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pAfirc \:mm TTTK onnioNsntmrt ATKVANVE AND ST. T,A W TIF.NOTC WEEKLY DEMOCRAT * TIIITISDAY, JANUARY 6, 1021 NEWS OF MADRID, LISBON WADDINGTON and VICINITY =0 Ob.iuarlea, Nut only oh e ditt tug the dudhluy H ., ion did (hi* angel messenger visit Mud rid, but t»r\*M Mint'.* he came, bea:' .g iwce in ihn bright, iNNiuHfui tit.yoh.1 wher;f;y;;/^;;-"^;' l ; (l 'f;i «;„.;;; ,;,i; u v;;: Card tf Thanks.*"" W* deeply appviTluio and tdncere- ly ihnnk all friends and neighbors for I heir many kindly intentions during the Itlhoss of ollr beloved father, and Mr. Mr. and and Mia. Mis, II. V II Curtis and family, U. 8iuart and family. all sorrow and suffering ceases and llts* wetuy ntVnt r«nt; Mis, Mary Wat- son, fteorge W. Ill unit nttd Richard ftargtatre. Mary Thompson Walton. Thv detested Has born lit H<<U- tftnd Pvccmber I*, IsUM, eldest child of Uohert Thompson and Ann Hylvla Archer Thompson. When she was seVMI years of age her parents came front Scotland to New York atale and settled on a fat in in the town of t,ou Isvlllo whete practically all her early life was spent. Win n about 26 years of age she was united in marriage to Jainsi L. Watson Just pievlnu* fo his depaKUiM as a soldier Hi the rlvll war. Following his dlsrhuigc from service they resided on a fat in at Madrid, lat- er going lo Louisville. Mi. Watson passed away *lu»M an year* ago and Mrs, Watson stilt continued to lestde on the faint at Louisville until three years ago when she eaiue lo Madrid In rsnide With her niece, Mrs. Nell Kernuit. Hhe had always enjoyed good health and was a very active per- son but of a quiet loving nature, slo> was a tuetttbt-r or the Presbyterian church at LouUvllle and coturn* tided highly *« a wotmtii of excellent qu.tli Ilea of heart and mind. Last July she sustained an attack of heart trouble and slhtv thai time has been gradually falling In health, itl'hiugh he- Innate i ambition kept her from retm.iiiihg In bed until two 01 line* dayn before she passed awa> at 10 o'clock a. m. December 12), tltuo. She la survived by two hah sisters, Mis. Levi Power of Louisville and Maigmet A. Thompson of Flackville atvl a half brother, .fas. Thompson of Flackville, beaides nephews and Pieces, funeral ohm*' tittle* Were held Huuday with Jusi a prayer at the hone of her niece, Mrs. Kantian, by Hev Isaac Ateetisou. pus- tm of the i'ongieguilonal church of Madrid, when the remains were taken lo Lnulsvllla and services held at the 1'n :.byiei Ian chuich, her pastor, Rev. Oraggs. officiating. Two Intimate, friend*, Mis. .1. P. O'Urinn and Miss, Malelle M. ffutllvan, sang two hymn-*. Miss Lucille fl'tlilau accompanist. The, bearers were her two nephews, Uohert Puwer, Mlnard Tower and two near friends, Ova fluilbuit and Walter F. | Wlllsoii. Burial In the family pl,it bsslde her hUnband In Louisville M. K.' oemwtory. 0, W. •tuarl. * j fleorge WaKhiOgtoli StUarl, fifth sotl of flsmge W. and Abigail Cud worth Stuart, was bom at lleektuatttown, N. Y, October 10, Uau. Ills early life wua spam In the vicinity of Co)tun, »-d mw'Sd In Union Free ami select siluKd. Me received a teacher's stale (NPitlmtate and was employed many ytars as macber ni Colton and vicin- ity. May L 1Mb, he was united In marriage to Luclnda F. tlumam or llolton, Ma«e. To them two children were born, Arthur O. of Cotton and Jennie L., Mis ft. (I. Curtis of Mad- rid. Deceased w.i* u member or Co. W, Mid Ueglmeni, New York Infantry. Ill the civil war, b«dng honorably dis- charged for Inability, and since re ?mining health been carriage maker at toltun. fluting the year MM he serv- ed gs prhal* Clerk In the banking de-i 1 " u ™"r"% " V * "" ^ " ' " f t . ttgrmiMin at Albany under lion. A.l ^ » l " l, « ,, | fJi^ f "t l^,^ forton Hepburn. A memtter of High ,n * oni? u hH * Uvvlx H « ,rttl 8 Kails Malonlc Lodge No. it*, F, and A. M, serving as master for many years, Was connldeied the oldest Ma- son In lit, Lawrence county, having bvlongt}t mm* than 60 years; was al- so a ctiuilec member on Adirondack Chapter, Kan tent Nlar, serving asiheli first patron. VVa,< j u s t i c e of I he peace for ynars and prominent In public af- fairs. It I hie 1870 has been a faithful member of Colh>n M. K chuich where jto was yet ratulned as honorary trus- tee! was considered very fair and hon- orable In hts dealings with men, al- ways ready to do for humanity. Jan. !U, lUin, hts wife departed this lira and since that tithe he has practically made his home at Madrid with his daughter and hu«bund, Mr and Mrs. H. If. Curtis, who have been unrcmlt* ling with tender attentions and loving care, for he has been a very great suf- ferer for several yeais with facial neu- rntifla, the paroxysms at times almost unbearable, oilier comptlcatlonH devcl* oping causing his death Tuesday. Oec, KM, tttao, at 1:40 a. in., passing peace- fully white unconnctous. MIH son, Ar- thur Ituait, of Cotton Was atno pica- ent. Wednesday morning at 8: Si) a. m. In the presence of mends and neigh* hois tlev 0. It llarhihd, paator or the Madrid M. hi, church, conducted a brief service of acilpturc reading and Richard Harflrsvt, The dcc-taiied watt horn In the town of Waddington Heptemher 16, 1818, of Kngllsh and Hcotti^h descent, his rath- er being Huther Itargravn, born lit i dcoiland and his mother, Margaret! i Htilherford llurgrave. of Kngiinh hirih. The family numbered ten children, j among Which were two pairs or twinn' I add three Margarets fnamed SUCCCHS- ' ively following the death of each), ' William, James, flora, Margaret Hut It- ! er, Andrew and Julie (iwltiHi, Uichaid land John (twlnni, Maigaiel and Mar gurel. following the doaih many yiars ago or their aged parents, the twin b others, Hlchard and Jidm, neiihei having ever man led remain- ed on the home rami In the town id Waddington with their yoitngt'Hi sis ter Maigaret as their i fficieiu house- kieper. About ehven years ago her heatth failed and her shuer Mora, wld nw oi James 8mith vt Madrid, went to ca>e for her und following her demise, ki pi liouse fto her brothers six years. Being unable to work the rami an both giadiiali) declining In health, ttlchaid having been Injured badly by a horse, they decided to Hell the old honitnlonil. Their sister. Mrs. Dora ttmllh, Invited them to live in her home <Ui Oepot sheet, her slsier Jane mid husband, Mi. and Mrs. Andrew llalg, already iCMided. The twin broth eis Weie g.eally pleased to accept and With Mix llalg'* twin hi other An- drew and wife residing but a short distance way. They came lo Madrid April, tit to. and since that dale Mr. llalg pasM'd away In the home, also Andrew Margrave and the I wo widow ed slstern, Mr*. Hiiiilh and Mrs. llaig, ami the twin bachelor brothem. the only four survivors of tho family or ten childish, have resided togtrher. Hi nee his injury Hlchard's health has gradually railed. Last October he sus- tained a severe attack of pneumonia Which left him In such a reehle condi- tion that his mind became weakened and U WUM only with difficulty that he could frame s^ntenccH. High blood pressure, burdening of the arteries and heart trouble were 'he complication* Which resulted In h h demise Thurs- day. December 3u, 11)20, at 10; 20 p. m. The funeral services were held at tho home, (lev. Isaac ftteetison, pastor of the Madrid Congregational church, of- ficiating, Using the 33rd p?nlm for the basis or hts remarks. Mrs. J. W, Ait- chison ahd Mrs. A. It. Wears sang two familiar hymns, "I'nder His Wings'* and "Rock or Ages." The hearers were *A. h. Whitney. Kdgur and Andrew Velieh, Frederick Mesaw. Myron Mar- tin and hid ward lluihcifoyd. Hurial In ftotch cemetery Waddington. The de- ceased was of a quiet, unobtrusive, kindly nature, genial with a vein of humor wl^lch permeated cheer throughout the home where the bond of family ties was strong and he will be greatly missed by the two surviv- ing sisters, hui more especially so by the (Win brother John, who keenly feels the toss of the brother horn whom he has never before been sepa- rated and between (hem was a bond of brotherly love so strong that its surviv- ing one. II has hein a great soutve of comfort* to ttie sinters that since his ttttiess In October they huve been able to care tot htm alternately with the aid of I heir brother John without call- ing 111 outside assistance. ure before, presning toward the marl; of the prlee of (he high calling oi (Sol In Christ Jesus. ftev. and Mrs. O. tt. Hartnnd wctti )''tida.v flight to MUHM-IIU to alien i ral l>* service, which featured H suppor. social hour and program, Hev fhulund having an address. At the meeting for the election of trustees Wednesday evening, Dec. 2!», W. hi. Oailey, Stephen Merkh-y and J. It. Klsher were re-elected for the coiu- \\\g year ol 1H21. Congregational Church. Last Sunday Hev. Hteenson read Tor scripture lesnon the MiHt ejeven verses of the first chapter nt IMiillipians, choosing the ilTlli verse of the same chapter for his text, "Striving togeth- er for the faith of the Gospel." Talk to the Junior congregation on showing their colors, loyalty to (he church Hag. Ills evening discourse was based on the 8th verse of the 12th chapter of (lenesisf "He huilded an altar unto the Lord," his theme being altai build- ing. His scripture lesson was thst nine verses of lUth chapter of Genesis. Next Sunday morning communion will he observed at this church. The eve- ning se vice will he withdrawn and a unli n victory service held in the M. K. church, commemorating the first anniversary of the passing of the isth amendment, January 16. 1020. Ad- dress* s will be given by both pastors and special music rendered. Altrhlson and Mr^ and Mrs. Ouy Hnrs- ford enjoyed a i.ienlc supper uiih Mr. and Mrs. W. K. HrirTlth und daughter Margaret at their home. They passed an entertaining eveqlng watching the old year out and I he new year ill. Birth Notice. Friday, Dec. 31st, a Tourth daughter was horn to Mr. und Mrs. John Kipg The young lady weighed lo 12 pounds and Is to be named Sylvia. Guests In Town. St, John tht Baptist, tt was a source ol gtcal satisfacil m lo hotu'utrlsh and pastor that thi n» w chuieb wa:i so near complet'on that they can how hold services then*, be- ginning with midnight higli m^ofs Christinas ev.-. Leonard's mass in 11 flai W.IH r< tub red, the soloists icirg Mrs WiHiain Itiug and Miss IKitha Oaines. Ch.lrtuias masd was also sang by Mrs. King. Following this service \ was low num. Over loo received com- munlcn. Tlie altar was beautifully d'*curaled with floweis, plan:* chd ew gicctis. Tin criMdflx and missal ( b'ioK u. ed were originally used m the ! fir.41 chuich. being the only relics aav-j ed from lh« lire. ' Father .1. F. Creedon received the greatest Christmas offering ever given at Madrid. " Haturday, New Year's di'.y, low mans was celebrated at 11:30 n. m., al.