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Thursday 19 th March 2015 The guiding principle for Port Fairy Consolidated School is to provide a high quality education for all students and an opportunity for all students to grow to their full potential creatively, socially, physically and intellectually. Our children are our future and we are honoured to be a partner in a child’s journey through life. Tuesday – Ham Salad Wrap Thursday – Sausage Rolls Principal’s Award Archie Van Engelen For making a wonderful start at Port Fairy Consolidated. 00C – Leila Gibson For using her problem solving skills when sorting out our lost jumpers. Fabulous thinking Leila!!! 00W – Lucy Sanderson For being such a happy and caring member of our class. 1/2D – Talya Yildirim For bringing fantastic ANZAC resources to help us in Inquiry Learning. 1/2A – Alec Morton For working hard to stay focused in class and always trying his personal best. 1/2T – Jed King For his hard work during Reading sessions at school and at home, well done Jed! 3/4B – Daniel Pogson For being motivated and excited by his inquiry investigations. 3/4H – Jono Taynton For outstanding commitment to his ANZAC inquiry. 4/5M – George Brayshaw For showing great leadership skills in the classroom and beyond. George has been a great representative of our school and values. 5/6D – Mitchell Sholl For being a terrific helper all day at the Moyne Athletic Sports. 5/6M – Isaac Ferguson Great persistence and determination at the Moyne District Athletic Sports. A SAFE SCHOOL - I HAVE A RIGHT TO A SAFE SCHOOL AND A RESPONSIBILITY TO HELP KEEP IT SAFE School Photo Day – Tuesday 24 th March Envelopes have gone home this week. If you wish to order a family photo, please collect a family order from the office. All envelopes must be returned with full payment prior to the day.

Tuesday Ham Salad Wrap Sausage Rolls

Feb 11, 2022



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Page 1: Tuesday Ham Salad Wrap Sausage Rolls

Thursday 19th March 2015 The guiding principle for Port Fairy Consolidated School is to provide a high quality education for all

students and an opportunity for all students to grow to their full potential – creatively, socially, physically and intellectually.

Our children are our future and we are honoured to be a partner in a child’s journey through life.

Tuesday – Ham Salad Wrap

Thursday – Sausage Rolls

Principal’s Award – Archie Van Engelen

For making a wonderful start at Port Fairy Consolidated.

00C – Leila Gibson

For using her problem solving skills when sorting out our lost jumpers. Fabulous thinking


00W – Lucy Sanderson

For being such a happy and caring member of our class.

1/2D – Talya Yildirim

For bringing fantastic ANZAC resources to help us in Inquiry Learning.

1/2A – Alec Morton

For working hard to stay focused in class and always trying his personal best.

1/2T – Jed King

For his hard work during Reading sessions at school and at home, well done Jed!

3/4B – Daniel Pogson

For being motivated and excited by his inquiry investigations.

3/4H – Jono Taynton

For outstanding commitment to his ANZAC inquiry.

4/5M – George Brayshaw

For showing great leadership skills in the classroom and beyond. George has been a

great representative of our school and values.

5/6D – Mitchell Sholl

For being a terrific helper all day at the Moyne Athletic Sports.

5/6M – Isaac Ferguson

Great persistence and determination at the Moyne District Athletic Sports.


School Photo Day – Tuesday 24th March

Envelopes have gone home this week. If you wish to order a family photo, please collect a family order from the office. All envelopes must be returned with full payment prior to the day.

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PRINCIPAL’S COLUMN- MATERIALS AND SERVICES CHARGES At Port Fairy Consolidated School Council we are committed to maintaining quality programs, which are accessed by all students at a minimal cost and I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the efforts of our school community to support our school with prompt payment of their individual parent contributions. These parent contributions contribute to ‘Essential Education Items’, which include stationery, text books, classroom materials, ICT support materials, visual/performing arts resources, physical education equipment and for students in years 4 to 6, requisites for the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program. This is a good news story that once again demonstrates the exceptional qualities of our positive and enthusiastic school community. Thank you also to the School Council, Parents & Friends Group, and the Folk Festival Committee for their ongoing support and fundraising efforts. NORTH OVAL RE-SURFACE

Last week we had the oval on the north side of the school scraped and re-sown. We are hoping that we can

establish an even surface that will be more suitable for ball games. It is now a matter of keeping it moist and

hoping for some decent rain.


Congratulations once again to the students who represented our school at the regional swimming sports in

Ballarat last Friday. By all accounts it was a great day and despite the chilly conditions much fun was had by all

involved. Thanks to the parents who transported students and helped on the day.


On Wednesday we sent a team of over forty students to compete in the ‘Moyne District Athletic Sports’. The

students were selected after their performance at our house athletic sports in February. A big thank you to

Deanne Elliot for her district coordination of this event! As we are the host school it has meant many hours of

administration work for Deanne. Thank you also to Jill Gibson for running the canteen and to all parents who

assisted with this event. A great school community effort!


