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Trinity Presbyterian Church in America 6098 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17109 Phone: (717)545-4271/ Fax: (717)545-5195 Website: Wi-Fi Passphrase: hearts4Jesus Church office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Trinity Presbyterian Church in America - Amazon S3 · Trinity Presbyterian Church in America 6098 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17109 Phone: (717)545-4271/ Fax: (717)545-5195 Website:

Aug 21, 2020



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Trinity Presbyterian Church in America

6098 Locust Lane, Harrisburg, PA 17109 Phone: (717)545-4271/ Fax: (717)545-5195

Website: Wi-Fi Passphrase: hearts4Jesus

Church office hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM

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Good Morning! We're glad to have you with us today. As you wait for the service to begin, ask the Holy Spirit to prepare your heart for worship; during the service, humble yourself to receive His Word; after the service, go forth to share His Word with others with great joy!

March 1, 2020 Resurrection Sunday 10:15 AM

The Lord’s Supper is scheduled to be served on the 1st Sunday morning and the 3rd Sunday evening of the

month. Please pick up a copy of “Invitation to the Lord’s Supper” on the white table in the narthex

so that you may know who may participate in this special meal of faith.


Christ Who Maketh Us Glad


Marcel Dupre

John Stanley

Welcome & Church Family Focus Hearing assistance devices are available, see ushers.

Trinity encourages families to worship together even from the youngest of ages. We make available a glassed in “cry room” if parents would like to use it for infants and as they train young children in worship.

Nursery and Jr. Church are options for those who desire to use them. A Nursery is available for infants through 3 years in Room 101 & Room 103. Parents, please pick up your children immediately after the worship service.

God’s Word Directs Our Life & Worship

Psalm 119:97-104

Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandment makes me

wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me. I have more understanding than all my

teachers, for your testimonies are my meditation. I understand more than the aged, for

I keep your precepts. I hold back my feet from every evil way, in order to keep your

word. I do not turn aside from your rules, for you have taught me. How sweet are your

words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through your precepts I get

understanding; therefore I hate every false way.

Praising God

God Calls His People to Worship Psalm 100:1-2

Led by Ruling Elder George Parmer & Pastor Mike Wolcott

*God’s People Respond with Praise No. 1

All People That on Earth Do Dwell

*God’s People Ask for God’s Blessing (Invocation)

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*God’s People Profess Their Faith The Nicene Creed

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, of all things

visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father

before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not

made, being of one substance with the Father; by whom all things were made; who

for us and for our salvation came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy

Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under

Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again

according to the Scriptures, and ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right

hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge both the living

and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And we believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of life, who proceeds from the

Father and the Son; who with the Father and the Son together is worshiped and

glorified; who spoke by the prophets; and we believe in one holy catholic* and

apostolic church; we acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and we

look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

* “catholic” means “universal”

*Gloria Patri Henry W. Greatorex

New City Catechism* Q & A #9

Q. What does God require in the first, second, and third commandments?

A: First, that we know and trust God as the only true and living God. Second, that

we avoid all idolatry and do not worship God improperly. Third, that we treat God’s

name with fear and reverence, honoring also His Word and works.

*Published by The Gospel Coalition and Crossway. Free copies are available on the table near the office door in the narthex. We will be using this catechism as a part of our worship until the end of December, 2020.

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Facing Up to Our Sin Before God

God Instructs His People in His Standards Matthew 22:34-40 But when the Pharisees heard that he had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered

together. And one of them, a lawyer, asked him a question to test him. “Teacher, which is

the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your

God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great

and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as

yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets.”

God’s People Respond by Confession of Sin

God Assures His People of His Grace in Christ Luke 24:45-47; Acts 16:30-31 Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and said to them, “Thus it is

written, that the Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that

repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations,

beginning from Jerusalem. . . . Then he brought them out and said, “Sirs, what must I do

to be saved?” And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and

your household.”

