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Tritons and Triremes

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  • 8/10/2019 Tritons and Triremes


    TRIREA Marine Suppl


    ES & TRIT

    ment for Revised Mazes & M


  • 8/10/2019 Tritons and Triremes



    TRIREMES & TRITONSA Marine Supplement for Revised Mazes & Minotaurs


    Foreword & Credits

    Back in the 1970s, when the first edition of Mazes &Minotaurs was the only roleplaying game around,M&M players and Maze Masters used to joke abouta forever forthcoming supplement called Triremes& Tritons(or was it Tritons & Triremes?). Althoughthe definitive marine supplement for M&M wasregularly announced, promised and trumpeted in thepages of the Griffinmagazine, it simply never cameout apparently for a variety of obscure contractualreasons. As the years went by, Triremes & Tritonsbecame known as the sea serpent of M&M; like itsmythic namesake, it would regularly show its headbefore disappearing beneath the waves again.

    Now, more than 25 years after its first mention in theComing Soon section of the Griffin magazine, weare proud, at last, to bring you Triremes & Tritonsfor the 2012 Silver Jubilee of Revised M&M notthe original supplement (but was it ever written atall?) but a compilation of material originally

    published in the Minotaur webzine, collected,reformatted and even updated for the occasion!Within these 30+ pages, you will find optional rulesfor naval warfare and underwater adventuring,fascinating information on islands and the undersea,more than twenty new creatures, new mythic itemsand no less than four new character classes!Welcome aboard!

    Authors: Olivier Legrand, Luigi Castellani, AndrewPearce and, of course, Luke G. Reynard.

    Editor:Olivier Legrand

    Interior Art: Diverse Hands, including Emmanuel

    Croquefer Roudier (see p 24!)

    Some illustrations copyright

    Table of Contents


    Tritons 3

    Tritonides 4

    Delphins 5

    Mariners 6


    Naval Warfare in Mythika 7

    Rules for Naval Warfare 9


    The History of Colonization 11

    The Nature of Colonies 14


    Undersea Adventuring 101 16

    The Unseen Oceanids 18


    Abyss Lurker & Amphydra 19

    Cetoceros & Hexapod 20

    Hogrebos & Ichtyosatyr 21

    Jaskonos & Killer Fish 22

    Langustos & Large Octopus 23

    Lyrian 24

    Merion & Morid 25

    Psychic Medusa & Sea Gorgon 26

    Sea Titan 27

    Shark, Giant Shark & Siluros 28

    Tritonide & Tyrodon 29

    Whale 30


    Treasure of the Tritons 31

    Wonders of the Waves 32

    Unique Artifacts 33

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    These fighting mermaids could beAmazons of the Undersea. They arMermaids who have decided ttraditional feminine and melodic r

    warriors just like their Triton fatheNeedless to say, this very recenliberation movement has beencontempt and even violent angirritable and traditionalist (or is tTritons, who have simply banished tfemales from their society. Exiles fundersea clans have now formedown, calling themselves the Tritonid

    Primary Attributes:Skill and GraceGender:Female

    Basic Hits = 12

    Graceful Warrior: The unique fiTritonides allows them to use thinstead of their Might mod whenMelee score. They also add their Grmelee Initiative.

    Aquatic Agility: Tritonides add thetheir Defense Class against melattacks, unless they are surprised,their Danger Evasion rolls, with tdetection rolls. When using full movcruise at fourtimes their standard m

    Weapon of Choice: Trident.

    Level Benefits: Each level beyondTritonide +4 Hits, +1 to Luck andWill or Grace (players choice).

    Possessions:Tritonides start withnet. They do not possess any monet

    Patron Deities: Although they havfrom traditional Triton / MermaiTritonides remain fiercely loyal tshould be noted that, so far, the Gonot reacted in any way to the Tritoni

    independence or to the TritonsPerhaps he has special plans for this future wars against those whsupremacy (such as the Fomoros).

    Reputation Effect:A Tritonides Raffects all undersea Folks, except.Ta Tritonides Reputation bonus willnegative reaction modifier.

    Languages:All Tritonides speak Mthe unique tongue of Dolphins.

    Background Talents:All Tritonidethe Sea Scout talent (see previo

    another talent chosen amongBeastmaster, Healer, Musician or Sc


    escribed as theactually youngforsake their

    les to become

    rs and brothers.t and marginalmet with utterr by the veryat chauvinist?)hose derangedrom the variousa tribe of theirs.


    ghting style ofeir Grace modalculating their

    ace mod to their

    ir Grace mod toe and missile

    as well as to alle exception of

    ement, they canvement rate.

    the first gives a2 to Skill, Wits,

    a trident and aary wealth.

    e been bannedd society, theo Poseidon. It

    of the Sea hasides declaration

    utraged anger.e Tritonides, ino still defy his

    eputation Effectritons, for whomctually act as a

    erian as well as

    characters haveus page), plus

    the following:holar.

    - Sorry, did you just ca

    Songs of the

    The Price of Freedom

    As can be gathered from tTritonides do not have the

    gifts of true Mermaids: tthis power, which they saa true warriors vocationto pay for their emancipausing their forsaken Mmean a complete betrayalthis would immediatelynascent Tritonide society.

    A Different Kind of MuThat being said, a possTritonide culture could bTritonide Lyrists: ex-MermTritonide sisters feministhave the martial mentalitySuch characters couldLyrist vocation, turning thinto a form of magic that isuseful to their warrior siste

    In game terms, such charcharacteristics, primary aand powers as Lyristsexception. Since such cunlike true Lyrists, bepatronage of Apollo, theysupreme, magnitude 6Prophecy. They would, h

    the Tritonides Aquatic Agil

    l ME a Mermaid?


    he above description,Vocal Entrancement

    ey chose to forsakeas incompatible withas well as the price

    tion. For a Tritonide,rmaid ability wouldof her chosen beliefs:ast her out of the


    ible development ofthe appearance of

    aids who share theiroutlook but did notf a would-be warrior.

    have embraced their unique vocal giftsboth acceptable ands.

    cters would have thettributes, restrictions

    with an importantaracters would not,under the divine

    ould not receive thepower of Song ofwever, benefit from


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    Delphins are members of the Dolphin Folk withunique magical abilities. They are extremely rareand are treated by other Dolphins with greatrespect. Aside from some Mariners and a few other

    friends of the sea, most humans are unaware oftheir existence. Like all Dolphins, Delphins tend tobe pacific beings; they try to protect the sea frommortals as well as to protect mortals from evil seabeings such as the Fomoros or the Sons of Dagon.

    Like those of Shapeshifters, the true origins of theDelphins magical powers remain a mystery butappear to be partly genetic; they are obviously thelegacy of an ancient, forgotten time when Dolphinsand some members of the human race shared aspecial magical bond.

    Primary Attribute:Wits and Grace.

    Gender:All Delphins are male. They can breed withhuman women or female Dolphins (depending ontheir current form) as well as with Nereids. Theirmale children are always Delphins.

    Basic Hits = 8

    Gifts of the Sea: The magical powers of Delphins(which, among other things, allow them to take ahuman form) are described below. Their magicaltalent, called Marine Empathy, is equal to the sumof their Grace and Wits modifiers. Their MysticStrength is calculated as per the usual rules.

    Power:Delphins start with (4 + Grace mod) Powerpoints at first level. They recover their lost Powerpoints by sleeping, at the same rate as Sorcerersand Elementalists.

    Level Benefits: Each level beyond the first gives aDelphin +2 Hits, +4 Power points, +1 to Luck and +2to another attribute (players choice).


    Patron Deities:All Delphins worship Poseidon.

    Reputation Effect: Delphins Undersea Renown

    (affects all undersea Folks).

    Languages: All Delphins know the language ofDolphins as well as Merian and Minean.

    Background Talents: All Delphins start with theSea Scout talent (which they can only use inDolphin form) and the Sailor talent (which they canonly use in human form).

    Restrictions: Like Shapeshifters, Delphins avoidwearing armor, since it interferes with their magicalshapechanging powers.

    Additional Abilities:If the optional rules on taming

    creatures from the M&M Companion are used,Delphins should be given the ability to Tame marinecreatures by Charm (just like Nymphs).

    Gifts of the Sea

    Magnitude 1: True Form

    This power allows the Delphin to revert to his trueDolphin form. While in this form, Delphins retaintheir full intelligence and their magical powers ; theyalso benefit from all the physical special abilities ofDolphins (see Creature Compendium), as per theusual Shapeshifting rules (see M&M Companion).

    Magnitude 2: Human FormThis power allows the Delphin to take his humanform (which is always the same and has none of themarine advantages of his true Dolphin form).

    Magnitude 3: Song of the Sea

    This power works exactly like the Song of Soothingpower (Poetic Magic, Magnitude 3), except that itonly affects marine beings and the Delphins MarineEmpathy is used in lieu of the Lyrists Orphic Voice.

    Magnitude 4: Gift of the Sea

    This power works exactly like Natures Favor powerof Nereids (see Players Manual), except that theDelphins Marine Empathy replaces Odyllic Charm.

    Magnitude 5: Curse of the Sea

    This power works exactly like the the Curse of theDrowned power of Nereids (see Players Manual),except that the Delphins Marine Empathy replacesthe Nymphs Odyllic Charm bonus.

    Magnitude 6: Weather Control

    This power is exactly the same as the Magnitude 6

    power of Nereids (see Players Manual). except thatthe Delphins Marine Empathy bonus replaces theNymphs Odyllic Charm bonus.

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    Mariners are the best seamen of Mythika. Most ofthem are members of the Brotherhood of Mariners,a loose organization that tries to enforce the Codeof the Sea, a collection of traditional laws that all

    honorable sailors are assumed to follow whichincludes fair and just captainship, women andchildren first, always rescue a ship in peril, equalshares of treasure for crewmen (doubled forcaptains), no girls in the crew and other tenets ofhonor and common sense. Those who do not followthis Code call themselves Freebooters but areoften little more than greedy, dishonorable pirates.