Please take note that our annual ‘School Photos day’ will be held next Tuesday, March 24. It would be much

appreciated to see all students shining and in full uniform.


Our eight new air conditioners have now been installed and are ready to go. A big thank you to Sean Spence for

donating his time to complete the electrical work and to our Folk Festival Fundraising for supporting this project!


On Friday, March 27 (last day of term) all of our students will be attending a movie at the Port Fairy Cinema. The

movie is called ‘Paper Planes’. We ask all students to pay $2, with all proceeds going to Belfast Aquatics. A very

worthy community facility!


On Tuesday we had the pleasure of hosting a visit from two Geelong footballers. Thanks to the Geelong Football

Club for arranging this event. Many autographs were signed!


Our junior fundraising team, headed by Xavier Cassidy are organising a ‘Wear Your Footy Colours (or soccer, or

rugby, etc) Day, to be held on Friday, March 27. This is the last day of term and the eve of the AFL season. Gold

coin donations will be gratefully accepted and given to a local charity.


Last Tuesday twelve students attended the Warrnambool Art Gallery to view the Renaissance exhibition, ‘From

the Sacred to the Profane’. Many thanks to Agostina Hawkins for her assistance and knowledge and to our

wonderful art teachers Jenny McCarthy and Maree Stewart for their organisation and enthusiasm! The

exhibition showcased work from the National Gallery’s collection, featuring pieces from Rubens and Durer.


Don’t forget to ‘have a go’ at our weekly ‘Numeracy Problem’ in today’s newsletter. Winners to be announced at

Monday’s assembly. Thanks again to Mr Twycross for organising this.

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Fresh Fruit Friday Roster for Friday 20th March

Kym Huggins & Debra Inns


Thank you to Jade King, who admirably represented our school at last

weeks inter-school equestrian competition. Well done Jade!


Last night we held our Annual General Meeting and our March meeting of

the Port Fairy Consolidated School Council. I would like to take this opportunity

to welcome new councilors; Judi Fitzgerald, Dominique Quirke, Seona Dance,

Adison Cognian, Tracy O’Connell and Emily Clark. Some of the items reported

on and/or discussed were: School Governance, NAPLAN results and our upcoming school review. Thank you

to everyone for their attendance. The next meeting is on Wednesday, May 20, at 7pm.


This year we will be recognising our best bus travellers with a weekly award. This award will be nominated by

Mr Matt Hoey and it will be given to those students who contribute to the safety, comfort and well-being of

their fellow passengers. Congratulations to Harriet Tweedly and Shona Martin who received their awards at

last Monday’s assembly. Well done Harriet and Shona!


Each week we recognise a student with good food for lunch that is packed in a way that reduces our rubbish.

Each of these students receives a free lunch from our school café as a prize. The winners for the last two

weeks, as announced at Monday’s assembly, were Jack Perrin and Jorja Edwards. Congratulations Jack and



‘We aim for every child to be the best that they can be – without exception!’


Regards, Mark

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Every Tuesday

Walking School Bus

from Elizabeth Street,

followed by Breakfast

Club in the Café .

Every Thursday

Walking School Bus

from Elizabeth Street,

followed by Breakfast

Club in the Café.

Friday 20th March

Regional Tennis

Tuesday 24th March

School Photos

Tuesday 24th&

Wednesday 25th March

5/6 Dinners

Thursday 26th March

District Athletic Sports

Friday 27th March

Whole School to see

“Paper Planes”.

Last Day of Term One

Dismissal at 2.30pm.

Monday 13th April

First Day of Term Two

May 12th, 13th & 14th

NAPLAN Testing

Friday May 15th

School Cross Country

Friday May 22nd

Moyne Cross Country

Homeroom Happenings

Prep’s – This week we have been continuing our work on the

word 'went' and the letter 'W'. We have also been building our

stamina in Read to Self. Can you believe we are up to reading

for 4 minutes independently! In Numeracy we are continuing to

work on recognising numbers in different ways, such as

recognising the number in dot form, as a numeral and on a tens


1/2’s - ANZAC Inquiry is our focus for Reading and Writing. This

will include a trip to the Port Fairy War Memorial. In Maths we are

focusing on place value and understanding about 100’s, 10’s

and 1’s.

3/4’s –The end of the battle with addition is in our sight.

Number lines and formal addition has been conquered, but the

Generals have reported that it won’t be the last combative

encounter of its kind. In Reading we have been able to link

something to the wider world by making a connections with

television, the internet, newspapers or magazines. Fictional

narratives are now the focus for Writing. It has been fun building

a character and developing their traits, personality and

appearance - ‘King Malcom was fat and greedy. He wore

thongs, a purple cape and loved his golden toilet’ Can you

picture him in your head?