Offering Our Prayers and Ourselves to God

Anthem Sing, Sing a Joyful Song Williams/Martin Junior Choir

Sing, sing, make a joyful noise. Great is the Lord. Serve Him with joy.

Sing make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Come give thanks to Him with heart, soul and voice.

Sing, sing, praise Him and rejoice. Sing of God’s love. Sing of His grace.

Sing, make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Come worship the Lord and give Him your praise.

God’s People Respond with Thanksgiving & Petitions Morning Prayer and The Lord's Prayer Matthew 6:9B-13 (KJV) (ALT.) “Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be

done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our

debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from

evil.” For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

God’s People Respond by the Giving of God’s Tithe & Our Offerings

Offertory Cornerstone arr. Mark Hayes Please fill out the attendance slip located on the back page of your bulletin

& place it in the offering plate at this time.

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*Doxology Genevan Psalter

Listening to God’s Word

*God’s People Prepare for Hearing God’s Word

The First Song of Isaiah Bulletin Pg. No. 8 (Junior Church begins at this time for children age 4 – 2nd grade in Room 105)

God Speaks to His People through His Word *Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Acts 17:11

Church Bible Pg. No. 1269; 1178

God’s Word Proclaimed: Pastor Bob Eickelberg

“All Scripture is God-breathed” The Study of Sermons

Installation of Ruling Elders Ed Lankford, Chris Haynes, (& Nick Yingst) Installation of Deacon Charles Sandell Bulletin Pg. 7

*God’s People Respond to God’s Word

Behold the Lamb Bulletin Pg. No. 9, vs. 1-3

Receiving Provision from God

Celebration of The Lord’s Supper All unleavened bread/matzo served is gluten free.

*Hymn of Response Behold the Lamb Bulletin Pg. No. 9, vs. 4

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Being Sent to Serve God

*God Blesses His People (Benediction) *God’s People Respond with Praise

His Mercy Is More Papa/Boswell

2016 Getty Music

*Postlude Trumpet Tune David German

*Congregation Standing As You Are Able


Copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Welcome to Trinity Presbyterian Church, a grace filled church of many nations, committed to serving Christ, our people, and the community around us.

We are committed to the historic Christian faith with clear applications for today.

Trinity’s great desire is to be:

Making maturing disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, in Harrisburg, Hershey and the world; as we are worshiping together,

gathering, perfecting and loving His saints, who will glorify and enjoy God, both now and forever!

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Ordination and Installation Questions

. . . Having done this, he shall propose to the candidate, in the presence of the

church, the following questions, namely:

1. Do you believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as originally given,

to be the inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice?

2. Do you sincerely receive and adopt the Confession of Faith and the Catechisms of

this Church, as containing the system of doctrine taught in the Holy Scriptures;

and do you further promise that if at any time you find yourself out of accord with

any of the fundamentals of this system of doctrine, you will, on your initiative,

make known to your Session the change which has taken place in your views since

the assumption of this ordination vow?

3. Do you approve of the form of government and discipline of the Presbyterian

Church in America, in conformity with the general principles of biblical polity?

4. Do you accept the office of ruling elder (or deacon, as the case may be) in this

church, and promise faithfully to perform all the duties thereof, and to endeavor

by the grace of God to adorn the profession of the Gospel in your life, and to set a

worthy example before the church of which God has made you an officer?

5. Do you promise subjection to your brethren in the Lord?

6. Do you promise to strive for the purity, peace, unity and edification of the church?

The ruling elder or deacon elect having answered in the affirmative, the minister shall address

to the members of the church the following question: which you should answer in the

affirmative by raising your right and saying “we do.”

Do you, the members of this church, acknowledge and receive this [these] brother [s]

as a ruling elder (or deacon), and do you promise to yield him all that honor,

encouragement and obedience in the Lord to which his office, according to the Word

of God and the Constitution of this church, entitles him?

