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385 27 TROPICAL DEFORESTATION, FOREST DEGRADATION AND REDD+ John A. Parrotta Introduction: Tropical forest loss and its climate change implications Forests today cover an estimated 31 percent of Earth’s land surface (4.03 billion hectares), of which 93 percent are natural forest and 7 percent are planted (FAO, 2010). They contain a substantial proportion of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity (SCBD, 2010) and play a major role in the global carbon cycle, removing carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from the atmosphere (carbon sequestration) and storing carbon for extended periods of time in biomass, dead organic matter and soil carbon pools. Of the global forest carbon stocks (including soils to 1 m depth), an estimated 55 percent (471 Pg C) is stored in tropical and subtropical forests, of which more than half is stored in biomass (Pan et al., 2011). Between 1990 and 2007, forests globally were estimated to have contributed a net sink of 1.1 Pg C yr −1 .The absorption of atmospheric carbon by intact forests in tropical and subtropical regions was 1.2 Pg C yr −1 , but this was offset by net emissions of 1.3 Pg C yr −1 resulting from land-use changes, i.e., deforestation and clearing emissions minus storage in regrowth (secondary and planted) forests (Pan et al., 2011). Deforestation and forest degradation – the result of, for example, agricultural expansion and conversion to pastureland, infrastructure development, destructive logging, and fires – account for approximately 12–22 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector and second only to the energy sector (van der Werf et al., 2009; Pan et al., 2011; Le Quéré et al., 2013). In recent years the potential to mitigate climate change caused by increased concentrations of atmospheric CO 2 and other greenhouse gases (principally from the burning of fossil fuels) by enhancing the carbon sequestration by forests and forested landscapes has attracted increasing interest worldwide. What is REDD+? REDD+ is a mechanism for climate change mitigation developed in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and being implemented through a growing number of international organizations, institutions and governments. REDD+ aims to reduce CO 2 and other greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and enhance forest carbon stocks in ‘developing’ countries (principally in tropical and subtropical Taylor & Francis: Not for Distribution

Tropical deforestation, forest degradation and REDD+ › rsc › downloads › 9781138495319... · 2020-03-23 · TROPICAL DEFORESTATION, FOREST DEGRADATION AND REDD+ John A. Parrotta

Jun 26, 2020



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John A. Parrotta

Introduction: Tropical forest loss and its climate change implications

Forests today cover an estimated 31 percent of Earth’s land surface (4.03 billion hectares), of which 93 percent are natural forest and 7 percent are planted (FAO, 2010). They contain a substantial proportion of the world’s terrestrial biodiversity (SCBD, 2010) and play a major role in the global carbon cycle, removing carbon dioxide (CO

2) from the atmosphere (carbon

sequestration) and storing carbon for extended periods of time in biomass, dead organic matter and soil carbon pools. Of the global forest carbon stocks (including soils to 1 m depth), an estimated 55 percent (471 Pg C) is stored in tropical and subtropical forests, of which more than half is stored in biomass (Pan et al., 2011). Between 1990 and 2007, forests globally were estimated to have contributed a net sink of 1.1 Pg C yr−1.The absorption of atmospheric carbon by intact forests in tropical and subtropical regions was 1.2 Pg C yr−1, but this was offset by net emissions of 1.3 Pg C yr−1 resulting from land-use changes, i.e., deforestation and clearing emissions minus storage in regrowth (secondary and planted) forests (Pan et al., 2011).

Deforestation and forest degradation – the result of, for example, agricultural expansion and conversion to pastureland, infrastructure development, destructive logging, and fires – account for approximately 12–22 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, more than the entire global transportation sector and second only to the energy sector (van der Werf et al., 2009; Pan et al., 2011; Le Quéré et al., 2013). In recent years the potential to mitigate climate change caused by increased concentrations of atmospheric CO

2 and other greenhouse gases (principally

from the burning of fossil fuels) by enhancing the carbon sequestration by forests and forested landscapes has attracted increasing interest worldwide.

What is REDD+?

REDD+ is a mechanism for climate change mitigation developed in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and being implemented through a growing number of international organizations, institutions and governments. REDD+ aims to reduce CO

2 and other greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, and

enhance forest carbon stocks in ‘developing’ countries (principally in tropical and subtropical


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John A. Parrotta


regions) by providing financial and other incentives to governments, landholders and/or communities for managing their forest lands towards this end.