-o at 8:30 a. m. Sunday, with largo attend- ance This congregation with tho aid Of l.oriowed seats Will continue here- after to worship In the new «difle\ the completion of which will continue Idly. Community Welfare Club. rip- Card of Thanks, We desire to extend our sincere thanks to all neighbors and friends for their kindly assistance during the ill- ness and death of our beloved broth* er, lo Hev. ftteenson rot his many at- tentions, to the fingers and also for (lowers sent, Mrs. Dora Smith, Mrs. Jane ftalg, John Margrave. Church Notes. OWIne service at M. K. church was observed Sunday morning by the ad* ministering of the sacrament of the Lord's Hupper by the pastor. Rev. 0. It, Hartnnd, who made very appropriate and helpful remarks, preceding It with the reading of the last supper as recorded in Matthew, 2thh chapter and 17th to 95th verses. Sunday school as Usual follewed and the officers for the year 1021 an- nounced as elected Wednesday eve* ultig, December 2ft, lOSiu; Superinten- dent, John A, Andrew; assistant su- perintendent, ft. 11. Curtis; treasurer, prayer, after Which the remains Were| Jennie, A. Uutheiford; secretary. Delia taken lo Cotton to the home of hli>L. Datley; organist, Mrs. O. R. liar* son, whkh Was also hts own old home! land; librarians, tteatrice Connor. Had* held and the funeral service was held on Thursday at I o'clock p, m., Rev. F. W. Fulton, pastor of Cotton M. K chilich, officiating. gssUled by Rev. J. M. Wat- lersoti, Kpisfop;*! cteigytnun and ft lend of the family. Rev, Full oh spoke In the highest tenita of tho deceased gnd tils work In the church. Mrs. Ful- ton gang "neautirut Isle of ftome- Wlioft" «hd "One by Oiic." Interment In Pleasant Mound cemetery, burial service being under the of the Masonic Lodge, ihu members of whtcli at tended In a body. Resides his son and daughter, the deceased Is sur- vived by three grandchildren, Mary Htuart Walterson of Washington, D. <!., Reulah Htuart or Cotton, Hltiait Ottrtla of Madrid and one great-grand* child, tittle Crandall Curtis of Madrid. A good man has gone but the influ- ence of his life) lives on and his mem- ory tenderly cherished hy friends. A good conversationally and fond of company when free from pain, ho maihi many warm fi lends at Madrid who eilend sincere sympathy lo tho bereaved family Tho Madrid relative! attended the fanerat at Cotton, r*« turning Thursday evening. win Merkley; missionary superintend cut and treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Huff- ham; aciing teachers, Rev, and Mrs, 0, R. Ilurland, John A. Andrew, Mr. ami Mrs. ft. It. Curtis and Mrs. Harry Rradley; supply teachers, Mrs. A. W. Myers, Mrs. II. F. King and all mem- bers of J, A, Andrew's class. ! The Mpworth League convened nt A.;iD o'clock Sunday evening In charge of Mrs. O. R. Harland. This society j have planned a food sate at the Curtis store Saturday afternoon of this week This club met Dec. 13th at the vil- lage home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ciuntp and family. Due to the ab- sence of Vice piesident L. A. Hydorn, II. W. Uutheiford presided. Mrs. Les- lie Joyce acted as chaplain. The pro- gram consisted of music on the Vic- trola with a geography contest ied by Margaret Thompson. Monday evening. Dee. 27lh. the Community Welfare club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hydorn. The following Christ* mas program Was rendered: Heading, Christmas, Mrs. Leon lluker; recita- tion. Miss Avis linker; reading, Tho Night Hefoie Christmas (new version), Mrs. Ida Worthing; "When the Minis- ter ('alls." Marion Oveen; recitation, Walter llydoin; reading. "Tho Yan- kee's Courtship," Hazel Rutherford; recitation, Stella Rutherford; rending, Christmas Tree, Mrs. Carl H. Ruther- ford; letter of good cheer from Hazel and Albert Fisher (Cunton). read by If. M. Thompson, HIM-rotary; Christ- mas carol, Hazel Ruthcrtord, Mrs. L. A. Hydorn. Following the program, humorous present*; were distributed from tin- Christines trie to the vaiioua ones present Iry Leni\ J. Raker, who acted as Cum a (Mans. Light refresh- ments consisting of popcorn, apples and home-made candy were served. Madrid Orange. Madrid Orange No. !>02 held a regu- lar meeting Saturday afternoon, Dec. 18th, WWthy Master Clarence J. Me* Avoy presiding. Officers for ttie en- suing year were elected as follows; Master. Clarence J. Me Avoy; overseer, Roy Ciump; lecturer, Mary K. Hrady; steward, Mrs. W. J. Urown; assistant steward, Charles Packard; chaplain, Mrs. George LaVine; treasurer, (I. M. Klllott; secretary, Mrs. W. S. Fulling- lon; Ceres, Blanche Crump; Pomona, Mrs. O. M. Flliotl; Flora. Mrs. Myron II. Fisher; lady assistant steward. Hel- en La Vine; organist, Bculah Haines; local correspondent, Mrs. C. J. Mc- Avoy; hustcc»for three years, Clar- ence McAvoy. It was decided to hold tho annual grange dinner ami instal- lation of officers at the next tegular meeting Saturday, Jan. 8th. Come out and hear the installing officer, A. 10, Hull, master ot Silas Wright Cranio, Canton, and overseer of Pomona, a young progressive granRm* from whom J we may receive the iiiHi.-irution neces- sary to make some of us realize the, Importance of our grnugn work. Do your bit. The secretary requests that all dues he in not later than Jan. 8th. Act accordingly. Gordon Flannigan of Rrldgoport, Conn., spent tin? holiday season with his children, .Margaret and George. Flannigan. at the home of their grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Adams. Monday Mr. Flannigan and daughter Margaret went t.o Maltland, Ont., remaining until Friday. Mr. Flan- nigan returned Saturday to R idgc* port where he is a draftsman and con- tractor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hesmui of Media were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George II. Adams and family. - Miss Alvilda Mat Ken/.le, who teaches in the Chambers district. Lisbon, spent her holiilay vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mactvi uzh , and family. Burton MacKenzle was the holiday guest of Uenssciaor Falls friends.-- Mr. and Mrs G. N. Coons en- teitallied New Years-Mia. Cjon's brother. Howard Baker, of Manama and their daughter Blanche of OgJ* na- hurg the week • ml. Mrs. John Wade and son Itule ol Canton visited lor uncle, William Fhher, from Wednes- day until Saturday. -Miss Jones, S. L. U., spent the weekend with her friend. Miss Mildred Lockwood.—Mr. and Mrs. P. >1. Klssano of Syracuse were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K Fishir. Mrs. Helen P. McCall mid Mrs. F. II. McCormick. -Mrs. Helen P. McCall and sons Donald and Henry cniorinincd their cjtislns. Mrs. Grace Briggs of OgdcushUig and son William of Albany New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Fisher and fnmily were gneata Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence McAvoy.-Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fiilllngioii and Wallace Brookins wero entertnined at the holm* of Mr. und Mrs. Hiram Crump Saturday evening. Harold McDonough of Potsdam ac- companied hy his cousin, Fverett Me- Doiiuugh, of Njrwood spent last week witlt his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Merkley.—Mr. ^uui Mrs. Archie Craig entertained Mr and Mrs. F. Johnson and little daughter rClizahcth or Masse na and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Blood of Potsdam for holiday guests.—Mrs. Ma- iildu Harmon of Malono has been vis- iting her sister, Mrs. John Andrew.— Alex Carblno of Tally, N. Y., was the New Vein's guest of his sister. Mrs. Jumes Gregoi. Madrid People 0*ut of Town. Mr. nnd Mrs. R. K. McKnight went Saturday to Canton to spend the Week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie It. ^mltli. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mis. George Constine, who had been at Canton during the week.- Mr. and Mid. Joseph Brady and son Har- old accompanied hy Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence McAvoy motored to Ogdensbutg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Griffith and daughter Maigaret wen? holiday ghests at a family gathering at the home of Mr. Griffith's parents at lllcli- vlllc— Miss Margaret Griffith went to- day (Monday) as a guest for a few days of Mrs. Phillips, Ogdensburg.— Several went 1'rom Madrid to Wad- dington New Year's night to witness a basketball game between Chlpmait and Norfolk teams. It was a close and In- teresting game, in favor or Norfolk.-— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gould were re- cent visitors for over-Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong at Ogdens- butg -Mrs. c. G. Hull and daughter Kva were guest.s lor IVew Year's of Mrs. Hull's brother. L. F. Whitman, and family at Ogdensburg. are Invited to come.--Miss Helen Mid- diemisa left on Thursday for Syra- euso Where she will take a business course. Prof, and Mrs. V. C. Warrtner and dnuglitej- Pauline tcturnel homo fiom Syracuse on Friday where they sp« nt a week with his mother there.— Dr. 0. P. Coleman of Madrid is here j this week doing dentist work.- Mrs. Hvillhni Davis and Kon Norman have returned lo their home near llllc.i aft- er spending several days with her par- i nts hero, Mr. ami Mrs. K. II. Patten. Miss Olive M.ddluon has returned to her school ni Ostlning nffer spend- ing the holidays hero wiih her p»r- * nts. Lester Brown and John Middle- i ton were eallora at Potsdam on Mon- day. Miss Margaret Sandeison re- turned to her school work at Conifer after spending her vacation with h«r parents, Mr. and Mrs.Otls Sanderson. .Mrs. Jane Aldrlch has moved to her new home here she recently purchas- ed. Hev. W. M. Ban went to Chip- man on Tuesday where he conducted the funeral services of Mrs. Uuthei- ford, who is the mother of Morton Rutherford.-The Lisbon Study club will meet at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lester Cleland Monday evening. Jan. 101 li. The following program will ho given; Music. Vlcirolu; roll call, to bo answered by giving a city or town beuring a Pinch name; reading of minutes; music, Vicirola; paper, "Re- lation Between Dutch and Indhins," today after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Law- rence. Miss Anna Hmiili; paper, "Social Life Cnder tho Georges." Hev. Wm. Barr; three minu:e sketch of Dutch gover- nor Winter Van Twillor, Mrs. L. F. Cleland; reading, "The Settler." Mis. Waniner. The fathers' and sons' banquet held on New Year's evo under the dlnction of the Sunday school as- sociation of the Cnited Presbyterian . und Weslryan Methodist churches of ! this village was an event long to be tenicm.iered. Much o-edit Is due to the two superintendents, C B. Wright nnd H:«y Henry, and to the various committees for caitying tt out with such marked ability. Tho banquet It- self was tine the feast of reason and the flow of soul Which followed wa<* equally fine. Over one bund ted fath- ers and sons participated In It. There was <ne disappointment In the pro- gram. Rev. Mr. Sfeenson was unable i to come but Rev. Mr. Barr spoke as a j stubstitute on the topic assigned to I Mr. Sfeenson. Everybody was univer- sally pIcnsHd*, A mothers' and daugh- ters' banquet Is now In order. May It prove to he as helpful and enjoyable.— On Tuesday evening, Jan. 4, the B. B. and P. V. B. classes of the V. P. chuich gave a supper and an Illustrat- ed Puritan lecture was given by Pr. Newell Dwighl M ill in at the comnrin- illy house, the lecture was one hour in j length and was illustrated by ftf> slides. A good crowd was In attendance. Tho second lecture will be given Feb. 1st. , David Moore met with a very pain- ; fill accident on Monday afternoon : while sawing his wood pile with his Fordson tractor, the balance* wheel bursting In several pieces. Some of ( thene pieces were found 100 feet away, some weighing 30 pounds. He was struck with one of these pieces Just be- low the knee on the back of tho leg. Dr. Cleland was called at once who said both hones Wero fractured hut would give a more thorough examina- tion when the swelling would go down. CHASE MILLS Chase Ml'ls, Jan. ft.