    Primary Attributes:Will and Luck

    Gender: All Mariners are male.

    Basic Hits = 10

    Athletics: Mariners excel at climbing, swimmingand other athletic activities, including brawling andwrestling. In game terms, they add their Will mod toall their Athletic Prowess and unarmed Melee rolls.

    Seamanship: Mariners have a special Seamanshipbonus equal to the sum of their Luck mod and Willmod. This bonus is added to all the charactersDanger Evasion rolls made while on board of a ship.This ability also allows them to predict weatherwhen at sea, as detailed below.

    Weapon of Choice:Sword, axe, sling or bow.

    Level Benefits: Each level beyond the first gives a

    Mariner +2 Hits, +1 to Luck and +2 to Might, Skill,Wits or Will (players choice).

    Possessions: Mariners start with a dagger, theirweapon of choice and a starting wealth of 3D6 x 5silver pieces.

    Restrictions:Mariners may wear any type of armorbut usually choose not to do so, since a highEncumbrance may be dangerous on a ship.

    Patron Deity:Poseidon, the King of the Sea.

    Background Talents:All Mariners have the Sailortalent, plus a second talent chosen among Acrobat,Musician, Orator, Scholar and Wrestler.

    Reputation Effect:Unlike other Specialist classes,Mariners do benefit from a Reputation bonus butonly if they respect the Code of the Sea. ThisReputation bonus works on all other Mariners andsailors (except Freebooters), as well as with allfollowers and Priests of Poseidon.

    Advancement: Like all Specialists, Mariners rise inlevels by accumulating Experience points. Theygain 50 points everytime they use their Seamanshipspecial ability in an important adventuring situationor even 100 points if this contributes to save their

    ship. Mariners may also gain 100, 200 or even 500Experience points for exploring mysterious islandsand other weird marine sites.

    Notes & Comments

    Return of the Ancient Mariner

    Ever since it was mentioned in the old Men &Monsters supplement, the Mariner class becamesomething of an obsession among some Mazes &Minotaursgamers. From the late seventies to the

    early eighties, no more than six (six!) differentincarnations of this lost class were publishedin various gaming magazines.

    The official version of the Mariner class wasregularly announced as part of the foreverforthcoming Tritons & Triremes supplement (orwas it Triremes & Tritons?). Like the rest of theoriginal Triremes & Tritonsmaterial, it was neverpublished - allegedly because of some contractualtechnicalities which remain an enigma to this day.

    In 2006, as part of the great M&M online revivalproject, several files of previously unpublishedM&M material from LGS were made available onthe M&M newsgroup, including the long-lostofficial write-up of the Mariner class, putting anend to 30 long years of patience, speculation,questing and (sometimes very bad) unofficialvariants. Written for the Original M&M rules, thisnew specialist class was adapted for the Revisedrules in the first issue of the Minotaur Quarterly,which had a marine theme. The final, 100%official version presented in this supplement is aslightly updated incarnation of this RevisedMariner, with the same skills and abilities, with anextra edge in unarmed combat (which was afeature of the Original class).

    Now the Mariner has come home at last!

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    II: WAR SH

    Naval Warfare in MythiThe First Days of Naval W

    The war galley as we now know itlong history of change and refinementthe earliest form of the war galley wasvessel with thirty oars (fifteen on each

    Towards the end of the First Age,Days, the larger penteconter wasvessel with fifty oars (twenty-five on e

    According to legend, the very first peArgo, upon which Jason underwentPenteconters certainly were used iWar. However, they remained the prwealthy kings and a few importa

    were greatly outnumbered by the sma

    In the Second Age, the pentecoleading type of war galley. Whereasthey had been used (like triacontmeans of transporting fighting men (rowers) from one place to another,naval tactics were developed to enused as weapons of war in their own r

    Autarchs & Atlanteans

    The Typhonian Autarchs who domi

    Sea with their fleets of penteconters iof the Second Age developed two im


    IPS & SEA BA



    is the product a. In the First Age,the triaconter, aside).

    before the Darkdeveloped ach side).

    teconter was thehis heroic quest.

    the Thessalianserve of the very

    nt princes and

    ller triaconters.

    ter became thein the First Age

    rs) simply as aho also acted asow a number of

    able them to beight.

    ated the Middle

    the final centuryortant tactics.

    The first was shearing,alongside the enemy ship anones own ship to break thetactic to deploy without damabut, if successful, one capaenemy ship and its crew.

    The second tactic involved plboard each ship, who would tballs of supernatural fire at theof starting a conflagration.unique to the Autarchs, wasdeploying Typhonian fire.

    The most deadly rivals of theAtlanteans. Not only were tthan those of their rivals, butwith catapults, which the Atlabolts with devastating effect u

    ships. The naval battles of theof metal and balls of fire flyinmust have been an awesome

    The Bireme RevolutiIn the mid-first century ofrevolutionary development twarfare with the building of th

    Up to then, all war galleys hoarsmen. But now, for the firsbanked, resulting in inmaneuverability. Biremes wlength as penteconters,but hwho were now specialist rower


    hich involved comingusing the weight of the

    enemys oars a trickying ones own oarsmen,le of crippling both an

    cing an Elementalist onhen be tasked with firingenemy ship, in the hope

    This tactic, which wasometimes referred to as

    utarchs at sea were theeir galleys far strongerhey were also equippednteans used to fire metalpon the crews of enemy

    Age of Magic, with boltsg in opposite directions,and terrifying spectacle.


    the Third Age, a newok place within navalfirst biremes.

    d used a single bank oftime, oars were double-

    creased speed andere virtually the samed crews of one hundred,s, not fighters.

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    Sailing on the seas of old-school adventuring...

    Biremes also carried detachments of twenty fighters,whose job was to engage in boarding actions againstenemy ships.

    Most biremeswere also equipped with a ram usuallymade of bronze which allowed a new tactic,

    ramming, to be developed. These new techniques boarding and ramming alongside traditional tacticslike shearing, made naval combat more skilled andvaried than ever before.

    The first biremeswere developed by the Edonites, butwithin a few decades the Tritonians had copied thedesign, adding further refinements (such as the ram)and using these new, powerful ships to establish theirdominance over the Middle Sea.

    In the second century, the Mineans of the Three Citiesbegan to overhaul their fleets of penteconters byintroducing biremes, but far too late to mount aneffective challenge to the Tritonian naval hegemony.

    However, the destruction of the almost the entireTritonian fleet in their foolish engagement with theAtlanteans in 215 AH changed all that. The Mineansquickly re-emerged as the dominant naval power, aposition they have retained to the present day.

    Enter the Trireme

    Just over a hundred years ago the last greatdevelopment in the evolution of the war galley tookplace, with the building of the first triremes. In a furtherrefinement to the bireme, the oars of the triremeweretriple-banked, with a crew of one hundred and fifty, andcarrying a detachment of forty fighters. The triremewas heavier, but faster and more maneuverable, thanany previous war galley

    Developed by the Argoseans shortly after the outbreakof the Umbrian War, and quickly embraced by theother members of the Minean Coalition, the triremesoon became the dominant war galley within the fleetsof Three Cities and Seriphos. Later, it came to beadopted by some rival naval powers (including theTritonians and the Umbrians), though others still rely

    largely or exclusively on the older bireme(such as theDesert Kingdom, the Edonites and the Midians).

    In recent years, several attempts have been made todevelop a quadrireme, either by adding a fourth bankof oars, or by putting two rowers each to a double bankof oars. However, critical problems with stability andmaneuverability remain unresolved, and the vastmajority of naval engineers firmly now believe that thetriremewill remain unchallenged as the apogee of wargalley development.

    Pirates of the Middle Sea

    Pirates, still a scourge in many parts of the Middle Seadespite relentless attempts to eliminate them, generallyeschew the use of war galleys (whose maintenancerequire both iron discipline and reliable funds farbeyond the means of most pirate bands). Instead,pirates make use of merchant roundships.

    Fleets of Mythika

    War galleys generally have a life-span of 25-30 years.Most of the major sea-powers around the Middle Seahave fleets of one hundred and fifty or more wargalleys, meaning that they have to build five to ten

    ships a year to maintain their fleet strength.

    In times of war, this figure is often far higher. In termsof numbers of available war galleys, the strongestpower of the Middle Sea today is Tritonis, with itsmighty fleet of three hundred triremes. Next is Midia,which also has three hundred war galleys (althoughmost of them belong to the older biremedesign).

    The Argoseans have the largest Minean fleet, at twohundred war triremes, compared to the Thenans withone hundred and fifty, the Heraklians with onehundred and the Seriphans, also with one hundred.The combined might of the entire Minean Coalition iswithout equal on the Middle Sea. However, getting

    them to act together effectively, even in time of direemergency, would be no mean feat.

    The Minean colonies rarely have fleets of their own,except in the case of a few of the larger colonies(such as Agathe and Sphaeros). The minor sovereignMinean powers (such as the islands of Atreon andZankros in the Archipelago, Dekelea and Zephos)also have their own small military fleets.

    Of the rest, the Desert Kingdom has a hundred andfifty war galleys (all biremes), mostly manned byforeign hirelings; the Edonites of Kandaria, despitepossessing one of the largest merchant fleets, have

    only fifty or so war galleys, mostly biremes (althoughit is rumored that the Tritonians have accepted acommission to build a powerful fleet of triremes for

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    the Edonites and their mysterious new masters to theEast); and the secretive Umbrian warlords have atleast one hundred and fifty ships, mostly triremes(and, according to some reports, perhaps far more).