The topic of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation was first introduced in the 2005 meeting of the UNFCCC’s Conference of the Parties, and further elaborated two years later in the UNFCCC’s ‘Bali Action Plan.’ In 2010, UNFCCC Conference of the Parties in Cancún, Mexico, reached an agreement on policy approaches and positive incentives for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from forests. The Cancún decision on REDD+ specifically encourages developing countries to pursue climate change mitigation actions in the forest sector by: (a) reducing emissions from deforestation; (b) reducing emissions from forest degradation; (c) conservation of forest carbon stocks; (d) sustainable management of forests; (e) enhancement of forest carbon stocks. The Cancún decision also specified that these five REDD+ activities should, among other things: be country-driven; consistent with the objective of environmental integrity and take into account the multiple functions of forests and other ecosystems; be implemented in the context of sustainable development and reducing poverty; be consistent with the climate change adaptation needs of the country; be results-based; and promote sustainable management of forests. The Warsaw REDD+ agreements (2013) finalized the details for funding, implementation and monitoring of projects under the UN-REDD program.

The development of REDD+ has raised hopes and expectations in many quarters, particularly among those who see the potential for significant environmental and socio-economic ‘co-benefits.’ These anticipated co-benefits include conservation of forest biodiversity, water regulation, soil conservation, timber, forest foods and other non-timber forest products, and direct social benefits – jobs, livelihoods, land tenure clarification, carbon payments, enhanced participation in decision making and improved governance. Critics of REDD+ emphasize the lack of clarity regarding the eventual architecture of the international REDD+ regime and the international financial mechanisms that will underpin it, the environmental and social risks and inequity associated with various aspects of REDD+ policy development, planning and implementation (e.g., issues of sovereignty, risk of ‘land grabs’), the high likelihood of ‘leakage’ (displacement of deforestation and forest degradation from a REDD+ project area to another location), and long-standing difficulties in addressing the underlying causes of deforestation and forest degradation.

The following sections examine deforestation and forest degradation in tropical and subtropical regions of the world where REDD+ activities are under way or may be carried out in the future. The proximal and underlying causes of forest loss and degradation are discussed, as well as their impacts on the provision of ecosystem services1 with a particular focus on forest carbon sequestration (explored in depth in Thompson et al., 2012). Forest and landscape management activities that may be implemented in countries to meet REDD+ objectives will be considered, as will the likely environmental impacts and their social and economic impacts (both positive and negative) on people most likely to be affected by REDD-related changes in agricultural and forest management policies, incentives and governance structures.

1 Forest ecosystem services include supporting services such as nutrient cycling, soil formation and primary productivity; provisioning services such as food, water, timber and medicine; regulating services such as erosion control, climate regulation, flood mitigation, purification of water and air, pollination and pest and disease control; and cultural services such as recreation, ecotourism, educational and spiritual values (MA, 2005)


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Tropical deforestation, forest degradation and REDD+

Deforestation and forest degradation in tropical and subtropical regions


Deforestation is the conversion of forest land to another land use, generally the result of transformation of forested lands to other land uses that are maintained by a continued human-induced or natural perturbation. Deforestation includes areas of forest converted to agriculture, pasture, water reservoirs and urban areas, but excludes areas where trees have been removed as a result of harvesting or logging, where the forest is expected to regenerate naturally or with the aid of silvicultural measures. Deforestation also includes areas where, for example, the impact of disturbance, overuse or changing environmental conditions affects the forest to an extent that it cannot sustain a tree cover.

At the global level, deforestation has been estimated at between 13 to 16 million hectares (Mha) per year between 1990 and 2010 (FAO, 2010). However, as a result of large-scale forest planting efforts, natural expansion of forests, and successes in slowing deforestation rates in some countries, the net global loss in forest area has slowed from 8.3 Mha (from 1990 to 2000) to 5.2 Mha (an area the size of Costa Rica) from 2000 to 2010 (FAO, 2010).