-- A bright and happy New Year to tflie editor and the readers of the Advance. - Miss Frances Monaghan of Waddington visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Condlin Wednesday and Thursday. William Murphy was a business caller at Waddington Wed- nesday. (Mark Washburn of Macomb visited Mr. anil Mrs. John Meverly and family from Wednesday until Sat- urday. Angus Parkinson or Wadding- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Martin Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc- Knight, Mr'; and Mrs. David McKnight DU'i tained Mr. Hiid Mrs. William Bar- don. Mr. and Mrs. Column Homhough and daughter Gladys and son Harold New Year's night for supper.- Carl Thomas speni Sunday with his par- < nts. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Forbes of Crary Mills were guests of Mrs. Forbes' sister, Mrs. James Lalone, and family last week.- Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Lalone entertained the following New Year's: Mr. and Mrs. James La- lone, Mr. nnd Mrs. Maurice Lalone and childi en, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond La- lone and son Caryl. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Forbes and Miss Orpha Put man. -Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Ballou entertained Mr. and Mrs. Kdgui Walson and son Jack New Years.- Those on ihc sick list the past week are Mrs. Pavid Mc- Knight and Mrs. 11. P. Ballou, Mrs. John Meverly.--Mrs. W. J. Rcvetl and children. Harby and Ruth, will return to .their home in Fulton today after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Piter.—Mrs. Simon Plfer and son Kllsworth spent part of last week in Waddington visiting Mends. -J. K. Piter and Charles Fair- banks were in Waddington Thuisday. - Mrs. Auguna Willson spent (he past week with her # sister. Mrs. Myron Beckstead.- Our school opens today after a week's vacation. M0REY RIDGE Locale. Filday. Pec. 31st, the Borden Co. closed the milk station at Madrid and farmers are distributing their milk as best they.can- Friday evening an ex- citing game of basket hall was played at the oj;era house between Madrid town team and Norfolk team, result- ing in a score of 40 to 21 In favor of the visiting leant. The benefit picture, Madame X, featuring Paul ine Freder- ick, shown Christ mas, drew a large audience, hut owing to the high price of tho picture and expenses, the Cnit- ed Helpers netted only $10.04.--Mad- rid High school opened today (Mon- day) following the holiday vacation.— The S. L. C. students who have been enjoying tlie holiday vacation return today to Canton to resume their work at the university. LISBON Social Bvsnti. Last Wednesday evening n»u Mann entertained the Miss Km- following to increase their finances. Sunday avenlng Rev, Phillip Mnng, guests: Ptlncipal and Mrs. A. W. M. hi. pastor of Buck's Bridge and Myers, Miss Madeline Heffue, Stanley West Potsdam charges, delivered L.e Fuller of Cumberland, Maryland; Mai- sermon following the scripture tend- vinu Phillips and Fverctt McDonough tng of the first eleven verses of Iho fn* Norwood, Leon Golden. Canton, to fifth chapter of Luke and offering of a 0 o'clock dinner. Christmas decora- prayer b) the regular pastor. Rev. tions were used, tho centerpiece bo- Mung chose portions of the fourth an 1 elovtnilt verses for his text, "Laun di out Into the deep and let down your nota for ia draught." nnd "they for* sook a 1 otnd followed him." Mis theme Wal "Fishers or Men." His earnest tlncourso Was supplemented by Hev. plrland, using the words o; V i\ fn-.;|tt''ig ••••\«e thlnia v.'- 1 ?*! Ing poinsettas. Holly crepe paper lent beauty to I he color scheme. The fa- vors were cards with choice quota- tions. Place cards were used nnd an appetizing five course dinner served followed by a very enjoyable evening. Miss Phillips was the guest of .Miss Mann. -Friday evening. Dec. 31st, Hev. and Mrs. Stecnson, Dr. and Mrs. Lisbon, Jan. 3. -Miss Blanch Wright returned to her school wurfv in New Wilmington, Pa.. Saturday alter spend- ing her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wright.—Mr. and Mrs. tinrl McFadden are the proud parents of a baby boy, Donald Vincent, born Dec. Jih.-Mable Skuco returned on Monday to her school at Great Neck, L. I., alter a ten days' vacation spent with her par* nts. -Leland Austin of Hetivellon spent Saturday with Orin Baker. Mrs. George BriggB ot Og- densbutg visited her sister, Mrs. L. F. Cleland, on Wednesday.- The Misses Fnuline Warriner nnd llachel Pandy returned to Potsdam Normal on Mon- day.—Mrs. Sarah Moore is very ill and her sister. Mrs. William McGnw, is helping to care for her.—Friends here received word of the death of Mrs. Ilattle McAllister of California which occurred Pec. 2fith.~ Mr. nnd Mrs. V. A. Wallace and children. Rob«rr nnd Genevieve, are in Svrnruse visit ine Mr. and Mrs. Flmor We Usee.—Mrs. P. W. Summers and children have re- turned from Canada where thoy snent. Christmas with her rni^ent.*^— Mrs. Leheveo of PVIPPR nnd son Cd- vln of Crinndlan NnWhW^t n**p vfctiinw Mr. <nd Mrs. Will L""'"er> w^., n 1- Flnek of Oedenshiit-g vlqltr»l *"oi«,Mvno here on Wednesday.—Them ivnt hr» •» donntion for the Rev. Siimm^* T*,ootn« or the W. M. C^'U'TVI. nr>r* Fr}i1n*- night at the community house. All FLACKVILLE Flackville, Jrrn. 3 After a real old- fashioned Christ mis season and lots of smjw ai/i! co' '. we have had silfff-1 clcnt chair » of temperature to clear the groum* in places and start the au- tomobiles gain. The ("anion and Mas* I seim bus lines ar-j also in operation.— ( Christmas ex^'elses at church and schools w » well prepared and much •enjoyed, ttti . fund of twenty dollars j was raided 1 the Armenians.--Our 1 friend, J.idson Washburn, writes an in- | terestii..' accotiii» of hi^ experiences in India t s principal of the Crawford , hoys' sv' oil. He recently made a tour ! of the distric nod likens his work to thai of any m. 11 country charge. The natives » . rnxhms to leant and al- j ready } n: w tv.^ny g o s v l messages about • loril sheep and that JeSUS 'is ih> ldv-a : Instead of a heathen god.) i They *-» m-t ye» know that many of; ! the U.., .luy do are sin, and some- times lit.'.: e.o»**iings are broken up by | the Moham.r.cdans arresting them. The .-.'ac' i i«o has the language to , conquer.---Our Flackville scholars are stalling back to dgh school this morn- ing at Ogdensburg and Canton.- Wish- ing the Advance and everybody a hap- [ py New Year. * MORLEY Morley, Jan. 3.- Miss Emma Steven* •on of Ogdensburg has returned to her home here for the winter.- Mrs. Mary Morgan of Ogdensburg spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan.— Uel Kinney of North Lawrence was a giesl of Mr. und Mrs. Simon Weste- way last week.—Mrs. Sherman Mix of Syracuse spent last week with li«-r mother, Mrs. Helen Thompson.—There were no services except Sunday school at the Methodist church Sunday on account of tho lllneaa of the pastor, Rev. C. E. Hill.—Miss Eleanor Farm- er it.ivcs this moaning for Houghton Seminary; Miss Alys Finnimore for Montclair, N. J., to resume her school duties, and Miss Dorothy Jones for Port Chester.- Mrs. George Collins and children ol Canton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles With- erliee, last week.—Schol opened here this morning after one week's vaca- tion.- Among those who have gener- ously donated books to the Hepburn branch library here are Mr. and Mrs. William Pandy, Miss Inez Pandy and Mrs. Maty Morgan of Ogdensburg, Mrs. Frank Fleming of New York, Miss Janet Scruton of Montclair, N. J., Wil- liam Ties wick, Mrs. Davidson and Miss .fano Wright of Mormon. Mrs. Eliza- beth Smith of Saranac Lake, Mrs. lieu- hen Morgan of Norfolk, Mrs. Hoy Bas* ford of PeGiasse, Mrs. Proctor Jewell and Mrs. W. O. Goodison of Gouver* neur, Miss Cnu Dandy of Carthage und Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Ornuin of Northboro, Mass.—Canton High school students returned to theli school du- ties this morning after two weeks' va- cation.—Miss Mollie Lawrence returns to St. Joseph's academy, Brasher Falls, Morey Ridge, Jan. 2.- The oyster supper und entertainment at Hie school house Wednesday night was a grand success financially and socially. - William Exelby is very sick with tonstliijs. His many friends hope fo' a speedy recovery.—Mr. and Mis. II. J. Haiper of Potsdam and family spirit New Year's with Mr. and Mis. Aaron McCready and family.-—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McBath attended the oyster supper at the school house Wednes- day nigh*.—Peter Burnaide und sister, Jennie, wero in Ogdensbutg Wednes- day. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Todd and son Glen spent Thuisday evening at William Jordan's.— Mrs. Jennie Law- rence entertained Mr. and Mrs. Thom- as Lawrence and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Shomway and little son and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Spear Christinas. - Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong spent Christmas Willi Mr. und Mrs. Wilber Armstrong.—Pupils who spent their vacations With their parent a are the Misses Vera and Irtne McBath of the O. F. A., the Misses Heatha and Gladys Armstrong of Madrid High school, Vaughn McCready of Canton High school and Floiu Burnslde of the (). F. A.- Ethel and Vaughn McCready and Ersel and Ruth Harper went to Canton Sunday. -It Is with much sor- row that we chronicle the death of Mis. Haltic McAlester, who died in California and wm laid to rest on Christmas day.- Aaron McCready and family spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sanderson.- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Exelby and son Mar- old s|.ent Christ mas with William Ex- elhy j»nd family. WADDINGTON Waddington, Jan. 3.— Ralph Orlffln of Syracuse spent a 'few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. GrlfTin.-Mr. and Mrs. William McKay spent Christmas with rela- tives in Canton.- George Dickson of New York spent the past week with IIIH mother, Mrs. W. S. Dickson.—Mrs. George C. Wilson Is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. John Wright, In S y r a c u s e - Frank Murphy spent last week In Mas- sena with frtends.- Thomas Oliver and son Alexander and Miss Oliver were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oliver in Chateaugay Christmas day. Mrs. Robert Shaver of West Stock- holm was called here last week on ac- count of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Thomas White, who suffered a se- vere attack with her heart last Tues- day. She Is better nt this writing.— Miss Hough visited relatives In Pulas- ki Christmas—Prof, and Mrs. Hoy ft. Wilson left Friday for their home in Brooklyn Hftcr spending ten days with relatives { n town.—Mrs. Carl Martin and little daughter have returned from a visit with relatives in Ogdensburg.— Prof, and Mrs. John Sweet have re- turned to their home In Canton nfter spending the holidays with Pr. and Mrs. F. A. Sweet.- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carruthors have it son, William Wat- son, which arrived Pec. UOih, 11120.-- Mrs. W. W. Fulton hud the misfortune to fall while going downstairs. She was bruised somewhat but no bones were broken. Her daughter. Mrs. J. W. Hatch, tell on the Ice last Monday and broke her left arm. Dr. Sweet was called and set the arm. Both la- dles are doing nicely. Their many friends will bo sorry to leain of their accident.