    Finally, its anyones guess as to how many ships thelong-dormant power of Atlantis has doubtless

    waiting patiently, as they have for centuries, to returnwith terrifying might to the waters of the Middle Sea.

    Who knows what form the next great battle on thehigh seas will take?

    Ships & Stats

    The various types of ships discussed in thissection should be given the following stats. Seenext section for complete rules on naval warfare!


    Treat Biremes as War Galleys with only 10Structure points, and a carrying capacity of 20fighting men.


    These are the standard War Galleys, with 12Structure points and a carrying capacity of 40fighting men.

    Pirate Ships

    Treat Pirate Ships as Merchant Roundeships with8 Structure points and a carrying capacity of 15fighting men (not20, as per the normal rules forMerchant Ships used as fighting vessels, asPirates alwaysallow a certain amount of room ontheir ships for booty).


    Treat experimental Quadriremes as super WarGalleys with 16 Structure points and a carryingcapacity of 60 fighting men. However, the design

    flaws inherent to this type of ship give it anegative Fortune mod of 1d3+2.

    Rules for Naval Warfare

    Naval warfare in M&M can be dealt with using the

    mass combat system given in the M&M Companion,with a few modifications and additions reflecting thespecific aspects of ship-to-ship battles.

    Troops, Ships & Fleets

    Just as ground troops are organized in Regiments,warships are organized in Fleets. Each Fleet mayinclude any number and type of ships. The type ofships determines the number of troops it can carry(which will affect its Regimental Strength) and itsStructure points (see Players Manual, p 43).

    Merchant Roundships and Wargalleys. Merchant

    Roundships have 8 Structure points and can carryup to 20 men if not transporting cargo, whileWargalleys have 12 Structure points and can carryup to 40 fighting men each. Atlantean Wargalleys(Maze Masters Guide, p 45) have 20 Structurepoints and can carry up to 50 men. See also Ships& Statson the previous page for other possibilities.

    If the transported troops have a different Size,adjust the space taken by each individual on boardas follows: Tiny 1/10, Small 1/5, Large x 2, Giganticx 10. Thus a Wargalley could carry up to 40 HumanSoldiers, up to 400 Myrmidons, up to 20 Titanians ora combined force of 20 Humans and 10 Titanians).

    When a ship's Structure points fall to 0, it sinks,carrying all its crew and fighters with her

    Combat Factor & Fleet Strength

    Combat Factor for sea battles is determined as perthe standard mass combat rules, with the followingadjustments: Cavalry and Chariots cannot be used(mmh, wouldnt have guessed that one, eh?), and theCharge into Battle ability grants no CF bonus innaval combat, except for Aquatic or Winged troops.

    Fleet Strength is the equivalent of Regimental

    Strength. To determine a Fleet's Strength, firstdetermine each Ship's Regimental Strength bymultiplying the number of carried troops by their CF.

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    If the carrying Ship is a Wargalley multiply its RS by1.5. Atlantean Wargalleys multiply the CF of troopsthey are carrying by 2.

    Thus, a Roundship carrying its maximum of 20 fullyequipped Human soldiers with a CF of 6 each has aStrength of 120, while a fully loaded Wargalleycarrying 40 fully equipped Human soldiers (CF 6)has a Strength of 360. A fleet consisting of ten suchRoundships and five such Wargalleys would have atotal Fleet Strength of 3000.

    Round Sequence & WeatherRounds take 1 hour each, as for land battles; theyare conducted and resolved using the samesequence, but with an additional phase known asthe Weather Phase, which takes place between theStrategical Phase and the Tactical Phase.

    During the Weather Phase, each side must roll 1d10on the table below which is an expanded versionof the table given on p 43 of the Players Manual.

    D10 Weather Next Round

    2 or less Dead Calm -1

    3-4 Adverse Wind -5-8 Good Breeze -

    9-10 Strong Gale +1

    11 or more Storm +2

    Next Round: This modifier will be applied to theWeather roll of the next round. Weather modifiersare cumulative; thus, two consecutive rounds ofStrong Gale will result in a +2 modifier. If bothgenerals roll Storm, both of them will add +4 to theirWeather Roll next round.

    Dead Calm: Committed Fleets can only engage theenemy by rowing. All your Fleets have their Strength

    halved and get one level of Fatigue (see M&MCompanion p 41) at the end of the round. Aquatictroops and Atlantean Wargalleys are unaffected.

    Adverse Winds: Committed Fleets do not havefavorable winds. All your Fleets have their Strengthreduced by 20%. Aquatic troops and AtlanteanWargalleys are unaffected.

    Good Breeze / Strong Gale: No effect.

    Storm: All units are unable to fightthis round.Eachcommitted ship loses 1d6 Structure points (roll oncefor the entire fleet). Ships which carry player-characters and important NPCs can make a savingroll against the storm as per the usual rules (seePlayers Manualp 43). If a 5 or 6 was rolled, Aquaticunits also lose 5% of their troops.

    Resolution & Losses

    Fleets suffer losses both in men and ships: thelosing side Fleets reduce the Structure points ofcommitted Ships by the Massacre Factor -2, whilethe winning side Fleets loses a number of Structurepoints equal to the Massacre Factor - 4.

    Thus, if the MF is 5, each ship on the losing side willlose 3 Structure points and each ship on the winningside will lose 1 Structure point.

    A ship reduced to 0 Structure points is sunk, along

    with all the troops it transports.

    If the winner wins the combat round with a margin of10 or more, he gets two additional choices: he mayreduce damage to its Fleets by 1 point or worsendamage to enemy Fleets by 1 point.

    Losses suffered by all non-Aquatic creatures areconsidered 75% dead and 25% Incapacitatedinstead of the usual 50%-50% ratio.


    A ship's ability to retreat may be affected by the

    weather. Storms inflict a -2 penalty on Morale rollsfor Retreats to all types of ships; Dead Calm confersthe same penalty, except for Atlantean War galleys.

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    Island colonies: a major aspect of Middle Sea economy

    The History of Colonization

    As the sea around which the most ancient humancultures were arranged, the Middle Sea has alwayshad a tremendous influence upon the way in whichthose cultures have developed. The Middle Sea (orInlandSeaas it is sometimes known) has shapedthe way in which trade, warfare and colonization hasbeen conducted between these nations. Just assignificant, though, as the Middle Sea itself, are themany islands which are liberally scattered across it.

    No-one knows exactly how many islands there arein the Middle Sea, but they are known to number inthe hundreds. The largest of them Proteus,Tritonis and Seriphos have been homes to someof the greatest civilizations of Mythika. Many of thesmaller islands are currently uninhabited by men.Some of them are home to monstrous creatures,tribes of beast-men, long-abandoned ruins and lost

    temples. Many have never been explored at all. Butthere are others that have been settled, and whichare still inhabited, by humans.

    Most of these are trading outposts or colonies of themajor powers around the shores of the Middle Sea particularly the Three Cities, Tritonis and Umbria.

    In this particular overview, we will explore thehistory of colonization across the Middle Sea; study

    the relationship between colonies and their mother-cities; and detail the most important of the manycolonies found upon the islands and shores of theMiddle Sea.

    Only the most inward-looking of Mineans believesthat the only important colonial power of Mythika isthe Minean Coalition. In fact, through history,successive waves of colonists have ventured forthfrom many different nations around the shores ofthe Middle Sea. Only in relatively recent times havethe Mineans emerged as the colonizers parexcellenceof Mythika.

    The story of colonization is as usual bestconsidered according to the traditional Three Agesscheme of Mythikan history.

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    Founding a new colony is rarely a fun venture

    The First Age of Colonization

    In the Age of the Myth, the first humans to seriouslymove out across the Middle Sea in search of newadventures, new opportunities and new homes werethe people of Proteus. During the sixth century BP,Proteusian explorers and settlers visited many of theislands and coastlands of the Middle Sea, including, ofcourse, Seriphos and the shores of Edon. Even today,adventurers visiting little-known islands in the easternhalf of the Middle Sea will come across scatteredremains from the past glories of Proteus.

    Following the fall of the Bull Kings realm, the nextmajor phase of exploration and settlement came duringthe so-called Minean Diaspora of the fifth century BP.During these years, the Mineans spread from theirhome island of Seriphos to the Land of the Three Citiesand Thessalia. It was also during this century that theisland now known as Tritonis was first settled, with thefoundation of the city of Acheiros


    Finally, in the second century BP, during the GoldenAge of Seriphos under King Midas of Minea and then

    his son Antagoras, the so-called First Minean Wave ofColonization took place, led by Seriphos. At least adozen of the smaller islands of the Middle Sea weresettled, but virtually all of these colonies wereabandoned or fell into ruination during the Dark Daysthat followed the fall of the Minean Empire.

    1 The exact origin of the Acheirans (as the ancestors of the

    Tritonians were at first known) remains a matter of greatscholarly dispute. Although some have postulated a link withthe Mineans (supported by certain linguistic and culturalsimilarities that persist down to the present day), othersvigorously dispute this. The tale of the Sons of Deucalion (seep 98), of course, suggests a common origin for Mineans,Tritonians and Umbrians as descendants of Deucalions first-born son Proteus: but more than this, it is impossible now tosay with any degree of certainty.

    Nonhuman Colonies?

    Humans, of course, have never been the soleinhabitants of the islands of the Middle Sea. Fromthe beginning, many of these islands werestrongholds for other races including Atlanteans,Lesser Cyclops, Titanians, and various tribes of

    beast-men. Others served as hideaways for manyof the most dangerous monsters of Mythika.

    Whether they are Animates, Beasts, Folk, Monstersor Spirits, many creatures (often extremely hostile)can be found on the many mysterious islands ofthe Middle Sea.