Rates of deforestation are particularly high in tropical regions, with an estimated net forest loss of 8.0 Mha yr−1 between 2000 and 2005 (FAO, 2011). South America and Africa continue to have the largest net loss of forest. Forest area in Central America was estimated as almost the same in 2010 as in 2000. Asia, which had a net loss in the 1990s, reported a net gain of forest in the period 2000–2010, primarily due to the large-scale afforestation reported by China and despite continued high rates of loss in many countries in South and Southeast Asia. In both Brazil and Indonesia, which had the highest net losses of forest in the 1990s, rates of forest loss have been significantly reduced in recent years, while in Australia, severe drought and forest fires since 2000 have contributed significantly to loss of forest cover.

Although recent deforestation rates have fallen in some countries, continued pressure on forests would suggest that rates of forest loss in tropical and subtropical countries are likely to remain high in the foreseeable future (e.g., Rudel et al., 2009; FAO, 2011). Recent human impacts across global forest ecosystems have not been equal, with some forest types now under severe threat. Both tropical and subtropical dry and montane forests have been converted to a large extent because they are located in climates highly suitable for agriculture and grazing. Mangrove forest area declined by 19 percent from 1980 to 2005 (FAO, 2007) due to land clearing, aquaculture, changes to hydrological regimes and coastal development. Extensive areas of freshwater swamp and peat forests in Southeast Asia, which store vast amounts of carbon in their soils, have been lost or severely degraded in recent decades by unsustainable logging and agricultural expansion, including oil palm plantations.

Agricultural expansion has been the most important direct cause of global forest loss, accounting for 80 percent of deforestation worldwide, with the majority occurring during the 1980s and 1990s through conversion of tropical forests (Gibbs et al., 2010). The conversion of forest lands for commercial agriculture and pasture has been responsible for approximately two-thirds of deforestation in Latin America, while in Africa and tropical and subtropical Asia forest clearing for subsistence farming is the major driver of land-use change (Kissinger et al., 2012).

The underlying drivers of forest loss – which cannot be ignored – include rapid population growth, increasing global natural resource consumption, and the often over-riding effects of economic globalization and global land scarcity. These are exacerbated by problems of weak governance, inadequate policies, lack of cross-sectoral coordination, perverse incentives and illegal activities (Kissinger et al., 2012).


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John A. Parrotta


Forest degradation

Forest degradation may be broadly defined as a reduction in the capacity of a forest to produce ecosystem services, such as carbon storage and wood products as a result of anthropogenic and environmental changes. Forest degradation is widespread and has become an important consideration in global policy processes that deal with biodiversity, climate change, and forest management. The International Tropical Timber Organization estimated that up to 850 Mha of tropical forest could already be characterized as degraded (ITTO, 2002).

Forest may be degraded from several perspectives, depending on the cause, the particular goods or services of interest, and the temporal and spatial scales considered. Forest degradation must therefore be measured against a desired baseline condition, and the types of degradation can be represented using five criteria that relate to the drivers of degradation, loss of ecosystem services and sustainable management, including: productivity, biodiversity, unusual disturbances, protective functions, and carbon storage (Thompson et al., 2013).

The proximate drivers of forest degradation include unsustainable logging, over-harvest of fuelwood and non-timber forest products (NTFPs), over-grazing, human-induced fires (or fire suppression in dry forests) and poor management of shifting cultivation (Chazdon, 2008; Kissinger et al., 2012). For example, unsustainable timber extraction accounts for more than 70 percent of tropical forest degradation in Latin America and Asia (Kissinger et al., 2012). Unsustainable logging has resulted in forests being degraded by removal of high-value trees, the collateral damage associated with timber extraction, and subsequent burning and clearing (Asner et al., 2006). Fuelwood collection and charcoal production, which account for an estimated 40 percent of global removal of wood from forests (FAO, 2006), as well as forest grazing, are major causes of forest degradation, particularly across Africa (Kissinger et al., 2012).

Although fire is a natural element in many forest ecosystems, humans have altered fire regimes across an estimated 60 percent of terrestrial habitats (Shlisky et al., 2009). Fires have spread in increasing extent and frequency across tropical rainforests with the expansion of agriculture, forest fragmentation, unsustainable shifting cultivation and logging.

In addition to human-induced and disturbance-related forest degradation, climate change poses an additional and growing threat to global forest ecosystems, in particular through an increase in the frequency of severe droughts that can result in a long-term reduction of forest cover. Tropical regions that appear particularly vulnerable to warming and drought include Central America, Southeastern Amazonia and West Africa.