4/5M – Again it has been a busy week. The grade fives have

been working closely with 5/6M and 5/6D to prepare for the

dinners next week.

We were very lucky to have many of our students represent

our school at the Moyne Athletics on Wednesday.

In Reading we have begun our paper chain of prior

knowledge. We have been able to relate to self, text and world.

We are continuing our narratives and turning these into picture

story books. And in Maths we are learning new games to help us

with addition and strategies.

Mrs Green has been helping us learn about ANZAC and

Gallipoli and we are looking forward to our ANZAC

Commemoration day at school on 24th April.

5/6’s - 5/6 have enjoyed listening to the final chapters of our

class book 'Gallipoli'. Their knowledge and ability to identify with

the main character (Victor) enabled them to write a Portrait

Poem from Victor's perspective in the trenches. The poems are

amazing! Every class member has done an amazing job. We will

complete publishing them this week for all to share. We are now

preparing for our class dinners next Tuesday and Thursday so

much multiplying of recipes as we are expecting 80 guests on

each night!

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Student name, class and day of order –

Student/s Class Tuesday Thursday

Café Lunches for next week are:

Tuesday – Ham Salad Wrap

Thursday – Sausage Rolls

Orders can be placed at the office up until 9am on the day at a cost of

$5 per child, which includes a piece of fruit at snack time and a

delicious home made meal, with a treat at lunchtime.

Show & Tell .... with Scott Twycross The best advice I ever received was….to be nice to your mother.

The most important things I take into the classroom every day are……JoJo my toy Gorilla,

his great at keeping an eye on the classroom, my whiteboard markers and my sense of humor.

The most important lesson I've been taught by students is…..patience and understand that

everyday is a new day.

The most memorable moments in my teaching career is … anytime I take students on camps

or excursions. It's great when students get to experience new environments and learning


If I had a magic wand I would…..create more National Parks.

Two Geelong players, Jackson

Thurlow & Tom Read spent time

with our children on Tuesday.

Meals on


Once again PFCS

is contributing to

this invaluable

service. We are

now seeking

volunteers to assist

with this program

in the second

week of Term 2.

Please leave your

name at the

office, if you are

able to help.

Consolidated Challenge



On Sunday Katie was given one marble. For

every day after Sunday Katie received 2

marbles. By Friday how many marbles will

Katie have?

How many marbles will she receive in a week?

Update Kitchen

Garden News While Melissa is on leave

for Term 2, Trudy Rickard

will take over the position

in the Café -(Trudy is a

former parent and

previous Assistant in the

Kitchen Garden program).

For our dinners next week,

we would greatly

appreciate donations of

any of the following:

Filo Pastry, Lamb (shoulder

or leg), Chicken Thighs,

Eggs or Spinach.

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Physical Education Congratulations to Mitchell Sholl and Tenae Mounsey

for their amazing efforts and sporting attitude to participate

in the Division Tennis Championships in Tennis last Thursday.

Congratulation also to our swimmers who travelled with their

dedicated family and friends to Ballarat last Friday to compete

at the Regional Swimming Carnival. It is great to see our Port

Fairy students training, qualifying and competing at higher

levels in sport. Well done!

Our Moyne Athletic Sports Carnival was held yesterday and

I will let you know all the results in next week’s newsletter, but

here is one “sneak preview”! … Deanne Elliott

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Port Fairy Playgroup Attention babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers of

Port Fairy (and Parents/Carers!!): you are invited to come along to the…

Port Fairy Playgroup On Wednesday the 15th of April (the first

Wednesday of Term 2 and every Wednesday during school terms thereafter)

From 9.30 to 11.30 am At the Port Fairy Community Services Centre

Please bring a piece of fruit to share and a gold coin donation.

If you have any questions, contact Brooke on 0437002624 or Virginia on 0412354536.

Robins School of Dancing

2015 Term 2 Port Fairy

Hi my name is Riahna Byron I am the new at teacher at The Robins

School of Dancing Port Fairy branch.

I have been dancing and doing calisthenics for 17 years and have

been teaching for the last 8 years. Dancing in Melbourne and South

Australia, I am also a qualified acrobat’s teacher and excited to be

incorporating this into the Port Fairy School. I will be teaching ballet,

tap, jazz, hip hop song and dance as well as Acrobatics in all classes at

all levels and ages.

New Night !! Friday Night and new venue!!

Dancing will be commencing in term 2 at the senior citizens hall in

Barclay Street from 4pm every Friday night.

If you are interested in dancing with us in Port Fairy please give me a

call on 0481392250 or Helen Hadden 0438622917 for further

information or to book your class.

This is an exciting year ahead and I look forward to you joining us!

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