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Troy (History)Troy is a Bronze Age city featured in the Trojan War of ancient Greek oral and literary tradition.

According to the mythology, Troy is the setting for Homer’s Iliad in which he recounts the final year of the Trojan War. The War was led by King Agamemnon of Mycenae. The purpose of the war was to reclaim Helen, wife of Menelaos, King of Argos. Helen was abducted by the Trojan Prince, Paris. Troy and the Trojan War later became a staple myth of classical Greek and Roman literature.

Troy also referred to a real-life ancient city located on the northwest coast of Turkey.

Troy (Movie)Movie

The movie Troy is based on the Homer’s Iliad which revolves the beginning and to the end of the 10year Trojan War.

The historical city of Troy leaded by Hector and his Trojan army was invaded by Achilles and his Myrmidons.


1. Achilles (played by Kelvin Fong Jia Zheng)- He was a Greek hero of the Trojan War and the central character and greatest

warrior of Homer’s Iliad according to the Greek mythology.- Achilles was the son of the Nereid Thetis and Peleus.

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- In the movie, Achilles is the main character and he was persuaded by Odysseus, King of Ithaca to fight for Agamemnon.

- Achilles leaded his Myrmidons to invade Troy which was lead by Hector and his Trojan army.

2. Hector (played by Tan Chee Siang)- In Greek mythology, he was a Trojan prince and the greatest fighter in Troy in

the Trojan War.- Son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba.- He was killed by Achilles in a battle, his body was tied to Achilles’s chariot and

driven back to his camp.- King Priam asked back for Hector’s body and he was given a full funeral honors.

3. Paris (played by Tan Chiew Nee)- Child of King Priam and Queen Hecuba.- Best known by his elopement with the Queen of Sparta, Helen, the reason of

Trojan War.- Unskilled and coward.- In the movie, he was challenged by Menelaos and the winner will take Helen

home.- He lost in the fight with Menelaos.

4. Helen (played by Sharon Lim Yu Jung)- Queen of Sparta, daughter of Zeus and Leda. - In Greek mythology, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. - Her abduction by Prince Paris brought about the Trojan War.- Married to Menelaus.

5. Odysseus (played by Ng Yuheng)- Was a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and a hero of Homer’s Iliad.- Best known for the ten years long Trojan War. - He was also the most influential Greek champion during the Trojan War.- In the movie, he was the one who persuaded Achilles to fight for Agamemnon.

6. Briseis (played by Eunice Chan)- Was a mythical queen in Asia minor at the time of Trojan War. - She lied at the heart of a dispute between Achilles and Agamemnon.

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- In Greek mythology, she was the daughter of Briseus, very beautiful and clever.

TROY (Costumes & Props Research)Achilles’s costume

Hector’s costume Helen’s costume

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Paris’s costume

Odysseus Briseis

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PropsAchilles’s Shield Hector’s Shield

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Swords Spear

Documentation – Making of Costumes and Props1. Achilles

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2. Hector

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3. Paris



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5. Helen

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Making of miniature props

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First Scene

King Menelaus : Hector, Paris, young princes, come. Stand. Drink with me. To peace between Troy and Sparta.

Everyone : To Troy and Sparta.

( Paris entered Helen’s room )

Helen : You shouldn’t be here. Menelaus will kill both of us.

Paris: Don't be afraid of him. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of tomorrow. I'm afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you'll never come back. Come with me.

Helen : Don’t play with me. Don’t

Paris : The men will hunt us. The gods will curse us. But I love you.

( Paris and Helen escaped. )

Second Scene

Achilles : Are you here for Agamemmnon’s biding?

Odysseus : We need to talk.

Achilles: I will not fight for him.

Odysseus: I'm not asking you to fight for him. I'm asking you to fight for the Greeks.

Achilles: Are the Greeks tired of fighting each other? For now. The Trojans never harmed me.

Odysseus: They insulted Greece.

Achilles: They insulted a man who couldn't hold on to his wife. Is that my business?

Odysseus: Your business is war, my friend.Let Achilles fight for honor. Let Agamemnon fight for power. And let the gods decide which man to glorify. Fight for me. Even if your cousin doesn't come, I hope you'll join us.

Achilles: Play your tricks on me, but not my cousin.

Odysseus :You have your swords. I have my tricks. We sail for Troy in three days. This war will never be forgotten.

Third scene

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( Preparing for the war )

Hector : Honor the gods, love your woman... ...and defend your country. Troy is mother to us all. Fight for her!

( On the other side )

Achilles : brothers of the sword. I'd rather fight beside you than any army of thousands. Let no man forget how menacing we are. We are lions!

( Rowing towards the sea. Fighting and slashing of bodies. Achilles went up to the temple of Apollo, met Hector there.)

Hector : Why did you come here?

Achilles: They'll be talking about this war for 1000 years.

Hector: In 1000 years, the dust from our bones will be gone.