Deforestation and forest degradation can act synergistically. Deforestation fragments forest landscapes, which often results in degradation of remaining forests due to edge effects (e.g., drying of the forest floor, increased fire frequency, increased tree mortality and shifts in tree species composition). Poorly planned logging activities increase road access to remaining forest interiors, further facilitating shifting cultivation and other land clearing, hunting, illegal logging, blowdown and fire (Griscom et al., 2009).

Degradation can lead to subsequent deforestation. In the Brazilian Amazon basin, for example, Asner et al. (2006) estimated that 16 percent of unsustainably logged areas were deforested during the following year, and 32 percent in the following three years. Degraded forests can often remain in a degraded state for long periods of time if degradation drivers (e.g., fire, human and livestock pressures) remain, or if ecological thresholds have been passed beyond which forests cannot recover their structure and composition through natural successional processes.


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Tropical deforestation, forest degradation and REDD+

Impacts of deforestation and forest degradation on carbon sequestration and storage

CO2 emissions associated with forest conversion

Tropical and subtropical forests store an estimated 247 Gt C in biomass (both above and below ground) (Saatchi et al., 2011). When forests are converted to croplands, often through burning, a large portion of carbon stored in above-ground vegetation is immediately released to the atmosphere as CO

2 (and other greenhouse gases), or over time through the decomposition of

debris (Figure 27.1). Carbon in soils following deforestation can also become a large source of emissions because of increased soil respiration with warmer ambient temperatures. There is increased soil loss with higher flooding and erosion rates, with carbon being transported downstream where a large fraction of the decayed organic matter is released as CO


CO2 emissions associated with forest degradation

Carbon emissions from forest degradation are difficult to assess because of a lack of consistent data. Forest degradation is often pooled with deforestation to estimate emissions from land-use change (e.g., Houghton, 2003), or is estimated as less than 10 percent of tropical carbon emissions (e.g., Nabuurs et al., 2007). Emissions from degradation, however, are likely to be more substantial (Lambin et al., 2003).

Poor logging practices create large canopy openings and cause collateral damage to remaining trees, sub-canopy vegetation and soils (Asner et al., 2006). During timber harvest, a substantial

Figure 27.1 The major carbon fluxes in forest ecosystems. Net Primary Production (NPP) quantifies the amount of organic matter produced annually. Most of this carbon uptake is offset through losses from the decomposition of litter, dead wood and soil C pools (Rh = heterotrophic respiration). The net balance (Net Ecosystem Production, NEP) is further reduced through direct fire emissions to yield Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), from which harvest losses are subtracted to estimate the annual C stock change in forest ecosystems (Net Biome Production, NBP). Positive NBP indicates increasing forest carbon stocks, a sink from the atmosphere, while negative NBP indicates a carbon source. NEE is reported from the perspective of the atmosphere and has the opposite sign convention

Source: Figure by Avril Goodall (Canadian Forest Service), reprinted from Thompson et al. (2012), in Parrotta et al. (2012)

Dead Wooc

Aboveground biomass **



RhFire Hardest

LitterBelow around biomass




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John A. Parrotta


portion of biomass carbon (approximately 50 percent) can be left as logging residues, and about 20 percent of harvested wood biomass is further lost in the process of manufacturing wood products (Pan et al., 2011). There is a continuing loss of carbon from decomposition or combustion of wood products from the significant proportion of harvested wood that is used for fuelwood and paper production.

CO2 emissions associated with forest fires

The impact of forest fires on carbon emissions is particularly significant (van der Werf et al., 2009). In extreme drought years, carbon emissions from tropical forest fires can exceed those from deforestation (Houghton, 2003). For example, total estimated carbon emissions from tropical forest fires during the 1997–1998 El Niño event were 0.83 to 2.8 Pg C yr−1 (Cochrane, 2003).

In recent decades, the frequency and size of forest fires have increased in many (sub-)tropical regions, including areas where fires have not been known to occur commonly, and where forest ecosystems are not well adapted to fire effects. Such fires are often associated with deforestation and land-use practices (Cochrane, 2003). Fire frequency may be intensified in forests that have been degraded by logging or previously burned, because these areas become more flammable and fire is more likely with human encroachment. Even low to medium severity fires in undisturbed or lightly degraded intact forest can kill over 50 percent of all trees (Barlow et al., 2003). Trees in tropical humid forests are particularly susceptible to fire damage because fires are historically rare.