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The First Song of Isaiah Ecce, Deus

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Copyright © 2006 Thankyou Music CCLI #703337

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INVITATION TO THE LORD’S SUPPER Our congregation will celebrate the Table of Our Lord today during this morning’s

Worship Service. Participation in the Supper is an expression of faith in the crucified

and risen Christ, and of commitment to live for Him.

Who may participate in this special meal of faith? We believe that participation in the Lord's Supper requires:

1. Baptism in the name of our Triune God.

2. A personal and genuine faith in Christ as Lord and Savior.

3. A public profession of faith as evidenced by:

Membership in a church, which teaches the Gospel, taught by Christ in the Bible, or

A personal testimony before a committee of our Elders.

4. A repentant heart that is prepared to obey Christ's Word as enabled by the Holy Spirit.

5. An understanding of the elements used in the Lord's Supper.

6. Proper preparation of one's heart for communion with Christ.

If you believe that you are unable to meet these biblical requirements for participation in the Supper, please

speak with one of our Elders or Pastors. We will be happy to explain to you how in the future you may

celebrate the Lord's Supper with us in a biblical manner.

THE LARGER CATECHISM Q.171. How are they that receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper to prepare themselves before they come

unto it?

A. They that receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper are, before they come, to prepare themselves

thereunto, by examining themselves of their being in Christ, of their sins and wants; of the truth and measure

of their knowledge, faith, repentance; love to God and the brethren, charity to all men, forgiving those that

have done them wrong; of their desires after Christ, and of their new obedience; and by renewing the

exercise of these graces, by serious meditation, and fervent prayer.

Q.174. What is required of them that receive the sacrament of the Lord's Supper in the time of the administration

of it?

A. It is required of them that receive the sacrament of the Lord's supper, that, during the time of the

administrations of it, with all holy reverence and attention they wait upon God in that ordinance, diligently

observe the sacramental elements and actions, heedfully discern the Lord's body, and affectionately

meditate on his death and suffering, and thereby stir up themselves to a vigorous exercise of their graces;

in judging themselves, and sorrowing for sin; in earnest hungering and thirsting after Christ, feeding on

him by faith, receiving of his fullness, trusting in his merits, rejoicing in his love, giving thanks for his

grace; in renewing of their covenant with God, and love to all the saints.

Q.175. What is the duty of Christians, after they have received the sacrament of the Lord's Supper?

A. The duty of Christians, after they have received the sacrament of the Lord's supper, is seriously to

consider how they have behaved themselves therein, & with what success; if they find quickening &

comfort, to bless God for it, beg the continuance of it, watch against relapses, fulfill their vows, &

encourage themselves to a frequent attendance on that ordinance; but if they find no present benefit, more

exactly to review their preparation to, & carriage at, the sacrament; in both which, if they can approve

themselves to God & their own consciences, they are to wait for the fruit of it in due time; but, if they see

they have failed in either, they are to be humbled, & to attend upon it afterwards with more care & diligence.

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March 1, 2020 Evening Worship Service 6:00 PM

The Lord’s Supper is scheduled to be served on the 3rd Sunday evening of the month. Please pick up a copy of

“Invitation to the Lord’s Supper” on the table in the narthex to see how Trinity invites participation.


God calls His people to worship Psalm 34:1-3 God’s people ask for God’s blessing David Creason God’s people respond with praise No. 97 We Praise You, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator

God speaks to His people through His Word

Scripture Reading Revelation 1:1-8 Church Bible Pg. 1310 God’s Word Preached Pastor David Cross

“To Him who loves us”

Closing Hymn Loved with Everlasting Love No. 703

Benediction Revelation 22:21 Postlude


Our Featured Missionaries of the Week: Richard Smith, RUF International, Penn State


A Country of Origin for Trinity PCA Family, Members, Friends and ESL Students: Eritria

Our Sister Congregation: New Life Presbyterian Church, York, PA.