    The Second Age of Colonization

    In the first century of the Age of Magic, the leadingcolonizing power was Edon. At least a dozen Edonitetrading outposts or colonies were established during

    this period, including the cities of Etica and Solus on thesouthern coast of the Middle Sea in the land thatbecame known as Midia.

    However, by the end of the first century, this Edoniteexpansion had come to an end. The Midian settlementswere thriving, under the rule of the independent Queensof Solus: but the island colonies were threatened by anew, more vigorous Minean Wave. This SecondMinean Wave lasted throughout the second century ofthe Age of Magic. As with the first wave three centuriesearlier, the prime movers were from Seriphos. Underthe three greatest kings of the House of Hypseos -Lampados I, Labyrinthos the Great and Erastes - theSeriphans took over most of the Edonite outposts, andestablished perhaps a dozen more.

    However, the fall of Seriphos before the might of theAutarchs spelled doom for her colonies. In the thirdcentury of the Age of Magic, the Autarchs of Typhonobliterated virtually all of the Minean outposts acrossthe Middle Sea. In their stead, half-a-dozen Autarchsettlements were established principally to serve asway-stations for the Autarch fleets sailing betweenAcheiros and the Autarch dominions scattered aroundthe shores of the Middle Sea in Kandaria, the KhetDelta, the Land of the Three Cities, and elsewhere.

    The third century is also the time when the Atlanteans

    made their greatest incursion into the Middle Sea.According to some tales, the Bronze Gates were builtaround about this time by Wizard-Engineers allied tothe Autarchs, and were eventually used to stop theAtlanteans from bringing reinforcements from the GreatOcean into the Middle Sea.

    Most of the Atlantean outposts in the Middle Sea weredestroyed by the Autarchs after many terrifying battles others fell in the cataclysmic Days of Wrath thatended the Age of Magic. However, it is rumored thatone or two of these outposts have survived down to thepresent day, watching and waiting for their brotherAtlanteans to come surging into the Middle Sea in all

    their might once morein the absence of the strongmagic of the Autarchs, would the peoples around theMiddle Sea be able to resist them?

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    The simple pleasures of colonial life

    The Autarch ascendancy over the Middle Sea took acentury to build up, but just three days to overthrow. Inthe Days of Wrath, all of the Autarch outposts weredestroyed by the Olympians in many cases byPoseidon himself overwhelming them with devastatingwaters from the deep. Indeed, quite a number of theseso-called drowned islands remain the target foradventurers and treasure-seekers today, hoping to findlong-lost hoards buried beneath the waves.

    The Third Age of Colonization

    The first century of the Age of Heroes saw twocompeting sea-powers seeking to establish themselvesas the principal colonizers of the Middle Sea. Thesewere the Midians and the Mineans.

    The Midians settled mainly along the Charybdian coast,and the southern part of the island of Amphissa. TheMineans with the Three Cities rather than Seriphosnow at the forefront settled the northern part ofAmphissa, and many smaller islands right across theMiddle Sea. It was on Amphissa than these two

    spheres of influence met, and it was here that warfarebetween the rival powers of Midia and Argos finallybroke out. Argos, supported by Heraklia, succeeded invanquishing her Midian opponents, stripping theQueens of Solus of all their overseas colonies.

    The Third Minean Wave continued for a time into thesecond century of the Age of Heroes: but within a fewdecades, a new rival had emerged that would provide afar more vigorous challenge to the mariners andmerchants of the Three Cities than the Midians. Thiswas the Heptarchy of Tritonis.

    Aided by the bireme, a new ship design actually

    developed a few decades earlier by Kandarians (butwhich the Tritonians were first to use extensively), theSea Princes of Acharnia proved themselves more thana match for Minean sea-power. By the beginning of the

    third century, the Three Cities had seen their overseasholdings reduced to half-a-dozen islands, whilst theTritonian sea-empire had expanded to encompassnearly thirty trading posts and colonies right across theMiddle Sea, as well as taking control of Midia, andKandaria and the rest of the Edonite coast.

    Then, hubristically, the Tritonians decided to challenge

    the Lords of Atlantis on their own territory. In 215 AH


    ,their great fleet sailed into the Great Ocean confidentof the support of Poseidon only to meet utter defeat.Only a handful of ships made it back to Tritonis.

    Word of the debacle quickly spread, and the subjectpeoples of the Tritonian Empire rose up against theirmasters. Within less than a decade, the Tritoniansfound themselves reduced to just a few coloniesbeyond the home island.

    The sudden collapse of Tritonian sea-power left avacuum that the Three Cities found themselves bestplaced to fill. A Fourth Minean Wave of Colonizationbegan in about 220 AH, and has continued right to the

    present day. There are now something like forty Mineancolonies and outposts nearly half of them Argosean,the rest evenly split between Heraklia and Thena onthe islands of the Middle Sea and the Midian andCharybdian coasts. The development of the trireme apowerful successor to the bireme by Argos at thebeginning of the Umbrian War (and the Argoseanforesight in immediately sharing this design with theother three members of the Minean Coalition) probablyhad much to do with their success.

    Proteusians, Seriphans, Edonites, Autarchs, Midiansand Tritonians each, in turn, have established thrivingtrading empires across the Middle Sea. But none havebeen so persistent, or so successful, as the Mineans ofthe Three Cities, with their many outposts and colonies.

    A thriving colonial market

    2AH = Age of Heroes

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    Building a Minean boomtown

    The Nature of Colonies

    What is a Colony?

    A colony, essentially, is a small city-state founded by alarger, older one the so-called mother-city (ormetropolis).

    A colony is distinguished from a mere outpost in thefollowing ways:

    1. An outpost usually has a single purpose e.g. trade,re-supply, a base of operations for exploring thehinterland or guarding a strategic location. A colonytypically serves all these purposes, and more.

    2. An outpost is entirely dependent upon the mother-cityfor the provision of a leader (generally referred to as acommander). After the first generation, coloniesgenerally provide their own leader from within their ownpopulation.

    3. Those who reside in an outpost tend to do so for alimited period of time a tour of duty, if you will.Consequently, they are always considered citizens ofthe mother-city. By contrast, those who dwell in acolony do so upon a long-term basis, and may wellhave been born in the colony. Whilst retaining anattachment to the mother-city, they are alwaysconsidered citizens of the colony first and foremost.

    4. Outposts are dominated by a single section of

    society, e.g. military outposts by soldiers, tradingoutposts by merchants. Colonies are much more varied,with representatives of many different classes.

    5. Outposts are generally small (typically a hundredpersons or less, though some military outposts may begreater in size). Colonies are bigger (typically at leastfive hundred persons larger, older colonies may havetwo or three thousand citizens or more).

    Of course, particularly successful outposts may becomecolonies, whilst unsuccessful colonies may be reducedto the status of outposts (or abandoned altogether).

    Establishing a Colony

    The establishment of a colony is usually regarded as asolemn and sacred event. If a Minean city decides toestablish a colony, it is customary to consult an oracle(usually the oracle of Telphos) for guidance. Sometimescitizens are invited to volunteer for an expedition; onother occasions, they will be elected by lot, with one

    son being chosen from every household where thereare several sons. The leaders of the first generationcolonists continue to be honored long after their deaths,both by the mother-city and by the colony itself.

    The colony generally honors the same patron gods asthe mother-city (though there are exceptions to thisrule), and are expected to send embassies and votiveofferings to the mother-citys principal festivals.

    Obligations to the Mother-City

    Although this does vary according to time and culture,in general colonies tend to have three key obligations

    towards their founding cities:

    1. The obligation to receive citizens from themother-city.Any citizen of a mother-city is allowed totravel to a colony, and become a citizen instead of thecolony. Mother-cities will often encourage their citizensto travel to the colonies, especially as a way ofalleviating population pressure at home. Becausecolonies (especially younger ones) tend to have greatersocial mobility than their mother-cities, members oflower classes, in particular, will often go overseas insearch of new opportunities. This is often known aspursuing the Minean dream.


    2. The obligation to pay taxes to the mother-city. Allcolonies pay taxes to the mother-city, usually in theform of duties upon goods and services supplied by themother-city. These taxes are supposedly used to helpmaintain the fleet of the mother-city, which might becalled upon to assist in the defense of a colony in timeof war. However, colonials are often suspicious of howthese revenues are actually spent (e.g. every timecolonists hear that a new temple is being built in themother-city). Although it is usually quite low, thiscolonial duty can always be increased (e.g. in times ofwar or as a way of punishing badly-behaved colonies).

    3. The obligation to support the mother-city in timesof war.All well as taxes, colonies are also expected in

    times of war to provide both ships and men in defenseof the mother-city. In theory, this obligation is two-way,with mother-cities being under an equal obligation tocome to the defense of their colonies. In practice, this isnot always the case.

    3Conversely, citizens of a colony have no automatic right of

    citizenship within the mother-city (although an exceptionallytalented or influential individual might be able to attain it). Theonly circumstances in which this is not the general case are intimes of severe crisis for the mother-city (e.g. following a timeof disease or famine, such as the terrible Yellow Plague of 156AH), when citizens from the colonies might be activelyencouraged to come home to the mother-city even if theyhad never actually been born there! Residence (as opposed tocitizenship) is another matter entirely, and colonials aregenerally granted the right of residence in the mother-city evenif citizenship itself is denied.

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    - What do you mean insurrection?

    Colonial Governance & Discipline

    Most colonies have a similar pattern of government totheir mother-city. Often the ruler of a colony is ahereditary noble generally referred to as a lord orprince (but never as a king). This is the case withTritonian, Umbrian and Heraklian colonies. MostArgosean colonies are ruled instead by a governorwho is appointed for life by the King of Argos, but whomay not pass on the governorship to a son. A similararrangement was common until recently amongst theThenan colonies: but lately most of them have tried toemulate the mother-city by embracing democracy, viaelected governors. This unusual experiment has not,however, met with universal success.

