Mogadishu’s old quarter. “My brother in America [used to] send me $100 every month,” she said.

Although the remittance business has not stopped altogether, some speculate that some Somalis abroad - who have often struggled for years to raise the money to send back home

- may be taking advantage of the new restrictions to ease off on a burdensome obligation.

But Somalis are famously entrepreneurial, and some businessmen in Mogadishu are already looking for ways to turn yet another challenge into an opportunity.

“We’re forced to come up with solutions. We’re resilient people. Finding ways around problems - that is a necessity,” said Liban Egal, showing off a new machine that he hopes will convince US banks to keep the remittance industry afloat.

The handhe ld dev ice , dubbed Camelcash, combines a fingerprint scanner with wi-fi, a card reader and printer.

It is a way of confirming

someone’s ident i ty in a turbulent country, which - after decades without a functioning government - still lacks a proper national ID system.

“The banks’ concern is who’s picking up the money in Somalia - they don’t want to be penalized if the money goes to the wrong hands. So this device can authenticate the customer. You swipe your card here, and put your finger right here,” said Mr Egal, before swiftly moving on to talk about Somalia’s extraordinari ly successful cashless mobile phone banking system - another example of an entrepreneurial society finding ways to flourish.

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya oo xariga ka jaray Bangiga Premiere oo bixinaya adeegyo caalami

Somali Hotel Chain Owner Strives to Make a Difference

Somalia outrage at remittance bans

xigasho: JOwHaR

By: aBdulazIz BIllOw, VOa


Page 6: Tusmo Times May 2015

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Qoyska iyo Dhallinyarada / Family & Youth | 6

It’s a traditional recipe passed on from mother to daughter in

Somalia.But now three Edmonton

entrepreneurs producing the triangular meat- or vegetable-stuffed pastries known as sambusas are being recognized for providing employment opportunities to refugee and immigrant women.

“We wanted to empower women and wanted to provide skills for women who have difficulty finding jobs,” said Habiba Abdulle, 40, co-founder of Hooyas Foods, a recipient of one of the 2015 RISE Awards from the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers.

The awards recognize contributions that improve the lives of newcomers through community leadership, arts and culture, and in the case of Hooyas Foods - a welcoming workplace.

“For that to be recognized - it’s really empowering - to us, as well as to our women.”

Abdulle, who is also a program director with a family and youth settlement program, launched

Hooyas Foods in 2012 with Halima Sarah and Sucdi Barre.

Thei r food process ing company now provides part-time jobs to 10 immigrant and refugee women, as well as the Canadian experience needed to work elsewhere.

“When they come here, they have to struggle to settle in, and to get to know the city,” said Abdulle, who received 30 job applications last week.

For many, language is the biggest obstacle.

“It was very difficult, because I didn’t have the language skills,” said employee Aisha Warsama, a former chef in Somalia.

Warsama arrived in Edmonton four years ago on her own. She was separated from her son when she fled the conflict, then lived in refugee camps in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

When she talks about her son, her normally contagious smile vanishes for a moment, her eyes glisten with tears.

She said she’s happy to work with a supportive group of women at Hooyas, using her skills to make a living in her new country, and support family back in Somalia.

But even for staff without a professional food background - sambusa making is familiar ground, which inspired the company’s name. Hooyas means ‘mother’ in Somali.

“Every Somali mother learned that from her mother and the mother before,” said Abdulle, who passed on the recipe to her own daughters, who help out at Hooyas.

Each month, staff spend five days at a processing plant in Leduc that supports start-up companies, making and packaging 12,000 deep-fried and baked sambusas filled with spiced vegetables, beef or chicken.

They are sold at restaurants and stores in Edmonton and Fort McMurray - comfort food for Alberta’s large Somali diaspora.

“This is about the best one I’ve ever had,” said Abdidahir Abukar, a satisfied customer at the Imaan Restaurant on 118th Avenue.

“The spices are perfect and the crust is so nice. It reminds you of back home at Ramadan time - the sambusas we used to eat back home.”

T h e R I S E A w a r d s (Recognizing Immigrant Success in Edmonton) are being handed out at a gala Tuesday at the Edmonton Expo Centre.

Edmonton’s Hooyas Foods among winners of 2015 RISE AwardsBy: aNdRea HuNCaR, CBC News

MPS Faith-Based & Community Leader Meeting


The Office of the Superintendent, along with the Office of Student, Family and Community Engagement (OSFCE), convene a monthly meeting with local faith-based organizations and community leaders to advise and assist Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) in effecting positive change for all students. This close collaboration between the faith-based, community leaders, and MPS is essential to help nurture our schools as we continue to strive for a positive environment where all our students are career and college ready at time of graduation.

Goals 1. Build a solid network of faith-based and community leaders

partners that align with the district's strategic plan. 2. Create a district-wide systematic process for members of

the faith-based, community leaders and school community to become authentic partners.

3. Provide support and referral services for faith-based, community, and school partnerships.

Schedule - Meetings are held the second Friday of each month from 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m., unless otherwise noted.

September 12, 2014 October 10, 2014 November 14, 2014 December 12, 2014 January 9, 2015 February 13, 2015 March 13, 2015 April 10, 2015 May 8, 2015 June 12, 2015

All are welcome! Invite colleagues, clergy and community partners.