Our Neighbors: Pray that God would burden our hearts to better love those in our community

and have opportunity to share our faith with them.

Our Local Church Missionary Servants/Ministers: Please pray and give thanks for those who

serve as Wednesday Night Meal-preparers.

Our Church Government (those who lead us in service): Deacon Charles Sandell

Our Local Government (those in authority over us): PA Supreme Court Justice Debra Todd;

and Police Officer David Spotts, as he enforces the laws in our township.

Long-Term Health Needs: Pray this week for Stephen Monk.

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Today 8:30 AM Harrisburg Prayer Meeting

March 9:00 AM Missions Conference Sessions

1 10:00 AM Hershey Worship Service

10:45 AM Harrisburg Worship Service

5:30 PM High School Youth Group

5:30 PM Junior Choir

6:00 PM Evening Worship Service

6:15 PM Primary Choir

7:15 PM Adult Choir

Monday 7:00 PM Volleyball

7:00 PM Missions Committee Meeting

Tuesday 9:30 AM Staff Meeting

9:30 AM Women’s Ministry Bible Study

9:30 AM ESL Women’s Bible Study

7:00 PM Ultimate Frisbee

7:00 PM Session Meeting

Wednesday 1:00 PM Eickelberg/Cross SGC*

5:30 PM Wednesday Night Meal

6:30 PM ESL Class

6:30 PM Middle School Youth Group

6:30 PM Kids Club

6:30 PM Women’s Ministry Bible Study

Thursday 7:00 PM Casey SGC*

7:00 PM Handbell Choir

Friday 6:30 PM Colt SGC*

7:00 PM Eickelberg SGC*

Saturday 8:30 AM Youth – Wild Heart Ministries

Sunday 8:30 AM Harrisburg Prayer Meeting

March 9:00 AM Sunday School

8 10:00 AM Hershey Worship Service

10:15 AM Harrisburg Worship Service 5:30 PM High School Youth Group

No Choir Rehearsals 6:00 PM Evening Worship Service

*SGC = Shepherd Group Community (the small group ministry @ Trinity)

Additional SGCs meet in the Hershey area

Biblias! 聖經! Bibles! Библии! - Biblias en español están disponibles en la parte posterior del

santuario. 中文聖經可在禮堂後面。Bibles en français no sont disponibles à l'arrière du sanctuaire.

Библии доступны на столе в задней части святилища. (Spanish, Chinese, French & Russian

Bibles are available on the table in the back of the sanctuary.) Additional languages are available, but

not on the table. Ask a pastor for more information.

GREETERS Jim & Helen Salata

USHERS Ken Heffleger, Ted Kula,

Charles Sandell

& Daquan Reid


Sunday School

Marge Samsel &

Barbara Parmer

10:15 AM

Paige Eickelberg,

Jonathan Logan &

Joseph Wolcott

6:00 PM

Jon & Meg Menkis

Jr. Church

Elizabeth & Grace

van Bastelaar

SOUND 10:15 AM

Jason Wagner

6:00 PM

David Logan


George Parmer,

Wes Logan & Glenn Martin

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The rosebud announces our newest child of the covenant…

Briella Renèe May was born on February 8th, 2020, weighing 6lb. 14oz., and measuring

20.56 inches. Welcome, Briella Renèe, and congratulations to Gabrielle and her husband



Adult Sunday School Classes:

Learning To Love The Psalms – This video series with W. Robert Godfrey looks at the

book of Psalms as one of the greatest treasures the Lord has given His people. Through these

sacred poems, God has given us a rich songbook and a divinely inspired guide for our

prayers. This series will give an overview of the Psalms with the specific goal of learning to

love them through a study of their themes, structure and beauty. This class will be led by

Mike Wolcott and Wayne Lesieur.