—The following teachers have returned to their schools after ten days Christinas vacation; Misses Bes- sie .Murphy, Newark; Julia McGinn, Jefferson Manor; Helena O'Brien, Three Mile Buy; Mary Gorman. Mad- lid; Stella Gorman, White Plains; Loulso Shaver, bergenfleld, N. J.; Bes- sie Wright, Plalnfleld, N. J.; Eunice Crapaer, Brooklyn; Blanche Macdon- aid. Watertown; Louise Murphy. Chase Mills; Margaret Montgomery, Masse- na; Mat ion Forsythe, Potsdam Nor- mal; Mabel Griffin, Lyon Mountain; Florence Martin and Ethel Campbell, lllon, and Earl Montgomery, Moosick Falls; also the following students have returned to their schools: Richard Gorman, Ann Arbor Dental college; Loren Mulloy, Potsdam Tech.; Misses Hazel Taylor, Dorothy Forsythe, Uulh and Edith Rutherford, Potsdam Nor- mal. -Miss McMonagle of CantoiTspent the past week with Mrs. William Mc- A MARVELLOUS In One Month/f niif-a-tires" Gave Complete Relief 668 FIRST AVB., TBOY, N. Y X "I have been a great sufferer for years with Kidney Trouble and Loruiipaiion. I tried Truit-a-tiveV about a month ago, and with almost Jmraediale results. The Kidney Trouble has disappeared and tho Constipation is font leaving mc". IIEXRY DATEIt. 'Fruit • n • tlvcs', or Fndt Liver Tablets, the medicine made from fruit juices and valuable totuu, is doing u woudciful work ia LnajiDg health to sick people.>o% # <)fof |2.50, trial i»«o 20c. At<L.:lcr ft or Lorn I ICLMTATIVES Limited OGPEXfcbUKG. K. Y. Kay.—Mis. John <R. Wright of Byra cuse Mpent last week with her moth-t er, Mrs. George C. Wilson. -Stewart | l^egan and Jack Moore have teturncd, lo Nit guia Falls after spending a; week with relatives In town. -Mr. and j Mrs. Psvld McKnighi, Mr. and Mrs. Si-| mon Phlfer and son Ellsworth, all of Chase Mills, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor Christmas day.— ( Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whaleu spent; Christinas in Louisville the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whalen. —Miss Carrie Chamberlain has returned toj her home In New York after a week's visit with her mother. MIH. A. L. Cham- berlain.—Herbert Hatch. Ernest Bero and William Forsythe of Masxena spent the weekend with relatives in town.—Mr. and Mrs. Seward Crap?er iriuined Wednesday to their home in itrookline, Mass.. after spending a week with Miss Crapser.— Mias Luella Montgomery of Syracuse university spent tho weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Montgomery. | Miss Maud Montgomery, who has been, ill with pleurisy the paio two weeks at j Watertown, has recovered and came; Friday to remain awhilf at her homer here. Her many friendb will be pleas- ed to know she has rtt-ovcred from her illness.—Mrs. James O.'fihort has' returned from a month'* vitdi with her. sister In Corrunnu, Mich.-Mr. and | Mrs. Zlna Adam* of Norfolk \ inlted rel- atives in town last week. -Mrs. Wil- liam fl Summers nnd John Murphy j have been veiy ill with grip, but are belter; also Mr. and Mrs, Clarence L. Montg:>meiy and son Earl have been ill with grip but they also are recover- ing. -The young people held a dance in the town hall last Tuesday evening. MeGee's orchestra of Massena fur- nibbed the music. About 40 couples were present. Coffee, sandwiches cake and doughnuts were served at midnight. A ^evy nice time U report- ed.—A watch meeting was hold in the Methodist church Friday evening, ser- vice beginning at 9 o'clock. At 10 o'clock toffee and doughnuts were served and the neivices continued un- til 12 o'clock. A large number of peo- ple were preaeni; also midnight mass was celebrated in the Catholic church Friday evening. A large number at- tended. Rev. J. L. Ilent pr ached an «xcellent sermon—Mrs. Silver and children of Ogdensburg spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ValoL*. The basketball game Thursday eve- ning between Company 1 of Ogdens- burg and Waddington High school was 'won by Waddington, score 18 to 9. Fri- day evening Norwood High school heal PoNdam High. A dance was held aft- er the game, Mrs. E. .1. Hoy furnish- ing the music—Waddington High school commenced Jan. 3rd af'ei the f'hrislmas vacation of one week.— Raymond Thompson is confined to the house by illness.-Miss Frances Clark is spending a few days with friends In Massena.- The annual gathering of the Pcmbertor; families waa held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pemberloti Friday evening. Pec. 31st. Aboul 60 were present. Supper was served and a very nice time reported. Mr. and Mrs. James Pemberton enter- tained Saturday evening a number of relatives. About, thirty were present. Supper was perved and a general good time reported.—Mrs. Phi for and son Ellttworth of Chase Mills sp< nt tho past week with Mrs. Ssfford.—Wad- dington F and A. M. No. 3!»3 Install- ed the following officers at their reg- ular meeting, Pec. 22nd: W. M., Wil- liam J. Heverly; 8. \V.. William Hen- deison; J. W., John Thresher; treas- urer, David Sharpe; secretary, Hoy Henry; S. D., Arthur Hobklrk; J. D., Merritt Henderson; S. M. C . Colin Crobar; J. M. C, Pale Harper; tiler. Elton Jardlne; chaplain, Rev. C. M. Muyck; marshal. Geo. R. Wright; trustees, Fred W. Scott, Sydney Cole and Walter Shir.n. After the installa- tion refreshments were served. Dis- trict Deputy Mr. Cline of Massena in- stalled the officers. A very nice time 4a reported. LOUISVILLE Louisville, Jan. 3.—M*\ and Mrs. Lor* en Flick entertained during the holi- days her brother, Delbert Brown, of the U. S. navy and Mrs. Ludwlck of Norwood.- -Mrs. John Moran and threo children of Brasher Falls vitdted her sister, Mrs. Leo Mai tin, last week.- Miss Mabel Martin returned to her school work at Teneyck, N. J. # Sunday. —J. Ford of Brasher was a vhdtor al Thomas Carroll's for lhe weekend.— Mr. and Mrs. John O'Ncil and daugh- ter Frances of na. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lcclair of Brasher were guests last week of their parenu, Mr. and. Mrs. Joseph Barry.—Rev. Fr. Cr«edonV and P. O'Brien of Madrid were guests Friday night of Mr. and Mrs. Jam*.a M. Gaynor.—Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Keegan. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Keegan. Miss Hel- en JRuddy, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Reagan, Otis Reagan and Otis Hodge drove over to Jamos Ruddy'* Friday evening and enjoyed a visit with Mr. Ruddy's family.- Miss Anna Brennan has re- turned to her nephew's, F. J. Kee- gan's, having been al F. J. Ruddy's six months. -Miss M.* Id red Brennan and Mayland Tlernan were week-end guest* at T. E. Murphy's.-James Thompson and sister. Miss Margaret A. Thompson, of Flackville were over- night guests Sunday, Dec. 26, of their sister., Mrs. Levi Power.—Mrs. Levi Power and little granddaughter, Irene Power, apj'nt New Year's with G. M. Biowning'K family on the River road. —Students have resumed lo their re- spective schools after the vacation.— Word was received Thursday of the marriage of Miss Margaret Siagleton. a former Louisville girl, of Massena to Mr. lively of Montreal. Congratu- lations are extended.—Alfred and Ber- nard Promo visited their cousins. Mar- - ry and Mark Tie) nan, Sunday on Tier- nan Ridge, making the trip on skiis. MASSENA Massena, Jan. 4.—Mary Coons re- turned to Syracuse Monday.—Clifford Carvel spent New Year's in Potsdam the gueti of Stowell Fournier.—Mrs. Upton and daughter Chriatine and Mrs. Upton's brother, Blaire Wilcox, have returned to Jled Creek after spending a few weeks with their par- eois, Mr. and Mrs. \y. W. Wilcox.— Agnes and Eleneita Praiiie have re- turned to their home after spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. John liurke al Helena.—We are grieved to learn of the illness of Heniy McCuin of Bombay.- Among the students and young people whom we noticed homo for the holidays were Mias Jessie Put- ton of New York, N. D. McLaughlin of Cleveland, Robert Wilson, Emmett O'Neill, Leon Cline, Cyril Fulton and Ail bur Dishaw of Potsdam Tech.. An- sel Bailey, Tufts; George Wilaon of Syracuse, Doris Taylor ot Yonkei*. Ruth and Veronica Bero from New Rochelle.—Among the latest chicken- pox victims are Janet 8heets, Norma Qucnell, Lewis Pheiix and Fannie Ref- fue.-Neibon Pheiix of Fort Covington is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Phe- iix, Jr.-We are all awaiting the min- strel show which the K. of C. are to put on this month.—The Per fee ion Bakery we understand will soon be ready for the public patronage and will be located in one of the store* in White's Hotel.—We are to lose two of our fine teachers, far Miss Mary B. Snailh, kindergarten teacher ,in the new High, and Miss Mildred Dodge, principal of the Spring* school, have resigned. Out loss rs some one else's gain.—Charles Wiles accompanied his. coufdn. Alvin Mont, to his home in Syracuse for the holidays.—We are glad to see our school "maims" again tfmong us. NORTH STOCKHOLM ft may be true, as unofficial sta- tisticians assert, that there la a falling off in divorces with the fall in prices, but that will have to wait until the public recovers. Those frequent monarchist plot* in Germany are always exposed in ad- vance by Borne inconsiderate outsider, but it seema that nobody is ever pun- ished. North Stockholm, Jan. 3.—Emery Baxter was in Louisville laat week vis- iting relatives.—M. A. jS'ichols took New Year's dinner with dr. and Mrs. Ed Clujk of Moiia.-Miss Ada Strait opf-ned her school Monday after a week's vacation.- Oeorge Cramer is ill with a cold.— Delbert Baxter and Leora Nichols were gueets of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baxter of Louisville Land- ing Sunday. Schwab's Home Made a Hit. Annual Meeting. The annual meeting "for election of directors and inspectors of election of Madrid Bank and for such other busi- ness as may properly he considered, will be held at its office in the town of Madrid, N. Y. t on Tuesday, the 11th day of January, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m. Dated December 21, 1920. A. D. WHITNEY, . President. Charles M. Schwab had an old friond from Pittsburgh pay him a visit. The PennsylvarUan, a steel puddler, in leather boots, flannel shirt and a broad-brimmed felt hat. says the Phil- adelphia Ledger. Mr. Schwab person- ally escorted him through his marble palace, at Fifty-tblrd-atreet and River- side Drive, with dignified pauses be- fore the paintings and various works of art with which the interior is stud- ded. He even had his private organ- ist finger off a special program on the great organ in honor ot the viaitor. In- cidentally, Mr. Schwab's favorite mu- sical composition is "The Rosary." "What do you think of my place?" aaked the steel king when everything had been seen. Replied the viaitor: "I tell you. Char- ley, it ia one swell dump!" That reminds one of the remark of tho aged Pittsburgher on the top of a Fifth Avenue 'bus when riding past the late Andrew Carnegie's huge mar- ble residence: "Andy surely haa carved himself a mean hut." The suggestions^hat the Soviets are seeking diplomatic recognition takes no account of the fact that the Soviets most of all just now are seeking a chance to rest. s Now that photographs may be sent by wire, suspicious wlvea will have less difficulty in locating their errant husbands away on business trips. Speaking of propaganda In history, has there ever been a history that was not affected by intentional or unin- tentional biaa, national, or personal to the historian?