    Colonial rulers are usually assisted by some kind ofadvisory council which may consist of nobles,oligarchs or democratically-elected citizens, againdepending on the nature of the government.

    Mother-cities rarely intervene openly in colonialgovernance, as this might adversely affect colonialloyalty to the homeland but indirect interference istacitly accepted as being commonplace. Extreme formsof intervention (such as the forcible removal from officeof a colonial lord or governor, or the suppression of anadvisory council) are rarely contemplated, and evenmore rarely enacted.

    Colonies rebelling against their mother-cities arerelatively rare occurrences but they are not unknown.Historically, colonial uprisings have generally beenunsuccessful, and usually result in savage reprisalsfrom the mother-city. However, there have been

    exceptions which almost always involve substantialaid being provided by a third party.

    Three Famous Colonial Insurrections

    The Falling Axe of Bastilos

    The oldest recorded instance of a colony rebelling againstits mother-city is also one of the strangest. Towards theend of the second century of the Age of Magic, theSeriphan colony of Bastilos was the site of a particularlybrutal uprising. Supplies to the colony had been disruptedby the fierce Megamedian War then taking place onSeriphos. The starving colonists gathered in the courtyardof the colonial governor. The unsympathetic governorswife is said to have remarked let them eat cake, which didnot go down terribly well with the colonists. The victims ofthe subsequent rebellion included both the governor andhis wife, who along with many of their servants wereexecuted by means of an unusual mechanical contraptionnick-named the Falling Axe (devised, it is said, by avisiting Wizard-Engineer). The island of Bastilos was thengoverned according to principles that, reputedly, were notso very different from the democratic ideas today beingpracticed in Thena (though, it would appear, in a muchmore haphazard fashion). However, Bastilos

    experimentation with new ways of government provedshort-lived: ten years after the uprising, the ruthlessAutarchs of Typhon ravaged the island. Today, only a fewruins testify to the fact that this island was ever home to athriving human settlement.

    The Treason of Mytilenos

    During the Umbrian War, most Minean colonies fullysupported the Minean Coalition. However, three years intothe war, the Argosean colony of Mytilenos unexpectedlydefected to the Umbrian cause. After a six-month siege,the Argoseans successfully regained the city. On hearingthe news of Mytilenos re-capture, the Argosean King,Argolin II, ordered that a ship be dispatched to Mytilenos

    with orders to execute all the male adults, and to enslavethe women and children. However, the next day the kingcame to regret his injudicious edict, and he ordered thefastest ship available one of his new triremes to makehaste to Mytilenos to countermand the original order. Thesecond ship managed to arrive at Mytilenos less than anhour after the first, and in time to ensure that the originalcommand was not carried out. Instead, only the ring-leaders in the rebellion were executed. Mytilenos continuesto be a significant if not particularly warmly-regarded Argosean colony today.

    The Minotaurians of Bostos

    The most recent instance of colonial insurrection dates

    back only a few years. The Thenan colony of Bostosbitterly resented a sharp increase in the tariff on wine. Thecitizens of Bostos, noting the advent of democracy withinThenos, demanded to know why they should not have adirect say in decisions made by the mother-city that hadsuch an obvious effect upon them. No taxation withoutrepresentation! became a common cry heard on thestreets of Bostos. This increasing resentment culminatedthree years ago in the ransacking of a new shipment ofThenan wine by masked Impostaurs calling themselves theMinotaurians. This incident, the so-called Bostos WineParty, inevitably provoked an angry response from theThenan authorities. In the resulting crackdown, manysuspected members of the Minotaurian society werearrested. Although a full-scale uprising was avoided on this

    occasion, resentment towards the mother-city remains highon Bostos, and the possibility of further unrest (provokedby the now proscribed Minotaurians) cannot be discounted.

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    In Too DeepOptional Rules for the Undersea

    The Undersea environment can be divided into five

    different Depth Levels. The list below gives themaximum Depth Level which various underwatercreatures can reach. Most creatures will usuallydwell one or two Depth Levels above this maximumlimit, unless otherwise stated. The actual maximumDepth Level of a specific location will simply bedetermined by the Maze Master.

    1 = Below the Surface

    2 = Low Depth

    3 = Median Depth

    This is the maximum depth level for Attack Kelps,Dolphins and Telchines.

    4 = Deep Down

    Maximum depth level for Mermaids, Tritons andmost other Sea Folks, for hybrid creatures such asQuinotaurs and Ichtyocentaurs as well as for SeaHorses, Sea Lions and similar animals.

    5 = The Deepest Abysses

    This is the usual (notmaximum) level for Fomoros,Sea Horrors, Sea Hydras, Sea Serpents and mostother Gigantic sea monsters.

    Nereidscan reach Depth Level 5 without problems.while Naiadsare normally limited to Depth Level 3.

    Humans (and other Nymphs) cannot normally gobelow Depth Level 2, unless they are aided bymagical powers or mythic items allowing them tooperate freely undersea, in which case they canreach Depth Level 3.

    Characters who are able to operate freelyunderwater may decide to ignore this limit by one(and only one) Depth Level but will have to make aPhysical Vigor roll after each minute of activity. Thetarget number of the first saving roll is 10 and will beincreased by 5 at each new roll.

    Thus, Humans who are aided by magic may ventureat the Deep Down level but will have to make aPhysical Vigor roll of increasing difficulty after eachminute there. These rules also mean that Humanscannot reach The Deepest Abysses except,perhaps, through the Divine Intervention of the Kingof the Deep, Poseidon himself.

    Failure on the saving roll means the character mustimmediately go back to the previous Depth Level,which requires a last chance Athletic Prowess rollagainst the usual target number (Encumbrance). Ifthis last chance roll fails, the character will pass outand succumb to the effects of pressure (same gameeffects as drowning), even if he has an Amulet ofthe Merfolk or other similar mythic item.

    There is, however, one type of movement that mayreally play a vital part in an underwater adventure,especially if characters can only operate underwaterfor a limited amount of time: getting back to thesurface. See In Too Deepon the next column for asimple way of handling different depth levels in anunderwater adventure.

    As far as vision is concerned, simply treat somewaters as giving poor visibility or even very poorvisibility (see Players Manual, p 26), depending ontheir depth or murkiness. If you really want to reflectthe sound-dampening effects of the underwaterenvironment, simply decide which sounds can orcannot be heard but keep in mind that in M&M,the ability to breathe and act underwater can onlybe conferred to characters by magic and sincemagic is a fabulous, unrealistic thing, we can logically assume this fabulous magic also allowswaterbreathing characters to use their abilities attheir fullest, including their senses.

    The same reasoning can be applied to combat:simply assume that characters who have beengiven the ability to operate underwater can fight inthis environment without suffering penalties sure,their movements will be much slower, but so willtheir opponents, so there is no real need to reflectthis in game terms. Also remember that manyUndersea Folks (such as Dolphins and Tritons)have been given special abilities like Lighting Fastor Uncanny Agility, which will give them an edge incombat situations, reflecting their better adaptationto the undersea milieu.

    Missile weapons are the big exception here: they

    will be made significantly slower and thus will havea significantly shorter range. For simplicitys sake,simply divide all ranges by 5. This should also applyto missile attacks made by undersea creatures(including Crushing Missiles).

    And what about magic? Well, it should operatenormally in the underwater environment except forAir and Fire Elementalism, which will not work at al l.

    5) Have Fun!

    So what are you waiting for? Get your Amulet of the

    Merfolk and dive into the ocean! There is a wholeworld of adventure waiting for you beneath thewaves of the Wine Dark Sea

    And I am waiting for you, too!

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    The Unseen Oceanids

    Who are the Oceanids?

    In Greek mythology, Oceanids (the daughters ofOcean ) are a specific type of sea nymphs, almost

    identical to Nereids ; in fact, some sources presentthem as a particular group within the Nereid kin,descending from Thetis who, again depending onsources, is either a Nereid or a lesser goddess.

    Unlike standard Nereids, Oceanids live in thelowest, inaccessible depths of the Ocean and rarelyif ever interact with mortals. The following article isnot a mythological study but an interpretation ofOceanids in the imaginary world of Mythika. Assuch, it distances itself from classic mythologicalsources, in the usual M&M peplumesquetradition.

    In the world of Mythika, Oceanids are powerful

    Nereids who have chosen to retire to the deepestabysses of the Ocean to act as Poseidons agentsand representatives in the Undersea realms. Theyare not a separate Kin, but form a sort of elitecorps among Nereids, with special duties andsome extra powers granted by Poseidon himself.

    From Nereid to Oceanid

    In game terms, Oceanids are special Divine Agentsof Poseidon: as such, they conform to the generalAgent of Poseidon profile given in the Mazes &Minotaurs Companion (p 12) except otherwisenoted. To qualify for Oceanid status, a Nereid must

    meet the usual Luck requirement of 20 and mustalso have a score of 16+ in either Will or Wits (whichmakes Oceanids quite different from the usual naive and frivolous Nereid stereotype.

    The divine boons granted to Oceanids by Poseidonrarely (if ever) include Mythic Items but may includeone or several of the special Oceanid Giftsdetailedbelow. In fact, one of the Nymphs first three divineboons must include one of these special Gifts.Oceanids are subject to all the usual duties andrestrictions of divine agents. In addition, they areforbidden to reveal their special status to surfacedwellers (except for followers of Poseidon) - they

    are, in a way, Poseidons covertdivine agents.

    The missions and tasks that Oceanids carry out forPoseidon include, among other things, keeping aneye on the Fomoros, acting as sacred arbitersbetween various Sea Folks or serving terms of guard duty at the gods various secret seacaverns (including the secret prisons of the SeaTitans see chapters V and VI for more details).While their true role remains unknown to surfacedwellers, it grants Oceanids a great amount ofrespect and prestige among the various Sea Folksloyal to Poseidon In game terms, this doubles theNymphs usual Reputation bonus when dealing withTritons, Mermaids, Dolphins and other Nereids.