Questions? For more information, please contact Jocelyn Beard at [email protected] or call 612.516.0901


Ismahan Issa oo ah gabar Soomaali Amareican ah ayaa ku dhawaaqdey iney u tartameyso xubin ka tirsan goleyaasha

deegaanka ee degmada

Columbus/ Columbus City Cunsul sida ay ka shaacisey meel fagaare ah oo boqollaal Soomaali ah ay goob jooga ka ahaayeen waxaana ay ka codsatey dadkii madasha joogey iney codkooda siiyaan maadaama ay yihiin muwaadiniin xaq u leh iney wax doortaan lana dooran karo.

Iyadoo ka warrameyse sababaha ku dhaliyey iney

tartan u gasho kursi kamid ah kuraasta golaha deegaanka ee degmada Columbus ayaa sheegtey iney dooneyso sidii ay ugu adeegi laheyd dadkeeda islamarkaana Soomaalida ay uga dhex muuqan lahaayeen dhamaan xafiisyada dowladda sida kuwa la magacaabo iyo kuwa loo tartamo maadaama haatan aysan si weyn uga dhex

Hooyo Somali-Ameerikaan ah oo u sharaxan kursiga Goleyaasha Deegaanke ee degmada Columbus, OhioQore: aBdulkadIR MOHaMed MuRSal, Columbus, OH

muuqan dadka Soomaaliyeed xafiisyada maamulka degmada Columbus.

Waxaa kaloo Ismahan ay intaasi ku dartey iney ku dadaali wax ka qabashada baahiyaha dadweynaha iyo adeegyada aasaasiga u ah sida

arrimaha caafimaadka guryaha shaqooyinka iyo wadooyinka iyadoo sheegtey iney tusaale u noqoneyso usoo bixitaanka hablo

Soomaaliyeed oo bulshadooda u adeega. sida ay hadalka u dhigtey gabadhan oo ah hooyo Soomaali American ah islamarkaana carruur ku heysata magaalada Columbus.

Issa ayaa tilmaantey ka muuqashada Soomaalida ee golaha deegaanka degamada Columbus iyo xafi isyada dowladda iney guu l u tahay Soomaalida iyadoo dhanka kalena ka codsatey dadweynaha Soomaaliyeed ee

reer Columbus iney codkooda siiyaan islamarkaana ay la garab istaagaan taageero dhinac walba leh.

Ismahaan ayaa kamid ah 9 musharrax oo ku tartamaya afar kursi oo City Cunsul ah waana qofka kaliya ee Soomaali American ah oo haatan ku jira shaqsiyaadka u ordaya kuraastan iyadoo hadii ay ku guuleysatana ay noqoneyso gabadhii ugu horreyse ee Soomaali ah oo soo gasha golaha deegaanka ee degmada Columbus.

Guusha inantan ayaa ku xirnaan doonta hadba sida ay ugu soo baxaan Soomaalida Columbus oo imtixaan ay noqneyso doorashada sanadkan waxaana isla guusha Ismahan ay tusaale iyo dhiirri gelin wanaagsan u noqon doontaa Soomaali farabadan oo laga rajo qabo iney ka muuqdaan xafiisyada dowladda hadii ay noqon lahaayeen kuwa lasoo doorto iyo juwa la magacaabo.

Page 7: Tusmo Times May 2015

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Cayaaraha / Maaweelo / Sports / Entertainment | 7

Ururka West Bank Athletic Club ee fadhigiisu yahay m a g a a l a d a M i n n e a p o l i s , gobolka Minnesota ee wadanka Maraykanka ayaa soo qaban qaabiyey koob kubadda cagta ah oo ku saabsan isdhexgalka Dhalinyarada Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan gobolka Minnesota.

Koobka ayaa loo qabtay dhalinyarada dhigta dugsiyadda sare iyo kuwa dhexe. Waxaa

koobkan oo mudo saddex cisho ah socday lagu qabtay garoonka caalamiga ah ee ku yaala xaafada Cedar ee Currie Soccer Field, magaalada Minneapolis. Kooxaha ka qaybgalay tartankan ayaa tiradoodu dhanayd sideed kooxood.

Haddaba ciyaarihii daahfurka koobka ee dhacay maalintii Jimcaha, May 22, 2015 ayaa waxaa kasoo qaybga lay masuuliyiin kala duwan oo ay

ka mid yihiin xubno ka socday xafiisyada dowladda hoose ee Degmooyinka ka tirsan magaalada Minneapolis, qaar kamid ah hogaamiyayaasha Soomaaliyeed, waalid, culumo iyo waliba qaar kamid ah qaybaha kala duwan ee bulshadda Soomaaliyeed eek u dhaqan gobolka Minnesota.

Intii aanay Bilaaban ciyaaruhu ayaa waxaa hadalo kooban oo dhiiri-gelin ah u Jeediyey ciyaartoydii iyo dhallinyaradii goobta joogtay macalin Axmed Ismacil oo loo yaqaano (coach Axmed) iyo masuuliyiin kale oo uu ka mid ahaa, Jacob Frey oo ah gudoomiyaha dowladda hoose ee Degmada 3aad ee magaalada Minneapolis.

Maca l in Ahmed ayaa dardaaran u jeediyey Kooxaha ay Ciyaaruhu dhexmarayeen iyo

dhamaan dhalinyaradii garoonka joogay. Macalin Axmed ayaa dhalinyarada ku booriyay in ay muujiyaan ciyaar wanaag, is qadarin iyaga oo mar walba laga rabo in ay xasuustaan Qiimaha ay ciyaaruhu u leyihiin dhalinyarada iyo waliba is dhexgalka wanaagsan.