TTTK NEWS OF MADRID, LISBON A MARVELLOUS WADDINGTON …… · Malelle M. ffutllvan, sang two hymn-*. Miss Lucille fl'tlilau

May 09, 2020



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Page 1: TTTK NEWS OF MADRID, LISBON A MARVELLOUS WADDINGTON …… · Malelle M. ffutllvan, sang two hymn-*. Miss Lucille fl'tlilau






Nut only oh e ditt tug the dudhluy H ., ion did (hi* angel messenger visit Mud rid, but t»r\*M Mint'.* he came, bea:' .g iwce

in ihn bright, iNNiuHfui tit.yoh.1 wher;f;y;;/^;;-"^;'l;(l'f;i «;„.;;; ,;,i;uv;;:

Card t f Thanks.*"" W* deeply appviTluio and tdncere-

ly ihnnk all friends and neighbors for I heir many kindly intentions during the Itlhoss of ollr beloved father, and

Mr. Mr. and

and Mia. Mis,


II Curtis and family, U. 8iuart and family.

all sorrow and suffering ceases and llts* wetuy ntVnt r«nt; Mis, Mary Wat­son, fteorge W. Ill unit nttd Richard ftargtatre.

Mary Thompson Walton. Thv detested Has born lit H<<U-

tftnd Pvccmber I*, IsUM, eldest child of Uohert Thompson and Ann Hylvla Archer Thompson. When she was seVMI years of age her parents came front Scotland to New York atale and settled on a fat in in the town of t,ou Isvlllo whete practically all her early life was spent. Win n about 26 years of age she was united in marriage to Jainsi L. Watson Just pievlnu* fo his depaKUiM as a soldier Hi the rlvll war. Following his dlsrhuigc from service they resided on a fat in at Madrid, lat­er going lo Louisville. Mi. Watson passed away *lu»M an year* ago and Mrs, Watson stilt continued to lestde on the faint at Louisville until three years ago when she eaiue lo Madrid In rsnide With her niece, Mrs. Nell Kernuit. Hhe had always enjoyed good health and was a very active per­son but of a quiet loving nature, slo> was a tuetttbt-r or the Presbyterian church at LouUvllle and coturn* tided highly *« a wotmtii of excellent qu.tli Ilea of heart and mind. Last July she sustained an attack of heart trouble and slhtv thai time has been gradually falling In health, itl'hiugh he- Innate

i ambition kept her from retm.iiiihg In bed until two 01 l ine* dayn before she passed awa> at 10 o'clock a. m. December 12), tltuo. She la survived by two hah sisters, Mis. Levi Power of Louisville and Maigmet A. Thompson of Flackville atvl a half brother, .fas. Thompson of Flackville, beaides nephews and Pieces, funeral ohm*' tittle* Were held Huuday with Jusi a prayer at the h o n e of her niece, Mrs. Kantian, by Hev Isaac Ateetisou. pus- • tm of the i'ongieguilonal church of Madrid, when the remains were taken lo Lnulsvllla and services held at the 1'n :.byiei Ian chuich, her pastor, Rev. Oraggs. officiating. Two Intimate, friend*, Mis. .1. P. O'Urinn and Miss, Malelle M. ffutllvan, sang two hymn-*. Miss Lucille fl'tlilau accompanist. The, bearers were her two nephews, Uohert Puwer, Mlnard Tower and two near friends, Ova fluilbuit and Walter F. | Wlllsoii. Burial In the family pl,it bsslde her hUnband In Louisville M. K.' oemwtory.

0 , W. •tuarl. * j fleorge WaKhiOgtoli StUarl, fifth sotl

of f lsmge W. and Abigail Cud worth Stuart, was bom at lleektuatttown, N. Y, October 10, Uau. Ills early life wua spam In the vicinity of Co)tun, »-d mw'Sd In Union Free ami select siluKd. Me received a teacher's stale (NPitlmtate and was employed many ytars as macber ni Colton and vicin­ity. May L 1Mb, he was united In marriage to Luclnda F. tlumam or llolton, Ma«e. To them two children were born, Arthur O. of Cotton and Jennie L., Mis ft. (I. Curtis of Mad­rid. Deceased w.i* u member or Co. W, Mid Ueglmeni, New York Infantry. Ill the civil war, b«dng honorably dis­charged for Inability, and since re ?mining health been carriage maker at toltun. fluting the year MM he serv­

ed gs prhal* Clerk In the banking de- i 1 " u™"r"% "V* "" ^ " ' " f t . ttgrmiMin at Albany under lion. A.l ^ » l" l ,« , ,

| f J i ^ f "t l ^ , ^ forton Hepburn. A memtter of High , n * o n i ? u h H* Uvvlx H « , r t t l 8

Kails Malonlc Lodge No. it*, F, and A. M, serving as master for many years, Was connldeied the oldest Ma­son In lit, Lawrence county, having bvlongt}t mm* than 60 years; was al­so a ctiuilec member o n Adirondack Chapter, Kan tent Nlar, serving as ihe l i first patron. VVa,< justice of I he peace for ynars and prominent In public af­fairs. It I h ie 1870 has been a faithful member of Colh>n M. K chuich where jto was yet ratulned as honorary trus­tee! was considered very fair and hon­orable In hts dealings with men, al­ways ready to do for humanity. Jan. !U, lUin, hts wife departed this lira and since that tithe he has practically made his home at Madrid with his daughter and hu«bund, Mr and Mrs. H. If. Curtis, who have been unrcmlt* ling with tender attentions and loving care, for he has been a very great suf­ferer for several yeais with facial neu-rntifla, the paroxysms at times almost unbearable, oilier comptlcatlonH devcl* oping causing his death Tuesday. Oec, KM, tttao, at 1:40 a. in., passing peace­fully white unconnctous. MIH son, Ar-thur Ituait , of Cotton Was atno pica-ent. Wednesday morning at 8: Si) a. m. In the presence of mends and neigh* hois tlev 0 . It llarhihd, paator or the Madrid M. hi, church, conducted a brief service of acilpturc reading and

Richard Harflrsvt, The dcc-taiied watt horn In the town

of Waddington Heptemher 16, 1818, of Kngllsh and Hcotti^h descent, his rath­er being Huther Itargravn, born lit i dcoiland and his mother, Margaret!

i Htilherford llurgrave. of Kngiinh hirih. The family numbered ten children,

j among Which were two pairs or twinn' I add three Margarets fnamed SUCCCHS-' ively following the death of each), ' William, James, flora, Margaret Hut It-! er, Andrew and Julie (iwltiHi, Uichaid land John (twlnni, Maigaiel and Mar

gurel. following the doaih many yiars ago or their aged parents, the twin b others, Hlchard and Jidm, neiihei having ever man led remain­ed on the home rami In the town id Waddington with their yoitngt'Hi sis ter Maigaret as their i fficieiu house-kieper. About ehven years ago her heatth failed and her shuer Mora, wld nw oi James 8mith vt Madrid, went to ca>e for her und following her demise, ki pi liouse fto her brothers six years. Being unable to work the rami an both giadiiali) declining In health, ttlchaid having been Injured badly by a horse, they decided to Hell the old honitnlonil. Their sister. Mrs. Dora ttmllh, Invited them to live in her home <Ui Oepot sheet , her slsier Jane mid husband, Mi. and Mrs. Andrew llalg, already iCMided. The twin broth e i s Weie g.eally pleased to accept and With Mix llalg'* twin hi other An­drew and wife residing but a short distance way. They came lo Madrid April, tit to. and since that dale Mr. llalg pasM'd away In the home, also Andrew Margrave and the I wo widow ed slstern, Mr*. Hiiiilh and Mrs. llaig, ami the twin bachelor brothem. the only four survivors of tho family or ten childish, have resided togtrher. Hi nee his injury Hlchard's health has gradually railed. Last October he sus­tained a severe attack of pneumonia Which left him In such a reehle condi­tion that his mind became weakened and U WUM only with difficulty that he could frame s^ntenccH. High blood pressure, burdening of the arteries and heart trouble were 'he complication* Which resulted In h h demise Thurs­day. December 3u, 11)20, at 10; 20 p. m. The funeral services were held at tho home, (lev. Isaac ftteetison, pastor of the Madrid Congregational church, of­ficiating, Using the 33rd p?nlm for the basis or hts remarks. Mrs. J. W, Ait-chison ahd Mrs. A. It. Wears sang two familiar hymns, "I'nder His Wings'* and "Rock or Ages." The hearers were

*A. h. Whitney. Kdgur and Andrew Velieh, Frederick Mesaw. Myron Mar­tin and hid ward lluihcifoyd. Hurial In ftotch cemetery Waddington. The de­ceased was of a quiet, unobtrusive, kindly nature, genial with a vein of humor wl^lch permeated cheer throughout the home where the bond of family ties was strong and he will be greatly missed by the two surviv­ing sisters, hui more especially so by the (Win brother John, who keenly feels the toss of the brother horn whom he has never before been sepa­rated and between (hem was a bond of brotherly love so strong that its

surviv­ing one. II has hein a great soutve of comfort* to ttie sinters that since his ttttiess In October they huve been able to care tot htm alternately with the aid of I heir brother John without call­ing 111 outside assistance.

ure before, presning toward the marl; of the prlee of (he high calling oi (Sol In Christ Jesus.

ftev. and Mrs. O. tt. Hartnnd wctti )''tida.v flight to MUHM-IIU to alien i ral l>* service, which featured H suppor. social hour and program, Hev fhulund having an address.

At the meeting for the election of trustees Wednesday evening, Dec. 2!», W. hi. Oailey, Stephen Merkh-y and J. It. Klsher were re-elected for the coiu-\\\g year ol 1H21.

Congregational Church. Last Sunday Hev. Hteenson read Tor

scripture lesnon the MiHt ejeven verses of the first chapter nt IMiillipians, choosing the ilTlli verse of the same chapter for his text, "Striving togeth­er for the faith of the Gospel." Talk to the Junior congregation on showing their colors, loyalty to (he church Hag. Ills evening discourse was based on the 8th verse of the 12th chapter of (lenesisf "He huilded an altar unto the Lord," his theme being altai build­ing. His scripture lesson was thst nine verses of lUth chapter of Genesis. Next Sunday morning communion will he observed at this church. The eve­ning se vice will he withdrawn and a unli n victory service held in the M. K. church, commemorating the first anniversary of the passing of the isth amendment, January 16. 1020. Ad­dress* s will be given by both pastors and special music rendered.

Altrhlson and Mr̂ and Mrs. Ouy Hnrs-ford enjoyed a i.ienlc supper uiih Mr. and Mrs. W. K. HrirTlth und daughter Margaret at their home. They passed an entertaining eveqlng watching the old year out and I he new year ill.

Birth Notice.

Friday, Dec. 31st, a Tourth daughter was horn to Mr. und Mrs. John Kipg The young lady weighed lo 12 pounds and Is to be named Sylvia.

Guests In Town.

St, John tht Baptist, tt was a source ol gtcal satisfacil m

lo hotu'utrlsh and pastor that thi n» w chuieb wa:i so near complet'on that they can how hold services then*, be­ginning with midnight higli m^ofs Christinas ev.-. Leonard's mass in 11 flai W.IH r< tub red, the soloists icirg Mrs WiHiain Itiug and Miss IKitha Oaines. Ch.lrtuias masd was also sang by Mrs. King. Following this service \ was low num. Over loo received com-munlcn. Tlie altar was beautifully d'*curaled with floweis, plan:* chd e w gicctis. Tin criMdflx and missal (

b'ioK u. ed were originally used m the !

fir.41 chuich. being the only relics aav-j ed from lh« lire. '

Father .1. F. Creedon received the greatest Christmas offering ever given at Madrid. "

Haturday, New Year's di'.y, low mans was celebrated at 11:30 n. m., al.-o at 8:30 a. m. Sunday, with largo attend­ance This congregation with tho aid Of l.oriowed seats Will continue here­after to worship In the new «dif le\ the completion of which will continue Idly.

