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TUNDRA BIOME Al John S. Timogan Patrisse Bea D. Prospero John Ray L. Tan

Tundra Biome

Nov 18, 2014




i ddnt include the food web. it doesn't matter anyway..
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Page 1: Tundra Biome


Al John S. Timogan Patrisse Bea D. Prospero John Ray L. Tan

Page 2: Tundra Biome

The Tundra Biome

At the northernmost limits of plant growth, and at high altitudes just below areas covered permanently with ice and snow is the TUNDRA (from the Russian word for “marshy plain”). The tundra is the simplest biome in terms of species composition and food chains. The tundra biome is restricted to the high latitudes of the northern hemisphere in a belt around the Arctic Ocean. Many of its species, both plant and animal, have circumpolar distribution areas.

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Types of Tundra Biome

Arctic Tundra - located in the northern hemisphere, encircling the north pole and extending south to the coniferous forests of the taiga. The arctic is known for its cold, desert-like conditions. The average winter temperature is -34°C (-30° F), but the average summer temperature is 3-12°C (37-54° F) which enables this biome to sustain life. A layer of permanently frozen subsoil called permafrost exists, consisting mostly of gravel and finer material.

Alpine Tundra - located on mountains throughout the world at high altitude where trees cannot grow. The nighttime temperature is usually below freezing. Unlike the arctic tundra, the soil in the alpine is well drained.

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Characteristics of TundraTundra is the coldest of all the biomes. It isnoted for its:

frost-molded landscapes - usually referred to as the permafrost, continuously frozen ground. The depth of the permafrost ranges from a few meters to nearly 1500 m (5000 ft) in northern Siberia. The permafrost prevents the roots of plants from penetrating very far into the soil.

little precipitation - receives less than 10 inches of precipitation yearly.

extremely cold climate - fierce winds blow while snow and ice cover the ground. Even the sea freezes as the temperature gets colder. The tundra has a short summer that lasts from May to July.

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Low biotic diversity

Simple vegetation structure

Energy and nutrients comes in the form of dead organic materials

Large population oscillations

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Vegetations in Tundra Arctic Moss - is an aquatic

plant found growing on the bottom of tundra lake beds and in and around bogs and fens. The Arctic Moss has adapted well to its cold climate. When it is not growing, it stores nutrients so new leaves can be made quickly next spring. The more leaves the more they can photosynthesize. It has adapted to the incredibly strong winds because it grows near to the ground. Because it can grow under water it is protected from the drying winds and cold, dry air of the frozen tundra. Its long life and slow growth are probably adaptations to the short growing season and the cold.

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Bearberry is a low growing evergreen. It has a stem that rises 2-8" off the ground and is covered in a thick bark and fine silky hairs. Since bearberry is a low growing plant it can stay out of the wind chill. It's fine silky hairs also help to keep it warm. Leathery leaves are also an adaptation to the cold of the tundra.

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Arctic Willow

Arctic Willow is 15-20 cm in height. The Arctic Willow or Rock Willow has made many adaptations to the cold climate of the North American tundra. In its strongest growth season the Arctic Willow forms a pesticide to keep insects like the Arctic woolly bear away. It has also adapted to the permafrost by growing a shallow root system. The leaves of the Arctic Willow have also adapted to the cold weather by growing long fuzzy hairs.

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Pasque Flower

Pasque flower is a pretty tundra plant. The Pasque flower has several stems that rise 6-8 inches off the ground. The Pasque flower, like all tundra plants, grows low to the ground to keep out of the cold climate. It is also covered in fine silky hairs, which help insulate it.

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Animals in Tundra Arctic Fox - the Arctic fox

(Alopex lagopus) makes its home in small burrows in frost-free ground, often in low mounds, or in rock piles. The Arctic fox has adapted to its environment by growing long fur that changes color with the season for camouflage. It tends to eat whatever is available. Its movements are stealthy due to lack of cover on the tundra. Its legs, ears, and muzzle are short to conserve heat, and uses its tail like a muffler when cold.

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Caribou The caribou is actually a

large member of the deer family. They are well adapted to living on the tundra. Their large, spreading hooves support the animal in snow in the winter and marshy tundra in the summer. Caribou are also great swimmers and use their feet as paddles. They can also lower their metabolic rate and go into a semi-hibernation when conditions get very harsh.

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Polar Bear Polar bears adapt very well

to the cold. The polar bear has a thick layer of blubber around 4.5 inches thick. That and the hollow shafts of their hair provides them with excellent insulation. This allows them to handle temperature of -34°F. Their ears and tail are very short so they don't lose any heat through them. They have a very good sense of smell. Their necks are longer than other bears to keep their head above the water when they swim. They have strong legs and partially webbed front feet to help them swim.

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Snowy Owl The snowy owl can see its

prey with both eyes at once, like humans. Their eyes take up more space in the skull than the brain. The snowy owls hearing is very sensitive and they can pinpoint voles and lemmings under deep snow. Their wings are long and broad, which allow it them fly close to the ground to catch its prey. Claws are long, curved and needle like. They act like weapons for catching and killing its prey.

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Ermine The Ermine lives in

northern biomes such as taigas and tundras. The Ermine’s paws have claws which enables it to dig. The front feet are smaller than the back which helps it fit into small, tight spaces. The coat of the ermine changes with the seasons and camouflages it from predators. In winter the ermine's coat is white blending in with the snowy environment. In warmer seasons the fur turns brown again matching the color of the landscape.