Shifting cultivation (‘slash-and-burn agriculture’), practiced throughout the tropics and subtropics, also contributes to overall greenhouse gas emissions. However, it should be noted that carbon sequestration by secondary forest regeneration during the fallow phase may offset a significant proportion of these losses.

REDD+ activities and their potential for climate change mitigation

A number of forest and associated land management options offer potential to meet REDD+ climate change mitigation objectives while serving biodiversity conservation and broader societal needs (Kapos et al., 2012, summarized below).

These management actions may be applied at varying spatial scales both within and outside of the forest sector to address the proximate as well as underlying drivers of deforestation and forest degradation in tropical and subtropical regions as well as approaches for increasing forest cover on degraded forest lands (Table 27.1). Actions that seek to maintain existing carbon and biodiversity through effectively reducing deforestation and forest degradation are more likely to have the greatest and most immediate benefits compared to those that seek to restore them.

Actions that address drivers of deforestation and forest degradation are essential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from forest landscapes. Improvements in agricultural practices on lands currently in use for food and livestock production have a particularly important role to play in REDD+ strategies. Sustainable agricultural intensification and other improvements in existing production systems, including agroforestry and shifting cultivation may help both to limit the increase in demand for new land (and associated deforestation and forest degradation) and to reduce direct impacts such as those from unsustainable shifting cultivation, the use of fire in land preparation and management, and the application of agrochemicals. Such improvements can also help to enhance carbon stocks across agro-forest landscapes.


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Tropical deforestation, forest degradation and REDD+

Table 27.1 Relevance of management interventions to the five REDD+ activities. Some interventions have a strong and direct role to play in a given REDD+ activity (••), while others may have less immediate relevance but may still play a role (•). Source: Kapos et al. 2012

Forest Management TypeManagement actions likely to be used in REDD

Relevance to REDD+ activities

Reduction of emissions from deforestation

Reduction of emissions from forest degradation

Carbon stock enhancement

Sustainable management of forests

Conservation of carbon stocks

Improving agricultural practiceSustainable agricultural intensification

•• • • •

Agroforestry • •Sustainable shifting cultivation • •• • •Fire management • •• •• •• •Protection measures •• •• • • ••

Reducing impacts of extractive useReduced Impact Logging •• ••Efficiencies, alternative production, or substitution of fuelwood and NTFPs

•• ••

Hunting regulation •• •

Restoration/ReforestationAssisted natural regeneration • • •• •Afforestation and reforestation primarily for wood/fiber production


Reforestation primarily for biodiversity and ecosystem services

• ••

Landscape scale planning and coordination

•• •• • •• •

One of the most effective means for protecting forests from degradation and loss – and thereby conserving forest carbon stocks and reducing greenhouse gas emissions – is the establishment of formally protected areas or other conservation units. Management approaches for such areas may range from strict protection of biodiversity to allowing multiple uses, including limited extractive activities. Protected area governance may also vary, with some managed by government authorities and others by private landowners or by local communities. Establishing protected areas may not always result in the net reduction of carbon emissions, if other unprotected areas become more degraded as a result.

Reducing emissions from forest degradation will also require in many regions actions to reduce the impacts of extraction of forest products including timber, fuelwood and other NTFPs. Such actions may include improved timber harvesting practices such as reduced impact logging (Putz et al., 2008), as well as promoting the sustainable harvesting and use of NTFPs. Depending on national and local circumstances, such actions and the policies used to promote them can play an important role in REDD+ through their contribution to reducing forest degradation and promoting sustainable management of forests.


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John A. Parrotta


The enhancement of forest carbon stocks may include a broad set of management actions involving various forms of forest restoration, reforestation and afforestation. All have the potential to yield positive results in terms of carbon sequestration as well as the conservation of biodiversity and provision of forest ecosystem services. In this context, it should be noted that there is increasing evidence that biodiversity plays a critical role in the provision of a wide range of forest ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration and storage (Thompson et al., 2012). Assisted natural regeneration in deforested or degraded areas can be used in many locales to accelerate natural secondary forest development by removing stressors or barriers to natural regeneration (such as recurrent fire, grazing or dominant invasive grasses). Reforestation may also be achieved through establishment of planted forests, using either plantation monocultures or mixed species plantings (Lamb et al., 2005). In some cases enrichment planting may be used to modify the composition of existing degraded forests.