Denomination and Congregational Conversations and Prayer: The Presbyterian Church

in America was founded in December of 1973 and celebrated its 46th birthday. As the

denomination enters its “midlife” years, many changes have taken place in our culture and

the church has sometimes struggled with how to respond to the culture. The Scriptures have

never changed, but we always struggle with how to apply them in the culture. During these

years there have been a number of topics that have garnered a lot of discussion and sometimes

division. All pastors, ruling elders and deacons in the PCA hold to the Scriptures as our only

infallible guide for faith and practice. This class will address questions dealing with a variety

of issues facing the church. We plan to talk about why people have left the PCA and are in

the process of forming a new denomination and why people are staying. We plan to talk

about the “weaponization” of the ninth commandment. In addition to studying for example

how the PCA responds to the issues of “gay Christians” and “same sex attractions” we

anticipate spending time in prayer each week for Trinity and the PCA. (Bob will never call

upon a class member to pray aloud – it would only be volunteers who would pray.) We plan

to address the issue of abuse of women and why sometimes PCA Sessions have been silent.

We will also look at essentials and non-essentials during a time of calling a new pastor. This

class will be taught by Bob Eickelberg

Communicants Class – This spring, we are offering the opportunity to young people, grade 7

and up, to attend Communicants Class. If you feel your child is ready, he/she will be welcome

to attend the class, which will be held on two Saturday mornings from 9am to 12noon, March

28thand May 9th. Please sign up your child on the youth table in the narthex. We will be meeting

in the Narthex on the 1st floor. If you have questions, see Mike Wolcott.

Church Directory Pictures – Plan to have a new or updated photo taken for our

church directory. Jeff Benzon will be set up in the narthex for two Sundays, March

29th and April 5th.

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The Philadelphia Conference on Reformed Theology 2020: Revelation: The

Sovereign Reign of the Exalted Christ - This conference will be held at Proclamation PCA

in Bryn Mawr, PA, April 24 – 26, 2020. Plenary Speakers are: G. K. Beale, Joel Beeke,

Richard Phillips, Philip Ryken, and Derek Thomas. If you are interested in registering for a

group rate, contact Tim and Brenda Scheidler , by March 1st. Scholarship funds are available,

if needed. For additional information, visit:

Trinity's Got Talent! Everyone is invited to join us for a talent show on

Saturday, March 14th from 6-8pm. Come on out and enjoy a fun evening and

dessert-yum! We know there are people of all ages in the church who are talented

in music, dance, drama, and comedy. Let's showcase and celebrate our God-given

talents. Sign up on today’s bulletin tear-off. Any questions, see Meg Menkis or email her at

[email protected].

2019 PCA Statistical Reports for Trinity are printed on green paper and are available by the

office door in the narthex, for anyone who would like a copy.

Daylight Savings Time starts next Sunday morning, March 8th at 2:00am.

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour before going to bed.

Church Work Day – Mark your calendars now to come out on Sat, April 4th, from 9am –

2pm to help with spring cleaning at Trinity. Lunch will be provided.

Ultimate Frisbee – Calling all men, women and youth in grades 9 or above. Join us on

Tuesday nights for Ultimate Frisbee games here in the gym from 7 - 9pm. Bring a friend. We

look forward to a good time of fun and fellowship. See Mike Wolcott if you have any


Facemasks – In the narthex, we now have available “Fluidshield” masks that anyone

may use.

Baby Bottle Blessing - Please pray for those struggling to understand the sanctity of

life. Return bottles, full or empty, as soon as possible. Please hand bottles to a staff member.

Library News: Now available: “Embodied Hope: A Theological Meditation on Pain

and Suffering” by Kelly M. Kali published in 2017.

Volleyball—Men and women (9th grade and up) are invited to come play volleyball each Monday

from 7:00 – 9:00pm at Trinity. Contact Mike Wolcott with any questions.