Kooxaha koobkan ka qayb qaatay ayaa kala ahaa, Somali Stars, St. Cloud Stars, Lincoln A Squad, West Bank A Squad, Lincoln B Squad, Mankato, Oromo United iyo West Bank B Squad. Ciyaarihii oo ahaa kuwo aad u xiiso badan ayaa waxaa ciyaartii kama dambaysta ahayd iskugu soo haray kooxda Oromo United iyo St. Cloud Stars. Natiijadii ciyaartii final-ka ama ugu danbaysay ee dhexmartay labada kooxood ayaa ahayd mid aad u xiiso badan, balse guushii waxay raacday kooxda

Oromo United oo ku badisay 2-0, halkaas ay guushii ku raacday, koobkiina ay ku hanteen.

K o o b k a n l o o q a b t a y dhalinyarada oo socday mudo saddex cisho ayaa la soo af-jarayaa maalinta Axada ee bisha May ahayd 24, 2015. Koobkan ayaa loogu magac daray “Memorial Day Weekend Cup” oo macnaheedu yahay Koobka Isbuuca la xuso Maalinta Xasuusta. Maalinta Isniinta ah ayaa ah maalin fasax ah oo iskuulada, shaqooyinka iyo waliba xafiisyada wadanka Maraykanku ay wada xiran yihiin si loo xuso Maalinta Xasuusta taariikhdu marka ay tahay 5/25/2015. Ma ahan Markii ugu horaysay ee uu ururkani ciyaaro noocaan oo kale ah u qabto dhalinta yaryar ee ku nool gobolka Minnesota. Bisha

soo socota ee Ramadaan ayaa ururkani qaban doonaa Koob loogu talagalay bisha Barakaysan ee Ramadaan, koobkan oo sannad walba la qabto bisha Ramadaan.

Ururka West Bank Athletic Club oo Koob Kubadda Cagta ah u qabtayDhallinyarada Gobolka Minnesota Qalinkii: CaBdIRaxMaaN MukHtaR, tusmo times

All eyes are on The True North. In a month’s time, the beautiful game is coming to Canada.

The Nigeria women’s soccer team landed at Toronto’s Pearson

airport on Wednesday, the first of 24 teams to arrive in Canada for the upcoming FIFA Women’s World Cup tournament — a month-long celebration of what can only be described as soccer

fever.“The power of the World Cup

is incredible,” said Richard Scott, director of communications for the organizing committee. “Competition is fierce. There will be 20 unhappy coaches who will not make the final four.” Nigeria’s Super Falcons are among the top favourites. They’ve won seven of nine African Women Championships and are riding a 10-match international unbeaten streak. The country’s under 20 team fought to the finals last year in Moncton, only to be beaten by the Germans.

As the host nation, Canada will

play the opening game on June 6 against China at Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton. Not a single game of the tournament will be played in Toronto because venues are booked for the upcoming 2015 Pan Am and Parapan Am Games .

Meanwhile, World Cup organizers have promised a fun-filled atmosphere at the six host cities across the country. Apart from games, there will be off-site fan zones where people can enjoy free entertainment, interactive displays and screenings of selected matches, Scott said.

Team Canada is expected to

do well on the home turf, having missed the tournament only once since it was established in 1991. Behind the attacking powers of Christine Sinclair, the team finished fourth in the 2003 campaign. They also won a bronze medal at the 2012 London Olympics.

A highly anticipated friendly match between Canada and England will take place on May 29 at Tim Hortons Field in Hamilton, before they face off in the tournament later in Ottawa.

tournament hiGhliGhts

Games wil l be played in Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montréal and Moncton.

Four teams will train in Toronto before heading out for competition: Nigeria, Sweden, Netherlands and England. Big matches include France-England (June 9 in Moncton), Germany-Norway (June 11 in Ottawa), Brazil-Spain (June 13 in Montreal).

Bandhiga soo nooleynta Farshaxanka,Ciyaaraha iyo Dhaqanka oo maalmahan ka socday Magaalada Muqdisho ayaa Ciyaar ka tirsan oo u dhaxaysay Degmooyinka Hodon iyo Shibis lagu qabtay Garoonka Wiish ee Degmada C/casiis.

Waxaana ka qaybgalaya Degmooyinka Hodon,Shibis,H/wadaag iyo Yaaqshiid, waxaana kulankii ugu horeeyay isku arkay Hodon iyo Shibis oo guushu ay raacday Degmada Shibis 40-dhibcood halka degmada

Hodan ay la timid 30-dhibcood.Bandhigani ayaa waxaa ka soo

qeyb galay wasiirka dhalinyarada i y o c i y a a r a h a , w a s i i r u d o w l a h a w a s a a r a d d a M a a l i y a d d a , G u d d o o m i y e k u x i g e e n k a g u d d i g a Olombikada,Xoghayaha guud ee Guddiga Olombikada S o o m a a l i y a , k u s i m a h a Agaas imaha Warbaahin ta Qaranka, mas’uuliyiin ka socotay Degmada C/casiis ,iyo kan xiriirka kubadda Koleyga.