Community Welfare Club.


Card of Thanks,

We desire to extend our sincere thanks to all neighbors and friends for their kindly assistance during the ill­ness and death of our beloved broth* er, lo Hev. ftteenson rot his many at­tentions, to the fingers and also for (lowers sent, Mrs. Dora Smith, Mrs. Jane ftalg, John Margrave.

Church Notes.

OWIne service at M. K. church was observed Sunday morning by the ad* ministering of the sacrament of the Lord's Hupper by the pastor. Rev. 0. It, Hartnnd, who made very appropriate and helpful remarks, preceding It with the reading of the last supper as recorded in Matthew, 2thh chapter and 17th to 95th verses.

Sunday school as Usual follewed and the officers for the year 1021 an­nounced as elected Wednesday eve* ultig, December 2ft, lOSiu; Superinten­dent, John A, Andrew; assistant su­perintendent, ft. 11. Curtis; treasurer,

prayer, after Which the remains Were| Jennie, A. Uutheiford; secretary. Delia taken lo Cotton to the home of hli>L. Datley; organist, Mrs. O. R. liar* son, whkh Was also hts own old home! land; librarians, tteatrice Connor. Had*

held and the funeral service was held on Thursday at I o'clock p, m., Rev. F. W. Fulton, pastor of Cotton M. K chilich, officiating. gssUled by Rev. J. M. Wat-lersoti, Kpisfop;*! cteigytnun and ft lend of the family. Rev, Full oh spoke In the highest tenita of tho deceased gnd tils work In the church. Mrs. Ful­ton gang "neautirut Isle of ftome-Wlioft" «hd "One by Oiic." Interment In Pleasant Mound cemetery, burial service being under the of the Masonic Lodge, ihu members of whtcli at tended In a body. Resides his son and daughter, the deceased Is sur­vived by three grandchildren, Mary Htuart Walterson of Washington, D. <!., Reulah Htuart or Cotton, Hltiait Ottrtla of Madrid and one great-grand* child, tittle Crandall Curtis of Madrid. A good man has gone but the influ­ence of his life) lives on and his mem­ory tenderly cherished hy friends. A good conversationally and fond of company when free from pain, ho maihi many warm fi lends at Madrid who e i lend sincere sympathy lo tho bereaved family Tho Madrid relative! attended the fanerat at Cotton, r*« turning Thursday evening.

win Merkley; missionary superintend cut and treasurer, Mrs. W. H. Huff-ham; aciing teachers, Rev, and Mrs, 0, R. Ilurland, John A. Andrew, Mr. ami Mrs. ft. It. Curtis and Mrs. Harry Rradley; supply teachers, Mrs. A. W. Myers, Mrs. II. F. King and all mem­bers of J, A, Andrew's class. !

The Mpworth League convened nt A.;iD o'clock Sunday evening In charge of Mrs. O. R. Harland. This society j have planned a food sate at the Curtis store Saturday afternoon of this week

This club met Dec. 13th at the vil­lage home of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ciuntp and family. Due to the ab­sence of Vice piesident L. A. Hydorn, II. W. Uutheiford presided. Mrs. Les­lie Joyce acted as chaplain. The pro­gram consisted of music on the Vic-trola with a geography contest ied by Margaret Thompson. Monday evening. Dee. 27lh. the Community Welfare club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Hydorn. The following Christ* mas program Was rendered: Heading, Christmas, Mrs. Leon lluker; recita­tion. Miss Avis linker; reading, Tho Night Hefoie Christmas (new version), Mrs. Ida Worthing; "When the Minis­ter ('alls." Marion Oveen; recitation, Walter l lydoin; reading. "Tho Yan­kee's Courtship," Hazel Rutherford; recitation, Stella Rutherford; rending, Christmas Tree, Mrs. Carl H. Ruther­ford; letter of good cheer from Hazel and Albert Fisher (Cunton). read by If. M. Thompson, HIM-rotary; Christ­mas carol, Hazel Ruthcrtord, Mrs. L. A. Hydorn. Following the program, humorous present*; were distributed from tin- Christines trie to the vaiioua ones present Iry Leni\ J. Raker, who acted as Cum a (Mans. Light refresh­ments consisting of popcorn, apples and home-made candy were served.

Madrid Orange.

Madrid Orange No. !>02 held a regu­lar meeting Saturday afternoon, Dec. 18th, WWthy Master Clarence J. Me* Avoy presiding. Officers for ttie en­suing year were elected as follows; Master. Clarence J. Me Avoy; overseer, Roy Ciump; lecturer, Mary K. Hrady; steward, Mrs. W. J. Urown; assistant steward, Charles Packard; chaplain, Mrs. George LaVine; treasurer, (I. M. Klllott; secretary, Mrs. W. S. Fulling-lon; Ceres, Blanche Crump; Pomona, Mrs. O. M. Flliotl; Flora. Mrs. Myron II. Fisher; lady assistant steward. Hel­en La Vine; organist, Bculah Haines; local correspondent, Mrs. C. J. Mc-Avoy; hustcc»for three years, Clar­ence McAvoy. It was decided to hold tho annual grange dinner ami instal­lation of officers at the next tegular meeting Saturday, Jan. 8th. Come out and hear the installing officer, A. 10, Hull, master ot Silas Wright Cranio, Canton, and overseer of Pomona, a young progressive granRm* from whom J we may receive the iiiHi.-irution neces­sary to make some of us realize the, Importance of our grnugn work. Do your bit. The secretary requests that all dues he in not later than Jan. 8th. Act accordingly.

Gordon Flannigan of Rrldgoport, Conn., spent tin? holiday season with his children, .Margaret and George. Flannigan. at the home of their grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Adams. Monday Mr. Flannigan and daughter Margaret went t.o Maltland, Ont., remaining until Friday. Mr. Flan­nigan returned Saturday to R idgc* port where he is a draftsman and con­tractor. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hesmui of Media were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George II. Adams and family. -Miss Alvilda Mat Ken/.le, who teaches in the Chambers district. Lisbon, spent her holiilay vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mactvi uzh , and family. Burton MacKenzle was the holiday guest of Uenssciaor Falls friends.-- Mr. and Mrs G. N. Coons en-teitallied New Y e a r s - M i a . Cjon's brother. Howard Baker, of Manama and their daughter Blanche of OgJ* na-hurg the week • ml. Mrs. John Wade and son Itule ol Canton visited lor uncle, William Fhher, from Wednes­day until Saturday. -Miss Jones, S. L. U., spent the weekend with her friend. Miss Mildred Lockwood.—Mr. and Mrs. P. >1. Klssano of Syracuse were holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. K Fishir. Mrs. Helen P. McCall mid Mrs. F. II. McCormick. -Mrs. Helen P. McCall and sons Donald and Henry cniorinincd their cjtislns. Mrs. Grace Briggs of OgdcushUig and son William of Albany New Year's. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Fisher and fnmily were gneata Tuesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ence McAvoy.-Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fiilllngioii and Wallace Brookins wero entertnined at the holm* of Mr. und Mrs. Hiram Crump Saturday evening.

Harold McDonough of Potsdam ac­companied hy his cousin, Fverett Me-Doiiuugh, of Njrwood spent last week witlt his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Merkley.—Mr. ^uui Mrs. Archie Craig entertained Mr and Mrs. F. Johnson and little daughter rClizahcth or Masse na and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Blood of Potsdam for holiday guests.—Mrs. Ma-

iildu Harmon of Malono has been vis­iting her sister, Mrs. John Andrew.— Alex Carblno of Tally, N. Y., was the New Vein's guest of his sister. Mrs. Jumes Gregoi.

Madrid People 0*ut of Town.

Mr. nnd Mrs. R. K. McKnight went Saturday to Canton to spend the Week­end with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie It. ^mltli. They were accompanied home by Mr. and Mis. George Constine, who had been at Canton during the week.- Mr. and Mid. Joseph Brady and son Har­old accompanied hy Mr. and Mrs. Clar­ence McAvoy motored to Ogdensbutg Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Griffith and daughter Maigaret wen? holiday ghests at a family gathering at the home of Mr. Griffith's parents at lllcli-v l l lc— Miss Margaret Griffith went to­day (Monday) as a guest for a few days of Mrs. Phillips, Ogdensburg.— Several went 1'rom Madrid to Wad­dington New Year's night to witness a basketball game between Chlpmait and Norfolk teams. It was a close and In­teresting game, in favor or Norfolk.-— Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gould were re­cent visitors for over-Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong at Ogdens­butg -Mrs. c. G. Hull and daughter Kva were guest.s lor IVew Year's of Mrs. Hull's brother. L. F. Whitman, and family at Ogdensburg.

are Invited to come.--Miss Helen Mid-diemisa left on Thursday for Syra-euso Where she will take a business course. Prof, and Mrs. V. C. Warrtner and dnuglitej- Pauline tcturnel homo fiom Syracuse on Friday where they sp« nt a week with his mother there.— Dr. 0. P. Coleman of Madrid is here

j this week doing dentist work.- Mrs. Hvillhni Davis and Kon Norman have returned lo their home near llllc.i aft­er spending several days with her par-i nts hero, Mr. ami Mrs. K. II. Patten.

Miss Olive M.ddluon has returned to her school ni Ostlning nffer spend­ing the holidays hero wiih her p»r-* nts. Lester Brown and John Middle-

i ton were eallora at Potsdam on Mon­day. Miss Margaret Sandeison re­turned to her school work at Conifer after spending her vacation with h«r parents, Mr. and Mrs.Otls Sanderson.

.Mrs. Jane Aldrlch has moved to her new home here she recently purchas­ed. Hev. W. M. Ban went to Chip-man on Tuesday where he conducted the funeral services of Mrs. Uuthei­ford, who is the mother of Morton Rutherford.-The Lisbon Study club will meet at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lester Cleland Monday evening. Jan. 101 li. The following program will ho given; Music. Vlcirolu; roll call, to bo answered by giving a city or town beuring a Pinch name; reading of minutes; music, Vicirola; paper, "Re­lation Between Dutch and Indhins,"

today after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Law­rence.

Miss Anna Hmiili; paper, "Social Life Cnder tho Georges." Hev. Wm. Barr; three minu:e sketch of Dutch gover­nor Winter Van Twillor, Mrs. L. F. Cleland; reading, "The Settler." Mis. Waniner. The fathers' and sons' banquet held on New Year's evo under the dlnct ion of the Sunday school as­sociation of the Cnited Presbyterian

. und Weslryan Methodist churches of ! this village was an event long to be

tenicm.iered. Much o-edit Is due to the two superintendents, C B. Wright nnd H:«y Henry, and to the various committees for caitying tt out with such marked ability. Tho banquet It­self was tine the feast of reason and the flow of soul Which followed wa<* equally fine. Over one bund ted fath­ers and sons participated In It. There was <ne disappointment In the pro­gram. Rev. Mr. Sfeenson was unable

i to come but Rev. Mr. Barr spoke as a j stubstitute on the topic assigned to I Mr. Sfeenson. Everybody was univer­sally pIcnsHd*, A mothers' and daugh­ters' banquet Is now In order. May It prove to he as helpful and enjoyable.— On Tuesday evening, Jan. 4, the B. B. and P. V. B. classes of the V. P. chuich gave a supper and an Illustrat­ed Puritan lecture was given by Pr. Newell Dwighl M ill in at the comnrin-

i l ly house, the lecture was one hour in j length and was illustrated by ftf> slides.

A good crowd was In attendance. Tho second lecture will be given Feb. 1st.