Achilles: Yes, prince. But our names will remain. Go home, prince. Drink some wine, make love to your wife. Tomorrow, we'll have our war.

Hector: You speak of war as if it's a game. How many wives wait at Troy's gates for husbands they'll never see again?

Achilles: Your brother can comfort them. I hear he's good at charming other men's wives.

Forth scene

Menelaus : There is another way. I love Helen. I won't give her up and neither will you. So let us fight our own battle. The winner takes Helen home. And let that be the end of it. Let me kill this little peacock. You'll have your city. I'll have my revenge.

Paris: I accept your challenge.

( started fighting )

Hector : Get Up !

Menelaus : Come on you coward ! Fight me

Hector : Fight him son, fight !

( and Paris was about to lose, went back to hector and grab his foot )

Menelaus : The fight is over !

Hector : No, He is my brother. Go, get inside Paris .

( The war started among Trojans and Spartan )

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Fifth Scene

( Hector killed Patrocleus in the war )

( Achilles was in fury )

Achilles: I need my armor.

Brisies: No. Don't go! Hector's my cousin. He's a good man. Don't fight him. Please don't fight him. Please. No~~~

Sixth scene

Achilles : Hector! Hector! Hector! Hector!

Hector : Father...forgive me for any offenses. I've served you as best as I could.

Achilles :Hector!

Priam: May the gods be with you. No father ever had a better son.

Achilles: Hector!

Priam : Apollo guard you, my prince. You're the best man I know. You're a prince of Troy. I know you'll make me proud.

Achilles : Hector ……( until Hector emerged )

Achilles : I thought it was you I was fighting yesterday.

Hector :And I wish it had been you. But I gave the dead boy the honor he deserved.

Achilles : You gave him the honor of your sword. You won't have eyes tonight. You won't have ears or a tongue. You'll wander the underworld, blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead will know: This is Hector, the fool who thought he killed Achilles.

( They battled and Hector was almost going to lose )

Achilles : Get Up Prince of Troy !

( Finally Achilles killed Hector and towed his body back with his sledge)

PS scene

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( Priam knelt down and kissed Achilles’ hands)

Achilles: Who are you?

Priam : I have endured what no one on earth has endured before. I kissed the hands of the man who killed my son.

Achilles: Priam?

Priam : I watched my eldest son die... watched you drag his body behind your chariot. Give him back to me. He deserves the honor of a proper burial. You know that. Give him to me. Let me wash his body. Let me say the prayers. Let me place two coins on his eyes for the boatman.

Seventh scene

( bodies scattered at the beach )

Servant : Plague. Don't go too close, my king. This is the will of the gods. They desecrated the temple of Apollo...and Apollo desecrated their flesh. They thought they could come here and sack our city in a day. Now look at them, fleeing across the Aegean.

Priam: What is this?

Servant : An offering to Poseidon. The Greeks are praying for a safe return home.

Priam: This is a gift. We should take it to the temple of Poseidon.

Paris: I think we should burn it. - Burn it?

Priam: My prince, it's a gift to the gods.

Paris: Father, burn it.

Priam: You are the prince now. Make your brother proud.

( Trojan horse was towed into the city. At night, the armies invaded and set the capital on fire , Priam was killed )Achilles : Bresies ! Where is she ?

Helen : Paris! Andromache!

Andromache : Helen, we must go.

Helen : Where ? I don’t know.

Andromache : It's a long way. Quick. We must go now.

( Let it burn ! Let Troy burn! Burn it! Burn it all! Burn Troy to the ground! )

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Achilles : Briseis!

Helen : Paris! Come.

Paris : I stay. No. My father will never abandon the city. I can't leave him. Go.

Helen : No, I won’t leave you.

Paris: Go. We will be together again, in this world or the next. We will be together.

( Helen followed Andromache and escaped. Paris stayed and found Bresies with Archilles. Intimate relationship and Paris aimed him with his arrow )

Briseis : No! Paris! No! Stop! Please! Paris! Don't!

( Paris shot Achilles and he was dying )

Achilles : It's all right. It's all right. You gave me a lifetime of war.

Paris : Briseis, come. Go. You must.

Briseis: No.

Paris: Troy is falling. Go.

( The men fought brutally and soon the land was full of the blood of the innocents. Violence was everywhere. Men was slaughtered, women raped, babies thrown from the top of the wall. Infernos, moans and cries of despair. City of Troy was in total chaos and the glory of Troy as a city that never be defeated was turn into ashes of grey. King Priam glanced hopelessly over the land. Achilles rushed into the hall, risked his life to find Briseis among the chaos. Helen and Andromache escaped from Trojan through the secret tunnel Hector showed his wife before. Helen begged Paris to escape with her but Paris decided to stay at Troy, wanted to secure the land which his father fought for so long. Priam was killed with no mercy by Menelaus. At last, Achilles found Briseis but their reunion was soon be their last moment together when Paris ended his life with an arrow. )

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TROY (SCRIPT)First Scene

In a hall, King Menelaus, Hector and Paris sitting around a long table.