Was i i rka Dha l inya rada

iyo Ciyaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka Soomaaliya mudane Maxamed C/l laahi Xasan Nuux oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in wasaaradu soo dhaweyneyso isdhexgalka dhal inyarada ee dhinaca ciyaaraha oo wax badan ka tari doonta ka hortaga tahriibka ,isticmaalka maandooriyaha qeybihiisa kale duwan,iyo Xagjirnimada.

bandhigani oo ay soo qaban qaabisay Wasaaradda Warfaafinta dhaqanka iyo da lx i i ska

Soomaaliya ayaa beri waxaa ku tartami doona ciyaar ka tirsan bandhiga farshaxanka,dhaqanka, iyo ciyaaraha degmooyinka Howlwadaag iyo Yaaqshiid.

Tababarayaal ka socda Xiriirka Kubadda Cagta Adduunka ee

FIFA ayaa tababaro ku siiyay Muqdisho garsoorayaal iyo ciyaartoyda kooxaha kubadda cagta Soomaaliya, tababarkan oo lagu sheegay mid lagu xoojinayo xirfadda ciyaar toyda iyo garsoorayaasha Soomaaliyeed.

Soomaaliya ayaa waxaa ka jira 20-kooxood oo isugu jira kuwa heerka koowaad iyo kuwa heerka labaad, kuwaasoo sannad walba loo qabto ciyaaraha horyaalada Soomaaliya, iyadoo ciyaartoyda Soomaaliyeed ay soo jiiteen indhaha kooxo badan oo caalamka ka dhisan.

Waxaa tababarkan oo socday muddo saddex maalmood ah bixinayay Axmed Al-Shanawi oo u dhashay dalka Masar iyo Xasan Maxamed Xasan oo isaguna u dhashay dalka Jordan. Iyadoo tababarka garsoorayaasha iyo ciyaartoyda uu qayb ka ahaa

sharciyada garsoorka ee heerarka Caalamiga ah.

Cali Cabdi Maxamed oo ka mid ah mas’uuliyiinta Xiririka Soomaaliyeed ee Kubadda Cagta oo ka hadlay furitaankii tababarkan ayaa sheegay inuu ugu fadhiyo tababarka qiime weyn, uuna kaalin ka qaadanayo horumarinta guud ee ciyaaraha Soomaal iya iyo aqoonta garsoorayaasha Soomaaliyeed.

“Tani waxay na tusaysaa in Soomaaliya ay nabadi ka jirto. FIFA waxay horay u tababartay ciyaartoy Soomaaliyeed oo fara badan. Sannadkii 2014-kii dalka waxaa lagu qabtay tababar ay bixinaysay FIFA, kanna waa kii labaad oo lagu qabto Muqdisho. Waxaana uga mahad-celinaynaa Xiriirka kubadda cagta ee FIFA dadaalka ay ugu jiraan horumarinta nabadda iyo ciyaaraha Somalia,” ayuu yiri Cali Cabdi.

Sidoo kale, Axmed Al-Shanawi oo Tababarayaasha ka mid ah, isla markaana ah Madax-goboleedka hourmarinta kubadda cagta ee Qaaradda Afrika oo goobta ka hadlayay ayaa sheegay in FIFA ay ka go’an

tahay horumarina cayaaraha Soomaaliya.

“Haatan waxaa jirta Fursad ay Tababarayaal FIFA ka socda Soomaaliya uga bixin karaan tababarro noocan oo kale ah, laakiinse horay uma jirin. Waxaana aad ugu faraxsannahay in tababarro aan siinno ciyaartoyda iyo garsoorayaasha Soomaaliyeed, waxaana rajeynayaa in tababaro kale ay FIFA ka bixin doonto Somalia sannadka soo socda,” ayuu yiri Al-Shanawi

Qaar ka mid ah xubnihii Tababarkaan qaatay ayaa iyaguna sheegay inay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin tababarka ay FIFA siisay, ayna ka kororsadeen aqoon ka mid ah kuwa kubadda cagta caalamka.

Intaa kaddib waxaa isna hadlay Aweys C/llaahi Sheekh oo Soomaali ah isagoo yiri. “Anigu waxaan ahay garsoore heer caalami ah, waxaana horay u soo dhex-dhexaadiyay ciyaaro ka dhacay dalal badan oo caalamka ah oo ay ka mid yihiin ciyaaro dhexmaray dalalka Tunisia, Libya iyo Chad. Sidoo kalena waxaan dhexdhexaadiyay

ciyaar sanadkan lagu qabtay dalka Angola. Waxaan kaloo aan qayb ka ahaa garsoorayaal dhex-dhexaadinayay ciyaar dalalka Burundi iyo Masar dhexmartay.” Isagoo intaas ku daray inuu waddo badan ka soo noqday garsoore.

Dhanka kale, waxaa isna goobta ka hadlay xubin ku hadlay magaca wasiirka dhallinyarada iyo cayaaraha Soomaaliya, isagoo xusay inay xukuumadda Somalia soo dhaweynayso in la xoojiyo ciyaaraha Somalia, isagoo ugu baaqay FIFA inay tababarro kale dalka ugu qabato ciyaartoyda iyo garsoorayaasha dalka.

Ugu dambeyn, Xiri i rka Kubadda Cagta Adduunka ee FIFA ayaa horay u Dayac-tirro ugu sameysay Garoonka kubadda cagta ee Banadir Stadium ee Magaalada Muqdisho, kaasoo tababarkan lagu qabtay.