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Women’s Ministry Women’s Minsitry Bible Study: We continue our Bible study this week on Tuesday

morning at 9:30, and Wednesday evening at 6:30. Books are available - we welcome any new

participants! We will be discussing "Women of the Word: How to study the Bible with both

heart and mind" by Jen Wilkin. "Women of the Word" gives us a blueprint for Bible literacy.

If we want to know the God we love, we must engage our minds and know his Word where He

reveals himself. Join us!

Sip & Share - Join the women of Trinity for a time of informal fellowship and

refreshment at 10:00am on Saturday, March 14th at the Panera Bread, 5125

Jonestown Road, Harrisburg. Enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, a sweet treat, and get to

know your Christian sisters.

Men’s Fellowship Bob Eickelberg/Mike Wolcott

2020 Men's Retreat – Friday, April 17th - Sunday April 19th - The Men's retreat is

returning to White Sulphur Springs near Bedford PA for another weekend of fellowship, fun,

and teaching. Pastors Cisco Victa and Mike Wolcott will be leading us through a study of

Biblical friendships/relationships with other believers. The registration deadline is the first

week in April and the early bird date is March 8th to save $15 off the registration cost. The cost

for your sons, grandsons, etc. remains a flat $50 regardless of age. If you have any questions

about costs, payment, or any of the details, please see John Colt. Full cost is $175 and $160 if

you register by the early bird deadline. Regardless of registration date, payment isn't due until

April. Please consider joining us again or coming for the first time. It's a great weekend to build

relationships with other men in the church and to enjoy all that White Sulphur Springs has to

offer. Registration forms are available at church or you can sign up online at:


Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast— This group is always open to new people. Meetings are

held every other Saturday. Our next meeting will be on Saturday, March 14th from 8 – 9 AM

at North Mountain Grill, 1009 N. Mountain Rd, Harrisburg, 17112. The purchase of a

breakfast is NOT necessary. One can just come and have a seat at the table without ordering

food or drink.

Men’s Ministry Upcoming Events:

March Madness Food, Games & Fellowship – March 20th – 6:00pm – sons and grandsons


50+ Fellowship Fellowship Event with the Youth – Come to a night of great fun - the second installment of

a combined youth and 50+ event! On Friday, March 27th from 6 – 9:00pm we will gather at

church for a time of food, games and fellowship. Sign up on the youth table by March 25th .

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ESL Holly Lankford

English Classes—If you know of anyone with questions or interest in attending English

classes, please contact the church office by calling 717-545-4271 or

email [email protected]. Brochures are on the table in the narthex. There are also posters

available, please take them to put up on strategic community bulletin boards, where those

interested may see them.

Missions Cheryl Goss

Congratulations to our 2020 Super Sleuths for solving the Missionary

Mysteries!! Winners include Teagan Colt, Olivia Deitrick, Ella Deitrick, Lucy

Deitrick, Kate van Bastelaar, Henry van Bastelaar, Emily Monk, Eden Wolcott, and

Daniel E. Wolcott.

A Big Thank You to all who pitched in with the 2020 Mission Conference this past weekend

– everything from cooking & baking, caring for children, setting up, and hosting missionaries

– you are all so appreciated! Many hands make light work!

Current Bangladesh Trip - Please pray for Matt Ebling, as he continues serving in

Bangladesh for a short-term mission trip. He plans to return March 14th.

Cherokee Mission Trip – We will be going to Cherokee, North Carolina this summer from

July 5th – 12th, to work alongside supported missionaries Scott and Ruth Hill. See Mike Wolcott

if you have any questions.

Children’s Ministry Meg Menkis

Kids Club – This Wednesday, March 4th with a meal at 5:30, and kids club from 6:30 –


Youth Ministry Mike Wolcott

High School Youth Group (9th–12th) – Tonight from 5:30 – 7:30pm, and 7:30 – 8:30pm for


Middle School Youth Group (6th – 8th) – This Wednesday, March 4th with a meal at 5:30,

and youth group from 6:30–8:00pm.