Factors influencing the environmental impacts of REDD+ activities

The forest and land management activities outlined above can have highly variable impacts on carbon, biodiversity, and provision of forest ecosystem services, depending on location, scale of implementation, initial conditions, historical impacts, forest type and the wider landscape context. While any or all of these actions may potentially form part of REDD+ programs and strategies, coordination and planning at landscape and broader scales are key to minimizing negative impacts, and ensuring positive outcomes for both carbon and biodiversity (SCBD, 2011).

Different management actions require different time periods to deliver benefits for carbon, biodiversity and other ecosystem services (Kapos et al., 2012). In some cases, actions that yield positive carbon sequestration benefits in the short term may fail to deliver biodiversity conservation benefits and in some cases may cause negative impacts. Trade-offs between carbon and biodiversity outcomes can occur both locally and at wider spatial scales. For example, plantations of introduced species may provide large and rapid – though short-lived – carbon benefits but contribute little to local biodiversity and provision of valued ecosystem services. Depending on factors such as their management and prior land uses, such plantations may actually have detrimental impacts. At landscape scales, efforts to alleviate deforestation pressure on natural forests through agricultural intensification and associated inputs of agrochemicals can lead both to detrimental impacts on biodiversity and to increased greenhouse gas emissions.

Not all impacts on carbon and biodiversity are easily anticipated or measured. Impacts can occur outside the area of management and/or in the future (Kapos et al., 2012). Indirect impacts resulting from displacement of land-use pressures or extractive activities (e.g. following the creation of protected areas) are particularly problematic. Unintended increases in net greenhouse gas emissions may result if, for example, constraints on timber harvesting lead to the replacement of wood products with more emissions-intensive alternatives such as concrete, steel or plastics.

Both the magnitude and the direction of the environmental impacts can change over time. For example, fire suppression in naturally fire-dependent forest ecosystems can lead to increased carbon stocks in the short term, but can be severely detrimental in the long term for both carbon and biodiversity if the accumulation of fuel (flammable biomass) leads to catastrophic fires.

It is generally accepted that of the five REDD+ activities, reducing deforestation and forest degradation have by far the greatest potential to yield positive results in terms of carbon sequestration and biodiversity conservation. As a means to enhance forest carbon stocks, forest restoration practices to restore riparian forests in degraded watersheds or to create corridors and


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Tropical deforestation, forest degradation and REDD+

improve forest connectivity in fragmented landscapes can provide substantial benefits for biodiversity while at the same time enhance the provision of many forest ecosystem services valued by people (Mansourian et al., 2005). There is much uncertainty, however, about the potential impacts on biodiversity of other activities to enhance forest carbon stocks and those related to the sustainable management of forests. Further, there is both uncertainty and concern about how all REDD+ activities may directly and indirectly affect the well-being of people, especially indigenous and local communities who may depend on a variety of ecosystem services other than carbon.

Social and economic impacts of REDD+ activities

While REDD+ has the potential to generate substantial positive impacts for climate mitigation and biodiversity conservation, the way in which it is implemented will determine its social and economic effects (Strassburg et al., 2012), summarized in Figure 27.2. The primary objectives of REDD+, avoiding deforestation and forest degradation, can greatly benefit landless or otherwise disadvantaged people in rural areas who typically have a greater dependence on products derived from forests for their subsistence and livelihood needs. Such people are often disproportionately impacted by the loss of forest cover and forest biodiversity and the environmental services they provide (Chomitz, 2007). If a significant fraction of expected financial resources associated with REDD+ reach the rural poor, considerable benefits may be realized.

On the other hand, the poor are also most vulnerable to changes in resource management systems and rights of access to forest resources that may be associated with REDD+, with severe negative consequences for their already marginal livelihoods. There is abundant evidence that security of tenure and associated authority for local decision support better environmental management, as well as the realization of livelihood benefits (Strassburg et al., 2012, Angelsen et al., 2009). Tenure security includes recognition of all forms of ownership and control, especially communal tenure. Poor recognition of such rights excludes the rural poor from decision making, and usually denies them access to potential benefits from market-based interventions, such as payments for environmental services and REDD+. Weak tenure security also facilitates ‘land grabbing’ and other irregularities related to land ownership and transfer, which often result in expropriation of lands from the most vulnerable segments of rural society.