FIFA Women’s World Cup fever ready to sweep Canada

Bandhigga soo nooleeynta dhaqanka oo lagu qabtay Muqdisho

FIFA oo Muqdisho Tababaro ku siisay Ciyaartooy iyo Garsoorayaal Soomaaliyeed

By: GIlBeRt NGaBO, Metro

Qore: MuStaF MuStaF, Radio Muqdisho | Sawir Qaade: CaBdulaaHI COdka

Qore: Maxamed x. xuseen, HOl

Page 8: Tusmo Times May 2015


(Qureebaad ama Icun)Icun in Somali means ‘eat me’

and believe me you will eat and eat these crumbly shortbread biscuits that just melt in the mouth. They are usually made for festive days, but in our

household we don’t wait for a special day. Any day and everyday is icun day!

I wonder how shortbread in this form came to the Somali people as shortbread is famously

known as a Scottish treat. Did we learn this recipe from the British who colonised parts of our land? Or is it a Somali invention as I’d like to believe? I was intrigued to learn that in

medieval Europe shortbread evolved from leftover bread dough to which some bright mind eliminated yeast, added butter and then baked. Another story has it that shortbread was

invented in the kitchens of Mary, Queen of Scots in the mid-16th century.

There are many Somali varieties of icun or qureebaad as we also call this delicious

shortbread. This version, which incorporates nutmeal, is my favourite. Dust with icing sugar and serve with tea.

Story by: : aBdeRazzaQ NOOR, the Somali kitchen

Prep time: 15 minutesCook time: 15 minutesTotal time: 30 minutesServes: +20 people

somali shortbread biscuits (qureebaad ama icun)

Author: Abderazzaq NoorRecipe by: Khadra Yusuf


4 cups flour2 cups sugar1 cup nutmeal (peanut, almond or hazelnut)2 cups warm melted butter or ghee2 teaspoons ground cardamom powder


1. Mix all the dry ingredients together2. Grease a biscuit pan with some of the melted butter3. Make a hole in the middle and pour in the warm butter slowly, adding it a little at a time to make a soft dough.4. Shape the dough into small balls with your hands and flatten into a small disc shape.5. Bake for about 15-20 minutes in a medium heat oven or until golden brown.

Geeljire’ Grill is NowopeN for BusiNess!

Karmel mall2910 pillsBury aveNuemiNNeapolis, mN 55408

Page 9: Tusmo Times May 2015

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Community Calendar / Shaqooyinka / Employment | 9

SAFA CHILD CAre & LeArnIng Center

(952) 303-6189

Page 10: Tusmo Times May 2015

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Caafimaadka / Health | 10

Autism waa naafonimo saameysa sida uu canugga dadka u xiriiriyo, ula dhaqmo, ula ciyaaro ama uu wax u barto. Canugga autismka qaba waxba kagama duwana muuqaal ahaan caruurta kale, Qiyaas ahaan, 68dii canugba 1 canug ayaa qaba autism. Wiilasha ayaa 5 jeer kaga badan gabdhaha. Dadka oo idil ayuu ku dhici karaa umana kala sooco asalka, qoowmiyadda, hee rka dhaqaa laha ama bulshonimada

Autismka wuxuu ilmo walba u saameeyaa si ka duwan kan kale – kala duwanaantaa oo la xiriirta baaxadda iyo culeyska dhibaatada cudurka.

Waa xil waalid walba saaran in uu si joogta ah ula socdo koboca ilmahiisa gaar ahaan sida uu ilmaha u cayaaro, wax u barto, u hadlo iyo sida uu u dhaqmo taas oo waalidka u bidhaamineysa haddii dareen dib u dhac ah jiro. Ha is dhiganin. Ficil deg deg ah oo aad ku dhaqaaqdid ayaa isbedel iyo horukac canuggaaga

u keeni kara.Maxaa Keena Autism-kaLama yaqaano dhamaan

waxyaabaha keena autism-ka. Waxaase la dareensanyahay in ay jiraan waxyaabo badan oo sababi kara kuwaas oo daciifin kara canugga una sahli kara inuu qaado autism-ka. Waxaa ka mid ah waxyaabo ku sugan degaanka ay dadka ku nool yihiin, kuwo la xiriira biolojiyada (asaaska jirka aadaminga) iyo kuwo la xiriira isirka (isir raaca ah). Ma jirto sabab la ogsoon yahay oo dhaqan ahaan ama caqiido ahaan keenta autism-ka.

Waxay culimada isku raaceen in isirku door ka ciyaaro inuu ilmaha qaado autism-ka. Haddii uu qoys kaga dhoco autismka canug, fursadda inuu canug kale kaga dhoco waa ay sareeysaa.

Waxaa jira raadad cilmiyeysan oo tusaaya in waqtiyada xasaasiga ah ee uu canugga qaadi karo autism-ka ay yihiin ka hor inta uusan dhalan, waqtiga dhalmada iyo ka dib islamarka

uu dhasho.Waxaa kaloo la tuhunsanyahay

in khatarka inuu canug qaado autism-ka ay kor u kacdo marka waalidiinta iska dhala canug ay da’ weyn yihiin.

Autismka wuxuu ka mid yahay cudurada faraha kulul ku haya dunida oo dhan. Cilmibaarisyo ayaa socda oo la rabo in lagu ogaado waxyaabaha keeni kara cudurkan.