    Oceanids: Poseidons Very Special Agents

    Poseidons Special Gifts

    As mentioned above, the divine boons granted to anOceanid may include one or several of the following

    three special Gifts:

    Guise of the Sea

    This boon gives the Oceanid the ability to shapeshiftinto a Dolphin (with all the usual advantages andrestrictions, as detailed in the M&M Companion).

    This transformation costs her 2 Power points, as ifshe was using their Alter Appearance ability, whichwill also allow them to revert back to their true form.

    Remember that Poseidon is often associated withmetamorphosis in mythic tales.

    Poseidons Blessing

    This boon gives the Oceanid the ability to bestowthe same Divine Blessings as Priests of Poseidon(see Players Manual, p 30), at the same Power costand with the same effects.

    Oceans Favor

    This boon grants the Oceanid a +2 bonus to DangerEvasion, Defense Class and Mystic Fortitude aslong as she remains in the sea (underwater orswimming at the surface) ; this will no longer apply if

    the Oceanid sets foot on land (or aboard a ship).

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    Abyss Lurker

    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: As their name impliesroam the deepest abysses of the uvicious predators look like a weirdmedusa, a murena and a giantillustration). Their head is slightlhuman one. They have mimetic athose of a chameleon, display an unmagic resistance and use a foawareness that allow them to silent

    between them over several miles.used as pets and spies by the Fomo

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 60

    Initiative: 15

    Melee Attack: +4

    Damage: 1d6 (nasty teeth)Defense Class: 15

    Hits Total: 12

    Detection / Evasion: +6 / +8

    Mystic Fortitude:+6

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Camoability), Magic Resistance, Sixth(18), Uncanny Agility.

    Awards:Glory 130, Wisdom 30.

    An Abyss Stalker prowling the depths



    , Abyss Lurkersndersea. Theseross between aea urchin (see

    bigger than ailities similar tocanny degree ofrm of psychicly communicate

    They are oftenros.

    uflage (mimeticense, Stealthy

    f the ocean

    Beware the paralyzing bi


    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: A small butcreature, with a snake-like happendages. It uses its venoits prey before devouring it sl

    Size: Small

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 45

    Initiative: 13

    Melee Attack: +4

    Damage: 1d3 (bite) + poison

    Defense Class: 13

    Hits Total: 6

    Detection / Evasion: +2 / +

    Mystic Fortitude:+2

    Special Abilities: Aquatic,20), Entangle (5, Might 12),Stealthy (undersea, 16).

    Awards:Glory 24.

    The Amphydras usual tactiattack to hinder its prey andbite Melee attack on the fol lo


    e of the Amphydra!

    very vicious underseaad and six tentacle-likemous fangs to paralyzeowly.

    Camouflage (as alga,Poison (bite, paralysis),

    is to use its Entanglethen use its poisonousing round.

  • 8/10/2019 Tritons and Triremes



    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: A huge cetacean withhorn. The Cetoceros is not a mundrare magical creature (see Additiona

    Size: Large

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 90 (360 cruising)

    Initiative: 15

    Melee Attack:+7

    Damage: 2d6

    Defense Class: 14

    Hits Total: 30

    Detection / Evasion: +2 / +6

    Mystic Fortitude:+6

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Char(Initiative 19, Melee +11), Cruise, MSupernatural Vigor, Uncanny Agility.

    Awards:Glory 240, Wisdom 30.

    Additional Lore:Some Sorcerers (the horn of the Cetoceros to be imbof increased vigor and longevity,ingredient in the preparation of somafter powders of immortality anineffective) elixirs of long life.

    - What are you staring


    a vicious frontalne animal but al Lorebelow).

    ge Into Battlegic Resistance,

    rongly) believeued with virtuesaking it a vital

    e much sought- d other (totally


    Enter the He

    HexapodTaxonomy: Monster

    Description: These strangea human upper body andlegs that make them unnemerciless killers and somSons of Dagon to attack ship

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Average

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 60


    Melee Attack: +5

    Damage: 1d6 (weapon)

    Defense Class: 17

    Hits Total: 16

    Detection / Evasion: 0 / +2

    Mystic Fortitude:+2

    Special Abilities: Amphibi(Initiative 16, Melee Attackbelow), Grapple (Might 16Tough Skin, Uncanny Agility.

    Note: The Hexapods Extrpowerful than the Tetraxs (sep 115) since it reflects their wterms, these allow Hexapods tattack per round (and add only

    Awards:Glory 130, Wisdom


    hybrid creatures havesix scaly, tentacle-likervingly agile. They areetimes associate withs in the high seas.

    n, Charge into Battle+7), Extra Arms (see

    ), Supernatural Vigor,

    Arms ability is lesse Creature Compendiumlking tentacles: in gamemake an extra Grapple

    5 to their Glory MR).


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    Taxonomy: Folk

    Description: These amphibious, man-sizedhumanoids (well, sort of) are quite hard to describe(I mean, just look at the illustration below).

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Aggressive

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 60

    Initiative: 12

    Melee Attack: +2

    Damage: 1d6 (weapon)

    Defense Class: 15

    Hits Total: 12

    Detection / Evasion: +2

    Mystic Fortitude:+2

    Special Abilities: Amphibian, Grapple (Might 16),Supernatural Vigor, Tough Skin.

    Awards:Glory 40, Wisdom 10.

    Additional Lore: Despite what their appearancemight suggest, Hogrebos are noble and honorablebeings, who simply want to be left alone. They dwellin the Umbrian Sea and the warlike people ofUmbria hunt them down as sea demons, blaming

    them with all sorts of heinous acts. Hogrebosactually descend from humans who were subjectedto horrible experiments of magical hybridation bymad Atlantean wizards. Forever trapped in theirgrotesque body, they carry the weight of their cursewith a strange, inscrutable sadness.

    Yes, this is the Curse of the Hogrebos (dont laugh)

    A groovy and petulant Ichtyosatyr


    Taxonomy: Folk (Hybrid)

    Description: You guessed it: Ichtyosatyrs are(more or less) to Satyrs what Ichtyocentaurs are toCentaurs. These beings look like horned Tritons andare the hybrid and sterile children of Mermaids whohave been impregnated by Satyrs (no, dont ask).

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Peaceful

    Cunning: Clever

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 80

    Initiative: 18

    Melee Attack: +1

    Damage: 1d6 (weapons, but rarely fight)

    Defense Class: 17

    Hits Total: 8

    Detection / Evasion: +4 / +10

    Mystic Fortitude:+2

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Lightning Fast,

    Supernatural Vigor, Tough Skin, Uncanny Agility.

    Awards:Glory 50, Wisdom 10.

    Additional Notes: Needless to say, Ichtyosatyrsare treated as pariahs by Tritons but Mermaids(and, for that matter, many Nereids) often find themstrangely attractive (His horns are so cute).Unlike Satyrs, these beings tend to be loners (as faras other male creatures are concerned) but thepresence of a single Ichtyosatyr near a Mermaidcommunity is always a motive of anger for Tritons and you dont want to make them angry, do you? AIchtyosatyrs tend to have a nomadic lifestyle, often

    drifting from one hot spot to another

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    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: While it is believed to be no more thana myth by most Middle Sea sailors, this truly titanic,island-sized fish can only be encountered in some

    remote parts of the Great Ocean, well beyond thelongitude of Atlantis. Its insanely oversized mouthallows the Island Fish to swallow whole ships. Thefew Mariners who have met this creature and livedto tell the tale think that the Jaskonos is a unique,one-of-a-kind creature which was created byPoseidon to prevent presumptuous navigators fromsailing too far in the Great Unknown.

    Size: Gigantic

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Average

    Mystique: Eldritch

    Movement: 120 (480 cruising)

    Initiative: 14

    Melee Attack: +8

    Damage: 3d6

    Defense Class: 17

    Hits Total: 50

    Detection / Evasion: 0

    Mystic Fortitude:+6

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Cruise, Fearsome,Magic Resistance, Supernatural Vigor, SwallowShips (see below), Tough Skin.

    Awards:Glory 1000, Wisdom 40.

    Unique Ability: Swallow Ships

    This unique ability (which has a basic Glory awardof 40) allows the Jaskonos to swallow whole ships(as well as their unlucky crew). When facing a ship,the creature will always favor this special attackover standard melee. This special attack occursduring the melee phase, at the creatures usualInitiative level, but requires no attack roll: the shipmust make a Danger Evasion roll (with the Danger

    Evasion mod of its captain plus its own Fortunemod) vs. 15 to avoid being swallowed this round. Ifthe roll fails, the ship is swallowed by the monster a process which inflicts 1d6 Structure loss to theship as well as 3d6 damage to each living being onboard. If the characters survive this harrowingordeal, they will discover that inside the Jaskonosexists a whole microcosm, populated by all sorts ofliving beings, including survivors from the creaturesprevious meals. Prisoners of the Jaskonos mightactually live for several years inside the fish, sinceits obviously supernatural physiology allows it to actas a life-sustaining environment for underwater andsurface creatures alike and its digestive processseems incredibly slow. Getting out of the fish should

    be an adventure in its own right (and one better leftat the imagination of each individual Maze Master).


    Killer Fish

    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: These 6 long, carnivorous fishesdwell in the deep waters of the Western Ocean.They often hunt in packs of 1-6 individuals.

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Average

    Mystique: Normal

    Movement: 90 (360 cruising)

    Initiative: 16

    Melee Attack: +5

    Damage: 1d6 (sharp teeth)

    Defense Class: 14

    Hits Total: 12

    Detection / Evasion: +4 / +6

    Mystic Fortitude:0

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Cruise, Lightning Fast,

    Sharp Senses, Stealthy (12), Uncanny Agility.

