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Professor Colin Crawford

Tulane Payson Center Faculty Research Overview

Nov 10, 2014



On March 4, 2013, Payson Center for International Development faculty and graduate students gathered at a luncheon sponsored by the Payson Graduate Student Association (PGSA) to present overviews of their grant-based research projects and opportunities for students.
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 Professor  Colin  Crawford  

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Child  Labor  in  West  African  Cocoa  Production  and    Other  Research    Payson  Center  for  Interna.onal  Development  Elke  de  Buhr,  PhD  

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Some  Research  Interests  • Child  labor  and  worst  forms  of  child  labor  (WFCL)    •  Child  labor  in  West  Africa,  and  worldwide  •  Child  labor  in  agriculture    

•  Forced  adult  labor  (FAL)  •  FAL  in  West  Africa,  and  worldwide  •  FAL  in  agriculture  

• Orphans  and  vulnerable  children  (OVC)  •  DRC,  Rwanda,  and  worldwide  

• Migra.on  and  human/child  trafficking  •  Mali,  Burkina-­‐Faso,  Ghana,  Côte  d’Ivoire,  Europe  

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Some  Research  Activities  •  Survey  data  collec.on  (USDOL,  UNICEF,  Fairtrade,  Reprieve,  AICF)  •  research  (USDOL,  UNICEF,  Fairtrade)  •  Monitoring  and  evalua.on  (USDOL,  UNAIDS,  UN-­‐OCHA,  Fairtrade,  AICF)  •  Data  analysis  (USDOL,  CDC,  UNAIDS,  UNICEF,  Fairtrade,  Reprieve,  NMF,  AICF)  •  Development  of  minimum  standards  (UNICEF)  •  Development  of  training  materials  (USDOL,  CDC,  World  Bank/IFC)  •  Development  of  best  prac.ce  guides  (World  Vision)    •  Capacity  building  (USDOL,  CDC)  

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USDOL-­‐Tulane  Collaboration  •  Three  contracts  with  the  US  Department  of  Labor  (since  2006)  • Major  goals:    •  the  implementa.on  of  the  Harkin-­‐Engel  Protocol    •  interna.onal  efforts  to  eliminate  the  worst  forms  of  child  labor  (WFCL)  and  forced  adult  labor  (FAL)  in  the  cocoa  growing  areas  of  Côte  d’Ivoire  and  Ghana  

•  Yearly  reports  to  the  US  Congress      

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Ongoing/Planned  Project  Activities  (2012-­‐2015)    •  Data  collec.on  in  Côte  d’Ivoire  and  Ghana:  

1.  Calculate  best  baseline  es.mates  on  the  number  of  children  working  in  the  WFCL  in  the  produc.on  of  cocoa  during  the  2008/2009  harvest  seasons    

2.  Develop  and  execute  na.onally  child  labor  surveys  during  the  2013/2014  cocoa  growing  season  in  Côte  d'Ivoire  and  Ghana    

3.  Report  on  differences  in  the  number  and  percentage  changes  of  children  working,  in  child  labor,  and  in  hazardous  work  between  the  2008/2009  and  2013/2014  es.mates    

•  Develop  and  share  public-­‐use  data  files    •  Develop  and  share  survey  and  data  analysis  manuals  •  Develop  training  materials  and  assist  na.onal  offices  in  iden.fying  and  capacity  building  

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Opportunities  for  Student  Involvement  • Research  assistants  • Work  study  • Internships?  • Other?  

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Research Partnerships���

EcoPartnership on Wetland Research (2008) US-China Energy and Environmental Technology Center (1977)

ST Hsieh

[email protected]


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Tulane and East China Normal University (ECNU) EcoPartnershipon Wetland Research


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Tulane University Center of Bioenviornmental Research (CBR, 1989) Dr. Michael Blum, Interim Director

•  Associate Professor, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

•  Eugenie Schwartz Professor of River and Coastal Studies

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Basic Research Themes: •  How do coastal marshes respond to storm


•  How do plant responses influence marsh biodiversity?

•  Do marsh plants migrate AND adapt to sea level rise?