, David Moore met with a very pain-; fill accident on Monday afternoon : while sawing his wood pile with his

Fordson tractor, the balance* wheel bursting In several pieces. Some of

( thene pieces were found 100 feet away, some weighing 30 pounds. He was struck with one of these pieces Just be­low the knee on the back of tho leg. Dr. Cleland was called at once who said both hones Wero fractured hut would give a more thorough examina­tion when the swelling would go down.


Chase Ml'ls, Jan. ft.-- A bright and happy New Year to tflie editor and the readers of the Advance. - Miss Frances Monaghan of Waddington visited Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Condlin Wednesday and Thursday. William Murphy was a business caller at Waddington Wed­nesday. (Mark Washburn of Macomb visited Mr. anil Mrs. John Meverly and family from Wednesday until Sat­urday. Angus Parkinson or Wadding­ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Martin Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mc­Knight, Mr'; and Mrs. David McKnight • DU'i tained Mr. Hiid Mrs. William Bar-don. Mr. and Mrs. Column Homhough and daughter Gladys and son Harold New Year's night for supper.- Carl Thomas speni Sunday with his par-< nts. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Forbes of Crary Mills were guests of Mrs. Forbes' sister, Mrs. James Lalone, and family last week.- Mr. and Mrs. Wil­liam Lalone entertained the following New Year's: Mr. and Mrs. James La-lone, Mr. nnd Mrs. Maurice Lalone and childi en, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond La­lone and son Caryl. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Forbes and Miss Orpha Put man. -Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Ballou entertained Mr. and Mrs. Kdgui Walson and son Jack New Years . - Those on ihc sick list the past week are Mrs. Pavid Mc­Knight and Mrs. 11. P. Ballou, Mrs. John Meverly.--Mrs. W. J. Rcvetl and children. Harby and Ruth, will return to .their home in Fulton today after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Piter.—Mrs. Simon Plfer and son Kllsworth spent part of last week in Waddington visiting Mends. -J. K. Piter and Charles Fair­banks were in Waddington Thuisday. - Mrs. Auguna Willson spent (he past week with her # sister. Mrs. Myron Beckstead.- Our school opens today after a week's vacation.



Filday. Pec. 31st, the Borden Co. closed the milk station at Madrid and farmers are distributing their milk as best t h e y . c a n - Friday evening an ex­citing game of basket hall was played at the oj;era house between Madrid town team and Norfolk team, result­ing in a score of 40 to 21 In favor of the visiting leant. The benefit picture, Madame X, featuring Paul ine Freder­ick, shown Christ mas, drew a large audience, hut owing to the high price of tho picture and expenses, the Cnit­ed Helpers netted only $10.04.--Mad­rid High school opened today (Mon­day) following the holiday vacation.— The S. L. C. students who have been enjoying tlie holiday vacation return today to Canton to resume their work at the university.


Social Bvsnti .

Last Wednesday evening n»u Mann entertained the

Miss Km-following to increase their finances.

Sunday avenlng Rev, Phillip Mnng, guests: Ptlncipal and Mrs. A. W. M. hi. pastor of Buck's Bridge and Myers, Miss Madeline Heffue, Stanley West Potsdam charges, delivered L.e Fuller of Cumberland, Maryland; Mai-sermon following the scripture tend- vinu Phillips and Fverctt McDonough tng of the first eleven verses of Iho fn* Norwood, Leon Golden. Canton, to fifth chapter of Luke and offering of a 0 o'clock dinner. Christmas decora-prayer b) the regular pastor. Rev. tions were used, tho centerpiece bo-Mung chose portions of the fourth an 1 elovtnilt verses for his text, "Laun di out Into the deep and let down your nota for ia draught." nnd "they for* sook a 1 otnd followed him." Mis theme Wal "Fishers or Men." His earnest tlncourso Was supplemented by Hev. p lr land, using the words o; V i \ fn-.;|tt''ig ••••\«e thlnia v.'-1?*!

Ing poinsettas. Holly crepe paper lent beauty to I he color scheme. The fa­vors were cards with choice quota­tions. Place cards were used nnd an appetizing five course dinner served followed by a very enjoyable evening. Miss Phillips was the guest of .Miss Mann. -Friday evening. Dec. 31st, Hev. and Mrs. Stecnson, Dr. and Mrs.

Lisbon, Jan. 3. - M i s s Blanch Wright returned to her school wurfv in New Wilmington, Pa.. Saturday alter spend­ing her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wright.—Mr. and Mrs. tinrl McFadden are the proud parents of a baby boy, Donald Vincent, born Dec. Jih.-Mable Skuco returned on Monday to her school at Great Neck, L. I., alter a ten days' vacation spent with her par* nts. -Leland Austin of Hetivellon spent Saturday with Orin Baker. Mrs. George BriggB ot Og­densbutg visited her sister, Mrs. L. F. Cleland, on Wednesday.- The Misses Fnuline Warriner nnd llachel Pandy returned to Potsdam Normal on Mon­day.—Mrs. Sarah Moore is very ill and her sister. Mrs. William McGnw, is helping to care for her.—Friends here received word of the death of Mrs. Ilattle McAllister of California which occurred Pec. 2fith.~ Mr. nnd Mrs. V. A. Wallace and children. Rob«rr nnd Genevieve, are in Svrnruse visit ine Mr. and Mrs. Flmor We Usee.—Mrs. P. W. Summers and children have re­turned from Canada where thoy snent. Christmas with her rni^ent.*^— Mrs. Leheveo of PVIPPR nnd son Cd-vln of Crinndlan NnWhW^t n**p vfctiinw Mr. <nd Mrs. Will L""'"er> — w^.,n1-Flnek of Oedenshiit-g vlqltr»l *"oi«,Mvno here on Wednesday.—Them ivnt hr» •» donntion for the Rev. S i imm^* T*,ootn« or the W. M. C^'U'TVI. nr>r* Fr}i1n*-night at the community house. All


Flackville, Jrrn. 3 After a real old-fashioned Christ mis season and lots of smjw ai/i! co' '. we have had silfff-1 clcnt chair » of temperature to clear the groum* in places and start the au­tomobiles gain. The ("anion and Mas*

I seim bus lines ar-j also in operation.— ( Christmas ex^'elses at church and schools w » well prepared and much

•enjoyed, ttti . fund of twenty dollars j was raided 1 the Armenians.--Our 1 friend, J.idson Washburn, writes an in-| terestii..' accotiii» of hi^ experiences in

India t s principal of the Crawford , hoys' sv' oil. He recently made a tour ! of the distric nod likens his work to

thai of any m. 11 country charge. The natives » . rnxhms to leant and al-

j ready } n: w tv.^ny g o s v l messages about • loril sheep and that JeSUS

' i s ih> ldv-a: Instead of a heathen god.) i They *-» m-t ye» know that many of; ! the U.., . luy do are sin, and some­times lit.'.: e.o»**iings are broken up by

| the Moham.r.cdans arresting them. The .-.'ac' i i«o has the language to

, conquer.---Our Flackville scholars are stal l ing back to dgh school this morn­ing at Ogdensburg and Canton.- Wish­ing the Advance and everybody a hap- [ py New Year.


Morley, Jan. 3 . - Miss Emma Steven* •on of Ogdensburg has returned to her home here for the winter.- Mrs. Mary Morgan of Ogdensburg spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. James Morgan.— Uel Kinney of North Lawrence was a g i e s l of Mr. und Mrs. Simon Weste-way last week.—Mrs. Sherman Mix of Syracuse spent last week with li«-r mother, Mrs. Helen Thompson.—There were no services except Sunday school at the Methodist church Sunday on account of tho lllneaa of the pastor, Rev. C. E. Hill.—Miss Eleanor Farm­er it.ivcs this moaning for Houghton Seminary; Miss Alys Finnimore for Montclair, N. J., to resume her school duties, and Miss Dorothy Jones for Port Chester.- Mrs. George Collins and children ol Canton visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles With-erliee, last week.—Schol opened here this morning after one week's vaca­tion.- Among those who have gener­ously donated books to the Hepburn branch library here are Mr. and Mrs. William Pandy, Miss Inez Pandy and Mrs. Maty Morgan of Ogdensburg, Mrs. Frank Fleming of New York, Miss Janet Scruton of Montclair, N. J., Wil­liam Ties wick, Mrs. Davidson and Miss .fano Wright of Mormon. Mrs. Eliza­beth Smith of Saranac Lake, Mrs. lieu-hen Morgan of Norfolk, Mrs. Hoy Bas* ford of PeGiasse, Mrs. Proctor Jewel l and Mrs. W. O. Goodison of Gouver* neur, Miss Cnu Dandy of Carthage und Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Ornuin of Northboro, Mass.—Canton High school students returned to theli school du­ties this morning after two weeks' va­cation.—Miss Mollie Lawrence returns to St. Joseph's academy, Brasher Falls,

Morey Ridge, Jan. 2.- The oyster supper und entertainment at Hie school house Wednesday night was a grand success financially and socially. - William Exelby is very sick with tonstliijs. His many friends hope fo' a speedy recovery.—Mr. and Mis. II. J. Haiper of Potsdam and family spirit New Year's with Mr. and Mis. Aaron McCready and family.-—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McBath attended the oyster supper at the school house Wednes­day nigh*.—Peter Burnaide und sister, Jennie, wero in Ogdensbutg Wednes­day. Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Todd and son Glen spent Thuisday evening at William Jordan's.— Mrs. Jennie Law­rence entertained Mr. and Mrs. Thom­as Lawrence and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Shomway and little son and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Spear Christinas. -Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong spent Christmas Willi Mr. und Mrs. Wilber Armstrong.—Pupils who spent their vacations With their parent a are the Misses Vera and Irtne McBath of the O. F. A., the Misses Heatha and Gladys Armstrong of Madrid High school, Vaughn McCready of Canton High school and Floiu Burnslde of the (). F. A.- Ethel and Vaughn McCready and Ersel and Ruth Harper went to Canton Sunday. -It Is with much sor­row that we chronicle the death of Mis. Haltic McAlester, who died in California and w m laid to rest on Christmas day.- Aaron McCready and family spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Sanderson.- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Exelby and son Mar-old s|.ent Christ mas with William Ex-elhy j»nd family.


Waddington, Jan. 3.— Ralph Orlffln of Syracuse spent a 'few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. GrlfTin.-Mr. and Mrs. William McKay spent Christmas with rela­tives in Canton.- George Dickson of New York spent the past week with IIIH mother, Mrs. W. S. Dickson.—Mrs. George C. Wilson Is visiting her daugh­ter, Mrs. John Wright, In S y r a c u s e -Frank Murphy spent last week In Mas-sena with frtends.- Thomas Oliver and son Alexander and Miss Oliver were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Oliver in Chateaugay Christmas day.