Calaamadaha Lagu Garto Autism-ka

• Canug jira 12 bilood oo haddii magaciisa loogu yeero aan ku soo jaleeceynin• Canug 14 bilood jira oo aan farta wax kufiiqeynin ( marka uu arko dayuurad dushiisa mareysa)• Canug 18 bilood jira oo aan dhumaleysi ciyaareynin.• Canug aan si toos ah qofka indhaha ula raaceynin jecelna in uu keligiis ciyaaro.• Canug ay dhib ku tahay inuu muujiyo dareenkiisa ama fahmo kan dadka kale.

• Canug dib oga dhaca waqtigii uu ku hadli lahaa• Canug ku celceliya hal weedh ama jumlad• Canug si qaldan oo is dhaafsan kaga juwaaba su’alaha la weydiiyo.• Canug aan xamileynin isbedel yar • Canug si xad dhaaf ah u daneeya hal shay ama ciyaar.• Canug gacmahiisa isku dhufta (sacab oo kale), is ruxa ama is wareejiya• Canug si aan caadi ahayn u dareema dhawaaqyada, urta, dhadhanka, fiirada iyo taabashada• Canug lumiya xirfado uu horey u bartay ( Tusaale: Joojiya erayo uu horey ugu dhawaaqi jiray.Muhiimadda ay Leedahay in

Ammin Hore la Ogaado Cudurka Autism-ka

Ma jirto daawo lagu daweeyo autism-ka. Mana jiro dhiig la baaro oo lagu ogaado.

Sidaas darteed, waxaa aad

muhiim u ah in waalidiinta oo dhan si feejignaan leh ula socdaan koriimada caruurtooda bartaana calaamadaha lagu garto autism-ka. Sidoo kale, haddii aad ka wel welsan tahay canuggaaga kobociisa, la tasho takhtarka. Waxay culumo badan isku raaceen inay wanaagsantahay in canugga ammin hore daryeelka loo bilaabo (dhalashada ila iyo 36 bil jirka) , taas oo ka caawineysa ilmaha inuu barto xirfado dheraad ah sida hadalka iyo dad la dhaqanka. Qasab ma aha inuu canug walba oo hadalka ka daaho uu qabo autism. Sidoo kale, qasab ma aha inuu ilmaha qabo autism si loogu fidiyo daryeelka amminka hore. Ta Tasho Takhtarka canuggaaga mar walba.

Haddii aad maclumaad dheraad ah u baahantahay :

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Facts About Autism (

Minnesota Department of

Health (MDH): Autism (

University of Minnesota: Minneapolis Somali Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence Project (

Barashada Astaamaha Autism-kaBaro Astaamaha Autism-ka Dhaqsana u Biloow inaad la Tacaashid Canuggaaga Haddii uu Xanuunka ku Dhoco

Waa Maxay Autism ?

What Causes AutismAll the causes of autism are

not yet known. However, there is evidence that shows that there are likely many causes for multiple types of autism. There may be many different factors that make a child more likely to have autism, including environmental, biologic and genetic factors.

• Most scientists agree that genes are one of the risk factors that can make a person more likely to develop autism• Children who have a sibling with autism are at a higher risk of also having autism.• There is some evidence that the critical period

for developing autism occurs before, during, and immediately after birth.• Children born to older parents are at greater risk for having ASD.

Autism continues to be an important public health concern. Understanding the factors that make a person more likely to develop autism will help scientists learn more about the causes.

siGns and symptoms of autism

• Not respond to their name by 12 months of age• Not point at objects to show interest (point at an airplane flying over) by 14

months• Not play “pretend” games (pretend to “feed” a doll) by 18 months• Avoid eye contact and want to be alone• Have trouble understanding other people’s feelings or talking about their own feelings• Have delayed speech and language skills• Repeat words or phrases over and over (echolalia)• Give unrelated answers to questions• Get upset by minor changes• Have obsessive interests• Flap their hands, rock their body, or spin in circles• Have unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel

• lose skills they once had (for example, stop saying words they were using

There is currently no cure for autism. However, research shows that early intervention treatment services can improve a child’s development. Early intervention services help children from birth to 3 years old (36 months) learn important skills. Services can include therapy to help the child talk and interact with others.

Therefore, it is important to talk to your child’s doctor as soon as possible if you think your child has autism or other developmental problems.

Even if your child has not been diagnosed with autism, he or she may be eligible for early intervention treatment services. In addition, treatment for particular symptoms, such as speech therapy for language delays, often does not need to wait for a formal autism diagnosis. For more

information on autism (ASD), log on:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Facts about Autism (

Minnesota Department of Health (MDH): Autism (http://www.hea l th . s t a t e .mn .us /topics/autism/)

University of Minnesota: Minneapolis Somali Autism Spectrum Disorder Prevalence Project (

learn the siGns and symptoms of autism

Page 11: Tusmo Times May 2015

Nima Dahir, a junior honors student majoring in economics and mathematics, has been named a 2015 Beinecke Scholar. The Beinecke Scholarship is awarded

to 20 students nationwide who have demonstrated superior standards of intellectual ability, scholastic achievement and personal promise.

Beinecke Scholars must be current college juniors with plans to pursue a terminal degree in the arts, humanities or social sciences. The award provides $34,000 to support graduate studies.

The daughter of Somali immigrants, Dahir was born

in Toronto, Ontario, and moved to Ohio. She graduated from Hilliard Bradley High School and came to Ohio State as a Morrell

Scholar. Her goal is to acquire the academic skills that will allow her to inform economic and public policy as a development economist.