• Marsh plants shift AND adapt to changes in salinity

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���Applied Research Themes���1. Carbon Sinks ���2. Natural Water Purification���3.Hydrokinetics���4. EcoTourisms

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US/China Energy and Environmental Technology Center (EETC)

Promote Clean Energy Exchanges between the USA (DOE) and China (MOST)

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Coal Use in the USA 1.06 GT

Mined in 25 states Generates more than 50% of the electricity

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Shale Plays in the USA���Natural Gas Boom (2010)

Fracking Technology Shale Gas (LNG export)

Gas Liquids Shale Oil

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US Becomes Energy In-Dependent������

Domestic: CNG/LNG for transportation���

International: US exports LNG ������

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Feb. 1, 2013���A Concept Paper was submitted to USAID: ���US-China supports

Clean Development in Africa

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Research  among  Vulnerable  Popula3ons  in  Rwanda  

Bridget  Lavin  Research  Assistant  Professor  

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CARE  Interna3onal  in  Rwanda  

•  Previous  evalua3ons/assessments  – HIV  case  management    – Mentoring  of  vulnerable  children    – Gender  based  violence  monitoring  

•  Previous  placements  of  Tulane  students  – Mapping  community  services  – Developing/edi3ng  training  materials  – Organizing  qualita3ve  data  collec3on  

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CARE  Interna3onal  in  Rwanda  •  Ongoing  evalua3ons  – USAID-­‐funded  Child  survival/early  childhood  development  

•  Baseline  conducted  in  2011  •  Midterm  and  End  of  Project  assessments  •  Mixed  methods    –  Surveys  of  mothers  – Anthropometric  data  from  children  –  Surveys  of  community  health  workers  –  In-­‐depth  interviews  with  key  stakeholders  

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Global  Communi3es  (CHF  Interna3onal)  in  Rwanda  

•  Previous  assessment  – USAID/Higa  Ubeho  Baseline  Survey  

•  Previous  placements  of  Tulane  students  – Development  of  program  monitoring  tools  – Coordina3ng  Baseline  Survey    

•  Ongoing  evalua3ons  – Midterm  and  End  of  Project  assessments  

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Rapid  Assessment  of  Children  Reintegrated  from  Orphanages  into  

the  Community    

•  5  month  project  for  UNICEF  Rwanda  •  Research  ques3ons:  – What  are  the  strengths  and  weaknesses  of  various  methods  to  close  Rwanda’s  orphanages?    

– What  are  the  outcomes  of  children  reintegrated  into  the  community  from  orphanages  using  various  methods?  

•  Methods  – Quan3ta3ve  surveys  – Qualita3ve  in-­‐depth  interviews  –  Record  reviews  

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Rapid  Assessment  of  Children  Reintegrated  from  Orphanages  into  

the  Community    •  Poten3al  opportuni3es  for  students  – Literature  review  to  iden3fy  relevant  survey  instruments  

– Data  analysis  planning  – Development  of  data  entry  screens  – Genera3on  of  tables/graphs  for  final  report  

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Other  Poten3als  (not  in  Rwanda)  

•  World  Vision  – Evalua3on  of  WV  Development  Approach    

•  Heartland  Alliance  – M&E  for  Most  at  Risk  Popula3on  Projects,  Nigeria  

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A’s  &  Aces  –  Payson  Center  Project  Anna  Monhartova  

•  A’s  &  Aces  and  partnership  with  Tulane  •  Project  objec8ves  (M&E)  •  Impact  •  Opportuni8es  to  get  involved:  

Programma8c  and  administra8ve  (AmeriCorps  and  private  corps,  volunteer  posi8ons)    

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Embrace  or  reject?  

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Social  innova2ons  

Ethical,  scalable  solu/ons  to  our  most  pressing  social  challenges  at  the  intersec2on  of  business,  nonprofit,  government    h;p://  •  ESRC/DFID  “Development  

Fron2ers”  •  USAID  DIV  •  h;p://


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Kakichuma  cellphone  &  gardens  

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Follow  up    •  Kenya-­‐based  fieldwork  

•  Social  entrepreneurship  in  New  Orleans  &  at  Tulane  

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Challenges  to  the  Liberal  Paradigm  Dr.  Stanley  Samarasinghe