King Menelaus : Hector, Paris, young princes, come. Stand. Drink with me. To peace between Troy and Sparta.

Everyone : To Troy and Sparta.

In Helen’s room, Helen standing by the window then Paris sneaked in.

Helen : You shouldn’t be here. Menelaus will kill both of us.

Paris: Don't be afraid of him. I'm not afraid of dying. I'm afraid of tomorrow. I'm afraid of watching you sail away and knowing you'll never come back. Come with me, Helen.

Helen : Don’t play with me. Don’t.

Paris : The men will hunt us. The gods will curse us. But I love you.

Second Scene

Beside a wide bricks wall, Achilles playing with his sword and archery. There came Odysseus.

Achilles : Are you here for Agamemnon’s biding?

Odysseus : We need to talk.

Achilles: I will not fight for him.

Odysseus: I'm not asking you to fight for him. I'm asking you to fight for the Greeks.

Achilles: Are the Greeks tired of fighting each other?

Odysseus : For now.

Achilles : The Trojans never harmed me.

Odysseus: They insulted Greece.

Achilles: They insulted a man who couldn't hold on to his wife. Is that my business?

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Odysseus: Your business is war, my friend. Let Achilles fight for honour. Let Agamemnon fight for power. And let the gods decide which man to glorify. Fight for me. Even if your cousin doesn't come, I hope you'll join us.

Achilles: Play your tricks on me, but not my cousin.

Odysseus : You have your swords. I have my tricks. We sail for Troy in three days. This war will never be forgotten.

Third scene

Hector with the sword in his hand, facing the fellow Trojans.

Hector : All my life,I live by a code. And the code is simple: Honor the gods, love your woman and defend your country. Troy is mother to us all. Fight for her!

Achilles on the ship sailing to Troy.

Achilles : Myrmidons... my brothers of the sword. I'd rather fight beside you than any army of thousands. Let no man forget how menacing we are. We are lions!

Achilles met Hector beside the sea.

Hector : Why did you come here?

Achilles: They'll be talking about this war for 1000 years.

Hector: In 1000 years, the dust from our bones will be gone.

Achilles: Yes, prince. But our names will remain. Go home, prince. Drink some wine, make love to your wife. Tomorrow, we'll have our war.

Hector: You speak of war as if it's a game. How many wives wait at Troy's gates for husbands they'll never see again?

Achilles: Your brother can comfort them. I hear he's good at charming other men's wives.

Forth scene

At the battlefield, Menelaus challenged Paris and the winner gets to bring Helen back.

Menelaus : There is another way. I love Helen. I won't give her up and neither will you. So let us fight our own battle. The winner takes Helen home. And let that be the end of it. Let me kill this little peacock. You'll have your city. I'll have my revenge.

Paris: I accept your challenge!

( Started fighting )

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Menelaus slashed Paris on the knee, Paris knelt down. Menelaus raised his sword and intended to slash on Paris’s neck.

Hector : Get Up !

Menelaus : Come on you coward ! Fight me.

Paris was about to lose, he quickly ran towards Hector.

Menelaus : The fight is not over!

Hector : No, He is my brother. Go, get inside Paris.

Fifth Scene

Achilles and Briseis were both in the tent at the seaside. There came the servant who told Achilles about his cousin, Patrocleus’ death. Achilles pushed him out angrily.

Achilles: I need my armor!

Brisies: No. Don't go! Hector's my cousin. He's a good man. Don't fight him. Please don't fight him. Please. No~~~

Sixth scene

Achilles in his armour, holding his sword and

Achilles : Hector! Hector! Hector! Hector!

While on the other hand, Hector

Hector : Father...forgive me for any offenses. I've served you as best as I could.

Achilles :Hector!

Priam: May the gods be with you. No father ever had a better son.

Achilles: Hector!

Priam : Apollo guard you, my prince. You're the best man I know. You're a prince of Troy. I know you'll make me proud.

Achilles : Hector ……( until Hector emerged )

Achilles : I thought it was you I was fighting yesterday.

Hector :And I wish it had been you. But I gave the dead boy the honor he deserved.

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Achilles : You gave him the honor of your sword. You won't have eyes tonight. You won't have ears or a tongue. You'll wander the underworld, blind, deaf, and dumb, and all the dead will know: This is Hector, the fool who thought he killed Achilles.Hector and Achilles started their battle, Hector felt down and about to lose.

Achilles : Get Up Prince of Troy !

Achilles killed Hector in the end.

Seventh Scene

Trojan horse was towed into the city. At night, the armies invaded and set the capital on fire.

Achilles : Briseis!

Briseis was held by the Greek army, Achilles saved her by killing the Greek with his sword. Paris found Achilles and Briseis were together, he then raised his arrow and shot Achilles on the chest.

Achilles was dying.

Paris : Briseis, come. Go. You must.

Briseis: No!

Paris: GO!

Paris pulled Briseis away and they both left Troy.