For the past two years, Dahir has been developing an independent research project in experimental economics under the guidance of Katherine Coffman, associate professor, economics, who is advising her on the relationship between optimism and willingness to borrow microfinance loans.

“I have known Nima since the spring of 2013,” said Coffman. “She stands out as an

undergraduate in that her interest in research stems largely from her deeply-rooted desire to find ways to improve economic and social conditions in developing communities.”

An honors student, Dahir also serves as a research assistant to Economics Professor Bruce Weinberg.

“I met Nima when she took my small, highly-interactive, upper-level undergraduate research class in fall 2014,” said Weinberg. “Even in this exceptional group, she distinguished herself.”

Outside the classroom, Dahir is a Buckeye Leadership

Fellow, a volunteer and board member for the Broad Street Food Pantry and the past editor of the Journal of Politics and International Affairs. She has also studied abroad in Morocco and volunteered teaching English to young girls in Somalia.

After graduation, Nima plans to obtain her PhD in economics and pursue a career in academia, conduc t ing expe r imen ta l economics research related to development.

“She is driven by a concrete, compelling interest in using her skills to address pressing social problems,” Weinberg said. “She

has all the makings of a dynamic and effective teacher and she is preparing herself to be able to impact policy as well as the scholarly literature through her service work and leadership training.”

Since 1975, the Beinecke Scholarships Program has selected more than 570 college juniors from more than 100 d i f f e r e n t u n d e r g r a d u a t e institutions for support during graduate study. Dahir is the fifth Ohio State student to be named a Beinecke Scholar.

Vol. 2 Ed. 5 | May 2015 Dhaqan / Waxbarashada | Education / Culture | 11

ASC Student Nima Dahir Named Beinecke ScholarSource: the Ohio State university

Muddo ka badan 25-sano ka hor ayaa ugu danbaysay goob lagu magacaabo madaxweynihii dowladdii millateriga ahayd ee

Somalia, Maxamed Siyaad Bare, iyadoo intii uu noolaa la maqli jiray waddada Jaalle Siyaad, Iskuulka Hoose/Dhaxe ee Siyaad iyo kuliyada ciidamada ee Jaalle Siyaad, balse xalay ayaa lagu qabtay magaalada Columbus Ohio ee dalka Maraykanka kulan dhaqaalo loogu uruinaaay isbitaal laga dhisayo gobolka Gado ee Somalia oo ah meeshii uu ku dhashay madaxwaynahii hore ee Somalia oo loogu magic-daray

Isbitaalka Jaalle Siyaad ee magaalada Garbahaaray.

Shirka ayaa waxaa soo qaban-qaabiyay haween Soomaaliyeed

oo ku nool dalka Canada ee Qaaradda Ameerika; kuwaasoo ah kuwii billaabay dhismaha iyo magic-bixinta isbitaalkan laga dhisayo Gobolka Gedo.

Waxaa kulanka ku sugnaa laba ra’iisul wasaarayaal oo Soomaaliya soo maray kuwaasoo kala ah, Maxamed Cabdullaahi Farmaajo iyo C/weli Sheekh Axmed, waxayna sheegeen in kulankan uusan ahayn mid siyaasadeed balse uu yahay mid

samafal.C/casiis Maaxaay oo lagu

yaqaano Sama-falka oo Kulanka ka hadlay ayaa Hadalkiisa ku billaabay; - Waxaan idin waydiinayaa waligi in ma Maqasheen Hooyo ku Umul-raacatay Ameerika? Wax jawaab ah markuu waayay ayuu mar kale is-waydiiyay maxaa sabab u ah in haweenka Soomaaliyeed ay Qarnigan 21-aad noqdaan kuwa ugu badan ee Umul-raacda, isagoo xusay in loo baahan yahay in loo istaago in tuulo walba oo Soomaaliya ka mid ah laga dhiso Isbitaal.

S i d o o k a l e , C / w e l i SheekhAxmed ayaa isna sheegay in waayadaan uu ku jiray safarro kala duwan oo uu Mareykanka ku marayay, Wuxuuna Xusay in Kulankan uu yahay mid Kheyr badan oo lagu dhisayo Isbitaal ay ka faa’iidaysan doonaan dad badan oo masaakiin ah oo u baahan daryeel caafimaad. Wuxuuna hadalkiisa raaciyay inay magaalooyin badan oo dalka ku yaalla ay u baahan yihiin in

dadkoodu ay u kacaan. Isagoo faray Dadweynihii Kulankan joogay inay ka qayb-qaataan Isbitalka laga dhisayo.

Maxamed C/llaahi Farmaajo oo isna kulanka khudbad ka jeediyay ayaa u sheegay dadka ku howlan dhsimaha Isbitaalka

haddii ay la yimaadaan amaano, daacadnimo iyo naxariis inuu hirgalayo mashruucan, waxuuna

hadalkiisa raaciyay in haddii uu dhismo isbitaalka inuu qayb ka qaadanayo koboca dhaqaalaha deegaanka, waxaana yaraanayo

buu yiri in dadku ka tagaan magaaladooda.

Dadweynihii joogay kulanka ayaa waxay ku yabooheen

lacag gaaraysa 94-kun oo Doollar. Waxaana lagu wadaa in kulankan oo kale lagu qabto

magaalooyinka Toronto-Canada iyo Minneapolis-Mareykanka.