If REDD+ programs and activities are to address the social, political and economic factors that produce inequitable outcomes, socio-economic objectives need to be given high priority in REDD+ planning and implementation. The most adverse social and economic consequences can be avoided through the adoption of strong environmental and social safeguards, which are sensitive to, and include monitoring systems for, tracking social impacts. Evidence from past experience, including other PES programs, strongly suggests that pursuing these social objectives alongside REDD+ is likely to not only make the process more equitable but also increase the likelihood of achieving carbon and biodiversity goals (Strassburg et al., 2012). However, it is important to recognize that ‘win–win’ outcomes may not always be possible and that difficult trade-offs may need to be negotiated between carbon, biodiversity and social objectives. Integrated landscape management is a powerful tool for addressing and reconciling the many environmental, social and economic aspects relevant to REDD+ inside and outside forests (DeFries and Rosenzweig, 2010). Careful and inclusive (participatory) spatial planning can positively influence the distribution of winners and losers across the landscape so that REDD+ serves the interests of the most vulnerable groups, thereby increasing the likelihood of positive impacts on both equity and environmental effectiveness (Strassburg et al., 2012).


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� �


long gestation anduncertainty;loss of livelihood; lossof land; inequitabledistribution ofbenefits; loss of jobs;land grabs; reboundeffect; corruptionduring land transfers;centralisedgovernance; burden ofcosts; increasedinequality

displacement; loss ofcontrol and authority;lack of participation indecision making;undermining localcapacity; knowledgeand ecologicalpractices; suppressionof traditional way oflife; health risks; loss ofarable land; changes insocial balance (migrantworkers); socialconflicts

increased income atnational level(royalties); increasedlocal job creation andincome opportunities;increased access tocredit and othermarkets; improvedlocal infrastructure(roads,communications);conserve or restoreecosystem services;land sparing; increasingdomestic food budget;poverty reduction;emerging of newbusinesses

tenure security;connection to localnetworks (socialcapital) and collectiveaction; empowerment;development of newskills and expertise;valuation andrecognition ofindigenous knowledge;conserve or restoreecosystem services;development of newsocial infrastructure;jobs creation

opportunities �

Approaches �for �implementing�management� actions�e.g.: �integration �of �social �and �economic �objectives�and/or�safeguards;� integrated� landscape�

approaches;� decentralisation;� participation;� market� mechanisms� (PES;� certification);�monitoring

�(including� social/economic� impacts)

Mediating �factors:�Governance,�

institutions,�tenure� &�property �rights�


Landscape/� Ecosystem�

REDD+ �Management �actions� across the �landscapeAddressing �agricultural �drivers, �protected�areas, SMF,� restoration��

� - �

social economic social

Figure 27.2 Economic and social impacts of REDD+ management actions on different stakeholders within a landscape

Source: Reprinted from Strassburg et al. (2012), in Parrotta et al. (2012)


REDD+ was conceived as climate change mitigation strategy, focusing almost exclusively on measures to enhance the role of forests in sequestering carbon and reducing CO

2 and other

greenhouse gas emissions associated with deforestation and forest degradation in tropical and subtropical countries. The conservation, sustainable management and restoration of forests are critical not only to efforts to help mitigate climate change, but to stem the loss of biodiversity


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Tropical deforestation, forest degradation and REDD+

which to a great extent underpins the capacity of forests to provide the ecosystem services that sustain the livelihoods of people worldwide. The success of REDD+ initiatives will depend on the degree to which REDD+ planning and implementation of specific activities recognize – and address – the complexity of historical and contemporary environmental, social, economic and political factors that drive deforestation and forest degradation. It must also learn from decades of experience why efforts to date to slow these processes have often failed, and recognize the importance (and more immediate value) of the broad range of other ecosystem services (beyond carbon sequestration and storage) that forests provide to people, particularly to those segments of rural society who depend most directly on forest goods and services to sustain their livelihoods.

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Page 12: Tropical deforestation, forest degradation and REDD+ › rsc › downloads › 9781138495319... · 2020-03-23 · TROPICAL DEFORESTATION, FOREST DEGRADATION AND REDD+ John A. Parrotta

John A. Parrotta


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