Upcoming Events:

Wild Heart Ministries – March 7th – meet at Trinity at 8:30am, return at 1:00pm; sign up on

the youth table; bring money for lunch.

Talent Show – March 14th – 6 – 8:00pm – sign up on today’s bulletin tear-off.

Fellowship Dinner & Games with 50+ - March 27 – 6 – 9:00pm.

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College & Career Mike Wolcott

Join the college and career ministry for Bible study, food, and fellowship!

March 12th – 6:00pm at Trinity.

March 26th - 6:00pm at the Menkis’ home.

Cancellations Due to Inclement Weather

Please note that the company “AlertFIRST” that we have used for our emergency notification

(cancellations, postponements, etc. due to weather) is no longer working for us. Therefore, if

you have a question about if a worship service, Wednesday ministry, or any other Trinity

event is affected by winter weather, please do one of the following:

1) Check the church website,

to see a message regarding delay or cancellation.

2) Sign up for the Prayer & Information Email distribution list by emailing

Nancy Eakin at [email protected], or calling the church office.

3) Call the church office at 717-545-4271 and enter extension 40

to listen to a weather-related message.

“Save the Date” 2020

March 6 – 8 - Women’s Ministry Retreat April 17 – 19 - Men’s Retreat April 18, 12:00 noon – Women’s Luncheon for Paige Eickelberg May 2, 12:00 noon – Retirement Luncheon for Bob & Paige Eickelberg May 16, 2 – 4:00pm – Family, Youth, & Children Reception for Bob & Paige July 26 – 31 - Vacation Bible School – Kickoff BBQ Sunday, VBS Mo n.-Fri.

Prayer & Information Emails

Share prayer requests with Bob Eickelberg by phone: 717-657-0123 (home), 717-379-8826

(cell), 717-545-4271 (church). After the phone call, please send the written text of your request

to [email protected]. In addition, any staff member can send a prayer email. If the

request is for someone else, you need that person’s permission to share the request. Pastor

Eickelberg desires that all Trinity worshippers join the prayer & information email group. To

join this list, email Nancy Eakin at [email protected]. If you do not have email, ask the

office to print prayer & information emails and place them in your mailbox, or copies of the

emails can be found in the binder kept on the side of the mailboxes in the narthex.

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Prayer & Information Encouragement & Sign-Up

“I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession & thanksgiving be made for everyone—“ The Apostle Paul in his first letter to Timothy, chapter 2 verse 1

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”

The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Colossians, chapter 4, verse 2

“As you help us by your prayers” Paul, II Corinthians 1:11

“Pray continually” I Thess. 5:17

Pastor Eickelberg constantly encourages us at Trinity that we are about the ministry of “Making

Maturing Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ …as We Are [in part]…Perfecting and Loving

His Saints….” Loving One Another is an important part of our being Mature Disciples! Praying

for One Another is an important part of Loving One Another and an important part of the

Perfecting of God’s Saints. Praying for One Another is an important part of being a Mature


The Christians are described in the book of Acts as ones who “devoted themselves to the

apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (2:42) There are many things for which we should be praying for one another that are indicated

in the Scriptures. We are called upon to pray for Spiritual Maturity, for Boldness, for the

Conversion of sInners who are not Christians, for an Increase in Love and Service for our Lord,

for those in authority over us, among many other things.

We also have opportunity to love one another and pray for one another as we learn of the

cares, burdens and struggles with which our members are wrestling. John prayed in this way.

“Beloved I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health just as your soul prospers.” (3 John 2) We believe that we need to grow more and more in our caring for one another

in this way. We can also use the information to follow up with cards, calls, food and other acts of

mercy for those that are in need.

To that end we want to ask EVERY member, friend and regular attender to join in

finding out on a regular basis about the needs of other members and friends of our church family.

There are TWO WAYS that we have set up to help you do this.