Mrs. Robert Shaver of West Stock­holm was called here last week on ac­count of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Thomas White, who suffered a se­vere attack with her heart last Tues­day. She Is better nt this writing.— Miss Hough visited relatives In Pulas­ki Christmas—Prof, and Mrs. Hoy ft. Wilson left Friday for their home in Brooklyn Hftcr spending ten days with relatives {n town.—Mrs. Carl Martin and little daughter have returned from a visit with relatives in Ogdensburg.— Prof, and Mrs. John Sweet have re­turned to their home In Canton nfter spending the holidays with Pr. and Mrs. F. A. Sweet.- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Carruthors have it son, William Wat­son, which arrived Pec. UOih, 11120.--Mrs. W. W. Fulton hud the misfortune to fall while going downstairs. She was bruised somewhat but no bones were broken. Her daughter. Mrs. J. W. Hatch, tell on the Ice last Monday and broke her left arm. Dr. Sweet was called and set the arm. Both la­dles are doing nicely. Their many friends will bo sorry to leain of their accident.—The following teachers have returned to their schools after ten days Christinas vacation; Misses Bes­sie .Murphy, Newark; Julia McGinn, Jefferson Manor; Helena O'Brien, Three Mile Buy; Mary Gorman. Mad-lid; Stella Gorman, White Plains; Loulso Shaver, bergenfleld, N. J.; Bes­sie Wright, Plalnfleld, N. J.; Eunice Crapaer, Brooklyn; Blanche Macdon-aid. Watertown; Louise Murphy. Chase Mills; Margaret Montgomery, Masse-na; Mat ion Forsythe, Potsdam Nor­mal; Mabel Griffin, Lyon Mountain; Florence Martin and Ethel Campbell, lllon, and Earl Montgomery, Moosick Falls; also the following students have returned to their schools: Richard Gorman, Ann Arbor Dental college; Loren Mulloy, Potsdam Tech.; Misses Hazel Taylor, Dorothy Forsythe, Uulh and Edith Rutherford, Potsdam Nor­mal. - M i s s McMonagle of CantoiTspent the past week with Mrs. William Mc-


In One Month/f niif-a-tires" • Gave Complete Relief


"I have been a great sufferer for years with Kidney Trouble and Loruiipaiion. I tried T r u i t - a - t i v e V about a month ago, and with almost Jmraediale results. T h e K i d n e y Trouble has disappeared and tho Constipation is font leaving mc".


'Fruit • n • tlvcs', or F n d t Liver Tablets, the medicine made from fruit juices and valuable totuu, is doing u woudciful work ia LnajiDg health to sick people.>o%#<)fof |2.50, trial i»«o 20c. At<L.:lcrftor Lorn I ICLMTATIVES Limited OGPEXfcbUKG. K. Y .

Kay.—Mis. John <R. Wright of Byra cuse Mpent last week with her moth-t er, Mrs. George C. Wilson. -Stewart | l^egan and Jack Moore have teturncd, lo Nit guia Falls after spending a; week with relatives In town. -Mr. and j Mrs. Psvld McKnighi, Mr. and Mrs. Si- | mon Phlfer and son Ellsworth, all of Chase Mills, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor Christmas day.— ( Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whaleu spent; Christinas in Louisville the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whalen. —Miss Carrie Chamberlain has returned toj her home In New York after a week's visit with her mother. MIH. A. L. Cham­berlain.—Herbert Hatch. Ernest Bero and William Forsythe of Masxena spent the weekend with relatives in town.—Mr. and Mrs. Seward Crap?er iriuined Wednesday to their home in itrookline, Mass.. after spending a week with Miss Crapser.— Mias Luella Montgomery of Syracuse university spent tho weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence L. Montgomery. | Miss Maud Montgomery, who has been, ill with pleurisy the paio two weeks at j Watertown, has recovered and came; Friday to remain awhilf at her homer here. Her many friendb will be pleas­ed to know she has rtt-ovcred from her illness.—Mrs. James O.'fihort has ' returned from a month'* vitdi with her. sister In Corrunnu, Mich.-Mr. and | Mrs. Zlna Adam* of Norfolk \ inlted rel­atives in town last week. -Mrs. Wil­liam fl Summers nnd John Murphy j have been veiy ill with grip, but are belter; also Mr. and Mrs, Clarence L. Montg:>meiy and son Earl have been ill with grip but they also are recover­ing. -The young people held a dance in the town hall last Tuesday evening. MeGee's orchestra of Massena fur-nibbed the music. About 40 couples were present. Coffee, sandwiches cake and doughnuts were served at midnight. A ^evy nice time U report­ed.—A watch meeting was hold in the Methodist church Friday evening, ser­vice beginning at 9 o'clock. At 10 o'clock toffee and doughnuts were served and the neivices continued un­til 12 o'clock. A large number of peo­ple were preaeni; also midnight mass was celebrated in the Catholic church Friday evening. A large number at­tended. Rev. J. L. Ilent pr ached an «xcellent sermon—Mrs. Silver and children of Ogdensburg spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ValoL*.

The basketball game Thursday eve­ning between Company 1 of Ogdens­burg and Waddington High school was

'won by Waddington, score 18 to 9. Fri­day evening Norwood High school heal PoNdam High. A dance was held aft­er the game, Mrs. E. .1. Hoy furnish­ing the music—Waddington High school commenced Jan. 3rd af'ei the f'hrislmas vacation of one week.— Raymond Thompson is confined to the house by i l lness . -Miss Frances Clark is spending a few days with friends In Massena.- The annual gathering of the Pcmbertor; families waa held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pemberloti Friday evening. Pec. 31st. Aboul 60 were present. Supper was served and a very nice time reported. Mr. and Mrs. James Pemberton enter­tained Saturday evening a number of relatives. About, thirty were present. Supper was perved and a general good time reported.—Mrs. Phi for and son Ellttworth of Chase Mills sp< nt tho past week with Mrs. Ssfford.—Wad­dington F and A. M. No. 3!»3 Install­ed the following officers at their reg­ular meeting, Pec. 22nd: W. M., Wil­liam J. Heverly; 8. \V.. William Hen-deison; J. W., John Thresher; treas­urer, David Sharpe; secretary, Hoy Henry; S. D., Arthur Hobklrk; J. D., Merritt Henderson; S. M. C . Colin Crobar; J. M. C , Pale Harper; tiler. Elton Jardlne; chaplain, Rev. C. M. Muyck; marshal. Geo. R. Wright; trustees, Fred W. Scott, Sydney Cole and Walter Shir.n. After the installa­tion refreshments were served. Dis­trict Deputy Mr. Cline of Massena in­stalled the officers. A very nice time 4a reported.


Louisville, Jan. 3.—M*\ and Mrs. Lor* en Flick entertained during the holi­days her brother, Delbert Brown, of the U. S. navy and Mrs. Ludwlck of Norwood.- -Mrs. John Moran and threo children of Brasher Falls vitdted her sister, Mrs. Leo Mai tin, last w e e k . -Miss Mabel Martin returned to her school work at Teneyck, N. J.# Sunday. —J. Ford of Brasher was a vhdtor al Thomas Carroll's for lhe weekend.— Mr. and Mrs. John O'Ncil and daugh­ter Frances of na. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lcclair of Brasher were guests last week of their parenu, Mr. and . Mrs. Joseph Barry.—Rev. Fr. Cr«edonV and P. O'Brien of Madrid were guests Friday night of Mr. and Mrs. Jam*.a M. Gaynor.—Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Keegan. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Keegan. Miss Hel­en JRuddy, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Reagan, Otis Reagan and Otis Hodge drove over to Jamos Ruddy'* Friday evening and enjoyed a visit with Mr. Ruddy's family.- Miss Anna Brennan has re­turned to her nephew's, F. J. Kee-gan's, having been al F. J. Ruddy's six months. -Mis s M.* Id red Brennan and Mayland Tlernan were week-end guest* at T. E. Murphy's.-James Thompson and sister. Miss Margaret A. Thompson, of Flackville were over­night guests Sunday, Dec. 26, of their sister., Mrs. Levi Power.—Mrs. Levi Power and little granddaughter, Irene Power, apj'nt New Year's with G. M. Biowning'K family on the River road. —Students have resumed lo their re­spective schools after the vacation.— Word was received Thursday of the marriage of Miss Margaret Siagleton. a former Louisville girl, of Massena to Mr. l i v e l y of Montreal. Congratu­lations are extended.—Alfred and Ber­nard Promo visited their cousins. Mar- -ry and Mark Tie) nan, Sunday on Tier-nan Ridge, making the trip on skiis.


Massena, Jan. 4.—Mary Coons re­turned to Syracuse Monday.—Clifford Carvel spent New Year's in Potsdam the guet i of Stowell Fournier.—Mrs. Upton and daughter Chriatine and Mrs. Upton's brother, Blaire Wilcox, have returned to Jled Creek after spending a few weeks with their par-eois , Mr. and Mrs. \y . W. Wilcox.— Agnes and Eleneita Praiiie have re­turned to their home after spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. John liurke al Helena.—We are grieved to learn of the illness of Heniy McCuin of Bombay.- Among the students and young people whom we noticed homo for the holidays were Mias Jessie Put-ton of New York, N. D. McLaughlin of Cleveland, Robert Wilson, Emmett O'Neill, Leon Cline, Cyril Fulton and Ail bur Dishaw of Potsdam Tech.. An­sel Bailey, T u f t s ; George Wilaon of Syracuse, Doris Taylor ot Yonkei*. Ruth and Veronica Bero from New Rochelle.—Among the latest chicken-pox victims are Janet 8heets, Norma Qucnell, Lewis Pheiix and Fannie Ref-fue . -Neibon Pheiix of Fort Covington is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Phe­iix, J r . - W e are all awaiting the min­strel show which the K. of C. are to put on this month.—The Per fee ion Bakery we understand will soon be ready for the public patronage and will be located in one of the store* in White's Hotel.—We are to lose two of our fine teachers, far Miss Mary B. Snailh, kindergarten teacher ,in the new High, and Miss Mildred Dodge, principal of the Spring* school, have resigned. Out loss rs some one else's gain.—Charles Wiles accompanied his. coufdn. Alvin Mont, to his home in Syracuse for the holidays.—We are glad to see our school "maims" again tfmong us.


ft may be true, as unofficial sta­tisticians assert, that there la a falling off in divorces with the fall in prices, but that will have to wait until the public recovers.

Those frequent monarchist plot* in Germany are always exposed in ad­vance by Borne inconsiderate outsider, but it seema that nobody is ever pun­ished.

North Stockholm, Jan. 3.—Emery Baxter was in Louisville laat week vis­iting relatives.—M. A. jS'ichols took New Year's dinner with dr. and Mrs. Ed Clujk of M o i i a . - M i s s Ada Strait opf-ned her school Monday after a week's vacation.- Oeorge Cramer is ill with a cold.— Delbert Baxter and Leora Nichols were gueets of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Baxter of Louisville Land­ing Sunday.

Schwab's Home Made a Hit.

Annual Meeting.

The annual meeting "for election of directors and inspectors of election of Madrid Bank and for such other busi­ness as may properly he considered, will be held at its office in the town of Madrid, N. Y.t on Tuesday, the 11th day of January, 1921, at 2 o'clock p. m.

Dated December 21, 1920. A. D. WHITNEY,

. President.

Charles M. Schwab had an old friond from Pittsburgh pay him a visit. The PennsylvarUan, a steel puddler, in leather boots, flannel shirt and a broad-brimmed felt hat. says the Phil­adelphia Ledger. Mr. Schwab person­ally escorted him through his marble palace, at Fifty-tblrd-atreet and River­side Drive, with dignified pauses be­fore the paintings and various works of art with which the interior is stud­ded. He even had his private organ­ist finger off a special program on the great organ in honor ot the viaitor. In­cidentally, Mr. Schwab's favorite mu­sical composition is "The Rosary."

"What do you think of my place?" aaked the steel king when everything had been seen.

Replied the viaitor: "I tell you. Char­ley, it ia one swell dump!"

That reminds one of the remark of tho aged Pittsburgher on the top of a Fifth Avenue 'bus when riding past the late Andrew Carnegie's huge mar­ble residence:

"Andy surely haa carved himself a mean hut."

The suggestions^hat the Soviets are seeking diplomatic recognition takes no account of the fact that the Soviets most of all just now are seeking a chance to rest. s

Now that photographs may be sent by wire, suspicious wlvea will have less difficulty in locating their errant husbands away on business trips.

Speaking of propaganda In history, has there ever been a history that was not affected by intentional or unin­tentional biaa, national, or personal to the historian?