    Awards:Glory 100.

    The notorious Crested Killer Fish of the Western Sea

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    Beware the pincers of the Langustos!


    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: Also known as Lobstermen, thesecreatures look like man-sized lobsters with humanheads. They do not have the power of speech andcommunicate between themselves with theirpincers, using a complex, unfathomable signlanguage. The true origins of the Langustos arecompletely unknown but are almost certainlymagical, considering their weird hybrid anatomy.

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Average

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 60


    Melee Attack: +4

    Damage: special *

    Defense Class: 17

    Hits Total: 16

    Detection / Evasion: 0 / 0

    Mystic Fortitude:+6

    Special Abilities: Amphibian, Crushing Damage(after grapple), Grapple (Might 20, the Langustospincers are so powerful that they give them thegrappling strength of a Large creature), MagicResistance, Natural Armor, Supernatural Vigor.

    * The Langustos can only damage their foes with theirpincers, by using Crushing Damage ability (for 1d6Hits), which requires a successful Grapple attack first.

    Awards: Glory 140, Wisdom 30. Their increasedGrappling Might gives them a +5 Glory bonus.

    Large Octopus

    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: The name says it all. Yes, strange asit may seem, this classic creature did not find itsway into the Creature Compendium

    Size: Large

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Average

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 90


    Melee Attack: n/a

    Damage: see below

    Defense Class: 15

    Hits Total: 24

    Detection / Evasion: 0

    Mystic Fortitude:+2

    Special Abilities:Aquatic, Entangle (tentacles, 20range, Might = 20), Extra Arms (tentacles, seebelow), Tough Skin.

    The Large Octopus only weapons are its tentacles,which function as per the Entangle ability in gameterms (Maze Masters Guide p 18). As for SeaHorrors, these tentacles do not inflict any damage

    per se but may be used to pull victims under waterand cause them to drown. This attack may also beused against waterbreathing opponents to strangleand suffocate them, with exactly the same effects ingame terms as drowning. Note that this additionaleffect should be applied to all similar attacks byother creatures, such as Sea Horrors.

    The Extra Arms special ability of the Octopusreflects the creatures many tentacles; it allows it tomake Entangle attacks against up to 4 differentMedium-sized victims in a single round.

    Awards:Glory 280.

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    Taxonomy: Folk

    Description: Lyrians are a renegade clan ofTitanians (see Creature Compendium, pp116-117),whom Poseidon blessed with the ability to breathe

    and live underwater (see below for the full story).They live in the undersea citadel of Lyrios, belowthe waves of the Middle Sea. Their favorite weaponis the trident and many of them also use nets incombat (see M&M Companion).

    Size: Large

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 90

    Initiative: 13

    Melee Attack: +6

    Missile Attack: +3 (+5 with net)

    Damage: 2d6 (large trident)

    Defense Class: 15 (17 with shield)

    Hits Total: 30

    Detection / Evasion: +6 / +4

    Mystic Fortitude: +6

    Special Abilities: Amphibious, Charge into Battle

    (Initiative 17, Melee +10) Grapple (Might 20), MagicResistance, Missile Weapons (net, range 20, Might= 20), Sixth Sense, Supernatural Vigor, Tough Skin.

    Awards: Glory 150, Wisdom 40. Those with shieldsor nets are worth +10 Glory.

    The Children of Lyros

    Back in the Age of Myth, there once was a powerfulTitanian king named Lyros, who, like all the otherTitanians, despised the Olympians and honored thedefeated Titans as the true gods.

    Lyros and his people lived on a small island of theGreat Ocean, whose name has now been forgotten.One day, his kingdom was suddenly attacked by amighty force of undersea Fomoros (see CreatureCompendium, p 42), who wanted to seize the islandfor themselves.

    Lyros and his Titanian warriors fought valiantly butthey were no match for the fearsome Fomoros, whocommanded the very powers of the Abyss.

    Faced with certain defeat and destruction, Lyroscursed the sleeping Titans for not coming to hispeoples rescue. These desperate words wereheard by Poseidon, who then manifested himself in

    all his might and majesty.

    A mighty Lyrian warrior

    (and a majestic original i llustration by Croquefer!)

    The King of the Sea told the Titanian King that hewould gladly save him and his brethren and helpthem vanquish the Fomoros menace if Lyros andhis clan swore eternal and total allegiance to him.

    Lyros accepted the bargain and Poseidon raised hisdivine fury to destroy the attacking Fomoros. In theprocess, Lyros and his kin were given the power tolive underwater, where their island and city wererelocated by the god of the sea.

    Since that fateful day, the descendants of Lyros,known as the Lyrians, have been loyal and faithfulservitors of Poseidon and have served him well inhis wars against the Fomoros. They are, however,viewed with a certain degree of suspicion by Tritonsand other Poseidonian folks, who have not forgottenthe Titanian origins of Lyros and his kin.

    Their forsaking of the Titans in favor of Poseidonhas also made the Lyrians renegades and betrayersin the eyes of the true Titanians, who have swornthe total destruction of these mutated, degeneratetraitors. Should the Titanians manage to establish alasting alliance with the Fomoros, the Lyrians will

    find themselves in a very tight spot.

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    Taxonomy: Folk

    Description: These creatures lookTritons (or half-humanoid Sea Lionhow you look at it but see Addition

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 80


    Melee Attack: +5

    Damage: 1d6 (claws)

    Defense Class: 17

    Hits Total: 16

    Detection / Evasion: +6 / +8

    Mystic Fortitude:+2

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Char(Initiative 20, Melee Attack +5),Sharp Senses, Supernatural VigoUncanny Agility.

    Awards:Glory 75, Wisdom 10.

    Additional Lore: Despite what

    naturalists have theorized, these behybrids of Mermaids and Sea Liseparate species, which may or mato Leonids. Merions are on reasonwith Tritons but are more primitivefewer in numbers, living only inspots of the Undersea (usuallyMerion Territory by Tritons).

    Sea Lion/Triton hybrid? Well, th


    like lion-headed, depending on

    al Lorebelow).

    ge into BattleLightning Fast,r, Tough Skin,

    some foolish

    ings are not thens, but a fullyy not be relatedbly good terms

    and are also farcertain specificreferred to as

    ink again

    Insubstantial, Entranc


    Taxonomy: Spirit

    Description: Morids appearhippocampus-like creaturesbeautiful woman and an entr

    Size: Small

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Crafty

    Mystique: Eldritch

    Movement: 60 (240 cruisin

    Initiative: 19

    Melee Attack: +4

    Damage: see below

    Defense Class: 14

    Hits Total: 6

    Detection / Evasion: +10 / +

    Mystic Fortitude:+4

    Special Abilities: Aquatic,Life Energy Drain, LightniStealthy (24), Vocal Entranc

    The Morids only physical aDrain touch. Being insubcannot be hurt by normal we

    Additional Lore: Accordilegends, Morids are the deaincurred the divine wrath oflife and are now condemnedsearch of victims to entranctales say they are the curswho were unfaithful to theirobviously Triton propaganda.

    Awards:Glory 24, Wisdom 1

    ng & Dangerous

    as 4 tall, insubstantialwith the head of ancing voice.



    Cruise, Insubstantial,g Fast, Sixth Sense,ment (17, 100).

    ttack is its Life Energytantial, these beingspons.

    g to most underseaspirits of Nereids whoPoseidon during their

    to roam the abysses ine and vampirize. Othered spirits of Mermaidshusbands but this is


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  • 8/10/2019 Tritons and Triremes



    Taxonomy: Beast

    Description: The well-known marin

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Deadly

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Normal

    Movement: 80 (320 cruising)

    Initiative: 20

    Melee Attack: +7

    Damage: 1d6 (bite)

    Defense Class: 16

    Hits Total: 16

    Detection / Evasion: +6 / +8

    Mystic Fortitude:0

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Charge22, Melee +9), Cruise, LightninSenses, Stealthy (16), Tough Skin,

    Awards:Glory 75.

    Note:White Sharks have a Weirdraises their Defense Class to 1Fortitude to +2 and their Glory awar

    Giant Shark

    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: Think JAWS. Huge, amonstrously tough and deviously cle

    Size: Large

    Ferocity: Deadly

    Cunning: Clever

    Mystique: Normal

    Movement: 120 (480 cruising)

    Initiative: 23

    Melee Attack: +9

    Damage: 2d6 (bite)

    Defense Class: 18

    Hits Total: 36

    Detection / Evasion: +8 / +10

    Mystic Fortitude:0

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Charge24, Melee +13), Cruise, Fearsome,Sharp Senses, Stealthy (16), SupTough Skin, Uncanny Agility.

    Awards:Glory 400, Wisdom 20.

    Note: Giant White Sharks have awhich raises their Defense Class toFortitude to +2 and their Glory awar



    Into Battle (Initg Fast, Sharpncanny Agility.

    Mystique, which7, their Mysticto 80.

    solutely deadly,ver.

    Into Battle (InitLightning Fast,

    ernatural Vigor,

    eird Mystique,19, their Mysticto 420.

    - Explain to me again, why Ibefore finally seeing


    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: Huge, shambliwith a rudimentary intelligesolitary creatures but are soor war brutes by the Sons o

    Size: Large

    Ferocity: Aggressive

    Cunning: Average

    Mystique: Normal

    Movement: 90 (60 on land)

    Initiative: 11

    Melee Attack: +2

    Damage: 2d6 (claws)

    Defense Class: 14

    Hits Total: 20

    Detection / Evasion: 0

    Mystic Fortitude:0

    Special Abilities: AmphibioTough Skin.

    Awards:Glory 80.