1. The most timely and efficient way is for you to sign up to receive the Prayer &

Information emails that are sent out. These come out at various times during the day or night

depending upon when the requests come in, etc.

2. The second way to keep up with the prayer requests is to wait until Sunday morning

and see them in print. If you do not have an e-mail address, we can print weekly e-mails and put

them in your mailbox, if requested, or you can look at the Prayer & Info notebook next to the

mailboxes with the printed emails of the prayer requests.

How do I sign up? Simply let the church office know your email address or your desire to receive

a printed copy in your mailbox. Call or send your request to [email protected]

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Mark & Katherine Ashbaugh, RUF, Winthrop Univ.

Trip & Joy Beans, RUF, Millersville Univ.

Stephen & Susan Beck, GEM, Germany

John & Kathy Clow, MTW, Honduras

Craig & Ree Coulbourne, MTW, Japan

Cheryl Erb, MNA-Engaging Disability w/ the Gospel

Richey & Keli Goodrich, MTW, Australia

Scott & Ruth Hill, MTW, Cherokee, NC

Rob & Jenny Ilderton, MTW, Great Britain

Matt & Jenn Irvine, Serge, England

Jim & Claudia Jung, MTW, Australia

Paul & Liz Meiners, MTW, Europe

Brooke & Jeanette Morrison, CEF, Harrisburg

Brian & Carin Roberg, DiscipleMakers at PSU

Cam & Kaela Smith, RUF, Penn State University

Richard & Lynne Smith, RUF-I, Penn State Univ.

Mike & Ashley Troxell, MTW, Honduras

A & F Z, Church Without Walls

Rick & Clare, Sensitive Area

R & R, Sensitive Area

David & Aliece, Sensitive Area

Bethesda Mission

Child Evangelism Fellowship

Committee on Discipleship Ministry

Covenant Christian Academy

Covenant College

Covenant Theological Seminary

Harrisburg Christian School

Rev. John Mallin, Biblical Counselor

Mission to North America (MNA)

Mission to the World (MTW)

Mt. Calvary Christian School

PCA Administration

PCA General Assembly

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)

Susquehanna Valley Presbytery

West Shore Christian Academy

Trinity Talent Show

Saturday, March 14

th – 6 – 8:00pm

(see pg. 14 of the bulletin for details)

Provide a brief description of the act you would like to perform

: _






















___ #

planning to attend _


__ I can provide a dessert





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The King and Head of the Church:

Jesus Christ

Ministers: All our Members

ASSISTANTS TO THE MINISTERS Pastor: Bob Eickelberg (717) 657-0123

Lead Pastor, Hershey: David Kertland

Assistant Pastor for Youth & Family Ministries:

Michael Wolcott (717) 379-7490

Assistant Pastor: Francisco Victa (717) 769-9627

Music & Choral Director: Denise Seymour

Organist: Louann Zinsmeister

Office Manager: Nancy Eakin

Church Secretaries: Sherri Kanode & Jen Montefour

Facilities Manager: Wayne LeSieur

Church Treasurer: Susan Wagner

Children’s Ministry & Nursery Coordinator:

Meg Menkis

Audiovisual Coordinator: Andrew Moore

ELDERS John Colt *(2021)

Chris Haynes (2023)

Ed Lankford (2023)

John McCurdy (2021)

George Parmer (2021)

Tom Seymour (2022)

Nick Yingst (2023)

The Session is scheduled to meet on the

1st & 3rd Thursdays of each month.

[email protected]

DEACONS Keith Dolon *(2021)

Josh Franklin (2021)

Don Goss (2022)

Glenn Martin (2021)

Scott Marto (2022)

John Rhode (2021)

Charles Sandell (2023)

Bob Zinsmeister (2022)

The Deacons are scheduled to meet on the

2nd Monday of each month.

[email protected]

*Term expires Feb. of listed year

You may reach any staff member, elder or deacon by email at their

Trinity address. Their email address is their first initial & last name Example: [email protected]


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