Canab Cali Xaashi, Asiili M. iyo Deeqo Maxamed Siyaad Barre oo ku hadlay guddigii soo qaban-qaabiyay howshan ayaa u mahad-naqay Dadkii wax ka Qabtay hawshan Isbitaalka lagu dhisayo; waxayna ballan-qaadeen marka la dhamaystiro dhismaha Isbitaalka oo ka kooban 40-qol iyo Toddoba Fasal oo lagu tababarayo kalkaalisooyin caafimaad. Iyagoo ka ballan-qaaday shirka inay u is-taagayaan inay Somalia oo dhan ay ka Fuliyaan Mashaariic Caafimaad.

Ugu dambeyn, Waxaa kulanka ka hadalay Marti kala duwan sida; Hibo Maxamed (Hibo Nuura), C/xakiin Maxmaed, Faadumo Isaaq Biixi, Suldaan Faqi iyo Dr. Maxmaed Cali Nuur, waxaana lagu soo bandhigay kulanka suugaanta ay Haweenka Soomaaliyeed Caanka ku yihiin ee Buraanburka.

Asha Farah, spent the first 11 years of her life as a nomad in Somalia.

For half the year, she chased the rainfalls and raised livestock with her mother and siblings. Their only shelter was a portable house made of bent sticks, dried grass and woven mats.

“As a child, my daily life focused on battling thirst, hunger and extreme drought,” Farah explained.

Farah’s uncle had moved to the city to build a better life. He found work and received

an education. And, like many in Somalia who reach a certain level of success, Farah’s uncle was intent on supporting his nomadic family. He began by educating his younger brothers and their children, including Farah’s brother.

In the mid-1970s, Farah and family members still living as nomads lost everything they had to drought. Her brother, who had become an officer in the Somali

Army, evacuated the family. Farah, now twelve years old, was exposed to Somalia’s city life and school for the first time.

“From the moment I got the chance to read and write, I knew it was my turn to make it and never forget others who did not get the rare opportunity I had been given,” she said.

Eleven years later, Farah moved to Washington, D.C. She began a new life, taking advantage of every opportunity before her. However, there was more Farah wanted for her life,

so she headed west to pursue her dreams.

“As difficult as the nomadic life was, I’m incredibly thankful for the survival skills it gave me,” said Farah. “Somali nomads are proud, resilient, and resourceful. These traits came in handy as I adjusted to life in the U.S.”

A Starbucks Journey BeginsFarah’s Starbucks journey

began in 1998, when she accepted a temporary position at Starbucks

Support Center in Seattle.“Starbucks was not well known

when I started, yet I saw the opportunity that the company’s welcoming culture represented right away,” Farah shared.

Within months, she was hired fulltime on the Store Development team and over the next several years, helped to open stores in the Pacific Northwest, Western Mountain region and Canada.

“As a nomadic child, there were many days that a small container of water allowed my family to survive another day. The same little girl who was literally dying for a drop of water is now a Starbucks partner (employee) opening stores and contributing to the company’s success,” Farah said. “If you open the opportunity door for a child, like my uncle and brother did for me, you are creating endless possibilities for that child.”

Farah was encouraged by the level of support Starbucks provides partners who wish to volunteer. She began tutoring young Somali-American children at local schools in Seattle. Soon, she was using her vacation time to return to Somalia and help educate kids there as well.

Today, sixteen years later, Farah is poised to do what her uncle and brother did so many years earlier – pull children out of poverty and provide them with an education.

Teaching Somali YouthIn 2008, Farah joined three

like-minded Somali Americans to start the Karin Foundation, a nonprofit that supports education for underprivileged children in Somalia. The foundation re-opens schools, provides supplies, pays teacher salaries and sustains classrooms in small remote villages.

“Educating kids who live a nomadic lifestyle is challenging,” said Farah. “Families move around so frequently that it’s hard for kids to continue with their schooling. We just want to plant educational seeds to create a glimmer of hope for these kids.”

The Karin Foundation began its most ambitious project in 2014, by developing the Burao Academy of Science and

Technology, one of the first science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) co-ed boarding schools in Somalia. The school’s main goal is for every student to graduate and either pursue higher education or build a successful vocation in the country.

“My passion for Burao Academy’s mission is, of course, deeply rooted in my background,” she said. “I know exactly what it’s like to have no future or opportunity because it did not exist for me and my family for a very long time. Burao Academy will provide opportunities for young people who would otherwise face a lifelong cycle of illiteracy and poverty.”

The Karin Foundation has raised $150,000 of the total

$500,000 needed to complete the school. Although all funds have yet to be secured, the project kicked off in February 2015, starting with the construction of a wall to secure school grounds. The school is scheduled to open in September 2016.

“At Starbucks, we go into communities around the world and open stores that make a difference and uplift the people in these neighborhoods,” said Farah. “I’m inspired by what we do. I work for a company that breaks barriers every day. You can’t ignore that, it becomes part of you. I see first-hand how Starbucks creates jobs and opportunities for people and I know how important it is for me to do the same back home in Somalia.”

Kulan Dhaqaale loogu Yaboohay Isbitaal loogu Magac-daray Jaalle Siyaad oo lagu Qabtay OHIO

life as a Somali Nomad Motivates Starbucks Partner to Help Children

Qore: SIyad SaId SalaH, tusmo times

Source: Starbucks Newsroom | photo by kris Brooks Photography

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