    The Siluros ris

    had to wait THAT longy stats in print

    g, carnivorous fishmence. Siluros tend to beetimes used as slavesDagon.

    us, Grapple (Might 20),

    es again

  • 8/10/2019 Tritons and Triremes



    Taxonomy: Folk

    Description: Amazons of the Deep!

    Size: Medium

    Ferocity: Aggressive

    Cunning: Clever

    Mystique: Weird

    Movement: 80 (320 cruising)

    Initiative: 19

    Melee Attack: +3

    Damage: 1d6 (trident)

    Defense Class: 15

    Hits Total: 12

    Detection / Evasion: +4 / +10

    Mystic Fortitude:+2

    Special Abilities: Aquatic, Cruise,Stealthy (18), Supernatural Vigor, U

    Awards:Glory 60, Wisdom 10.

    Note:While they lack the male Tritonssheer physical strength (Charge Intohave retained their Mermaids ClevStealthy agility, making them very effewarriors. Tritonides have chosen to fEntrancement power of true Mermai

    saw this gift as incompatible withvocation, as detailed in the description

    Illustrations of Tritonides are extrem


    See p XX.

    Lightning Fast,canny Agility.

    Tough Skin andattle), Tritonides

    er Cunning andctive commandoorsake the Vocalds because they

    a true warriorsof the class.

    ely hard to find

    A nasty Tyrodon loo


    Taxonomy: Monster

    Description: This monstrofish dwell in the depths ofscales are of a distinctive sicits name. Except no mercy flightning fast predator! TheTyrodons tend to be loners.

    Size: Large

    Ferocity: Deadly

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Normal

    Movement: 120 (480 cruisi

    Initiative: 20

    Melee Attack: +9

    Damage: 2d6 (enormous tee

    Defense Class: 16

    Hits Total: 30

    Detection / Evasion: +6 / +

    Mystic Fortitude:0

    Special Abilities: Aquatic(Initiative 24, Melee attackFast, Sharp Senses, StealUncanny Agility.

    Awards:Glory 300.

    king for prey

    s, vicious carnivorousthe Umbrian Sea. Its

    kly bluish color hencerom this relentless andonly good news is that



    , Charge into Battle+13), Cruise, Lightningthy (14), Tough Skin,

  • 8/10/2019 Tritons and Triremes



    On Mythika, these titanic sea mamencountered in the Great Ocean course, perfectly at home in the sthe world of Vikings & Valkyries.

    Common Whale

    Taxonomy: Beast

    Description: The classic sperm wh

    Size: Gigantic

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Normal

    Movement: 120 (480 cruising)

    Initiative: 15

    Melee Attack: +8

    Damage: 3d6

    Defense Class: 18

    Hits Total: 40

    Detection / Evasion: +6 / +2

    Mystic Fortitude:0

    Special Abilities:Aquatic, Charge /(Init 21, Melee +14), Cruise, Fe

    Armor, Sharp Senses.Awards:Glory 275, Wisdom 10.

    Unique Ability: Whales are so biram ships, just like Sea SerpentsCompendium, p 101).

    Note:White whaleshave a Weirdincreases their Defense Class toFortitude to +2 and their Glory awar

    Whales in the Ga

    Although their sheer size and migDangerous in game terms, commpeaceful creatures and are unliunless provoked first. Some NGreat Ocean have been known to

    Eco-friendly or new-agey Mazewish to give whales a highintelligence and empathy, as wellspiritual majesty. In this case, thgiven a Clever Cunning, an Eldrias well as the Sixth SenseResistance special abilities (whpossessed by Dolphins in M&M)

    longer be perceived as Fearsome


    als can only beand they are, ofas of Midgard,


    Dive Into Battlersome, Natural

    that they can(see Creature

    Mystique, which19, their Mystic

    to 300.


    ht make themn whales are

    ikely to attackreids of the

    charm them.

    Masters mayr degree ofas a form of

    ey should beitch Mystique,

    and Magicich are alsobut would no


    - Save the whales? Save

    Orca (Killer Whale)

    Taxonomy: Beast

    Description: The classic orc

    Size: Large

    Ferocity: Dangerous

    Cunning: Alert

    Mystique: Normal

    Movement: 120 (480 cruisin

    Initiative: 19

    Melee Attack: +7

    Damage: 2d6

    Defense Class: 16

    Hits Total: 24

    Detection / Evasion: +6 / +

    Mystic Fortitude:0

    Special Abilities:Aquatic,(Init 23, Melee +11), CruiseSenses, Tough Skin, Uncan

    Awards:Glory 120.

    - Okay, WHO cried Ju

    the ship, more like!

    inus orca.


    harge / Dive Into Battle, Lightning Fast, Sharpy Agility.

    p, Willy, jump!???

  • 8/10/2019 Tritons and Triremes



    Treasures of the Trito

    Most of the following mythic itemsthe equipment or treasure hoardsother Sea Folks. All have beenUndersea kingdoms and are almosnon-aquatic settings.

    Magical Armament

    Aquatic Breastplate

    When worn underwater, this magmade of a mysterious green

    effectively weightless (Encumbrancan EDC bonus of +4 (instead ofOutside of water, it has the same chencumbrance as a normal brebreasplates are even rarer thanbelow) and were crafted a very lonthe metal of a meteorite that had fall

    Net of Nodens

    When used underwater, this magigives a +2 bonus to attack (botMissile modes; see the M&M Comdetails) and ensnares its victims wit

    Its enchanted nature also makeweightless (Enc 0). The Net of Nmagical properties when used out of

    Quinotaur Sword

    This magical sword actually looivory-white oversized dagger and ifrom the horns of a Quinotaur. WheIt gives a +1 bonus to damaunderwater Beasts, Folks and Monst

    Note that killing a Quinotaur and taknot give you two Quinotaur Swords:

    mythic items, these were made in thusing enchantments that have norendered powerless by the Gods).




    ay be found inof Tritons andcrafted in thenever found in

    ical breastplateetal becomes

    e 0) and giveshe regular +2).aracteristics andstplate. TheseSeamail (seetime ago from

    en into the sea.

    cal combat netin Melee and

    anion for moreh a Might of 24.

    s it effectivelyodens loses itswater.

    s like a crude,actually madeused in melee,

    ge against allers.

    ing its horns willlike many other

    e Age of Magic,been lost (or

    SeamailThis tight shirt of silvery chafrom the scales of a now-fish. With the exception of Athe only form of armor tSeamail shirts are very rarein the panoply of Triton kings

    In game terms, a Seamailprotection as a breastplateEncumbrance of only 1 (instso light and tight-fitting thatbeneath a breastplate, for a

    Spear of Sea Monst

    This powerful enchanted sbonus and an extra die oagainst underwater Monstinclude Folks, Beasts or othe

    Trident of Fury

    As mentioned in the M&Mmagical weapon has theSpear of Striking (see Maze

    Garments & Acces

    Diadem of Marine M

    This silver, emerald-incrustebonus to Personal Charismbut only if worn underwater.

    Manta Cloak

    When worn underwater, thisunfolds like the wings of awearer a +2 bonus to all hiDanger Evasion rolls. Thesnot operate on land.

    Miscellaneous Ite

    Chariot of the Triton

    This magical, wheelless cproperties as a normal, wheused underwater simplySea Horses (see Creaturstandard sea chariot has rsized beings; larger model

    persons) but require theHorses as their passenger c


    inmail is actually madextinct species of giantuatic Breastplates, it isat Tritons may wear.are usually only foundor princes.

    shirt gives the same(EDC +2) but has anad of the usual 3). It isit can actually be wornumulative effect.

    r Slaying

    ear gives a +2 Meleef damage when useders (which does notr types of creatures).

    ompanion (p 12), thisame properties as aasters Guide, p 39).



    headband grants a +4and Mystic Fortitude,

    magical cloak (Enc = 0)manta ray and gives itsis Mystic Fortitude and

    magical properties do



    hariot has the sameeled chariot but can bereplace the Horses bye Compendium). Theoom for two medium-

    exist (for four or six

    ame number of Seapacity.

  • 8/10/2019 Tritons and Triremes



    The Horn of the Tritons in action!

    Horn of the Tritons

    This conch-shaped horn can be blown underwaterand will actually sound like a real, powerful horn. Itsmagical sound can be heard (and identified) by allundersea Folks (including Tritons, Dolphins andMermaids, as well as Ichtyocentaurs and a variety ofother creatures) within a radius of 1 mile.

    These creatures will almost always respond to thecall of the Horn, out of curiosity - the Horn, however,does not give any degree of control over thesecreatures. When used above the surface, the hornwill remain silent, no matter how hard it is blown.

    Wonders of the Waves

    The following magical items do not originate fromthe Undersea kingdom but may nonetheless provevery useful during maritime adventures.

    Magical Armament

    Aquatic Arrows

    These magical arrows can be used underwaterwithout the usual range reduction (see UnderseaAdventuring 101 in chapter III). They are usuallyfound in quivers containing 2d6 arrows.

    Garments & Accessories

    Belt of Buoyancy

    This magical belt gives its wearer automatic success

    on all his swimming rolls, as long as hisEncumbrance total does not exceed 15.


    These nut-sized underwater yellow-green stones(Enc = 0) glow in the darkest abysses, which makesthem excellent light sources when adventuringunderwater. Each gem will provide illumination in a10 radius, up to a maximum of 30 for three gems.

    Helmet of Scaphandrios

    This magical helmet offers standard protection (EDC

    +2) but allows its wearer to breathe indefinitelyunderwater. It does not, however, grant the ability tospeak underwater. (Enc = 1)

    Tunic of Dyctis

    This tunic, which is made of a strange, blue-greyleather, allows a character to change into a Dolphin(and back into his original form).

    All the usual Metamorphosis rules and restrictions

    regarding abilities apply (see M&M Companion).While he is